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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:48] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ee9:c300:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e64:5700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)))
L2[00:00:49] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e64:5700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L3[00:19:47] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L4[01:18:53] <Izaya> ayyyy guess who has three monitors again
L5[01:18:55] <Izaya> :D
L6[01:25:19] <s_​a_m> based
L7[01:25:37] <s_​a_m> i just put in an application for a job to write lua
L8[01:26:05] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/2e6680e1b19a22e0366b1e90d6a554362562b057a6c701f428e2e08bf653196e.jpg
L9[01:28:53] <Ocawes​ome101> implementing bcrypt in pure lua
L10[01:29:00] <Ocawes​ome101> what have i committed to
L11[01:29:36] <Amanda> Committing a great sin
L12[01:29:49] <Hawk777> That sounds like it would not perform very well.
L13[01:29:50] <Izaya> rolling your own crypto
L14[01:29:56] <Izaya> a cardinal sin
L15[01:30:03] <Izaya> I don't actually know what that phrase means
L16[01:30:06] <Hawk777> I mean even if it’s semantically correct.
L17[01:30:34] <Ocawes​ome101> Izaya: i have a proper implementation of bcrypt to test it against, don't worry
L18[01:30:52] <Ocawes​ome101> Hawk777: that's the point, i can (and will) modify the cost as necessary to get it reasonable
L19[01:31:31] <Ocawes​ome101> and
L20[01:31:43] <Ocawes​ome101> i really just want really good security for cynosure 2.0 :P
L21[01:31:56] <Hawk777> I mean OK, but doesn’t that just make it less secure because you have to lower the cost until the Lua implementation is fast enough, which means the cost is low enough that a much faster native implementation (which an attacker would use) will run it much faster?
L22[01:32:16] <Hawk777> Anyway, testing that the output is correct doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good to go—don’t forget about timing attacks and that sort of thing too.
L23[01:32:26] <Hawk777> But by all means have fun as it’s not for anything super-important!
L24[01:32:30] <Izaya> speaking of timing
L25[01:32:43] <Izaya> so when all my inventory system terminals boot up at once
L26[01:32:53] <Izaya> it floods the server and some of the clients hang
L27[01:33:04] <Amanda> Izaya for a second I thought it was a shrugging guy emoji in the top bar, then I realized it was the gajim icon
L28[01:33:09] <Ocawes​ome101> it definitely is mostly pointless :^)
L29[01:33:27] <s_​a_m> >Ocawesome101: implementing bcrypt in pure lua
L30[01:33:27] <s_​a_m> [x] nice
L31[01:33:36] <s_​a_m> i need to try to make icekey in lua actually work correctly
L32[01:33:39] <Izaya> so I added a script before it in the shrc that would wait a random time between 0 and 30 seconds, then run the program
L33[01:33:48] <Izaya> but because I have all the computers waking on LAN
L34[01:33:58] <Izaya> they all started up at the exact same time and got the exact same random seed
L35[01:34:02] <Izaya> so they all waited the exact same time
L36[01:34:14] <Izaya> :D
L37[01:34:18] <s_​a_m> also remember to do @sam and sam:
L38[01:34:34] <s_​a_m> oh that doesn't work through corded
L39[01:34:35] <s_​a_m> wtf
L40[01:34:42] <Izaya> corded shows you as s_a_m
L41[01:34:44] <s_​a_m> s\a\m: test
L42[01:34:47] <s_​a_m> wtf
L43[01:34:57] <s_​a_m> corded eats the underscores
L44[01:34:59] <Izaya> ended up having said script set the random seed based on the current time and the computer address
L45[01:36:27] <Amanda> Omnomnom, tasty underscores
L46[01:37:02] <s_a_m> maybe i should change my nick to lunar_sam
L47[01:37:41] <Amanda> @s_a_m corded ATM just does a naive search and replace, if you want to contribute a smarter parser I'm sure michiyo would be thrilled
L48[01:37:56] <s_a_m> that sounds spooky though
L49[01:38:12] <s_a_m> ALSO JUST THE PING WORKS ON BOTH
L50[01:38:13] <s_a_m> 😀
L51[01:38:19] <s_​a_m> lunar_sam
L52[01:38:22] <s_​a_m> cool
L53[01:38:26] <s_​a_m> doesn't get eaten on this side
L54[01:38:34] <Amanda> Tfw the bridge doesn't auto-translate pings
L55[01:38:44] <luna​r_sam> .
L56[01:39:15] <Mic​hiyo> What exactly am I missing here?
L57[01:39:32] <Amanda> It's always fun learning what random words people have nicks as in a channel because Heisenbridge converted it into a matrix ping
L58[01:40:06] *** s_a_m is now known as lunar_sam
L59[01:40:13] <Amanda> @michiyo corded is replacing s_a_m with s(italics)a(/italics)m
L60[01:40:28] <Amanda> But only in the message body
L61[01:40:29] <lunar_sam> oh is that's what's happening?
L62[01:40:34] <lunar_sam> oh it already changed
L63[01:40:37] <lunar_sam> :3
L64[01:40:43] <Mic​hiyo> Ah, I'm not exactly show how I would fix that. :)
L65[01:40:47] <Mic​hiyo> sure*
L66[01:40:50] <Mic​hiyo> ... fuck you brain
L67[01:40:54] <lunar_sam> that's why i just changed my nick
L68[01:40:57] <luna​r_sam> test
L69[01:41:02] <luna​r_sam> lunar_sam: test
L70[01:41:08] <luna​r_sam> ain't pinging me yet
L71[01:41:20] ⇦ Parts: lunar_sam (d83d0855c1@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1) ())
L72[01:41:29] <Amanda> Like I said, she ATM does a naive search/replace, if Sam wants to contribute a smarter parser then you'd be thrilled
L73[01:41:29] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (d83d0855c1@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
L74[01:41:48] <lunar_sam> nick fixed
L75[01:42:09] <lunar_sam> [x] nice
L76[01:42:31] <Izaya> :drakeno: lunar SAM
L77[01:42:35] <Izaya> :drakeyes: lunar MAC
L78[01:42:42] <lunar_sam> what
L79[01:42:44] <lunar_sam> ohb
L80[01:42:47] <lunar_sam> lmao
L81[01:42:50] <Amanda> Kinda love how Nick changes work on Heisenbridge
L82[01:42:54] <Amanda> https://matrix.camnet.site/_matrix/media/r0/download/camnet.site/agPewjjTSYlFbQMxhmOehAMb/Screenshot_20211006-214215.png
L83[01:43:19] <Izaya> lunar MAC ft. 15m dia solid iron flywheel
L84[01:43:40] <Mic​hiyo> https://github.com/CaitlynMainer/Yuri/blob/master/src/main/java/net/dv8tion/discord/bridge/IrcConnection.java#L354-L371 I guess I could force it to make sure that it's [space][underscore]bleh[underscore][space]....
L85[01:44:24] * Amanda curls up around elfi, meows to her about all the lonely socks, and how she's been doing her best to only kitnap pairs when she's laying in the laundry pile
L86[01:44:32] <Amanda> Night nerds
L87[01:44:37] <Mic​hiyo> Night
L88[01:55:13] ⇦ Quits: pwootage (~pwootage@new.pwootage.com) (Quit: Cya)
L89[01:55:24] ⇨ Joins: pwootage (~pwootage@new.pwootage.com)
L90[04:02:55] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8272:f00:6e89:1d44:6e41:659f) (Quit: Leaving.)
L91[04:09:24] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8272:f00:11e6:b16:2799:c5f4)
L92[05:05:06] <Va​ur> %tonk
L93[05:05:07] <MichiBot> Awesome! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 6 hours, 23 minutes and 49 seconds (By 5 hours, 19 minutes and 45 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L94[05:05:08] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 11 hours, 43 minutes and 35 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.03731 (0.00533 x 7) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2 => #1. (Overtook Forecaster)
L95[05:07:55] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@91-154-3-200.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L96[05:29:34] <Forec​aster> %sip
L97[05:29:35] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy nectar potion (New!). Forecaster sees the sky briefly flash solid dark blue then go back to normal.
L98[05:30:53] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e64:5700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L99[06:00:47] <Va​ur> %sip
L100[06:00:49] <MichiBot> You drink a fluffy sapphire potion (New!). Vaur's bed is suddenly slightly less comfortable until they stop thinking about it.
L101[06:12:27] <Ocawes​ome101> i have completed an etude and shall now go to bed
L102[06:20:45] <Ash​irg> %sio
L103[06:20:49] <Ash​irg> %tonk
L104[06:20:50] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Ashirg, you were not able to beat Vaur's record of 11 hours, 43 minutes and 35 seconds this time. 1 hour, 15 minutes and 43 seconds were wasted! Missed by 10 hours, 27 minutes and 52 seconds!
L105[06:20:54] <Ash​irg> %sip
L106[06:20:55] <MichiBot> You drink a forked ferozium potion (New!). For about a second Ashirg knows the location of a great treasure.
L107[06:21:06] <Ash​irg> Fuck
L108[06:27:11] ⇦ Quits: tehbeard (~tehesper@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L109[06:30:31] <Ash​irg> %sip
L110[06:30:39] <Ash​irg> 23 seconds
L111[06:32:31] <Ash​irg> %sip
L112[06:32:32] <MichiBot> You drink a rather blue potion (New!). Ashirg falls into a shaft and drop 2 floors!
L113[06:32:37] <Ash​irg> Ouch
L114[06:32:50] <Ash​irg> Why would you do this to me
L115[06:59:51] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-221-38.dynamic.as20676.net)
L116[06:59:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L117[07:04:22] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8272:f00:11e6:b16:2799:c5f4) (Quit: Leaving.)
L118[07:15:21] ⇦ Quits: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L119[07:17:19] ⇨ Joins: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de)
L120[08:18:07] <Sagh​etti> i want this https://hackaday.com/2015/02/06/a-diy-pick-and-place-you-can-build-right-now/
L121[08:27:55] <dequbed> "parts as small as 0402" :D
L122[08:29:13] <dequbed> @Saghetti anyway if you want to build a toy pnp there's software for that here: https://openpnp.org/
L123[08:29:38] <Sagh​etti> the machine i posted runs openpnp natively
L124[08:29:52] <dequbed> Well then, go build one yourself :P
L125[08:30:06] <Sagh​etti> if only i had $2k to spend on a pick and place machine :(
L126[08:30:30] <Sagh​etti> at least it's not what, like $200k for an industrial grade one?
L127[08:30:43] <dequbed> Eh, depends on what you want
L128[08:31:19] <dequbed> you can get them for reasonable 5 figures as well, especially for slower ones
L129[08:32:16] <dequbed> But at the same time, do you need a pick an place with that low accuracy anyway? They don't save a lot of time.
L130[08:34:21] <Sagh​etti> speaking of other cool machines
L131[08:35:21] <Sagh​etti> diy pcb printers https://www.voltera.io/store/v-one
L132[08:37:32] <Sagh​etti> not sure how good the pcb quality is
L133[08:37:37] <Sagh​etti> but this is really, really cool
L134[08:39:40] <dequbed> If they can do vias then it's almost interesting
L135[08:40:52] <Sagh​etti> it can do vias
L136[08:41:03] <dequbed> Are you sure?
L137[08:41:14] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L138[08:41:49] <Sagh​etti> there's a drill attachment
L139[08:42:00] <dequbed> That's for drilling.
L140[08:42:17] <Sagh​etti> and in this video you can literally see it drilling vias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u4izLA-SCo
L141[08:42:18] <MichiBot> You can now PRINT PCBs! Creating a homemade PCB with the Voltera V-One PCB Printer! | length: 12m 23s | Likes: 24,876 Dislikes: 969 Views: 855,029 | by GreatScott! | Published On 31/1/2021
L142[08:42:23] <dequbed> For a via you also need a conductive path from one end of the hole to the other end.
L143[08:42:37] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L144[08:43:31] <dequbed> And that's also incidentially the part where the more common way of producing PCB uses very expensive chemicals in very precise doses with temperature controlled fully submerged baths to get any kind of acceptable yield.
L145[08:44:14] <Sagh​etti> did you mean the machine creating vias by itself
L146[08:44:38] <Sagh​etti> because this requires you to hammer in some copper inserts
L147[08:44:45] <dequbed> Ah.
L148[08:46:11] <Sagh​etti> this does a lot though
L149[08:46:23] <Sagh​etti> it can even apply solder paste and reflow boards
L150[08:47:16] <dequbed> Yeah, with a heated bed
L151[08:47:22] <dequbed> I can read the tech specs
L152[08:47:50] <dequbed> But it's going to do every single thing much worse than a specialised machine and adding it up isn't even all that much cheaper.
L153[08:50:21] <dequbed> Sure, isolation milling gives you shit HF but I somehow don't see this printing stuff have excellent HF characteristics either :P
L154[08:51:32] <Izaya> having a single machine that just prints PCBs is appealing as a hobbyist though
L155[08:52:08] <dequbed> If you pay $4200 for one machine that's one expensive hobby.
L156[08:52:25] <dequbed> You can home-etch a container's worth of PCBs for that penny.
L157[08:52:48] <Izaya> well, I hope the price goes down over time then
L158[08:52:52] <Izaya> because I can't afford that :D
L159[08:53:25] <dequbed> You can afford home etch though. That doesn't require anything special other than a number of generally freely available chemicals.
L160[08:58:16] <Izaya> https://bbs.kawa-kun.com/media/e79e17f2918238ea0637769a8e9c15df169b576d8f86f89e82b6d495e77c8b04.webm
L161[08:59:35] <dequbed> %bap Izaya
L162[08:59:35] <MichiBot> dequbed baps Izaya with the Shiny Magic spiky collar! (25%)! (10%)!
L163[08:59:49] <Izaya> hmmmmmm
L164[09:04:02] <Ariri> pcb brinter
L165[09:04:08] <Ariri> printer
L166[09:04:21] <Ariri> interesante
L167[09:09:42] <dequbed> Izaya: Also looking at that Great Scott video, with home etching you'll easily manage SOIC without having to fix your footprint with a stencil knife :P
L168[09:10:46] <Izaya> when I looked into it ... a long time ago, you can etch your own boards with quite a bit of accuracy
L169[09:12:12] <dequbed> Given that etching is the industry standard tech and you today can get µm trace widths with 100% yield, yes. Yes, etching is pretty accurate.
L170[09:12:27] <Izaya> but even just acid in a tub with a printed mask
L171[09:12:36] <dequbed> That's all that the big guys are doing.
L172[09:12:54] <dequbed> They're just control the tub better and have an expensive printer.
L173[09:13:13] <Izaya> right, which you don't necessarily need to get the same results
L174[09:13:15] <Izaya> or at least, to a point
L175[09:13:42] <dequbed> Biggest thing that'll shaft you is placement of the mask on your drilled boards.
L176[09:17:58] <dequbed> As in that's shafting everybody, including the big guys. You have a very very precise printer giving you a mask and a very very precise mill giving you holes. What you don't get is a precise location of the mask on the print. So lining the mask up to the drilled board is a complex issue.
L177[09:19:49] <dequbed> And no, direct laser masking is not a solution because you're replacing a very easily controllable set of DoF (rotation and one linear movement) with a much harder one (two linear movements) and make the whole process slower and less precise that way.
L178[09:20:16] <dequbed> Not to speak of still having to line up the front with the back
L179[09:20:44] ⇨ Joins: tehbeard (~tehesper@
L180[09:21:41] <Izaya> personally I think a plotter with one of those conductive silver ink pens is an interesting idea
L181[09:23:59] <Izaya> not too great for making actual workable products but interesting for prototyping
L182[09:24:30] <dequbed> I mean then you're basically at what that printer that @Saghetti linked is doing :P
L183[09:38:04] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L184[09:38:12] <Sagh​etti> it's basically just a plotter with conductive ink
L185[09:38:14] <Sagh​etti> but fancier
L186[10:08:51] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L187[10:32:26] <Kristo​pher38> @Saghetti i've done etching at home, it doesn't require $4200 machine :P
L188[10:47:32] <Forec​aster> https://youtu.be/Dxnr2FAADAs
L189[10:47:33] <MichiBot> Take a look inside Steam Deck™! | length: 5m 25s | Likes: 33,847 Dislikes: 371 Views: 350,761 | by Valve | Published On 6/10/2021
L190[11:34:38] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L197[12:07:50] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L198[13:09:58] ⇦ Parts: lunar_sam (d83d0855c1@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1) (Disconnected: Replaced by new connection))
L199[13:10:00] ⇨ Joins: lunar_sam (d83d0855c1@2a00:c70:1:178:170:40:189:1)
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L204[14:34:40] <lunar_sam> a
L205[14:35:16] <Forec​aster> b
L206[14:38:26] <lunar_sam> "get shit on kid" says some man moments before being orbital striked by my boot in titanfall 2
L207[14:38:50] <Forec​aster> boot to the head
L208[15:09:07] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8272:f00:6e89:1d44:6e41:659f)
L209[15:15:32] <Va​ur> %sip
L210[15:15:32] <MichiBot> You drink a liquid coralcreep potion (New!). An incredibly fake looking mustache is stuck to Vaur's face until Sozin's Comet returns.
L211[15:35:38] <Amanda> Oh joy, updating steam will mean a bunch of CPU usage, I guess: Reduced sizes of Vulkan pre-caching datasets by splitting and versioning them according to Proton versions and graphics driver capabilities. As a result, the datasets will start from scratch after updating.
L212[16:10:43] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@91-154-3-200.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L213[16:16:50] <Ar​iri> lunar_sam: good shit
L214[16:24:58] <Forec​aster> %sip
L215[16:24:58] <MichiBot> You drink a prickly blue potion (New!). Forecaster feels chill.
L216[16:29:12] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (~finch@2603-8000-2f00-e0b3-0226-18ff-fe06-8702.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L217[16:34:46] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L218[16:34:49] ⇨ Joins: finch (~finch@2603-8000-2f00-e0b3-0226-18ff-fe06-8702.res6.spectrum.com)
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L220[16:43:09] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e64:5700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
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L223[18:05:27] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L227[18:13:10] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L228[18:16:35] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L229[18:20:26] <Izaya> Amanda: get ready to re-download caches too, "yay"
L230[18:23:50] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L231[18:23:51] <MichiBot> Awesome! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 11 hours, 43 minutes and 35 seconds (By 19 minutes and 25 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L232[18:23:52] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.012 tonk points! plus 0.011 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 3.2595901. Position #2 => #1 (Overtook Vaur)
L233[18:32:17] <Forec​aster> https://i.imgur.com/Rz1UGMR.mp4
L234[18:36:39] <Batm​enzDW> anyone know why I'm getting this error? https://tinyurl.com/yzohosgj
L235[18:38:26] <Forec​aster> because there's no primary inventory controller available
L236[18:39:30] <Amanda> you have to install it when you make the robot, not put it in it's hand
L237[18:39:30] <Batm​enzDW> but I have the inventory controller upgrade?
L238[18:39:30] <Forec​aster> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:component_access#primary_components
L239[18:40:06] <Forec​aster> ah, yeah what Amanda said
L240[18:40:57] <Forec​aster> or you could put it in an upgrade container, but this robot doesn't have one since that would be one of the disabled slots
L241[18:41:40] <Batm​enzDW> how do I give it more upgrade slots?
L242[18:41:57] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L243[18:41:58] <Forec​aster> put in a higher tier chassi
L244[18:42:17] <Forec​aster> put in a higher tier case [Edited]
L245[18:43:14] <Batm​enzDW> thx
L246[18:45:28] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L247[18:56:29] <Forec​aster> hm https://tinyurl.com/yfnl6jvv
L248[19:00:08] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L249[19:01:49] <luna​r_sam> i hate modern browsers
L250[19:04:12] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L251[19:04:35] <luna​r_sam> Izaya: do you hate modern browsers
L252[19:04:53] <Izaya> yup
L253[19:06:14] <luna​r_sam> cool
L254[19:06:20] <luna​r_sam> the council has decided modern browsers suck
L255[19:06:36] <Izaya> lots of "the council" jokes recently
L256[19:06:40] <Izaya> is there something I'm missing
L257[19:06:53] <ThePi​Guy24> firefox has unfortunately gone downhill a lot in recent times
L258[19:07:47] <luna​r_sam> Izaya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY2BZ5sHQg8
L259[19:07:48] <MichiBot> The Counsel Has Decided | length: 15s | Likes: 492 Dislikes: 4 Views: 7,209 | by Textile George | Published On 18/6/2020
L260[19:07:54] <luna​r_sam> we need unmozilla'd firefox
L261[19:08:24] <luna​r_sam> or just
L262[19:08:30] <luna​r_sam> a firefox fork that isn't PM based
L263[19:08:49] <Izaya> what is this
L264[19:09:02] <luna​r_sam> my favorite shitpost
L265[19:09:07] <luna​r_sam> it's from a year ago
L266[19:09:09] <luna​r_sam> it still makes me smile
L267[19:09:11] <luna​r_sam> :)
L268[19:09:35] <Izaya> I made a meme
L269[19:09:40] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/38d44c73f3149510886d36f835dabbd82ab0d62bf72d98d503e0918b82b56bf1.jpg
L270[19:10:29] <Batm​enzDW> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/bacexakiha
L271[19:11:30] <luna​r_sam> Izaya: this is a good meme
L272[19:11:44] <luna​r_sam> @BatmenzDW hastebin it
L273[19:11:56] <Batm​enzDW> you mean pastebin?
L274[19:12:19] <Izaya> currently using it for "new nsw government be like" but it's very versatile
L275[19:12:37] <Amanda> Izaya: didn't the game theories do a theory about how destroying the death star was economically a very bad idea
L276[19:12:40] <Forec​aster> @BatmenzDW put it in code tags...
L277[19:12:47] <Izaya> no idea
L278[19:13:19] <Amanda> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4Y3dlTDAxw
L279[19:13:20] <MichiBot> Film Theory: Luke SHOULDN'T Destroy The Death Star (Star Wars) | length: 14m 8s | Likes: 149,370 Dislikes: 5,176 Views: 7,919,708 | by The Film Theorists | Published On 17/1/2016
L280[19:13:26] <Amanda> yup
L281[19:13:42] <Izaya> there's also the endor holocaust
L282[19:13:52] <Izaya> which I'd personally consider a bad thing
L283[19:13:56] <Batm​enzDW> https://pastebin.com/RZ3Me5Xs
L284[19:14:48] <Izaya> the error you're having suggests that you're passing nil as the item param
L285[19:15:09] <Izaya> check the traceback, see where it's getting called, and add print statements to see what item values are being passed to the function
L286[19:18:20] <dequbed> printf debugging best debugging, eh? :P
L287[19:19:21] <Ocawes​ome101> absolutely
L288[19:22:24] <lunar_sam> yes
L289[19:22:40] <lunar_sam> sam needs to finish the new TN implementation with sliding window flow control
L290[19:22:48] <lunar_sam> and also a linux userspace implementation
L291[19:22:55] <lunar_sam> 🙂
L292[19:23:12] <lunar_sam> stop converting to emojis, dino
L293[19:23:13] <lunar_sam> reee
L294[19:23:23] <lunar_sam> i don't have fonts installed
L295[19:23:35] <dequbed> lunar_sam: You can change that in the settings
L296[19:23:39] <lunar_sam> i just did
L297[19:23:47] <lunar_sam> -b
L298[19:24:16] <finch> emote conversion is yucky
L299[19:24:29] <finch> :) and its counterpart emoji have very different vibes
L300[19:24:43] <dequbed> 👍
L301[19:24:45] <finch> oh
L302[19:24:47] *** finch is now known as Ariri
L303[19:25:18] <dequbed> %pet Ariri
L304[19:25:19] <MichiBot> dequbed is petting Ariri with piss. Ariri regains 1d4 => 1 hit points!
L305[19:25:26] <Amanda> ...
L306[19:25:32] <Ariri> you pat me with the strangest of things
L307[19:25:37] <Amanda> %inv list
L308[19:25:38] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L309[19:25:49] <lunar_sam> finch
L310[19:25:50] <Amanda> ofc it was blue_numbers
L311[19:25:51] <Ariri> i wonder if im still in michi's inventory
L312[19:26:00] <Ariri> lunar_sam, yes
L313[19:26:02] <Amanda> nope, Ariri
L314[19:26:08] <lunar_sam> wao
L315[19:26:27] <Ariri> its my znc admin name
L316[19:27:23] <lunar_sam> ah
L317[19:27:25] <Ariri> >a Magic Ariri! (25%) ThePi​Guy24 51 years ago
L318[19:27:26] <lunar_sam> neat
L319[19:27:31] <Amanda> oh
L320[19:27:33] <lunar_sam> >51 years ago
L321[19:27:34] <lunar_sam> heh
L322[19:27:40] <Ariri> lol
L323[19:27:54] <lunar_sam> you know what else i should write at some point
L324[19:27:59] <lunar_sam> a chat client
L325[19:28:02] <Ariri> i want to watch person of interest again now
L326[19:28:15] <Forec​aster> that just means the date field is null
L327[19:28:18] <Amanda> I shouldn't search for things from my side
L328[19:28:25] <Ariri> yes we know
L329[19:28:25] <Forec​aster> ie the item was added before the date field existed
L330[19:28:39] <Forec​aster> I should add some handling for that...
L331[19:28:50] <lunar_sam> like, dino is alright
L332[19:29:00] <lunar_sam> but it doesn't embed images, and i think that's a nice feature
L333[19:29:09] <dequbed> lunar_sam: huh?
L334[19:29:12] <Ariri> nah, 51 years is one of the few comedic things about these commands
L335[19:29:14] <lunar_sam> i mean like
L336[19:29:15] <lunar_sam> urls
L337[19:29:18] <lunar_sam> to images
L338[19:29:21] <lunar_sam> lmao
L339[19:29:27] <dequbed> You mean raw urls
L340[19:29:41] <dequbed> w/o inline-display set on the stanza
L341[19:29:43] <dequbed> ?
L342[19:29:46] <lunar_sam> yeah, like if i link an image from twitter
L343[19:29:49] <lunar_sam> or something
L344[19:29:49] <dequbed> Ah
L345[19:30:00] <Forec​aster> I guess there's no real point
L346[19:30:06] <dequbed> Yeah, I'm working on an XMPP client in my off-time too
L347[19:30:08] <Forec​aster> those items will disappear over time
L348[19:30:11] <dequbed> Because all other ones are shit :P
L349[19:30:14] <lunar_sam> pretty much
L350[19:30:20] <lunar_sam> conversations is probably the best i've used
L351[19:30:26] <lunar_sam> unironically
L352[19:30:29] <dequbed> Yeah and even that doesn't do that
L353[19:30:32] <lunar_sam> yeah
L354[19:30:35] <dequbed> Or a myriad of other features I'd like
L355[19:30:41] <lunar_sam> same
L356[19:31:01] <lunar_sam> i'll probably write mine in Lua and use some binding to SDL or the like :P
L357[19:31:10] <dequbed> That sounds painful.
L358[19:31:14] <lunar_sam> nah
L359[19:31:16] <lunar_sam> well
L360[19:31:17] <lunar_sam> remember
L361[19:31:30] <lunar_sam> i also was working on L3 networking in userspace in lua
L362[19:31:33] <lunar_sam> :P
L363[19:31:40] <Amanda> sam is a maschoist
L364[19:31:42] <dequbed> I'm writing mine in Rust w/ currently Qt as the GUI. But I'll be looking at replacing Qt with something that works better on the web.
L365[19:31:51] <lunar_sam> Amanda: yes i am
L366[19:31:58] <Kristo​pher38> dequbed: lua bytecode execution accelerator on an fpga, what do you think
L367[19:32:01] <lunar_sam> i don't plan on making a webapp lmao
L368[19:32:20] <Forec​aster> I'm working with a robot that is programmed in Lua currently
L369[19:32:23] <dequbed> @Kristopher38 sounds rather complex and not worth it.
L370[19:32:31] <Forec​aster> who knew using OC would turn into work relevant experience
L371[19:32:46] <lunar_sam> i just plan on making mine fairly extendable and ***easy to port to the pinephone***
L372[19:33:16] <dequbed> lunar_sam: Well one of the features XMPP *direly* needs is sensible UX. That's a thing Discord got smack on perfect from the get-go.
L373[19:33:29] <lunar_sam> dequbed: yes
L374[19:33:33] <lunar_sam> that was the other thing
L375[19:33:34] <Kristo​pher38> well it's not like it'd be practical, but just for the fun of it
L376[19:33:42] <lunar_sam> although, discord UX now is uh
L377[19:33:43] <dequbed> And the whole here's a website, two clicks and you're ready to chat thing is part of that.
L378[19:33:45] <lunar_sam> awful in some places
L379[19:33:53] <dequbed> And I want that for XMPP
L380[19:33:55] <lunar_sam> at least it is now
L381[19:34:19] <dequbed> @Kristopher38 It does sound a like a fun project :) Do tell me how it plays out
L382[19:34:31] <lunar_sam> oh, yeah
L383[19:34:49] <lunar_sam> @Kristopher38 i have wondered about this, and saw some page mentioning a paper i couldn't find
L384[19:34:56] <lunar_sam> it was lua 5.1
L385[19:35:57] <Kristo​pher38> dequbed: also i need to pester you to tell me all about that crypto stuff you did, for some reason my calendar notification didn't fire and I just remembered about it
L386[19:36:08] <dequbed> Oh right
L387[19:36:58] <Kristo​pher38> lunar_sam: I remember seeing something relevant on the lua mailing list once
L388[19:38:05] <Kristo​pher38> http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2005-01/msg00351.html
L389[19:38:21] <dequbed> lunar_sam: anyway, my goal is to have a native app that's native first but compiles and runs "well" using WebAssembly so you're two clicks to chat, three to have (close to exactly) the same UI but running natively & fast.
L390[19:38:44] <Ocawes​ome101> efl?
L391[19:38:48] <lunar_sam> ahhh, neat
L392[19:38:50] <Ocawes​ome101> flutter?
L393[19:39:04] <lunar_sam> if i do my whole thing right
L394[19:39:13] <lunar_sam> i probably could make it portable to the web using fengari
L395[19:39:14] <lunar_sam> but
L396[19:39:15] <lunar_sam> w/e
L397[19:39:27] <dequbed> Ocawesome101: I said native first not native third after being brought behind the barn and given a beating.
L398[19:40:57] <Ocawes​ome101> hahaha fair enough
L399[19:41:31] <lunar_sam> heh
L400[19:43:16] <dequbed> Flutter is on my radar though. But FWIW I like Qt and it gives me native on all platforms in good. I'm a bit afraid it'll run dogshit as WebAssembly so it may end up having to be a split GUI yet again.
L401[19:43:45] <lunar_sam> i'm always prepared for that
L402[19:43:51] <lunar_sam> which is why i just want to SDL It(tm)
L403[19:43:57] <lunar_sam> but i also write lua
L404[19:44:00] <lunar_sam> so that's half my problem
L405[19:44:01] <lunar_sam> lmao
L406[19:56:21] <Kristo​pher38> lunar_sam: I found the paper you were talking about
L407[19:56:41] <Kristo​pher38> unfortunately it's in portuguese (?) https://repositorio.unipampa.edu.br/jspui/bitstream/riu/991/1/Implemeta%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20em%20hardware%20da%20m%C3%A1quina%20virtual%20lua.pdf
L408[20:04:27] <Kristo​pher38> doesn't look like any benchmarks were made, and it looks like they really struggled to reach the minimum page count
L409[20:06:04] <lunar_sam> OH
L410[20:06:11] <lunar_sam> THIS IS THE MORE COMPLETE VERSION
L411[20:07:03] <lunar_sam> the one i found was *just* the english abstract page
L412[20:07:10] <Kristo​pher38> yeah i found that one too
L413[20:07:27] <Kristo​pher38> luckily showed me the original as well
L414[20:07:31] <Kristo​pher38> luckily google showed me the original as well [Edited]
L415[20:09:43] <luna​r_sam> [x] nice
L416[20:20:13] <Batm​enzDW> >BatmenzDW: https://pastebin.com/RZ3Me5Xs
L417[20:20:13] <Batm​enzDW> lol, didn't realize that the function's arguments were case sensitive
L418[20:30:25] <CompanionCube> on NFTs: https://i.redd.it/6bhud9fy6wr71.png lmao
L419[20:33:27] <ThePi​Guy24> :bigbrain:
L420[20:35:09] <Ariri> xd
L421[20:35:14] <lunar_sam> splitting my chat client into a few parts
L422[20:36:20] <lunar_sam> there's the "backend" which has modules that provide such things as connection managers and chat managers, among other things
L423[20:36:32] <lunar_sam> gonna start with IRC as a sanity check :)
L424[20:37:04] <lunar_sam> and there's also the frontend stuff which provides the framework to build the UI on
L425[20:39:25] <Hawk777> lunar_sam: sounds almost like you’re writing another Pidgin! It’s architected the same way (backend=libpurple, frontend=Pidgin or Finch)
L426[20:43:02] <lunar_sam> yeah but i'm writing this for myself so it's Objectively Better (In My Opinion)(tm)
L427[20:44:49] <Hawk777> Yep, nothing against that.
L428[20:44:52] <Hawk777> Just commenting.
L429[20:46:10] <lunar_sam> heh
L430[21:07:57] <Bo​xta> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/vicocuqome
L431[21:08:38] <Forec​aster> how do you normally call things?
L432[21:09:00] <Bo​xta> ```robot.forward()```
L433[21:09:15] <Forec​aster> what's the key component there?
L434[21:09:16] <Hawk777> If you need to select a function dynamically but not parameters, omit the parens.
L435[21:09:27] <Hawk777> robot[foo] will get the function if you name the function.
L436[21:09:34] <Bo​xta> Ah thanks
L437[21:09:48] <Hawk777> So then robot[foo]() would call it (might have to assign it to a temporary variable, not sure if the syntax works out)
L438[21:09:49] <Forec​aster> you call something by adding the ()
L439[21:10:12] <Forec​aster> so `robot["forward"]()` should work
L440[21:10:15] <Hawk777> Yes.
L441[21:10:19] <Bo​xta> Thanks
L442[21:10:33] <Hawk777> If you do need to hang onto parameters as well, the tidier way is probably to keep the parameters in a table, pass the table along with the function name, and use table.unpack.
L443[21:22:54] ⇦ Quits: Guest90172 (sid32492@id-32492.ilkley.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L445[21:24:01] ⇦ Quits: dmod (sid32492@id-32492.ilkley.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L446[21:24:32] <Izaya> okay but libpurple is a security nightmare
L447[21:24:36] <Izaya> if you improve on that it's all gains
L448[21:25:00] ⇨ Joins: Teris (sid315557@helmsley.irccloud.com)
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L451[21:33:25] <Hawk777> Isn’t 99% of software a security nightmare though?
L452[21:37:47] <lunar_sam> Izaya: i forgot all the problems with libpurple
L453[21:39:41] <lunar_sam> r e m i n d m e
L454[21:39:49] <lunar_sam> https://youtu.be/7yMRZ55uw9k also fox
L455[21:39:50] <MichiBot> A Finnegan Fox hehe a day keeps the depression away 🦊 | length: 1m 59s | Likes: 1,342 Dislikes: 2 Views: 5,836 | by SaveAFox | Published On 7/10/2021
L456[21:55:35] * CompanionCube LD_PRELOADs libpurple in Izaya's biboum
L457[21:55:38] <CompanionCube> *biboumi
L458[21:56:00] <Bo​xta> Why would this be erroring?
L459[21:56:01] <Bo​xta> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ogafawinom
L460[21:56:11] <Bo​xta> Specifically arround ::send::
L461[21:56:14] <Bo​xta> Specifically arrounSd :🔚: [Edited]
L462[21:56:26] <Bo​xta> Specifically arround ::Send:: [Edited]
L463[21:56:47] <ThePi​Guy24> giving the error would be helpful
L464[21:56:54] <Bo​xta> Sec
L465[21:57:52] <Bo​xta> https://i.imgur.com/Hoi6lYV.png
L466[22:02:21] <ThePi​Guy24> dont know whether whatever version of lua oc uses likes goto/labels, besides, they are kinda messy anyway, so probably just best to use a traditional while loop instead
L467[22:02:36] <Forec​aster> also local your variables
L468[22:06:37] <dequbed> lol lua goto.
L469[22:09:29] ⇦ Quits: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L470[22:09:55] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L471[22:12:19] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L472[22:12:19] <MichiBot> Darn! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 48 minutes and 28 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L473[22:12:20] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 48 minutes and 28 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00381)
L474[22:18:04] <lunar_sam> goto has been around since 5.2
L475[22:19:01] <lunar_sam> you have to use `==` for comparisons
L476[22:19:14] <lunar_sam> @Boxta
L477[22:19:40] <lunar_sam> also be careful of goto, it has a number of gotchas
L478[22:20:06] <lunar_sam> you can't jump over the creation of local variables
L479[22:44:59] ⇦ Quits: kinkinkijkin (~pch@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L481[22:47:34] ⇦ Quits: kinkinkijkin (~pch@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L482[22:48:44] <Doot​icus> Oh hey, another shitass community
L483[22:48:47] <Doot​icus> Bye
L484[22:51:14] <Izaya> who
L485[22:56:47] <Amanda> kid who used to have the trumpet emoji in their name then got pissy when MichiBot wasn't working for the
L486[22:56:49] <Amanda> m
L487[22:57:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-221-38.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L488[22:58:34] <Ariri> *wheeze*
L489[23:00:27] <Del​tam> what do these bots do I'm confused lol
L490[23:00:54] <ThePi​Guy24> %irc
L491[23:00:55] <MichiBot> all the "bots" are real people, using the superior IRC chat protocol. https://youtu.be/O2rGTXHvPCQ
L492[23:01:12] <Izaya> I thought all the bots were discord users
L493[23:01:15] <Izaya> ie not real people
L494[23:01:17] <ThePi​Guy24> well, all the bots besides corded and michibot, those are real bots
L495[23:01:39] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/4ef12008c020c6a9eb5beb81ec3053c54c6f9896065748bef7cc5d5e2aced7a9.jpg
L496[23:02:16] <ThePi​Guy24> i like how discord decides entirely arbitrarily whether it wants to embed a link or not
L497[23:02:41] <lunar_sam> dooticus: you ruined my life
L498[23:02:41] <lunar_sam> literally everyone else: i don't even know who you are
L499[23:03:23] <Izaya> https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButForMeItWasTuesday
L500[23:04:27] <lunar_sam> i just searched their posts in discord and i'm still confused about why this is apparently a "shitass community"
L501[23:04:30] <lunar_sam> ???
L502[23:04:35] <lunar_sam> nani the fuck
L503[23:04:39] <ThePi​Guy24> noone knows
L504[23:04:41] <Del​tam> now that I've gotten into coding I will be using this discord more often when I understand coding more
L505[23:04:47] <Del​tam> lol
L506[23:05:25] <Hawk777> Just for s*** and giggles I decided to check my log. As an IRC user I don’t see the full Discord backlog, so it’s particularly hilarious that I’ve been in this channel on-and-off for 7 years and have literally never even seen that username before those two lines.
L507[23:05:42] <Del​tam> if they've got a picrew pfp they're likely not a very interesting person
L508[23:05:44] <Hawk777> “You ruined my life!” “I have literally *never even seen your name before*”
L509[23:06:08] <Izaya> oh
L510[23:06:12] <Izaya> I have talked to this person!
L511[23:06:17] <lunar_sam> > if they've got a picrew pfp they're likely not a very interesting person
L512[23:06:17] <lunar_sam> this is the same picrew i see literally EVERYWHERE too
L513[23:06:24] <Izaya> search for (Doot)
L514[23:06:41] <Izaya> lunar_sam: I've been making picrew avatars for my XMPP bots
L515[23:07:08] <Izaya> 2021-08-25.log:[12:22:07] <💀🎺 ​(Doot)> Idea: make a Batch-like language that runs every single applicable Lua command into a easy-to-use command system
L516[23:07:12] <lunar_sam> according to ~~all known laws of aviation~~ discord, they only sent 20 messages
L517[23:07:24] <lunar_sam> including the welcome message
L518[23:07:28] <lunar_sam> heh
L519[23:07:49] <lunar_sam> also Izaya: imagine not just using the most scuffed paint program you can find
L520[23:07:53] <Ariri> Hawk777, https://tenor.com/view/thanos-i-dont-even-know-who-you-are-marvel-gif-15769006
L521[23:07:56] <lunar_sam> or just mspaint.exe from windows XP in wine
L522[23:07:59] <Hawk777> Oh, in that case I did find four other messages.
L523[23:08:06] <lunar_sam> oh?
L524[23:08:13] <lunar_sam> were they on IRC?
L525[23:08:30] <Hawk777> Nah, via Corded
L526[23:08:35] <lunar_sam> hm
L527[23:08:45] <lunar_sam> wack
L528[23:08:50] <lunar_sam> maybe they deleted their messages
L529[23:08:57] <lunar_sam> what's the logs command
L530[23:08:59] <lunar_sam> %oclogs
L531[23:09:01] <MichiBot> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L532[23:09:03] <lunar_sam> cool
L533[23:09:03] <lunar_sam> :)
L534[23:09:07] <Hawk777> I probably just wasn’t here for the others.
L535[23:09:13] <Izaya> me returning to my hall after raiding the undead across the ocean: https://social.shadowkat.net/media/57cacbc8d7d2a0a3681d63fa8735d4194e2ecab9f89fa4ca11224c55bc603af4.jpg
L536[23:09:22] <Izaya> this game needs cats.
L537[23:09:49] <Del​tam> >Izaya: lunar_sam: I've been making picrew ava…
L538[23:09:50] <Del​tam> precisely my point, they're a robot
L539[23:10:02] <lunar_sam> hahahaha
L540[23:10:21] <Izaya> oh shit
L541[23:10:23] <Izaya> I've been found out
L542[23:10:24] <Del​tam> do these bots even notice replies?
L543[23:10:36] <lunar_sam> ok bot
L544[23:10:54] <Del​tam> shsjdifjejfjfkd
L545[23:10:59] <Del​tam> https://tinyurl.com/yfw2v4zc
L546[23:11:13] <lunar_sam> possum
L547[23:11:19] <Ariri> nice
L548[23:11:42] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/9rCf1egVfNS8Me-N/jk6tsRX4RzeZmUEjnk5Fcw.jpg
L549[23:11:45] <lunar_sam> https://xmpp.icbmlaunch.site/upload/g5v9Qto40PZItW3x/8f7cc54c-d4e4-4257-a243-2ef8eac539de.png
L550[23:11:48] <lunar_sam> fox
L551[23:12:01] <Ariri> watermelon
L552[23:12:03] <lunar_sam> fox goes blep
L553[23:12:11] <Ariri> man
L554[23:12:13] <Ariri> i love that domain
L555[23:12:19] <lunar_sam> hm?
L556[23:12:27] <Izaya> semi-related? https://lain.com/media/f1e97eb76f687419743d39d23c73d441402eb11fcaa2278c94e8cb2e8dc1ec60.png
L557[23:12:28] <Ariri> icbmlaunch.site
L558[23:12:43] <lunar_sam> heh
L559[23:12:56] <lunar_sam> i knew i got it right
L560[23:13:07] <lunar_sam> i was like
L561[23:13:13] <lunar_sam> "damn, how did nobody snipe this yet"
L562[23:13:22] <lunar_sam> some of my friends have other funny meme domains
L563[23:13:30] <Ariri> i need to think of something clever and snipe my own
L564[23:13:34] <lunar_sam> but they're almost exclusively heavily NSFW
L565[23:13:39] <lunar_sam> for one reason or another
L566[23:13:47] <Ariri> was thinking of buying a VPS to move my bouncer and host my own VPN/proxy
L567[23:13:50] <lunar_sam> either the domain name is wacked and cracked or the content is
L568[23:14:02] <Ariri> *concern*
L569[23:14:05] <lunar_sam> one is webm roulette for instance
L570[23:14:21] <Ariri> oh dear
L571[23:14:27] <lunar_sam> oh yeah
L572[23:17:03] <ThePi​Guy24> i own 4 domains for no good reason
L573[23:17:14] <ThePi​Guy24> and only properly use 1 of them
L574[23:17:25] <lunar_sam> based and breadpilled
L575[23:17:27] <lunar_sam> i must now GO
L576[23:17:28] <lunar_sam> a
L577[23:18:38] <Izaya> tfw only one domain and it's not even a meme domain
L578[23:18:52] <lunar_sam> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enCD83Hcl0w
L579[23:18:52] <MichiBot> fox disappears | length: 6s | Likes: 17 Dislikes: 0 Views: 394 | by SRG Lau | Published On 10/6/2021
L580[23:22:40] ⇨ Joins: kinkinkijkin (~pch@
L581[23:23:32] <Mic​hiyo> https://tinyurl.com/yjwah28q
L582[23:23:51] <Mic​hiyo> is doesn't count pc-logix.com which is hosted by hover.com because they support IPv6 glue, and NameCheap doesn't
L583[23:23:58] <Mic​hiyo> This doesn't*
L584[23:24:37] <Mic​hiyo> a bunch of those go to plesk default pages cause I'm lazy lol
L585[23:37:13] <Izaya> https://history-computer.com/the-first-e-mail-message-of-ray-tomlinson/
L586[23:41:57] <Izaya> been thinking about writing a proper client program for mmail
L587[23:42:47] <Izaya> something with a TUI that indexes saved messages and keeps an address book or something
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