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L1[00:00:14] <ThePiGuy24> succed up all my ram and yeeted my system
L2[00:00:30] <ThePiGuy24> and discord doesnt like that it seems
L3[00:00:39] <ThePiGuy24> at it forgets about my userdata
L4[00:08:38] <Vampyre> Well, bob, if you want to take a look: http://winaoe.org/me_processor.tar
L5[00:08:46] <Vampyre> But again, I didn't know any lua till 3 weeks ago, so I'm probably violating every convention in the book... Sorry about that ;-)
L6[00:09:22] <Vampyre> oh and I guess, consider it MIT? what is OC's licence?
L7[00:09:34] <Vampyre> didn't licence it properly yet ;-)
L8[00:15:10] <B​ob> i see Threading, but Lua and OC don't have parallel threading
L9[00:15:12] <B​ob> only cooperative
L10[00:15:24] <B​ob> aka no two processes will run at the same time, everything is singlethreaded
L11[00:15:36] <Vampyre> yah, I know
L12[00:15:38] <B​ob> and id need an IDE then
L13[00:15:47] <Vampyre> if threads ever become real, this code will fail hard
L14[00:15:57] <Vampyre> ah, no matter
L15[00:16:13] <Vampyre> I'm hoping to just read out of the memdump tomorrow what is duplicated in memory
L16[00:16:19] <Vampyre> should give me enough info
L17[00:18:23] <Amanda> Oh hey, that's why my phone keeps turning it's screen off. Apparently I accidentally started my sleep tracking app
L18[00:21:08] <Amanda> Vampyre: lua always has been single-threaded per lua VM. Any multi threading OC might ever add in the future can't work around that, it'd be side-processss with their own event loop and lua VM
L19[00:21:41] <Vampyre> heh, good, cause I kinda like the threading in OC
L20[00:21:47] <Vampyre> it's so unprotected and raw
L21[00:22:15] <Vampyre> no need to worry about any weird mutex or atomic terror
L22[00:31:05] <B​ob> not that its unprotected or raw
L23[00:31:24] <B​ob> its just singlethreaded and smartly disguised as multithreaded by monkeypatching sleeps to change workers
L24[00:33:35] <Vampyre> yes... it's coprocesses... or fibers, or whatever the hell you call them, I know, not the point, they feel raw to me ;-)
L25[00:40:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-69-21.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L26[00:41:51] <Kristo​pher38> it's coroutines
L27[00:43:54] <Kristo​pher38> or, you might know them under a different name: generators
L28[00:44:07] <Kristo​pher38> well technically they're not the same thing but you can think of them like that
L29[00:44:27] <Vampyre> distinction between fibers and coroutines is vague, but I guess as lua is an language and not a system, it's indeed coroutines
L30[00:44:35] <Vampyre> but this is all symantics and not interesting
L31[00:44:47] <Vampyre> my point was, I like the threads!
L32[00:44:53] <Vampyre> which are really coroutines ;-)
L33[00:45:10] <Vampyre> I didn't call them threads, oc did
L34[00:47:51] <Amanda> payo did that because eveyone kept bitching that OC doesn't have CC's "threads"
L35[00:48:07] <Amanda> IIRC
L36[00:48:55] <Vampyre> well, he was right, they feel like threads, so, yay (all I tried to do was debug a memleak! *cries*) :-p
L37[00:51:03] <Kristo​pher38> wdym memleak
L38[00:51:38] <Vampyre> well, my frankenstein machine crashes at night when out of memory
L39[00:52:01] <Vampyre> so, trying to figure out why
L40[00:53:45] <Ariri> Oi, dequbed, you callin' me fat, mate?
L41[00:54:21] <Vampyre> hmz, another idea... make a map of _G infront of the thread code and when it exits, then compare. would that maybe tell me?
L42[00:54:48] * Ariri chucks dequbed into a portal leading to a 3G planet
L43[00:54:51] <Kristo​pher38> yeah but _G is pretty large
L44[00:54:59] <Vampyre> hmz
L45[00:55:10] <Vampyre> well, I can write it to disk I guess
L46[00:55:17] <Vampyre> it's only temprary debug code
L47[00:55:45] <Vampyre> let me add something like that too, if it doesn't work I can still check the memdump tomorrow
L48[00:56:13] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, save G onto disk, run and finish your thread, force garbage collection and load up your old G and compare with new one
L49[00:56:32] <Vampyre> oh, you CAN force GC on oc?
L50[00:56:33] <Kristo​pher38> also protip: serialization.serialize
L51[00:56:41] <Kristo​pher38> yes, you can
L52[00:56:59] <Vampyre> how? cause it seemed disabled
L53[00:57:08] <Kristo​pher38> https://oc.cil.li/topic/243-memory-management/
L54[00:57:18] <Kristo​pher38> first answer
L55[00:57:22] <Vampyre> ah, thanks, let me check that out
L56[00:57:41] <dequbed> Ariri: No I'm calling you heavier than a petite Maine Coone. Which given your humanesque phenotype I hope you are.
L57[00:57:53] <Vampyre> ah, easy, sleep 10 seconds, write to disk, perfect
L58[00:57:54] <Vampyre> thanks!
L59[00:58:48] <dequbed> Ariri: Also thank ~god~Lizzy for exosceleton suits but giving me 3G to work against will not make me able to throw you any more :P
L60[00:59:03] <Kristo​pher38> more like, os.sleep 10 times
L61[00:59:13] <Kristo​pher38> not 10 seconds
L62[00:59:22] <Vampyre> ooh, heh, ok, read that wrong then ;-)
L63[01:00:36] <Kristo​pher38> I can say for sure that it works, I've used it successfully before when working with very large amounts of strings when building .obj files in memory to display with openglasses https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/709472400462446742/unknown.png
L64[01:09:58] <Ariri> dequbed, touche. You may return to standard gravity, at least until the chiralium reverses that
L65[01:12:41] <Michiyo> (Late I know bite me) A planet with only 3g available? Well atleast it's not Edge...
L66[01:16:26] <Ariri> Ba dum tshh
L67[01:16:36] <Ariri> (tss?)
L68[01:30:48] <bad at​ vijya> hmmm
L69[01:30:50] <bad at​ vijya> wait
L70[01:31:01] <bad at​ vijya> i have an idea for a thing for OC
L71[01:31:08] <bad at​ vijya> that could make swap memory possible
L72[01:32:17] <bad at​ vijya> PR time
L73[01:34:08] <ThePi​Guy24> your idea just gave me an even more cursed idea
L74[01:34:41] <ThePi​Guy24> allowing you to actually download more ram, by storing the swap on a network fs :p
L75[01:34:59] <ThePi​Guy24> will it be ungodly slow: yes
L76[01:34:59] <ThePi​Guy24> will it work: maybe
L77[01:34:59] <Vampyre> swap over nfs is a thing
L78[01:35:40] <ThePi​Guy24> yes i am aware that it is possible, but i dont think anyone actually seriously does it
L79[01:35:55] <ThePi​Guy24> correct me if i am wrong though
L80[01:36:04] <Vampyre> well, depending how you look at it, I've been doing that for 20 years
L81[01:36:14] <Vampyre> swap over iscsi also counts
L82[01:36:34] <Vampyre> network is not slower then disk, usually faster (10gbit)
L83[01:36:59] <M​GR> Not if you have PCIe storage
L84[01:37:05] <Vampyre> 100gbit
L85[01:37:09] <Vampyre> there you co
L86[01:37:11] <Vampyre> go*
L87[01:37:19] <bad at​ vijya> so
L88[01:37:27] <Vampyre> this is completely normal practice in dc's
L89[01:37:41] <ThePi​Guy24> the average network connection is much slower than the average disk
L90[01:37:57] <Vampyre> internet and at home, yes
L91[01:38:05] <Vampyre> in datacenters, absolutely not
L92[01:38:05] <bad at​ vijya> what i'm thinking is
L93[01:38:06] <M​GR> If you're running with 100gb internet, you can certainly afford RAIDed storage
L94[01:38:22] <M​GR> If you're running with 100gb networking, you can certainly afford RAIDed storage [Edited]
L95[01:38:24] <Vampyre> not talking internet here
L96[01:38:34] <M​GR> I edited for correctness
L97[01:38:38] <ThePi​Guy24> if you can afford 100gb network, you can afford more memory :p
L98[01:38:48] <Vampyre> but yes, raided storage, same thing
L99[01:38:55] <Vampyre> and swap on that is still networked swap
L100[01:38:57] <Vampyre> so...
L101[01:39:07] <Vampyre> over infiniband, same thing
L102[01:39:13] <Vampyre> choose your poison
L103[01:39:19] <M​GR> RAID works over PCIe
L104[01:39:24] <M​GR> You don't need infiniband for that
L105[01:39:32] <Vampyre> oh, you mean like so...
L106[01:39:39] <Vampyre> yeah, that works, small scale
L107[01:39:53] <Vampyre> or if you are building a super computer
L108[01:39:56] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e87:1700:8124:2be:434a:ec94)
L109[01:40:21] <Vampyre> then you don't probably need to swap to disk anyway ;-)
L110[01:42:56] <Z0id​berg> Infiniband is not meant for that ...
L111[01:43:43] <Z0id​berg> Infiniband is edna. If you use it for storage or networking you are wasting it's purpose and also it will be inefficient
L112[01:44:00] <Z0id​berg> Infiniband is rdma. If you use it for storage or networking you are wasting it's purpose and also it will be inefficient [Edited]
L113[01:44:19] <Vampyre> yes... I know... not my point
L114[01:44:29] <Vampyre> the point was networked swap
L115[01:45:06] <Z0id​berg> Don't do that either.
L116[01:45:11] <Kristo​pher38> all this is fine and dandy but have you considered pingfs? :)
L117[01:45:31] <Vampyre> I have been doing that for 20 years and will be continuing doing that, sorry.
L118[01:46:26] <ThePi​Guy24> pingfs is the optimal network storage protocol
L119[01:46:39] <Z0id​berg> This is a really really sad implementation of delay line memory wtf
L120[01:46:45] <Z0id​berg> Pingfs
L121[01:46:50] <ThePi​Guy24> store your files on the internet, not on some schmucks server
L122[01:46:59] <B​ob> 👀
L123[01:47:27] <Z0id​berg> There is a reason we stopped using delay line for storage many years ago
L124[01:49:04] <Z0id​berg> You might as well put it in a frigging token ring
L125[01:49:09] <ThePi​Guy24> networking components have RAM, lets use it :p
L126[01:49:12] <Z0id​berg> :)
L127[01:52:21] <Ko​dos> Someone told me there's a fabric port of OC?
L128[01:52:27] <bad at​ vijya> anyways, so
L129[01:52:29] <Z0id​berg> With that said token ring networks also have their place
L130[01:52:30] <bad at​ vijya> my idea was
L131[01:53:03] <bad at​ vijya> eris.persist but it also has an hmac
L132[01:53:07] <Z0id​berg> Yes kodos
L133[01:53:18] <Z0id​berg> It's not exactly super functioning yet
L134[01:58:58] <bad at​ vijya> will get my funny test working
L135[01:59:42] <B​ob> https://github.com/lucsoft/OpenComputers
L136[02:11:39] <Ko​dos> Also what did everyone pick up for the steam sale
L137[02:17:35] <Vampyre> Kristopher38, got maybe an idea for if serialization.serialize fails to yield?
L138[02:17:57] <Vampyre> (might just be my PC being too slow)
L139[02:18:20] <Kristo​pher38> insert a yield somewhere in the main loop
L140[02:18:32] <Vampyre> no, serialization.serialize() fails
L141[02:18:41] <Kristo​pher38> in the main loop of serialization.serialize that is :)
L142[02:18:43] <Vampyre> or can I change that one?
L143[02:18:46] <Vampyre> aaah
L144[02:18:47] <Vampyre> yes
L145[02:18:49] <Vampyre> ofcourse
L146[02:18:50] <Kristo​pher38> I mean, _G is fucking massive
L147[02:18:53] * Vampyre is stupid
L148[02:19:15] <Kristo​pher38> it's not a surprise that it throws too long without yielding
L149[02:19:35] <Kristo​pher38> I wonder if it'll even work
L150[02:19:55] <Vampyre> well, it works for some threads, so it's just on the edge of working
L151[02:20:08] <Vampyre> I'll add some yields and see how that works
L152[02:22:45] <B​ob> OCEmu when
L153[02:22:59] <Ko​dos> Probably right after we get OC for 1.16.4
L154[02:23:18] <B​ob> if OC is so good why isnt there OC2
L155[02:23:39] <Michiyo> Because OC1 is good enough?
L156[02:24:23] <Michiyo> :P
L157[02:26:22] <Kristo​pher38> but have you considered: ocelot
L158[02:26:30] <Z0id​berg> Uhhhh
L159[02:28:11] <bad at​ vijya> alright
L160[02:29:23] <bad at​ vijya> << It's time. >>
L161[02:29:26] <bad at​ vijya> to implement and test my idea
L162[02:30:28] <Z0id​berg> Does it involve getting Vampire to stop moving swap over the network?
L163[02:30:33] <bad at​ vijya> no
L164[02:30:37] <bad at​ vijya> it enables him to do that
L165[02:30:41] <Z0id​berg> Does it involve getting Vampyre to stop moving swap over the network? [Edited]
L166[02:33:06] <Vampyre> I enabled myself to do that long ago ;-)
L167[02:33:14] <Vampyre> Kristopher38, it works
L168[02:33:19] <bad at​ vijya> i mean in OC
L169[02:33:36] <Z0id​berg> Whats really funny is people who use swap on modern computers that aren't servers or critical workstations
L170[02:33:42] <Vampyre> got serialize yielding every .5 sec and got a nice prettyprinted entry and exit dumps for diff -u
L171[02:34:24] <bad at​ vijya> @Z0idberg I have 512MB of actual swap, and it only exists for when firefox eats all my ram
L172[02:34:36] <bad at​ vijya> i also have 32GB of "swap" that i just use for hibernation
L173[02:34:37] <Vampyre> My computer is a bulldozer gen 1 tyfm! nothing modern about it!
L174[02:35:35] <CompanionCube> not even piledriver smh
L175[02:35:42] <Vampyre> nope! :-D
L176[02:35:43] <bad at​ vijya> wew
L177[02:35:47] <CompanionCube> which is totally not my CPU
L178[02:35:51] <CompanionCube> :)
L179[02:36:02] <Z0id​berg> Bulldozer is pretty modern to me
L180[02:36:13] <bad at​ vijya> imagine not being on Excavator+
L181[02:36:17] <CompanionCube> who needs good single-thread perf anyways when you have 8 cores? :p
L182[02:36:32] <Vampyre> they're not even 8 real cores
L183[02:36:44] <bad at​ vijya> 4 cores i can use for compiling tho
L184[02:36:51] <bad at​ vijya> well
L185[02:36:53] <CompanionCube> exactly
L186[02:36:56] <bad at​ vijya> in the case of my 9720P
L187[02:37:01] <Vampyre> but hey, it gets the job done still, so meh
L188[02:37:23] <bad at​ vijya> tho i now have my ryzen 9 which is pretty comfy
L189[02:37:24] <Vampyre> was actually amazed it could run PO3
L190[02:37:48] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/yaar9t3x
L191[02:37:48] <Z0id​berg> This is my computer.
L192[02:37:49] <Z0id​berg> Definitely not a bulldozer
L193[02:37:57] <bad at​ vijya> blessed
L194[02:38:14] <Vampyre> oh, love the keyboard
L195[02:41:46] <Vampyre> okey...
L196[02:42:24] <Vampyre> Kristopher38, it works but I need to add more disks to my server first.... having 4MB of memory with 4MB of diskspace is... yah
L197[02:42:49] <Vampyre> but I got a suspeccted leak, so yay
L198[02:44:34] ⇦ Quits: Name (webchat@cpe-65-185-26-67.cinci.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L199[02:49:19] <Kristo​pher38> get yourself a RAID
L200[02:49:26] <Kristo​pher38> 12MB of space
L201[02:49:37] <Kristo​pher38> in one filesystem
L202[02:49:40] <Vampyre> good idea
L203[02:53:37] <ThePiGuy24> or use my not yet fully working software raid :p
L204[02:53:42] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/y7tr7gld
L205[02:53:57] <Z0id​berg> You know what that is right Vampyre?
L206[02:54:49] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/y8a2tn3d
L207[02:54:51] <Z0id​berg> Also the keyboard up close.
L208[02:55:14] <Vampyre> yes, I think
L209[02:55:18] <Vampyre> P-II?
L210[02:55:22] <Z0id​berg> Yep
L211[02:55:27] <Vampyre> nice! :-)
L212[02:55:28] <Z0id​berg> 400mhz
L213[02:56:56] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/y7rgvt9y
L214[02:56:59] <Z0id​berg> And of course what would you do without a 3DFX glide video card
L215[02:57:06] <Vampyre> heh
L216[02:57:12] <Vampyre> got one of those too still!
L217[02:57:16] <Vampyre> very proud of that
L218[02:57:29] <Vampyre> and an AWE64 of course
L219[02:57:51] <bad at​ vijya> my oldest PC atm is still pretty new
L220[02:58:00] <bad at​ vijya> originally had a whopping 1GB of RAM
L221[02:58:10] <Z0id​berg> My old 486 board died so I have ap2 for now however... I managed to get a new motherboard!!!
L222[02:58:13] <bad at​ vijya> P-III 1GHz
L223[02:58:30] <Vampyre> nice, 486 are hard to get
L224[02:58:49] <Vampyre> still want to get an anddx1000 some day
L225[02:58:51] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/yc7ehkjv
L226[02:59:02] <Vampyre> amd dx4 - 100
L227[02:59:16] <Z0id​berg> This is an amdx2
L228[02:59:18] <Z0id​berg> 66
L229[02:59:19] <bad at​ vijya> usedto have a K6/2
L230[02:59:20] <Vampyre> was the fastest 486 I owned
L231[02:59:31] <Z0id​berg> I had a k6 for a while
L232[02:59:46] <bad at​ vijya> PSU decided to delete itself and everything else
L233[02:59:48] <Vampyre> the cyrix one?
L234[02:59:52] <Vampyre> was that cyrix?
L235[03:00:10] <Vampyre> or also AMD... it's too long ago
L236[03:00:17] <Z0id​berg> I also have one of these https://tinyurl.com/ya2qcc8z
L237[03:00:24] <bad at​ vijya> w e w
L238[03:00:35] <Vampyre> hah! brilliant ;-)
L239[03:00:36] <Z0id​berg> That's a dx4 heh
L240[03:00:56] <Z0id​berg> You have to be careful
L241[03:01:03] <Z0id​berg> Overdrives are upgrade cpus
L242[03:01:13] <Vampyre> ok, so my oldest I have is a 286 board and I have a few 386 boards and chips
L243[03:01:24] <Vampyre> just no 486, after that, pentium and up
L244[03:02:33] <ThePiGuy24> now time for a barely doable %tonkout (hopefully)
L245[03:02:34] <MichiBot> Eh! ThePi​Guy24! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours, 32 minutes and 37 seconds (By 3 minutes and 19 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L246[03:02:35] <MichiBot> ThePi​Guy24 has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.006 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.06432944, Position #6 Need 0.02697056 more points to pass Li​zzy!
L247[03:02:51] <Vampyre> actually, the oldest boards I own are from a 1968 phillips mainframe
L248[03:03:00] <Vampyre> but yeah... ;-)
L249[03:03:42] <Ko​dos> Lizzy, shoot me a DM in 5-10 mins please
L250[03:03:54] <Z0id​berg> Yeah I don't have any of those anymore
L251[03:04:10] <Z0id​berg> 385/275 that is
L252[03:04:13] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I have an 8080
L253[03:04:24] <Vampyre> ok, you win :-p
L254[03:04:25] <Z0id​berg> 386/286 I mean
L255[03:04:35] <Inventi​on64 🌹> It's incredibly hard to use though, i had to check out a really old book from my library
L256[03:05:12] <Vampyre> never used an 8080 I think but my old school has XT's
L257[03:05:15] <Z0id​berg> I don't know if I will ever get it but somebody told me at work they may get me an old as400
L258[03:05:38] <Vampyre> but 8080 is kinda where things started still
L259[03:05:41] <Kristo​pher38> Mfw eastern block country, no 8080s
L260[03:05:50] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I bought mine from china
L261[03:05:55] * Amanda tucks in around Elfi, her fur covered in the tireds she fell in to, zzzmews
L262[03:05:56] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Was like $4
L263[03:05:59] <Amanda> Night nerds
L264[03:06:06] <Z0id​berg> I want a PDP 11
L265[03:06:17] <Kristo​pher38> Oh so it's a newly manufactured one
L266[03:06:20] <Vampyre> there is a pdp11 emulator, hercules I think?
L267[03:06:34] <Vampyre> played with it at one point... just to get the feel
L268[03:06:36] <Z0id​berg> Not the same
L269[03:06:37] <Inventi​on64 🌹> But it's pretty useless right now, I'm working up to it hopefully
L270[03:06:55] <Z0id​berg> Does it run CP/m?
L271[03:06:57] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Based on the look of most of the parts I've bought from china, they are scavenged
L272[03:07:02] <ThePiGuy24> why have 8080 when you can have 6502 :p
L273[03:07:14] <Kristo​pher38> Huh
L274[03:07:14] <Vampyre> I think so, can't remember
L275[03:07:21] <Kristo​pher38> I'd love to scavenge those
L276[03:07:24] <Vampyre> but CP/m ran on a c128
L277[03:07:43] <Michiyo> @Kodos reminder, it's like 3AM for Lizzy she may or may not be awake lol
L278[03:07:53] <Vampyre> ThePiGuy24, 6510 > 6502! ;-)
L279[03:08:00] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Oh shit, it's actually an 8008
L280[03:08:03] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I think
L281[03:08:09] <Inventi​on64 🌹> It's whatever has the least support
L282[03:08:17] <Vampyre> 8008
L283[03:08:22] <ThePiGuy24> Vampyre: marginally
L284[03:08:24] <Vampyre> was the 8 bit version of the 4004
L285[03:08:30] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I'll have to check when I go home
L286[03:08:34] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Yeah, that's it
L287[03:08:42] <Inventi​on64 🌹> It is the 8008 then
L288[03:08:49] <Z0id​berg> A 2mhz 6502 is actually faster than an intel 8086
L289[03:08:52] <Vampyre> added 4 registers too or something I think, that's where we got the ax, bx, etc from
L290[03:09:05] <Vampyre> if I recall correctly!
L291[03:09:10] <Z0id​berg> 5mhz 8086*
L292[03:09:10] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Sounds right
L293[03:09:17] <Vampyre> factcheck google, don't beleive me, I'm full of shit ;-)
L294[03:09:32] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I know the 4004 part is right
L295[03:09:57] <Kristo​pher38> @Z0idberg cause more microinstructions per instruction?
L296[03:10:16] <ThePiGuy24> why have 6510 when you can have 65C816 :p
L297[03:10:23] <Kristo​pher38> Also faster at what
L298[03:10:27] <Z0id​berg> The reason why is that it takes at least 6 cycles for an 8086 to access memory while a 6502 can access and read in memory in the same cycle
L299[03:11:16] <Z0id​berg> Sometimes an 9086 can take around 30 cycles in the wrong situation
L300[03:11:49] <Ko​dos> Fair enough. Is she more active on Discord or IRC?
L301[03:11:50] <Z0id​berg> Welcome to the era of dynamic memory
L302[03:11:55] <Ko​dos> I need to DM her her Christmas present
L303[03:11:57] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I mean in the wrong situation any processor could waste 30 cucles
L304[03:12:06] <Inventi​on64 🌹> I mean in the wrong situation any processor could waste 30 cycles [Edited]
L305[03:12:07] <Vampyre> I know the demo scene hated the PC architecture for it's unreliability is cycle perfection
L306[03:12:13] <Vampyre> in*
L307[03:12:17] ⇨ Joins: badatvijya (~sam@pool-71-115-31-150.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L308[03:12:32] <Z0id​berg> You use fully static memory with a 6502
L309[03:12:48] <Z0id​berg> The memory is as fast and the cpu itself
L310[03:12:58] <Z0id​berg> As*
L311[03:13:03] <Vampyre> the whole machine is as fast as the cpu is
L312[03:13:10] <Vampyre> even thee sid ;-)
L313[03:13:14] <Vampyre> the*
L314[03:13:19] <Z0id​berg> Heh
L315[03:14:03] <Kristo​pher38> Alright, gn nerds
L316[03:14:10] <Vampyre> gn
L317[03:14:12] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Ok boomer
L318[03:14:15] <Z0id​berg> The sid was actually kinda hard to implement because it was adversely biased by the cpu clock. It has to be very precise
L319[03:14:21] <badatvijya> o7
L320[03:14:22] <badatvijya> nite
L321[03:14:52] <Z0id​berg> So when the 6581 was developed it was designed specifically with the 6510 in mind
L322[03:15:09] <Z0id​berg> The 8580 I have no idea though
L323[03:15:24] <Vampyre> 8580 was the 64-II one?
L324[03:15:26] <ThePiGuy24> thats what happens when you own both a chip fab and a computer company :p
L325[03:15:42] <Z0id​berg> Lol
L326[03:16:00] <Z0id​berg> I have a rockwell 6502
L327[03:16:15] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Isn't 8580 the C128 one?
L328[03:16:20] <ThePiGuy24> ill check whats in my beeb
L329[03:16:26] <Vampyre> I knew a guy once who made a special box to digitize the whole sid collection to mp3, played on real c64's, he had a few versions of it to get all the different combinations right
L330[03:16:26] <Inventi​on64 🌹> Or am I assuming the wrong thing from wikipedia?
L331[03:16:42] <Vampyre> I think he has the collection still on line, let me check
L332[03:17:00] <Z0id​berg> I don't remember
L333[03:17:14] <Z0id​berg> Some people say the 8680 had better tones
L334[03:17:20] <Z0id​berg> 8580*
L335[03:17:25] <Vampyre> https://www.6581-8580.com/
L336[03:17:34] <Vampyre> for all you c64 sid lovers out there ;-)
L337[03:17:40] <Vampyre> digitized on the real hardware
L338[03:18:04] <Z0id​berg> Vampyre might like my other computer if they like c64s
L339[03:18:19] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/ycl7862x
L340[03:18:23] <Vampyre> amiga's? indi's? o2's?
L341[03:18:29] <Vampyre> purple and I'll buy it from you
L342[03:19:04] <Vampyre> I recognize the tape drive, but the computer elludes me...
L343[03:19:27] <Z0id​berg> Hehehe
L344[03:19:36] <Z0id​berg> Hint: radio shack
L345[03:19:42] <Vampyre> Im european
L346[03:19:48] <Z0id​berg> Oh man
L347[03:19:49] <Vampyre> so.... another hint? ;-)
L348[03:19:51] <Z0id​berg> Ok
L349[03:19:53] <Z0id​berg> Hint
L350[03:19:56] <Z0id​berg> Dragon
L351[03:20:05] <Vampyre> yes.....
L352[03:20:06] <Vampyre> eeuuuh
L353[03:20:14] <Vampyre> I know
L354[03:20:17] <Vampyre> but...
L355[03:20:17] <Z0id​berg> The dragon was the overseas sister computer
L356[03:20:21] <Vampyre> ffs, memory ;-)
L357[03:20:36] <Z0id​berg> This is a trash 80
L358[03:20:40] <Vampyre> yah, you say dragon and I had a flash of an association with the red keys
L359[03:20:41] <Z0id​berg> It's trs-80
L360[03:20:46] <Vampyre> yes!
L361[03:20:49] <ThePiGuy24> the 6502 in my beeb is a rockwell
L362[03:20:52] <Z0id​berg> It's the color computer model 2 version
L363[03:21:06] <ThePiGuy24> R6502AP to be exact
L364[03:21:13] <Vampyre> beautifull
L365[03:21:25] <Vampyre> very nice one
L366[03:21:57] <Vampyre> yaah, tandy trs 80
L367[03:22:01] <Vampyre> I used one once
L368[03:22:12] <Vampyre> long long time ago, galaxy far far away
L369[03:23:41] <Z0id​berg> So this was the first computer I had
L370[03:24:02] <Z0id​berg> Its also the computer I learned to program on obviously
L371[03:24:14] <Vampyre> c64 here for the same
L372[03:24:34] <Z0id​berg> It has 64k of memory runs extended color basic and has a Motorola 6809E dual attack professor
L373[03:24:40] <Z0id​berg> Processor*
L374[03:25:20] <Z0id​berg> Being dual stack makes it perfect for Forth
L375[03:26:55] <Z0id​berg> I've never had a c64 but I've used emulators and written machine code programs for them s couple of times
L376[03:27:10] <Z0id​berg> I never really liked the provided basic interpreter
L377[03:27:45] <Z​ef> Oldest computer I've got is a 5150, I'm hoping to develop some ISA cards for it and learn to write some form of code for it
L378[03:27:54] <Z0id​berg> Ibm?
L379[03:28:02] <Z​ef> Yeah, original IBM PC
L380[03:28:28] <Z0id​berg> It's it one of those ones that had the pull down keyboard?
L381[03:28:47] <Z0id​berg> There are some 5000ish ibm series that do that
L382[03:28:52] <Z​ef> No, it's before most of those
L383[03:29:10] <Z​ef> https://tinyurl.com/ya7tnsym
L384[03:29:15] <Z0id​berg> Aha
L385[03:29:18] <Z​ef> One of these bad boys (I don't have the monitor)
L386[03:29:34] <Z0id​berg> I have an ibm ps)2 psu
L387[03:29:41] <Z​ef> Hell, I don't have a CGA monitor at all, I have to take a composite signal from the card we have
L388[03:29:42] <Z0id​berg> For some reason
L389[03:30:02] <Z​ef> original PSU is non functioning, I think we have a replacement AT supply in it right now
L390[03:30:10] <Z​ef> been trying to get my friend to let me borrow it
L391[03:31:33] <Z0id​berg> The ps/2 psu was interesting because the switch was on the front of the computer, the psu was in the back and has its own physical on off switch, and there is a metal dowel that runs from the front panel power switch to the psu power switch in the back so when you flip the power switch in the front it is flipping the one in back for you
L392[03:32:10] <Z​ef> Yeah there were so many better solutions than that
L393[03:33:06] <Z0id​berg> https://boingboing.net/2015/04/10/amazing-demo-gets-1000-colors.html
L394[03:33:10] <Z0id​berg> Seen this?
L395[03:33:46] <Z​ef> I have not
L396[03:35:18] <Z0id​berg> So from what I remember one of the things this Demo abuses is the side effect of composite video output blending the colors together on the screen
L397[03:35:30] <Z0id​berg> But that's just one trick
L398[03:35:44] <Z​ef> I'm pretty sure that's a somewhat known trick
L399[03:35:48] <Z0id​berg> The demo uses a lot of other tricks
L400[03:35:55] <Z​ef> But yeah, that is pretty impressive
L401[03:36:29] <Z0id​berg> If you are interested in isa...
L402[03:36:33] <ThePiGuy24> 8088mph is a great demo
L403[03:36:47] <Z0id​berg> I have been contemplating making my own video card
L404[03:36:55] <ThePiGuy24> 8088 domination is also pretty cool
L405[03:37:26] <Z​ef> After I finish with my keyboard memory replacement project I want to either make a sampler ISA card, or some slightly more modern 5 1/4" floppy interface
L406[03:37:29] <bad at​ vijya> the bad apple test is the most important video test
L407[03:37:34] <bad at​ vijya> i swear
L408[03:37:37] <ThePiGuy24> @Z0idberg as in something to just shove pixels from memory to a display or will it have hardware acceleration?
L409[03:38:07] <Z0id​berg> I have discovered working with vga that though vga rgb signaling is beautiful the vga hardware architecture is disgusting
L410[03:38:25] <Z​ef> Oh I also need to make a cga to vga converter of some kind
L411[03:38:40] <Z0id​berg> Computers during this era were meant to be business machines, not gaming platforms
L412[03:38:54] <Z​ef> I've got a basic design down that's no more than a specialized DAC, but I need a way to stop the intensity signal from getting through when there's no color
L413[03:39:19] <ThePiGuy24> ben eaters design is simple yet effective
L414[03:39:25] <Z0id​berg> So my idea is too make a isa or pci vga tile graphics video card with features missing from vga like horizontal vsync etc
L415[03:39:33] <Z0id​berg> And spirite handling
L416[03:39:44] <Z​ef> well above my understanding
L417[03:40:47] <Z0id​berg> Is ben Eater the guy who literally almost passed out from ecstacy when opening the box to an ibm AT?
L418[03:41:01] <ThePiGuy24> maybe?
L419[03:41:09] <Z​ef> I think that was LGR
L420[03:41:18] <Z​ef> ben eater is the guy that makes computers out of descrete ics
L421[03:41:38] <ThePiGuy24> ^
L422[03:41:42] <Z0id​berg> Aha
L423[03:41:46] <ThePiGuy24> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7rce6IQDWs heres his video card
L424[03:41:48] <MichiBot> The world's worst video card? | length: 32m 47s | Likes: 121,952 Dislikes: 2,370 Views: 3,074,363 | by Ben Eater | Published On 5/7/2019
L425[03:42:02] <ThePiGuy24> well, the first iteration of it
L426[03:42:06] <CompanionCube> Vampyre: btw hercules is for IBM mainframes, not PDP11
L427[03:43:41] <Z0id​berg> That gy
L428[03:43:44] <Z0id​berg> yeah ok
L429[03:43:55] <Z0id​berg> I've seen those videos from ben eater
L430[03:44:23] <Z0id​berg> He wouldn't have half of the problems he had though if he didn't put it on a frigging bread board LOL
L431[03:44:28] <Z​ef> ben eater is the reason I have even a basic understanding of computer hardware
L432[03:44:48] <Z​ef> I don't think he has many problems other than ones he intentionally makes
L433[03:44:52] <Vampyre> CompanionCube, ah yeah, right, also played with that one and system-some-letter at some point
L434[03:45:06] <CompanionCube> system/z?
L435[03:45:08] <Z0id​berg> well the display was no where near clear as it could have been
L436[03:45:14] <Vampyre> system-I? or just system 360?
L437[03:45:22] <Vampyre> nah, z didn't run I think
L438[03:45:28] <CompanionCube> hercules can do i
L439[03:45:36] <CompanionCube> system i is also a thing, oi
L440[03:45:37] <Vampyre> or is system-I AS400?
L441[03:45:38] <ThePiGuy24> they said in that video (might be in the follow-up) that that was most likely due to the eeprom timings
L442[03:45:41] <Z0id​berg> also, imo, never make a video card use system RAM
L443[03:45:42] <CompanionCube> Vampyre: i is as400, yes.
L444[03:45:48] <Vampyre> ah, ok
L445[03:45:55] <CompanionCube> i meant 'hercules can do z', nothing can emulate i :0
L446[03:45:59] <Z0id​berg> the idea that the cpu can't operate when the video card is reading memory is really bad design
L447[03:45:59] <Z0id​berg> lol
L448[03:45:59] <CompanionCube> i meant :)
L449[03:47:04] <Z0id​berg> what he should have done if he wanted direct memory mapping is to have the video portion have its own memory and then map it somewhere in the CPUs memory space, then for safety perhaps bank it out when the video card is drawing pixels.
L450[03:47:36] <ThePiGuy24> that is getting out of scope for what it is meant to be
L451[03:47:40] <Z0id​berg> if you bank it instead of hide it it would be better because then the cpu can have a special section of ram accessible only when the card is drawing
L452[03:47:40] <Ko​dos> @Lizzy-chan check dms 🙂
L453[03:48:21] <Z0id​berg> not really, it would have literally taken an extra chip and a few more minutes
L454[03:49:01] <Z0id​berg> If I was designing it though I woul dhave probably made the video card read memory between cpu clock cycles though
L455[03:49:10] <CompanionCube> progression goes s/360,370,390 then sys/z. Then there's POWER for AIX and most of OS/400 and all of i.
L456[03:50:41] <CompanionCube> (OS/400 itself comes from S/38+36, and switched architectures at one point)
L457[03:51:40] <Z0id​berg> I would like to see the AS/400 working at some point
L458[03:52:05] <CompanionCube> have you picked yours up yet? Would guess not.
L459[03:52:14] <Z0id​berg> I can't do it
L460[03:52:27] <Z0id​berg> so first of all its two states over in the old building
L461[03:52:37] <Z0id​berg> they used to have offices in there now its just storage
L462[03:52:58] <Z0id​berg> if he gets the time to do it IT then needs to wipe everything off of it
L463[03:53:09] <Z0id​berg> because it used to run the entire account systems
L464[03:53:32] <Z0id​berg> after that I don't know what the story will be
L465[03:53:53] <Z0id​berg> if I was allowed to just go get it I would drive there today its like 6 hours.
L466[03:54:02] <Z0id​berg> I've actually driven around to there many many times
L467[03:55:38] * CompanionCube vaguely recalls it might be one of the older ones which would probably make reinstalling the OS...difficult
L468[03:56:06] <Z0id​berg> well you know how fast IT can be with unimportant tasks
L469[03:56:29] <Z0id​berg> I expect to never get it in hopes that one day I'll be surprised.
L470[03:56:57] <CompanionCube> haha
L471[03:57:27] * CompanionCube can't recall if i told you that the freenode channel is bridged to a discord now
L472[03:57:38] <Z0id​berg> nope
L473[03:57:55] <Z0id​berg> I've been trying to make an irc -> discord bridge bot in Elixir
L474[03:58:00] <CompanionCube> well it is, want the link?
L475[03:58:07] <Z0id​berg> Sure
L476[03:58:11] <CompanionCube> https://discord.gg/BWQA5nk
L477[04:03:04] <Z0id​berg> someone bought me nitro for a month
L478[04:03:08] <Z0id​berg> what is it for?
L479[04:03:11] <Z0id​berg> anything good?
L480[04:03:20] <CompanionCube> not much i think?
L481[04:05:46] <hilari​ousppp> you can use custom emojis in other servers, you can use custom animated emojis, and you can screen share in higher resolution and framerate.
L482[04:06:15] <Z0id​berg> haha I always pic a low res / framerate
L483[04:07:00] <hilari​ousppp> same, my upload speed is practically nonexistent
L484[04:07:08] <Z0id​berg> I have 2 Meg
L485[04:07:19] <Z0id​berg> for up
L486[04:07:26] <hilari​ousppp> 800 kbits here
L487[04:08:15] <Z0id​berg> hmm
L488[04:08:23] <Z0id​berg> I hope your ISP isn't the one I work for
L489[04:08:35] <Z0id​berg> otherwise I'm going to be fixing that
L490[04:08:38] <Z0id​berg> LOL
L491[04:08:47] <Z0id​berg> We don't even sell that low anymore
L492[04:13:53] <CompanionCube> ~2meg for up is reasonale for me lol
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L495[04:27:22] <bad at​ vijya> HOLY FUCK
L496[04:27:26] <bad at​ vijya> steam got a ui update
L497[04:27:40] <ThePiGuy24> is it any good?
L498[04:34:08] <Ko​dos> Let me know how you like duskers Liz
L499[04:34:54] <bad at​ vijya> it's just
L500[04:35:00] <bad at​ vijya> consistent
L501[04:36:30] ⇦ Quits: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L502[04:39:11] <CompanionCube> what is it?
L503[04:41:45] ⇨ Joins: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@
L504[05:24:25] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L505[05:24:26] <MichiBot> Wild! Compan​ionCube! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 21 minutes and 52 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L506[05:24:27] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 2 hours, 21 minutes and 52 seconds! CompanionCube also gained 0.00236 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
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L512[05:42:41] ⇨ Joins: Retro_Reboot54 (~retro_reb@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net)
L513[05:43:25] <Retro_Reboot54> Hello, this is a test message from my system in game
L514[05:44:02] <CompanionCube> %hello
L515[05:44:02] <MichiBot> Compan​ionCube: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L516[05:44:45] ⇨ Joins: marcus (webchat@c-174-54-181-80.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
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L518[05:46:39] ⇨ Joins: Webchat070 (webchat@c-174-60-194-201.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L519[05:46:57] <Retro_Reboot54> Hello there
L520[05:47:01] <Retro_Reboot54> how are you
L521[05:47:16] ⇦ Quits: badatvijya (~sam@pool-71-115-31-150.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L522[05:47:59] <Webchat070> I have been stuck in a line of code
L523[05:48:04] <Webchat070> please help
L524[05:48:57] ⇦ Quits: Webchat070 (webchat@c-174-60-194-201.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L525[05:49:09] <Retro_Reboot54> oh no he left
L526[05:49:20] ⇦ Quits: Retro_Reboot54 (~retro_reb@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net) (Quit: Retro_Reboot54)
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L529[06:03:27] <Vampyre> stuck _in_ a line of code? how does that work? ;-)
L530[06:04:23] <Vampyre> probably got his foot stuck on a curly brace or something... happens to everyone
L531[06:06:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e87:1700:8124:2be:434a:ec94) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L532[06:06:41] ⇨ Joins: Austino (~austino@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net)
L533[06:06:50] <Austino> Hello World
L534[06:10:06] ⇨ Joins: RetroReboot (~retrorebo@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net)
L535[06:10:12] <RetroReboot> Hello Austin
L536[06:10:16] <Austino> bruh
L537[06:10:25] <RetroReboot> Technology
L538[06:10:29] <Austino> very
L539[06:11:09] <Austino> dsuighfhd
L540[06:11:37] <RetroReboot> do ./quit
L541[06:11:48] ⇦ Quits: Austino (~austino@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net) (Quit: Austino)
L542[06:12:10] ⇦ Quits: RetroReboot (~retrorebo@dynamic-acs-24-101-209-130.zoominternet.net) (Client Quit)
L543[06:20:06] <ThePiGuy24> what??? someone joined, talked, then didnt leave immediatley, THEN JOINED A 2ND TIME???!?!??!?!?
L544[06:20:55] <hilari​ousppp> truly incredible
L545[06:21:31] <ThePiGuy24> unthinkable
L546[06:46:52] <bad at​ vijya> amazing
L547[06:47:09] <bad at​ vijya> i'm working on my cool chat client now
L548[06:49:29] <bad at​ vijya> B)
L549[06:53:12] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L550[06:56:39] ⇨ Joins: bad_at_vijya (~sam@pool-71-115-31-150.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L551[07:30:29] <bad_at_vijya> e
L552[07:52:59] ⇨ Joins: David222450 (~David2224@s12.mcskill.net)
L553[07:55:31] <David222450> ку
L554[07:59:37] ⇦ Quits: David222450 (~David2224@s12.mcskill.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L555[08:14:32] <bad at​ vijya> i have a big brain idea for an OC mod
L556[08:14:38] <bad at​ vijya> async unmanaged drives B)
L557[08:49:01] <bad at​ vijya> i got an api worked out in my head B)
L558[08:49:57] <ThePi​Guy24> only allow writes on tuesdays
L559[08:49:58] <luc​soft> why https://tinyurl.com/y7gw2hfv
L560[09:02:19] ⇦ Quits: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L564[09:30:13] <trixelit> hey there
L565[09:30:40] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-42-65.dynamic.as20676.net)
L566[09:30:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L567[09:30:47] <trixelit> 1
L568[09:30:56] <trixelit> hows it going
L569[09:32:51] <ThePiGuy24> depends what "it" is
L570[09:33:22] <Forec​aster> they know! burn everything!
L571[09:42:11] <Vexatos> yaaay I got loot
L572[09:42:24] <Vexatos> three 5:4 monitors from an office that's moving away and an... IBM ThinkStation
L573[09:46:16] <ThePiGuy24> noice
L574[09:56:43] ⇦ Quits: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@id-453710.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L575[10:02:54] <Vexatos> ThinkCentre actually
L576[10:13:44] ⇦ Quits: trixelit (~trixelit@static-33-80.grapevine.net.au) (Remote host closed the connection)
L577[10:58:53] <Lizzy> "<Michiyo> @Kodos reminder, it's like 3AM for Lizzy she may or may not be awake lol" may have had a can of monster energy and stayed awake all night
L578[10:59:25] <Lizzy> Thanks for the game @"Kodos", is rather fun from the little bit i've played so far
L579[11:30:01] <Forec​aster> ...
L580[11:30:04] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/yba5y5tr
L581[11:30:11] <Forec​aster> why...
L582[11:30:41] <Forec​aster> this explains why when you have multiple date pickers on one page, if you click one of them the marked date disappears from all of them...
L583[11:30:47] <Forec​aster> -_-
L584[11:50:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e87:1700:8124:2be:434a:ec94)
L585[12:35:01] ⇨ Joins: Ezlar (~ezlar@ns564162.ip-139-99-209.net)
L586[12:36:09] <Ezlar> nick Ezlar zofqJtQHUjEBHu0DrLGq
L587[12:36:18] <Ezlar> nick
L588[12:36:20] <Ezlar> hrmm
L589[12:36:28] <Ezlar> redraw
L590[12:37:21] <B​ob> 👀
L591[12:38:17] <Ezlar> I am not well versed in irc hahaha
L592[12:38:50] ⇦ Parts: Ezlar (~ezlar@ns564162.ip-139-99-209.net) ())
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L594[12:41:08] <Ez​lar> So uhm
L595[12:41:12] <Ez​lar> That was awks
L596[12:41:25] <Z0id​berg> ?
L597[12:41:34] <Ez​lar> I bumbled with irc commands
L598[12:41:48] <Z0id​berg> and discovered IRC is a lot better
L599[12:41:50] <Z0id​berg> good
L600[12:42:16] <Z0id​berg> Did you know IRC was born almost to the month when I was born?
L601[12:42:30] <Z0id​berg> more like almost to the day
L602[12:42:44] <Ez​lar> Sounds like it was a good week for the world
L603[12:43:14] <Ezlar> quit
L604[12:43:17] ⇦ Quits: Ezlar (~ezlar@ns564162.ip-139-99-209.net) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L605[12:43:30] <Ez​lar> Don't know why I forget slashes
L606[12:44:01] <Z0id​berg> So IRC is 30+ years old. Better learn it now you're late to the show
L607[12:44:53] <Ez​lar> Not so bad when I'm using an external client instead to be fair
L608[12:45:10] <Ez​lar> So here's an interesting question
L609[12:45:31] <Ez​lar> Normally to dev on OC you'd open an editor on your local since the files are in the saves/ directory
L610[12:45:49] <Ez​lar> Anyone have any cool workarounds for devving on a server?
L611[12:46:00] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L612[12:46:03] <Z0id​berg> I have used git repositories before
L613[12:46:06] <Z0id​berg> and pushed to the saves
L614[12:46:18] <Ez​lar> Is there a good git package?
L615[12:46:25] <Z0id​berg> for?
L616[12:46:27] <Ez​lar> OC
L617[12:46:45] <Z0id​berg> no no, I initialized a git repository on the remote computer via ssh on some server
L618[12:46:52] <Z0id​berg> then I pushed to it from my local computer
L619[12:47:05] <Z0id​berg> I am unaware of any OC git packages
L620[12:47:06] <Ez​lar> Ah I see
L621[12:47:15] <Z0id​berg> I have also used TRAMO
L622[12:47:21] <Z0id​berg> I have also used TRAMp [Edited]
L623[12:47:27] <Z0id​berg> I have also used tramp [Edited]
L624[12:47:46] <Z0id​berg> on Emacs, you can use tramp mode to remotely edit files on a another computer.
L625[12:48:11] <Z0id​berg> I believe you can also use VSC to do this
L626[12:48:47] <Ez​lar> For sure
L627[12:49:09] <Ez​lar> Not sure if the server is configured for ssh though
L628[12:49:38] <Z0id​berg> Almost all servers are, it's more a matter if you have access or not.
L629[12:50:09] <Z0id​berg> if it does, your best bet is to probably use git over ssh
L630[12:50:19] <Z0id​berg> i.e. git clone ssh://....
L631[12:51:03] <Z0id​berg> then edit your files, commit them and git push
L632[12:51:26] <Z0id​berg> if you can, you can do what I do and run ocvm locally on your computer to test before pushing
L633[12:52:48] <Ez​lar> Didn't know a vm had been made
L634[12:53:10] <Ez​lar> I'm continuously impressed at what the community has come up with
L635[12:53:23] <Z0id​berg> There are a few out there. ocemu is another, but I find ocvm to be the most portable and least annoying
L636[12:53:54] <Z0id​berg> Plus I recently sent a pull request to add support for running ocvm on freebsd 😄
L637[12:54:07] <Ez​lar> Oh nice
L638[12:54:19] <Ez​lar> So what's your trade?
L639[12:55:40] <Kristo​pher38> ocvm is the most portable?
L640[12:56:03] <Kristo​pher38> too bad it doesn't run on windows since it's written with unix-like systems in mind
L641[12:56:55] <Z0id​berg> I double majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I've been programming for about, 25 years, but I work in telecom.
L642[12:57:27] <Kristo​pher38> @Ezlar if you don't have access i've got a server+client scripts that can monitor changes in your local directory and transfer modified files over to the OC computer
L643[12:57:33] <Z0id​berg> Actually, I run ocvm on Windows using WSL. I would consider adding Windows support to ocvm, but it's a moot point since WSL is so easy to set up now.
L644[12:58:00] <Kristo​pher38> only if you're running windows 10
L645[12:58:16] <Z0id​berg> You should upgrade 🙂
L646[12:58:28] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, I'm thinking of upgrading to linux actually
L647[12:58:34] <Ez​lar> Aw yis
L648[12:58:35] <Ez​lar> Good choice
L649[12:58:47] <Kristo​pher38> since the reason I'm keeping windows is to play games but I don't play that much anymore
L650[12:58:53] <Z0id​berg> Are you experienced with Linux that you feel comfortable using it 24/7?
L651[12:59:08] <Kristo​pher38> oh wow, sane question
L652[12:59:11] <Kristo​pher38> yes
L653[12:59:38] <Ez​lar> I'd love those scripts btw @Kristopher38
L654[13:00:05] <Ez​lar> Looks like the mc server is on a managed hosting platform
L655[13:00:06] <Kristo​pher38> so I'm thinking of dual booting windows to occasionally play games with friends and linux as my main os
L656[13:00:22] <Ez​lar> That's what I've ended up doing
L657[13:00:36] <Ez​lar> Try PopOs, it's pretty nice
L658[13:00:49] <Z0id​berg> If you have a modern compiter Kristopher, and you feel like going on an adventure, you may want to look into SXen
L659[13:00:54] <Z0id​berg> Xen*
L660[13:01:18] <Kristo​pher38> ```Xen is a type-1 virtual machine, providing services that allow multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer hardware concurrently.```
L661[13:01:22] <Kristo​pher38> Damn
L662[13:01:33] <Kristo​pher38> I remember having a conversation with my brother about that type of thing years ago
L663[13:01:44] <Z0id​berg> If you have vt-d, on your cpu, you can install Xen with a tiny Linux system, then you can run Windows games in a VM at full speed
L664[13:01:45] <Kristo​pher38> didn't know a solution already existed
L665[13:01:50] <Z0id​berg> and your main workstation Linux system on another vm, etc
L666[13:02:05] <Z0id​berg> it's almost as fast as the hardware, I use Xen for virtualization of servers
L667[13:02:12] <Ez​lar> Very nice
L668[13:02:21] <dequbed> Xen gives you fuckall in this situation unless you specifically want to have both systems running at the same time, can take the performance hit on just about everything but need to selectively have VMs own PCI-e devices.
L669[13:02:31] <Ez​lar> Impressive background btw Z0id
L670[13:02:34] <Z0id​berg> on laptops in the past I ran Windows in a xen vm and then ran my normal workstation as the hypervisor but
L671[13:03:20] <Z0id​berg> I have had no performance issues with Xen, ever.
L672[13:03:23] <Z0id​berg> even with 20 VMs running
L673[13:03:33] <Z0id​berg> and I use the HVM model
L674[13:03:39] <dequbed> Performance issues is very much not synonymous with performance hit.
L675[13:04:02] <dequbed> I assure you a modern CPU can run hundred VMs of the AGC with no issues whatsoever.
L676[13:06:22] <Kristo​pher38> @Ezlar fair bit of warning: it works well (as far as I tested it) but it's limited to one OC computer per server running on your local PC, and can sometimes cause you to miss a keystroke because of how it works https://github.com/OC-Goss/syncd-v1
L677[13:06:29] <dequbed> Under ideal conditions Xen runs VMs at 99+% native speed. But I'm going to wager that @Kristopher38 has neither time, money or experience to install said ideal conditions. Which is completely fine to be clear.
L678[13:06:39] <Ez​lar> Cheers!
L679[13:06:51] <Vexatos> when you spend 20 minutes finding the error code sheet for a 2006 machine
L680[13:06:54] <Kristo​pher38> i'm working on a better version which uses tcp sockets instead of http
L681[13:06:57] <Vexatos> only to figure out it means no RAM
L682[13:07:07] <Vexatos> because you were too stupid to actually look inside
L683[13:07:25] <Vexatos> guess I'm not going to try to get it running
L684[13:07:27] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e87:1700:8124:2be:434a:ec94) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ef6:6100:e7b:c446:f860:b798)))
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L686[13:07:36] <dequbed> Vexatos: Always cover your basics :P
L687[13:07:54] <Vexatos> well I did look inside I just didn't really look too hard
L688[13:08:13] <Vexatos> everything was full of garbage inside
L689[13:08:50] <Z0id​berg> it would be neat if the OC mod had togglable rsync support by the admin running the server
L690[13:08:54] <Z0id​berg> or somethuing
L691[13:09:23] <dequbed> "Fucking fuse blown again!" *grumbles, squeezes behind machine to unscrew fuse* "no, that looks good" *unscrews control panel, checks every connection* *notices 32A power plug 2m to the left is laying on the floor, not plugged in* <- me
L692[13:10:25] <Kristo​pher38> @Invention64 🌹 was trying to set up sftp access with appropriate permissions but sadly nothing has worked without issues so far
L693[13:10:56] <Kristo​pher38> one OC drive per person
L694[13:12:22] <Z0id​berg> lol
L695[13:13:52] <Z0id​berg> dequbed: You reminded me somebody called me the other day to tell me that they had a 400 amp power line sever and short itself submerged in a conduit.
L696[13:14:16] <Z0id​berg> frost broke it and then it got warmer and all of that water..
L697[13:15:13] <dequbed> ouch
L698[13:16:04] <Z0id​berg> Maine's frost line here is like 5 - 8 feet
L699[13:16:19] <Z0id​berg> A lot of people don't bury down far enough because they have no idea
L700[13:17:00] <Z0id​berg> When I was looking to buy a cheap house I found one where the basement was half caved in because the idiot put cinder block below the ground level.
L701[13:17:34] <Z0id​berg> "I just installed that new wall to the basement 5 years ago and have no idea why that happened" .................
L702[13:17:49] <dequbed> Stuff like that makes me happy western europe has such strict building regulations :P
L703[13:18:14] <Z0id​berg> we are supposed to but a lot of people go and do things and on't tell anyone
L704[13:18:28] <Z0id​berg> they figure if they do it themselves they don't need to follow code
L705[13:18:43] <dequbed> That's a very american way of thinking about it :P
L706[13:21:06] <Z0id​berg> I hope the oil truck comes here soon
L707[13:21:25] <Z0id​berg> I have had no heat since yesterday and the temperature of the house is down to 50 which isnt bad
L708[13:21:30] <Z0id​berg> but annoying
L709[13:21:54] <Z0id​berg> then I gotta bleed the furnace
L710[13:22:43] <Vexatos> 50 kelvin or rankine
L711[13:22:56] <dequbed> Vexatos: 50 dungree freedom!
L712[13:28:02] <Z0id​berg> 47 degrees actually just checked
L713[13:28:10] <Z0id​berg> 47 F
L714[13:32:49] <Amanda> It's -1C here, outside at least
L715[13:36:36] <Z0id​berg> I'm talking about inside my house
L716[13:37:01] <Z0id​berg> It's 26F / -3C outside
L717[13:38:14] <Amanda> Oh goodie
L718[13:38:22] <Amanda> The hdd in my gaming compy's making noises
L719[13:38:53] <Z0id​berg> sing to it
L720[14:23:14] <Va​ur> %tonk
L721[14:23:15] <MichiBot> Boo-yah! Va​ur! You beat Compan​ionCube's previous record of 2 hours, 21 minutes and 52 seconds (By 6 hours, 36 minutes and 56 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L722[14:23:16] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 8 hours, 58 minutes and 48 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.01986 (0.00662 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #16 => #14. (Overtook Mimiru) Need 0.04783 more points to pass The_St​argazer!
L723[14:41:30] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L724[14:50:29] <Izaya> been watching the thermometer
L725[14:50:47] <Izaya> can't run games if it's above 27° because my computer overheats
L726[14:52:03] <Izaya> presently 25°
L727[15:41:05] <Amanda> nvm, it's notthe disk, it's the PSU's fans
L728[15:43:05] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3671:c201:679f:925f:ffb0:7303)
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L730[16:10:51] <Amanda> @Z0idburg meanwhile, we've got a fire chief who lives on our street, and he'd call in potential code violations if we happen to have a stack of sticks in our yard.
L731[16:11:02] <Amanda> "They must be preparing to buildsomething!"
L732[16:11:21] <Amanda> We had the permit for some work being done for our front porch in like 5 different places cause of that annoying cunt
L733[16:11:44] <Amanda> including a loose copy by the front door
L734[16:34:54] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3671:c201:679f:925f:ffb0:7303) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L736[16:59:51] ⇦ Quits: flawless (~flawless@ (Quit: flawless)
L737[17:08:58] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L738[17:21:04] <Forec​aster> oh
L739[17:21:19] <Forec​aster> turns out sending duplicants into chlorine irritates their eyes
L740[17:21:21] <Forec​aster> huh
L741[17:22:58] <Vexatos> I'd also be irritated if someone just told me to walk into chlorine
L742[17:23:15] <Forec​aster> at least I'm giving them breathing masks
L743[17:23:21] <Forec​aster> not my fault they don't have goggles D:
L744[17:23:26] <Vexatos> that doesn't help against acid
L745[17:23:34] <Vexatos> is it not your fault?
L746[17:23:46] <Forec​aster> I didn't design the masks, so no
L747[17:23:50] * Michiyo hands @"Forecaster" some swim goggles
L748[17:24:22] <Forec​aster> also they keep throwing them on the floor
L749[17:24:39] <Twist​edGate> Quick question, whats up with the green stuff that apeary while holding a tablet and looking at a block?
L750[17:24:42] <Michiyo> Tell them that is bad for them?
L751[17:24:44] <Twist​edGate> apears*
L752[17:24:56] <Forec​aster> appears*
L753[17:25:22] <Forec​aster> you are probably using the creative tablet that has a piston upgrade in it
L754[17:25:48] <dequbed> Vexatos: Since when is chlorine an acid? :P
L755[17:26:00] <Twist​edGate> nope T2 tablet with battery upgrate and solar gen
L756[17:26:10] <Twist​edGate> upgrade* god darni
L757[17:26:17] <Izaya> you can scan things with tablets
L758[17:27:16] <Vexatos> dequbed, since it touched the water on your skin
L759[17:27:56] <Twist​edGate> And how would one go about doing that, i've looked around in the docs and couldnt find anything related to the "green stuff"
L760[17:28:23] <Forec​aster> more specifically I believe tablets have an event that fires when you "use" it on something in the world
L761[17:28:30] <Twist​edGate> huh
L762[17:29:44] <Twist​edGate> doesnt look like it
L763[17:30:07] <Izaya> shift-use?
L764[17:30:32] <Twist​edGate> that just shuts down the tablet
L765[17:31:08] <dequbed> Vexatos: While that generates hypochlorous and hydrochloric acid the elemental chlorine is also very much responsible for killing you as those two :P
L766[17:31:11] <Izaya> oops
L767[17:31:49] <Amanda> It only fires if one of the upgrades in it added data to the event.
L768[17:32:21] <bad at​ vijya> kotlin type checking is black magic
L769[17:32:25] <Amanda> The analyzer, geolyzer are the only two that so of the top of my head
L770[17:32:25] <bad at​ vijya> 👀
L771[17:32:36] <Amanda> That do*
L772[17:33:07] <Twist​edGate> Hm
L773[17:33:57] <Forec​aster> well crud https://tinyurl.com/ydclsmj5
L774[17:35:56] <Amanda> Try searching the oc source code for stuff that handles "tablet.use" in onMessage for other stuff that may work
L775[17:36:37] <Amanda> It's worth noting that the square will always appear, regardless if you've got a compatible upgrade installed
L776[17:37:47] <bad at​ vijya> neat
L777[17:38:08] <Forec​aster> oh, interesting...
L778[17:38:28] <Forec​aster> I'm watching some water turn into ice, back into water and back into ice, repeating indefinitely
L779[17:46:00] <bad at​ vijya> finally got my new RAM
L780[17:46:14] <Forec​aster> how long did it take to download?
L781[17:51:05] <Twist​edGate> Alright, well thanks people! :)
L782[17:52:38] <Michiyo> No problem, the bill is in the mail.
L783[17:54:59] <Forec​aster> Bill will be so mad when he arrives
L784[17:55:33] <Michiyo> Nah, he'll likely be dead...
L785[17:55:37] <Michiyo> So it'll be OK.
L786[17:56:09] <Forec​aster> oh, I thought we were talking about Bill the talking skull
L787[17:56:57] <Amanda> Bill only talks to you, @Forecaster.Take your pills, dearie.
L788[17:57:55] <Forec​aster> ...what do you mean "no seed available" https://tinyurl.com/ybza9m7b
L789[17:58:11] <Forec​aster> there's one right there! https://tinyurl.com/yae4yc69
L790[17:58:21] <Forec​aster> I know it's technically a spore but still D:<
L791[17:59:00] <Amanda> don't you have to assign seeds/plants to each individual planter?
L792[17:59:31] <Forec​aster> you tell them to plant a certain plant in it, which I have as you can see by the ghost
L793[17:59:54] <Amanda> oh, I thought that was background detail for some reason
L794[18:12:25] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~anon@
L795[18:27:29] <Forec​aster> I also need a proper sciency dupe
L796[18:28:49] <Forec​aster> finally got a system up to process the damn polluted oxygen from the dirty water reservoir
L797[18:31:14] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L798[18:31:17] <Forec​aster> but now I ran out of power during the night... a running wheel doesn't do well with powering pumps that run a lot it turns out
L799[18:31:55] <bad at​ vijya> a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
L800[18:32:05] <bad at​ vijya> >manage cables
L801[18:32:10] <bad at​ vijya> >pc no longer wants to boot
L802[18:32:13] <bad at​ vijya> for fucks sake
L803[18:32:19] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L804[18:32:21] <bad at​ vijya> what did i misplace
L805[18:33:27] <Forec​aster> strangely, all of the cables
L806[18:35:56] <Michiyo> Latest Flight Sim update adds VR \o/
L807[18:36:22] <Forec​aster> that means if I download it a VR headset will magically appear right
L808[18:36:28] <Michiyo> Yes!
L809[18:36:35] <Forec​aster> excellent
L810[18:39:05] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~anon@ (Quit: Lost terminal)
L811[18:42:28] <Ko​dos> AHHHH
L812[18:42:31] <Ko​dos> I can't decide what to buy
L813[18:43:13] <Ko​dos> The games I already play pretty much cover the genres I'm interested in and they set a pretty high bar as far as personal enjoyment goes
L814[18:43:41] <i develo​p things> then... don't buy anything?
L815[18:44:02] <Kristo​pher38> Yeah, it's alright if you're still having fun
L816[18:44:12] <Amanda> but consumerist holidy demands a monitary sacrafice!
L817[18:44:29] <Ko​dos> More accurately, I've got 20 USD on Steam burning a hole in my wallet
L818[18:45:09] <Kristo​pher38> I've been playing Minecraft for 8 years now and it still provides me with entertainment, now with opencomputers :P
L819[18:45:38] <Ko​dos> Yeah the issue I have with minecraft right now is that I can't pry myself off of 1.16.4 and OC isn't up there yet
L820[18:45:58] <Michiyo> Versions after 1.12 exist?
L821[18:46:02] <Michiyo> TIL.
L822[18:46:10] <Amanda> I may have recvived some of my ancient CC code thanks to 1.16.4
L823[18:46:26] <Amanda> revived*
L824[18:46:30] <Kristo​pher38> What does 1.16 have that 1.12 doesn't that's important to you?
L825[18:46:39] <Michiyo> .04
L826[18:47:20] <Michiyo> well, I guess .04.2
L827[18:47:29] <Michiyo> since everyone knows 1.12.2 is best.
L828[18:47:40] <Amanda> a lot of mods have decided to do a re-think since 1.13+ requires a lot of rework anyway
L829[18:47:44] <Ko​dos> Speaking of ancient CC code, I still remember fucking with people with `getmetatable("").index=nil`
L830[18:47:59] <Ko​dos> Also
L831[18:48:03] <Amanda> like, Thermal Expension's not got tired machines/tools now, they're all upgradable
L832[18:48:11] <Michiyo> I'm very much NOT looking forward to updating any of my stuff to 1.12+
L833[18:48:13] <Ko​dos> Create, I&F, new versions of some mods I like to use, Mekanism V10
L834[18:48:27] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L835[18:48:36] <Kristo​pher38> Ah right, 1.16 does have Create
L836[18:48:41] <Michiyo> Just like I doubt I'll port any of them to Fabric for the OC Port.
L837[18:52:37] <Ko​dos> Honestly, given your license, you should just let others port them to Fabric
L838[18:53:22] <Forec​aster> from what I've heard fabric is just a modloader with none of the standards or compatability layers forge has, so it doesn't sound fun
L839[18:54:26] <Forec​aster> hmmmm
L840[18:54:34] <Forec​aster> can duplicants go in a vacuum...
L841[18:54:45] <Forec​aster> without an envirosuit...
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L843[18:56:21] <Amanda> Can you/
L844[19:01:17] <Forec​aster> they finally planted that mushroom
L845[19:04:12] <Forec​aster> hm
L846[19:04:22] <Forec​aster> the extreme temperature would be an issue I suppose
L847[19:04:33] <Forec​aster> probably a good reason to invest in envriosuits
L848[19:04:45] <i develo​p things> fabric is also meant to be lighter weight than forge
L849[19:05:28] <Forec​aster> well yeah, if you remove the comfy seats from a car the car becomes lighter :P
L850[19:05:49] <i develo​p things> true
L851[19:05:58] <i develo​p things> forge slows down game initialization a bunch for me
L852[19:06:00] <Forec​aster> huh, it's cold enough near the surface that the carbon dioxide is liquifying
L853[19:06:07] <i develo​p things> fabric doesn't
L854[19:06:27] <ben_mkiv|afk> did you play modpacks with >200 fabric mods yet?
L855[19:15:47] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3671:c201:679f:925f:ffb0:7303)
L856[19:17:12] <Amanda> Depends on the mods, too. ATM6 takes several more minutes to load for me than DW20 for 1.16
L857[19:17:26] <Amanda> DW20 only has like 20 mods less
L858[19:19:17] <Amanda> I'm not sure if it's something that ATM6 is doing or what but under ATM6 there's a complete data pack reload at least twice thanks to kubejs, too
L859[19:20:04] <Amanda> First time I saw that I thought it was crashing silently
L860[19:20:44] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3671:c201:679f:925f:ffb0:7303) (Quit: Have a nice day/night/evening!)
L861[19:22:11] <Forec​aster> I'm a little amazed I've gotten this far with no dirty energy production
L862[19:23:11] <i develo​p things> well, no, i've only used a couple mods at a time with fabric
L863[19:23:39] <Forec​aster> although I do have a lot of hydrogen around, I could start collecting that once I have gas tanks
L864[19:24:15] <Forec​aster> I wish vanilla had a pipe-connectible water container filler...
L865[19:24:25] <Forec​aster> I miss the mod I had for that >:
L866[19:28:30] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ef6:6100:e7b:c446:f860:b798) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L867[19:29:12] <Vampyre> howdy world
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L871[19:50:12] <dequbed> Amanda: I mean you can for short amounts of time. If you stay long enough you do die but if you have a pressurized breathing apparatus available you can survive a surprising while
L872[19:56:03] <dequbed> And by "surprising while" I mean like on the order of a few minutes to hours until your lung pops.
L873[19:58:11] <Michiyo> Personally *I* wouldn't want to try to breath while exposed to the vacuum of space.
L874[19:59:21] <Forec​aster> they have breathing masks as previously established
L875[19:59:26] <Forec​aster> just not full face masks
L876[20:02:36] <dequbed> Michiyo: Well, you won't exactly have a choice :P
L877[20:05:09] <dequbed> @Forecaster Well yes but human lungs can produce about 0.1 bar of overpressure. Everything above that damages the lungs specifically can tear the alveoli. However you need about 0.2 bar of pure oxygen to not asphyxiate and 0.2 bar overpressure (since the rest of you is in a vacuum) is more or less a death sentence.
L878[20:05:24] <dequbed> Which is also why the hyperloop is a death ride \o/
L879[20:05:56] <Forec​aster> I should point out this is a game, I'm not asking about reality
L880[20:06:05] <dequbed> And also why I spend the most of march telling people that no you can't just slap a cheap chinesium pressure sensor with less than 0.1 bar of accuracy to a raspeberry pi and use that to treat people.
L881[20:07:33] <dequbed> @Forecaster yes and I responded to Amanda initially :P
L882[20:28:54] <Elfi> Oxygenate the blood directly, freeze-dry to death instead
L883[20:30:06] <Vampyre> just turn immortal
L884[20:34:08] <Michiyo> Says the Vampyre
L885[20:34:32] <Vampyre> well, yah, isn't that what everybody just does? ;-)
L886[20:34:47] <Vampyre> if not... want me to make you immortal?
L887[20:35:19] <Michiyo> Already immortal, sorry
L888[20:35:30] <Vampyre> he, ok, ok... too bad ;-)
L889[20:35:36] <Vampyre> I''ll get my lunch elsewhere
L890[20:39:04] * CompanionCube observes that the European Research Group has a group of lawyers to scrutinize any brexit deal, and they're named the Star Chamber
L891[20:39:08] <CompanionCube> it's surprisingly fitting
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L895[21:16:37] <bad at​ vijya> sam is getting back into modding
L896[21:16:41] <bad at​ vijya> heh
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L900[21:24:41] <dequbed> Elfi: That ... that could actually work.
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L904[21:43:22] <bad at​ vijya> https://tinyurl.com/ydas43ge
L905[21:43:36] <bad at​ vijya> hell build https://tinyurl.com/ycskttr7
L906[21:44:51] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L907[22:09:39] <Forec​aster> bah, friggin slime
L908[22:28:04] <Forec​aster> oh wait
L909[22:28:20] <Forec​aster> the stupid slimelung germs have gone away now, excellent
L910[22:29:14] <Forec​aster> although many dupes are still suffering from slimelung
L911[22:29:19] <Forec​aster> I need some medecine
L912[22:29:44] ⇨ Joins: Gr33d_sc (~Gr33d_sc@ns514393.ip-167-114-172.net)
L913[22:30:22] <Gr33d_sc> fellas is it gay to eat hotdogs like dicks
L914[22:30:55] <Forec​aster> no that's cannibalism
L915[22:31:19] <Gr33d_sc> oh wait, dang
L916[22:31:27] ⇦ Quits: Webchat320 (webchat@cst2-171-162.cust.vodafone.cz) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L917[22:33:21] <Gr33d_sc> anyone know of any good apps to take notes with?
L918[22:33:38] <Forec​aster> in what
L919[22:34:11] <Gr33d_sc> mineos
L920[22:34:51] <Forec​aster> I don't use that
L921[22:37:43] <Ez​lar> I tried Mineos but not having a terminal makes me sad
L922[22:46:22] <B​ob> MineOS is just a big joke
L923[22:46:30] <B​ob> nice technical boast but eh
L924[22:48:35] <bad at​ vijya> maybe i'll give Tsuki a GUI if I ever get around to making GPUs
L925[22:48:39] <bad at​ vijya> like
L926[22:48:42] <bad at​ vijya> fast GPUs
L927[22:48:58] <Izaya> OSSM idea
L928[22:49:05] <Izaya> normal OC GPUs, but you can run them faster
L929[22:49:09] <bad at​ vijya> so
L930[22:49:11] <bad at​ vijya> izaya
L931[22:49:13] <Izaya> but one in every 100, 000 operations they explode
L932[22:49:18] <bad at​ vijya> i hope you know my plan was even dumber
L933[22:49:31] <Gr33d_sc> i just cant code, so im just chillim with mine os
L934[22:49:34] <bad at​ vijya> an entire client-side machine you program with assembly
L935[22:49:52] <bad at​ vijya> also i mean tsukino, not tsuki. because...
L936[22:50:00] <Izaya> because no?
L937[22:50:02] <Izaya> :p
L938[22:50:05] <bad at​ vijya> tsuki is not an operating system unto itself
L939[22:50:10] <Izaya> oh for fuck sake
L940[22:50:15] <bad at​ vijya> hahahaha
L941[22:50:23] <Izaya> in other news
L942[22:50:28] <Izaya> has Druaga1 gone too far?
L943[22:50:30] <Izaya> https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/lennox-head/motorcycles/ducati-900ssd-super-sport-darmah-/1263612230
L944[22:50:39] <Izaya> this bike is an SSD
L945[22:50:42] <bad at​ vijya> wh-what
L946[22:51:03] <bad at​ vijya> anyways
L947[22:51:12] <bad at​ vijya> most things that go in OSSM or the new addon i'm working on
L948[22:51:13] <bad at​ vijya> which uh
L949[22:51:19] <bad at​ vijya> doesn't really involve solid state stuff
L950[22:51:24] <bad at​ vijya> just random OC extensions
L951[22:51:33] <bad at​ vijya> anyways, it's just
L952[22:51:42] <bad at​ vijya> "hey, this would be a neat thing for use in tsuki"
L953[22:52:21] <Ez​lar> OSSM?
L954[22:52:43] <bad at​ vijya> open solid state (modules)
L955[22:52:55] <bad at​ vijya> it's on github but uh
L956[22:52:56] <bad at​ vijya> it's broken
L957[22:53:04] <bad at​ vijya> and once i get back into the mood of writing mods
L958[22:53:05] <bad at​ vijya> which is like
L959[22:53:08] <bad at​ vijya> what's happening right now
L960[22:53:17] <bad at​ vijya> i'm gonna make my fuckin common library and start vibin
L961[22:53:33] <Ez​lar> PogU
L962[22:53:45] <bad at​ vijya> wh-what
L963[22:53:53] <bad at​ vijya> what does he mean by this
L964[22:54:39] <Ez​lar> "That sounds cool"
L965[22:54:48] <bad at​ vijya> okay
L966[22:55:03] <bad at​ vijya> anyway, i need to get a few ISOs
L967[22:56:08] <B​ob> p o g
L968[22:56:27] <Gr33d_sc> poggers
L969[22:56:41] <bad at​ vijya> what does this mean
L970[22:56:52] <bad at​ vijya> anyways, finally actually reinstalling arch
L971[22:56:54] <B​ob> funni streamer face
L972[22:57:26] <Ez​lar> What are you running now?
L973[22:59:26] <Gr33d_sc> :0 <-- this is pog but imagine its more excited
L974[22:59:40] <bad at​ vijya> what
L975[22:59:54] <bad at​ vijya> i'm running arch, but it's on my 500GB SATA SSD
L976[23:00:03] <Amanda> Get off Twithc, go outside, stop regurgitating shitty memes.
L977[23:00:08] <Gr33d_sc> :0 <- this is what a pog is
L978[23:00:32] <Gr33d_sc> amanda is pissed
L979[23:00:36] <B​ob> Twitch is eh
L980[23:00:40] <Amanda> Your SNR it soo low.
L981[23:00:45] <Amanda> s/soo/too/
L982[23:00:46] <MichiBot> <Amanda> Your SNR it too low.
L983[23:00:50] <Amanda> s/it/is/
L984[23:00:50] <MichiBot> <Amanda> Your SNR is too low.
L985[23:01:24] <Gr33d_sc> twitch is kinda shitty
L986[23:01:59] <Gr33d_sc> whats yalls fav porn?
L987[23:02:04] <Izaya> twitch is mediocre, but have you considered lainstream
L988[23:02:17] <Ez​lar> Bruh moment
L989[23:02:52] <Amanda> Lizzy, would you do the honours? MAybe Michiyo?
L990[23:03:11] <bad at​ vijya> sigh
L991[23:03:17] <bad at​ vijya> anyways
L992[23:03:34] <Forecaster> %tban Gr33d_sc 24h this is a pg channel.
L993[23:03:35] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@ns514393.ip-167-114-172.net
L994[23:03:36] *** Gr33d_sc was kicked by zsh ((MichiBot) Reason: this is a pg channel. | For: 24h | Expires: 12/24/2020 11:03:35 PM))
L995[23:03:47] <Amanda> did MineOS set us as the default IRC channel again or something? Seems like the second day in a row we got somt stupid kid in here with thta inane bs
L996[23:04:06] <B​ob> time to DMCA MineOS dude
L997[23:04:17] <Michiyo> great time for work to kick up, sorry I missed the ping
L998[23:04:27] <Amanda> no problem, Forecaster took care of it. <3
L999[23:04:36] <Ez​lar> Tis the season for DMCA
L1000[23:04:38] <Michiyo> Indeed, thank you Forecaster
L1001[23:04:50] <Amanda> %choose pizza time?
L1002[23:04:50] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Oh, I've heard about that. You'll want to wait until tomorrow.
L1003[23:04:59] <Amanda> B...but what's for dinner then?
L1004[23:05:07] <Forec​aster> but it is always pizza time D:
L1005[23:05:09] <Izaya> MichiBot.
L1006[23:05:13] <dequbed> Michiyo: I have to admit, sometimes this channel is a two-class society O:)
L1007[23:05:31] <Izaya> the upper class, and Discord users
L1008[23:05:50] <Vampyre> ouch
L1009[23:05:56] <Amanda> Izaya: if I'm understanding The Escapist's programming schedule, I think next week's ZP will be good. It'll be CP2077
L1010[23:05:56] <dequbed> More like people who can make bad porn references and people who .. can't ^^
L1011[23:06:14] <B​ob> 👀
L1012[23:06:28] <Ez​lar> Love me some ZP
L1013[23:06:36] <Izaya> Amanda: what a mess that will be :D
L1014[23:06:39] <Amanda> dequbed: it's different making references, than asking for suggestions
L1015[23:06:43] <bad at​ vijya> but izaya
L1016[23:06:48] <bad at​ vijya> what if i use
L1017[23:06:50] <Izaya> dequbed: needs more formalizaiton and ... physical structure
L1018[23:06:53] <bad_at_vijya> b o t h
L1019[23:07:15] <Izaya> bad_at_vijya: then you're just a traitor :^)
L1020[23:07:15] <Michiyo> dequbed, they started off strong with their first message.. soooo
L1021[23:07:21] <Ez​lar> Quantum state classism
L1022[23:07:29] <Izaya> Amanda: I tried to play some more today
L1023[23:07:48] <Izaya> CPU was sitting on 88°, time travel occured, now it's 3° hotter in this room
L1024[23:07:54] <Izaya> most inconvenient
L1025[23:08:05] <B​ob> alternative discord clients lets go
L1026[23:08:05] <dequbed> Michiyo: Hey hey don't read too much into it. I just push boundaries for fun and am glad that both you and Lizzy let me troll on ^^
L1027[23:08:11] <dequbed> Amanda: sssshhhhhh
L1028[23:09:02] <bad_at_vijya> the best jokes are the ones that fly over the heads of all but the people they were intended for
L1029[23:09:09] <bad_at_vijya> i think i englished good
L1030[23:09:27] <Izaya> bad_at_vijya: I like the ones that if people call you out on them they out themselves too
L1031[23:10:02] <Ez​lar> So if you're reinstalling arch, means you've upgraded storage?
L1032[23:10:13] <Izaya> Bob: alternative clients and client modification is against the Discord EULA and you should feel bad or something
L1033[23:10:25] <Izaya> or is it against the TOS?
L1034[23:10:25] <bad_at_vijya> yes
L1035[23:10:43] <bad_at_vijya> to both questions
L1036[23:10:46] <Ez​lar> What do you have now?
L1037[23:10:58] <bad_at_vijya> 500GB NVMe SSD lmao
L1038[23:11:02] <bad_at_vijya> in my hell build
L1039[23:11:26] <Izaya> was thinking I should get myself an SSD to use as a cache drive for a while
L1040[23:11:28] <B​ob> i am Russian so TOS does not apply to me duh
L1041[23:11:36] <bad_at_vijya> windows has been pushed onto the garbage 128gb drive
L1042[23:11:46] <bad_at_vijya> which is literally a SATA drive as in
L1043[23:11:54] <bad_at_vijya> it goes in the SATA port
L1044[23:12:00] <Izaya> but apparently slapping stuff on my btrfs drive and applying compression solves my complaints anyway
L1045[23:12:00] <bad_at_vijya> not even an M.2 SATA drive
L1046[23:12:04] <dequbed> Michiyo: Also I /was/ tempted to answer to that hotdogs question but I think I would have made it worse :P
L1047[23:12:16] <Ez​lar> I'm still stuck on those myself
L1048[23:12:16] <bad_at_vijya> oh
L1049[23:12:35] <bad_at_vijya> dequbed: the answer is--[shot]
L1050[23:12:36] <Ez​lar> Looking forward to upgrades next year
L1051[23:12:39] <Izaya> is there any advantage to M.2 SATA over normal SATA, if you're not constrained for space?
L1052[23:12:56] <bad_at_vijya> Izaya: well i'm constrained for space
L1053[23:13:11] <Ez​lar> What card is that in the build?
L1054[23:13:16] <Ez​lar> And also what case?
L1055[23:13:23] <bad_at_vijya> remember, i had to take a saw to the case to get the watercooler to fit
L1056[23:13:32] <bad_at_vijya> 1060 6gb
L1057[23:13:41] <bad_at_vijya> it's enough for the games i play
L1058[23:13:43] <Izaya> tell me it's sticking out of the top of the case now like an absurd intake on a car
L1059[23:13:49] <bad_at_vijya> it is not
L1060[23:13:52] <Izaya> 1060 is f a s t innit
L1061[23:13:57] <bad_at_vijya> 1060 is
L1062[23:14:00] <bad_at_vijya> pretty fast
L1063[23:14:04] <Izaya> at least as good as the 580
L1064[23:14:13] <Izaya> or like, about the same?
L1065[23:14:19] <bad_at_vijya> i haven't used a 580
L1066[23:14:26] <Ez​lar> What the Rx 580?
L1067[23:14:27] <bad_at_vijya> and which 580 are we talking about
L1068[23:14:33] <Izaya> yeah RX 580
L1069[23:14:36] <bad_at_vijya> yeah
L1070[23:14:39] <bad_at_vijya> haven't used one
L1071[23:14:43] <bad_at_vijya> uhhh
L1072[23:14:47] <Ez​lar> Hmm don't think it's up to that par
L1073[23:14:47] <bad_at_vijya> anyways, as for the specs
L1074[23:15:01] <bad_at_vijya> - Ryzen 9 3900XT
L1075[23:15:06] <Izaya> tfw you win the silicon lottery and manage to abuse your 580 into running at the clock speeds of a stock 590
L1076[23:15:10] <bad_at_vijya> - 32GB of DDR4-3200
L1077[23:15:19] <bad_at_vijya> - GTX 1060 6GB
L1078[23:15:30] <bad_at_vijya> - 500GB NVMe SSD
L1079[23:15:37] <bad_at_vijya> - 128GB SATA SSD
L1080[23:15:44] <bad_at_vijya> - 128GB M.2 SATA SSD
L1081[23:15:58] <bad_at_vijya> - 3TB 5940RPM HDD
L1082[23:16:01] <Izaya> does your board have two M.2 slots?
L1083[23:16:04] <bad_at_vijya> - 2TB 7200RPM HDD
L1084[23:16:07] <bad_at_vijya> yes
L1085[23:16:09] <Izaya> fancy
L1086[23:16:21] <bad_at_vijya> actually it has three, but the other one is for wifi/bluetooth
L1087[23:16:31] <Izaya> ah, waiting to be liberated
L1088[23:16:43] <bad_at_vijya> it also has like 5 SATA ports for some ungodly reason
L1089[23:16:47] <Izaya> 5?
L1090[23:16:48] <Ez​lar> Didn't realise they made adapters for those in m.2 format
L1091[23:16:49] <Izaya> wtf
L1092[23:16:55] <bad_at_vijya> yes
L1093[23:16:55] <bad_at_vijya> 5
L1094[23:17:00] <bad_at_vijya> i can't find the 6th
L1095[23:17:12] <Izaya> not sideways on the edge of the board?
L1096[23:17:18] <bad_at_vijya> 4 are sideways
L1097[23:17:22] <bad_at_vijya> 1 is straight up
L1098[23:17:22] <Izaya> alternatively, eSATA?
L1099[23:17:41] <bad_at_vijya> sadly, no eSATA
L1100[23:17:46] <Izaya> wonky
L1101[23:17:50] <Ez​lar> The Ryz9 is h u g e btw
L1102[23:17:54] <bad_at_vijya> do have USB-C
L1103[23:18:05] <Izaya> maybe they have 8 SATA connections total and 3 go to the M.2 slots
L1104[23:18:15] <bad_at_vijya> yeah but like
L1105[23:18:24] <bad_at_vijya> one isn't for storage
L1106[23:18:35] <bad_at_vijya> so where the fuck the last SATA connection goes is beyond me
L1107[23:18:50] <bad_at_vijya> anyways
L1108[23:19:02] <bad_at_vijya> 11gb update
L1109[23:19:03] <bad_at_vijya> here we go
L1110[23:20:26] <Ez​lar> Ohboy.png
L1111[23:20:29] <bad_at_vijya> also i got more HDD space than advertised
L1112[23:20:42] <bad_at_vijya> so that's nice
L1113[23:20:46] <bad_at_vijya> 4 drives
L1114[23:20:50] <bad_at_vijya> instead of 3
L1115[23:21:06] <bad_at_vijya> tho it was supposed to somehow be 3x3.5inch drives
L1116[23:21:11] <bad_at_vijya> i can only fit 2
L1117[23:21:15] <bad_at_vijya> dunno what they were smoking
L1118[23:21:41] <bad_at_vijya> i can also fit 2x2.5inch tho
L1119[23:24:50] <Ez​lar> Really maximizing the space huh
L1120[23:27:23] <Izaya> jesus christ
L1121[23:27:40] <Izaya> grandad brought down a 24-pack of that terrible 4x beer
L1122[23:27:49] <Izaya> don't know how to break it to him that I don't drink beer
L1123[23:28:07] <dequbed> Izaya: But there's also *good* beer
L1124[23:28:11] <Ez​lar> Struth
L1125[23:28:51] <bad_at_vijya> in a shocking turn of events
L1126[23:28:58] <bad_at_vijya> i'm a dumbass
L1127[23:28:59] <Izaya> dequbed: I concede that there is bearable beer
L1128[23:29:06] <Izaya> not sure I'd go as far as "good"
L1129[23:29:16] <bad_at_vijya> Izaya: the mystery last SATA port is right beside the other one facing up
L1130[23:29:24] <dequbed> Izaya: I'll let you say that when you've been to the Delirium in Amsterdam ;)
L1131[23:29:39] <Izaya> bad_at_vijya: lmao
L1132[23:29:42] <Izaya> hiding in plain sight
L1133[23:30:00] <Izaya> dequbed: the palatable beer was from europe so it seems more likely there than heer
L1134[23:30:01] <Izaya> here
L1135[23:30:19] <Izaya> but I maintain that any drink with an aftertast of bread is at least a little wrong
L1136[23:30:45] <bad_at_vijya> also
L1137[23:30:53] <bad_at_vijya> my case is so garbage i can't even plug the SSD in
L1138[23:30:56] <bad_at_vijya> amazing/10
L1139[23:31:04] <Izaya> nice
L1140[23:31:09] <Izaya> dumpster dive a 90s tower server case
L1141[23:31:16] <Izaya> downsides: no USB support
L1142[23:31:16] <Vampyre> Izaya, visit belgium, I'm sure they will get you a beer you'll love
L1143[23:31:26] <Izaya> upside: turbo button, bigger than EATX
L1144[23:31:47] <bad_at_vijya> izaya
L1145[23:31:49] <bad_at_vijya> i need my smol pc
L1146[23:32:36] <bad_at_vijya> i just need one that wasn't designed by a moron
L1147[23:32:39] <dequbed> Vampyre: The Delirium has a /lot/ of Belgian beers. And at least one good one ;)
L1148[23:32:59] <Vampyre> heh, see?
L1149[23:33:06] ⇨ Joins: Boop (~Boop@user-5-173-16-238.play-internet.pl)
L1150[23:33:07] <Vampyre> Delirium is a good name for a pub too
L1151[23:33:17] <bad_at_vijya> anyways, i have to throw a bunch of stuff back into my old PC
L1152[23:33:22] <Boop> Hi
L1153[23:33:24] <bad_at_vijya> so i can do one last thing to my arch drive
L1154[23:33:29] <bad_at_vijya> well my old arch drive
L1155[23:33:52] <dequbed> Vampyre: Especially if it prides itself for having 500+ beers. (They literally have a ring binder as menu)
L1156[23:34:02] <bad_at_vijya> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1M count=10
L1157[23:34:05] <Vampyre> nice
L1158[23:34:13] <Izaya> consider also
L1159[23:34:13] <dequbed> If you're ever in Amsterdam (and are old enough to drink), do visit. It's a very nice bar.
L1160[23:34:15] <Izaya> blkdiscard
L1161[23:34:20] <bad_at_vijya> wait what
L1162[23:34:21] <Vampyre> euh
L1163[23:34:32] <Vampyre> I live in Amsterdam and never heared of it actually :-p
L1164[23:34:37] <Izaya> it tells the SSD to discard the blocks
L1165[23:34:48] <Vampyre> I'm more a Minds goe-r
L1166[23:35:05] <Izaya> if they haven't been written, the SSD won't bother to read them
L1167[23:35:11] <Izaya> it'll just return a blank sector
L1168[23:35:12] <dequbed> Vampyre: Well there's one for the bucket list when bars are open again ;)
L1169[23:35:23] <Izaya> and if they're written, they're fully rewritten, because flash
L1170[23:35:24] <bad_at_vijya> neat
L1171[23:35:45] <Izaya> I think it can work on HDDs too?
L1172[23:35:46] <Vampyre> oh, pier heijn kade, used to live close by too
L1173[23:35:55] <Vampyre> yah, will visit ;-)
L1174[23:35:58] <Izaya> might just ignore the commands though
L1175[23:36:04] <Amanda> %choose halucinate or games
L1176[23:36:04] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I've heard "halucinate" is in these days
L1177[23:36:24] <Vampyre> halucianata AND game?
L1178[23:36:48] <bad_at_vijya> lsd
L1179[23:37:46] ⇦ Quits: Boop (~Boop@user-5-173-16-238.play-internet.pl) (Quit: Boop)
L1180[23:38:08] <bad_at_vijya> too lazy to put the GTX 1060 back in
L1181[23:38:10] <bad_at_vijya> it requires like
L1182[23:38:15] <bad_at_vijya> plugging in PCIe power
L1183[23:38:22] <bad_at_vijya> so i threw my 730 in
L1184[23:38:25] <dequbed> Amanda: Play more games! \o/
L1185[23:38:27] <Ez​lar> I really enjoy my fractal meshify c, that's a small case with good design
L1186[23:38:36] <Ez​lar> Could look into that
L1187[23:38:37] <bad_at_vijya> 'cause i'm just nuking an SSD
L1188[23:38:45] <bad_at_vijya> glass is bloat
L1189[23:38:52] <bad_at_vijya> glass is weight
L1190[23:38:57] <bad_at_vijya> sheet metal case
L1191[23:39:15] * Izaya gives bad_at_vijya the Antec Super Lanboy
L1192[23:39:26] <Ez​lar> Pick your poison I suppose
L1193[23:39:37] <Izaya> aluminium, except for the plastic window
L1194[23:39:53] <Vampyre> aluminium with a Lian Li label
L1195[23:39:57] <bad at​ vijya> is it mini atx
L1196[23:40:42] <Izaya> full ATX, but smol
L1197[23:40:53] <Izaya> not long enough for a GTX 690
L1198[23:40:54] <bad at​ vijya> too big--wtf
L1199[23:41:18] <Izaya> it's from like 2003
L1200[23:41:24] <Ez​lar> That's fine '00 stank
L1201[23:41:26] <Izaya> the voodoo 4 was a joke
L1202[23:41:34] <Ez​lar> That's some '00 stank [Edited]
L1203[23:41:36] <Izaya> nobody actually expected the bitchin' fast 3D
L1204[23:42:02] <Ez​lar> Is your current build mATX?
L1205[23:42:14] <Ez​lar> Doesn't seem it
L1206[23:48:30] <Elfi> I've been reading up on Amiga graphics and... cripes
L1207[23:53:43] <bad_at_vijya> - lightwhat
L1208[23:53:44] <bad_at_vijya> who
L1209[23:53:56] <bad_at_vijya> also wow that message had an old message in it
L1210[23:56:23] <bad_at_vijya> now i can actually put my SSD in
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