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L58[06:00:01] <Izaya> Hi.
L59[06:00:26] <Izaya> Quick question: Can I
power electric tracks/locomotives with RF?
L60[06:03:04] <SpwnX> you can after
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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manmaed is now known as manmaed|RAGE
L63[06:15:01] <Kodos> Izaya, there's a
block you can use to convert RF to Railcraft Charge, let me find
the block
L64[06:15:19] <Kodos> Flux
L65[06:15:24] <Kodos> It's a 2^2
L66[06:15:29] <Kodos> err
L67[06:15:32] <Kodos> 2x2x2
L68[06:15:41] <Izaya> Ah, excellent, thanks
L69[06:15:52] <Izaya> Awesome, now I can
run my trains off flowers :D
L70[06:15:59] <Kodos> Lol
L71[06:16:08] <Kodos> Revamping the meaning
to Flower Power?
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L73[06:17:29] <Izaya> Indeed, I'm
gonna have fields of flowers on the surface, which then transport
mana down to my underground base to power my supercomputing cluster
and train system
L74[06:17:44] <Izaya> and item retrieval
system, controlled by drones :D
L75[06:17:49] <Kodos> I'm going to
need a screenshot of this supercomputer cluster
L76[06:18:08] <Izaya> You can have it when
it's built.
L77[06:18:14] <Izaya> Current progress: 1
tier 2 case.
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Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
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L101[08:31:48] <kane_hart> Hey is CJ away
for holidays Forecaster
L102[08:31:54] <kane_hart> found a major
dupe bug it looks like
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Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@aaea168.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping
timeout: 195 seconds)
L104[08:32:20] <kane_hart> Railcraft Tanks
and coke ovens using extra utilties drums you can right click with
a stack of them minus one or something and get them all filled
L105[08:51:07] ***
manmaed|RAGE is now known as manmaed
⇨ Joins: DireTry20
L107[08:53:12] <DireTry20> how can i
control the electric loco
L108[08:58:12] <DireTry20> what kind of
damage does electtric rails do
L109[09:00:33] ***
Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
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(Quit: I will come back at some point.)
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timeout: 195 seconds)
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Corjaantje|AFK is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
L145[12:34:57] <Forecaster> kane_hart:
L146[12:35:19] <Forecaster> might want to
report that to ex_util
L147[12:35:31] <Forecaster> covert will be
gone for at least a week
L148[12:43:16] ***
manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
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L152[13:10:15] <kane_hart> Forecaster LOL
ex_util lol
L153[13:10:20] <kane_hart> hahhahaha
L154[13:10:22] <kane_hart> HAHAHAHA
L155[13:10:22] <kane_hart> :P
L156[13:10:37] <kane_hart> more chance
that global warming is fake then getting something fixed
L157[13:10:44] <Forecaster> mm
L158[13:10:48] <Forecaster> well I
dont' use that mod
L159[13:10:59] <kane_hart> prob a good
reason. Sadly my players are to use to it
L160[13:11:10] <SkySom> I <3
L161[13:11:19] <Forecaster> I like the
L162[13:11:21] <Forecaster> of drums
L163[13:11:31] <Forecaster> but the ex
util ones stack up to 64
L164[13:11:33] <Forecaster> that is
L165[13:11:41] <Forecaster> they
shouldn't stack
L166[13:11:42] <SkySom> I tend to avoid Ex
utilities as much as possible
L167[13:11:48] <SkySom> I agree they
L168[13:12:11] <SkySom> Though I think
I'm moving to the last Millennium dimension.
L169[13:12:22] <Forecaster> I don't
know what that is
L170[13:12:32] <kane_hart> void
L171[13:12:37] <kane_hart> nice for
L172[13:13:04] ⇦
Quits: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-34-181.austin.res.rr.com)
L173[13:13:29] <SkySom> Yeah void
L174[13:13:39] <SkySom> Without having to
have Mystcraft or something like that.
L175[13:13:40] <Player> void isn't
too beneficial with fc 1.22+
L176[13:13:59] <Player> in fact it may be
even worse depending on what you're doing :D
L177[13:14:11] <SkySom> Yeah I'm not
moving there for the performance boost.
L178[13:14:34] <SkySom> And yeah thank god
for fastcraft
L179[13:20:19] <Forecaster> thank Player
for fastcraft*
L180[13:21:46] ***
cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L181[13:22:45] <SkySom> Isn't that
one and the same ? lol
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Quits: Lord_of_Life
(Elite12080@it.is.mostly.drunk.programming.at.elitebnc.org) (Quit:
EliteBNC free bnc service - http://elitebnc.org - be a part of the
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(Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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Vex|Laptop is now known as Vexatos
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Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d51A4F637.access.telenet.be) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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host closed the connection)
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Quits: DivineAspect (sid64732@id-64732.highgate.irccloud.com)
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L193[13:58:05] <kane_hart> Player mainly
client side or server side for the benifits?
L194[13:58:14] <kane_hart> I think I ended
up removing from server prob random conflict
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186 seconds)
L197[14:06:31] <Player> clientside
⇨ Joins: BevoLJ
L199[14:09:49] <kane_hart> Ahh I have a
decent PC so it's hard to notice but I do get stupid amount of
fps in the void worlds
L200[14:10:35] *
SkySom has a near potato pc
L201[14:10:51] <SkySom> If not for fast
craft I'd be running single digit fps
L202[14:14:04] <Forecaster> I get decent
fps when not recording
L203[14:14:30] <Forecaster> thanks to
L204[14:20:27] <Player> heh, good to hear
L205[14:21:45] <Forecaster> It always
tanks if I look around too quickly when recording
L206[14:21:47] <Forecaster> I hate
L207[14:22:39] <Player> hmm after being
steady for a good while?
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L209[14:34:57] ***
flappyy is now known as flappy
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flappy is now known as flappyy
L211[14:36:57] <kane_hart> yeah player
L212[14:37:02] <kane_hart> always had
⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK
L214[14:37:14] <kane_hart> when you look
one way for a while then turn around I guess advance opengl stuff
kicking in
L215[14:37:53] <kane_hart> wish we did not
have to restitch and all that crap everytime we load the same mods
everytime if there was a cache system in place omg that be
⇨ Joins: SpwnX
L217[14:38:30] <Player> stitching
doesn'T take long at all, esp with fastcraft
L218[14:38:31] ***
SpwnX is now known as SpwnX-LunchTime
L219[14:39:01] <Player> its stitcher is
ridicuously fast :D
L220[14:44:38] ⇦
Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection
reset by peer)
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AEnterprise|Busy is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
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ChanServ sets mode: +o on Forecaster
L224[14:50:38] <kane_hart> ahh must be the
other crap I just wish it did not take me 2-3min to load 250 mods
Player haha :P keep dreaming :)
L225[14:50:46] ⇦
Quits: Wylker_ (~quassel@cpe-173-172-48-54.tx.res.rr.com) (Ping
timeout: 180 seconds)
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L227[14:51:36] <Forecaster> Player: well,
if I look in a direction it's fine
L228[14:51:59] <Forecaster> but if I turn
to face a new direction the framerate tanks, and then it goes back
L229[14:52:03] <Forecaster> until I turn
L230[14:52:11] <Forecaster> it's
better if I turn slowly
L231[14:54:00] <Forecaster> I do not have
advanced openGL on
L232[14:57:30] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Quit:
L233[14:57:37] <Forecaster> and by
"goes back up" I mean over a few seconds
L234[14:57:48] <Player> hmm
L235[14:58:20] <Player> with fc 1.22 is
the Q value@fc3 stable at that point?
L236[14:59:18] <Forecaster> is that in the
debug screen?
L237[14:59:30] <Forecaster> my client
decided to freeze and it's restarting right now
L238[14:59:31] <Player> yes
L239[14:59:45] <Player> 2nd row
L240[15:02:52] ⇦
Quits: clienthax (sid14726@id-14726.ealing.irccloud.com) (Remote
host closed the connection)
L241[15:03:22] <Forecaster> huh... a
zombie just fell into the ground and is stuck...
L242[15:03:25] <Forecaster> that's
L243[15:04:24] ⇦
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L244[15:04:57] ⇦
Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 378
L245[15:05:59] <Forecaster> the Q value is
mostly stable
L246[15:06:12] ***
Guest40413 is now known as metathiax
L247[15:06:25] <Forecaster> occationally
it instantly goes up and then quickly counts down to 0 again
L248[15:07:30] <Forecaster> if I'm
moving it goes bonkers and goes between 50 and 150
L249[15:08:11] <Forecaster> that seems to
be when the framerate notably tanks to under 20
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L251[15:08:25] <Player> yes that's
when it renders new chunks
L252[15:08:35] <Forecaster> if I'm
standing still and look around it stays around 30ish
L253[15:08:37] <Forecaster> at least
⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L255[15:08:51] <Player> i think you can
reduce the impact of that by increasing the framerate limit @ video
L256[15:09:01] <Forecaster> it's on
L257[15:09:12] <Player> hmm mby unlimited
isn't as good
L258[15:09:19] ***
SpwnX-LunchTime is now known as SpwnX
L259[15:09:38] <Forecaster> I'm
pretty sure you told me to set it to that :P
L260[15:09:55] <Forecaster> you said that
the limiting in minecraft might not be very good
L261[15:09:56] <Player> well that was an
early guess ;)
L262[15:10:06] <Player> that's 2
diferent effects
L263[15:10:28] <Forecaster> I'll set
it to 120 and see what happens
L264[15:10:34] <Forecaster> I also turned
on adv openGL
L265[15:11:04] <Player> i'd expect
adv opengl to be worse worse
L266[15:11:10] <Player> fc 1.22 already
culls pretty well
L267[15:11:18] <Forecaster> ah
L268[15:11:19] <Forecaster> hm
L269[15:12:15] <Forecaster> well, it seems
better now
L270[15:12:23] <Forecaster> now it's
mostly above 20 even when moving
L271[15:12:33] <Forecaster> occationally
it dips down to 10, but only briefly
L272[15:13:20] <Player> hmm no unlimited
should be best there as wel
L273[15:13:22] <Player> l
L274[15:13:39] <Forecaster> oh, well
L275[15:13:45] <Forecaster> back to
unlimited it goes :p
L276[15:14:13] <Player> unlimited is where
it updates the least
L277[15:14:49] <Forecaster> ah
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L280[15:15:56] <Player> if Q fluctuates
while standing still that indicates that something is causing block
L281[15:16:01] <Player> which isn't
L282[15:16:29] <Player> it'd be
expected from a tree farm or cobble gen, but not static
L283[15:16:49] <Forecaster> well, it
regularly went up to like 50 and then quickly counted down to
L284[15:17:00] <Forecaster> I'm
guessing Q is "block update queue"
L285[15:17:16] ⇦
Quits: turmfalke_ (~turmfalke@p54A68D32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping
timeout: 180 seconds)
L286[15:17:26] <Player> q is actually the
amount of 16^3 block areas queued for updating
L287[15:17:39] <Forecaster> ah
L288[15:17:39] <Player> if you move
it'll ofc have to do quite a bit
L289[15:17:43] ⇦
Quits: Wasweb (~Wasweb@2E8BAAB4.catv.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit:
L290[15:17:49] ⇦
Quits: SpwnX (~SpwnX@ (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L291[15:17:52] <Player> every time when
crossing a chunk to be specific
L292[15:25:01] <Forecaster> dang chunks
L293[15:27:41] <Player> hmm i could make
it a little smoother
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L295[15:42:31] ⇦
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L299[15:48:50] <Axonos> Herro
L300[15:49:10] <Axonos> Anyone know how to
change block ID's
L301[15:49:59] <Axonos> Some Fluid Steam
or something is conflicting with CoFH Core
L302[15:50:25] ⇦
Quits: Axonos
(webchat@108-232-180-197.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net) (Client
L303[15:51:11] <SkySom> In and out in two
L304[15:51:16] <SkySom> Dang some people
just can't wait
⇨ Joins: Inap
L306[15:57:50] <Forecaster> not super
surprising from a webchat
L308[15:59:23] <SkySom> Not really. Just
so impatient.
L309[16:00:02] <Forecaster> kinetic water
L310[16:04:35] ⇦
Quits: Vexatos
(Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
⇨ Joins: DivineAspect
L312[16:08:20] <Forecaster> it's the
wind generator recipe, but with rubber! :D
L313[16:08:25] <Forecaster> for water
L314[16:08:29] <Forecaster> I'm super
L315[16:09:51] ⇦
Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d51A4F637.access.telenet.be) (Quit:
L316[16:12:10] <SkySom> Why are you
changing the recipes?
L317[16:13:15] <Forecaster> it
doesn't have a recipe
L318[16:14:10] <SkySom> Oh?
L319[16:15:11] <Forecaster> the kinetic
water generator says "WIP only for internal testing" in
it's description
L320[16:15:17] <Forecaster> it
doesn't have a recipe by default
L321[16:15:32] <Forecaster> but as far as
I can tell it works fine, and I might want to use it
L322[16:15:38] <Forecaster> so I'm
giving it a recipe
L323[16:33:31] <Forecaster> I mean, what
could possibly go wrong?
L324[16:42:09] ⇦
Quits: SoundLogic (~SoundLogi@natewp.scls.lib.wi.us) (Ping timeout:
195 seconds)
L325[16:49:16] ⇦
Quits: abec
(~abec@dslb-188-105-157-209.188.105.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Remote
host closed the connection)
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⇨ Joins: Zeldo
L328[17:04:46] ⇦
Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Quit: Raga_BM)
L329[17:53:11] ⇦
Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit:
Connection closed for inactivity)
L330[17:56:47] ***
Player is now known as Player|off
L331[18:06:20] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Quit:
⇨ Joins: Xilandro
L333[18:17:11] ⇦
Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:687b:add5:80ff:797a) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L334[18:24:02] ⇦
Quits: LuigiHutch (~chatzilla@ (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253])
⇨ Joins: SoundLogic
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L337[18:43:08] ⇦
Quits: Inap (~Inap@2a00:61e0:405c:4401:891e:a71a:b40:17a6) (Quit:
L338[18:43:46] ⇦
Quits: imMattUK
(~Webbnix@cpc68556-sout7-2-0-cust128.20-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping
timeout: 180 seconds)
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L340[18:50:31] ⇦
Quits: tofep (~tofep@d27-99-12-32.bla802.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L341[19:20:10] ⇦
Quits: mr_hazard (~mr_hazard@ti0078a400-1183.bb.online.no) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
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L343[19:55:25] ***
Dockter|Away is now known as Dockter
L344[20:01:24] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout:
378 seconds)
L345[20:14:07] ⇦
Quits: Rokiyo (Rokiyo@CPE-1-121-136-145.qwl9.woo.bigpond.net.au)
(Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by
⇨ Joins: Rokiyo
L347[20:15:27] ⇦
Quits: SandGrainOne (~Terje@cm- (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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L349[21:31:18] ⇦
Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
(Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
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L351[21:35:10] ⇦
Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-71-49-177-78.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
(Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L352[21:37:11] ⇦
Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
(Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg
L354[21:38:15] ⇦
Quits: temdur1 (~temdur@x5d80d6a0.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit:
⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK
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L357[21:47:18] ***
sinkillerj is now known as sinkillerj|afk
L358[21:47:46] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L359[21:55:49] ⇦
Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@awu87.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit:
⇨ Joins: tofep
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L362[22:07:39] ⇦
Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970FE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L364[22:47:11] ***
Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L365[23:32:32] ***
Dockter is now known as Dockter|Away
⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK
L367[23:36:23] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)