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L1[00:03:47] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3672:b201:33c7:d66f:f023:d163)
L2[00:45:31] <DaCompu​terNerd> %tonk
L3[00:45:32] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! DaCompu​terNerd! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of 59 seconds (By 4 hours, 21 minutes and 19 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L4[00:45:33] <MichiBot> DaComputerNerd's new record is 4 hours, 22 minutes and 19 seconds! DaComputerNerd also gained 0.00436 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #8. Need 0.06532 more points to pass Ocawes​ome101!
L5[00:46:52] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L6[00:51:35] ⇨ Joins: BobbyTables2012 (~EiraIRC@137-025-007-189.res.spectrum.com)
L7[00:54:20] <R​ph> Is there any drone upgrade that would allow me to kill people remotely?
L8[00:55:22] ⇦ Parts: BobbyTables2012 (~EiraIRC@137-025-007-189.res.spectrum.com) ())
L9[00:55:41] <B​ob> @Rph nanomachines in some way ?
L10[00:56:47] <Kristo​pher38> @Rph place and activate a tnt :^)
L11[01:01:00] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3672:b201:33c7:d66f:f023:d163) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L12[01:04:47] <R​ph> Can I inject a player with nanomachines?
L13[01:13:21] <B​ob> force them to eat it ?
L14[01:19:12] <Ocawes​ome101> Ayy, got 9front booting on my p4 machine
L15[01:19:30] <Ocawes​ome101> ...I think...
L16[01:25:26] <Ocawes​ome101> It stops at `#10: rtl8139: 10Mbps port 0xC800 irq 11 ea 00400ca327406`
L17[01:26:04] <Ocawes​ome101> And just doesn’t go anywhere
L18[01:42:33] <AmandaC> %choose laptop nap time?
L19[01:42:33] <MichiBot> Ama​ndaC: No, maybe tomorrow.
L20[01:42:50] <AmandaC> %8ball laptop nap time?
L21[01:42:50] <MichiBot> Ama​ndaC: Signs point to yes
L22[01:42:54] <AmandaC> Sounds good.
L23[01:43:05] <AmandaC> ( Tomorrow doesn't make sense, I have no reason to leave my laptop awake overnight )
L24[01:58:41] <Brisingr​Aerowing> https://reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/gouj30/aaaaaaaaaaa/
L25[01:58:52] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Java 1.8.0_51
L26[01:59:11] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Released almost 5 years ago.
L27[01:59:45] <Sagh​etti> AAAAAAA
L28[02:00:15] <Brisingr​Aerowing> The title of that post is accurate.
L29[02:00:47] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sip
L30[02:00:47] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly silver potion (New!). Brisingr​Aerowing has no memory of drinking a potion.
L31[02:00:55] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sip
L32[02:00:56] <MichiBot> You drink a smooth quicksilver potion (New!). True enlightenment can be achieved by drinking another potion.
L33[02:01:07] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Hmmm.
L34[02:01:11] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sip
L35[02:01:11] <MichiBot> You drink a sweet oculemon potion (New!). The potion bottle insults Brisingr​Aerowing's haircut.
L36[02:01:19] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Hey!
L37[02:02:20] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-112.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L38[02:02:44] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %loot Elon Musk
L39[02:02:45] <MichiBot> Brisingr​​Aerowing: You stab Elon Musk! It dropped a tiny knife. (Junk)!
L40[02:24:07] <Ar​iri> Poor Musk
L41[02:25:28] <Ar​iri> Wait, the musical road is in California? How did I not hear of this
L42[02:27:45] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sap
L43[02:27:56] <Brisingr​Aerowing> %sip
L44[02:27:57] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery stainless steel potion (New!). A toad flies past that vaguely resembles someone Brisingr​Aerowing knows.
L45[04:06:01] <Ocawes​ome101> that's one hell of a lot of RAM usage
L46[04:39:48] <Ar​iri> For only 200 some mods, yeah.
L47[04:39:52] <AmandaC> %splash Inari
L48[04:39:52] <MichiBot> You fling a mutable ferozium potion (New!) that splashes onto Inari. Inari turns into a tomato fairy girl for 4 hours.
L49[04:40:30] <B​ob> :GWcorbinHolyFuck: i run 150 mods on 2GB
L50[04:40:37] * AmandaC makes a stockpile of those for Elfi, curls up around and zzzmews
L51[04:40:54] <AmandaC> Night nerds
L52[04:41:02] <Klea​dron> ok nerd
L53[04:41:29] <Ar​iri> Night night
L54[04:42:01] <AmandaC> %remindthem Inari 4h what was it like being a tomato fairy girl?
L55[04:42:01] <MichiBot> I'll remind Inari about "what was it like being a tomato fairy girl?" at 05/23/2020 02:42:01 AM
L56[04:42:24] <AmandaC> No idea if she'll even be up then
L57[04:43:26] <Ar​iri> Ill be putting the update json (as soon as I figure it out) in the modpack folder and the zip, as well as... something else thats escaping me
L58[04:43:54] <Ar​iri> %s/update json/updated ore gen json
L59[04:43:55] <MichiBot> <Ariri> Ill be putting the updated ore gen json (as soon as I figure it out) in the modpack folder and the zip, as well as... something else thats escaping me
L60[04:44:09] <AmandaC> Open tablets?!?! :P
L61[04:47:22] <Ar​iri> :D
L62[04:47:57] <Ar​iri> /profile and /jre_profile are invalid commands on mp and sp...
L63[04:49:40] <Ocawes​ome101> a process is a group of threads that share an environment, correct?
L64[04:51:16] <Sagh​etti> yes
L65[04:51:30] <Sagh​etti> so you're doing proper thread/process separation now, right?
L66[04:51:41] <Sagh​etti> a process is just the environment most of the times
L67[04:52:12] <Sagh​etti> environment and resources, such as file descriptors iirc
L68[04:52:13] <Sagh​etti> it doesn't necessarily include the threads, but it usually does
L69[04:52:15] <Ocawes​ome101> I'm going to attempt it, anyway
L70[04:52:31] <Ocawes​ome101> that's about what I figure
L71[04:52:33] <Ocawes​ome101> + d
L72[04:52:39] <Sagh​etti> (that was something i tried to do with quark actually)
L73[04:52:50] <Ocawes​ome101> and a PID is more of a Thread ID?
L74[04:52:56] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L75[04:53:03] <Sagh​etti> i stored the ENV under the process object
L76[04:53:10] <Sagh​etti> actually nvm i take that back
L77[04:53:11] <Ocawes​ome101> neat
L78[04:53:17] <Sagh​etti> you still use process IDs]
L79[04:53:17] <Ocawes​ome101> eh?
L80[04:53:22] <Ocawes​ome101> mhm
L81[04:53:25] <Sagh​etti> threads kind of don't get identified
L82[04:53:30] <Ocawes​ome101> oh
L83[04:53:31] <Ocawes​ome101> ok
L84[04:53:40] <Ocawes​ome101> that simplifies things
L85[04:53:53] <Ocawes​ome101> I think
L86[04:53:55] <Sagh​etti> when you see a tree of processes, it's usually child processes
L87[04:53:56] <Sagh​etti> not thread
L88[04:54:00] <Sagh​etti> threads*
L89[04:54:01] <Ocawes​ome101> ah ok
L90[04:54:10] <Sagh​etti> i just index threads in a table
L91[04:55:26] <Ocawes​ome101> I think I'ma do something like `processes[pid] = { name = "threadName", namespace = processNameSpace, threads = { { coro = coroutine.wrap(func) } } }`
L92[04:55:52] <Ocawes​ome101> maybe even have `processes[pid].threads` just be a table of coroutines
L93[04:56:10] <Ocawes​ome101> namespaces => Plan9 thing
L94[04:57:08] <Sagh​etti> you wanna steal some of my code?
L95[04:57:41] <Sagh​etti> here's the code that i never published to github http://tinyurl.com/yb85yx8v
L96[04:57:42] <Sagh​etti> enjoy
L97[04:57:54] <Ocawes​ome101> p u b l i s h i t
L98[04:58:21] <Sagh​etti> never
L99[04:58:25] <Sagh​etti> it doesnt even do anything
L100[04:58:26] <Ocawes​ome101> now
L101[04:58:30] <Sagh​etti> no
L102[04:58:34] <Ocawes​ome101> well make it do something then
L103[04:58:54] <Sagh​etti> also the init.lua i use is really nice
L104[04:58:56] <Sagh​etti> check it out
L105[04:59:05] <Sagh​etti> it does kernel panics and stuff
L106[04:59:31] <Ocawes​ome101> > `"CraftBox Crash Log:" ...`
L107[04:59:40] <Sagh​etti> sHUT
L108[04:59:45] <Ocawes​ome101> nO
L109[04:59:50] <Sagh​etti> you didn't see that
L110[05:00:09] <Ocawes​ome101> no u
L111[05:00:21] <Sagh​etti> %drink ocawesome101
L112[05:00:21] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L113[05:00:41] <Ocawes​ome101> %lua weird(wonk("saghetti"))
L114[05:00:42] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to call global 'wonk' (a nil value)
L115[05:00:46] <Ocawes​ome101> dangit
L116[05:00:47] <Sagh​etti> kekw
L117[05:01:10] <Ar​iri> I read that as 'publishit'
L118[05:01:50] <Sagh​etti> publi shit
L119[05:01:54] <Sagh​etti> literally what it is
L120[05:01:54] <Klea​dron> passive aggressive marketting
L121[05:03:00] <Ocawes​ome101> %lua text.weird(text.wonk("saghetti"))
L122[05:03:42] <Sagh​etti> %lua vonk.wonkweird("ocawesome101")
L123[05:03:52] <Ocawes​ome101> ffs
L124[05:08:41] <PwnageP​ineapple> So in the filesystem component api, the `seek` function takes a `whence` parameter. What exactly does it do?
L125[05:08:54] <Ocawes​ome101> so
L126[05:08:56] <Ocawes​ome101> you'll notice
L127[05:09:04] <Ocawes​ome101> it also takes an `offset` parameter
L128[05:10:22] <Ocawes​ome101> if `whence` is `"set"`, the pointer is moved to `offset` in the file. If `whence` is `"cur"`, the pointer is moved to `cur_pos + offset`. If `whence` is `"end"`, the pointer is moved to `offset` relative to the end of the file. `seek` returns the new ptr position
L129[05:12:06] <PwnageP​ineapple> Ok that makes sense
L130[05:13:14] <Ocawes​ome101> %lua text.wonkweird("*Ocawesome101 drinks Saghetti but not really lulz")
L131[05:13:14] <MichiBot> *OcEwIsUmI101 dRoNkS SeGhItTo bAt nUt rIeLlY LaLz
L132[05:15:53] <Klea​dron> OpenOS but the terminal uses text.wonkweird
L133[05:16:40] <Sagh​etti> ah yes it is me
L134[05:16:45] <Sagh​etti> seghitto
L135[05:43:31] <The_St​argazer> You thought I was Saghetti, but it is I, Seghetto!
L136[05:44:09] <Ocawes​ome101> %lua string.wonkweird("it is I, seghetto!")
L137[05:44:11] <MichiBot> oT Os i, SiGhItTu!
L138[05:44:39] <The_St​argazer> also i fell asleep lol
L139[05:44:42] <Ocawes​ome101> nice
L140[05:45:29] <The_St​argazer> got to see the server go up tho :D
L141[05:46:22] <The_St​argazer> im wondering if a Minecraft <-> Discord <-> IRC bridge is possible
L142[05:46:31] <The_St​argazer> why use one bridge...
L143[05:46:33] <Ocawes​ome101> probably is
L144[05:46:39] <The_St​argazer> ...when you can use two?!
L145[05:47:06] <Ocawes​ome101> cursed idea: Discord <-> IRC bridge running in Minecraft on OpenComputers
L146[05:47:13] <Ocawes​ome101> with perhaps Minecraft stuck in the middle
L147[05:47:18] <The_St​argazer> cursed counter-idea
L148[05:47:24] <The_St​argazer> OC <-> Discord bridgew
L149[05:47:41] <The_St​argazer> this is actually possible btw lolk
L150[05:48:00] <The_St​argazer> since discord's api is (obviously) HTTP requests
L151[05:48:07] <Ocawes​ome101> yea
L152[05:48:14] <The_St​argazer> opencord™️
L153[05:48:15] <Ocawes​ome101> also
L154[05:48:28] <Ocawes​ome101> does anyone know where I can find complete docs on 9P?
L155[05:48:37] <The_St​argazer> those exist?
L156[05:48:45] <The_St​argazer> also i thought it was p9 not 9p
L157[05:49:02] <Ocawes​ome101> 9P is its communication protocol
L158[05:49:57] <Ocawes​ome101> *file protocol
L159[05:50:21] <The_St​argazer> ohh
L160[05:50:50] <The_St​argazer> it seems to be a thing that developers are shit at naming
L161[05:50:55] <Ocawes​ome101> :P
L162[05:55:26] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: Cervator)
L163[05:59:17] <ThePi​Guy24> @Ocawesome101 a server i play on has a MC <-> Discord <-> IRC bridge
L164[06:00:33] <Ocawes​ome101> nice
L165[06:00:57] <ThePi​Guy24> rip i pinged wrong person
L166[06:01:12] <Ocawes​ome101> oof
L167[06:15:18] <The_St​argazer> i love it when my control key gets randomly stuck lol
L168[06:15:23] <The_St​argazer> i was like
L169[06:15:31] <The_St​argazer> "why is esc opening the start menu"
L170[06:16:57] <Klea​dron> where's a start menu but no stop menu
L171[06:17:02] <Klea​dron> 😐
L172[06:20:03] <CompanionCube> Ocawesome101: probably somewhere on cat-v?
L173[06:20:55] <CompanionCube> http://9p.cat-v.org/
L174[06:21:21] <CompanionCube> random fun fact: Windows Subsystem for Linux uses 9P as a file access protocol.
L175[06:21:48] <Ocawes​ome101> lmao nice
L176[06:23:30] <CompanionCube> yeah, of all the ways to use 9P you wouldn't expect Explorer+WSL to be one.
L177[06:24:10] <CompanionCube> QEMU/KVM can do basically the same thing.
L178[06:44:45] <Ar​iri> New ore gen json available in the download folder, replace the existing world-gen.json in config/jeresources/
L179[06:44:51] <Ar​iri> Amanda ^
L180[06:51:42] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L181[07:01:56] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L182[07:11:22] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L183[07:15:46] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC_ (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one)
L184[07:16:29] *** BrightYC_ is now known as BrightYC
L185[07:26:18] ⇦ Quits: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one) (Quit: R.I.P)
L186[07:55:17] <Forec​aster> ugh
L187[07:55:34] <Forec​aster> I should've dumped my home dir when I migrated from the old server
L188[07:56:15] <Forec​aster> do I need that stuff badly enough to boot it back up...
L189[07:57:44] <Forec​aster> eh, I don't know where the hard drive went...
L190[07:57:46] <Forec​aster> oh welll
L191[07:58:14] <Forec​aster> lesson learned for next time, dump home dir as well
L192[07:58:48] <Forec​aster> I lost my byobu configs and some other not very important stuff
L193[07:59:50] <Klea​dron> you lost the cat pictures
L194[08:00:23] <Forec​aster> I don't have any cat pictures
L195[08:00:46] <Michiyo> not anymore you don't.
L196[08:00:48] <Michiyo> lost 'em all...
L197[08:00:50] <Michiyo> :P
L198[08:05:40] <Forec​aster> https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-05-23
L199[08:09:05] <Klea​dron> the first version of my minecraft mod is ready
L200[08:09:12] <Klea​dron> for 1.7.10
L201[08:09:19] <Forec​aster> which does what?
L202[08:09:38] <Klea​dron> basically adds metal bricks, obsidian reinforced glass and redstone ice that makes you walk faster
L203[08:09:43] <Klea​dron> and vertical bricks
L204[08:09:53] <Klea​dron> not much is added yet
L205[08:10:07] <Klea​dron> i was thinking about making an overcomplicated sandwich item but that's for later
L206[08:10:44] <Klea​dron> idk if i would be allowed to post the link to it here
L207[08:11:13] <Forec​aster> ah, it's a whatever-I-feel-like-utility-mod
L208[08:16:30] <Klea​dron> i made a webpage for it that has the recipes and everything
L209[08:20:28] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L210[08:20:29] <Klea​dron> idk how i feel about posting the mod in another mod's server so if anyone wants to check it out, dm me in discord
L211[08:20:52] <Forec​aster> why does that matter?
L212[08:20:58] <Forec​aster> it's not a computer mod
L213[08:21:17] <Klea​dron> what does that mean
L214[08:21:31] <Forec​aster> that it's not a competing mod in any way :P
L215[08:21:35] <Klea​dron> true
L216[08:21:44] <Blue_595> i should stop looking at the events of January 28, 1986
L217[08:21:50] <Klea​dron> fuck it, here you go https://kleadnet.000webhostapp.com/additionalblocks.php
L218[08:21:58] <Blue_595> 7 degrees Celsius
L219[08:22:04] <Blue_595> s e v e n d e g r e e s
L220[08:22:08] <Blue_595> to save seven people
L221[08:22:23] <Klea​dron> the number 7
L222[08:22:33] <Blue_595> not necessarily lucky tho
L223[08:22:45] <Blue_595> -3C when you can only launch at temperatures above 4C?
L224[08:22:47] <Blue_595> nah
L225[08:23:01] <Michiyo> 44.6 deg fahrenheit
L226[08:23:38] <Blue_595> hmm... pretty sure NASA is supposed to hire /smart/ people
L227[08:23:47] <Blue_595> who the fuck greenlit this mission
L228[08:24:14] <Klea​dron> are you sure it isn't the kerbal space program
L229[08:24:16] <Michiyo> Hey, I was like 2 months old, sorry
L230[08:24:32] <Blue_595> no it wasnt KSP
L231[08:24:37] <Blue_595> it was KSC, just not KSP
L232[08:24:48] <Blue_595> although... the exact mode of failure seems like KSP
L233[08:25:14] <Michiyo> Nah, if it had been KSP they would have just quick loaded, and tossed more struts on.
L234[08:25:24] <Blue_595> and speaking of struts
L235[08:25:51] <Michiyo> Needs more struts -> too heavy -> add more boosters -> needs more struts...
L236[08:26:44] <Blue_595> > too cold
L237[08:26:50] <Blue_595> > problem with the SRB
L238[08:26:55] <Blue_595> > burns one of the attachment points
L239[08:26:59] <Blue_595> > theres 2 left
L240[08:27:08] <Blue_595> > SRB flails around, smacks external tank
L241[08:27:19] <Klea​dron> haha
L242[08:27:24] <Blue_595> > t o o c o l d
L243[08:27:36] <Blue_595> fuck, rockets are like houseplants
L244[08:27:49] <Blue_595> was a pretty shit year tbh
L245[08:28:48] ⇦ Parts: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (WeeChat 1.9.1))
L246[08:28:50] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L247[08:28:55] <Blue_595> different topic this time
L248[08:29:21] <Blue_595> nearly done with the BONUS campaign of the game Exapunks
L249[08:29:26] ⇨ Joins: Saghetti (Mibbit@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L250[08:29:29] <Blue_595> when i finish level 9, i intend to release the solution
L251[08:29:44] <Blue_595> header first (size of each EXA)
L252[08:29:52] <Blue_595> 10 lines of code per week
L253[08:30:15] <Saghetti> its me again
L254[08:30:29] <Saghetti> and its that time of nicght
L255[08:30:36] <Blue_595> hey how come everyone is a single letter away from a common word
L256[08:30:44] <Blue_595> spaghetti, tetris
L257[08:30:46] <Saghetti> kindle irc time
L258[08:31:18] <Saghetti> yeah, what about it?
L259[08:31:51] <Blue_595> ok well
L260[08:31:52] <Saghetti> anyways
L261[08:32:04] <Saghetti> continue
L262[08:32:12] <Blue_595> at 08:30 i intend to test my solution
L263[08:32:48] <Saghetti> so
L264[08:32:59] <Forc​aster> No idea what you're talking about
L265[08:33:07] <Blue_595> Exapunks
L266[08:33:09] <Blue_595> the game
L267[08:33:16] <Blue_595> bunch'a normal levels, 9 bonus levels
L268[08:33:16] <Saghetti> my bungeecord shennanigans have been going well
L269[08:33:27] <Saghetti> Forecaster: same
L270[08:33:46] <Forc​aster> hm, too subtle I guess :P
L271[08:33:50] <Blue_595> i have a potential solution with 3 EXAs
L272[08:34:22] <Saghetti> so i got my system to automatically launch servers
L273[08:34:22] <Blue_595> if it works (all 100 test runs passed), ill put the header (Cycles/Size/Activity + length of the 3 EXAs) on Twitter
L274[08:34:34] <Blue_595> wait a week, release a random set of 10 lines
L275[08:34:42] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pd9e8ed0c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L276[08:34:43] <Blue_595> wait another week, release 10 more lines
L277[08:34:44] <Blue_595> etc.
L278[08:35:08] <Blue_595> not even a chunk of 10 anymore, just 10 randomly selected lines, to help with the suspense
L279[08:35:38] <Saghetti> it doesnt automatically assign a port to the server, but ill deal with that tomorrow
L280[08:35:59] <Saghetti> it just requires parsing server.properties
L281[08:36:27] <Saghetti> (or a custom plugin too maybe)
L282[08:37:29] <Saghetti> my brain is too fried to do anything other than chill in irc
L283[08:39:21] <Blue_595> im gonna chill
L284[08:39:25] *** Blue_595 is now known as Blue|afk
L285[08:39:30] <Blue|afk> yup
L286[08:39:51] <Blue|afk> if everyone could please limit their name length to a sort of 8|3 file
L287[08:39:54] *** Blue|afk is now known as Blue_595|afk
L288[08:40:46] <Forc​aster> this channel already has a name length limit
L289[08:40:48] <Blue_595|afk> forget the 8|3 thing, just this long or shut up
L290[08:41:11] <Saghetti> 16 chars iirc
L291[08:41:21] *** Blue_595|afk is now known as Blue_595|afk12345
L292[08:41:26] <Blue_595|afk12345> nope
L293[08:41:52] *** Blue_595|afk12345 is now known as Blue_595
L294[08:41:55] <Saghetti> idk then
L295[08:41:57] <Blue_595> lets just say you were wrong
L296[08:42:01] <MichiBot> Inari REMINDER: what was it like being a tomato fairy girl?
L297[08:42:12] <Saghetti> what
L298[08:42:12] <Michiyo> #oc: ??????????????????*!*@* on Sat Aug 17 23:32:42 2019 by ipo.esper.net
L299[08:42:15] <Inari> 🤔
L300[08:42:18] <The_St​argazer> what
L301[08:42:27] <The_St​argazer> %inari
L302[08:42:27] <MichiBot> The_St​​argazer: http://i.imgur.com/XoYgHyi.gif
L303[08:42:34] <Inari> %splash AmandaC
L304[08:42:34] <MichiBot> You fling a molten solarium potion (New!) that splashes onto AmandaC. AmandaC looks confused as nothing seems to happen...
L305[08:42:40] <Inari> Lame
L306[08:42:58] <Blue_595> 18 ig
L307[08:43:05] *** Blue_595 is now known as Blue_595||12345678
L308[08:43:08] <Blue_595||12345678> limit?
L309[08:43:19] <Blue_595||12345678> yea
L310[08:43:27] <Michiyo> Can confirm. +o can see your messages, but no one else
L311[08:43:37] ⇦ Parts: Blue_595||12345678 (~c8h10n4o2@ ())
L312[08:43:42] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L313[08:43:52] <Inari> I wanna see the messages too
L314[08:43:53] <Inari> sad times
L315[08:45:46] <Blue_595> please +o Inari
L316[08:46:05] <Michiyo> I'm not +o'ing anyone
L317[08:46:14] <Blue_595> please +v Inari
L318[08:46:53] <Michiyo> I can +q you if you'd like :)
L319[08:47:12] <Blue_595> please -o Michiyo
L320[08:47:13] ⇨ Joins: XtC-mc (~xtc-mc@astound-69-42-19-132.ca.astound.net)
L321[08:47:14] ⇦ Parts: XtC-mc (~xtc-mc@astound-69-42-19-132.ca.astound.net) ())
L322[08:47:33] Michiyo sets mode: -o on Michiyo
L323[08:47:35] <Michiyo> K
L324[08:47:39] <Blue_595> lol
L325[08:47:47] <Inari> Thats fine
L326[08:47:49] <Inari> Don't +o me
L327[08:47:53] <Inari> Just give me channel ownership
L328[08:48:03] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L329[08:48:34] <Saghetti> who is zsh?
L330[08:48:43] <Inari> chanserv
L331[08:48:48] <Michiyo> ^
L332[08:48:52] <Inari> ~markov zsh
L333[08:48:54] <Blue_595> that wasfun
L334[08:49:05] <Inari> Guess ocdoc is dead
L335[08:49:07] ⇦ Quits: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L336[08:49:09] <Saghetti> ocdoc ded
L337[08:49:17] <Saghetti> yeah
L338[08:49:26] <Forc​aster> it's been offline for like a week
L339[08:49:32] <Inari> :<
L340[08:49:33] <Michiyo> <_<
L341[08:49:51] <Saghetti> we need a markov bot
L342[08:50:05] <Inari> a markOwO bot
L343[08:50:28] <Forc​aster> ocdoc is the markov bot
L344[08:50:32] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (~ocdoc@eos.pc-logix.com)
L345[08:50:51] <Michiyo> I can fix stuff like that if I'm told.
L346[08:50:53] <Michiyo> :P
L347[08:51:17] <Inari> ~markov zsh
L348[08:51:17] <ocdoc> are you can't run it on their computer to see something funny
L349[08:52:30] <Saghetti> ooh its back
L350[08:53:21] <Saghetti> did it record chat messages while it was gone?
L351[08:53:38] <Forc​aster> dangit, I'd love if the osec security terminal could have specific dimensions instead of just a radius
L352[08:53:44] <Saghetti> does it read input from channe logs
L353[08:54:09] <Michiyo> AFAIK it doesn't do its own logging.. but I don't how to load logs to it.
L354[08:54:20] <Michiyo> it is gamax's bot after all
L355[08:58:38] ⇦ Quits: Saghetti (Mibbit@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
L356[08:58:45] <Forc​aster> ... "nothing to install"
L357[08:58:47] <Forc​aster> what
L358[08:58:49] <Forc​aster> D:<
L359[08:58:59] <Forc​aster> you have disk, disk has .install
L360[08:59:03] <Forc​aster> what more do you want?!
L361[09:00:21] <Klea​dron> i just realized i don't really have anywhere to post my mod because not many people play 1.7.10 anymore and everyone will probably bite my ankles
L362[09:00:55] <Forc​aster> oh right, it has to be readonly doesn't it
L363[09:01:05] <Forc​aster> there we go
L364[09:06:54] <Forc​aster> @payonel why does this happen? http://tinyurl.com/y9osyu3y
L365[09:07:16] <The_St​argazer> it happens because there are too many open handles
L366[09:07:24] <Forc​aster> thanks
L367[09:07:29] <Forc​aster> I never would have known
L368[09:07:32] <The_St​argazer> i assume there is an event limit?
L369[09:07:47] <The_St​argazer> maybe you hit that
L370[09:07:52] <pay​onel> the filesystem component has a limit on handles
L371[09:07:57] <pay​onel> i believe it is configurable
L372[09:07:59] <The_St​argazer> ah, file handles
L373[09:08:16] <pay​onel> yep, `maxHandles: 16`
L374[09:08:37] <Forc​aster> but undergisterEvents doesn't do anything with file handles... strange
L375[09:09:42] <pay​onel> it's specifically an exception thrown by FileSystem.open
L376[09:09:44] <pay​onel> just fyi
L377[09:10:03] <Forc​aster> http://tinyurl.com/y8krws76
L378[09:10:30] <pay​onel> ah, it's because of delay load
L379[09:10:37] <pay​onel> package.lua index, and dofile
L380[09:10:40] <Forc​aster> delay load?
L381[09:11:04] <pay​onel> yeah... when openos boots up, it's not loading full libraries (for low mem systems)
L382[09:11:22] <pay​onel> anyways, the `event.ignore` needs to load
L383[09:11:36] <pay​onel> so it sounds like you have 16 file handles open, and then that even happens
L384[09:11:36] <Forc​aster> ah
L385[09:11:44] <pay​onel> `event.ignore` only needs to load once
L386[09:11:53] <Forc​aster> hm, maybe it's not closing file handles somewhere else then
L387[09:12:11] <pay​onel> that sounds possible. openos tracks process handles, and will close them for you
L388[09:12:21] <pay​onel> but it's not closing them via gc
L389[09:12:37] <pay​onel> though....the userdata does close handles
L390[09:12:41] <pay​onel> hmm
L391[09:12:43] <pay​onel> interseting
L392[09:12:46] <pay​onel> i hope you find the bug 🙂
L393[09:13:01] <Forc​aster> I will close my handles in my saveX methods
L394[09:13:10] <pay​onel> the machine.lua keeps track of file handles too, and closes them on gc
L395[09:13:29] <pay​onel> maybe you're keeping refs to the handles in a table
L396[09:14:03] <Forc​aster> http://tinyurl.com/yctflgbo
L397[09:14:10] <Forc​aster> (I added the close just now)
L398[09:14:26] <pay​onel> weird though, that should have closed for you
L399[09:14:38] <pay​onel> when it gc's
L400[09:14:44] <Forc​aster> it's called pretty often
L401[09:14:44] <pay​onel> OH
L402[09:14:49] <pay​onel> are you in the same process?
L403[09:15:00] <Forc​aster> any time a change is made it saves to file
L404[09:15:02] <pay​onel> ....i should weak tables those....
L405[09:15:09] <Forc​aster> same process?
L406[09:15:23] <pay​onel> yeah, when you run a script/program, that is a process
L407[09:15:31] <Forc​aster> this mostly runs in event listeners
L408[09:15:45] <Forc​aster> but also has a main loop that calls this
L409[09:15:52] <Forc​aster> so yeah
L410[09:16:34] <Forc​aster> although the main loop wouldn't have now because I didn't input anything, so it shouldn't have saved anything
L411[09:19:25] <pay​onel> @Forcaster if you dont see reason for maxHandles to be abused, this gets pretty deep into process data management in openos
L412[09:19:34] <pay​onel> i'd be happy to come take a look (if you have this hosted)
L413[09:19:56] <Forc​aster> what do you mean?
L414[09:21:02] <pay​onel> i mean, in the case you've hit a bug in openos, i would have to come see the repro to fix it
L415[09:21:20] ⇦ Quits: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L416[09:21:49] <Forc​aster> well, I happen to have set up a server to run a small scale test soon, I was setting up the first factory :P
L417[09:35:42] ⇦ Quits: lord| (~ba7888b72@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L418[09:36:07] ⇨ Joins: lord| (~ba7888b72@
L419[09:36:25] <The_St​argazer> "endergy" very funny, EIO
L420[09:37:35] <Klea​dron> do you light ender pearls on fire this time?
L421[09:37:49] <The_St​argazer> haha, no
L422[09:38:02] <The_St​argazer> it's the unlocalized name of an ingot set that's not available in NEI for whatever reason
L423[09:38:27] <The_St​argazer> indev/unused maybe
L424[09:39:06] <The_St​argazer> the nuclearcraft alloy furnace spills the beans tho
L425[09:39:31] <The_St​argazer> `itemalloyendergy_ingot`
L426[09:39:47] <Klea​dron> time to cook the beans 😎
L427[09:41:30] <Forc​aster> damn
L428[09:41:41] <Forc​aster> the security terminal is too imprecise for this...
L429[09:41:57] <Forc​aster> ironically the protected area is too big
L430[09:42:21] <The_St​argazer> hmm, looks like endergy is an addon
L431[09:42:28] <Forc​aster> I suppose I'll have to make the structure bigger
L432[09:42:31] <The_St​argazer> but then.. why are the ingots in EIO without the addon?
L433[09:43:03] <Klea​dron> maybe the addon uses them
L434[09:43:09] <The_St​argazer> nah, the addon adds them
L435[09:43:14] <The_St​argazer> they are specifically designed for the addon
L436[09:43:20] <The_St​argazer> so why not have the addon add them?
L437[09:43:26] <Klea​dron> because
L438[09:43:29] <Klea​dron> cranium
L439[09:43:53] <The_St​argazer> ?
L440[09:44:03] <Inari> Thats a name I haven't heard in a while
L441[09:44:08] <Klea​dron> “big brain”
L442[09:44:13] <Klea​dron> i meant
L443[09:44:18] <Inari> :p
L444[09:44:20] <The_St​argazer> smartn't'nt
L445[09:44:29] <Inari> %seen TheCranium
L446[09:44:29] <MichiBot> TheCranium has not been seen
L447[09:44:31] <Inari> Hmm
L448[09:44:33] <Inari> What was the name
L449[09:44:37] <Inari> %seen Cranium
L450[09:44:38] <MichiBot> Cranium was last seen 1141d 4h 18m 15s ago. that's no fun
L451[09:45:01] <Klea​dron> what a name
L452[09:45:03] <The_St​argazer> Inari: why is there an underscore in your minecraft username?
L453[09:45:33] <The_St​argazer> was "Inari" taken?
L454[09:47:07] <Forc​aster> Michiyo: is there a particular reason why the security terminal is an even cube divisible by 8?
L455[09:58:19] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one)
L456[10:00:52] <Inari> @The_Stargazer yeah, appears someone put an options.txt into the zip
L457[10:01:01] <The_St​argazer> ah
L458[10:07:12] <Forc​aster> hrm
L459[10:07:26] <Inari> Hrm?
L460[10:07:31] <Forc​aster> I might need to add an api to the factory so you can get some information out of them
L461[10:07:48] <Forc​aster> like what goods they accept and how much it has stored
L462[10:09:36] <Forc​aster> because I realized now that if you find a random factory out in the world all you can do is guess what it might accept based on the design of the building, but that's next to impossible
L463[10:09:48] <Forc​aster> or you can try transporting stuff to it but that's annoying
L464[10:10:15] <Forc​aster> I could just put a sign on the outside, but that's boring :P
L465[10:10:33] <Inari> Heh
L466[10:11:00] <Inari> Make it output the data via parallel redstone lines
L467[10:11:14] <Inari> Though since it's a random factroy you'll have to find the manual in a dungeon close to it to know what the lines mean
L468[10:11:14] <Inari> :p
L469[10:11:50] <Forc​aster> eh, too much work for me :P
L470[10:11:55] <Inari> Sounds like you're setting up some pretty interesting stuff though
L471[10:12:15] <Forc​aster> I hope so
L472[10:12:34] <Forc​aster> I'm getting ready to run a small-scale test on an actual server with actual players
L473[10:12:48] <Forc​aster> it'll be interesting to see how it goes
L474[10:16:52] <Forc​aster> interesting http://tinyurl.com/yacc79ht
L475[10:17:37] <Forc​aster> it didn't like that I took out the disk it was running off of :P
L476[10:18:04] ⇦ Quits: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L477[10:18:05] <Forc​aster> huh http://tinyurl.com/yd8846j6
L478[10:18:52] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-112.dynamic.as20676.net)
L479[10:18:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L480[10:21:35] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one)
L481[10:21:36] <Inari> Heh
L482[10:33:50] <The_St​argazer> ok now i can smite things on command
L483[10:33:52] <The_St​argazer> this is nice
L484[10:34:16] <The_St​argazer> can also shoot things with explosions
L485[10:36:34] <Inari> Tinkering with PSi
L486[10:37:07] <The_St​argazer> indeed
L487[10:38:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-15-33.dynamic.as20676.net)
L488[10:38:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L489[10:38:12] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-112.dynamic.as20676.net) (Killed (calamity.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L490[10:38:12] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L491[10:52:49] <Inari> AmandaC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0xM9SlkbWI
L492[10:52:50] <MichiBot> 最初は警戒してた野良猫、段々なれてきて最後はゴロゴロ撫でられる | length: 5m 6s | Likes: 10,323 Dislikes: 486 Views: 1,286,171 | by 感動猫動画 | Published On 9/4/2019
L493[11:00:10] <The_St​argazer> i have decided that having to be at your command center to launch your missiles is not very modern
L494[11:00:24] <The_St​argazer> especially if there are other ways
L495[11:00:58] <The_St​argazer> therefore i shall implement one of those ways
L496[11:01:24] <The_St​argazer> and possibly sell the technology used
L497[11:05:34] <Forc​aster> the other ways being hackers launching them for you of course
L498[11:05:45] <The_St​argazer> well, no
L499[11:05:57] <The_St​argazer> not if i hardcore it to only accept me :)
L500[11:06:10] <Forc​aster> sad hacker noises
L501[11:06:17] <The_St​argazer> also
L502[11:06:19] <The_St​argazer> you're uh
L503[11:06:20] <The_St​argazer> missing an e
L504[11:06:28] <The_St​argazer> when'd you take that out
L505[11:06:46] <Forc​aster> what
L506[11:06:53] <Forc​aster> oh
L507[11:07:11] <Forc​aster> earlier when blue was going on about people having names that were almost words :P
L508[11:07:16] <The_St​argazer> ah
L509[11:07:39] <Forc​aster> hence the "too subtle" comment
L510[11:07:55] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L511[11:09:06] <The_St​argazer> ah
L512[11:11:08] <The_St​argazer> also: have another clue
L513[11:11:12] <The_St​argazer> chat box :)
L514[11:11:21] <Forec​aster> clue?
L515[11:11:24] <Forec​aster> about what?
L516[11:11:44] <The_St​argazer> the thing
L517[11:11:47] <The_St​argazer> it ain't a clue if i reveal it is it
L518[11:18:38] <Force​caster> I didn't know there was a thing to receive clues about
L519[11:19:24] <The_St​argazer> well there is
L520[11:27:57] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L521[11:27:57] <MichiBot> Jeepers! Squi​dDev! You beat DaCompu​terNerd's previous record of 4 hours, 22 minutes and 19 seconds (By 6 hours, 20 minutes and 6 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L522[11:27:58] <MichiBot> Squi​dDev has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.01 tonk points! plus 0.009 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.6158. Position #4 Need 0.06274 more points to pass Li​zzy!
L523[11:48:51] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@
L524[11:48:56] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@
L525[11:57:46] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L526[11:59:16] ⇨ Joins: Kleiax (webchat@dslb-002-200-100-182.002.200.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L527[12:01:04] ⇦ Quits: Kleiax (webchat@dslb-002-200-100-182.002.200.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Client Quit)
L528[12:02:42] <The_St​argazer> mfw /home finishes literally like half a second before the creeper hits the ground and kills me
L529[12:02:46] <The_St​argazer> ultimate save
L530[12:04:25] <The_St​argazer> also found five AE2 meteors so that's cool ig
L531[12:04:32] <The_St​argazer> %tonk
L532[12:04:32] <MichiBot> Sard! The_St​argazer! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of <0 (By 36 minutes and 34 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L533[12:04:33] <MichiBot> The_Stargazer's new record is 36 minutes and 34 seconds! The_Stargazer also gained 0.00061 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #9. Need 0.10361 more points to pass DaCompu​terNerd!
L534[12:05:47] <The_St​argazer> oh yes also i can fly now
L535[12:07:23] <Te​sca> i'm trying to send an array of objects via tunnel but it tells me unsupported datatype. any ideas on how to send the data?
L536[12:07:43] <Force​caster> you can only send strings, numbers or booleans directly
L537[12:07:56] <Force​caster> tables you have to serialize into a string first
L538[12:08:04] <Force​caster> then deserialize at the other end
L539[12:08:19] <Te​sca> is there a serialize function already available?
L540[12:08:24] <Te​sca> or do i have to write my own
L541[12:08:28] <Force​caster> there is a serialization library
L542[12:10:02] <Te​sca> ok thx 🙂
L543[12:10:15] <Inari> ~ocdoc serialization
L544[12:10:15] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:serialization
L545[12:10:26] <Te​sca> yeah found it 🙂
L546[12:11:05] <Inari> Someone should make one that works with circular tables
L547[12:40:05] <Te​sca> if i have a modem event but pull for touch, does that remove the modem event from the queue?
L548[12:40:05] <Te​sca> i currently have a loop that checks for touch for my GUI but i also want to pull modem events from time to time. but it feels like whenever i pull for touch, the modem event doesnt get registered anymore
L549[12:43:47] <Izaya> %logs
L550[12:43:48] <MichiBot> Iz​aya: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L551[12:46:56] <Force​caster> @Tesca events are queued
L552[12:47:19] <Force​caster> new events are added to the back of the queue and pulled from the front of the queue
L553[12:48:20] <Force​caster> if you are doing something like event.pull("touch") it ignores other events and might discard them
L554[12:48:30] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3672:b201:33c7:d66f:f023:d163)
L555[12:48:32] <Force​caster> not sure if it does that
L556[12:48:34] <Kristo​pher38> It doesn't discard them
L557[12:48:46] <Force​caster> regardless you probably want to use an event listener for the modem event instead
L558[12:48:52] <Kristo​pher38> It's just that your event.pull is blocking the registered event handler from executing
L559[12:49:07] <Kristo​pher38> Or at least I think so
L560[12:49:20] <Force​caster> I thought event.pull yelded
L561[12:49:28] <Force​caster> I thought event.pull yielded [Edited]
L562[12:49:33] <Kristo​pher38> Hmm 🤔
L563[12:49:39] <Kristo​pher38> Yeah it does yield
L564[12:49:59] <Te​sca> it shouldnt block, i added a timeout and it reaches the right debug prints
L565[12:49:59] <Te​sca> it seems it just discards my other event
L566[12:50:23] <Kristo​pher38> Do you have os.sleep somewhere?
L567[12:51:06] <Te​sca> yes, i can try without
L568[12:51:36] <Force​caster> that shouldn't matter
L569[12:51:38] <Kristo​pher38> Yeah, then if your modem event arrives when you're doing os.sleep it's gonna be missed
L570[12:51:40] <Force​caster> show us your code instead
L571[12:51:48] <Te​sca> that was it
L572[12:51:48] <Kristo​pher38> It matters
L573[12:51:52] <Force​caster> oh
L574[12:51:57] <Te​sca> wow, thx 🙂
L575[12:52:14] <Force​caster> that seems odd
L576[12:52:34] <Kristo​pher38> That's os.sleep behavior
L577[12:53:37] <Izaya> @Ariri Invited a RL friend to the server, hope you don't mind
L578[12:55:14] <Kristo​pher38> Hmm, the wiki says something different though, maybe it's out of date ```Note that signals will still be processed by event handlers while the sleep is active, i.e. you cannot pull signals that were accumulated during the sleep after it ended, since no signals will remain in the queue (or at least not all of them).```
L579[12:56:54] <Kristo​pher38> I don't remember where I've read that os.sleep misses events, but it's certainly the case
L580[12:57:10] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: be warned, if you die and then die again your items from the first death will be lost
L581[12:57:24] <The_St​argazer> because some idiot developer thought "let's add this to the mod"
L582[12:57:42] <Kristo​pher38> Also the monsters are hard
L583[12:57:45] <The_St​argazer> Yes
L584[12:57:52] <The_St​argazer> I fixed that a bit tho
L585[12:58:00] <The_St​argazer> Next config update will disable the "oh for fucks sake" mobs
L586[12:58:17] <Kristo​pher38> Wdym, I thought that was part of the challenge
L587[12:58:26] <The_St​argazer> What, dying five times in a row?
L588[12:58:33] <The_St​argazer> In the same five minutes?
L589[12:58:43] <The_St​argazer> And then realizing all your stuff is gone forever?
L590[12:58:43] <Kristo​pher38> Git gud
L591[12:58:57] <Kristo​pher38> Kinda oof, yes
L592[12:59:13] <The_St​argazer> there needs to be a balance between "fun challenge" and "wanting to quit the server challenge"
L593[13:00:12] <The_St​argazer> Seriously... Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/danohimuyi who thought this was a good idea?
L594[13:02:17] <Inari> I mean, it's not exactly a completely uncommon way to balance being able to die multiple times. Usually in other games though :P
L595[13:03:43] <The_St​argazer> yeah, in other games (i.e. a game like Dark Souls) that works
L596[13:03:49] <The_St​argazer> In a game like Minecraft... not so much
L597[13:05:31] <The_St​argazer> >spaxelhoe
L598[13:05:32] <The_St​argazer> the upgraded form of the paxel
L599[13:06:00] <The_St​argazer> "what do you want to name the multitool?" "yes"
L600[13:08:49] <The_St​argazer> http://tinyurl.com/yabkquzd
L601[13:08:53] <The_St​argazer> umm
L602[13:10:11] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: your friend has a very interesting username
L603[13:11:29] <Force​caster> sigh http://tinyurl.com/ybe5xtar
L604[13:11:39] <Force​caster> these spikes are really annoying
L605[13:11:40] <The_St​argazer> i don't see the issue
L606[13:11:43] <The_St​argazer> oh
L607[13:11:48] <The_St​argazer> why are you getting spikes
L608[13:11:52] <The_St​argazer> install betterfps
L609[13:12:06] <t20kdc> Minecraft always spikes
L610[13:12:15] <The_St​argazer> also ^
L611[13:12:17] <The_St​argazer> it's minecraft
L612[13:12:23] <Force​caster> yeah but these are actually stutters
L613[13:12:40] <t20kdc> the solution is of course to introduce a dictatorship against anything that might offend our glorious overlord,
L614[13:12:44] <t20kdc> the Garbage Collector
L615[13:13:02] <B​ob> i got my 150 modpack in a decent state
L616[13:13:07] <B​ob> can run on 2GB without insane spikes
L617[13:15:28] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: your friend wouldn't happen to have a DIscord account, would they?
L618[13:15:36] <The_St​argazer> their username's very similar to someone i know
L619[13:15:44] <Izaya> probably
L620[13:15:48] <Izaya> I don't know it though
L621[13:15:50] <The_St​argazer> ah
L622[13:16:18] <The_St​argazer> can you ask them a question for me? im still trying to fix my logon issue
L623[13:16:23] <Izaya> sure
L624[13:16:46] <The_St​argazer> ask them if they know anyone by the name of Galaxtone or something similar (yea, that guy who joined once and played for like 25 minutes lol)
L625[13:17:08] <The_St​argazer> i mean it's probably just a really big coincidence but i still wanna know lol
L626[13:17:11] <Izaya> that is a no
L627[13:17:20] <The_St​argazer> they don't know anyone like that?
L628[13:17:37] <The_St​argazer> yeah, would make sense since the guy I know is currently not online on discord
L629[13:17:39] <Izaya> "Can't say I remember it."
L630[13:17:55] <The_St​argazer> well, thanks
L631[13:18:01] <The_St​argazer> i'll mark that off as a coincidence
L632[13:18:04] <Izaya> on an unrelated note
L633[13:18:08] <The_St​argazer> ?
L634[13:18:17] <Izaya> do we want a mumble server for the server
L635[13:18:21] <Izaya> cause mine mostly isn't used
L636[13:18:24] <The_St​argazer> mum..what
L637[13:18:27] <The_St​argazer> the hell is mumble
L638[13:18:32] <Izaya> voice chat
L639[13:18:35] <The_St​argazer> oh
L640[13:18:39] <The_St​argazer> does it cost money to use
L641[13:18:43] <Izaya> no?
L642[13:18:45] <Izaya> it's FOSS
L643[13:18:47] <The_St​argazer> and is there any point?
L644[13:19:02] <The_St​argazer> do we need a voice chat server? will we use one
L645[13:19:03] <Izaya> and the best option, excluding TeamSpeak if you have a stereo mic
L646[13:19:11] <Izaya> iunno but I'm using it now
L647[13:19:24] <The_St​argazer> eh, fuck it
L648[13:19:24] <The_St​argazer> can't hurt
L649[13:19:32] <Izaya> I'll make a channel in the root
L650[13:19:36] <Izaya> and set it so everyone can make channels
L651[13:19:46] <The_St​argazer> that works
L652[13:24:56] <Kristo​pher38> @Forcecaster try increasing the maximum ram allocated for mc
L653[13:25:07] <Kristo​pher38> Those could be garbage collection cycles
L654[13:25:18] <Kristo​pher38> Common issue on modded mc
L655[13:37:46] <AmandaC> Inari: I see you were awake for the reminder!
L656[13:38:04] * AmandaC hides behind Inari's favourite stuffed animal
L657[13:38:05] <Inari> %splash AmandaC
L658[13:38:05] <MichiBot> You fling a shimmering weather potion (New!) that splashes onto AmandaC. A bard starts playing a lute behind AmandaC for 5 moons.
L659[13:38:15] <Inari> rude
L660[13:38:58] <Inari> Steam: So get to work, Spring Cleaners – Let’s dust off those unplayed games!
L661[13:39:03] <Inari> Also Steam: suggests games I already finished
L662[13:47:45] <AmandaC> Inari: time for some spring cleaning! Tell me all the secret movements of the fox army!
L663[13:49:35] <Inari> What fox army
L664[14:21:02] <Force​caster> %sip
L665[14:21:03] <MichiBot> You drink a bubbly spice potion (New!). A tiny cloud appears with a ridiculous smile on it. It follows Force​caster until they have an apple.
L666[14:21:31] <Corded> * <Force​caster> goes on a quest to find an apple
L667[14:39:57] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3672:b201:33c7:d66f:f023:d163) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L668[14:46:22] <Inari> %sip
L669[14:46:22] <MichiBot> You drink a boiling aluminium potion (New!). The potion bottle insults Inari's haircut.
L670[14:46:26] <Inari> Rude
L671[14:46:58] <Lizzy> %tonk
L672[14:46:59] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! Li​zzy! You beat The_St​argazer's previous record of 36 minutes and 34 seconds (By 2 hours, 5 minutes and 51 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L673[14:47:00] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 2 hours, 42 minutes and 26 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.0021 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.12368 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L674[14:47:02] <Force​caster> hah
L675[14:54:38] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3615:e401:92dc:ea30:c0f7:99fd)
L676[15:00:54] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L677[15:07:50] ⇦ Quits: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one) (Quit: R.I.P)
L678[15:28:02] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@
L679[16:03:47] <Ar​iri> Izaya: Not a problem
L680[16:04:26] <Ar​iri> Forecaster: If you’re still stuttering, I can send you my config for a few things that helps with that. It’s an issue across most packs for me.
L681[16:07:15] <The_St​argazer> Izaya, AmandaC: you guys need any power?
L682[16:07:22] <The_St​argazer> i happen to have a lot
L683[16:07:33] <AmandaC> Havn't even gotten started on tech yet.
L684[16:07:35] <The_St​argazer> well, not stored, but generatable
L685[16:07:36] <The_St​argazer> oh
L686[16:10:33] <Ar​iri> Totem of Holding, Lily Lurker, and Spider families have been disabled, bc quite frankly, f*ck that.
L687[16:10:51] <Elfi> spider families :o
L688[16:10:58] <Elfi> What's thaaat
L689[16:11:26] <The_St​argazer> baby and mother spiders
L690[16:11:27] <Ar​iri> Scary as shit that’s what
L691[16:11:28] <The_St​argazer> when you kill one
L692[16:11:32] <The_St​argazer> it spawns like three
L693[16:11:35] <pay​onel> @Kristopher38
L694[16:11:46] <The_St​argazer> also lily lurker is a right pain in the ass yea
L695[16:12:05] <The_St​argazer> but i think totem of holding takes the #1 prize for "fuck that"
L696[16:12:09] <pay​onel> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/dovupanepa
L697[16:12:48] <pay​onel> let me rephrase it, then you tell me if the wiki is correct and/or you have experienced the same thing
L698[16:12:59] <pay​onel> 1. os.sleep consumes events
L699[16:13:46] <pay​onel> 2. registered event handlers, and threads, are still handling events during that time
L700[16:16:15] <pay​onel> 3. besides registered event handlers and threads, but thinking of the single threaded, linear design of your program - os.sleep will have consumed events and the next event.pull will appear to miss events that were consumed by the sleep
L701[16:16:29] <pay​onel> now, i really dont know how to explain all of that concisely
L702[16:19:11] <The_St​argazer> ...
L703[16:19:18] <The_St​argazer> i should really stop taking stone for granite
L704[16:19:30] <The_St​argazer> it's technically limited (naturally anyway)
L705[16:19:42] <The_St​argazer> that was terrible i know
L706[16:20:47] <The_St​argazer> that's uh
L707[16:20:54] <Force​caster> maybe you need new glasses
L708[16:21:17] <Ar​iri> Forecaster: If thats 1.12.2, I have a few config files that might help you outside
L709[16:21:19] <Ar​iri> out*
L710[16:21:35] <The_St​argazer> will they help him inside tho
L711[16:21:51] <The_St​argazer> i see a joke and i take it
L712[16:22:05] <Ar​iri> %bap @The_Stargazer
L713[16:22:06] <MichiBot> Ar​iri baps @The_Stargazer with the monkey's paw to remove mention of oc2!
L714[16:22:30] <The_St​argazer> hey, that's a thing I added!
L715[16:22:35] <Kristo​pher38> @payonel now that makes a lot more sense
L716[16:22:35] <The_St​argazer> bit counter-intuitive though.
L717[16:23:02] <pay​onel> @Forcecaster i saw you hit some errors? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125649403162656768/713681844008255498/unknown.png
L718[16:23:05] <pay​onel> and https://discordapp.com/channels/125649403162656768/125649403162656768/713682155217223710
L719[16:23:19] <pay​onel> i need to look at those, i'll review the code closely, but do yo have a repro?
L720[16:23:22] <Kristo​pher38> if the wiki said what your two first points say it would be clear
L721[16:24:17] <Force​caster> @payonel I removed the floppy while running "FactoryOS" off of it, before installing
L722[16:24:44] <pay​onel> what floppy? your factoryos floppy?
L723[16:24:50] <Force​caster> yes
L724[16:24:55] <pay​onel> so:
L725[16:24:57] <Force​caster> so basically openos
L726[16:25:00] <pay​onel> 1. install openos
L727[16:25:11] <Force​caster> no, no installing
L728[16:25:19] <Force​caster> this was before the install
L729[16:25:40] <pay​onel> oh, ok - you booted on a factoryos floppy?
L730[16:25:44] <pay​onel> then removed the floppy, and ran install?
L731[16:25:53] <Force​caster> no I didn't run anything
L732[16:26:10] <Force​caster> that seemed to happen just by removing the floppy from the drive
L733[16:26:17] <pay​onel> ok sure. that first error
L734[16:26:30] <pay​onel> but the second one, with `mounts` nil in `install_basics` or something
L735[16:27:01] <Force​caster> oh right, that
L736[16:27:06] <Force​caster> I'm not sure how that happened
L737[16:27:14] <Force​caster> it was somewhere in that mess
L738[16:27:36] <pay​onel> 🙂 ok, i should be able to figure out the install issue with the stacktrace alone
L739[16:27:52] <pay​onel> but yeah, removing a boot disk is not supported 🙂
L740[16:28:01] <Force​caster> it was probably related to removing the disk
L741[16:30:25] <Kristo​pher38> on another note, I finally fixed the bug that popped up in my VM during execution of this contrived example
L742[16:30:34] <Kristo​pher38> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/apuwidosuy
L743[16:31:46] <Kristo​pher38> turns out when i was handling the taillcall opcode the assignment to a register overwrote the upvalue with a wrong function, so instead of calling the intended one it was calling itself
L744[16:42:55] <pay​onel> @Forcecaster yep, it was due to removing a disk
L745[16:43:21] ⇨ Joins: Skelechub (webchat@
L746[16:44:47] ⇦ Quits: Skelechub (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L747[16:46:01] <Force​caster> I knew it!
L748[16:52:42] <AmandaC> Izaya: how far south were the palm trees?
L749[16:52:57] <Izaya> south along the coast there's a desert
L750[16:56:21] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3615:e401:92dc:ea30:c0f7:99fd) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L751[17:04:00] <Michiyo> @Forecaster I have a headache from hell, so I'm having an issue processing the question
L752[17:04:33] <Force​caster> the station radius is the set "radius" value * 8
L753[17:05:16] <Force​caster> and radius can be between 1 and 4
L754[17:05:35] <Force​caster> which means the minimum radius is 8 and the max 32 blocks
L755[17:05:52] <Michiyo> Ah.. this looks like a chunk of code ben rewrote
L756[17:06:30] <Michiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/203930378b8c6e681e95324e0d3868c89173d898/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/common/protection/Protection.java#L48 yep
L757[17:06:32] <Force​caster> %seen ben_mkiv
L758[17:06:32] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv was last seen 5h 17m 41s ago. Quitting
L759[17:07:10] <Force​caster> also apparently the station blocks breaking blocks, but not placing them, which seems odd
L760[17:08:03] <Force​caster> I have no idea what a Protection instance is
L761[17:10:09] <Michiyo> I didn't mean t o link to the specific line, just the class
L762[17:10:28] <Force​caster> ah
L763[17:10:56] <Michiyo> but yeah, this was re-written by ben when he started helping me with OS way back when
L764[17:11:10] <Force​caster> hm, the enum has place in it
L765[17:11:57] <AmandaC> @ariri while you're in the configs, can you add the integrated dynamics and mffs guides to the akashic time's whitelist?
L766[17:12:24] <Ar​iri> Is it the item ID?
L767[17:12:26] <AmandaC> Tome*
L768[17:12:35] <AmandaC> Uh. I'd have to look
L769[17:12:45] <Ar​iri> Ah its okay, Ill figure it out
L770[17:18:00] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L771[17:30:25] <Force​caster> ben_mkiv Michi says you've touched the security terminal
L772[17:30:40] <Force​caster> do you know why the radius goes in increments of 8?
L773[17:31:15] <ben_mkiv> because it was always coded like that
L774[17:31:24] <ben_mkiv> she didnt want me to change it because it would break old code
L775[17:32:19] <The_St​argazer> the plot thickens
L776[17:32:53] <Michiyo> Huh.. was it? I'm having a hard time sitting up currently so I have no idea.
L777[17:33:15] <ben_mkiv> iirc yea
L778[17:35:29] <Michiyo> well
L779[17:35:35] <Michiyo> Shit.. yep.
L780[17:35:44] <Michiyo> @Forecaster then IDK.
L781[17:35:45] <ben_mkiv> we could probably add another method like setBlockRadius()
L782[17:36:20] <Michiyo> Possibly because I'm an idiot and had/have no idea what I was doing.
L783[17:36:27] <Michiyo> it's why a lot of things are how they are.
L784[17:36:28] <ben_mkiv> i can tell
L785[17:36:29] <ben_mkiv> xD
L786[17:36:31] <ben_mkiv> jk
L787[17:36:38] * Michiyo shrugs
L788[17:37:13] <ben_mkiv> well i can relate, most stuff for me was learn while doing
L789[17:39:07] <ben_mkiv> today i played GTA V online, such a toxic "community"
L790[17:39:28] <Ar​iri> Mostly little kids.
L791[17:39:47] <ben_mkiv> but isnt it the same for minecraft? still they behave way more social
L792[17:39:51] <Michiyo> There is a reason I have a program that sticks me in a solo lobby that I can then whitelist folks with
L793[17:40:20] <Michiyo> Which works better than the solo lobby option in the GTA-O menu.. as you can't do CEO/Business stuff there.
L794[17:41:01] <Ar​iri> Because its more about creativity and patience, GTA V is violent destructive game
L795[17:41:01] <Ar​iri> Fun and chaotic, but like Fortnite, the attributes are reflected in the audience
L796[17:41:02] <ben_mkiv> have you tried modding gta v yet? xD
L797[17:41:15] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC (~BrightYC@nitrogen.one)
L798[17:41:22] <Michiyo> I have not *made* mods for GTA no.
L799[17:41:31] <Ar​iri> ^
L800[17:41:41] <Ar​iri> made
L801[17:41:46] <ben_mkiv> so no openprinter for me
L802[17:41:47] <ben_mkiv> xD
L803[17:41:53] <Michiyo> lmfao!
L804[17:42:00] <Michiyo> Nope sorry :P
L805[17:42:10] <Michiyo> I play 99.9% online, and modding there gets you banned.
L806[17:42:15] <Michiyo> even simple graphical enhancements.
L807[17:42:30] <ben_mkiv> but if im not wrong it works on custom servers
L808[17:42:54] <Michiyo> Sure, but five-m has basically *no* content and you have to make it all yourself.
L809[17:42:55] <Lizzy> FiveM is (from waht i've seen) a decent custom thing
L810[17:42:57] <ben_mkiv> but the whole ecosystem is probably worse than minecraft as rockstar doesnt seem to be a fan of modding
L811[17:43:00] <ben_mkiv> no cash flow for them
L812[17:43:40] <Michiyo> FiveM is great for creative server admins... but I wanna log in and shoot some shit and rob a casino.
L813[17:44:31] <Ar​iri> ^
L814[17:44:31] <Ar​iri> Casino heist was one of the better one imo
L815[17:44:40] <Michiyo> It was alright
L816[17:46:54] <Ar​iri> I like the customizability, but maybe im biased cuz I never played any heists since race mode was added myself, Ive only watched parts of them
L817[17:51:24] <Force​caster> there could be a new method, say `setDimensions` or something, that lets you specify a more specific bounding box for the protection
L818[17:53:12] <ben_mkiv> yea... "could"
L819[17:53:14] <ben_mkiv> xD
L820[17:53:45] <ben_mkiv> the problem with the security terminal imho is that it doesnt protect from blocks being placed
L821[17:54:07] <Force​caster> I noticed that too
L822[17:54:44] <Force​caster> I've kind of worked around my issue by pushing my building up against a corner of the protected area so two walls are against the boundary
L823[17:54:56] <ben_mkiv> but my head is somewhere else at the moment, and i dont like to switch back and forth between projects
L824[17:55:15] <The_St​argazer> okay jesus fuck
L825[17:55:15] <The_St​argazer> demon chicken
L826[17:55:24] <Force​caster> it should be fine as long as I don't need players to access the other two walls as well at some point
L827[17:55:55] <ben_mkiv> if i would play now, i would make my house of nanodna which attacks enemy players xD
L828[17:56:37] <ben_mkiv> and floor thats not solid for anyone but me xD
L829[17:56:47] <AmandaC> over a lava pit?
L830[17:57:13] <ben_mkiv> yea, or spikes
L831[17:57:25] <AmandaC> maybe a hole down to bedrock
L832[17:57:29] <ben_mkiv> or a room full of doors and villagers, hah!
L833[17:57:33] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/9074c3162a79ab6b4131cb289a0c8795a6ff6dbea5b6639b674ce716b16de64e.jpg
L834[17:58:02] <AmandaC> Izaya: when the OTP's just too far out there
L835[17:59:59] <AmandaC> right, headache's dulled some, let's see if the motionsickness has left enough to continue clearin gthe island
L836[18:01:03] <Izaya> I need a keyboard with a trackpoint
L837[18:01:12] <Izaya> so I can have my keyboard under the blankets and keep my hands warm
L838[18:01:23] <Izaya> because jhc it's cold
L839[18:01:41] <AmandaC> @Ariri integrateddynamics:on_the_dynamics_of_integration guideapi:minecraft-mffsguide if you've not found them yet
L840[18:01:45] <Izaya> 5°
L841[18:02:01] * Izaya freezes to death
L842[18:02:08] <Ar​iri> Howd you get the mffs one? I found a different one
L843[18:02:21] <Ar​iri> Er it was worded differently
L844[18:02:34] <AmandaC> @Ariri f3+h makes it show up in the tooltips.
L845[18:02:47] <Ar​iri> Oh
L846[18:02:52] <Ar​iri> I was looking for that
L847[18:03:17] <AmandaC> you can also do /mt hand if you're holding it and get the CraftTweaker designation, then just remove the <>s and the item: prefix
L848[18:03:57] <AmandaC> but I think that requires op, which is why I did it the f3+h way
L849[18:05:26] <AmandaC> Although, thinking on it, it's a bit weird that it requires op, since the full NBT can be pulled fromthe f3+h tooltip as well. I guess since it's easily copiabe
L850[18:09:09] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L851[18:10:48] <Ar​iri> Better Portals has been disabled due to reported issues in mp and sp, server side.
L852[18:11:10] <Ar​iri> There is no need to update the client yet, and the world-gen json is on the server folder
L853[18:17:24] <Ar​iri> Uh shit
L854[18:17:27] <Ar​iri> Looks like I broke a json
L855[18:17:32] <AmandaC> oops
L856[18:17:41] * Izaya freezes to death
L857[18:17:53] <Izaya> you want a fun mental image?
L858[18:18:17] <Ar​iri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/mwdkfyTtP46APix/preview
L859[18:18:28] <Ar​iri> Maybe?
L860[18:18:56] <Izaya> my warmest clothes are my bike gear, so I'm sitting here in my full bike gear sans helmet and gloves (only wearing MX gloves) playing minecraft
L861[18:18:59] <AmandaC> looks like the void miner json's wrong
L862[18:20:29] <AmandaC> look for an extra , or missing one
L863[18:20:36] <AmandaC> json doesn't like tailing ,
L864[18:20:50] <Ar​iri> Might be that, linting now
L865[18:21:06] <The_St​argazer> i read linting now as linting cow
L866[18:21:10] <The_St​argazer> so "it might be that linting cow"
L867[18:21:19] <Force​caster> I always use http://jsonparseronline.com/ to verify my jaysons
L868[18:21:23] <The_St​argazer> >Forcecaster
L869[18:21:26] <The_St​argazer> also
L870[18:21:29] <The_St​argazer> i think you mean
L871[18:21:30] <The_St​argazer> jankson
L872[18:21:42] <Izaya> when you get a new jacket for your cow you have to apply the lint roller to the cow a few times
L873[18:22:03] <The_St​argazer> is this before or after compressing it into the jar
L874[18:22:10] <Izaya> yes
L875[18:22:16] <Force​caster> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-3
L876[18:22:22] <Ar​iri> Starting up now
L877[18:22:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> a
L878[18:22:35] <The_St​argazer> b
L879[18:28:40] <The_St​argazer> coal is just uncompressed diamond
L880[18:28:44] <The_St​argazer> change my mind
L881[18:30:01] <Izaya> coal is just compressed dinosaurs
L882[18:30:13] <Izaya> or was coal compressed trees
L883[18:30:25] <The_St​argazer> uhh
L884[18:30:28] <The_St​argazer> the former i think
L885[18:30:33] <The_St​argazer> it's called a fossil fuel iirc
L886[18:30:47] <Izaya> plants can be fossilized
L887[18:30:55] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/398c8547e99ae26fb537f1c0dff8029bdcc5621a7f6f8631c357e69352af4606.webm
L888[18:30:56] <The_St​argazer> yes
L889[18:31:18] <Force​caster> coal isn't fossil fuel, that's oil
L890[18:31:28] <Force​caster> or is it...
L891[18:32:01] <Ar​iri> Did the server start?...
L892[18:32:09] <The_St​argazer> ..no.
L893[18:32:12] <Izaya> it's still half-started
L894[18:32:23] <Ar​iri> My log is full of disconnections, I can’t see what went wrong
L895[18:32:34] * Izaya has just been refreshing
L896[18:32:39] <Izaya> that shows up as a disconnect IIRC
L897[18:32:41] <The_St​argazer> also
L898[18:32:45] <The_St​argazer> oh, shit
L899[18:32:53] <The_St​argazer> also...
L900[18:33:04] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: where is your base, i'm in the mood for inter-base railway
L901[18:33:05] <Ar​iri> Yeah
L902[18:33:06] <SquidDev> %tonk
L903[18:33:06] <MichiBot> Sard! Squi​dDev! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of 2 hours, 42 minutes and 26 seconds (By 1 hour, 3 minutes and 40 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L904[18:33:07] <MichiBot> SquidDev's new record is 3 hours, 46 minutes and 7 seconds! SquidDev also gained 0.00318 (0.00106 x 3) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4. Need 0.06166 more points to pass Li​zzy!
L905[18:33:18] <Ar​iri> No crash report
L906[18:33:21] <Ar​iri> Restarting ig
L907[18:33:22] <Izaya> The_Stargazer: like, thousands of blocks away
L908[18:33:27] <The_St​argazer> from?
L909[18:33:31] <The_St​argazer> from spawn?
L910[18:33:35] <Izaya> anywhere
L911[18:33:41] <Izaya> which direction did you go from spawn
L912[18:33:41] <The_St​argazer> well i am too
L913[18:33:46] <The_St​argazer> i rtp'd
L914[18:33:48] <The_St​argazer> several times
L915[18:33:52] <Izaya> oh neat
L916[18:33:55] <Izaya> well
L917[18:33:58] <The_St​argazer> i could be literally anywhere lmao
L918[18:34:01] <Izaya> which direction are you from spawn
L919[18:34:06] <The_St​argazer> no clue
L920[18:34:20] <The_St​argazer> all I know is i'm in a mystic grove biome
L921[18:34:23] <The_St​argazer> and near a meteor
L922[18:34:39] <Force​caster> do you not have antique atlas or some other map?
L923[18:34:48] <The_St​argazer> we have journeymap
L924[18:36:43] <Ar​iri> I’ll lyk when it’s up :D
L925[18:36:49] <Ar​iri> So please don’t spam refresh
L926[18:36:57] <Izaya> yessir
L927[18:37:00] <The_St​argazer> oj
L928[18:37:01] <The_St​argazer> oj
L929[18:37:02] <The_St​argazer> ok
L930[18:37:04] <The_St​argazer> damnit
L931[18:37:05] <Ar​iri> I’m on mobile i can’t see shit
L932[18:37:07] <Izaya> orange juice
L933[18:37:16] <The_St​argazer> old jeans
L934[18:37:24] <Izaya> objective juche
L935[18:37:26] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L936[18:37:52] <The_St​argazer> orange jacks
L937[18:40:28] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: since your base is probably hundreds of thousands of blocks away.... is there a way to teleport minecarts?
L938[18:40:35] <The_St​argazer> EnderIO used to be able to but it can't now it seems
L939[18:40:45] <Force​caster> nether
L940[18:40:52] <Ar​iri> Stargate
L941[18:40:53] <The_St​argazer> i don't wanna do that
L942[18:40:57] <The_St​argazer> nether that is
L943[18:40:58] <The_St​argazer> also
L944[18:41:06] <The_St​argazer> how do you get minecarts into a stargate
L945[18:41:15] <Force​caster> why not? :P
L946[18:41:21] <Ar​iri> It’s backing up the world to remove better portals
L947[18:41:23] <Force​caster> nether is nice and toasty
L948[18:41:42] <Ar​iri> Just fling them in there, have a track on the other side
L949[18:42:12] <Ar​iri> Server is up
L950[18:46:16] <The_St​argazer> yeah but
L951[18:46:18] <The_St​argazer> the problem is
L952[18:46:27] <The_St​argazer> doesn't the event horizon break blocks?
L953[18:48:07] <AmandaC> if the iris is closed, it can't ker-woosh
L954[18:48:43] <Force​caster> is the server 1.12?
L955[18:48:49] <Izaya> .addquote
L956[18:48:52] <Izaya> %addquote
L957[18:48:56] <The_St​argazer> yea it is
L958[18:48:56] <Izaya> %quoteadd
L959[18:48:57] <The_St​argazer> 1.12.2
L960[18:48:59] <AmandaC> it's %quote add now
L961[18:49:00] <Izaya> one of these, surely
L962[18:49:01] <The_St​argazer> %quote
L963[18:49:01] <MichiBot> Quote #126: <​I> am eternal!
L964[18:49:01] <Force​caster> %quote add
L965[18:49:04] <Michiyo> quote add nick quote
L966[18:49:13] <The_St​argazer> %quote add PrismaticYT SNAD
L967[18:49:13] <MichiBot> The_St​​argazer: Quote added at id: 207
L968[18:49:14] <Izaya> %quote add AmandaC ker-woosh
L969[18:49:14] <MichiBot> Iz​aya: Quote added at id: 208
L970[18:49:18] <The_St​argazer> i said that a while ago
L971[18:49:22] <Force​caster> @The_Stargazer railcraft launch track :D
L972[18:49:32] <The_St​argazer> yeah but still
L973[18:49:32] <AmandaC> Izaya: I believe that's the offical term, if I'm remembering the commentary tracks right. :D
L974[18:49:38] <The_St​argazer> when they go out
L975[18:49:43] <The_St​argazer> they'll just plop down
L976[18:49:45] <The_St​argazer> unless
L977[18:49:50] <The_St​argazer> if you go through a stargate
L978[18:49:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> my back hurts more than when i singlehandedly won a CS comp match
L979[18:49:55] <The_St​argazer> is momentum preserved?
L980[18:50:01] <Michiyo> yes
L981[18:50:08] <The_St​argazer> well shit
L982[18:50:11] <Michiyo> you can shoot arrows through a gate as well
L983[18:50:17] <The_St​argazer> nice
L984[18:50:21] <The_St​argazer> so i can fling carts through
L985[18:50:25] <The_St​argazer> have them fly out the other side
L986[18:50:35] <The_St​argazer> quite possibly THE coolest form of travel
L987[18:50:35] <AmandaC> OC drone stargate delivery network!
L988[18:50:49] <AmandaC> drones will work, robots won't
L989[18:51:40] <The_St​argazer> @Ariri i can't connect
L990[18:51:49] <The_St​argazer> i just get stuck on "Logging in"
L991[18:51:56] <Izaya> works on my machine
L992[18:52:03] <The_St​argazer> odd
L993[18:52:04] <AmandaC> Izaya: would you consider making rpc.lua in psychos support ports other than what I'm currently doing, preserving the value, changign it, changing it back? I decided I should make my lilac rpcimplementation of the minitel rpc proto use it's original port of 8675 since the semantics are slightly different
L994[18:52:32] <Izaya> yeah the port thing didn't really make me happy
L995[18:52:47] <The_St​argazer> my game normally freezes
L996[18:52:53] <The_St​argazer> now it's not
L997[18:53:01] <Izaya> I'm thinking maybe allowing making a new RPC instance with a port specified
L998[18:53:06] <AmandaC> Maybe minitel (lib) should export `parseHostPort` and then stuff like the rpc lib can take `hostname:portnumber` for the host
L999[18:53:15] <AmandaC> s/export/export a/
L1000[18:53:15] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Maybe minitel (lib) should export a `parseHostPort` and then stuff like the rpc lib can take `hostname:portnumber` for the host
L1001[18:53:19] <The_St​argazer> its not timing out either
L1002[18:53:24] <The_St​argazer> ..nvm
L1003[18:53:26] <Ar​iri> michiyo: You can do much more... :D
L1004[18:54:36] <Ar​iri> Amanda: Can drones account for the changes when going through a portal?
L1005[18:54:37] <Ar​iri> Also, it is ker-woosh
L1006[18:54:54] <Ar​iri> aka puddle, pool and some other
L1007[18:55:24] <Force​caster> drones only move in relative terms
L1008[18:55:35] <Force​caster> unless it's moving using waypoint
L1009[18:55:41] <The_St​argazer> absolute drone move when
L1010[18:55:46] <Force​caster> never :P
L1011[18:55:50] <The_St​argazer> whyy
L1012[18:55:50] <Force​caster> that's not the OC way
L1013[18:55:55] <The_St​argazer> yeah but
L1014[18:56:00] <The_St​argazer> it makes drones literally useless
L1015[18:56:06] <The_St​argazer> you cant use them to deliver items to people
L1016[18:56:18] <The_St​argazer> bc you can't program in the absolute coords
L1017[18:56:26] <Force​caster> sure you can
L1018[18:56:40] <The_St​argazer> how??
L1019[18:56:47] <The_St​argazer> the waypoint range is tiny
L1020[18:56:48] <Force​caster> you just have to make sure the drone knows where it is in the world, and keep track of it's position
L1021[18:56:50] <The_St​argazer> only like 128 or 64 blocks
L1022[18:56:56] <The_St​argazer> @Forcecaster and uh
L1023[18:56:56] <Force​caster> just like a robot
L1024[18:56:58] <The_St​argazer> how the hell do you do that
L1025[18:57:00] <The_St​argazer> w/o debug card
L1026[18:57:00] <Ar​iri> You can do math
L1027[18:57:05] <Force​caster> maths
L1028[18:57:09] <The_St​argazer> ^
L1029[18:57:10] <Ar​iri> From starting and final position
L1030[18:57:14] <Ar​iri> Yeah yeah
L1031[18:57:24] <The_St​argazer> you cannot get the drone's pos without debug card afaik
L1032[18:57:35] <Ar​iri> You can just tell it
L1033[18:57:43] <Izaya> so what you're saying
L1034[18:57:45] <AmandaC> instead of calling drone.move directly, calla function that adds to a stored global position which is calibrated some other way
L1035[18:57:45] <Force​caster> no, but you can use a waypoint
L1036[18:57:46] <Izaya> is we need a GPS network
L1037[18:57:58] <The_St​argazer> yes
L1038[18:57:59] <Force​caster> when it's at the waypoint it knows what position it is at
L1039[18:58:02] <Ar​iri> Izaya is computing
L1040[18:58:31] <The_St​argazer> UMMM
L1041[18:58:32] <The_St​argazer> ariri
L1042[18:58:33] <The_St​argazer> where
L1043[18:58:35] <The_St​argazer> is my grave
L1044[18:58:36] <Izaya> Was actually thinking I'd try to integrate that GPS firmware into my Minitel router firmware
L1045[18:58:36] <AmandaC> I'mma make a wheatly drone when I have, you know, tech, and make it randomly "attempt manual overrides" on walls
L1046[18:58:39] <Ar​iri> What the f- https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/QRGwxT3fT9ddA4R/preview
L1047[18:58:50] <Ar​iri> How would I know that
L1048[18:58:56] <The_St​argazer> It's
L1049[18:58:58] <The_St​argazer> It's not there
L1050[18:59:10] <The_St​argazer> My grave, with all of my stuff, is not there.
L1051[18:59:30] <Force​caster> there's also navigation upgrades
L1052[18:59:47] <Ar​iri> I disabled the totems, like I said
L1053[18:59:52] <The_St​argazer> Yes
L1054[18:59:55] <The_St​argazer> Where is my gravestone
L1055[19:00:09] <The_St​argazer> You did enable gravestones, right?
L1056[19:00:16] <Ar​iri> I dont bloody know, console is being spammed with entity tracker
L1057[19:00:28] <Ar​iri> I didnt need to, totems were just overruling it
L1058[19:00:32] <Ar​iri> I had a grave once
L1059[19:01:02] <The_St​argazer> well
L1060[19:01:06] <The_St​argazer> can you find a way to
L1061[19:01:09] <The_St​argazer> get my stuff back
L1062[19:01:10] <Ar​iri> Amanda's message is lost to me now, in the sea of `fetching addpacket`
L1063[19:01:14] <The_St​argazer> because im stuck in the nether
L1064[19:02:14] <Ar​iri> Well if you can tell me how to scroll up past infinite messages, sure, until then, wait a bit
L1065[19:02:34] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1066[19:02:58] <AmandaC> I think that the client might need to be updated with it's configs to disable the mobs you disabled? Not sure, that's all arcane to me, but I can imaging my / othr's clients being all "Yo where this at!?" and the server being "Yo WTF is that?"
L1067[19:04:01] <AmandaC> @Ariri has the spam stopped?
L1068[19:04:19] <Ar​iri> It did a wee bit after you left
L1069[19:04:33] <AmandaC> There was like a never-ending supply of the lilly feeders around my base, so I think we might need to sync that config down to the clients and re-launch
L1070[19:04:52] <Ar​iri> But they were disabled werent they?
L1071[19:04:58] <AmandaC> On the server yet.
L1072[19:05:16] <Ar​iri> Strange
L1073[19:05:19] <AmandaC> IDK how MC's multiplayer protocol works, but I could see it being a problem if the client's asking abour entities that the server doesn't know exist
L1074[19:05:51] <Ar​iri> But if they just spawn then why would the client ask? I thought it was spawn in server -> client here this is
L1075[19:06:01] <Ar​iri> Working on syncing anyways
L1076[19:06:13] <AmandaC> not sure? It's just a random crap-shoot theory I had anyway
L1077[19:06:33] <AmandaC> maybe someone who does entities in their mods in here knows?
L1078[19:07:17] <Ar​iri> Whats a good way to upload the config folder with ssh
L1079[19:07:40] <AmandaC> `scp -r .../config server:path/`
L1080[19:07:41] <Izaya> scp -r config/* server:minecraftserver/config/
L1081[19:07:51] <Izaya> the two genders
L1082[19:08:14] <Ar​iri> Nu I need to get it out of the server
L1083[19:08:15] <AmandaC> I have no idea if mine would even work the right way, I'm always getting tripped up by trailing / vs no trailing /
L1084[19:08:23] <Izaya> reverse the direction
L1085[19:08:23] <Ar​iri> I just modified it there
L1086[19:08:35] <Ar​iri> Bloody windows
L1087[19:08:43] <AmandaC> what Izaya said, swap the firstand second args
L1088[19:08:45] <Ar​iri> I can try the nextcloud I suppose, more ssh keys
L1089[19:08:50] <Izaya> actually mine wouldn't work so well for that
L1090[19:09:04] <Izaya> anyway, scp -r server:mcsrv/config ./
L1091[19:09:10] <Izaya> that'll put it into the current dir
L1092[19:09:24] <Ar​iri> Ill work it out, I think I used scp at some point
L1093[19:09:34] <Izaya> scp is copy but over ssh, basically
L1094[19:10:05] <The_St​argazer> there are more important issues at hand
L1095[19:10:31] <The_St​argazer> like the fact that i have just lost my stuff permanently for the third time
L1096[19:11:51] <Ar​iri> Last time you said that, I tp'd to your waypoint and found your stuff.
L1097[19:12:23] <The_St​argazer> well...
L1098[19:12:27] <The_St​argazer> there's no grave at my waypoint
L1099[19:12:42] <The_St​argazer> also my nether portal is broken
L1100[19:12:49] <The_St​argazer> the particles are there but i cant go through it
L1101[19:14:20] <Ar​iri> Get a ghast to shoot it
L1102[19:14:30] <The_St​argazer> im on the other side
L1103[19:14:37] <The_St​argazer> i /home'd
L1104[19:15:13] <The_St​argazer> i think you might have to spawn my items back in :I
L1105[19:15:32] <Force​caster> take player profile file from backup
L1106[19:15:37] <Ar​iri> ^
L1107[19:15:42] <The_St​argazer> if only..
L1108[19:15:45] <The_St​argazer> the last backup was ages ago
L1109[19:15:52] <Ar​iri> Its hourly isnt it
L1110[19:15:52] <The_St​argazer> but it's worth a shot
L1111[19:15:57] <The_St​argazer> I think so
L1112[19:15:59] <Force​caster> better than nothing? :P
L1113[19:16:03] <Ar​iri> >ages
L1114[19:16:09] <The_St​argazer> >15 minutes ago
L1115[19:16:24] <The_St​argazer> when did i die
L1116[19:16:46] <AmandaC> They don't know, because the server's been spamming like a mother-fucker
L1117[19:16:50] <Ar​iri> Like I said, if I could bloody see it, I wouldve ran the command
L1118[19:16:58] <Ar​iri> I think it lists one for graves
L1119[19:17:18] <AmandaC> alt+pgup/pgdwn btw
L1120[19:17:27] <AmandaC> but it's probably out of the scrollback already
L1121[19:18:03] <The_St​argazer> well my crash report is from 4:58 AM
L1122[19:18:16] <The_St​argazer> but that does not make sense
L1123[19:18:36] <The_St​argazer> but from discord chat
L1124[19:18:44] <The_St​argazer> i can tell that i died before 6:00 AM my time
L1125[19:19:01] <Ar​iri> Im trying to work out which is the latest
L1126[19:19:15] <Ar​iri> They all say 5/23 wtf
L1127[19:19:16] <AmandaC> ls | sort | tail -1
L1128[19:19:40] <AmandaC> I assume it's got the time in there as well at least
L1129[19:20:00] <Ar​iri> That didnt work, theyre stored as folders now to ease cpu time
L1130[19:20:04] <AmandaC> ah
L1131[19:20:19] <Ar​iri> https://lcars5201.ddns.net/index.php/s/MXDoTSdLABPRNtB/preview Please help
L1132[19:20:27] <Ar​iri> My brain is making a mess of it
L1133[19:21:01] <AmandaC> 2020-05-23-16-53-11
L1134[19:21:09] <The_St​argazer> i think its YYYY:MO:DD:HH:MI:SS
L1135[19:21:10] <AmandaC> YYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss
L1136[19:21:17] <The_St​argazer> yea
L1137[19:21:24] <AmandaC> s/YYY/YYYY/
L1138[19:21:24] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss
L1139[19:21:40] <Ar​iri> I figured that but is it hour 00 or 16
L1140[19:21:47] <Ar​iri> Ahhh
L1141[19:21:48] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i've always cpio lzma'd my backup :)
L1142[19:21:48] <AmandaC> 16
L1143[19:21:53] <AmandaC> the day starts at 00:00
L1144[19:22:11] <Ar​iri> But the server knows my time, so why is it off?
L1145[19:22:15] <AmandaC> 16 would be 16:00 or 4PM
L1146[19:22:16] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-15-107-55.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1147[19:22:22] <Ar​iri> its 11 for me
L1148[19:22:26] <AmandaC> It's probably UTC
L1149[19:22:32] <The_St​argazer> ^
L1150[19:22:39] <The_St​argazer> unix uses UTC by default iirc
L1151[19:22:46] <Ar​iri> Yeah I think it is actually
L1152[19:23:00] <AmandaC> Though it's currently 1800 UTC, so that backup's 2h old
L1153[19:23:45] <The_St​argazer> but why do they all say 23 for the day
L1154[19:23:55] <The_St​argazer> the server launched yesterday
L1155[19:23:56] <AmandaC> It's the 23rd of may...
L1156[19:24:06] <The_St​argazer> oh.
L1157[19:24:10] <The_St​argazer> right.
L1158[19:24:17] <The_St​argazer> you guys are a day behind.
L1159[19:24:19] <AmandaC> Don't worry, I get it, time's meaningless in these quarentined times
L1160[19:24:27] <AmandaC> UTC's still on the 23rd
L1161[19:24:32] <AmandaC> for another 6h
L1162[19:24:34] <The_St​argazer> ah
L1163[19:24:37] <Ar​iri> Try a relog?
L1164[19:24:41] <Ar​iri> Stargazer
L1165[19:24:50] <The_St​argazer> Ok
L1166[19:24:51] <Ar​iri> I cp'd the dat file
L1167[19:24:53] <Ar​iri> I think
L1168[19:25:34] <Force​caster> that also stores your position, so it'll be obvious if it worked
L1169[19:25:57] <Ar​iri> I just noticed Forecaster -> Forcecaster
L1170[19:26:03] <Ar​iri> I think that took too long
L1171[19:26:13] <Force​caster> heh
L1172[19:26:46] <Force​caster> Stargazer noticed the other one after a while when I removed the first "e"
L1173[19:26:53] <The_St​argazer> Did not work
L1174[19:27:01] <AmandaC> Spider family, lilly lurker, what was the third that was disabled, @Ariri?
L1175[19:27:09] <The_St​argazer> Portal fixed tho
L1176[19:27:11] <Ar​iri> Totems iirc
L1177[19:27:14] <AmandaC> ah
L1178[19:27:22] <Ar​iri> Wdym did not work Stargazer
L1179[19:27:29] <The_St​argazer> Inv
L1180[19:27:33] <The_St​argazer> No change
L1181[19:27:35] <Ar​iri> Did you move?
L1182[19:27:38] <The_St​argazer> No
L1183[19:27:40] <The_St​argazer> Same pos
L1184[19:28:11] <Ar​iri> Try again
L1185[19:28:14] <The_St​argazer> Portal broke'd http://tinyurl.com/yahnufq7
L1186[19:28:19] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L1187[19:28:20] <Ar​iri> cp isnt returning output so Im assuming its working
L1188[19:28:31] <The_St​argazer> do cp -v
L1189[19:28:31] <Ar​iri> Well of course its broke, better portals was removed
L1190[19:28:54] <Ar​iri> It says it did it
L1191[19:29:08] <The_St​argazer> cp -v says?
L1192[19:29:20] <Ar​iri> `It says it did it`
L1193[19:29:28] <The_St​argazer> well i'll relog then
L1194[19:29:29] <Ar​iri> 'f00ca274-754f-428a-b6bf-1769bff86c65.dat' -> '/home/finch/StariCraft Server/staricraftworld/playerdata/f00ca274-754f-428a-b6bf-1769bff86c65.dat'
L1195[19:29:34] <Ar​iri> `'f00ca274-754f-428a-b6bf-1769bff86c65.dat' -> '/home/finch/StariCraft Server/staricraftworld/playerdata/f00ca274-754f-428a-b6bf-1769bff86c65.dat'` [Edited]
L1196[19:29:42] <The_St​argazer> that's my UUID alright
L1197[19:31:16] <The_St​argazer> Again no change
L1198[19:31:20] <The_St​argazer> I do think the server needs a restart
L1199[19:31:32] <Ar​iri> It has never needed one to do that
L1200[19:31:37] <The_St​argazer> well odd then
L1201[19:31:38] <The_St​argazer> oh
L1202[19:31:45] <The_St​argazer> do it while im disconnected
L1203[19:31:51] <Ar​iri> ...
L1204[19:31:54] <The_St​argazer> maybe when i disconnect, it overwrites it
L1205[19:31:57] <Force​caster> yes
L1206[19:31:58] <Ar​iri> I thought that was obvious.
L1207[19:32:09] <The_St​argazer> i-- oh.
L1208[19:32:18] <The_St​argazer> ive been connected this whole damn time
L1209[19:32:20] <The_St​argazer> ok, try again
L1210[19:32:23] <Ar​iri> Done
L1211[19:32:30] <AmandaC> %bap @The_Stargazer
L1212[19:32:30] <MichiBot> AmandaC baps @The_Stargazer with the meat popsicle!
L1213[19:32:35] <The_St​argazer> take fifteen
L1214[19:32:36] <AmandaC> ... ew
L1215[19:32:43] <AmandaC> %inv list
L1216[19:32:43] <MichiBot> Ama​ndaC: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L1217[19:32:54] <AmandaC> %bite Inari
L1218[19:32:55] <MichiBot> Ama​ndaC is biting In​ari for 1d6 => 2 damage!
L1219[19:33:04] <Ar​iri> Expect a client update in about 15 minutes, generating a craft tweaker script for a missing recipe
L1220[19:33:14] <Ar​iri> When I figure out how
L1221[19:33:31] <Ar​iri> Not necessary to join I think
L1222[19:33:47] <Force​caster> CT scripts aren't no
L1223[19:33:48] <AmandaC> @Ariri recipies are just a simple scripting language in CT. Lemme find the relevent docs rq, but it's not that complicated
L1224[19:34:08] <Ar​iri> I found the wiki
L1225[19:34:12] <Force​caster> but if the client doesn't have it it can show the wrong output item in a crafting table, or not show one, depending
L1226[19:34:32] <Force​caster> but even if it doesn't show one you can still pull out the item
L1227[19:34:36] <The_St​argazer> AHGS
L1228[19:34:37] <The_St​argazer> YES
L1229[19:34:37] <The_St​argazer> YES
L1230[19:34:44] <The_St​argazer> [happy noises]
L1231[19:34:45] <The_St​argazer> tysm
L1232[19:34:58] <Ar​iri> %quote add The_Stargazer AHGS
L1233[19:34:58] <MichiBot> Ar​​iri: Quote added at id: 209
L1234[19:35:05] <The_St​argazer> my portal is still broke BUT THAT'S A MINOR ISSUE
L1235[19:35:07] <The_St​argazer> \o/
L1236[19:35:08] <Force​caster> I've been running servers for a long time
L1237[19:35:16] <Force​caster> :P
L1238[19:35:22] <Force​caster> I've done all of this
L1239[19:35:41] <Force​caster> well, on and off
L1240[19:35:45] <The_St​argazer> lol
L1241[19:35:55] <The_St​argazer> it put me literally right infront of the portal
L1242[19:36:03] <The_St​argazer> top 10 photos taken moments before disaster
L1243[19:36:30] <AmandaC> @Ariri https://docs.blamejared.com/1.12/en/Vanilla/Recipes/Crafting/Recipes_Crafting_Table/#addshaped
L1244[19:36:49] <The_St​argazer> that doesn't document the format iirc
L1245[19:36:56] <AmandaC> it does.
L1246[19:37:02] <The_St​argazer> i-- oh
L1247[19:37:06] <AmandaC> a bit down in that section it shows an example even
L1248[19:37:16] <The_St​argazer> oh lol
L1249[19:37:16] <AmandaC> the bit between <> is the item ID
L1250[19:38:01] <AmandaC> name is just some globbally-unique name for the recipe
L1251[19:38:07] <AmandaC> it's just used for bookkeeping
L1252[19:38:09] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3616:8301:89ac:330:6b63:b826)
L1253[19:38:52] <Force​caster> well crap
L1254[19:38:54] <Force​caster> http://tinyurl.com/y9w69fpx
L1255[19:38:55] <AmandaC> I've never used the CTGUI stuff, only ever madethe scripts myself
L1256[19:38:59] <Force​caster> when will things stop breaking
L1257[19:39:46] <Ar​iri> Does the name matter? Its for an existing item that doenst have a recipe
L1258[19:40:14] <AmandaC> nope, it's just used for bookkeeping of the recipies, so that the same recipe isn't added twice
L1259[19:40:16] <Force​caster> it's probably used in logs and such to label it
L1260[19:40:56] <Force​caster> `[2020-05-23 20:38] Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'is_patch' at row 1`
L1261[19:40:58] <Force​caster> fun times
L1262[19:41:13] <Force​caster> no kidding '' is not an integer value
L1263[19:41:47] <Force​caster> ugh, it's so tempting to rip this thing apart and implement it in my far superior CMS instead
L1264[19:41:50] <Force​caster> but time...
L1265[19:42:08] <AmandaC> @Ariri here's a couple of examples I used in my last self-made pack to make it so that nether quartz could be turned into certris quartz sinceI added AE2 after world-gen: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/snippets/91
L1266[19:42:37] <Ar​iri> If the block for output has the same ID as other blocks, how do I specify which? A number
L1267[19:43:12] <AmandaC> `/mt hand` will give you the zenscript identifier to use in scripts
L1268[19:43:33] <AmandaC> so if you go in creative,spawn in the item, hold it and `/mt hand` clicking on the identifier will copy it to your clipboard
L1269[19:43:49] <AmandaC> then you can just paste that into the .zs
L1270[19:43:56] <Ar​iri> Tjank
L1271[19:44:09] <AmandaC> no quotes around the <>s!!
L1272[19:48:30] <Ar​iri> Amanda: Hows this?
L1273[19:48:33] <Ar​iri> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ehesozapoz
L1274[19:48:59] <AmandaC> arrays within arrays for the grid rows
L1275[19:49:07] <Ar​iri> Even if its shapeless?
L1276[19:49:07] <AmandaC> not one giant array
L1277[19:49:11] <AmandaC> oh
L1278[19:49:15] <AmandaC> then no, that's fine
L1279[19:49:28] <Ar​iri> Actually shaped might be better
L1280[19:49:45] <AmandaC> Was oging to say, that's an awful lot of ingredents for a shapeless
L1281[19:50:54] <Force​caster> yay I fixed it!
L1282[19:50:55] <Ar​iri> So then this should work ` [[<minecraft:redstone>, <enderio:blockcapbank:2>, <minecraft:redstone>], [<enderio:blockcapbank:2>, <icbmclassic:explosives>, <enderio:blockcapbank:2>], [<minecraft:redstone>, <enderio:blockcapbank:2>, <minecraft:redstone>]]`
L1283[19:51:03] <Force​caster> it was trying to pass a bool to a tinyint
L1284[19:51:17] <AmandaC> yyup, @Ariri
L1285[19:51:20] <Force​caster> I must have done that after last actually using this damn system
L1286[19:51:23] <Ar​iri> Swish
L1287[19:52:12] <Ar​iri> Upload in 2 min
L1288[19:52:27] <Ar​iri> I fixed the script, configs, and ore-gen json
L1289[19:52:30] <Ar​iri> Anything Im forgetting?
L1290[19:53:15] <Kristo​pher38> under what circumstances can I get a variable of type thread in Lua, i.e. `type(variable) == "thread"`?
L1291[19:53:33] <AmandaC> when it's a coroutine
L1292[19:53:39] <pay​onel> ^
L1293[19:53:42] <pay​onel> coroutines are threads
L1294[19:53:44] <AmandaC> lua calls the coroutines threads
L1295[19:54:00] <Kristo​pher38> oh, so a value returned by coroutine.create?
L1296[19:54:04] <pay​onel> yep
L1297[19:56:34] <Ar​iri> Uploaded, and I will not be home for an hour or so just ping me if anything happens
L1298[19:57:20] <Ar​iri> Server seems okay right? (Graves and stuff)
L1299[19:59:22] <Force​caster> okay, now lets see if I can still join the server with the pack generated by the platform
L1300[20:02:06] <Force​caster> woo it worked
L1301[20:02:19] <Force​caster> okay, so I could use a handful of test subjects
L1302[20:02:56] <Force​caster> it involves joining my test server and doing some tycoon'ing, building some railways, and earning some money
L1303[20:03:14] <Force​caster> I need some actual play to see how the numbers are
L1304[20:04:16] <Force​caster> also @payonel: https://hastebin.com/kisifezafi.rb
L1305[20:04:36] <pay​onel> yeah i've seen that too
L1306[20:04:53] <Force​caster> is that my oopsie or something OC is doing?
L1307[20:04:54] <Force​caster> or an addon
L1308[20:05:53] <pay​onel> this is oc doing something weird on nbt load, well, on save
L1309[20:06:02] <pay​onel> i play to figure it out 🙂
L1310[20:06:07] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3616:8301:89ac:330:6b63:b826) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1311[20:06:23] <pay​onel> but it doesn't repro very often - so i haven't had a good chance to investigate
L1312[20:06:38] <pay​onel> if you have a consistent repro, that'd be helpful
L1313[20:06:41] <pay​onel> otherwise, you can ignore it
L1314[20:06:56] <Force​caster> I mean, it's in my client console
L1315[20:07:03] <Force​caster> I just logged in standing at spawn
L1316[20:07:13] <Force​caster> there's some computers and racks nearby
L1317[20:07:27] <pay​onel> is it spamming? or just once on chunk load?
L1318[20:07:39] <Force​caster> it's not spamming
L1319[20:07:46] <pay​onel> the very next screen update is going to correct it
L1320[20:07:52] <pay​onel> the exception doesn't corrupt data
L1321[20:08:06] <Izaya> 72 AUD for an MX518
L1322[20:08:10] <Izaya> the new one
L1323[20:08:12] <Izaya> hmhm
L1324[20:08:17] <Force​caster> I re-logged and it happened again
L1325[20:08:40] <pay​onel> and it's a single player save? nice
L1326[20:08:49] <Force​caster> no it's on a server
L1327[20:08:55] <pay​onel> you can send me a zip if you're inclined
L1328[20:09:01] <pay​onel> oh
L1329[20:10:35] <PwnageP​ineapple> So my Minitel network seems to be throwing around duplicated packets
L1330[20:10:43] <Izaya> oh?
L1331[20:10:47] <PwnageP​ineapple> (There are no loops)
L1332[20:10:57] <pay​onel> do you have relays or racks?
L1333[20:11:01] <PwnageP​ineapple> Racks
L1334[20:11:04] <pay​onel> those recreate packets
L1335[20:11:30] <pay​onel> open the rack gui, and switch it to "disabled". that disables the relay mode
L1336[20:11:42] <Izaya> and lets you use it as a router :D
L1337[20:11:47] <pay​onel> if you have a loop caused by a rack in relay mode, you'll see loops
L1338[20:11:49] <PwnageP​ineapple> They're both set to disabled
L1339[20:11:58] <pay​onel> then i dont know 🙂
L1340[20:12:01] <PwnageP​ineapple> Each rack only has one server in it
L1341[20:12:08] <Izaya> are the computers seeing the network messages or are they just rebroadcasting?
L1342[20:12:11] <pay​onel> the servers dont matter
L1343[20:12:15] <pay​onel> the rack itself is a relay
L1344[20:12:19] <pay​onel> (when in relay mode)
L1345[20:12:45] <pay​onel> and no, i dont like this design
L1346[20:13:09] <Izaya> Ariri or The_Stargazer: pls hmu when the server is back up, gonna play some stellaris
L1347[20:13:47] <PwnageP​ineapple> I've got one computer that's seeing network messages from another computer that isn't sending data anymore
L1348[20:14:04] <ben_mkiv> what was the OC2 conversation about which happened lately?
L1349[20:14:16] <ben_mkiv> is someone working on a 1.15+ OC version?
L1350[20:14:19] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: i got ya
L1351[20:14:30] <Force​caster> sigh, I guess I'll need to make a video about this to get some testpeople
L1352[20:14:44] <Izaya> PwnagePineapple: if it never got ack'd it'll resend every <interval>
L1353[20:14:58] <Izaya> up to 3 times by default IIRC
L1354[20:15:56] <PwnageP​ineapple> The packets are getting acknowleged AFAICT
L1355[20:16:15] <Izaya> interesting
L1356[20:16:18] <pay​onel> ben_mkiv there are significant tech problems i want to solve quite differently that i have to prove in isolated projects before oc2 or 1.15 work can have a real timeline
L1357[20:16:58] <Force​caster> by "have to" you mean "want to" :P
L1358[20:16:58] <pay​onel> ben_mkiv those efforts were taking so long that i've put it on hold to focus on long standing bugs/updates oc needs, so for now i'm back in the oc world with 1.7.10, 1.10, and 1.12 in mind
L1359[20:17:19] <pay​onel> well, isn't anything i do for oc a "want to"? 🙂
L1360[20:17:25] <Izaya> if you rc minitel debug on the computer sending, is the packet ID being dropped from the queue?
L1361[20:17:38] <pay​onel> but yes, technically oc as-is could be ported
L1362[20:17:48] <ben_mkiv> would you use scala or java if you get back to it?
L1363[20:17:55] <pay​onel> java
L1364[20:18:10] <pay​onel> even though i know scala better than java 🙂
L1365[20:18:17] <ben_mkiv> did you start from scratch or with converted code from the scala sources?
L1366[20:18:22] <pay​onel> and i would probably miss traits and match cases
L1367[20:18:51] <ben_mkiv> aren't traits just what you would do with interfaces in java?
L1368[20:18:51] <AmandaC> it's still in the prototyping-mechanics stage, ben_mkiv, no MC code has been written yet, AIUI
L1369[20:18:56] <pay​onel> hmm...why do you ask?
L1370[20:19:07] <pay​onel> traits are more flexible
L1371[20:19:25] <ben_mkiv> im curious, as i've already tried to make oc compile for 1.14
L1372[20:19:36] <ben_mkiv> and spent like a few days without much progress xD
L1373[20:20:18] <pay​onel> if i port oc to 1.14 or 1.15, oc2 would never happen. i'm not throwing in the towel yet
L1374[20:20:36] <PwnageP​ineapple> Izaya: I don't really know how to read the debug output
L1375[20:20:42] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3616:b501:cad1:edb3:52bf:587d)
L1376[20:21:00] <ben_mkiv> well, have fun porting it
L1377[20:21:07] <Izaya> Are there lines along the lines of "Dropping <random 16 chars> from queue"?
L1378[20:21:09] <ben_mkiv> forge 1.13+ doesnt ship scala anymore
L1379[20:21:17] <pay​onel> but anyways, future work is definitely currently on pause. i have a significant backlog i'm crunching through currently for current oc
L1380[20:21:25] <The_St​argazer> oc fabric when tho
L1381[20:21:35] <The_St​argazer> fabric is clearly superior to forge
L1382[20:21:41] <Izaya> soon: mod framework to write mods for both fabric and forge
L1383[20:21:45] <The_St​argazer> in that the development team aren't a whole bunch of assholes
L1384[20:21:52] <PwnageP​ineapple> No lines like that
L1385[20:22:01] <Izaya> huuuuh
L1386[20:22:07] <Izaya> sounds like it's not getting the acknowledgements then
L1387[20:24:18] <PwnageP​ineapple> Yeah the transmitter looks like it's resending packets it shouldn't be
L1388[20:26:14] <Izaya> I find rack networking to be somewhat sketchy, any chance you could try to replicate it sans rack?
L1389[20:27:04] <PwnageP​ineapple> Swap them with regular OC relays?
L1390[20:27:21] <Izaya> I was thinking just computer-relay-computer
L1391[20:27:57] <PwnageP​ineapple> Currently it's computer-rack-rack-computer
L1392[20:31:25] <Klea​dron> i like fabric but it feels too componentized and clunky
L1393[20:31:43] <Klea​dron> the api and mod list are seperate from the mod loader itself
L1394[20:32:21] <PwnageP​ineapple> Ok, switching out the rack relays for OC relays seems to have dealt with the ghost packets
L1395[20:33:10] <PwnageP​ineapple> Now to figure out why the background script on the client hasn't started the beeping
L1396[20:33:41] <PwnageP​ineapple> (I'm building a Mekanism fusion reactor energy monitor, and it's supposed to start beeping if the reactor goes offline)
L1397[20:34:21] <PwnageP​ineapple> Oh, would you look at that, a syntax error in the RC script
L1398[20:34:23] <AmandaC> seems like @Ariri's internet dropped?
L1399[20:34:41] <AmandaC> mtr says the connection's dying at their isp for me
L1400[20:39:36] <Izaya> apparently there are network upgrades happening
L1401[20:39:46] <Izaya> it is so cold
L1402[20:39:48] <AmandaC> ah
L1403[20:39:51] <Izaya> my phone refuses to turn on
L1404[20:42:19] <Izaya> also, yeah, I've never been able to figure out what's so wonky about rack networking
L1405[20:42:25] <Izaya> sometimes it just causes these weird issues
L1406[20:42:44] <Izaya> especially if the relay mode is on, but even otherwise sometimes they just do weird stuff
L1407[20:43:37] <pay​onel> when i test racks in isolation they do what i predict
L1408[20:43:57] <pay​onel> now, that doesn't mean there isn't a problem. it could be that the feature is just illogical
L1409[20:44:06] <pay​onel> it could be that i haven't tested them sufficiently
L1410[20:44:13] <Izaya> I could never isolate it
L1411[20:44:21] <Izaya> nor rule out it's a me-induced problem
L1412[20:44:21] <pay​onel> anyways, if you find a configuration that is weird, i'd be happy to review
L1413[20:44:26] <Izaya> but I just don't trust racks
L1414[20:44:42] <pay​onel> well that sucks 🙂
L1415[20:45:03] <Izaya> I suspect they don't work for me because I don't trust them
L1416[20:45:05] <pay​onel> especially since i plan to make racks more usuable
L1417[20:45:08] <Izaya> resulting in a feedback loop
L1418[20:45:11] <pay​onel> haha
L1419[20:46:02] <pay​onel> what if i just split the rack into 2 blocks
L1420[20:46:03] <Izaya> and if you say that's illogical, I have but one response
L1421[20:46:05] <pay​onel> 2 types
L1422[20:46:05] <Izaya> computers
L1423[20:46:13] <pay​onel> 1, the relay. and 2 the non-relay
L1424[20:46:33] <pay​onel> maybe i only add the new rack upgrades to this non-relay version
L1425[20:46:39] <pay​onel> i sort of like this train of thought
L1426[20:46:49] <The_St​argazer> new rack upgrades?
L1427[20:47:03] <Force​caster> is there even a use-case for a rack that relays that isn't covered by the relay block?
L1428[20:47:18] <pay​onel> @Forcecaster no, i greatly dislike the "feature"
L1429[20:47:39] <Force​caster> then just remove it
L1430[20:47:45] <The_St​argazer> ^
L1431[20:47:45] <pay​onel> sure, and break builds using it
L1432[20:47:53] <Kristo​pher38> you can't just remove features
L1433[20:48:23] <Kristo​pher38> only add new functionality that is opt-in so it doesn't break existing setups
L1434[20:48:49] <Michiyo> you can totally "just remove features" happens all the time.
L1435[20:48:50] <Force​caster> eh, if it's for a good reason and clearly communicated I disagree with that
L1436[20:49:06] <Michiyo> And since this is a major version increase it's not unheard of.
L1437[20:49:08] <Izaya> I mean
L1438[20:49:15] <Izaya> if you're only supporting new MC versions
L1439[20:49:22] <Izaya> it's not like you have to be overly compatible
L1440[20:49:24] <pay​onel> that's not part of this
L1441[20:49:28] <Izaya> oh
L1442[20:49:32] <AmandaC> this is OC1, Izaya
L1443[20:49:36] <pay​onel> i'm talking about oc, not future oc
L1444[20:49:38] <Izaya> oh carry on
L1445[20:49:50] <pay​onel> and honestly.......it was a mistake to share oc2
L1446[20:50:35] <Izaya> [GLaDOS voice] Did you know humans are less likely to complete a task after they tell somebody else about it? I found that interesting.
L1447[20:50:41] <Force​caster> well, my opinion is that adding another rack is the worse choice
L1448[20:50:42] <Michiyo> By major version increase I did mean OC 1.7 to OC 1.8, VS OC 1.7.4 to 1.7.5
L1449[20:52:18] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@x59cc9bd6.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1450[20:52:32] <Izaya> On an unrelated note, how are current Logitech peripherals on Linux?
L1451[20:52:54] <AmandaC> stuff using their dongle has support for firmware updates through fwupd
L1452[20:53:17] <AmandaC> nd they've got their own stuff in stuff like libinput / bluez, so I'd say fairly well supported
L1453[20:53:27] <Michiyo> I dropped Logitech long ago, so I have no input sadly
L1454[20:53:31] <Vexatos> you can configure their mice using piper
L1455[20:53:37] <AmandaC> s/bluez/upower/
L1456[20:53:37] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> nd they've got their own stuff in stuff like libinput / upower, so I'd say fairly well supported
L1457[20:54:02] <Vexatos> like change/turn off the lighting, adjust buttons, and change the DPI modes
L1458[20:55:57] <PwnageP​ineapple> I swear to god. Why is it `unserialize` instead of `deserialize` like a normal person?
L1459[20:56:10] <Izaya> and it's misspelled anyway smh
L1460[20:56:22] <AmandaC> I use a MX Anywhere 2S logitech mouse for my laptop
L1461[20:56:27] <pay​onel> @PwnagePineapple no idea 🙂
L1462[20:56:47] <Klea​dron> ficks it
L1463[20:56:48] <Izaya> I'm still trying to decide whether I want to replace my mildly fucked MX518 with the re-release MX518 :lainstress:
L1464[20:56:51] <AmandaC> upower's support works through bt as well, so I can check my mouse's battery. though it doesn't seem to update very granularly
L1465[20:57:10] <AmandaC> Seems to be at most 10-percent granularity
L1466[20:57:28] <AmandaC> bbs, going to sit in the rain box and drian my sinuses, maybe that'll stop this headache from slowly returning
L1467[20:57:37] <Izaya> was mostly just asking whether it's like razer stuff
L1468[20:57:54] <Izaya> ie you have 5 buttons on your keyboard you can't use because we say you have to use our cloud-connected malware
L1469[20:58:10] <Izaya> and it doesn't run on your choice of OS so that's 5 mechanical switches you're getting no benefit from
L1470[20:58:37] <AmandaC> the MX Anywhere 2S has some cloud-based clipboard sharing shit, but it's not supported on Linux, but otherwise it works fine, front.back buttons, scroll wheel, etc allwork fine
L1471[20:58:42] <B​ob> `local deserialize = serialization.unserialize`
L1472[20:59:09] <Izaya> >cloud-based clipboard
L1473[20:59:20] <Izaya> x2x stronk
L1474[21:00:34] <Izaya> synergy still annoys me
L1475[21:00:46] <Izaya> like, it's not that they're doing anything wrong, per-se
L1476[21:01:01] <Izaya> but they make it sound like you can't just download the source and compile it yourself if you're so inclined
L1477[21:03:28] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L1478[21:06:55] <AmandaC> Izaya: because you can't. They're not putting anything but the skeleton of the paid features in oss anymore. Including some bug fixes. Barrier is a fork from before the big paid 2.0
L1479[21:07:24] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@x59cc9941.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1480[21:07:30] <Izaya> AmandaC: oh.
L1481[21:07:39] <Izaya> Last I looked it was the same codebase.
L1482[21:08:24] <AmandaC> Some comments on an issue basically boiled down to "why would we do x in the open core when we've got all the hooks in place to do it in the paid closed part?"
L1483[21:09:09] <AmandaC> Where x was a quality of life improvement under macos, I believe
L1484[21:10:50] <Izaya> Figures.
L1485[21:11:05] <Izaya> I wonder how much abuse I'd have to do to make x2x work on Haiku and Windows.
L1486[21:11:11] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: do you know what time it is
L1487[21:11:18] <Izaya> like
L1488[21:11:20] <Izaya> 0611
L1489[21:11:24] <AmandaC> Barrier works pretty good ime
L1490[21:11:32] <The_St​argazer> no, it's time for me to rip skex again for stupid drone projects
L1491[21:11:39] <The_St​argazer> :D
L1492[21:11:39] <Izaya> smh
L1493[21:11:44] <AmandaC> I've been using it for my laptop to control my gaming rig
L1494[21:11:51] <Michiyo> Yeah I use barrier for my PC/Hack
L1495[21:12:04] <Izaya> I only have linux machines (ignoring weird stuff) so I just use x2x
L1496[21:12:30] <The_St​argazer> today's shitty drone project is messing with chat boxes
L1497[21:12:31] <AmandaC> Barrier forked the original oss codebase, before they rewrote it all to be open core, and backported a lot of paid features I to it
L1498[21:12:41] <The_St​argazer> well, the chat upgrade
L1499[21:14:07] <AmandaC> Since the open core license is more restricted than the original one
L1500[21:27:51] <CompanionCube> oh?
L1501[21:28:03] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: does skex work with just the event listener
L1502[21:28:13] <Izaya> iunno
L1503[21:28:20] <Izaya> I haven't looked at it in like 5 years man
L1504[21:28:53] <The_St​argazer> good point
L1505[21:31:33] <Klea​dron> well i'll be fucked http://tinyurl.com/y7k22e9a
L1506[21:31:43] <Klea​dron> adding stairs versions of blocks in 1.7.10 is so easy
L1507[21:31:52] <The_St​argazer> ~ocdoc drone
L1508[21:31:53] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L1509[21:31:59] <Izaya> that is one ugly brick
L1510[21:32:10] <The_St​argazer> disagree
L1511[21:32:20] <Klea​dron> the textures for the metal bricks in my mod aren't that good but they are pretty clean
L1512[21:32:27] <Klea​dron> they remind me of classic
L1513[21:32:28] <Izaya> clean for sure
L1514[21:32:40] <Izaya> reminds me of OG mario tbh
L1515[21:32:52] <Klea​dron> yes
L1516[21:33:04] <Klea​dron> but do you know how easy it was to make the stair variant
L1517[21:33:06] <Izaya> know what's neat?
L1518[21:33:12] <Klea​dron> what
L1519[21:33:15] <Izaya> minetest has bump mapping
L1520[21:33:23] <Izaya> so you could use that to add actual depth to your bricks
L1521[21:33:29] <Klea​dron> that's very neat
L1522[21:33:33] <Izaya> if you did dark around the outside, it'd be slightly recessed
L1523[21:33:40] <Izaya> around the outside
L1524[21:33:44] <Izaya> I thought that was interesting
L1525[21:33:52] <Klea​dron> someone needs to add a mod that adds bump mapping to minecraft now
L1526[21:34:05] <Izaya> it's probably part of a shader mod
L1527[21:34:12] <Klea​dron> no shaders
L1528[21:34:13] <Izaya> and if not, you could probably do it with ReShade or similar
L1529[21:34:18] <Izaya> but bump mapping is a shader
L1530[21:34:58] <Klea​dron> nvm then
L1531[21:35:14] <Klea​dron> `ironbrickstairs = new ABBlockStairs(iron_bricks, 0).setBlockName("ironBrickStairs");` this is the line of code that i used to create a stair block
L1532[21:35:26] <Izaya> though
L1533[21:35:36] <Izaya> real big brain is doing textures normally, but assuming constant lighting
L1534[21:35:50] <Izaya> and then having a separate displacement texture
L1535[21:35:57] <CompanionCube> Izaya: circa 2012: https://imgur.com/S7BgA
L1536[21:36:27] <Izaya> I kinda hate this tbh
L1537[21:36:36] <Klea​dron> minecraft has a block class that makes a stair block from an existing block and it will inherit all the properties of it
L1538[21:36:56] <Izaya> I mean, it's neat, but damn are those textures ugly like that
L1539[21:36:56] <AmandaC> @Ariri btw, for future modpack revisions, you might want to remove the worlds folder, will make the download much smaller
L1540[21:37:12] <Sagh​etti> those textures just scream 2012
L1541[21:37:28] <Klea​dron> looks like that one popular tekkit texture pack
L1542[21:37:41] <CompanionCube> much newer: https://i.redd.it/z6lm6bvf40331.png
L1543[21:37:52] <Izaya> hi yes can I just state my hatred for the Sphax series of texture packs
L1544[21:38:08] <Klea​dron> this is not a free speech zone so no
L1545[21:38:33] <pay​onel> 😦 i like sphax
L1546[21:39:09] <Izaya> JSTR was always better
L1547[21:39:11] <Izaya> fight me
L1548[21:39:17] <Force​caster> same
L1549[21:39:18] <Force​caster> I used to use those textures all the time years ago
L1550[21:39:36] <pay​onel> i love variety in options of packs, but i never had a full resource pack (mods) besides putting together sphax stuff
L1551[21:40:00] <AmandaC> @Ariri also your icbm.zs is wrong, recipies.addShaped not recipies.addShapeless for a shaped recipe:https://gitlab.darkdna.net/snippets/92
L1552[21:40:02] <Izaya> I had a whole setup with JSTR back in like
L1553[21:40:04] <Izaya> 1.6
L1554[21:40:26] <Izaya> had my comfy railcraft boiler powered ruined city base
L1555[21:40:33] <Izaya> might have even been 1.5
L1556[21:40:55] <Izaya> now I just use vanilla textures because I haven't looked into newer options
L1557[21:41:05] <Izaya> I remember ocd being nice, I used to steal the font from it
L1558[21:41:18] <Ar​iri> Shite I forgot, and I didn’t realize the world was in there, thanks. Server should be back up in 10-15 mknutes
L1559[21:41:25] <Ar​iri> Shite I forgot, and I didn’t realize the world was in there, thanks. Server should be back up in 10-15 minutes [Edited]
L1560[21:41:33] <Izaya> yay
L1561[21:42:49] <ThePi​Guy24> railcraft boilers are fun
L1562[21:43:30] <Izaya> CompanionCube: I still think it looks neat with normal textures https://imgur.com/QtCQhl6.png
L1563[21:43:35] <Izaya> even if it could use more tweaking
L1564[21:43:47] <CompanionCube> dayum
L1565[21:43:51] <ben_mkiv> ffs is that?
L1566[21:43:53] <CompanionCube> that does look nice
L1567[21:44:04] <ben_mkiv> looks horrible
L1568[21:44:09] <ben_mkiv> nightmarefuel
L1569[21:44:13] <Izaya> like don't get me wrong it's pretty jank
L1570[21:44:19] <Izaya> but so is the rest of minetest
L1571[21:44:21] <CompanionCube> the grass looks dead but everything else looks reasonable
L1572[21:44:30] <Izaya> savanna biome
L1573[21:44:39] <Klea​dron> oh no http://tinyurl.com/y77yvtnu
L1574[21:45:13] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/C0PENN7.png
L1575[21:45:39] <AmandaC> ONe thing I'd love to see MC steal from MT is `core.register_alias`
L1576[21:46:00] <AmandaC> I managed to switch from one tech mod to another with similar ores by (ab)using that
L1577[21:46:09] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/AaVbTAb.png
L1578[21:46:56] <Izaya> it annoys me that Minetest is the technically better game but Minecraft is the more fun one
L1579[21:47:13] <ThePi​Guy24> yes
L1580[21:47:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L1581[21:47:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> picked up a few new games
L1582[21:47:42] <CompanionCube> oh?
L1583[21:47:55] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/F3Cc2WD.png gravel looks pretty neat
L1584[21:47:58] <AmandaC> it's amazing what happens when a game is coded to be expandable via modding, instead of hard-coding and severe premature-optimising it isn;t it, Izaya?
L1585[21:48:13] <Izaya> it'd be interesting to add a noise factor to the texture for bump mapping
L1586[21:48:14] <Force​caster> %remindme 11h Improve input identifying in installer
L1587[21:48:15] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "Improve input identifying in installer" at 05/24/2020 02:48:15 AM
L1588[21:48:18] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> the deus ex series, the witcher series, and elite dangerous
L1589[21:48:29] <Izaya> AmandaC: almost as if, even in a hobby project, it results in saner code
L1590[21:48:52] <AmandaC> Izaya: like. MC is full of insane premature-optimising. Like metadata being a single uint4
L1591[21:49:07] <t20kdc> I wonder if my Minetest server is still running
L1592[21:49:09] <t20kdc> or if it broke already
L1593[21:49:34] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/zdjfh2n.png real rivers!
L1594[21:49:54] <t20kdc> darn, my thing broke and I wasn't paying any attention whatsoever so it's probably completely dead now
L1595[21:49:58] <AmandaC> The main probelm I have with playing MT is that the ores are insanely deep
L1596[21:50:07] <Izaya> yeah
L1597[21:50:14] <AmandaC> Like, I decided I don't care, and cheated in a 2km deep mine shaft + elevator
L1598[21:50:14] <Izaya> I'd like to play with modifying the ore spawning
L1599[21:50:24] <Izaya> so instead of spawning deep
L1600[21:50:32] <Izaya> you get uncommon massive deposits
L1601[21:51:00] <AmandaC> I assume that can be done by just modifying the node somehow, but I've not looked into it
L1602[21:51:17] <AmandaC> Like. there's ores that don't become comm until 8k!
L1603[21:51:28] <AmandaC> that's ludricous
L1604[21:51:39] <pay​onel> i believe there is a mod that causes ores to spawn in veins
L1605[21:52:08] <Izaya> AmandaC: there's a neat Dwarf Fortress cave generator
L1606[21:52:14] <Izaya> that makes thousand-block-deep caves
L1607[21:53:54] <AmandaC> @Ariri also when making CT scripts you can `/ct syntax` to syntax check it. Auto-reloading isn't in 1.12 but it'll work otherwise
L1608[21:54:58] <Izaya> AmandaC: tbh I'd like to rewrite the entire content of Minetest
L1609[21:55:02] <Ar​iri> Yeah I was going to but I had to run out unexpectedly
L1610[21:55:46] <Izaya> the API is nice, I feel like one could make a comfy game out of it
L1611[22:00:46] <Force​caster> Railcraft makes veiny mines
L1612[22:00:50] <Force​caster> :>
L1613[22:01:21] <Izaya> there was some 2D platformer indie game around 2012 0r so
L1614[22:01:39] <Izaya> about mining and you were a robot and there were conveyor belts
L1615[22:03:45] <Ar​iri> Sounds moving
L1616[22:10:11] <Force​caster> Platformer?
L1617[22:10:13] <Force​caster> Oo
L1618[22:10:34] <ThePi​Guy24> rewrite minetest to support n dimensions
L1619[22:10:57] <Force​caster> You're not thinking of Mindustry are you?
L1620[22:11:23] <Ar​iri> Pack is updated (same ver #) and server is launching
L1621[22:11:29] <Ar​iri> Sorry for the wait, shouldnt happen again
L1622[22:11:35] <Izaya> nah
L1623[22:11:35] <Klea​dron> nah just jerry rig the support in and watch your computer explode
L1624[22:11:57] <Izaya> ThePiGuy24: and vulkan
L1625[22:11:59] <pay​onel> @Ariri so i hear there are themes, roleplaying, pvp ... how many ppl?
L1626[22:12:00] <Izaya> gotta have that vulkan
L1627[22:12:09] <pay​onel> asking cause i'm getting interested with all the chatter 🙂
L1628[22:12:45] <Ar​iri> About 4-5 people from here, 2 others from somewhere else, and about 2-3 people I know. Consistent traffic about 2-3
L1629[22:13:04] <Klea​dron> might get on today
L1630[22:13:12] <The_St​argazer> do i need to redownload the pack
L1631[22:13:15] <The_St​argazer> bc update
L1632[22:13:19] <The_St​argazer> or is it server-side
L1633[22:13:43] <Ar​iri> I dont think it is necessary, but recommended. You will be able to join, hopefully there shouldnt be config clashes
L1634[22:13:55] <Ar​iri> The client config was updated to match the latest server one
L1635[22:13:59] <Ar​iri> And oregen was added
L1636[22:14:01] <The_St​argazer> yes i will be able to join goddamnit
L1637[22:14:03] <Ar​iri> for der
L1638[22:14:07] <Ar​iri> for jer [Edited]
L1639[22:14:12] <The_St​argazer> ore gen?
L1640[22:14:19] <pay​onel> @Ariri if you're interested in more, i'd be curious to poke around
L1641[22:14:35] <Ar​iri> `This ore has % chance of spawning and drops the following` in jei
L1642[22:14:44] <The_St​argazer> ohh
L1643[22:14:52] <Ar​iri> Payonel: More what?
L1644[22:14:58] <Ar​iri> Oh you mean more people
L1645[22:15:06] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L1646[22:15:06] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Squi​dDev, you were not able to beat Squi​dDev's record of 3 hours, 46 minutes and 7 seconds this time. 3 hours, 41 minutes and 59 seconds were wasted! Missed by 4 minutes and 7 seconds!
L1647[22:15:15] <SquidDev> Hahahahah. I'm a muppet.
L1648[22:15:35] <Ar​iri> Youre more than welcome, pretty much everyone Ive seen here often is open to join as long as you're respectful
L1649[22:16:26] <Klea​dron> will we be allowed to create our own internet in the server
L1650[22:16:33] <The_St​argazer> already working on it
L1651[22:16:39] <Klea​dron> nice
L1652[22:16:40] <The_St​argazer> one step ahead of ya
L1653[22:16:45] <Ar​iri> I dont see why not, lol
L1654[22:17:07] <Klea​dron> we can host the one and only web page for cats in minecraft
L1655[22:17:26] <The_St​argazer> also my team is open to requests (only one will be allowed to join as per rules) if any of you wanna request ;)
L1656[22:17:34] <Ar​iri> Ill make a 20x20 screen at spawn just for that site.
L1657[22:17:40] <The_St​argazer> Ariri++
L1658[22:17:57] <Klea​dron> that would be a great thing for someone to log on to
L1659[22:18:03] <Klea​dron> to see
L1660[22:19:37] <AmandaC> oh poop, fogot to up the memory limit
L1661[22:20:30] <Izaya> I love java's memory limit
L1662[22:20:44] <Izaya> "You are allowed to use 4GB of RAM." "Okay, I'll use 12 and rising."
L1663[22:21:00] <Klea​dron> it makes no sense to me
L1664[22:21:02] <The_St​argazer> "How much memory do you need?" Java: "Yes."
L1665[22:21:25] <Klea​dron> i gave minecraft 6gb of memory and not only does it only see 5.4gb of it, the jvm uses more than 6gb
L1666[22:21:39] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/y9rnpypz
L1667[22:22:22] <Izaya> I've resolved to just allocate it as little as it can deal with
L1668[22:22:31] <Ar​iri> Lol, I’ve done that and it ranged from 6 to 2.2
L1669[22:22:33] <Izaya> throwing more memory or less memory at it doesn't seem to hurt or hinder it
L1670[22:22:55] <The_St​argazer> throw enough memory at it and it'll OOM tho
L1671[22:23:02] <The_St​argazer> if you throw more than you have
L1672[22:23:06] <Klea​dron> this sounds like really good cave music https://youtu.be/Qol4JrBUAAk
L1673[22:23:06] <MichiBot> Portal 2 OST Volume 1 - 15 Acres of Broken Glass | length: 5m | Likes: 518 Dislikes: 3 Views: 73,418 | by KniL | Published On 26/5/2011
L1674[22:23:08] <The_St​argazer> well, it won't OOM
L1675[22:23:17] <The_St​argazer> it'll just go "what the fuck you don't have this much"
L1676[22:23:21] <Izaya> in soviet russia, java OOMs you
L1677[22:23:30] <The_St​argazer> haha
L1678[22:23:48] <The_St​argazer> In Soviet Russia, Minecraft is optimized
L1679[22:23:59] <Klea​dron> impossible
L1680[22:24:08] <Klea​dron> you can't optimize minecraft
L1681[22:24:25] <The_St​argazer> And in Britan it never runs, almost like the railway system
L1682[22:24:45] <Izaya> I saw a fun quote about british cars the other day
L1683[22:24:49] <Izaya> I forget what it was though
L1684[22:24:50] <The_St​argazer> also
L1685[22:24:52] <The_St​argazer> this internet
L1686[22:24:58] <The_St​argazer> it'll be over raw modem messages
L1687[22:25:07] <The_St​argazer> because networking protocol incompatibility
L1688[22:25:45] <Izaya> and as if by magic, we had two internets
L1689[22:25:54] <The_St​argazer> uh
L1690[22:25:54] <The_St​argazer> what
L1691[22:26:55] <AmandaC> uh... two mods are missing from the client, I think
L1692[22:28:10] <Izaya> right, JourneyMap data
L1693[22:30:13] <Izaya> OMLib and Open Modular Turrets
L1694[22:30:15] <Izaya> interesting
L1695[22:30:30] <AmandaC> @Ariri the latest .zip is missing two mods
L1696[22:31:34] <Klea​dron> open modular turrets has to be one of my favorite mods
L1697[22:33:35] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i should
L1698[22:33:48] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> probably download ED
L1699[22:34:04] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so i can explore while i listen to halo music
L1700[22:34:15] <CompanionCube> things that should be fake but are apparently a thing in the US: 'inmate work force saving tax dollars'
L1701[22:34:50] <CompanionCube> slavery with extra steps much?
L1702[22:35:03] <Izaya> that's most of the US most of the time tbh
L1703[22:35:28] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: how about "Prison threatens to close it's doors if 300 beds aren't filled"
L1704[22:35:47] <CompanionCube> (i mean, i guess it's to be expected, since the 13th amendment explicitly says this is fine and dandy. Abolition of slavery my ass!)
L1705[22:36:24] <Izaya> AmandaC: copying the mods from the old version seems to work
L1706[22:36:30] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: privatised prisons have screwed incentives yo.
L1707[22:36:31] <Izaya> https://tower.xyzzy.link/media/d2a82afca46d9fee75a4adc2a0699d3064faa9babdc0a3b8c3ea306a33e47aa2.png
L1708[22:36:39] <Ar​iri> Yeah^
L1709[22:36:52] <Ar​iri> I swear some days i’m like actually stupid
L1710[22:37:16] <AmandaC> @Ariri maybe you should try and figure out the modpack management thingy that @Forecaster set up and gave you an instance of? :P
L1711[22:37:49] <Ar​iri> I never actually set it up so they took down the page, but I’ll consider it now
L1712[22:38:15] <Ar​iri> I could probably do it fine if I wasn’t rushing
L1713[22:40:12] <Force​caster> I can put up a new instance tomorrow if you want
L1714[22:42:06] <Force​caster> That's not much to figure out, you upload files to it and give it some data, then it handles archive generation and optional mods and such for you, with versioning and server pack generation
L1715[22:42:16] <Force​caster> There's not much to figure out, you upload files to it and give it some data, then it handles archive generation and optional mods and such for you, with versioning and server pack generation [Edited]
L1716[22:43:39] <Force​caster> There's even and API that can be used to check for and download updates
L1717[22:44:27] <AmandaC> did we manage to find Lizzy's script for doing that form MultiMC?
L1718[22:44:35] <Lizzy> https://gitlab.theender.net/Lizzy/RailcraftPackUpdater
L1719[22:44:56] <Lizzy> keep in mind this is very basic and 2 years old at this point
L1720[22:45:05] <Ar​iri> If its not too much trouble, then I'll play around with that
L1721[22:45:31] <Force​caster> It should still work fine though
L1722[22:45:44] <Force​caster> I haven't changed the api since then I don't think
L1723[22:47:47] <Ar​iri> Okay, client update (Part 3 smh)
L1724[22:48:04] <Ar​iri> Live now
L1725[22:48:11] <AmandaC> is there any difference between that and 3 + 2's mods?
L1726[22:48:50] <Ar​iri> The only update that added two mods was 1.0.2
L1727[22:49:21] <Ar​iri> So no, 1.0.3 did not add any. Better Portals has been disabled server side, but its irrelevant.
L1728[22:51:48] <Ar​iri> (Latest client is still called 1.0.3R, its just fixed now)
L1729[22:52:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> holy FUCK
L1730[22:52:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> the witcher 3 runs great
L1731[23:00:02] ⇦ Quits: ven000m (~e@2a00:d880:5:38a::e87b) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1732[23:03:01] ⇨ Joins: ven000m (~e@2a00:d880:5:38a::e87b)
L1733[23:03:42] <Kristo​pher38> @AdorableCatgirl what hardware?
L1734[23:04:18] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (~baschdel@2a02:6d40:3616:b501:cad1:edb3:52bf:587d) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1735[23:05:28] <Inari> AmandaC: https://imgur.com/0MjyD8w
L1736[23:06:03] <Ar​iri> Amanda: Dont know if you've looked, but has the ore-gen seemed alright to you? I did my best to sort it out and clean it up but I left everything not nether or overworld alone for simplicity.
L1737[23:06:17] <Ar​iri> Inari: Its a portal
L1738[23:06:33] <Inari> %warp
L1739[23:06:33] <MichiBot> You end up in a world inhabited by bards.
L1740[23:06:39] <Inari> %ohno
L1741[23:06:39] <MichiBot> In​ari: ohno
L1742[23:07:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> TR 1900x and a GTX 1060 lmao @Kristopher38
L1743[23:09:31] <Kristo​pher38> what the fuck, that thing has 8 cores 16 threads notbad
L1744[23:25:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh, and i'm playing through proton
L1745[23:28:47] <t20kdc> %warp
L1746[23:28:48] <MichiBot> You end up in a dimension that is just an endless field of flowers.
L1747[23:28:58] * t20kdc gasps!
L1748[23:35:54] <Klea​dron> jimmy neutron
L1749[23:43:34] <immibis> %warp
L1750[23:43:34] <MichiBot> You end up in a dimension populated by crocodile sheep.
L1751[23:43:42] <immibis> %sip
L1752[23:43:43] <MichiBot> You drink a basic water potion (New!). It tastes sweet.
L1753[23:50:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pd9e8ed0c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
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