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L1[00:02:46] <Izaya> S3_: if you don't want them I'll take them
L2[00:03:29] <Izaya> Inari: no, I've seen at least 3 links now where Discord is wrapping an external site
L3[00:03:40] <Izaya> not sure if that's just that people have been editing the wrapping of it out, though
L4[00:05:32] <S3_> Heh
L5[00:05:53] <S3_> Izaya: I'll be getting rid of almost referring I own by the time I go to Korea
L6[00:06:00] <M​GR> Izaya, it definitely doesn't do that all the time, because it hasn't been doing that with my own stuff
L7[00:06:22] <Izaya> Might be just the way Inari's doing it then.
L8[00:06:25] <Izaya> interesting
L9[00:06:32] <M​GR> shrug
L10[00:07:02] <Izaya> S3_: Korea and not Australia? :<
L11[00:07:34] <M​GR> Isn't your continent still on fire?
L12[00:07:38] <Amanda> nah
L13[00:07:46] <Amanda> the biblical flooding put them out
L14[00:07:58] <M​GR> Ah
L15[00:21:59] *** Guest51606 is now known as Skye
L16[00:23:29] <The_St​argazer> Inari: I've been meaning to ask this question for about two months now; what is your name from?
L17[00:23:59] <Inari> Japanese name, originally taken from the shinto deity?
L18[00:24:14] <The_St​argazer> Ah
L19[00:24:32] <Inari> (yes, theres a lake called that in findland :P)
L20[00:25:04] <Inari> Or why'd you ask?
L21[00:25:36] <The_St​argazer> was curious
L22[00:25:36] <The_St​argazer> and have been meaning to ask for ages now, figured I'd ask while I had the chance
L23[00:25:50] <Inari> I see
L24[00:25:59] <Inari> Just sounde dlike you might know some or other source and wondered if thast accurate
L25[00:26:17] <The_St​argazer> Nah, honestly I just wanted to know if it was from some hentai or something lol
L26[00:26:22] <Inari> Haha
L27[00:26:29] <Inari> %pet @The_Stargazer
L28[00:26:29] <MichiBot> Inari is petting @The_Stargazer with baka site. @The_Stargazer regains 1d4 => 3 hit points!
L29[00:26:45] <Inari> I did like the name ever since I heard it, but figured since it's a deity name, it's not just to take
L30[00:26:56] <Inari> But then an anime character (in Inari konkon koi iroha) did have the name
L31[00:26:59] <Inari> So I figured eh, why not
L32[00:27:30] <The_St​argazer> ah
L33[00:27:30] <The_St​argazer> also: love it when I time out and the server still thinks I'm online
L34[00:28:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8F45D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L35[02:09:16] ⇨ Joins: Saghetti (~saghetti@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L36[02:09:28] <Saghetti> hey
L37[02:09:53] <Saghetti> do people still actively make stuff for oc?
L38[02:10:15] <M​GR> Yes
L39[02:10:25] <Saghetti> nice
L40[02:10:47] <Saghetti> i wanted to post an os i made but the forums looked pretty inactive
L41[02:10:57] <Izaya> forums have always been quiet
L42[02:11:02] <Izaya> IRC's always where it's been at
L43[02:11:17] <Saghetti> oh
L44[02:11:25] <Izaya> that's some word salad but anyway
L45[02:11:27] <Izaya> you get my point
L46[02:11:33] <Saghetti> yeah
L47[02:11:49] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> IRC oh yeah
L48[02:11:52] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> wait
L49[02:12:01] <M​GR> Discord Master Race
L50[02:12:05] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (~sam@pool-71-176-252-72.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L51[02:12:12] <AdorableCatgirl> IRC oh yeah
L52[02:12:18] <Saghetti> yeah
L53[02:12:22] <AdorableCatgirl> i wouldn't use discord if my friends didn't use it
L54[02:12:23] <AdorableCatgirl> lmao
L55[02:12:52] <Saghetti> so i made a microkernel for opencomputers
L56[02:13:00] <Saghetti> still in really early stages
L57[02:13:28] <Izaya> ooo
L58[02:13:31] <AdorableCatgirl> i'm still working on an OS in one file
L59[02:13:38] * Izaya likes microkernels
L60[02:13:42] <AdorableCatgirl> fennec lmao
L61[02:14:07] <Saghetti> the stdlib is just like two calls rn lol
L62[02:14:25] <Saghetti> but multitasking and sandboxing works
L63[02:14:27] <Izaya> the libraries are always much harder than the core OS
L64[02:14:29] <Izaya> x_x
L65[02:14:35] <Izaya> You got this in a repo somewhere?
L66[02:14:41] <Saghetti> not yet
L67[02:14:57] <AdorableCatgirl> fennec isn't a microkernel but it's not a monolithic kernel either so
L68[02:14:59] <AdorableCatgirl> lmao
L69[02:15:08] <Izaya> PsychOS is an exokernel
L70[02:15:11] <Izaya> :D
L71[02:15:46] <Sagh​etti> discord master race
L72[02:15:49] <Sagh​etti> oh yeah yeah
L73[02:15:54] <Izaya> nasty
L74[02:16:09] <AdorableCatgirl> fennec is inbetween micro and monolithic so
L75[02:16:12] <AdorableCatgirl> it's weird
L76[02:16:14] ⇦ Quits: Saghetti (~saghetti@c-67-164-116-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L77[02:16:14] <AdorableCatgirl> i like it
L78[02:17:12] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: have a comfy video https://tube.lain.church/videos/watch/143489f2-af45-4c6c-8fb9-fe995045101f
L79[02:17:18] <AdorableCatgirl> i should probably test fennec's scheduler to make sure it fucking works
L80[02:22:05] <Sagh​etti> im back
L81[02:22:08] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I’m not sure which Open Kernel qualifies as
L82[02:22:22] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Micro- or Monolithic, that is
L83[02:24:52] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Probably micro since it’s a bunch of separate scripts
L84[02:25:23] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> And @Saghetti you should totally put your thing on GitHub or something
L85[02:25:43] <Sagh​etti> yeah i really need to do source control
L86[02:26:57] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Git is, like, the best for that
L87[02:27:08] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yay for Linux Torvalds’ software
L88[02:28:05] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Multitasking is something I couldn’t really get to work, it dropped events and froze when running programs
L89[02:28:19] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Maybe in Open Kernel 2, heh
L90[02:28:41] <Izaya> multitasking is ez
L91[02:28:53] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> The dropped events I could probably fix, the freezing while loadfile()ing things may have been some other issue
L92[02:29:00] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I’ll try again at some point
L93[02:29:19] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I also wanna try to make a GUI that runs on 192k of RAM for some reason.
L94[02:29:27] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Welp gtg bye
L95[02:29:38] <Sagh​etti> cya
L96[02:29:48] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I’ll be back in ~60min
L97[02:29:49] <Izaya> https://git.shadowkat.net/izaya/OC-PsychOS2/src/branch/master/module/sched.lua
L98[02:29:51] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Probably
L99[02:29:57] <Izaya> scheduler
L100[02:30:10] <Sagh​etti> my scheduler is just a for loop atm
L101[02:38:52] <Sagh​etti> https://github.com/Saghetti0/craftbox
L102[02:39:24] <Sagh​etti> github repository containing the very first code
L103[02:39:33] <Sagh​etti> doesn't do much lol
L104[02:39:44] <Izaya> cute name
L105[02:40:56] <CompanionCube> AdorableCatgirl: hybrid kernels aren't that weird
L106[02:41:26] <Sagh​etti> reee i messed up the first commit
L107[02:46:04] <Sagh​etti> accidentally used my really old github acc
L108[02:47:11] <AdorableCatgirl> WAIT
L109[02:47:16] <AdorableCatgirl> DID SOMEONE SAY SCHEDULERS
L110[02:47:51] <AdorableCatgirl> https://github.com/Adorable-Catgirl/Zorya-NEO/blob/master/ksrc/libs/thd.lua#L48
L111[02:50:00] <AdorableCatgirl> CC: remember that i never do anything in a logical way
L112[02:50:04] <AdorableCatgirl> but it somehow just works
L113[02:50:07] <AdorableCatgirl> unless it's Zorya
L114[02:50:11] <AdorableCatgirl> Zorya never just works
L115[02:50:35] <AdorableCatgirl> it just breaks™
L116[03:00:50] <Sagh​etti> finally got my git credentials working
L117[03:05:47] <AdorableCatgirl> https://github.com/Adorable-Catgirl/OC-Tsuki/blob/master/ksrc/blt.lua
L118[03:05:52] <AdorableCatgirl> this is another cool thing i made
L119[03:17:34] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L120[03:59:08] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: how come the computers in your basement are purple? normally T2 is gold
L121[03:59:18] <The_St​argazer> well, the computer
L122[03:59:29] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Purple computer = creative computer IIRC
L123[03:59:34] <The_St​argazer> nope, shows as T2
L124[03:59:37] <The_St​argazer> and it's a dark purple
L125[03:59:42] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> oh
L126[03:59:44] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> huh
L127[03:59:45] <The_St​argazer> "Computer Case (Tier 2)"
L128[03:59:45] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> maybe dyed?
L129[03:59:49] <The_St​argazer> EIO painting machine?
L130[03:59:59] <The_St​argazer> wait
L131[04:00:03] <The_St​argazer> you can dye cases??
L132[04:00:07] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> 🤷‍♂️
L133[04:00:13] <The_St​argazer> since when was that a thing
L134[04:00:15] <Izaya> yeah you can dye cases
L135[04:00:21] <Izaya> I use lapis on my computers
L136[04:00:29] <The_St​argazer> oh damn
L137[04:00:29] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> sweeeeet
L138[04:00:32] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Didn't know about that
L139[04:00:33] <The_St​argazer> when was that implemented?
L140[04:00:34] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> TIL.
L141[04:00:37] <The_St​argazer> TIL too
L142[04:00:39] <Izaya> like years ago
L143[04:00:45] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Gotta get me a red computer
L144[04:00:52] <The_St​argazer> so wait all this time you've been able to dye cases?
L145[04:00:58] <Izaya> red ones go faster
L146[04:01:12] <The_St​argazer> they have higher call budgets and use less RAM
L147[04:01:23] <Izaya> true facts
L148[04:01:33] <Izaya> also The_Stargazer are you stealing the components out of my computers
L149[04:01:42] <The_St​argazer> nope
L150[04:01:48] <Izaya> well then
L151[04:01:50] <Izaya> :|
L152[04:01:54] <The_St​argazer> i was using your charger
L153[04:02:02] <Izaya> both of the computers upstairs had no components
L154[04:02:08] <The_St​argazer> odd.
L155[04:02:09] <Izaya> and I didn't remove them
L156[04:02:14] <Izaya> so someone's been taking them
L157[04:02:18] <The_St​argazer> is someone thiefing your parts
L158[04:02:19] <Izaya> I should set up some sort of logging
L159[04:02:35] <The_St​argazer> part hoarder
L160[04:03:10] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I haven't even been on the server in, like, forever
L161[04:03:15] <The_St​argazer> you joined?
L162[04:03:15] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I tried to get on today but my internet disagreed
L163[04:03:20] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yeah I did
L164[04:03:23] <The_St​argazer> what's your username
L165[04:03:31] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Ocawesome101
L166[04:03:33] <The_St​argazer> Oh
L167[04:03:35] <The_St​argazer> That's you
L168[04:03:37] <The_St​argazer> Wondered who that was
L169[04:03:38] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yours?
L170[04:03:42] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> hah
L171[04:03:44] <The_St​argazer> PrismaticYT
L172[04:04:00] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yeah, I remember now
L173[04:04:40] <The_St​argazer> remember? from what
L174[04:04:50] <The_St​argazer> did you log on while I was on once?
L175[04:04:55] <The_St​argazer> my memory is shit lol
L176[04:05:09] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I didn't see you, but I saw your name in the "online players" list in the server menu
L177[04:05:16] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I didn't remember what it was
L178[04:08:05] <The_St​argazer> You should try and get on again
L179[04:09:28] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I will tomorrow
L180[04:09:38] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I can't get on my desktop right now
L181[04:09:43] <The_St​argazer> Oh rip
L182[04:09:57] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Thank goodness for this Pinebook Pro, heh
L183[04:10:13] <The_St​argazer> pinebook?
L184[04:11:57] <Izaya> cute little ARM laptop
L185[04:12:08] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> https://pine64.org/pinebook-pro
L186[04:12:08] <The_St​argazer> ah
L187[04:12:16] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> It's a pretty great machine
L188[04:12:21] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I love it
L189[04:12:21] <Izaya> I gather the Pro is even powerful enough for web browsing
L190[04:12:48] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yep
L191[04:13:12] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> It does pretty well, and once the GPU drivers improve (they've come a looooooong way already) it'll be even better
L192[04:13:25] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> The latest upgrade seems to have slowed down the GPU, unfortunately
L193[04:13:43] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Not sure why, but KDE suddenly has lots of screen tearing and slowness
L194[04:13:53] <Izaya> Laptops aren't meant to have strong GPUs anyway, they're ssh machines
L195[04:14:07] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Heh
L196[04:14:17] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> It ran KDE really well before the upgrade, though
L197[04:14:38] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Now, particularly when closing windows, I get a lot of roughness
L198[04:14:49] <Izaya> Might want to roll back temporarily
L199[04:15:09] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> How do I do that> I'm running manjaro
L200[04:15:26] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> ?*
L201[04:16:34] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> `pacman -Syyd`? lol
L202[04:17:35] <Izaya> >manjaro
L203[04:17:38] <Izaya> nasty
L204[04:17:41] <Izaya> there's probably an LTS kernel package
L205[04:17:56] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ew manjaro
L206[04:17:56] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> It wasn't the kernel, it was something else
L207[04:18:10] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> anyways, my laptop is bretty good
L208[04:18:14] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I stayed on the same kernel through the upgrade
L209[04:18:31] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> rocking an A12 is bretty nice
L210[04:18:50] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> An RK3399 is slightly less nice B)
L211[04:19:09] <Izaya> ENBs were a mistake
L212[04:19:15] <Izaya> Literally never heard my GPU fan this loud before
L213[04:19:25] <The_St​argazer> ENBs?
L214[04:19:30] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> just turn the fan off lmao
L215[04:19:32] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> ez
L216[04:19:50] <DaCompu​terNerd> Seems legit
L217[04:19:57] <Izaya> ENBoost, graphical mod for various games
L218[04:20:00] <The_St​argazer> ah
L219[04:20:08] <Izaya> The game runs better with it installed
L220[04:20:20] <Izaya> but when I look at water my computer flies away due to the fan force
L221[04:20:33] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Try running Minecraft with BSL on an RX 560
L222[04:20:43] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> That thing gets loud
L223[04:21:01] <Izaya> RX580 stronk
L224[04:21:16] <DaCompu​terNerd> Running a 580 here too
L225[04:21:33] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I think imma get a 5500 or 5700 this summer
L226[04:21:47] <DaCompu​terNerd> Was gonna get an 8GB 570 but the 580 went on sale
L227[04:22:16] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Do I need the GPU power those will give me? No. Do I want it? heck yes
L228[04:22:46] <DaCompu​terNerd> I wonder how the next AMD cards will go? Rumor says they'll be competing with the high end market and will be out in Q2
L229[04:23:07] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> ja
L230[04:23:35] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> How do I rollback packages to what they were before my last upgrade? is there a way to do that with pacman?
L231[04:24:02] <Izaya> they're probably still cached
L232[04:24:07] <Izaya> not sure about the details
L233[04:24:22] <DaCompu​terNerd> Only really know dnf :p
L234[04:25:38] <The_St​argazer> oh jesus
L235[04:25:38] <The_St​argazer> i turned more end stone into bricks than i needed to
L236[04:25:55] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> oh well
L237[04:26:00] <The_St​argazer> i kind of want to convert the end into bricks now..
L238[04:27:53] <The_St​argazer> no, that would take millions of years and thousands of iChisels
L239[04:28:05] <The_St​argazer> maybe not millions of years but probably a hundred or so
L240[04:28:42] <The_St​argazer> convert every piece of end stone in the entire 32Mx256x32M area to bricks
L241[04:29:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> hah
L242[04:31:20] <The_St​argazer> oh yes
L243[04:31:28] <The_St​argazer> if you want to dial my stargate you'll need the IDC
L244[04:31:43] <The_St​argazer> otherwise you'll be crushed into bits by the iris
L245[04:32:59] <DaCompu​terNerd> Sounds fine
L246[04:33:52] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Hmmm, so
L247[04:34:07] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Turns out I was using fbturbo rather than Panfrost (the open source GPU driver)
L248[04:38:17] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Removed `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99_fbturbo.conf` and rebooted, and I'm back to speed and no tearing 🙂
L249[04:41:19] <Sagh​etti> wait
L250[04:41:25] <Sagh​etti> there's an official mc server?
L251[04:41:49] <The_St​argazer> unofficial afaik
L252[04:42:03] <The_St​argazer> contact @Ariri for details
L253[04:42:14] <The_St​argazer> runs a modified DW20 1.12.2
L254[04:42:27] <Sagh​etti> nice
L255[04:42:49] <The_St​argazer> you should join
L256[04:42:53] <Ar​iri> Make sure everyone knows about the iris... It doesnt make a grave
L257[04:43:16] <Ar​iri> because the iris is microns from the event horizon, so matter cant reassemble
L258[04:43:30] <The_St​argazer> oH
L259[04:43:33] <The_St​argazer> Yeah
L260[04:43:37] <The_St​argazer> How do I notify everyone
L261[04:43:53] <Ar​iri> And you can enter the IDC in your gate books if you like, and disable the cloud feature to hide it, all in the menus
L262[04:44:10] <Ar​iri> (so a computer of your choice will auto send the idc)
L263[04:44:11] <The_St​argazer> my what books?
L264[04:44:23] <Amanda> Izaya: "laptops are ssh machines" ... Literally the only desktop in my household is a windows box plugged into the tv like it was a games console
L265[04:44:30] <Ar​iri> the address book, left menu and edit address
L266[04:45:06] <Izaya> Amanda: laptops are poorly suited to anything GPU or CPU heavy
L267[04:45:06] <The_St​argazer> AH
L268[04:45:09] <The_St​argazer> oops caps
L269[04:45:17] <Amanda> I regularly play games on my laptop.
L270[04:45:26] <Izaya> sure
L271[04:45:31] <Izaya> but laptops are poorly suited to doing so
L272[04:45:42] <The_St​argazer> Izaya: mind if I add my IDC to your stargate?
L273[04:45:42] <Amanda> Though earlier today I had to roll back, Linux 5.4 doesn't like my igpu
L274[04:45:52] <The_St​argazer> same goes for you, Ariri
L275[04:45:57] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I had a Chromebook that could run Cube 2 based games fairly well
L276[04:46:18] <Izaya> Go for it The_Stargazer
L277[04:46:27] <The_St​argazer> aight will do
L278[04:46:28] <Izaya> I had a netbook that could run q3a based games fairly well
L279[04:46:31] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> The thing had a better GPU than my 2010 MacBook Pro, heh
L280[04:47:30] <Amanda> Anyway, time to pass out. Night nerds
L281[04:47:53] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> night
L282[04:47:57] <Izaya> o/
L283[04:48:30] <Izaya> always amused me that my shitbox $150 T420 could kick the shit out of my ex's MBP
L284[04:49:26] <Ar​iri> Sure thing
L285[04:49:33] <Ar​iri> nigh nigh^
L286[04:50:13] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/5715c420509f344879418b2f2641f8d50aa6daa8de5f84bb8c597d5db2bcea81.jpg
L287[04:53:36] <The_St​argazer> actually; Izaya: it's probably more effective to just tell you the IDC, because if I input in your address book I'd have to disable cloud sync
L288[04:53:47] <The_St​argazer> i'll put a sign in your house
L289[05:01:49] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L290[05:01:51] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Does anyone have any tips on figuring out the Discord API? I want to make a Discord client for Open Kernel but have little idea where to start.
L291[05:02:12] <Izaya> It's documented, I believe.
L292[05:02:20] <Izaya> However, others have tried, and it rejects the user agent.
L293[05:02:41] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> That's why you give it a custom user agent
L294[05:02:46] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Is that possible?
L295[05:03:00] <Izaya> Nope, hence why it's only been tried, and not done
L296[05:03:18] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> ah
L297[05:03:28] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I suppose I'll just make an IRC client then
L298[05:04:25] <Izaya> I should try to write an XMPP client eventually.
L299[05:04:28] <Izaya> That'd be good.
L300[05:04:38] <The_St​argazer> i gtg
L301[05:04:38] <The_St​argazer> cya o/
L302[05:04:43] <Izaya> o7
L303[05:04:47] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> cya
L304[05:05:01] <The_St​argazer> also: you can give custom user agents to interrnet cards?
L305[05:05:10] <The_St​argazer> I did it to work around cloudflare rejecting java's useragents
L306[05:06:20] <Izaya> Oh, then I guess you could do it.
L307[05:06:50] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I'll make an IRC client first
L308[05:07:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Then, if I succeed at that, make a Discord client
L309[05:07:38] <Izaya> IRC's more fun anyway
L310[05:13:41] * CompanionCube scrolls up and reads about shaders
L311[05:14:19] <CompanionCube> when my GPU gets loud it tends to make a sound not unlike resonating glass
L312[05:14:52] <CompanionCube> At least I think it's the GPU. It could be anything, really
L313[05:20:31] <Izaya> https://elekk.xyz/system/media_attachments/files/003/457/292/original/ab70aafe924028f6.png
L314[05:21:09] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L315[05:44:26] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> %tonk
L316[05:44:48] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> So, I've got the base of my IRC client, but uh
L317[05:44:58] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I'm having issues
L318[05:45:09] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> (keep in mind that this is for Open Kernel, not OpenOS)
L319[05:46:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> The code is:
L320[05:46:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/licanubeqo
L321[05:46:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Line 25 errors with `attempt to call field 'id' (a nil value)`
L322[05:46:22] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I'm running on OCVM currently, so maybe that has something to do with it?
L323[05:46:36] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Also, am I doing things even remotely right? \:P
L324[05:47:06] <Izaya> the line numbers threw me off >.>
L325[05:48:15] <Izaya> at any rate
L326[05:48:35] <Izaya> connect returns a userdata object
L327[05:48:53] <Izaya> so you should use socket.function() rather than socket:function()
L328[05:49:19] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> okay
L329[05:49:29] <Izaya> also, I don't trust the internet_ready event for waiting till the connection is open, loop over finishConnect until it returns true
L330[05:50:12] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> kk
L331[05:51:18] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Still gives me the same error
L332[05:51:25] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Except line 27
L333[05:51:46] <Izaya> then I'd guess ocvm doesn't implement socket.id()
L334[05:51:50] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> with:
L335[05:51:50] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/uhaduxoyek
L336[05:52:09] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Well, shoot.
L337[05:52:24] <Izaya> Do you use it? Just comment the line out, or pcall it
L338[05:52:25] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> payonel: Please implement that, I don't know C++
L339[05:52:31] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I'll comment it out
L340[05:52:58] * Izaya didn't even realise there was an id call
L341[05:54:20] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> oof
L342[05:54:27] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yep, TCP sockets have that
L343[05:56:17] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> So uh
L344[05:57:20] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Now I'm getting an error from my `event` lib: `event.lua:29: attempt to index field 'listeners' (a nil value)`
L345[05:57:49] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Code:
L346[05:57:49] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/alupomapek
L347[05:59:17] <Izaya> well
L348[05:59:20] <Izaya> consider the argument names
L349[06:00:39] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> *mega facepalm
L350[06:11:47] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Well, I got to the point where it connects, then times out after a couple messages from the server. I'll look at it more when I'm not sleep-deprived 😛
L351[06:13:46] <Izaya> are you sending ping responses?
L352[06:13:51] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L353[06:13:51] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Forecaster! You beat your own previous record of 5 hours, 20 minutes and 7 seconds (By 1 hour, 41 minutes and 48 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L354[06:13:52] <MichiBot> Forecaster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.007 tonk points! plus 0.012 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.17911
L355[06:16:27] <Sagh​etti> %tonk
L356[06:16:27] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Saghetti! You beat Forecaster's previous record of <0 (By 2 minutes and 35 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L357[06:16:28] <MichiBot> Saghetti's new record is 2 minutes and 35 seconds! Saghetti also gained 0.00004 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L358[06:16:39] <Sagh​etti> %help
L359[06:16:39] <MichiBot> Sagh​​etti: Command list: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/help
L360[06:17:08] <Sagh​etti> %js alert(1);
L361[06:17:37] <Sagh​etti> %tonkleaders
L362[06:17:38] <MichiBot> Sagh​​etti: https://michibot.pc-logix.com/tonk
L363[06:18:36] <Sagh​etti> what is tonk?
L364[06:26:07] <Sagh​etti> also has somebody made a terminal multiplexer before?
L365[06:26:30] <CompanionCube> the tonkleaders page describes tonk
L366[06:26:36] <Izaya> yeah but it was a massive hack and not for OpenOS
L367[06:26:56] <Sagh​etti> i don't think i phrased that right
L368[06:27:17] <Sagh​etti> so a piece of software that controls multiple keyboards and screens at the same time
L369[06:27:28] <Sagh​etti> so you only need 1 gpu
L370[06:27:38] <Sagh​etti> and it just switches between screens
L371[06:27:41] <Izaya> KittenOS NEO does that
L372[06:28:07] <Izaya> Performance kinda sucks but it works.
L373[06:28:15] <Sagh​etti> where can i download that?
L374[06:28:42] <Izaya> https://github.com/20kdc/OC-KittenOS
L375[06:29:55] <Sagh​etti> ty
L376[06:30:08] <Sagh​etti> i was thinking of adding it to craftbox but it might be too slow
L377[06:30:23] * Izaya went with 1 GPU per screen for PsychOS
L378[06:31:35] <Izaya> https://0x0.st/zg7a.png
L379[06:33:44] <Sagh​etti> another weird idea
L380[06:33:59] <Sagh​etti> using lots of microcontrollers and network cards to make a "multi-core" computer
L381[06:34:35] <Izaya> doable, but it'd be slow
L382[06:34:55] <Sagh​etti> i would think it would be faster
L383[06:35:09] <Izaya> pure CPU performance would be better
L384[06:35:14] <Sagh​etti> because you can assign tasks to separate processors
L385[06:35:15] <Izaya> but that's not what makes software slow in OC
L386[06:35:42] <Izaya> the real speed limitation is the call budget
L387[06:37:03] <Izaya> and communicating over the network eats into that
L388[06:37:50] <Sagh​etti> so does oc operate like computercraft?
L389[06:38:01] <Sagh​etti> where computers are given time to execute sequentially
L390[06:38:10] <Izaya> kinda yeah
L391[06:38:16] <Sagh​etti> and by yielding, it passes execution to the next computer in the queue
L392[06:38:23] <Izaya> it runs in a separate thread to Minecraft so you can't take the server out with a frozen computer
L393[06:38:30] <Izaya> and it runs a configurable number of worker threads
L394[06:39:05] <Sagh​etti> but it's still cooperative multitasking at it's core, correct?
L395[06:39:09] <Izaya> but yielding allows another computer to use the thread, and your computer will be forcibly yielded after the call budget is expended
L396[06:39:15] <Sagh​etti> but it's still cooperative multitasking at its core, correct? [Edited]
L397[06:39:18] <Izaya> nah it's preemptive
L398[06:39:34] <Izaya> stuff gets killed if it doesn't yield for too long
L399[06:39:48] <Sagh​etti> so a hybrid between the two
L400[06:40:06] <Izaya> I suppose so
L401[06:40:45] <Sagh​etti> sorry for bugging so much
L402[06:41:12] <Izaya> I mean if it annoyed me I could just not answer :p
L403[06:41:24] <Sagh​etti> yeah
L404[06:41:36] <Sagh​etti> here's my last question
L405[06:41:51] <Sagh​etti> why can't i do gpu calls inside of an xpcall error handler?
L406[06:42:13] <Sagh​etti> and something about yielding across a C-call boundarhy
L407[06:42:18] <Sagh​etti> boundary*
L408[06:42:33] <Izaya> I had that explained to me at one point
L409[06:42:35] <Izaya> but I forget
L410[06:42:37] <Izaya> :D
L411[06:42:56] <Izaya> it's to do with the fact that component calls yield the Lua environment though, I think
L412[06:44:02] <Sagh​etti> but it works with filesystem calls
L413[06:44:12] <Sagh​etti> maybe those don't count as yields
L414[06:45:31] <Sagh​etti> so i assume you're part of the dev team
L415[06:45:50] <Izaya> nope :D
L416[06:45:56] <Sagh​etti> wow
L417[06:46:09] <Izaya> Today's my day off and I've spent far too much time fucking with OC internals.
L418[06:46:39] <Sagh​etti> sounds fun
L419[07:12:01] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L420[07:12:02] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Forecaster! You beat Saghetti's previous record of 2 minutes and 35 seconds (By 52 minutes and 58 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L421[07:12:03] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 55 minutes and 34 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00088 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L422[07:54:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@pD9E8EDAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L423[08:27:36] <Forec​aster> %sip
L424[08:27:37] <MichiBot> You drink a light röd potion (New!). The potion contained a computer virus! You hear a maniacal laugh as your cursor flips upside down!
L425[08:28:21] <Izaya> https://img.pawoo.net/media_attachments/files/024/470/732/original/bafbf57d8377888b.jpe
L426[08:29:01] <Forec​aster> and they have tails, so cats must be sayan
L427[08:33:16] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Xbox overlords taking over the planet)
L428[08:33:29] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@ipb21baa2d.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L430[08:47:04] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L431[08:48:33] <Kristo​pher38> Who said making discord client is hard
L432[08:48:47] <Klea​dron> Someone must have
L433[08:49:35] <Lizzian> %tonk
L434[08:49:35] <MichiBot> Sard! Lizzian! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 55 minutes and 34 seconds (By 41 minutes and 59 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L435[08:49:36] <MichiBot> Lizzian's new record is 1 hour, 37 minutes and 33 seconds! Lizzian also gained 0.0007 tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L436[08:49:44] <Lizzian> %tonkleaders
L437[08:49:45] <MichiBot> Liz​zian: https://michibot.pc-logix.com/tonk
L438[08:49:56] <Lizzian> nuu, CC is beating me
L439[08:50:23] <Kristo​pher38> (I've seen someone do it but he was using bot account, that cheating a bit)
L440[08:50:51] <Izaya> It's not hard, you're just not allowed
L441[08:50:54] <Izaya> :D
L442[08:51:47] <ThePi​Guy24> its not our fault that they use the same api for bots and users :p
L443[08:52:20] <Kristo​pher38> >not allowed
L444[08:52:26] <Kristo​pher38> Smh 😒
L445[08:52:32] <Izaya> It's not your fault that they don't allow arbitrary clients, but you are complicit :D
L446[08:52:53] <Kristo​pher38> People have been making custom clients for a while now
L447[08:53:15] <ThePi​Guy24> i even made a (terrible) one
L448[08:53:18] <Izaya> and in using them, breaking the terms of service, which is bannable
L449[08:53:21] <Izaya> good times
L450[08:54:55] <Kristo​pher38> Idc honestly
L451[08:55:21] <Izaya> I mean fair enough but you should be rioting in the streets tbh
L452[08:56:15] <Kristo​pher38> You're right, brb :^)
L453[09:08:42] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~cax@2001:464b:c21a:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L463[12:48:50] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
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L465[13:33:15] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L466[13:33:15] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Forecaster! You beat Lizzian's previous record of 1 hour, 37 minutes and 33 seconds (By 3 hours, 6 minutes and 5 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L467[13:33:16] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.0062 (0.0031 x 2) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L468[13:33:31] <Forec​aster> %sip
L469[13:33:31] <MichiBot> You drink a mutable quicksilver potion (New!). Forec​aster turns into a tiberium dryad boy until they have a nap.
L470[13:33:44] <Forec​aster> Oh dear
L471[13:43:26] ⇦ Quits: Elfi (~temia@monmusu.me) (Remote host closed the connection)
L472[13:45:01] ⇨ Joins: Elfi (~temia@monmusu.me)
L473[13:45:10] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Mimiru@znc.michiyo.me) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L475[13:46:29] ⇦ Quits: Naomi (~Naomi@2607:5300:203:51d5::1bad:babe) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L477[13:47:23] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@znc.michiyo.me)
L478[13:47:23] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L479[13:49:36] ⇨ Joins: Saphire (saphire@2a01:4f8:141:1272::2)
L480[14:16:21] ⇦ Quits: Teris (uid315557@id-315557.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L481[14:24:29] <Amanda> %choose coding or space-fishies
L482[14:24:29] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Why not both? Okay fine. "space-fishies".
L483[14:26:42] ⇨ Joins: Teris (uid315557@id-315557.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L484[16:15:25] <Mimiru> Inari, https://scontent.fymy1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/86411317_10157985088364320_2457327102744068096_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=8tuegLSTbIcAX-nrozy&_nc_ht=scontent.fymy1-1.fna&oh=779748cb11af8744f0b6ccb917e3492d&oe=5EBEE313 :P
L485[16:16:13] <Forec​aster> https://i.imgur.com/9oJ87at.jpg
L486[16:20:56] <Mimiru> IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/APPSW) US Department of Energy $97,360 - $126,571 a year
L487[16:20:57] * Mimiru sighs
L488[16:21:00] <Mimiru> I wish...
L489[16:25:18] <Inari> Mimiru: Accurate
L490[16:25:20] <Inari> Wheres that from?
L491[16:25:32] <Mimiru> The interwebs
L492[16:25:45] <Mimiru> the J-List FB Page
L493[16:25:56] <Inari> I read that as FBI page for a moment
L494[16:26:36] <Mimiru> :P
L495[16:26:55] <Inari> %pet Mimiru
L496[16:26:55] <MichiBot> Inari is petting Mimiru with the Lucifier Device. Mimiru regains 1d4 => 1 hit points!
L497[17:44:09] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-51-141.dynamic.as20676.net)
L498[17:44:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L499[17:44:55] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~cax@2001:464b:c21a:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L500[17:51:46] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@d75-156-174-126.abhsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L501[18:16:21] ⇦ Quits: Teris (uid315557@id-315557.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L502[18:27:26] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@d75-156-174-126.abhsia.telus.net)
L503[18:28:41] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L504[18:28:42] <MichiBot> By my throth! Forecaster! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds (By 11 minutes and 47 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L505[18:28:43] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 4 hours, 55 minutes and 26 seconds! No points gained for stealing from yourself. (Lost out on 0.0002 x 5 = 0.001)
L506[18:47:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-64-193.dynamic.as20676.net)
L507[18:47:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L508[18:52:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-51-141.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L510[18:58:18] ⇦ Quits: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L511[19:18:15] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> @Open Kernel Dev Guy Have a look at this: https://github.com/mirrexagon/lua-irc-engine
L512[19:18:24] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> A Pure Lua IRC module.
L513[19:18:29] <Inari> Amanda: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/436555823423160320/677593536941522944/84663096_833506750486300_2548063780135239680_n.png?width=669&height=702
L514[19:19:02] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> Inari: Trippy
L515[19:28:57] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L516[20:08:32] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309529094452936705/677600066185199646/85133940_3031925056826109_6635851315589152768_n.png
L517[20:11:17] <Forec​aster> Crysis is more than 10 years old
L518[20:11:21] <Forec​aster> and what about Crysis 2?
L519[20:37:45] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> @Brisingr Aerowing thanks, will look into it more when I can get to my computer
L520[20:45:02] <CompanionCube> Izaya: Skye: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQmqe5xWAAAmSJ0.jpg:large
L521[20:45:12] <Inari> %pet Amanda
L522[20:45:13] <MichiBot> Inari is brushing Amanda with eternal purr. Amanda regains 1d4 => 2 hit points!
L523[20:45:45] <M​GR> :Facepalm:
L524[20:46:03] <Inari> %pet @MGR
L525[20:46:04] <MichiBot> Inari is petting @MGR with a suspiciously warm Pentium III CPU. @MGR regains 1d6 => 4 hit points!
L526[20:46:05] <M​GR> Having a VM means your child is a hacker, absolutely
L527[20:47:00] <CompanionCube> you'd think they'd learn from the last list of these they made
L528[20:47:19] <Inari> Thats gotta be fake
L529[20:47:24] <Inari> I believe Tor or such
L530[20:47:28] <Inari> But not Discord
L531[20:47:31] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> I had,like, 3 VMs on my 2010 MacBook. One was Win7, one was Win8.1, and one was Linux Mint
L532[20:47:45] <Inari> Thats like saying
L533[20:47:45] <CompanionCube> Inari: nope, it's real
L534[20:47:52] <Inari> "Is your child connected to the internet? They're probably hacking then"
L535[20:47:54] <CompanionCube> completely believable
L536[20:48:17] <CompanionCube> (if you want to see previous attempts, google 'nca cyberchoices' - they even made a video)
L537[20:48:29] <Inari> Who even employs these people
L538[20:48:37] <M​GR> The government
L539[20:48:42] <Inari> but why
L540[20:48:54] <M​GR> :galaxybrain:
L541[20:50:03] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Has anyone in here ever had a tim tam?
L542[20:50:15] <Forec​aster> nope, no one
L543[20:50:18] <Forec​aster> they're outlawed
L544[20:50:33] <Inari> uu ii uu a a
L545[20:50:58] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Really? We found them at Kroger so somehow I doubt that
L546[20:51:29] <Forec​aster> are you accusing me of making things up how dare you
L547[20:51:34] <Forec​aster> D:<
L548[20:51:36] <Forec​aster> %sip
L549[20:51:38] <MichiBot> You drink a light pussplum potion (New!). After drinking the potion you realize the bottle has your face on it.
L550[20:51:51] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> %sip
L551[20:53:09] <Forec​aster> seems you hit the timeout
L552[20:53:17] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Meh
L553[20:53:22] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> %sip
L554[20:53:43] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> What is the timeout, 15 minutes?
L555[20:53:49] <Mimiru> %sip
L556[20:53:49] <Lizzian> %sip
L557[20:53:50] <MichiBot> You drink a runny aegisalt potion (New!). Lizzian has a sudden desire to run around in a circle until the next time they hug someone.
L558[20:53:51] <MichiBot> You drink a fiery weather potion (New!). Dramatic music briefly plays in the distance.
L559[20:54:00] <Mimiru> Nope, likely doesn't like spaces in names.
L560[20:54:01] <Forec​aster> there isn't one it seems
L561[20:54:02] <Inari> Guess we're doing this thing
L562[20:54:04] <Inari> %sip
L563[20:54:05] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy violium potion (New!). A warp zone opens up next to Inari. (Use %warp to jump in)
L564[20:54:07] <Mimiru> MichiBot IS an IRC Bot after all
L565[20:54:08] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Oh
L566[20:54:10] <Inari> %warp
L567[20:54:10] <MichiBot> You end up in a frozen world.
L568[20:54:12] <Inari> \o/
L569[20:54:13] <Inari> Nice
L570[20:54:18] <Mimiru> I could be wrong
L571[20:54:22] <Mimiru> but.. I'm not usually
L572[20:54:29] <Forec​aster> no it's probably that
L573[20:54:35] <Forec​aster> most people don't have spaces in their names
L574[20:54:38] <Inari> Mimiru: Look, over there! *points behind Mimiru*
L575[20:54:38] <Forec​aster> at least not here
L576[20:54:51] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yeah true
L577[20:55:03] * Mimiru activates a camera to check behind herself while also watching Inari
L578[20:55:11] <Inari> Rude
L579[20:55:11] <Mimiru> MMhmm..
L580[20:55:17] <Inari 「オ​兄デレ」「狐っ娘」> %sip
L581[20:55:37] <Forec​aster> probably breaks the command parsing I guess
L582[20:55:40] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (~gamax92@c-73-153-119-160.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L583[20:55:41] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L584[20:55:42] <Mimiru> Yep
L585[20:55:43] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> What are you assuming Inari would do? innocent face
L586[20:55:44] <Mimiru> o/ gamax92
L587[20:55:46] <Forec​aster> should be fixable though
L588[20:55:49] <Mimiru> Meh
L589[20:55:50] <Mimiru> :P
L590[20:55:50] <gamax92> heyo
L591[20:56:02] <Inari> Just wanted to pet Mimiru from behind
L592[20:56:02] <Inari> ;-;
L593[20:56:26] <Mimiru> MichiBot, is an IRC Bot, no need supporting broken platforms that allow spaces, and unicode, and other horrible horrible things
L594[20:56:27] <Mimiru> :P
L595[20:56:33] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> gamax: I opened an issue on OCEmu like two weeks ago
L596[20:56:35] <Inari> Look gamax92, over there! *points to somewhere behind gamax*
L597[20:56:51] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Involving bus errors on ARM
L598[20:57:03] <Forec​aster> different == broken I guess
L599[20:57:21] * Lizzian breaks @Forecaster
L600[20:57:22] <Mimiru> It was a joke ¬_¬
L601[20:57:35] <Inari> Well, yes
L602[20:57:44] <Inari> The turre tin portal that said it is different didn't work
L603[20:57:46] <Inari> So it was broken
L604[20:57:57] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Yeah, OCEmu if I had to guess wasn’t designed for ARM, lol
L605[20:58:24] <Forec​aster> poe's law
L606[20:58:27] <gamax92> probably luaffi
L607[20:58:47] <ThePi​Guy24> yeah i just kept getting "Invalid Instruction" when trying to run on my pi
L608[20:58:56] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> What exactly does FFI do?
L609[20:59:14] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L610[20:59:25] * Inari throws her hands in the air, gives up, and leaves to do other things
L611[20:59:35] <ThePi​Guy24> line 78 of boot.lua fails for me
L612[20:59:54] <gamax92> I use luaffi to interface with SDL2
L613[21:00:20] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Ah
L614[21:00:49] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Is there anything I can replace that with / an alternate version I can make it use that will work?
L615[21:01:44] * gamax92 pokes payonel
L616[21:05:10] ⇦ Quits: Victorsueca (~Victor_su@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L617[21:06:39] ⇨ Joins: Victor_sueca (~Victor_su@
L618[21:24:41] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> @Open Kernel Dev Guy I’ve had Tim Tams before. I like them. Also, where are you located? You mentioned Kroger, and there’s several near me.
L619[21:24:53] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> Also, WTF.
L620[21:24:53] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/f3b9i9/the_force_was_on_the_cops_side/
L621[21:26:01] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> @Brisingr Aerowing They were located about halfway down the cereal aisle IIRC. It was near that aisle for sure
L622[21:26:42] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> No, where are you as a person located (I.e where do you live)?
L623[21:26:53] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Oh
L624[21:26:55] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Indiana
L625[21:26:59] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> YSA
L626[21:27:04] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Usa*
L627[21:27:23] <Brisingr​ Aerowing> I live in Fort Wayne, IN. North end of the city.
L628[21:27:42] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Oh, you’re only like an hour and a half from me
L629[21:27:44] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Neat
L630[22:28:18] <Kristo​pher38> @Open Kernel Dev Guy FFI is for casting lua types to C and vice versa and for calling C functions
L631[22:28:37] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Ah
L632[22:29:09] <Kristo​pher38> Neat stuff, you can hook into a piece of software and call its internal functions from lua scripts provided that you know the function signatures
L633[22:29:33] <Adorabl​eCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/tx4suzy
L634[22:31:24] <Open Kern​el Dev Guy> Nice
L635[22:36:01] <Inari> %inv add void fog
L636[22:36:01] * MichiBot summons 'void fog' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L637[22:36:08] <Kristo​pher38> I know of one project that essentially modified the binary of a game from '97 to load a lua dll and make it scriptable
L638[22:36:44] <Kristo​pher38> So you can now overwrite behaviour of e.g. enemies with your custom lua scripts
L639[22:42:28] ⇨ Joins: Webchat212 (webchat@173-167-118-225-sfba.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L640[22:42:59] <Webchat212> hey
L641[22:43:44] ⇦ Quits: Webchat212 (webchat@173-167-118-225-sfba.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Client Quit)
L642[22:43:54] <Klea​dron> ok then
L643[22:47:00] <Forec​aster> alas, Webchat212, we hardly knew ye
L644[23:06:40] <Amanda> %8ball rain box time?
L645[23:06:40] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Signs point to yes
L646[23:25:24] <Skye> I was pinged?
L647[23:27:17] <Mimiru> %whopinged
L648[23:27:17] <MichiBot> Mim​iru: Who Pinged you: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/whopinged?nick=Mimiru
L649[23:27:35] <Mimiru> https://michibot.pc-logix.com/whopinged?nick=Skye not by that name :P
L650[23:28:12] <Skye> Mimiru: how far back does it go?
L651[23:28:36] <Mimiru> 3ever
L652[23:29:20] <Mimiru> 259200000?
L653[23:29:42] <Mimiru> 3 days I think?
L654[23:29:53] <Amanda> "in case your car does not have windows" https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/02/13/android-auto-local-weather-for-real-this-time/
L655[23:30:28] <Skye> Mimiru: then it's broken
L656[23:30:34] <Mimiru> Ah, that's very odd..
L657[23:30:41] <Mimiru> I wonder if it was because of the :
L658[23:30:48] <Mimiru> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/view.php?chan=oc&log=2020-02-13.log#L172
L659[23:30:48] <Skye> <CompanionCube> Izaya: Skye: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQmqe5xWAAAmSJ0.jpg:large
L660[23:30:54] <Skye> Well uh
L661[23:30:55] <Skye> Goodnight
L662[23:31:01] <ThePi​Guy24> hmm, theres alot of water coming down from the sky, but i better check android auto to see whether its raining
L663[23:31:02] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L664[23:31:19] <Mimiru> Yeah.. I bet it's because of the damn :
L665[23:31:38] <ThePi​Guy24> agh darn bot
L666[23:31:51] <ThePi​Guy24> alot anoying
L667[23:31:51] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L668[23:32:07] <Mimiru> %ignore ThePiGuy24
L669[23:32:07] <MichiBot> User added to ignore list
L670[23:32:07] <Amanda> Lrn2english
L671[23:32:21] <Mimiru> It's ok, just lock you out of all bot interactions for a month or 12
L672[23:32:31] <ThePi​Guy24> egh
L673[23:32:54] <Amanda> %8ball pizza for dinner?
L674[23:32:54] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Without a doubt
L675[23:33:02] <ThePi​Guy24> but how can i tonk now
L676[23:33:19] <Amanda> Easy: you don't
L677[23:33:32] <Mimiru> %8ball apply for Department of Energy IT Job for almost 3x my current pay
L678[23:33:33] <MichiBot> Mim​iru: I don't think that's a question...
L679[23:33:35] <Mimiru> %8ball apply for Department of Energy IT Job for almost 3x my current pay?
L680[23:33:36] <MichiBot> Mim​iru: Without a doubt
L681[23:33:39] <Mimiru> Fuck yeah
L682[23:33:44] * Mimiru fist bumps MichiBot
L683[23:34:09] <Amanda> I'm glad michibot's gotten rid of a lot of her doubts
L684[23:37:31] <Sagh​etti> hey
L685[23:37:36] <Mimiru> Hi
L686[23:42:49] <M​GR> Hi
L687[23:43:45] <Amanda> Bye
L688[23:47:52] <Sagh​etti> k
L689[23:56:21] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-64-193.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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