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Stuff goes here
L1[00:51:18] <Amanda> Loaded up infinite craft again. Lunatic + Universe = God. Sounds about right
L2[00:51:54] <Amanda> ... God + Queen = Zeus
L3[01:07:01] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2001:569:7e40:1300:825c:d7b8:1706:bd7a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L4[02:03:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef111000c8d258851eabeb04.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L5[02:08:20] ⇦ Quits: jackie (~jackie@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L6[02:08:20] ⇦ Quits: kilobyte (~kilobyte2@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L7[02:08:53] ⇨ Joins: jackie (~jackie@banana-new.kilobyte22.de)
L8[02:08:53] zsh sets mode: +v on jackie
L9[02:08:55] ⇨ Joins: kilobyte (~kilobyte2@banana-new.kilobyte22.de)
L10[02:08:55] zsh sets mode: +v on kilobyte
L11[02:11:39] * Amanda curls up atop Elfi, meows her new song to her: (to the gold finger opening song) Giiiirrrrrlllll kisserrr...... She's a girl, a girl who kisses other girls!
L12[02:11:54] <Amanda> Night girls
L13[03:31:29] <Forec​aster> Dangit
L14[03:34:13] <Spider ​EveryOS> %tonk
L15[03:34:13] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Spider ​EveryOS! You beat Ocawes​ome101's previous record of 9 hours, 18 minutes and 40 seconds (By 1 hour, 8 minutes and 48 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L16[03:34:14] <MichiBot> Spider EveryOS's new record is 10 hours, 27 minutes and 28 seconds! Spider EveryOS also gained 0.0115 (0.00115 x 10) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4. Need 0.09928 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L17[04:24:11] <Forec​aster> Dangit
L18[07:07:20] <Forec​aster> Well, it doesn't say I need to be successful, so %tonk
L19[07:07:20] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat Spider EveryOS's record of 10 hours, 27 minutes and 28 seconds this time. 3 hours, 33 minutes and 7 seconds were wasted! Missed by 6 hours, 54 minutes and 21 seconds!
L20[07:08:06] <Forec​aster> Oh wait, there was another one 😐
L21[09:28:20] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef187700f7b17b8f325daac2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L22[09:28:20] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L23[12:08:15] * Amanda meows and looks around
L24[13:33:20] * Amanda spots a platapus boy, decides this isn't good, %splash @Forecaster with mutable pink potion
L25[13:33:21] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable pink potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a bavarium sloth girl until an elephant forgets.
L26[13:36:38] <Amanda> Well as we all know, elephants never forget, not even int heir afterlives, The yknow what you did, Steve.
L27[13:37:16] <Forec​aster> Not a sloth again D:<
L28[13:37:40] <Amanda> Yes a sloth again! :D
L29[13:38:13] * Amanda sells @Forecaster to a sketchy zoo
L30[13:38:37] <Amanda> %choose try and be productive or jump right into cubes
L31[13:38:37] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Huh, what? "try and be productive" I guess, now leave me alone I'm playing Tetris.
L32[13:39:00] <Amanda> Wow, rude. So I have to be productive, but you can just play Tetris?
L33[13:44:45] * Amanda beams an uno reverse card in front of herself, now MichiBot has to be productive ,and she can play cubes!
L34[13:59:17] <Forec​aster> Hey D:
L35[15:09:48] <Forec​aster> _slowly escapes_
L36[16:13:22] <Amanda> USPS says my screen is now in NJ
L37[16:13:33] <Amanda> Original carrier hasn't said anything yet
L38[16:26:55] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> *Zaps an elephant with the MIB zappy forgetter thing*
L39[16:31:50] <Amanda> Nooooo
L40[16:32:40] <Elfi> I just thought back to how newbies on the Discord side keep thinking about Corded as just bots, and I realize while that was certainly a laughable notion back when it first got set up, it's kind of uncanny now, huh?
L41[16:33:22] <Elfi> Of course, "thinking back" is still a thing chatbots can't do, so easy litmus test there, eh
L42[16:34:35] <Forec​aster> But they could pretend to probably
L43[16:34:45] <Elfi> Oh, no doubt
L44[16:34:46] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L45[16:34:46] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable solarium potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into an orange shark until they have a dotted tuna potion.
L46[16:35:00] <Forec​aster> 😐
L47[16:35:32] <Elfi> It's still necessary to scrutinize whether they're doing just that, but it's there all the same
L48[16:35:43] <Elfi> Just as most independent action
L49[16:37:00] <Amanda> What do you mean, Elfi? I'm totally a real cat! Just look at this photo of me: [ televison static ]
L50[16:39:29] <Forec​aster> Wait a minute
L51[16:39:39] <Forec​aster> There's no television!
L52[16:57:35] <Elfi> The cable's out? NOOOooo
L53[16:58:02] <Elfi> %splash @Forecaster with dotted tuna potion
L54[16:58:02] <MichiBot> You fling a dotted tuna potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. A bard starts playing a lute behind @Forecaster until they steal a lamp.
L55[16:58:10] <Elfi> Yes, get me the lämp
L56[16:58:34] <Forec​aster> Fine, but only because I hate this song D:
L57[16:59:18] <Forec​aster> I mean, stealing is wrong! I will strategically relocate a lamp though. For unrelated reasons
L58[17:03:28] <Elfi> GET ME THE LÄMP
L59[17:04:00] * Amanda curls up around Elfi to protecc
L60[17:04:13] <Forec​aster> This table over here has good lamp-shui
L61[17:05:14] <Amanda> Lamp shoes?
L62[17:05:39] <Va​ur> %sip
L63[17:05:41] <MichiBot> You drink an excluded diamond potion (New!). A swinging blade comes flying towards Vaur from nowhere! They successfully evaded it with a 17 vs DC 16!
L64[17:05:55] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1709485555305.jpg
L65[17:32:53] * Amanda reads stories to Elfi about a lesibab in the post-apocalypse
L66[17:50:24] <AR2​000> Anyone know how to use gitea action secrets.GITHUB_SECRET to make a api request (should be pretty much identical to github)
L67[17:50:25] <AR2​000> I always get 401
L68[17:59:06] <Amanda> The secret is only valid for the repo the action's running as AIUI
L69[18:26:21] <Amanda> "I should really think of something to call you , just 'puppy' or 'dog' feels pretty weird. I don't even know if you're a girl or a boy dog. I guess it doesn't matter. Humanity is gone, so gender norms are out the window too."
L70[18:26:32] <Amanda> Heck yeah, gurl
L71[18:49:22] <Corded> > <Ama​nda> The secret is only valid for the repo the action's running …
L72[18:49:22] <AR2​000> I'm trying to upload a package for said repo
L73[18:49:42] <AR2​000> For now I gave up and made a token stored in a secret
L74[18:57:42] <Amanda> Yeah I don't think they give access to any package related APIs
L75[18:57:58] <Amanda> since they area ctually on the org not the repo
L76[19:14:51] <Amanda> Elfi halp, the next button is broken, and the chapter ended in a cliff!
L77[19:15:12] <Amanda> The author just left some cryptic writing about "come back tuesday" in the comments, what could it mean?
L78[20:14:29] <Saphire> Ah fuck
L79[20:14:37] <Saphire> espernet is dying?
L80[20:15:27] <Mim​iru> that does seem to be a strong possibility
L81[20:15:27] <Amanda> Seems like it
L82[20:16:27] <Saphire> So... What’s gonna happen to #oc irc?
L83[20:16:45] <Amanda> We're switching to mail-order telegraphs
L84[20:18:48] <Mim​iru> Currently we have #oc on libera.chat, though it's only Liizzii, myself, and CompanionCube (With Hawk popping in) #oc also exists on the tiny network Liizzii and I run though, I doubt it'll get much traction :P
L85[20:19:50] <Amanda> Oh, do we actually have it? I've been doing a remote NAMES, didn't realise it's actually opened
L86[20:20:36] <Amanda> ( I didn't want to join and steal op )
L87[20:54:01] <Amanda> %splash @Forecaster with mutable emerald potion
L88[20:54:01] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable emerald potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a solarium sloth until hell celebrates midsummer.
L89[20:54:28] <Amanda> Back to being a sloth.
L90[20:55:52] <Spider ​EveryOS> Took a break from OC for a few days for reasons, but should be able to go back to using it tonight
L91[20:55:52] <Spider ​EveryOS>
L92[20:55:52] <Spider ​EveryOS> I don't have anyone to use the splash command on, but it looks fun
L93[20:57:26] <Forec​aster> dangit
L94[20:58:56] <Amanda> Just splash @Forecaster like everyone else. :3
L95[20:59:02] <Michiyo> ^
L96[20:59:45] <Amanda> %choose setup renovatebot for dotfiles or SKREE SKREE SKREE SKREE
L97[20:59:45] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby lamp replies "setup renovatebot for dotfiles".
L98[21:00:04] <Forec​aster> 😐
L99[21:00:05] * Amanda thanks the lamp, curls up around it as she notices Elfi's in it's lampshade
L100[21:00:10] <Michiyo> %choose start rewriting MichiBot or do literally anything else
L101[21:00:10] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: Somebody once told me to roll with "start rewriting MichiBot"
L102[21:00:16] <Michiyo> Huh. alright
L103[21:01:31] <Spider ​EveryOS> amanda: Oh, cool, thanks
L104[21:03:16] <Amanda> ... renovate-bot is already added to the project, so why didn't it open it's configuration PR
L105[21:03:45] <Amanda> Maybe it needs to be admin
L106[21:03:58] <Amanda> %remindme 30m check if renovate-bot opened a config PR to dotfiles repo
L107[21:03:59] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "check if renovate-bot opened a config PR to dotfiles repo" in 30m at 03/03/2024 09:33:58 PM
L108[21:04:06] <CompanionCube> Amanda: /me already did the stealing-op thing anyway :p
L109[21:04:26] <Mim​iru> I then stole the channel registration :P
L110[21:05:08] <Amanda> I completely forgot that there are sometimes modes that make channels appear empty for non-members
L111[21:07:36] <CompanionCube> that mode isn't set, I saw Michiyo unset it
L112[21:08:18] <Amanda> I last tried like 26h ago to do NAMES from my control channel and it still said it was empty
L113[21:08:43] <Amanda> so I'm guessing she removed the mode after that
L114[21:08:56] <Michiyo> I unset it right after I registered it
L115[21:09:14] <Michiyo> Yesterday at like 2PM Pacific or so
L116[21:09:41] <Amanda> %choose halucinate or em waves
L117[21:09:41] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Why not both? Okay fine. "halucinate".
L118[21:33:59] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: check if renovate-bot opened a config PR to dotfiles repo
L119[21:38:28] <Amanda> No luck. Guess I'll have to read the docs
L120[21:41:29] <Amanda> @Michiyo that'd be 2-3h after I did my last NAMES so yeah
L121[21:41:33] <stephan48> Amanda: did you schedule your renovate runs?
L122[21:41:47] <Amanda> stephan48: yeah, CronJob in k8s
L123[21:41:58] <Amanda> Runs every hour at 30-past
L124[21:42:38] <Forec​aster> well that's probably the problem, should have it run at 30-before instead
L125[21:42:43] <Amanda> I think there;s some setting I accidentally flipped when I transfering the config for it into k8s from nomad, becasue it's not made any PRs on any of my private repos since
L126[21:42:46] <Michiyo> #oc was indeed empty @ 2:30 Pacific, CC joined just before I did about then, and opped me, I then registered it at roughly the same time.
L127[21:42:57] <stephan48> i recently found out that closing a PR in my gitea does jackshit for triggering renovate... because... how the heck should jenkins figure out I want the renovate run to run
L128[21:43:34] <stephan48> thus i still have to wait for the cron :/
L129[21:43:40] <Amanda> It's made PRs into repos owned by an org, but not my user
L130[21:44:03] <Amanda> which is why I think I'm holding it wrong, though I lack the spoons to dig through the docs
L131[22:11:06] <Amanda> %choose halucinate more or emwaves
L132[22:11:06] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: After all, why shouldn't you "halucinate more"?
L133[22:11:12] <Amanda> Sound good
L134[22:44:46] <Corded> > <Mic​hiyo> Huh. alright
L135[22:44:46] <Forec​aster> If you're doing that I'd like to take this opportunity to completely re-write the attack/defend, potion, & inventory systems
L136[22:45:34] <Forec​aster> maybe some other things I can't think of right now...
L137[22:45:39] <Amanda> OKay, you can port those things then
L138[22:45:48] <Amanda> She's working on it in libera atm
L139[22:45:50] <Amanda> :P
L140[22:46:16] <Michiyo> Yeah... once i get a working framework, I'll push a new branch, or maybe just a new repo
L141[22:46:23] <Michiyo> Not doing java this time ._.
L142[22:46:29] <Forec​aster> I know
L143[22:46:57] <Forec​aster> we've talked about this already
L144[22:46:57] <Michiyo> I want to get modules / plugins working, a simple permissions system and then I'll push it so we can work on it together again
L145[22:59:00] <Forec​aster> I'd have been fine with java if it wasn't for the build environment breaking all the time
L146[22:59:49] <Michiyo> Yeah, same.
L147[23:06:14] <Amanda> %choose laptopnaptime?
L148[23:06:15] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I flipped a coin. It said "Aaaaaaaaah!". It might have been a sapient coin...
L149[23:06:37] <Amanda> Damnit MichiBot, stop breaking into my Vault of Sapiant Objects!
L150[23:06:43] <Amanda> I mean, what?
L151[23:07:26] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L152[23:07:26] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable iron potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into an automato fairy until they have an apple.
L153[23:07:37] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> *Hides the apples*
L154[23:11:51] <Amanda> Elfi! Fairy fren!
L155[23:33:49] <Amanda> %choose rain box?
L156[23:33:49] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby persons hair turns red
L157[23:39:01] * Liizzii wonders why her hair turned red
L158[23:44:08] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef187700f7b17b8f325daac2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L159[23:45:40] <Michiyo> @Forecaster I've added you (and Amanda) to the new repo it works, mostly I've not tested 90% of it. the admin stuff works, I've not implemented any other levels.
L160[23:46:43] <Mim​iru> There is an example ping/pong plugin
L161[23:46:56] <Mim​iru> modules/admin and modules/permissions are garbage, I'm sorry
L162[23:47:03] <Mim​iru> But I ran out of time and have to go
L163[23:52:17] <Amanda> @liizzii sorry, a memetic entity made it through the shielding it seems
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