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L1[00:00:06] <Forec​aster> murlocking4 you aren't actually assigning the return from detect to the "state" variable
L2[00:00:09] <Forec​aster> it is always nil
L3[00:00:38] <Ocawes​ome101> @Saghetti you what
L4[00:00:50] <Ocawes​ome101> also I decided to try a microkernel for the third time
L5[00:06:01] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> @Bob nice
L6[00:06:22] <B​ob> :GWlulurdMmmYea:
L7[00:06:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> anyways
L8[00:07:04] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'm also planning the API out for copro cards
L9[00:08:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> also
L10[00:08:54] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> :^) http://tinyurl.com/y88g6zcs
L11[00:11:33] <murlocking4> Forecaster but I have 'local passable, state = robot.detect()' ?
L12[00:12:16] <murlocking4> Sorry, you probably didn't saw my link earlier and I should have included that information in the newer link.
L13[00:26:49] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139340-aztw33-2-0-cust225.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L14[00:26:56] ⇦ Quits: infina (~infina@caligula.lobsternetworks.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L15[00:30:19] ⇦ Quits: InfinityGosha (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L16[00:31:43] ⇨ Joins: AshleighTheCutie (~Ash@2600:6c58:7f80:f31:1d77:d5a:a30d:1d07)
L17[00:31:56] <AshleighTheCutie> Nya
L18[00:32:32] <murlocking4> Programming question ; why is my placeRails() function only ran once in my digHollow3x3() function? Shouldn't it be looping? It was working before, don't know where I messed up.
L19[00:32:39] <murlocking4> https://pastebin.com/ByCNL0JR
L20[00:36:57] ⇨ Joins: infin (~infina@
L21[00:41:45] <B​ob> the spaces and indentation throws me off
L22[00:42:05] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-082.dsl.tropolys.de)
L23[00:42:11] <B​ob> ` state == "liquid" or "air" ` this is surely not Lua either
L24[00:42:22] <B​ob> murlocking4, you'd need to revisit that script entirely
L25[00:43:21] <Krae​tzin> It does work
L26[00:43:32] <Krae​tzin> Depending on what you want to do 😛
L27[00:44:20] <Krae​tzin> Checking in this context though no, not good
L28[00:45:08] <B​ob> if you want the condition to always be true sure
L29[00:45:13] <B​ob> go ahead, remove the if statement completly
L30[00:49:45] <20​kdc> It is definitely an interesting reinterpretation of the semantics of the 'or' operator.
L31[00:50:34] <Ocawes​ome101> I will admit I wrote something similar once
L32[00:50:36] <Krae​tzin> Bob it can be used as an assignment
L33[01:03:55] ⇨ Joins: infina- (~infina@claudius.lobsternetworks.com)
L34[01:04:23] *** infina- is now known as infina
L35[01:04:26] ⇦ Quits: infin (~infina@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L36[01:04:51] <B​ob> @Kraetzin `==` is clearly not an assignement and i know logical operators in Lua
L37[01:05:43] <Krae​tzin> No sorry, I meant as part of an assignment, such as `x = state == "liquid" or "air"`
L38[01:06:10] <Krae​tzin> It clearly makes no sense in a conditional
L39[01:07:12] <Krae​tzin> x would be assigned either `true` or `air` depending on if it is `"liquid"` or not.
L40[01:07:29] <Krae​tzin> x would be assigned either `true` or `air` depending on if `state` is `"liquid"` or not. [Edited]
L41[01:12:54] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F9D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L42[01:23:35] <B​ob> why would you want a boolean or a string
L43[01:23:42] ⇨ Joins: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com)
L44[01:23:52] <caninerosie> damn this works
L45[01:23:55] <caninerosie> cool
L46[01:24:58] ⇦ Quits: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com) (Client Quit)
L47[01:30:36] <B​ob> ayy bye
L48[01:30:51] <Krae​tzin> Bob I have no idea, but the option is there hehe
L49[01:32:03] <B​ob> uselsess
L50[01:32:47] <Krae​tzin> It's more useful as a fallback incase something is nil
L51[01:33:05] ⇦ Quits: Keridos (~Keridos@static. (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L52[01:33:53] ⇨ Joins: Keridos (~Keridos@static.
L53[01:36:41] <B​ob> incase something is nil is just not paying attention to your code
L54[01:44:43] ⇨ Joins: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com)
L55[01:44:48] <caninerosie> hey
L56[01:45:34] <B​ob> henlo
L57[01:46:32] <caninerosie> can't believe im on irc via opencomputers
L58[01:47:11] ⇦ Quits: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com) (Client Quit)
L59[01:47:25] ⇨ Joins: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com)
L60[01:47:52] <B​ob> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L61[01:47:56] <B​ob> what's so surreal ?
L62[01:48:03] <B​ob> OC has TCP capabilities
L63[01:48:08] <B​ob> and IRC is a quite simple standart
L64[01:48:10] <B​ob> even for OC
L65[01:49:38] <murlocking4> caninerosie You can install Chromium into Minecraft and browse full webpage like twitch.tv , you can build a huge screen for a big resolution or tiny one to emulate a mobile phone format.
L66[01:49:43] ⇦ Quits: caninerosie (~canineros@li1143-138.members.linode.com) (Client Quit)
L67[01:49:56] <murlocking4> It's pretty 'versatile'
L68[01:50:43] <B​ob> thats not relevant at all
L69[01:50:45] <B​ob> for the scope of OC
L70[01:51:00] <B​ob> at this point just expose MC's java interfac
L71[01:51:03] <B​ob> and import libraries
L72[01:51:15] <B​ob> thats lame
L73[01:52:38] <murlocking4> It wasn't meant to be relevant to OC. I was just mentioning how Minecraft can be used.
L74[01:56:59] <B​ob> at this point just inject code eh
L75[01:57:17] <murlocking4> lol
L76[01:59:02] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-082.dsl.tropolys.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@
L77[01:59:07] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@
L78[01:59:40] ⇦ Quits: murlocking4 (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L79[02:02:06] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-47-133.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L80[02:18:18] <Ocawes​ome101> The in-game chromium only works on Windows though :(
L81[02:19:16] <Z0id​burg> http://tinyurl.com/yc4ju2k9
L82[02:19:39] <Z0id​burg> Izaya ^
L83[02:19:50] <Ocawes​ome101> What is that
L84[02:20:07] <Z0id​burg> Discord fucked up an MP3 embed
L85[02:20:12] <Z0id​burg> That's what it is
L86[02:20:57] <Z0id​burg> Maybe irccloud can do it
L87[02:21:39] <S3_> testing https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/MuhRThmb/2020_05_08_19_05_15.mp3
L88[02:22:02] <S3_> Nope
L89[02:22:14] <S3_> Oh well nevermind I thought it would just embed
L90[02:22:22] <S3_> Or being up an embedded file
L91[02:22:30] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L92[02:22:45] <S3_> You can safely ignore the full upload 😉
L93[02:23:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L94[02:23:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i think i have tsuki's scheduler down
L95[02:24:28] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-71-184-110-95.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L96[02:37:15] <Klea​dron> i heard somehow about in-game chromium
L97[02:37:20] <Klea​dron> don't use chromium in-game in the first place
L98[02:37:24] <Klea​dron> problem solved
L99[03:26:05] ⇨ Joins: murlocking0 (webchat@
L100[03:26:07] <murlocking0> Hi
L101[03:26:54] <Sagh​etti> hi
L102[03:28:06] <Ocawes​ome101> hi
L103[03:28:21] <Ocawes​ome101> Saghetti! o/
L104[03:29:16] <Sagh​etti> sup
L105[03:29:20] <Sagh​etti> just figured out that
L106[03:29:39] <Sagh​etti> the minigame control thing is supposed to be done on monday
L107[03:29:47] <Sagh​etti> :blobsweathype:
L108[03:30:10] <Ocawes​ome101> the what now?
L109[03:31:16] <Sagh​etti> thing
L110[03:31:30] <Sagh​etti> automatically manages minecraft server instances
L111[03:31:39] <Sagh​etti> also deals with load balancing and stuff
L112[03:34:13] <murlocking0> I made this function to check if the block is passable before moving.
L113[03:34:13] <murlocking0> Seems to work so far. https://pastebin.com/xSZYfhsL
L114[03:34:32] <murlocking0> Now to remake the entire script..
L115[03:43:01] <Ar​iri> You mean retype it? Just pastebin get
L116[03:44:35] <Ar​iri> %roll
L117[03:44:36] <MichiBot> => 0
L118[03:57:43] <DaCompu​terNerd> Or just middle click to paste
L119[04:03:16] <B​ob> murlocking0 boolean checks are pointless
L120[04:03:21] <murlocking0> No, I have to rewrite it completely
L121[04:03:47] <murlocking0> @Bob that might be true but I don't know what you mean, I suck at lua
L122[04:04:08] <B​ob> `condition == true` is nonsense
L123[04:04:11] <B​ob> true is true
L124[04:04:14] <B​ob> and false isn't true
L125[04:04:23] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> So, the threads /computer usage in config
L126[04:04:34] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> if im set to 4, i can only have '4' puters actively processing stuff at once correct?
L127[04:04:36] <murlocking0> so no need to type 'true' in that code? is that what you're saying ?
L128[04:05:06] <murlocking0> just 'if robot.detectUp() then' is same as 'if robot.detectUp() == true then' right ?
L129[04:05:32] <Ocawes​ome101> @andrew[andrboot] corrext
L130[04:05:41] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> heh looks like that does need to be 128 then rip
L131[04:05:49] <Ocawes​ome101> murlocking0: yep
L132[04:06:07] <Ocawes​ome101> @andrew[andrboot] what is your usecase where you need 128 computer threads?
L133[04:06:09] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> i have over 100 OC's in the world, and averaging at least 8-10 active minimum with 1 peice of stock running around
L134[04:06:25] <AshleighTheCutie> Stock?
L135[04:06:30] <Ocawes​ome101> oh
L136[04:06:31] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> IR train consists 😛
L137[04:06:41] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> using OC to break the consists, and 600blocks/100/50
L138[04:06:44] <Ocawes​ome101> just make them all yield often and you'll be fine
L139[04:06:47] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> 'sure'
L140[04:06:57] <murlocking0> @Bob do you think that small piece of code could be more simplified ?
L141[04:07:00] <Ocawes​ome101> in theory
L142[04:07:02] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> Braking script v2 - https://pastebin.com/H8wSSVJZ
L143[04:07:03] <B​ob> yeah
L144[04:07:11] <AshleighTheCutie> I need to bump that number in my server then
L145[04:07:29] <AshleighTheCutie> Having yield errors on some computers sometimes
L146[04:07:37] <AshleighTheCutie> For no reason, might I add
L147[04:07:50] <AshleighTheCutie> Just running IRC program causes it
L148[04:08:18] <B​ob> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/hejimecewe
L149[04:08:19] <B​ob> murlocking0
L150[04:08:29] <B​ob> all of that repeat fiasco is unnescessary
L151[04:09:17] <murlocking0> @Bob Yeah, I need to learn to use the loops properly... that's my main problem right now.
L152[04:09:41] <B​ob> if + repeat = while
L153[04:09:45] <AshleighTheCutie> murlocking0: you're doing better than I am
L154[04:09:54] <AshleighTheCutie> As in, you're doing at all
L155[04:10:20] <AshleighTheCutie> :p
L156[04:10:23] <murlocking0> @Bob that make a lot of sense when you say it like that, thanks
L157[04:11:06] <murlocking0> AshleighTheCutie Hehe, I've been experimenting with lua every years for a couple of weeks but never this intensely. I really want to learn stuff this time.
L158[04:11:34] <murlocking0> payonel showed me a lot of neat stuffs yesterday , that was really kind
L159[04:11:50] <AshleighTheCutie> murlocking0: ever need a bug tester, I'm here :)
L160[04:11:59] <AshleighTheCutie> (I'm really bored)
L161[04:12:28] <murlocking0> if you want bugs, that I can do
L162[04:12:36] <AshleighTheCutie> lol
L163[04:13:01] <murlocking0> I literally typed __ and thought it was a single '_' for an hour...
L164[04:13:26] <AshleighTheCutie> Oooooooffff
L165[04:14:28] <murlocking0> I need to install some plugins, they would highlights my mistakes lol
L166[04:14:30] <AshleighTheCutie> That's why I always watch what I type
L167[04:14:40] <AshleighTheCutie> I code inside MC itself
L168[04:14:43] <Ocawes​ome101> I use vim :P
L169[04:14:50] <AshleighTheCutie> If I do any coding at all
L170[04:14:57] <AshleighTheCutie> Which I don't often do
L171[04:15:56] <AshleighTheCutie> I prefer nano
L172[04:16:20] <Ocawes​ome101> I used nano for a long time
L173[04:16:35] <Ocawes​ome101> vim has slightly smarter syntax highlighting though
L174[04:16:39] <murlocking0> I only do quick edit in OC, I do all the coding on my irl computer. I use Sublime Text 3, it has highlight and syntax for lua by default.
L175[04:16:39] <murlocking0> I need to get a more powerful tool tho.
L176[04:17:04] <AshleighTheCutie> Nano has syntax highlighting??
L177[04:17:11] <Ocawes​ome101> vim will show you things like missing `end`s (though, it's not 100% reliable)
L178[04:17:16] <Ocawes​ome101> ATC: yeah
L179[04:17:23] <AshleighTheCutie> TIL
L180[04:17:34] <Ocawes​ome101> alt+Y iirc
L181[04:17:41] <AshleighTheCutie> What is it based on, file extension?
L182[04:17:44] <murlocking0> I'm on Win10 (stop laughing)
L183[04:17:46] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah
L184[04:17:47] <CompanionCube> something like that
L185[04:17:57] <Ocawes​ome101> or shebang
L186[04:17:59] <AshleighTheCutie> BRB, testing it
L187[04:18:03] <AshleighTheCutie> Shebang?
L188[04:18:19] <Ocawes​ome101> the `#!/path/to/exec` line you sometimes see
L189[04:18:21] <Lizzy> #!/bin/env thing
L190[04:18:24] <Ocawes​ome101> usually used with shell scripts
L191[04:18:24] <AshleighTheCutie> Ah
L192[04:18:30] <AshleighTheCutie> Didn't know it had a name
L193[04:18:31] <Ocawes​ome101> or anything really
L194[04:18:34] <CompanionCube> nah, not the shebang
L195[04:18:45] <Ocawes​ome101> yeah actually
L196[04:18:53] <murlocking0> Sublime Text 3 show me when i put too many 'end' or I'm missing an 'end' somewhere but it's not obvious for the latter
L197[04:19:16] <Ocawes​ome101> if a file has no extension both nano and vim will guess based on the shebang if the shebang is present when the file is loaded
L198[04:19:20] <Ocawes​ome101> it's really nice actually
L199[04:19:23] <CompanionCube> ST3 is a decent choice particularly for w10
L200[04:19:24] <CompanionCube> and huh
L201[04:19:36] <CompanionCube> i would've thought that's too involed for nano compared to say vim
L202[04:19:59] <Ocawes​ome101> nah, I've had nano do it
L203[04:20:11] <CompanionCube> inb4 exclusively edit OC files using vim-in-WSL
L204[04:20:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i use micro btw
L205[04:20:52] <AshleighTheCutie> Huh
L206[04:21:09] <AshleighTheCutie> Nano 2.2.6 has no highlighting for Lua files
L207[04:21:38] <murlocking0> Can you install plugins to it ?
L208[04:21:58] <AshleighTheCutie> Not sure
L209[04:22:06] <CompanionCube> well, the syntax-highlighting might be an optional extra
L210[04:22:08] <AshleighTheCutie> Never had to, so I never tried
L211[04:22:17] <CompanionCube> but i have a /usr/share/nano/lua.nanorc so...
L212[04:22:25] <murlocking0> hmm
L213[04:22:31] <AshleighTheCutie> package name perhaps
L214[04:22:49] <CompanionCube> also if you want plugins you wouldn't be using nano as your main editor
L215[04:23:05] <AshleighTheCutie> Note that the tablet I'm on is armhf and running Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS
L216[04:23:23] <Izaya> consider also
L217[04:23:25] <Izaya> vim
L218[04:23:31] <CompanionCube> Izaya: or emacs.
L219[04:23:37] <CompanionCube> or vscode.
L220[04:23:37] <Izaya> emacs is good too
L221[04:23:41] <Izaya> nah
L222[04:24:19] <Izaya> a web browser masquerading as a traditional editor brings nothing to the table over nano besides 100000x the resource usage
L223[04:24:42] <murlocking0> bang !
L224[04:25:06] <murlocking0> let's sip some potions
L225[04:25:12] <murlocking0> %sip
L226[04:25:13] <MichiBot> You drink a light titanium potion (New!). murlocking0 reboots for an update for 8 minutes.
L227[04:25:14] * Izaya sipps
L228[04:25:32] <murlocking0> Yup, that's Win10.
L229[04:25:35] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> micro is good
L230[04:26:02] <Izaya> brb porting PsychOS' editor to OpenBSD
L231[04:26:07] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> bet
L232[04:26:19] <Izaya> is it bad that that's something I'd uh
L233[04:26:21] <Izaya> actually want
L234[04:26:58] <AshleighTheCutie> I'm bored
L235[04:26:59] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> nah
L236[04:26:59] <Izaya> like, I desire a half-decently-written vi clone visual editor that I can expand dynamically like emacs
L237[04:27:02] <AshleighTheCutie> And tired
L238[04:27:14] <CompanionCube> Izaya: isn't neovim supposed to be that or something?
L239[04:27:18] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> well i'm in pain
L240[04:27:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L241[04:27:23] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> that's a thing
L242[04:27:27] <AshleighTheCutie> neovim okay
L243[04:27:27] <Izaya> neovim doesn't like how I type
L244[04:27:30] <AshleighTheCutie> Is okay
L245[04:27:35] <Izaya> it inserts garbage characters for whatever reason
L246[04:27:41] <Izaya> never tracked down why, just went back to vim
L247[04:27:42] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i personally don't like vim but that's just me
L248[04:27:48] <AshleighTheCutie> ^^
L249[04:27:55] <Izaya> you more of an acme sorta person?
L250[04:28:06] <AshleighTheCutie> Neovim is okay, but I still prefer nano
L251[04:28:15] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i use m i c r o, izzy
L252[04:28:56] <Izaya> > using software that slows you down
L253[04:29:24] * CompanionCube prefers nano to vim too
L254[04:29:49] <AshleighTheCutie> Huh
L255[04:29:57] <AshleighTheCutie> No neovim on Ubuntu 14.04.6
L256[04:30:00] <AshleighTheCutie> Strange
L257[04:30:09] <AshleighTheCutie> Maybe it's not been compiled for armhf
L258[04:30:27] <Izaya> I think it's newer than 2014 tbh
L259[04:30:54] <AshleighTheCutie> Fair
L260[04:31:49] <Izaya> ~w package
L261[04:31:49] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-package
L262[04:32:05] <Izaya> CompanionCube: so you know how Haiku has the ro packagefs?
L263[04:33:11] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:ae41:8f0:215b:d940:e2d1:d934)
L264[04:33:19] <Izaya> I've been wanting to clone that in PsychOS but I just had an even better idea: If all executable code is part of libraries, just have a package.searchers function that can look through archive files
L265[04:33:23] <AshleighThePhone> Wat
L266[04:33:30] <murlocking0> @Bob Do you know why my robot go up two space with that code you provided me?
L267[04:33:35] <AshleighThePhone> Why
L268[04:33:45] ⇦ Quits: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:ae41:8f0:215b:d940:e2d1:d934) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L269[04:33:54] <murlocking0> I even set the os.sleep to 2 sec to prevent extra mouvements.
L270[04:34:02] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2600:6c58:7f80:f31:a072:3e62:a5d1:a342)
L271[04:34:21] <AshleighThePhone> Something booted me off the network
L272[04:34:25] <AshleighThePhone> Strange
L273[04:34:30] <CompanionCube> Izaya: woo
L274[04:34:50] <Izaya> I had another dubious idea
L275[04:34:53] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheCutie (~Ash@2600:6c58:7f80:f31:1d77:d5a:a30d:1d07) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L276[04:34:55] <Izaya> move services into libraries
L277[04:35:08] <Izaya> then the "service files" just describe what functions to call with what arguments
L278[04:35:23] *** AshleighThePhone is now known as AshleighTheCutie
L279[04:35:33] <CompanionCube> why is that dubious
L280[04:35:42] <Izaya> it feels a little sketch
L281[04:35:47] <Izaya> but also I feel like it could be nice
L282[04:35:48] <AshleighTheCutie> Exploitable perhaps
L283[04:36:01] <Izaya> that's the idea :D
L284[04:36:09] <Izaya> make the system as flexible as possible
L285[04:36:19] <Izaya> Amanda: thoughts, if you're around?
L286[04:36:29] <CompanionCube> AshleighTheCutie: it's a lua-machine, who gives a fuck about exploitsbility
L287[04:36:54] <Izaya> exploitability is just another word for programmability
L288[04:37:39] <CompanionCube> Izaya: weirdmachines.jpg
L289[04:38:03] <Izaya> AshleighTheCutie: PsychOS deliberately does as little sanity checking as possible
L290[04:38:34] <ThePi​Guy24> %tonk
L291[04:38:35] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 49 seconds (By 5 hours, 12 minutes and 11 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L292[04:38:36] <MichiBot> ThePiGuy24's new record is 6 hours, 18 minutes and 1 second! ThePiGuy24 also gained 0.0104 (0.0052 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #5. Need 0.10996 more points to pass simo​n816!
L293[04:38:38] <Izaya> it's pretty hard to take down the whole system accidentally, so if you want to abuse it with weird stuff, that's your choice
L294[04:38:42] <murlocking0> this robot is startin to make me anxious lol
L295[04:39:10] <CompanionCube> Izaya: inb4 you copy ITS and include a command that deliberately crashes the OS
L296[04:39:14] <murlocking0> why does it go up twice sometimes and sometimes it doesn't... only happens with sand... weird behavior
L297[04:39:26] <Izaya> CompanionCube: I can think of about 6 obvious ways to do so
L298[04:39:44] <Izaya> I figure that's a little redundant though
L299[04:39:55] <Izaya> because it's primarily designed for single-user, multi-terminal setups
L300[04:40:27] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> tsuki is g r o o v i n
L301[04:40:35] <AshleighTheCutie> PsychOS can multiterminal?
L302[04:41:09] <Ocawes​ome101> yep
L303[04:41:19] <Ocawes​ome101> so can Monolith, in theory (haven't tested)
L304[04:41:21] <Izaya> yeah if you can fit the GPUs in your machine you can run as many displays as you like
L305[04:41:25] <AshleighTheCutie> Neat, can it run OpenOS programs
L306[04:41:33] <Ocawes​ome101> PsychOS? Ha, no
L307[04:41:34] <Izaya> nope!
L308[04:41:43] <Izaya> it doesn't even have a concept of a program
L309[04:41:49] <Ocawes​ome101> Monolith? Maybe, as long as they don't use a lib I haven't implemented
L310[04:42:48] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> Tsuki will hopefully be able to do multiuser, multiterminal
L311[04:42:52] <Izaya> the eternal vaporware
L312[04:43:00] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yes
L313[04:43:04] <AshleighTheCutie> That sucks, I'm currently looking for a OpenOS compatible multiterminal setup
L314[04:43:07] <Izaya> Ocawesome101: I heard you were giving out per-release versions of monolith
L315[04:43:07] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> except i actually have a lot more in it
L316[04:43:16] <Ocawes​ome101> Monolith does multiuser multiterminal
L317[04:43:19] <Ocawes​ome101> Izaya: eh?
L318[04:43:29] <Izaya> you uh
L319[04:43:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/y95ax9zd
L320[04:43:31] * Izaya coughs
L321[04:43:33] <Izaya> got a repo for that?
L322[04:43:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it doesn't boot
L323[04:43:50] <Ocawes​ome101> I haven't got a repo up on GitHub yet
L324[04:43:53] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> tkrnl.velx :^)
L325[04:43:59] <Ocawes​ome101> not until GERT 1.3 gerts ported
L326[04:44:02] <Ocawes​ome101> gets*
L327[04:44:08] <Ocawes​ome101> fitting typo lol
L328[04:44:10] <Izaya> ah, keeping it close to your chest
L329[04:44:23] <Izaya> so are you porting or is someone else porting
L330[04:44:38] <Ocawes​ome101> MGR asked me to not release it until GERTi 1.3 is released
L331[04:44:38] <Izaya> I figured it was someone else and that meant you were giving out developer oriented pre-releases :p
L332[04:44:44] <Ocawes​ome101> I think he's going to help me
L333[04:44:51] <Ocawes​ome101> I mmmmight
L334[04:44:59] <Ocawes​ome101> do you have a Discord I can DM to
L335[04:45:04] <Izaya> no
L336[04:45:10] <Ocawes​ome101> o
L337[04:45:17] <Izaya> IRC, XMPP, or e-mail
L338[04:45:21] <Izaya> or mumble I guess
L339[04:45:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> hmu on mumble text chat B)
L340[04:45:39] <Ocawes​ome101> well, I might be able to IRC-DM you a zip of the current source, don't expect anything impressive tho
L341[04:45:53] <Izaya> also, got docs?
L342[04:45:55] <Izaya> :D
L343[04:45:56] ⇨ Joins: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@
L344[04:46:06] <Ocawes​ome101> there's some documentation
L345[04:46:23] <Ocawes​ome101> some is missing, some things detailed in the docs are slightly off
L346[04:46:25] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> well, izzy
L347[04:46:29] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i can drop you some sauce
L348[04:46:29] <Izaya> I have a script that I use for PsychOS that can rip short function description strings out of source code
L349[04:46:33] <Izaya> yees
L350[04:46:36] <Izaya> throw that sauce at me
L351[04:46:47] <Ocawes​ome101> I wouldn't mind any :P
L352[04:47:55] <Izaya> https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/finddesc.lua
L353[04:48:04] <Ocawes​ome101> oh that's what that does
L354[04:48:09] <Ocawes​ome101> I wondered
L355[04:48:24] <Izaya> yeah basically you feed it a list of files and it finds the comments for the functions
L356[04:48:44] <CompanionCube> zip-over-irc is weird lol
L357[04:48:47] <Izaya> ./finddesc.lua $(find lib -type f)
L358[04:54:09] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:ae41:8f0:215b:d940:e2d1:d934)
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L360[04:54:40] ⇦ Quits: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:ae41:8f0:215b:d940:e2d1:d934) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L362[05:03:24] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> My script, is saving numbers as arghs from screen, is it possible to save and read? - im getting failed to concatefield when trying to print
L363[05:03:33] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> *a word ?
L364[05:04:08] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> hmm
L365[05:09:24] <Sagh​etti> try converting it to a string first
L366[05:09:27] <Sagh​etti> and then concatenating it
L367[05:09:52] <Ocawes​ome101> shouldn't be necessary, Lua has implicit conversions for things like that
L368[05:09:58] <Ocawes​ome101> %lua 1 .. 1
L369[05:09:59] <MichiBot> 11
L370[05:12:16] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> Yea, i figured a lazy solution, using a number and if-else script to set a string
L371[05:25:05] <murlocking0> Syntax error on line 86 , what's wrong ?
L372[05:25:05] <murlocking0> https://pastebin.com/xAHSsJU1
L373[05:26:20] <Ocawes​ome101> you forgot parentheses
L374[05:27:07] <murlocking0> Wow, i'm really tired.
L375[05:27:19] <Ocawes​ome101> and an `end` to close the Movement function
L376[05:28:54] <murlocking0> thank you ;)
L377[05:29:17] <murlocking0> gn everyone
L378[05:29:54] <Ocawes​ome101> np
L379[05:29:55] <Ocawes​ome101> gn
L380[05:30:08] ⇦ Quits: murlocking0 (webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L381[05:32:16] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> would you see this chunk of $code be an issue, the value params.locofacing getting pulled from a file, and is a number - https://pastebin.com/LXwwXkKP
L382[05:32:30] ⇨ Joins: Blue_595 (~c8h10n4o2@
L383[05:33:59] *** Blue_595 is now known as c8h10n4o2
L384[05:46:48] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com)
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L386[05:48:14] ⇦ Quits: Ocawesome101 (~ocawesome@ (Quit: A Konversation user has left the chat.)
L387[05:49:59] <Ocawes​ome101> am still here, just Discord side
L388[05:53:08] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> https://github.com/Adorable-Catgirl/OC-Tsuki btw tsuki has source
L389[05:53:31] <Ocawes​ome101> yay
L390[05:54:07] <Ocawes​ome101> nice incomplete scheduler :P
L391[05:54:46] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> yeah
L392[05:54:50] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i've got enough
L393[05:54:58] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> it does the hard part
L394[05:55:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> adding and removing threads is the easy part
L395[05:55:06] <Ocawes​ome101> somehow I have a feeling that Tsuki will turn out pretty damn good
L396[05:56:24] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> there's probably a few bugs i gotta work out but this is a good starting point
L397[06:03:49] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> hmm
L398[06:04:19] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> So, everytime I run this the value for locodirection = nil, not a string | am i doing something stupid? https://pastebin.com/H8wSSVJZ
L399[06:07:41] <Izaya> S3_: hey, you had a thing for function type annotation in comments, right?
L400[06:07:59] <Ocawes​ome101> can someone grab some computer.getDeviceInfo fields for me, specifically if there's one for the CPU?
L401[06:08:14] <Ocawes​ome101> I'm using OCVM so can't currently access that
L402[06:08:43] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> clock would be cpu?
L403[06:08:50] <Ocawes​ome101> I mean the name
L404[06:09:20] <andrew[a​ndrboot]> ah
L405[06:10:57] <Izaya> hmhm
L406[06:11:07] <Izaya> documentation generation library
L407[06:11:39] <Izaya> should I generate a table from the source files then feed that into a formatting function?
L408[06:12:45] <Izaya> so you could have one that does pretty VT100 docs and another that outputs markdown?
L409[06:12:49] <Izaya> or even LaTeX?
L410[06:13:00] <Izaya> but it all uses the same parsing functions
L411[06:17:04] <c8h10n4o2> o/
L412[06:18:52] <Izaya> {["libname.function"] = {["args"]={{"argname","type"},{"argname2","type"}},["description"]="text here"}}
L413[06:19:47] <Forec​aster> %sip
L414[06:19:49] <c8h10n4o2> the fact that there are genuinely people who believe coronavirus is fake
L415[06:19:49] <MichiBot> You drink a seeping pink potion (New!). Forec​aster's skin turn röd but with a Adamantium glow for 3 hours.
L416[06:20:05] <c8h10n4o2> i feel offended by the fact that i even use the same type of genetic material
L417[06:21:22] <Forec​aster> But the 5Gs are causing the virus!
L418[06:21:27] <Forec​aster> Because magic
L419[06:24:08] <c8h10n4o2> :D
L420[06:24:20] <c8h10n4o2> exactly what does layer 5 do?
L421[06:24:59] <c8h10n4o2> (layer 5 of the ISO model)
L422[06:25:06] <c8h10n4o2> "session layer"
L423[06:25:29] <Ocawes​ome101> right, I'ma go to bed now
L424[06:25:32] <Ocawes​ome101> good night all
L425[06:27:02] <Izaya> o/
L426[06:28:47] <Izaya> hm
L427[06:28:57] <Izaya> I may end up having stub files for the kernel APIs
L428[06:29:06] <Izaya> just a file containing the function declarations
L429[06:30:34] <c8h10n4o2> oh fuck it im not implementing the Session layer
L430[06:30:52] <Izaya> why are you implementing the session layer
L431[06:31:37] <c8h10n4o2> idk put i just experienced a brief power outage
L432[06:31:43] <c8h10n4o2> FLORIDA everyone!
L433[06:32:10] <CompanionCube> Izaya: imo LaTeX doesn't make sense unless you're doing literate programming
L434[06:32:23] <Izaya> literate programming?
L435[06:32:59] <Izaya> unsure if you're calling me illiterate
L436[06:33:17] <CompanionCube> yeah, basically you write your programs as you would a book, with code and long-form documenation together. Donald Knuth came up with it
L437[06:33:26] <Izaya> oooh
L438[06:33:32] <c8h10n4o2> you know what im gonna start working on that "best UI ive ever seen" idea
L439[06:33:34] <Izaya> presumably, that's the style of TAOCP?
L440[06:33:45] <c8h10n4o2> copying the UI of 'cfgemu' but as a user interface
L441[06:34:15] <Izaya> CompanionCube: personally I'm just thinking pretty PDF documentation for my APIs
L442[06:34:18] <c8h10n4o2> wait fuk brainfart
L443[06:34:27] <c8h10n4o2> a user interface for the entire computer
L444[06:34:44] <Izaya> the computer wouldn't be able to render them though
L445[06:34:45] <Izaya> bit of a shame
L446[06:35:17] <CompanionCube> not sure about TAOCP but it was used for e.g. TeX
L447[06:35:24] <c8h10n4o2> "try our high-performance cut" are you telling me that your cutter will intentionally do a bad job if i dont pay a dollar extra
L448[06:35:45] <c8h10n4o2> dont give people the fucking option and just increase the cost by $1.00 the whole time
L449[06:37:16] <c8h10n4o2> now im gonna develop that UI thingy
L450[06:38:15] <CompanionCube> Izaya: fun fact: TeX has a bit of a rube-goldberg machihe involving Pascal, C, and at least two preprocessors.
L451[06:38:25] <Izaya> not surprised
L452[06:39:32] <CompanionCube> knuth's literate tex source is preprocessed into pascal which then is further preprocessed into the actually-used c code
L453[06:39:51] <c8h10n4o2> im also tempted to copy the interface used for the computer in VICCP (arrow and enter only, go to a completely new screen for an error message)
L454[06:41:58] <c8h10n4o2> building it in its own directory called 'viccp' in such a way that it doesnt need any existing libraries
L455[06:43:56] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~immibis@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L456[06:44:33] <Ar​iri> What do people use to download media from the Internet into their Plex server? (Like torrents or other clouds)
L457[06:45:58] <Izaya> rarbg tends to be the best for TV serieses and movies
L458[06:45:59] <c8h10n4o2> apparently the /init.lua here just runs /lib/core/boot.lua
L459[06:47:12] <CompanionCube> Izaya: lol apparently the 'source' language might still be specifically DEC PDP-10 targeted pascal
L460[06:49:38] <c8h10n4o2> imagine having 2 feet
L461[06:49:42] <c8h10n4o2> this post was made by diabetes gang
L462[06:52:15] <c8h10n4o2> 'local handle = assert(component.invoke(address, "open", file))'
L463[06:52:25] <c8h10n4o2> im slightly confused by the fact that this works
L464[06:54:44] <c8h10n4o2> oh it returns what you put in if true, throws an error specified as the next argument if not
L465[06:55:46] ⇨ Joins: immibis (~immibis@
L466[06:56:21] <c8h10n4o2> i normally have trouble putting in the text i need to on a display thats too small
L467[06:56:42] <c8h10n4o2> but this time i have trouble filling it up without mega-letters
L468[06:57:19] <Ar​iri> Izaya: rargb.to? I'm seeing a lot of similar domains
L469[06:57:26] <Izaya> ye
L470[07:00:36] <c8h10n4o2> if you want nostalgia (for before mumbo removed his intro music because of some fucking company)
L471[07:00:43] <c8h10n4o2> hermitcraft 6 episode 33 still has the intro music
L472[07:00:51] <c8h10n4o2> but dont tell him
L473[07:03:30] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/smARMcL.png
L474[07:05:53] <Forec​aster> rarbg is nice
L475[07:06:05] <Forec​aster> zooqle has nice organization for shows
L476[07:11:06] <c8h10n4o2> [an advertisement for a laptop cooling pad, guess they forgot blue fire is hotter]
L477[07:12:26] <Sagh​etti> writing docs is painful ngl
L478[07:12:40] <Sagh​etti> especially nice ones
L479[07:12:47] <Izaya> for PsychOS I just have a description next to each function
L480[07:12:50] <Sagh​etti> but something just makes me... do it
L481[07:13:14] <Izaya> I'm going to add type annotations once I decide on a nice format
L482[07:13:27] <Sagh​etti> i mean like in depth documentation on how my communications and RPC system works
L483[07:13:34] <Sagh​etti> redis is fun
L484[07:13:45] * Izaya has protocol documentation
L485[07:14:11] <Izaya> I've had an idea in my head for a while now to write a few blog posts on the design and implementation of minitel
L486[07:14:26] <Izaya> then package them together nicely as a PDF generated via pandoc
L487[07:15:10] <c8h10n4o2> i may have a mix of a few different UIs
L488[07:15:28] <c8h10n4o2> one like the VICCP computer + cfgemu + whatever
L489[07:15:30] <c8h10n4o2> one like weechat
L490[07:17:05] <c8h10n4o2> not sure about this 'return load(buffer, "=" .. file, "bt", _G)' what do those last 2 args do
L491[07:17:50] <Izaya> ~w load
L492[07:17:50] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load
L493[07:17:53] <Izaya> there you go
L494[07:18:02] <c8h10n4o2> thx
L495[07:18:20] <c8h10n4o2> so what is the mode bt
L496[07:18:26] <c8h10n4o2> environment of _G makes fucking sense
L497[07:18:43] <c8h10n4o2> oh bt means however you want to use it
L498[07:19:59] <c8h10n4o2> load the chunk, "=filename", use it however you want, global environment
L499[07:20:40] <Sagh​etti> bt means load binary and text
L500[07:20:48] <Sagh​etti> but loading binary doesn't work in oc
L501[07:20:57] <Sagh​etti> so it's just convention
L502[07:22:07] <Izaya> For type annotation
L503[07:22:16] <Izaya> is
L504[07:22:34] <Izaya> -- inputtype inputtype -- outputtype -- description reasonable?
L505[07:30:36] <c8h10n4o2> for my hardware project rn im working on reverse engineering an old Thermaltake ATX power supply
L506[07:30:48] <c8h10n4o2> well i say old but the date code says 1628
L507[07:32:14] <c8h10n4o2> its a 650W power supply btw, and heres what ive found so far
L508[07:32:39] <c8h10n4o2> 1: its technically 2 power supplies sharing a mains filter, rectifier, and reservoir capacitors
L509[07:33:14] <c8h10n4o2> 2: it has 4 distinct chips (TNY746 standby PSU, PC817 optocoupler for TNY746, and WT7520 main controller)
L510[07:33:48] <c8h10n4o2> 3: it uses a gate drive transformer topology, with minimal components on the primary, and the main controller is on the secondary
L511[07:34:55] <c8h10n4o2> 4: there are exactly 5 components jumping across the gap, from top to bottom (assuming outputs are on top): Load Transformer, Driver Transformer, Ground Capacitor, Standby Transformer, Optocoupler
L512[07:35:25] <c8h10n4o2> 5: the load transformer is driven THROUGH the gate drive transformer, with a third connection on the winding responsible for the high-side MOSFET
L513[07:35:40] <CompanionCube> Izaya: did you look at prior art like ldoc perhaps?
L514[07:35:55] <c8h10n4o2> 6: the load transformer has 5 connections on the output, and uses 3 dual-diode components to generate +5v, +12v, and -12v
L515[07:37:23] <c8h10n4o2> 7: there is a 1 megohm resistor and a 180v TVS diode across each capacitor
L516[07:37:30] <c8h10n4o2> (each reservoir capacitor)
L517[07:38:23] <c8h10n4o2> 8: the power factor correction capacitor in this supply is not on the PCB, and in fact goes before the fuse, and before the power switch
L518[07:39:19] <c8h10n4o2> 9: the feedback circuit for the standby supply is not a zener diode, as shown in the datasheet of the chip its using, but rather a TL431 with 4 resistors and 1 capacitor
L519[07:40:22] <c8h10n4o2> 10: the fan is switched on and off on the high side, rather than the low side, and is powered by 5v
L520[07:41:42] <c8h10n4o2> addendum to 2: i forgot the TL431 used in the standby PSU
L521[07:53:32] <c8h10n4o2> imagine having to do a tiktok for a required grade
L522[07:54:45] <c8h10n4o2> im not writing this program in the computer
L523[07:57:09] <c8h10n4o2> where the fuck does ocemu store their disks
L524[08:00:11] <c8h10n4o2> im incapable of running this program anywhere but the default location
L525[08:00:32] <c8h10n4o2> it says (in src) lua boot.lua /path/to/my/emulated/machine_a
L526[08:01:27] <c8h10n4o2> i try exactly that with /applications/OCEmu/machines/a and ~/Documents/ocemu/a
L527[08:01:41] <c8h10n4o2> nvm works perfectly
L528[08:01:43] <c8h10n4o2> wtf
L529[08:04:19] <c8h10n4o2> ~/Documents/ocemu/machine_a is working perfectly
L530[08:04:33] <c8h10n4o2> so now im gonna edit my program in an actual editor
L531[08:07:19] ⇨ Joins: Saghetti (~Mibbit@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L532[08:07:43] <Saghetti> its me again
L533[08:07:44] <c8h10n4o2> theres a component folder at 013ed7c9 which contains the EEPROM
L534[08:08:17] <c8h10n4o2> and another one thats fucking empty
L535[08:08:19] <c8h10n4o2> and them tmpfs
L536[08:08:37] <Saghetti> tmpfs is cool ngl
L537[08:08:55] <Saghetti> i should use it a lot more
L538[08:09:37] <Saghetti> but sometimes i just forget it exists
L539[08:09:38] <c8h10n4o2> its a ramdisk that doesnt cost any of the computers memory
L540[08:09:46] <Saghetti> which makes me sad
L541[08:09:51] <Saghetti> yeah ik
L542[08:09:57] <Saghetti> whixh
L543[08:10:46] <Saghetti> which is why i should use it more
L544[08:11:01] <c8h10n4o2> dragonflies have one more thing in common with humans
L545[08:11:21] <c8h10n4o2> females will literally fake their own death to avoid specific males
L546[08:11:35] <Saghetti> ignore typos or half-sent messages, im using a kindle lol
L547[08:11:49] <c8h10n4o2> eyy im using a satellite
L548[08:11:49] <Saghetti> in common with humans
L549[08:11:51] <Saghetti> lol
L550[08:12:07] <c8h10n4o2> ye
L551[08:12:14] <Saghetti> satellite internet?
L552[08:12:20] <c8h10n4o2> toshiba satellite
L553[08:12:28] <Saghetti> isnt that expensive af?
L554[08:12:31] <Saghetti> oh
L555[08:12:47] <Saghetti> i mea literally though
L556[08:13:01] <Saghetti> an amazon paperwhite e reader
L557[08:13:17] <c8h10n4o2> also it was a wiped computer left from my moms office upgrading their setups
L558[08:13:25] <Saghetti> with like 2hz refresh rate monochrome screen
L559[08:13:33] <c8h10n4o2> well
L560[08:13:36] <c8h10n4o2> im
L561[08:13:38] <c8h10n4o2> gonna
L562[08:13:40] <c8h10n4o2> spam
L563[08:13:42] <c8h10n4o2> for
L564[08:13:44] <c8h10n4o2> you
L565[08:13:46] <c8h10n4o2> have fun :D
L566[08:13:47] <Saghetti> ban
L567[08:14:19] <Saghetti> also bungeecord is really cool
L568[08:15:32] <Saghetti> surprised that there arent any dynamic backend server management things
L569[08:15:48] <Saghetti> and redisbungee kinda scares me
L570[08:17:33] <Saghetti> welp
L571[08:17:42] <Saghetti> imma try sleeping
L572[08:17:59] <c8h10n4o2> if i end up working at McDonalds (not impossible) im gonna put an extra chicken nugget in each box
L573[08:18:08] <c8h10n4o2> even if they ordered a big mac they get a free McNugget
L574[08:18:21] <Saghetti> brhu
L575[08:19:26] <Saghetti> also @bad at vijya hows the compute card mod going?
L576[08:20:52] <Forec​aster> (have to quote names with spaces to ping properly from irc)
L577[08:21:14] <Saghetti> oh ok
L578[08:21:55] <Saghetti> "@bad at vijya" hows the compute card mod going?
L579[08:22:14] <Forec​aster> first quote after the @
L580[08:22:53] ⇦ Quits: c8h10n4o2 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L581[08:24:51] <Saghetti> eh whatever
L582[08:24:56] <Saghetti> ill do it tmrw
L583[08:25:27] ⇦ Quits: Saghetti (~Mibbit@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
L584[08:35:34] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E380CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L585[08:39:45] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L586[08:39:59] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L587[08:42:28] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/KcgOn5a.gifv
L588[09:11:38] ⇨ Joins: Blu3wolf_ (~blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net)
L589[09:12:05] <Blu3wolf_> hullo
L590[09:12:42] <Forec​aster> hello
L591[09:18:38] <Blu3wolf_> ah, it works :D
L592[09:19:46] <Blu3wolf_> anyone here using vim? Ive tried installing it from the pastebin script, but with no luck: errors out on line 8
L593[09:19:49] <Forec​aster> or does it?!
L594[09:20:20] <Forec​aster> you should probably report that to whoever made it
L595[09:20:49] <Blu3wolf_> Vexatos, apparently
L596[09:21:19] <Blu3wolf_> seeing as the fork is still connected, the github repo doesnt have its own issues, and I was hoping to find them here
L597[09:21:34] <Forec​aster> gotta wait around then cause he's not here right now
L598[09:21:47] ⇦ Quits: Arcanox (~dragonox@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L599[09:22:03] <Forec​aster> huh, interesting, a broadcast with a number parameter causes my relay to error...
L600[09:22:45] <Forec​aster> urgh
L601[09:23:00] <Forec​aster> why doesn't the bad argument error have a line number :|
L602[09:30:02] <Forec​aster> err
L603[09:30:18] <Forec​aster> except when I put the program into a computer it doesn't...
L604[09:30:21] <Forec​aster> hrm
L605[09:40:31] ⇦ Quits: progwml6 (~progwml6@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L606[09:54:27] <Blu3wolf_> guess Ill check back later, have another use for the computer atm
L607[09:54:32] <Blu3wolf_> seeya
L608[09:54:34] ⇦ Quits: Blu3wolf_ (~blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net) (Quit: Blu3wolf_)
L609[10:02:00] ⇨ Joins: progwml6 (~progwml6@
L610[10:04:39] <Izaya> CompanionCube: not huge on that syntax, mainly because it would be effort to parse
L611[10:21:20] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L612[10:48:51] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-47-133.dynamic.as20676.net)
L613[10:48:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L615[11:15:47] ⇨ Joins: c8h10n4o2 (~c8h10n4o2@
L616[11:16:26] <c8h10n4o2> o/
L617[11:17:46] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L618[11:17:46] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Squi​dDev! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of 6 hours, 18 minutes and 1 second (By 21 minutes and 10 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L619[11:17:47] <MichiBot> Squi​dDev has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.006 tonk points! plus 0.005 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.32973. Position #6 Need 0.00748 more points to pass ThePi​Guy24!
L620[11:18:15] <c8h10n4o2> i said i was gonna make that super special UI thingy
L621[11:18:21] <c8h10n4o2> so here i go
L622[11:18:32] * c8h10n4o2 is going ham on his keyboard, Flint Lockwood style
L623[11:21:15] <c8h10n4o2> block 1: the ability to use the fucking GPU
L624[11:22:24] <c8h10n4o2> exactly when do you start needing require()
L625[11:29:37] <c8h10n4o2> next up the ability to load and execute "command" files
L626[11:32:31] ⇨ Joins: Blu3wolf_ (~blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net)
L627[11:32:51] <c8h10n4o2> ok so print() and loadfile() are just not defined by the computer itself
L628[11:34:05] <Blu3wolf_> So I think the next innovation I want is to be able to swap to another shell (Ctrl + F2, etc)
L629[11:36:01] <c8h10n4o2> oh yeah by the way p/
L630[11:36:20] <Blu3wolf_> o/ ?
L631[11:36:56] <c8h10n4o2> ye that
L632[11:37:40] <c8h10n4o2> if i dont make a function/variable 'local' is it visible to everything else running
L633[11:39:05] ⇦ Quits: Blu3wolf_ (~blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net) (Quit: Blu3wolf_)
L634[11:43:10] <c8h10n4o2> just reminded myself of the UI im trying to implement
L635[11:46:27] <c8h10n4o2> i just fkn realized i need to make my own version of the event API
L636[11:46:31] <c8h10n4o2> unless...
L637[11:46:41] <c8h10n4o2> unless i simply build this on top of OpenOS
L638[11:48:17] *** MajGenRelativity_ is now known as MajGenRelativity
L639[11:49:08] ⇨ Joins: Blu3wolf_ (~Blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net)
L640[11:50:05] <c8h10n4o2> are key_up commands sent in the same way as characters when you hold down the button
L641[11:50:11] <c8h10n4o2> where theres one, a delay, then a quick string
L642[11:51:18] <c8h10n4o2> yes
L643[11:56:43] <c8h10n4o2> just going into lua and entering 'while true do print(event.pull()) end' is really entertaining to me for some reason
L644[11:59:53] <aya​ngd> Um...
L645[11:59:53] <aya​ngd> Where is the `error` function override inside the `OpenOS` files?
L646[12:00:26] <c8h10n4o2> idk
L647[12:00:59] <aya​ngd> ok
L648[12:01:24] ⇦ Quits: Blu3wolf_ (~Blu3wolf_@syd13.mc-panel.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L649[12:01:43] <aya​ngd> Since I made my own OS without it
L650[12:02:08] <aya​ngd> And I want to catch errors and print them out inside a robot monitor
L651[12:02:32] <aya​ngd> which is smol
L652[12:04:00] <c8h10n4o2> just make another script which will run that, and take all returned/error values and put them into a log file
L653[12:04:18] <c8h10n4o2> using load() or loadfile() idk and pcall() and stuff
L654[12:04:56] <Izaya> ~w pcall
L655[12:04:56] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-pcall
L656[12:05:35] <Izaya> the shell probably catches the errors with (x)pcall and displays them nicely
L657[12:05:54] <aya​ngd> I forgot about that...
L658[12:05:58] <c8h10n4o2> yeah actually xpcall with a function to just put them in a file and tell you "stuff broke look at this file"
L659[12:06:02] <c8h10n4o2> sounds good
L660[12:06:03] <aya​ngd> Thanks anywway
L661[12:23:45] <c8h10n4o2> im a bit disappointed in my own coding abilities
L662[12:24:07] <c8h10n4o2> successfully printed out the banner only to fucking die when i got to the actual choices
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L664[12:26:21] <c8h10n4o2> wait how do you guarantee the screen youre using is 80x25
L665[12:26:37] <M​GR> There's a set resolution function for the GPU I believe
L666[12:26:44] <c8h10n4o2> ye
L667[12:26:52] <Izaya> but if you have a T1 display or GPU you're out of luck
L668[12:26:59] <c8h10n4o2> but i want it without the component API, and it doesnt really need to set the resolution
L669[12:27:26] <c8h10n4o2> assume its at least 80x25, use box drawing characters (true size 78x23) and just let the extra bits of the screen stick around
L670[12:27:40] <M​GR> Well, that's different than what you asked
L671[12:28:51] <c8h10n4o2> ik i asked it wrong
L672[12:29:28] <M​GR> Fair enough
L673[12:30:44] <c8h10n4o2> so something like "═":rep(78) would work?
L674[12:30:51] <c8h10n4o2> ofc with the corners
L675[12:31:02] <Izaya> unsure, but ("="):rep(78) would
L676[12:33:10] <c8h10n4o2> ok
L677[12:35:32] <c8h10n4o2> wait
L678[12:35:52] <c8h10n4o2> when done printing options, check cursor and proceed until row is 24?
L679[12:37:25] <c8h10n4o2> the text API has padLeft() and padRight() are they saying which side gets the whitespace?
L680[12:40:14] <c8h10n4o2> it is
L681[12:41:07] <c8h10n4o2> this is coming along nicely
L682[12:42:53] <c8h10n4o2> this is working a bit too well honestly
L683[12:43:03] <c8h10n4o2> worried im gonna fuck something up soon
L684[12:44:34] <c8h10n4o2> was there a function to get just 1 item from a function that returns several items?
L685[12:44:57] <c8h10n4o2> like select(function(), index)
L686[12:52:56] <c8h10n4o2> remember to erase the arrows youre not using anymore
L687[13:01:48] <c8h10n4o2> new bug: every button except down appears as up
L688[13:02:59] <c8h10n4o2> i dont even know how that happens
L689[13:03:31] <c8h10n4o2> if keycode == keyboard.keys.up then cursor = cursor - 1
L690[13:03:40] <c8h10n4o2> elseif keycode == keyboard.keys.down then cursor = cursor + 1
L691[13:03:44] <c8h10n4o2> end
L692[13:05:29] <Lizzy> %tonk
L693[13:05:30] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Li​zzy! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 47 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L694[13:05:31] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 1 hour, 47 minutes and 43 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.0018 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.11447 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L695[13:05:43] <c8h10n4o2> so you tonk but you dont help with my problem
L696[13:07:16] <Lizzy> Oh, sorry! Didn't realise i was only allowed to help and not do anything else... my bad
L697[13:07:27] <Lizzy> </s>
L698[13:07:45] <c8h10n4o2> :D
L699[13:07:56] <c8h10n4o2> not what i meant but
L700[13:08:25] <c8h10n4o2> 'if keycode == keyboard.keys.up then cursor = cursor - 1 elseif keycode == keyboard.keys.down then cursor = cursor + 1 end'
L701[13:08:34] <c8h10n4o2> every button except down is decrementing cursor
L702[13:09:26] <Forec​aster> c8h10n4o2 maybe if you tonked more you'd have fewer problems!
L703[13:09:37] <Izaya> ^
L704[13:09:41] <Izaya> tonk moar
L705[13:10:00] <c8h10n4o2> nah
L706[13:10:16] <c8h10n4o2> is it a bug in OCEmu, a bug in the mod, or a bug in my code
L707[13:10:24] <c8h10n4o2> if its option 3 then how do i fix it
L708[13:11:01] <Forec​aster> step 1, find the bug, step 2, tonk, step 3, profit
L709[13:11:18] <c8h10n4o2> yeah im stuck on step 1 rn
L710[13:11:34] <c8h10n4o2> exactly which part of the code has the tumor
L711[13:14:59] <Forec​aster> I wish OC had a way to convert a players name into their profile id
L712[13:15:00] <Forec​aster> >:
L713[13:15:38] <c8h10n4o2> I wish #oc had a solution to this inexplicable bug
L714[13:16:27] <Forec​aster> have you even posted any code
L715[13:17:16] <c8h10n4o2> get ready
L716[13:17:58] <c8h10n4o2> while true do local cursor = 9 local _, _, _, keycode, _ = event.pull("key_down") if keycode == keyboard.keys.up then cursor = cursor - 1 elseif keycode == keyboard.keys.down then cursor = cursor + 1 end (1/2)
L717[13:18:48] <c8h10n4o2> cursor = math.min(math.max(cursor, 9), #choices + 8) for i = 9,(#choices + 8),1 do term.setCursor(2, i) term.write(" ") end term.setCursor(2, cursor) term.write("▶") end
L718[13:20:43] <c8h10n4o2> in case its somehow useful heres what it looks like when closed https://i.imgur.com/01ZLaYr.png
L719[13:21:57] <c8h10n4o2> (yes im using xed)
L720[13:23:16] <c8h10n4o2> well not when closed but when you pull the old Ctrl+Alt+C
L721[13:23:19] <Forec​aster> I don't know what that is
L722[13:25:03] <c8h10n4o2> https://pastebin.com/Q0A1ShxF for the whole code
L723[13:25:21] <c8h10n4o2> note that i havent implemented the tooltip yet
L724[13:25:34] <c8h10n4o2> let alone what happens when you press enter
L725[13:26:22] * c8h10n4o2 is away right now.
L726[13:26:47] <Forec​aster> uh
L727[13:26:52] <Forec​aster> what was the issue exactly?
L728[13:27:44] <c8h10n4o2> pressing any key other than the down arrow while this is running
L729[13:27:50] <c8h10n4o2> has the same effect as pressing the up arrow
L730[13:27:52] <Forec​aster> also, you should catch the interrupted event so you don't have to use ctrl alt c
L731[13:28:06] <c8h10n4o2> oh
L732[13:28:36] <Forec​aster> you can use that to gracefully exit a program with ctrl c
L733[13:29:02] <c8h10n4o2> that one is done, it just added 3 lines and modified 1 line
L734[13:32:42] <Izaya> now with type annotations when available :D
L735[13:32:45] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/DSbYEeG.png
L736[13:32:59] <c8h10n4o2> instead of immediately exiting im gonna also clear the screen for an even more graceful exit; not even a screen full of garbage
L737[13:33:09] <c8h10n4o2> added 1 line
L738[13:33:28] <c8h10n4o2> idk what i messed up there
L739[13:34:21] <Izaya> not sure if I want to prepend the type
L740[13:34:32] <Izaya> and maybe have an optional flag
L741[13:34:50] <Forec​aster> it seems you are looking in the wrong place
L742[13:35:23] <Forec​aster> or well, the issue is not the keycode == keyboard.keys if else block in the while true loop
L743[13:35:51] <Forec​aster> pressing a non-up-or-down key is not triggering either of those conditions
L744[13:36:07] <c8h10n4o2> directly below that i constrain it between 9 and (the number of options + 8)
L745[13:36:16] <Forec​aster> I think the cursor might be reset to the top option by something else
L746[13:36:39] <c8h10n4o2> and then just erase all existing cursor triangle things and draw a new one
L747[13:36:59] <c8h10n4o2> maybe define cursor outside of the loop?
L748[13:37:11] <Forec​aster> I added two more options and I can't go below the second one
L749[13:37:15] <c8h10n4o2> holy shit it worked
L750[13:37:19] <Forec​aster> there's a bug for you
L751[13:37:29] <c8h10n4o2> im gonna try that scenario
L752[13:38:11] <c8h10n4o2> fixed that bug in the process :D
L753[13:38:25] <c8h10n4o2> just move 'local cursor = 9' to before 'while true do'
L754[13:38:30] <Forec​aster> also: use event listeners
L755[13:38:46] <c8h10n4o2> i tried that and it didnt work with the way i wanted this UI to work
L756[13:39:26] <c8h10n4o2> does autorun work on hard drives?
L757[13:40:31] <c8h10n4o2> since im storing cursor in terms of y position i need to subtract 8 to use it as a table index -_-
L758[13:41:35] <c8h10n4o2> but now i can run commands alright
L759[13:41:40] <Forec​aster> what do you mean "autorun on hard drives"?
L760[13:41:45] <Forec​aster> what do you want to do exactly
L761[13:41:47] <c8h10n4o2> nvm its stupid
L762[13:41:51] <c8h10n4o2> i can just add this to rc
L763[13:41:59] <Forec​aster> yes
L764[13:42:29] <c8h10n4o2> i will (of course) have an exit to shell button in case people dont know you just press Ctrl+C (or in the future Esc) to exit
L765[13:44:23] <c8h10n4o2> wait what
L766[13:45:59] <c8h10n4o2> now to make it automatically show the cursor and description on startup
L767[13:46:01] <c8h10n4o2> the one thing thats missing
L768[13:47:52] <c8h10n4o2> also cfgemu didnt use listeners
L769[13:48:11] <c8h10n4o2> my approach seems so weird now
L770[13:49:51] <c8h10n4o2> but for some reason im not allowing myself to use component
L771[13:50:17] <c8h10n4o2> this could be made so much simpler with component.gpu
L772[13:50:40] <Forec​aster> %sip
L773[13:50:41] <MichiBot> You drink a viscous violet potion (New!). A voice whispers a secret into Forec​aster's ear only they can hear.
L774[13:50:49] <c8h10n4o2> because then i could just have the draw routine be:
L775[13:50:52] <c8h10n4o2> 1 line to clear the screen
L776[13:50:57] <c8h10n4o2> 4 lines to draw the corners
L777[13:51:03] <c8h10n4o2> 2 lines to draw the edges
L778[13:51:15] <c8h10n4o2> 6 lines to draw the banner
L779[13:51:24] <c8h10n4o2> 3 lines to draw the options
L780[13:51:31] <c8h10n4o2> and absolutely nothing else
L781[13:51:45] <Forec​aster> mm yes
L782[13:51:53] <c8h10n4o2> this is gonna be the term version
L783[13:52:06] <c8h10n4o2> next up the component version, everything from scratch
L784[13:54:53] <c8h10n4o2> i dont even need text here since i was just using it for the right amount of spacing for the right wall
L785[13:55:30] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L786[14:04:15] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L787[14:06:55] ⇨ Joins: bit32 (webchat@ns3144781.ip-51-83-3.eu)
L788[14:06:58] <hyphe​rionsa> Has anyone ever used OC with EnderIO power monitors?
L789[14:07:15] <Amanda> Izaya: re: last night's ping -- sounds interesting
L790[14:07:42] ⇦ Parts: bit32 (webchat@ns3144781.ip-51-83-3.eu) (webchat.esper.net))
L791[14:08:11] <Forec​aster> @hypherionsa probably
L792[14:09:14] <hyphe​rionsa> I'm trying to figure out if you can access the input/output values of the power monitor from OC. When using the adapter, I only have access to energyStored and MaxEnergyStored
L793[14:09:56] <Forec​aster> then no
L794[14:10:32] <hyphe​rionsa> crap. oh well, back to the coding board for a rethink
L795[14:10:37] <c8h10n4o2> if i really wanna be technical
L796[14:10:48] <c8h10n4o2> i could do this in fewer lines:
L797[14:11:03] <c8h10n4o2> wait no theres 2 different kinds of wall
L798[14:11:53] <c8h10n4o2> could still be fewer lines, just not as much saved as i expected
L799[14:12:38] <c8h10n4o2> corners (4 lines)
L800[14:12:54] <c8h10n4o2> (1,2) to (width,height-1) with vertical line
L801[14:13:02] <c8h10n4o2> (2,1) to (width-1,height) with horizontal line
L802[14:13:12] <c8h10n4o2> (2,2) to (width-1,height-1) with empty
L803[14:13:55] <c8h10n4o2> saved 2 lines
L804[14:14:59] <Amanda> Izaya: although, I'd prefer they stay seperate from the libs/ dir, as it's already somewhat confusing what's a utility library,a nd what's mean tto be run by the user as a shell program for programs ( imho at least )
L805[14:16:02] <Amanda> Izaya: that's part of what my patch to shell.lua is for -- make it so a library can functin as both, and have pretty output like ps, but still be usable as a utility library without spitting out useelss garbage
L806[14:16:32] <c8h10n4o2> can you have items in /home just labeled "commandname" and enter their name in shell and call them?
L807[14:16:58] <Amanda> commandname.lua,, but yes
L808[14:17:02] <Amanda> s/,,/,/
L809[14:17:02] <MichiBot> <Amanda> commandname.lua, but yes
L810[14:17:10] <Amanda> ( w/o the comma )
L811[14:17:11] <c8h10n4o2> s/keyboard/leopard
L812[14:17:11] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> or well, the issue is not the keycode == leopard.keys if else block in the while true loop
L813[14:17:19] <c8h10n4o2> makes the internet 1,000x better
L814[14:17:33] <c8h10n4o2> "my leopard died when i spilled tea on it"
L815[14:17:43] <Forec​aster> no
L816[14:17:56] <Forec​aster> /home is not a default program directory
L817[14:18:13] <Forec​aster> you can run a file called "program.lua" by just typing "program"
L818[14:18:19] <Amanda> Forecaster: but . is -- and you start at /home
L819[14:18:21] <Forec​aster> but it has to be in the current directory, or in /bin
L820[14:18:34] <fingercomp> /home/bin also works
L821[14:18:49] <Forec​aster> that too
L822[14:19:27] <Forec​aster> and you don't need the extension
L823[14:19:42] <Forec​aster> OpenOS doesn't care about extensions really
L824[14:20:01] <c8h10n4o2> so /home/bin for user commands
L825[14:20:20] <Forec​aster> if you want to be able to start the from anywhere yeah
L826[14:20:23] <Amanda> I've always had the extension, but I also rarely use the `edit` command, doing all my editing out-of-game
L827[14:20:38] <c8h10n4o2> im doing that with the emulator rn
L828[14:20:42] <Forec​aster> start the program*
L829[14:21:26] <c8h10n4o2> i understood you without that correction
L830[14:22:31] <Forec​aster> %s/correction/taco/
L831[14:22:33] <MichiBot> <c8h10n4o2> i understood you without that taco
L832[14:22:34] <c8h10n4o2> i finished the part that clears the screen
L833[14:27:56] <c8h10n4o2> now as a less garbage version, the cursor variable is a pointer for the 'menu' table
L834[14:28:20] <Amanda> c8h10n4o2: Are you, per chance, a #xkcd denizen?
L835[14:29:21] <c8h10n4o2> wut
L836[14:29:25] <Amanda> guess not
L837[14:29:41] <c8h10n4o2> it was an unregistered channel
L838[14:29:46] <c8h10n4o2> i am now an op there
L839[14:29:49] <Amanda> Not on this network.
L840[14:29:51] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L841[14:30:27] <c8h10n4o2> today is "er day" please dress up your student as something that ends in "er" like dancer, teacher, etc.
L842[14:30:38] <c8h10n4o2> we all know what this one guy decided to do
L843[14:30:46] <Amanda> USed to be on foonetic, now its on slashnet, I'm not a denizen anymore since... god... 10-12 years now
L844[14:31:08] <Amanda> but there usedto be a denizen there named Caffeine, thouht you might be them
L845[14:32:20] <Amanda> ... apparently more like 8.5 years
L846[14:32:24] <Amanda> feels like forever ago
L847[14:32:33] <c8h10n4o2> nope
L848[14:36:40] * Amanda climbs back up on the channel's cabnets, goes back to silently observing the channel
L849[14:41:04] <Elfi> I know a Caffeine but that was on Steam
L850[14:41:20] <Amanda> probably a commion nick
L851[14:41:47] <Elfi> Yeah
L852[14:42:04] <Elfi> I dunno what he's up to now but he was a haberdasher
L853[14:51:22] <c8h10n4o2> now to test the 2 different versions
L854[14:54:14] <c8h10n4o2> when 2 OCEmu machines cant fit on 1 screen without overlap: :(
L855[14:54:46] <Forec​aster> woo
L856[14:55:24] <Forec​aster> fixed the oc interface designer so the screen area actually fits the screen when you change resolution or screen size
L857[14:56:15] <Forec​aster> well... mostly...
L858[14:57:20] <Forec​aster> also the screen size is a little off
L859[14:57:34] <Forec​aster> 1x1 block is a rectangle
L860[14:57:49] <Forec​aster> ah well, close enough for now
L861[14:59:27] <c8h10n4o2> fixed it
L862[14:59:45] <c8h10n4o2> nearly done with VICCP component edition
L863[15:00:39] <Ocawes​ome101> Use VT100 codes to draw your GUI 😏
L864[15:05:16] <c8h10n4o2> final release (no actual commands, and no hard drive access, please add those yourself): https://pastebin.com/DvTFfVUn
L865[15:06:52] <c8h10n4o2> ok good night everyone
L866[15:06:55] ⇦ Quits: c8h10n4o2 (~c8h10n4o2@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L867[15:07:14] <Amanda> welp, there goes my play itme for Scrap MEchnaic. apparently I was too tired and didn't actually close it
L868[15:17:18] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/AFm5ITS.png
L869[15:17:22] <Izaya> now we're getting really fancy
L870[15:18:45] <Amanda> Izaya: what's the docs format look like?
L871[15:18:58] <Amanda> like, in-source
L872[15:19:06] <Izaya> function doc.format(fdoc) -- table -- string -- returns VT100 formatted documentation from documentation table *fdoc*
L873[15:19:21] <Amanda> I see
L874[15:19:32] <Amanda> have you considered using an existing format like ldoc, or emmylua?
L875[15:19:46] <Izaya> yes and they were all more complicated to parse
L876[15:19:48] <Izaya> :p
L877[15:19:51] <Amanda> heh
L878[15:20:13] <Izaya> also
L879[15:20:20] <Izaya> this resembles documentation of forth words
L880[15:21:01] <Amanda> what would it look like with mutliple return / multiple args?
L881[15:21:16] <Izaya> -- table string -- number table -- description
L882[15:21:22] <Amanda> ah
L883[15:22:07] <Z0id​burg> Izaya this thing sounds like a beast
L884[15:22:27] <Izaya> I'll admit it's not the cleanest code in history
L885[15:22:53] <Izaya> but I'm pretty happy with it
L886[15:22:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> mornin izzy
L887[15:23:09] <Izaya> I'll sleep on it and if I still like it tomorrow I'm gonna start documenting the whole system
L888[15:23:14] <Izaya> I still have to figure out how to document kernel APIs
L889[15:23:49] <Forec​aster> you're going to document the document system?
L890[15:24:00] <Forec​aster> that sounds paradoxical
L891[15:24:03] <Izaya> sane idea: use a kernel source repo somewhere on the machine
L892[15:24:33] <Izaya> less sane but cheaper idea: use a bunch of files containing function() lines for the kernel APIs
L893[15:24:38] <Izaya> ey AdorableCatgirl how goes?
L894[15:24:44] <Izaya> Forecaster: of course!
L895[15:25:25] <Izaya> of course, docs() will be a front-end to multiple documentation systems
L896[15:25:35] <Forec​aster> I'm pretty sure there's a law somewhere that states that you have to use a different documentation system to document the documentation system
L897[15:25:50] <Izaya> runtime API documentation, component documentation, static documentation
L898[15:27:05] <Izaya> doubly cursed idea
L899[15:27:15] <Izaya> have the doc API be callable
L900[15:31:22] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> Izzy: hopefullu I'll have TN done today :^)
L901[15:31:33] <Izaya> :D
L902[15:35:02] <Izaya> for my next trick
L903[15:35:25] <Izaya> I will generate a tree of markdown files using the same parser
L904[15:38:31] <Lizzy> %tonkout
L905[15:38:32] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Li​zzy! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 47 minutes and 43 seconds (By 45 minutes and 18 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L906[15:38:33] <MichiBot> Li​zzy has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.65248, Position #3 Need 0.11047 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L907[15:41:47] <Amanda> Izaya: oh, I see now, the types are colourcoded.
L908[15:42:06] <Izaya> yup
L909[15:42:47] <Izaya> I'm going to expose the table for that
L910[15:42:56] <Izaya> to allow you to add your own arbitrary types
L911[15:43:03] <Amanda> Izaya: it'd be nice if it could also check a ".doc" file somewhere, and parse that instead/ in additon. Then maybe we could have something to convert from ldoc/emmylua to that
L912[15:43:20] <Amanda> ( Rather, I could have something to do that )
L913[15:43:27] <Izaya> that's a potentiality
L914[15:43:34] <Izaya> there's an internal representation as a table
L915[15:44:11] <Amanda> like, my PXE system supports parsing metadata from the boot files, but it also checks for a .lmd, if it exists, and uses that instead, for example for CPIO/highly-optimised stuff (such as the PXE loader itself)
L916[15:44:34] <Izaya> "potentiality" I haven't been up that long I shouldn't be mincing my sentences that hard yet
L917[15:45:37] <Izaya> anyway, I'm a little conflicted about doing it that way
L918[15:45:39] <Izaya> but I'm not against it
L919[15:46:00] <Izaya> that said, I could allow hotpluggable parsers :^)
L920[15:46:09] <Amanda> It'd make the kernel stuff easier, you just export, eg, a 'os.doc'
L921[15:46:17] <Izaya> yeah I was thinking that
L922[15:47:17] <Izaya> will do some more thinking on it
L923[15:47:18] <Amanda> a hotpluggable parser would be... interesting. Esp if the file discovery was also hot-pluggable. Imagine parsing the docs from my RPC server
L924[15:47:35] <Izaya> alternatively
L925[15:47:40] <Izaya> hot-pluggable documentation sources
L926[15:47:58] <Izaya> like package.searchers
L927[15:48:06] * Amanda nods
L928[15:48:07] <Izaya> you give each a name and it tries to find relevant docs
L929[15:48:37] <Izaya> hmhm
L930[15:48:41] <Izaya> I will think about this more
L931[15:49:10] <Izaya> I want to implement the package library properly at some point too
L932[15:49:25] <Izaya> ... and I want an archive filesystem
L933[15:49:37] <Izaya> so I can make a package filesystem using that + unionfs
L934[15:49:51] <Izaya> and one could mount the kernel docs in an archive to the packagefs
L935[15:51:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i still like my crack filled idea for storing user permissions
L936[15:57:17] <Ocawes​ome101> Which was?
L937[15:58:21] <Amanda> Izaya: Here's what my lilac-pxe require looks like, for parsing stuff somewhat like how OpenOS does, no support for .searchers though: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/oc-fileserver/-/blob/master/eeprom/common/pxe-runtime.lua#L126-135
L938[16:02:05] <aya​ngd> Um...
L939[16:02:42] <aya​ngd> How do I get different list on `component.filesystem.list('/')`?
L940[16:02:57] <Forec​aster> what do you mean different list
L941[16:03:10] <Izaya> Amanda: you could totally do something like that with a package.searchers thingo
L942[16:03:21] <Izaya> imagine not even needing to have libraries installed on your own system
L943[16:03:32] <aya​ngd> Sometimes I got something with `.autorun.lua`, sometimes empty, sometimes the correct one.
L944[16:03:34] <Izaya> you have one central machine with libraries for all your networked workstations
L945[16:03:45] <aya​ngd> With code unmodified
L946[16:04:10] <Amanda> @ayangd because the default component isn't fixed, it'll change
L947[16:04:26] <Forec​aster> ^
L948[16:04:26] <aya​ngd> Ah, okay.
L949[16:04:34] <Amanda> There's at least one other filesystem on your computer always.
L950[16:04:40] <Amanda> tmpfs, maybe also boot drive
L951[16:05:31] <aya​ngd> So, `component.list('filesystem')` returns more than 1 component?
L952[16:05:37] <Amanda> yes
L953[16:05:45] <Amanda> it's an iterative function.
L954[16:05:53] <aya​ngd> Ah, okay.
L955[16:05:58] <aya​ngd> That explains it..
L956[16:06:17] <Amanda> `for addr, compName in component.list("filesystem") do print(addr .. "\n") end
L957[16:08:03] <aya​ngd> I'm doing it without OpenOS tho...
L958[16:08:24] <M​GR> The component API is still accessible from the EEPROM
L959[16:08:28] <M​GR> Parts of it at least
L960[16:08:48] <Amanda> ... component.list will work without openos, component.filesytsem won't....
L961[16:08:50] <M​GR> component.proxy is, and I believe component.list is too
L962[16:09:20] <aya​ngd> I was using `component.list('filesystem')()`
L963[16:09:26] <Amanda> ah yeah
L964[16:09:31] <Amanda> the results are random
L965[16:09:49] <Amanda> randomly ordered at boot time
L966[16:10:06] <Forec​aster> rather the order is random, the results in the list are the same
L967[16:10:06] <aya​ngd> LUA's hashtable...
L968[16:10:07] <MichiBot> Lua*
L969[16:10:07] <Forec​aster> :P
L970[16:10:34] <aya​ngd> *table
L971[16:16:10] <Amanda> well.. that's weird
L972[16:16:46] <Amanda> Apparently something is somehow causing a ConcurrentModificationException in the minecraft dedicated server, with no mods in the traceback
L973[16:18:48] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5wtoH0_KuA heh
L974[16:18:49] <MichiBot> This AI Does Nothing In Games…And Still Wins! | length: 6m 57s | Likes: 944 Dislikes: 10 Views: 9,400 | by Two Minute Papers | Published On 9/5/2020
L975[16:19:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L976[16:31:24] <Ocawes​ome101> Cursed idea
L977[16:31:40] <Ocawes​ome101> Video calls in OC using the computronics camera
L978[16:33:57] <AshleighThePhone> Already done I think
L979[16:34:46] <kb1​000> I just connected two OC computers using a cable
L980[16:35:02] <kb1​000> the screens do some interesting behaviour
L981[16:35:17] <kb1​000> starting one of the computers cleared the screen of the other
L982[16:35:32] <kb1​000> But... is there a way of using that connection?
L983[16:35:38] <AshleighThePhone> Relays
L984[16:35:50] <AshleighThePhone> Wait, what do you mean
L985[16:35:58] <M​GR> Yes, you need relays in between the computers
L986[16:37:10] <kb1​000> hmm
L987[16:37:20] <kb1​000> How would i access it tho
L988[16:37:35] <M​GR> What?
L989[16:38:29] <Amanda> ben_mkiv: how sure are you this code is safe? https://github.com/ben-mkiv/OCDevices/blob/86c83d925b98dca54692c9e0bcdaa9bd5fd21556/src/main/java/ben_mkiv/ocdevices/common/tileentity/TileEntityMultiblockDisplay.java#L295-L301
L990[16:39:14] <Amanda> ben_mkiv: I'm getting ConcurrentModificationExceptions on a dedicated server when I interact with an OCD screen
L991[16:39:46] <Amanda> ben_mkiv: but the stack trace isn't pointing the finger specifically at OCD
L992[16:40:02] <Amanda> ( It's in fact only pointing it squarely inside MC )
L993[16:40:56] <AshleighThePhone> Oooo
L994[16:41:05] <AshleighThePhone> Something interesting!
L995[16:42:23] <Amanda> @kb1000 if you mean how would you access the `computer` component, you don't. but if you're trying to do something like remotely power it on, with modems you can set a WakeOnLan packet which th eother computer can then send
L996[16:42:52] <Inari> I hate ConcurrentModificationException because they never give actual useful info
L997[16:46:19] <Forec​aster> pretty sure CME's never point to a mod
L998[16:46:27] <Forec​aster> they're always super generic
L999[16:47:47] ⇨ Joins: AshleighTheCutie (~Ash@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com)
L1000[16:47:47] ⇦ Quits: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1001[16:47:51] <Inari> They /can/, if it happens for a mod, but it's far more likely that a mod does something that cuases the MC code to throw one
L1002[16:52:48] <Amanda> forge could do with a @Thread annotation like Android has, make static analysis able to find such things
L1003[17:02:15] <ben_mkiv> that *should* be safe
L1004[17:02:34] <ben_mkiv> its just telling MC to update the block, so worst case should be that it updates an air block, which shouldnt raise an issue
L1005[17:04:01] <ben_mkiv> iirc CME's can only happen if something out of the main minecraft thread does something in the world
L1006[17:05:01] <Amanda> it's pretty reliably happening when I right-click to use the screen, after a couple seconds
L1007[17:05:33] <ben_mkiv> what is the computer doing?
L1008[17:05:50] <ben_mkiv> its possible that some mod code gets executed within OC thread and tries to do stuff in the world, that would raise a CME
L1009[17:06:23] <Amanda> the screen is getting updated during it, but that shouldn't cause problems since it doesn't for the vanilla screens
L1010[17:15:27] <Amanda> ben_mkiv: oc seems to call TextBuffer.markDirty after every single change: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.12/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/component/TextBuffer.scala
L1011[17:17:41] <ben_mkiv> yea, but if im not wrong thats handled by OC to not do updates in the OC Thread
L1012[17:17:47] <ben_mkiv> as it only sets the dirty flag
L1013[17:17:58] <SquidDev> %tonk
L1014[17:17:58] <MichiBot> Sard! Squi​dDev! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of <0 (By 1 hour, 39 minutes and 26 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1015[17:17:59] <MichiBot> SquidDev's new record is 1 hour, 39 minutes and 26 seconds! SquidDev also gained 0.00166 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #6. Need 0.00582 more points to pass ThePi​Guy24!
L1016[17:18:29] <ben_mkiv> do you play with a lot of mods?
L1017[17:20:02] <ben_mkiv> what i did was look for all the mods that where used within the loaded area and check if there was a bug report about CME already
L1018[17:20:13] <ben_mkiv> but most of the times it was AE2 xD
L1019[17:23:29] <Amanda> why would it only happen when I interact with OCD's screen then? :P
L1020[17:23:39] <Amanda> if I never touch that screen, nothing happens
L1021[17:24:12] <Forec​aster> you're cursed!
L1022[17:24:12] <Izaya> oh
L1023[17:24:13] <Forec​aster> %sip
L1024[17:24:14] <Izaya> OCDevices
L1025[17:24:15] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly cyan potion (New!). The bottle turns into a sapphire bow.
L1026[17:24:32] <Corded> * <Forec​aster> puts on the bow
L1027[17:25:24] <ben_mkiv> not saying that it isn't
L1028[17:25:52] <ben_mkiv> so using lots of mods? if not upload the region file and i could try to reproduce in debug session
L1029[17:31:30] <Amanda> it's a modifiedMC Eternal pack
L1030[17:31:33] <Amanda> adding a bunch of OC mods
L1031[17:31:41] <Amanda> so, lots of mods
L1032[17:33:37] <Amanda> I think it's a dedicated server issue
L1033[17:34:59] <AshleighTheCutie> Amanda try loading the world in a single-player instance
L1034[17:35:28] <AshleighTheCutie> See if it still happens
L1035[17:40:53] <ben_mkiv> i dunno when im in the mood to fix/debug bugs atm
L1036[17:41:07] <ben_mkiv> 1.15.2 is out, 1.16 will be soon
L1037[17:41:16] <ben_mkiv> and im more busy with unreal stuff now
L1038[17:56:21] <Amanda> okay, guess it' snot OCD, sorry
L1039[17:56:28] <ben_mkiv> how comes?
L1040[17:56:41] <Amanda> Atleast, I can't reproduce it in my OpenTablets test instance if I upload it to my VM as a dedi
L1041[18:00:27] <AshleighTheCutie> Hm
L1042[18:02:02] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-24-10.dynamic.as20676.net)
L1043[18:02:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L1044[18:04:55] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-47-133.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1045[18:10:45] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1046[18:11:21] <AshleighTheCutie> Can the geolyzer tell you the exact name of a block?
L1047[18:14:11] <B​ob> when you scan a certain block probably
L1048[18:15:12] <AshleighTheCutie> Hmmm
L1049[18:21:26] <Forec​aster> ugh
L1050[18:21:49] <Forec​aster> someone commented on a video while I was recording causing a notification to pop up :|
L1051[18:22:05] <Forec​aster> "Wanna be friends?" yeah right...
L1052[18:22:22] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2600:6c58:7f80:f31:be98:dfff:fe93:cc67)
L1053[18:22:23] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheCutie (~Ash@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1054[18:22:30] <AshleighThePhone> L
L1055[18:22:38] <AshleighThePhone> Lol
L1056[18:24:21] <Forec​aster> it's only started recently with random people commenting "wanna be friends" on my videos :|
L1057[18:24:37] <Forec​aster> time to block youtube from sending notifications
L1058[18:25:00] <B​ob> fanbase wilding
L1059[18:26:58] <Forec​aster> at least this one didn't have "sub 2 me" in the name
L1060[18:27:54] <Amanda> @Forecaster wanna be friends? I have cookies!
L1061[18:28:23] <Forec​aster> not one of them offered cookies :P
L1062[18:29:11] <Amanda> oh, I wasn't offering.I was just saying I have them
L1063[18:30:00] <Forec​aster> %sip
L1064[18:30:01] <MichiBot> You drink a prickly jumbonium potion (New!). Forec​aster thinks the empty bottle is a snake until they see a bird.
L1065[18:30:08] <Forec​aster> agh
L1066[18:30:24] <Forec​aster> %fling potion bottle
L1067[18:30:25] <MichiBot> Forec​aster flings potion bottle in a random direction. It hits as​hka right where the last item hit. They take 1d4 => 3 damage!
L1068[18:34:14] <Forec​aster> bah
L1069[18:34:20] <Forec​aster> I rendered with the wrong settings...
L1070[18:35:17] <Forec​aster> that explains why it went to quickly...
L1071[18:40:18] ⇨ Joins: murlocking3 (webchat@
L1072[18:40:49] <murlocking3> Still getting syntax error on line 86 : https://pastebin.com/a2CbATBW
L1073[18:40:49] <murlocking3> What's wrong there ?
L1074[18:41:31] <murlocking3> Do I need to change 'local left = robot.turnLeft()' to 'local left() = robot.turnLeft()' or something like that?
L1075[18:42:08] <pay​onel> `local left() = ... ` is syntactically wrong
L1076[18:42:37] <pay​onel> maybe what you want is have a variable copy of the turn left function?
L1077[18:42:44] <pay​onel> `local left = robot.turnLeft`
L1078[18:43:19] <murlocking3> correct ! then i call the function like so 'left()' ?
L1079[18:43:27] <pay​onel> yep
L1080[18:43:32] <murlocking3> got it, thanks man
L1081[18:43:38] <pay​onel> you're welcom
L1082[18:43:39] <pay​onel> +e
L1083[18:46:36] <payonel> Izaya: who's done a fair bit of networking with racks?
L1084[18:48:35] <Forec​aster> networking with racks works just like with computers, except with the rack connections
L1085[18:48:37] <Izaya> ngl I tend to avoid racks
L1086[18:48:59] <Izaya> I've hard weird issues I never managed to isolate so I just use computers
L1087[18:49:49] <payonel> mmk. do you know anyone here who has?
L1088[18:50:07] <Izaya> try AdorableCatgirl or t20kdc
L1089[18:50:12] <Forec​aster> just ask whatever question you have...
L1090[18:50:51] <Forec​aster> oh, payonel jumped into irc suddenly xD
L1091[18:50:58] <Forec​aster> I thought it was murlocking talking
L1092[18:51:22] <payonel> haha, well i can get to the point anyways :)
L1093[18:51:28] <payonel> i know working with racks is a pain in the butt
L1094[18:51:50] <payonel> and i know picking sides for blades in unnatural, and the networking connecting having its own side is also weird
L1095[18:51:51] <Forec​aster> my factory stuff uses racks almost exclusively and has lots of networking
L1096[18:52:21] <payonel> there is a new ticket in github talking about vlans. i dont think that's the change i want, but i've been thinking about any small change that would make them better
L1097[18:52:48] <payonel> but at the same time, i think networking can be solved by thinking about the problem a bit differently
L1098[18:53:13] <payonel> @forcaster -- so one big mess with racks is people try to use separate faces on the rack for each blade
L1099[18:53:14] <Forec​aster> I don't think there's anything wrong with the rack connections
L1100[18:53:24] <t20kdc> server racks work fine for networking when they don't act suspiciously buggy
L1101[18:53:28] <t20kdc> or... buggy-like
L1102[18:53:31] <t20kdc> I can never tell which
L1103[18:53:32] <payonel> but if we treat ports like NICs, then all NICs can go out the back, and io can specify blades via port....right?
L1104[18:53:48] <t20kdc> the rack system is fine
L1105[18:53:50] <payonel> t20kdc: can you think of any specifics on that?
L1106[18:53:51] <Forec​aster> what's a NIC
L1107[18:53:59] <ben_mkiv> network interface card
L1108[18:54:03] <payonel> NIC - network .. that ^
L1109[18:54:38] <Forec​aster> that sounds way more complicated than connecting lines :P
L1110[18:54:39] <payonel> or another way to think of the modem.open(...) feature is acquiring and IP on the network. again, not to think of it as a port
L1111[18:55:01] <t20kdc> payonel: I don't know the exact circumstances, but trying to make the main computer go out one side and network connections going out other sides, then running networking software and firing packets around on broadcast, acts weirdly
L1112[18:55:02] <payonel> what i mean is, you CAN share a single network single to all blade in a series of racks
L1113[18:55:25] <payonel> each blade own a subset of network address....defined by modem.open
L1114[18:55:45] <t20kdc> I usually get it to work by nudging things and restarting stuff, but there's definitely... something up with them
L1115[18:56:03] <t20kdc> I just can't tell if I just keep getting directions wrong or something
L1116[18:56:16] <Forec​aster> I Like that you can physically separate different blades in the same rack if you want
L1117[18:56:38] <Forec​aster> and I have had no issues with racks for the last couple of weeks I've been working on this
L1118[18:57:13] <Forec​aster> as long as you remember that left and right are reversed if you are facing the front of the rack :P
L1119[18:58:13] <Forec​aster> and I do have multiple blades run on the same network, using different ports too
L1120[19:00:31] <payonel> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3293
L1121[19:00:31] <MichiBot> Title: VLANs | Posted by: Bjonnfesk | Posted: Sat May 09 02:32:21 CDT 2020 | Status: open
L1122[19:00:43] <Brisingr​Aerowing> As to the editor discussion above, I usually use Visual Studio Code.
L1123[19:00:57] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Though I've looked at NeoVim recently.
L1124[19:01:01] <payonel> i also use vscode for all my lua programming
L1125[19:01:26] <Forec​aster> I use IDEA
L1126[19:02:14] <Amanda> I've recently been inducted into the EMACS cult
L1127[19:03:02] <Vexatos> payonel, I've used servers a bunch
L1128[19:03:43] <Amanda> payonel: OC2 wishlist idea, on 1.14+ it should have a common forge tag for all upgrades, so we can just do `$opencomputers2:upgrades` in JEI and see all upgrades. (if that's even feasible)
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L1131[19:04:52] <Vexatos> payonel, you can already run multiple servers connected to the same side and server-internal components do not appear for the other, but they would otherwise connect to the same external components. I guess what that issue guy wants is more like bundled redstone cable except for propagating network. i.e. carrying multiple distinct networks across a single cable kinda like the EnderIO OC network conduits, except that the server rack
L1132[19:04:53] <Vexatos> GUI allows you to specify which of the networks each blade interfaces with
L1133[19:05:18] <AshleighTheTablet> thats a cool idea
L1134[19:05:32] <Forec​aster> sounds like T2 rack stuff
L1135[19:05:34] <Forec​aster> :P
L1136[19:05:40] <Vexatos> Tier 2 cabling
L1137[19:05:44] <Vexatos> bundled cable cable
L1138[19:05:47] <Forec​aster> that too
L1139[19:06:06] <Vexatos> glass fibre cable - can only run in straight lines but can carry multiple network signals at once
L1140[19:06:21] <AshleighTheTablet> too lmited
L1141[19:06:24] <payonel> the bundled cable idea is not rack specific
L1142[19:06:30] <AshleighTheTablet> limited*
L1143[19:06:41] <Vexatos> payonel, it isn't and would be much more generally useful, like allowing crossing cables
L1144[19:06:47] <Vexatos> without crossing networks
L1145[19:07:07] <Vexatos> but it would also solve the issue they mentioned
L1146[19:07:21] <payonel> yes. but -- are there challenges with racks as they are now? is there a common / meaningful use case that is a pain in the but currently?
L1147[19:07:21] <AshleighTheTablet> oc cabling is a fucking nightmare asis
L1148[19:07:33] <payonel> separating the bundled cable idea for now, just talking about racks
L1149[19:07:43] <Vexatos> payonel, well you would be able to place racks more nicely, e.g. stack them on top of each other
L1150[19:08:01] <Vexatos> currently, you cannot stack racks if you want to have enough sides for all blades to get their own network out
L1151[19:08:11] <Vexatos> because you need four sides for four networks
L1152[19:08:12] <payonel> but you can do that today with racks (i.e. stack them)
L1153[19:08:17] <Forec​aster> I still think it's fine as is
L1154[19:08:27] <payonel> you can just share a cable for all networks, every blade just uses distinct ports
L1155[19:08:40] <Vexatos> payonel, I am pretty sure they are not talking about network messages
L1156[19:08:49] <Vexatos> I am talking about network as in OC component network
L1157[19:09:08] <Vexatos> which do not have ports
L1158[19:09:09] <AshleighTheTablet> to be honest, all mt computers in my base (racks / blades only) share one huge network
L1159[19:09:21] <payonel> ah yes, oc network - that definitely sucks
L1160[19:09:28] <AshleighTheTablet> component networks are seperated
L1161[19:09:41] <Forec​aster> oh, bundled cable for that would be awesome
L1162[19:09:41] <AshleighTheTablet> but data network is not
L1163[19:09:51] <Vexatos> payonel, actually
L1164[19:09:58] <Vexatos> the issue I think actually talks about network messages
L1165[19:10:07] <Vexatos> and they might just not realize they can separate ports
L1166[19:10:12] <Vexatos> use separate ports*
L1167[19:10:18] <Vexatos> since they mention wireless cards
L1168[19:10:20] <AshleighTheTablet> hmm
L1169[19:10:36] <Brisingr​Aerowing> I use Minitel to handle networking. Makes things so much nicer.
L1170[19:10:45] <Vexatos> payonel, so I think you are right and you could just reply with your port suggestion
L1171[19:10:56] <Vexatos> but I still think bundled network cable might be an interesting concept
L1172[19:11:03] <Brisingr​Aerowing> It would.
L1173[19:11:04] <Vexatos> although one would have to rework the rack UI to work with that
L1174[19:11:19] <Vexatos> so you can attach all four blades to different colours on the same side
L1175[19:11:27] <Vexatos> (perhaps a colour picker on each blade row)
L1176[19:11:47] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Or have a 'dialog' that opens when you right click a component connection marker thing.
L1177[19:11:49] <Vexatos> and by default cables would just all be in the black/dark grey colour
L1178[19:11:51] <Vexatos> or whatever
L1179[19:11:59] <Vexatos> @BrisingrAerowing definitely not that sucks
L1180[19:12:18] <Forec​aster> but guis within guis!
L1181[19:12:22] <Forec​aster> can't go wrong with that
L1182[19:12:37] <Vexatos> you'd just change it by right clicking with dye that's the sanest option. But we would then have to rework the cable hitbox to allow distinguishing sides of the cable
L1183[19:12:45] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Or have something pop up to one side for color selection.
L1184[19:12:52] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Of the same GUI.
L1185[19:12:54] <Vexatos> (change the real-world cable that is)
L1186[19:12:59] <Brisingr​Aerowing> I've seen some other mods do that.
L1187[19:13:01] <Vexatos> yea more like that would work
L1188[19:13:18] <Forec​aster> what do you mean change the cable?
L1189[19:13:35] <Forec​aster> wouldn't it just be "one of each color" at all times?
L1190[19:13:45] <Forec​aster> like the bundled redstone cable?
L1191[19:13:47] <Vexatos> @Forecaster for cable outputs
L1192[19:13:52] <Vexatos> like where they connect to a component
L1193[19:13:56] <Vexatos> which colour that component is on
L1194[19:13:58] <Forec​aster> oh
L1195[19:13:59] <Forec​aster> right
L1196[19:14:06] <Brisingr​Aerowing> On a side note, I saw a bundled redstone RFC kinda thing that used 24-bit color values.
L1197[19:14:09] <Forec​aster> just have a colored regular cable?
L1198[19:14:14] <Brisingr​Aerowing> But I can't find it now.
L1199[19:14:31] <Vexatos> @Forecaster I'd probably prefer a single cable and just adding the feature to the existing one
L1200[19:14:47] <Vexatos> but perhaps an actual physically larger big cable might be cool
L1201[19:14:58] <Forec​aster> I think so
L1202[19:15:00] <Vexatos> like IC2 HV cables, heh
L1203[19:15:06] <Vexatos> "hello this is big boi data"
L1204[19:15:13] <payonel> hayo
L1205[19:15:18] <payonel> :P
L1206[19:15:21] <AshleighTheTablet> hayo?
L1207[19:15:41] <Brisingr​Aerowing> A way of saying hello?
L1208[19:15:45] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Perhaps?
L1209[19:16:01] <Amanda> %choose restart the zombie ATM5?
L1210[19:16:01] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Why would you do that when you could do something else instead?
L1211[19:16:10] <Vexatos> nono
L1212[19:16:12] <Vexatos> it's HAYO!
L1213[19:16:59] <AshleighTheTablet> Amanda: you have MC servers?
L1214[19:17:42] <Vexatos> payonel, what do you think of allowing multiple (up to 16 because colour codes) component networks to flow through a cable line (either with the existing cable or by adding a new big cable tier)
L1215[19:17:52] <Vexatos> unrelated to the github issue,
L1216[19:17:56] <Amanda> AshleighTheTablet: not really, just the one that I shut down and start a different one depending on my mood
L1217[19:18:01] <Vexatos> pretty sure that one can just be solved by telling the guy to use different ports
L1218[19:18:02] <AshleighTheTablet> b i g c a b l e b o i
L1219[19:18:13] <Amanda> and it's just for me+ sister
L1220[19:18:19] <Vexatos> call the tier 2 cable BFC
L1221[19:18:23] <Vexatos> big freaking cable
L1222[19:18:24] <AshleighTheTablet> Amanda: oh, oki
L1223[19:18:41] <Vexatos> let's ask nvidia and license the term InfiniBand®
L1224[19:18:46] <Vexatos> for this cable tier
L1225[19:19:09] <Vexatos> boss at nvidia dot com may i use your name in my minecraft mod thx
L1226[19:19:21] <payonel> @Vexatos: i'm definitely considering it. i've been rereading everyones comments to see perspectives. i would prefer a bundled cable, with color cables that attact ot it. like PR cables. bundled cables attach only to our blocks that support color picking
L1227[19:19:40] <payonel> for example, racks. we could then later add a color picker to the case, and then the bundled cable would attach to that as well
L1228[19:19:45] <AshleighTheTablet> i like that idea payonel
L1229[19:19:52] <Vexatos> payonel, so how would you connect a normal component to the network? component -> tier 1 cable -> bundled cable?
L1230[19:20:02] <Vexatos> and the tier 1 cable <-> bundled cable would have the colour code
L1231[19:20:03] <payonel> yes
L1232[19:20:09] <payonel> oh no
L1233[19:20:17] <payonel> it would just attach
L1234[19:20:28] <Vexatos> then how would it know which colour it is in
L1235[19:20:29] <Vexatos> wait
L1236[19:20:30] <Vexatos> can't you dye cables?
L1237[19:20:34] <payonel> yes
L1238[19:20:36] <Vexatos> well
L1239[19:20:38] <Vexatos> there's that solved then
L1240[19:20:45] <payonel> yep
L1241[19:20:46] <Vexatos> yellow cable coming out of bundled cable -> yellow network
L1242[19:20:49] <Vexatos> literally PR
L1243[19:20:51] <payonel> yep
L1244[19:20:51] <payonel> yep
L1245[19:20:53] <Vexatos> (or redpower)
L1246[19:21:06] <Vexatos> I guess a tier 2 cable makes sense then
L1247[19:21:06] <payonel> redpower, to honor eloram :)
L1248[19:21:18] <Vexatos> it should be physically larger and also fancier in some other way
L1249[19:21:22] <payonel> def
L1250[19:21:25] <Vexatos> I have a cool idea for it
L1251[19:21:27] <Vexatos> but I cannot 3D models
L1252[19:21:42] <Vexatos> so if we assume the tier 1 cable is just a gold cable right
L1253[19:22:28] <Forec​aster> Just color the t1 cable, that's the code :P
L1254[19:22:37] <Vexatos> we could make the bundled cable a glass fibre cable, implying each network gets its own frequency band in it, so the cable<->bundled cable connections would have a special model making it look like a fibre entry point
L1255[19:23:03] <Vexatos> and have the whole thing be a glass fibre cable, then it also wouldn't need to appear any moder wide
L1256[19:23:06] <Vexatos> any more wide*
L1257[19:23:34] <Vexatos> since glass wiring is the future™
L1258[19:24:08] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheTablet (~tf101@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Quit: Reconnecting)
L1259[19:24:14] <payonel> modeling the t1->bundle can be done, sounds pretty cool
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L1261[19:24:20] <AshleighTheTablet> back
L1262[19:24:26] <Vexatos> not sure whether we should go with the big boi cable
L1263[19:24:31] <payonel> but i'm thinking about this in @forecaster perspective. t1 cables already exist
L1264[19:24:32] <Vexatos> or the scifi glass fibre
L1265[19:24:37] <payonel> just reuse all the coloring we already have
L1266[19:24:38] <Vexatos> I am leaning more towards scifi route
L1267[19:24:41] <Vexatos> with like glow in the dark
L1268[19:24:51] <Vexatos> OC has a lot of glow-in-the-dark already
L1269[19:24:53] <Vexatos> so why not the fancy cables
L1270[19:24:56] <AshleighTheTablet> have it flash with each transmission
L1271[19:25:05] <Vexatos> @AshleighTheTablet, it's for component access
L1272[19:25:10] <Vexatos> that is not feasible
L1273[19:25:14] <Vexatos> it should just glow all the time
L1274[19:25:16] <Forec​aster> I'm leaning more towards the industrial thick cable
L1275[19:25:37] <Vexatos> the real question is: IC2 HV or IC2 fibre
L1276[19:25:48] <Vexatos> those are the two size options we have kinda
L1277[19:25:51] <Forec​aster> HV-ish
L1278[19:25:51] <AshleighTheTablet> if it no flash, boig boi cable it is
L1279[19:26:04] <AshleighTheTablet> big boi*
L1280[19:26:27] <Forec​aster> http://tinyurl.com/y8uq4t5q
L1281[19:26:38] <AshleighTheTablet> whats that link to
L1282[19:26:44] <AshleighTheTablet> i cant open it
L1283[19:27:15] <Forec​aster> it's an image
L1284[19:27:18] <Vexatos> payonel, maybe we do make it a big boi cable and then add some glowy lines to it
L1285[19:27:31] <Izaya> cheap cables should be cheap copper or gold
L1286[19:27:32] <AshleighTheTablet> scifi all the way then
L1287[19:27:33] <Vexatos> then it is even valid for decoration
L1288[19:27:35] <Izaya> fancy ones should be fibre
L1289[19:28:12] <Vexatos> Izaya, tier 1 cables are made with metal right now. bundled cables should probably involve diamond chips
L1290[19:28:18] <Vexatos> for prisms
L1291[19:28:28] <payonel> more emeralds
L1292[19:28:30] <Vexatos> gotta become creative with minecraft recipes
L1293[19:28:37] <Vexatos> emeralds aren't clear that won't make much sense
L1294[19:28:39] <AshleighTheTablet> as long as it doesnt involve CPUS WE GOOD
L1295[19:28:40] <Vexatos> well
L1296[19:28:44] <payonel> :)
L1297[19:28:45] <Vexatos> emeralds actually make decent lenses
L1298[19:28:48] <AshleighTheTablet> FUCKING CAPS LOCK
L1299[19:28:53] <Vexatos> well artificial emeralds
L1300[19:28:55] <Vexatos> but, you know
L1301[19:28:57] <Forec​aster> yes, T3 cpu in each cable block
L1302[19:28:57] <Vexatos> it's a video game
L1303[19:29:02] <Vexatos> tier 2 APU*
L1304[19:29:07] <Vexatos> and tier 3 component bus
L1305[19:29:13] <AshleighTheTablet> caps lock is broken, good to kn9w
L1306[19:29:28] <Forec​aster> time to add emerald chips
L1307[19:29:46] <AshleighTheTablet> RS and AE cant craft anything involving CPUs
L1308[19:29:53] <AshleighTheTablet> they wig out
L1309[19:29:59] <payonel> ?
L1310[19:30:07] <payonel> i've been doing just that in my current world, AshleighTheTablet
L1311[19:30:22] <Amanda> same here
L1312[19:30:27] <AshleighTheTablet> RS defo doesnt like it
L1313[19:30:56] <AshleighTheTablet> always says its not available
L1314[19:31:05] <payonel> question: color coded cables, do we have a way to remove the dye?
L1315[19:31:32] <Forec​aster> I think they're just gray by default or something
L1316[19:31:32] <AshleighTheTablet> dunno
L1317[19:31:46] <Forec​aster> or black maybe
L1318[19:32:06] <Forec​aster> I'll confirm in a few minutes
L1319[19:32:07] <payonel> not black
L1320[19:32:15] <payonel> i dont have gray currerntly
L1321[19:32:25] <payonel> recrafting to remove dye needs to be an option
L1322[19:32:33] <AshleighTheTablet> i agree
L1323[19:34:12] <Vexatos> payonel, I think the default colour is just grey
L1324[19:34:17] <Vexatos> and I think it should stay that way
L1325[19:34:23] <Vexatos> just have it be part of some default network
L1326[19:34:28] <Forec​aster> well, actually it might not be
L1327[19:34:33] <Vexatos> that's what I do with Computronics audio cables too, they are all just grey by default
L1328[19:34:39] <Forec​aster> because default uncolored cables connect to any colored cable
L1329[19:34:43] <payonel> Vexatos: i'm cool with that. i just want to reset a cable for now :)
L1330[19:34:45] <Vexatos> but yea recrafting to remove dye is a good idea
L1331[19:34:49] <Vexatos> (i.e. resetting to grey)
L1332[19:34:55] <Vexatos> (or whatever it is)
L1333[19:35:04] <payonel> i dont disagree
L1334[19:35:10] <payonel> reset to default
L1335[19:35:31] <Forec​aster> yeah, they're light gray by default it seems
L1336[19:35:36] <Amanda> I rather like how AE handles it. You craft it with a bucket of water, washing the paint off. :P
L1337[19:36:00] <Forec​aster> yep, confirmed
L1338[19:36:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> okay
L1339[19:36:11] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ordered two new CPUs for my server
L1340[19:36:14] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> well
L1341[19:36:16] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> "new"
L1342[19:36:18] <Forec​aster> so light gray is basically uncolored and connects to any other color
L1343[19:36:22] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> L5420s
L1344[19:36:40] * Amanda intercepts the package, throws the cpus away and plays in the box
L1345[19:36:41] <Vexatos> Amanda, yea but those are made of crystals and basically all electromagnetic
L1346[19:36:43] <payonel> thanks @Forecaster
L1347[19:36:45] <Vexatos> OC cables are electric
L1348[19:36:51] <Vexatos> you do not want to water a cable
L1349[19:37:15] <Forec​aster> well, you can wash a cable on the outside :P
L1350[19:37:19] <Vexatos> I think just recrafting is fine enough
L1351[19:37:20] <Forec​aster> just don't break the insulation
L1352[19:37:28] <AshleighTheTablet> cable is fine once it dries, no
L1353[19:37:28] <AshleighTheTablet> ?
L1354[19:37:30] <Vexatos> why make complicated when you can make easy
L1355[19:37:32] <Vexatos> oh wait this is OC
L1356[19:37:35] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheTablet (~tf101@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Quit: Reconnecting)
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L1358[19:38:07] <Vexatos> a gold cable, sure. Copper or silver could corrode.
L1359[19:38:10] <AshleighTheTablet> back
L1360[19:38:27] <Sagh​etti> oc tablet?
L1361[19:38:28] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> anyways
L1362[19:38:38] <Vexatos> it was a joke, anyway
L1363[19:38:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i can soon host a minecraft server
L1364[19:38:53] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> B)
L1365[19:38:56] <AshleighTheTablet> tablet (IRL) keeps disconnecting
L1366[19:39:12] <AshleighTheTablet> tablet (IRL) keeps disconnecting
L1367[19:39:22] <Sagh​etti> tablet (IRL) keeps disconnecting
L1368[19:39:37] <AshleighTheTablet> are my messages going through?
L1369[19:40:04] <Sagh​etti> you just said back and that your tablet is disconnecting
L1370[19:40:13] <AshleighTheTablet> huh
L1371[19:40:27] <Forec​aster> oh, crafting a cable with dye, and clicking on it with dye are different
L1372[19:40:45] <Forec​aster> crafting blends the colors, clicking sets it
L1373[19:41:01] <AshleighTheTablet> wut
L1374[19:41:58] <AshleighTheTablet> brb
L1375[19:44:20] <Vexatos> payonel, ^ that's a thing?
L1376[19:50:13] ⇦ Quits: AshleighTheTablet (~tf101@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L1377[19:57:31] <ben_mkiv> IC2 cable logic isnt even reasonable
L1378[20:03:21] <Forec​aster> no one's said anything about ic2's cable logic
L1379[20:04:18] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1380[20:12:07] <murlocking3> Getting 'attempt to index a nil value (global 'nRail_names') on line 28 :
L1381[20:12:07] <murlocking3> https://pastebin.com/XgsHQU39 what's up with that ?
L1382[20:15:06] <murlocking3> is it because of TConstruct rail ? if so, how do I fix my code ?
L1383[20:15:07] <Forec​aster> you are defining `nRailnames` but you try to access `nRail_names`
L1384[20:15:15] <Forec​aster> the second one has two underscores
L1385[20:15:39] <murlocking3> Really? Wow... hold on !
L1386[20:18:07] <murlocking3> Thanks man
L1387[20:25:53] <B​ob> use an outside IDE 👀
L1388[20:34:47] ⇨ Joins: AshleighTheCutie (~tf101@075-139-058-072.res.spectrum.com)
L1389[20:34:51] <AshleighTheCutie> back
L1390[20:35:49] <Michiyo> front
L1391[20:36:46] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> got a win2k install going
L1392[20:37:12] <Michiyo> 2k Advanced Server was my desktop OS for a very long time.. lol
L1393[20:37:55] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> oh yeah
L1394[20:37:57] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> this is great
L1395[20:38:03] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'm gonna put 4 OSes on one computer
L1396[20:38:05] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> 4 or 5
L1397[20:40:48] <SquidDev> %tonkout
L1398[20:40:48] <MichiBot> Sard! Squi​dDev! You beat your own previous record of 1 hour, 39 minutes and 26 seconds (By 1 hour, 43 minutes and 23 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1399[20:40:49] <MichiBot> Squi​dDev has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! plus 0.004 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.33839, Position #6 => #5 Need 0.10878 more points to pass simo​n816!
L1400[20:45:01] <AshleighTheCutie> im bored
L1401[20:45:40] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i'm in pain
L1402[20:48:28] <Lizzy> %tonk
L1403[20:48:29] <MichiBot> By my throth! Li​zzy! You beat Squi​dDev's previous record of <0 (By 7 minutes and 40 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1404[20:48:30] <MichiBot> Lizzy's new record is 7 minutes and 40 seconds! Lizzy also gained 0.00013 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.11034 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L1405[20:50:05] <Forec​aster> dammit...
L1406[20:50:17] <Forec​aster> my network is causing some kind of loop
L1407[20:50:53] <AshleighTheCutie> check wireless network cards in relays
L1408[20:52:47] <AshleighTheCutie> they cause loops
L1409[20:53:26] <Forec​aster> I don't have any wireless cards
L1410[20:53:38] <Izaya> payonel: did you see my latest neat trick? https://social.shadowkat.net/media/74799ba5aec794d10f68d56427a1aa8664d79ad32ba5479b1fd56d44b06f3fdf.png
L1411[20:53:51] <Vexatos> accidentally three linked cards with the same ID?
L1412[20:54:32] <Izaya> side note: follow @izaya@social.shadowkat.net for all manner of inane PsychOS updates
L1413[20:55:11] <Forec​aster> well they all have the creative channel
L1414[20:55:37] <Forec​aster> but I'm not sure where the loop would be...
L1415[20:55:49] <Forec​aster> something is echoing a message around the network
L1416[20:57:18] <Forec​aster> but only when it's coming from a specific terminal
L1417[21:00:00] <AshleighTheCutie> linked cards do it too;
L1418[21:02:36] <Forec​aster> hm, one of the custom relays was supposed to be output only, but there was something up there
L1419[21:03:29] <AshleighTheCutie> that would do it
L1420[21:03:57] <AshleighTheCutie> do the custom relays blink?
L1421[21:04:15] <Forec​aster> they're mcu's, so no
L1422[21:04:48] <AshleighTheCutie> hm
L1423[21:05:15] <AshleighTheCutie> wonder if its possible to make them do redstone pulses upon data transfer
L1424[21:05:33] <AshleighTheCutie> youre using creative MCUs, right?
L1425[21:05:37] <Forec​aster> of course it is
L1426[21:08:11] <AshleighTheCutie> i may add that in and yeet the code your way
L1427[21:08:26] <AshleighTheCutie> would help with diagnostics
L1428[21:09:01] <Forec​aster> I use beeps for diagnostics
L1429[21:09:20] <AshleighTheCutie> ah, MCUs can beep?
L1430[21:09:26] <AshleighTheCutie> good to know
L1431[21:09:31] <Forec​aster> all computers can beep
L1432[21:09:49] <Forec​aster> it's literally built into the core
L1433[21:10:00] <Forec​aster> every "computer" component has beep
L1434[21:16:02] <murlocking3> I'm getting 'Post limit, maximum pastes per 24h reached' , is there another way to upload my code?
L1435[21:20:17] <B​ob> use another pasting site
L1436[21:20:20] <B​ob> or even github tm
L1437[21:20:31] <B​ob> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/wixufodafi
L1438[21:35:21] <IdotM​aster1> U
L1439[21:39:07] <t20kdc> Huh. https://paste.pc-logix.com/kudenesiyo.pl
L1440[21:42:00] ⇨ Joins: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:7db8:8bd8:45b6:d804:272d:5aa2)
L1441[21:45:27] <murlocking3> Hmm , found a odd behavior... using the generator upgrade and inserting a lava bucket, the robot doesn't return the empty bucket and consume it.
L1442[21:45:56] <murlocking3> Where did the bucket go? Melted? Rip my immersion.
L1443[21:46:10] <t20kdc> The metal is consumed as demurrage costs.
L1444[21:46:13] <Forec​aster> write a ticket
L1445[21:47:02] <murlocking3> It's on 1.7.10 , don't think they are working on that version anymore.
L1446[21:47:07] <murlocking3> I will if they are.
L1447[21:47:51] <payonel> we make bug fixes on the lowest version supported and merge up
L1448[21:47:57] <payonel> i'm still pushing fixes to 1.7.10
L1449[21:48:03] <payonel> i'll look at the bucket issue
L1450[21:49:30] <payonel> @Vexatos: um
L1451[21:49:42] <payonel> if light grey is "not colored"
L1452[21:49:58] <payonel> does that mean light gray out of a bundle is a aggregation of all chanels? :)
L1453[21:50:08] <payonel> :)
L1454[21:50:47] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
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L1456[21:51:27] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1457[21:53:10] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@210-1-218-92-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L1458[21:54:38] <murlocking3> payonel Nevermind, I found how it works with the bucket. You have to use a function to remove the 'fuel' type queued and it remove the empty bucket.
L1459[21:55:12] <payonel> ocol
L1460[21:55:14] <payonel> cool*
L1461[21:56:07] <B​ob> OC:OL 🤔
L1462[21:56:12] <B​ob> OC2 name leak
L1463[21:56:28] <murlocking3> yeah, kinda wish it would do that automatically tho.. now I have to build a different code to insert lava or coal
L1464[21:56:33] <Vexatos> payonel, I would not do that
L1465[21:56:42] <Vexatos> well
L1466[21:56:47] <Vexatos> not that it's possible
L1467[21:56:50] <Vexatos> that would be a legit nightmare
L1468[21:56:57] <Vexatos> to code
L1469[21:57:01] <payonel> :)
L1470[21:57:11] <payonel> i'm just saying, light gray connects to all colors
L1471[21:57:29] <Vexatos> yea, outside a bundled cable
L1472[21:57:32] <Vexatos> I think that is fine
L1473[21:59:57] <Amanda> %8ball rain box time?
L1474[21:59:58] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Signs point to yes
L1475[22:00:16] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d137-186-220-152.abhsia.telus.net)
L1476[22:03:27] * Amanda wonders if payonel is playing on a big, premade pack, or a bespoke custom one.
L1477[22:04:52] <payonel> i tend to make my own
L1478[22:04:58] <payonel> so, it's my own
L1479[22:05:15] <payonel> Amanda: also, remember how you said water bucket is how ae2 removed color?
L1480[22:05:17] <Vexatos> but does it have computronics
L1481[22:05:51] <payonel> turns out Vexatos already added remove-dye in oc
L1482[22:05:57] <payonel> and, with a water bucket
L1483[22:05:59] <Vexatos> wait I did
L1484[22:06:01] <Vexatos> wait
L1485[22:06:07] <payonel> DecolorizeRecipe
L1486[22:06:08] <Vexatos> I wrote code for OC?
L1487[22:06:13] <Vexatos> in this milennium?!?
L1488[22:06:14] <payonel> * @author Vexatos
L1489[22:06:20] <payonel> haha
L1490[22:06:25] <Forec​aster> heh
L1491[22:06:27] <Vexatos> I actually remember that
L1492[22:06:29] <payonel> well, someone added that comment in the source
L1493[22:06:30] <Forec​aster> wet cables everywhere
L1494[22:06:31] <Vexatos> I stole it straight from Computronics
L1495[22:06:39] <Vexatos> where I had that for the audio cables
L1496[22:06:45] <Vexatos> but earlier today I had forgotten
L1497[22:06:49] <Vexatos> but lo
L1498[22:06:51] <Vexatos> I had the same idea again
L1499[22:07:18] <Vexatos> which means it must be a good idea after all
L1500[22:07:42] <payonel> i think it is tedious have water buckets to clean the wires, but meh
L1501[22:09:46] <Forec​aster> just add a recipe that turns any cable into a clean meta cable :P
L1502[22:09:51] <Vexatos> payonel, didn't the recipe allow you to discolour an entire stack
L1503[22:09:58] <Vexatos> with a single bucket
L1504[22:10:24] <Forec​aster> nope
L1505[22:10:44] <Forec​aster> I just tried it, got one out of the stack and the bucket emptied
L1506[22:11:30] <Vexatos> wait
L1507[22:11:32] <Vexatos> no
L1508[22:11:34] <Vexatos> that wasn't it
L1509[22:11:35] <Vexatos> I remember this
L1510[22:12:19] <Vexatos> the bucket isn't supposed to empty, rather I think
L1511[22:12:20] <payonel> i also get only 1 cable at a time
L1512[22:12:27] <payonel> and an empty bucket
L1513[22:12:58] <Forec​aster> we need a cable-washing-machine
L1514[22:13:01] <Forec​aster> :D
L1515[22:13:08] <Forec​aster> OpenCableWash
L1516[22:14:42] <Vexatos> just make a cable cleaning robot, heh
L1517[22:15:16] <Vexatos> no screen, no keyboard, single inv upgrade and crafting upgrade, just stands next to a water source and washes the cables
L1518[22:17:49] <SquidDev> %tonk
L1519[22:17:49] <MichiBot> Sard! Squi​dDev! You beat Li​zzy's previous record of 7 minutes and 40 seconds (By 1 hour, 21 minutes and 39 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1520[22:17:50] <MichiBot> SquidDev's new record is 1 hour, 29 minutes and 20 seconds! SquidDev also gained 0.00136 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #5. Need 0.10742 more points to pass simo​n816!
L1521[22:19:03] <Amanda> payonel: heh. And yeah, I'm kinda at an impasse. I like the control I get making my own pack, but it also raises the problem of having to keep the mods up to date and working together we'll, which is kinda tedious and frustrating. I've been playing mc eternal this time, and atm5, and it's been a bit more fun letting someone else take care of that shit
L1522[22:19:54] <Amanda> Like, I don't think I ever found a simple, clean solution for having a half dozen copper ingot types
L1523[22:22:02] <payonel> yeah. i sort of regret having PR in my current pack
L1524[22:22:12] <payonel> i disabled some of the ores from gen
L1525[22:22:23] <payonel> but, 9 ingots still gives your PR blocks....
L1526[22:22:38] <Amanda> that'sanother thing, when I find a new mod I like, and have to deal with what to do about ore gen
L1527[22:22:50] <Amanda> because I'm terrible at designing things up-front
L1528[22:22:51] <Forec​aster> I wish I could echo clipboard > file somehow
L1529[22:23:21] <payonel> @Forecaster cat - > file
L1530[22:23:30] <Forec​aster> huh
L1531[22:23:38] <payonel> then ^d when youre done
L1532[22:24:36] <Forec​aster> neat
L1533[22:24:53] <Forec​aster> that's slightly faster than echo "" > file; edit file; paste; save; run
L1534[22:25:01] <payonel> haha, yep
L1535[22:25:04] <payonel> agreed
L1536[22:25:28] <Forec​aster> I thought cat could only read stuff
L1537[22:25:36] <payonel> it does, including stdin
L1538[22:25:37] <payonel> :)
L1539[22:25:57] <Forec​aster> yeah but it's writing to the file.
L1540[22:26:08] <Forec​aster> I thought it could only read stuff
L1541[22:26:12] <payonel> it writes to stdout, and > redirects that
L1542[22:27:11] <payonel> technically, you dont need the -, - is default when there are no args
L1543[22:27:22] <payonel> so you could shorten it: `cat > file`
L1544[22:28:08] <payonel> ok i'm going for a walk
L1545[22:28:11] <payonel> o/
L1546[22:28:16] <Amanda> Point of clarification `> file` is done by the shell, not the program you're using
L1547[22:28:16] <Ocawes​ome101> `cat > file` works on any good real-world OS too
L1548[22:28:18] <Ocawes​ome101> \o
L1549[22:28:35] <Ocawes​ome101> %s/OS/OS\/shell/
L1550[22:28:48] <Ocawes​ome101> %tonk
L1551[22:28:58] <Ocawes​ome101> hmm, gtkcord doesn't like me
L1552[22:29:03] <Ocawes​ome101> or is MichiBot down?
L1553[22:29:08] <payonel> Vexatos: one last question - where is the water bucket emptied in that craft? can you figure that out and teach me? thanks
L1554[22:29:17] * payonel leaves for reals
L1555[22:29:18] <Vexatos> payonel, I have literally no damn clue
L1556[22:29:27] <Vexatos> but I think it might be because water bucket returns null
L1557[22:29:30] <Forec​aster> it's been less than 15 minutes since the last tonk
L1558[22:29:43] <Vexatos> in >if (targetStack == null) return null
L1559[22:29:58] <Vexatos> which is the water bucket case
L1560[22:30:13] <Vexatos> well, not always
L1561[22:30:24] <Ocawes​ome101> Forecaster: oh
L1562[22:30:28] <Ocawes​ome101> %s/oh/test
L1563[22:30:28] <MichiBot> <Ocawesome101> Forecaster: test
L1564[22:30:51] <Ocawes​ome101> ehrm
L1565[22:30:56] <Ocawes​ome101> oh there wego
L1566[22:31:28] <Vexatos> payonel, getCraftingResult may only return a single itemstack IIRC and any bucket in a crafting recipe gets emptied automatically somewhere in vanilla
L1567[22:31:30] <Vexatos> I don't remember
L1568[22:31:41] <Vexatos> maybe you can modify getRecipeOutput
L1569[22:35:02] <Amanda> ... did forge between 1.12 and 1.15 implement a standard mod manual API or something?
L1570[22:37:07] <Amanda> ah, nope, looks like modders just decided to standardise on https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/patchouli
L1571[22:37:52] <Amanda> guess it's easier than re-writing the GUI code from scratch, since AIUI somwehwere between there Mojang turned the rendering pipeline upsidedown inside-out
L1572[22:38:45] <Forec​aster> as you do
L1573[22:38:57] <Ocawes​ome101> in 1.15 they switched to a different rendering engine entirely
L1574[22:39:35] <Ocawes​ome101> iirc
L1575[22:42:18] <Forec​aster> hrm...
L1576[22:42:27] <Forec​aster> seems there's still something going on with my network
L1577[22:42:37] <Forec​aster> click button once and three requests arrive on the server
L1578[22:44:38] <Amanda> throw tier 3.5 memory in alll the routers.
L1579[22:44:47] <Amanda> easiest fix for duplicate packets!
L1580[22:45:20] <Amanda> or maybe that was just a coincicence that I noticed it happening less when I did that
L1581[22:45:30] <Forec​aster> ah
L1582[22:45:39] <Forec​aster> it seems to have been hanging event listeners
L1583[22:45:42] <Forec​aster> a reboot fixed it
L1584[22:46:06] <Forec​aster> apparently the program errored at some point and I forgot to reboot
L1585[22:46:23] <Forec​aster> twice...
L1586[22:49:49] <Ocawes​ome101> :P
L1587[22:50:07] <Ocawes​ome101> @Kleadron where is the source for your window manager?
L1588[22:50:38] <Klea​dron> I will update it to the latest version and then i'll post the github repository
L1589[22:50:43] <Ocawes​ome101> :thumbsup:
L1590[22:50:55] <Klea​dron> be warned: it may be shit
L1591[22:53:18] <Ocawes​ome101> that's ok :P
L1592[22:53:22] <Ocawes​ome101> runs on OpenOS right?
L1593[22:53:27] <Klea​dron> yes
L1594[22:53:40] <Klea​dron> let me check if it's set up correctly
L1595[22:54:08] <Klea​dron> i need to see if the latest version runs
L1596[22:54:16] <Klea​dron> https://github.com/Kleadron/OC-Windows here's the repository
L1597[22:56:27] <Klea​dron> yeah it should be fine
L1598[22:56:44] <Ocawes​ome101> tanxu
L1599[22:56:47] <Ocawes​ome101> will try
L1600[22:56:50] <Klea​dron> the current test application that runs when you run win.lua was being used for error testing
L1601[22:57:02] <Klea​dron> it has working buttons
L1602[22:57:06] <Ar​iri> What torrent clis do people use? I've tried transmission-cli and aria2 and neither do anything for a long time
L1603[22:57:20] <Ar​iri> My bittorrent client on my rig does the same dl fine though
L1604[22:58:11] <Klea​dron> i just use an old version of utorrent
L1605[22:59:24] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1606[22:59:58] <Ar​iri> utorrent was trying to load a ui for me and got stuck
L1607[23:00:15] <Klea​dron> i was messing with context based stuff recently
L1608[23:00:34] <Klea​dron> where the window manager shell thing switches the "context" to make it simpler for applications
L1609[23:00:49] <Klea​dron> it's used for buttons and text
L1610[23:03:40] <Klea​dron> i was considering making it run on MiniOS since that would free up a little bit more resources
L1611[23:03:48] <Klea​dron> and less would be going on in the background
L1612[23:03:55] <Ocawes​ome101> make it run on PsychOS :P
L1613[23:03:59] <Ocawes​ome101> or maybe Photon
L1614[23:04:06] <Ocawes​ome101> ~~or maybe Open Kernel~~
L1615[23:04:37] <Klea​dron> not a clue how any of those work and a problem starts when i try going away from OpenOS
L1616[23:05:02] <Klea​dron> it becomes more complicated for people to run it because it requires you having to install a different operating system
L1617[23:05:28] <Ocawes​ome101> fair
L1618[23:05:42] <Ocawes​ome101> Open Kernel and Photon should be largely OpenOS-compatible
L1619[23:05:49] <Ocawes​ome101> Open Kernel 2 and Photon should be largely OpenOS-compatible [Edited]
L1620[23:07:22] <Ocawes​ome101> are windows supposed to show where they are while dragging?
L1621[23:08:53] <Klea​dron> no, i tried doing an animation for it by inverting the edges of the window but it proved to be too laggy
L1622[23:09:05] <Klea​dron> then i tried making it just flash the titlebar
L1623[23:09:14] <Klea​dron> but it runs so fast that you don't see it on small windows
L1624[23:09:19] <Klea​dron> but it runs so fast that you don't see it on small windows on high tier graphics cards [Edited]
L1625[23:09:44] <Klea​dron> so i tried making it so it sleeps for a tick before doing the other half of the animation
L1626[23:09:50] <Klea​dron> but then the events get eaten
L1627[23:11:30] <Klea​dron> and you're stuck dragging the window until you click again
L1628[23:11:34] ⇦ Quits: AshleighThePhone (~Ash@2607:fb90:7db8:8bd8:45b6:d804:272d:5aa2) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1630[23:15:40] <Amanda> ... since when do cats drop string? https://nc.ddna.co/s/nBaMfqH4qAR3Zse
L1631[23:15:52] <Brisingr​Aerowing> @payonel, Amanda try InstantUnify.
L1632[23:16:11] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Unifies all the things
L1633[23:31:13] ⇨ Joins: Thor3028535 (~thor30285@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1634[23:31:30] <Thor3028535> hi
L1635[23:32:21] <Thor3028535> HELLOW
L1636[23:32:46] <Amanda> HI
L1637[23:32:51] <Amanda> WHY ARE WE YELLING!?
L1638[23:33:01] <AshleighTheCutie> I DONT KNOW
L1639[23:33:07] <Sagh​etti> I DONT KNOW WHY EITHER
L1640[23:33:10] ⇨ Joins: Thor11041001 (~thor11041@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1641[23:33:11] <B​ob> YES
L1642[23:33:33] <Sagh​etti> HELLO THOR11041001
L1643[23:33:45] <Thor3028535> ITS A ONLINE CHAT OMG
L1644[23:34:13] <AshleighTheCutie> what?
L1645[23:34:30] <Forec​aster> I think I'm deaf now
L1646[23:34:34] <Sagh​etti> YES IT IS AN ONLINE CHAT
L1647[23:34:40] <Sagh​etti> ME TOO
L1648[23:34:50] <Forec​aster> I'm not sure how since this is just text but it happened
L1649[23:36:55] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@
L1650[23:37:07] <zOmegaS​killer_> lol i am Thor3028535
L1651[23:37:18] <Sagh​etti> HELLO
L1652[23:37:23] <AshleighTheCutie> HI
L1653[23:37:42] <zOmegaS​killer_> this is a cool program
L1654[23:38:16] <t20kdc> oh, hey, I've been blinded by capital letters piercing my eyes!
L1655[23:38:17] <zOmegaS​killer_> this is a cool programmmmm [Edited]
L1656[23:38:34] <Forec​aster> or did you even have eyes to begin with
L1657[23:38:38] <Sagh​etti> nope
L1658[23:38:46] <AshleighTheCutie> lol
L1659[23:39:10] ⇦ Quits: Thor11041001 (~thor11041@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1660[23:39:12] ⇦ Quits: Thor3028535 (~thor30285@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1661[23:39:14] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1662[23:41:36] ⇨ Joins: zOmegaSkiller_ (~zomegaski@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1663[23:41:41] <zOmegaSkiller_> so
L1664[23:42:09] <Ocawes​ome101> yes
L1665[23:42:09] <Ocawes​ome101> ?
L1666[23:43:10] <Sagh​etti> yes?
L1667[23:43:16] ⇨ Joins: dddddddddddddddddddddddd (~ddddddddd@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1668[23:43:30] <Amanda> can you not, @zOmegaSkiller_
L1669[23:43:39] <Sagh​etti> dddddddddddddddddddddddd: you breakin the rules
L1670[23:44:07] <zOmegaS​killer_> I AM zOmegaSkiller_ on computercraft
L1671[23:44:24] <M​GR> I don't think you're on computercraft......
L1672[23:44:41] <Sagh​etti> :thonk:
L1673[23:44:44] <zOmegaS​killer_> i say on computercraft Hi
L1674[23:44:50] <zOmegaSkiller_> hi
L1675[23:44:57] <M​GR> I don't think that's computercraft
L1676[23:45:00] <M​GR> %hello
L1677[23:45:01] <MichiBot> M​​GR: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L1678[23:45:08] <Sagh​etti> also
L1679[23:45:08] <Sagh​etti> 8. No long-ass nicks: if your nick is longer than 16 characters then please shorten it before speaking. It's incredibly annoying, especially on mobile as nicks over 16 characters may wrap over to multiple lines.
L1680[23:45:20] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> so
L1681[23:45:36] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i forgot to boot Win2K before i did this stupid shit
L1682[23:45:42] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> i also forgot to grab the MBR ID
L1683[23:45:59] <Sagh​etti> man i should mess around with win2k again sometime
L1684[23:48:26] ⇦ Quits: dddddddddddddddddddddddd (~ddddddddd@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1685[23:50:09] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L1686[23:50:54] <Ocawes​ome101> completely random: Monolith's scheduler uses a custom `process` type
L1687[23:51:09] <Ocawes​ome101> which I guess is something of a class
L1688[23:52:23] <Sagh​etti> suggestion for oc 2: better permission management
L1689[23:52:48] <Ocawes​ome101> as in actual permissions on managed filesystems?
L1690[23:52:56] <Ocawes​ome101> that would be super nive
L1691[23:52:57] <Sagh​etti> like make a list of players who are allowed to interact with things, and a list who are allowed to add and remove components
L1692[23:52:58] <Ocawes​ome101> that would be super nice [Edited]
L1693[23:53:07] <Sagh​etti> sorry to disappoint lol
L1694[23:53:16] <Ocawes​ome101> that'd be nice too
L1695[23:53:18] <Corded> * <Ocawes​ome101> shrugs
L1696[23:53:30] <Sagh​etti> and maybe allow getting the current user viewing a screen
L1697[23:53:43] <Sagh​etti> nil if nobody has right clicked on it
L1698[23:53:59] <Sagh​etti> so maybe you could allow/deny certain actions for certain players on an OS/program level
L1699[23:54:03] <Sagh​etti> that would be very cool
L1700[23:54:24] <CompanionCube> uh, don't we already have a primitive feorm of 'list of players' lol
L1701[23:54:50] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L1702[23:54:52] <Ocawes​ome101> screen-based events have a `playerName` parameter as their last one iirc
L1703[23:54:55] <Sagh​etti> but a more versatile one would be nice
L1704[23:54:57] <Ocawes​ome101> so touch, key_down
L1705[23:55:13] <Sagh​etti> oooh
L1706[23:55:15] <Sagh​etti> that could be nice
L1707[23:55:29] <Ocawes​ome101> ~w signals
L1708[23:55:30] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L1709[23:55:55] <Sagh​etti> why ocd and not ocdoc?
L1710[23:56:02] <Sagh​etti> hmm
L1711[23:56:13] <Ocawes​ome101> because ocd is shorter
L1712[23:56:20] <Sagh​etti> by 2 characters
L1713[23:56:20] <Ocawes​ome101> or maybe the bot has ocd, idk
L1714[23:56:37] <Sagh​etti> opencomputersdocuments.cil.li
L1715[23:56:53] <Ocawes​ome101> lol
L1716[23:59:15] ⇨ Joins: coolboy (~coolboy@p5DFD3025.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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