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L1[00:24:38] <Amanda> %give MichiBot a barren fuck field
L2[00:24:39] * MichiBot accepts the barren fuck field and adds it to her inventory
L3[00:24:57] <Amanda> %choose waves; em or pressure
L4[00:24:57] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: em waves
L5[00:26:54] <Amanda> Elfi: don't you hate when some young people act like old people, wearing bowties and telling us we're wrong?
L6[01:15:46] * Amanda snuggles up around Elfi,does a heccen LGBT zzzmew
L7[01:15:49] <Amanda> Night girls
L8[01:35:16] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L9[02:41:28] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8209:ca00:fb64:fd35:a390:6a4a)
L10[03:30:48] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (~Michiyo@
L11[03:30:48] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L12[03:46:41] ⇨ Joins: stonejam (~grug@
L13[03:47:13] ⇦ Quits: stonejam (~grug@ (Client Quit)
L14[03:49:35] <Forec​aster> %tono
L15[03:49:42] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L16[03:49:42] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Forec​aster! You beat Lii​zzii's previous record of 20 minutes and 18 seconds (By 3 hours, 38 minutes and 26 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L17[03:49:43] <Michiyo> gg
L18[03:49:44] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 58 minutes and 45 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00364 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L19[03:58:40] <Liizzii> oh wow, i need to make sure my server is doing trims on it's / (ext4) partition, just freed 7GB of stuff doing fstrim on it
L20[03:59:36] <Liizzii> ideally i'd have the rootfs on zfs, but idk how easily i can move evertyhing from the ext4 mdadm raid 1 to zfs and have it boot properly whilst only having ipmi access to it
L21[03:59:45] <Liizzii> oh well, problem for later me
L22[04:02:00] <Liizzii> also set up zram, removed the old 1GB swap partitions from each disk so maybe the ssds can do more efficient wear levelling
L23[07:13:51] <Forec​aster> %sip
L24[07:13:51] <MichiBot> You drink a silent spice potion (New!). After the first sip the potion poofs away.
L25[07:39:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eAeF1b7100F0590A2A8E522E7B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L26[07:39:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L27[07:49:51] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:8209:ca00:fb64:fd35:a390:6a4a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L28[09:03:06] ⇨ Joins: Vova (~Vova@ns2.svsreut.ru)
L29[09:08:20] ⇦ Quits: Vova (~Vova@ns2.svsreut.ru) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L30[09:08:43] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698484122820.png
L31[09:08:46] <Forec​aster> Progress!
L32[09:09:26] <Forec​aster> the new interface is coming along nicely
L33[09:09:51] <Forec​aster> rebuilding a GUI is a pain, but it's worth it
L34[09:12:59] ⇦ Quits: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@jabberfr.org) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L35[09:15:34] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
L36[09:18:57] <Forec​aster> Need to add a settings menu and a thing where you can choose desired materials so the assistant can ping when they're found with a minimum quantity
L37[09:19:05] <Forec​aster> then this thing will finally be useful again
L38[09:30:34] <Izzy> updated prosody and set it up to serve uploads via my "CDN" >:D
L39[09:45:58] ⇦ Quits: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1) (Quit: Gateway shutdown)
L40[10:11:40] ⇨ Joins: poo (~poo@
L41[10:12:03] <poo> hello
L42[10:12:20] <Forecaster> hi
L43[10:13:18] <poo> whats the forecast for sunday
L44[10:13:53] <Forecaster> I dunno
L45[10:14:33] <poo> oh
L46[10:16:23] <poo> its 6:16 am right now im tired
L47[10:18:07] <Forec​aster> you should probably sleep then
L48[10:19:43] <poo> good idea
L49[10:21:57] ⇦ Parts: poo (~poo@ ())
L50[10:45:39] <Amanda> I guess it's just normal for me to wake up this early now.
L51[10:45:43] <Amanda> Anyway
L52[10:45:50] * Amanda meows and looks around
L53[10:48:27] <Forec​aster> preach
L54[10:52:41] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (c44a7f2987@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
L55[11:06:16] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698491175844.png
L56[11:06:17] <Forec​aster> woo diamonds
L57[11:06:29] <Forec​aster> I need to make it do a little chime when it finds something
L58[11:25:50] <Va​ur> %tonk
L59[11:25:50] <MichiBot> Uh-oh! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 3 hours, 58 minutes and 45 seconds (By 3 hours, 37 minutes and 21 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L60[11:25:51] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 7 hours, 36 minutes and 7 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.01448 (0.00362 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.03437 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L61[11:44:08] <Forec​aster> now there's a ping sound
L62[11:44:11] <Forec​aster> this is really great
L63[11:44:30] <Forec​aster> much better than staring at the little scanner output in the ship hud
L64[12:44:25] <Amanda> %choose computer or wait until back from breakfast
L65[12:44:26] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I tried reading my tea leaves this morning. There was something about death and doom. Anyway, go with "wait until back from breakfast"
L66[12:44:40] <Amanda> I'm sure that's fine
L67[12:46:00] <Amanda> %remindme 2h disable bluetooth_tracker in hass so it can restart
L68[12:46:01] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "disable bluetooth_tracker in hass so it can restart" in 2h at 10/28/2023 02:46:00 PM
L69[13:09:58] <Forec​aster> Two hits in a row!
L70[13:10:00] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698498600349.png
L71[13:10:10] <Forec​aster> also there's some stats now, becuase who doesn't like stats
L72[13:52:22] <Forec​aster> wellp, that's a successful test run I think
L73[14:46:01] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: disable bluetooth_tracker in hass so it can restart
L74[14:53:16] ⇨ Joins: Malta112 (~Malta112@
L75[14:53:57] ⇦ Parts: Malta112 (~Malta112@ ())
L76[15:01:06] <Forec​aster> %sip
L77[15:01:06] <MichiBot> You drink a forked tiberium potion (New!). Forecaster feels chill.
L78[15:01:14] <Forec​aster> it's cold enough thanks
L79[15:01:18] <Forec​aster> I'd rather feel warm instead
L80[15:34:59] ⇨ Joins: myname (webchat@
L81[15:35:09] * Liizzii set @Forecaster on fire
L82[15:35:14] <Liizzii> there, that'll help you feel warm
L83[15:35:52] ⇦ Quits: myname (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L84[15:36:24] <Forec​aster> that's not warm, that's hot
L85[15:45:37] <Forec​aster> it doesn't help that the radiator in my living room wont work
L86[17:17:03] <Va​ur> %sip
L87[17:17:04] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating moonstone potion (New!). Vaur is suddenly wearing a tiny glove on each finger.
L88[17:21:31] <Forec​aster> well
L89[17:21:36] <Forec​aster> this is nice and consistent
L90[17:21:59] <Forec​aster> the `ProspectedAsteroid` event has `LowTemperatureDiamond`
L91[17:22:26] <Forec​aster> while `CargoTransfer` has `lowtemperaturediamond`
L92[17:22:32] <Forec​aster> time to lowercase everything I guess
L93[17:34:41] <Forec​aster> and the fields are `Type` and `Type_Localised` insetad of `Name` and `Name_Localised` for some reason
L94[17:35:56] ⇦ Quits: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
L95[17:42:24] ⇨ Joins: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L96[17:45:15] <Forec​aster> In the `MiningRefined` event it's `"Type":"$lowtemperaturediamond_name;"`
L97[17:45:32] <Forec​aster> why is it so hard to maintain a consistent format
L98[17:45:48] <Forec​aster> This is like Michiyo's hero game thing all over again
L99[17:46:12] * Amanda tests something
L100[17:46:28] <Forec​aster> you need a permit for that
L101[17:50:57] <Amanda> Foolish mortal, your 'permits' can not constrain me
L102[17:52:42] <Forec​aster> it's mostly to protect nearby planets
L103[17:52:50] <Forec​aster> since they tend to go missing when you're testing things
L104[17:55:16] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b800CA9d00fE3497FFfEA975F2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L105[17:55:24] ⇦ Quits: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
L106[17:56:08] <Amanda> Wow, rude. I've been very careful to only test on stuff outside earth's visision
L107[17:56:18] <Amanda> Must be someone else batting at planets
L108[17:57:24] <Forec​aster> well this is... "interesting"
L109[17:58:07] <Forec​aster> apparently I managed to produce a `CargoTransfer` event in the journal that wasn't actually carried out
L110[17:58:29] <Forec​aster> this is messing up the tally of limpets in the cargo manifest
L111[18:00:33] <Forec​aster> at least the other things are adding up
L112[18:01:38] <Forec​aster> I could verify the transfer by checking if the next line is a "Cargo" event which is only produced when the total number of items in the ship cargo hold changes
L113[18:01:42] <Forec​aster> but that's such a pain...
L114[18:02:26] ⇨ Joins: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L115[18:18:09] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698517088749.jpg
L116[18:18:11] <Forec​aster> Wut
L117[18:19:00] <Amanda> I predict this pile of sharp knives I found will replace twitter in 4 seconds
L118[18:19:13] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698517153010.jpg
L119[18:19:26] <Forec​aster> Oh, yeah I'm sure that'll happen
L120[18:19:55] <Amanda> Step 1 for managing money: Don't pay your hosting bills.
L121[18:21:48] <Amanda> Step 2: Don't pay your rent, and illegaly convert some conference rooms into one-room apartments
L122[18:23:21] <Amanda> %choose complete the 4-year old task item
L123[18:23:21] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: A nearby persons hair turns pink
L124[18:26:46] <Forec​aster> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698517606662.jpg
L125[18:26:50] <Forec​aster> No kidding
L126[18:27:22] <Forec​aster> I wouldn't trust musk with a used dish cloth
L127[18:40:09] <Liizzii> he tried to get PayPal named X when he was founder of it
L128[19:10:27] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L129[19:10:28] <MichiBot> Awesome! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 7 hours, 36 minutes and 7 seconds (By 8 minutes and 30 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L130[19:10:28] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.007 tonk points! plus 0.012 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.61511842, Position #2 Need 0.01537 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L131[19:24:57] <Amanda> Oh would you look at the time, it's time to %splash @Forecaster with mutable potion
L132[19:24:58] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable bavarium potion (New!) that splashes onto @Forecaster. @Forecaster turns into a robot girl until they steal a lamp.
L133[20:03:02] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b800CA9d00fE3497FFfEA975F2.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L134[20:03:36] <Va​ur> %sip
L135[20:03:36] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery yellow potion (New!). Vaur feels the need to use "%fling".
L136[20:03:39] <Amanda> %choose laptopnaptime?
L137[20:03:40] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I talked to the Swedish Chef, he said "Bork bork!" I think that means yes?
L138[21:21:11] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~Hawk777@2607:c000:821b:e900:e9ab:69c9:2992:e1cd)
L139[21:54:32] <Liizzii> urghh, why do i need to sign up for a fucking oracle account to download java7.... I just want to maybe play some old MC instances
L140[21:56:31] <Izzy> Liizzii: no ojdkbuild release for it?
L141[21:56:40] <Izzy> there's a few places to still get java 8
L142[21:58:03] <Liizzii> i don't think java8 will run these really old instances
L143[21:58:28] <Liizzii> like, 1.6.4 era
L144[21:58:58] <Liizzii> and no, not that i can see on arch at least for openjdk
L145[21:59:39] <Liizzii> that being said, this instance is a little fucked..
L146[22:01:28] <Liizzii> hmm, ok so a fresh instance can run on java 8
L147[22:01:39] <Liizzii> i guess the metadata for this instance is really fucked
L148[22:02:37] <Liizzii> hmm fun. closing the 1.6.4 instance crashed redshift and made my displays go blank for a bit
L149[22:04:16] <Izzy> turning the desk lamp I have here on or off makes one of my displays go blank
L150[22:09:59] <Liizzi​i-chan> yay... https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698530998885.png
L151[22:10:37] <Izzy> didn't delete META-INF
L152[22:11:07] <Liizzii> I'm running this through PrismLauncher, thought that would have done it
L153[22:11:43] <S​3> I got a new server to play with
L154[22:12:24] <Michiyo> Did you still have to delete meta-inf in 1.6?
L155[22:12:34] <Michiyo> I thought that went away earlier
L156[22:15:53] <Liizzii> deleting meta-inf just failed with different errors
L157[22:17:14] <Liizzii> telling fml to ignore the errors is letting it load
L158[22:17:38] <Liizzii> and it failed
L159[22:17:48] <Michiyo> yeah. 1.5 was the last version needing meta-inf deletion IIRC
L160[22:18:04] <Liizzii> due to some bits with the prism launcher entry point stuff
L161[22:18:08] <Liizzii> sadge
L162[22:18:41] <Liizzii> or maybe oc is having issues
L163[22:19:15] <Liizzii> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: instance
L164[22:19:15] <Liizzii> at li.cil.oc.common.Proxy.preInit(Proxy.scala:41)
L165[22:19:22] <Liizzii> i think i'ma just give up
L166[22:20:01] <Michiyo> Did you grab a de-obfuscated OC build?
L167[22:20:23] <Liizzii> i don't think so?
L168[22:20:34] <Liizzii> it's some random instance i had in one of my archive folders
L169[22:28:42] <S​3> WOO
L170[22:28:49] <S​3> 128GB of RAM
L171[22:28:55] <S​3> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698532135153.jpg
L172[22:28:59] <S​3> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698532138787.jpg
L173[22:29:09] <S​3> It works!
L174[22:30:12] <Liizzii> nice, now you can wait 5 minutes for it to post
L175[22:30:22] <S​3> Yep
L176[22:30:43] <S​3> Because Cisco likes to test every frigging address
L177[22:30:53] <Liizzii> cisco make servers?
L178[22:31:08] <Liizzii> though they were just networking stuff
L179[22:31:12] <S​3> Yes. Cisco UCS. Good luck buying them though
L180[22:31:18] <Michiyo> Don't make me post my 512GB Screenshot.
L181[22:31:21] <Michiyo> :P
L182[22:31:29] <S​3> I got very lucky these were being e wasted
L183[22:31:37] <S​3> They aren't even terribly old
L184[22:31:50] <Michiyo> both of my servers are ~2011 :/
L185[22:32:06] <Liizzii> the servers i was trying to netboot on tuesday were old Dell R710's that don't have proper UEFI support so they just failed to boot into arch
L186[22:32:30] <CompanionCube> o.o
L187[22:32:49] <Liizzii> so now i have one of those servers burning about 200w of power just to power the backplane for 4 drives whilst it's connected to another machine (see a pic from me in discord around tuesday/wednesday this week)
L188[22:32:53] <Michiyo> R815, and a R510 the 510 uses a USB key with Clover Bootloader to boot off an NVME drive.. lol
L189[22:33:19] <S​3> I wish that Linux or BSD coins detect the sfp card though
L190[22:33:25] <S​3> Could,*
L191[22:33:34] <S​3> https://discordembeds.pc-logix.com/live/1698532414041.jpg
L192[22:33:48] <S​3> The thing has 8GB of network buffer
L193[22:34:00] <CompanionCube> talk about buffer bloat, eh?
L194[22:34:01] <S​3> For your 20gbit/s juicyness
L195[22:34:15] <S​3> At least that's what it says it can handle
L196[22:34:18] <Liizzii> SWAP on VRAM? Nah, swap on Network card buffer is where it's at
L197[22:34:28] <Michiyo> lol
L198[22:34:29] <S​3> Hahahaha
L199[22:34:31] <CompanionCube> as if you have anything for the other end of the 20gig, though?
L200[22:34:56] <S​3> Oh man maybe I can use the memory for something if I can't use it for networking
L201[22:35:00] <S​3> Yeah
L202[22:35:08] <S​3> It has 1, gig Ethernet
L203[22:35:23] <S​3> I had to pee boot it because ipmi was being a pita
L204[22:35:25] <Liizzii> inb4 proprietary format memory modules
L205[22:35:28] <S​3> Pxe boot..
L206[22:35:35] <S​3> Wth. Pee boot
L207[22:37:43] <Liizzii> sadly all our stuff at work is mostly older Dell servers cause we don't have the budget to replace everything (or rather, there's not the funds/needs to really upgrade anything other than maybe the HyperV cluster at our busy site, though that was mainly spurred on by it randomly crashing out on fridays but setting VMs to not have a "dynamic
L208[22:37:43] <Liizzii> allocation" of 1TB of RAM made them not keel over)
L209[22:43:20] <S​3> So this isn't much newer
L210[22:43:25] <S​3> its like 2014, 2015ish
L211[22:43:31] <S​3> it's an E5 2609 which isn't incredible
L212[22:43:42] <S​3> But it does have virtualization
L213[22:43:55] <S​3> The 4 threads is kinda eh
L214[22:44:11] <S​3> ny r610 is technically way more powerful in cpu land
L215[22:44:17] <S​3> but it has other hardware problems
L216[22:44:49] <S​3> We use a lot of supermicro stuff at work
L217[22:47:00] <Liizzii> when i was talking one of my coworkers yesterday about the r710 servers, they said that if i wanted to take one for home use it'd be fine since they're on the disposal pile anyway. and I worked out, based on just the idling-in-bios-power-consumption of around 200w, it wasn't gonna be worth it. compounded with the fact that i don't have a rack, it's
L218[22:47:00] <Liizzii> DDR3 and slow as fuck i said "nah"
L219[22:47:41] <Liizzii> my home server (old i7 6700k rig), is currently using 55w of power
L220[22:47:43] <S​3> I have been looking at an r730XD for a storage server
L221[22:47:51] <S​3> those look really nice for older servers
L222[22:49:07] <Izzy> tfw 6700k is my new desktop and server is haswell with DDR3
L223[22:49:36] <Liizzii> that's 3rd gen, so slightly newer than the 1st gen ones (Dell's numbering is weird. first number is no. of sockets, 1-3=single socket, 4-7=dual, 8-9=quad, second number is the generation, third number is 0 if it's intel, or 5 if it's amd
L224[22:50:07] <Liizzii> Izzy, lol, my 6700k rig got relegated to home server duties when i got my Ryzen 9 5950X rig in 2020
L225[22:50:37] <Izzy> ngl I keep looking at new hardware and it keeps getting less attractive
L226[22:50:53] <Izzy> price is going up faster than performance
L227[22:51:17] <Izzy> my plans for a second storage server at my grandad's consist of buying a 4GB IDE DOM for this old Thecus NAS I have, then filling it with whatever drives I can dig up and spinning up a RAID on it
L228[22:51:18] <Liizzii> and i haven't used it (the 5950x rig) all that much outside of heavy gaming for the past year or so because electricity prices are not worth it and my laptop trudges along at 50w or so max
L229[22:52:17] <Izzy> wonder if power is more expensive there than here
L230[22:52:20] <Liizzii> Izzy, ye, i get that (about new hardware being unattractive). The only reason i got the 5950x rig was because over the summer of 2020, i got into VR stuff more and the i7's 4c/8t was not keeping up that well.
L231[22:53:14] <Izzy> I would love a machine with faster single-core performance or more memory capacity, but when that means replacing CPU, motherboard, and RAM, that's very expensive, and GPUs are even worse
L232[22:53:22] <Izzy> a modern midrange card costs more than my entire machine did
L233[22:53:42] <Liizzii> our current rate is £0.2793/KWh (about 28 pence)
L234[22:54:38] <Izzy> huh.
L235[22:55:06] <Izzy> despite subsidising a bunch of coal power plants our power is only half the price
L236[22:55:08] <Izzy> small mercies
L237[22:55:08] <Liizzii> I'm still rocking the 5700XT I got as a replacement for my Vega64 (which i still have). Have contemplated upgrading it to either 6000 or 7000 series radeon but i use the machine so little it's not with it
L238[22:55:22] <Izzy> (0.18 GBP or so)
L239[22:55:47] <Izzy> also, solar and batteries :3
L240[22:56:05] <Liizzii> wow, that's about the levels we were at during 2020
L241[22:56:08] <Izzy> getting rid of the catalyst should've helped with power usage too, fucker idled at like 120W
L242[22:58:02] <Liizzii> hmm, wonder if I could re-purpose one of those R710's at my closest site, stick my tape drive in it then use it as an off-site tape storage box thing for PBS
L243[22:58:16] <Liizzii> actually that wouldn't work
L244[22:58:23] <Liizzii> none of them have 5" bays
L245[22:59:18] <Liizzii> so if i was going to do that (which i still might), I'd just take one of our beaten up towers, stick my HBA card in there with the tape drive and some hard drives and then use that
L246[22:59:54] <Izzy> I should put my tape drive in my server for a laugh
L247[22:59:59] <Izzy> would need to check the SCSI card would work
L248[23:00:47] <Liizzii> I do kinda wanna play around and learn how to use the tape drive on linux without PBS abstracting stuff away
L249[23:01:09] <Izzy> I don't have any tapes for it yet, and it's not like 80GB is that big a deal anyway
L250[23:01:38] <Liizzii> but currently can't because my HBA is in a machine at one of my work sites wiping the multitude of fucking hard drive we seem to have collected over the years
L251[23:02:34] <Liizzii> even have some 96GB 2.5" SAS drives
L252[23:14:54] <Liizzii> just looking on amazon to see if USB-to-SAS adapters/cables are a thing, they seem to be far and few between. just found one for £80 that supposedly supports SAS only, not SATA. I thought it was always that a SAS port could support both, a SATA port could only support SATA
L253[23:16:10] <Liizzii> either way, seems usb-SAS isn't a thing so i can't just connect my tape drive via usb, sadge
L254[23:19:54] <CompanionCube> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adapter-Reader-Enclosure-Docking-Station-SAS/dp/B09HXKYHRG lol it's £250
L255[23:20:17] <Liizzii> the price tho...
L256[23:22:06] <CompanionCube> exactly
L257[23:22:12] <CompanionCube> what a ripoff
L258[23:22:21] <S​3> wth
L259[23:22:27] <S​3> Might as well make your own
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