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L1[00:02:48] <Fe​ris> what's going on? https://tinyurl.com/2bk6v2s4&lt;Fe​ris> what's going on? https://tinyurl.com/26kjgcuv
L2[00:03:36] <Fe​ris> error in line with component.proxy
L3[00:03:50] <Hawk777> Are you sure it’s that line and not the next one?
L4[00:03:56] <Fe​ris> yes
L5[00:04:31] <Fe​ris> but that's funny when typing my username it works normally, but when im typing my friend username it errors
L6[00:04:39] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/2yhv4zkb
L7[00:06:59] <Fe​ris> oh wait, now it show it's error with turret.addtrustedplayer https://tinyurl.com/29kx3r38
L8[00:07:12] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/24aw39mm
L9[00:08:29] <Hawk777> The documentation <https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/wiki/OC-CC-Functions&gt; says that the access level integer is optional. That could be wrong? Try passing it anyway?
L10[00:08:44] <Fe​ris> i don't know access levels
L11[00:09:22] <Fe​ris> but it added to turret
L12[00:09:25] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/2ajxgekn
L13[00:09:51] <Fe​ris> but not to every turret
L14[00:11:03] <Hawk777> The code <https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OpenModularTurrets/blob/1.12/src/main/java/omtteam/openmodularturrets/compatibility/opencomputers/ManagedEnvironmentTurretBase.java#L134&gt; appears to make access level mandatory.
L15[00:11:43] <Fe​ris> oh
L16[00:12:24] <Hawk777> The access levels are between 0 and 3 inclusive and are defined here <https://github.com/OpenModularTurretsTeam/OMLib/blob/1.12/src/main/java/omtteam/omlib/api/permission/EnumAccessLevel.java&gt;.
L17[00:12:36] <Hawk777> (None, OpenGUI, ChangeSettings, and Admin)
L18[00:14:42] <Fe​ris> it worked now
L19[00:15:10] <Fe​ris> yeah it's working perfectly now
L20[00:15:11] <Fe​ris> thank you
L21[00:15:12] <Fe​ris> sm
L22[00:40:49] <asie> @Kosmos https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/3572
L23[00:40:56] <asie> I gave a response
L24[00:41:11] <asie> in short, I'm not sure if any of us have the capacity to review this properly ;;
L25[00:43:03] <Kos​mos> That's understandable, I just didn't think sitting around on it will do any good. And I do have a checklist to work on still.
L26[00:43:49] <asie> I'd say continue the work; even if we're not capable, I'm sure we can make arrangements to either have this released as an endorsed fork or to just hand over access to the OC build machine
L27[00:47:50] <Fe​ris> How i can check if in table is a player with exact nickname? (opensecurity entity detector) https://tinyurl.com/2bbkerzy
L28[00:58:40] <Kos​mos> Looks like that returns an array-like of entity data (table), so you have to iterate over all entries and check the "name" key in each. Or convert the result into a `name -> true` table first if you want to check multiple.
L29[00:58:58] <Fe​ris> how i can do it?
L30[00:59:22] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/2au799w5
L31[00:59:27] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/25pf2d55
L32[01:02:29] <Kos​mos> something like
L33[01:02:29] <Kos​mos> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/fibidaxizo
L34[01:02:50] <Kos​mos> where `tbl` is the scan result
L35[01:17:51] <Fe​ris> >Kosmos: where `tbl` is the scan result
L36[01:17:51] <Fe​ris> what do you mean
L37[01:18:12] <Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/2angxl2u&lt;Fe​ris> https://tinyurl.com/2ccbrhnw
L38[01:19:18] <Kos​mos> `name` needs to be a string, and you can then use it as `if findPlayer(...) then`
L39[01:19:29] <Fe​ris> oh i forgot about ""
L40[01:19:31] <Ri​ley> Is there really not an operation to check if a table contains a key?
L41[01:19:47] <Fe​ris> >Kosmos: `name` needs to be a string, and you can then use it as `if findPlayer(.…
L42[01:19:47] <Fe​ris> yeah ik but i print for debug
L43[01:20:51] <Kos​mos> >Riley: Is there really not an operation to check if a table contains a key?
L44[01:20:51] <Kos​mos> I don't think so (normally you create a lookup table which maps to truth-y values), but even if there was the result table is number-indexed, so you have to iterate either way.
L45[01:21:52] <Ri​ley> Looks like you can use `table[key] ~= nil`.
L46[01:22:16] <Kos​mos> right, that works even better
L47[01:26:27] <Fe​ris> oh, one more i have screen with this dimensions, how i can change res to portrait? https://tinyurl.com/26m3w9bj&lt;Fe​ris> oh, one more i have screen with this dimensions, how i can change res to portrait? https://tinyurl.com/22ull8lv
L48[01:27:58] <Kos​mos> The GPU component has a `setResolution` function I believe.
L49[01:29:43] <Fe​ris> yeah but what arguments i have to give?
L50[01:29:50] <Fe​ris> 2, 1?
L51[01:33:45] <Kos​mos> It's `function(width:number, height:number):boolean` (in characters). Good news is, it looks like you can make `height` higher than what your GPU supports if you drop the `width` in exchange.
L52[01:33:45] <Kos​mos> For that, see `function maxResolution():number, number` (also in the GPU).
L53[01:34:08] <Kos​mos> I don't know how big the screen insets are, so I can't give you the ratios that make the best use of the space you have.
L54[01:35:48] <Fe​ris> >Kosmos: It's `function(width:number, height:number):boolean` (in characters). Go…
L55[01:35:48] <Fe​ris> it returns 160, 50
L56[01:35:51] <Fe​ris> >Kosmos: I don't know how big the screen insets are, so I can't give you the rati…
L57[01:35:51] <Fe​ris> me too
L58[01:36:19] <Kos​mos> How'd you make them reach to the edge of the block anyway?
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L60[01:36:45] <Fe​ris> >Kosmos: How'd you make them reach to the edge of the block anyway?
L61[01:36:45] <Fe​ris> openscreens mod
L62[01:45:47] <Kos​mos> Looks like the font is twice as high as it is wide, so for your screen it works if width and height are the same (in chars). Max should be 89x89 but that will make it harder to view in GUI.
L63[01:46:00] <S​ky> %tonk
L64[01:46:01] <MichiBot> Sard! S​ky! You beat deq​ubed's previous record of 9 hours, 2 minutes and 35 seconds (By 2 hours, 48 minutes and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L65[01:46:02] <MichiBot> Sky's new record is 11 hours, 51 minutes and 20 seconds! Sky also gained 0.0281 (0.00281 x 10) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #18. Need 0.04353 more points to pass n​il!
L66[01:46:11] <S​ky> Dam
L67[01:59:38] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
L68[02:15:31] <Fe​ris> someone have interesting 3d models to print (in minecraft ofc)
L69[02:16:42] <Amanda> @Riley that only works if you're looking for a key, not a value in that table, it's a table(list) of table(map), aiui
L70[02:24:13] <Ri​ley> Yeah, I misread. I thought it was just a table mapping usernames to nicknames rather than a list of tables.
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L73[02:48:42] <Z0id​berg> >Feris: someone have interesting 3d models to print (in minecraft ofc)
L74[02:48:42] <Z0id​berg> Print a dinosaur
L75[02:50:55] <Amanda> Print non-euclodian cat towers
L76[02:52:07] * Amanda curls up around elfi, "Nene, do you want to know how I got these cars?" t-shirts, revealing some fairy-sized toy cars-
L77[02:53:33] <Amanda> s/t-shirts/-shifts/
L78[02:56:35] * Amanda collapses into a pile of floof
L79[02:56:57] <Amanda> Night girls, I've got to see the vampires tomorrow meowning
L80[03:15:54] <Z0id​berg> Cat towers huh
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L186[06:16:02] <MichiBot> You drink a seeping aluminium potion (New!). It tastes sweet.
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L487[08:24:23] <Va​ur> %sip
L488[08:24:25] <MichiBot> You drink a smooth pussplum potion (New!). Vaur suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
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L536[09:14:17] <AR2​000> Can @Corded stop spamming ?
L537[09:21:54] <Izaya> if only
L538[09:29:51] <AR2​000> I'm still surprised by the number of ppl on IRC compared of the number really chatting
L539[09:31:06] <Izaya> oh, a netsplit
L540[09:31:09] <Izaya> lmao
L541[09:31:34] <Izaya> this is only a third of the peak or so
L542[09:32:59] <AR2​000> had to google to understand. New to irc
L543[09:34:50] <AR2​000> I know what it is, but not how it work
L544[09:41:04] <ThePi​Guy24> >AR2000: I'm still surprised by the number of ppl on IRC compared of the number really…
L545[09:41:04] <ThePi​Guy24> its an even worse ratio on discord ;p
L546[09:41:14] <AR2​000> >AR2000: Can <@173917481042182144> stop spamming ?
L547[09:41:14] <AR2​000> suddenly : no context
L548[09:42:23] <AR2​000> >ThePiGuy24: its an even worse ratio on discord ;p
L549[09:42:23] <AR2​000> but discord list everyone who joined the srv. Corded show everyone who chosed to join the channel (maybe, never used any other IRC client other than the web one on the forum or in game one)
L550[09:43:12] <Forec​aster> Lurking is an ancient pastime
L551[09:57:49] <Elfi> And an oft-overlooked one these days
L552[10:02:19] <Forec​aster> %sip
L553[10:02:20] <MichiBot> You drink a basic platinum potion (New!). Forecaster feels slightly faster.
L554[10:30:52] <Va​ur> %sip
L555[10:30:53] <MichiBot> You drink a porous toxictop potion (New!). Vaur's favourite hair suddenly disintegrates.
L556[10:54:44] * Amanda sleepily meows and looks around before going to the vampires
L557[11:10:48] <Amanda> It's always risky scanning Izayafedi feed in public
L558[11:11:12] <Izaya> ... I can see why you'd say that.
L559[11:52:32] <Amanda> %oclogs
L560[11:52:32] <MichiBot> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L561[12:23:39] <Na​dja> Izaya: At least it's not porn and just … whatever you call that specific variation of cuteposting. :P
L562[12:24:35] <Forec​aster> corn
L563[12:27:39] <S​ky> %sip
L564[12:27:40] <MichiBot> You drink a porous ocean potion (New!). Sky's skin turn the color of naqahdah for 3 hours.
L565[12:40:51] <Forec​aster> %sip
L566[12:40:53] <MichiBot> You drink a slimy amethyst potion (New!). A bard starts playing a lute behind Forecaster until they say the phrase "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Wenk".
L567[12:41:14] <S​ky> %sip porous amethyst
L568[12:41:14] <MichiBot> You drink a porous amethyst potion (New!). Sky gains some curse. Sky has 1 curse. (Rem. uses: 0)
L569[12:41:19] <S​ky> Oh
L570[12:52:12] <Forec​aster> Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Wenk!
L571[13:01:27] <S​ky> %sip tonk
L572[13:01:27] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly cyan potion (New!). Sky gains the ability to talk to Swords until they see a unicorn.
L573[13:01:31] <S​ky> Oh
L574[13:01:52] <S​ky> Can I not just put tonk and have it give me tonk points? Smh /s
L575[13:01:56] <S​ky> %shell
L576[13:01:57] <MichiBot> Sky loads a Magic Quantum Potato! (25%) into a shell and fires it. It strikes inf​ina. They take 1d8 => 5 (Magic +2) => 7 damage. Lesh​aInc and Si​nZ stood too close and take 1d6 => 3 (Magic +2) => 5, and 1d6 => 5 (Magic +2) => 7 damage respectively.
L577[13:02:04] <S​ky> Holy damn
L578[13:27:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef139f30a80e96f5765f5dc8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L579[13:36:44] <Forec​aster> >Sky: Can I not just put tonk and have it give me tonk points? Smh /s
L580[13:36:44] <Forec​aster> I know right. The person who coded this is clearly incompetent
L581[13:41:12] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef139f398707e3682ca96761.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L582[13:41:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L583[13:44:27] <Fe​ris> how i can wake my computers with setWakeMessage?
L584[13:44:36] <Fe​ris> broadcast doesn't work
L585[13:45:04] <AR2​000> %tonk
L586[13:45:05] <MichiBot> Dogast! AR2​000! You beat S​ky's previous record of 11 hours, 51 minutes and 20 seconds (By 7 minutes and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L587[13:45:06] <MichiBot> AR2000's new record is 11 hours, 59 minutes and 4 seconds! AR2000 also gained 0.00156 (0.00013 x 12) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #13. Need 0.0051 more points to pass as​ie!
L588[13:45:52] <AR2​000> I am indeed happy, 56s of it being a 12h tonk
L589[13:47:12] <Fe​ris> >Feris: how i can wake my computers with setWakeMessage?
L590[13:47:12] <Fe​ris> ?
L591[13:50:48] <AR2​000> >Feris: broadcast doesn't work
L592[13:50:48] <AR2​000> It does, just tested it
L593[13:51:34] <AR2​000> PC 1 : `component.modem.setWakeMessage("bob")`
L594[13:51:34] <AR2​000> PC 2 : `component.modem.broadcast(anyport,"bob")`
L595[13:51:55] <Fe​ris> oh shit, i pasted wrong line xD https://tinyurl.com/236uedfl
L596[13:52:15] <Fe​ris> yeah it's working now
L597[13:52:22] <Fe​ris> thanks
L598[13:52:35] <AR2​000> you don't need to open a port for the wakeMessage
L599[13:53:08] <Fe​ris> yeah i know but this program is not only for waking up
L600[14:08:53] <AR2​000> I'm having a issue of screen freezing when reloading my world. All screens stop refreshing, but still work
L601[14:09:24] <AR2​000> No they are not turned off by redstone, they are still displaying the last image
L602[14:40:04] <Forec​aster> This is a long standing bug
L603[14:40:18] <Forec​aster> No one knows why it happens
L604[14:40:37] <AR2​000> it's annoying with public infra locked in bedrock
L605[15:23:09] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> what server is that on?
L606[15:38:59] <Amanda> Wheeee. Filed an issue for zig for where my ocwasm stuff crashes in 0.10+
L607[15:39:23] <Amanda> Wish my anxity let me do that earlier, considering it was such a simple thing to boil down to a small testcase
L608[15:39:45] <Amanda> s/crashes/crashes the compiler/
L609[15:39:45] <MichiBot> <Amanda> Wheeee. Filed an issue for zig for where my ocwasm stuff crashes the compiler in 0.10+
L610[15:40:12] <Ri​ley> inb4 fixed in stage2
L611[15:40:21] <Amanda> Stage2 doesn't have async, so in a way it is. :P
L612[15:40:27] <Amanda> It's caused by async in wasm somehow
L613[15:40:39] <Amanda> Issue: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13397
L614[15:40:42] <MichiBot> Title: -fstage1 crashes on wasm32-freestanding with async | Posted by: AmandaCameron | Posted: Tue Nov 01 15:33:16 UTC 2022 | Status: open
L615[15:42:54] <AR2​000> >Inari 「オ兄デレ」「狐っ娘」: what server is that on?
L616[15:42:54] <AR2​000> my screen issue ? Just a local world
L617[15:48:58] <Z0id​berg> WOOO! Dwarf Fortress Steam release date is December 6th 2022
L618[15:49:19] <Amanda> No longer "Time is subjective"
L619[15:56:50] <Ri​ley> Is there any reason why the oc2 file transfer card has a hardcoded limit of 512 kb? It's usually good enough™ for text files, but I found that I have to `split` and `cat` frames for the projector. Busybox's compression utilities also fail for some reason, though I was using the GNU utilities to compress so they may just be incompatible for some reason.
L620[16:12:49] <Na​dja> technical limits in Minecraft IIRC
L621[16:13:14] <asie> there's no reason AFAIK
L622[16:13:24] <asie> what I did was mount the hard drive image locally lol
L623[16:14:07] <Na​dja> @Sangar For some reason the OC2 config system just doesn't appear to work. Is that a ToDo or *should* that work and something is weird?
L624[16:26:02] <Ri​ley> >asie: what I did was mount the hard drive image locally lol
L625[16:26:02] <Ri​ley> Just got that to work. That's much easier.
L626[16:35:12] <Ri​ley> Is it safe to modify the image as long as it is not mounted in any computers or should the server be stopped? I imagine multiple writers could cause issues.
L627[16:36:28] <asie> I don't remember... it's been a while. Check the OC2 config file
L628[16:36:39] <asie> but I know I did it with only in-game computers shut down, not the MC server
L629[17:28:39] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> >AR2000: my screen issue ? Just a local world
L630[17:28:39] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> ah damn, public infrastructure made me think maybe a server to play on
L631[17:37:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e23:bd00:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L632[17:42:19] <Forec​aster> %sip
L633[17:42:20] <MichiBot> You drink a simulated electrum potion (New!). As Forecaster drinks the potion they become the target of a wad of llama spit! They fail to evade it with a 7 vs DC 12 and takes 1d​4 => 1 damage.
L634[17:42:35] <Forec​aster> Ew
L635[17:56:31] <Ri​ley> %sip
L636[17:56:31] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy octiron potion (New!). Riley reboots for an update for 7 minutes.
L637[18:20:09] <Va​ur> %sip
L638[18:20:10] <MichiBot> You drink a concentrated red potion (New!). Vaur zones out for 4 minutes.
L639[18:20:27] ⇨ Joins: watameln (~watameln@cpc77022-warw18-2-0-cust239.3-2.cable.virginm.net)
L640[18:20:35] <watameln> hello!
L641[18:21:07] <watameln> anyone online today?
L642[18:23:17] <watameln> among us
L643[18:23:57] <S​ky> What
L644[18:24:23] <Amanda> Just a 8 year old's idea of funny, just saying the name of a game
L645[18:25:22] <watameln> you can't asume my age doe
L646[18:25:31] <watameln> well you can but don't please
L647[18:25:45] <S​ky> You can entirely assume someone's age.
L648[18:25:47] <Amanda> I'm a grown ass-woman, I can do what I want
L649[18:26:01] * Amanda curls up around Elfi, reads more stories to her
L650[18:26:12] <watameln> women arent real
L651[18:26:13] <S​ky> I'm a high school student I can mostly do what I want! :sunglasses_in_tears;
L652[18:26:17] <S​ky> What
L653[18:26:20] <watameln> joke nerd
L654[18:26:32] <watameln> how do i move to the russian irc
L655[18:26:42] <S​ky> There is no Russian irc?
L656[18:26:55] <watameln> what is #cc.ru then
L657[18:26:57] <Teris> I'd like to assist you watameIn and inform you that you potentially may have misidentified the joke
L658[18:27:04] <Teris> I recommend a further investigation
L659[18:27:13] <watameln> who are you teris
L660[18:27:24] <S​ky> #cc.ru is probably a computercraft channel.
L661[18:27:26] <watameln> Why do you speak like an AI?
L662[18:27:34] <Te​ris> I am who I am. No more and no less of course
L663[18:27:35] <watameln> Yes this is a computercraft channel??
L664[18:27:40] <S​ky> No
L665[18:27:44] <watameln> YES
L666[18:27:52] <watameln> im talking thru computercraft
L667[18:27:53] <S​ky> What
L668[18:27:56] <watameln> or open computers
L669[18:27:57] <S​ky> Ok
L670[18:28:00] <watameln> whatever
L671[18:28:01] <S​ky> And?
L672[18:28:07] <S​ky> Not special
L673[18:28:12] <watameln> okay?
L674[18:28:15] <S​ky> IRC is a simple protocol
L675[18:28:26] <S​ky> Not hard, and OC includes an irc program.
L676[18:28:30] <watameln> what is this then
L677[18:28:44] <Amanda> IRC
L678[18:28:58] <Te​ris> It's also linked to Discord
L679[18:29:12] <S​ky> This is IRC, which this particular channel has a discord bridge.
L680[18:29:20] <watameln> why is this linked to discord?
L681[18:29:28] <S​ky> Why not?
L682[18:29:30] <watameln> this is minecraft
L683[18:29:38] <S​ky> You are in minecraft.
L684[18:29:52] <Te​ris> Minecraft is not currently running on my computer
L685[18:29:53] <S​ky> Everyone else is on a normal computer
L686[18:29:57] <Te​ris> Your statement is not valid for all
L687[18:30:06] <watameln> No I'm talking from minecraft computer
L688[18:30:08] <Forec​aster> Maybe we're all in Minecraft and don't know it
L689[18:30:15] <Forec​aster> Minecraft all the way down
L690[18:30:18] <S​ky> Also mobile keyboards suck
L691[18:30:22] <watameln> what discord is this hooked up to?
L692[18:30:23] <Te​ris> I invite you to read my message more carefully watameIn
L693[18:30:27] <S​ky> Same here
L694[18:30:33] <S​ky> *you* are in minecraft
L695[18:30:43] <S​ky> Everyone *else* is not
L696[18:30:48] <Forec​aster> Who has time to read these days amirite
L697[18:30:52] <watameln> why
L698[18:30:53] <S​ky> I know
L699[18:31:01] <watameln> can i post links?
L700[18:31:10] <S​ky> Probably
L701[18:31:26] <watameln> so https://pornhub.com
L702[18:31:30] <watameln> that works?
L703[18:31:36] <S​ky> Jesus fucking christ
L704[18:31:43] <S​ky> 8 year old confirmed
L705[18:31:45] <watameln> Don't swear to jesus
L706[18:32:10] <Te​ris> I would like to advance the alternative age guess of 12 years
L707[18:32:12] <Forecaster> %tban watameln 1w
L708[18:32:13] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@cpc77022-warw18-2-0-cust239.3-2.cable.virginm.net
L709[18:32:14] *** watameln was kicked by zsh ((MichiBot) Reason: | For: 1w | Expires: 11/08/2022 06:32:12 PM))
L710[18:32:19] <S​ky> Pog
L711[18:32:24] <S​ky> Forecaster ftw
L712[18:35:42] <Na​dja> @Teris ohi teris, fancy seeing you talking here :P
L713[18:36:08] <Te​ris> I've never left
L714[18:36:24] <S​ky> Goodbye, Teris.
L715[18:36:24] <Na​dja> Yes, but you rarely *talk* these days ;)
L716[18:36:35] <Te​ris> Now that is true
L717[18:36:40] <S​ky> 12 year olds bring out the dead.
L718[18:36:46] <Ri​ley> RIP watameln (11/08/2022-11/08/2022)
L719[18:36:50] <Na​dja> And if you read carefully, that's what I wrote too ;P
L720[18:36:51] <Forec​aster> Who has time to talk these days amirite
L721[18:37:05] <S​ky> >Riley: RIP watameln (11/08/2022-11/08/2022)
L722[18:37:05] <S​ky> Not a rip imo
L723[18:37:07] <Na​dja> Forecaster I will smite you :P
L724[18:37:24] <S​ky> >Nadja: Forecaster I will smite you :P
L725[18:37:24] <S​ky> Sir I will have you know I am completely illiterate.
L726[18:37:34] <Te​ris> I've returned to one of my previous pastimes and so I check this server a little more often than in the past
L727[18:43:33] <Mich​iyo🎃> I look away to work, come back and see I missed all the fun
L728[18:44:23] <Na​dja> >Sky: Sir I will have you know I am completely illiterate.
L729[18:44:23] <Na​dja> Ma'am I will have you know that I am most certainly not a sir :P
L730[18:46:46] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e23:bd00:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@200116b81400e600fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)))
L731[18:46:47] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b81400e600fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L732[18:50:12] <Amanda> @Michiyo this seems to be your curse
L733[18:50:22] <Amanda> Did you anger a forest spirit recently?
L734[18:50:51] <Te​ris> The ping didn't work because you missed a pumpkin
L735[18:51:25] <Amanda> It should have worked, unless her account name isn't "Michiyo" -- let's test, does this ping work? @Inari
L736[18:51:49] <Amanda> If not, corded broke
L737[18:52:50] <Na​dja> It's @Michiyo🎃 now
L738[18:53:09] <Na​dja> Or wait, can you ping me with @Nadja?
L739[18:53:14] <Na​dja> … wait
L740[18:53:14] <Mich​iyo🎃> Corded still should have found me.
L741[18:53:21] <Amanda> @Nadja ?
L742[18:53:22] <Mich​iyo🎃> Oh, no I'm an idiot
L743[18:53:30] <nadja> fucking discord.
L744[18:53:31] <Mich​iyo🎃> I changed my actual name, not my nickname
L745[18:53:32] <nadja> @dequbed
L746[18:53:36] <Forec​aster> Corded is an enderman
L747[18:53:37] <Na​dja> welp
L748[18:53:39] <Na​dja> Nice
L749[18:53:42] <Na​dja> It works :D
L750[18:53:53] <Mich​iyo🎃> Corded can ping by account name, or nickname
L751[18:54:02] <Na​dja> cool ^^
L752[18:54:03] <Forec​aster> Can't see you if you're wearing a pumpkin
L753[19:12:46] ⇦ Quits: Lucifer (sid32492@id-32492.ilkley.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L754[19:13:10] ⇨ Joins: Lucifer (sid32492@id-32492.ilkley.irccloud.com)
L755[19:21:44] <Forec​aster> %sip
L756[19:21:44] <Amanda> Hi Lucy!
L757[19:21:44] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy cyan potion (New!). There's an acidic tinge to the potion... A label on the bottle reads "Who needs internal organs anyway?". Forecaster takes 3d​6 => [1,1,6] acid damage.
L758[19:21:57] <Forec​aster> ow dangit
L759[19:22:08] <Amanda> %splash @Inari with mutable potion
L760[19:22:09] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable stainless steel potion (New!) that splashes onto @Inari. @Inari turns into a pig girl until they stop thinking about it.
L761[19:22:12] <Forec​aster> I should mix some minecraft creatures into MichiBots tables
L762[19:25:31] <Va​ur> %sip
L763[19:25:32] <MichiBot> You drink a muddy oculemon potion (New!). Vaur comes face to face with a basilisk! Vaur is turned to stone until they eat a pie (3 vs DC 14)
L764[19:25:53] <Forec​aster> eating anything's gonna be difficult
L765[19:26:19] <Amanda> %fling Pie at Vaur's mouth
L766[19:26:19] <MichiBot> Ama​nda flings at Vau​r's mouth in a random direction. It hits the ground near Pie
L767[19:26:29] <Amanda> eh, close enough
L768[19:26:47] <Amanda> %choose pizza or chikken
L769[19:26:48] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: "chikken", now with 30% fewer deaths caused by negligence!
L770[19:33:16] <S​ky> %sip
L771[19:33:17] <MichiBot> You drink a wild coral potion (New!). An incredibly fake looking mustache is stuck to Sky's face until they see a bird.
L772[19:33:22] <S​ky> oh
L773[19:35:03] <lukas​z4444> anyone knows how to print file content like example.txt using loop that will print it until file ends
L774[19:35:52] <Forec​aster> in what?
L775[19:40:28] <lukas​z4444> I'm making a simple program that sends files through a stargate, and I don't know how to send a file as text.
L776[19:40:29] <lukas​z4444> I know that on the 1st computer the file is sent and on the second computer each line of code is added to the file until computer 1 does not send a command that tells computer 2 to stop saving all messeges to the file and that's it.
L777[19:43:54] <Forec​aster> you probably want to look at the filesystem library
L778[19:45:33] <lukas​z4444> i know it but i don't know ho do i print content of the file in a loop until file ends.
L779[19:51:45] ⇨ Joins: test12234 (webchat@d178-52.icpnet.pl)
L780[19:53:18] <Redston​eParkour> i believe there's an end-of-file character, just search for that
L781[19:53:33] <Redston​eParkour> in the received string
L782[19:56:47] <Ri​ley> The buffer API in ocdocs looks useful. Maybe you can use the whole file read option?
L783[20:12:05] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L784[20:12:05] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat AR2000's record of 11 hours, 59 minutes and 4 seconds this time. 6 hours and 27 minutes were wasted! Missed by 5 hours, 32 minutes and 4 seconds!
L785[20:23:38] <Ri​ley> >lukasz4444: i know it but i don't know how do i print content of the file in a loop …
L786[20:23:38] <Ri​ley> Can't really help you without more information. There's no good answer to this question because it depends on how you are reading the file, which likely depends on the format of the file. Assuming your file is a small text file, I would suggest just reading the entire file into a string, sending the string over the stargate, then writing that string out to a file on the recipient's filesystem.
L787[20:24:33] <Forec​aster> What do you mean? Just get the crystal ball out and summon the perfect answer from the ether
L788[20:48:57] <Amanda> But @Inari pushed it off the table
L789[20:51:58] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> slander
L790[20:53:26] <Forec​aster> You mean it's in for repairs again? Dang.
L791[21:04:05] <AR2​000> >Forecaster: %tonk
L792[21:04:05] <AR2​000> You can't beat me *evil laugh*
L793[21:04:05] <MichiBot> I'm sorry AR2000, you were not able to beat AR2000's record of 11 hours, 59 minutes and 4 seconds this time. 52 minutes were wasted! Missed by 11 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds!
L794[21:07:12] <AR2​000> @lukasz4444
L795[21:07:12] <AR2​000> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/fedapubozi
L796[21:07:25] <AR2​000> is that what you need ?
L797[21:09:10] <AR2​000> Oh, so <@705480975668347003> doesn't know the diff between a msg, and a reply
L798[21:11:19] <Kos​mos> I heard corded just pastes the replied-to message to IRC ahead of yours, and MichiBot runs on the IRC side.
L799[21:15:34] <Amanda> Not the full message
L800[21:15:53] <Amanda> And she prefixes it with a carrot
L801[21:20:39] ⇨ Joins: ckstep (~ckstep@host-185-25-219-144.jmdi.pl)
L802[21:24:18] <Forec​aster> 🥕 prefix
L803[21:26:01] <AR2​000> Michibot should ignore carrots then
L804[21:26:49] <Amanda> This wasn't a problem before, then forecaster made her accept commands anywhere in the message
L805[21:27:16] <Amanda> So, as always %blame Forecaster
L806[21:27:17] * MichiBot blames Forecaster for certain comic book heroes dying and coming back, and dying again
L807[21:34:45] <Forec​aster> It's nice though, people use it all the time 😛
L808[21:35:47] <Forec​aster> When I resume working on MichiBot I'll add a ignore prefix setting
L809[21:36:00] <Forec​aster> There's already a suffix one
L810[21:36:18] <Forec​aster> Also it's "caret"
L811[21:52:14] <AR2​000> You're right. I should %blame Forecaster for making me waste a tonk
L812[21:52:14] * MichiBot blames Forecaster for making me waste a tonk for adding Magic Quantum Potato Chips to the inventory!
L813[21:57:42] <Amanda> No, it's left-facing alligator
L814[22:03:14] <Amanda> Because clearly the name on the left is more tasty
L815[22:04:46] <Amanda> ... The name's more tasty than what they have to say, which says a lot about the world
L816[22:08:46] ⇦ Quits: dustinm`_ (~dustinm@static. (Quit: Leaving)
L817[22:16:51] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (~dustinm@static.
L818[23:20:23] <Forec​aster> What if it's a right facing bird? >
L819[23:41:45] <Amanda> %choose games or halucinate
L820[23:41:45] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I have a pamphlet that says never to engage in "games", so you should definitely do it!
L821[23:42:11] <Amanda> MichiBot is a gigoloette
L822[23:53:59] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300eaef139f398707e3682ca96761.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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