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L1[00:13:23] <i develo​p things> do transposers work on vanilla chests?
L2[00:15:01] <B​ob> why not ??
L3[00:15:12] <B​ob> myabe doublechests may be wonky but thats cause theyre coded like shit
L4[00:15:19] <B​ob> like the rest of MC
L5[00:17:22] <i develo​p things> yeah i figured it out
L6[00:20:20] <i develo​p things> oh, also, on an unrelated note, Izaya: Imperfection might actually work well on T1 hardware, unlike Monolith and Apotheosis :P
L7[00:20:36] <Izaya> plus
L8[00:20:41] <Izaya> if you don't have enough memory
L9[00:20:44] <Izaya> just spread your workload out
L10[00:20:48] <i develo​p things> yep
L11[00:20:51] <Izaya> B)
L12[00:20:53] <i develo​p things> i'm considering doing a storage system like that
L13[00:21:03] <i develo​p things> having a central controller with maybe a bit more memory
L14[00:21:13] <i develo​p things> then other computers that manage sections of the system
L15[00:21:33] <Izaya> union of all the remote filesystems
L16[00:21:41] <Izaya> as /
L17[00:21:41] <i develo​p things> heh
L18[00:21:54] <i develo​p things> i actually don't do unix-like mounts, or even really mounts at all
L19[00:21:58] <i develo​p things> everything is a URL
L20[00:22:35] <i develo​p things> so `fs://<filesystem-address, can be shortened>/<file>`
L21[00:22:50] <i develo​p things> also, the entire system is currently only about 25-30KB
L22[00:24:53] <i develo​p things> oh actually, `fs://addr/<query: open, isDirectory, ...>?file=<filename>`
L23[00:25:02] <i develo​p things> appending `?<mode>` if opening the file
L24[00:25:15] <i develo​p things> or `component://gpu` to get a GPU component
L25[00:36:05] ⇨ Joins: Guest17141 (~h@wpc3.bialnet.pl)
L26[00:36:14] <Guest17141> hi :)
L27[00:36:55] ⇦ Quits: Guest17141 (~h@wpc3.bialnet.pl) (Client Quit)
L28[00:37:10] <i develo​p things> %bye
L29[00:37:11] <MichiBot> i develo​p things: Oh, well, bye I guess...
L30[00:52:24] <Izaya> ThePiGuy24: https://highcat-media.maastodon.net/media_attachments/files/105/489/039/634/448/454/original/7bb4f26883c957f9.jpeg
L31[00:55:18] <B​ob> is this belgium
L32[00:55:54] <Izaya> unknown
L33[00:56:03] <Izaya> a RGIS doesn't turn up anything
L34[00:56:21] <B​ob> the car plates look like so
L35[00:56:32] <B​ob> blue icon on left and 6 red characters
L36[00:57:17] <B​ob> altough the image resolution makes it almost impossible to figure out
L37[00:59:20] <Izaya> I wonder if I could get libgen-cli running on my e-reader
L38[01:00:26] <Izaya> then I wouldn't need any external stuff to download books
L39[01:02:04] <Vampyre> that's serbia
L40[01:02:53] <B​ob> would make sense
L41[01:08:42] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L42[01:10:14] <Sket​amine> Im having an issue trying to add history to term.read(). the api is a bit confusing
L43[01:10:24] <i develo​p things> does it not already have supporT?
L44[01:10:26] <i develo​p things> does it not already have suppor? [Edited]
L45[01:10:27] <Sket​amine> i tried adding the table im using for history as a paramter
L46[01:10:28] <i develo​p things> does it not already have support? [Edited]
L47[01:10:33] <i develo​p things> how does `sh` do it?
L48[01:10:56] <Sket​amine> it has support, but the api says its been deprecated
L49[01:11:07] <Sket​amine> the new way that was described is confusing me
L50[01:11:24] <i develo​p things> the wiki isn't very clear on that, i agree
L51[01:11:27] <Sket​amine> `since OpenOS 1.6 the parameter list as specified here is considered deprecated. The first parameter is an options argument. The indexed array values are treated as history, named keys take the place of legacy arguments. For compatibility, OpenOS 1.6 will respect the previous usage, i.e. parameter list.`
L52[01:11:56] <i develo​p things> OH, probably `{history = yourhistorytable}`?
L53[01:11:57] <Sket​amine> https://tinyurl.com/yb9surm5
L54[01:12:07] <i develo​p things> so `history=hist`
L55[01:12:15] <i develo​p things> there's no need to set `pwchar`
L56[01:12:27] <Sket​amine> i change pwchar further down a few times
L57[01:12:30] <Sket​amine> so i use that to reset it
L58[01:12:35] <Sket​amine> ill try history= 1 sec
L59[01:12:56] <Sket​amine> `history=hist` does nothing
L60[01:13:04] <i develo​p things> screenshot?
L61[01:13:13] <i develo​p things> also that still does nothing since you're creating a fresh table
L62[01:13:17] <i develo​p things> and its value doesn't persistr
L63[01:13:18] <i develo​p things> and its value doesn't persist [Edited]
L64[01:13:34] <Sket​amine> I already typed something ffirst and tried to go up
L65[01:13:41] <Sket​amine> it shouldve been inserted
L66[01:13:50] <Sket​amine> as the declaration is outside the loop
L67[01:13:58] <Sket​amine> https://tinyurl.com/ydezdsb3
L68[01:14:01] <i develo​p things> you're assigning `hist = {}` and then doing `table.insert(history, input)`
L69[01:14:37] <Sket​amine> yeah but its being assigned to a blank table outside, so while the loops running as long as ive typed at least one thing it should have something in it
L70[01:14:53] <i develo​p things> look at the variable name
L71[01:15:02] <i develo​p things> `hist` != `history`
L72[01:15:03] <Sket​amine> ah
L73[01:15:06] <Sket​amine> gotcha
L74[01:15:13] <i develo​p things> why that didn't error i have no idea
L75[01:15:20] <i develo​p things> but assigning `history=hist` is necessary also
L76[01:15:25] <Sket​amine> ye ye
L77[01:15:26] <Sket​amine> 1 sec
L78[01:15:39] <Sket​amine> nope still not working...
L79[01:15:52] <Sket​amine> https://tinyurl.com/y7ljrxm4
L80[01:16:24] <i develo​p things> huh
L81[01:17:21] <Sket​amine> hm. so when i remove history=hist and just put `hist` as one of the paramaters it seems to error out when i use the up or down key
L82[01:17:28] <Sket​amine> i cant read the error because it goes off screen
L83[01:17:46] <i develo​p things> OH OH OH OH
L84[01:17:49] <i develo​p things> well this is weird
L85[01:17:54] <i develo​p things> one moment
L86[01:17:55] <Sket​amine> https://tinyurl.com/yceexd78
L87[01:19:20] <i develo​p things> try http://0x0.st/-s-x.lua
L88[01:19:50] <Sket​amine> one sec
L89[01:20:00] <i develo​p things> `indexed array values are treated as history; named keys take the place of legacy arguments` is the key piece of the puzzle
L90[01:20:24] <Sket​amine> ah. i stared long and hard at that line for a while and just assumed that they wouldnt be in the same
L91[01:20:30] <i develo​p things> lol
L92[01:21:16] <Sket​amine> Ay that was it
L93[01:21:32] <i develo​p things> :) the OpenOS APIs are weird sometimes
L94[01:21:43] <Sket​amine> Yeah it would be easier to understand that if it had an example given
L95[01:21:49] <i develo​p things> the entire terminal readline setup is really weird
L96[01:21:50] <i develo​p things> definitely
L97[01:21:58] <Sket​amine> Thanks for your help tho
L98[01:22:05] <i develo​p things> no problem
L99[01:22:24] <Sket​amine> however if i go up to the top of the history it just enters it
L100[01:22:26] <Sket​amine> so thats weird
L101[01:22:29] <Sket​amine> but ill live with that
L102[01:22:45] <i develo​p things> :P
L103[01:23:19] <i develo​p things> both monolith's and apotheosis's `readline`s just take a table of arguments such that `readline { history = {table} }` works as expected
L104[01:23:42] <i develo​p things> the OpenOS way makes little sense but is probably for compatibility since `history` was the first argument anyway
L105[01:23:54] <i develo​p things> err, in OpenOS <=1.5
L106[01:24:15] <Sket​amine> yeah. definitely weird but i guess it works lol
L107[01:27:10] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef9e2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L108[01:35:17] <Izaya> meanwhile in PsychOS land: history is stored in the buffer object
L109[02:12:52] <Amanda> history is stored in the buffer object, pee is stored in the balls
L110[02:12:54] * Amanda fles
L111[02:13:55] <Amanda> %remindme 11h see if the backup went okay unsupervised
L112[02:13:55] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "see if the backup went okay unsupervised" at 01/03/2021 01:13:55 PM
L113[02:21:02] <i develo​p things> TIL that even in-game OC file descriptors are userdata
L114[02:54:28] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b81405ee00040d9726e7bb17ac.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L115[03:10:13] ⇨ Joins: Fonhrt (~Fonhrt@ns3616488.ip-151-80-24.eu)
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L117[03:29:45] ⇨ Joins: GardenRub (~GardenRub@ns570070.ip-51-161-12.net)
L118[03:29:59] ⇦ Quits: GardenRub (~GardenRub@ns570070.ip-51-161-12.net) (Client Quit)
L119[04:19:34] <Ocawesome101> as clarification on my earlier comment, i previously thought they were numbers for some reason
L120[04:19:52] <Izaya> if you tostring them you get numbers
L121[04:20:00] <Ocawesome101> oh you do? interesting
L122[04:20:06] <Izaya> IIRC
L123[04:20:31] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1609625931229.png
L124[04:21:04] <Ocawesome101> lmao
L125[04:22:57] <Ocawesome101> mark twain quote i heard the other day: "you must find George, and tell him to sit down and be quiet for a while, or he shall die someday."
L126[04:23:23] * Izaya squints
L127[04:24:06] <Ocawesome101> in a christmas letter he wrote to his daughter pretending to be santa iirc
L128[04:27:22] <Izaya> oh
L129[04:27:35] <Izaya> the point is that it's a non-exclusive or
L130[04:28:31] <Vampyre> they really should just have called that an inclusive or
L131[05:01:58] <Very H​andsome> can someone help me?
L132[05:02:12] <Ocawesome101> %dontask
L133[05:02:17] <Ocawesome101> %ask
L134[05:02:17] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101: http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
L135[05:03:10] <Very H​andsome> don't ask?
L136[05:03:16] <Ocawesome101> don't ask to ask
L137[05:03:20] <Ocawesome101> just ask the question
L138[05:03:21] <Very H​andsome> oh
L139[05:03:25] <Ocawesome101> if someone can help you they will
L140[05:04:03] <Very H​andsome> I need someone to help me make a working robot/computer/whatever you call them that can load a chunk?
L141[05:04:10] <Ocawesome101> hmm
L142[05:04:17] <Ocawesome101> there might be a chunkloader upgrade?
L143[05:04:20] <Very H​andsome> i have no clue how a robot works
L144[05:04:40] <Very H​andsome> i mean i made a robot with all the component needed and a chunkloader upgrade
L145[05:04:48] <Very H​andsome> but i have no clue how to activate it
L146[05:04:51] <Ocawesome101> oh ok
L147[05:04:58] <Ocawesome101> right click, then click the power button i think
L148[05:05:20] <Very H​andsome> it's not doing anything when i click on it
L149[05:05:52] <Very H​andsome> does it require energy? And if yes how do i charge it
L150[05:05:55] <Ocawesome101> click or right click?
L151[05:05:56] <Ocawesome101> yeah it does
L152[05:05:58] <Ocawesome101> with a charger
L153[05:06:17] <Very H​andsome> i can't put the robot inside the charger
L154[05:06:24] <Ocawesome101> put it on top
L155[05:06:51] <Very H​andsome> oh
L156[05:06:52] <Very H​andsome> lemme try
L157[05:08:17] <Very H​andsome> it saids "Energy: 0% 0/0"
L158[05:08:19] <Very H​andsome> in the robot
L159[05:08:22] <Ocawesome101> hm
L160[05:08:32] <Ocawesome101> put a lever on the charger and flip it
L161[05:09:10] <Very H​andsome> Now there's particle
L162[05:09:24] <Very H​andsome> but nothing happen when i click the power button
L163[05:09:31] <Ocawesome101> hm
L164[05:09:34] <Ocawesome101> does it beep?
L165[05:09:50] <Very H​andsome> beep?
L166[05:09:55] <Ocawesome101> yes
L167[05:09:57] <Ocawesome101> beep
L168[05:10:01] <Ocawesome101> does the robot beep
L169[05:10:22] <Ocawesome101> and, what does it say when you shift right click with an Analyzer?
L170[05:10:25] <Very H​andsome> eh i can't open volume to check
L171[05:10:43] <Ocawesome101> specifically, what "last error" does it say
L172[05:11:33] <Very H​andsome> there's no last error
L173[05:11:35] <Very H​andsome> here
L174[05:11:37] <Ocawesome101> huh
L175[05:12:02] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/ycfqfvv2
L176[05:12:23] <Ocawesome101> hmmm well
L177[05:12:26] <Ocawesome101> it has energy
L178[05:12:39] <Ocawesome101> right click the robot and click the power button and it shows nothing on-screen?
L179[05:12:40] <Very H​andsome> yeah
L180[05:12:53] <Very H​andsome> yeah nothing happen
L181[05:12:57] <Ocawesome101> weird
L182[05:13:02] <Ocawesome101> what OC version?
L183[05:13:22] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/y9qf37rd
L184[05:13:24] <Very H​andsome> oh
L185[05:13:36] <Ocawesome101> oh weird
L186[05:13:41] <Very H​andsome>
L187[05:13:48] <Ocawesome101> huh yeah should be fine
L188[05:13:57] <Ocawesome101> try turning off the charger, or breaking and replacing the robot
L189[05:14:21] <Very H​andsome> doesn't work
L190[05:14:26] <Ocawesome101> hm
L191[05:14:41] <Vampyre> the robot has 0%?
L192[05:14:50] <Ocawesome101> yes
L193[05:15:04] <Vampyre> use the whatyamacallit tool on the chargetr
L194[05:15:13] <Ocawesome101> analyzer?
L195[05:15:14] <Vampyre> that turns it on, not a lever
L196[05:15:14] <Very H​andsome> ?
L197[05:15:25] <Vampyre> no, holdon, the OC tool, let me lookup the name
L198[05:15:37] <Very H​andsome> Charge speed 100%
L199[05:15:39] <Very H​andsome> "Charge speed 100%" [Edited]
L200[05:15:42] <Vampyre> scrench
L201[05:16:00] <Very H​andsome> ok
L202[05:16:18] <Very H​andsome> right click on charger?
L203[05:16:46] <Vampyre> well, if it says charge speed 100% it's ok I think
L204[05:16:49] <Very H​andsome> now it's off. Do i turn off the lever
L205[05:17:00] <Vampyre> is the charger green? (screen light up front)
L206[05:17:19] <Very H​andsome> yeah now
L207[05:17:44] <Vampyre> ok, put your robot besides it to charge (or on top as Ocawesome101 said, works too)
L208[05:17:59] <Very H​andsome> done
L209[05:18:07] <Vampyre> turn it on, should work now
L210[05:18:17] <Very H​andsome> doesn't work
L211[05:18:23] <Very H​andsome> clicking on power button does nothing
L212[05:18:40] <Vampyre> no beep? and it does now say charge 100%?
L213[05:18:51] <Very H​andsome> yes
L214[05:18:57] <Very H​andsome> can't confirm the beep
L215[05:19:26] <Vampyre> does the analyser say something when you click on it with that?
L216[05:19:38] <Very H​andsome> same thing
L217[05:19:42] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/ybw2druh
L218[05:19:59] <Very H​andsome> ^ when i click on the robot
L219[05:20:13] <Very H​andsome> "Charge speed: 100%" when i click on the charger
L220[05:21:00] <Vampyre> can you get a sc of your component list? (shift over the robot in inventory)
L221[05:21:44] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/yclgycqc
L222[05:22:15] <Vampyre> yah, looks fine, should work
L223[05:22:22] <Very H​andsome> hm
L224[05:22:28] <Ocawesome101> do you need a battery or something?
L225[05:22:34] <Vampyre> you sure you're clicking the right on button? :-p
L226[05:22:48] <Ocawesome101> also
L227[05:22:54] <Ocawesome101> you don't have a GPU or a screen in there
L228[05:23:01] <Ocawesome101> and a floppy drive is a good idea also, if possible
L229[05:23:07] <Very H​andsome> oh
L230[05:23:14] <Vampyre> oh, yeah... doh
L231[05:23:22] <Vampyre> get a screen and keyboard in there ;-)
L232[05:23:27] <Very H​andsome> how?
L233[05:23:30] <Ocawesome101> and a gpu!
L234[05:23:35] <Ocawesome101> disassemble it
L235[05:23:36] <Vampyre> and an gpu indeed
L236[05:24:04] <Very H​andsome> ok
L237[05:24:29] <Very H​andsome> how do i put a screen and keyboard on it?
L238[05:24:58] <Ocawesome101> again, disassemble
L239[05:25:12] <Ocawesome101> then put in the screen and keyboard into the assembler when reassembling, along with the gpu
L240[05:25:28] <Very H​andsome> oh
L241[05:25:38] <Very H​andsome> So do i put it after i click assemble
L242[05:25:40] <Vampyre> if you put an assembler besides the disassembler, the disassembler will fill the assembler
L243[05:25:57] <Vampyre> then just ass the gpu/keyboard/screen and reassemble
L244[05:26:02] <Vampyre> add*
L245[05:26:54] <Vampyre> (and also, add a diskdrive, cause I don't think you have openos installed on the disk right?)
L246[05:27:37] <Very H​andsome> how do i put a screen on it
L247[05:27:50] <Very H​andsome> i don't see any slot for it
L248[05:27:55] <Vampyre> get a tier 2 or tier 1 screen, put it on one of the left slots
L249[05:28:01] <Very H​andsome> oh
L250[05:28:16] <Vampyre> if you hover over the item, it will light up the slots where it can go
L251[05:28:38] <Vampyre> I think tier 1 might even be max?
L252[05:28:45] <Very H​andsome> oh
L253[05:29:06] <Very H​andsome> yeah tier one work
L254[05:29:27] <Very H​andsome> Do i need an inventory upgrade?
L255[05:29:29] <Vampyre> ok, add gpu, keyboard, floppy drive, and reassemble
L256[05:29:36] <Very H​andsome> ok
L257[05:29:49] <Vampyre> it adds internal slots to the robot
L258[05:29:56] <Vampyre> so can be handy
L259[05:30:24] <Very H​andsome> oh what mode
L260[05:30:27] <Very H​andsome> floppy disk
L261[05:30:47] <Very H​andsome> i accidentally right clicked it now it's managed mode
L262[05:30:53] <Vampyre> maybe a card container upgrade ot an upgrade container
L263[05:31:49] <Very H​andsome> eh
L264[05:31:55] <Very H​andsome> i can't put a floppy drive in
L265[05:31:55] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L266[05:31:56] <MichiBot> Yow! Compan​ionCube! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 5 hours and 37 seconds (By 1 hour, 2 minutes and 28 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L267[05:31:57] <MichiBot> Compan​ionCube has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.006 tonk points! plus 0.005 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.0461. Position #1
L268[05:32:12] <Very H​andsome> floppy disk
L269[05:33:17] <Vampyre> the disk drive
L270[05:33:23] <Vampyre> not floppy itself
L271[05:33:24] <Very H​andsome> oh
L272[05:33:39] <Vampyre> goes in one of the bottom slots I think
L273[05:34:09] <Very H​andsome> i accidentally clicked assemble ._.
L274[05:34:11] <Very H​andsome> wait
L275[05:34:34] <Very H​andsome> the block disk drive
L276[05:34:38] <Very H​andsome> or the item disk drive
L277[05:34:44] <Vampyre> the block
L278[05:34:52] <Vampyre> the item is for in racks
L279[05:35:10] <Very H​andsome> i see
L280[05:36:54] <Very H​andsome> did i miss anything?
L281[05:37:10] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/ybejzr65
L282[05:38:47] <Ocawesome101> you could probably fit a t2 or t3 screen
L283[05:38:49] <Vampyre> should be ok, but do yourself a favor and add the card container upgrade and upgrade cotainer upgrade
L284[05:39:05] <Vampyre> robot only accepts tier 1 screens
L285[05:39:05] <Ocawesome101> also that's a computer case, or is that how you assemble a robot?
L286[05:39:09] <Ocawesome101> oh ok
L287[05:39:22] <Very H​andsome> eh card or upgrade container?
L288[05:39:30] <Ocawesome101> (where 'that' = the thing in the top left)
L289[05:39:44] <Vampyre> yah, then you can add an upgrade or a card to your robot after assembling
L290[05:39:46] <Very H​andsome> yeah that's a computer case
L291[05:39:59] <Very H​andsome> i mean card container or upgrade container?
L292[05:40:06] <Vampyre> both, you got space
L293[05:40:10] <Ocawesome101> both
L294[05:40:15] <Very H​andsome> one is for tier 3 and another is for 2
L295[05:40:18] <Very H​andsome> right?
L296[05:40:41] <Vampyre> yah, I guess tier 2 card and tier 3 upgrade is most usefull
L297[05:40:45] <Ocawesome101> you could even do both t3 if possible
L298[05:40:50] <Vampyre> unless you want to use a link card
L299[05:41:07] <Very H​andsome> eh both t3?
L300[05:41:21] <Ocawesome101> you could
L301[05:41:28] <Vampyre> if you have 2 tier 3 slots left, then yeah, both tier 3
L302[05:41:38] <Vampyre> but I think there is only 1 tier 3 slot right?
L303[05:41:50] <Very H​andsome> yeah
L304[05:41:59] <Ocawesome101> it looked like there were 2?
L305[05:42:04] <Vampyre> yah, ok, then choose ;-)
L306[05:42:20] <Vampyre> 3 slots total, 1 3, 2 2
L307[05:42:23] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/yahlczou
L308[05:42:37] <Vampyre> no
L309[05:42:38] <Very H​andsome> Like this?
L310[05:42:42] <Vampyre> card container upgrade
L311[05:42:46] <Very H​andsome> oh
L312[05:42:51] <Vampyre> now you have 2 upgrade container upgrades
L313[05:42:54] <Very H​andsome> yeah
L314[05:42:57] <Very H​andsome> made the wrong one xD
L315[05:43:03] <Vampyre> so, 1 card container, 1 upgrade container
L316[05:43:20] <Very H​andsome> done
L317[05:43:24] <Vampyre> then choose if you want the card container to be tier 3 or the upgrade container.
L318[05:43:25] <Very H​andsome> so do i assemble it now?
L319[05:43:31] <Vampyre> sure
L320[05:43:39] <Very H​andsome> 5 mins
L321[05:44:08] <Vampyre> that.... seems excessivly long... complain with your sysadmin ;-)
L322[05:46:03] <Very H​andsome> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L323[05:48:21] <Very H​andsome> 30 sec left
L324[05:48:36] <Vampyre> quick, craft some fireworks!
L325[05:49:51] <Very H​andsome> ok
L326[05:49:56] <Very H​andsome> still can't turn on
L327[05:50:03] <Very H​andsome> but now it have a big black screen
L328[05:50:07] <Vampyre> is it charged?
L329[05:50:16] <Very H​andsome> mhm
L330[05:50:21] <Very H​andsome> 20000/20500
L331[05:50:33] <Very H​andsome> but it still show 0/0 in the robot gui
L332[05:50:42] <Vampyre> eh?
L333[05:51:15] <Very H​andsome> now it looks like this
L334[05:51:40] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/y9zo8hrt
L335[05:52:06] <Vampyre> ....no battery
L336[05:52:14] <Very H​andsome> ?
L337[05:52:19] <Vampyre> put a battery upgrade in one of the upgrade slots
L338[05:52:22] <Very H​andsome> okay
L339[05:52:27] <Ocawesome101> put a battery upgrade in the upgrade slot
L340[05:52:27] <Ocawesome101> xP
L341[05:52:36] <Ocawesome101> beat me to it
L342[05:53:10] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/yaybodnz
L343[05:53:20] <Very H​andsome> a fully charged battery upgrae
L344[05:53:21] <Very H​andsome> a fully charged battery upgrade [Edited]
L345[05:53:37] <Ocawesome101> hrm
L346[05:53:41] <Vampyre> oh, does that not work?
L347[05:53:46] <Very H​andsome> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L348[05:53:49] <Ocawesome101> it would appear to not
L349[05:54:00] <Vampyre> ahwell... disassemble again, add battery ;-)
L350[05:54:05] <Vampyre> sorry for not spotting that earlie
L351[05:54:06] <Vampyre> r
L352[05:54:07] <Ocawesome101> and if you click the power button it does nothing right?
L353[05:54:09] <Ocawesome101> also
L354[05:54:16] <Ocawesome101> i don't think the battery is required
L355[05:54:20] <Very H​andsome> yes
L356[05:54:21] <Ocawesome101> it definitely isn't for tablets
L357[05:54:22] <Very H​andsome> does nohting
L358[05:54:27] <Vampyre> hmz
L359[05:54:57] <Vampyre> yah, if you put it on a charger it should also work without battery I think
L360[05:55:12] <Vampyre> but easiest here, disassemble, put battery in, reassemble
L361[05:55:39] <Ocawesome101> the
L362[05:55:41] <Ocawesome101> battery
L363[05:55:41] <Ocawesome101> is
L364[05:55:44] <Ocawesome101> unnecessary
L365[05:55:47] <Ocawesome101> (i think)
L366[05:55:54] <Very H​andsome> eh
L367[05:56:00] <Very H​andsome> ill make a new one with battery to test
L368[05:56:02] <Ocawesome101> can't hurt though
L369[05:56:52] <Very H​andsome> don't have enough resource since disassembler doesn't work for some reason
L370[05:56:55] <Very H​andsome> :\
L371[05:57:27] <Vampyre> well, I guess you need to go mining then ;-)
L372[05:57:37] <Very H​andsome> yeah
L373[05:58:25] <Very H​andsome> a battery upgrade?
L374[05:58:27] <Very H​andsome> right?
L375[05:58:48] <Very H​andsome> cus i don't see any battery beside them
L376[05:59:10] <Vampyre> yup
L377[05:59:27] <Very H​andsome> put in as many as i can?
L378[05:59:48] <Ocawesome101> eh
L379[05:59:54] <Vampyre> as many as you need / want / car capable of spending the resources on
L380[05:59:56] <Ocawesome101> if it doesn't work with one then it doesn't matter
L381[06:00:03] <Ocawesome101> > car capable
L382[06:00:06] <Very H​andsome> ill try with one
L383[06:00:29] <Vampyre> dunno yet what the car is supposed to be.... working it out still myself, hold on
L384[06:00:38] <Vampyre> are!
L385[06:00:40] <Izaya> a 1994 Mazda 323 Astina
L386[06:00:45] <Vampyre> yes, I meant are :-D
L387[06:00:53] <Ocawesome101> lol
L388[06:00:58] <Vampyre> sorry, dyslect
L389[06:04:30] <Very H​andsome> now assembling
L390[06:05:43] <Vampyre> I hope in AT&T syntax?
L391[06:06:09] <Ocawesome101> lmso
L392[06:06:11] <Ocawesome101> lmao*
L393[06:08:02] <Very H​andsome> .-.
L394[06:08:09] <Very H​andsome> i forgot to put in the battery upgrade
L395[06:09:35] <Very H​andsome> how to turn on disassembler
L396[06:10:02] <Ocawesome101> hook power to it
L397[06:12:34] <Very H​andsome> full power
L398[06:12:42] <Very H​andsome> putted robot in the only slot
L399[06:12:47] <Very H​andsome> but nothing happen
L400[06:12:55] <Ocawesome101> is there a button you have to press?
L401[06:13:20] <Very H​andsome> don't see any
L402[06:13:45] <Very H​andsome> https://tinyurl.com/yaguj8op
L403[06:18:05] <Very H​andsome> Anyway
L404[06:18:17] <Very H​andsome> maria have battery upgrade
L405[06:18:28] <Very H​andsome> but still show "energy: 0% 0/0"
L406[06:22:13] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L407[06:49:14] <Ocawesome101> eyy
L408[06:49:21] <Ocawesome101> VLE now has fairly smart syntax highlighting
L409[06:49:39] <Ocawesome101> and it's far simpler than it was previously!
L410[06:59:25] <Brisingr​Aerowing> https://reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/kow5br/so_i_figured_out_how_to_get_infinite_music_discs/
L411[07:23:33] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L412[07:23:36] <MichiBot> Shoot! Forec​aster! You beat Compan​ionCube's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 51 minutes and 37 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L413[07:23:37] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 51 minutes and 37 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00186 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #5 => #4. (Overtook Ocawesome101) Need 0.00325 more points to pass Va​ur!
L414[07:41:59] <Ariri> Hi Forecaster: https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/5xcjnYDb5NkJ3ZA/preview
L415[07:58:50] <Forec​aster> Hi :P
L416[08:16:23] ⇦ Quits: Vampyre (~spy@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L419[08:36:27] <Michiyo> damn, I lost the arduino code for my radio interface.
L420[08:41:21] <Michiyo> Oh, no actually I have THAT.. I DON'T have the code for sending commands to it
L421[08:47:09] <Izaya> Ariri: > Private enterprise
L422[08:47:12] <Izaya> [soviet anthem stops]
L423[08:48:19] <Ariri> In mother russia, people don't own companies, companies own people
L424[08:48:30] * Izaya squints
L425[08:48:48] <Izaya> aren't you meant to invert normal for that joke?
L426[08:49:05] <Forec​aster> that just sounds like america
L427[08:52:50] <Ariri> I was originally going to say CEO or something, but I was paying half a mind to it while blasting at a Thargoid and messed up the joke
L428[09:02:35] <Izaya> understandable have a nice day
L429[09:02:41] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/e6r6p4.webm
L430[09:11:47] <Michiyo> damn it.. I also lost the code for my LED wearable...
L431[09:17:33] ⇨ Joins: eoz (webchat@
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L438[10:00:38] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L439[10:00:38] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 51 minutes and 37 seconds (By 45 minutes and 27 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L440[10:00:39] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours, 37 minutes and 4 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00076 x 2 = 0.00152)
L441[10:12:19] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L442[10:14:27] <Michiyo> Oh, sweet found both parts of the radio interface... on Github
L443[10:14:36] <Michiyo> sadly I did not upload the wearable code :(
L444[10:16:36] <Forec​aster> wooaaww
L445[10:31:44] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L456[12:07:20] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L457[12:51:26] <ThePi​Guy24> %tonkout
L458[12:51:27] <MichiBot> Yikes! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 2 hours, 37 minutes and 4 seconds (By 13 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L459[12:51:28] <MichiBot> ThePi​Guy24 has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.01596. Position #2 Need 0.03014 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L460[13:13:21] ⇨ Joins: Vlamin (~Vlamin@
L461[13:13:40] ⇦ Quits: Vlamin (~Vlamin@ (Client Quit)
L462[13:13:56] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: see if the backup went okay unsupervised
L463[13:36:10] <Forecaster> %restart
L464[13:36:11] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L465[13:36:29] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@ip160.ip-192-99-104.net)
L466[13:36:29] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L467[13:37:49] <Forecaster> %splash amanda mutable potion
L468[13:37:49] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable pink potion (New!) that splashes onto amanda. amanda turns into a pig boy until they tonk.
L469[13:38:03] <Forecaster> heh
L470[13:38:25] <Forecaster> %sip mutable pink potion
L471[13:38:25] <MichiBot> You drink a mutable pink potion. Forecaster turns into a pig boy until they tonk.
L472[13:38:30] <Forecaster> %tonk
L473[13:38:30] <MichiBot> Uh-oh! Forec​aster! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of <0 (By 47 minutes and 4 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L474[13:38:31] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 47 minutes and 4 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00078 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4. Need 0.00247 more points to pass Va​ur!
L475[13:41:13] * Amanda hard-resets her holomatrix
L476[13:53:56] <Forecaster> finally done with that
L477[14:04:45] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L485[16:12:22] <ThePi​Guy24> %tonk
L486[16:12:23] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 47 minutes and 4 seconds (By 1 hour, 46 minutes and 48 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L487[16:12:24] <MichiBot> ThePiGuy24's new record is 2 hours, 33 minutes and 52 seconds! ThePiGuy24 also gained 0.00178 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.02836 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L488[16:12:51] <Va​ur> are you kidding me ?
L489[16:12:57] <ThePi​Guy24> mwahaha
L490[16:13:06] <Va​ur> I was just about to check
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L492[16:44:24] <Bush> luls
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L499[17:19:40] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L500[17:27:52] <Ni​NoN> With my other problem, computers append to have a hard disk crash every day (IRL) https://tinyurl.com/ycwhm728
L501[17:27:58] <Ni​NoN> and cant start them anymore
L502[17:28:17] <Ni​NoN> would that be fixed by updating the mods too ? ><
L503[17:30:27] <B​ob> is anything in particular done ?
L504[17:30:43] <B​ob> may be code, and at worst, dev builds but i doubt there were any fixes for such things, but there might be
L505[17:31:13] <Ni​NoN> my computer was off for 24h and when i come back a day later and start it does that :/
L506[17:31:15] <Forec​aster> there was a fix for computers crashing randomly
L507[17:31:24] <Forec​aster> always use the latest version
L508[17:31:43] <Forec​aster> otherwise there is no point complaining about problems
L509[17:31:48] <Ni​NoN> Okay, will try to update soon then xD
L510[17:32:06] <Ni​NoN> Was just wanting to know if that was normal in the mods or not
L511[17:39:20] <B​ob> what other mosd tho
L512[17:39:24] <B​ob> only OC rocks persistent computers
L513[17:39:31] <B​ob> what other mods tho [Edited]
L514[18:08:08] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (~kilobyte@banana-new.kilobyte22.de) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
L515[18:10:37] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (~kilobyte@banana-new.kilobyte22.de)
L516[18:10:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
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L518[18:31:51] <Fe​ris> someone know some mod for roof gate like rolldoor from opensecurity?
L519[18:43:18] <B​ob> :waitwhat:
L520[18:43:26] <B​ob> you can use the infamous LittleTiles mod
L521[18:43:58] <Forec​aster> why is it infamous?
L522[18:45:19] <B​ob> too good for minecraft
L523[18:46:54] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L524[18:48:19] <Forec​aster> right
L525[18:50:04] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L526[18:50:05] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Va​ur! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of 2 hours, 33 minutes and 52 seconds (By 3 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L527[18:50:06] <MichiBot> Va​ur has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.01223. Position #3 Need 0.00551 more points to pass ThePi​Guy24!
L528[18:57:05] ⇦ Quits: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L529[18:57:25] ⇨ Joins: Teris (uid315557@2001:67c:2f08:5::4:d0a5)
L530[19:00:04] <Vampyre> mornin
L531[19:00:17] <i develo​p things> hi
L532[19:00:30] <i develo​p things> hmmm, it looks like i need to rethink how i'm doing keyboard input for Imperfection's terminal https://tinyurl.com/yaa7ddjs
L533[19:00:48] <i develo​p things> that was with me typing pretty quickly, about the speed i normally do
L534[19:02:51] <Vampyre> could indeed be a tad faster ;-)
L535[19:04:03] <i develo​p things> or a lot faster
L536[19:04:08] <i develo​p things> even Monolith's readline is faster on T1
L537[19:04:32] <Forec​aster> %sip
L538[19:04:33] <MichiBot> You drink a freezing naqahdah potion (New!). Forecaster zones out for 6 minutes.
L539[19:04:59] <Vampyre> maybe it hit's a tick somewhere in the code?
L540[19:05:04] <i develo​p things> i mean
L541[19:05:22] <i develo​p things> message passing (there's between 5-15 messages sent for every character written) uses signals
L542[19:05:31] <Vampyre> I threw a lot of computer.uptimes around to fix something similar
L543[19:05:39] <i develo​p things> so i probably just need to cut down on the amount of sent messages
L544[19:06:00] <Vampyre> or that... 5 to 15 is a bit exsessive
L545[19:06:36] <i develo​p things> more or less, `sh <-> vtd <-> component handlers`
L546[19:10:42] <t20kdc> using signals doesn't tend to work out
L547[19:10:54] <t20kdc> now, "I can't believe it's not signals"
L548[19:11:01] <t20kdc> those work pretty well
L549[19:11:22] <i develo​p things> i mean
L550[19:11:31] <i develo​p things> consider that this is the first microkernel i've written where IPC works at all
L551[19:11:38] <i develo​p things> and doesn't break down after a few messages
L552[19:12:10] <i develo​p things> i may just need to make `vtd` build custom streams to return to `urld` rather than relying on `ipcd` to do communication with `sh`....
L553[19:13:55] <t20kdc> you can probably optimize by replacing signal API usages with a fake signal stack, and then pulling from the real signal stack only when the fake one is depleted
L554[19:14:09] <i develo​p things> that's what i've tried to do previously
L555[19:14:14] <i develo​p things> it worked, but only sort of
L556[19:14:31] <i develo​p things> probably a minor thing but w/e, this works. optimizations will come later :^)
L557[19:15:57] <i develo​p things> and, i think i'm going to go back to VT100 since that's simpler when building custom streams
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L561[20:06:11] <Ar​iri> https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/kpqsg2/making_a_nether_portal_with_no_iron/
L562[20:07:27] <Ko​dos> %sip
L563[20:07:28] <MichiBot> You drink an oxidised oculemon potion (New!). Kodos turns into a salmon goat boy until they say the phrase "Doom Nyan".
L564[20:43:53] <Forec​aster> https://developers.slashdot.org/story/21/01/03/1736228/study-finds-brain-activity-of-coders-isnt-like-language-or-math
L565[20:48:25] <Vampyre> ok, so my no shit sherlock moment on that article is on this; "is also recruited for complex cognitive tasks such as solving math problems or crossword puzzles."
L566[20:48:40] <Vampyre> coding is solving puzzles ;-)
L567[20:53:09] <B​ob> its all puzzles
L568[21:20:32] <Vampyre> was just reading up on the custom architecture s for OC, did anyone ever try to make a dosbox architecture?
L569[21:29:52] <Kristo​pher38> You mean basic x86? Not as an architecture but as an emulator written in Lua
L570[21:30:51] <Vampyre> no, I mean a regular dosbox instance
L571[21:32:06] <Vampyre> I know dosbox well enough, might be doable?
L572[21:32:42] <Vampyre> Wanted to write a minecraft mod once in my life, so I guess this would be a nice one
L573[22:06:22] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb5:b00:bf14:978d:92b:b65) (Remote host closed the connection)
L574[22:18:53] <ThePi​Guy24> %tonk
L575[22:18:54] <MichiBot> Wut! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 28 minutes and 49 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L576[22:18:55] <MichiBot> ThePiGuy24's new record is 3 hours, 28 minutes and 49 seconds! ThePiGuy24 also gained 0.00348 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.02488 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L577[22:32:27] <Shuud​oushi> Hey guys, long time no see (again... Sorry about that...) But I'm starting to work on SecureOS again, but I'm having a strange issue with getting the files to update in the minecraft instance after externally editing the files. I have to save and quite and relaunch the world to get the raid to update. Is there a setting in the config file if have to fuck with or something?
L578[22:32:54] <i develo​p things> %seen Shuudoushi
L579[22:32:55] <MichiBot> Message too long to send to channel https://paste.pc-logix.com/axoharacot
L580[22:33:29] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, it's been literal years m8...
L581[22:33:30] <i develo​p things> xP i wondered if that would happen
L582[22:34:00] <i develo​p things> `01/31/2020 Shuudoushi: Lulz`
L583[22:34:25] <i develo​p things> looks like most active about a year and a half ago though so yeah
L584[22:34:32] <Shuud​oushi> Huh, wonder if I was drunk when I popped on then...
L585[22:34:48] <Shuud​oushi> I sure as shit don't remember that XD
L586[22:35:11] <Kristo​pher38> @Shuudoushi `bufferChanges=false` in the config
L587[22:35:21] <Shuud​oushi> @Kristopher38 thanks man
L588[22:46:46] <Ar​iri> Izaya: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/kpgwem/who_says_srbs_cant_gimbal/
L589[22:47:13] <ThePi​Guy24> that is not how to space
L590[22:49:03] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L591[22:51:30] <Vampyre> came up with a better plan then a dosbox architecture... An SDL driver architecture should also be feasable I think
L592[22:53:54] <Shuud​oushi> yeets Inari at @Michiyo have fun with the crazed cat girl :p
L593[22:54:05] <i develo​p things> bad at vijya was working on a couple emulator architectures, or speculating about it anyway, based on Unicorn\
L594[22:59:24] <Vampyre> well, if I can pull this off, then you could even get qemu to output to OC screens ;-)
L595[23:15:50] * Michiyo blinks at @"Shuudoushi"
L596[23:26:25] <Fe​ris> someone know mod for ceiling hatch but big version? like for rocket, compatible with OC?
L597[23:29:12] <B​ob> i always used LittleTiles + the redstone door activater
L598[23:29:26] <Fe​ris> its compatible with opencomputers?
L599[23:29:44] <B​ob> redstone is
L600[23:29:47] <i develo​p things> opencomputers can control redstone
L601[23:29:53] <Fe​ris> oh yeah sory i forgot xD
L602[23:30:03] <B​ob> welp
L603[23:54:25] <Kristo​pher38> Vampyre: if you want to go that route, somebody did that already
L604[23:55:10] <Kristo​pher38> https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/vm-computers
L605[23:56:09] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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