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L1[00:02:27] ⇨ Joins: mine_gec (~mine_gec@
L2[00:02:39] <mine_gec> hello?
L3[00:02:48] <Ocawes​ome101> %hello
L4[00:02:48] <MichiBot> Ocawes​ome101: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L5[00:03:25] ⇦ Quits: mine_gec (~mine_gec@ (Client Quit)
L6[00:05:55] <t20kdc> Izaya: Meanwhile, in Britain. THE CIRCUS HAS COME TO TOWN!
L7[00:06:07] <Izaya> :D
L8[00:06:12] <Izaya> Have fun!
L9[00:07:39] <CompanionCube> t20kdc: what do you mean come?
L10[00:07:46] <CompanionCube> that implies it wasn't here already
L11[00:08:04] <Argosy> sapphicettucine, do you have a link to this "new VRAM code"?
L12[00:08:50] <Kristo​pher38> it's called gpu component docs
L13[00:10:14] <Kristo​pher38> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:gpu
L14[00:11:23] <Argosy> ah okay, I thought it was some fork
L15[00:11:34] <Argosy> it's just a new API then
L16[00:12:11] <Ocawes​ome101> yep
L17[00:12:18] <Ocawes​ome101> you do need dev builds to use it currently
L18[00:12:32] <Ocawes​ome101> (despite the designation, they're usually pretty stable)
L19[00:12:38] <Argosy> ah I see, being on 1.7.5 isn't enough?
L20[00:12:50] <Argosy> or is that the dev build?
L21[00:12:55] <Kristo​pher38> oh right, you need to get the dev builds
L22[00:13:04] <Kristo​pher38> no, that's the release version
L23[00:13:24] <Kristo​pher38> dev builds are over on https://ci.cil.li
L24[00:15:10] <t20kdc> CompanionCube: assume that the "the circus has come to town" applied as of BJ becoming PM
L25[00:15:20] <CompanionCube> pretty much
L26[00:15:34] <Kristo​pher38> Huh, someone is still maintaining TIS-3D and updating it to new MC versions
L27[00:15:50] <Vexatos> TIS-3D is the objectively better computer mod, after all
L28[00:15:54] <t20kdc> CompanionCube: with credit where credit is due to TM and DC for properly setting the stage
L29[00:16:15] <CompanionCube> hah
L30[00:16:17] <t20kdc> CompanionCube: and generally doing other circus-preparey-things to ensure everyone can have a horrible time
L31[00:17:47] <Kristo​pher38> I'm starting to think vexatos knows fnuecke irl and that's how they collaborated in every project
L32[00:18:00] <Vexatos> no I never met him
L33[00:18:09] <Vexatos> payo and sangar had dinner once
L34[00:18:19] <Vexatos> he lives on the other side of the country
L35[00:18:58] <Kristo​pher38> How did that happen? Payo is literally on the other side of the globe
L36[00:19:13] <Vexatos> business trip
L37[00:19:35] <Kristo​pher38> I see
L38[00:19:52] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L39[00:20:12] <Ocawes​ome101> whereabouts is payonel located? somewhere in the us?
L40[00:20:47] <Kristo​pher38> Yeah, US judging by the timezone
L41[00:21:25] <Kristo​pher38> I think I remember him saying that explicitly though but whatever
L42[00:25:11] ⇦ Quits: Argosy (~argosy@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L43[00:26:16] <Izaya> Ariri: https://i.redd.it/9dyv6qgk8zk51.jpg
L44[00:26:42] <Vexatos> ah yes, /r/imsorryjon
L45[00:34:40] ⇦ Parts: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Disconnected: Replaced by new connection))
L46[00:34:46] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L47[00:37:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fe7ea58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L48[00:37:15] <Ar​iri> "Im going to have nightmares about that"^
L49[00:37:55] <sapphicf​ettucine> there is
L50[00:38:00] <sapphicf​ettucine> so much worse
L51[01:01:52] <Izaya> Amanda, Ariri: is there some way I'm missing to skip the setup on this thing so I don't have to make an account?
L52[01:03:42] <Amanda> what thing?
L53[01:04:05] <Ariri> I dont have mine yet, but I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/3ec8s9/setting_up_kobo_touch_without_an_account/
L54[01:04:10] <Ocawes​ome101> e-reader probably
L55[01:04:12] <Amanda> oh
L56[01:04:28] <Amanda> I don't know, I had an account with their ebookstore anyway, with a couple of books purchased on it
L57[01:04:56] <Ariri> Also something about the 'I dont have wifi' option, but its unclear
L58[01:04:59] ⇨ Joins: Argosy (~argosy@
L59[01:05:24] <Amanda> I bought from them when I had my PocketBook since I want to avoid giving money to the Amazon book monopoly machine as much as I can
L60[01:05:50] <Izaya> ah you have to shove stuff into the sqlite db
L61[01:06:32] <Ariri> Amanda: Same^
L62[01:07:32] <Izaya> aha
L63[01:07:35] <Izaya> registration faked /o/
L64[01:10:33] <Ariri> teehee
L65[01:13:26] <Izaya> can I use something less shit than vfat
L66[01:13:30] <Izaya> like, can I make it ext4 instead
L67[01:14:14] <Amanda> I don't think so
L68[01:14:27] <Ariri> Without sideloading stuff, I have no idea how customizable it is, I couldn't find much explaining the software in-depth
L69[01:17:55] <Izaya> I'll play with ssh on it more later
L70[01:26:21] ⇦ Quits: lord| (~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L71[01:27:55] ⇨ Joins: lord| (~ba7888b72@
L72[01:29:03] <Ocawes​ome101> tfw your home partition is low on space so you run `xz -dc | dd of=/dev/sdd` to flash the 14gb image to your phone
L73[01:29:10] <Peach​Master> Does anyone know why I get this?
L74[01:29:10] <Peach​Master> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/wugozuxoya
L75[01:29:10] <Peach​Master> I know someone told me to use drivers instead of using `SimpleComponent`, but I wasn't sure.
L76[01:29:56] <Peach​Master> (I made this periphal in Java)
L77[01:30:00] <Peach​Master> *component in Java
L78[01:33:56] <Ar​iri> If you don't get a reply soon, try searching the forums. (It's a tad inactive at this time and I'm not sure where to start with helping)
L79[01:43:39] <Izaya> Pretty happy with this thinger so far
L80[01:44:05] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/pn-SQ-KH51eQP8-v/bh2TdOf9SiGbXpoWQO3xbA.jpg
L81[01:44:19] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/t9HoZjIAg6ni321I/zORFiwVEQzS8QkaT0RbeWA.jpg
L82[01:45:10] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-103-34.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L83[01:45:15] <Amanda> %choose coke or ice cream
L84[01:45:15] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Hold on tightly! "ice cream" is a wild ride!
L85[01:46:18] <Ocawes​ome101> Eeeny, meeny, miny, "ice cream"!
L86[01:48:37] <Amanda> silly @ocawesome101 -- you're not michibot
L87[01:48:48] <Ocawes​ome101> but michibot is dead
L88[01:48:56] <Ocawes​ome101> so i'm acting as a stand-in
L89[01:49:00] <Amanda> then how did she just answer?
L90[01:49:08] <Ocawes​ome101> ...????
L91[01:49:13] <Ocawes​ome101> oh
L92[01:49:26] <Ocawes​ome101> her message came to discord first so i didn't see it
L93[01:54:20] <Izaya> ayy I've logged in as root
L94[01:54:21] <Izaya> nice
L95[01:54:29] <CompanionCube> already?
L96[01:54:34] <Ar​iri> Izaya: She is a qt, what she from? Also did you import than in grayscale, or does the e-ink do fine with color images
L97[01:54:48] <Ar​iri> that manga*
L98[01:54:49] <CompanionCube> that root was fast
L99[01:55:18] <Ar​iri> hackerman
L100[01:55:20] <Amanda> I manually gray-scale all mine when I generate my epubs, but I don't think it's as necessary for the kobos as it was for the pocketbook
L101[01:55:32] <Izaya> Ariri: Koisuru Asteroid, and that's one of the colour images from the start of the volume
L102[01:55:56] <Amanda> Kobo doesn't try and pretend to be a multi-tasking OS, wasting precious ram
L103[01:56:05] <Ar​iri> Okay, thats what I thought from what Id seen, so I didnt bother grayscaling mine, but it wouldnt be much of stretch to do it
L104[01:56:56] <Izaya> and yet it's linux underneath
L105[01:57:17] <Amanda> so's the pocketbook.
L106[01:57:38] <Amanda> but the pocketbook had a task switcher, and presumably kept running other books in the background, if that task switcher was to be believed
L107[01:58:02] <Amanda> so slowly as I'd go through my various stories' daily updates, the thing'd get slower and slower
L108[01:58:13] <Izaya> remember to put coma at the end of each line!
L109[01:59:24] <Izaya> > feed_config.lua
L110[01:59:27] <Izaya> > is a lua script
L111[01:59:39] <Izaya> guess I'll just make it return stuff for each line in another file
L112[02:06:56] <Elfi> Hey Izaya, how much was it?
L113[02:07:12] <Elfi> I'm looking for an alternative to my old Zen touch for ereader use
L114[02:07:25] <Elfi> Er
L115[02:07:36] <Elfi> Zenpad rather
L116[02:07:52] <Elfi> Wow, my brain fucking skipped back to 2007 for a moment there
L117[02:07:54] <Izaya> 145 AUD, on ebay
L118[02:10:16] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@dslb-002-205-077-069.002.205.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L119[02:17:46] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/XqjUbekyYlrjrsxp/xBrTKyMXRR-DS-XJGq3eWw.jpg
L120[02:21:45] <Argosy> so since love2d is all cpp-based looks like any "port" will be a pure lua reimplementation with some missing dependencies
L121[02:23:49] <bad at​ vijya> yes
L122[02:26:07] <Kristo​pher38> I don't want to kill your fun but my guess is that performance will be terrible, but you're welcome to prove me wrong
L123[02:28:07] * Izaya hmms
L124[02:28:16] <Izaya> so I guess with this tools package I extract the .tar.gz to /?
L125[02:28:25] <Izaya> seems like a kludge
L126[02:29:25] <Amanda> the updates go in sd/.kobo/something.tgz then they get extracted to /
L127[02:29:36] <Amanda> KoboUpdate.tar.gz maybe?
L128[02:29:48] <Amanda> there
L129[02:30:04] <Izaya> aah
L130[02:30:08] <Amanda> 's no verification or anything, it just treats it as a system update and extracts it over /
L131[02:30:15] <Izaya> I was just gonna tar xvf it from /
L132[02:37:13] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/Etu4YOo_A5ITAqn5/9XrpPZ-5QjazYvnh4aA8Ng.jpg
L133[02:37:20] <Izaya> Copes better with PDFs than expected
L134[02:37:58] <Ar​iri> Elfi: The Forma is an 8" screen, which is closer to the Zenpad's 10", but personally I think the Libra is a good 7" fit between the 6" one like Izaya's, more closely resembling the Kindle Oasis (also has page buttons)
L135[02:38:47] <Ar​iri> its about 170 usd from kobo directly, refurbished about 100usd
L136[02:38:56] <Elfi> Mine's a Zenpad S 8.0 to be specific, so it's in the 8" range
L137[02:39:01] <Elfi> Hmm
L138[02:39:12] <Elfi> I was honestly hoping to pick up something old but reliable
L139[02:39:48] <Ar​iri> All the ones I talked about are Kobo's btw
L140[02:39:48] <Ar​iri> For old, maybe something Sony? Not really sure how low their product line goes
L141[02:50:01] <CompanionCube> who needs an e-reader when you've got a 7-inch tablet with a microsd slot?
L142[02:50:10] <CompanionCube> still stuck with shitty vfat though :p
L143[02:53:57] <Amanda> I've had a tablet or two. All I really ended up using it for was reading anyway,so I figured why not get something I need to charge monthly, not nightly
L144[02:57:39] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L145[02:57:55] <Izaya> CompanionCube: reading on LCD displays is just uncomfy for me
L146[02:58:12] <Izaya> also, tfw phone is happy with ext4 SD card
L147[03:05:40] <Ar​iri> CC: Tablets are good for multitasking, but battery life (and for many) reduced eye strain is better on an eInk e-reader if thats all you really needed it for anyways and/or want light weight and simple
L148[03:06:54] <CompanionCube> nice effort-response to my shitpost
L149[03:07:36] <Ar​iri> :P
L150[03:08:43] <Izaya> also yeah this thing is really light
L151[03:08:57] <Izaya> additionally, the software makes me want to die less than android
L152[03:09:46] <Ar​iri> I honestly can't wait for it, Im checking my email for a tracking number way more frequently than usual
L153[03:10:18] <Ar​iri> also tfw a webtoon becomes a 2.2gb cbz file and not even Nextcloud like pushing it up
L154[03:27:35] <Amanda> %choose begin printing of the DotG?
L155[03:27:36] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Are you sure? Well alright.
L156[03:28:12] <Amanda> I'm not sure, so I shan't
L157[03:28:23] * Amanda snuggles up around Elfi, yawn-meows
L158[03:41:26] <Izaya> CompanionCube: https://social.shadowkat.net/media/34fa43a97d7200bafd3bd57b699ed4c986374754fbc95bddcba67816e50f10d6.webm
L159[03:44:23] <CompanionCube> Izaya: wouldn't it be a change from simping for coal?
L160[03:44:33] <Izaya> not really
L161[03:44:37] <Izaya> but still
L162[03:44:45] <Izaya> lmao when the opposition leader calls the PM a simp
L163[03:45:41] <CompanionCube> i mean, wasn't 'ok boomer' used in NZ parliament?
L164[03:45:50] <Izaya> probably
L165[03:46:14] <Izaya> NZ's timezone is GMT+43800
L166[03:51:14] <Amanda> %calc 43800 / 24 / 365
L167[03:51:14] <MichiBot> 43800 / 24 / 365 => 5
L168[03:51:19] <Amanda> I see
L169[03:59:41] <CompanionCube> (also in another channel earlier someone mentioned the children's book MS did to promote windows home server, in case any of y'all didn't know that's a thing)
L170[04:09:46] <Izaya> Aha, have to do mangohud --dlsym as the wrapper command to get it working in Minecraft
L171[04:12:01] <MichiBot> @Ariri REMINDER: get the workshop link for the nanites mod to show Izaya because building large ships with welder walls may be too laggy
L172[04:12:49] <Ar​iri> whoops, beat myself to it
L173[04:16:19] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@
L174[04:20:04] <Ocawesome101> o/
L175[04:20:16] <Izaya> \o
L176[04:20:31] <Ocawesome101> mobian is nice
L177[04:23:40] <Izaya> seems pleasant
L178[04:26:15] <Ocawesome101> i'd rather use something arch-based but mobian is convenient for the time being
L179[04:31:51] <CompanionCube> inb4 manjaro for phones
L180[04:32:16] <Izaya> why is zsh on everything always some retarded multi-line rainbow bullshit
L181[04:32:25] <Izaya> is user@host directory$ so hard?
L182[04:32:34] * CompanionCube doesn't do the multi-line thing
L183[04:33:03] <Izaya> why is the prompt in zshrc 100 lines of code
L184[04:33:09] <Izaya> why
L185[04:33:12] <Ocawesome101> CompanionCube: you actually can run manjaro on the pinephone
L186[04:33:16] <superminor2> Izaya: which kobo device is that?
L187[04:33:25] <Izaya> the latest pinephone CE is manjaro
L188[04:33:26] * Izaya vomits
L189[04:33:38] <Izaya> superminor2: it's an Aura H2O
L190[04:33:53] <superminor2> I want to replace my kindle eventually
L191[04:34:04] <Michiyo> Man, I swear..
L192[04:34:06] <Michiyo> it never. ends.
L193[04:34:17] <Michiyo> now postfix has decided to fuck off
L194[04:34:32] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/IZ8DRT6.png
L195[04:34:35] <Izaya> WHY
L196[04:36:23] <CompanionCube> Izaya: guilty as charged with rainbow though
L197[04:37:17] <Michiyo> switched to qmail, same thing..
L198[04:37:35] <CompanionCube> Izaya: imo the problem is that whoever wrote this never heard of things like 'abstraction'
L199[04:37:55] <Izaya> why is there a date at the end of each line I type in
L200[04:37:58] <Izaya> what the fuck
L201[04:38:00] <Izaya> why
L202[04:38:08] <Michiyo> sending mail was working upto a few hours ago.
L203[04:38:12] * Michiyo headdesks
L204[04:38:13] <Izaya> zsh why can't you be normal
L205[04:38:17] <CompanionCube> Izaya: can has screenshot
L206[04:38:18] <superminor2> You gotta remember when you wrote it Izaya XD
L207[04:38:24] <Izaya> I didn't write it
L208[04:38:24] <Michiyo> ^^^
L209[04:38:27] <Izaya> this isn't my zshrc
L210[04:38:34] <Izaya> is it safe to nuke the system zshrc from orbit?
L211[04:38:36] <Michiyo> you have to remember when you write each line YOU wrote.
L212[04:38:40] <Michiyo> :P
L213[04:38:43] <superminor2> Exactly :)
L214[04:38:45] <Izaya> this thing is cursed
L215[04:38:54] <CompanionCube> i want a picture first
L216[04:38:57] <Michiyo> Did I send that command yesterday?
L217[04:39:01] <Michiyo> was itr 2 months ago?
L218[04:39:05] <Michiyo> No turns out it was 4 seconds ago.
L219[04:39:10] <Michiyo> thanks date!
L220[04:39:29] <CompanionCube> also maybe read the rest of the zshrc before nuking it
L221[04:39:53] * Michiyo rages
L222[04:40:14] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/7WvStcE.png
L223[04:40:29] <Izaya> that's not even the right hostname
L224[04:41:01] <Michiyo> wow. that is amazing.
L225[04:41:02] <Michiyo> +1
L226[04:41:05] <Michiyo> Izaya++
L227[04:41:05] <MichiBot> Michiyo: ShadowKatStudios now has 7 points
L228[04:41:06] <Michiyo> :P
L229[04:41:24] <Izaya> what sort of sociopath actually uses their embedded device like this?
L230[04:42:23] <Ocawesome101> Izaya: jesus christ
L231[04:42:31] <superminor2> That is some weird shit
L232[04:42:39] <CompanionCube> well, there's pointless multi-line ascii art
L233[04:42:57] <CompanionCube> who the fuck cares which pseudoterminal it is
L234[04:43:31] <CompanionCube> what do the numbers mean
L235[04:43:44] <Izaya> load, memory, time, battery, I think?
L236[04:44:20] <CompanionCube> also why is the directory by itself
L237[04:44:26] <CompanionCube> i almost missed it
L238[04:45:43] <Izaya> oh I see
L239[04:45:56] <Izaya> zsh doesn't support normal prompts
L240[04:46:03] <Izaya> guess I have to write a function to do basic shit
L241[04:46:06] <Izaya> neat
L242[04:47:05] <Izaya> > Zsh offers the options of using a prompt theme
L243[04:47:09] <Izaya> I just want to use my fucking $PS1
L244[04:50:07] <Izaya> I don't understand why zsh thinks 'kobo's hostname is dahlia
L245[04:53:07] <Michiyo> Ok... so postfix WAS working..
L246[04:53:16] <Michiyo> just not listening on 587 even though it was told to
L247[04:54:04] <CompanionCube> Izaya: why not just use bash
L248[04:54:15] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L249[04:54:21] <Izaya> don't want to cross-compile it when someone already built zsh
L250[04:56:13] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/bc0391206d486355004c2f3cb815a9fb52230efc548554154a93c0e4e1c38e55.png
L251[04:58:16] <superminor2> Michiyo: At least it was working I guess
L252[04:58:30] <Michiyo> well, yes. but no
L253[04:58:35] <Michiyo> everything was trying 587 :P
L254[05:00:33] <Michiyo> ugh my webmail is still broken >_>
L255[05:00:38] <superminor2> Should have just used port 25 with starttls disabled. Makes everything easier
L256[05:00:49] <superminor2> Taking care of email is just the worst
L257[05:01:57] <Michiyo> Yes... Honestly email is like 90% of the reason I pay for Plesk.
L258[05:01:59] <superminor2> I spent the last couple of months working on getting our email system fully set up with DMARC at work. Starting with essentially zero documentation
L259[05:02:07] <Izaya> the only winning move is not to play https://imgur.com/EfPYDum.png
L260[05:02:13] <superminor2> I don't want to even think about email for at least a month
L261[05:07:02] <Michiyo> lol, I hear ya.
L262[05:07:34] <superminor2> Does Plesk have an email server built in or something?
L263[05:07:49] <Michiyo> it configures postfix/dovecot for you
L264[05:08:05] <Michiyo> it WAS working fine
L265[05:08:09] <Michiyo> died some time this afternoon
L266[05:11:05] <superminor2> That sounds nice (when working, obviously)
L267[05:12:33] <Ar​iri> Izaya: is that an War Games reference?
L268[05:14:38] <Izaya> nominally
L269[05:14:43] <CompanionCube> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/03/us/politics/google-antitrust-justice-department.html
L270[05:14:51] <CompanionCube> so many words
L271[05:15:01] <CompanionCube> but no fucking reasons
L272[05:15:38] <CompanionCube> c'mon, it's not that hard, EU's done it multiple times
L273[05:18:28] <CompanionCube> Izaya: also, wanna bet the us govt will find a way to include political reasoms because they're butthurt about 'censorship'/
L274[05:19:25] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L275[05:19:46] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L276[05:20:11] <superminor2> Hey Michiyo I think the irc stats page isn't getting new logs anymore. I know it isn't high priority I just thought I would point it out in case they aren't getting saved at all...
L277[05:21:35] <Michiyo> It's not
L278[05:21:38] <Michiyo> Neo is down ATM
L279[05:21:53] <Michiyo> Trying to do damage control still lol
L280[05:21:59] <Ar​iri> The chosen one, noooo!
L281[05:22:10] <Michiyo> And.. yeaaaaah ATM I don't have logs at all..
L282[05:22:28] <Michiyo> so everything from the time I took the old box down, til I fix the new one means no logs
L283[05:22:29] <Michiyo> <_<
L284[05:22:41] <Ar​iri> Have someone feed you the znc backlog :P
L285[05:23:08] <Michiyo> Yeah, Neo has a ZNC log parser I wrote for JUST that
L286[05:23:30] <Ar​iri> Haha, nice
L287[05:23:39] <Michiyo> Lizzy, logs to file I think, I'll have to get a copy from her when this is all said and done
L288[05:27:34] <Michiyo> k, so I can send email from outlook
L289[05:27:39] <Michiyo> but not from Roundcube
L290[05:28:23] ⇨ Joins: mobian-ocawesome (~mobian-oc@
L291[05:28:58] <mobian-ocawesome> hey hey hey :^)
L292[05:29:23] <mobian-ocawesome> it is ocawesome from mobian
L293[05:29:36] <Michiyo> :O I'm SHOCKED!
L294[05:29:37] <Michiyo> :P
L295[05:29:38] <Michiyo> o/
L296[05:29:41] <mobian-ocawesome> lol
L297[05:29:50] <Ar​iri> o/
L298[05:29:55] ⇦ Quits: mobian-ocawesome (~mobian-oc@ (Client Quit)
L299[05:30:04] <Ocawesome101> that irc client
L300[05:30:11] <Ocawesome101> did not scale well to the screen
L301[05:31:01] <Izaya> I home Kaidan gets OMEMO support soon
L302[05:31:28] <Ar​iri> Izaya: A large ship with wings, multiple sets of jump drives, p, s, and tertiary shielding, guided missiles, decoy drones, and multivector attack mode to start
L303[05:31:29] <Ar​iri> What else do you think i should cram, I can’t decide between several ship designs in my head
L304[05:34:52] <Ar​iri> Currently thinking a USS Prometheus type hybrid with some other aspects of ships with large surface areas, as I want it to be atmo capable
L305[05:41:13] <Amanda> Maybe I should add some more shields to dotg, since it kinda turned into a mobile fortress instead of a mobile base
L306[05:41:52] <Amanda> It's got like, 12 phaser banks. I'm never going to financially recoverer from this
L307[05:42:15] <Ariri> Haha, I want to see it later, about to go to space soon in a H-engine miner
L308[05:43:01] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2600:1700:1a25:9160:d43c:3154:17e7:79a5) (Quit: Cervator)
L309[05:45:54] <Amanda> Feeling cute, might toss on another half-dozen phasers later
L310[05:46:50] <Ar​iri> uwu
L311[05:46:53] <Amanda> First I should make sure it's power-safe to run the things though. At the very least with the arc reactor in it it's only like, 2% power usage to fire the 8 forward thrusters
L312[05:47:41] <Ar​iri> I dont really get how the arc reactors work, they are more efficient that large Ur reactors right?
L313[05:47:51] <Ar​iri> If Marvel is anything to go by at least
L314[05:51:15] <Amanda> 20x
L315[05:51:21] <Amanda> But you need special fuel
L316[05:51:33] <Amanda> Which you get by crafting uranium and magnesium together
L317[05:52:52] <Ar​iri> Uhhhh
L318[05:53:02] <Ar​iri> wheres my respawn point
L319[05:54:47] <Amanda> I eated it
L320[05:54:55] * Amanda snugsafairy, passes out
L321[05:55:01] <Amanda> Night nerds
L322[05:55:08] <Ar​iri> Amanda nu plox gib it back
L323[05:55:10] <Ar​iri> night night
L324[05:55:54] <Ar​iri> Wait am I in single player
L325[05:56:15] <Ar​iri> No I wasnt... wth
L326[06:15:57] ⇦ Quits: Argosy (~argosy@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L327[06:40:03] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-130.dsl.tropolys.de)))
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L331[07:06:06] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L332[07:06:06] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Compan​ionCube, you were not able to beat Forec​aster's record of 9 hours, 10 minutes and 55 seconds this time. 7 hours, 31 minutes and 8 seconds were wasted! Missed by 1 hour, 39 minutes and 46 seconds!
L333[07:07:16] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Quit: I'm probably going to bed.)
L334[07:31:51] ⇨ Joins: Saphire (saphire@2a01:4f8:141:1272::2)
L335[07:39:23] ⇨ Joins: Argosy (~argosy@
L336[07:41:19] ⇦ Quits: Argosy (~argosy@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L338[08:58:08] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fe7ec69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L339[09:45:21] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@dslb-002-205-077-069.002.205.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
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L344[11:31:16] <Inari> Nep
L345[11:32:24] <Inari> Amanda: heh
L346[11:57:20] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L349[12:03:09] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-64-16.dynamic.as20676.net)
L350[12:03:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L351[12:21:56] <Amanda> Inari: I don't even remember what I %tell'd you
L352[12:27:01] <Inari> Amanda: jd guests
L353[12:36:02] <Amanda> Inari: ah. I sent that like 2 days ago, no wonder I don't remember
L354[12:37:54] <Inari> Psh
L355[12:45:12] <Lizzy> Michiyo, err, lemme see if i still have the logging turned on
L356[12:46:58] <Lizzy> i do!
L357[12:47:20] <Lizzy> bleepbloop
L358[12:47:26] <Lizzy> yep, it's there
L359[12:48:24] <Lizzy> Michiyo, is the stats stuff/neo running from your container my server right now? I can just straight-up copy the files over to your container if that's the case
L360[12:51:12] * Amanda boops Lizzy and her kittens in the correct order to get scritchies
L361[12:52:35] <Amanda> oh wait, was that the give-scritchies boop code or the engage-zoomies boopcode... ohno
L362[13:02:33] * Lizzy gives Amanda scritches
L363[13:02:42] * Amanda purrs softly
L364[13:02:50] <Lizzy> meanwhile the kittens are in zoomies mode
L365[13:02:58] <Amanda> d'oh
L366[13:06:09] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21bd6d3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L367[13:07:51] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21bd6d3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L368[13:15:25] * Lizzy calms her kittens down with chicken
L369[13:16:51] * Amanda contemplates attempting the boop-code again, greedily
L370[13:17:54] * Amanda decides it's not worth risking Lizzy's ire, cuddles up and prepares to check the DotG one last time before beginning to print it
L371[13:53:31] <Inari> Ugh
L372[13:53:40] <Inari> I hate Google stupid slide-in thing after the frist result
L373[13:57:53] ⇨ Joins: bad_at_vijya (~sam@pool-71-176-252-72.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L374[13:59:13] <Elfi> slides into your search results like they were dms
L375[13:59:45] <Inari> and makes me click it when I meant to click the result
L376[13:59:45] <Inari> :f
L377[14:13:41] ⇦ Quits: bad_at_vijya (~sam@pool-71-176-252-72.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L378[14:15:23] <sapphicf​ettucine> 1) i do not know C
L379[14:15:23] <sapphicf​ettucine> 2) i do not know CUDA
L380[14:15:23] <sapphicf​ettucine> 3) anyway time to try to make ICE2 use CUDA
L381[14:18:57] <Inari> Learning by doing
L382[14:21:17] <Forec​aster> do by learning
L383[14:21:51] <sapphicf​ettucine> unlearning by doing
L384[14:32:18] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L387[14:43:47] <ThePi​Guy24> undo by learning
L388[14:55:24] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2600:1700:1a25:9160:249e:3e30:b60:351b)
L389[15:00:12] <bad at​ vijya> C is ez
L390[15:12:58] <Forec​aster> %sip
L391[15:12:59] <MichiBot> You drink a salty white potion (New!). Forecaster has a sudden desire to run around in a circle until the next time they hug someone.
L392[15:13:13] <Forec​aster> well that's going to be difficult
L393[15:21:20] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-130.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L394[15:33:33] <sapphicf​ettucine> %sip
L395[15:33:34] <MichiBot> You drink a mutable sapphire potion (New!). sapphicfettucine turns into a lime fox girl until someone baps them.
L396[15:33:59] <sapphicf​ettucine> not how i expected to become a furry
L397[15:34:21] <bad at​ vijya> holy shit my sides are in orbit
L398[15:35:19] <sapphicf​ettucine> i'd say bows but i don't think foxes can bow
L399[15:35:37] <Izaya> yet dogs can bow
L400[15:35:40] * Izaya frowns
L401[15:35:50] <bad at​ vijya> http://tinyurl.com/y4mfem5u
L402[15:35:50] <bad at​ vijya> speaking of foxes
L403[15:41:53] <Kristo​pher38> 🦊
L404[15:59:32] <Bri​anH> Cool. I made a Discord bot in Elixir
L405[15:59:45] <Bri​anH> It's pretty fun and easy
L406[16:00:18] <Amanda> %calc 5 * 150
L407[16:00:19] <MichiBot> 5 * 150 => 750
L408[16:01:54] <Bri​anH> %calc 5 % 150
L409[16:01:55] <MichiBot> 5 % 150
L410[16:02:10] <Bri​anH> %calc 5 mod 150 [Edited]
L411[16:02:10] <MichiBot> 5 mod 150 [Edited]
L412[16:02:34] <Bri​anH> %calc 8 ^ (1/3)
L413[16:02:34] <MichiBot> 8 ^ (1/3) => 8 ^ (0.33333334)
L414[16:02:50] <Bri​anH> . . .
L415[16:02:54] <Bri​anH> fail
L416[16:03:01] <ThePi​Guy24> %lua 8913472 % 923
L417[16:03:01] <MichiBot> 61
L418[16:03:07] <ThePi​Guy24> yes
L419[16:03:39] <Bri​anH> %lua 8 ^ (1/3)
L420[16:03:40] <MichiBot> 2
L421[16:03:44] <Bri​anH> 🙂
L422[16:04:03] <Bri​anH> What about
L423[16:04:07] <Bri​anH> %calc 0xFF + 1
L424[16:04:07] <MichiBot> 0xFF + 1
L425[16:04:33] <Bri​anH> I wonder if I can do the same with my bot but make it use google calculator
L426[16:04:47] <Bri​anH> and if it makes a graph imageify it and put it in the channel. I should test that
L427[16:22:28] <Michiyo> Lizzy, IDK if I'll run it from there due to the connection limit
L428[16:22:51] <Michiyo> Eh.. it's only 3, and when MichiBot restarts it bounces to 4.. it should be ok
L429[16:23:56] <Lizzy> Michiyo, if you're using ipv4 only, you can have up to 5 clients via that since i don't use IPv4 for my IRC stuff (and i think esper treats ipv4's as a /32 anyway)
L430[16:24:12] <Lizzy> if you were running v6 i would have an issue, but i can always just go ask for an extension
L431[16:24:36] <Lizzy> i just haven't yet because i think it's only me, Forecaster and 1 or 2 others who use my znc for esper
L432[16:25:05] <Bri​anH> I got rid of znc a while back and now I connect irssi to irccloud
L433[16:25:17] <Bri​anH> it works ok if you can memorize your passwords
L434[16:25:34] <Bri​anH> Though nickserv is weird with it
L435[16:26:14] <Michiyo> Well shit.. it looks like I didn't save the config for Neo >_>
L436[16:26:15] <Michiyo> damn it
L437[16:26:45] <Michiyo> Oh well... yeah I'll go ahead and run it from the container on your box, it'll be a bit before I do so though
L438[16:26:46] <Michiyo> AFK
L439[16:31:23] <Lizzy> Michiyo, cool beans, let me know when and where you want the logs to be put and i can copy them over (path relative to your container's root in a pm will do)
L440[16:34:05] <Forec​aster> https://youtu.be/eZM0WtB3UX8
L441[16:34:05] <MichiBot> This Square Can Roll Like a Ball | length: 5m 31s | Likes: 10,467 Dislikes: 194 Views: 173,776 | by The Action Lab | Published On 30/8/2020
L442[16:34:54] <Ocawes​ome101> hm well
L443[16:35:01] <Ocawes​ome101> i did not expect to like UBports this much
L444[16:37:58] <Forec​aster> what's that
L445[16:39:06] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3600:f701:978c:3785:b47a:c7d7)
L446[16:39:45] <Ocawes​ome101> https://ubports.com @Forecaster
L447[16:41:00] <ThePi​Guy24> oh nice
L448[16:41:35] <ThePi​Guy24> you using that on a pinephone?
L449[16:42:17] <Ocawes​ome101> yep
L450[16:42:22] <Ocawes​ome101> got it three days ago
L451[16:42:43] <ThePi​Guy24> nice
L452[16:43:08] <ThePi​Guy24> i would get one but i dont have sufficient currencies
L453[16:43:12] <stephan48> how is the pinephone?
L454[16:43:14] <Ocawes​ome101> not gonna start really daily-ing it for a couple weeks
L455[16:43:18] <Ocawes​ome101> it's nice
L456[16:43:33] <Ocawes​ome101> the GPU is probably the worst part tbh
L457[16:43:36] <Ocawes​ome101> Malo 400 MP2
L458[16:43:36] <stephan48> couple months ago generall os support was not that good a friend told me
L459[16:43:39] <Ocawes​ome101> Mali*
L460[16:44:29] <Ocawes​ome101> stephan48: https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php?title=PinePhone_Software_Releases
L461[16:45:02] <Kristo​pher38> What's the performance
L462[16:45:59] <Ocawes​ome101> decent
L463[16:46:02] <Kristo​pher38> Do menus have smooth movement or not? Can you browse stuff and watch videos comfortably?
L464[16:46:10] <Ocawes​ome101> Lima isn't fully fleshed out so it'll probably get better
L465[16:46:12] <ThePi​Guy24> how well does it support radio stuff?
L466[16:46:29] <Ocawes​ome101> hardware decoding doesn't work yet because v4l12-request is broken
L467[16:47:19] <Kristo​pher38> "will probably get better" is the part I'm worried about
L468[16:47:33] <ThePi​Guy24> well its open source :p
L469[16:47:43] <Kristo​pher38> That's my point
L470[16:47:45] <Ocawes​ome101> @Kristopher38 menus are fairly smooth, there's a little bit of stutter and the display driver is currently limited to 36Hz due to a bug
L471[16:47:53] <Ocawes​ome101> the browser is decently speedy
L472[16:48:03] <Ocawes​ome101> UBports is probably the smoothest of the available OSes
L473[16:48:14] <Ocawes​ome101> Mobian is nice too
L474[16:48:18] <Kristo​pher38> For most people which could be interested it's a half-finished product right now
L475[16:48:29] <Ocawes​ome101> true
L476[16:48:53] <ThePi​Guy24> well mainline android feels less than half finished to be so still an improvement over that
L477[16:49:05] <ThePi​Guy24> %s/be/me
L478[16:49:06] <MichiBot> <ThePiGuy24> well mainline android feels less than half finished to me so still an improvement over that
L479[16:49:23] <Ocawes​ome101> hm, ubports just got an update, feels even smoother now
L480[16:52:46] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L481[16:52:56] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L482[16:53:42] <Michiyo> It's dead jim class java.lang.NullPointerException <_<
L483[16:53:44] <Michiyo> neat..
L484[16:53:52] <Michiyo> WTF is null at that point?
L485[16:54:27] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L486[16:54:31] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L487[17:00:56] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L488[17:00:59] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L489[17:05:22] <Michiyo> http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.8-bin.zip
L490[17:05:24] <Michiyo> WTF.
L491[17:05:47] <Michiyo> anyone else getting an error on that link?
L492[17:05:58] <Lizzy> error 1020 access denied
L493[17:06:05] <Ocawes​ome101> 1020 access denied
L494[17:06:07] <Ar​iri> Error 1020, but I swear im not dosing anyone
L495[17:06:12] <Michiyo> neat.
L496[17:06:14] <Ar​iri> Let me innnnn
L497[17:06:14] <Michiyo> %flip
L498[17:06:16] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L499[17:06:17] <Lizzy> good ol' cloudflare
L500[17:06:40] <Lizzy> Michiyo, switch to http, that gives a zip
L501[17:06:45] <Lizzy> err
L502[17:06:47] <Lizzy> fak
L503[17:06:49] <Lizzy> *switch to httpS
L504[17:07:16] <Michiyo> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
L505[17:07:37] <Michiyo> OH
L506[17:07:39] <Michiyo> RIGHT.
L507[17:07:47] <Michiyo> I'm running java 6 for the fucking ancient ass DRAC consoles
L508[17:08:07] <Lizzy> yeah that sound like it'd do it
L509[17:09:31] <Forec​aster> nah, versions never matter for anything
L510[17:10:07] <Michiyo> Who knew 11 year old embeded hardware doesn't really get updates to newer versions of software.
L511[17:11:09] <Ocawes​ome101> hMmMmMmMm :thonk:
L512[17:11:18] <Forec​aster> oh yeah
L513[17:11:26] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L514[17:11:26] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of 9 hours, 10 minutes and 55 seconds (By 54 minutes and 24 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L515[17:11:27] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.01 tonk points! plus 0.018 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 1.28935584, Position #1
L516[17:16:50] <Michiyo> Right, and I have to update gradle
L517[17:18:12] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L518[17:18:34] <Michiyo> yay?
L519[17:18:41] <Michiyo> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2020-09-04.log
L520[17:18:42] <Michiyo> yay!
L521[17:18:46] <Michiyo> Lizzy, I'll take those logs now
L522[17:18:59] <Lizzy> cool, lemme know where you want them put
L523[17:19:16] <Michiyo> umm, anywhere really... loggerbot lives in /home/irc/
L524[17:19:36] <Lizzy> okay, will put them somewhere under there, gimmie 5 minutes
L525[17:20:07] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L526[17:20:55] <Michiyo> Awesome thanks!
L527[17:22:35] <Lizzy> how far back do you need?
L528[17:24:16] * Lizzy boops Michiyo
L529[17:24:33] <Michiyo> sorry catching up on work
L530[17:24:33] <Michiyo> umm
L531[17:25:01] <Lizzy> my logs start in january, so any from this year i can give ya
L532[17:25:04] <Michiyo> my last log looks to be the afternoon of 8/31 US pacific
L533[17:25:35] <Michiyo> I'll have to do some trimming so we don't end up with duplicates
L534[17:25:41] * Lizzy nods
L535[17:26:10] <Michiyo> timestamps are gonna be fucky, but meh lol
L536[17:26:22] <Lizzy> all my timestamps are gmt0 i think
L537[17:26:29] <Michiyo> "Why did the conversation die for ~8 houra and then SUDDENLY start back up" lol
L538[17:26:40] <Lizzy> nvm, they're gmt+1
L539[17:26:41] <Michiyo> yeaaah I think Neo has been logging in Either PST or EST
L540[17:27:17] <Michiyo> Hmm, I wonder.
L541[17:27:32] <Michiyo> %remindme 1 hour Hi!
L542[17:27:43] <Michiyo> did I forget how my own bot works?
L543[17:27:44] <Michiyo> seems likely
L544[17:27:53] <Lizzy> %remindthem Michiyo 1h hai
L545[17:27:53] <MichiBot> I'll remind Michiyo about "hai" at 09/04/2020 05:27:53 PM
L546[17:28:03] <Michiyo> hehe yep..
L547[17:28:13] <Michiyo> RIGHT 1h
L548[17:28:14] <Michiyo> not 1 hour
L549[17:28:16] <Michiyo> derp.
L550[17:28:25] * Michiyo sighs no caffeine yet
L551[17:32:00] <Lizzy> Michiyo, k, all of september and the 31st of august (that one will likely need to be trimmed for duplicates) are now in /home/irc/oc-loggos
L552[17:32:25] <Lizzy> times are in gmt+1 for those logs
L553[17:32:40] <Michiyo> thanks
L554[17:33:12] <Lizzy> no problemo
L555[17:33:27] <Lizzy> they should also be owned by that user on your container, lemme know if not
L556[17:34:37] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L557[17:35:09] <Corded> * <Ar​iri> gives Michiyo a warm cuppa
L558[17:35:10] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L559[17:35:18] <Michiyo> hmmm
L560[17:35:22] <Ar​iri> Bye, Anderson
L561[17:35:25] <Michiyo> why didn't the import.. import
L562[17:35:43] <Forec​aster> reverse the positrons
L563[17:35:59] <Ar​iri> Engage the temporal shielding
L564[17:36:18] <Michiyo> "Running log importer" well obviously not.
L565[17:36:49] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L566[17:36:53] <Michiyo> %flip
L567[17:36:53] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L568[17:36:57] <Ar​iri> make it engage warp drive within a stellar gravity well so it time travels far back enough to record the logs in real time
L569[17:36:58] <Forec​aster> *stuck on label falls of on "log importer" revealing "nothing doer"
L570[17:37:03] <Forec​aster> *stuck on label falls of on "log importer" revealing "nothing doer"* [Edited]
L571[17:37:18] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L572[17:37:35] <Michiyo> OH
L573[17:37:37] <Michiyo> derrrp
L574[17:38:18] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L575[17:38:35] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L576[17:38:42] <Michiyo> Nope, still not quiet right lol
L577[17:39:27] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L578[17:39:44] <Michiyo> lol!
L579[17:39:44] <Michiyo> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2020-08-31.log#L534
L580[17:39:49] <Michiyo> Exactly what I thought would happen
L581[17:40:57] <Michiyo> MichiBot, and Neo, now run on GMT+1 that'll take some getting used to on my part
L582[17:41:39] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) (Client Quit)
L583[17:41:57] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L584[17:41:58] <Michiyo> There, and now running Neo in screen
L585[17:42:34] <Ar​iri> \o/ ?
L586[17:43:17] <Michiyo> thanks for the use of your logs yet again Lizzy
L587[17:43:30] <Lizzy> np, lucky i had them on
L588[17:43:59] <Ar​iri> \o/ !
L589[17:44:46] <Michiyo> lol
L590[17:45:02] <Forec​aster> %sip
L591[17:45:02] <MichiBot> You drink an oxidised tuna potion (New!). Forecaster's left sock is now cursed.
L592[17:45:11] <Forec​aster> aw man
L593[17:45:16] <Forec​aster> I'm not even wearing socks
L594[17:50:09] <Michiyo> you are now buddy
L595[17:52:13] <Forec​aster> D:
L596[17:52:42] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21bd6d3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L597[17:52:52] ⇦ Quits: superminor2 (~super@ (Quit: Bye!)
L598[17:55:05] ⇨ Joins: superminor2 (~super@
L599[17:55:05] zsh sets mode: +v on superminor2
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L601[17:56:41] <Michiyo> Hmmm
L602[17:56:45] <Michiyo> is character encoding fucky again?
L603[17:56:47] <Michiyo> %flip
L604[17:56:47] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L605[17:56:59] <Michiyo> Yes
L606[17:57:00] <Michiyo> yes it is..
L607[17:57:09] <Michiyo> shit theres a thing I have to add to the connect string
L608[17:57:21] <Forec​aster> looks fine to me
L609[17:57:34] <Michiyo> does it? https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2020-09-04.log#L592
L610[17:57:47] <Forec​aster> oh in the logs
L611[17:58:05] <superminor2> I was going to say, looks fine to me too haha
L612[17:58:13] <Michiyo> needs ?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 in the connect string
L613[17:58:30] ⇦ Quits: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net) ()
L614[17:58:42] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@service-77.theender.net)
L615[17:58:55] <Michiyo> %flip
L616[17:58:55] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L617[17:59:08] <Michiyo> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view?chan=oc&log=2020-09-04.log#L603
L618[17:59:09] <Michiyo> nice
L619[17:59:37] <Ar​iri> noice
L620[17:59:49] <Forec​aster> nep
L621[18:01:12] <superminor2> That is a nice logging setup
L622[18:05:09] ⇦ Quits: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L624[18:09:07] <Michiyo> thanks superminor2 the viewer is another joint effort by Forecaster and myself
L625[18:09:53] <Forec​aster> I just added the line numbers and linking for them
L626[18:10:09] <Michiyo> You did stuff on the search page as well IIRC
L627[18:10:23] <Forec​aster> oh yeah maybe
L628[18:11:37] <superminor2> Well, it is cool
L629[18:11:57] ⇨ Joins: purpelpower (~purpelpow@i20114.upc-i.chello.nl)
L630[18:12:06] <purpelpower> hi
L631[18:12:11] <Forec​aster> hi
L632[18:12:16] <Michiyo> oddly the line linking isn't working for me in Chrome, but it works in Firefox
L633[18:12:16] <purpelpower> im ne
L634[18:12:20] <Michiyo> so I'm going to blame Chrome.
L635[18:12:25] <Forec​aster> wat
L636[18:12:32] <purpelpower> i have a problem app store wont work
L637[18:12:45] <Lizzy> app store?
L638[18:12:46] <Michiyo> "app store" Lemme guess MineOS?
L639[18:12:50] <Forec​aster> we don't have an app store
L640[18:13:04] <purpelpower> in mineos opencomputers
L641[18:13:09] <Michiyo> Yep.. called it.
L642[18:13:28] <Forec​aster> we don't support mineos
L643[18:13:36] <purpelpower> bye
L644[18:13:43] <Lizzy> yeah, we don't support MineOS in this channel, your best bet would to be ask in the forum thread or on whatever channels they have set up
L645[18:13:46] <Michiyo> ^ You can get help on the MineOS thread on the forums
L646[18:15:55] ⇦ Quits: purpelpower (~purpelpow@i20114.upc-i.chello.nl) (Client Quit)
L647[18:16:47] <Forec​aster> and it seems the line jumping works in a new tab, but not if you reload it
L648[18:16:49] <Forec​aster> in chrome
L649[18:17:06] <Michiyo> huh
L650[18:17:19] <Michiyo> So it does.
L651[18:17:27] <Forec​aster> also, oh yeah I also added the "hide stuff" at the top
L652[18:27:54] <MichiBot> Michiyo REMINDER: hai
L653[18:31:54] <Michiyo> but it's not 5:27 PM!
L654[18:31:57] <Michiyo> :P
L655[18:33:35] <Forec​aster> it was somewhere!
L656[18:33:55] <Kristo​pher38> I didn't know that there was an optional argument to specify which side of the block you want to drop your items into, kinda like vanilla furnaces where at the top you insert items, at the front fuel, and the output is at the bottom
L657[18:34:35] <Kristo​pher38> nice workaround for this (crappy) feature of vanilla mc
L658[18:35:07] <Kristo​pher38> this is done with inventory controller for context
L659[18:35:21] <dequbed> @
L660[18:35:31] <dequbed> @"bad at vijay" > C is ez > ahahah no.
L661[18:39:54] <Forec​aster> you know, pinging requires spelling the name right :P
L662[18:40:49] <dequbed> You act like I can spell.
L663[18:41:08] <dequbed> Or remember the name of people.
L664[18:41:23] <Michiyo> @"bad at​ vijya" :P
L665[18:41:53] <bad at​ vijya> e z
L666[18:41:59] <dequbed> That's a hamming distance of one, I take it.
L667[18:42:12] <bad at​ vijya> yeah
L668[18:42:13] <bad at​ vijya> it's fine
L669[18:42:24] <dequbed> I mean *C* is easy if your goal is shooting yourself in the foot.
L670[18:42:38] <dequbed> But for that using C++ is much more /fun/
L671[18:42:48] <dequbed> DF kind of /fun/ that is;
L672[18:43:13] <dequbed> <.< >.> New keyboard, who tis?
L673[18:45:27] <bad at​ vijya> i'd rather write C than C++
L674[18:48:15] <dequbed> I'd rather write just about anything than C or C++, unless I get payed that is.
L675[18:53:42] <B​ob> Hey uh
L676[18:53:44] <B​ob> i just wanna say
L677[18:53:47] <B​ob> R u s t
L678[18:53:48] <B​ob> 🦀
L679[18:54:28] <dequbed> Yes yes, we know. You can stop now <.<
L680[18:55:42] <Michiyo> Here I am, writing VB.net as we speak, and I'm getting paid for it.
L681[18:58:28] <Forec​aster> I write in RAPID sometimes and get paid for it :P
L682[19:02:33] <B​ob> this is why the world is a dumpster fire
L683[19:03:07] <Forec​aster> yeah, people getting paid for things! unbelievable!
L684[19:03:07] <dequbed> No it's not.
L685[19:06:31] <bad at​ vijya> i don't get paid for my lua :(
L686[19:06:42] <bad at​ vijya> HOW DID MY DISCOUNT F-15 TIP
L687[19:07:10] <Forec​aster> well if you take 50% of a plane off it's gonna be unbalanced
L688[19:07:27] <bad at​ vijya> Forecaster++
L689[19:07:30] <dequbed> See, you need to take of 50% on *both* sides!
L690[19:07:31] <bad at​ vijya> oh, sad
L691[19:10:30] <Mar​kus> hello! i was wondering if there's any way to either for a robot to drop its tool or move it to its inventory?
L692[19:11:41] <Forec​aster> yes, with an inventory controller
L693[19:11:50] <Forec​aster> there's an "equip" method
L694[19:12:29] <Mar​kus> oh can you equip air?
L695[19:12:51] <Forec​aster> it just swaps the tool slot with the currently selected inventory slot
L696[19:13:03] <Mar​kus> ah i see, ty!
L697[19:15:55] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L698[19:15:56] <MichiBot> Dogast! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L699[19:15:56] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.00207)
L700[19:17:55] <Ar​iri> Michiyo: Out of curiosity, do you run any services on the host OS of your server, or just the programs to manage the VM and network stuff
L701[19:18:15] <Michiyo> well, previously with ESXi I *couldn't*
L702[19:18:29] <Ar​iri> Ah
L703[19:18:36] <Michiyo> with proxmox I run a few monitoring things.. but nothing else, atleast yet
L704[19:19:14] <Michiyo> on my LOCAL servers.. it's a VERY different situation lol
L705[19:19:20] <Ar​iri> What reason would you not want to put something a VM, other than the obvious stuff that applies to whole system?
L706[19:19:31] <Ar​iri> Oh?
L707[19:19:38] <Michiyo> both my local servers run Hyper-V for VMs, but I run a handfull of things directly on the server for ease of use
L708[19:19:57] <Michiyo> Plex for instance runs directly on the server instead of in a VM
L709[19:20:22] <Mar​kus> @Forecaster not working, can't "equip" air
L710[19:20:37] <Ar​iri> I see
L711[19:20:46] <Forec​aster> there might be an unequip method
L712[19:20:49] <Forec​aster> try reading the docs
L713[19:21:03] <Mar​kus> yeah tried looking for it, that's why i came here 😛
L714[19:21:50] <Mar​kus> i guess a workaround is to have 2 items that it switches between
L715[19:25:13] <Michiyo> I need to figure out what all I need to get ocdoc running again
L716[19:25:37] <Forec​aster> you need to get ocdoc running again, then you can get ocdoc running again!
L717[19:25:40] <Forec​aster> wait...
L718[19:26:01] <Michiyo> I also need to try to restore the gitlab backup
L719[19:26:10] <Michiyo> with the way this move has gone I'm scared to though
L720[19:26:11] <Michiyo> lol
L721[19:26:33] <Forec​aster> I mean, so far it's sounding like most moves go :P
L722[19:26:44] <Michiyo> I mean.. you're not wrong..
L723[19:26:45] <Michiyo> lol
L724[19:31:17] <Ar​iri> I can't take Forecaster's messages seriously with this new icon
L725[19:31:33] <Ar​iri> It's physically impossible for me
L726[19:32:01] <Ar​iri> avatar* inb4 I zaya corrects me
L727[19:32:17] <Forec​aster> can they be taken seriously at all? :P
L728[19:32:49] <Ar​iri> Everytime I see if, I feel like I should read it in a stupid Hulk voice
L729[19:33:23] <Ar​iri> "i like ocdoc, ocdoc smash gitlab!" or something
L730[19:33:31] <Forec​aster> hurr I'm big and green and like smashing
L731[19:33:43] <Ar​iri> Forecaster++
L732[19:33:44] <MichiBot> Ariri: Forecaster|AFK now has 2147484667.0 points
L733[19:47:08] ⇦ Quits: phroa (~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L734[19:48:17] <superminor2> Wow, that is a lot of points
L735[19:49:04] <Forec​aster> it's because of an overflow error :P
L736[19:49:19] ⇨ Joins: phroa (~phroa@
L737[19:50:27] <Ocawes​ome101> superminor2--
L738[19:50:30] <Ocawes​ome101> ...
L739[19:50:34] <Forec​aster> that's not a thing
L740[19:50:37] <Ocawes​ome101> o
L741[19:50:43] <superminor2> That wasn't very nice
L742[19:50:59] <Ocawes​ome101> i was gonna see if it would overflow actually
L743[19:51:19] <superminor2> Suuuure :)
L744[19:52:39] <sapphicf​ettucine> ` final val fillCosts = Array(1.0 / 32, 1.0 / 64, 1.0 / 128)`
L745[19:52:39] <sapphicf​ettucine> so, this line in the code for the GPU
L746[19:52:40] <sapphicf​ettucine> what is the unit for the costs? is it (1.0 / 128)ms for a tier three according to that?
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L760[19:55:21] <sapphicf​ettucine> F
L761[19:55:59] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2600:1700:1a25:9160:249e:3e30:b60:351b)
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L786[20:04:10] <sapphicf​ettucine> ouch
L787[20:05:14] <Michiyo> looks like Esper is having a bad time
L788[20:06:29] <sapphicf​ettucine> indeed
L789[20:11:01] <sapphicf​ettucine> is .fill()-ing and .set()-ing to a VRAM buffer equal?
L790[20:11:09] <sapphicf​ettucine> in cost, i mean
L791[20:12:03] <Ocawes​ome101> vram buffers are low enough cost that you shouldn't worry about it
L792[20:19:52] <Amanda> %choose EM waves or pressure waves
L793[20:19:52] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: The sands of time whisper to me... they're saying "EM waves".
L794[20:21:29] ⇨ Joins: Argosy (~argosy@
L795[20:34:34] <ThePi​Guy24> (de)serialising vram buffers when
L796[20:36:06] <sapphicf​ettucine> technically possible with gpu.get
L797[20:36:13] <ThePi​Guy24> yeah but thats slow
L798[20:36:20] <Ocawes​ome101> even on buffers?
L799[20:36:31] <sapphicf​ettucine> the real question is:
L800[20:36:31] <sapphicf​ettucine> opencomputers CUDA when
L801[20:36:33] <ThePi​Guy24> well, slower than i would like atleast
L802[20:36:47] <Ocawes​ome101> yknow
L803[20:36:53] <sapphicf​ettucine> i wanna write gpu accelerated lua damnit.
L804[20:36:54] <Ocawes​ome101> a simple GL might be possible with these buffers
L805[20:37:51] <ThePi​Guy24> kinda wanna port some sort of SDL to lua, so i can run OCEmu in OC :p
L806[20:38:29] <Ocawes​ome101> :P
L807[20:38:42] <ThePi​Guy24> i like doing stupid shit
L808[20:43:50] <bad at​ vijya> woohoo i made the morgan in ksp
L809[20:43:59] <bad at​ vijya> << Here comes the snow... >>
L810[20:47:53] <dequbed> Amanda: tired: EM waves. wired: Luminiferous aether pressure waves~
L811[20:51:36] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L812[20:51:37] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Forecaster's record of 2 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds this time. 1 hour, 35 minutes and 41 seconds were wasted! Missed by 28 minutes and 48 seconds!
L813[20:52:02] <Ar​iri> Izaya: Thought you might fancy this: https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/imj7vd/unsc_m12b_lrv_warthog/
L814[20:52:35] <Kristo​pher38> there was an idea of making gpu accelerated calculations but it was uhh... well https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2279
L815[20:52:35] <MichiBot> Title: Feature Request: GPU Compute | Posted by: MajorGeneralRelativity | Posted: Tue Feb 21 17:28:23 UTC 2017 | Status: closed
L816[21:03:06] <Ar​iri> Wow, that was a read
L817[21:03:52] <Ocawes​ome101> i'm now on issue #779
L818[21:10:27] <Kristo​pher38> ah yes, that one was the original VRAM idea
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L832[21:51:13] <sapphicf​ettucine> that issue thread is just
L833[21:51:13] <sapphicf​ettucine> an infinite loop of "why is this not a thing" "<reasons why it isn't>" "why is this not a thing"
L834[21:54:00] <dequbed> Ariri: Don't you love it when people with a surface-level understanding of a thing explain to you how you should use that thing? My personal favourites are "Just write it in assembly, that's faster than X", "LDAP does X and Y" and the current rising star: "Rewrite it in Rust!"
L835[21:55:17] <Kristo​pher38> @Bob rust was mentioned
L836[21:55:27] <asie> Rewrite it in COBOL.
L837[21:55:29] * asie goes back to bed
L838[21:55:57] <dequbed> asie: Get back here! No rest for the wicked who know COBOL!
L839[21:56:06] <asie> I don't /know/ COBOL.
L840[21:56:24] <asie> I'm just following the example of "when people with a surface-level understanding of a thing explain to you how you should use that thing"
L841[21:56:31] <Forec​aster> rewrite it in RAPID :>
L842[21:56:32] <asie> I'm safe!
L843[21:56:34] * asie goes back to bed
L844[21:56:49] <dequbed> Sleep well I guess. And never learn COBOL.
L845[22:09:18] <Forec​aster> (RAPID is a language used to program industrial robots)
L846[22:10:20] <dequbed> @Forecaster and a web lang
L847[22:10:37] <Forec​aster> never heard of
L848[22:11:35] <CompanionCube> let's use MUMPS instead
L849[22:19:43] <dequbed> Honestly, ReasonML is one of the most promising languages currently out there.
L850[22:22:59] <dequbed> Not because it brings anything new to the table but because it doesn't. It's BASIC vs C/FORTRAN once again but this time instead of chastizing JS devs work is being done to just integrate them.
L851[22:24:45] <dequbed> With that, night nerds and please no language evangelism in my pure christian channel.
L852[22:26:48] <Forec​aster> what do you mean
L853[22:26:55] <B​ob> E
L854[22:26:57] <Forec​aster> RAPID (the one for robots) is clearly the best language
L855[22:27:35] <Michiyo> Is that the official name now? "RAPID (the one for robots)"? Cause if not I say we should petition for a name change.
L856[22:32:14] <Inari> Amanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feWqKFrYvfE
L857[22:32:15] <MichiBot> ASMR Kitten Massage (Gentle Acupressure, Hypnosis, Gua Sha) 🐱 | length: 40m 53s | Likes: 85,601 Dislikes: 1,372 Views: 1,713,796 | by itsblitzzz | Published On 29/7/2020
L858[22:34:04] <Inari> that cat looks way too comfrotable
L859[22:58:48] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3600:f701:978c:3785:b47a:c7d7) (Quit: Leave that cable alo...)
L860[22:59:38] <Michiyo> 502 on gitlab after restoring the backup
L861[22:59:41] <Michiyo> that's a great sign
L862[23:00:04] <Lizzy> if it's immediately after, give it a bit to "warm up"
L863[23:00:25] <Michiyo> it was a while after, but it did catch up
L864[23:00:33] <Michiyo> Now my user info is wrong
L865[23:04:26] <Michiyo> ah
L866[23:04:27] <Michiyo> I see
L867[23:05:05] <Amanda> Sorry, I thought the number 42 would be prettier for some of the database values, Michiyo
L868[23:06:09] <CompanionCube> Izaya: Skye: https://twitter.com/mainframed767/status/1301888504373207041
L869[23:06:10] <MichiBot> Fri Sep 04 14:23:02 UTC 2020 @mainframed767: I will let out a bit of a secret.
L870[23:08:32] <sapphicf​ettucine> ...of course there's a dogecoin program for a raspberry pi mainframe. of course.
L871[23:09:26] <CompanionCube> it'd be cooler if it was running on an actual zseries
L872[23:09:36] <CompanionCube> but those are obviously $$$$$$
L873[23:13:27] <Michiyo> Turns out, I had 13.3 installed, my backup was from 13.0.6
L874[23:13:28] <Ariri> dequbed, indeed, it is a most *pleasant* experience.
L875[23:15:27] <Ariri> Especially when trying to cure the universe of strange matter that was born from the core of a neutron star, silly astrophysicists simply dont understand that time and space is a big timey whimey ball of stuffs, and try to tell me, master of time, space, energy, and thought, that Im wrong and those all dont connect to each other! :P
L876[23:15:55] <Ariri> forgive my running on sentence, i couldnt seem to stop it
L877[23:16:27] <sapphicf​ettucine> alright so my computronics tapes had some weird sound artifacts in them
L878[23:16:28] <sapphicf​ettucine> thus, i made the holy grenade of sound, a.k.a a 600MB silent wav file -> 32MB dfpwm file and wrote it to the tape
L879[23:16:35] <sapphicf​ettucine> and i have no issues anymore.
L880[23:17:17] <sapphicf​ettucine> `tape wipe` just doesn't cut it, yknow.
L881[23:22:30] <Vexatos> wipe literally replaces it with perfect silence
L882[23:22:46] <Vexatos> i.e. repeated 101010101010 bits
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L884[23:31:13] <Michiyo> \o/
L885[23:31:16] <Michiyo> Backup worked!
L886[23:32:34] <Forec​aster> woo
L887[23:40:27] * Ariri emits celebratory noises
L888[23:53:46] <Amanda> %calc 960 * 4
L889[23:53:46] <MichiBot> 960 * 4 => 3840
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