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L1[00:23:59] <ayangd> Hello
L2[00:25:11] <ayangd> Why `component.data.deflate(buff)` returns `nil` while `buff` = string of 5000+ chars?
L3[00:29:20] <ayangd> Is it because of the function's limitation?
L4[00:42:21] <Izaya> most likely
L5[01:00:49] ⇨ Joins: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@
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L8[01:56:49] <MichiBot> Lizzy REMINDER: check oc forum's nginx conf to make sure any other extra directories that need to be accessed can be
L9[02:44:42] <Lizzy> thanks MichiBot
L10[02:50:48] ⇦ Quits: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L11[03:33:22] <Lizzy> fuck it i forgot my sql db's root account password again
L12[03:40:53] <Forecaster> that's always fun
L13[03:41:08] <Forecaster> I've done that a ton of times by now setting up the new server
L14[03:52:18] <Lizzy> i'm pretty sure i've reset it recently because i forgot what it was
L15[03:52:59] <Lizzy> oh, no the one i'm remembering i forgot the linux user account passwords for both my user and root
L16[04:19:25] <Lizzy> k, it would seem that the user db isn't syncing so lets go reset the root password on chamber manually
L17[04:25:50] <Lizzy> and all fixed
L18[04:36:16] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L19[04:36:41] <Lizzy> my todo list for server stuff grows yet again
L20[04:38:21] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L21[04:47:49] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:16:ede1:571b:16dd:1bdb:37b)
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L23[05:03:27] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-135-206.hlrn.qwest.net)
L24[05:13:57] <Forecaster> I'm still moving stuff from the old server
L25[05:14:09] <Forecaster> just got my art site back up and got the images to load
L26[05:14:15] <Forecaster> now onto the next one
L27[05:18:06] <Lizzy> kewl
L28[05:24:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-197.dsl.tropolys.de)
L29[05:26:23] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-16-135-206.hlrn.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L32[05:38:54] <Forecaster> actually moving the art site has scrambled the albums/sets...
L33[05:38:57] <Forecaster> great
L34[05:38:58] <AmandaC> %tell Inari who said you could make me awake this early D:
L35[05:38:59] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L36[05:39:26] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L37[05:40:03] * Lizzy dangles some tuna above AmandaC
L38[05:40:40] * AmandaC ignores the tuna since she doesn't like fish
L39[05:40:54] * Lizzy hmms, eats it herself
L40[05:42:51] * Lizzy wonders where these spammers have gotten the email `hoob-AT-theender.net` from....
L41[06:09:21] <Lizzy> my todo list has 10 main things on it and a few of those have 4-5 sub-things
L42[06:10:03] * AmandaC paws at the screen holding Lizzy's todo list, trying to help by marking things done
L43[06:10:23] <Lizzy> heh, unfortunatly it's not that easy
L44[06:10:54] * AmandaC cuddles up against Lizzy
L45[06:11:05] <AmandaC> How's you're day gone so far, Lizzy?
L46[06:11:12] * Lizzy scritches AmandaC's ears
L47[06:12:44] * AmandaC purrs softly. :3
L48[06:13:01] <Lizzy> It's gone pretty swell, today is less manic than yesterday so i've been able to work on some personal server stuff to get through that a bit (because when i go home all i wanna do is factorio lol)
L49[06:14:00] <AmandaC> hehehe
L50[06:24:52] <Lizzy> also, i've just realised that i was supposed to be giving new servers names of galaxies, but that started and ended with whirlpool...
L51[06:25:03] <AmandaC> hehehe
L52[06:25:10] <AmandaC> I've gone with Firefly moons/planets
L53[06:25:27] <Lizzy> though since then i've sorta started giving nicknames unless a vm serves only one purpose (i.e. solder for my Technic Solder platform)
L54[06:26:34] <Lizzy> so, of this new scheme I have my MariaDB server named Chamber (cause it's a Chamber of Secrets... hehe) and a PHP app-runner server called Forest (cause Run Forest, run!)
L55[06:27:23] <Izaya> s/Forest,/Forrest,/
L56[06:27:24] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> so, of this new scheme I have my MariaDB server named Chamber (cause it's a Chamber of Secrets... hehe) and a PHP app-runner server called Forest (cause Run Forrest, run!)
L57[06:27:46] <Lizzy> is it two r's in that? Fuck... i've spelt it wrong everywhere
L58[06:27:49] <Lizzy> oh well
L59[06:28:12] <AmandaC> hehehe
L60[06:28:45] <AmandaC> %8ball wait to halucinate?
L61[06:28:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Reply hazy, try again
L62[06:30:21] <Lizzy> oh that's nice, 23 attempts in the space of 5 minutes from a mail server trying to send me crap
L63[06:30:38] <AmandaC> %8ball wait to halucinate?
L64[06:30:38] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L65[06:36:59] * Lizzy needs to make a way to notify her to remove banned ip entries from her mail server or do it automatically...
L66[06:38:10] <Lizzy> %remindme 90d remove howareu881 from mail server blocks
L67[06:38:10] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "remove howareu881 from mail server blocks" at 08/21/2019 06:38:10 AM
L68[07:05:06] <Lizzy> hmm, think i'ma disable gzip compression for my internal webservers and just leave it for whirlpool to compress when it sends data to clients
L69[07:10:35] <Lizzy> or rather, not set it up on Forrest to begin with
L70[07:19:48] <Z0idburg> Ooh
L71[07:19:51] <Z0idburg> What is whirlpool
L72[07:21:25] <Z0idburg> Google gives me nothing
L73[07:21:34] <Lizzy> It's a Galaxy
L74[07:22:00] <Lizzy> officially named Messier 51a
L75[07:22:05] <Z0idburg> Lol..
L76[07:22:31] <Lizzy> but in terms of my server stuff, it's my front-end cachign web proxy
L77[07:22:32] <Z0idburg> Oh isnt that the oe we got a clear picture f a black hole with?
L78[07:22:38] <Lizzy> idk
L79[07:22:46] <Z0idburg> Thats what I thought it was
L80[07:22:53] <Z0idburg> a proxy that is
L81[07:23:15] <Z0idburg> how does it compare to squid and why use it if you have nginx
L82[07:23:23] <Lizzy> it is nginx
L83[07:23:31] <Z0idburg> oh
L84[07:23:40] <Z0idburg> OH its your hostname
L85[07:23:41] <Z0idburg> LOL
L86[07:23:43] <Lizzy> yes
L87[07:23:59] <Z0idburg> makes sense now
L88[07:24:46] <Z0idburg> I'm thinking I should retire my OVH dedis now that I have 400x40 Internet
L89[07:26:27] <Lizzy> it was always intended to be just a caching reverse proxy but the oc forums currently sit on it because i needed to get them to a host that supported a higher version of PHP and didn't have the time to set up a new server for php stuff (which is what Forest is destined for)
L90[07:26:45] <Z0idburg> The policy in my contract with soectrum specifically forbids running services of any kind but screw them data is data and being connected to the Internet means I will treat data as data
L91[07:27:14] <Z0idburg> I see
L92[07:27:44] <Z0idburg> Do you have a bunch of smaller VPSes running the show or do you have fewer VPSes that run a lot of stuff?
L93[07:28:34] <Lizzy> (currently) just a single dedi from OVH acting as a hypervisor for all these vms
L94[07:28:48] <Z0idburg> In the early days of running MC servers I used to make a VPS for each MC server
L95[07:29:02] <Z0idburg> but I learned that its better to throw a lot of them on the same VPS
L96[07:29:33] <Z0idburg> and average a load of about 1.0 or less, the servers were much more responsive and there was far less wasted unballooned memory
L97[07:30:07] <Lizzy> ideally i'd want to get two dedis but 2 lots of £180/mo is a bit too much considering that I can more-or-less cope with one
L98[07:30:16] <Z0idburg> its a lot
L99[07:30:23] <Z0idburg> I think mine is $70 USD
L100[07:30:36] <Z0idburg> I have the newer 32GB RAM + SSD one
L101[07:31:14] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L102[07:33:42] <Lizzy> i think EG-64 is the "series name" of the Dedi have, but adjusted slightly from the base config (has 2 x 4TB HDDs and 2 x 480GB NVMe SSDs, each are in a RAID1 with the other drive of it's class)
L103[07:33:51] <ben_mkiv> mimiru http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=dd1d921f6bda1cd22617d797ccb983a3
L104[07:34:05] <ben_mkiv> im working on the simple display thing actually...
L105[07:38:30] <ben_mkiv> now i wonder if i can return a reference to the "widgetobject" in lua so the user can run methods on it, like... widget = component.matrix.addWidget(...)
L106[07:38:51] <ben_mkiv> and then stuff like widget.setFontSize(10) for example
L107[07:39:24] <ben_mkiv> vex probably knows
L108[07:53:12] <Z0idburg> gross
L109[07:54:14] <Z0idburg> I prefer to have a library which has functions wor woring on data like a table and returns the modified data
L110[07:54:38] <Z0idburg> than to put functons in the data itself
L111[07:57:07] <ben_mkiv> so addWidget() would return the index of the widget which can be used for a component call like component.matrix.setFontSize(widgetIndex, 10) ?!
L112[07:57:46] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-215-1.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L113[07:57:50] <ben_mkiv> i prefer to get a widget reference as they could have different methods, which is easier to understand for players
L114[07:57:56] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@174-29-129-127.hlrn.qwest.net)
L115[07:57:57] <ben_mkiv> facing the same problem with openglasses actually
L116[08:03:06] <Z0idburg> ok. the problem with that is who keeps track of the widgets
L117[08:03:09] <Z0idburg> indexes*
L118[08:03:35] <Z0idburg> omg this anime is so old school looking its amazing
L119[08:03:44] <ben_mkiv> well.. it could be done in a lua lib on the client for sure
L120[08:04:11] <ben_mkiv> but that just makes it more complex for beginners
L121[08:04:35] <Z0idburg> heh
L122[08:04:47] <Z0idburg> I don't understand the beginner thing
L123[08:05:07] <Z0idburg> I have found over the years that the developers can't really fathom what is beginner and what is not so I stopped trying
L124[08:05:30] <ben_mkiv> many oc players havent coded anything before
L125[08:05:38] <Z0idburg> there are too many paradigms, too many styles of learning, and too much deviation in the beginners experience
L126[08:11:14] <Z0idburg> I find high level languages a bad choice for a starting point in programming education. I don't know why they bother doing it that way in some colleges now. It makes it easy, but misleads the programmer into developing habbits that are less than ideal for future development. However with that said, there are many people who are learning to develop using tools like OpenComputers.
L127[08:18:54] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L129[08:36:25] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8E714.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L130[08:37:46] <Inari> .
L131[08:38:01] <Inari> AmandaC: :3
L132[09:11:03] ⇦ Quits: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:16:ede1:571b:16dd:1bdb:37b) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L133[09:21:26] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L134[09:21:27] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat simon816's record of 19 hours, 13 minutes and 37 seconds this time. 18 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds were wasted! Missed by 24 minutes and 15 seconds!
L135[09:21:35] <Forecaster> godammit
L136[09:22:15] <simon816> rip
L137[09:23:03] <stephan48> haha
L138[09:23:06] <stephan48> good try
L139[09:25:12] <Z0idburg> ?
L140[09:29:47] <Z0idburg> WHAT
L141[09:29:59] <Z0idburg> I swear I just saw my dog eat an LED
L142[09:30:19] <Z0idburg> or try to..
L143[09:31:22] <stephan48> my cat loves playing with jumper wires.
L144[09:31:31] <stephan48> i still have to find her hidden stash of them
L145[09:31:45] <Z0idburg> he'll poop it out
L146[09:32:24] <stephan48> mine does not eat them :D
L147[09:32:34] <stephan48> we just find them in the craziest places
L148[09:33:04] <Z0idburg> its juts weird I just vacuumed this room a LOT
L149[09:33:13] <Z0idburg> and he still finds electrical components like capacitors resistors etc
L150[09:34:23] <stephan48> haha
L151[09:35:13] <Z0idburg> so here's the funny thing about eating weird stuff
L152[09:35:26] <Z0idburg> theres this guy who's been eating light bulbs all his life
L153[09:35:59] <AmandaC> Does it count as "all his life" if it puts him into an early grave?
L154[09:36:10] <AmandaC> That's like saying this mushroom can feed someone for the rest of their life!
L155[09:42:31] <Z0idburg> well lets see
L156[09:42:45] <Z0idburg> he's eaten over 4000 light bulbs in the past how many decades now..
L157[09:42:51] <Z0idburg> and he's just fine
L158[09:43:09] <Z0idburg> I didn't realize he also eats the connector.. wtf
L159[09:43:40] <nos> what was the thing where one could do something like lua> =robot.turn() and it would tell you what methods/arguments were avaliable?
L160[09:44:06] <Lizzy> ~oc robot
L161[09:44:16] <Lizzy> k, the ocdoc bot is ded still
L162[09:44:34] <Lizzy> https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:robot
L163[09:44:55] <Skye> who is reponsible for the ocdoc bot
L164[09:45:03] <Lizzy> should list most of what you want, if not the robot component has some stuff (there's a link on that page to the component page)
L165[09:45:14] <Lizzy> it was made by gamax but i think Mimiru hosts it these days
L166[09:45:23] <nos> ah, I just tell lua> =robot and it lists functions
L167[09:45:32] <Lizzy> yep, that works too
L168[09:45:53] <Lizzy> also nos, did you manage to get signed up to the forums okay after i fixed it?
L169[09:46:21] <nos> I'm signed up but I did it the regular way...
L170[09:46:25] <Lizzy> ah, okay
L171[09:46:34] <nos> Thanks for your quick action though!
L172[09:46:34] <Lizzy> well discord and twitter sign up is now fixed
L173[09:47:16] <Lizzy> heh, it's kinda my fault cause i forgot about the oauth stuff when i changed some web configs around
L174[09:48:28] <nos> ya, they don't separate code and data cleanly.
L175[09:49:13] <nos> There was also something I could do when lua> =robot returns a list so long that it ends with ...
L176[09:49:40] <nos> for r in robot do print(r) end wasn't it
L177[09:49:59] <AmandaC> You can do that for components, not for all APIs
L178[09:50:06] <AmandaC> so `=component.screen`
L179[09:50:53] <AmandaC> I mean, it'll list the entries, but there won't be any docs
L180[09:51:18] <Lizzy> for k, v in pairs(robot) do print( k, v ) end
L181[09:53:38] <nos> :D
L182[09:53:41] <nos> Thanks Lizzy!
L183[09:53:42] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:16:ede1:571b:16dd:1bdb:37b)
L184[09:53:44] <Lizzy> np
L185[09:54:34] <Z0idburg> for the most part you wont' need v
L186[09:55:01] <Z0idburg> because itl usually just be a function
L187[09:55:03] <Lizzy> that part normally has the api doc stuff in it if it exists
L188[09:55:13] <Z0idburg> does it now
L189[09:55:31] <Z0idburg> Huh, I never looked. Must be some fancy metatable stuff
L190[09:55:47] <Lizzy> not all things have it, but some parts do
L191[09:56:14] <AmandaC> I've onlhy seen it for the `component.foo` proxies that OpenOS makes
L192[09:56:35] <Z0idburg> that makes a lot of sense too
L193[10:04:38] <Lizzy> %tell Mimiru When you get a chance, could you check my discord's enternet general chat channel?
L194[10:04:40] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L195[10:15:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-86-176.dynamic.qsc.de)
L196[10:15:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L197[10:38:39] <nos> Do tablets need keyboards?
L198[10:40:38] <TheRealBob> probably
L199[10:40:41] <TheRealBob> they have touchscreens tho
L200[10:40:47] <TheRealBob> you can make an onscreen keyboard ?
L201[10:42:00] <nos> hmm
L202[10:42:24] <ben_mkiv> Hi Vexatos, do you know how to return a reference to a java object (which has callbacks) by a lua method?
L203[10:42:40] <ben_mkiv> so i want myWidget = component.matrix.addWidget()
L204[10:43:00] <ben_mkiv> and then do stuff like myWidget.setFontSize(10) for example
L205[10:45:15] <Vexatos> on the java side, you return an object that implements Value
L206[10:45:27] <Vexatos> read up on that interface
L207[10:45:37] <ben_mkiv> Value or LuaValue?
L208[10:45:44] <Vexatos> also you'd know that if you had read up on @Callback
L209[10:46:02] <ben_mkiv> nvm, thanks
L210[11:01:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-86-176.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L211[11:01:48] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-86-176.dynamic.qsc.de)
L212[11:01:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L213[11:02:48] ⇦ Quits: cpup (cpup!~cpup@24-151-32-148.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit: Breaking stuff)
L214[11:19:21] <Inari 『 おにいでれ 』> http://tinyurl.com/y4gdh34g
L215[11:26:05] <Forecaster> there's a distinct lack of web-based cbz readers >:
L216[11:26:19] <Forecaster> (good ones)
L217[11:27:18] <Inari> Whats a cbz
L218[11:27:35] <Forecaster> .cbz or comic book zip
L219[11:27:43] <Inari> I see
L220[11:27:45] <Inari> Never heard that :p
L221[11:28:04] <Forecaster> it's just a zip archive used to store comic pages
L222[11:28:16] <Inari> Write one!
L223[11:35:38] ⇨ Joins: Rahix (Rahix!~Rahix@
L224[11:45:26] <Forecaster> I probably will eventually, cause all the ones I've found are crap
L225[11:46:08] <AmandaC> whatchya reading, @Forecaster
L226[11:46:30] <Forecaster> I just want a Plex for comics :|
L227[11:46:32] <Forecaster> I have a lot
L228[11:46:36] <AmandaC> ah
L229[11:46:51] <AmandaC> I solved that by just using my eReader for all my reading
L230[11:46:52] <Forecaster> 95 different comics
L231[11:48:28] <Forecaster> I want a proper media center type thing.
L232[11:50:32] ⇨ Joins: cpup (cpup!~cpup@24-151-32-148.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L233[12:12:01] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L236[12:47:33] <Inari> https://gfycat.com/WholePettyGrayling
L237[12:47:46] ⇨ Joins: BrightYC (BrightYC!~BrightYC@broadband-188-32-129-66.ip.moscow.rt.ru)
L238[12:52:58] <TheRealBob> dog vs car keeping mouse safe
L239[12:53:02] <TheRealBob> or rat
L240[13:02:20] <Forecaster> %sip random
L241[13:02:21] <MichiBot> You drink a soft sky potion (New!). The bottle turns into a trident.
L242[13:06:40] <gamerred> found a temp solution till the RS devs fix the OC importer function not working ?
L243[13:13:24] <Lizzy> %lua 10/4
L244[13:13:24] <MichiBot> 2.5
L245[13:13:42] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-63-197.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L246[13:14:02] <gamerred> you go adaptor>exporter>chest>transposer>chest>importer and the chest with the exporter is for exporting via extractItem and you use the transposer to send from the export chest to the import chest via transferItem its a weird solution but if it works it works lol
L247[13:18:28] <nos> This works: https://oc.cil.li/topic/468-drone-follow-script/
L248[13:22:14] <gamerred> What if the chests arent on the same transposer can you still transfer between the chests?
L249[13:22:36] <nos> well, works for a little while
L250[13:24:27] <Forecaster> @gamerred no
L251[13:25:27] <gamerred> darn so if I wanna do something like that I will have to use the ender chest mod as a middle man or something
L252[13:27:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L253[13:30:55] <gamerred> still dont like how you use getTasks() to get the refined storage crafting tasks to a list without the extra lines there has to be a easier way lol
L254[13:32:26] <gamerred> say you wanna get the 2nd task what item it is its like rs.getTasks()[2].pattern.outputs[1].label think there might be a way to simplify that?
L255[13:56:31] <gamerred> how do you do replace in lua again?
L256[13:58:26] <TheRealBob> @gamerred
L257[13:58:30] <TheRealBob> replace what
L258[13:58:34] <TheRealBob> a value or some string text
L259[14:00:41] <gamerred> like examlple say you got the sentence "this is a sentence" and you want to replace a sentence with "not a sentence" how you do that in lua?
L260[14:01:05] <TheRealBob> string.sub and string.gsub
L261[14:01:14] <gamerred> ah thx
L262[14:04:54] <gamerred> trying to find what to type to get the items its currently crafting I know inputs gets the inputs and outputs gets the outputs however I dont know how to get like say it needs 4 cobblestone to get that lol
L263[14:05:05] <gamerred> so gonna use gsub to help me figure that out
L264[14:19:49] <gamerred> it hit me I am doing it the weird way lol
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L266[14:31:54] <gamerred> gotta love when your trying to code and your thinking too hard and making it more complicated then it needs to be lol
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L271[15:33:39] <gamerred> dang I gottta come up with a work around with open computers you cant get how much crafting of a item is left via refined storage
L272[15:34:08] <TheRealBob> RS /shruh
L273[15:39:57] <gamerred> I know how to do it my idea is this get total of the item's stored then get how many its crafting then do like total - (total+crafting) which will get like the remainder ?
L274[15:57:38] <AmandaC> %choose pizza or Raman or Mac and cheese
L275[15:57:49] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Definitely "pizza"... Or maybe "Raman"...
L276[15:59:22] <Forecaster> isn't Raman a holiday
L277[16:00:00] <AmandaC> no idea?
L278[16:02:29] <Forecaster> (it's not, it's missing two letters)
L279[16:02:32] <Forecaster> :P
L280[17:06:25] <Forecaster> %sip random
L281[17:06:27] <MichiBot> You drink a bubbly saphire potion (New!). Forecaster now knows how not to be seen.
L282[17:06:38] <Corded> * <Forecaster> goes to not be seen in bed
L283[17:08:02] <AmandaC> Where'd Forecaster go? I had this million dollar check for him. Oh well, into the shreader
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L288[17:17:49] <TheRealBob> %drink random
L289[17:17:49] <MichiBot> You drink a gloomy ruby potion (New!). TheRealBob feels slightly weaker.
L290[17:17:58] <TheRealBob> :GWchadThonkery:
L291[17:20:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-201-86-176.dynamic.qsc.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L292[17:26:44] <Saphire> %drink random
L293[17:26:44] <MichiBot> You drink a warpy iron potion (New!). Saphire suddenly forgets a random piece of trivia.
L294[17:27:03] <Saphire> %drink random
L295[17:27:03] <MichiBot> You drink a gloopy stainless steel potion (New!). Suddenly there's a swarm of wasps behind you!
L296[17:40:32] <FuryDev> %drink night vision
L297[17:40:33] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize...
L298[17:40:36] <FuryDev> oof
L299[17:40:41] <FuryDev> %drink random
L300[17:40:41] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly salmon potion (New!). A tiny cloud appears with a ridiculous smile on it. It follows you.
L301[17:40:47] <FuryDev> yee
L302[17:41:00] <Zef> Now we get to watch somebody spam bot commands for 5 minutes
L303[17:41:40] <FuryDev> i made a MineOS application that makes your computer beep 5 times (pitch decreasing) then shuts it down
L304[17:43:07] <Izaya> beautiful
L305[17:50:19] <The_Stargazer> beep beep beep beep beep DEAD
L306[17:59:06] <FuryDev> the name of the app is "RIP"
L307[18:03:03] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L308[18:03:04] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat simon816's record of 19 hours, 13 minutes and 37 seconds this time. 8 hours, 41 minutes and 37 seconds were wasted! Missed by 10 hours and 32 minutes!
L309[18:06:12] <Kodos> gg
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L313[20:03:13] <Altalus> Hey, I just jumped in to give my thanks to everyone that worked on this mod. It has reminded me the years when I was installing DOS and one of the first Linux builds on my 28086. thank you so very much to even "force" floopy and HDD seek times :D
L314[20:04:21] <Altalus> I'm still looking for the SDK to write my own stuff (I found the doc, I need to go through it however) but I'm quite exited to try to automate things for no other reasons than having fun!
L315[20:05:28] <Izaya> no SDK
L316[20:05:36] <Izaya> just start writing Lua
L317[20:05:37] <Izaya> :D
L318[20:16:08] <Altalus> Trying to :) LUA is not something I did much in the past so I am quite rusty. I'll get around it by trying stuff :)
L319[20:18:08] <Izaya> hey
L320[20:18:11] <Izaya> wanna see something cool
L321[20:18:51] <Izaya> *may only be cool to me
L322[20:19:03] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/4b3478e7949a285ef6939722e5f1b802956832653ecee62f9959f23d035772ff.webm
L323[20:30:48] <Altalus> CustomOS booting from the network? Kinda like a dumb terminal ?
L324[20:33:50] <Altalus> OpenOS question: Is there anyway to set variables in .shrc? The `export` keyword does not seems to exist and I am trying to override my Ps1 :)
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L326[20:40:28] <CompanionCube> Altalus: Lua isn't an acronym, and did you know the floppy sounds are real too?
L327[20:47:16] <Temia> Well, not like, "actively emulating the stepper motor's position" real, but at least sampled from an Amiga's floppy drive IIRC
L328[20:47:24] <Temia> Which is the best possible choice
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L330[21:16:12] <Altalus> Sounds just like it, I am not surprised :)
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