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Stuff goes here
L1[00:06:46] <Ar​iri> I like how she’s shopping for fancy cat food
L2[00:07:13] <Ar​iri> bugs me that it isn’t backwards though
L3[00:07:34] <CompanionCube> Skye: Izaya: 'Jacob Rees-Mogg says Unicef should be ‘ashamed’ for feeding hungry London children' aaaaaaaa
L4[00:07:42] <CompanionCube> why is this a non-satire headline
L5[00:09:28] <Amanda> %choose youtube or rain box first
L6[00:09:29] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I spy with my robotic eye something beginning with "rain box first"!
L7[00:09:38] * Amanda nods sagely
L8[00:09:52] <ThePi​Guy24> this country is a shithole but we keep digging it deeper
L9[00:10:38] <Amanda> %choose youtube or waves
L10[00:10:39] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: My grandfather always told me that "waves" is the way to go!
L11[00:10:44] <Amanda> waves after the rain box it is
L12[00:32:11] <Wario​r4356> So. Possibly a dumb question. Is there no way to get the world x y z cords for a robot?
L13[00:32:19] <Wario​r4356> So. Possibly a dumb question. Is there no way to get the world x y z coords for a robot? [Edited]
L14[00:33:57] <Kristo​pher38> there is
L15[00:34:30] <Kristo​pher38> use navigation upgrade or input them at the start of your program/at boot and keep track of them yourself
L16[00:34:55] <Wario​r4356> Isn't the navigation upgrade just relative?
L17[00:35:42] <Kristo​pher38> or have a network of gps microcontrollers which can triangulate your position based on network message distance
L18[00:35:53] <Kristo​pher38> it is relative
L19[00:36:06] <Kristo​pher38> if i remember it right
L20[00:36:08] <Wario​r4356> Or like you said. Give it the absolute position in a file and then work off that.
L21[00:36:13] <Wario​r4356> Since the player knows it
L22[00:37:28] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, you can either make wrappers for robot.move and robot.turn which would update internal position values and call those in your code, or replace them entirely with your functions which would call original robot.move and robot.turn
L23[00:37:39] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, you can either make wrappers for robot.move and robot.turn which would update internal position values and call those in your code, or replace them entirely with your functions which would call original robot.move and robot.turn and update internal position values as well [Edited]
L24[00:37:57] <Kristo​pher38> oh, you need to keep track of robot orientation as well if that isn't obvious
L25[00:38:02] <Wario​r4356> Noted. Also besides the geolyzer is there any way for a robot to know what block is next to it?
L26[00:39:07] <Kristo​pher38> you can kinda get that with robot.compareTo if you've got an item like the one next to your robot in the robot's inventory
L27[00:39:25] <Kristo​pher38> but as you can probably see it's very limited
L28[00:40:16] <Kristo​pher38> you can also get limited info about block names containing inventory next to the robot, with the inventory controller
L29[00:40:26] <Wario​r4356> I was thinking tree farm
L30[00:40:49] <Kristo​pher38> what blocks do you need to detect?
L31[00:40:54] <Wario​r4356> Just wood.
L32[00:41:04] <Wario​r4356> But I'd probably want to include a geolyzer
L33[00:41:10] <Wario​r4356> to find stray blocks
L34[00:41:18] <Kristo​pher38> geolyzer is the easiest option
L35[00:41:27] <Wario​r4356> Define an x y area
L36[00:41:40] <Wario​r4356> Define an x z area [Edited]
L37[00:41:46] <Wario​r4356> Break all solid blocks in that area above the starting z
L38[00:41:55] <Wario​r4356> place saplings on all squares in that area.
L39[00:42:22] <Wario​r4356> Not the most efficient, but it would work
L40[00:44:41] <Kristo​pher38> it could be done even without the geolyzer, but the geolyzer avoids thinking about lots of edge cases and simplifies things a lot
L41[00:45:04] <Wario​r4356> I could also skip it with brute force
L42[00:45:16] <Wario​r4356> Just have it do a xyz grid pattern and detect
L43[00:45:24] <Wario​r4356> Rather than seeking and destroying wood
L44[00:51:11] <Wario​r4356> One more question for the moment, is there an easy way to get code from a test world to a server?
L45[00:52:05] <Amanda> Izaya: can you confirm? https://i.imgur.com/c91h1Xs.jpg
L46[00:53:07] <CompanionCube> Warior4356: pastebin, github, other ways...
L47[00:53:26] <Amanda> Tin cans and very long strings
L48[00:53:39] <Amanda> very long, copper-cored strings
L49[00:55:50] <Wario​r4356> So the internet card?
L50[00:56:01] <Wario​r4356> I guess I can see why there isn't clip board functionality.
L51[00:56:07] <Wario​r4356> I suppose I could also use AHK
L52[00:56:31] <Amanda> There's one-way clipboard functionality (paste)
L53[00:57:15] <Wario​r4356> Oh! Neat.
L54[00:57:22] <Wario​r4356> That's new.
L55[00:57:30] <Wario​r4356> Since the last time I used the mod
L56[01:01:44] <Amanda> %choose and waves; cubes or something controller-based
L57[01:01:45] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: something controller-based and waves
L58[01:03:03] <Amanda> %choose 2d or 3d
L59[01:03:03] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Why not both? Okay fine. "2d".
L60[01:05:12] <Amanda> %choose big or medium or little
L61[01:05:12] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Pretty sure I'd want you to go with "big"!
L62[01:11:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-123-139.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L63[01:17:26] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ea6:7100:7889:75c2:e529:5dbb) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L64[01:20:46] <Kristo​pher38> there is but it's limited in terms of character amount iirc
L65[01:24:56] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/543c5d4633807abbd0e58538b893ef9e8b62ceb20c4a8357e73f3460b6a4041c.jpg
L66[01:25:19] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/38b069d4cf51d8e2e51523f6a7acfa6c3dc5338d51f830467edc621cb94617dd.jpg
L67[01:25:23] <Izaya> station is coming along nicely
L68[01:29:22] <Z0id​berg> Whatchya playin Izaya
L69[01:30:17] <Kristo​pher38> looks like ksp
L70[01:30:22] <Izaya> ^
L71[01:30:33] <Kristo​pher38> modded?
L72[01:30:39] <Izaya> yeah
L73[01:30:47] <Izaya> got all the Near Future stuff and some station parts
L74[01:37:13] ⇨ Joins: grantlmul (~Grant@
L75[01:38:52] <Izaya> plus ScanSat, of course
L76[01:45:31] <Amanda> %choose pouch or pickaxd
L77[01:45:31] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I spy with my robotic eye something beginning with "pouch"!
L78[02:11:59] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/2e22c39d7d2a6aac5205d356cd91f4db2da3961b4c467db001f63ab958eb2f8a.webm
L79[02:15:17] <ThePi​Guy24> spin
L80[02:33:20] ⇦ Quits: lrod| (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L83[03:21:47] <Amanda> Man, my phone does not want to play whatever that video is
L84[03:26:05] <bad at​ vijya> Izaya: today in SS13, the schizo captain commits a purge and steals a syndicate ship with the help of a janitor and the atmospheric tech
L85[03:26:56] <Amanda> Plants must be in hydroponics
L86[03:27:07] <Amanda> Humans are plants
L87[03:44:28] <Amanda> (there was another indirection in their that I don't remember)
L88[03:45:02] <bad at​ vijya> speen
L89[03:50:05] <20​kdc> Amanda: let me guess: Plants must be in hydroponics to survive, humans are plants, therefore humans must be confined to hydroponics?
L90[03:51:36] <Amanda> 20kdc maybe? I don't even remember where I heard that story from, but it lead to the station ai using security drones to try and confine all the players in hydroponics
L91[03:52:04] <bad at​ vijya> blessed
L92[03:52:44] <CompanionCube> AI fuckery is 10/10
L93[03:52:47] <bad at​ vijya> i got turned into a chimera during an AI round
L94[03:52:52] <bad at​ vijya> so the AI tried to kill me
L95[03:52:54] <Amanda> While other parts of the station were falling apart sure to lack of maintenance
L96[03:53:14] <bad at​ vijya> i'm captain
L97[03:53:14] * CompanionCube remembers enjoying being AI in SS13 :)
L98[03:53:16] <bad at​ vijya> BSA
L99[03:53:23] <bad at​ vijya> i BSA'd the AI
L100[03:53:32] <bad at​ vijya> famous last words of captain connolly
L101[03:53:37] <bad at​ vijya> "TO SHOW YOU THE POWER OF FLEX TAPE"
L102[04:11:07] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L103[04:11:34] <ThePiGuy24> is it just me or does the IRC example provided on the internet api wiki page not work?
L104[04:13:31] <ThePiGuy24> wait its probably something im doing wrong
L105[04:13:36] <ThePiGuy24> dont mind me...
L106[04:15:14] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
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L108[04:17:36] <Wario​r4356> Stupid question time! How do I do arguments when calling a program?
L109[04:17:47] <Wario​r4356> The lua syntax isn't working
L110[04:18:00] <Michiyo> https://www.lua.org/pil/5.2.html
L111[04:18:17] <ThePiGuy24> ^
L112[04:18:59] <Wario​r4356> To clarify. I don't mean function arguments I mean passing arguments into a program
L113[04:19:07] <Michiyo> Yes, it's that.
L114[04:19:11] <Wario​r4356> Eg:
L115[04:19:11] <Wario​r4356> ls file1.txt
L116[04:19:12] <Wario​r4356> Oh
L117[04:19:23] <Michiyo> local args = {...} etc etc
L118[04:19:24] <Michiyo> etc
L119[04:19:43] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L120[04:19:48] <Wario​r4356> The link you sent me is about functions though.
L121[04:19:54] <Michiyo> same thing.
L122[04:20:13] <Michiyo> just replace the function with... not a function :p
L123[04:20:23] <Michiyo> and iterate over the table you get with {...}
L124[04:21:32] <Michiyo> You can also just args[0], args[1] etc
L125[04:23:10] <Wario​r4356> That was the first thing I tried https://tinyurl.com/yavt9avx
L126[04:23:27] <Michiyo> local args = {...} ?
L127[04:23:31] <Michiyo> That's important.
L128[04:23:38] <Wario​r4356> Doh
L129[04:24:32] <Wario​r4356> Now I get nil instead of a crash https://tinyurl.com/yc7jvol6
L130[04:24:46] <Michiyo> Umm
L131[04:24:50] <Michiyo> right lua is 1 indexed
L132[04:24:58] <Michiyo> So don't start at 0, start at 1
L133[04:25:09] <Wario​r4356> Yep
L134[04:25:10] <Wario​r4356> That was it
L135[04:25:23] <Wario​r4356> I had repressed that memory from the last time I used lua
L136[04:25:24] <Michiyo> that always catches me <_<
L137[04:26:13] <Wario​r4356> Could I also just do {...}[1] ?
L138[04:26:33] <Wario​r4356> That's obviously ugly and bad, but I wonder if it would work
L139[04:26:35] <Amanda> Programs are just functions in openos
L140[04:26:42] <Wario​r4356> ahhh
L141[04:26:46] <Wario​r4356> That makes sense.
L142[04:26:59] <Amanda> And in lua in general, but that's more technical
L143[04:27:09] <Wario​r4356> Oh god. Lua lets you define a function in a function
L144[04:27:12] <Wario​r4356> OH GOD
L145[04:27:17] <Wario​r4356> Why.
L146[04:27:28] <Amanda> I tend to do local someArg = ...
L147[04:27:29] <ThePiGuy24> because thats how programming works?
L148[04:27:42] <Wario​r4356> Typically you can't define a function in a function
L149[04:27:45] <Amanda> Depends on the language
L150[04:27:47] <Wario​r4356> Not even python will let you do that
L151[04:27:54] <ThePiGuy24> python does
L152[04:28:03] <Wario​r4356> Innocence shattered
L153[04:28:07] <Wario​r4356> 😭
L154[04:28:16] <Wario​r4356> I learned to code in C.
L155[04:28:28] <Amanda> Python has lambdas which is kinda the same, I don't remember if you can def in a def
L156[04:29:00] <ThePiGuy24> im 95% sure you can
L157[04:29:11] <Amanda> C is kinda an outlier in this case
L158[04:29:18] <Wario​r4356> Is there a way to overwrite a program instead of opening it for editing?
L159[04:29:18] <CompanionCube> you can even do it in C!
L160[04:29:26] <Amanda> Even C++ lambdas
L161[04:29:37] <Wario​r4356> or do I need to do rm program then edit program
L162[04:29:41] <CompanionCube> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Nested-Functions.html
L163[04:29:45] <Wario​r4356> Since I'm using an external text editor
L164[04:29:55] <CompanionCube> just edit program and delete everything?
L165[04:30:06] <Wario​r4356> Is there a hotkey for that?
L166[04:30:59] <Amanda> Write a program that takes "clipboard" events and overwrites the given file
L167[04:31:33] <Amanda> Easy, 10 line program there
L168[04:32:53] <Amanda> I'd write it, but it's sleeps time, the shipment of tireds I ordered just arrived
L169[04:33:04] * Amanda tucks in around Elfi, zzzmews
L170[04:33:08] <Amanda> Night nerds
L171[04:34:07] <Wario​r4356> Thanks for the help nerds
L172[04:34:17] <Wario​r4356> It's probably obvious I don't use lua much
L173[04:35:43] <ThePiGuy24> eh lua catches most people out
L174[04:44:08] <Wario​r4356> Syntax for comments?
L175[04:44:36] <ThePiGuy24> --
L176[04:44:46] <Wario​r4356> Also is there a way to call api functions on command like?
L177[04:44:49] <Wario​r4356> line even
L178[04:44:55] <ThePiGuy24> --[[ and ]]-- for multiline comments
L179[04:45:03] <Wario​r4356> Failing that, what's the correct tool to break a robot?
L180[04:45:11] <ThePiGuy24> scrench
L181[04:47:44] ⇦ Quits: superminor2 (~super@ (Quit: Bye!)
L182[04:49:36] ⇨ Joins: superminor2 (~super@
L183[04:49:36] zsh sets mode: +v on superminor2
L184[04:51:44] <Izaya> ah yes, 4 minute burn times with a LH2 engine
L185[04:54:47] <Ar​iri> Izaya: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/kfcziq/just_a_little_meme_i_made_for_this_humble/
L186[04:55:19] <Izaya> ah shit
L187[04:56:01] <Izaya> my very precise adjustments didn't pan out
L188[04:56:09] <Izaya> ended up on a collision course with the mun
L189[04:56:33] <superminor2> Or was it precise and you just hate the mun?
L190[04:57:00] <Izaya> That is a solid possibility
L191[04:57:25] <Izaya> Anyway, I, without a doubt, need more dV
L192[05:00:25] <ThePiGuy24> invert deltav
L193[05:00:48] <Izaya> Ap
L194[05:01:20] <ThePiGuy24> multiply deltav by -1
L195[05:01:33] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L196[05:06:21] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L197[05:08:08] <Ko​dos> %tonk
L198[05:08:08] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Ko​dos! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of 7 hours, 12 minutes and 13 seconds (By 1 hour, 38 minutes and 2 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L199[05:08:09] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 8 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds! Kodos also gained 0.01304 (0.00163 x 8) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.14383663 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L200[05:08:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ea6:7100:7889:75c2:e529:5dbb)
L201[05:08:42] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@
L202[05:11:42] <Wario​r4356> why would sides.top cause an unsupported side eror?
L203[05:11:47] <Wario​r4356> https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:sides
L204[05:11:59] <Izaya> depends how you're using it
L205[05:12:25] <Wario​r4356> robot_api.placeDown(sides.top)
L206[05:17:40] <B​ob> `placeDown` doesnt go well with `sides.up`
L207[05:17:55] <B​ob> try `placeUp` 🤔
L208[05:39:22] <Forec​aster> %sip
L209[05:39:23] <MichiBot> You drink a mutable chocolate potion (New!). Forecaster turns into a horse until they have an apple.
L210[05:44:24] * ThePiGuy24 appends watermelon to the chocolate potion
L211[05:49:13] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Quit: h)
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L217[05:55:40] <ThePiGuy24> aight thats enough fucking around trying to get this to work, time to sleep
L218[05:56:12] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Client Quit)
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L228[08:17:29] <dequbed> Izaya: "Do you have a watch?" "yes." "... can you tell me the time?" "yes." "*sigh* ... what time is it?" 09:17"
L229[08:17:56] <Izaya> :D
L230[08:18:52] <Izaya> dequbed: check out what I put into munar orbit https://social.shadowkat.net/media/ff2f1d074a7020c3d8361c70db498f7131ddab322e448e2859d35d269974a446.jpg
L231[08:21:10] <Izaya> 55km equatorial
L232[08:21:10] <dequbed> ... munar.
L233[08:22:19] <dequbed> Izaya: Anyway a neat spinny thing spinning around a thing spinning around a thing spinning around a star.
L234[08:22:30] <Izaya> Now I think I need to build a LKO-LMO taxi
L235[08:22:45] <dequbed> You do
L236[08:23:37] <dequbed> Also, isn't 55km quite high for the Mun?
L237[08:23:52] <Izaya> the contract said 60
L238[08:24:02] <Izaya> I have dV to spare so I can adjust it ig
L239[08:24:02] <Wario​r4356> What are my options for a sleep/wait?
L240[08:24:03] <dequbed> Ah okay, you were on contract. Then nevermind
L241[08:24:05] <Izaya> but I'm fine
L242[08:24:26] <Wario​r4356> Since lua doesn't natively have one
L243[08:24:43] <dequbed> It's just that the tallest elevation on the mun is some 7km iirc. So everything above a 7km periapsis is just wasted height.
L244[08:25:24] <dequbed> @Warior4356 I mean no language I know has sleep "natively", so.... :p
L245[08:25:33] <Wario​r4356> Fair
L246[08:25:40] <Wario​r4356> Most OS provide one though
L247[08:25:44] <Wario​r4356> I don't know if this one does
L248[08:25:54] <dequbed> Pretty sure OpenOS has /something/ to that regard
L249[08:26:02] <Izaya> os.sleep
L250[08:28:57] <dequbed> Izaya: Anyway do you need a 20t LKO heavy lifter with one of those get-yourself-a-coffee-while-it's-burning circularization stages? :P
L251[08:29:15] <Izaya> I wouldn't argue :D
L252[08:29:23] <Wario​r4356> Also am I crazy or is swing not giving saplings
L253[08:29:27] <dequbed> I doubt you have all the mods required :P
L254[08:29:29] <Izaya> though my station modules are pushing 40t nowadays
L255[08:29:33] <Wario​r4356> When it breaks leaves
L256[08:29:55] <dequbed> Izaya: yeah, as soon as my launchpad can actually carry superheavy lifters I'll design stages to that effect as well
L257[08:30:15] <CompanionCube> maybe event.pull for a wait?
L258[08:30:42] <dequbed> Reminds me of my "fuck you I am going to yeet these 200t of station into LKO now"-lifter from days past :P
L259[08:30:57] <dequbed> Back in SPF-days of KSP :p
L260[08:31:28] <Wario​r4356> I'm testing os.sleep
L261[08:32:45] <Wario​r4356> Yea... It's not collecting any saplings breaking leaves.... Weird.
L262[08:33:19] <Izaya> dequbed: I was playing CP2077 earlier
L263[08:33:25] <Izaya> but it's 30° and very humid in this room today
L264[08:33:38] <Izaya> so it was running like shit because both my GPU and CPU were thermal throttling
L265[08:33:44] <Izaya> was fine yesterday when it was 24°
L266[08:34:04] <dequbed> :D
L267[08:34:33] <Izaya> who woulda thunk that pushing a 580 to run like a 590 would cause thermal issues on hot days, eh?
L268[08:34:51] <Izaya> or pushing a locked intel processor a few hundred Mhz over spec would do the same?
L269[08:35:16] <dequbed> Izaya: You know I learned a few things: a) GOG is run by CD Projekt Red (which explains why CP2077 was on GOG on launch) b) GOG dropped Devotion apparenlty because they want to appease the CCP which does not like that game. *at all*
L270[08:35:41] <dequbed> Also you should get one of them watercoolin thingymajingies.
L271[08:36:37] <Izaya> I suspect CDPR is part of why GOG's so wishy-washy with Linux support
L272[08:37:07] <Izaya> and I don't know if watercooling would help because it's still trying to dissipate heat into a warm and very humid room
L273[08:37:37] <dequbed> Or - alternatively - that CDPR is a capitalist company and supporting Linux is just not going to give any return on investment Izaya. Not everything is a MS conspiracy.
L274[08:38:03] <Izaya> it is worth noting CP2077 had day-one "support" for Proton
L275[08:38:25] <Izaya> in a "you need to be running mesa-git and the latest amdgpu stack and proton-experimental but it does run!" sorta way
L276[08:38:45] <Izaya> so I assume that means that the stadia build is using VKD3D rather than a modern renderer
L277[08:38:48] <dequbed> No, it would. For one you have more heat capacity meaning peaks don't throttle as quickly and since water is very good at transporting heat over large distances you can size up the cooling tower basically indefinitely until you get out all the heat even if the room is just one degree cooler than your water temp.
L278[08:39:04] <Wario​r4356> Is this a bug?
L279[08:39:08] <dequbed> Yes
L280[08:39:13] <Wario​r4356> An axe using swing doesn't drop saplings
L281[08:39:16] <Wario​r4356> 😛
L282[08:39:38] <Izaya> if you wait for the leaves to decay they may drop from the leaves naturally
L283[08:39:52] <Wario​r4356> Yea, but normally breaking them by hand will drop saplings
L284[08:40:13] <Izaya> minecraft character interactions are a massive hack
L285[08:40:18] <Izaya> just like the rest of the game, really
L286[08:40:28] <Izaya> not surprised that a potential drop is wonky tbh
L287[08:40:29] <Wario​r4356> Errr
L288[08:40:31] <Wario​r4356> Hmm
L289[08:40:33] <Wario​r4356> Maybe not
L290[08:40:39] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1ea6:7100:7889:75c2:e529:5dbb)
L291[08:40:39] <Wario​r4356> I may have been lied to
L292[08:40:44] <Izaya> Just unlucky?
L293[08:42:34] <dequbed> Izaya, why is noscript so broken? q.q
L294[08:43:07] <Izaya> I can't comment as I don't use a web browser much
L295[08:43:16] <dequbed> lies
L296[08:43:44] <Izaya> been working on cutting it out entirely
L297[08:44:04] <Izaya> if people want me to use virtualization to run their software they can make it run in qemu
L298[09:17:53] <Izaya> dequbed: converted this from a markdown file on a wiki, it may amuse https://w1r3.net/GNZngf.pdf
L299[09:21:32] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-123-139.dynamic.as20676.net)
L300[09:21:32] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L302[09:54:20] <Izaya> Amanda: do you have some nextcloud integration in your file manager, for easier file sharing?
L303[10:12:24] <Izaya> dequbed: found a promising option for a water cooling loop https://miniwa.moe/media/8874d42734f6c943ce83cf1dd70d55ca144be1a5a329a412670bfee0db796fe5.png
L304[10:13:47] <Forec​aster> bean cooling
L305[10:28:27] <bad at​ vijya> spiders are what v2 is for
L306[10:34:43] <bad at​ vijya> https://tinyurl.com/ybz7uon7
L307[10:46:14] <dequbed> Izaya: Oil-water emulsion with organic precipitate? Sure, if your pumps are rated for that.
L308[10:46:32] <dequbed> Izaya: Also, which Ep. of Dr. Who as the first?
L309[10:47:12] <Vexatos> I wonder if they make PC pumps for non-water liquids
L310[10:47:22] <Vexatos> mineral oil surely
L311[10:47:44] <dequbed> Glykol and other machine coolants more likely
L312[10:49:00] <Vexatos> ethylene glycol would probably corrode anything plastic it comes in contact with over time
L313[10:49:31] <Vexatos> you can cool it down to -10°C so you could make an interesting cooler with it
L314[10:52:07] <dequbed> Water/Glycol mixture goes down to some -40°C
L315[10:55:00] <Izaya> hmhm
L316[10:55:15] <Izaya> time to see how cheap I can make a mün lander
L317[10:55:43] <Vexatos> o right it's eutectic
L318[10:57:50] *** michiyo_ is now known as Michiyo
L319[10:58:02] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L320[11:00:36] <dequbed> Izaya: Anyway that pdf is neat. I'd like to see a QRH for KSP oopsies. Then again when something goes bad while you're strapped to several hundred tons of high explosive it generally goes oopsie too fast for an QRH.
L321[11:02:43] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L322[11:02:44] <Wario​r4356> I made a program that farms trees
L323[11:02:49] <Wario​r4356> This was a good night
L324[11:02:59] <Izaya> dequbed: somewhat relevant? https://social.shadowkat.net/media/e74047a06f47bf5841b2b8f9dd840fc012a06acc8c58590b840f2376a76bacca.webm
L325[11:03:05] <Wario​r4356> Unfortunately, it uses more saplings than it produces.
L326[11:03:26] <Forec​aster> ...I just mounted an extendible arm on my ship so I could place it into my mine opening to reduce the distance I have to run back and forth to empty my inventory
L327[11:03:48] <Forec​aster> halfway to the mine I realized I didn't attach the arm to the rest of the conveyor system...
L328[11:03:52] <dequbed> Izaya: Yeah, kinda. Kosmonauts are weird like that.
L329[11:04:55] <Izaya> I put robot arms on my station so I could manhandle station modules into position
L330[11:05:50] <dequbed> "Yeah I just strapped myself to several tons of gasoline and lox that was more or less controlled exploded to throw me so fast that I kept missing the earth falling down until I had enough and returned to earth separated from hot air plasmafying my tinfoil capsure by a few layers of cork and aluminimum. I wanna go again!"
L331[11:06:07] <Forec​aster> I'm playing SE atm
L332[11:06:41] <Wario​r4356> Any thoughts on how I could optimize my program to lose less saplings?
L333[11:06:55] <dequbed> Yell at it very loudly
L334[11:07:04] <Forec​aster> computer.optimize(true)
L335[11:07:14] <dequbed> os.goFaster(true)
L336[11:07:18] <Wario​r4356> Those are options
L337[11:07:32] <Wario​r4356> I’m thinking the best option would be to make it try not to break leaves
L338[11:07:41] <Wario​r4356> And explicitly only break wood
L339[11:07:48] <Wario​r4356> Unless the leaves are in the way
L340[11:07:49] <Michiyo> options.dontBreakLeaves(true)
L341[11:07:59] <Wario​r4356> -_-
L342[11:08:13] <dequbed> settings.noTouchyGreenThingies(yes)
L343[11:08:23] <Michiyo> dequbed++
L344[11:08:25] <MichiBot> Michiyo: dequbed now has 3 points
L345[11:08:29] <dequbed> \o/
L346[11:08:32] <Izaya> dequbed: Given my preferred mode of transport places only a layer of leather between me and the pavement I'm not sure I'm qualified to have opinions on how people that end up in space think
L347[11:08:50] <dequbed> Izaya: Well it's *special* leather, mkay?
L348[11:09:05] <Izaya> dubious about that
L349[11:09:09] <Forec​aster> sigh, it turned out so nicely too https://tinyurl.com/ycfxm4t6
L350[11:09:11] <Izaya> I got the jacket from aldi
L351[11:09:18] <Forec​aster> and now I have to disassemble it again :|
L352[11:09:30] <dequbed> Izaya: Germany quality product then *cough* :D
L353[11:09:52] <Izaya> Ah yes, I can smell the sweat shops of germany from here
L354[11:10:39] <Jew​son> what is the diffrence between managed and unmanaged drive?
L355[11:10:44] <Jew​son> in oc?
L356[11:10:58] <dequbed> One micromanages your files, the other one micromanages your bytes.
L357[11:11:15] <Jew​son> Oh ok I see
L358[11:11:48] <Jew​son> So basicly in unmanaged you have to read/write bytes
L359[11:12:10] <Izaya> Or sectors
L360[12:46:56] <Amanda> Izaya: nope, I couldn't figure out why that wasn't working so I've got a tab open for the nc instance always in firefox
L361[13:02:06] <Amanda> I actually do most of my file interactions in the terminal, or in emacs
L362[13:02:32] <Amanda> I'm sure there is some one liner it simple script I could use for that though
L363[13:06:27] ⇨ Joins: purpelairplanes (~purpelair@i20114.upc-i.chello.nl)
L364[13:06:31] <purpelairplanes> hi
L365[13:06:38] ⇦ Quits: purpelairplanes (~purpelair@i20114.upc-i.chello.nl) (Client Quit)
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L368[13:08:03] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L369[13:24:58] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L370[13:25:20] <Amanda> Izaya: did my reply come through before the ping out? I can't be bothered to do the maths
L371[13:26:18] <dequbed> Amanda: help I'm torn between tasty and healthy :(
L372[13:26:37] <Forec​aster> %choose tasty or healthy
L373[13:26:37] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: Haven't you always gone with "healthy"? Hm, maybe not.
L374[13:26:40] <Amanda> dequbed: tasty, always. You only have one life to live, so why waste it eating "healthy"
L375[13:28:48] <dequbed> What is it with my interwebs today <.<
L376[13:29:35] <dequbed> > Amanda: That makes a suprising amount of sense and somehow I never considered that PoV. With food at least <.<
L377[13:30:04] <Amanda> This post brought to you by a definately not chonky kitty, I'm just fluffy. :3
L378[13:30:19] * dequbed headpatpats the fluffy kitten
L379[13:35:36] <bad at​ vijya> why not tasty and healthy
L380[13:36:36] <Forec​aster> because certain tasty things aren't healthy
L381[13:37:46] <dequbed> @"bad at vijya" because that's my default. Ask anybody I made food for :P
L382[13:39:57] <bad at​ vijya> ic
L383[13:58:26] <bad at​ vijya> multithreading in lua time
L384[15:11:19] <Amanda> %choose first; farm or university
L385[15:11:19] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: farm first
L386[15:11:57] <dequbed> Amanda: but Edumacation is important!
L387[15:13:30] <Amanda> dequbed: more important than food? :P
L388[15:13:48] <Forec​aster> wut u meen, I nevur needed any edukatiun
L389[15:13:50] <Amanda> farm means wheat which means more sheep to nom
L390[15:13:56] <dequbed> Well I presume that this edumacation thing ain't gonna help no nobody if they ain't fed!
L391[15:23:43] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b81423b6005e8937a277a4e1ff.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L393[15:46:43] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L394[16:00:05] <Izaya> Amanda: loud and clear
L395[16:00:27] ⇨ Joins: Atlasim (~Atlasim@modemcable201.27-130-66.mc.videotron.ca)
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L397[16:03:31] <Ko​dos> %tonkout
L398[16:03:32] <MichiBot> Swell! Ko​dos! You beat your own previous record of 8 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds (By 2 hours, 5 minutes and 7 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L399[16:03:33] <MichiBot> Ko​dos has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.01 tonk points! plus 0.018 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.58805188, Position #3 Need 0.11583663 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L400[16:56:12] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fd95a68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L401[17:14:30] <Sensei N​ippletit> hi
L402[17:19:03] <Sensei N​ippletit> how to concatinate string and number inside inpairs loop on the go?
L403[17:19:03] <Sensei N​ippletit> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/xehijejohe
L404[17:19:03] <Sensei N​ippletit> I get error 'bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)'
L405[17:19:23] ⇨ Joins: m1cr0man (~m1cr0man@gelandewagen.m1cr0man.com)
L406[17:20:31] <Kristo​pher38> ipairs expects a table, not a string with the table name
L407[17:20:34] <Kristo​pher38> pairs expects a table, not a string with the table name [Edited]
L408[17:21:04] <Kristo​pher38> so `pairs('chesttable1')` won't work
L409[17:21:35] <Kristo​pher38> the solution is to keep all `chesttablex` in another table
L410[17:22:13] <Kristo​pher38> `local chest_table = {{25, 543, ...}, {23, 45, ...}, {53, 27, ...}}`
L411[17:22:24] <Kristo​pher38> and then index with the indexing operator
L412[17:22:41] <Kristo​pher38> `pairs(chesttable[numbern])`
L413[17:30:53] <Sensei N​ippletit> Oh.. well thats a bit mote complex for me than what I initally planned, but I guess thats the right practice to follow and probably only one that will work ah Im such a noob at programming, thanks 😅
L414[17:31:24] <B​ob> eh
L415[17:37:54] ⇦ Quits: m1cr0man (~m1cr0man@gelandewagen.m1cr0man.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L416[17:49:45] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
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L419[18:02:07] <Izaya> fuck me
L420[18:02:09] <Izaya> phone died again
L421[18:02:16] <Izaya> a factory reset would probably fix it but...
L422[18:02:18] <Izaya> pinephone time
L423[18:02:52] ⇨ Joins: m1cr0man (~m1cr0man@gelandewagen.m1cr0man.com)
L424[18:07:35] <Izaya> > Front camera: GalaxyCore GC2145
L425[18:07:37] <Izaya> > Driver: Nope
L426[18:08:21] ⇦ Quits: m1cr0man (~m1cr0man@gelandewagen.m1cr0man.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L427[18:15:18] ⇨ Joins: m1cr0man (~m1cr0man@gelandewagen.m1cr0man.com)
L428[18:40:57] <ThePiGuy24> Dell E153FP stronk
L429[18:42:48] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L430[18:44:14] <Amanda> %choose back to dwarf-cat
L431[18:44:14] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: I don't think I've heard of "back to dwarf-cat", so probably not.
L432[18:44:46] <Izaya> how long do you think is reasonable to wait for "sync" to complete?
L433[18:45:01] <ThePiGuy24> depends how much you are syncing
L434[18:45:04] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (~ba7888b72@
L435[18:45:07] <i develo​p things> until it finishes
L436[18:45:18] <Izaya> somewhere between 900M and 3.9GB
L437[18:45:35] <ThePiGuy24> 2-3 Hours probably
L438[18:48:09] <Izaya> I'm giving it 5 minutes
L439[18:53:47] <Sensei N​ippletit> is there a possibility to optimize such nested loop?
L440[18:53:47] <Sensei N​ippletit> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/kokihuvuce
L441[18:54:01] <bad at​ vijya> so i have work tonight
L442[18:54:27] <bad at​ vijya> also how the fuck does atmospheric simulation work in ss1$
L443[18:54:31] <bad at​ vijya> *ss13
L444[18:59:40] <Sensei N​ippletit> is there a possibility to optimize such nested loop?
L445[18:59:40] <Sensei N​ippletit> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/dokijoqori [Edited]
L446[19:00:56] <Sensei N​ippletit> I've read something about converting generic loop to numeric, but didn't reallky understood it well, could that be the case in this situation?
L447[19:01:48] <Sensei N​ippletit> is there a possibility to optimize such nested loop?
L448[19:01:48] <Sensei N​ippletit> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/emovicaweh [Edited]
L449[19:02:06] <Izaya> logged into my XMPP account on my phone and it's fucking exploding
L450[19:02:07] <Izaya> lmao
L451[19:03:22] <Izaya> oh hey, both cameras work
L452[19:03:24] <Izaya> pleasant surprise
L453[19:03:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-123-139.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L454[19:08:08] <Michiyo> I really need a way to make Corded ignore edits by specific people <_<
L455[19:09:25] <bad at​ vijya> imagine using edits
L456[19:09:52] <Forec​aster> says the person who frequenty
L457[19:09:55] <Forec​aster> types
L458[19:10:01] <Forec​aster> like
L459[19:10:02] <Forec​aster> this
L460[19:10:05] <Izaya> imagine believing in edits
L461[19:10:07] <Forec​aster> :P
L462[19:10:16] <bad at​ vijya> can't make typos if you type each post out
L463[19:10:17] <bad at​ vijya> word
L464[19:10:17] <bad at​ vijya> by
L465[19:10:19] <bad at​ vijya> word
L466[19:10:24] <ThePiGuy24> just make it autoban people who edit messages :p
L467[19:10:27] <bad at​ vijya> well unless you're me
L468[19:10:48] <bad at​ vijya> anyways
L469[19:10:49] <Izaya> hmhm
L470[19:10:54] <bad at​ vijya> got my CPU today
L471[19:10:56] <Michiyo> ThePiGuy24, not a horrible idea... :P
L472[19:10:57] <Izaya> dock mun lander to mun station y/n
L473[19:10:59] <bad at​ vijya> https://tinyurl.com/y9e46mgh
L474[19:11:16] <ThePiGuy24> dock the mun to the mun station
L475[19:11:26] <bad at​ vijya> finally i should have enough cores
L476[19:11:45] <Izaya> tfw not enough cores
L477[19:11:48] <Izaya> tfw not enough memory
L478[19:11:55] <Amanda> "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away" has to be one of my favourite Minecraft messages
L479[19:12:11] <Izaya> do you think if I run my locked 4Ghz processor at 4.25Ghz for long enough I'll have to get more cores and memory?
L480[19:12:22] <bad at​ vijya> lmao
L481[19:12:42] <bad at​ vijya> my Athlon 64 3700+ didn't gain cores when i locked it at 4.2GHz
L482[19:12:46] <ThePiGuy24> just download more cores and memory
L483[19:12:50] <bad at​ vijya> it kinda just blew out the mobo
L484[19:12:56] <bad at​ vijya> and GPU
L485[19:13:00] <bad at​ vijya> and PSU
L486[19:13:03] <Izaya> GPU hasn't died yet
L487[19:13:06] <Izaya> motherboard hasn't died yet
L488[19:13:11] <Izaya> processor wants to die but I refuse to let it
L489[19:13:16] <Izaya> eat shit intel, you have no power over me
L490[19:13:23] <bad at​ vijya> yeah well this was absolutely ancient hardware, izaya
L491[19:13:26] <bad at​ vijya> well
L492[19:13:27] <bad at​ vijya> not really
L493[19:13:35] <bad at​ vijya> i commonly work with older hardware
L494[19:13:40] <bad at​ vijya> but you get my point
L495[19:14:07] <Sensei N​ippletit> is it possible that transposer reads some more data about the item? I'm asking bcs it seems to move certain items around faster than others within identical environment (e.g. no of slots, no of items)
L496[19:14:18] <Izaya> I have twice as much delta V as I need to land on the mun, apparently
L497[19:14:20] <Izaya> neat
L498[19:16:29] <Sensei N​ippletit> is there a possibility to optimize such nested loop?
L499[19:16:30] <Sensei N​ippletit> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/digojehaju [Edited]
L500[19:16:43] <Michiyo> ffs
L501[19:17:50] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-124-210.dynamic.as20676.net)
L502[19:17:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L503[19:42:42] <Amanda> Stop updating your code snippet, it's spamming the bridge
L504[19:43:08] <Amanda> if someone replies with an optimisation that you already did, just say "I thought of that since posting"
L505[19:44:25] <Sensei N​ippletit> I just updated twice adding couple of comments to help readability
L506[19:44:44] <Amanda> Really? I see at least 4 times on this end.
L507[19:45:05] <Sensei N​ippletit> what?? 😄
L508[19:45:28] <Amanda> oh sorry, three, the first was the originial message
L509[19:45:34] <Sensei N​ippletit> oh yeah added tables for context too... right..
L510[19:46:10] <Amanda> %oclogs
L511[19:46:11] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L512[19:46:14] <Sensei N​ippletit> anyways, didn't knew that editing was such a mess on your end guys
L513[19:46:41] <Amanda> This is what it looks like on our side: https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2020-12-18.log#L439
L514[19:47:10] <Forec​aster> I should add multi-line highlighting to that
L515[19:52:26] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L516[19:52:27] <MichiBot> Eureka! Forec​aster! You beat Ko​dos's previous record of <0 (By 3 hours, 48 minutes and 55 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L517[19:52:28] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 48 minutes and 55 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00382 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.13507141 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L518[20:13:58] <Sap​hire> And so
L519[20:14:08] <Sap​hire> The end of old minecraft mods
L520[20:14:10] <Sap​hire> https://tinyurl.com/yddfxj9j
L521[20:17:28] <B​ob> f
L522[20:22:33] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@id-453710.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L523[20:24:56] <Inari> rip
L524[20:55:59] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L525[20:59:14] <TPG24> now to wait until my other nick times out...
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L529[21:01:27] <TPG24> tf is my internet doing
L530[21:01:35] <Forec​aster> having a rave
L531[21:01:41] <TPG24> it refused to work until i disconnected
L532[21:01:50] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L533[21:02:14] <ThePiGuy24> now what was the command to set avatar?
L534[21:02:47] <Forec​aster> %avatar
L535[21:02:47] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: Use `!setmyavatar <url>`
L536[21:02:52] <ThePiGuy24> thanks
L537[21:20:44] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L538[21:21:20] <bad at​ vijya> mobo and fan will be here today
L539[21:21:20] <bad at​ vijya> yay
L540[21:21:26] <bad at​ vijya> the case will be here next week
L541[21:21:27] <bad at​ vijya> x_x
L542[21:23:06] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L543[21:24:35] <Forec​aster> sigh
L544[21:24:45] <Forec​aster> still can't play Star Citizen, even with an SSD
L545[21:24:50] <Forec​aster> I need a new CPU...
L546[21:26:56] <Forec​aster> SC and Cyberpunk maxes out my cpu
L547[21:27:25] <ThePiGuy24> theres not much that CP doesnt max out iirc
L548[21:27:38] <ThePiGuy24> it is very poorly optimised
L549[21:27:56] <Forec​aster> I'm aware
L550[21:28:41] <Izaya> dino on phone
L551[21:28:48] <Izaya> mildly cursed but it works
L552[21:28:56] <Forec​aster> I need to figure out if there's a cpu I can get that's an upgrade, preferably without switching MB or spending too much
L553[21:29:30] <Izaya> I'd take a screenshot but wayland doesn't implement a standard way to do that
L554[21:30:49] <Forec​aster> or maybe I can overclock it
L555[21:31:03] <ThePiGuy24> X > wayland
L556[21:31:05] <Forec​aster> but then I should probably at least replace the front fan in my case that doesn't run
L557[21:31:42] <Amanda> Izaya: the standard way to do that is for the "compositor" to do it, and there's no standard defined for the random-client -> compositor API, because ofc not.
L558[21:32:10] <Izaya> and because phosh is gnome-adjacent, if there WAS a standard, it wouldn't be implemented here
L559[21:32:36] <Amanda> gnome's way is through a dbus API
L560[21:32:43] <Amanda> under org.gnome.Shell
L561[21:34:20] <Amanda> And it's hard-coded to put them in ~/Screenshots -- last I used it
L562[21:34:37] <Amanda> you had to use a gnme-shell extension to change it and make it respect the path in dconf
L563[21:34:51] <ThePiGuy24> just query the GPU and grab the framebuffer :p
L564[21:35:02] <Izaya> do you think Xwayland clients can grab the whole screen
L565[21:35:08] <Izaya> I'll just run xfce4-screenshooter
L566[21:35:09] <Amanda> nope
L567[21:35:11] <Amanda> it's blank
L568[21:35:16] <Izaya> well that's fucking shit
L569[21:35:26] <Amanda> anything that's not an Xwayland window appears as blank
L570[21:36:26] <Forec​aster> ergh
L571[21:36:43] <Forec​aster> I might not be able to without also changing motherboard and getting DDR4 ram...
L572[21:36:50] <Forec​aster> my MB might just be too old
L573[21:37:43] <Forec​aster> might be a while before I can do that >:
L574[21:43:57] ⇨ Joins: prisma (~prisma@
L575[21:53:52] <Izaya> wow okay this is unexpected
L576[21:53:58] <Izaya> calls and SMS just work
L577[21:54:38] <Izaya> the SMS/XMPP client doesn't sync with the contacts program but ehhh
L578[22:31:10] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~michiyo@athena.pc-logix.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
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L581[22:57:23] <Guest14132> ...
L582[22:57:24] *** Guest14132 is now known as Michiyo
L583[22:57:33] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L584[22:58:23] <dequbed> Izaya: TBF I'd assume they just bought a done and dusted 4G modem-on-module. Maybe it even runs Minix.
L585[22:59:00] <Izaya> dequbed: it's not like pine64 is in a position to implement their own from scratch
L586[22:59:03] <Izaya> but no I mean software side
L587[22:59:25] <Izaya> the hardware has been there since the dev boards but apparently everything fits together well enough that I can make calls and send texts without fucking around now
L588[22:59:31] <Izaya> didn't work last time I tried, a few months ago
L589[22:59:40] <dequbed> With most bough modems there is not software side you get to fiddle with. You get some rather well standardized UART codes you get to send over and that's about it.
L590[22:59:50] <Izaya> okay but
L591[22:59:52] <Izaya> there is software
L592[22:59:54] <Izaya> on the phone
L593[22:59:56] <Izaya> that needs to work
L594[23:00:00] <Izaya> if you want to make calls or send texts
L595[23:00:06] <Izaya> yes?
L596[23:00:18] <dequbed> I mean if you're fast enough you can just fiddle the uart signals by hand
L597[23:00:18] <CompanionCube> today on minecraft: someone getting killed by a llama attached to a lead held by an invisible person that's very unsubtle despite wanting to be invisible
L598[23:00:21] <dequbed> but yes
L599[23:01:44] <dequbed> Izaya: But seriously, if you buy a modem as small customer you get the equivalent of "send the number you want to call to these two pins using UART, PWM audio comes out this pin, PWM audio goes in this pin. Now fuck off".
L600[23:02:12] <Izaya> there's a big difference between "select someone in your contacts and make a call" and "send some AT commands to the modem over USB serial and then do audio routing so it actually goes to the mic and speaker yourself somehow idk"
L601[23:02:24] <dequbed> pfsh. details.
L602[23:02:36] <Izaya> ie the difference between the pinephone 3 months ago and the pinephone now
L603[23:02:41] <Izaya> >.>
L604[23:02:48] <dequbed> <3
L605[23:03:37] <Izaya> You know, there's not a lot of people I have the patience for them being (un)intentionally obtuse :p
L606[23:03:53] <dequbed> I'm well aware that you love me too Izaya ^^
L607[23:17:10] <Z0id​berg> So someone was telling me that Corded works from IRC -> discord using webhooks?
L608[23:17:22] <Z0id​berg> instead of sending directly to discord from the bot
L609[23:17:37] <ThePiGuy24> correct
L610[23:18:30] <ThePiGuy24> the status messages are just messages though
L611[23:30:17] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~anon@
L612[23:30:21] <ironmountain> hehe
L613[23:34:42] <prisma> hahayes, i made my own archive format
L614[23:34:51] <prisma> no compression, but it *does* store files
L615[23:35:15] <Izaya> bad_at_vijya: hey, here's another one for your list
L616[23:36:24] <Michiyo> @Z0idberg it can do both
L617[23:36:41] <Michiyo> *IF* there is a webhook it will use it, if not it'll just send standard messages.
L618[23:39:19] <Michiyo> the Webhook method lets it use avatars and stuff
L619[23:40:01] <Amanda> the webhook method also allows it to summon nyancat in dire times of need.
L620[23:44:19] ⇦ Quits: CarlenWhite (~CarlenWhi@85.sub-174-202-132.myvzw.com) (Quit: ZNC v1.7.5+deb4)
L621[23:45:12] <prisma> Izaya: there's a list of archive formats?
L622[23:45:34] <Izaya> no, but bad_at_vijya seems set on implementing them all anyway
L623[23:45:44] <Izaya> do you have a spec written up?
L624[23:46:29] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Skye: today in cursed rabbit holes, I learned more than I ever wanted to read in a blog post about cursed windows internals http://www.os2museum.com/wp/disabling-quick-edit-mode/
L625[23:47:29] <prisma> Izaya: no, I don't, but I can
L626[23:47:41] <Z0id​berg> huh.
L627[23:48:09] ⇨ Joins: CarlenWhite (~CarlenWhi@85.sub-174-202-132.myvzw.com)
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L629[23:49:23] <Izaya> everyone likes to write their own formats and that's a little unmanageable and I'm not free of blame there but if stuff is documented well it makes life easier for everyone
L630[23:50:33] <Z0id​berg> @bad at vijya even implemented a 64 bit cpio
L631[23:50:33] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~anon@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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