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L1[00:00:10] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e54:d400:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)))
L2[00:00:14] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L3[00:01:23] <Mic​hiyo> yes, it's broken in 217
L4[00:12:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-217-230.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L5[00:17:52] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L6[00:18:56] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-123-160.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L7[00:19:48] <s_​a_m> Izaya: I don't even need binaries to add CD support!
L8[00:23:29] <Izaya> neat
L9[00:26:22] <s_​a_m> just a lot of ioctl calls
L10[00:26:35] <s_​a_m> gonna write up an API thing for it
L11[00:26:37] <s_​a_m> :)
L12[00:26:42] <s_​a_m> it'll even support CD changers
L13[00:27:02] <Izaya> fancy
L14[00:27:36] <s_​a_m> super fancy
L15[00:27:49] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/vmNZ4JXOS8zOdHYT/mpv-shot0001.jpg
L16[00:28:32] <s_​a_m> neat
L17[00:32:13] <Izaya> india is also playing KSP
L18[00:32:27] <Izaya> > hey what if we just ... used SRBs. all the time. always.
L19[00:43:37] ⇦ Quits: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L20[01:02:57] <s_​a_m> fuck
L21[01:03:08] <s_​a_m> i have to do unfun stuff to get media types and media classes
L22[02:31:12] <s_​a_m> Izaya: ext2 floppy disk
L23[02:49:51] *** kinkijin is now known as kinkinkijkin
L24[02:50:35] <kinkinkijkin> been checking out the OC2 fork, is there a chat for that yet?
L25[02:51:10] <kinkinkijkin> looking with a friend at testing a bespoke riscv OS on it, but it currently just loads a fixed linux machine mode image
L26[02:51:34] <s_​a_m> here
L27[02:53:50] <kinkinkijkin> alright, is there a way currently to write a non-linux firmware in the mod that I haven't seen?
L28[02:56:18] <Amanda> The firmware isn't Linux, it's opensbi which them boots linux
L29[02:56:46] <kinkinkijkin> said friend and I looked at how it does loading to see what sort of image we'd need to prepare and it looks like it has openSBI built in and loads a machine mode linux kernel directly? but we're not sure how the firmware is separated
L30[02:56:57] <Amanda> You can make it boot anything you want if it's speaking the same boot protocol presumably
L31[02:57:38] <kinkinkijkin> it seems to load linux onto the eeprom (in-game) and have / on the linux hdd
L32[02:58:03] <Amanda> I'm 99% sure the eeprom only contains opensbi
L33[02:58:25] <kinkinkijkin> since it meets kernel init without the hdd but doesn't find the initramfs
L34[02:58:30] <Amanda> The Linux booting is just booting like a real Linux machine would
L35[02:59:09] <Amanda> I'm pretty sure Linux has options to hard code the disk device into the compiled kernel
L36[03:00:03] <kinkinkijkin> yes, what it looks like is that the emulator contains openSBI, the eeprom contains the kernel, and the hdd contains the root, but just need to be sure
L37[03:01:26] <Amanda> I mean, the default eeprom is labeled "opensbi"
L38[03:01:31] <Amanda> or was
L39[03:01:45] <kinkinkijkin> it's labelled "linux" right now
L40[03:01:58] <kinkinkijkin> and then there's an empty eeprom
L41[03:02:20] <kinkinkijkin> unless this has changed in the past week
L42[03:03:42] <kinkinkijkin> keeping opensbi would be very beneficial, and the OS we're trying to run is currently designed for supervisor mode but we're going to be trying to put a machine mode image in
L43[03:03:57] <kinkinkijkin> since currently it loads in machine mode
L44[03:05:33] <Amanda> huh, maybe you're right:
L45[03:05:46] <Amanda> https://matrix.camnet.site/_matrix/media/r0/download/camnet.site/vTQzAWlLbyojEEadAqhSNIYI/screenshot-1633230323.png
L46[03:05:54] <Amanda> notice it's not ticked
L47[03:06:01] <kinkinkijkin> yeah
L48[03:06:14] <Amanda> I could have sworn it was seperate, though my brain's returning a 404 on what made me think that
L49[03:07:12] <Amanda> in which case no, you're SoL as AFAIK there's currently no way to build a custom eeprom, other than adding a mod to the game to create the item for it
L50[03:07:21] <kinkinkijkin> what we're looking at doing is making either an eeprom writer mod if it doesn't already exist in the main mod or a mod that just adds an eeprom that bootloads sector 0
L51[03:07:30] <Amanda> no "in-universe" way to program them
L52[03:08:58] <Amanda> %remindme 12h really, look into why udiskie doesn't com eup after a reboot
L53[03:08:58] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "really, look into why udiskie doesn't com eup after a reboot" in 12h at 10/03/2021 03:08:58 PM
L54[03:09:09] * Amanda flops down around elfi, loads up her stories to read to her
L55[03:09:45] <Amanda> %tell Inari stop ringing a triangle around randomly, it's making me think my phone is ringing when I have a headset in, baka fox.
L56[03:09:46] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L57[04:35:43] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.0 - https://znc.in)
L58[04:46:06] <CompanionCube> %inv add the s*n
L59[04:46:06] * MichiBot summons 'the s*n' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L60[04:46:37] <CompanionCube> Izaya: tfw opposition leader writes op-ed in notoriously shitty tabloid
L61[04:51:10] <Izaya> always a good look
L62[04:52:17] <CompanionCube> Izaya: random fact: iirc labour's safest seat is in the city with a grudge against the s*n lol
L63[05:00:10] * Amanda beams a wide variety of poisoned fruit onto the kitchen table, zzzmews
L64[05:00:30] <Amanda> Night nerds
L65[05:44:00] <CompanionCube> Izaya: oh, they also literally copied one of the original blair slogans lol
L66[05:44:54] <CompanionCube> related policy had a sinister-sounding bit involving 'neighborhood watch' using video doorbellls and whatsapp groups
L67[05:50:15] <Va​ur> %tonk
L68[05:50:15] <MichiBot> Woah! Va​ur! You beat Ash​irg's previous record of 5 hours, 6 minutes and 51 seconds (By 1 hour, 58 minutes and 45 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L69[05:50:16] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 7 hours, 5 minutes and 37 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.01188 (0.00198 x 6) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2 => #1. (Overtook Forecaster)
L70[05:51:30] <Izaya> man that stuff is scary eh
L71[05:51:51] <Izaya> but people are willing to have always recording microphones in their house for mild convenience so what do I know
L72[06:08:42] <CompanionCube> Izaya: can you imagine karens with that power, eww
L73[06:28:06] <s_​a_m> i love whenever i start up firefox
L74[06:28:11] <s_​a_m> and it throws rainbow puke at me
L75[06:44:42] ⇨ Joins: Sargolden (~sargolden@
L76[06:45:00] <Sargolden> :D
L77[06:46:13] <Forec​aster> %hello
L78[06:46:13] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L79[06:47:27] ⇦ Quits: Sargolden (~sargolden@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L80[06:50:43] <Mic​hiyo> Goodbye
L81[06:51:45] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L82[07:11:06] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L83[07:31:21] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L84[07:47:22] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8272:f00:3551:d56c:5004:4613) (Quit: Leaving.)
L85[08:07:55] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fd95a13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L86[08:23:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-217-230.dynamic.as20676.net)
L87[08:23:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L88[08:31:33] <Ko​dos> My microwave just bit the dust 😦
L89[08:32:14] <Ko​dos> Went to go nuke a white castle pack, and it started growling at me, and then the light inside started flickering (It might've been something inside arcing, idk) so I hit stop, unplugged it, and now it smells funny
L90[08:32:33] <Ko​dos> So now I'm scared to sleep because it might catch fire
L91[08:41:53] <Izaya> s_a_m: delicious unfiltered random VRAM
L92[08:42:37] <Forec​aster> hm, weird, the event API has a method called "handlers", but I can't figure out what it does...
L93[08:43:58] <Forec​aster> I'm trying to find a way to store the current handler for an event and replace it temporarily
L94[08:45:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-217-230.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L95[08:46:11] <Ko​dos> Doesn't it just return a list of existing handler objects
L96[08:46:17] <Ko​dos> Assuming OC/Lua
L97[08:46:33] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/yfo5y83q
L98[08:46:39] <Forec​aster> it doesn't seem like it
L99[08:46:47] <Forec​aster> and it's not listed on the wiki at all
L100[08:47:36] <Ko​dos> What happens when you `return event.handlers()`
L101[08:48:16] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/yjln2nga
L102[08:48:25] <Forec​aster> key code 28 is the enter key
L103[08:48:51] <Ko​dos> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L104[08:48:53] <Forec​aster> so it just seems to be catching the event?
L105[08:48:57] <Forec​aster> but... why
L106[08:49:12] <Ash​irg> >surface to air missile: and it throws rainbow puke at me
L107[08:49:13] <Ash​irg> How
L108[08:50:31] <Forec​aster> OOH
L109[08:50:36] <Izaya> used hardware acceleration for rendering
L110[08:50:37] <Forec​aster> I am dumb
L111[08:50:45] <Forec​aster> event.handlers is not a function
L112[08:50:49] <Izaya> so when it allocates video to render into it starts with whatever was in that memory previously
L113[08:50:53] <Forec​aster> it's a list of event handlers...
L114[08:50:58] <Ko​dos> Wait
L115[08:50:59] <Ko​dos> Holy shit
L116[08:51:00] <Ko​dos> I was right?
L117[08:51:07] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/yz3k57k9
L118[08:51:17] <Ko​dos> HEY GUYS I KNEW SOMETHING 😄
L119[08:51:23] <Izaya> :D
L120[08:51:47] <Izaya> other fun options include the video driver crashing during runtime and recovering, but not keeping track of the right buffers
L121[08:51:56] <Forec​aster> I'm not sure what happened when I called it
L122[08:52:45] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/ygh28rgs
L123[08:52:54] <Forec​aster> where did the "key_up" come from...
L124[08:54:28] <Ko​dos> It was probably detecting the key up from pressing enter to execute the command
L125[08:54:56] <Forec​aster> yeah, but what detected it and printed it
L126[08:55:05] <Forec​aster> there's no handler for "key_up" listed
L127[08:55:09] <Forec​aster> oO
L128[08:55:26] <Forec​aster> it doesn't matter but it's strange
L129[09:11:08] <Forec​aster> oh, interesting
L130[09:11:40] <Forec​aster> I've never used `event.register` before, apparently it registers a handler like `listen`, but it only fires once
L131[09:12:24] <Forec​aster> this method is not listed on the wiki
L132[09:16:41] <Forec​aster> oops https://tinyurl.com/yht6ceco
L133[09:16:54] <Forec​aster> not quite sure what happened there...
L134[09:23:25] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-217-230.dynamic.as20676.net)
L135[09:23:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L136[09:25:19] <Forec​aster> oh
L137[09:25:30] <Forec​aster> I might be removing a core event handler from openos
L138[09:25:39] <Forec​aster> it probably isn't happy about that
L139[09:26:20] <Forec​aster> hm
L140[09:29:39] <Forec​aster> there's no way to find the non-openos ones and disable just those...
L141[09:29:40] <Forec​aster> >:
L142[09:30:52] <Forec​aster> I guess the user just has to disable their own handlers if necessary before calling the library and re-enable them afterwards, but it would have been nice if it could handle it automatically, but oh well
L143[10:06:56] ⇦ Quits: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L144[10:14:53] ⇨ Joins: simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L145[10:25:54] <Forec​aster> https://twitter.com/kapebeansies/status/1437907763514920967
L146[10:25:54] <MichiBot> Tue Sep 14 22:35:00 UTC 2021 @kapebeansies: 🍳 <https://t.co/rDmHx47YnG&gt;
L147[10:26:08] <Forec​aster> Warning: contains adorable
L148[10:26:31] <Forec​aster> (category: cats)
L149[11:14:56] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L150[11:16:46] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L151[11:28:10] <Ko​dos> For when you really want to be left alone; summon your exterior to your interior https://tinyurl.com/yfavlyzz
L152[11:29:43] <Ko​dos> Tomorrow's project: Theorycraft another program that'll likely never see the light of day on my worlds! This time it's an incremental game (Think Cookie clicker, but text based)
L153[11:37:22] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L154[11:37:47] ⇦ Quits: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L155[11:39:21] <Forec​aster> what are you incrementing
L156[12:04:54] ⇦ Quits: S3 (sid159874@id-159874.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L157[12:04:56] <Sagh​etti> numbers
L158[12:32:46] <Forec​aster> there we go, a neat little recursive menu system https://tinyurl.com/ye83zprj
L159[12:33:15] <Forec​aster> in 127 lines
L160[12:39:08] <s_​a_m> https://tinyurl.com/ygck5jaw
L161[12:52:54] <Amanda> %splash Inari with mutable cyan potion
L162[12:52:55] <MichiBot> You fling a basic aqua potion (New!) that splashes onto Inari. Inari is suddenly wearing a tiny glove on each finger.
L163[12:53:19] <Amanda> ... what
L164[12:53:32] <Forec​aster> double space after the first argument
L165[12:54:32] <Inari> nep
L166[12:54:37] <Forec​aster> splash only takes two arguments so it shouldn't matter, but I'm guessing its tripping up the argument parser causing it to ignore the rest
L167[12:56:40] <Amanda> %choose birthday $; breakfast or dinner or breakfast and dinner
L168[12:56:40] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: birthday dinner
L169[13:00:46] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L170[13:00:47] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 7 hours, 5 minutes and 37 seconds (By 4 minutes and 53 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L171[13:00:48] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.007 tonk points! plus 0.012 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 3.19109204, Position #1
L172[13:17:34] <Amanda> %choose waves; pressure or em
L173[13:17:35] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: em waves
L174[13:17:45] <Amanda> Hrm
L175[13:17:51] <Amanda> Okay, if your say so
L176[13:57:13] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-152-7.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L177[14:54:45] ⇨ Joins: FaZeObama69420 (~FaZeObama@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L178[14:54:59] <FaZeObama69420> Hi
L179[14:57:57] ⇦ Quits: FaZeObama69420 (~FaZeObama@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L180[14:59:46] ⇨ Joins: AmogusMan (~AmogusMan@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L181[14:59:53] <AmogusMan> Sus
L182[15:02:18] <Forecaster> hm, you're right
L183[15:03:25] ⇦ Quits: AmogusMan (~AmogusMan@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L184[15:08:58] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: really, look into why udiskie doesn't com eup after a reboot
L185[15:30:49] <Amanda> or: Factory
L186[15:43:06] <Forec​aster> factory yo
L187[16:03:17] ⇨ Joins: FaZeObama69420 (~FaZeObama@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L188[16:04:54] ⇨ Joins: amogus (~amogus@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L189[16:04:59] <amogus> bruh
L190[16:05:17] <FaZeObama69420> Let's go it works!
L191[16:07:48] ⇦ Quits: amogus (~amogus@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L192[16:07:48] ⇦ Quits: FaZeObama69420 (~FaZeObama@p2e5ea252.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L193[16:09:38] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L194[16:10:49] <ThePi​Guy24> the 12 year olds strike again
L195[16:17:29] <s_​a_m> gremlins
L196[16:50:37] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L197[16:51:36] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L198[18:18:26] <Amanda> .... that's not encouraging: ```could not find any previously installed systemd-boot```
L199[18:24:47] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L200[18:29:57] <Amanda> https://matrix.camnet.site/_matrix/media/r0/download/camnet.site/ZHBWqZmwtNJdMTnfhzbHfuRF/screenshot-1633285759.png
L201[18:29:58] <Amanda> woo
L202[18:30:27] <Amanda> ( That's after a fresh reboot )
L203[18:31:20] <Amanda> now, I wonder if chrome's been updated since apparently Google is bitching at me that the version I installed last is "nolonger supported"
L204[18:38:40] <Amanda> ah. it's a security update, joy
L205[18:45:38] <Amanda> %remindme 1h check if ita's built, install
L206[18:45:38] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "check if ita's built, install" in 1h at 10/03/2021 07:45:38 PM
L207[19:06:50] <Amanda> oh. duh. That's why my homelab's running the fan like mad, I'm building stuff
L208[19:30:34] <Mic​hiyo> Ok, there are smart people here... git question.
L209[19:31:26] <Mic​hiyo> I branched master 2 years ago. I've made changes to my branch INCLUDING merging master back into my branch a few times (As master has changed as well). I want to revert my branch to 100% master.... whats the best way to do this?
L210[19:32:18] <Mic​hiyo> because if I just `git reset --hard origin/master` I end up confusing my git client (or... well.. it confuses me atleast)
L211[19:32:31] <Mic​hiyo> It wants to pull 28 changes, and push 24...
L212[19:32:37] <Forec​aster> is there a reason you don't want to create a new branch?
L213[19:33:01] <Mic​hiyo> Because of build stuff that is outside my control, that I don't want to bother other people with.
L214[19:34:43] <Forec​aster> what about just `git rebase master yourbranch`?
L215[19:35:00] <Mic​hiyo> That ends up with some error about a commit being empty? I'd have to try it again
L216[19:36:30] <Mic​hiyo> Sadly it's looking like my best bet, is deleting the branch :/
L217[19:36:50] <Forec​aster> `git pull --rebase origin master`
L218[19:37:51] <Mic​hiyo> So, I have 2 branches `server\victory` which has my working changes in it. and `release\victory` which I have to MR into that gets built. I want to wipe out `server\victory` re-apply some changes and then I'll have to ALSO overwrite `release\victory` with this new branch
L219[19:37:52] <Mic​hiyo> ugh....
L220[19:39:35] <Mic​hiyo> hang on, trying to revert my local copy to the current online version
L221[19:39:56] <Mic​hiyo> ok, had to go find the commit hash
L222[19:42:31] <Mic​hiyo> >Forecaster: `git pull --rebase origin master`
L223[19:42:32] <Mic​hiyo> is that `git pull --rebase origin master` or `git pull --rebase origin\master` ?
L224[19:43:39] <Forec​aster> it's what I pasted according to this SO thread
L225[19:43:43] <Mic​hiyo> k
L226[19:45:38] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: check if ita's built, install
L227[19:46:21] <Mic​hiyo> That command dies in a merge conflict
L228[19:46:33] <Forec​aster> hm
L229[19:46:50] <Mic​hiyo> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/izisuyimip
L230[19:47:14] <Forec​aster> conflicts are fun...
L231[19:47:31] <Mic​hiyo> Which... is concerning, because vars.attribute SHOULD be the same across both master and my branch
L232[19:47:35] <Mic​hiyo> so.... gulp
L233[20:29:22] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net)
L234[20:30:02] ⇦ Quits: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-53.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L235[20:34:30] <s_​a_m> I FOUND ANOTHER ISUZU HOMBRE OWNER https://tinyurl.com/yex45a6b
L236[20:39:26] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L237[20:39:26] <MichiBot> Wut! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 7 hours, 38 minutes and 39 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L238[20:39:27] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 7 hours, 38 minutes and 39 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00764 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.01143134 more points to pass Va​ur!
L239[20:50:17] <Amanda> Pros of nix: can run binaries you don't have installed and rarely use easily. Cons: this requires internet and I didn't consider brightnessctl as "useful to be installed"
L240[20:51:11] <ThePi​Guy24> nix brings me pain
L241[20:51:34] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8149e8200fe3497fffea975f2.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L242[20:51:57] <ThePi​Guy24> i mean, the configurability is cool i guess, but its just sorta bleh
L243[20:52:23] <Amanda> I'm all in on it now
L244[20:52:41] <Amanda> It's very helpful with my de hopping
L245[20:53:09] <Amanda> Much easier to replace awesome with sway with kde with sway with... When it's just modifying a conf
L246[20:59:10] <Amanda> %remindme 2h put USB-C Cable in bag
L247[20:59:11] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "put USB-C Cable in bag" in 2h at 10/03/2021 10:59:10 PM
L248[20:59:25] * Amanda is currently using intenret on her laptop via bluetooth tethering
L249[20:59:41] <Amanda> because the restraunt wifi doesn't work. :D
L250[21:00:42] <Ocawes​ome101> 👀 https://tinyurl.com/yhmpskmc
L251[21:03:40] <Amanda> %give MichiBot The intenret
L252[21:03:40] * MichiBot accepts the intenret and adds it to her inventory
L253[21:03:47] <Ocawes​ome101> still working out some bugs but hey being able to say that it works at all is better than all my previous unmanaged-filesystem attempts
L254[21:17:55] <s_​a_m> nice
L255[21:18:07] <s_​a_m> i have yet to reattempt foxfs
L256[21:18:10] <s_​a_m> in OC
L257[21:28:01] <Amanda> %splash Inari with mutable cyan potion
L258[21:28:01] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable cyan potion (New!) that splashes onto Inari. Inari turns into a yellow turtle until they say the phrase "Rather Jeez".
L259[21:28:58] <Amanda> Idea: alternate "until" with "until they work the phrase "..." Into a sentence naturally"
L260[21:29:40] <Amanda> I'd do a quick GitHub UI pr, but I'm not doing that on my phone
L261[21:33:55] <Amanda> I may play fast and loose with my drive-by prs, but not that fast&loose
L262[21:36:23] <Forecaster> %restart
L263[21:36:23] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@vps-9e78d8ca.vps.ovh.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L264[21:36:41] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@vps-9e78d8ca.vps.ovh.ca)
L265[21:36:41] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L266[21:38:16] <Forec​aster> %sip
L267[21:38:18] <MichiBot> You drink a powdery stainless steel potion (New!). Forecaster barely manages to catch a green shell that appears in front of them!
L268[21:38:50] <Forec​aster> %greenshell Vaur
L269[21:38:51] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: You hit Vaur! They lost 0.0034294 tonk points which you gain! Congratulations! Position #2 Need 0.00457254 more points to pass Va​ur!
L270[22:03:06] <s_​a_m> Izaya: AAAAAAAA
L271[22:03:12] <s_​a_m> another one of my FDDs is toasting
L272[22:06:26] <Va​ur> %sip
L273[22:06:27] <MichiBot> You drink a concentrated stainless steel potion (New!). Vaur's hair turn the color of moonstone until they sneeze.
L274[22:08:06] <tech​wiz78> Can you make a MicroController use an item, or is that Robot only?
L275[22:09:18] <s_​a_m> pain
L276[22:09:31] <s_​a_m> i can't run debian on the P3 machine
L277[22:09:35] <s_​a_m> not enough RAM
L278[22:09:48] <Ocawes​ome101> how much RAM does it have?
L279[22:10:00] <Amanda> Robot only, techwiz
L280[22:12:11] <Ocawes​ome101> i wanna get luppc running on my 486sx machine
L281[22:12:17] <Ocawes​ome101> just gotta get a working hard drive for it
L282[22:12:35] <Ocawes​ome101> and apparently it OOMs if i use GRUB since it only has 20MB of memory
L283[22:13:06] <Ocawes​ome101> and it can't take any more
L284[22:13:22] <Izaya> loadlin time
L285[22:14:38] <Ocawes​ome101> i was going to use extlinux
L286[22:14:44] <s_​a_m> uhhh
L287[22:14:49] <s_​a_m> debian only reports 178MiB
L288[22:14:54] <s_​a_m> BIOS reports all 256MiB
L289[22:15:08] <s_​a_m> somehow i'm losing !!! 70ish MiB !!!
L290[22:15:29] <Izaya> s_a_m: put a 512M novideo card in it
L291[22:15:33] <Izaya> use half the VRAM as swap
L292[22:15:38] <s_​a_m> i have a uhhh
L293[22:15:44] <s_​a_m> 64MiB novideo
L294[22:16:47] <s_​a_m> >MemTotal: 182388kB
L295[22:16:50] <s_​a_m> what?????
L296[22:16:58] <s_​a_m> sec
L297[22:17:00] <s_​a_m> reseating RAM
L298[22:17:38] <s_​a_m> aaaaa
L299[22:17:44] <s_​a_m> i'm running out of usable RAM for this thing
L300[22:18:49] <Izaya> the memory is leaking
L301[22:20:00] <s_​a_m> does uhh
L302[22:20:07] <s_​a_m> the initramfs stay loaded?
L303[22:35:57] <Amanda> I think so
L304[22:36:27] <Va​ur> %sip powdery stainless steel potion
L305[22:36:28] <MichiBot> You drink a powdery pink potion (New!). Vaur's favourite skin is suddenly fire.
L306[22:36:59] <Va​ur> errr ... michibot ?
L307[22:37:09] <Va​ur> that ... was not the right potion 😄
L308[22:37:50] <Amanda> MichiBot was restarted
L309[22:38:01] <s_​a_m> wish this PC took DDR
L310[22:38:04] <s_​a_m> i have like
L311[22:38:06] <s_​a_m> [checks stock]
L312[22:38:14] <s_​a_m> at least 4GiB of DDR DIMMs
L313[22:38:30] <Va​ur> I know it was restarted but the potion was from after the restart
L314[22:41:02] <Amanda> Ah
L315[22:41:25] <s_​a_m> i also have 16GiB of DDR2 FBDIMMs :)
L316[22:44:03] <s_​a_m> oh
L317[22:44:04] <s_​a_m> oh
L318[22:44:05] <s_​a_m> it's just
L319[22:44:11] <s_​a_m> stupid memory slot requirements
L320[22:44:24] <s_​a_m> i think i need to fill it in the order of 1, 3, 2, 4
L321[22:44:49] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-217-230.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L322[22:50:59] <tech​wiz78> In OC, can I write a startup program directly in the EEPROM? And what directory would I put it in?
L323[22:55:54] <Ocawes​ome101> you can, as long as it's under 4KB - be mindful that you will not have anything that OpenOS provides - so no `io` or `package` or `require`, and none of one or two other things
L324[22:56:06] <Ocawes​ome101> you can either use the `flash` tool or put it in `/dev/eeprom`
L325[22:56:29] <Amanda> Note /dev/eeprom is a file, not a directory
L326[22:56:40] <tech​wiz78> Nice. My robot's only purpose is to craft dirt, it doesn't need much
L327[22:57:13] <Amanda> The eeprom is a single code section and a smaller data section, not a filesystem
L328[22:59:11] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: put USB-C Cable in bag
L329[22:59:25] <Amanda> I would, but we're not home yet
L330[22:59:53] <Amanda> Crash on the highway, traffic all ducked up
L331[23:00:14] ⇦ Quits: lordpipe (~ba7888b72@ (Quit: https://i.imgur.com/xacQ09F.mp4)
L332[23:00:52] ⇨ Joins: lordpipe (~ba7888b72@
L333[23:01:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fd95a13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L334[23:02:58] <Amanda> %remindme 30m usb-c cable in a bag
L335[23:02:58] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "usb-c cable in a bag" in 30m at 10/03/2021 11:32:58 PM
L336[23:03:46] <tech​wiz78> How much of the EEPROM is actually needed for the robot to run?
L337[23:03:51] <Amanda> Hopefully we'll be home by then. It's not that far we need to ride the highway
L338[23:04:09] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L339[23:04:12] <Amanda> What do you mean? By that
L340[23:04:54] <tech​wiz78> How much of it can be ripped out and replaced
L341[23:05:10] <Amanda> All of it can be replaced
L342[23:05:54] <Amanda> The default eeprom doesn't do much more than load the Os on the first detected disk
L343[23:07:50] <s_​a_m> SO
L344[23:07:55] <s_​a_m> i'm building kmscon
L345[23:07:58] <s_​a_m> for my P3 machine
L346[23:10:44] <s_​a_m> god
L347[23:10:50] <s_​a_m> decompressing anything on this takes forever
L348[23:11:06] <s_​a_m> it literally took more time to install cmake than it took to run cmake and build libtsm
L349[23:18:02] <Amanda> More modern compression relies on more powerful cpus + more RAM to do the decompression to optimize for size over speed
L350[23:22:15] <s_​a_m> man
L351[23:22:17] <s_​a_m> i hate debian
L352[23:22:21] <s_​a_m> absolutely ancient software
L353[23:28:59] <Amanda> Didn't even debian drop support for the P3's arch literally years ago?
L354[23:30:44] <Ocawes​ome101> @sam does archlinux32 support it?
L355[23:31:15] <Amanda> P3 is x486 or so, isn't it?
L356[23:31:54] <s_​a_m> P3 is 586? i think?
L357[23:32:05] <s_​a_m> wait no
L358[23:32:06] <s_​a_m> 686
L359[23:32:11] <Amanda> Huh
L360[23:32:12] <s_​a_m> i think
L361[23:32:38] <Amanda> I thought 686 was much more recent than the late 90's early '00s
L362[23:32:43] <s_​a_m> yeah, 686
L363[23:32:59] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: usb-c cable in a bag
L364[23:33:16] <Amanda> Still not home MichiBot, but off the highway at least
L365[23:33:56] <Amanda> Only a couple minutes from home though
L366[23:34:15] <Amanda> %remindme 10m USB-c
L367[23:34:16] <MichiBot> I'll tell you "USB-c" in 10m at 10/03/2021 11:44:16 PM
L368[23:34:28] <s_​a_m> fucking
L369[23:34:44] <s_​a_m> `syntax error near unexpected token 'XKBCOMMON,'`
L370[23:35:01] <s_​a_m> looked it up, similar errors for other things and the common link seems to be debian
L371[23:35:06] <s_​a_m> :|
L372[23:35:17] <s_​a_m> all i wanted was kmscon
L373[23:36:17] <s_​a_m> oh
L374[23:36:18] <s_​a_m> OH
L375[23:36:53] <s_​a_m> pkgconf wasn't pulled in by any of the packages i've installed
L376[23:36:57] <s_​a_m> (pain)
L377[23:37:33] <Amanda> Don't forget the -dev packages
L378[23:37:48] <s_​a_m> already have em
L379[23:38:02] <s_​a_m> kinda baffled that pkgconf didn't get pulled by anything
L380[23:38:08] <s_​a_m> as a required dep
L381[23:38:21] <Ocawes​ome101> if it's i686 then yes archlinux32 should support it
L382[23:38:35] <s_​a_m> isn't arch32 dead?
L383[23:38:37] <Ocawes​ome101> iirc 686 is still the standard for "32-bit x86:
L384[23:38:40] <Ocawes​ome101> maybe? idk
L385[23:39:06] <s_​a_m> huh
L386[23:39:07] <s_​a_m> maybe not
L387[23:39:07] <Ocawes​ome101> https://archlinux32.org/ looks like their last news update was ~4mo ago
L388[23:40:21] <s_​a_m> installing pkgconf did nothing
L389[23:40:23] <s_​a_m> fucks sake
L390[23:43:22] <s_​a_m> i'm done, debian is a fuck
L391[23:43:27] <s_​a_m> arch32 it is
L392[23:44:17] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: USB-c
L393[23:49:08] <Amanda> Huh. Til i686 is much older than I thought. About the age of my sister
L394[23:52:29] <Ocawes​ome101> ugh cfs doesn't work in-game
L395[23:53:00] <Amanda> Confusing why everyone got their panties in a twist when gcc/Linux was dropping i386 in the early '10s then
L396[23:54:15] <Amanda> A processing arch from 1985 losing support from an ever-increasingly complex system? Perish the thought!
L397[23:55:36] <Amanda> @ocawesome101 what emulator were you using?
L398[23:55:44] <Ocawes​ome101> tried on both ocemu and ocvm
L399[23:55:48] <Ocawes​ome101> works in both
L400[23:55:52] <Amanda> Hrm
L401[23:56:01] <Ocawes​ome101> yet doesn't work in game and i'm not 100% sure why
L402[23:56:29] <Amanda> If you figure out what's different gimme a ping, I'll try and fix it in ocvm if it turns out to be a discrepancy
L403[23:57:29] <Amanda> I know ocvm used to behave weird with reads of math.huge from network and filesystem components
L404[23:58:01] <Amanda> I think I fixed that, or at least provided a mvr for payo
L405[23:59:22] <Ocawes​ome101> ... i have no clue what's going on
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