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L1[00:51:31] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/uscDwBo.png
L2[01:06:04] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L3[03:24:07] ⇦ Quits: {Opsimath}Shawn ({Opsimath}Shawn!~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L4[03:24:57] <Forecaster> %tonk
L5[03:24:58] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! Forecaster! You beat Ariri's previous record of 3 hours, 4 minutes and 42 seconds (By 26 minutes and 43 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L6[03:24:59] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 3 hours, 31 minutes and 26 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.0018 (0.00045 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L7[03:36:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-192-134-251.dynamic.qsc.de)
L8[03:36:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L9[04:00:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38EBE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L10[04:00:56] <Forecaster> dangit, I need a beam laser engineer
L11[04:03:28] <Inari> Who needs beam lasers
L12[04:03:42] <Inari> When you can have ALL the imperial hammer railguns
L13[04:04:13] <Forecaster> turrets
L14[04:05:54] <Forecaster> maybe should switch them out for pulses though
L15[04:06:45] <Forecaster> or burst, but I don't have an engineer for that either
L16[04:06:59] <ben_mkiv|afk> opensecurity has a rail gun turret?!
L17[04:07:47] <Inari> ben_mkiv|afk: No :P this is elite
L18[04:07:57] <Inari> Why would you thikn we're talking about OC in #oc
L19[04:08:20] <ben_mkiv|afk> oh right, thats what elite chat is for
L20[04:08:31] <Inari> Nono
L21[04:08:36] <Inari> The Elite channel is for talk about Star Citizen
L22[04:08:40] <Inari> Try the Harvest Moon Channel for OC
L23[04:09:00] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/cxaewm.png
L24[04:09:01] <Forecaster> there are no railgun turrets in elite >:
L25[04:09:09] <Izaya> the lack of Elite Dangerous related IRC channels makes me sad
L26[04:09:23] <Izaya> it's basically #elite-dangerous on QuakeNet and the Fuel Rats IRC net
L27[04:09:23] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L28[04:11:36] <Inari> Theres a Discord
L29[04:13:36] <Izaya> That doesn't really help the situation :p
L30[04:15:04] <Forecaster> oh, but burst lasers only come in class 1?
L31[04:15:05] <Forecaster> huh
L32[04:15:08] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L33[04:18:44] <Izaya> no, they come in other types
L34[04:21:53] <Inari> Why does every single language need its own way to write a foreach
L35[04:23:09] <Forecaster> oh, pulse turrets are class 1 only too, but not beam turrets...
L36[04:23:15] <Forecaster> hm, wonder if this page is incomplete
L37[04:23:27] <Izaya> check eddb
L38[04:24:20] <Forecaster> "Unreleased ships": Mamba
L39[04:24:26] <Forecaster> ...this is probably out of date...
L40[04:25:57] <Forecaster> yeah they do come in class 2 turreted as well
L41[04:25:58] <Forecaster> okay
L42[04:28:31] <FeherNeoH> Looking for a new mainboard
L43[04:29:02] <FeherNeoH> Why do rarely any X570 boards have flashback?
L44[04:29:38] <Izaya> well, automatic ore processing works
L45[04:29:52] <Izaya> ore -> crusher -> powered furnace -> compacting drawers
L46[04:55:13] <Inari> RGB sucks at colours
L47[05:02:28] ⇨ Joins: Tim8 (Tim8!webchat@67-8-249-129.res.bhn.net)
L48[05:07:10] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L49[05:14:19] <Inari> Elfi: birb? https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TScskoNMkSs_iu0hrTP4jtUiDwwBr3UcyBHxzfJB_EM/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/EGGbM6mU0AAHygx.jpg%3Alarge?width=702&height=702
L50[05:47:01] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/cxaewm.png
L51[06:16:00] <FeherNeoH> is that the ultimate inventory cluster you were working on?
L52[06:23:01] <Izaya> yup
L53[06:23:46] <Izaya> realised the other day that I could probably hook multiple servers up to the transposer
L54[06:23:51] <Izaya> index it much faster
L55[06:27:00] <Izaya> T3 servers are expensive, but, man, imagine having like, 12 servers doing nothing but indexing the storage system
L56[06:33:16] <Blurred Dev> Hi! It is possible in OC get a precise time in milliseconds without a trick with file?
L57[06:36:19] <Bob> no
L58[06:36:28] <Bob> you can have time in miliseconds from program start
L59[06:36:32] <Bob> using os.clock
L60[06:36:37] <Bob> but time is only in seconds
L61[06:36:41] <Bob> you could do time + clock
L62[06:36:45] <Bob> but has imprecisions
L63[06:36:48] <Izaya> os.time you mean?
L64[06:36:58] <Bob> yea os time
L65[06:37:01] <Izaya> because that only returns ms on Windows
L66[06:37:10] <Izaya> on any sane system it returns seconds, for better or worse
L67[06:37:35] <Izaya> don't trust it
L68[06:38:09] <Blurred Dev> I have a couple of coroutines that I use like a processes and I need to find the execution time of each and I want to have supa-precise benchmarks :P
L69[06:38:11] <Izaya> did that for pre-minitel networking and then ran the software on a windows server and everything went sideways because timers ran out 1000x faster
L70[06:38:21] <Izaya> Best you can do is probably computer.uptime
L71[06:38:29] <Bob> @Blurred Dev for that use os clock
L72[06:38:31] <Izaya> you get tick precision, more or less
L73[06:38:32] <Bob> literally intended use
L74[06:38:50] <Bob> for Lua benchmarking os clock pretty please
L75[06:40:20] <Blurred Dev> One tick of computer is ~12ms as I found in config so 1 computer tick is 12 ms and os.clock gives me the ticks?
L76[06:40:39] <Izaya> computer.uptime gives you seconds to tick precision
L77[06:40:51] <Izaya> actually wait
L78[06:41:00] <Izaya> I only bother with T2 computers normally
L79[06:41:19] <Izaya> okay so assuming component calls are involved, that aligns the timer to the next tick
L80[06:42:45] <Blurred Dev> ```os.clock has been reimplemented to return the approximate CPU time, meaning the time the computer has actually been running in an executor thread. This is not the same as the time the computer has been running, for that see computer.uptime.```
L81[06:42:46] <Blurred Dev> as I understand time the computer has actually been running in an executor thread means server ticks?
L82[06:43:02] <Blurred Dev> ```os.clock has been reimplemented to return the approximate CPU time, meaning the time the computer has actually been running in an executor thread. This is not the same as the time the computer has been running, for that see computer.uptime.```
L83[06:43:02] <Blurred Dev> as I understand **time the computer has actually been running in an executor thread** means server ticks? [Edited]
L84[06:43:12] <Izaya> that looks like the uh
L85[06:43:21] <Izaya> you know how you can get the CPU time used by a process overall?
L86[06:43:23] <Izaya> I think it's that
L87[06:43:33] <Izaya> that is perfect for that, sorry I'm a tard
L88[06:43:39] <Izaya> never knew os.clock was a thing
L89[06:44:02] <Izaya> (My computer with an uptime of 12.2k seconds only has 2.36 os.clock())
L90[06:44:10] <Izaya> tfw Bob was right the first time
L91[06:48:10] <Bob> ~~tfw im always right im a lua god~~
L92[06:51:05] <Bob> @Blurred Dev os clock returns the amount of seconds up to miliseconds when the computer started the program / executor thread
L93[06:51:09] <Blurred Dev> Thanks, os.clock enough for me) http://tinyurl.com/yyavld6j
L94[06:51:25] <Bob> also localize the functions bruh
L95[06:51:38] <Bob> benchmarking globals is useless
L96[06:51:44] <Bob> as we all know its slow as heck
L97[06:53:09] <Blurred Dev> Bob you said the same as the wiki, I confused with terminology kind a "where is a real time and minecraft game time"
L98[06:53:16] <Blurred Dev> anyway thanks:D
L99[06:53:26] <Bob> minecraft time ahs nothing to do with OC
L100[06:53:33] <Bob> it has its own sandboxed functions
L101[06:53:39] <Bob> one to tell uptime, one to tell irl time
L102[06:53:46] <Bob> and one to tell time since thread start
L103[06:53:49] <Blurred Dev> And yep that slow but that have no sense for me I just tired of GD and want to downgrade my IQ in MC :D
L104[06:54:06] <Bob> LÖVE2D smh
L105[06:54:20] <Blurred Dev> is alive?
L106[06:55:02] <Blurred Dev> latest time when I played with Love is a 2011
L107[06:55:08] <Blurred Dev> latest time when I played with Love is a ~2011 [Edited]
L108[06:55:15] <Izaya> os.time returns game time of a sort
L109[06:55:43] <Izaya> returns game seconds since the start of the world, which is zero, and if you stick that into os.date you get 1976
L110[06:55:46] <Bob> @Blurred Dev 11.3 version already on nightly builds ayy
L111[06:56:11] <Blurred Dev> WOW
L112[06:56:12] <Bob> and LOVE2D has now 3D stuff
L113[06:56:17] <Bob> like meshes , instancing
L114[06:56:20] <Bob> basically Lua OpenGL
L115[06:56:21] <Blurred Dev> D:>
L116[06:56:43] <Bob> we could have minetest2
L117[06:56:45] <Blurred Dev> and slow as heck?:D
L118[06:56:55] <Bob> no
L119[06:57:03] <Bob> LuaJIT runs hella fast
L120[06:57:05] <Izaya> lua is f a s t
L121[06:57:08] <Bob> sometimes as fast as C
L122[06:57:12] <Izaya> Lua is actually - yeah
L123[06:57:14] <Bob> Love2d uses LuaJIT tough
L124[06:57:16] <Blurred Dev> heh no.
L125[06:57:16] <Bob> Lua is fast yea
L126[06:57:18] <Blurred Dev> no.
L127[06:57:19] <Bob> but not enough
L128[06:57:22] <Blurred Dev> just no.
L129[06:57:27] <Bob> faster than any other scripting lang
L130[06:57:35] <Bob> and doesnt come with 300GB of STD lib
L131[06:57:40] <Bob> like pytheww
L132[06:57:44] <Izaya> that said, better to improve minetest than write minetest in a slower language
L133[06:58:02] <Blurred Dev> trust me, I'm start from Lua 2+ years then C# 3+ after 5 years of cancer in C++
L134[06:58:28] <Bob> C++ is just C on steroids but never dies from them
L135[06:58:34] <Bob> i wanted to start it but just no
L136[06:58:35] <Bob> Lua
L137[06:58:37] <Bob> :GWcodesLua:
L138[06:58:38] <Blurred Dev> Old memes))
L139[06:58:54] <Blurred Dev> I totally agree with you)
L140[07:01:29] <Blurred Dev> if you'll got some troubles with C++ (its looks hard but actually no) ask me I'll be glad to help)
L141[07:01:48] <Bob> nah i don't really have time for anything now
L142[07:02:00] <Blurred Dev> kek sounds shitty
L143[07:02:04] <Bob> focusing rather on getting a job and Pc since this one is like 9 years old
L144[07:02:20] <Bob> and school but i dont give fucks too easy, gives me at lest some time
L145[07:02:32] <Bob> id probably spend my nights then on C++
L146[07:02:37] <Izaya> >2014 was 5 years ago
L147[07:02:56] <Bob> 2012 newest component
L148[07:03:01] <Bob> rest i don't even know
L149[07:03:10] <Bob> exept screen that i had to change
L150[07:03:16] <Bob> 5:4 drove me into insanity
L151[07:03:31] <Izaya> 5:4 is nice but I'd prefer a 16:10 as a main display
L152[07:04:06] <Izaya> oh hey the newest component in mine is 2017, that's comforting
L153[07:04:13] <Izaya> that's not so out of date
L154[07:04:28] <Blurred Dev> http://tinyurl.com/y2gadpmd
L155[07:05:00] <Bob> i3-3320 and 8 GB of RAM seem to not handle well having more than 4 programs open
L156[07:05:04] <Bob> not talking about games
L157[07:05:09] <Bob> unless older than 2016
L158[07:05:21] <Bob> i once manager to run hitman2
L159[07:05:29] <FeherNeoH> http://tinyurl.com/y6dczy7c
L160[07:05:31] <Bob> but nvidia then fucked the game engine witha driver update
L161[07:05:34] <Izaya> sounds like a good HTPC machine to me
L162[07:05:43] <FeherNeoH> I think my PC might be a bit overloaded
L163[07:05:46] <Bob> a bit
L164[07:05:50] <Izaya> ohey a 3400G
L165[07:05:57] <Izaya> I got a box with a 2200G
L166[07:06:13] <FeherNeoH> I switched from a laptop with i5-4200M
L167[07:07:28] <Blurred Dev> Before job - I had AMD Phenom II
L168[07:07:28] <Blurred Dev> After - few computers one with XeonE5 and Intel I7 x series
L169[07:07:29] <Blurred Dev> That means success in life achieved?
L170[07:07:54] <Bob> ?
L171[07:07:55] <FeherNeoH> for me success would be a high-end ARM desktop
L172[07:07:56] <Izaya> ayymd's where it's at now
L173[07:08:05] <Izaya> man I want one of those fuckin Talos workstations
L174[07:08:12] <FeherNeoH> even better if AyyMD-ARM
L175[07:08:31] <Izaya> imagine a 96 core POWER9 box with 512G of RAM
L176[07:08:37] <Blurred Dev> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/orumuvoxex
L177[07:08:49] <FeherNeoH> oh, that might be able to handle Chrome
L178[07:08:56] <Izaya> wouldn't count on it
L179[07:09:02] <Izaya> that's uh
L180[07:09:05] * Izaya counts
L181[07:09:08] <Blurred Dev> sounds of leak
L182[07:09:08] <Blurred Dev> but for what?
L183[07:09:08] <Izaya> approximately 1/4 the recommended RAM
L184[07:09:36] <Bob> 2 tabs, 600MB
L185[07:09:39] <Bob> chrome tm
L186[07:09:58] <FeherNeoH> 3 VMs, 22GB
L187[07:10:08] <FeherNeoH> I cannot alttab into chrome to close it
L188[07:10:23] <Izaya> tfw server is using a whole 5GB of RAM
L189[07:10:35] <Izaya> I should throw more at Minecraft
L190[07:10:42] <FeherNeoH> my http server usually runs with ~80MB
L191[07:10:59] <FeherNeoH> kernel and services included
L192[07:11:18] <Blurred Dev> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/tuvesetite
L193[07:11:33] <FeherNeoH> more MC instances
L194[07:12:06] <Blurred Dev> ah.. right ?
L195[07:12:13] <Izaya> 80GB for VMs
L196[07:12:24] <FeherNeoH> I would use part of it as ramdisk for the obj dirs of my build tasks
L197[07:12:40] <Izaya> ramdisk op
L198[07:12:49] <FeherNeoH> atm I have sources on SSD, objs and binaries go to HDD
L199[07:12:50] <Izaya> though kinda unnecessary if you have it cache aggressively enough
L200[07:12:54] <Blurred Dev> Incredibuild glad to help you
L201[07:13:06] <FeherNeoH> I refuse to enable caching builds
L202[07:13:10] <Izaya> all of your unused memory generally ends up as cache anyway
L203[07:13:21] <Izaya> total used free shared buff/cache available
L204[07:13:24] <Izaya> Mem: 15G 4.9G 190M 2.3G 10G 8.0G
L205[07:13:31] <FeherNeoH> well, that kind of caching is okay
L206[07:13:53] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipb21bb307.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L207[07:14:47] <FeherNeoH> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/woquhawexo
L208[07:14:53] <Izaya> todo: write program to identify the smallest stacks
L209[07:15:01] <Izaya> so said small stacks can be eliminated
L210[07:15:37] <Izaya> this storage system only has 461 slots at present, but each can store at least 2048 items
L211[07:15:55] <Izaya> >src/LineageOS
L212[07:15:57] <Izaya> oh no
L213[07:16:09] <Blurred Dev> or merged to avoid ram fragmentation
L214[07:16:33] <FeherNeoH> Android4Lumia build is running for 520/525/620/720
L215[07:16:45] <Izaya> holy fuck it actually finished processing all the ore
L216[07:17:20] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/otEU6g2.png
L217[07:18:04] <FeherNeoH> what kind of processing did it do?
L218[07:18:06] <FeherNeoH> sorting?
L219[07:18:30] <Izaya> crushed to dust, then smelted, and inserted into the compacting drawers
L220[07:18:50] <FeherNeoH> oh, nice
L221[07:18:57] <Izaya> hence all the blocks
L222[07:20:14] <Izaya> nice side effect of compacting drawers:
L223[07:20:41] <Izaya> the ingot, block and nugget form of metals show up but if you extract from one it extracts from the others too
L224[07:21:23] <FeherNeoH> does it craft them realtime?
L225[07:21:47] <Izaya> kinda
L226[07:22:17] <Izaya> the compacting drawers store x amount of blocks, which can be inserted and extracted as ingots or nuggets
L227[07:23:02] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/5djbht.png
L228[07:23:19] <FeherNeoH> sounds way better than my manual compacting
L229[07:23:42] <Bob> Storage drawers are awesome
L230[07:23:44] <Bob> change mym ind
L231[07:24:04] <Izaya> Give me one good reason to.
L232[07:24:10] <AdorableCatgirl> i started programming im m$
L233[07:24:15] <AdorableCatgirl> *ms
L234[07:24:18] <AdorableCatgirl> wrong ms
L235[07:24:25] <AdorableCatgirl> i mean middle school
L236[07:24:33] <AdorableCatgirl> christ i'm still tired
L237[07:24:44] <Izaya> given there's no such thing as middle school in most places
L238[07:24:49] <Izaya> probably best to spell out :p
L239[07:29:41] <AdorableCatgirl> fair enough
L240[07:31:37] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (bauen1!~bauen1@ipb21bb307.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L241[07:40:04] <AdorableCatgirl> but yea
L242[07:40:24] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: it was java
L243[07:40:58] <Izaya> Been working on the item UI
L244[07:41:02] <Izaya> it now displays the current query
L245[07:48:31] <AdorableCatgirl> o shit
L246[07:49:59] <Izaya> Also moved the button prompts to their own screen which is y'know
L247[07:50:02] <Izaya> neat
L248[07:52:00] <AdorableCatgirl> http://tinyurl.com/y2nd7blo
L249[07:53:04] <Bob> get the fuck out of my room im playing minecraft @AdorableCatgirl
L250[07:53:14] <Bob> touhou doe
L251[07:54:20] <AdorableCatgirl> 2hu
L252[07:54:29] <AdorableCatgirl> too stronk
L253[07:54:41] <AdorableCatgirl> probably a tasofro port
L254[08:13:08] <FeherNeoH> just an average intel rig
L255[08:17:27] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/107e2f61-9eb7-4c2f-9b1a-49ee34c8d18e/Screenshot_2019-10-07_00-17-01.png
L256[08:23:19] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/xmpp/upload/376728e6-74fe-41e0-9429-8b716eab58f5/Screenshot_2019-10-07_00-23-04.png
L257[08:25:22] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: I like this
L258[08:25:33] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/780a20d57606b92d859e690f57524b897d8e3c53c076bacc118c2697ad2ad68a.png
L259[08:28:45] <asie> btw: I will be updating Eris, my JNLua fork, and presumably 1.12.x OpenComputers, to Lua 5.4
L260[08:28:58] <Izaya> neat
L261[08:29:21] <Izaya> been using the experimental build you published a bit ago
L262[08:29:25] <asie> oh, cool
L263[08:29:27] <asie> how well is it working?
L264[08:29:32] <Izaya> well
L265[08:29:37] <asie> we need input from it because, well
L266[08:29:41] <Izaya> haven't had any crashes due to it, which is good for an experimental build
L267[08:29:44] <asie> good
L268[08:29:48] <asie> payonel: take note
L269[08:30:01] <Izaya> but I also haven't done any profiling
L270[08:30:08] <Izaya> so ???
L271[08:30:46] <asie> ah, no, the performance benefits are pretty obvious
L272[08:30:53] <asie> as in, they don't need measuring
L273[08:30:56] <asie> on the CPU front
L274[08:31:00] <asie> the GPU front is a bit less clear
L275[08:31:05] <asie> but from what i know it at the very least doesn't reduce performance
L276[08:31:19] <Izaya> well that's good because I need all the CPU time I can get for fuckin garbage collection
L277[08:31:48] <asie> the CPU front is simple
L278[08:31:53] <asie> Snagar's builds were -O0
L279[08:31:55] <asie> mine are -O2 i think
L280[08:32:02] <Bob> asie, the staging build works very well yea i can confirm aswell
L281[08:32:07] <Izaya> -Ofunroll-loops?
L282[08:32:17] <Bob> nothing different from standart builds exept being way more performant
L283[08:35:16] <asie> Lua 5.4 might be curious
L284[08:35:23] <asie> it has a new GC mode
L285[08:35:36] <Bob> Lua 5.4 mmm
L286[08:35:39] <Bob> im still on JIT
L287[08:36:45] <Vexatos> asie, 5.4 isn't out yet, is it
L288[08:37:00] <Bob> 5.4 has nightlies i think
L289[08:37:06] <Vexatos> well yea
L290[08:37:08] <Bob> but its not in release yea
L291[08:37:11] <Vexatos> good
L292[08:37:14] <FeherNeoH> I need the address of the person who thought gluing batteries into phones was a good idea
L293[08:37:16] <Vexatos> I feared I missed something
L294[08:37:38] <Bob> @FeherNeoH same tbh
L295[08:37:48] <Vexatos> Lua 5.4 is
L296[08:37:50] <Vexatos> SO UGLY
L297[08:37:52] <Vexatos> the new feature
L298[08:37:56] <Vexatos> like who came up with that
L299[08:38:02] <Vexatos> I need the address of THAT person
L300[08:38:05] <Bob> what specifically ?
L301[08:38:10] <Bob> we need LuaJIT back alive
L302[08:38:18] <Vexatos> to-be-closed vars
L303[08:38:28] <FeherNeoH> http://tinyurl.com/y6astzhp
L304[08:38:40] <Bob> Vextaos i have no idea whats that
L305[08:38:51] <Vexatos> @Bob official answer from LuaJIT dev "it's not worth updating to newer Lua versions because there aren't any important changes that would justify the time investment"
L306[08:38:53] <Bob> @FeherNeoH i did the same but with like 10 screwdrivers so strong the glue was
L307[08:39:03] <FeherNeoH> did that with mine
L308[08:39:09] <asie> Vexatos: also the Lua 5.3 integers wreck LuaJIT's design IIRC
L309[08:39:13] <FeherNeoH> guess what, battery ripped open
L310[08:39:19] <Bob> Vexatos yea true, but i want consts without FFI
L311[08:39:56] <Inari> Vexatos: I don't even get the point of those xD
L312[08:40:04] <Inari> Just a method thats called when a local goes out of scope/
L313[08:40:06] <Inari> &?
L314[08:40:24] <Vexatos> it makes file handles close automatically when scope drops
L315[08:40:29] <Izaya> or sockets
L316[08:40:32] <Izaya> I can see uses for that
L317[08:40:35] <Vexatos> or anything you want to close
L318[08:40:39] <Vexatos> because there is a __close metamethod
L319[08:40:46] <Inari> Isn't that good?
L320[08:40:47] <Vexatos> which gets called
L321[08:40:49] <Vexatos> yes it is
L322[08:40:54] <Vexatos> the syntax is shit
L323[08:40:57] <Inari> Ah :p
L324[08:41:17] <Izaya> do you just set it with setmetatable or
L325[08:41:20] <asie> hmm
L326[08:41:24] <asie> Vexatos: are you good with Lua interpreter internals?
L327[08:41:26] <Vexatos> Izaya, same as any other metamethod
L328[08:41:31] <Vexatos> asie, not at all
L329[08:41:33] <asie> ok
L330[08:41:34] <Izaya> that's not too bad then
L331[08:41:35] <asie> so i'm on my own
L332[08:41:39] <Vexatos> good luck
L333[08:41:48] <Vexatos> I only know lua itself
L334[08:41:51] <Vexatos> a bit too well >_>
L335[08:42:03] <Bob> we need our own OC scirping lang
L336[08:42:05] <Bob> :GWmemetownLULLLLLLLLLLL:
L337[08:42:28] <Vexatos> Inari, what it also is good at is closing file handles on errors and such
L338[08:42:57] <Inari> LULLLLLLLLLLLLL indeed
L339[08:43:10] <AdorableCatgirl> i got this @Bob
L340[08:43:23] <Izaya> forth arch for OC when
L341[08:43:24] <Inari> %inv add camel milk
L342[08:43:25] * MichiBot summons 'camel milk' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L343[08:43:34] <AdorableCatgirl> prepare for manual memory management and inline asm
L344[08:43:34] <Bob> Lua2
L345[08:43:46] <Vexatos> Inari, the syntax for it is local foo <const> = 5
L346[08:43:47] <Inari> I wanna dig up Lua1 now
L347[08:43:51] <Vexatos> or <close> respectively
L348[08:43:56] <Izaya> man, imagine that 16-bit stack machine, as an architecture
L349[08:43:57] <Inari> Vexatos: Thats... weird
L350[08:44:00] <Vexatos> it's disgusting
L351[08:44:03] <Izaya> how good would that be if you extended the addressing
L352[08:44:05] <Inari> Reminds me of C++
L353[08:44:10] <Inari> static_cast<int>
L354[08:44:42] <Izaya> ... hey does anyone know if the TMS-9900 is relatively bus-compatible with the Z80?
L355[08:44:50] <Inari> Vexatos: It also doesn't fit in with the rest of the language at all xD
L356[08:45:26] <Izaya> jhc
L357[08:45:30] <Izaya> the TMS-9900 is MASSIVE
L358[08:45:33] <Vexatos> exactly
L359[08:45:36] <Izaya> DIP-64
L360[08:45:37] <Inari> jesus hecking christ?
L361[08:45:50] <Izaya> never worked out what the H stands for
L362[08:46:08] <Izaya> https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/diQAAOSwpkFY5hEp/s-l2000.jpg
L363[08:55:45] <Izaya> >the TMS-9980 requires 5V and 12V
L364[08:55:48] <Izaya> blergh
L365[09:07:27] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: the og m68k tho
L366[09:07:36] <Izaya> 68008
L367[09:07:54] <Izaya> no
L368[09:07:57] <Izaya> know what I should do
L369[09:08:02] <Izaya> I should build a 65C816
L370[09:08:06] <Izaya> based machine
L371[09:08:40] <AdorableCatgirl> same
L372[09:08:57] <Izaya> and then rip the graphics system out of a SNES
L373[09:09:00] <Izaya> and stick it on a board
L374[09:09:08] <Izaya> and then rip the ROMs out of a SNES and stick it on a board
L375[09:09:13] <Izaya> and basically have a modular SNES
L376[09:10:19] <AdorableCatgirl> wait
L377[09:10:29] <AdorableCatgirl> i had an idea for something like this
L378[09:11:14] <Izaya> honestly
L379[09:11:26] <Izaya> probably going to get an RC2014 backplane and 64k memory board
L380[09:11:32] <Izaya> and serial port board
L381[09:11:46] <Izaya> write a tiny preemptive multitasking OS
L382[09:12:12] <Izaya> do bank switching to switch between "processes"
L383[09:12:31] <Izaya> maybe what I need is an MMU board
L384[09:12:32] <AdorableCatgirl> i want something i can jank an R5900 onto
L385[09:12:45] <bauen1> https://i.imgur.com/bGOczaa.png my os still manages to boot using 128kb memory and already has a somewhat complete virtual filesystem, processes and a more complete vt100 implementation
L386[09:12:54] <Izaya> MIPS R5900?
L387[09:13:07] <AdorableCatgirl> yes
L388[09:13:09] <Izaya> bauen1: :D
L389[09:13:15] <AdorableCatgirl> the ps2 cpu
L390[09:13:27] <Izaya> do you have a sane pipes implementation bauen?
L391[09:13:36] <AdorableCatgirl> will literally rip one out of a ps2
L392[09:14:07] <Izaya> was there a large-address-space version of the 6809?
L393[09:14:35] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways i once found a spec sheet of the R5900
L394[09:14:49] <Izaya> https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3fHPvmlfajg/Wu9ouVSLGvI/AAAAAAAAM1Y/AqRL04DM2IQOt_ggVnYHcXqZJfUx9a_OwCLcBGAs/s1600/6809_small.jpg
L395[09:14:58] <AdorableCatgirl> i can't remember how it worked tho
L396[09:15:00] <Izaya> RC2014 bus 6809 CPU board
L397[09:15:33] <Izaya> https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UUI6b43yiYM/WSujS7nwwdI/AAAAAAAAIBw/rWd_K-s7KE4oWKaXWF3UPMo66W7FFH2YACLcB/s1600/6502board.png
L398[09:15:38] <Izaya> RC2014 bus 6502 CPU board
L399[09:15:50] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: let's design our own homebrew computer
L400[09:15:58] <Izaya> honestly I like the RC2014
L401[09:16:29] <Izaya> good CPU support and plenty of existing peripheral designs
L402[09:16:30] <AdorableCatgirl> but muh r5900 jan
L403[09:16:34] <AdorableCatgirl> *ja k
L404[09:16:39] <AdorableCatgirl> *jank
L405[09:16:44] <Izaya> imagine
L406[09:16:48] <Izaya> minitel, but on 8-bit computers
L407[09:17:18] <AdorableCatgirl> imagine minitel on a "128-bit" CPU :^)
L408[09:17:27] <Izaya> imagine minitel over GPIB
L409[09:18:01] <Izaya> there are DB-9 style stacking connectors that they use for ethernet
L410[09:18:10] <Izaya> this interests me
L411[09:18:11] <bauen1> Izaya: technically I already have pipes ( just no support in the shell )
L412[09:18:23] <Izaya> bauen1: are they applicable to file handles and such?
L413[09:18:33] <bauen1> my os uses a lot of the ideas by plan9k
L414[09:18:44] <bauen1> Izaya: you mean they can be used like files ?
L415[09:18:59] <Izaya> I mean, are io.open'd files opened as a pipe that is also used for the tty?
L416[09:19:08] <Izaya> are all pipes equal
L417[09:19:18] <FeherNeoH> http://tinyurl.com/y5lpwbhm
L418[09:19:23] <bauen1> yes
L419[09:19:34] <FeherNeoH> one less phone to fix
L420[09:19:37] <AdorableCatgirl> ni e
L421[09:19:39] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L422[09:19:48] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways bbl
L423[09:20:00] <bauen1> Izaya: anything in "userspace" doesn't have access to components and goes through a pipe + vt100 implementation
L424[09:20:17] <Izaya> that's what I like to hear
L425[09:20:25] <Izaya> you got the code anywhere? I need a not shit pipe implementation
L426[09:21:17] <bauen1> i need to start commiting stuff (then it will be here: https://gitlab.com/bauen1/oc-os) just look at how plan9k does pipes for a sane implementation
L427[09:22:17] ⇨ Joins: Cervator1 (Cervator1!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L428[09:22:34] <Izaya> .tell payonel can I make my own devfs nodes?
L429[09:22:38] <Izaya> %tell payonel can I make my own devfs nodes?
L430[09:22:38] <MichiBot> Izaya: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L431[09:22:50] <bauen1> in plan9k ?
L432[09:23:13] <Izaya> in OpenOS
L433[09:23:23] <Izaya> I wanna add tapes and printers
L434[09:23:53] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:7991:444a:b66c:bad8) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L435[09:23:54] *** Cervator1 is now known as Cervator
L436[09:26:05] <AmandaC> Izaya: pretty sure you can, yeah
L437[09:26:12] <AmandaC> not sure how though
L438[09:28:12] <Izaya> I should write a tool to minimise OpenOS
L439[09:28:24] <Izaya> delete the manual pages, run a minifier on all the executable code, etc
L440[09:34:53] <bauen1> you could also invest that time to reduce the memory used by OpenOS
L441[09:35:35] <Izaya> I'm worried about disk space, not memory
L442[09:36:11] * Izaya still wants 64K flash/PROM cards
L443[09:37:06] <Izaya> 64K is more than enough for PsychOS :^)
L444[09:37:34] <Izaya> which has the bizarre upside that I can happily load it from tape into the tmpfs and run it from there
L445[09:44:16] <AmandaC> Izaya: Yuru Cult https://i.imgur.com/HCvYMAQ.jpg
L446[09:44:27] <Izaya> y e s
L447[09:44:41] <Izaya> actually a reference to another anime (maybe a manga, rather)
L448[09:57:41] <Shinori> how do install https://oc.cil.li/topic/1173-estimating-ticks-per-second/
L449[10:10:30] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/LeewmJT.png
L450[10:27:55] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: I will litetally make a mod for flash memory
L451[10:28:06] <Izaya> I kinda like the idea of EPROMs
L452[10:28:20] <AdorableCatgirl> BYOFS tho
L453[10:28:29] <AdorableCatgirl> i like the idea too
L454[10:28:33] <Izaya> a card that can store 64k of unstructured data, and can only be erased by crafting it
L455[10:28:39] <AdorableCatgirl> yeye
L456[10:28:50] <Izaya> written state saved sector by sector
L457[10:28:59] <Izaya> so you could write to unused sectors
L458[10:30:14] <AdorableCatgirl> maybe an upgrade where you can electronically erase the entire card or something?
L459[10:30:25] <Izaya> yeah that sounds good
L460[10:32:10] <AdorableCatgirl> and ig highest tier would be either a bigger version of the electronically erasable card or a card you can erase by sector? dunno
L461[10:32:20] <Izaya> two highest tier cards
L462[10:32:25] <Izaya> bigger, or more control
L463[10:32:26] <Izaya> not both
L464[10:32:43] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L465[10:32:50] <AdorableCatgirl> i mean
L466[10:32:54] <AdorableCatgirl> balance lmao
L467[10:33:16] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways, i see it as fast but small memory
L468[10:33:34] <Izaya> I see it as a bigger ROM
L469[10:33:47] <AdorableCatgirl> well yea
L470[10:34:12] <AdorableCatgirl> but you get what i'm saying, rite?
L471[10:34:17] <Izaya> yeah
L472[10:34:21] <Izaya> cheapest one should basically be some EEPROMs stuck together
L473[10:34:30] <AdorableCatgirl> yeye
L474[10:34:39] <AdorableCatgirl> eeproms and a t1 chip
L475[10:34:57] <Izaya> 6 EEPROMs, T1 chip, iron nuggets -> 32k flash?
L476[10:35:13] <AdorableCatgirl> ig
L477[10:36:07] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: I'll try my hand at pixelart when i get home lmao
L478[10:37:40] * Lizzy hmms, might have found a way to get more uses into the wireless kit she has for her vive
L479[10:37:58] <Izaya> is the wireless kit any good
L480[10:38:20] <Lizzy> it's not the official one
L481[10:38:27] <Lizzy> it's one from TPCast
L482[10:38:56] <AdorableCatgirl> but i could make a use for T2 chip in zorya
L483[10:39:21] <Lizzy> but i think it was one of their earlier ones cause it was rather finiky in windows and eventually stopped connecting at all.
L484[10:40:23] <AdorableCatgirl> zorya would greatly benefit from such
L485[10:41:24] <Lizzy> the new 'breath of life' i've possibly given it is that with linux i can use the usbip package and potentially get around using the locked-out router crap that TPCast has
L486[10:42:03] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: I wanna be able to load PsychOS on drones
L487[10:42:25] <AdorableCatgirl> ah, so it'd be a card, then?
L488[10:42:30] <Izaya> exactly
L489[10:42:41] <Izaya> though I'm not against HDD-mounted flash storage also
L490[10:42:45] <Izaya> technically can over the network but it's not ideal
L491[10:43:22] <AdorableCatgirl> kewl
L492[10:44:17] <AdorableCatgirl> actually
L493[10:45:07] <AdorableCatgirl> maybe the card can be made by crafting the HDD mounted version with a same tier chip and a card base?
L494[10:45:42] <Izaya> that'd make sense
L495[10:45:44] <Izaya> like a hard card
L496[10:45:56] <AdorableCatgirl> ye
L497[10:46:05] <Izaya> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Plus_Hardcard_20_with_plexiglass_cover.JPG
L498[10:46:15] <Izaya> l o n g
L499[10:46:36] <AdorableCatgirl> P L E X I G L A S S
L500[10:47:17] <AdorableCatgirl> but yeah
L501[10:47:30] <AdorableCatgirl> i'll try to bang something out when i get home
L502[10:48:48] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: also how big should the t h i c c T3 one be?
L503[10:49:16] <Izaya> well, if T1 is 32K, T2 would be 64K, T3 would be 128K?
L504[10:49:21] <Lizzy> :D preliminary tests with mounting a usb stick that's on my pc to my home server is a success
L505[10:49:35] <Izaya> alternatively we could scrap the big one
L506[10:49:40] <Izaya> unsure
L507[10:49:52] <AdorableCatgirl> maybe
L508[10:49:57] <Izaya> alternatively
L509[10:50:14] <AdorableCatgirl> maybe T2 is just electronically erasable T1
L510[10:50:32] <Izaya> electronically erasable T2 one (entire thing) and a bigger T2 one
L511[10:50:37] <Izaya> and the T3 is just 64K with EE
L512[10:50:45] <AdorableCatgirl> ah maybe
L513[10:51:43] <AdorableCatgirl> tho i think there should be a T3 with sector erasing--actually wait
L514[10:52:11] <AdorableCatgirl> maybe there could be a version with sector erasing, but you have to worry about wear
L515[10:53:06] <Izaya> only so many sector erases
L516[10:53:12] <AdorableCatgirl> ye
L517[10:53:20] <Izaya> can be reset as usual, but it wipes the drive
L518[10:54:10] <AdorableCatgirl> no, so, if you hit the erasure limit, you have to "fix" it with the appropriate tier chip?
L519[10:54:31] <AdorableCatgirl> and it wipes the drive
L520[10:55:06] <Izaya> ye
L521[10:55:40] <AdorableCatgirl> cool!
L522[10:56:16] <Lizzy> dammit where is my sd card reader
L523[10:56:33] <AdorableCatgirl> but yeah, non sector erase chips have unlimited erasures, ig
L524[10:57:58] <AdorableCatgirl> tho maybe a full chip erase wears the sector erase chips less?
L525[10:58:34] <Lizzy> arghh, curse my untidiness
L526[10:59:54] <AdorableCatgirl> anyways, also, ofc, gonna make a creative version
L527[11:00:08] <AdorableCatgirl> for testing mostly
L528[11:02:08] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: but, man, imagine the boot times of zorya neo off of a T2
L529[11:02:24] <Izaya> component speed is determined by CPU
L530[11:03:09] <AdorableCatgirl> yea, but still
L531[11:04:49] *** bpm140 is now known as lifeiscruel
L532[11:04:55] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L533[11:04:59] *** lifeiscruel is now known as bpm140
L534[11:08:08] * Lizzy grumbles
L535[11:08:09] *** bpm140 is now known as lifeiscruel
L536[11:08:20] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L537[11:08:21] *** lifeiscruel is now known as bpm140
L538[11:08:30] <AdorableCatgirl> ecin
L539[11:09:58] <Ariri> %tonk
L540[11:09:59] <MichiBot> Jeepers! Ariri! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 3 hours, 31 minutes and 26 seconds (By 4 hours, 13 minutes and 33 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L541[11:10:00] <MichiBot> Ariri's new record is 7 hours and 45 minutes! Ariri also gained 0.01692 (0.00423 x 4) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L542[11:25:26] <Lizzy> meh, will mess about with wireless vr stuff another day
L543[11:51:47] ⇨ Joins: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L544[11:57:37] <bauen1> somewhat offtopic, has anyone implemented some sort of networked, cross platform augumented reality stuff similiar to the stuff in the anime "Robotics:Note" ?
L545[11:58:12] <bauen1> I mean it should be very feasible with our current technology, but probably no market for such ideas
L546[12:00:01] ⇨ Joins: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L547[12:00:12] <bauen1> alright, i just found something that mixes decentrialised, etherium blockchain and agumented reality oh and mobile apps -.-
L548[12:12:25] ⇦ Quits: Tim8 (Tim8!webchat@67-8-249-129.res.bhn.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L549[12:28:07] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L550[12:29:18] <CompanionCube> %oclogs
L551[12:29:18] <MichiBot> CompanionCube: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L552[12:57:08] <bauen1> Izaya: now the stdio/stdin are actually setup by "userspace": https://i.imgur.com/k9Z2e4n.png
L553[13:31:48] ⇦ Quits: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@hellomouse.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L554[13:37:32] <Lizzy> oh, i found my sd card reader...
L555[13:38:34] <AmandaC> Hey, I found that fair and square! Stop raiding my hideouts! D:
L556[13:38:49] ⇨ Joins: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@hellomouse.net)
L557[13:52:54] <Inari> https://www.facebook.com/pinoygamingrealm/videos/777967882618155/
L558[13:52:59] <Inari> AmandaC: Big hamburger!
L559[13:57:57] <AmandaC> Inari: Meow?
L560[13:58:24] <Inari> AmandaC: in the vid
L561[13:58:29] <Inari> AmandaC: since oyu're into cheezeburger
L562[13:58:34] <AmandaC> Inari: that doesn't look like cheezburger
L563[14:00:02] <Inari> It mentions hamburgers :P
L564[14:05:36] <SeaRux The Human> yo, anyone know why when i turn on an oc computer my game startes to freeze then the bootup crashes?
L565[14:05:59] <CompanionCube> huh?
L566[14:06:18] <AdorableCatgirl> what
L567[14:06:24] <AdorableCatgirl> what^2
L568[14:06:37] <SeaRux The Human> yeah, when i try to start opencompters computer game drops to 6fps, i hear it boot and then it says too long without yeilding as my frames come back
L569[14:07:13] <SeaRux The Human> its weird
L570[14:07:32] <SeaRux The Human> like this a fresh on on a basically empty creative world
L571[14:07:53] <SeaRux The Human> and its a fresh install of mods
L572[14:09:25] <SeaRux The Human> anyone have any ideas?
L573[14:10:58] <Bob> wat
L574[14:11:17] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y4e7c94j
L575[14:11:37] <SeaRux The Human> every bootup
L576[14:11:42] <SeaRux The Human> after i lag out first ofc
L577[14:11:51] <SeaRux The Human> is this just me or is anyone else having this problem?
L578[14:12:15] <Inari> I mean, that issue probably comes from the lag :P The question is then, why does itlag
L579[14:12:50] <SeaRux The Human> idk
L580[14:13:32] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y42zhfol
L581[14:13:47] <Elfi> What are your JVM arguments?
L582[14:13:49] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y2np5zsw
L583[14:13:53] <Bob> doesn"t help
L584[14:14:15] <SeaRux The Human> -Xmx8G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
L585[14:14:34] <Elfi> Hmmm. Logs?
L586[14:14:41] <Bob> weird
L587[14:14:47] <SeaRux The Human> game didnt crash so idk how to get those (sorry)
L588[14:15:05] <Bob> Well we cant really debug without
L589[14:15:09] <Elfi> They're saved to minecraft/logs/client.0.log
L590[14:15:11] <Bob> gamedir/logs
L591[14:15:12] <Elfi> I think that's it, anyway
L592[14:15:18] <Bob> get us the debug log
L593[14:15:20] <Elfi> It's been forever since I've played so
L594[14:15:34] <Bob> Elfi there is latest.log and debug.log
L595[14:15:53] <Elfi> Upload both
L596[14:16:08] <Bob> debug is just fuller client latest
L597[14:16:09] <SeaRux The Human> nvm i figured out http://tinyurl.com/yxt2ydtr
L598[14:16:15] <SeaRux The Human> think thats it
L599[14:16:28] <Bob> pastebin pls
L600[14:16:31] <Bob> or hastebin
L601[14:16:37] <SeaRux The Human> ok
L602[14:16:37] <Bob> also debug log
L603[14:16:40] <SeaRux The Human> ok
L604[14:17:10] <SeaRux The Human> which one http://tinyurl.com/y3n4ndx3
L605[14:17:43] <Elfi> Push debug-1.log
L606[14:18:22] <Bob> why -1
L607[14:18:28] <Bob> we need the current one
L608[14:18:38] <SeaRux The Human> ok hold on ill get my patebin up
L609[14:18:39] <Bob> just debug.log
L610[14:19:09] <SeaRux The Human> ok
L611[14:19:50] <Elfi> It's recent enough and the buffer hasn't flushed to the current debug log so
L612[14:19:55] <Elfi> %actualshrug
L613[14:19:55] <MichiBot> Elfi: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L614[14:21:20] <SeaRux The Human> execeds 512kb
L615[14:21:23] <SeaRux The Human> fuck
L616[14:21:34] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y5mmp4rs
L617[14:22:21] <Bob> Use then hastebin maybe or another service
L618[14:22:28] <SeaRux The Human> ill upload to github
L619[14:22:37] <Bob> :GWlulurdMmmYea:
L620[14:22:38] <AdorableCatgirl> so
L621[14:22:45] <AdorableCatgirl> i finally got intellij idea set up
L622[14:22:54] <AdorableCatgirl> for forge
L623[14:23:16] <Elfi> Or just upload to Discord if it's <8MB
L624[14:23:31] <Elfi> Bob can complain all he wants, it's still readable in a text editor
L625[14:23:36] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y4aeqqf6
L626[14:23:36] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y6qpy4u9
L627[14:23:39] <SeaRux The Human> there
L628[14:23:41] <SeaRux The Human> just use npp
L629[14:23:48] <SeaRux The Human> if your really bothered by it
L630[14:23:50] <SeaRux The Human> or atom
L631[14:24:10] <SeaRux The Human> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L632[14:24:14] <asie> hey! good news
L633[14:24:39] <asie> i found a rare crash bug in Eris, which might have been the one causing problems with computer state loading when compiled with optimizations on
L634[14:24:56] <Bob> @SeaRux The Human phone without internal storage /shrug
L635[14:25:03] <SeaRux The Human> ah
L636[14:25:10] <SeaRux The Human> hold on bob
L637[14:25:19] <Bob> Nah no need for git then
L638[14:25:48] <Elfi> Haha, atom, gross
L639[14:25:53] <SeaRux The Human> ?
L640[14:25:53] <Bob> i think other people will figure out faster than this phone will load chrome lmao
L641[14:26:00] <SeaRux The Human> lol
L642[14:26:25] <Bob> N++ like the pros
L643[14:26:32] <SeaRux The Human> i have both
L644[14:26:36] <SeaRux The Human> also i like atom
L645[14:26:44] <Bob> VSCodium smh
L646[14:26:45] <Elfi> pfft
L647[14:26:46] <AmandaC> give me n++ on mac/linux and sure, I'll use it. (other than under wine)
L648[14:26:48] <Elfi> curl | less
L649[14:27:17] * AmandaC snugs up around Elfi, mewls softly
L650[14:27:22] * Elfi petpets Amanda
L651[14:27:45] <Bob> %actualshrug
L652[14:27:46] <Elfi> `[15:02:38] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: Error handling file saving: Did the server never start? [15:02:38] [Server thread/WARN] [opencomputers]: Creating new thread pool.` Seems like this is the only real symptom, even with debug outputs
L653[14:27:46] <MichiBot> Bob: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L654[14:27:59] <SeaRux The Human> ?
L655[14:28:04] <SeaRux The Human> then... im fucked or..?
L656[14:28:41] <SeaRux The Human> bob
L657[14:28:48] <SeaRux The Human> https://github.com/SeaRuz/logs/blob/master/latest.log
L658[14:28:51] <SeaRux The Human> https://github.com/SeaRuz/logs/blob/master/debug.log
L659[14:29:10] <AmandaC> github for logs... wut
L660[14:29:14] <SeaRux The Human> yeet\
L661[14:29:19] <SeaRux The Human> yeet [Edited]
L662[14:29:26] <AmandaC> at least use a fscking gist instead, ffs
L663[14:29:41] <AdorableCatgirl> wha
L664[14:29:41] <AdorableCatgirl> why
L665[14:29:54] <SeaRux The Human> i didnt know gist was a thing until just now lol
L666[14:30:08] <Elfi> I would double-check the ACLs on your minecraft directory, but that's my only advice
L667[14:30:09] <SeaRux The Human> im a fucking moron
L668[14:30:22] <SeaRux The Human> what are ACLs? (sorry)
L669[14:30:37] <bauen1> permissions
L670[14:30:41] <Elfi> Access Control Lists.
L671[14:30:48] <Elfi> Which are, yes, permissions in Windows
L672[14:30:48] <Bob> i recall an error like this one but have no idea what to do
L673[14:31:05] <SeaRux The Human> oh
L674[14:31:06] <SeaRux The Human> fuck
L675[14:31:13] <SeaRux The Human> could it be bit defender fucking shit up?
L676[14:31:17] <Bob> state machine broke
L677[14:31:37] <bauen1> could be
L678[14:31:51] <Bob> try messing with configs and disabling save states
L679[14:32:14] <SeaRux The Human> ?
L680[14:32:19] <SeaRux The Human> sorry ocnfused again (sorry)
L681[14:32:24] <SeaRux The Human> confused*
L682[14:34:14] <Elfi> So open the opencomputers configs
L683[14:34:49] <Bob> ^ and disable savestates see if that helps
L684[14:35:30] <Elfi> Yeah, that. I was searching my system to see if I had any old configs nestled away somewhere to look at
L685[14:35:43] <Bob> maybe it is ACLs if you wont be able to write data to pcs
L686[14:37:31] <SeaRux The Human> i cant find save staes thing your on about in configs
L687[14:39:28] <Bob> i dont know the exact name of the feature
L688[14:39:37] <Bob> Computer persistance ?
L689[14:39:49] <Elfi> Found it
L690[14:39:52] <Elfi> `disablePersistence=false`
L691[14:39:54] <Elfi> Set that to true
L692[14:39:56] <Bob> ^
L693[14:40:07] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y2vyv5yu
L694[14:40:50] <SeaRux The Human> look ima just try and resinstall my minecraft
L695[14:40:56] <SeaRux The Human> maybe wont fix anbything but worth a shit
L696[14:40:59] <SeaRux The Human> shot*
L697[14:41:47] <Bob> not really
L698[14:41:50] <Elfi> I'm going to lay down. I have a migraine and crippling dysphoria since some chode reminded me in another network that I can't have children
L699[14:41:53] <Elfi> Ciao
L700[14:41:57] <Bob> as something is preventing savestates
L701[14:42:08] <Bob> Elfi oof
L702[14:42:09] <SeaRux The Human> ciao
L703[14:42:20] <Bob> Im ill aswell my brain is on autopilot lmao
L704[14:42:26] <Elfi> Best of luck with the problem
L705[14:42:27] <Bob> yet cant sleep
L706[14:42:39] <SeaRux The Human> also added bit defender exeption
L707[14:42:56] <SeaRux The Human> so im reinstalling and restarting hoping that fixes this
L708[14:43:05] <SeaRux The Human> alongside bit defender exeption
L709[14:43:26] <SeaRux The Human> as this isnt the first time bit defender has broke something because of how aggressive it can be
L710[14:43:40] <Bob> Why antiviruses on windows
L711[14:43:54] <Bob> Just dont download crap ez
L712[14:44:03] <SeaRux The Human> lol
L713[14:44:08] <SeaRux The Human> its free for me
L714[14:44:21] <SeaRux The Human> because of my dads job he has it (and actually needs it)
L715[14:44:23] <SeaRux The Human> so i get it for free
L716[14:44:27] <SeaRux The Human> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L717[14:44:32] <SeaRux The Human> but i like it, it is usefull
L718[14:44:39] <Bob> ~~why does anyone needs an antivirus~~
L719[14:44:43] <SeaRux The Human> because
L720[14:44:47] <SeaRux The Human> people are bad
L721[14:44:53] <CompanionCube> also
L722[14:44:55] <SeaRux The Human> and people make mistakes
L723[14:45:16] <CompanionCube> windows a shit
L724[14:45:22] <SeaRux The Human> basically
L725[14:45:22] <CompanionCube> especially if you ever download shady things.
L726[14:45:23] <Bob> ^
L727[14:45:28] <Bob> Manjaro clan
L728[14:45:34] <SeaRux The Human> when i get new puter ima set up dual boot
L729[14:45:38] <SeaRux The Human> thinking im gonna learn arch
L730[14:45:46] <CompanionCube> why wait?
L731[14:45:52] <CompanionCube> get started with a VM
L732[14:45:53] <SeaRux The Human> because
L733[14:45:56] <SeaRux The Human> this pc is shit
L734[14:46:02] <SeaRux The Human> its from 2011
L735[14:46:05] <CompanionCube> so?
L736[14:46:05] <Bob> VM bruh or Wine
L737[14:46:12] <SeaRux The Human> like
L738[14:46:18] <CompanionCube> it's not windows
L739[14:46:27] <SeaRux The Human> everything goes to plan im getting new pc (well laptop) today
L740[14:46:27] <CompanionCube> it doesn't *need* to hog all your CPU and RAM
L741[14:46:33] <SeaRux The Human> so
L742[14:46:36] <SeaRux The Human> not worth it
L743[14:47:00] <CompanionCube> makes sense
L744[14:47:10] <SeaRux The Human> so like
L745[14:47:12] <SeaRux The Human> new computer
L746[14:47:22] <SeaRux The Human> well
L747[14:47:24] <SeaRux The Human> semi new
L748[14:47:27] <SeaRux The Human> dads old laptop
L749[14:47:35] <SeaRux The Human> which is better than what im using now
L750[14:47:48] <bauen1> once you've migrated to your "new" laptop, install linux on your old one
L751[14:47:58] <Bob> ^ server tm
L752[14:48:09] <Bob> yet MC sucks at multithreading
L753[14:48:25] <SeaRux The Human> why
L754[14:48:27] <SeaRux The Human> well
L755[14:48:30] <SeaRux The Human> i might
L756[14:48:33] <SeaRux The Human> but we will see
L757[14:48:33] <CompanionCube> most games suck a multithreading, so...
L758[14:48:38] <SeaRux The Human> ^
L759[14:48:43] <SeaRux The Human> sad but tru
L760[14:48:57] <bauen1> how about we reimplement the basic voxel engine on the minecraft server side in erlang or some functional language that allows you to utilise every core ?
L761[14:49:07] <AmandaC> won't help
L762[14:49:07] <SeaRux The Human> but I do want to eventualyl switch more over to linux and keep windows fro games that just dont work with linux
L763[14:49:09] <bauen1> then just throw a cluster of raspberry pies at it
L764[14:49:15] <Bob> Cuberite tm
L765[14:49:26] <AmandaC> know what.
L766[14:49:40] <AmandaC> I've decided I'm not in a good headspace for this channel right now
L767[14:49:52] * AmandaC snugs up against Elfi, beams us both to a field to recover
L768[14:49:53] <SeaRux The Human> arch looks cool due to the fact that - beleive it or not - i like the linux terminal
L769[14:50:10] <Bob> Manjaro mm
L770[14:50:20] <SeaRux The Human> nah
L771[14:50:25] <SeaRux The Human> i dont want anything pre-ready
L772[14:50:28] <SeaRux The Human> thats no fun
L773[14:50:30] <SeaRux The Human> ?
L774[14:50:36] <CompanionCube> manjaro have not-so-good things in their script
L775[14:50:44] <SeaRux The Human> oh?
L776[14:50:47] <bauen1> also, has anyone any experience on profiling memory usage in oc that amounts to a bit accurate information more than "collectgarbage, computer.freeMemory()" ?
L777[14:50:48] <SeaRux The Human> do tell
L778[14:50:53] <bauen1> How about Linux from Scratch ?
L779[14:51:05] <Bob> ?
L780[14:51:06] <CompanionCube> bauen1: i was about to say that humoously
L781[14:51:27] <bauen1> just don't try it on the old laptop, it could take a while ...
L782[14:51:34] * CompanionCube has seen https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/core/manjaro-system/blob/master/manjaro-update-system.sh linked before
L783[14:52:14] <SeaRux The Human> i may try linux from scratch ~one day~
L784[14:52:18] <SeaRux The Human> i may try linux from scratch ~~one day [Edited]
L785[14:52:22] <SeaRux The Human> i may try linux from scratch ~one day [Edited]
L786[14:52:31] <SeaRux The Human> i may try linux from scratch *one day* [Edited]
L787[14:52:45] <SeaRux The Human> i may try linux from scratch ~*one day* [Edited]
L788[14:52:49] <CompanionCube> there's also the 'install gentoo' meme
L789[14:52:52] <CompanionCube> %loot
L790[14:52:52] <MichiBot> CompanionCube: You get a loot box! It contains an impossible geometric shape. (Junk)
L791[14:52:54] <bauen1> i mean that script fixes the issue of having to manually fix up after arch fails to upgrade because someone messed up
L792[14:53:17] * CompanionCube brandishes the impossible geometry in an elderich manner
L793[14:53:22] <SeaRux The Human> what is gentoo?
L794[14:54:36] <CompanionCube> https://gentoo.org/ think of something inbetween arch and linux from scratch
L795[14:55:05] <SeaRux The Human> ok..?
L796[14:55:47] <SeaRux The Human> fuck - http://tinyurl.com/yxenv92m
L797[14:56:24] <SeaRux The Human> i wonder though...
L798[14:56:29] <SeaRux The Human> i have to try something
L799[15:01:25] <Bob> @SeaRux The Human#8267 is the config entry set, maybe try increasing yield time ?
L800[15:02:56] <SeaRux The Human> ill try it
L801[15:04:17] <SentientTurtle> I RETURN AFTER 1000 YEARS ... to ask technical questions about LuaJ: Does anyone here happen to remember if LuaJ's capable of handling arbitrary bytecode input somewhat-safely? (That is, it's own Lua bytecode respresentation; It's not compatible with luac bytecode I believe)
L802[15:05:41] <SeaRux The Human> http://tinyurl.com/y4q72dtk
L803[15:06:30] <AmandaC> %8ball take computer and continue playing with Hydra?
L804[15:06:30] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Signs point to yes
L805[15:06:39] <Bob> Rph is that you
L806[15:10:45] <SeaRux The Human> ok its offical
L807[15:10:52] <SeaRux The Human> windows or bit defender is fuckign with things
L808[15:11:00] <SeaRux The Human> but theres an exeption on bit defender now
L809[15:11:04] <SeaRux The Human> so its probs windows
L810[15:11:35] <SeaRux The Human> because i used twitch launcher (yes i know shuttup) to make an instance of minecraft that runs out of somewhere different
L811[15:11:43] <SeaRux The Human> and suprise suprise it works fine now
L812[15:12:11] <CompanionCube> sounds like you have a setting or two to adjust then.
L813[15:12:25] <SeaRux The Human> i honestly cant be botherd anymore
L814[15:12:32] <SeaRux The Human> ill just move my mc directory lator
L815[15:12:45] <SeaRux The Human> or play minecraft on linux when i have that set up
L816[15:12:48] <SeaRux The Human> ¯\(ツ)/¯
L817[15:14:37] <CompanionCube> do you know what GPU is in newbox?
L818[15:16:54] <bauen1> or turn your old laptop into a linux / minecraft server ...
L819[15:19:43] <simon816> https://gfycat.com/blaringeachbats
L820[15:37:17] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/gSCqR64.gifv
L821[15:55:48] <AdorableCatgirl> i use arch linux btw
L822[15:58:29] <SentientTurtle> Bleh. I can't seem to find out why computercraft stopped allowing bytecode loading (by default). The changes was made in a big VCS import commit T.T
L823[16:01:24] <Izaya> bauen1: ocvm was written with mem profiling in mind, poke payonel
L824[16:03:23] <AdorableCatgirl> Izaya: it's starting to take form
L825[16:15:53] <asie> new OpenComputers-staging release today
L826[16:15:55] <asie> and it's gonna be a fun one
L827[16:16:41] <Paradoxical> what's new?
L828[16:18:31] <asie> first of all pulling in new fixes from the main branch
L829[16:18:46] <asie> second, Eris bugfixes from myself and Sangar - might fix some very rare cases with persistence failures
L830[16:18:50] <asie> third, Lua 5.4.0 (beta)
L831[16:18:58] <asie> as an option to mess around with
L832[16:19:18] <Paradoxical> ooh
L833[16:19:30] <AdorableCatgirl> neat
L834[16:19:52] <AdorableCatgirl> i'm still working on my (E)EPROM mod
L835[16:48:08] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E38EBE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L836[16:58:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-192-134-251.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L837[17:00:56] ⇦ Quits: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L838[17:01:30] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L839[17:02:46] <asie> Lua 5.4 will take some more work than "today"
L840[17:04:45] <SeaRux The Human> i now have new puter
L841[17:04:58] <SeaRux The Human> now to install all the windows updates as its a fresh instalation
L842[17:05:25] <SeaRux The Human> ill setup a dual boot with arch later in the week when i have time
L843[17:06:23] <CompanionCube> specs?
L844[17:07:13] <SeaRux The Human> idk
L845[17:07:26] <SeaRux The Human> 980m gpu i think
L846[17:07:51] <CompanionCube> doesn't windows have a nice screen showing the specs?
L847[17:07:55] <SeaRux The Human> and i7-4720HQ
L848[17:07:57] <SeaRux The Human> also no
L849[17:08:01] <SeaRux The Human> because its a fresh install
L850[17:08:03] <CompanionCube> also, nvidia :(
L851[17:08:05] <SeaRux The Human> and this is an alienware
L852[17:08:16] <SeaRux The Human> its my dads 20-15? alienware
L853[17:08:37] <SeaRux The Human> he recently bought a new one as this one is too heavy and his health makes it too hard for him to carry it around
L854[17:09:09] <SeaRux The Human> anyway basically windows isnt showing me dick untill i isntall and update all the drivers
L855[17:09:21] <SeaRux The Human> this is why I want to set up a dual boot
L856[17:09:33] <SeaRux The Human> keep windows for certain games that dont run on linux
L857[17:09:38] <SeaRux The Human> and certain software
L858[17:09:51] <SeaRux The Human> do everything else on linux because its just fucking faster
L859[17:16:07] <asie> okay, releasing
L860[17:19:46] <asie> https://charset.asie.pl/ocstaging/
L861[17:19:50] <asie> it's here - new OpenComputers-staging build
L862[17:22:49] <SeaRux The Human> oki
L863[17:23:11] <asie> if you want to mess around with the recently released Lua 5.4 beta in production, here's your chance
L864[17:23:27] <asie> (i might break persistence data, though - it is still a staging build)
L865[17:23:57] <asie> paging @Bob and Izaya
L866[17:24:32] <Izaya> :D
L867[17:24:44] <Izaya> 5.3 still default?
L868[17:26:35] <asie> Yes.
L869[17:26:49] <asie> 5.4 seems to work fine, and I guess it would become default once it actually has a stable release from PUC-Rio
L870[17:26:52] <asie> let alone us stabilizing it
L871[17:27:05] <asie> So you need to enable Lua 5.4 in the config, and then manually set the CPU
L872[17:27:11] <asie> but OpenOS seems to run fine
L873[17:27:23] <Izaya> shiny
L874[17:27:37] <Izaya> And there should be less persistence bugs?
L875[17:27:48] <Izaya> That's what I'm really into tbh
L876[17:28:09] <Izaya> Oh, changelog
L877[17:28:14] <Izaya> Sorry, am phoneposting
L878[17:28:21] <asie> Yes.
L879[17:28:54] <asie> https://github.com/fnuecke/eris/issues/28 was fixed today by Sangar (!), and I fixed a separate (very rare) bug I caught
L880[17:28:56] <MichiBot> Title: Bug | Posted by: jreinkin | Posted: Sat Feb 10 18:41:34 CST 2018 | Status: closed
L881[17:29:00] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L882[17:29:21] <AdorableCatgirl> also Izaya: So I forgot to make the read sector and full erase methods lmao
L883[17:29:34] <asie> praise ASan!
L884[17:29:37] <asie> anyhow, night
L885[17:30:24] <Izaya> o7
L886[17:30:38] <Izaya> AdorableCatgirl: read sector is mildly important
L887[17:30:49] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@i59F67838.versanet.de)
L888[17:31:03] <AdorableCatgirl> yea
L889[17:31:06] <AdorableCatgirl> just a
L890[17:31:09] <AdorableCatgirl> tiny bit important
L891[17:31:19] <AdorableCatgirl> also i need to add costs and all to this
L892[17:31:27] <AdorableCatgirl> especially for like a full erase
L893[17:33:29] <AdorableCatgirl> also, while i'm here
L894[17:34:06] <AdorableCatgirl> might as well make sure the block leveling on a full erase works
L895[17:49:58] <AmandaC> %tell Inari I ended up not getting cheezburger, but a mayo-soaked hamburger.
L896[17:49:59] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L897[17:53:28] ⇦ Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L898[18:32:59] <AdorableCatgirl> good news: it compiles
L899[18:33:06] <AdorableCatgirl> bad news: i'm really bad at this
L900[18:51:50] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L903[19:22:51] <AdorableCatgirl> reee
L904[20:19:50] <simon816> %tonk
L905[20:19:50] <MichiBot> Bejabbers! simon816! You beat Ariri's previous record of 7 hours and 45 minutes (By 1 hour, 24 minutes and 52 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L906[20:19:51] <MichiBot> simon816's new record is 9 hours, 9 minutes and 52 seconds! simon816 also gained 0.01128 (0.00141 x 8) tonk points for stealing the tonk.
L907[20:31:58] <AdorableCatgirl> am i missing something???
L908[20:32:30] <AdorableCatgirl> `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.getCompoundTag(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;
L909[20:32:31] <AdorableCatgirl> `
L910[20:32:52] <AmandaC> Is your build being obfuscated?
L911[20:33:17] <AdorableCatgirl> it should be, i'm running `./gradlew build`?
L912[20:35:07] <AdorableCatgirl> I'm trying to run this in the constructor of an AbstractManagedEnvironment from OC
L913[20:41:34] <AmandaC> AdorableCatgirl: it looks right, but I'm not spoonful enough tonight to help much more, sorry.
L914[20:41:47] <AmandaC> AdorableCatgirl: What did you follow to get the project set up with gradle / intellij?
L915[20:42:01] <AmandaC> I'm guessing you missed a gradle plugin or similar
L916[20:44:02] <AdorableCatgirl> AmandaC: `./gradlew setupDevWorkspace ideaModule`
L917[20:55:50] <AdorableCatgirl> i dunno what i did
L918[20:55:56] <AdorableCatgirl> but now i'm getting a new error
L919[20:56:10] <AdorableCatgirl> null pointer exception
L920[20:56:22] <AdorableCatgirl> ...which is better
L921[21:07:15] <AdorableCatgirl> nice
L922[21:07:29] <AdorableCatgirl> node.address() is returning null
L923[21:17:18] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-24-130-119-49.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L924[22:09:55] ⇦ Quits: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@hellomouse.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L925[22:12:01] ⇨ Joins: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@hellomouse.net)
L926[22:12:41] <AdorableCatgirl> okay
L927[22:12:46] <AdorableCatgirl> i give up for tonight
L928[22:12:48] <AdorableCatgirl> for some reason
L929[22:13:03] <AdorableCatgirl> blockWrite is returning `nil` and then the block number passed to it
L930[22:17:51] ⇦ Quits: AdorableCatgirl (AdorableCatgirl!~sam@pool-100-7-96-45.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L931[22:40:17] <CompanionCube> Izaya: 9bs
L932[22:40:32] <CompanionCube> Izaya: observed in the wild: 'vendorco product code'
L933[22:40:46] <CompanionCube> *productcode
L934[22:41:03] <Izaya> ?
L935[22:41:28] <CompanionCube> i plugged in two cheap USB sticks i got for my pi3
L936[22:41:39] <CompanionCube> and i observed that in dmesg
L937[22:42:30] <CompanionCube> (there *is* identifying info elsewhere....but part of the serial number is also literally HEADER)
L938[22:58:06] <Izaya> nice
L939[23:01:46] <CompanionCube> also the 'device codes' are 1/2/3
L940[23:02:00] <CompanionCube> *device strings
L941[23:57:06] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@i59F67838.versanet.de)
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