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Stuff goes here
L1[00:20:42] <Izaya> dear valve
L2[00:21:01] <Izaya> having steam segfault every 24 hours does not solve the fact that it still has massive memory leakage
L3[00:32:12] <Ariri> On the moon pt 2 :D https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/AFKjG8NoXwpWNTM
L4[00:32:37] <bad at​ vijya> tbh
L5[00:32:57] <bad at​ vijya> my first goal in career mode would be to get the nuclear engines
L6[00:33:27] <Ariri> That's my goal
L7[00:33:31] <Ariri> Need sciences though
L8[00:34:36] <Izaya> man they're gonna be absolutely nuts
L9[00:34:48] <Izaya> H2 nuclear rockets
L10[00:36:56] <Ariri> The science expirement is the Kerbal golfing XD
L11[00:37:12] <bad at​ vijya> oh i need the air breathing nuclear engines
L12[00:37:59] <Amanda> https://i.imgur.com/P2brz1P.jpg
L13[00:38:18] <bad at​ vijya> tsuki irl
L14[00:38:34] <i develo​p things> tsuki when
L15[00:39:45] <bad at​ vijya> probably before the heat death of the universe
L16[00:41:07] <Amanda> oops, forgot I need to manually stage the resto fhte rocket, rescue pod go boom
L17[00:41:54] <bad at​ vijya> i should figure out how kOS works
L18[00:41:58] <bad at​ vijya> but that's too much effort
L19[00:42:02] <bad at​ vijya> i'll just fuckin do it manually
L20[00:42:43] <bad at​ vijya> i could make it so it's easy to get the Carman-B into space but that would be effort
L21[00:43:19] <bad at​ vijya> also it'd need to get to mach 4.2 near the edge of the atmos
L22[00:43:30] <i develo​p things> i am proud of myself :) https://tinyurl.com/y39zgg6x
L23[00:43:46] <Amanda> %choose halucinate or more space
L24[00:43:47] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: The sands of time whisper to me... they're saying "more space".
L25[00:44:04] <bad at​ vijya> make a forth bootloader
L26[00:44:10] <bad at​ vijya> for loading VELX files
L27[00:44:26] <i develo​p things> i'm considering turning it into a full fledged OS once i get more standard FORTH implemented
L28[00:44:39] <i develo​p things> i.e. all the utils written in forth, the shell written in forth, etc
L29[00:44:47] <bad at​ vijya> ye
L30[00:45:14] <Kristo​pher38> Epic forth moment
L31[00:46:26] <Kristo​pher38> Damn, everyone's making their own OS, I should write one too :^)
L32[00:46:28] <Kristo​pher38> For thistle
L33[00:48:43] <i develo​p things> heh
L34[00:48:49] <i develo​p things> make a FORTH clone
L35[00:48:57] <Kristo​pher38> Noone actually wrote anything substantial for thistle as far as I know
L36[00:49:18] <Kristo​pher38> EXCEPT for a forth interpreter
L37[00:49:28] <i develo​p things> oh lmao
L38[00:49:30] <Kristo​pher38> And ehBasic interpreter, whatever basic flavor that is
L39[00:49:36] <i develo​p things> port LNG then
L40[00:49:50] <i develo​p things> :P
L41[00:50:21] <Kristo​pher38> Port this port that
L42[00:50:38] <i develo​p things> i mean, writing your own thing is neat too
L43[00:50:43] <Kristo​pher38> What's the fun in porting if it's not something I invented
L44[00:50:52] <i develo​p things> true true
L45[00:52:52] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> is there a way to prevent users using CTRL + ALT + C to force a program to stop whilst the program is running
L46[00:53:17] <Kristo​pher38> I wonder how fast thistle actually runs
L47[00:53:31] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> for example i have setup a password script on a computer and i dont want users to be able to bypass this password block
L48[00:54:09] <i develo​p things> there is
L49[00:54:27] <i develo​p things> something like `require("process").info().data.signal = function()end` should do the trick
L50[00:55:40] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> that worked thank you
L51[01:01:07] <Ariri> dequbed, think I should've made a Mun base too? :P https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/aZYwdbc4i89DLeM
L52[01:01:27] <Amanda> %choose waves and space or just space or radiation and space
L53[01:01:28] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I'm 40% "just space"!
L54[01:04:00] <Ariri> I'm so surprised that worked
L55[01:04:04] <Ariri> 9 monoprop to spare
L56[01:04:09] <Ariri> 4*
L57[01:11:37] * Amanda decides she's had enough space for today, curls up and loads upsome youtubes
L58[01:11:40] <Amanda> -> typos
L59[01:11:48] <Ariri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/XoAptnp84T2CKrR yummy science
L60[01:12:27] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> anyone here haev experience in what teh Open glasses demo does?
L61[01:18:25] <i develo​p things> something i can definitely say is that interpreted FORTH is nowhere near as fast as Lua :P
L62[01:33:26] <Izaya> what about threaded compiled forth
L63[01:34:13] <i develo​p things> not in opencomputers
L64[01:36:59] <Izaya> why not
L65[01:37:11] <Izaya> compose functions as words
L66[01:38:10] <i develo​p things> interpreting it is simpler imo. i guess compiling it to a sort of bytecode could be interesting....
L67[01:38:24] <i develo​p things> could allow for cleaner loops and whatnot
L68[01:39:32] <dequbed> Izaya: Turns out getting 5.6km/s out of 10t engine and tanks is annoingly hard <.<
L69[01:46:56] <Ar​iri> Izaya, are we counting in-game time or irl time for race achievements? My botched return took 25 days so I’m debating reverting and either doing it better or leaving it by itself
L70[01:47:20] <Izaya> was counting in-game time
L71[01:47:29] <Izaya> haven't been writing down return times though
L72[01:48:14] <Ar​iri> I’ll revert then
L73[01:48:15] <Ar​iri> It’s best to land opposite to kerbin to save fuel on the mun, yeah?
L74[01:52:52] <dequbed> Izaya: Hey, Moho orbiter probe by day 124. Wanna race me?
L75[02:46:59] ⇨ Joins: DolphinBob (~DolphinBo@c-73-32-31-81.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
L76[02:47:03] ⇦ Quits: DolphinBob (~DolphinBo@c-73-32-31-81.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L77[02:51:33] <Ariri> dequbed, if I transmit data, do I need to science again to get the bonus from recovery (if it wasnt 100%)?
L78[02:52:12] <Amanda> You don't get as much for repeated science
L79[02:52:28] <Amanda> Unless that's different for transmissions
L80[02:54:04] <Ariri> Yes, but I can transmit and either recover to get what was lost in transmit, or do the experiment again and get the 100% of whatever was left, right?
L81[02:58:00] <Amanda> I think it's just lost
L82[02:58:16] <Amanda> No way to get it back
L83[03:03:17] <Ariri> I think a transmit spam of whatever you can get and reset is the most bang for your buck then
L84[03:06:10] <Amanda> Worth noting the drop in duplicate science won't appear in the gui as worth less until it's been turned in
L85[03:08:12] * Amanda decided to get some sleeps. Here's hoping I can sleep long tonight, since I only got like 5h last night because I was hallucinating until way too late
L86[03:08:35] * Amanda snugsafairy, zzzmews
L87[03:08:42] <Amanda> Night nerds
L88[03:13:12] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> i am trying to setup a Open security security terminal but i cant seem to find how to tell mey script to use a security terminal
L89[03:14:58] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> nevermind figured out i can use the analyser to find out teh name of the component
L90[03:26:06] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> this is my script https://tinyurl.com/yxzxmfzr
L91[03:26:16] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> but whenever i run it i get this: https://tinyurl.com/y63nmxrj
L92[03:28:51] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> how would i fix this error?
L93[03:46:47] <ThePi​Guy24> you dont need the end
L94[03:55:01] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> without the end this happens https://tinyurl.com/y2d3hwyx
L95[03:55:34] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> just realised i had a typo in comonent
L96[03:55:39] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> *component
L97[03:56:23] <MR_SP​ᐰGETTY> after fixing my typo i gert this https://tinyurl.com/y6q6dpl3
L98[03:58:33] <Vampyre> mornin
L99[03:58:39] <Shuud​oushi> *sighs* shit still fucked... https://tinyurl.com/yyb4f59n
L100[03:58:40] <Michiyo> you get "<Code>AccessDenied</Code>"?
L101[03:59:07] <Michiyo> @Shuudoushi fixit
L102[03:59:34] <Vampyre> dequbed, I got to launch 4 yesterday, trying to strap as much of the testing missions on 1 rocket as possible
L103[03:59:34] <Michiyo> I wrote a whole mod, you can fix a sha256 lib. :P
L104[03:59:36] <Michiyo> <3
L105[03:59:51] <Vampyre> it went.... well, let's just say it went
L106[04:00:09] <Shuud​oushi> I'm honestly thinking this is something fucky with OCVM... every once in while when I run this test script, it prints KiTTY to the term...
L107[04:00:41] <Michiyo> lol
L108[04:01:22] <Shuud​oushi> literally the whole test script https://tinyurl.com/y3ubkb6j
L109[04:02:21] <Shuud​oushi> I'll be honest, I have NO fucking cluse why I have shell required like that
L110[04:03:10] <Michiyo> what sha lib are you using?
L111[04:03:30] <Shuud​oushi> um, yes?
L112[04:03:40] <Shuud​oushi> give me a min...
L113[04:05:09] <Shuud​oushi> https://github.com/philanc/plc/blob/master/plc/sha2.lua
L114[04:07:10] <i develo​p things> A) use sha3 B) somewhere in monolith’s code (https://github.com/Ocawesome101/OC-monolith/blob/master/kernel/module/users.lua iirc) there’s a toHex function which I use
L115[04:08:43] <i develo​p things> Might be in util/lib/users.lua
L116[04:13:34] <Michiyo> > sha.sha256("Test")
L117[04:13:34] <Michiyo> zn☼4^%â, ª∞◄=h"ÖU
L118[04:13:42] <Michiyo> is what I get running lua5.3 locally
L119[04:14:11] <Shuud​oushi> huh, neat
L120[04:14:42] <Michiyo> and it should be 532eaabd9574880dbf76b9b8cc00832c20a6ec113d682299550d7a6e0f345e25 lol
L121[04:14:43] <Shuud​oushi> got a garbage generator at least
L122[04:15:11] <Shuud​oushi> I'm painfully aware lol
L123[04:15:29] <Michiyo> find i develop's tohex
L124[04:15:31] <i develo​p things> The toHex thing I wrote formats the output for you
L125[04:15:39] <i develo​p things> Yeah that :P
L126[04:15:50] <Shuud​oushi> will do
L127[04:16:03] <Michiyo> https://github.com/Ocawesome101/oc-monolith/blob/425383c0723928bd24c9e5dc2c6adcb56abe693b/installer.lua#L164-L170 ?
L128[04:16:58] <Michiyo> 9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08
L129[04:17:00] <Michiyo> closer....
L130[04:17:06] <Vampyre> 1 liner hex I found somewhere: print(string.gsub("hex_here", '.', function (c) return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c)) end))
L131[04:17:14] <Michiyo> NVM there it is
L132[04:17:14] <Michiyo> 532eaabd9574880dbf76b9b8cc00832c20a6ec113d682299550d7a6e0f345e25
L133[04:17:30] <Michiyo> @Shuudoushi https://paste.pc-logix.com/upibafozev.bash
L134[04:18:19] <Michiyo> if you want to skip the tohex everytime, modify the sha256/512 return to include the tohex
L135[04:19:44] <Shuud​oushi> copy
L136[04:20:05] <Shuud​oushi> That was what I was trying already lol
L137[04:20:19] <Shuud​oushi> Just being a cunt and a half
L138[04:21:07] <Shuud​oushi> It's*
L139[04:21:09] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L140[04:21:30] <Shuud​oushi> Need sleep, but want fixed...
L141[04:24:32] <Michiyo> @Shuudoushi https://paste.pc-logix.com/tuvibocafi.bash
L142[04:24:35] <Michiyo> modified sha lib
L143[04:24:45] <Michiyo> just call print(sha.sha256("Test"))
L144[04:28:00] <Brisingr​Aerowing> @Shuudoushi I see you went to the lib I pointed out to you. I had the same issues with the one you originally used, then found the PLC one. I’ve also use lua-lockbox in the past.
L145[04:41:02] <Shuud​oushi> Yay, i hate life just slightly less
L146[04:41:49] <Shuud​oushi> Just 14 other files to unfuck...
L147[04:48:02] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L148[04:48:03] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Compan​ionCube! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 4 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds (By 2 hours, 54 minutes and 51 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L149[04:48:04] <MichiBot> Compan​ionCube has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.006 tonk points! plus 0.005 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.15952. Position #2 Need 0.02174 more points to pass Va​ur!
L150[04:53:11] <Ariri> Nuclear power! Woot
L151[04:54:53] <Brisingr​Aerowing> I’ve been playing 1.16.4 a lot lately, but have a WIP 1.12.2 Apocalyptic Survival pack that has OC (among numerous other tech mods).
L152[04:58:15] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@2001:67c:2f08:8::6:ec4e)
L153[05:11:26] <Ariri> Izaya, without biome hopping, how much science would you expect to get from a Mun landing and return with beginner sciences (temp, material, etc)
L154[06:27:39] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L158[07:29:40] <Vampyre> for anyone intrested in the framebuffer (where is ThePiGuy24 when you need him ;-)), got a little RFC on my proposed lua interface to it
L159[07:29:54] <Vampyre> anyone got comments, is this workable? : https://pastebin.com/bnTsWDgE
L160[07:32:29] <Ko​dos> Hold the fuck on, what's this I'm hearing about Microsoft acquiring Bethesda/Zenimax?
L161[07:58:28] <Michiyo> lol, a bit late to the party
L162[08:31:30] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L163[08:54:15] <bauen1> %tonk
L164[08:54:15] <MichiBot> Awesome! bau​en1! You beat Compan​ionCube's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 6 minutes and 12 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L165[08:54:16] <MichiBot> bauen1's new record is 4 hours, 6 minutes and 12 seconds! bauen1 also gained 0.0041 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #8 => #6. (Overtook Ocawesome101) Need 0.00089 more points to pass deq​ubed!
L166[09:28:35] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-62-13.dynamic.as20676.net)
L167[09:28:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L172[10:05:20] <ThePi​Guy24> yees pinephone has shipped and is somewhere in transit
L173[10:05:55] <ThePi​Guy24> and oh boy does the DHL website look shit
L174[10:33:10] <B​ob> @i develop things how come you do concatenations in a loop and not use `table.concat` smh
L175[10:34:32] <ThePi​Guy24> because strings arent tables?
L176[10:35:00] <ThePi​Guy24> well, mostly not tables
L177[10:35:02] <B​ob> nothing to do, concatenation generates excessive garbage
L178[10:35:22] <B​ob> especially in such a loop
L179[10:39:37] <ThePi​Guy24> and creating a table to hold a bunch of strings, then concating them into a single string doesnt generate excessive garbage?
L180[10:39:49] <B​ob> benchmark
L181[10:40:13] <B​ob> every concatenation makes a new string
L182[10:47:34] <dequbed> Amanda: You will get informed about the less science return on repeats when you've successfully collected the first. After all if you lithobreak your first probe the second one will give you full science returns ;)
L183[10:51:22] <ThePi​Guy24> @Bob in ocvm atleast they seem to be nearly identical
L184[10:51:23] <dequbed> Izaya: Getting a Moho mission in 12t was a bitch an a half. What would a good payload be for a heavy(er) lifter? 24t? 30t?
L185[10:51:31] <ThePi​Guy24> cannot currently test in actual OC
L186[10:53:23] <ThePi​Guy24> https://tinyurl.com/yy8dxrkv
L187[10:54:10] <dequbed> Vampyre: Also, congratulations, build better bigger ... brockets?
L188[10:55:40] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L189[11:00:39] <Forec​aster> @ThePiGuy24 https://tinyurl.com/yxzpeh2o
L190[11:01:38] <ThePi​Guy24> hmm
L191[11:02:21] <ThePi​Guy24> could have done with making it average at the end, and maybe do more runs
L192[11:05:56] <Kristo​pher38> @ThePiGuy24 it has to do with how lua handles strings and concatenation
L193[11:07:05] <Kristo​pher38> strings are immutable, so every time you do a concatenation like this `something = something .. new` the old string that was in `something` is now garbage that has to be collected later
L194[11:07:15] <Kristo​pher38> because you just created a new string
L195[11:07:26] <ThePi​Guy24> yes i am aware
L196[11:07:59] <Kristo​pher38> so every CONCAT opcode will create a garbage string in each loop iteration
L197[11:09:07] <Kristo​pher38> whereas table.concat, being a C function, won't
L198[11:10:06] <Kristo​pher38> well, every piece in that table will be garbage if you intend to throw that table away
L199[11:10:32] <Kristo​pher38> but it will be less than doing `something .. new` in a loop
L200[11:10:46] <ThePi​Guy24> weirdly, memory used seems to be less with .. (atleast in ocvm)
L201[11:11:16] <ThePi​Guy24> updated version with averaging https://tinyurl.com/yxh2rxuo
L202[11:12:18] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/y59jd8ug
L203[11:12:40] <ThePi​Guy24> they about match up with the results in ocvm
L204[11:12:58] <Kristo​pher38> computer.freememory doesn't necessarily run garbage collector nor provide accurate results
L205[11:13:40] <Kristo​pher38> use this:
L206[11:13:40] <Kristo​pher38> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ureqabewis
L207[11:13:55] <ThePi​Guy24> we dont want gc, we want garbage, thats what we are testing for, and as for the accurate results, thats why im running it 100000 times
L208[11:16:14] <Vampyre> ThePiGuy24, I made a concept lua interface : https://pastebin.com/bnTsWDgE
L209[11:16:24] <Vampyre> is that workable?
L210[11:16:36] <ThePi​Guy24> yes i saw earlier, looks good
L211[11:16:51] <Vampyre> ah, ok, thanks ;-)
L212[11:19:10] <ThePi​Guy24> now when do i get to try :p
L213[11:22:42] <Vampyre> soonish ;-)
L214[11:23:37] <Vampyre> need to make the gpu card itself still, but should not be the scala hell that the screen is
L215[11:38:22] <Izaya> https://is.badat.dev/notice/A3Q3wi28vORiShKatE
L216[11:39:46] <ThePi​Guy24> now lets run it on a superior os and have it not die
L217[11:40:25] <ThePi​Guy24> xd it takes me to a bleeping computer article
L218[11:40:33] <ThePi​Guy24> i blame duckduckgo
L219[11:43:18] <Izaya> from another channel: https://lain.gay/tmp/af54b195.jpg
L220[11:43:27] <ThePi​Guy24> xd
L221[11:46:29] <dequbed> Izaya: neat
L222[11:47:23] <dequbed> I wonder, can you make a HTML <a href> crash the computer? And if so, can use a bit of javascript to keep out everybody using Win10?
L223[11:47:56] <ThePi​Guy24> its a shame discord doesnt attempt to read unc paths :p
L224[11:48:06] <ThePi​Guy24> well, a "shame"
L225[11:56:40] <Izaya> dequbed: chrome users should have the browser pre-fetch the page for them
L226[12:02:07] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3671:c201:679f:925f:ffb0:7303) (Quit: Have a nice day/night/evening!)
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L234[12:40:16] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L235[12:40:29] <ThePiGuy24> man my wifi really does not approve of staying connected
L236[12:42:55] <Izaya> dequbed: https://torrentfreak.com/mpa-takes-down-nyaa-github-repository-but-copies-swiftly-appear-210120/
L237[12:43:06] <Izaya> better explanation
L238[13:22:26] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e8b:4f00:367f:1a8c:d046:f1a6)
L239[13:24:09] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L240[13:26:04] <Vampyre> ok, bored with coding... lets fry some rockets
L241[13:34:58] <Izaya> fry?
L242[13:35:04] <Izaya> nuclear engines, eh?
L243[13:35:46] <Vampyre> not yet ;-)
L244[13:36:02] <Izaya> Amanda: is W_D:L the same sort of enjoyable as W_D2?
L245[13:42:49] <ThePi​Guy24> no only 1 and 2 are W_D, L is just WD, smh
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L248[13:48:29] *** feldim2425_ is now known as feldim2425
L249[13:56:34] <Amanda> Izaya: it's okay, though I've been distracted from playing more of it
L250[13:56:48] <Izaya> I hope it gets released soon
L251[13:58:38] <Va​ur> %tonk
L252[13:58:39] <MichiBot> Awesome! Va​ur! You beat bau​en1's previous record of 4 hours, 6 minutes and 12 seconds (By 58 minutes and 9 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L253[13:58:40] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 5 hours, 4 minutes and 22 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00485 (0.00097 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L254[14:02:06] <Vampyre> oh, ffs... I just ran into my own debris on the way down...
L255[14:07:38] <dequbed> Izaya: Didn't the MPA also try to take down youtube-dl? Did they not learn from last time? <.<
L256[14:08:31] <dequbed> Ah nevermind that was the RIAA
L257[14:09:02] <Izaya> I mean, intimidation has gotten these organisations a long way already
L258[14:13:20] <dequbed> Izaya: I'm being asked by way too many people if they can use me as reference for a job application at the BND. <.<
L259[14:13:43] <Izaya> isn't that your shady national TLA?
L260[14:14:22] <dequbed> I think so? It's the German equivalent to the CIA or the MI6
L261[14:14:30] <Izaya> mmm
L262[14:15:52] <Vexatos> if you ever want to know what a supervillain base looks like IRL, look up the BND headquarters building
L263[14:15:57] <dequbed> And because - I quote - I'm on such good terms with the BND. No idea where they are getting that from, but if I'm landing people cushy government jobs I want comission.
L264[14:16:05] <Vexatos> it looks evil
L265[14:16:43] <dequbed> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0e/2019-08-30_BND_Zentrale_Berlin_OK_0318.jpg/1920px-2019-08-30_BND_Zentrale_Berlin_OK_0318.jpg For those who are lazy :P
L266[14:17:10] <Vexatos> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Berlin-Mitte%2C_BND-Zentrale%2C_2012_-_ELB_0002A1AF.jpg
L267[14:17:34] <Forec​aster> looks like a place you'd break into in W_D 2
L268[14:17:41] <Amanda> That... Looks like a bog-standard government building from dequbed's photo
L269[14:17:59] <Vampyre> if youe headquarters looks like that, you are sure to have real shady business going on
L270[14:18:09] <Amanda> The layouts a bit weird from Vexatos' but not that weird
L271[14:18:22] <dequbed> Amanda: It *is* the largest intelligence service building in the world to be fair. It's going to look like a bureau tower because well because it is.
L272[14:18:34] <Vampyre> I don't know much government buildings here which look like that
L273[14:18:38] <Izaya> It's not as "evil organisation" as the Oracle headquarters.
L274[14:18:42] <Izaya> Not sure if I might be biased.
L275[14:18:56] <Vampyre> only the american ambassy has a fence like that, but that's about it
L276[14:19:31] <Amanda> dequbed: looks like something you'd see in dc, or a state's capitol, near all the fancy faux-greek courthouses
L277[14:19:49] <Amanda> Government office building
L278[14:20:06] <Amanda> Granted, this is in the us.
L279[14:20:51] <dequbed> Amanda: Yeah I don't particularly find it to be that evil lair looking either, I'm missing the lava fall for that. But then again evil buildings are, as Izaya hinted at, evil because of the people inside more than the facade.
L280[14:21:48] <Amanda> I mean. I went into a building like that to confirm what I need to do about taxes when I first went onto disability
L281[14:22:49] <Amanda> (turns out, people who can't work due to disability don't pay taxes)
L282[14:23:32] <Vampyre> https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-headquarters-of-de-nederlandsche-bank-dnb-the-dutch-central-bank-at-83257651.html
L283[14:23:43] <Vampyre> that's the most secure building here in the city
L284[14:23:56] <Vampyre> around 8 billion worth of gold is stored there
L285[14:24:07] <Amanda> That looks like a hotel/convention center
L286[14:24:11] <Vampyre> doesn't look anything like the fortres dequbed has ;-)
L287[14:25:10] <Izaya> look at this place https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Oracle_Redwood_City_February_2013_panorama.jpg
L288[14:25:27] <Izaya> doesn't it just just scream evil
L289[14:25:32] <Izaya> (or at least, money)
L290[14:25:32] <Vampyre> wow, is that real or a render?
L291[14:25:52] <dequbed> Vampyre: Look nothing against your central bank but if I want a fortress it's the fucking mouse bunker: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/Zentrale-Tierlaboratorien-Maeusebunker-Gerd-Haenska-06-2019b.jpg
L292[14:26:05] <Izaya> Vampyre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Corporation#Offices
L293[14:26:14] <Vampyre> holy... yup, that's real...
L294[14:26:21] <Vampyre> yeah.... Oracle
L295[14:26:51] <Vampyre> lol, dequbed, I would so want to live there ;-)
L296[14:27:22] <Izaya> dequbed: there's a place in Southbank in brisbane that looks like that
L297[14:29:04] <Izaya> pretty sure it's near the queensland state library
L298[14:30:04] <Izaya> been years since I was up there though
L299[14:30:10] <Izaya> I should do something about that when the borders re-open
L300[14:38:22] <bad at​ vijya> pinephone in two days
L301[14:38:36] <bad at​ vijya> h y p e
L302[14:40:03] <ThePi​Guy24> mine will arrive soon™️
L303[14:40:44] * Izaya smugs
L304[14:41:49] <ThePi​Guy24> cant wait till i have to deal with the customs shit :p
L305[14:42:49] <ThePi​Guy24> and pay that sweet government mandated bribe to make them not seize it
L306[14:44:54] <Forec​aster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvFk8hapDZY
L307[14:44:55] <MichiBot> i made a bot that turns reddit arguments into ace attorney | length: 1m 44s | Likes: 7,472 Dislikes: 54 Views: 181,557 | by micah | Published On 17/1/2021
L308[14:45:11] <Amanda> Mine's got a shipping lablecreated, nothing else, it seems
L309[15:02:25] <bad at​ vijya> i have DHL shipping info
L310[15:06:45] ⇦ Quits: Arimil (~Renari@ (Quit: Arimil)
L311[15:18:49] <ThePi​Guy24> all i got is
L312[15:18:50] <ThePi​Guy24> > Shipper has generated a shipment label, but the shipment has not yet been handed over to DHL
L313[15:23:06] <Amanda> dequbed: am I missing something here, whys it only showing stages 1 and 4, there should be a stage 3 as well? https://nc.ddna.co/s/nErYBe5H2S2K3MR
L314[15:39:17] <dequbed> Amanda: Hm, interesting. In the non-compact view you can select "All stages" to see the dV of all stages but I had issues with KER and not having the very last stage being the root part
L315[15:41:43] <Amanda> also, wht does the circuit board thing even do? It seems like the KER window's open even without it
L316[15:42:09] <dequbed> Amanda: If you have it set up that way (the default) its what gives you the KER info /in flight/
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L318[15:42:20] <Amanda> ah
L319[15:42:23] <dequbed> You always have it in the buildings
L320[15:43:39] <bad at​ vijya> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/aroqiyegon
L321[15:43:46] <bad at​ vijya> today in cursed shit sam is working on
L322[15:57:00] <Amanda> are dirge chutes ever nessary on kerbin?
L323[15:57:29] <Vampyre> if you have a heavy reentry module, then yeah, they help
L324[15:58:15] <Vampyre> when your main chutes get ripped off by the stress, add some drags before it
L325[16:02:10] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L326[16:03:29] <Amanda> right, let's see if this behemouth can make it into orbit.
L327[16:18:10] <dequbed> Amanda: Necessary? No. You can always get away with a different re-entry profile and more aerobreaking. But if you want to do a very specific entry from very high speeds drogue parachutes can enable that.
L328[16:22:44] <dequbed> Most of the time KSP doesn't simulate real life physics or even economics closely enough for many designs to make sense compared to real world. But it's still fun to build designs inspired by their real equivalents
L329[16:23:06] <Amanda> my deorbit kos script brings pe down to 60km then calls it a day
L330[16:23:35] <Vampyre> heh, well, technically it will eventually deorbit you
L331[16:25:29] <Amanda> I really need to be in the habit of making sure the right kerbel are in the ship before takeoff
L332[16:26:04] <Amanda> first jeb hooked a ride on my rescue mission,now bob decided to avoid launching for my science mission
L333[16:27:21] <dequbed> Amanda: Oh yeah I did a double rescue mission and two of my junior kerbonauts snuck into the 3-seat rocket. I can just imagine the designated pilot turning around and going "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"
L334[16:35:59] <Vampyre> so, if you do tourist missions, do the tourists pile up on the rister?
L335[16:36:02] <Vampyre> roster*
L336[16:36:57] <Vampyre> if so, I guess I need to build them a resort on Lathe or something and ship them off? ;-)
L337[16:39:16] <Vampyre> ah, no, I think they dissapear after the mission... shame, could use some expendable kerbals
L338[16:39:50] <Amanda> don't "dead"kerbels just go "MIA" then come back after awhile?
L339[16:40:16] <Vampyre> no idea, but I'm sure we'll find out soon
L340[16:40:28] <dequbed> Amanda: That's a difficulty setting that's enabled on Easy
L341[16:40:39] <Amanda> ah
L342[16:41:10] <dequbed> And yes, tourists disappear but tourists are useless anyway. Rescue kerbals don't and they *are* useful. Potentially high level at their skill etc.
L343[16:42:19] <Vampyre> didn't get a rescue mission yet, so I'll play tour operator for a while ;-)
L344[16:42:59] <Vampyre> planning to bring the next group to mun ;-)
L345[16:43:06] <Amanda> does the craft that gets within 2.5km of a rescue have to be manned?
L346[16:43:15] <dequbed> no
L347[16:43:43] <Amanda> great. Timeto invent balistic missiles to shoot at people trapped in kerbin orbit, so I can control them and make them deorbit themselves with their jetpack
L348[16:44:01] <dequbed> That's a strategy
L349[16:44:35] <dequbed> I'd go one further and put these puny seats on the ICBM and a sticker saying "perfectly safe, trust me"
L350[16:46:40] <Amanda> great success! BR5 (Science) is now in orbit.Waitingfor it to do the burns to put it in a high neough orbit for science now
L351[16:47:06] <Amanda> Izaya: is there any docs for the science button mod? Also can I re-order the bloody buttons?
L352[16:47:42] <Amanda> if not I may bump the resolution up to 900p instead, see how that rune
L353[16:47:44] <Amanda> runs*
L354[16:49:21] <Amanda> wait. the command pod can store science experiments?
L355[16:49:55] <Forec​aster> yes, if a kerbal takes them out of the experiment and puts them in the command pod
L356[16:50:47] <Vampyre> you also have the scipack under the rover category
L357[16:50:59] <Amanda> then is a xperiment Storage Unt redundent with a commandpod?
L358[16:51:09] <Amanda> Experiment Storge Unit*
L359[16:51:10] <Vampyre> you can build a quick rover to do surface sampling around the KSC for an easy 150 or so science
L360[16:51:28] <dequbed> Well you can use it to yeet science back home while expending the kerbal. cheaper that way :p
L361[16:52:15] <Amanda> %choose re-launch to remove ESU or meh
L362[16:52:15] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I tried reading my tea leaves this morning. There was something about death and doom. Anyway, go with "re-launch to remove ESU"
L363[16:55:28] <Izaya> thinking about science ejection modules now
L364[16:55:49] <Amanda> dequbed: not really relevent, since this mission is planned to send bob back anyway
L365[16:55:54] <Izaya> Ariri: god I wish that were me https://social.shadowkat.net/media/244c245a9b77b4e1a482f45e67a8d584ece63981ef7b5d2b7eb5f619b476d305.webm
L366[16:56:23] <dequbed> Izaya: Duna probe will have a science return because I don't think I'll want to do crewed on the first flight
L367[17:02:41] <Ar​iri> Izaya: I see [that] as an absolute win
L368[17:04:17] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/c009c85f836824511603f6953f463470bbddf037eb1de4553254aa1a801bf564.jpg
L369[17:04:21] <Ar​iri> I wonder if the Baron or whatever would get different treatment
L370[17:04:30] <Ar​iri> The makeup wearing guy
L371[17:04:50] <Izaya> Roswaal?
L372[17:04:58] <Ar​iri> Yeah him
L373[17:05:27] <Izaya> I'd say almost certainly
L374[17:05:31] <Izaya> for reasons
L375[17:05:48] <Ar​iri> Naisu
L376[17:09:32] <bauen1> %tonk
L377[17:09:33] <MichiBot> I'm sorry bauen1, you were not able to beat Vaur's record of 5 hours, 4 minutes and 22 seconds this time. 3 hours, 10 minutes and 54 seconds were wasted! Missed by 1 hour, 53 minutes and 28 seconds!
L378[17:09:56] <bauen1> so my math was off
L379[17:21:48] <Amanda> Izaya: btw: This is nice, constant, background checking to blow out the farings and open the panels when out of atmo: https://git.camnet.site/gitweb/?p=amandac/ksp/kos-scripts.git;a=blob;f=autolaunch.ks;h=c7ebd75ad5fbb296ff357784eead3484f26e0669;hb=HEAD#l49
L380[17:25:09] <dequbed> Amanda: I tend to deploy fairings earlier at around 60km mostly because that way the are almost guaranteed to fall back into the atmosphere and not clutter up LKO
L381[17:25:50] <Amanda> dequbed: the kos script for this doens't accheve orbit until after it's made it out of the atmo, I've been unable to figure out hw to do that better
L382[17:26:09] <Vampyre> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Biome#Kerbin that's a list of mini biomes around the KSC where you can do experiments for science
L383[17:26:28] <Izaya> science rover
L384[17:26:46] <Amanda> dequbed: you can see all the various algros I've tried for locking steering to here. https://git.camnet.site/gitweb/?p=amandac/ksp/kos-scripts.git;a=blob;f=autolaunch.ks;h=c7ebd75ad5fbb296ff357784eead3484f26e0669;hb=HEAD#l16
L385[17:27:06] <Vampyre> yah, pack a few science crates to store repeated experiments and get it all done in 1 mission ;-)
L386[17:27:25] <Amanda> Already did that,need to do it again for soil samples though
L387[17:27:27] <dequbed> Amanda: Eh, not really worth it. I tend to go for 100km orbits anyway, just with the 12t lifter at its max payload of 12,560kg it really just managed 70/70
L388[17:27:55] <Amanda> think I'll wait until I unlock EVA science to do another tour of the KSC
L389[17:28:48] <Vampyre> upgrade all buildings first too then, to safe you the trouble of a 3rd time
L390[17:29:52] <Amanda> oh, the tracking station has sub-ones!?
L391[17:30:08] <Forec​aster> gotta love that MultiMC feels the need to nag at you for this https://tinyurl.com/y4ymg9lr
L392[17:30:32] <Forec​aster> whenever you start or close the instance, with no way to make it stop
L393[17:30:59] <Amanda> I mean. You can remove the memory arguments from your options, like it says to do
L394[17:31:35] <Forec​aster> what if I want to use the argument and not their "dedicated boxes"
L395[17:31:49] <Vampyre> then you get this message ;-)
L396[17:32:05] <Forec​aster> it's still stupid
L397[17:32:11] <Amanda> you can set per-instance memory limits,so I'm not sure why you'd want to.
L398[17:32:19] <Izaya> that's a lot of things tacked onto your window decorations
L399[17:32:28] <Izaya> has microsoft come up with a competent window manager yet
L400[17:32:38] <Izaya> or do OpenTTD and Steam still make it look like it's from the stone age?
L401[17:33:30] <Forec​aster> the arguments are also per-instance so I'm not sure what your point is
L402[17:34:57] <Amanda> I'm not sure why you want to use arguments, which probably conflicts with the memory boxes, in the first pleace.
L403[17:36:22] <Forec​aster> Because I got them from someone, and MultiMC gives me the option to
L404[17:36:32] <Forec​aster> and the memory boxes are turned off
L405[17:36:57] <Amanda> that just means "use the global memory boxes"
L406[17:38:54] <Forec​aster> in that case it'd be nice if it specifically said the values are being overridden...
L407[17:39:13] <Izaya> maybe it's just warning you about indeterminate behavior
L408[17:47:07] <Ariri> Amanda, can you send whatever script you're using for studying/testing purposes? I got a 3t to KEO lifter but I want to make sure it can work
L409[17:47:19] <Ariri> reliably
L410[17:47:27] <Izaya> Ariri: from last night https://w1r3.net/FEeRbM.png
L411[17:48:38] <Amanda> Ariri: I've been using this https://git.camnet.site/gitweb/?p=amandac/ksp/kos-scripts.git;a=blob;f=autolaunch.ks;h=c7ebd75ad5fbb296ff357784eead3484f26e0669;hb=HEAD -- which is heavily modified version of Izaya's original (https://git.camnet.site/gitweb/?p=amandac/ksp/kos-scripts.git;a=blob;f=third_party/sks_autolaunch.ks;h=8dc3192f6a31aafda3af79ee2589ab79917c7ca9;hb=HEAD
L412[17:48:59] <Amanda> that entire git repo is my Archive volume
L413[17:53:33] <Ariri> Izaya, which character is that? Or does DTS have a Rem mod
L414[17:53:50] <Ariri> Thanks^^
L415[17:54:51] <Izaya> got a matching set of mods
L416[17:55:56] <Ariri> Neat
L417[17:57:34] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e8b:4f00:367f:1a8c:d046:f1a6) (Remote host closed the connection)
L418[18:00:51] <dequbed> Amanda: Bidens Inauguration speech is .. well. Anyway remember kids, if the state DOES STUFF it's Socialism. And if the state DOES A LOT OF STUFF it's Communism.
L419[18:01:22] <i develo​p things> i mean
L420[18:01:27] <i develo​p things> he's better than trump so i'll take it
L421[18:02:25] <dequbed> Biden is Centrism turned up to 11. There's nothing wrong with that per se, it's much better than fascism. I still would have preferred Bernie Sanders ;)
L422[18:05:28] <i develo​p things> centrism to the rest of the world, "radical left" to much of america :/
L423[18:06:04] <dequbed> Nah, centrism to america. Pretty far right to the rest of the world.
L424[18:06:29] <i develo​p things> ah
L425[18:08:17] <Amanda> oh hey, that's why there's some subtle differences between the kos docs and the kos in the pack. 3 days ag they released a new version, with like a year's worth of changes. then 2 days ago they released a hotfix
L426[18:08:46] <Vampyre> can you set a default tank fuel somewhere?
L427[18:11:05] <Ariri> Not sure, but using alt+click to dupe tanks helps
L428[18:11:06] <dequbed> Vampyre: Don't think so. But do you *really* want that? :P
L429[18:11:32] <Izaya> there's a variant persist mod
L430[18:11:34] <Vampyre> yah, using the altclick now, was just wondering
L431[18:12:12] <Vampyre> and dequbed, well, would be nice
L432[18:12:24] <Vampyre> but alt-click works too
L433[18:12:54] <dequbed> Izaya: Also which Life support mod do you usually use?
L434[18:13:04] <Izaya> the USI one
L435[18:18:55] <Amanda> if I have 1234delta-v and an orbit of roughly 275km/275km around kerbin, can I make it to minimus and back? Or at least do a flyby?
L436[18:19:35] <dequbed> It sounds enough for a flyby
L437[18:19:50] <dequbed> That's like 930-something m/s
L438[18:19:56] <Izaya> my map says 930 m/s
L439[18:20:14] <Izaya> at the far side you could spend a tiny bit of dV to aerobrake
L440[18:20:24] <Vampyre> https://imgur.com/RtGIuix that map?
L441[18:20:37] <dequbed> A bit less since you have a higher orbit, a bit more since you potentially don't have the best spot currently
L442[18:21:09] <Amanda> %math 22.2 + 9 + 45 + 10 + 15 + 30 + 36 + 24 + 24 + 75 + 44.8
L443[18:21:09] <MichiBot> 22.2 + 9 + 45 + 10 + 15 + 30 + 36 + 24 + 24 + 75 + 44.8 => 335
L444[18:21:11] <Izaya> exactly that map
L445[18:21:31] <Amanda> %choose risk it all or accept your 335 science.
L446[18:21:31] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: If I had a gold nugget for every time someone asked me about "risk it all"
L447[18:21:36] <Izaya> I appreciate the standard paper size for that one, also
L448[18:22:20] <Vampyre> just found it when I heared you talking about a map ;-)
L449[18:22:29] <Vampyre> good map! good map.
L450[18:22:33] <dequbed> Vampyre: There's a PDF version as well
L451[18:22:35] <Amanda> IIRC for minimus you want to start burning about a quarter-orbit away?
L452[18:22:50] <Izaya> Amanda: protip
L453[18:22:59] <Izaya> map with stars on it button, on the right side
L454[18:23:49] <Izaya> oh side note
L455[18:23:52] <Amanda> oh. My inclination's not very good, apparently. I forget why I even wanted to do a 45° inclination
L456[18:24:03] <Izaya> apparently the KRE landing gear is wonky
L457[18:24:11] <Izaya> so test the SpaceX-inspired landing gear before relying on it
L458[18:24:30] <dequbed> Amanda: How many degree inclined relativ to Minmus orbit?
L459[18:24:58] <Amanda> "Inclination is 40.1°, accuracy too low past 30°" so I assume 40.1
L460[18:25:21] <Amanda> %choose launch again?
L461[18:25:21] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: No, maybe tomorrow.
L462[18:25:34] <dequbed> Gah. You can calculate an orbital solution but I very much can't imagine you will want to.
L463[18:26:05] <dequbed> Just match your inclination on AN/DN and see how much dV is left?
L464[18:26:51] <Amanda> fuck it, I'll launch again, I only did the inclination because I thought maybe I'd be able to get more science going over the biomes, but I guess those only count in atmo.
L465[18:27:12] <dequbed> They count in low orbit actually so up to 120km?
L466[18:27:29] <bauen1> can't you still do a minmus flyby if you get the timing right ?
L467[18:27:31] <Vampyre> ok, doing my mun shot
L468[18:27:44] <bauen1> might kinda fling you off into no mans land though
L469[18:28:08] <dequbed> bauen1: Yes you can but figuring out where to place the node is annoying and Amanda wanted some assurance that her Kerbals make it back. Thus, maths
L470[18:28:26] <Izaya> are C16s physicsless parts?
L471[18:28:37] <Amanda> ah. I went to 275 so I could get some new science out of goo/temp/etc at high orbit
L472[18:28:48] <bauen1> Amanda: are you sure you've understood the purpose of this game /s
L473[18:29:01] <Amanda> bauen1: yes! Explody-part goes down!
L474[18:29:17] <Amanda> unless you want to do something fancy, then it may go up or sideways
L475[18:29:54] <Izaya> they are!
L476[18:29:57] <Izaya> :D
L477[18:30:22] <dequbed> bauen1: Hey now! Both amanda and I grew up with sandwich mode just because you young'ons have all your fancy not-yellowjacked parts and your weird career nonsense gives you no right to shit on us! :<
L478[18:30:54] <Amanda> I just like space, and flying through space. I can't maths well to do that fancy shit.
L479[18:31:10] <Michiyo> Order Date:
L480[18:31:11] <Michiyo> 2013-02-10
L481[18:31:11] <Michiyo> me too
L482[18:31:12] <Michiyo> lol
L483[18:31:33] <dequbed> Michiyo: Well yes but you're not playing with us so you don't count! :p
L484[18:31:52] <Izaya> I only bought the game like a year ago
L485[18:31:59] <Michiyo> Who has time to play games?
L486[18:32:09] <Michiyo> I mod one, and watch someone play another one while I'm working
L487[18:32:17] <dequbed> None of us yet we still do ^^'
L488[18:33:07] <Amanda> https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/242/949/b91.jpg
L489[18:34:38] <Amanda> I wonder if the kos update will fix it where if you add a node, do an eva, then come back in, it'll inexplictably explode when you try and remove the node.
L490[18:34:42] <bauen1> dequbed: what do you mean with yellowjacked parts ? do you mean ksp 0.8 or something like that with the very old textures ?
L491[18:34:51] <dequbed> bauen1: yeah
L492[18:35:01] <dequbed> The old textures where full on /whack/.
L493[18:35:23] <bauen1> dequbed: yeah, i can't go back that far lol, only bought the game when these textures were replaced
L494[18:35:26] <dequbed> Well I mean at this point they are the older ones? There was at least one redesign after that one I remeber
L495[18:35:59] <bauen1> still this potato laptop has a stroke everytime i try playing ksp :/
L496[18:35:59] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L497[18:36:20] <Amanda> AIUI in this pack the networing stuff is entirely based off the tier of the tracking station, right? no mods like remotetech where you need los and relay satellites?
L498[18:36:39] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L499[18:37:04] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L500[18:37:05] <Amanda> just want to make sure the probe won't lose KSC connection while I'm doing the minimus flyby
L501[18:37:15] <Ariri> I think so, I was able to transmit from the Mun while landed
L502[18:37:24] <dequbed> Like I got the game way back when. Waaaay back when. Then I stopped playing for a while and started again when KSP hit steam and stuff. That was still before science (then called career!) but not far. And at that point the texture were different from the whacky yellowjackets and puke green of the old days but also different from the ones now?
L503[18:37:26] <Amanda> ( Bob's there for the ride, and to reset the science experiments)
L504[18:37:40] <Izaya> you need line of sight and a strong enough combination of home and remote antennae
L505[18:37:49] <Amanda> I see
L506[18:38:12] <Amanda> "Antenna rating 5.00k"
L507[18:38:33] <dequbed> God remember the deadly re-entry mod? :D
L508[18:39:02] <Izaya> :D
L509[18:40:00] <Ariri> Glad it's stock now
L510[18:40:53] <Amanda> I remember hating it because it made all my rockets burn up on launch
L511[18:41:19] <dequbed> Yeah fucking atmosphere soup. I've been running FAR ... actually since FAR existed. Huh.
L512[18:41:51] <dequbed> No wonder I can't vanilla aerodynamics %actualshrug
L513[18:41:52] <MichiBot> deq​ubed: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L514[18:46:43] <Amanda> Hrm. Apparently minimus is only 805dv more
L515[18:46:56] <Amanda> er. ~80
L516[18:47:36] <Amanda> ( I had the order of the moons mixed up, thoughtm inimus was the inner one)
L517[18:52:12] <i develo​p things> checking discord at this point has become a reflex and i don't think that's necessarily a good thing
L518[18:52:26] <Izaya> dequbed: what's the least terrible way to do a quad-coupling without a quad-coupler?
L519[18:52:31] <i develo​p things> leads to me randomly switching over to discord unless i'm actively engaged in something else
L520[18:52:42] <dequbed> Izaya: As in four things to one large thing?
L521[18:52:43] <i develo​p things> discord is very much a productivity black hole
L522[18:53:01] <Izaya> yee basically
L523[18:53:08] <dequbed> In which case do you have the engine plates yet? They can do that kinda mapping
L524[18:53:09] <Izaya> so I can slap 4 1.25s on the end of this 2.5
L525[18:53:45] <dequbed> Place one, toggle through their modes and select the length of the fairing to match if you want it interstage
L526[18:54:07] <Izaya> > quad nodes
L527[18:54:11] <Izaya> why didn't I know about this
L528[18:54:22] <dequbed> You tell me
L529[18:54:22] <Izaya> now I have a 4-way T-30 cluster
L530[18:54:25] <Izaya> B)
L531[18:54:40] <dequbed> Izaya: Do you have a heavy lifter yet?
L532[18:54:57] <Izaya> I'm presently custom-building my ascent vehicles for each mission to reduce costs
L533[18:55:15] <dequbed> Am I the only one absolutely swimming in cash? <.<
L534[18:55:22] <bauen1> @<i develop things> basically any "social network" has the potential to be a productivity blackhole, but some have a special interest in being a big one (looking at you reddit)
L535[18:55:24] <Izaya> I have a significant surplus
L536[18:55:30] <i develo​p things> true
L537[18:55:37] <Izaya> but I didn't get to that point by throwing money at problems
L538[18:55:39] <i develo​p things> i got off reddit when i got my pinephone and i don't think it's a bad thing
L539[18:56:07] <dequbed> Izaya: I'm currently at some 1.2M and get a ten times return on all my launches <.<
L540[18:56:27] <Izaya> I'm big on space tourism
L541[18:56:38] <Izaya> 200k for a 12k launch
L542[18:57:17] <Izaya> y'know I think 4.8 is a little high TWR for my first stage
L543[18:57:30] <dequbed> Anything above 2 is too high :p
L544[18:57:41] <Izaya> my rocket is now spinning
L545[18:57:44] <Izaya> neat
L546[18:57:44] <bauen1> anything above 1.8 is too high already ...
L547[18:58:16] <dequbed> bauen1: I run 1.000 if I can but Izaya likes their high TWR rockets. Let them have their 2.0 TWR :P
L548[18:58:34] <Izaya> > 2021
L549[18:58:41] <Izaya> > not sitting on terminal velocity to orbit
L550[18:59:00] <bauen1> dequbed: 1.0 -> you're supposed to bring the rocket to space, not space to the rocket
L551[18:59:07] <ThePi​Guy24> make an SSTM
L552[18:59:26] <Izaya> single stage to mun?
L553[18:59:30] <ThePi​Guy24> yes
L554[18:59:40] <Izaya> that's something I've considered
L555[18:59:45] <dequbed> @ThePiGuy24 how about a SSTA single stage to anywhere?
L556[18:59:50] <Izaya> I've done a single stage to mun insertion
L557[18:59:59] <dequbed> bauen1: Look, anything TWR-wise above 1 is waste.
L558[19:00:04] <Izaya> then the booster says "aight I'm out" and deorbits itself
L559[19:00:06] <Amanda> Izaya: this astrogater thing,does it plan flybys or SOI insertion?
L560[19:00:11] <ThePi​Guy24> SSTN - Single Stage To Nowhere
L561[19:00:30] <ThePi​Guy24> im pretty good at those
L562[19:00:31] <Izaya> usually it aims for flybys
L563[19:01:09] <Izaya> but once you have a capture, you can use it to plan circlarisation
L564[19:01:13] <Amanda> "minimus escape" doesn't mean kerbin escape aswell, does it?
L565[19:01:44] <Izaya> > set the fairing deploy force for cinematic fairing deployment
L566[19:01:51] <Izaya> > run into them during the circularization burn
L567[19:01:57] <Izaya> hm.
L568[19:02:21] <dequbed> Amanda: No, on first order it really only means an escape from minmus SOI into Kerbin SOI. However you can still get a full escape that way e.g. by gravity assist from Minmus
L569[19:02:49] <Amanda> I don't see a "kerbin escape" so I assume that means I'm staying in kerbin?
L570[19:03:09] <bauen1> Izaya: how does that work ?
L571[19:03:29] <Izaya> what
L572[19:04:50] <bauen1> Izaya: i would assume that you eject the fairings some time before the circularization burn, so how do you manage to run into them, do you have a "straight up and after some time burn left" ascent profile ?
L573[19:06:43] <Izaya> I eject the fairings once I leave the atmosphere
L574[19:06:51] <Izaya> and I plan my circ burn once I leave the amosphere
L575[19:07:06] <Izaya> usually there's a two-minute window
L576[19:07:15] <Izaya> but with this rocket there's a 20 second one
L577[19:07:54] <Amanda> Right, let's do this.
L578[19:08:10] <Amanda> https://nc.ddna.co/s/CW8SrfEY75Kp2nd
L579[19:12:33] <Amanda> I think it's going to use a mun intercept to help?
L580[19:12:37] <Izaya> if I want to go and do something while my rocket launches I could totally launch and then have it queue a KAC alarm in one second once it's done
L581[19:12:40] <Izaya> and that'll pause the game
L582[19:13:04] <Amanda> or not, so wtf is this second node for?
L583[19:13:16] <Izaya> plane adjustment
L584[19:13:18] <Izaya> not necessary
L585[19:13:21] <Amanda> ah
L586[19:13:29] <Izaya> may make it saner for returns though
L587[19:15:28] <Ariri> For least dV needed on return, land opp. to Kerbin seems good
L588[19:16:19] <Izaya> hmhm
L589[19:16:52] <Izaya> I need to be awake by 6PM on Friday
L590[19:17:03] <Izaya> but my current schedule is sleeping 12-20
L591[19:17:53] <Izaya> so either I go to bed early, or I stay up a long time
L592[19:20:31] <bauen1> Izaya: try to stand up earlier (aka no lying in bed once you're awake), it's much more effective at moving your sleep schedule than trying to sleep earlier
L593[19:20:59] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L594[19:29:54] <Ko​dos> %sip
L595[19:29:56] <MichiBot> You drink a freezing lime potion (New!). A bunch of people in white coats approach Kodos. Kodos successfully evade the people! (13 vs DC 12)
L596[19:30:10] <Ko​dos> They’re coming to take me away ha ha
L597[19:31:10] <Amanda> damn "unexpected mark stack overflow"
L598[19:35:03] <Vampyre> hi hi ho ho
L599[19:35:16] <Vampyre> to the funny farm
L600[19:35:24] <Vampyre> and I forgot the rest ;-)
L601[19:36:00] <Amanda> Where life is beautiful all the time!
L602[19:36:02] <Vampyre> where life is beautiful all the time
L603[19:36:05] <Vampyre> yeah ;-)
L604[19:36:10] <Vampyre> just got it
L605[19:36:40] <Vampyre> now I'm thinking of his name, napoleon something?
L606[19:36:54] <Vampyre> ahh, google
L607[19:37:27] <Vampyre> ha! yes, oldie :-D
L608[19:38:01] <Vampyre> oooh, yeahhh, this was about his dog running away ;-)
L609[19:45:49] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L610[19:49:59] <Amanda> I think it is before my time, I know it through my mom
L611[19:50:25] <Amanda> at least, I don't remember it first-hand, other than when my mom set it as a phone ringtone
L612[19:50:55] <Z0id​berg> Ringtones are too futuristic
L613[19:51:10] <Z0id​berg> Just connect a bell
L614[19:54:58] <dequbed> Amanda / Vampyre / Izaya / Ariri: Hey, I'm currently building a (modular) space station. Do you want to help me and design modules? Put your flag on it and then we'll end up with a pretty collage of all of our agencies :)
L615[19:56:43] <Amanda> mayhaps, still need to get startedon my own station
L616[19:58:06] <Vampyre> heh, sure
L617[19:58:34] <Amanda> man, I hope the g-forces of opening the chute don't splat bob
L618[19:58:51] <Amanda> ... or destroy the chute.
L619[19:59:57] <Ariri> I call dibs on the nuclear bit
L620[20:00:18] <dequbed> Ariri: Sure ^^
L621[20:00:24] <Ariri> :D
L622[20:01:13] <Vampyre> dequbed, you also supply the launching of the mudles right? we just have to supply the modules as the lasy JAXA/ESA's we are ;-)
L623[20:01:19] <Vampyre> modules*
L624[20:01:31] <Amanda> Little bit of reentry heat:https://nc.ddna.co/s/zEC6jnKyES6QZ86
L625[20:02:13] <dequbed> Vampyre: Well, I'm the ESA so don't supply modules in my name! But yes. Build modules with stuff as you like and I'll yeet it into orbit. Don't worry about weight either I just finished by 72t to LKO yeeter :P
L626[20:02:55] <Vampyre> heh, ok, I'll figureout something
L627[20:03:13] * Michiyo hands Amanda some marshmallows
L628[20:07:05] <Amanda> whoops
L629[20:07:15] <Amanda> nearly didn't deploy the chutes at all.
L630[20:07:33] <Michiyo> Hopefully the marshmallows didn't gum anything up
L631[20:09:10] <stephan48> what are you playing?
L632[20:09:23] <Vampyre> and I just reentried while setting manuvernodes on the map....
L633[20:09:34] <dequbed> stephan48: A KSP modpack
L634[20:09:51] <Amanda> 691 science. :D
L635[20:09:55] <stephan48> does it add multiplayer? i thought kerbel space program was singleplayer?
L636[20:10:10] <stephan48> but then i only ever saw it from a distance
L637[20:10:30] <Amanda> it is, we're all playing seperate
L638[20:10:53] <stephan48> ah
L639[20:10:54] <dequbed> I mean technically there's Dark MP and now Luna MP
L640[20:11:10] <stephan48> but you can share concepts/blueprints?
L641[20:11:38] <stephan48> technically meaning it kind of works but nah?
L642[20:13:40] <dequbed> I've never tried it
L643[20:13:43] <n​1x> hello! can someone help me? how to print data in drone interface? (when im calling "print" i have an error - attempt to call nil value)
L644[20:14:49] <Forec​aster> check the wiki
L645[20:15:46] <Michiyo> There isn't a lot about drones on the wiki
L646[20:17:19] <Forec​aster> `setStatusText(value:string):string`
L647[20:17:24] <Forec​aster> it's part of the drone component
L648[20:17:29] <Forec​aster> it's on the wiki
L649[20:20:14] <Ariri> Why can't I recover or go to the space center
L650[20:20:16] <Ariri> button no work
L651[20:21:06] <Amanda> Izaya / dequbed: any recomendations for what to research next befor eI continue my science-shopping spree? https://nc.ddna.co/s/Y7QBy3f8eCgN7yN
L652[20:22:13] <bad at​ vijya> hm
L653[20:24:24] <dequbed> Ariri: Timewarp?
L654[20:24:40] <Vampyre> alright, Valentina is on her way to mun with 3500dV to spare, now lets get jeb to mun
L655[20:24:59] <Vampyre> valentine is going to minmus...
L656[20:25:18] <dequbed> Someone's racing me to minmus? :o
L657[20:25:30] <Ariri> dequbed, it wasn't letting me quick save, and my manual save froze the game https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/Pn8KizskBnc7Pco
L658[20:25:37] <Vampyre> did I mention I'm still on Sol 1? ;-)
L659[20:25:45] <Ariri> I'll go to Minmus too, why not
L660[20:26:25] <dequbed> Vampyre: I'll be on minmus by day 14. :p
L661[20:26:54] <Ariri> Should taskkill?
L662[20:26:59] <Ariri> Should I*
L663[20:27:11] <dequbed> Is your harddrive full Ariri? :p
L664[20:27:37] <Ariri> No, I freed up an additional 40+gb after compress, and got 86 left
L665[20:27:41] <Ariri> It's on an SSD too
L666[20:28:01] <Ariri> It did this in orbit too, no quick saves
L667[20:28:08] <dequbed> Weird
L668[20:28:12] <dequbed> Never had that behaviour
L669[20:28:22] <Ariri> After a quick load, that is
L670[20:28:29] <dequbed> Well not that I can remember at least
L671[20:29:04] <Ariri> killing it then
L672[20:29:19] <Ariri> Not doing any disk ops anyways
L673[20:30:21] <Ariri> Honestly, I might've made it Minmus by day 6 or 8 if I didn't waste time with this rescue and doing contracts, not really sure what they're good for other than quick cash anyways
L674[20:31:52] <Amanda> dequbed: I think I know why I can't load your lifter. I just checked it's .loadmeta and it's got a few FAR things in it?
L675[20:32:13] <dequbed> Uh... It shouldn't <.>
L676[20:32:27] <Ariri> It did for me as well, I ignored it bc it looked alright
L677[20:32:46] <dequbed> Also if it's just FAR you should be able to use it no matter
L678[20:32:48] <Amanda> FARAeroPartModule, FARPartModule, FARWingAerodynamicModel
L679[20:33:04] <Amanda> ah
L680[20:33:34] <Ariri> How do I make an SSTO for the mun without ramjets
L681[20:33:48] <Ariri> I can't afford the r&d upgrade
L682[20:34:40] * Vampyre can't plane
L683[20:34:58] <Ariri> s/ramjets/rapiers
L684[20:34:58] <MichiBot> <Ariri> How do I make an SSTO for the mun without rapiers
L685[20:35:05] <Amanda> looks like the only part I'm actually missingnow is the nose cones for the boosters.
L686[20:35:08] <Vampyre> specially SSTO's, I must have designed 20 or so which did not work ;-)
L687[20:37:52] <Ariri> It put me back to before I rescued Jarvis >.>
L688[20:40:04] <bauen1> alright, rip productivity, let's fire up KSP
L689[20:40:58] <Ariri> I still can't quicksave
L690[20:41:59] <Brisingr​Aerowing> https://imgur.com/gallery/UKQYqrm
L691[20:47:01] <dequbed> Ariri: Re SSTO to Mun: Just bring more fuel :p Re quicksave: Your installation is cursed.
L692[20:47:50] <Ariri> Can't even menu
L693[20:49:56] <Ariri> fml
L694[21:00:09] <Ariri> dequbed, I figured it out. My debris from two missions ago was finally slow enough to avoid escaping atmo (sub-orbital) and KSP didn't like me doing anything during that.
L695[21:00:19] <dequbed> ah
L696[21:00:21] <Ariri> I destroyed it instead, still wierd it didnt let me recover
L697[21:00:41] <bauen1> and i've already killed 2 kerbals
L698[21:01:05] <Ariri> F
L699[21:02:06] <bauen1> also, anything is a plane if you're brave enough
L700[21:02:22] <bauen1> *3
L701[21:06:33] <Ariri> You can revert, if you didn't know
L702[21:06:43] <bauen1> i know
L703[21:07:14] <bauen1> nice, so i've successfully flown this booster strapped to the mk1 pod and a parachute over to the mountains, eva and the kerbal just goes poof
L704[21:10:02] <Vampyre> lol, ok, I might have ma de a small miscalculation... the tourists, now on their way to mun, wanted an orbit around kerbin, but that orbit doesn't count if you do a straight mun shot...
L705[21:10:30] <Vampyre> so I guess they are on a free ride now and I have to still do an orbit with them when they land
L706[21:10:47] <Vampyre> I should not be in the space tourism business
L707[21:14:27] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L708[21:14:28] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Vaur's record of 5 hours, 4 minutes and 22 seconds this time. 4 hours, 4 minutes and 55 seconds were wasted! Missed by 59 minutes and 27 seconds!
L709[21:14:35] <CompanionCube> oh no
L710[21:16:46] <bauen1> stupid question, but how do i duplicate parts in the editor ?
L711[21:16:58] <Vampyre> alt click them
L712[21:17:12] <Izaya> try right-shift if you're on a sane OS and that doesn't work
L713[21:17:40] <bauen1> Vampyre: alt or alt-gr or meta or meta-l ? (not sure if some of these are the same thing)
L714[21:17:48] <Vampyre> ...
L715[21:18:01] <Forec​aster> press all the modifiers!
L716[21:18:15] <Vampyre> that depends on a whole load of things, like what keymap you use, what os you use, what language you use...
L717[21:18:18] <bauen1> but that would explain why i can't find it, since alt-gr is somewhat special on this keyboard (sadly)
L718[21:18:22] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@2001:67c:2f08:8::6:ec4e)
L719[21:18:33] <Ariri> Izaya, instructions unclear, Kerbal now stuck in animation https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/etgNNXF5ncAirXa/preview
L720[21:18:33] <Vampyre> IF you have a keyboard with those key's, I suppose you should know which one to use ;-)
L721[21:18:55] <Ariri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/etgNNXF5ncAirXa
L722[21:19:31] <bauen1> Vampyre: i mean i know where the physical keys are that should trigger alt (and normally do) but ksp doesn't seem to recognise my alt as al
L723[21:19:34] <bauen1> *alt
L724[21:20:24] <Vampyre> ah, well, maybe you can try and rebind the keys
L725[21:21:07] <dequbed> Anyway, Moho mission kicked into orbit, now for more sensible things :)
L726[21:21:28] <Vampyre> heh, race clearly is on!
L727[21:21:29] <bauen1> looking, but i can't actually find an option to change the "copy modifier"
L728[21:21:40] <dequbed> Vampyre: Note, there's a Moho transfer window on day 23-ish. If you want to get there anytime soon, prepare /now/
L729[21:21:56] <Vampyre> heh, will do, didn't know that ;-)
L730[21:22:18] <dequbed> I'm going to assume all our Kerbol systems started with the same position of planets.
L731[21:22:30] <bauen1> dequbed: they do
L732[21:22:59] <bauen1> iirc there's also a minmus window within the first few days or so
L733[21:23:30] <dequbed> In that case, there's a grand tour opportunity by day 193. Do we wait that out or brute force a transfer? :p
L734[21:23:32] <Vampyre> bauen1: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/70492-can-the-modifier-key-be-changed/
L735[21:23:42] <Vampyre> appparently you can change it in settings.cfg
L736[21:23:49] <Vampyre> maybe try that?
L737[21:24:43] <bauen1> so with linux ksp can now recognise the caps lock key, but no more copying parts for me
L738[21:24:54] <bauen1> Vampyre: thanks, i'll give it a try
L739[21:24:55] <Ariri> dequbed, assuming 12t for max module mass? What other requirements?
L740[21:25:23] <bauen1> oh funny, it's mapped to right-shift (by default) for some reason
L741[21:25:26] <bauen1> i guess that works too
L742[21:26:34] <dequbed> Ariri: I have a 72t yeeter. That's the weight envelope. If you have, please use Mr. clamp-o-tron ports and not Jr. If you're going to add a nuclear reactor for real I'd prefer it to be kept somewhat away from the kerbals by girders :P
L743[21:26:47] <Vampyre> you got sat on your probe dequbed?
L744[21:26:59] <dequbed> ?
L745[21:27:06] <Vampyre> the one to moho
L746[21:27:11] <Vampyre> or is that manned
L747[21:27:13] <dequbed> sat what?
L748[21:27:19] <dequbed> Oh no that's automated.
L749[21:27:23] <Vampyre> the sat map thing, forgot the name ;-)
L750[21:27:29] <dequbed> ah SCANsat
L751[21:27:31] <dequbed> yes, everything
L752[21:27:41] <Vampyre> hmz...
L753[21:27:47] <Vampyre> but... not manned? ;-)
L754[21:27:49] <dequbed> I'm not at the point where I want to put crewed missions to moho
L755[21:28:22] <Ariri> dequbed, do you already have engines on it? If not, I'll design it to go on the bottom of the station for propulsion and balance
L756[21:28:38] <Ariri> docking port on top
L757[21:28:54] <Vampyre> ahh, it's a nice trip to clear the mind, I'm sure I can find a vulonteer ;-)
L758[21:29:28] <dequbed> Vampyre: Also I'm debating adding TACLS as a handicap so I'm not really going to yeet kerbals on to suicide missions :P
L759[21:29:34] <Izaya> the end of gattaca
L760[21:30:11] <Vampyre> ah, life support? nooo, the mods as is is fine ;-)
L761[21:30:17] <dequbed> Ariri: I do not. My plan was to do that using attached ~Space Shuttles~ Kerbal transports but if you want to add an engine section that is perfeclty fine with me!
L762[21:30:33] <Vampyre> let's not give kerbals the luxery of life support
L763[21:30:42] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> any way to get the oc debug card to actually return the output of certain commands with multiple outputs properly?
L764[21:30:53] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> like testfor and such.
L765[21:30:54] <Vampyre> before you know it they start formung unions and what not and demand all sorts of things
L766[21:33:07] <Izaya> interesting, that name totally breaks my bridge integration script
L767[21:33:37] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> mine?
L768[21:34:08] <Izaya> yeah
L769[21:34:16] <Izaya> you just appear as a disembodied line of text
L770[21:34:38] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/usGSEJn.png
L771[21:34:43] <Izaya> funny bug
L772[21:45:03] <dequbed> Izaya: Do you want to build a station module too? ^^
L773[21:51:18] <Vampyre> I think I got an idea for a module, but need to unlock a few bits of extra tech for it, but I'll do an external storage module with a few little space scooters
L774[21:51:52] <dequbed> Cool ^^
L775[21:52:01] <dequbed> Be sure to place your Flag on it!
L776[21:52:58] <Vampyre> you will recognize my flag ;-)
L777[21:53:24] <dequbed> I don't even know if flags can be sent via craft file. If not, I'll need it as png to set it as mission flag ^^'
L778[21:55:59] <Ariri> dequbed, ideal dV for an engine module? Trying to see how creative/heavy I want to get with this
L779[21:56:41] <dequbed> As much and as little as you want. If you give it about 1km/s dV the station could reposition itself within the Kerbin system
L780[21:57:35] <Ariri> I've got ~800 atm, will see what I can do
L781[21:57:54] <dequbed> Are you going for NERVA engines?
L782[21:58:17] <Ariri> Got a single Nerv right now yeah
L783[21:58:17] <dequbed> Also keep in mind that the station will end up rather heavy. But I can just add more fuel tanks later too :P
L784[21:58:33] <Izaya> dequbed: yees
L785[21:58:41] <Izaya> I like building hab modules
L786[21:58:44] <Izaya> :3
L787[21:58:46] <Ariri> Not that I've been designing this whole time, I went and had lunch, but this is what I have so far https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/SJ5Pdjof2sKP33f/preview
L788[21:58:49] <Izaya> but I can also do a cursed fuel module
L789[21:58:50] <dequbed> Izaya: Neat! I stil need one of those ;)
L790[21:58:56] <dequbed> Hab modules that is
L791[21:59:08] <dequbed> Right now I have the Mobile Processing lab and a lot of connectors
L792[21:59:21] <Izaya> fuel: https://social.shadowkat.net/media/f401571b5664b431ec47073298e04aa5fb461950d6bb26f5b32cb69d009979ee.jpg
L793[21:59:48] <Izaya> and my usual hab module: https://social.shadowkat.net/media/ff2897bc94ee3bc2bf66460f191a6cfcb08c70348173043ec48feda016dacac1.jpg
L794[21:59:54] <Izaya> not sure if that docking port setup is desirable though
L795[22:00:17] <Michiyo> @"! ! ! Heavpoot" `local var1, var2, var3, var4 = yourdebugcall("here")` ?
L796[22:01:17] <Michiyo> no idea if that actually works, but it's worth a shot :LP
L797[22:01:19] <Michiyo> :P*
L798[22:07:01] <dequbed> Izaya / Ariri / Vampyre: This is the station core currently: https://i.imgur.com/I6gmh3b.png
L799[22:08:31] <dequbed> base is the PPD (2.5m) sized modules but I'm perfectly fine with modules that use the smaller PLD parts! Also there are mostly Clamp-o-tron Mr. on the station but at the moment two Jr. as well. I can add more if you only have those unlocked.
L800[22:09:12] <Ariri> Not putting any electric storage on mine bc I don't like the look
L801[22:10:39] <bauen1> 20 ablator aren't enough for lko reentry, but this heatshield doesn't care ._.
L802[22:11:26] <Ariri> 20 should be enough, I used 10 on a medium pod once
L803[22:11:36] <Ariri> If you're on easy, that is
L804[22:11:59] <bauen1> i've turned it up to medium with some slight modifications
L805[22:13:55] <dequbed> Izaya: Also if you have it unlocked please add the PPD-EVAC-U-8 Service Airlock (which for some reason is under function "containers"?) to the hab module ^^
L806[22:16:49] <Vampyre> dequbed, need to unlock the clamps still, doing another KSC science run to sweep up any leftover points
L807[22:16:49] <Ariri> dequbed, there you go, 1km/s dV :P https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/oEX3Hkb4xJrLq27/preview
L808[22:17:15] <dequbed> Ariri: Fancy!
L809[22:17:36] <Vampyre> like the girder along the side, stealing that ;-)
L810[22:18:01] <Ariri> I was going to add truss, but this tank has a variant with it build in
L811[22:18:03] <dequbed> That's the fuel tanks but do feel free to make the moduels pretty
L812[22:18:15] <Vampyre> aaah
L813[22:18:23] <Ariri> All the foil tanks have support built-in variants
L814[22:21:03] <Ariri> 6years of EC at perfect temp. Radiators are great
L815[22:22:27] <Ariri> If my math is right, that's like 1.8e10 EC total?
L816[22:22:52] <Ariri> %calc 100*60*60*24*365*6
L817[22:22:52] <MichiBot> 100 *60*60*24*365*6 => 18921598976
L818[22:24:48] <Amanda> dequbed: what is that at the top?
L819[22:25:26] <dequbed> Amanda: An extensible crew tube which afaict is a docking port but a looooooong boi
L820[22:25:41] <dequbed> The wiener dog of docking ports
L821[22:26:44] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L822[22:31:31] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L823[22:33:54] <Ariri> Tested with the 10t lifter, seems orbit capable with the /long/ fairing
L824[22:36:19] <dequbed> Also don't forget we have coloured lights and you can make your modules pretty ;) https://cloud.chaosfield.at/s/HfrJWnaxq8J9Mrc
L825[22:38:21] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> > no idea if that actually works, but it's worth a shot
L826[22:38:21] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> i tried already. debug.runCommand("testfor @e") returns things as if it failed and there was no result.
L827[22:38:27] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> the computercraft equivalent works fine.
L828[22:39:20] <SquidDev> " the computercraft equivalent works fine." Well there's your answer then :p.
L829[22:39:47] * Michiyo bans SquidDev
L830[22:40:03] <SquidDev> <3.
L831[22:41:21] <dequbed> Heart full stop? I love you STOP? Love but reaffirming? Love but threatening? :p
L832[22:43:42] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L833[22:43:45] <Forec​aster> @! ! ! Heavpoot have you bound the debug card to yourself?
L834[22:44:44] <Michiyo> I get https://drive.pc-logix.com/s/8rziQptLYdcbmap
L835[22:45:28] <Michiyo> so it does return the data, just a matter of using it :P
L836[22:46:12] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L837[22:46:16] <Corded> * <Forec​aster> returns Michiyo
L838[22:46:25] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> yes
L839[22:46:32] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> commands work.
L840[22:46:41] <Michiyo> and test,ret = component.debug.runCommand("testfor @e") stuffs the return into ret
L841[22:46:48] <Michiyo> and then I can do... whatever on ret
L842[22:46:48] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> SquidDev, let me elaborate.
L843[22:47:16] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> "the computercraft equivalent works fine, but due to unrelated reasons, the commands api sometimes stops for 10+ seconds when executing commands while the rest of cc and oc runs fine"
L844[22:47:33] <Ariri> dequbed, you put the flight info editor thing on right? Might be nice for action group light control
L845[22:47:39] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> what, Michiyo?
L846[22:47:52] <! ! ! H​eavpoot> it doesn't return the data.
L847[22:48:10] <Michiyo> https://drive.pc-logix.com/s/5d6T9dToAFmezHM
L848[22:48:23] <Vampyre> hmz, dequbed, just checked and apparently I want some parts of advanced metalworks, so it might take a bit of time to get there
L849[22:48:25] <Michiyo> I ran the bottom command, then print(test)
L850[22:48:35] <Michiyo> and.. the ABOVE is the result of print(test)
L851[22:49:04] <Amanda> %choose mun scanning or station first
L852[22:49:04] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: The proof is in the pudding. Definitely "station first". Now please get it out of my pudding.
L853[22:49:14] <Michiyo> lol
L854[22:58:30] <dequbed> Ariri: Not sure what you mean
L855[22:58:45] <dequbed> Vampyre: No worries this station isn't a pressing matter :)
L856[22:59:46] <Ariri> I think this lets you edit groups post-launch, not sure https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/FcWD4a44DW3Rkno/preview
L857[23:05:43] <Amanda> dequbed: about to use a slightly-modified version of your launcher to see if I can get a station in orbit: https://nc.ddna.co/s/Qn7pemTaxMGA3NA
L858[23:06:22] <Amanda> ( Service bay with probe core and SAS module in it was what I modified )
L859[23:08:47] <Amanda> .. oh
L860[23:08:56] <Amanda> I forgot to add crew capacity. :D
L861[23:10:00] <dequbed> Amanda: Have fun ^^
L862[23:10:44] <Ariri> dequbed, my craft shares [will be] here, with your module already in for merging. 6500kg
L863[23:11:01] <Ariri> Engineer redux says it has 2.2k dV, but staging says 1k... Not sure which to believe
L864[23:11:15] <Ariri> Oops, link: https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/YEzrGq5CSXoxCHH
L865[23:11:34] <Vampyre> Amanda, would it maybe be possible to script the science logging and transwering?
L866[23:11:55] <Amanda> Vampyre: pretty sure yeah
L867[23:11:59] <Vampyre> did not look into the mods themselves yet
L868[23:12:07] <Ariri> I think you can with kOS and just action groups
L869[23:12:11] <Amanda> but kos only runs when the ship'sloaded
L870[23:12:17] <Brisingr​Aerowing> https://twitter.com/Vazkii/status/1352005492869132290
L871[23:12:17] <Vampyre> ok, goody, cause the clicking around is getting annoying ;-)
L872[23:12:19] <MichiBot> Wed Jan 20 21:30:03 UTC 2021 @Vazkii: This really shouldn't be happening as often as it does but I should warn you guys this mod is a fake - it does not… <https://t.co/duvw1ezfeJ&gt;
L873[23:12:54] <Vampyre> ah, yes, actiogroups might also work, forgot about those
L874[23:17:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-62-13.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L875[23:19:35] ⇨ Joins: ccoocckk (~ccoocckk@mc2029.mc-panel.net)
L876[23:19:37] <Amanda> ... I might have to see if I have any of the parts for some of the heavier lifters
L877[23:19:58] <Amanda> 1km up, and it's only at 70m/s
L878[23:21:29] ⇦ Quits: ccoocckk (~ccoocckk@mc2029.mc-panel.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L879[23:22:19] <Vampyre> if you have enough stages it should be fine
L880[23:22:32] <Vampyre> the heavies the rockets get, the slower the 1st km gets
L881[23:22:39] <Vampyre> heavier*
L882[23:23:00] <dequbed> Nah the first km is only determined by your initial TWR :p
L883[23:23:12] <dequbed> My launchers all have *very* low TWR
L884[23:24:01] <Amanda> ... coming up on 10km, and I'm losing speed
L885[23:24:21] <Vampyre> that... might be turning into an issue ;-)
L886[23:24:56] <dequbed> Then you're probably very close to the maximum payload. The launcher wants a pretty aggressive gravity turn, and you should always be gaining horizontal speed
L887[23:25:08] ⇨ Joins: ggaammiinngg (~ggaammiin@mc2029.mc-panel.net)
L888[23:25:23] <ggaammiinngg> hheellpp kkeeuubbooaarrdd iiss bbrrookkeenn
L889[23:25:24] <Forec​aster> %sip
L890[23:25:26] <MichiBot> You drink a sweet sky potion (New!). There's an acidic tinge to the potion... A label on the bottle reads "Who needs internal organs anyway?". Forecaster takes 3d​6 => [3,1,3] acid damage.
L891[23:25:29] <Michiyo> ggaammiinngg, I don't mean to alarm you, but you appear to have keyboard issues.
L892[23:25:36] <Forec​aster> Not again
L893[23:25:40] <Michiyo> Likely, you have 2 keyboards attached.
L894[23:25:48] <ggaammiinngg> oohh
L895[23:25:56] <ggaammiinngg> thanks
L896[23:26:06] <Michiyo> lol, np
L897[23:26:15] <ggaammiinngg> wait is this a real irc
L898[23:26:16] <Forec​aster> %moo ^
L899[23:26:17] <MichiBot> ^ ^
L900[23:26:18] <Michiyo> Yes
L901[23:26:26] <dequbed> No we're fake
L902[23:26:27] <Michiyo> And it's really bridged to real Discord. lol
L903[23:26:30] <Forec​aster> Oh, Hm
L904[23:26:43] <Forec​aster> That's not what that's supposed to do
L905[23:26:44] <Michiyo> @Forecaster did you break '^' support?
L906[23:26:46] <ggaammiinngg> whats the invite link
L907[23:26:50] <Michiyo> %flip ^
L908[23:26:50] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯^ ^
L909[23:26:52] <Michiyo> Yes.
L910[23:26:54] <Michiyo> yes you did
L911[23:26:56] <Michiyo> %discord
L912[23:26:56] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYm2aoXh
L913[23:27:03] <Forec​aster> Evidently
L914[23:27:10] <Michiyo> %rainbow ^
L915[23:27:11] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: ^ ^
L916[23:27:12] <Forec​aster> I'll have a look at that tomorrow
L917[23:27:13] <Michiyo> damn it man!
L918[23:27:14] <Michiyo> lol
L919[23:27:19] <Michiyo> <3
L920[23:27:23] ⇦ Quits: ggaammiinngg (~ggaammiin@mc2029.mc-panel.net) (Client Quit)
L921[23:27:29] <Amanda> dequbed: do you have the link handy for the folder? I only downloaded the 9.95t one. <.<
L922[23:27:29] <Shuud​oushi> How the fuck @Forecaster ?
L923[23:28:36] <Amanda> nvm,I found it in my history
L924[23:28:46] <Forec​aster> @Shuudoushi well it all started in Italy, I was surrounded by gangsters, armed with safety pins, and all I had was a single roll of double sided tape
L925[23:30:15] <dequbed> Amanda: Yeah, as I said I should probably write a script to launch the lifters. Especially at the upper end of their rated payload they are pretty finnicky and require a bunch of manual tuning. Perfect application for a PID really ^^'
L926[23:30:35] <Amanda> damn, I don't have a couple of parts for the stronger lifters.
L927[23:31:20] <Amanda> I'm not clear on the kg:t ratio? According to KER it's only 2,500kg?
L928[23:31:28] <Amanda> ( The station core on it's own )
L929[23:31:35] <Amanda> or is the lifting capacity including itself?
L930[23:31:44] <dequbed> ?
L931[23:31:45] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L932[23:32:51] <Shuud​oushi> @Forecaster Ngl, the urge to break your thumbs for making me read that is pretty high lol
L933[23:33:12] <Forec​aster> Bold if you to assume I have thumbs
L934[23:33:58] <dequbed> Amanda: The 10t are total payload you can put on top of the fairing block if that's what you're asking?
L935[23:34:08] <Amanda> yeah that's what I meant
L936[23:34:24] <dequbed> But anyway, if you only try to lift 2500kg the TWR should always be >1 and you should never lose speed <.<
L937[23:34:27] <Shuud​oushi> I will cut your toes off, stitch them to your hands, then break them @Forecaster
L938[23:34:31] <Amanda> Also, apparently I was off by 2x: https://nc.ddna.co/s/DLLo84Tk5o4Cxeg
L939[23:34:50] <Forec​aster> Kay
L940[23:35:03] <Shuud​oushi> Lol
L941[23:35:03] <Forec​aster> Besides not sure what else you expected
L942[23:35:10] <Amanda> 5860kg not the 2500kg .<;
L943[23:35:27] <Amanda> <.<;
L944[23:35:46] <Shuud​oushi> Certainly not that lol
L945[23:38:28] <Shuud​oushi> Customers are fuckin' stupid. Got a grand marquis in, customer said it needed an engine because it wouldn't crank. Fucking thing was out of gas.
L946[23:38:53] <dequbed> lol
L947[23:40:40] <Shuud​oushi> He, or some crackhead he had work on it, broke the fuel level sending unit when they put a fuel pump in it, so it permanently read that it had ½ a tank of fuel.
L948[23:42:29] <Amanda> on second thought, maybe upping the number of boosters to 6 was overkill...
L949[23:42:35] <Amanda> guess we'll see
L950[23:46:43] <Vampyre> well... I'm stuck: https://winaoe.org/ksp/KSP3.png
L951[23:48:43] <Izaya> dequbed: the 1.25M airlock not gonna cut it?
L952[23:48:57] <Izaya> also please make sure your stuff is working with connected living spaces
L953[23:52:12] <dequbed> Izaya: https://i.imgur.com/SKI4Osg.png Way ahead of you honey <3
L954[23:52:16] <Ariri> What should I change on this? https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/GtQdYgEt4LAY9mQ/
L955[23:52:21] <Ariri> Needs science modules still
L956[23:52:50] <Izaya> just making sure
L957[23:52:57] <Izaya> damn that's a bigge flag
L958[23:53:24] <dequbed> Izaya: Also no the PLD airlock will totally work, I just *like* the 2.5m one. Also it has an additional docking port that also extends :p
L959[23:53:33] <Izaya> oh
L960[23:53:36] <Izaya> I had no idea
L961[23:53:38] <Ariri> Oh I forgot to put the flag on my craft
L962[23:53:41] <Izaya> that sounds useful
L963[23:53:43] <Amanda> uh.ow do you check that?
L964[23:53:56] <Izaya> cls button in the VAB
L965[23:54:07] <dequbed> Izaya: I mean we don't /need/ it. This station has *plenty* docking ports ^^
L966[23:55:07] ⇦ Quits: Vampyre (~spy@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L967[23:55:11] <dequbed> Ariri: That link asks me for a login
L968[23:55:13] <Izaya> I normally do 1.25m for stations tbh
L969[23:55:19] ⇨ Joins: Vampyre (~spy@
L970[23:55:23] <Ariri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/GtQdYgEt4LAY9mQ
L971[23:55:25] <Izaya> I'll research the big spinning habitats and do that though
L972[23:55:26] <dequbed> bauen1: oh also are you playing our pack?
L973[23:55:29] <Ariri> Slash
L974[23:55:35] <dequbed> ah!
L975[23:56:10] <Izaya> nuclear rockets and jet engines
L976[23:56:13] <Izaya> hmhm
L977[23:57:03] <dequbed> Ariri: Anyway the center of lift/drag is pretty close to the center of mass, I'd be worried about mach kick and instability in the supersonic. But I think vanilla doesn't *do* machkick. And I'm not sure if one nuclear engine is enough?
L978[23:58:18] <Izaya> dequbed: you were talking about flags so here's sks.png https://files.catbox.moe/fk1t9q.png
L979[23:58:35] <dequbed> :D
L980[23:58:42] <Izaya> Inspirations should be suitably obvious
L981[23:59:27] <Ariri> I want rapiers, but don't have it unlocked yet
L982[23:59:27] <Ariri> Will swap out after this trip
L983[23:59:27] <Ariri> Also, does this count as cheating for science? I can't think of how else to put it :/ https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/o9BCtZXQSEfNyEf/preview
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