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L1[00:04:23] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
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L43[05:27:31] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Forecaster
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L45[05:33:34] * Kodos is finally getting around to learning to use the signal system
L46[05:34:51] <Forecaster> gasp
L47[05:36:18] <Kodos> Trying to get everything in my base to be operatable with OpenComputers
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L50[05:39:26] <Vexatos> Kodos, Good thing Computronics adds four blocks to help with Railcraft :P
L51[05:40:11] <Kodos> Yup, that's the reason I'm finally getting around to it
L52[05:40:14] <Kodos> Since it's usable in OC now
L53[05:40:38] <Kodos> I think rather than dive into signals and try to grasp everything, I'm going to build the rail system itself first, then figure out where I need what
L54[05:41:18] <Kodos> That will involve actually building the base too though, since I need to know where things like oil refineries and fluid storage will be
L55[05:41:35] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L56[05:42:05] <Forecaster> I'm contemplating disabling crafting redstone engines...
L57[05:42:27] <Raga_BM> Why, Forecaster ?
L58[05:42:54] <Forecaster> to force myself to have to use power to pump fluids anywhere
L59[05:43:19] <LuigiHutch> that should really be a config
L60[05:43:24] <Raga_BM> Oh. Hmm. That’s interesting.
L61[05:43:49] <Forecaster> at least until I can make auto-gates
L62[05:44:02] <Raga_BM> It is an interesting challenge.
L63[05:44:40] <LuigiHutch> yh, or it should be a config to allow the use of redstone engines on pumps
L64[05:45:06] <Forecaster> disabling redstone engines will also affect wooden pipes
L65[05:47:43] <Raga_BM> Yeah there’s that.
L66[05:48:18] <Forecaster> which is what I want, just to clarify :P
L67[05:48:36] <Raga_BM> Wait, wha-? o_O
L68[05:48:58] <Forecaster> you thought I was just talking about the pump?
L69[05:49:41] *** Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
L70[05:55:16] *** Player|off is now known as Player
L71[05:58:29] <Kodos> Yup, written guides are just making my head hurt, time to get some tea and watch a video
L72[05:58:48] <Forecaster> :P
L73[05:58:49] <Kodos> I never was any good with MC's rail system
L74[05:59:02] <Kodos> I remember trying to do the minecart chest 'bank' setup on 360 MC
L75[05:59:06] <Kodos> Didn't work out too well
L76[06:05:29] <Kodos> Safe to assume locking track = holding track?
L77[06:05:37] <Forecaster> yes
L78[06:05:43] <Vexatos> locking track = every track
L79[06:05:48] <Vexatos> every track ever
L80[06:06:01] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Streaming
L81[06:08:29] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d51a4f637.access.telenet.be)
L82[06:09:02] <Kodos> Should I be able to just hold forward while in a minecart and move off of an activated locking track?
L83[06:09:27] <Forecaster> yep
L84[06:09:30] <Kodos> Okay
L85[06:09:32] <Kodos> Oh wait
L86[06:09:33] <Kodos> Derp
L87[06:09:36] <Kodos> It's backwards
L88[06:10:23] <Kodos> Yeah, no idea what I'm doing xD
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L90[06:21:06] <Kodos> Hm, I'll likely just wait to deal with this until the last few mod releases and updates I'm waiting on happen, so I can finalize my SSP pack and start actually building a base
L91[06:23:13] <Kodos> Definitely can't wait for Immersive Engineering to drop
L92[06:23:39] <Raga_BM> I ...
L93[06:23:46] <Raga_BM> What is Immersive Engineering?
L94[06:24:05] <flappyy> droopy wires: the mod
L95[06:24:10] <Kodos> ^
L96[06:24:14] <Kodos> Also multiblock heaven
L97[06:24:16] <Kodos> Which I'm stoked for
L98[06:24:55] <Raga_BM> Is there a link somewhere I can find information about that new mod that seems to be in the spotlight lately?
L99[06:25:24] <flappyy> Pretty much "watch forgecrafters"
L100[06:25:35] <LuigiHutch> nope, its not out yet. just watch dw for it
L101[06:25:40] <Raga_BM> Oh. Hmmm.
L102[06:25:44] <flappyy> there's also its github, but that has old code
L103[06:26:10] <flappyy> because the author got mad over people sharing builds
L104[06:26:36] <Kodos> I understand the guy being upset. Though I do wish I was on FC so I could help test it.
L105[06:26:38] <Kodos> I'm good at breaking things
L106[06:26:42] <Kodos> Just ask Sangar
L107[06:27:20] <Raga_BM> Okay, I’m watching a video of dw now.
L108[06:28:20] <flappyy> Kodos: I too understand his sentiment, but not the fact that he didn't think about people sharing builds with others
L109[06:28:50] <Kodos> Eh, I can't really blame him for -hoping- no one would, but yeah, it's the internet, you can't really expect people to be sensible
L110[06:28:56] <Kodos> Or considerate
L111[06:29:13] <Kodos> The mod itself looks pretty solid, and I'm definitely keeping my eye on it
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L114[06:53:47] <Forecaster> woop, disabled redstone engine recipe
L115[06:54:17] <Forecaster> and all crafting table recipes to exchange ingots with nuggets and blocks
L116[06:59:44] ⇦ Quits: Zesty (~Zesty@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L117[07:07:17] <Forecaster> Player: what the heck is the turning table for?
L118[07:09:37] <Kodos> I think that's part of the lathe
L119[07:11:35] <Forecaster> you can put a "turning blank" (wood/iron) in it, and a lathing tool
L120[07:11:42] <Forecaster> but from there I have no idea what it does
L121[07:12:44] <Kodos> http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Turning_Table
L122[07:13:25] <Forecaster> oh
L123[07:14:11] *** Itaros|business is now known as Itaros
L124[07:18:20] <Raga_BM> What is it for I still don’t quite get
L125[07:18:42] <Forecaster> at the moment it appears it's only use is making a part for the mining laser
L126[07:19:06] <Forecaster> nothings else uses turning blanks
L127[07:19:34] <kane_hart> yeah as far as I know Forecaster correct I only seen the mining laser use it
L128[07:20:54] <Kodos> And diamond drill
L129[07:21:22] <Forecaster> oh, yeah
L130[07:21:25] <Forecaster> so two things :P
L131[07:21:56] <Raga_BM> I think I might need video tutorials for Ic2 experimental. :P
L132[07:22:05] <Kodos> With the wooden blank being useless, I'd like to see a wooden bat be craftable, melee weapon with 2 damage, 32 durability
L133[07:22:25] <Raga_BM> The wiki doesn’t quite cut it enough for me.
L134[07:22:26] <Kodos> 2/5, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5
L135[07:22:46] <Forecaster> the wooden blank only has 3 steps
L136[07:23:51] <Kodos> Ah, well then
L137[07:24:00] <Kodos> Phase out the wooden blank, and make it an iron blank recipe =P
L138[07:26:51] <Forecaster> I don't see why the wooden ones can't have 5 stages as well
L139[07:28:03] <Forecaster> It's not like you'd be able to craft a diamond drill with one just because it can have the same shape :P
L140[07:30:05] <Kodos> What I don't understand
L141[07:30:11] <Kodos> Is how the IRON turning blank becomes the DIAMOND DRILL BIT
L142[07:30:41] <Forecaster> the core is iron, the diamond only covers the surface
L143[07:30:52] <Forecaster> you don't make tools out of solid diamond xD
L144[07:30:58] <Forecaster> (in reality)
L145[07:31:10] <Forecaster> you do in vanilla minecraft :P
L146[07:34:25] <Forecaster> DAMNIT
L147[07:34:30] <Forecaster> I have to re-render the video...
L148[07:34:37] <Forecaster> I forgot the change the caption in the intro...
L149[07:37:05] <Forecaster> and I cant get the electric kinetic generator to power the turning table
L150[07:38:24] <Forecaster> but the hand cranked one works
L151[07:39:48] <Kodos> Do you have it facing the right way
L152[07:40:01] <Forecaster> yes
L153[07:40:32] <Forecaster> wind works as well
L154[07:40:43] <Kodos> Might need to stick a few motors in the generator to have the kU output for the table
L155[07:41:41] <Forecaster> I filled it
L156[07:41:44] <Forecaster> makes no difference
L157[07:41:52] <Forecaster> it doesn't use any power beyond filling it's buffer
L158[07:41:55] <Kodos> Weird, mine works
L159[07:42:09] <Kodos> Screenshot your setup?
L160[07:43:06] <Forecaster> it wont power a kinetic generator either
L161[07:43:15] <Forecaster> methinks it's broken
L162[07:43:20] <Kodos> Except it's not...
L163[07:43:25] <Kodos> It works fine on mine
L164[07:43:37] <Kodos> MFSU feeding into an electric kinetic generator powering the turning table
L165[07:45:17] <Forecaster> do you have to connect it to the bottom or something?
L166[07:45:35] <Kodos> Nope
L167[07:47:22] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/a/kO8eY
L168[07:47:33] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L169[07:48:08] <Kodos> Your kinetic generator is backwards
L170[07:48:22] <Forecaster> ...
L171[07:48:23] <Forecaster> what
L172[07:48:36] <Forecaster> ...
L173[07:48:41] <Forecaster> why is the texture wrong?
L174[07:48:44] *** SkySom_ is now known as SkySom
L175[07:48:45] <Forecaster> :I
L176[07:48:45] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L177[07:48:49] <Kodos> I didn't think it was
L178[07:49:22] <Forecaster> the wind kinetic generator outputs on the face with the axle looking thing.
L179[07:49:30] <Forecaster> opposite of where the rotor is
L180[07:49:56] <Player> well that part still needs some work tbh
L181[07:50:58] <Forecaster> it's neat though
L182[07:51:01] <Forecaster> when it works :P
L183[07:52:08] <Forecaster> it'd be cool if there was a way to use custom blank shapes with minetweaker
L184[07:52:39] <Player> minetweaker does the ic2 integration on their part, but afaik its author is rather busy atm
L185[07:52:52] <Player> i may allow adding machine recipes through the ic2 config eventually
L186[07:53:08] <Forecaster> and removing? ^^
L187[07:53:16] <Player> that too
L188[07:53:21] <Player> you can do so already for crafting ones btw
L189[07:53:34] <Forecaster> I still want to remove all the block recipes from the macerator
L190[07:53:43] <Forecaster> but that doesn't work in MT at the moment it seems
L191[07:53:57] <Kodos> I realllllly like MysteryDump's "Chillers"
L192[07:54:37] <Forecaster> chillers?
L193[07:54:58] <Forecaster> oh wow
L194[07:55:07] <Forecaster> I can barely make out what they're saying...
L195[07:59:10] <Kodos> Who
L196[07:59:25] <Forecaster> the MysteryDump person in this video
L197[07:59:34] <Kodos> What video are you watching?
L198[07:59:36] <Kodos> The chillers?
L199[07:59:38] <Forecaster> yes
L200[07:59:43] <Kodos> Uhh
L201[07:59:47] <Kodos> What country are you from, just curious
L202[08:00:05] <Forecaster> I meant that the volume was super low
L203[08:00:09] <Kodos> Oh
L204[08:00:17] <Kodos> I was gonna say >.>
L205[08:03:28] <Forecaster> during my last test I found that it was more efficient to just turn the heat from the coolant into power directly
L206[08:03:38] <Forecaster> there was even a little loss when doing the steam thing
L207[08:03:52] <Kodos> Probably, but they look cool af
L208[08:04:07] <Kodos> Though I'm starting to use Adv Generators more and more, so I may swap to Heat Exchangers
L209[08:04:34] <Forecaster> I will use them eventually when I build a nuclear reactor
L210[08:04:54] <Forecaster> but I'm not gonna bother with the steam stuff since there's no advantage to it
L211[08:05:46] <Kodos> Eh, I feel like it really just depends on your need for steam
L212[08:05:58] <Kodos> I use it a lot, so this is more productive for me
L213[08:06:23] <Forecaster> but all you can do with it is turn it into power...
L214[08:06:28] <Forecaster> there's no other "need" for steam
L215[08:06:34] <Kodos> Need is subjective =P
L216[08:06:47] <Kodos> I use it for all sorts of things
L217[08:06:49] <Forecaster> not if you can't do anything else with it...
L218[08:06:54] <Kodos> ...
L219[08:06:55] <Kodos> Nevermind
L220[08:07:03] <Forecaster> ic2 steam isn't compatible with steam from other mods though
L221[08:07:24] <Forecaster> I found that out when I tried putting it in a railcraft turbine
L222[08:08:23] <Ryu> yup, which makes it suck for me and why i stopped using it
L223[08:09:18] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Quit: Raga_BM)
L224[08:11:30] <Forecaster> the Ejector upgrade is for ejecting fluid cells from the heat exchanger...
L225[08:11:36] <Kodos> Fluid Ejector
L226[08:11:38] <Kodos> Is what you need
L227[08:12:06] <Kodos> Also as far as I can tell, IC2 Steam works fine
L228[08:12:12] <Forecaster> she was asking why the ejector upgrade was compatible with the heat exchanger
L229[08:12:21] <Kodos> Who?
L230[08:12:30] <Forecaster> still watching that video...
L231[08:12:33] <Kodos> Oh
L232[08:13:09] <Forecaster> when I tried it wasn't, I asked pl.ayer and he said that was intentional
L233[08:13:10] <Kodos> Ah, wait, nevermind
L234[08:13:15] <Kodos> Yeh, just noticed
L235[08:13:23] <Kodos> pipe just had insane capacity
L236[08:13:28] <Kodos> So it looked like the trap was taking it
L237[08:13:49] <Kodos> Well phooey, that breaks a lot of my base ideas
L238[08:14:00] <Kodos> Double sucks because I was excited to use GT5's cover system
L239[08:14:09] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L240[08:14:12] <Forecaster> yeah, it's a shame >:
L241[08:14:23] <Forecaster> I'm not a fan of the tiny ic2 turbine thing
L242[08:14:29] <Forecaster> I want a multiblock turbine
L243[08:14:30] <Kodos> coughplyerfixitplscough
L244[08:14:43] <Kodos> Yeh, Multiblocks are my favorite
L245[08:14:47] <Kodos> Which is why I'm excited for IE
L246[08:16:10] <Forecaster> ooh
L247[08:16:13] *** Corjaantje|Streaming is now known as Corjaantje|Busy
L248[08:16:19] <Forecaster> I didn't know that was what the condenser was for
L249[08:16:49] <Player> the biggest issue would be getting the models
L250[08:16:56] <Player> implementing the system is easy ;)
L251[08:17:10] <Vexatos> ...IC2 has models?
L252[08:17:16] <Kodos> Player, just curious, what's the justification for not oredicting steam?
L253[08:17:27] <Vexatos> IC2 has been one of the only tech mods not having any fancy models for a long time
L254[08:17:39] <Kodos> Molecular Transformer
L255[08:17:41] <Kodos> But that's an addon
L256[08:17:48] <Player> well the safe has one
L257[08:18:05] <Vexatos> Yes
L258[08:18:08] <Player> ic2's still will eventually have several additional properties the fluid system can't handle
L259[08:18:12] <Vexatos> but it was the only model until wind mills
L260[08:18:20] <Vexatos> and cables >_>
L261[08:18:37] <Forecaster> I don't really care if there's a fancy model
L262[08:18:41] <Forecaster> I just like big machines :P
L263[08:19:09] <Forecaster> instead of dinky little blocks that don't look like they should be able to do what they're doing
L264[08:19:22] <Kodos> coughrollingmachinecough
L265[08:19:35] <Vexatos> trolling machine
L266[08:19:38] <Vexatos> ~ asie 2015
L267[08:19:56] <Player> well the trend @ic2 is obviously splitting the more powerful ones into several functional blocks
L268[08:20:31] <Vexatos> like the macerator
L269[08:20:36] <Kodos> I reallly enjoy GT5's Activity Light covers
L270[08:20:38] <Vexatos> one of the most powerful blocks in the mod
L271[08:20:52] <Vexatos> Back when it was considered OP
L272[08:20:56] <Vexatos> because it doubled ores
L273[08:21:40] <Forecaster> augh dammit
L274[08:21:42] <Forecaster> I did it
L275[08:21:54] <Kodos> uwot
L276[08:22:08] <Forecaster> I turned off the video and turned my music back on without turning my volume back down to normal levels
L277[08:22:19] <Kodos> Whoops
L278[08:24:43] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L279[08:35:04] <flappyy> oh Forecaster
L280[08:35:15] <flappyy> saw your latest video
L281[08:35:23] <Forecaster> ohnoes
L282[08:35:35] <flappyy> what you want is hyperkinetic upgrades to speed the smeltything up
L283[08:35:45] <Forecaster> I'm aware
L284[08:36:38] <Forecaster> those cost iron though
L285[08:36:43] <flappyy> yeah
L286[08:36:55] <Forecaster> which I'm extremely low on at the moment
L287[08:37:03] <flappyy> heating upgrades are pretty much useless in the smelter i think
L288[08:37:04] <Forecaster> although it'll be better now that I get double
L289[08:37:19] <Forecaster> well, they make it more fuel efficient while heating up
L290[08:37:22] <Forecaster> I believe
L291[08:37:54] <flappyy> one of the upgrades affects how many ingots you end up with i think
L292[08:37:57] <flappyy> not sure
L293[08:38:33] <Forecaster> I mean, I'm pretty sure they don't make it use more fuel
L294[08:38:43] <Forecaster> so heating up faster would mean less fuel is used to heat up
L295[08:39:26] <flappyy> far as i know the only thing they add is the amount of heat mentioned in the tooltip
L296[08:40:16] ⇦ Quits: mr_hazard (~mr_hazard@ti0078a400-1183.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L310[10:26:51] <Forecaster> Ep8: https://youtu.be/o9L7Lpmfsm8 - Getting lava for Casting ingots
L311[10:26:53] <Forecaster> Super super late
L312[10:28:51] <TheJulianJES> A bit late..
L313[10:28:54] <TheJulianJES> :D
L314[10:30:07] <Forecaster> just 4 hours :P
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L321[11:25:19] <cloakable> So, I automated the Rolling Machine today, and I'm happy to report that you can both insert and extract on the top facing. I'll try the bottom later.
L322[11:26:27] <Forecaster> ah, well it probably doesn't care which side you use then :P
L323[11:27:45] <cloakable> Hopefully!
L324[11:28:15] <cloakable> This will make producing rails a /lot/ easier :D
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L357[16:38:33] <cloakable> There, dedicated railcraft factory constructed, now to fill it with shiny things that make shiny railcraft toys :D
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L361[17:08:24] <neptunepink> Wooden tracks are just the thing to use for slowing trains down as they get off of elevator tracks
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