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L1[00:01:23] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonkout
L2[00:01:23] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Spider ​EveryOS! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 7 hours, 51 minutes and 36 seconds (By 1 hour, 3 minutes and 57 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L3[00:01:24] <MichiBot> Spider ​EveryOS has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.008 tonk points! plus 0.007 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 2.5144718. Position #3 => #2 (Overtook Vaur) Need 0.0025182 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L4[00:01:44] <Spider ​EveryOS> Vaur passed me? This is terrible!
L5[00:02:11] <Spider ​EveryOS> Hold on, was Vaur briefly in first?
L6[00:04:21] <Corded> > <Spider ​EveryOS> Vaur passed me? This is terrible!
L7[00:04:21] <Va​ur> you lost tonk point to potions
L8[00:04:23] <Va​ur> %sip
L9[00:04:23] <MichiBot> You drink a freezing radiation potion (New!). Vaur turns into a frog boy until they sneeze.
L10[00:04:40] <Va​ur> and no, Forecaster was
L11[00:04:50] <Va​ur> (he also lost tonk point)
L12[00:06:20] <Corded> > <Va​ur> you lost tonk point to potions
L13[00:06:20] <Spider ​EveryOS> I thought the potion broke because it didn't understand spaces?
L14[00:06:47] <Corded> > <Spider ​EveryOS> I thought the potion broke because it didn't understand spa…
L15[00:06:47] <Va​ur> mine did not work, but there were several potions
L16[00:06:53] <Spider ​EveryOS> Ah
L17[00:09:11] <PewPew​Cricket> why isnt ``t`` working? https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721520551179.png https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721520551316.lua
L18[00:10:14] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300Eaef0bf5005Dea502062bc256F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L19[01:09:02] * Amanda drags Elfi into her floof, uses her as a plushie for zzzmews
L20[01:09:10] <Amanda> Night girls
L21[01:16:25] <Izzy> probably because setEntry returns the modified value, not set it
L22[01:19:21] <Henriqu​e brutu> hi everyone, ended up here trying to find a code for OC to autobreed 10/10/10 agricraft seeds
L23[01:19:35] <Henriqu​e brutu> any1 got a cote for it?
L24[02:08:03] ⇦ Quits: nadja (~dequbed@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L25[02:09:56] ⇨ Joins: nadja (~dequbed@banana-new.kilobyte22.de)
L26[02:35:23] <Re​nno> I haven't used os.date in a while, but I remember there was a way to get the current date and time IRL right?
L27[02:35:41] <Re​nno> everytime I try to do it without any current parameters, I get the epoch 1970 time
L28[02:38:13] <Izzy> you can touch a file then check the modified time on it for the real time
L29[02:41:32] <Re​nno> true
L30[02:41:34] <Re​nno> thanks
L31[02:49:04] <Izzy> you can also pull the header off HTTP requests
L32[03:59:42] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L33[03:59:42] <MichiBot> Uh-oh! Forec​aster! You beat Spider ​EveryOS's previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 58 minutes and 18 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L34[03:59:43] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 58 minutes and 18 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00397 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L35[05:50:53] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> You'd probably have better luck emulating the 6502 itself
L36[05:50:53] <ff​_66> emulating 6502 chips would also allow executing Gameboy (and maybe GBC) games if i remember correctly 🙂
L37[06:08:08] <Izzy> those were Z80 based
L38[06:08:28] <Izzy> think there's alread a Z80 emulator floating around, though
L39[06:16:28] <ff​_66> well, OC computers have *at least* 2gigs of ram, so it would be easier to emulate an 8086 and run DOS in minecraft, but in order to run windows... we need CGA/EGA/VGA emulation
L40[06:17:31] <ff​_66> oh wait, it already exists
L41[06:18:05] <Izzy> most OC computers have more like 512K? o.O
L42[06:19:15] <ff​_66> in survival i did easy 4gigs
L43[06:19:25] <ff​_66> oh wait no 4 megs
L44[06:19:41] <ff​_66> i went 1024 times too large
L45[06:19:58] <ff​_66> but it is still possible to run windows anyways
L46[06:20:15] <ff​_66> 3.1 at most
L47[06:21:45] <Izzy> should also be suitable for running a 68k macintosh
L48[06:22:22] <ff​_66> lunatic86 from asie in order to run dos, but apparently it has trouble running windows
L49[06:22:25] <Izzy> actually, 320x200 is a worse res than any macintosh so maybe not
L50[06:23:05] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> actually, 320x200 is a worse res than any macintosh so mayb…
L51[06:23:06] <ff​_66> 640*200 for cga monochrome
L52[06:23:33] <Izzy> the best you can get out of an OC display is 320x200 IIRC
L53[06:24:02] <Izzy> each character cell can display a 2x4 braille character approximating pixels
L54[06:26:58] <Izzy> OTOH the Canon Cat may have a res of 672x344, but it's mostly used for an 80x24 character display
L55[06:27:12] <Izzy> I imagine a 68k emulator would be quite involved, though.
L56[06:29:57] <ff​_66> there is literally an cpu architecture mod for x86 + 68000 [there](<https://oc.cil.li/topic/430-real-cpu-for-opencomputers-interested/&gt;)
L57[06:30:46] <Izzy> whoa is that some weird discord markdown variant
L58[06:31:25] <ff​_66> it is a link with hidden preview
L59[06:31:31] <ff​_66> in markdown
L60[06:31:47] <walks​anator> yeah that's normal markdown
L61[06:31:55] <walks​anator> -# this is weird markdown
L62[06:32:10] <walks​anator> (On discord it appears as smaller and grayed text)
L63[06:32:46] <ff​_66> -# I already know that can be used for scams (because only you can see this message)
L64[06:33:43] <Forec​aster> who's "you"
L65[06:34:03] <ff​_66> everyone
L66[06:34:20] <Forec​aster> only everyone can see this message, makes sense
L67[06:35:01] <Jas​onS> They mean like doing this
L68[06:35:01] <Jas​onS> -# only you can see this message, click [here](<www.example.com>) to dismiss
L69[06:35:08] <Jas​onS> Uh oh did the markdown wrong
L70[06:35:35] <Jas​onS> * [here](<https://www.example.com>) to dismiss
L71[06:35:45] <ff​_66> did just copy the "only you can see this message [Dismiss](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQw4w9WgXcQ&ved=2ahUKEwjel_H6wbeHAxUCU6QEHeJpDxoQtwJ6BAg2EAI&usg=AOvVaw0aHtehaphMhOCAkCydRLZU>)"
L72[06:35:47] <Forec​aster> ah, that
L73[06:35:48] <Jas​onS> Actually it wasn’t the markdown it was the url that wasn’t recognized lol
L74[06:36:10] <ff​_66> the link is actually working for mine
L75[06:36:18] <Forec​aster> yeah that'd probably get some people to click it
L76[06:36:25] <Corded> > <ff​_66> the link is actually working for mine
L77[06:36:25] <Jas​onS> Yeah I fixed it
L78[06:36:30] <ff​_66> (just a joke don't blame me)
L79[06:36:49] <Jas​onS> Also that video you linked doesn’t seem to be available anymore
L80[06:36:57] <Jas​onS> Or at least youtube refuses to show it to me
L81[06:37:07] <ff​_66> How do you know it is a video ?
L82[06:37:15] <Jas​onS> Well it goes to youtube
L83[06:37:31] <Jas​onS> And it tries to bring up the video player but then it says “this video is unavailable”
L84[06:37:32] <ff​_66> * [Dismiss](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQw4w9WgXcQ>)"
L85[06:37:39] <ff​_66> fixed
L86[06:37:46] <ff​_66> try again
L87[06:38:08] <Jas​onS> And anyway discord brings a popup saying if I’m sure I want to go there and shows the url, which clearly points to youtube
L88[06:38:31] <ff​_66> but go anyway, it is not dangerous
L89[06:38:32] <Corded> > <ff​_66> try again
L90[06:38:33] <Jas​onS> Yeah same result, it’s unavailable for me
L91[06:38:58] <Jas​onS> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721543937848.png
L92[06:39:17] <ff​_66> forgot a letter in the url
L93[06:39:39] <Jas​onS> Do you not just copy/paste?
L94[06:39:56] <ff​_66> * [Dismiss](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ>)"
L95[06:40:12] <Jas​onS> Ah finally it works
L96[06:40:32] <ff​_66> i do, but it always forget a letter at the end
L97[06:40:43] <Jas​onS> Oh I see
L98[06:40:56] <ff​_66> and ?
L99[06:41:02] <Forec​aster> on desktop you can just hover over it and it shows you the url
L100[06:41:34] <Corded> > <Jas​onS> Oh I see
L101[06:41:35] <ff​_66> and what's the video then ?
L102[06:42:24] <Corded> > <ff​_66> and what's the video then ?
L103[06:42:25] <Jas​onS> The one people always send when the url is hidden
L104[06:42:47] <ff​_66> well, if it doesn't work
L105[06:42:56] <Jas​onS> It works
L106[06:43:05] <Jas​onS> I’m just not spoiling it for those who haven’t clicked
L107[06:43:05] <ff​_66> i'm never gonna give you up
L108[06:43:42] <ff​_66> said nothing ^^
L109[06:43:46] <Jas​onS> Does deleting a discord message work on the IRC side?
L110[06:44:16] <ff​_66> don't think it does, but you can't click links either
L111[06:44:40] <Jas​onS> I’m sure some clients let you click links
L112[06:44:45] <Forec​aster> you can't delete irc messages, period
L113[06:44:45] <Jas​onS> Some clients probably even render markdown
L114[06:45:07] <ff​_66> yes, but not the irc diskette
L115[06:45:12] <Forec​aster> The link is a rickroll
L116[06:45:23] <ff​_66> guessed it 🙂
L117[06:46:00] <ff​_66> but at least it is not as dangerous as a real scam
L118[06:46:33] <Izzy> you can't very well unsend a message
L119[06:46:33] <Forec​aster> most irc clients let you click links also
L120[06:46:38] <Forec​aster> just not OC ones
L121[06:46:48] <Izzy> and any good terminal emulator lets you interact with URLs
L122[06:47:06] <Jas​onS> Can’t delete an IRC message just like you can’t unsend an email
L123[06:48:19] <Forec​aster> it's just not part of the protocol
L124[06:48:39] <ff​_66> because the protocol is not very sophisticated (but at least make some markdown render correctly in the irc loot disk)
L125[06:48:55] <Forec​aster> it's meant to be simple
L126[06:49:01] <Izzy> why tho
L127[06:49:11] <ff​_66> that's true
L128[06:49:23] <Izzy> OC screens physically can't display bold or italic or different size text
L129[06:49:32] <Forec​aster> something can be sophisticated in simplicity
L130[06:49:33] <Izzy> "physically" you know what I mean
L131[06:49:37] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> OC screens physically can't display bold or italic or diffe…
L132[06:49:38] <ff​_66> at least different color text ?
L133[06:50:01] <Izzy> there's a de-facto standard for coloured text on IRC, but I don't know if the IRC loot disk supports it
L134[06:50:10] <Forec​aster> and making something more complex doesn't automatically make it sophisticated
L135[06:50:13] <Izzy> does this work
L136[06:50:50] <Forec​aster> you can take the irc program and update it to parse markdown if you want
L137[06:51:01] <Forec​aster> it's unlikely anyone else will
L138[06:51:38] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> and making something more complex doesn't automatically mak…
L139[06:51:38] <ff​_66> i'm comparing with discord's ability to "unsend" (even though you can still know what has been deleted with vencord)
L140[06:52:12] <Forec​aster> I don't see how that's relevant to what I said
L141[06:52:48] <Izzy> actually
L142[06:52:58] <Izzy> you can delete messages over IRC
L143[06:53:10] <Izzy> you just have to crash everyone's client before they can write the logs to disk :^)
L144[06:53:24] <ff​_66> and how do you do that ?
L145[06:53:33] <Forec​aster> don't delete the message, delete their computer
L146[06:53:39] <Izzy> the mechanics of this are left as an exercise to the reader
L147[06:53:44] <Forec​aster> DDOS them
L148[06:54:01] <ff​_66> xpcall loop and kaboom
L149[06:54:14] <ff​_66> (OC 1.8.3 and older)
L150[06:54:23] <Izzy> what about clients that aren't written in Lua?
L151[06:54:44] <ff​_66> don't know
L152[06:55:03] <Izzy> :p
L153[06:55:08] <ff​_66> hack a nuclear bomb ?
L154[06:55:10] <Izzy> is joke anyway
L155[06:55:24] <Forec​aster> re-write them in Lua and convince the other party to use your version
L156[06:55:26] <Forec​aster> easy
L157[06:55:58] <ff​_66> and apparently there is a bug with the new pcall/xpcall in 1.8.4
L158[06:56:40] <ff​_66> where you can have an error thrown because of another error
L159[06:58:07] <ff​_66> but i wasn't able to reproduce that
L160[06:59:00] <Forec​aster> if you can't reproduce it it was only a figment of your imagination
L161[06:59:23] <ff​_66> someone else discovered the bug
L162[06:59:42] <ff​_66> but the bug is on the issue tracker
L163[06:59:54] <Forec​aster> all of that is just your imagination
L164[06:59:58] <Forec​aster> none of it is real
L165[07:00:16] <ff​_66> I already know that we all live in the matrix
L166[07:00:33] <ff​_66> and now i have to be deleted of the world because i know
L167[07:00:42] <Forec​aster> I'm only here on a business trip
L168[07:00:55] <Va​ur> %sip
L169[07:00:55] <MichiBot> You drink an included dilithium potion (New!). Vaur suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L170[07:43:46] <ff​_66> found the best way to make a partition format + an fs
L171[07:44:11] <ff​_66> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721547850976.txt
L172[07:45:21] <Izzy> don't like OSDI huh
L173[07:45:44] <Izzy> also, I don't see anything about a FS there :p
L174[07:45:55] <ff​_66> Ocular Surface Disease Index ?
L175[07:46:28] <Izzy> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/Random-OC-Docs/blob/master/formats/osdi/1.0.md
L176[07:46:43] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> also, I don't see anything about a FS there :p
L177[07:46:43] <ff​_66> just normal specs about an fs, but you can make anything from there
L178[07:47:02] <lunar_sam> pssst
L179[07:47:04] <lunar_sam> izzy
L180[07:47:12] <lunar_sam> send the 1.1 document
L181[07:47:22] <Izzy> oh, sorry
L182[07:47:31] <Izzy> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/Random-OC-Docs/blob/master/formats/osdi/1.1.md
L183[07:47:33] <ff​_66> have found it
L184[07:47:45] <ff​_66> just replace 1.10.md by 1.1.md
L185[07:47:47] <Izzy> ngl when I go looking for something, I just use my firefox history searchahead
L186[07:47:54] <lunar_sam> very fair
L187[07:48:00] <lunar_sam> i do that too
L188[07:49:23] <ff​_66> the original format is 5 years old ?
L189[07:50:32] <lunar_sam> i mean, if it ain't broke
L190[07:51:01] <Izzy> it's well-supported too
L191[07:51:12] <ff​_66> not secure at all + can brick everything just with a 20 lines program
L192[07:51:44] <Izzy> pretty sure you could wipe a disk with a 3-statement program
L193[07:52:34] <Izzy> lunar_sam: cursed idea: host protected area for OC
L194[07:52:40] <Izzy> we can make our own BEER/PARTIES
L195[07:53:10] <lunar_sam> h-huh?
L196[07:53:19] <ff​_66> local c=require("component"); for i = 1, 1024 * 1024 * 4 do com.drive.writeByte(i,0); end
L197[07:53:22] <Izzy> I'm glad that joke doesn't make any sense, for your sake
L198[07:53:39] <ff​_66> that's how i format a disk
L199[07:53:45] <lunar_sam> also @ff_66 you can just wipe a drive regardless of partition table lmao
L200[07:53:46] <ff​_66> in 1 line
L201[07:53:53] <Izzy> that would be much slower than writing sectors, but it would certainly work
L202[07:54:14] <Izzy> lunar_sam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_protected_area#BEER
L203[07:54:26] <Izzy> basically the BIOS lies about the drive geometry to the OS
L204[07:54:27] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> that would be much slower than writing sectors, but it woul…
L205[07:54:27] <ff​_66> just overwrite the first ten bytes i think it breaks
L206[07:54:28] <lunar_sam> yeah you could just do `writeSector(string.rep("\0", 512))`
L207[07:55:07] <ff​_66> that's why i made a real secued computer
L208[07:55:24] <ff​_66> which allows implementing maybe HPA
L209[07:55:38] <lunar_sam> i mean, if it's OC
L210[07:55:56] <lunar_sam> one could just remove the drive, put it in another computer, then wipe it or otherwise corrupt it
L211[07:56:02] <ff​_66> approved EEPROM allows approved drive allows approved and secure OS
L212[07:56:19] <Izzy> you *can* set users and then only they can access the computer case
L213[07:56:21] <ff​_66> simple, isn't it ?
L214[07:56:34] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> you *can* set users and then only they can access the compu…
L215[07:56:34] <ff​_66> set only if connected
L216[07:56:46] <Izzy> but on the other hand, then only they can interact with the screen anyway
L217[07:56:53] <ff​_66> and OP can always acces regardless
L218[07:57:20] <Izzy> ff_86: modern windows uses a great many different methods to ensure "integrity" including secure boot
L219[07:57:26] <Izzy> it works very well as you can see /s
L220[07:57:47] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> ff_86: modern windows uses a great many different methods t…
L221[07:57:47] <ff​_66> secure boot is not secure, it is just forcing you to use windows and not linux
L222[07:57:47] <lunar_sam> also you're gonna have a fun time making a secure boot BIOS in 4096 bytes :v
L223[07:57:57] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> also you're gonna have a fun time making a secure boot BIOS…
L224[07:57:57] <ff​_66> did it in 1
L225[07:58:04] <ff​_66> 1 kbyte
L226[07:58:18] <ff​_66> well 1.5 but hey
L227[07:58:25] <Izzy> lunar_sam: additional cursed idea
L228[07:58:37] <lunar_sam> Izzy: hm?
L229[07:58:51] <lunar_sam> oh i tried adding a fancy menu to ziptie
L230[07:58:59] <ff​_66> gonna make my own partition table/fs then
L231[07:59:02] <Izzy> override load() with a version that does a counter/etc like you can use the TPM for
L232[07:59:04] <lunar_sam> like, one that's not just "strike 0-9"
L233[07:59:20] <Izzy> so you can verify the previous components in the boot chain
L234[07:59:21] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> override load() with a version that does a counter/etc like…
L235[07:59:21] <ff​_66> there is no tpm chip in windows
L236[07:59:32] <Izzy> current windows literally requires a TPM
L237[07:59:37] <ff​_66> nope
L238[07:59:49] <Izzy> (well, you can trick it into running without one, but the requirements list it)
L239[07:59:55] <lunar_sam> windows_xp_startup_noise.wav
L240[08:00:00] <ff​_66> BypassTPMCheck actually bypasses it
L241[08:00:13] <Izzy> wait so let me get this straight
L242[08:00:22] <lunar_sam> also it's _supposed_ to require a TPM
L243[08:00:24] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> (well, you can trick it into running without one, but the r…
L244[08:00:24] <ff​_66> early requirement didn't list 2.0 but only 1.5
L245[08:00:28] <Izzy> you need to bypass a windows check for something that isn't part of windows?
L246[08:00:36] * Izzy squints
L247[08:01:14] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> also it's _supposed_ to require a TPM
L248[08:01:15] <ff​_66> TPM + secure boot = auto encrypted disk
L249[08:01:15] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/jGn9eAJDRW2T7hkeIDUjCzqZL2E4vODn9hcewlBI/6cac10c6-5cbd-4150-ac2a-2ae8cd81aa4b.png
L250[08:01:19] <lunar_sam> :( menu results in this
L251[08:01:30] <ff​_66> so it is not recommended
L252[08:01:42] <lunar_sam> i have not used windows in years
L253[08:01:58] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> :( menu results in this
L254[08:01:59] <ff​_66> you don't even know how to optimize the size of your code
L255[08:02:07] <lunar_sam> i
L256[08:02:23] <lunar_sam> i don't think you know the levels of cursed that is my Normal Method
L257[08:03:05] <ff​_66> really EZ :
L258[08:03:05] <ff​_66> local a local b while a< b do ...end = for a=1,b do ...end
L259[08:03:16] <ff​_66> (sorry for the formatting)
L260[08:03:20] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/8jH5FRfSnTgBT3T8geo68a6e8pHneW4rG7qaCNqv/ed241f34-bbd2-45c3-948f-2d52782c5ad9.png
L261[08:03:56] <ff​_66> your PC is called gas gas gas ?
L262[08:03:56] <lunar_sam> i made a BIOS that can load from managed and unmanaged disks, tapes, and netboot
L263[08:04:04] <lunar_sam> yes like the eurobeat song
L264[08:04:15] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> i made a BIOS that can load from managed and unmanaged disk…
L265[08:04:15] <ff​_66> EZ to do
L266[08:04:28] <Izzy> https://cdn.shadowkat.net/xmpp/file_share/b84016bf-4478-4bef-ad1b-77c529cd106d/2024-07-21T18:02:57-808x694.png
L267[08:04:31] <ff​_66> and to bypass 4096 bytes i use a method no one does
L268[08:04:49] <lunar_sam> uh huuuh
L269[08:04:49] <ff​_66> i called it : firmext.lua
L270[08:04:50] <Izzy> oh boy this is gonna be good
L271[08:05:15] <ff​_66> also known as firmware extension
L272[08:05:27] <Izzy> lunar_sam: sh- should we tell him?
L273[08:05:31] <ff​_66> faster to update
L274[08:05:47] <lunar_sam> i did this for my first BIOS, zorya/zorya neo :p
L275[08:05:54] <ff​_66> and ez to verify at the bios level
L276[08:05:59] <lunar_sam> anyways, `debug.lua` is the unminified, uncompressed BIOS
L277[08:06:10] <lunar_sam> `ziptie.bios` is minifed and compressed with LZSS
L278[08:06:51] <lunar_sam> oh also ziptie has a nice way to store configs that takes minimal space in the EEPROM data section (important)
L279[08:07:11] <lunar_sam> i also couldn't fit the config program so it has to go on a floppy (which also doubles as the install floppy)
L280[08:07:24] <ff​_66> bruh you copied IBM
L281[08:07:33] <lunar_sam> ...i guess?
L282[08:07:45] <lunar_sam> it's moreso that it was the only thing to do
L283[08:07:52] <ff​_66> the IBM PC has a diskette for entering setup
L284[08:09:14] <lunar_sam> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/ziptie
L285[08:10:50] <Forec​aster> using a floppy to install things? what a novel concept
L286[08:11:18] <ff​_66> openOS is apperently not the first
L287[08:11:22] <Forec​aster> it'll never catch on
L288[08:12:12] <ff​_66> please add cdroms we're lacking of space we need 30 diskettes at least now
L289[08:12:27] <Forec​aster> make an addon
L290[08:12:35] <ff​_66> just kidding
L291[08:12:54] <ff​_66> a cdrom is 700 mbytes so...
L292[08:13:34] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/NQzO3lHxTpOo6Ni8PQRtk7qO53Yx0JMi0WAGooR7/Peek_2024-07-21_04-12.mp4
L293[08:14:10] <ff​_66> a video that lasts 0 seconds ?
L294[08:14:45] <lunar_sam> give me a few minutes and i could even show it netbooting :v
L295[08:15:23] <ff​_66> mineOS EFI already does netbooting
L296[08:17:34] <Corded> > <na​dja> Nerd.
L297[08:17:34] <Li​ly> Absolutely.
L298[08:18:54] <Izzy> want more space? just use a tape library! https://cdn.shadowkat.net/media/880fbb51afb06981a1f98fb20962669ff9a0baa923cd33453595210cc792761c.png
L299[08:18:57] <ff​_66> am gonna work on my system then
L300[08:19:17] <ff​_66> we'll see which one is the most secure
L301[08:19:38] <ff​_66> (and no replacing the eeprom is cheating !!!)
L302[08:20:13] <ff​_66> but putting a file on the disk is not
L303[08:20:34] <lunar_sam> i'm not really worried about security when it's in OC tbh
L304[08:20:40] <lunar_sam> i tried that once and kinda gave up because there was no point
L305[08:20:53] <lunar_sam> and also you need a data card to verify signatures
L306[08:21:00] <Forec​aster> you don't keep your bank details on your OC computer?!
L307[08:21:22] <Izzy> a double chest of tapes will get you 2.32GB
L308[08:21:35] <Izzy> if you were curious
L309[08:21:48] <Forec​aster> free extra storage for games!
L310[08:22:12] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> and also you need a data card to verify signatures
L311[08:22:12] <ff​_66> the data cards exist for something
L312[08:22:25] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> a double chest of tapes will get you 2.32GB
L313[08:22:25] <ff​_66> how big is the save then ?
L314[08:22:52] <ff​_66> bro you could put windows XP onthese 2.32 gigs
L315[08:23:18] <Forec​aster> pretty sure you could store anything as long as it's less than 2.32 GB
L316[08:23:28] <Forec​aster> it's like magic
L317[08:23:54] <Izzy> it would be .... 2.32GB, plus the size of the save? ???
L318[08:23:54] <ff​_66> OC is meant to be realistic, isn't it ?
L319[08:24:10] <Forec​aster> it is?
L320[08:24:50] <Forec​aster> the holo projectors and other things put that into question
L321[08:25:02] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> it would be .... 2.32GB, plus the size of the save? ???
L322[08:25:03] <ff​_66> How many chunks would that correspond to?
L323[08:25:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef16310003286a4893d230cc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L324[08:25:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L325[08:25:21] <Izzy> somewhere between 1 and infinity
L326[08:25:24] <Forec​aster> if you mean in regards to computer specs and behaviour, then it approximates reality
L327[08:25:39] <ff​_66> there is even ARM architecture addons
L328[08:25:46] <Forec​aster> there sure are
L329[08:25:52] <Izzy> after all, you could have a chunk containing nothing but diamond chests full of 128 minute tapes
L330[08:26:05] <Na​dja> ~~There's even an RISC-V version of it!~~
L331[08:26:20] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/IpQLHvTAiigDETm1xf3QCmriyvsqDblPVnJQnSjE/Peek_2024-07-21_04-26.mp4
L332[08:26:24] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> after all, you could have a chunk containing nothing but di…
L333[08:26:25] <ff​_66> at least 1 terabyte in one chunk
L334[08:26:39] <ff​_66> still 0 seconds
L335[08:26:45] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> Absolutely.
L336[08:26:45] <Na​dja> *headpats*
L337[08:27:15] <Izzy> I think there might be something wrong on your computer ff_64 because it plays fine here
L338[08:27:19] <Izzy> just like the other one
L339[08:27:32] <lunar_sam> might have to open it in the browser
L340[08:27:33] <ff​_66> i'm on the desktop app on linux
L341[08:27:39] <Forec​aster> for some reason discord preview wont play them
L342[08:27:43] <ff​_66> it should play fine
L343[08:27:45] <Forec​aster> if you download the video its fine
L344[08:28:00] <Forec​aster> a chunk contains 65 536 blocks
L345[08:28:07] <Forec​aster> I think
L346[08:28:09] <ff​_66> i dont have h264 codec thats why
L347[08:28:30] <ff​_66> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721550509676.png
L348[08:28:42] <ff​_66> sorry i'm french
L349[08:28:59] <Forec​aster> how dare you be french
L350[08:29:35] <ff​_66> https://tenor.com/5t0i.gif
L351[08:30:18] <Forec​aster> I believe you'd get 76 TB of storage if you filled a chunk with diamond chests full of tapes
L352[08:30:35] <Forec​aster> though you wouldn't be able to actually access it
L353[08:30:51] <ff​_66> hopper power
L354[08:31:15] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/SFJgzuyMbCXitTLn9QELaKOlZfScQhlyheygJdtc/Peek_2024-07-21_04-30.webm
L355[08:31:16] <lunar_sam> is this better
L356[08:31:21] <ff​_66> even a xeon wouldn't be able to load that chunk
L357[08:31:35] <Forec​aster> nope, preview still wont play it
L358[08:31:40] <ff​_66> sorry same codec
L359[08:32:04] <ff​_66> is there any command to install that codec ?
L360[08:32:07] <ff​_66> on linux ?
L361[08:32:37] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> is this better
L362[08:32:37] <Na​dja> The problem is within Discord, it doesn't properly fetch the media file into its CDN and the preview plays from the CDN, not the original source.
L363[08:33:23] <ff​_66> found the codec, i'm gonna install it
L364[08:33:54] <Forec​aster> %sip
L365[08:33:54] <MichiBot> You drink a runny purple potion (New!). Forecaster's pockets suddenly contain 1d​10 => 2 Cerulium colored marbles.
L366[08:34:24] <lunar_sam> aw, womp womp
L367[08:34:35] <Forec​aster> _gives @Nadja a marble_
L368[08:34:43] <lunar_sam> also having to install codecs is insane, i don't remember having to manually install codecs
L369[08:35:15] <ff​_66> on command line because LINUX
L370[08:35:36] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> _gives @Nadja a marble_
L371[08:35:37] <Na​dja> … Thanks!
L372[08:35:41] <ff​_66> it works !!!
L373[08:36:21] <lunar_sam> is this some kind of debian-based thing i don't have to deal with on other distros
L374[08:36:26] <lunar_sam> 🚬
L375[08:36:31] <ff​_66> I thought you could boot from the internet
L376[08:36:45] <ff​_66> no from another oc computer
L377[08:36:59] <ff​_66> * not from another oc computer
L378[08:37:23] <lunar_sam> i said netboot, though i guess "lan-boot" would have also worked
L379[08:37:44] <Corded> > <luna​r_sam> also having to install codecs is insane, i don't remember h…
L380[08:37:45] <Na​dja> That's on you for using … *checks notes* the most popular video compression codec that's been well established for 20 years now, how dare you
L381[08:37:57] <ff​_66> that's the problem with oc : there is 2 different LANs
L382[08:38:43] <lunar_sam> doesn't really matter since you could just use minitel RPC to access the internet t b h
L383[08:38:51] <lunar_sam> also what
L384[08:39:13] <ff​_66> a minitel ?
L385[08:40:47] <lunar_sam> https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel
L386[08:40:56] <lunar_sam> networking stack
L387[08:41:11] <ff​_66> ah ok
L388[08:41:37] <ff​_66> because if you were french, you would actually know what *is* the minitel
L389[08:41:51] <Izzy> there's a reason it was named that
L390[08:41:52] <ff​_66> because it existed oly in france
L391[08:41:59] <ff​_66> * only in france
L392[08:42:02] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/yFBKfLwgjhj4UByzAx385zXxmiAHesY3CShIcsqN/9abcfc1d-7688-4529-81db-a39d0e9828ec.png
L393[08:42:29] <Izzy> Really should've called it econet like the acorn one instead
L394[08:42:38] <Izzy> ah well
L395[08:42:43] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116B8006B5100Bf17Cdf53B2036Db.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L396[08:42:45] <Forec​aster> Acornet
L397[08:42:49] <lunar_sam> clueless
L398[08:43:33] <lunar_sam> anyways, very happy with how BIP works but man do i gotta write docs for the server
L399[08:43:53] <ff​_66> will continue my work then
L400[08:44:05] <lunar_sam> going back into it and trying to remember how to set it up (i literally only need to set up the default target)
L401[08:45:23] <lunar_sam> i think my favorite part is that i implemented fget without an actual minitel stack
L402[08:45:27] <lunar_sam> lol
L403[08:45:36] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> there's a reason it was named that
L404[08:45:36] <Na​dja> Because the competitor was an over-engineered tech demo of a network stack that makes X.25 look small and tidy in comparison?
L405[08:46:44] <lunar_sam> oh boy i remember this one
L406[08:47:12] <lunar_sam> then i tried to make another networking stack and never finished it
L407[08:47:16] <lunar_sam> B)
L408[08:48:28] <lunar_sam> but yeah
L409[08:48:29] <lunar_sam> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/ziptie/blob/master/src/extra/frequest-min.lua
L410[08:48:35] <lunar_sam> it's fucking cursed (but awesome)
L411[08:48:43] <Izzy> nadja: well, yes, but also that it was small and cheap enough that everyone could afford it
L412[08:48:51] <ff​_66> i won't use that
L413[08:49:09] <ff​_66> i want real security
L414[08:49:14] <ff​_66> in oc
L415[08:49:27] <Izzy> do you play on a server ff_66?
L416[08:49:32] <ff​_66> i know it is possible
L417[08:49:35] <Redston​eParkour> as in?
L418[08:50:08] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> do you play on a server ff_66?
L419[08:50:09] <ff​_66> no and i'm running cr**cked
L420[08:50:48] <Na​dja> *real security* for *real men*. Anyway, you're not going to implement TLS in OC anytime soon. It's not fun and it's certainly not worth it.
L421[08:51:26] <lunar_sam> do NOT implement TLS in OC
L422[08:51:28] <ff​_66> i did sandbox the eeprom in 1 day
L423[08:51:31] <lunar_sam> worst mistake of my life
L424[08:52:18] <lunar_sam> also i once made an EEPROM that verified the signatures of the stuff it loaded but uh, there wasn't much use
L425[08:52:31] <ff​_66> you don't have RSA encryption
L426[08:52:36] <ff​_66> so you can't
L427[08:52:45] <Na​dja> ~~secureboot in OC2 when?~~
L428[08:52:49] <lunar_sam> ~it's even the reason i made an executable format~
L429[08:52:53] <ff​_66> otherwise it is useless
L430[08:52:54] <Corded> > <ff​_66> so you can't
L431[08:52:55] <Na​dja> You don't need RSA for TLS
L432[08:53:15] <Izzy> nadja: while you're here I need a quick opinion
L433[08:53:20] <Corded> > <na​dja> You don't need RSA for TLS
L434[08:53:20] <ff​_66> so what do you use then ? elliptic curve cryptography ?
L435[08:53:28] <Izzy> which ideoligion structure fits fire worship best?
L436[08:53:29] <lunar_sam> i should take another shot at implementing icekey in lua but that shit made my head hurt
L437[08:53:29] <Redston​eParkour> we have symmetric encryption
L438[08:53:30] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> nadja: while you're here I need a quick opinion
L439[08:53:30] <Na​dja> No I still don't like XMPP :P
L440[08:53:52] <Corded> > <Redston​eParkour> we have symmetric encryption
L441[08:53:53] <ff​_66> pretty fast to crack today
L442[08:53:54] <Corded> > <ff​_66> so what do you use then ? elliptic curve cryptography ?
L443[08:53:54] <Na​dja> Yes? Much easier to implement on 64-bit integers too.
L444[08:54:08] <Izzy> is your XMPP down by the way? I intended to send you some stuff but it bounced
L445[08:54:19] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> which ideoligion structure fits fire worship best?
L446[08:54:19] <Na​dja> Uuuuuh, what ideology mods do you have?
L447[08:54:30] <Redston​eParkour> also https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Fingercomp-Programs/tree/master/lua-lockbox could be of use
L448[08:54:50] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> is your XMPP down by the way? I intended to send you some s…
L449[08:54:50] <Na​dja> It is, and I only use it for you so I've been putting off fixing it .-.
L450[08:54:53] <ff​_66> now LET ME WORK at least 2 secs
L451[08:55:00] <Corded> > <ff​_66> pretty fast to crack today
L452[08:55:01] <Na​dja> HAHAHAHAHAHA no.
L453[08:55:18] <Corded> > <ff​_66> pretty fast to crack today
L454[08:55:19] <Li​ly> <:clueless:1233073186346762424>
L455[08:55:42] <lunar_sam> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/Zorya-BIOS/blob/zoryahardened-dev/bios.lua
L456[08:55:48] <lunar_sam> gah, what a mess
L457[08:55:49] <Izzy> a lot of them. https://cdn.shadowkat.net/xmpp/file_share/ddd22041-aaf0-4f8d-836f-d3a07d3afe2e/2024-07-21T18:54:25-1920x1180.jpg plus abstract theist, chrisitian, islamic, kemetic, druidic, norse, embodied theist, hindu, aztec, daoist, and hellenic
L458[08:56:09] <ff​_66> wait ECC is said more secure than RSA ? No way !!!
L459[08:56:26] <ff​_66> let's go TLS 1.3
L460[08:56:36] <Li​ly> RSA still can't be broken in any reasonable timefrane
L461[08:56:40] <Li​ly> * timeframe
L462[08:56:52] <Li​ly> (given a high enough size(
L463[08:56:58] <Li​ly> * size)
L464[08:57:02] <Na​dja> ~~not until quantum computers become bigger anyway~~
L465[08:57:12] <ff​_66> yes but some are even harder to crack, like ECC
L466[08:57:20] <Na​dja> Uh… no.
L467[08:57:32] <Na​dja> That's not how this works. That's not how *any* of this works.
L468[08:57:33] <ff​_66> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721552252959.png
L469[08:57:47] <ff​_66> satisfied ?
L470[08:57:49] <Corded> > <ff​_66>
L471[08:57:49] <Li​ly> "solved"
L472[08:57:54] <Li​ly> In what universe???
L473[08:58:06] <Na​dja> Look kid, your 5 Minutes of googling do not replace mine or Lily's literal *years* of knowledge. Sit down.
L474[08:58:23] <ff​_66> is there anything that contradict this ?
L475[08:58:36] <Corded> > <ff​_66> is there anything that contradict this ?
L476[08:58:36] <Li​ly> If we've solved that then why does GPG still offer it
L477[08:58:45] <lunar_sam> https://j.404.city:5443/share/c44a7f29876bb754953efd718432c3cb3316b2da/AVcYPMT0dNxZqzWjSG1YBl73nlDVKViWkm9hHupl/ea0cc2d4-a761-42fd-98e9-2bd484dc9cf8.png
L478[08:59:03] <Li​ly> Why does so much still use RSA if it is "solved"
L479[08:59:12] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> If we've solved that then why does GPG still offer it
L480[08:59:12] <ff​_66> we have the algorithm for quantum computers
L481[08:59:35] <Corded> > <Iz​zy> a lot of them. https://cdn.shadowkat.net/xmpp/file_share/dd���
L482[08:59:35] <Na​dja> Shitpost says go Jewish and make it the Third Temple Worship complete with animal sacrifices, but if you want pure fire worship you're probably Omnist, no?
L483[08:59:42] <ff​_66> ?
L484[08:59:44] <lunar_sam> >quantum computers
L485[08:59:54] <lunar_sam> 20 years away for the last 20 years
L486[09:00:00] <Corded> > <ff​_66> we have the algorithm for quantum computers
L487[09:00:01] <Li​ly> lol. lmao, even.
L488[09:00:30] <Corded> > <ff​_66> we have the algorithm for quantum computers
L489[09:00:30] <Na​dja> We have the algorithms for breaking ECC with quantum computers too. Faster even. When QC become big enough they will break ECC first and RSA second.
L490[09:01:13] <ff​_66> calculating real big prime numbers is apparently prohibited
L491[09:01:26] <Izzy> I haven't done Omnist in a while, let's go with that.
L492[09:01:44] <Corded> > <ff​_66> calculating real big prime numbers is apparently prohibited
L493[09:01:44] <Li​ly> Prohibitively hard? Absolutely.
L494[09:01:44] <Li​ly> Forbidden? No
L495[09:01:48] <Corded> > <ff​_66> calculating real big prime numbers is apparently prohibited
L496[09:01:48] <Na​dja> Oh no, we're breaking the law!! :O
L497[09:01:55] <ff​_66> LET ME MAKE TLS SUPPORT
L498[09:02:01] <Forec​aster> I'll call the cops, please wait
L499[09:02:09] <Na​dja> Math crimes!
L500[09:02:31] <ff​_66> because otherwise the government wouldn't be able to decrypt your messages
L501[09:02:42] <ff​_66> simple
L502[09:02:43] <Corded> > <ff​_66> we have the algorithm for quantum computers
L503[09:02:43] <Li​ly> I have the recipe for a lasanga, doesn't mean I can make it right now
L504[09:02:43] <Na​dja> Which … fair, big enough math is still a limited export good by the US so … I guess math crimes exist
L505[09:02:47] <Redston​eParkour> can it?
L506[09:03:58] <Redston​eParkour> but alr, i'll leave you to making tls for oc
L507[09:04:09] <Na​dja> Izzy: On that note, what's giving you the Jewish origin? I've been looking for that for a while now <.<
L508[09:04:22] <Corded> > <ff​_66> because otherwise the government wouldn't be able to decryp…
L509[09:04:22] <Li​ly> the platform you use might be forced to hand the keys over, if they have them
L510[09:04:24] <Izzy> I think it's Alpha Memes, but it might be More Religious Origins
L511[09:04:31] <Izzy> actually the latter makes more sense
L512[09:04:43] <Li​ly> also the NIST curve has a backdoor, doesn't it?
L513[09:05:02] <Na​dja> The latter didn't have it last I checked, but maybe they did add it by now.
L514[09:05:05] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> also the NIST curve has a backdoor, doesn't it?
L515[09:05:05] <Na​dja> no
L516[09:05:13] <Izzy> lemme grep my mods folder
L517[09:05:37] <Corded> > <na​dja> no
L518[09:05:37] <Li​ly> huh. probably thinking of something else then
L519[09:06:03] <ff​_66> and when i say "harder to crack" i mean a 256 bit ECC key = 3072 RSA key
L520[09:06:07] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> huh. probably thinking of something else then
L521[09:06:08] <Na​dja> It has randomly picked values that might potentially have been 'randomly' picked if you believe the nutters, but realistically speaking we're pretty damn sure they're secure and actually random.
L522[09:06:51] <Izzy> looks like it's Alpha Memes yeah
L523[09:06:59] <Corded> > <na​dja> It has randomly picked values that might potentially have b…
L524[09:06:59] <Li​ly> believing those kinds of people never usually goes well
L525[09:07:21] <Forec​aster> _makes a note to not trust the squirrels_
L526[09:08:13] <Corded> > <ff​_66> and when i say "harder to crack" i mean a 256 bit ECC key =…
L527[09:08:13] <Li​ly> Sure, ECC *is* smaller, I'll give you that.
L528[09:08:22] <ff​_66> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721552902545.png
L529[09:08:36] <fingercomp> @RedstoneParkour https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Fingercomp-Programs/tree/master/libtls13 would be a better choice: its crypto library already has RSA, ECC and AEAD ciphers
L530[09:08:50] <Redston​eParkour> ooh
L531[09:09:02] <ff​_66> you can't untrust wikipedia (unless youre looking at the invertebrates page)
L532[09:09:14] <Corded> > <ff​_66> you can't untrust wikipedia (unless youre looking at the in…
L533[09:09:14] <Li​ly> ...What?
L534[09:09:15] <Corded> > <ff​_66> and when i say "harder to crack" i mean a 256 bit ECC key =…
L535[09:09:15] <Na​dja> That heavily depends on exactly what curve you use. It's *roughtly* correct for the NIST family, but a bit off.
L536[09:09:32] <Redston​eParkour> only a client impl though
L537[09:10:53] <ninte​ndo DS> should i port OC-NICCC to computercraft?
L538[09:11:24] <Corded> > <Lilyfl​owerFDL> ...What?
L539[09:11:24] <ff​_66> it is one of the most sabotaged page of wikipedia (like the page for nothing)
L540[09:12:00] <ff​_66> you often encounter politicians names in the invertebrates page
L541[09:12:20] <ff​_66> and litterally nothing in the page for nothing
L542[09:14:31] <ff​_66> there i go https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721553270941.png
L543[09:14:43] <Forec​aster> Those pages are protected now
L544[09:15:14] <Forec​aster> well, semi-protected
L545[09:15:49] <fingercomp> @RedstoneParkour true, though adding RSA/ECC encryption or signature generation can be easily done, as all the building blocks are already there
L546[09:16:11] <fingercomp> whereas lockbox (at least the version in my repo) has neither
L547[09:16:56] <Corded> > <ff​_66> there i go
L548[09:16:56] <Na​dja> Good luck, you have found the first of twenty or so RFCs you will need to read and understand to be able to implement TLS 1.3! Have fun :)
L549[09:17:15] <ff​_66> and ecdsa is supported ! hooray !
L550[09:18:23] <ff​_66> that's the medical treatment for non-depressive persons
L551[09:19:56] <Na​dja> I would personally recommend staying entirely with the Curve25519-based cryptography in TLS (so X25519 & EdDSA), the NIST specifications are … *legendarily* dense.
L552[09:20:23] <Corded> > <na​dja> I would personally recommend staying entirely with the Curv…
L553[09:20:23] <ff​_66> in what language did you speak ?
L554[09:20:44] <Na​dja> I speak several languages, but I do believe the above is usually called "English"
L555[09:21:12] <ff​_66> for me, it looked like the "enchanting table" language
L556[09:21:23] <Na​dja> Hah well good luck implementing TLS then :)
L557[09:23:09] <Forec​aster> maybe translating it to Klingon would help
L558[09:23:34] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> maybe translating it to Klingon would help
L559[09:23:34] <Na​dja> Sorry, my Klingon's pretty rusty. Could you do us the honours?
L560[09:25:34] <ff​_66> think i'll just encrypt the disk with ECC
L561[09:25:50] <ninte​ndo DS> okay i am done https://pastebin.com/PLXMjszn
L562[09:26:08] <Forec​aster> I don't know any either, but if you put it into a translator it becomes
L563[09:26:08] <Forec​aster> `& 'otlh bIr rIHtaHghach mIw wIje'meH matlhong wIneHbe'chugh. Heghpu'.`
L564[09:26:24] <ff​_66> is this pronouncable ?
L565[09:26:24] <Forec​aster> Which if you translate it back again is `"We want to need to kill a purchase of cold cause. Dead.`
L566[09:26:45] <Forec​aster> Which sounds exactly what a Klingon would say
L567[09:27:47] <ff​_66> i think the translated phrase is still crypted : it doesn't may any sense to wanting to need something
L568[09:27:59] <ff​_66> * make any sense to wanting to need something
L569[09:29:09] <Forec​aster> I think it's pretty obvious the Klingons don't care much for encryption
L570[09:29:48] <Forec​aster> like me 😄
L571[09:29:54] <ff​_66> so they are dumb at this point if they don't know any grammar
L572[09:30:18] <ff​_66> and how do you kill a purchase ?
L573[09:30:53] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> like me 😄
L574[09:30:53] <Na​dja> That's okay, that's why we build cryptography for you so you do not have to care about it one iota and still be as best protected as possible ;)
L575[09:31:06] <Forec​aster> exactly!
L576[09:31:26] <ff​_66> we invented https just for you
L577[09:31:26] <Forec​aster> gotta keep all the cat pictures I send secure
L578[09:32:07] <Na​dja> I was thinking more bank transactions but yes, cat pictures are important too! Don't want them to get corrupted now, do we?
L579[09:33:45] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721554425038.jpg
L580[09:33:54] <Forec​aster> definitely not
L581[09:34:39] <ff​_66> definition of cat : cute boi
L582[09:34:53] <Forec​aster> these are girls
L583[09:35:04] <ff​_66> didn't know
L584[09:35:23] <ff​_66> cause you didn't say
L585[09:36:22] <ff​_66> just one thing : how does the platter count affect read/write performance ?
L586[09:36:57] <Forec​aster> I don't see why it would
L587[09:37:17] <ff​_66> i know it affects seek perofmance, but how ?
L588[09:37:29] <ff​_66> * performance, but how ?
L589[09:41:38] <ninte​ndo DS> here it is running on the creatix https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721554898045.png
L590[09:47:30] <Forec​aster> Another huge improvement on my new computer, the power button is on top!
L591[09:48:08] <Forec​aster> now I don't have to bend down as much to turn it on
L592[09:48:41] <ff​_66> is it on the floor ???
L593[09:49:00] <Forec​aster> nearly
L594[09:50:06] <ff​_66> mine is **in** a desk and the power button is near the middle of the front so it stays good
L595[09:50:09] <Forec​aster> it's on a little wheely board that is only a bit above floor level
L596[09:50:37] <Forec​aster> I don't have a desk
L597[09:50:42] <ff​_66> i don't even know how my pc stays cool with 1 chassis fan and 1 cpu fan
L598[09:51:08] <ff​_66> i never had to clean the cpu cooler
L599[09:51:50] <ff​_66> and the fans are always idling no matter what
L600[09:52:13] <Forec​aster> aw yeah, now downloading CP2077 onto the new computer, it's only going to take 11 hours (according to the FTP program)
L601[09:52:29] <ff​_66> beamNG.drive took 6 hours
L602[09:52:54] <ff​_66> so forget updates
L603[09:57:28] <Forec​aster> hrm, I wonder why the connection caps out at 3MB/s
L604[09:57:35] <ff​_66> now i've got a problem
L605[09:58:07] <ff​_66> how do i store the private keyso it can't be extracted out of the eeprom
L606[09:58:12] <ff​_66> ?
L607[09:58:31] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> hrm, I wonder why the connection caps out at 3MB/s
L608[09:58:31] <ff​_66> mine capped at 1MBPS
L609[09:58:53] <Forec​aster> this is a transfer on the local network...
L610[09:59:08] <Forec​aster> there's a bottleneck somewhere
L611[09:59:12] <ff​_66> holy ***
L612[09:59:32] <ff​_66> did you verify your lan cables ?
L613[09:59:56] <ff​_66> and the port you did connect the motherboard ?
L614[10:00:26] <ff​_66> or are you in wi-fi ?
L615[10:00:31] <Forec​aster> no
L616[10:01:22] <ff​_66> so wait 11 hours then
L617[10:01:42] <Izzy> Amanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD3b1s-s9bk
L618[10:02:15] <Forec​aster> I don't feel like disassembling my network right now, so I'll just leave it
L619[10:02:24] <Forec​aster> it is a bit weird though
L620[10:02:51] <ff​_66> but where do i put the private key if i don't want it to be extracted ?
L621[10:03:05] <fingercomp> @ff_66 if you can access the private key programmatically, others can. you could store the private key in an encrypted form, where the key encryption key is derived from a passphrase
L622[10:03:09] <Forec​aster> even if it wasn't 1GB everywhere it should at least be able to reach 100MB
L623[10:04:12] <fingercomp> or if you only care about the private key being unaccessible, put it on another server and send encryption/decryption requests to it via network or the internet
L624[10:04:28] <Corded> > <finge​rcomp> @ff_66 if you can access the private key programmatically, …
L625[10:04:28] <ff​_66> that's why i don't know where, i know that others can acces the eeprom anyway, but there is no callback for generating form a passphrase
L626[10:05:08] <Corded> > <finge​rcomp> or if you only care about the private key being unaccessibl…
L627[10:05:09] <ff​_66> sure, and now i need to authenticate each eeprom
L628[10:05:34] <ff​_66> + have another server on the web
L629[10:05:47] <fingercomp> you'd need to implement a pbkdf yourself, yes
L630[10:06:03] <ff​_66> i could use my pc but...
L631[10:06:37] <ff​_66> i would need to make the eeprom paid at this point to leave my pc turned on 24/7
L632[10:09:00] <ff​_66> is there any way to differenciate a true eeprom from a hacker ?
L633[10:09:34] <Forec​aster> A hacker will wear some kind of hat
L634[10:10:36] <Corded> > <na​dja> I was thinking more bank transactions but yes, cat pictures…
L635[10:10:36] <Li​ly> Speaking of bank transactions, my card has decided to stop working online :<
L636[10:10:42] <Li​ly> Works fine in person though
L637[10:11:35] <Forec​aster> Just insert your money into your computer case like a normal person
L638[10:12:44] <Li​ly> apply card to optical drive
L639[10:15:17] <Forec​aster> No you put it on a mechanical harddrive and the magnetism will read the card
L640[10:17:01] <fingercomp> @ff_66 I think you could if you `useradd` yourself to a computer with the eeprom and use the address of an internal component (like the CPU) for deriving/obtaining the key, as long as you don't expose that address
L641[10:18:22] <fingercomp> this effectively makes the component behave as an authentication token, so you must make sure it's only accessible to you
L642[10:19:07] <fingercomp> but if you'd like to prevent ops from recovering the key too, I don't think it's possible
L643[10:20:05] <Va​ur> %tonk
L644[10:20:05] <MichiBot> Holy talking spork Batman! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 3 hours, 58 minutes and 18 seconds (By 2 hours, 22 minutes and 4 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L645[10:20:06] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 6 hours, 20 minutes and 23 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00948 (0.00237 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3 => #2. (Overtook Spider EveryOS) Need 0.0017018 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L646[10:20:53] <Corded> > <finge​rcomp> or if you only care about the private key being unaccessibl…
L647[10:20:53] <Na​dja> No, network speeds are in Megabit not Megabyte. A 100 Mb network clamp will limit transfers to at best 100/8 = 12,5 MB/s
L648[10:21:12] <Na​dja> * bit not byte. A 100 Mb network clamp will limit transfers to at best 100/8 = 12,5 MB/s
L649[10:21:45] <Na​dja> oh I'm so sorry, that referenced the entirely wrong message. @Forecaster it's for you
L650[10:27:06] <Forec​aster> I know, I used the wrong capitalization
L651[10:28:14] <Forec​aster> the switch in the server room in the basement has a yellow led on the connection to the switch upstairs
L652[10:28:26] <Forec​aster> I guess that cable was not a high speed one
L653[10:31:39] <Corded> > <finge​rcomp> @ff_66 I think you could if you `useradd` yourself to a com…
L654[10:31:39] <ff​_66> wait, using the address of a component ? an UUID ? you are a genius !!!
L655[10:32:31] ⇨ Joins: pash (~pash@
L656[10:32:46] <ff​_66> the address of the eeprom is ok for that i think
L657[10:33:08] ⇦ Quits: pash (~pash@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L658[10:35:00] <fingercomp> as long as it's inaccessible to other people
L659[10:35:34] <ff​_66> it is 128 bits long and the key has to be 256 at least so...
L660[10:35:55] <fingercomp> so you can't just give your own copy somebody else, as they can just look at the address in the tooltip and change your code to use that
L661[10:36:08] <fingercomp> either extend the key or use a 128-bit cipher
L662[10:37:06] <ff​_66> use the IPv6 of the server running the computer ?
L663[10:42:41] <Forec​aster> I'm probably using crossover cables where I shouldn't as well
L664[10:43:07] <Forec​aster> didn't really pay attention to what cables I used when I put together the "temporary" network when I moved in
L665[10:45:02] <ff​_66> temporary is not cheap
L666[10:45:11] <ff​_66> so next time...
L667[10:45:25] <Forec​aster> what
L668[10:45:44] <ff​_66> look at what you buy
L669[10:45:56] <Forec​aster> I didn't buy anything
L670[10:46:14] <Forec​aster> I had everything with me
L671[10:49:24] <ff​_66> so, how do i make securely stored private keys ?
L672[10:51:38] <Amanda> https://matrix.camnet.site/_matrix/media/v3/download/camnet.site/ZxzdIanwIpnqjzXOzOgbmVTj/tenor_gif241534854709185277.gif
L673[10:51:59] <Forec​aster> ask everyone nicely not to share the keys
L674[10:52:08] <ff​_66> i could go the nintendo way and copyright a passphrase but...
L675[10:52:40] <Forec​aster> yeah, just submit an application to the villager copyright office
L676[10:53:09] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> ask everyone nicely not to share the keys
L677[10:53:10] <ff​_66> i want the most secure eeprom, i can't tell the hackers "pls do not use"
L678[10:56:19] <Forec​aster> sure you can
L679[10:56:22] <ff​_66> if i store them on a server, i need a way to authenticate without anything telling how to make it (eg. using eeprom.address without any reason), so i need a way to do it without passing any infos to the server
L680[10:56:25] <Forec​aster> it's not going to work, but you can
L681[10:56:52] <fingercomp> as I've already said, implement a password-based key derivation function to derive a key from a passphrase asked at boot time; use the derived key to decrypt the real key stored on the eeprom
L682[10:57:08] <ff​_66> a bios password ?
L683[10:57:10] <Izzy> speaking of cables that won't work at 1000Mbps, that was why my AP was only doing 100. go figure.
L684[10:57:29] <fingercomp> yes, something like that
L685[10:58:05] <ff​_66> and how to tell them what password to use without telling that to the hackers ?
L686[10:58:26] <Forec​aster> once that transfer is complete I'll get my equipment from the car and actually test the cables
L687[10:58:46] <fingercomp> well, if you can't trust anyone, you can't do what you're trying to do
L688[10:59:16] <ff​_66> or make a tpm chip (doesn't exists in oc)
L689[11:00:03] <fingercomp> which is also something you have to trust
L690[11:00:51] <ff​_66> i can trust me but that's all
L691[11:03:13] <Forec​aster> well as long as you're the only user then everything is fine
L692[11:03:47] <ff​_66> i've got an idea
L693[11:05:07] <ff​_66> diffie hellman protocol to create a shared key, encrypt the communication, and then give the address and finally retieve the corresponding private key
L694[11:05:21] <ff​_66> * eeprom address and finally retieve the corresponding private key
L695[11:05:34] <ff​_66> nothing can be done against that
L696[11:06:32] <ff​_66> and also note that you would also need to send the eeprom program itself to validate
L697[11:07:08] <ff​_66> then, what are the security issues ?
L698[11:07:14] <Forec​aster> you must be very bored to be doing this
L699[11:07:48] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> you must be very bored to be doing this
L700[11:07:48] <ff​_66> i am bored of having tens of programs on mineOS that bricks the computer
L701[11:07:57] <fingercomp> store the original code on an HDD and use it for authentication while running competely different code
L702[11:08:30] <ff​_66> the hdd is encrypted entirely
L703[11:08:45] <fingercomp> use a floppy
L704[11:09:10] <fingercomp> or store the compressed version in the "malicious" bios code
L705[11:09:17] <Forec​aster> my solution to that is not using mineOS :3
L706[11:09:58] <fingercomp> DH also doesn't protect against MITM attacks
L707[11:10:20] <ff​_66> it does since you don't share private keys
L708[11:10:24] <fingercomp> you'd have to authenticate yourself to the other party, which is the exact problem you're trying to solve
L709[11:10:29] <ff​_66> only public keys
L710[11:10:47] <fingercomp> uh, I'd suggest googling "DH MITM"
L711[11:10:49] <Corded> > <finge​rcomp> you'd have to authenticate yourself to the other party, whi…
L712[11:10:49] <ff​_66> generate a key pair, send the public key
L713[11:10:59] <ff​_66> no security issue
L714[11:11:48] <ff​_66> ah wait i see
L715[11:12:04] <ff​_66> he can pick the public key and send another one instead
L716[11:14:51] <Forec​aster> %sip
L717[11:14:52] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating currentcorn potion (New!). Forecaster thinks "What if, like, *we* are the potions man?". This makes no sense whatsoever.
L718[11:16:28] <Na​dja> Izzy: Okay the fact that the ritual music of the Jewish Structure is Klezmer is actually quite funny
L719[11:25:28] <Va​ur> %sip
L720[11:25:28] <MichiBot> You drink a crunchy bavarium potion (New!). Vaur gets a sudden Spice infusion. Vaur can see the universe. [Spice Addiction +1]
L721[11:26:49] <ff​_66> i can already see the universe, but only a part of it. not being able to see the universe is blindness.
L722[11:28:31] <Forec​aster> I'm looking at part of the universe right now
L723[11:28:35] <Forec​aster> I'm not impressed
L724[11:29:20] * Amanda meows and looks around
L725[11:29:49] <ff​_66> how can i make a PKI easily ?
L726[11:30:14] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable iron potion
L727[11:30:14] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable iron potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a blue sheep boy until hell freezes over.
L728[11:30:24] <Forec​aster> D:
L729[11:32:34] ⇨ Joins: shadowfreddy (~shadowfre@
L730[11:32:51] <shadowfreddy> hi
L731[11:32:57] <Forec​aster> hi
L732[11:38:33] <ff​_66> and i can just send a string made of 48 character to verify if it has been altered
L733[11:48:35] <ff​_66> but in order to prevent mitm, i need to make certificates, but how ?
L734[11:51:22] <fingercomp> you don't need certificates necessarily, it's just one way of ensuring authenticity
L735[11:51:49] <fingercomp> what you need is a way for the server to tell if a client is legitimate
L736[11:52:17] <fingercomp> certificates solve that by requiring the client to provide its own certificate that's signed by a trusted authority
L737[11:52:47] <fingercomp> but nothing prevents you from copying it bit-by-bit to another computer and impersonating the original owner
L738[11:53:44] <fingercomp> it's the same authentication token except fancier and much more complicated
L739[11:56:17] <Va​ur> %sip
L740[11:56:17] <MichiBot> You drink a safe cerulium potion (New!). Vaur's skin turn weather but with a dalekanium glow until their next sip of water.
L741[11:57:46] <ff​_66> in the certificate, you also need the IP the certificate was issued for, so you can't copy it
L742[12:00:26] <ff​_66> and a digital signature from the CA
L743[12:02:01] <ff​_66> but then how do you avoid mitm ?
L744[12:02:16] <ff​_66> with TLS ?
L745[12:06:34] <fingercomp> certificates usually list domain names and not IP addresses, but this indeed limits the impact of leaking the certificate, as you'd need to control the DNS zone in addition to that
L746[12:06:43] <fingercomp> but I thought we were talking about OpenComputers?
L747[12:07:09] ⇦ Quits: shadowfreddy (~shadowfre@ (Quit: shadowfreddy)
L748[12:14:50] <ff​_66> is any mitm attack possible with oc ? (i'm talking about internet, not local connection)
L749[12:16:12] <ff​_66> otherwise a simple dh protocol is good enough
L750[12:16:46] <ff​_66> and also i'm gonna change the keypair each public update to prevent leaks
L751[12:20:03] <Forec​aster> not in-game
L752[12:21:43] <ff​_66> so then i'm safe (bro do you think they would hack my OS ?)
L753[12:21:58] <Forec​aster> who's they
L754[12:22:14] <Forec​aster> the pigs are always acting kinda suspicious
L755[12:22:19] <ff​_66> ~~aliens~~ hackers
L756[12:22:23] <fingercomp> in that case DH is unnecessary
L757[12:22:37] <ff​_66> not wrong
L758[12:23:04] <ff​_66> do you think i can make thousands of files on github ?
L759[12:23:15] <Amanda> Which hackers? I think the furries are too busy hacking Disney for their cache of lewd drawings of their characters
L760[12:23:25] <ff​_66> to store the keys
L761[12:23:25] <Forec​aster> very vague answer
L762[12:23:40] <ff​_66> which answer ?
L763[12:24:15] <Corded> > <Ama​nda> Which hackers? I think the furries are too busy hacking Dis…
L764[12:24:15] <ff​_66> hackers that would break the security of my system because i'm ruining the fun
L765[12:24:52] <Forec​aster> I thought you were playing singleplayer
L766[12:25:07] <ff​_66> no i want my system to be published
L767[12:25:20] <ff​_66> that's why i want security
L768[12:25:30] <Amanda> Honestly, this all feels like a massive XY problem if all you're trying to fight is malicious apps on mineos's app store.
L769[12:26:11] <Amanda> All the encryption and security in the world doesn't stop them from deleting all your files
L770[12:26:19] <ff​_66> then i'm giong to be good for the next five years
L771[12:26:46] <Corded> > <Ama​nda> All the encryption and security in the world doesn't stop t…
L772[12:26:46] <ff​_66> my system will sandbox everything
L773[12:26:54] <ff​_66> * going to be good for the next five years
L774[12:28:00] <ff​_66> and encryption will block transferring malwares to the system disk or reading the source code
L775[12:28:18] <Forec​aster> maybe you should just not download every app indiscriminately 😛
L776[12:28:20] <ff​_66> because i cant do bytecode
L777[12:28:49] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> maybe you should just not download every app indiscriminate…
L778[12:28:50] <ff​_66> i'm going to sandbox even the internet card so the downloads wont even happen
L779[12:29:59] <ff​_66> i said it : the most secure system oc has ever known
L780[12:30:16] <Amanda> Ok, good luck
L781[12:30:23] <ff​_66> without addons
L782[12:30:33] <Forec​aster> that hardly anyone is going to use
L783[12:30:35] * Amanda goes back to stalking her email for an update on her order
L784[12:31:27] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> that hardly anyone is going to use
L785[12:31:27] <ff​_66> just have to publish the installer on the appmarket and we'll see
L786[12:33:17] <ff​_66> fuchas already exists
L787[12:33:31] <ff​_66> but it is not secure at all
L788[12:33:59] <ff​_66> the graphical interface is the buggiest i've ever seen
L789[12:34:10] <ff​_66> and the stability....
L790[12:34:27] <ff​_66> is not a word that exists apparently
L791[12:35:24] <Forec​aster> from what I know mineOS in general isn't the model of stability
L792[12:35:44] <ff​_66> i was talking about fuchas but...
L793[12:35:55] <Forec​aster> I don't know what that is
L794[12:36:03] <Forec​aster> but I assume it's related to mineOS
L795[12:36:04] <ff​_66> another os
L796[12:36:21] <ff​_66> you can get the installer from the appstore
L797[12:36:47] <Forec​aster> I only uses openOS
L798[12:36:52] <ff​_66> try it and you'll see what i mean by (graphical interface)
L799[12:36:59] <Amanda> Fun fact: most of us don't use mineos
L800[12:37:06] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> I only uses openOS
L801[12:37:07] <ff​_66> there is also a pastebin
L802[12:37:24] <Forec​aster> * use openOS
L803[12:37:43] <Forec​aster> I don't have a need to try it
L804[12:38:00] <Amanda> Most people only use openos or some os they made themselves
L805[12:38:04] <ff​_66> pastebin run EbHYvEE8 and there you go
L806[12:38:52] <Amanda> I use openos, or kittenos neo, which I've kitnapped ownership of, or occasionally Izzy's psychos
L807[12:39:08] <Corded> > <Ama​nda> Most people only use openos or some os they made themselves
L808[12:39:09] <ff​_66> because an interweb is too expensive
L809[12:39:35] <Forec​aster> I haven't played survival in like a decade
L810[12:39:59] <Forec​aster> that might be an exaggeration, but probably close
L811[12:40:55] <ninte​ndo DS> Is an OC port of SMB1 possible
L812[12:41:00] <Forec​aster> I use openOS generally, or write custom bios drivers for niche use cases
L813[12:41:09] <Amanda> No, I only use them because that's what I've it someone I trust've written
L814[12:41:25] <Corded> > <Ama​nda> I use openos, or kittenos neo, which I've kitnapped ownersh…
L815[12:41:25] <ninte​ndo DS> i use only OpenOS
L816[12:41:28] <Amanda> s/it/or/
L817[12:41:28] <MichiBot> <Amanda> No, I only use them because that's what I've or someone I trust've written
L818[12:42:11] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> that might be an exaggeration, but probably close
L819[12:42:11] <ff​_66> you need a whopping enderpearl
L820[12:42:12] <Amanda> I don't download random shit off the Internet to run
L821[12:42:20] <Saphire> Mood
L822[12:42:25] <Saphire> Wait what's the context
L823[12:42:35] <Va​ur> %sip
L824[12:42:35] <MichiBot> You drink a sedimented rainbow potion (New!). Vaur: Nothing seemed to happen...
L825[12:42:39] <Corded> > <ff​_66> you need a whopping enderpearl
L826[12:42:39] <Forec​aster> not in creative you don't 😛
L827[12:42:46] <Saphire> Oh, MineOS?
L828[12:43:20] <Forec​aster> yeah mineOS
L829[12:43:21] <Saphire> I feel like it's a bit of a joke
L830[12:43:22] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> not in creative you don't 😛
L831[12:43:22] <ff​_66> you need another one for crafting a rack, another for a tier 2 wireless card
L832[12:43:41] <ff​_66> i did a nuclear reactor in survival
L833[12:43:47] <Corded> > <ff​_66> you need another one for crafting a rack, another for a tie…
L834[12:43:47] <Forec​aster> Still no, in creative mode everything is free!
L835[12:44:05] <ff​_66> 131 minecraft days to make it generate energy
L836[12:44:11] <Saphire> Also. If you can build a nuclear reactor, why is ender pearl "expensive" xD
L837[12:44:21] <Saphire> Just go and stab a few endermen
L838[12:44:45] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> Still no, in creative mode everything is free!
L839[12:44:45] <ff​_66> play survival, you'll see
L840[12:44:58] <Forec​aster> I don't wanna
L841[12:45:20] <Saphire> Amanda: also ow, the "stalk email for the order updates" is a mood
L842[12:45:25] <Forec​aster> everything is too expensive!
L843[12:45:39] <Forec​aster> I mean, a stick for torches?! Outrageous!
L844[12:45:42] <Corded> > <Sap​hire> Also. If you can build a nuclear reactor, why is ender pear…
L845[12:45:43] <ff​_66> there weren't any mob because each 2-3 days, a tornado appears
L846[12:46:05] <Saphire> ff_66: Are you playing RLCraft lol
L847[12:46:18] <ff​_66> a nuclear reactor only need diamonds, and that's not expensive at all !
L848[12:46:30] <Forec​aster> if things are hard on purpose you can't complain about how hard it is
L849[12:46:43] <Saphire> Ender pearls need like... a dark space and three blocks of height
L850[12:46:53] <Saphire> And some time
L851[12:46:55] <ff​_66> th hardest thing was 10 fps for 131 minecraft days
L852[12:47:11] <ff​_66> and i did it
L853[12:47:17] <Saphire> Each sentence makes me question more and more things
L854[12:47:21] <ff​_66> want the map and the modpack ?
L855[12:47:29] <Saphire> ...are you trying to run it with shaders
L856[12:47:41] <ff​_66> (well, not a modpack, a bunch of mods)
L857[12:47:44] <Forec​aster> imagine if in my 1.7.10 letsplay where I played with the mod that added block gravity if I walked around complainging about how the blocks falling down was such a pain constantly
L858[12:47:50] <Forec​aster> I'd go back in time and slap myself
L859[12:47:57] <Corded> > <Sap​hire> ...are you trying to run it with shaders
L860[12:47:58] <ff​_66> no, with a core 2 e8400
L861[12:48:22] <Saphire> Well. Condolences
L862[12:48:23] <Forec​aster> * complaining about how the blocks falling down was such a pain constantly
L863[12:49:17] <Amanda> Saphire: I didn't notice on the order screen they they do shipments in bulk bi-weekly, and I'm increasingly convinced I just missed the week
L864[12:49:30] <ff​_66> 10 fps with shaders thats my game running on integrated graphics
L865[12:49:40] <ff​_66> on my 6600K
L866[12:49:51] <Forec​aster> maybe don't use shaders
L867[12:49:56] <Amanda> Ordered last Saturday, still nothing other than order received
L868[12:49:57] <ff​_66> i don't
L869[12:50:23] <ff​_66> but with my gtx 1650 super i do 50 fps with a bottleneck
L870[12:51:16] <ff​_66> want my map and my mods then ?
L871[12:51:43] <Forec​aster> not really
L872[12:52:57] <Saphire> Amanda: Ow. I've ordered a "House of Leaves" softcover and... same sort of "order received" and nothing else. Mildly worried lol
L873[12:53:33] <Saphire> Though it's been done through a shitty "local" amazon knockoff rather than direct from the store
L874[12:56:18] <Forec​aster> %sip
L875[12:56:18] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly silver potion (New!). Forecaster feels like one particular wasp has it out for them suddenly.
L876[12:56:31] <Forec​aster> _baahs at the wasp_
L877[14:24:42] * Amanda offers @Forecaster an antidote in exchange for their wool
L878[14:29:22] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116B8006B5100Bf17Cdf53B2036Db.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L879[14:43:25] <Va​ur> %sip
L880[14:43:25] <MichiBot> You drink a rising avesmingo potion (New!). Vaur's skin turn nectar until hell has a mild winter.
L881[14:48:46] <Amanda> aaaAAAaaaaaAAAAAaaaaa
L882[14:48:55] <Amanda> Stupid ADHD waiting mode
L883[15:07:24] <Amanda> %choose cake or doughnuts
L884[15:07:24] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: The proof is in the pudding. Definitely "cake". Now please get it out of my pudding.
L885[15:07:40] <Amanda> Michibot really wants me to have cake, it seems
L886[15:21:41] <Forec​aster> 50% in about 5.5 hours
L887[15:24:18] <Forec​aster> seems 11 hours was pretty spot on
L888[15:37:47] <PewPew​Cricket> why does this error? https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721576266698.png https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721576266879.lua
L889[15:38:40] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:5958:3e9c:9ac7:dfec)
L890[15:43:37] <fingercomp> why are you using `X` in your format string?
L891[15:44:33] <fingercomp> `string.unpack` takes a start position as the 3rd argument, use that instead
L892[15:45:54] ⇦ Quits: uis (~uis@ (Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in)
L893[15:46:05] ⇨ Joins: uis (~uis@
L894[15:53:36] <fingercomp> I'd also recommend using fixed-sized options (like `I4` for a 4-byte integer) instead of native-sized (like `H` or `L`) when you're writing to/reading from a file, a disk, or in network protocols, since none of these should probably depend on what platform you're running
L895[16:41:53] * Amanda meows at the wall, demands it cease blocking her from venting the channel to space
L896[16:42:12] <Amanda> %choose factory or halucinate or continue flounding for 18min
L897[16:42:12] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: "halucinate" is for cool kids!
L898[16:42:48] <Amanda> Elfi: am I a low-temp goat kitten? I don't trust MichiBot on this
L899[16:46:08] <PewPew​Cricket> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721580368100.png https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721580368335.png
L900[16:46:32] <PewPew​Cricket> the line thats failing is table.insert()
L901[16:49:23] <Forec​aster> your data string is too short
L902[16:55:32] <Hawk777> Are you sure it’s the table.insert line? The error message says the data to *unpack* is too short, but there’s no unpack call on that line (only a pack call).
L903[16:59:24] <Hawk777> Also why aren’t you using the fixed-size integer packing formats (i[n] and I[n]) so we don’t have to figure out how big L is depending on whether it’s a 32-bit or 64-bit build?
L904[16:59:46] <Hawk777> (and so *you* don’t have to figure that out either)
L905[17:01:15] <Forec​aster> maybe they *like* figuring it out (and not reading error messages)
L906[17:01:31] <Hawk777> E.g. I4 or I8 instead of L (depending on which one you meant), and I2 instead of H.
L907[17:01:33] <Hawk777> Heh.
L908[17:02:27] <Hawk777> After all, it *looks* as if the intent is to unpack 40 records of 12 bytes each, but LLHH is 20, not 12, on a 64-bit build.
L909[17:06:42] <Hawk777> Also wondering why you’re repacking the data to put it in the table, rather than just keeping it as a nice unpacked table that the rest of the program can use to access the values easily, but *shrug*.
L910[17:07:58] <Hawk777> And for that matter, assuming “entry” starts out empty, why use table.insert rather than the simpler entry[i] = … since for an initially empty table filled in ascending order they do the same thing.
L911[17:10:12] <Hawk777> Also this code is broken if the proper signature isn’t present; if the user says “y” to write a new signature, it will use as a label whatever was already present in the sector at those bytes (even though whatever was present before wasn’t your partition table format), and then carry on and decode partition table entries from that same (not-your-partition-table-format) data.
L912[17:10:43] <fingercomp> `string.unpack` returns the index of the next unread byte after the read values, which can be used to take the substring for the table without repacking
L913[17:11:50] <Hawk777> If the intent were to have string table entries, yeah, that could also be done (or just do it with math).
L914[17:12:27] <Hawk777> I figured the table was for future use in code, in which case having its entries be strings would just be inconvenient.
L915[17:12:35] <Forec​aster> not math! that could lead to crimes!
L916[17:12:53] <Hawk777> Too late, there’s already math in there: 12 * i + 21
L917[17:13:12] <Hawk777> Though one could also get rid of that by using the final return value from the previous unpack call.
L918[17:20:55] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> your data string is too short
L919[17:20:55] <PewPew​Cricket> shouldnt the string be 512 chars long?
L920[17:20:59] <PewPew​Cricket> as i read a whole sctor
L921[17:21:37] <Forec​aster> no you're right, the error message is probably wrong
L922[17:22:25] <PewPew​Cricket> im saying i thought it should be 512 bytes long
L923[17:22:30] <PewPew​Cricket> not that it is
L924[17:36:08] <Corded> > <Haw​k777> After all, it *looks* as if the intent is to unpack 40 reco…
L925[17:36:08] <PewPew​Cricket> that is the intent
L926[17:36:45] <Hawk777> And have you done any debugging? Have you printed the value of “i” on each loop iteration so you know which one failed? Have you printed string.packsize("< L L H H") so you know it really *is* unpacking 12 bytes per iteration?
L927[17:38:38] <PewPew​Cricket> so what type would an unsigned 32 bit number be
L928[17:38:48] <PewPew​Cricket> for the format string
L929[17:38:50] <Hawk777> fingercomp and I both already told you: I4
L930[17:39:03] <Hawk777> and for 16 you want I2
L931[17:39:38] <PewPew​Cricket> oh i didnt know what that meant
L932[17:39:41] <PewPew​Cricket> sorry
L933[17:40:20] <Corded> > <ff​_66> but it is not secure at all
L934[17:40:20] <Ocawes​ome101> try ulos 2, it's somewhat barebones but does kernel-user isolation and file permissions (even on managed filesystems!)
L935[17:41:35] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L936[17:41:36] <MichiBot> Shoot! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 6 hours, 20 minutes and 23 seconds (By 1 hour, 1 minute and 7 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L937[17:41:37] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.007 tonk points! plus 0.006 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 2.53696. Position #1
L938[17:44:37] <PewPew​Cricket> i think its doing stuff https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721583877016.png
L939[17:44:39] <PewPew​Cricket> :D
L940[18:01:06] <ninte​ndo DS> time to make an CHIP-8 emulator for opencomputers
L941[18:14:46] <Amanda> Found out why I'm so AaaaaaAAAaaaaa today, I forgot to drug myself
L942[18:20:00] <Forec​aster> 75% after 8:22
L943[18:20:18] <Forec​aster> looks like it'll complete before midnight
L944[18:26:21] * Amanda quietly chews on a random ethernet cable in Fore's house
L945[18:26:31] <Forec​aster> noooo
L946[18:38:08] <Corded> > <Jas​onS> I was about to ask if anyone did *Bad Apple!!* yet but then…
L947[18:38:08] <ninte​ndo DS> https://youtu.be/n2NX7sEwvok
L948[18:54:54] <Amanda> %choose factory or halucinate or delete mars by "accident"
L949[18:54:54] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: "factory" is for cool kids!
L950[18:55:40] <Amanda> Elfi~ I really need to know if I'm a low-temp goat kitten~
L951[18:57:11] <A​PU> so outa curiosity OC2 reiminged uhm, why do robots crash
L952[18:57:55] <Amanda> Because ghosts and gnomes
L953[18:58:02] <Amanda> Those gnomes are always hacking robots
L954[18:58:40] <Forec​aster> I presume you're asking if it's a known issue, otherwise how should we know without a crashlog
L955[18:59:02] <Amanda> %stacktraces
L956[18:59:08] <Amanda> What was that command, @Michiyo?
L957[18:59:24] <Mic​hiyo> %stacktrace
L958[18:59:24] <MichiBot> http://i.imgur.com/XffI6QA.jpg {0}
L959[18:59:25] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> I presume you're asking if it's a known issue, otherwise ho…
L960[18:59:26] <A​PU> ye, i also forgot i can check rash logs
L961[18:59:40] <Mic​hiyo> it's supposed to take a name for the arg, but meh :P
L962[19:00:00] <A​PU> oh shit it didnt crash this time!
L963[19:00:22] <A​PU> ale nvm then it seems to like me
L964[19:00:37] <Forecaster> %command add stacktraces %stacktrace%
L965[19:00:38] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: Invalid arguments. %command add Command:string Content:string
L966[19:00:50] <Forecaster> ...wut
L967[19:01:03] <Forecaster> oh, right, that
L968[19:02:00] <PewPew​Cricket> ihow can i align this text? im using io.stdout:write to print text https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721588519663.png
L969[19:03:21] <Jas​onS> Tabs might work
L970[19:03:43] <Jas​onS> Not sure whether OC print respects tab alignment or not though
L971[19:04:27] <Forec​aster> pad the index with spaces
L972[19:04:46] * Amanda meow-whispers from near Elfi "You're definately a low-temp goat kitten, you should grow the factory!"
L973[19:04:48] <Amanda> Thanks Elfi!
L974[19:05:17] <Corded> > <Forec​aster> pad the index with spaces
L975[19:05:17] <PewPew​Cricket> how? it prints in a for loop
L976[19:05:31] <Forec​aster> so?
L977[19:05:45] <PewPew​Cricket> if i add padding itll just be misalgied by 1 more space
L978[19:05:51] <Corded> > <ninte​ndo DS> https://youtu.be/n2NX7sEwvok
L979[19:05:52] <Jas​onS> Nice. Looks like it has some form of video compression too, which is pretty fancy. I guess it also utilizes VRAM given the framerate? The version I made was uncompressed (just a sequence of images, probably without even using deflate on them) and played at one frame per second. Sometimes more detailed images would take too long to draw
L980[19:05:52] <Corded> and it would fall behind the music, so it would display the next frames as fast as possible to catch back up.
L981[19:06:30] <Amanda> They say in the desc that they use two GPUs
L982[19:06:48] <Jas​onS> Wait you can dual-GPU a screen in OC?
L983[19:06:54] <Amanda> yes
L984[19:07:03] <Jas​onS> Wow that’s pretty fancy
L985[19:07:11] <Jas​onS> Didn’t realize that was possible
L986[19:07:29] <PewPew​Cricket> theres an adon that adds a card holder so could you just like give 10 GPUs to a screen?
L987[19:07:34] <PewPew​Cricket> * addon that adds a card holder so could you just like give 10 GPUs to a screen?
L988[19:07:34] <Forec​aster> so pad conditionally...
L989[19:08:35] <PewPew​Cricket> i can have any amount of digits in the string
L990[19:08:38] <PewPew​Cricket> anywhere
L991[19:08:54] <PewPew​Cricket> all of the numbers can be longer or shorter
L992[19:09:30] <Forec​aster> there's no way to magically align it without a library that does it for you, or by doing it yourself as stated above
L993[19:11:38] <Jas​onS> Well, that does kinda apply universally. Use a library or do it yourself.
L994[19:11:57] <Forec​aster> yeah
L995[19:12:18] <Forec​aster> and as far as I know there's no builtin that does it
L996[19:13:50] <Forec​aster> 80%!
L997[19:13:55] <Corded> > <PewPew​Cricket> ihow can i align this text? im using io.stdout:write to pri…
L998[19:13:55] <Ocawes​ome101> tabs will get you close
L999[19:14:08] <Ocawes​ome101> OpenOS does respect those
L1000[19:20:39] <PewPew​Cricket> i did it https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721589639492.png
L1001[19:20:49] <PewPew​Cricket> cursor manipulation
L1002[19:24:19] <Amanda> There, added 1GW of power to my factory
L1003[19:24:36] <Amanda> jNow to halucinate, b ecause my ADHD is being a fuck today
L1004[19:34:22] <Forec​aster> oh neat
L1005[19:34:38] <Forec​aster> new SE PVE teaser just released
L1006[19:54:07] <Forec​aster> it actually shows the Prototech Assembler in it
L1007[19:54:57] <Amanda> Guessing you subscribe to their newsletter? Because I don't see it on their youtube page, which probably menas it's unlisted
L1008[19:55:46] <Amanda> Or it could mean girls... kiss?
L1009[19:56:17] <Forec​aster> I saw it on another youtube channel
L1010[19:56:29] <Amanda> ah
L1011[19:56:36] <Forec​aster> he said it was in the newsletter
L1012[19:59:59] <Forec​aster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcxEEjXyiJg
L1013[20:31:04] <Forec​aster> 95%!
L1014[20:42:03] ⇦ Quits: Nia (~nia@ayame.servers.aura.moe) (Quit: zzzz <3)
L1015[20:43:13] ⇨ Joins: Nia (~nia@ayame.servers.aura.moe)
L1016[20:45:01] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:5958:3e9c:9ac7:dfec) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1017[21:06:31] <Forec​aster> it's done!
L1018[21:07:03] <Forec​aster> unfortunately it's too late to actually install and play it, or test my network, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow
L1019[21:10:50] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonk
L1020[21:10:50] <MichiBot> Sard! Spider ​EveryOS! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 29 minutes and 14 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1021[21:10:51] <MichiBot> Spider EveryOS's new record is 3 hours, 29 minutes and 14 seconds! Spider EveryOS also gained 0.00349 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.0012964 more points to pass Va​ur!
L1022[21:21:16] <Ske​tano> %tonk
L1023[21:21:28] <Ske​tano> what
L1024[21:21:47] <Forec​aster> There's a timeout
L1025[21:22:08] <Forec​aster> The command can only be used every 15 minutes at most
L1026[21:24:23] <Ske​tano> i can wait
L1027[21:25:07] <Ske​tano> %tonk
L1028[21:25:14] <Ske​tano> >:(
L1029[21:25:52] <CompanionCube> if you haven't tonked before there's also a code
L1030[21:26:11] <Ske​tano> %tonk
L1031[21:26:11] <MichiBot> Ske​tano: You should probably read this: https://michibot.pc-logix.com/tonk
L1032[21:26:17] <Forec​aster> They'll find out
L1033[21:27:45] <Forec​aster> Ah right, the webserver is down
L1034[21:28:00] <Ske​tano> ive been staring at my screen for 30 seconds waiting for it to loaad
L1035[21:28:02] <Ske​tano> * load
L1036[21:28:06] <Ske​tano> %tonk
L1037[21:28:07] <MichiBot> Ske​tano: You should probably read this: https://michibot.pc-logix.com/tonk
L1038[21:28:18] <Forecaster> %restart
L1039[21:28:18] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@heimdall.pc-logix.com) ()
L1040[21:28:35] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@heimdall.pc-logix.com)
L1041[21:28:35] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L1042[21:29:24] <Forec​aster> Now it's back up
L1043[22:24:52] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7ca4:2a00:27f6:46c4:6da9:e8d3)
L1044[22:53:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef16310003286a4893d230cc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L1045[22:53:15] <PewPew​Cricket> why isnt this aligning 😭 https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721602395147.png https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1721602395311.png
L1046[22:57:01] <Hawk777> I’m gonna guess it’s due to scrolling.
L1047[22:57:05] <Hawk777> Maybe?
L1048[22:57:16] <Hawk777> Prints the first 21 lines fine.
L1049[22:58:10] <Hawk777> Then it reaches the bottom of the screen, so when it prints the 22, 0, 0, 0 part, then there’s a newline so that line of text moves up the screen by one line, then it prints the flags part on the same Y level (which is now the next line, because the start/last/type line has moved up by one), then it gets to the end of the flags and the final print("") scrolls up another line.
L1050[23:07:52] <Corded> > <PewPew​Cricket> why isnt this aligning 😭
L1051[23:07:52] <S​3> .. Where is all of the line spacing? This is so cramped and difficult to reaad...
L1052[23:08:47] <S​3> I mean at least you don't cuddle your operators
L1053[23:08:59] <S​3> That is a real pet peve of mine
L1054[23:09:45] <S​3> * read...
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