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L1[00:16:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-94-32.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L2[01:55:41] <Shado​w_8472> I'm trying to flash dig.lua to an EEPROM.
L3[01:57:35] <Shado​w_8472> Most of my code modifications were toward the beginning here.
L4[02:06:54] <hilari​ousppp> what line nuber was the error on? It should say something like `dig.lua:1:bad argument #1 (string expected, got table)`
L5[02:07:06] <hilari​ousppp> where the `1` is the line number
L6[02:08:11] <Shado​w_8472> I'm dealing with the analyser here. I already put my only clue above the screenshot.
L7[02:09:19] <hilari​ousppp> could you put the whole script up on pastebin and drop the link to it here? i'm not seeing anything wrong with this part of the script
L8[02:09:23] <ThePi​Guy24> ^
L9[02:09:57] <Shado​w_8472> Is there a way to do that directly from the in-game computer?
L10[02:10:18] <ThePi​Guy24> does it run openos?
L11[02:10:30] <ThePi​Guy24> and have an internet card?
L12[02:10:32] <Shado​w_8472> The one I'm coding it on does.
L13[02:10:59] <ThePi​Guy24> if so then run `pastebin put {name of file}`
L14[02:11:06] <hilari​ousppp> if you're in singleplayer you can also find it in the world save
L15[02:11:32] <Shado​w_8472> I'm server owner, but I'd rather find it directly.
L16[02:12:12] <Shado​w_8472> https://pastebin.com/8LPGUygv
L17[02:16:10] <hilari​ousppp> is this running from eeprom or from openos?
L18[02:16:16] <Shado​w_8472> EEPROM
L19[02:16:40] <ThePi​Guy24> line one, replace `local robot = component.proxy(component.list("robot"))` with `local robot = component.proxy(component.list("robot")())`
L20[02:17:30] <ThePi​Guy24> (just add a pair of brackets after `component.list("robot")`)
L21[02:17:47] <Shado​w_8472> Got it.
L22[02:18:03] <Bri​anH> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/epekikimil
L23[02:18:31] <Bri​anH> then do f = turnLeft(f)
L24[02:18:44] <Shado​w_8472> I'm confused.
L25[02:19:08] <ThePi​Guy24> thats the "good" way to do it, but it leads to spaghetticode in my opinion
L26[02:19:27] <Bri​anH> uh
L27[02:19:31] <Bri​anH> it avoids spaghetti code lol
L28[02:19:46] <Bri​anH> because you remove side effects other than the turnleft
L29[02:20:06] <Shado​w_8472> ```Last error: bios:2: attempt to call a nil value (global 'require')```
L30[02:20:36] <ThePi​Guy24> oh yeah sides is part of openos, so is require
L31[02:21:00] <Shado​w_8472> Oof.
L32[02:21:12] <Shado​w_8472> Proxies?
L33[02:23:37] <Bri​anH> The other thing I want to know is why you are explicitly assigning table indexes for those functions
L34[02:23:57] <Bri​anH> you can just do {function() ... end, function() ... end}
L35[02:24:42] <ThePi​Guy24> i think most of this was just taken from the dig program
L36[02:24:46] <Shado​w_8472> This is my first attempt at getting back into Lua after a couple years.
L37[02:24:58] <Shado​w_8472> And most of this is from the dig program.
L38[02:25:03] <Bri​anH> I've never actually looked at the dig program
L39[02:25:39] <Bri​anH> I would be scared to use someone elses code to do that
L40[02:25:56] <Shado​w_8472> Why?
L41[02:26:34] <Bri​anH> Digging in itself is trivial, but the actual method of doing so in a portable way not so much
L42[02:26:44] <Bri​anH> without problems
L43[02:30:06] <Amanda> %remindthem Inari 9h consider if you would: give Amanda scritchies
L44[02:30:06] <MichiBot> I'll remind Inari about "consider if you would: give Amanda scritchies" at 10/06/2020 11:30:06 AM
L45[02:31:46] <Shado​w_8472> I designed my first generation of mining robots around the default dig program that came with the mod. I'm working on Generation 1.1 which ditches OpenOS and the hard drive, otherwise removes dependancies.
L46[02:33:29] <Shado​w_8472> Generation 2 will be something more of my own design, where I'll have it carry an ender chest to enpty into, as well as a nice Fluxdrill and a custom flight path.
L47[02:34:24] <Shado​w_8472> Generation 3, if I get to that point, will, in addition, collect fluids like lava and destabalized redstone.
L48[02:35:57] <Bri​anH> ender chest would be cool
L49[02:42:43] <Shado​w_8472> OK, I tried replacing "sides.<string>" instances by evaluating their values by hand, but I'm still erroring out.
L50[02:43:23] <Shado​w_8472> ```bios:34: attempt to index a nil value (upvalue 'r')```
L51[02:43:39] <Bri​anH> show code
L52[02:43:52] <Bri​anH> basically its saying r is not defined
L53[02:44:18] <Bri​anH> this is why I don't like to reference variables outside of the scope of the function other than other functions
L54[02:44:20] <Shado​w_8472> And r does show up at that location.
L55[02:44:59] <Bri​anH> it could also be that
L56[02:45:05] <Bri​anH> the value of r is nil by the time the function uses it
L57[02:45:13] <hilari​ousppp> ^
L58[02:45:39] <Shado​w_8472> My guess is that r is supposed to be robot.
L59[02:45:40] <Bri​anH> using functions that manage r instead of managing it directly can help prevent this
L60[02:46:07] <Bri​anH> not a bad guess
L61[02:46:20] <hilari​ousppp> line 6 of the pastebin is `local r = component.robot`
L62[02:46:30] <Shado​w_8472> Um... early on... yaea that.
L63[02:46:42] <Bri​anH> I also recommend not using single letter variables outside of functions that are only using them within their local scope only
L64[02:46:44] <Bri​anH> 🙂
L65[02:46:52] <Shado​w_8472> EEPROM.
L66[02:47:07] <hilari​ousppp> that's on vexatos, in the base dig.lua
L67[02:47:13] <Bri​anH> it doesn't take a lot of work to write out robot
L68[02:47:21] <Bri​anH> yeah
L69[02:47:30] <Bri​anH> vexatoast and his optimizations
L70[02:47:36] <Bri​anH> for personal reasons 😄
L71[02:47:38] <Shado​w_8472> I'm more worried about fitting within 4k and adding more functionality.
L72[02:47:42] <Shado​w_8472> I'm more worried about fitting within 4k and adding more functionality later on. [Edited]
L73[02:47:56] <Bri​anH> honestly 4K is a lot
L74[02:47:58] <hilari​ousppp> there are code minifiers on oppm
L75[02:48:02] <hilari​ousppp> if you need them
L76[02:48:08] <Shado​w_8472> Base dig.lua is 5k.
L77[02:48:12] <Bri​anH> I can fit about 250-300 lines of code in 4K
L78[02:48:23] <Bri​anH> using luamin
L79[02:48:46] <Bri​anH> you should be using a minifier like this one: https://mothereff.in/lua-minifier
L80[02:49:02] <Bri​anH> its what I use
L81[02:49:12] <hilari​ousppp> iirc there's also one that uses some sort of lzma compression to make it even smaller
L82[02:49:14] <Bri​anH> I just wish it was written in pure Lua
L83[02:49:37] <hilari​ousppp> that is specifically designed for oc
L84[02:49:39] <Shado​w_8472> Fair enough. I'll add something like it to my workflow once I master this phase.
L85[02:50:00] <Bri​anH> yes, and @bad at vijya Has something that is an inline zompression for an eeprom
L86[02:50:08] <Bri​anH> so the decompressor is in the eeprom code itself
L87[02:50:19] <Bri​anH> I actually cleaned it up a while back but I dunno where I put the code
L88[02:50:24] <Bri​anH> and minified it
L89[02:50:37] <hilari​ousppp> that's probably what i'm thinking of
L90[02:50:39] <Bri​anH> it can allow you to fit like 16K of code easy
L91[02:50:57] <Bri​anH> and with my coding style + minify that's like 1000 lines of code
L92[02:51:10] <Shado​w_8472> Is `robot.suck(side)` an OpenOS dependancy too?
L93[02:51:20] <Bri​anH> there's a page for this
L94[02:51:27] <hilari​ousppp> ~ocdoc robot
L95[02:51:54] <Bri​anH> see also ~ocdoc Custom OS
L96[02:52:08] <hilari​ousppp> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:robot
L97[02:52:10] <Shado​w_8472> Looks like it is.
L98[02:52:23] <Bri​anH> and https://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L99[02:52:42] <Bri​anH> the first one is the robot api, the second one is what you have in an eeprom (other than robot)
L100[02:53:32] <hilari​ousppp> anything to do with a specific component is available from bios
L101[02:53:32] <Shado​w_8472> So, the offending line of code then is `local r = component.robot`?
L102[02:54:00] <Bri​anH> there is probably no component.robot
L103[02:54:04] <Bri​anH> component.robot is likely nil
L104[02:54:05] <Amanda> Sides Is just a bunch of constants / enums in the jvm side that get defined for convienence I. Openos
L105[02:54:24] <Bri​anH> ^
L106[02:54:33] <Bri​anH> Listen to Amanda, she's a smart cookie
L107[02:54:52] * Amanda tucks in around elfi, yawns, passes out
L108[02:54:58] <Amanda> Night nerds
L109[02:55:17] <Shado​w_8472> It's starting to look like I should just focus on generation 2 instead of getting this to work.
L110[02:55:45] <hilari​ousppp> sounds good to me
L111[02:56:09] <Amanda> Adapting a openos app that uses a lot of openos-isms to run in just am eeprom isn't going to be that trivial
L112[02:56:33] <Shado​w_8472> Well, at least I learned about the flashing process.
L113[02:56:43] <Amanda> The dig program isnt Even using component.robot, but a helper library injected
L114[02:57:06] <Bri​anH> I've actually been working off and on @Shadow_8472 on a project called zflash
L115[02:57:14] <Bri​anH> which is a replacement for the stock OpenOS flashing utility
L116[02:57:22] <Amanda> Make sure when you're working on your own thing to use the component:robot page, not the api:robot page
L117[02:57:40] <Amanda> (on the wiki)
L118[02:57:53] <Bri​anH> it has support for minification and compression inline as well as .hex files so you can represent both the data and code parts separately in one file
L119[02:58:05] <Shado​w_8472> As for another project, how do I gain direct access to the GPU? I'm looking to draw an analogue clock face for a clock tower.
L120[02:58:22] <Bri​anH> its just a component
L121[02:58:23] <Amanda> @payonel maybe those two pages shikld have blurbs atop them cross-linking
L122[02:58:44] <Bri​anH> you can just call the functions right on the gpu, if you're using openos its already bound to a screen
L123[02:58:44] <hilari​ousppp> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:gpu
L124[02:59:05] <Shado​w_8472> What about mirroring a screen four times?
L125[02:59:17] <hilari​ousppp> you'd need four gpu's for that
L126[02:59:34] <hilari​ousppp> a gpu can only ever manage one screen at a time iirc
L127[02:59:35] <Amanda> "if you're using OpenOS, you probably want the robot api" and $if you're using a custom os, or just a raw eeprom you may want the robot component"
L128[02:59:46] <Bri​anH> would you? if you don't mind giving people epilepsy you could just cycle the screens really fast
L129[02:59:47] <Bri​anH> 😄
L130[02:59:54] <ThePi​Guy24> you can bind/unbind screens without clearing them
L131[03:00:02] <Bri​anH> there you go
L132[03:00:04] <Bri​anH> you only need one then
L133[03:00:12] <ThePi​Guy24> i drove 20 screens with one gpu that way
L134[03:00:15] <Bri​anH> the screen apparently keeps memory
L135[03:00:18] <hilari​ousppp> really? wow
L136[03:00:32] <ThePi​Guy24> you can easily do more, but component count becomes an issue
L137[03:00:35] <Shado​w_8472> Looks like I'll be running two servers in a rack for that project...
L138[03:00:53] <Amanda> I powered ... 8? But they were super low update timea
L139[03:01:11] <ThePi​Guy24> yeah binding/undinding is a little slow
L140[03:01:39] <Amanda> I had my elevator shaft have a screen with a base overview and floor selection on every floor
L141[03:01:41] <Shado​w_8472> Will a screen allow for multiple GPU to bind at a time?
L142[03:01:46] <Amanda> No
L143[03:02:04] <hilari​ousppp> Yes, if they are in different computers, iirc
L144[03:02:12] <Amanda> Anyways, sleep time for real now
L145[03:02:40] <hilari​ousppp> i remember trying to install openos on multiple computers hooked up to the same screen at the same time
L146[03:02:45] * Amanda rests her head against her tail, which is draped over elfi as a blanket
L147[03:03:00] <Bri​anH> I was thinking it would be neat to mod opencomputers to allow you to mask more than one gpu behind a single component call
L148[03:03:12] <Bri​anH> and allow you to drive multiple GPUs with only one call time latency
L149[03:03:30] <hilari​ousppp> it looked like garbage, but they were all drawing something to the screen
L150[03:03:31] <Bri​anH> and write to the same screen at the same time with two or more gpus
L151[03:03:35] <Bri​anH> for faster graphics
L152[03:06:52] <Shado​w_8472> I suppose I could use multiple cards to draw to different parts of the screen.
L153[03:08:16] <Bri​anH> you know
L154[03:08:30] <Shado​w_8472> Right now, I'm imagining two cards per clock face.
L155[03:08:34] <hilari​ousppp> i don't think screens work like that. in my experience the different computers were all overwriting the same area of the screen
L156[03:08:41] <Shado​w_8472> One for the middle, the other for the outside...
L157[03:08:55] <Bri​anH> in the 90s we had dual GPU computers that would draw to different parts of the screen each to double the framerate capability
L158[03:09:27] <Shado​w_8472> Crafting cost is not an issue, by the way.
L159[03:09:38] <hilari​ousppp> still barely a thing, iirc the rtx 3090 still supports sli
L160[03:10:13] <hilari​ousppp> not that any games support it
L161[03:11:39] <Bri​anH> Doom did!
L162[03:11:57] <Bri​anH> I think Duke Nukem did as well
L163[03:12:28] <hilari​ousppp> i guess i should have specified new games
L164[03:13:15] <Bri​anH> new shmew
L165[03:13:33] <Bri​anH> I'm so dissapointed in most new games today
L166[03:13:54] <Bri​anH> there were a lot of shitty games then and there are still a lot of shitty ones today
L167[03:14:29] <Bri​anH> I mean, you know the whole market crashed partly because of shitty games in the 80s
L168[03:14:36] <Bri​anH> I wonder if itl happen again sometime
L169[03:14:57] <Bri​anH> the gaming instrustry isnt doing horrible right now but it could break at any moment with little effort.
L170[03:14:57] <hilari​ousppp> i just ignore 90% of the triple-a shit, since i can't afford it and it probably would have issues under proton anyways
L171[03:15:23] <Shado​w_8472> Now, how to render the clock hands. I want it to be as smooth as possible, so pre-rendering would take up way too much space, even were I to store it on a RAID.
L172[03:16:15] <hilari​ousppp> not to mention disk access is ssssllllloooooowwwwwwwww
L173[03:16:23] <Bri​anH> Suggestion Shadow:
L174[03:16:25] <Bri​anH> Vector graphics.
L175[03:16:35] <Bri​anH> do a vector scan to framebuffer
L176[03:16:53] <Bri​anH> the magnitude of the vectors will always be the same
L177[03:17:03] <hilari​ousppp> are the new gpu buffers in stable yet?
L178[03:17:16] <Bri​anH> no idea, but if they aren't you can use your own
L179[03:17:17] <Shado​w_8472> Why didn't I think of that?
L180[03:17:44] <Bri​anH> now one easy way to do this as well shadow, is to convert to polar coordinates
L181[03:17:47] <Bri​anH> do you know how to do that?
L182[03:18:22] <Bri​anH> X = r cos theta, y = r sin theta
L183[03:18:23] <Shado​w_8472> Vector graphics atop a RASTER background. I've been introduced to polar coordinates, so I could easlily review it.
L184[03:18:39] <Bri​anH> the idea is that your "clock"
L185[03:18:39] <Shado​w_8472> Do we have easy trig functions?
L186[03:18:42] <Bri​anH> is in polar coordinates
L187[03:18:44] <Bri​anH> yeah
L188[03:18:59] <Shado​w_8472> Data card?
L189[03:19:03] <Bri​anH> you just move around the clock in a negative theta direction
L190[03:19:06] <hilari​ousppp> `math.sin`
L191[03:19:09] <Bri​anH> which is clockwise
L192[03:19:15] <Bri​anH> then convert that to X and Y
L193[03:19:27] <hilari​ousppp> built right into lua
L194[03:19:55] <Bri​anH> next, create a function to scan the system rasterized and draw pixels as they are found 🙂
L195[03:20:01] <Bri​anH> kind of like a raycaster
L196[03:20:13] <Shado​w_8472> Supper call.
L197[03:21:13] <hilari​ousppp> another tip: you can use the unicode braille characters to turn one letter into 2x4 pixels
L198[03:21:24] <Bri​anH> you could rasterize the polar coodinates to
L199[03:21:38] <Bri​anH> into a format that contains pixel locations instead of a full raster framebuffer
L200[03:21:39] <Bri​anH> i.e.
L201[03:22:06] <Bri​anH> for every hand iterate the values of r (rhe adius) from 0 to the length of the hand and comvert to x, y and push them on a table
L202[03:22:18] <hilari​ousppp> or use ▀ characters for 2x1, and you only have to change colors
L203[03:22:25] <Bri​anH> then clear the screen and draw each ,
L204[03:22:40] <Bri​anH> you can do that too
L205[03:22:53] <Bri​anH> palette cycling is possible though with a 16 color pallette its limited
L206[03:23:05] <Bri​anH> because it generally requires you have more than one pallette index for the same color
L207[03:24:43] <Bri​anH> example, Shadow:
L208[03:24:43] <Bri​anH> http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/?sound=0
L209[03:24:53] <Bri​anH> this is done without any rasterized animation
L210[03:24:56] <hilari​ousppp> i mean, if it's a clock, you probably only need 4-5 colors: one for background, one for foreground, one for hour hand, one for minute hand, and one for second hand
L211[03:24:59] <Bri​anH> its 100% changing color palette
L212[03:25:49] <Bri​anH> yeah but you generally need to register more than one pallette index to the same color
L213[03:26:18] <Bri​anH> and if you can order them just right you can just shift them
L214[03:26:28] <hilari​ousppp> yeah, i didn't quite realize what you were going for until i finished typing
L215[03:29:07] <Bri​anH> I'm just trying to thing how you could do it for an entire screen
L216[03:29:20] <Bri​anH> without a huge pallette or rotation functions
L217[03:29:50] <Bri​anH> if you had a rotate function you could use cycling to animate the hand moving itself
L218[03:30:00] <Bri​anH> then rotate it around
L219[03:30:18] <Bri​anH> but at that point its better to rotate the entire buffer
L220[03:30:50] <Bri​anH> yeah I don't think cycling is the best choice here. I think some polar coordinate vectors are probably the way to go
L221[03:31:16] <hilari​ousppp> just not enough colors
L222[03:31:29] <Bri​anH> y = handlength sin(angle), x = handlength cos(angle)
L223[03:31:43] <Bri​anH> and the hand movoes from 0 - 359 degrees
L224[03:31:55] <Bri​anH> you could use mod or something to loop that
L225[03:32:08] <Bri​anH> instead of doing a check for 359
L226[03:32:13] <Bri​anH> with mod it would just go back to 0
L227[03:32:20] <Bri​anH> or, you could do a loop from 0 - 360
L228[03:32:31] <Bri​anH> well, 0 - 359
L229[03:32:38] <Bri​anH> hmm
L230[03:32:58] <Bri​anH> you could save some operations by diving that by 60 for 1 second increments
L231[03:33:00] <hilari​ousppp> it looks like lua uses radians for its trig functions, so that would be mod 2pi
L232[03:33:06] <Bri​anH> thats etter
L233[03:33:09] <Bri​anH> I didn't know it did
L234[03:33:17] <Bri​anH> radians are better anyways
L235[03:34:42] <Bri​anH> yeah I think thats what I would do
L236[03:35:23] <Bri​anH> every time its time to resync the clock I would have a table of coordijnates to build, then just iterate radius length to hand length for each hand
L237[03:35:40] <Bri​anH> place x,y pairs in the table, then clear the screen and draw them.
L238[03:35:56] <Bri​anH> it would save on memory
L239[03:36:42] ⇨ Joins: Malacath (~malacath@cpc93934-bolt16-2-0-cust618.10-3.cable.virginm.net)
L240[03:37:31] <Malacath> so, how are you guys powering your computers? just curious
L241[03:37:39] <Malacath> in game i mean
L242[03:38:02] <Bri​anH> Immersive Engineering is how I usually do it
L243[03:38:12] <Bri​anH> that way I have telephone poles 😄
L244[03:38:17] <Bri​anH> can't play on a server with out it
L245[03:38:42] <Malacath> hm, i'm running off of rocket fuel from endrio, 2 vats and combustion
L246[03:39:34] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L247[03:39:34] <MichiBot> Willikers! Compan​ionCube! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 5 hours and 46 minutes (By 4 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L248[03:39:35] <MichiBot> Compan​ionCube has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.009 tonk points! plus 0.008 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 1.60688944. Position #2 => #1 (Overtook Forecaster)
L249[03:39:47] <CompanionCube> aw yiss
L250[03:40:00] <Malacath> wazzat
L251[03:42:49] <Malacath> currently running an oc rack server, still not sure what i wanna do with it though
L252[03:45:39] <Bri​anH> when its done you should run trotwood on it!
L253[03:45:40] <Bri​anH> 😄
L254[03:45:43] <Bri​anH> and make a supercluster
L255[03:47:37] <hilari​ousppp> trotwood?
L256[03:48:39] <Malacath> whats trotwood
L257[03:48:54] <Malacath> and supercluster sounds interesting
L258[03:50:58] <Malacath> found a mention of trotwood on google, pdf, not loading though
L259[03:56:18] <hilari​ousppp> looks like its his custom os, here's the github: https://github.com/bhodgins/trotwood
L260[04:03:12] <Ko​dos> I use racks to manage my mag swipe doors, visitor tracking and reactor status logging
L261[04:03:30] <Forec​aster> %redshell CompanionCube
L262[04:03:30] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: You hit CompanionCube! They lost 0.0056318 tonk points which you gain! Congratulations! Position #2 => #1 (Overtook CompanionCube)
L263[04:03:37] ⇦ Quits: Malacath (~malacath@cpc93934-bolt16-2-0-cust618.10-3.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L264[04:04:00] <Ko​dos> %blueshell
L265[04:04:00] <MichiBot> Ko​dos: You hit Forecaster! They lost 0.20922553 tonk points which you gain! Congratulations! Position #8 => #6 (Overtook Ocawesome101) Need 0.13707391 more points to pass ThePi​Guy24!
L266[04:07:10] <CompanionCube> thx kodos lol
L267[04:08:38] <CompanionCube> come to think of it, probably a record for 'shortest record ever'
L268[04:16:15] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L269[04:22:57] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L270[04:30:45] <Ariri> Tech support boggles my mind sometimes.
L271[04:32:48] <Ariri> %sip
L272[04:32:49] <MichiBot> You drink a slimy adamantium potion (New!). Ariri suddenly craves pie.
L273[04:51:15] <Shado​w_8472> @hilariousppp @BrianH Thanks for the clock ideas. I've only ever worked with very basic graphics before, and that was a while ago. I was actually thinking of grabbing the in-game time every update and rendering that directly to the clock as often as is feasable.
L274[04:51:15] <Shado​w_8472> My reasoning is that while one in-game minute is close to a second, it's just a little shy. There's also sleeping and napping (comforts mod) that would throw everything off.
L275[04:52:36] <hilari​ousppp> there's actually a way to get real-world time, if that's what you're after: write to a file in /tmp/, then check what time it was last modified
L276[04:53:29] <Shado​w_8472> Nah. I'm after in-game time.
L277[05:18:44] <Michiyo> Testing
L278[05:19:00] <Michiyo> bah, I seem to have broken auto refresh
L279[05:21:19] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L280[05:21:19] <MichiBot> Shoot! Forec​aster! You beat Compan​ionCube's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 41 minutes and 44 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L281[05:21:20] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 41 minutes and 44 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.0017 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.20752553 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L282[05:22:03] <Michiyo> test 2
L283[05:27:01] <Ariri> test 1 fail
L284[05:27:12] <Forec​aster> test 274
L285[05:27:26] <Izaya> test -1 failed
L286[05:33:09] <Michiyo> %actualshrug
L287[05:33:09] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L288[05:37:05] <Michiyo> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/search?chan=oc&case=1&search=test That is... much faster than I expected :P
L289[05:37:22] <Michiyo> Oh, now it 500s
L290[05:37:23] <Michiyo> ffs
L291[05:37:55] <Michiyo> Oh, no I'm just a derp and haven't updated the links yet
L292[05:37:56] <Michiyo> anyway afk
L293[05:50:11] <Forec​aster> oh, I can scrap mine then :P
L294[05:56:56] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:8cd9:1900:42dc:416c:a6e:e690)
L295[06:33:17] <Michiyo> @Forec​aster not unless you want to, I just reverted search to the old git version so I could search for something lmao
L296[06:39:54] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Saphire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ3oJlt4GrI
L297[06:39:55] <MichiBot> EEVblog #1341 - AMAZING $250,000 IBM Processor TEARDOWN! | length: 29m 44s | Likes: 2,489 Dislikes: 52 Views: 21,531 | by EEVblog | Published On 5/10/2020
L298[06:40:06] <Izaya> > Teardown of a $250,000 1991 vintage IBM 9121 TCM Processor module from a System/390 ES9000 Enterprise Server mainframe computer,.
L299[06:40:43] <Forec​aster> he broked it
L300[06:54:36] <bad at​ vijya> f
L301[06:55:58] <Forec​aster> gobammit http://tinyurl.com/y4c3udgq
L302[06:56:07] <Forec​aster> :|
L303[06:56:17] <Forec​aster> stupid rocks...
L304[06:58:54] <ThePi​Guy24> yay i love my country https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-54421482
L305[06:59:07] <ThePi​Guy24> dystopias are fun
L306[07:08:36] ⇨ Joins: Malacath (~malacath@cpc93934-bolt16-2-0-cust618.10-3.cable.virginm.net)
L307[07:09:14] <Malacath> so about this trotwood, not entirely sure how i'd install it
L308[07:11:49] ⇨ Joins: Malacath2 (webchat@
L309[07:12:17] <Malacath2> man that guys server is awful...
L310[07:12:23] <Malacath2> or my net is
L311[07:17:44] <Izaya> not sure you're meant to yet tbh
L312[07:21:26] ⇦ Quits: Malacath (~malacath@cpc93934-bolt16-2-0-cust618.10-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L313[07:22:38] <Malacath2> suppose i could just copy it all to a drive and see what it does
L314[07:47:39] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@
L315[08:02:02] ⇦ Quits: Malacath2 (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L316[08:03:16] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-65-127.dynamic.as20676.net)
L317[08:03:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L318[08:27:20] ⇦ Quits: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@id-453710.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L319[08:32:30] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L320[08:38:35] <SquidDev> %tonk
L321[08:38:35] <MichiBot> Aw jeez! Squi​dDev! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 1 hour, 41 minutes and 44 seconds (By 1 hour, 35 minutes and 31 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L322[08:38:36] <MichiBot> SquidDev's new record is 3 hours, 17 minutes and 16 seconds! SquidDev also gained 0.00318 (0.00159 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.28198627 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L323[08:39:17] <Forec​aster> %shellcount
L324[08:39:17] <MichiBot> Forec​aster: You have 1 Blue Shell, 0 Red Shells, and 4 Green Shells
L325[08:40:52] <SquidDev> Oh no.
L326[08:53:38] <Michiyo> There, logs are basically functional now, even search (mostly) works
L327[08:54:05] <Michiyo> I still need to fix stats, and figure out how to dump the SQL DB out to log files.
L328[08:54:12] <Michiyo> but those are tasks for now now me.
L329[08:55:12] <Forec​aster> I'd just make a php script that iterates over the database and saves it to files
L330[08:55:14] <Forec​aster> simple enough
L331[08:55:31] <Forec​aster> so you get the right format and such
L332[08:55:39] <Michiyo> I have to format it in such a way that everything can read it
L333[08:55:58] <Michiyo> so it's not just barf out text, but parsing everything into "zsh" format
L334[08:56:07] <Forec​aster> yeah
L335[08:58:11] <Michiyo> but for now, good night
L336[08:58:24] <Forec​aster> %fling sleep at Michiyo
L337[08:58:24] <MichiBot> Forec​aster is flinging something at Mich​iyo! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L338[09:03:31] <MichiBot> Forecaster flings sleep in a random direction. It hits Michiyo on the left hand. They take 1d4 => 2 damage!
L339[09:19:00] <Forec​aster> yay I now have a proper email address on my domain
L340[09:38:14] <ThePi​Guy24> %sip
L341[09:38:15] <MichiBot> You drink a prickly sky potion (New!). As ThePiGuy24 drinks the potion they seem to have become magnetic and a Raspberry Pi that only beeps at you flies towards them! They fail to evade it with a 5 vs DC 14 and takes 1d​6 => 4 damage.
L342[09:38:33] <ThePi​Guy24> rippe
L343[09:38:41] <Forec​aster> hm...
L344[09:38:57] <Forec​aster> I could potentially tie those into the defend system...
L345[09:55:25] <dequbed> Izaya: EEVblog is one of those channels where the closer you look the worse it becomes.
L346[10:12:03] <dequbed> Wait why is my ddg in Russian? <.<
L347[10:17:05] <Forec​aster> https://youtu.be/GzHIrAapiFg
L348[10:17:05] <MichiBot> ThermoJet Engine 3D Printed (PulseJet) | length: 22m 45s | Likes: 22,872 Dislikes: 310 Views: 319,538 | by Integza | Published On 30/9/2020
L349[10:51:01] <Ko​dos> %shellcount
L350[10:51:01] <MichiBot> Ko​dos: You have 0 Blue Shells, 3 Red Shells, and 5 Green Shells
L351[10:51:34] <Ko​dos> %greenshell
L352[10:51:34] <MichiBot> I had an exception... ow. Here's the stacktrace: https://paste.pc-logix.com/qivihefifa
L353[10:51:45] <Ko​dos> I broke it? Fun
L354[10:52:03] <Forec​aster> it needs a target
L355[10:52:17] <Forec​aster> blue doesn't
L356[10:52:29] <Ko​dos> Why would a green need a target. Red I understand but green ones don’t home
L357[10:53:04] <Forec​aster> this isn't mario cart
L358[10:53:23] <Ko​dos> But... shells are literally from Mario kart. Why wouldn’t you add the rules
L359[11:03:52] <Forec​aster> just because it's comparable to something doesn't mean it has to be exactly the same
L360[11:20:04] <Elfi> I hereby declare the shells are peanut shells and not turtle shells, therefore severing them from their rules
L361[11:20:30] <Elfi> Be free, little nuts
L362[11:21:11] <Forec​aster> the underlying system is called tonksnipe, the names of the projectiles are completely arbitrary
L363[11:22:19] <Forec​aster> it is pretty nutty
L364[11:27:25] ⇨ Joins: Malacath (webchat@
L365[11:28:17] <Malacath> after spending all night working on my friends linux server cause it kept dying every 30m and unable to login through rdp, apparently all it needed was a dist upgrade through ssh....
L366[11:29:35] <Izaya> > RDP on a server
L367[11:29:37] <Izaya> but why
L368[11:30:07] <MichiBot> Inari REMINDER: consider if you would: give Amanda scritchies
L369[11:33:55] <dequbed> Izaya: Because your server is administered using a GUI?
L370[11:34:04] <Izaya> [external screaming]
L371[11:34:45] <Malacath> xfce ubuntu, xorg bugged out, crashed etc
L372[11:34:56] <Malacath> 18->20
L373[11:35:04] <dequbed> Izaya: Hey now, it could be worse! It could be an Electron-app running binary over XML.
L374[11:35:31] <Izaya> [external screaming intensifies]
L375[11:36:47] <dequbed> Izaya: <data><binary><bit index="0">0</bit><bit index="1">0</bit><bit index="2">1</bit></binary></data>
L376[11:37:07] <dequbed> XML is like violence. If it isn't the solution you're just afraid to use enough of it.
L377[11:37:59] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipbcc03b27.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L378[11:38:12] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipbcc03b27.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L379[11:40:51] <Malacath> when it comes to xml, you forgot a tag, mistyped, mis data typed, forgot a " or you are using the wrong object
L380[11:41:24] <dequbed> Yes but at least you can check for that
L381[11:42:02] <Izaya> Let's be real, if it were an Electron document it'd be spewing binary in JSON over websockets using <buzzwords>
L382[11:42:46] <dequbed> Izaya: http://thedailywtf.com/articles/The-HumanReadable-Encryption-Key or would it
L383[11:44:11] <Malacath> how dare you relate humans to bytes
L384[11:44:16] * Saphire nips Izaya
L385[11:45:16] <Saphire> dequbed: what the fuck
L386[11:45:25] <ThePi​Guy24> Izaya: wheres the abusing deprecated APIs?
L387[11:45:46] * dequbed looks at their gigabytes of Metal. "Spotify, why is my Discover Weekly only Techno and shitty meme songs again?"
L388[11:46:14] <Izaya> dequbed: VMWare stuff is usually neat but what the FUCK is that
L389[11:46:41] <dequbed> Izaya: XML
L390[11:46:56] <dequbed> Saphire: the daily one even
L391[11:48:37] <dequbed> Izaya: Also also I'm "joking" with the binary in xml bit I sent you but one software ~~by~~ related to IBM used pretty much that. I don't know which one anymore I just got forwarded a packet dump by a colleague. They didn't use string ids however so yay.
L392[11:49:29] <dequbed> I fondly remember seeing the <bit>1</bit> thingy and going "that's an expensive way to store flags ... wait those aren't flags ... *scroll* Oh. Oh no."
L393[12:02:22] <Amanda> strange thing to have fond memories of...
L394[12:05:05] <dequbed> Amanda: I find amusement in the horrors of computer programs. And comfort knowing that my employment is guaranteed for my forseeable lifetime.
L395[12:06:20] <dequbed> And its not like it doesn't work. It does work, its just slightly inefficient. But the cost of that inefficiency is all but insignificant compared to the cost of the engineering time to do it more efficiently.
L396[12:08:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-65-127.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L397[12:10:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-115-104.dynamic.as20676.net)
L398[12:10:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L399[12:45:29] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony1 (~Thunderbi@
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L401[12:45:39] *** DBotThePony1 is now known as DBotThePony
L402[12:45:41] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L403[12:45:41] <MichiBot> Awesome! Forec​aster! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of 3 hours, 17 minutes and 16 seconds (By 49 minutes and 50 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L404[12:45:42] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00332 (0.00083 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.20420553 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L405[12:46:02] <Izaya> Skye: Minitel over ActvityPub
L406[12:46:32] <Izaya> The future of networking
L407[12:48:31] <stephan48> notworking?
L408[12:50:00] <Izaya> "Sorry I can't connect to your MT-RPC endpoint your instance admin defederated my instance"
L409[12:50:01] <Bri​anH> why not just just have people replace qr codes with piet and have everyone can just share data over social networking
L410[12:50:45] <Bri​anH> then make that how the Internet works inside of the Internet. If everyone stops. the social networking stops too because., the social networking data is also shared with piet over something, which at the lowest level is just people on the street showing piet to eachother
L411[12:51:11] <Bri​anH> the piet data describes not only the data itself but how to interpret it as a piet program
L412[12:51:17] <Izaya> imagine QR code modem training thingos
L413[12:51:42] <Izaya> You have two phones face each other and they test the other to see how fast it can read QR codes
L414[12:52:05] <Bri​anH> lol
L415[12:52:13] <Bri​anH> I like piet better
L416[12:52:22] <Bri​anH> 😄
L417[12:52:29] <Bri​anH> bnecause then data loss is more likely
L418[12:53:14] <Bri​anH> people will get so frustrated in fact that they will then start forming small communities to power parts of the Internet as a series of d20 rolls
L419[12:54:18] <Amanda> wth is piet
L420[12:55:00] <Bri​anH> piet is a programming language. https://esolangs.org/wiki/Piet
L421[12:55:28] <Bri​anH> better link: https://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html
L422[12:56:17] <Amanda> I see
L423[12:57:58] <Bri​anH> http://tinyurl.com/y6oagujv
L424[12:58:04] <Bri​anH> This is a piet program that calculates pi
L425[13:01:02] <Skye> Izaya: any network protocol I make will be inspired by IRC
L426[13:09:51] <Bri​anH> heh
L427[13:18:23] ⇦ Quits: Malacath (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L428[13:22:05] <dequbed> Izaya: > Minitel over ActivityPub > I'd deploy that.
L429[13:26:36] <dequbed> @BrianH out of curiosity, does that calculate pi from first principles or does it "only" refine its approximation? Because that looks like it starts with a pretty refined value of pi (the circle)
L430[13:26:52] <Bri​anH> No idea
L431[13:27:09] <Bri​anH> I never actually learned Piet lol
L432[13:33:50] * Saphire ponders, flops
L433[13:33:59] <Saphire> Second Life is.. interesting
L434[13:34:05] <Saphire> DRM is annoying though
L435[13:35:36] <Forec​aster> %fling DRM at Saphire
L436[13:35:37] <MichiBot> Forec​aster is flinging something at Saph​ire! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L437[13:36:06] <dequbed> %pet Saphire
L438[13:36:06] <MichiBot> dequbed is petting Saphire with ender pearls. Saphire regains 1d4 => 4 hit points!
L439[13:41:32] <Sap​hire> %defend
L440[13:41:32] <MichiBot> Specify an action as the first parameter: block, guard, deflect, parry, counterspell, dodge
L441[13:41:44] <Sap​hire> %parry
L442[13:41:44] <MichiBot> Saphire fails to parry the DRM flung at them by Forecaster with a 5 vs 10, taking the full 4 damage.
L443[13:41:52] <Sap​hire> Aw
L444[13:42:20] <Forec​aster> now nobody can download a Saphire
L445[13:44:36] ⇦ Quits: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L446[13:48:13] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L447[13:57:40] ⇦ Quits: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@ (Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed)
L448[13:58:09] <Bri​anH> I just found a JIT verilog REPL
L449[13:58:14] <Bri​anH> this is amazing
L450[14:00:04] <Forec​aster> I keep turning to look at my dead 4th monitor where chat used to be...
L451[14:02:24] <Brisingr​Aerowing> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzH1CfUPvHY
L452[14:02:24] <MichiBot> IRON GOLEM GETS AN UPGRADE - Minecraft Animation | length: 50s | Likes: 22,449 Dislikes: 468 Views: 1,493,080 | by UncleSalad | Published On 11/2/2020
L453[14:03:49] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L454[14:05:17] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~chatter@
L455[14:12:27] <Bri​anH> @Forecaster Time to take it apart
L456[14:13:02] <Forec​aster> why?
L457[14:13:50] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~chatter@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L458[14:14:46] <dequbed> Ariri: Hey, song for you: https://youtu.be/j9HRer3gK7A
L459[14:14:47] <MichiBot> Dreamtale - Join The Rain (SECOND SINGLE FROM THE NEW ALBUM!) | length: 4m 12s | Likes: 846 Dislikes: 10 Views: 117,579 | by OfficialDreamtale | Published On 7/4/2013
L460[14:16:17] <Bri​anH> why does this have the bloodhound gang the bad touch chord progression at the beginning
L461[14:16:17] <Bri​anH> XD
L462[14:35:25] <dequbed> Ariri: Also unrelated to the above I just made a sauce that's worthy of you - it ought to be like 50% fat by volume. Main ingredients are butter, cream and creme fraiche.
L463[15:43:53] <Ariri> Oooh
L464[15:46:29] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@id-453710.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L465[16:15:03] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fe7e42e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L466[16:17:43] <Amanda> Inari: you missed an important reminder you set in MichiBot!
L467[16:18:08] <Amanda> <+MichiBot> Inari REMINDER: consider if you would: give Amanda scritchies
L468[16:20:09] <Inari> Amanda: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/228914494569578496/762695928456806410/120995751_2279385805538940_5272721864373154822_o.png?width=562&height=703 cat be liquid
L469[16:20:16] <Inari> Amanda: lies
L470[16:20:44] <Amanda> trues.
L471[16:21:07] <Inari> It's true that its a lie
L472[16:21:15] <Amanda> no, it's a lies that it's a lies.
L473[16:26:13] <Inari> so its trues that its a lies that it's a lies?
L474[16:26:22] <Amanda> yes.
L475[16:26:43] <Amanda> %pat Inari
L476[16:28:11] <Inari> %bite Amanda
L477[16:28:11] <MichiBot> In​ari is trying to bite Ama​nda! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L478[16:30:25] <Amanda> D:
L479[16:30:31] <Amanda> %parry
L480[16:30:32] <MichiBot> Amanda successfully parried Inari. With an 18 vs 12 Amanda avoided all of the damage!
L481[16:30:38] <Amanda> %bap i Neo
L482[16:30:38] <MichiBot> Amanda baps i Neo with ☼hardwood staff☼!
L483[16:30:41] <Amanda> %bap Inari
L484[16:30:41] <MichiBot> Amanda baps Inari with Michiyo's broken Crystal Ball!
L485[16:31:48] <Amanda> Elfi: quick fae deception check! Tell Skye she's not a cutie, even though she definately is!
L486[16:33:14] <Amanda> ah, I guess she's sleeping.
L487[16:33:26] * Amanda nestles in around Elfi, providing comfort and warms
L488[16:33:27] <Forec​aster> %sip
L489[16:33:27] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery crimson potion (New!). Forecaster feels slightly more agile.
L490[16:33:31] <Elfi> huh what
L491[16:33:31] * Lizzy gives Amanda scirtches
L492[16:33:38] <Lizzy> also Skye is best cutie
L493[16:33:46] <Elfi> Sorry, were you asking me to tell a falsehood?
L494[16:33:52] <Elfi> You know I can't actually do that. Fae rules
L495[16:33:54] <Amanda> Elfi: we have to make sure the fae's inability to lie is still in effect.
L496[16:34:27] <Elfi> Skye's plain only next to the fairy queen herself
L497[16:34:32] <Elfi> There >:P
L498[16:34:34] <Amanda> :D
L499[16:35:04] <Amanda> I was about to say, "Though we all know there's ways to bend the truth, such as saying you've seen other cuties"
L500[16:35:22] <Amanda> not technically a falshood, ,and also not calling Skye not-cute
L501[16:35:39] <Elfi> I mean yes
L502[16:35:50] <Elfi> But also too mean-spirited for me
L503[16:36:03] * Skye confused noises
L504[16:36:04] <Amanda> true
L505[16:36:19] * Amanda dispatches a clone to pat Skye on the head
L506[16:36:34] <Forec​aster> %pet Skye
L507[16:36:34] <MichiBot> Forecaster is petting Skye with CompanionCube's knife. Skye regains 1d4 => 2 hit points! CompanionCube's knife angered a fairy and was turned into a pie.
L508[16:36:37] <Lizzy> Skye best cutie confiirmed
L509[16:36:42] <Skye> What did elfie mean
L510[16:37:07] <Amanda> She's saying you're plain only next to an unimaginable beauty
L511[16:37:37] <Amanda> QED It would take something turly out-of-the-world to make you seem plain.
L512[16:39:10] <Amanda> %bap @Forecaster
L513[16:39:10] <MichiBot> Amanda baps @Forecaster with pulseaudio!
L514[16:39:14] <Amanda> don't pet people with knives!
L515[16:39:24] <Forec​aster> I didn't choose to D:
L516[16:39:37] <Forec​aster> and Elfi turned the knife into a pie anyway
L517[16:40:09] <Amanda> you shouldn't pet people with pies, either.
L518[16:40:20] <Amanda> pies are for eating, not brushng people with
L519[16:42:31] <Skye> Amanda: Elfi: have you seen my character? :p
L520[16:42:40] <Elfi> Have I?
L521[16:43:52] <Skye> Well
L522[16:43:53] <Amanda> I think I've seen some early sketches of them. :3
L523[16:43:57] <Skye> Profile picture / character
L524[16:44:10] <Lizzy> spoiler: it's cuuuute
L525[16:48:00] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:8cd9:1900:42dc:416c:a6e:e690) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L526[17:02:28] <dequbed> %pet Ariri
L527[17:02:28] <MichiBot> dequbed is petting Ariri with a Magic Quantum Potato! (25%). Ariri regains 1d4 => 2 (Magic +2) => 4 hit points!
L528[17:03:42] <Amanda> dequbed: does time move in Factorio servers when nobody's on?
L529[17:04:04] <Forec​aster> iirc no
L530[17:04:25] <Amanda> damn. Was considering throwing my save up onto my homelab so I could idle-science while I sleep
L531[17:04:36] <Forec​aster> 90% sure time stops unless at least one player is logged on
L532[17:05:38] <dequbed> Amanda: Nope, time is stopped unless one person is online as Forecaster said. But I *think* there's a setting or a mod that adds something for idling.
L533[17:06:04] <Forec​aster> I think it's a mod, I don't recall a setting for it, but that might be out of date
L534[17:06:05] * Ariri absorbs the potatos quantum energy, observes the state of all of dequbed's electrons at once
L535[17:06:48] * dequbed zaps Ariri with a few extra electrons
L536[17:07:21] <Ariri> %bap dequbed
L537[17:07:22] <MichiBot> Ariri baps dequbed with proper technical support manual!
L538[17:07:47] <dequbed> Hah proper technical support? That costs extra!
L539[17:07:51] <Forec​aster> very important to follow the manual when adding electrons to things
L540[17:14:14] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L541[17:32:23] <Ariri> %tonk the electrons
L542[17:32:23] <MichiBot> Holy tiny packet of cream Batman! Ar​iri! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 4 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds (By 39 minutes and 35 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L543[17:32:24] <MichiBot> Ariri's new record is 4 hours, 46 minutes and 41 seconds! Ariri also gained 0.0033 (0.00066 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9. Need 0.23824 more points to pass simo​n816!
L544[17:43:52] <Skye> Amanda, Elfi: should should I show you drawings of my character?
L545[17:44:12] <ThePi​Guy24> needs beans
L546[17:48:52] * Inari melts Amanda more
L547[17:48:55] <Inari> Amanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1EXYQvAIvw ~
L548[17:48:56] <MichiBot> ゆるめるモ!(You'll Melt More!)『逃げない!! 』(Official Music Video) | length: 4m 50s | Likes: 27,541 Dislikes: 415 Views: 1,592,739 | by ゆるめるモ!OFFICIAL | Published On 24/11/2017
L549[17:51:26] <Amanda> wait, when did you melt me before?
L550[17:52:04] <Inari> n-never
L551[17:52:50] * Amanda eyes Inari wearily
L552[17:53:27] <Inari> shhh
L553[17:53:29] <Inari> just enjoy the song smh
L554[17:54:54] <Inari> anyone know a good shout from a video game? I always feel like they hold back, maybe to try and not clip audio
L555[17:55:33] <dequbed> If you're clipping audio in a professional studio environment your recording engineer did not do their job.
L556[17:55:40] <Inari> maybe
L557[17:55:48] <Inari> Then why does it always feel lik ethey don't actually shout
L558[17:55:49] <Inari> :f
L559[17:56:02] <dequbed> Nah not maybe you can record a space shuttle taking off without clipping no problem.
L560[17:56:34] <dequbed> Probably because it hurts their voices to do serveral hundred takes of a full-strength wilhelm scream and they are simply not payed enough for that? :p
L561[17:56:44] <Inari> Lame
L562[17:58:47] <Inari> One more reason why AI voice will be superior
L563[17:59:22] <dequbed> You mean after it has been trained on voice artists holding back yet it somehow learns to properly scream as you would like to hear?
L564[17:59:32] <Inari> No
L565[17:59:52] <Inari> after it leanrs to simulate voice from simulating the human voicebox
L566[17:59:53] <Inari> \o/
L567[17:59:59] <Amanda> I don't think I've heard of any major company working on from-scratch AI voices
L568[18:00:10] <dequbed> Inari: Yeah no that'll never happen.
L569[18:00:14] <Inari> Maybe not, but it'll happen, eventually
L570[18:00:17] <Amanda> why bother when it's much easier to cut up voice recordings
L571[18:00:55] <Amanda> if you can get someone to say the vocal equivilent of "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" you can have a AI voice of them
L572[18:01:12] <Inari> A p. bad one tho
L573[18:01:14] <Amanda> ( Obv. varies per-language )
L574[18:01:29] <Inari> I know the best song for japanese AI voice
L575[18:01:44] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I2Ryji_9Js
L576[18:01:45] <MichiBot> 『學學日文之歌』(只要學會這首歌,就能在日本生存!) 三原慧悟 Mihara Keigo | length: 4m 32s | Likes: 305,290 Dislikes: 2,861 Views: 5,480,036 | by 三原JAPAN Sanyuan_JAPAN | Published On 22/11/2016
L577[18:01:55] <dequbed> Amanda: No, that sentence isn't even close to covering all phonetics in the english language. Father, Apple, August all have an 'a' but three different sounds.
L578[18:02:00] <dequbed> It's easier, but it's not *that* easy.
L579[18:02:10] * Skye pokes Elfi and Amanda :P
L580[18:02:11] <Amanda> dequbed: I meant more in the conceptual sense.
L581[18:02:53] <Amanda> dequbed: like, letters:quick-brown-fox...::voice:<some vocal equivilent sentence / series of sentences that producemost of the phonetics>
L582[18:03:25] <dequbed> Amanda: Even then, human language is extremely subtle. It's not just a case of replicating a few sounds purely based on writing. If you do that you get the early AI voice that completely lacks any sort of intonation.
L583[18:03:31] <Inari> voice being generated on at least the mathematical principles of a voicebox is the only way it'll ever have a full range and sound good imo
L584[18:03:31] <Amanda> Skye: I think you've sent them before, but sure. :3
L585[18:03:59] <dequbed> Inari: Yeah but the mathematical principles are "these are the frequencies humans can generate".
L586[18:04:26] <Inari> also rate of change, how much the frequency is spread out and such
L587[18:04:28] <dequbed> AI lacks contextualizing voice and properly communicating the many layer of subtext, *not* accurate replication of frequency.
L588[18:04:41] <Inari> Sure
L589[18:04:50] <Inari> Just saying I don't trust an AI to generate voice by just listening to voices
L590[18:05:01] <Amanda> because it's notgenerating voice
L591[18:05:02] <dequbed> Well in that case none of us can speak.
L592[18:05:11] <Inari> Would need many outlier recordings
L593[18:05:25] <dequbed> Because we are all "intelligence" to learned to generate voices by just listening to them.
L594[18:05:25] <Inari> We have biological hardware
L595[18:05:26] <Inari> :p
L596[18:05:31] <dequbed> Which is irellevant.
L597[18:05:42] <Inari> We have actual live recordings
L598[18:05:42] <Amanda> It's producing timecodes, or combining timecodes, to cut up existing audio to produce the sounds, then maybe doing some smothing over at best
L599[18:05:47] <Inari> Not - as you said - non-shouty recordings
L600[18:05:55] <dequbed> Like *seriously* irelevant. It's a hinderance even because we need to learn to use them properly.
L601[18:06:17] <Bri​anH> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/584106582359408660/763097393263542302/unknown.png?width=742&height=417
L602[18:06:19] <Inari> Also you gotta correlate voice sound to other factors
L603[18:06:22] <Bri​anH> that's whatchya need
L604[18:06:25] <Inari> Like no human has the full vocal range probvably
L605[18:06:37] <Bri​anH> hover ships
L606[18:06:43] <dequbed> Inari: An AI can do all of the correlating as well as proven by humans doing it.
L607[18:06:54] <Inari> Well
L608[18:06:56] <Inari> then gimme an AI
L609[18:06:57] <Inari> pog
L610[18:07:18] <Amanda> AIUI current AI voice tech is around deciding what letters fed in generate what sounds are needed, where the sounds are just timecodes in another audio stream which they can cut and splice together to sound human. Mostof the research is going into differentating things like read and read and which one to use.
L611[18:07:24] <dequbed> Inari: Almost every human on earth has a brain and has learned stuff that way. What more do you want.
L612[18:07:50] <Amanda> ( THey being whatever is running the ML model, another part of the software entirely )
L613[18:08:09] <Amanda> s/running/feeding/
L614[18:08:09] <MichiBot> <Amanda> ( THey being whatever is feeding the ML model, another part of the software entirely )
L615[18:08:29] <dequbed> Amanda: Correct for TTS systems where that is relevant. Not so true for i.e. assistant AIs which need to generate sentences from scratch but don't have to speak text out loud.
L616[18:08:33] <Inari> dequbed: Dind't you say it yourself?
L617[18:08:43] <Inari> The AI wil be traine don recordings, not on actual humans
L618[18:08:53] <Amanda> dequbed: that'd be a totally seperate model though, not directly related to the voice.
L619[18:08:58] <dequbed> In the latter case it is truly "generative" voice and not /really/ cutting and splicing audio
L620[18:09:07] <Amanda> oh
L621[18:09:24] * Skye wonders what to do
L622[18:09:25] <Amanda> Inari: ... where do you think these recordings will come from?
L623[18:09:37] <dequbed> Inari: At the moment, yes. But you're saying "AI can never" when really "AI has already"
L624[18:10:39] <dequbed> well excluding the artificial part because we're by definition not. But AI can in theory do everything humans do if we just get a bit more fundamental research in. So really, never say never with AI.
L625[18:16:51] <Amanda> oh jeez. I forgot I automated sattelite launching, suddenly: alarms
L626[18:22:43] <Bri​anH> haha
L627[18:24:19] ⇦ Quits: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L628[18:36:37] ⇨ Joins: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de)
L629[18:40:19] <Forec​aster> Attention fleet, Lizzy, Amanda & Michiyo, we're heading to an ongoing combat community goal now
L630[18:41:05] <Forec​aster> the reward (from the non-empire side) beyond money is an engineered seeker missile rack
L631[18:41:14] <Forec​aster> so I want to participate in this
L632[18:41:56] <Forec​aster> the carrier is enroute and we will arrive in 40 minutes or so
L633[18:45:24] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@
L634[18:50:01] <Amanda> welll that was fun. XWayland just up and killed itself.
L635[18:51:48] <Forec​aster> wazat
L636[18:52:14] <Amanda> X11 server that forwards to Wayland
L637[18:52:38] <Amanda> rather, translates to
L638[18:52:57] <Forec​aster> I just realized why my new domain wasn't working...
L639[18:53:23] <Forec​aster> it was because DNS is not working on this computer to my local servers for some reason and I hadn't added the domain to the host file...
L640[18:53:27] <Forec​aster> -_-
L641[19:09:01] <dequbed> Everytime I'm convinced that the US could not possible be more broken I discover a new detail on how completely disfunctional that country is.
L642[19:09:48] <Forec​aster> there is no limit to stupid, in any area
L643[19:10:09] <Forec​aster> you might think, nay, hope, that there is, but there is always more stupid
L644[19:13:49] <Ariri> Especially in American speaking countries
L645[19:16:02] <Ocawes​ome101> > Trump: I look at Biden, he's wearing the biggest mask, the biggest mask i've ever seen, and he's standing, he's standing two hundred feet away from everybody [...]
L646[19:16:18] <Amanda> oh look, something shiny
L647[19:16:25] * Amanda wanders off to preserve her sanity
L648[19:53:08] <CompanionCube> dequbed:` what's it this time?
L649[19:53:45] <dequbed> CompanionCube: https://dcist.com/story/20/10/05/thousands-of-d-c-renters-are-evicted-every-year-do-they-all-know-to-show-up-to-court/
L650[19:57:46] <Inari> %pet Amanda
L651[19:57:47] <MichiBot> Inari is petting Amanda with a fluffy luna moth. Amanda regains 1d4 => 1 hit points!
L652[20:01:42] * Amanda meows
L653[20:01:54] <dequbed> %pet Amanda
L654[20:01:54] <MichiBot> dequbed is brushing Amanda with ender pearls. Amanda regains 1d4 => 3 hit points! Ender pearls sinks into quicksand.
L655[20:02:10] <Forec​aster> how rude, my adv docking module was disabled >:
L656[20:02:12] * Amanda gets teleported randomly around the channel, loos around
L657[20:02:23] <Amanda> looks(
L658[20:02:42] * Amanda finds her spot, cuddles back up around Elfi
L659[20:15:17] <bad at​ vijya> hell yeah, ssd is installed
L660[20:15:46] <Izaya> s-stick an SSD in it
L661[20:17:33] <ThePi​Guy24> stick an FDD in it
L662[20:28:12] <Amanda> oh hey, there goes another sattelite.
L663[20:28:23] <Amanda> Oh, I found PLuto's moon
L664[20:28:35] <Amanda> It's chock-full of copper
L665[20:32:35] <Forec​aster> that's no moon
L666[20:32:48] <Forec​aster> that's a fully operational battle station, made out of copper
L667[20:35:07] <bad at​ vijya> time to see
L668[20:35:08] <bad at​ vijya> if
L669[20:37:53] <dequbed> TIL that an Australian Shire send NASA a 400AUD fine for loitering when NASA dropped Skylab on 'stralia.
L670[20:45:39] <Sap​hire> Heh
L671[20:45:53] <Corded> * <Sap​hire> chews the moon
L672[20:46:27] <bad at​ vijya> Izaya: between forgetting to use the microcode, not regenerating the initramfs, and bad memory
L673[20:46:33] <bad at​ vijya> transfering to SSD has been a pain
L674[20:53:50] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fe7e42e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L675[21:39:12] <Forec​aster> %sip
L676[21:39:12] <MichiBot> You drink a porous bavarium potion (New!). Sitting down suddenly seems like a really terrible idea.
L677[21:39:42] <Forec​aster> Well I'm laying down, so nya
L678[21:46:03] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L679[21:46:04] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Ariri's record of 4 hours, 46 minutes and 41 seconds this time. 4 hours, 13 minutes and 40 seconds were wasted! Missed by 33 minutes and 1 second!
L680[21:46:09] <CompanionCube> oof
L681[21:49:35] <Amanda> no! Bad @Saphire! I've told you a million times, Earth's Moon isn't made of cheese! That's Eurpoa!
L682[22:01:16] <Nathan -​ Car Gang> Amanda that totally sounds like the earths moon
L683[22:12:11] <Amanda> TIL Earth is Jupiter
L684[22:12:20] <Amanda> Europa*
L685[22:15:51] <Amanda> %tell Inari Hey! Rude! First you try and feed me plastic blocks, then you just leave. :(
L686[22:15:51] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L687[22:17:11] <Forec​aster> %sip
L688[22:17:11] <MichiBot> You drink a soft rock potion (New!). Forecaster's favourite skin is suddenly fire.
L689[22:17:19] <Forec​aster> Ahhh
L690[22:17:55] <Amanda> hrm. I wonder how many people's favourite piece of skin is-- nvm
L691[22:20:45] <Forec​aster> Piece? > . >
L692[22:21:08] <Amanda> I parse it as a patch of skin, not like a game skin. I
L693[22:23:38] <Forec​aster> Why wouldn't it refer to your entire skin either way
L694[22:23:45] <Amanda> vOv
L695[22:23:59] <Amanda> ask the parser department of my holomatrix.
L696[22:24:25] <Forec​aster> I can't I'm sleeping
L697[22:24:33] <Amanda> seemslegit
L698[22:24:54] <Amanda> %choose laptop goes sleep?
L699[22:24:54] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: No, maybe tomorrow.
L700[22:25:10] <Amanda> I'm not leaving my laptop on overnight, MichiBot
L701[22:25:26] <Amanda> laptop goes sleep. -> typos
L702[22:28:37] <bad at​ vijya> so
L703[22:28:41] <bad at​ vijya> my not booting problem?
L704[22:28:43] <bad at​ vijya> ACPI issue
L705[22:28:45] <bad at​ vijya> s i g h
L706[22:46:31] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L707[22:53:22] <bad at​ vijya> it took all day http://tinyurl.com/y4gy6zj8
L708[22:53:27] <bad at​ vijya> but my system finally starts
L709[22:53:54] <bad at​ vijya> `acpi_osi=Linux` seems to have done the trick
L710[23:12:18] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L711[23:19:56] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-115-104.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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