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L1[00:06:46] <Mimiru> %tonk
L2[00:06:47] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Mimiru! You beat Zef's previous record of 26 minutes and 18 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L3[00:06:48] <MichiBot> Mimiru's new record is 2 hours, 24 minutes and 50 seconds! 1 hour, 58 minutes and 32 seconds gained!
L4[00:10:00] <CompanionCube> goddammit
L5[00:12:29] <Mimiru> it's ok..
L6[00:12:31] <Mimiru> %tonkout
L7[00:12:31] <MichiBot> Mimiru has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! Current score: 0.063
L8[00:24:36] <Rph> %tonk
L9[00:24:37] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! Rph! You beat Mimiru's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L10[00:24:38] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 12 minutes and 5 seconds! 12 minutes and 5 seconds gained!
L11[00:42:11] <Bob> %tonk
L12[00:42:11] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Bob! You beat Rph's previous record of 12 minutes and 5 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L13[00:42:12] <MichiBot> Bob's new record is 17 minutes and 33 seconds! 5 minutes and 28 seconds gained!
L14[01:46:44] <Forecaster> %tonk
L15[01:46:45] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Forecaster! You beat Bob's previous record of 17 minutes and 33 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L16[01:46:46] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 1 hour, 4 minutes and 33 seconds! 46 minutes and 59 seconds gained!
L17[01:46:51] <Forecaster> %tonkout
L18[01:46:52] <MichiBot> Forecaster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.052
L19[02:13:01] <asie> %tonk
L20[02:13:02] <MichiBot> Willikers! asie! You beat Forecaster's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L21[02:13:03] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 26 minutes and 10 seconds! 26 minutes and 10 seconds gained!
L22[02:36:35] <Lizzian> Yay for having to cover a remote site at short notice
L23[02:40:35] <Forecaster> woo
L24[03:29:47] <Izaya> tfw gopher daemon is using 2KB of memory on a box with 16M
L25[03:45:20] <Rph> %tonk
L26[03:45:21] <MichiBot> Dogast! Rph! You beat asie's previous record of 26 minutes and 10 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L27[03:45:22] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 32 minutes and 18 seconds! 1 hour, 6 minutes and 8 seconds gained!
L28[03:45:29] <Rph> %tonkout
L29[03:45:29] <MichiBot> Rph has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.003
L30[03:45:36] <Rph> %tonk
L31[03:52:28] ⇨ Joins: Vazde (Vazde!vazde@dea.fi)
L32[03:54:04] <Forecaster> maybe there should be bonus points for each hour you have at once
L33[03:54:23] <Forecaster> to encourage going for higher amounts instead of just getting one hour at a time
L34[03:54:42] <Forecaster> %tonk
L35[03:54:43] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Forecaster! You beat Rph's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L36[03:54:44] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 9 minutes and 13 seconds! 9 minutes and 13 seconds gained!
L37[03:54:46] <Forecaster> %potion
L38[03:54:47] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a cloudy sky potion
L39[03:54:53] <Forecaster> %drink ^
L40[03:54:53] <MichiBot> Forecaster grows a tail from a bird.
L41[03:55:02] <Forecaster> oh, well then
L42[04:16:38] <Kodos> %potion
L43[04:16:38] <MichiBot> Kodos: You get a salty tuna potion
L44[04:16:40] <Kodos> %drink ^
L45[04:16:40] <MichiBot> Kodos feels like a champion!
L46[05:24:44] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E762F97A1F6AC34A5DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L47[05:24:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L48[05:56:00] ⇨ Joins: Nath_SoM (Nath_SoM!~Nath_SoM@
L49[05:56:06] <Nath_SoM> hi
L50[05:56:57] <dequbed> %hello
L51[05:56:58] <MichiBot> dequbed: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L52[05:58:33] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L53[05:58:37] <stephan48> %tonk
L54[05:58:37] <MichiBot> Heckgosh! stephan48! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 9 minutes and 13 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L55[05:58:38] <MichiBot> stephan48's new record is 2 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds! 1 hour, 54 minutes and 40 seconds gained!
L56[05:59:51] ⇦ Quits: Nath_SoM (Nath_SoM!~Nath_SoM@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L57[06:26:03] <MichiBot> AmandaC REMINDER: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21908/enchanting
L58[06:28:51] <Forecaster> I thought that said "Roady Road" at first...
L59[06:59:46] <Lizzian> TIL that powershell has support for (what i can tell at least) the standard set of ssh tools that you commonly get on OpenSSH on linux
L60[06:59:56] <Izaya> that's a recent addition
L61[06:59:58] <Izaya> 1803 or 1809
L62[07:00:17] <Lizzian> ah, and has to be 1803 cause that's what we have at work
L63[07:00:22] <Lizzian> neat
L64[07:00:41] <Izaya> I think it even works from cmd but I don't care to try
L65[07:15:53] <Z0idburg> Something amazing is happening Izaya
L66[07:16:06] <Izaya> yeah I'm watching it
L67[07:16:12] <Izaya> https://media.8ch.net/file_store/38fd7081aba1370d8ffb29d48b12a8eff373b7def248825bfb195ccc3fdb02e1.webm
L68[07:16:22] <Z0idburg> Chuck Peddle is coming to our town in the next month or whatnot
L69[07:16:37] <Z0idburg> He may be giving a presentation of sorts
L70[07:17:34] <Bob> @Rph can i have your dots true false input to uncideo character thing ? manually finding the right dots is a pain in the butt
L71[07:17:42] <Bob> for my GPU library also
L72[07:18:04] <Z0idburg> I think you should write your own bob
L73[07:18:15] <Z0idburg> you can use a very simple math equation
L74[07:18:28] <Z0idburg> it's linear math
L75[07:18:39] <Bob> i don't know the values
L76[07:18:53] <Z0idburg> You don't need to...
L77[07:19:00] <Bob> and my braind doesn't handle hexdecimal well
L78[07:19:32] <Z0idburg> if I can be reminded what Rph's code looked like I can probably rewrite it myself
L79[07:19:50] <Izaya> brain'd
L80[07:20:03] <Bob> like base of the braille code unicode code ten it adds the values but wich for wich dot
L81[07:20:26] <Z0idburg> There's a total of 8 unicode dots right?
L82[07:20:32] <Z0idburg> in the entire char
L83[07:20:43] <Bob> 8 dots in the char
L84[07:20:47] <Z0idburg> so you can use a binary 8 bit number as its input for example then
L85[07:20:55] <Z0idburg> and just translate that to the unicode char offset
L86[07:21:39] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y5er8jf9
L87[07:22:11] <Z0idburg> this one is better:
L88[07:22:15] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y359hxs3
L89[07:22:18] <Z0idburg> that one is hexadecimal
L90[07:22:22] <Bob> oof
L91[07:22:31] <Bob> then base + translated input
L92[07:22:44] <Z0idburg> so you have the value where unicode starts for one
L93[07:22:46] <Z0idburg> that's your offset
L94[07:22:50] <Z0idburg> ever seen y = mx + b?
L95[07:22:59] <Bob> yea now i kidna can do it
L96[07:23:04] <Z0idburg> the b in this case is the first braile unicode char
L97[07:23:25] <Z0idburg> don't use that equation I'm just giving an example
L98[07:23:29] <Bob> base + character hex values i see
L99[07:23:36] <Bob> i just needed the values well now i can
L100[07:23:44] <Bob> lemme sneak that into my GPU lib also ?
L101[07:23:55] <Z0idburg> you should be able to add bits easily. ESPECIALLY with Lua 5.3
L102[07:24:02] <Z0idburg> but 5.2 works fine too
L103[07:24:09] <Bob> 0x works
L104[07:24:11] <Bob> and i use it alot
L105[07:24:12] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L106[07:24:25] <Bob> i can convert to hex and back using integrated stuff so im fine
L107[07:24:35] <Bob> im using already a color calculation thing based of 0x es
L108[07:25:44] <Z0idburg> it's really just:
L109[07:25:45] <Z0idburg> `function convert_to_braile(pixel_map) return unicode.char(pixel_map + 2800) end
L110[07:25:53] <Z0idburg> it's really just:
L111[07:25:53] <Z0idburg> `function convert_to_braile(pixel_map) return unicode.char(pixel_map + 2800) end` [Edited]
L112[07:26:13] <Z0idburg> notice that function doesn't do much ?
L113[07:28:02] <Bob> gonna ask the user a binary output then using regex spilt the string and add the needed hex values then using unicode api in openos ill convert to braile i guess
L114[07:28:11] <Z0idburg> for example in Lua 5.3: print(convert_to_braile(0x80 & 0x40)
L115[07:28:14] <Z0idburg> )
L116[07:28:20] <Z0idburg> which would print two pixels in those locations
L117[07:28:28] <Z0idburg> sorry,
L118[07:28:33] <Z0idburg> 0x80 | 0x40
L119[07:28:51] <Z0idburg> my keyboard is foreign on the laptop and | is not where | is on this kb
L120[07:29:24] <Z0idburg> with 5.2 you can manually put in the number, or you can use the bit 32 lib
L121[07:29:32] <Bob> i'm using 5.3 so
L122[07:29:43] <Z0idburg> you jus | with every pixel
L123[07:29:50] <Z0idburg> you can put them in any order
L124[07:33:15] <Z0idburg> 5.3 is the way to go
L125[07:33:23] <Bob> yes
L126[07:40:33] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y3kfmj3f
L127[07:40:36] <Bob> Here i think i got it
L128[07:41:17] <Bob> should i localize my functions ?
L129[07:42:25] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y29g9k27
L130[07:42:29] <Bob> Works as intended
L131[07:42:32] <Z0idburg> you should always localize them except under special conditions
L132[07:42:47] <Bob> @Rph i got a more compact script lol
L133[07:42:50] <Rph> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/epogoqomop
L134[07:42:54] <Rph> Oh ol
L135[07:42:56] <Rph> Ok*
L136[07:43:02] <Z0idburg> wait wtf
L137[07:43:18] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y5cbwxne
L138[07:43:21] <Rph> Copied from pastebin on a phone
L139[07:43:21] <Bob> Here more compact
L140[07:43:24] <Rph> Hmmm
L141[07:43:31] <Z0idburg> you're cutting up a base 10 number
L142[07:43:35] <Z0idburg> and using it as binary
L143[07:43:39] <Rph> Oh no
L144[07:43:45] <Bob> :GWqlabsOilUp:
L145[07:43:52] <Bob> Only i can understand what i do
L146[07:43:54] <Bob> horrible but works
L147[07:44:10] <Z0idburg> You do realize that within a day you will have memorized all of the hexadecimal offsets right?
L148[07:44:16] <Z0idburg> it doesn't take long
L149[07:44:31] <Bob> Yea i already know all up to 65k lol
L150[07:44:36] ⇨ Joins: Teris (Teris!uid315557@id-315557.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L151[07:44:37] <Bob> used them way before
L152[07:44:40] <Z0idburg> thats 16 bits
L153[07:44:42] <Bob> for redstone memory banks
L154[07:44:51] <Bob> 32bit int here i come ?
L155[07:45:00] <Z0idburg> here's a REALLY easy way to think about it
L156[07:45:18] <AmandaC> I do powers of two when I need to sleep, but I'm not tired enough to just pass out. :P
L157[07:45:20] <Z0idburg> each digit in hexadecimal is 1 nibble. if F is 1111, then F0 is 11110000
L158[07:45:28] <Rph> You don't as much need to remember all 65536 but rather a way to convert bidirectionally
L159[07:45:54] <Bob> 0xFFFF
L160[07:45:56] <Z0idburg> so all you have to do is remember 16 numbers.
L161[07:46:02] <Z0idburg> 0xFFFF is 1111111111111111
L162[07:46:15] <Z0idburg> each digit is 4 bits
L163[07:46:16] <Z0idburg> that's all
L164[07:46:21] <Z0idburg> in order
L165[07:46:27] <Z0idburg> 10101011 is AB
L166[07:46:32] <Z0idburg> A is 1010
L167[07:46:35] <Z0idburg> B is 1011
L168[07:47:15] <Z0idburg> So there isn't really any excuse for not being able to memorize them
L169[07:47:35] <Bob> *we ain't machines*
L170[07:47:45] <Z0idburg> But we are
L171[07:47:53] <Z0idburg> and what is 16 nyumbers to memorize
L172[07:48:02] <Z0idburg> a piece of cake is what that is
L173[07:48:03] <AmandaC> My math teacher in highschool taught me a trick for converting between bases, but I've long since forgotten what it was.
L174[07:49:07] <Z0idburg> i've seen some pretty nifty things myself
L175[07:49:18] <Z0idburg> I don't remember any of them XD
L176[07:49:43] <Z0idburg> my precalc teacher tought us how to find the cube root of any number as many digits as we wanted
L177[07:49:45] <Z0idburg> really fast
L178[07:49:46] <Bob> time goes too fast
L179[07:49:55] <Z0idburg> but I wish I knew how it worked
L180[07:50:03] <Z0idburg> I wasn't paying attention much that day
L181[07:50:14] <Z0idburg> Time is only as fast as you make it to be
L182[07:50:21] <Z0idburg> I find time to move quite slowly
L183[07:51:20] <Z0idburg> But the important thing is
L184[07:51:35] <Z0idburg> converting from decimal to binary on a computer is REALLY slow
L185[07:51:48] <Z0idburg> if you need tio draw dithered graphics it's going to be painful
L186[07:51:54] <Rph> Slow is relative
L187[07:52:11] <Rph> There are fast algorithms and slow ones
L188[07:52:23] <Rph> And fast computers and slow ones
L189[07:52:35] <Bob> mine is the average old computer
L190[07:53:26] <Z0idburg> http://tinyurl.com/y3f9dm9q
L191[07:53:29] <Z0idburg> My computer
L192[07:53:45] <Rph> Hmmm
L193[07:55:01] <Bob> legit
L194[07:55:19] <Z0idburg> obviously not the one I am using here
L195[07:55:25] <Z0idburg> its in my office
L196[07:57:10] <Z0idburg> anyways. I'm just saying if you use a function with 1ms latency
L197[07:57:17] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L198[07:57:23] <Z0idburg> then print 10x100 chars on the screen
L199[07:57:40] <Z0idburg> how long do tyou think it takes to draw them?
L200[07:58:03] <Izaya> S3: thoughts on the CCSO nameserver?
L201[07:58:13] <AmandaC> %8ball halucinate ?
L202[07:58:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: My reply is no
L203[07:59:22] <Z0idburg> CCSO?
L204[07:59:31] <Izaya> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2378
L205[07:59:34] <Izaya> used with Gopher a bit
L206[07:59:59] <Izaya> similar use as with LDAP
L207[08:00:25] <Izaya> but not ... complicated due to being designed by committee 40 years ago
L208[08:01:00] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L209[08:04:13] <Z0idburg> huh
L210[08:04:39] <Z0idburg> I got trotwood booting now off of managed filesystems properly
L211[08:54:05] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y4v86ymp
L212[08:54:09] <Bob> Of course all has to break suddenly
L213[08:54:30] <Zef> %tonk
L214[08:54:30] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Zef! You beat stephan48's previous record of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L215[08:54:31] <MichiBot> Zef's new record is 2 hours, 55 minutes and 52 seconds! 51 minutes and 58 seconds gained!
L216[08:54:40] <Zef> %tonkout
L217[08:54:40] <MichiBot> Zef has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! Current score: 0.019
L218[08:54:48] <Zef> Really
L219[08:55:04] <Zef> I got 2 tonk points for an hour and a half
L220[08:55:08] <Zef> Before
L221[08:58:22] <Rph> %tonk
L222[08:58:23] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Rph! You beat Zef's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L223[08:58:24] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 3 minutes and 42 seconds! 3 minutes and 42 seconds gained!
L224[09:02:07] <Forecaster> somehow I doubt that
L225[09:08:05] <Rph> %tonk
L226[09:08:05] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! Rph! You beat your own previous record of 3 minutes and 42 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L227[09:08:06] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 9 minutes and 42 seconds! 5 minutes and 59 seconds gained!
L228[09:08:26] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-172.dsl.tropolys.de)
L229[09:14:31] <Zef> Wait maybe I'm an idiot
L230[09:16:54] <Bob> everything jsut stops working
L231[09:20:04] <Forecaster> considering it takes the number of hours and divides it by 1000 I'd say yes :P
L232[09:20:31] <Forecaster> it completely ignores minutes and seconds
L233[09:20:51] <Forecaster> and technically days, so if you had 1 day and 2 hours you'd only get 0.002 points :P
L234[09:21:33] <Mimiru> I'm gonna disagree there, I tonked on MichiBot2 and got a bunch of points cause I had 4 days
L235[09:22:20] <stephan48> %tonk
L236[09:22:21] <MichiBot> Dagnammit! stephan48! You beat Rph's previous record of 9 minutes and 42 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L237[09:22:22] <MichiBot> stephan48's new record is 14 minutes and 15 seconds! 4 minutes and 33 seconds gained!
L238[09:22:29] <stephan48> %tonkout
L239[09:22:29] <MichiBot> stephan48 has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.0 tonk points! Current score: 0.001
L240[09:22:48] <Forecaster> oh?
L241[09:22:50] <Forecaster> huh
L242[09:22:59] <Forecaster> I did that without really thinking about it then I guess
L243[09:23:02] <Forecaster> or some else did it
L244[09:23:09] <Mimiru> I didn't
L245[09:23:52] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot2 (MichiBot2!~MichiBot2@mail.pc-logix.com)
L246[09:23:52] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot2
L247[09:24:08] <Mimiru> ^part #oc
L248[09:24:10] ⇦ Parts: MichiBot2 (MichiBot2!~MichiBot2@mail.pc-logix.com) ())
L249[09:26:04] <Forecaster> stephan48 that was a waste of 14 perfectly good minutes >:
L250[09:26:26] <Mimiru> <MichiBot2> Mimiru's new record is 1 day, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 24 seconds! 1 day, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 24 seconds gained!
L251[09:26:27] <Mimiru> <Mimiru> ^tonkout
L252[09:26:27] <Mimiru> <MichiBot2> Mimiru has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.034 tonk points! Current score: 0.171
L253[09:26:42] <Mimiru> 34 hours = .034 tonk points
L254[09:27:02] <Forecaster> huh
L255[09:27:30] <Rph> %tonk
L256[09:27:31] <MichiBot> By my throth! Rph! You beat stephan48's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L257[09:27:32] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 5 minutes and 2 seconds! 5 minutes and 2 seconds gained!
L258[09:27:41] <Rph> can I tonk on two fronts?
L259[09:27:47] <Forecaster> what?
L260[09:27:52] <Rph> well
L261[09:27:56] <Rph> hmm like
L262[09:28:02] <Rph> michibot and michibot2
L263[09:28:04] <Forecaster> it's global to the instance
L264[09:28:17] <Forecaster> those are separate instances
L265[09:28:22] <Rph> hmm
L266[09:32:06] <Zef> Well michibot2 isn't even here
L267[09:32:45] <Izaya> eh, only a /join away
L268[09:32:51] <Izaya> a shame PMs don't work any more
L269[09:32:57] * Izaya coughs
L270[09:37:34] <Forecaster> it's not much of a social game if you can play in sneakly in PM's :P
L271[09:39:08] <Z0idburg> %tonk
L272[09:39:08] <MichiBot> Sard! Z0idburg! You beat Rph's previous record of 5 minutes and 2 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L273[09:39:09] <MichiBot> Z0idburg's new record is 11 minutes and 37 seconds! 6 minutes and 34 seconds gained!
L274[09:39:42] <Z0idburg> Hey Bob that's not too shabby
L275[09:40:23] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:362c:3552:69f2:d9ed:6a3b)
L276[09:41:27] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L277[09:48:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F01E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L278[09:50:35] <Inari> .
L279[09:50:43] <stephan48> +
L280[09:50:45] <Inari> Heh
L281[10:01:15] <Z0idburg> Bob: I was describing your horrifying function to @Enthalpy
L282[10:02:02] <Izaya> at one point it wasn't a function :^)
L283[10:02:13] <Z0idburg> lol
L284[10:02:46] <Z0idburg> I am so tired today
L285[10:02:52] <Z0idburg> I went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 7
L286[10:24:03] <Z0idburg> Izaya: I find ANSI code page 487 to be much more pleasant
L287[10:24:09] <Z0idburg> for gui drawing
L288[10:24:23] <Rph> %tonk
L289[10:24:24] <MichiBot> Consarn it! Rph! You beat Z0idburg's previous record of 11 minutes and 37 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L290[10:24:25] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 45 minutes and 15 seconds! 33 minutes and 38 seconds gained!
L291[10:24:29] <Z0idburg> DAMN YOU
L292[10:24:35] <Rph> :)
L293[10:24:39] <Z0idburg> %tonkin
L294[10:24:50] <Z0idburg> %w KBGR
L295[10:24:51] <MichiBot> Current weather for Bangor International, ME Current Temp: 17°F/-8°C Feels Like: 7°F/-14°C Current Humidity: 36% Wind: From the West 8 Mph/13 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L296[10:24:52] <Z0idburg> I wonder
L297[10:25:02] <Z0idburg> getting warmer I see
L298[10:29:01] <Izaya> %weather ballina australia
L299[10:29:01] <MichiBot> Current weather for Ballina, Australia Current Temp: 79.7°F/26.5°C Feels Like: 83°F/28°C Current Humidity: 75% Wind: From the South 4 Mph/6.4 Km/h Conditions: Scattered Clouds
L300[10:29:19] <Izaya> mmmh, 3:30AM, 28°
L301[10:29:35] <Izaya> Tropical weather now
L302[10:46:30] <Z0idburg> that's too hot
L303[10:47:03] <Zef> ~w adapter
L304[10:47:03] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/block:adapter
L305[10:48:23] <Z0idburg> Izaya, ever been to the northern territory?
L306[10:48:30] <Izaya> Yup
L307[10:48:35] <Z0idburg> whats out there
L308[10:48:55] <Izaya> rocks
L309[10:48:57] <Izaya> sand
L310[10:49:00] <Izaya> crocodiles
L311[10:49:04] <Izaya> uranium
L312[10:49:09] <Z0idburg> crocodiles?
L313[10:49:12] <Izaya> trees, sometimes
L314[10:49:15] <Z0idburg> isnt it just desert?
L315[10:49:22] <Izaya> a disappointing lack of cacti
L316[10:49:29] <Izaya> No?
L317[10:49:52] <Izaya> There are significant river-adjacent regions and floodplains
L318[10:50:30] <Z0idburg> https://www.google.com/maps/@-18.8308687,136.072487,3a,75y,156.6h,80.71t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sG_gFjITsqq0qE4wze2dv1A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DG_gFjITsqq0qE4wze2dv1A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D93.35553%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i3328!8i1664
L319[10:50:43] <Z0idburg> ok where am I
L320[10:51:46] <Izaya> am on phone so too lazy to check
L321[10:52:09] <Izaya> I stayed for a week in Jabiru which is a town next to a uranium mine in a national park
L322[10:52:20] <Izaya> though I gather the mine is packing up recently
L323[11:12:03] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@mue-88-130-52-172.dsl.tropolys.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L324[11:13:49] <Forecaster> %tonk
L325[11:13:49] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! Forecaster! You beat Rph's previous record of 45 minutes and 15 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L326[11:13:50] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 49 minutes and 25 seconds! 4 minutes and 9 seconds gained!
L327[11:14:37] <Forecaster> %choose Anarcute or Furi or Place Mechanic Simulator or Wargroove
L328[11:14:38] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Somebody once told me to roll with Place Mechanic Simulator
L329[11:14:44] <Rph> you stole my tonk (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
L330[11:14:45] <Forecaster> alrighty then
L331[11:14:51] <Forecaster> It's mine now.
L332[11:19:04] <Zef> %flip ^
L333[11:19:05] <MichiBot> Zef: (╯°□°)╯˙ʍou ǝuıɯ s,ʇI
L334[11:19:07] <Inari> "We're future oriented and thus rely on our own nginx servers" What does that even mean
L335[11:20:53] <Rph> absolutely nothing
L336[11:20:55] <Rph> marketing bs
L337[11:21:16] <Inari> Thats what it sounds like to me xD But wondered what I'm missing
L338[11:21:51] <Zef> We're present oriented, no time like now. That's why we don't use backups.
L339[11:24:46] <Z0idburg> inari: It means they don';t use LNMP
L340[11:25:01] <Z0idburg> I don't blame them
L341[11:25:05] <Z0idburg> those projects are stupid
L342[11:26:29] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L343[11:37:59] <Bob> http://tinyurl.com/y6q4dv2f
L344[11:38:03] <Bob> Gfl a,d ^gfl are different
L345[11:38:06] <Bob> but it doesnt draw
L346[11:38:10] <Bob> what is going on
L347[11:38:12] <Bob> brb
L348[11:52:27] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L349[12:12:25] <Z0idburg> Don't cuddle your operators
L350[12:12:30] <Z0idburg> it's uncanny
L351[12:13:04] <Z0idburg> If you need minificaion use a minifier
L352[12:14:17] <Z0idburg> anyways
L353[12:14:22] <Z0idburg> what are you trying to do?
L354[12:14:27] <Z0idburg> besides use gpu.fill
L355[12:18:23] <Rph> %tonk
L356[12:18:23] <MichiBot> Fopdoodle! Rph! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 49 minutes and 25 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L357[12:18:24] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 4 minutes and 33 seconds! 15 minutes and 8 seconds gained!
L358[12:18:30] <Rph> %tonkout
L359[12:18:31] <MichiBot> Rph has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.004
L360[12:18:37] <Rph> %tonk
L361[12:18:45] <Z0idburg> %tonk
L362[12:18:54] <Z0idburg> YOU BROKE IT
L363[12:18:56] <Rph> We broke michibot
L364[12:19:00] <Rph> Nooooo
L365[12:21:21] <Z0idburg> huh
L366[12:21:25] <Z0idburg> XRP is going back up
L367[12:21:56] <Rph> Rip tonkbot
L368[12:22:04] <Z0idburg> %tonk
L369[12:22:04] <MichiBot> By my throth! Z0idburg! You beat Rph's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L370[12:22:05] <MichiBot> Z0idburg's new record is 3 minutes and 33 seconds! 3 minutes and 33 seconds gained!
L371[12:22:09] <Z0idburg> timeouts
L372[12:39:36] <kieran> how would you do multiple component
L373[12:41:39] <Mimiru> Theres a 60 second limit on tonk, and since you're on Discord you can't see notices.
L374[12:41:57] <Mimiru> @kieran use component.proxy and component.get
L375[12:42:28] <Mimiru> Something like component1 = component.proxy(component.get("First part of UUID")) component2 = component.proxy(component.get("First part of UUID"))
L376[12:42:31] <Mimiru> etc
L377[12:43:05] <Z0idburg> @kieran what do you mean
L378[12:43:22] <kieran> is there any easier why then that
L379[12:43:30] <Z0idburg> Why is that hard?
L380[12:43:38] <Z0idburg> How would you like it to work?
L381[12:43:58] <kieran> Because i am so new at lua
L382[12:47:03] <Z0idburg> what two components are you working with?
L383[12:47:55] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L384[12:49:20] <kieran> 7 open lights
L385[12:49:46] <Z0idburg> UUIDs don't change
L386[12:50:05] <Z0idburg> so you could make a table that stores UUIDs of things prmanently and makes a name for them
L387[12:50:10] <Z0idburg> that you can reference.
L388[12:50:29] <kieran> @Z0idburg have you got a mic
L389[12:50:38] <Z0idburg> Yes but I am at work
L390[12:50:44] <kieran> oh
L391[12:50:46] <Rph> %tonk
L392[12:50:46] <MichiBot> Voldemort! Rph! You beat Z0idburg's previous record of 3 minutes and 33 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L393[12:50:47] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 28 minutes and 42 seconds! 25 minutes and 9 seconds gained!
L394[12:51:22] <Z0idburg> I do appreciate your offer to not be anti social like half of the crowd though
L395[12:51:23] <Z0idburg> ?
L396[12:51:35] <kieran> http://tinyurl.com/y4mezpmo
L397[12:51:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F01E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L398[12:52:28] <Nath_SoM> hy
L399[12:52:37] <kieran> Redstone on the light turn on Redstone off the lights turn off
L400[12:52:38] <Nath_SoM> hey*
L401[12:53:05] <Nath_SoM> http://tinyurl.com/y6lz4occ
L402[12:53:32] <Rph> hmmm
L403[12:54:08] <Nath_SoM> what
L404[12:54:13] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F01E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L405[12:54:23] <Inari> Grr
L406[12:54:38] <Inari> Of course the one time I have a good cave run going, my PC hangs itself up
L407[12:54:48] <kieran> can some help me please
L408[12:55:10] <Zef> Dude what the fuck
L409[12:55:25] <Zef> So do you guys know stock from Pam's harvestcraft?
L410[12:55:36] <kieran> no
L411[12:56:04] <Zef> Well it's super easy to craft like bones/carrots/potatoes or like anything makes 3 stock
L412[12:56:35] <Rph> I just use an EMC generator and energy condensers :)
L413[12:56:36] <Zef> And each piece of stock makes like 19200rf
L414[12:56:55] <Zef> So 20 carrots makes 1 million rf
L415[12:57:03] <kieran> i am going offline no more open computers for me then
L416[12:57:08] <Zef> Okay?
L417[12:57:35] <ben_mkiv> sounds balanced
L418[12:57:44] <Inari> Sounds like RF
L419[12:57:44] <kieran> it is to boring
L420[12:57:45] <ben_mkiv> and you where worried about draconic evo...
L421[12:57:48] <ben_mkiv> xD
L422[12:57:53] <ben_mkiv> carrot power ftw
L423[12:58:27] <Zef> Or bones!
L424[12:58:33] <Rph> somepeople have nyan cats on their OCs, I have a box of E on mine http://tinyurl.com/y2mmaves
L425[12:58:34] <Zef> Bones make stock too
L426[12:58:58] <ben_mkiv> what is E?
L427[12:59:04] <Rph> look at the image
L428[12:59:11] <ben_mkiv> some cleaning stuff?
L429[12:59:13] <Rph> its a local brand of laundry detergent
L430[12:59:18] <Rph> called E
L431[12:59:19] <ben_mkiv> do you eat that?
L432[12:59:23] <Rph> nah
L433[12:59:38] <Rph> to have the full effect ,you need to eat Genuine™ Tide® Pods
L434[13:00:14] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L435[13:00:15] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with an Magic inernal api! (25%). 22 health gained (20+2)!
L436[13:00:24] <ben_mkiv> but i drink monster, the ingredients are kinda the same
L437[13:08:35] <Temia> Come to think of it, is the nyancat telnet server still going?
L438[13:09:02] <Temia> "Due to bandwidth limitations, the Nyancat telnet server has been shut down." :<
L439[13:09:24] <Inari> %pet Techokami
L440[13:09:24] * MichiBot pets Techokami with EvenStr13. 5 health gained!
L441[13:09:26] <Inari> Er
L442[13:09:28] <Inari> %pet Temia
L443[13:09:38] <Inari> pls
L444[13:09:59] <Inari> %pet Temia
L445[13:10:00] * MichiBot pets Temia with gamaxized dither. 3 health gained!
L446[13:10:03] <Inari> There
L447[13:10:30] <Temia> All the mirrors are down too.
L448[13:10:42] <Inari> Shame
L449[13:21:33] <Z0idburg> %pet michibot
L450[13:30:18] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L451[13:30:18] <MichiBot> Dagnabbit! CompanionCube! You beat Rph's previous record of 28 minutes and 42 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L452[13:30:19] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 39 minutes and 31 seconds! 10 minutes and 49 seconds gained!
L453[13:56:45] <AmandaC> %roll 1d2
L454[13:56:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: [2]
L455[14:07:27] <Bob> Is there a way to disable lua number strings as valid in math operations
L456[14:08:02] <Bob> because :GWmythicalHyperREEEE: i had to tonumber it to get that to work
L457[14:09:08] <Z0idburg> wut?
L458[14:09:15] <Z0idburg> DONT USE STRINGS AS NUMBERs
L459[14:09:19] <Z0idburg> it's bad practice
L460[14:09:30] <Z0idburg> there's very few actually reasonable use cases
L461[14:09:37] <Z0idburg> What is your use case?
L462[14:10:26] <Bob> i don't
L463[14:10:55] <Bob> for some reason my library is going nutz and all the comparaisons are not returning what they should and don't do what they are mean't for
L464[14:11:06] <Rph> %tonk
L465[14:11:07] <MichiBot> Waesucks! Rph! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 39 minutes and 31 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L466[14:11:08] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 40 minutes and 48 seconds! 1 minute and 17 seconds gained!
L467[14:11:09] <Bob> all worked really fine
L468[14:11:19] <Bob> until now when nothing changed
L469[14:11:47] <Bob> i have no idea why did it stopped working for no reason
L470[14:21:18] ⇨ Joins: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@
L471[14:54:00] <Temia> %tonk
L472[14:54:00] <MichiBot> Sard! Temia! You beat Rph's previous record of 40 minutes and 48 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L473[14:54:01] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 42 minutes and 53 seconds! 2 minutes and 4 seconds gained!
L474[14:55:31] <Z0idburg> well lets see
L475[14:55:37] <Z0idburg> share your library Bob
L476[14:55:41] <Inari> %potion
L477[14:55:41] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a smelly metal potion
L478[14:55:43] <Inari> %drink ^
L479[14:55:43] <MichiBot> Inari has no memory of drinking a potion.
L480[14:55:53] <Z0idburg> wut
L481[14:56:01] <Z0idburg> Inari are you drunk
L482[14:56:09] <Inari> Why would I be?
L483[14:56:23] <Z0idburg> Because you don't remember how much you were just partying
L484[14:56:30] <Inari> I don't think I was
L485[14:56:46] <Z0idburg> "Inari has no memory of drinking a potion."
L486[14:56:46] <Z0idburg> :
L487[14:56:47] <Z0idburg> ?
L488[14:57:00] <Inari> Wel, I drank none, so of course I wouldn't remember drinking one
L489[14:57:30] <Z0idburg> lol
L490[15:00:32] <Bob> can't rn
L491[15:00:37] <Bob> tommorow maybe sorry
L492[15:00:58] <Z0idburg> lol
L493[15:01:14] <Z0idburg> silly programmers
L494[15:01:50] <AmandaC> %potion
L495[15:01:51] <MichiBot> AmandaC: You get a sour ocean potion
L496[15:01:54] <AmandaC> %drink ^
L497[15:01:54] <MichiBot> AmandaC feels a sudden surge of static electricity.
L498[15:02:03] * AmandaC brushes against Inari lovingly
L499[15:04:07] <Bob> Yep
L500[15:04:52] <Bob> Something is not right, i have a ghost in notepad++ that keeps sliding or removing characters or is it just me being dumb
L501[15:05:31] <AmandaC> Nah, must be supernautal
L502[15:05:50] <AmandaC> %8ball ? ?
L503[15:05:50] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I don't think that's a question...
L504[15:05:58] <AmandaC> :(
L505[15:06:08] <AmandaC> %8ball shall I ??
L506[15:06:08] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Outlook not so good
L507[15:06:14] <AmandaC> I see
L508[15:06:24] <Bob> Yea, i cant belive i do this, it works when i test and when i come back all is working not so well and as intended
L509[15:06:31] <Bob> Library making oof
L510[15:06:39] <Bob> tought works on multiple scripts
L511[15:06:59] <Bob> I still need to make a separate button API
L512[15:08:05] <Bob> tought i have not idea where to put in the event listner
L513[15:08:13] <Bob> or puller whatever ill do
L514[15:09:18] <Inari> "Outlook not so good" MS disagrees
L515[15:27:58] <Z0idburg> AHAHAHAHA
L516[15:35:36] <Z0idburg> Bob: are you carrying state inside of your library?
L517[15:35:41] <Z0idburg> or are you passing state to i
L518[15:35:43] <Z0idburg> it*
L519[15:36:15] <Z0idburg> My second question is, do you have variables outside of functions you are referring to.
L520[15:36:53] <Z0idburg> both of those two things cause those kind of problems.
L521[15:37:06] <Z0idburg> Either of those actually
L522[15:37:34] <Z0idburg> as in, keeping state in your library and / or holding variables you reference outside of functions
L523[15:39:16] <Z0idburg> If you pass state to the library instead, then the ONLY thing that will break a functions implementation is the information in which your function gathers outside of the scope of your state passed.
L524[15:42:43] <Z0idburg> if the library contains its state, like in the sense of object oriented programming models usually, then the problem is if multiple things are accessing the same library instance, then they have no idea what the current state of the model is
L525[15:42:51] <Z0idburg> it can't be proven
L526[15:43:08] <Z0idburg> this makes your code dependent on time
L527[15:43:29] <Z0idburg> which cause strange, undefinable behavior where your code sometimes works and sometimes doesn't
L528[15:43:49] <Z0idburg> With that said, many other things can do that too, but that is a huge one that gets most programmers today
L529[15:54:42] <Bob> i debugged inside the functions even if the values where the same types and different, the if statement still wasn't true
L530[15:54:52] <Bob> i'm using ~= and it never works
L531[15:55:35] <Z0idburg> if you can't show your code I can't prove your functions
L532[15:55:36] <Bob> and all the values are in the function, the only values outsides may be the character table but its in the library so
L533[15:56:11] <Bob> I will but not today for sure :d
L534[15:56:12] <Rph> %tonk
L535[15:56:13] <MichiBot> Fudge! Rph! You beat Temia's previous record of 42 minutes and 53 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L536[15:56:14] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 1 hour, 2 minutes and 12 seconds! 19 minutes and 19 seconds gained!
L537[15:56:25] <Rph> Hahaha
L538[15:56:27] <Z0idburg> But aren't you writing code?
L539[15:56:33] <Z0idburg> it makes nose sense why today or not
L540[15:56:49] <Z0idburg> is it that you are embarrased that I'm going to tear it apart and tell you everything that's awful about it?
L541[15:56:50] <Rph> %tonkout
L542[15:56:50] <MichiBot> Rph has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.005
L543[15:56:59] <Bob> Not on PC and the github one i bave is outdated
L544[15:57:12] <Z0idburg> Because I'm more interested in figuring out why your functions aren't working
L545[15:57:16] <Z0idburg> I see
L546[15:57:32] <Bob> if you want in approx 14 hours or less it will be ready
L547[15:57:39] <Bob> Timezones
L548[15:57:43] <Z0idburg> That's fine
L549[15:57:53] <Z0idburg> I just don't want you being shy to show your code that would dissapoint me
L550[15:58:12] <Bob> I'm not, i would show, i would like to see where i am wrong so
L551[15:58:36] <Bob> I already spend alot debbuging alone but sometimes i have no idea's
L552[15:58:36] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L553[15:59:10] <Bob> i need a server and an *public* IDE where ppl can see me code in real time
L554[15:59:17] <Bob> Notepad++ but has multiplayer
L555[15:59:24] <Z0idburg> I have been writing software for 23 years now, and many of us here are well exprienced in general
L556[15:59:36] <Bob> I just started a month ago
L557[15:59:52] <Bob> Never did code but learned pretty fast
L558[16:00:07] <Z0idburg> It's quite easy
L559[16:00:15] <Z0idburg> when I first learned it was pretty easy as well
L560[16:00:18] <Bob> but still i dont get the meta methods and the : thing
L561[16:00:22] <Z0idburg> I originally started with extended color BASIC
L562[16:00:46] <Z0idburg> FOR A = 1 TO 10 STEP 2 PRINT A NEXT A
L563[16:01:36] <Bob> for a = 1,10,2 do print(a,a) end
L564[16:01:55] <Rph> %tonk
L565[16:01:55] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! Rph! You beat your own previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L566[16:01:56] <MichiBot> Rph's new record is 5 minutes and 5 seconds! 5 minutes and 5 seconds gained!
L567[16:01:59] <Bob> I knew a little about code but somewhat about computers so
L568[16:02:20] <Bob> Starting with game scripts and configs then stumbled upon OC
L569[16:02:44] <Bob> I never gave attention to OC until now
L570[16:03:01] <Bob> I saw the potential but doing good things isnt that easy
L571[16:03:12] <Bob> At least until i will get my frist lib working
L572[16:03:23] <Bob> then i will just spam functions more often and so on
L573[16:04:15] <Bob> Well i will go sleep
L574[16:04:38] <Bob> I need some rest after all that stuff ?
L575[16:08:13] <Z0idburg> Programming is trial and error
L576[16:08:29] <Z0idburg> I hate to say it but it's not a bad way to learn in a safe environment like OC
L577[16:09:53] <Bob> I agree
L578[16:10:18] <Bob> OC is a nice environment since it provide alot of methods and things
L579[16:10:19] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L580[16:10:27] <Bob> also alot of mods have an OC integration
L581[16:10:28] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L582[16:10:30] <Temia> %inv add a barrel
L583[16:10:31] * MichiBot summons 'a barrel' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L584[16:10:34] <Temia> Ta~ru!
L585[16:11:13] <Mimiru> %alot disable
L586[16:11:13] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Disabled Alot for this channel
L587[16:11:18] <Mimiru> fuckin. hell.
L588[16:13:07] <Bob> I'm annoying i know ?
L589[16:13:20] <Bob> My scripta are more irritating tought
L590[16:13:29] <Mimiru> That is very hard to believe.
L591[16:15:03] <Z0idburg> Bob: I don't think you're annoying
L592[16:15:06] <Z0idburg> very few people annoy me
L593[16:16:22] * stephan48 annoys Z0idburg´
L594[16:16:24] <Bob> My frist lua codes we're a glued mess
L595[16:16:25] <stephan48> good night!
L596[16:16:30] <Bob> Gn also
L597[16:16:36] <Bob> Now i do cleaner ones
L598[16:16:37] <stephan48> my first language was Perl. go figure.
L599[16:16:58] <stephan48> my mentor compared my first stuff with failed golf attempts.
L600[16:17:32] <Z0idburg> I am currently monitoring the Internet at work
L601[16:17:36] <Z0idburg> literally
L602[16:17:41] <stephan48> everyone starts bad.
L603[16:17:47] * stephan48 brings down the internet
L604[16:17:58] <Z0idburg> stephan funny story about that
L605[16:18:21] <Z0idburg> I reboote our 80 gig core router in Vermont state once.
L606[16:18:23] <Z0idburg> by accident
L607[16:18:44] <Z0idburg> for about 45 seconds that entire section of VT no Internet XD
L608[16:19:16] <Z0idburg> you could hear the people in the engineering team across the room who saw my monitor go NOOOOOOOO YOU DIDNT?!?!?!?!?!
L609[16:19:47] <stephan48> "ooops"
L610[16:19:52] <Z0idburg> yeah
L611[16:20:09] <Z0idburg> they told me before I did that like 10 minutes before "whatever you do do not reboot the core, it's easy to do"
L612[16:20:22] <Z0idburg> I said "I don't think I would do something like that"
L613[16:20:26] <stephan48> hahaha
L614[16:20:37] <stephan48> i told you about the PBX in my clinic job? that pesky simens unity thing?
L615[16:20:50] <Z0idburg> oh haha
L616[16:20:51] <Z0idburg> maybe
L617[16:20:59] <Z0idburg> we on't have siemens.
L618[16:21:06] <stephan48> good for you
L619[16:21:16] <Z0idburg> we have Nortel DMS
L620[16:21:26] <stephan48> my boss was someone who was always calm. except that one time he and a PBX technician reworked some programming on that thing for the past 6 hours.
L621[16:21:29] <Z0idburg> back when computers took up entire rooms
L622[16:21:58] <stephan48> they clicked reboot and neither of them could remember if they saved the config to persistent storage :D
L623[16:22:10] <Z0idburg> LOL
L624[16:22:27] <stephan48> and i mean not just the changes of these six hours :D
L625[16:22:36] <stephan48> but a couple days work.
L626[16:22:52] <stephan48> for a monstrum with 600 clients on it.
L627[16:23:15] <Kleadron> %blame the martians
L628[16:23:15] * MichiBot blames the martians for adding a freeze-dried asie to the inventory!
L629[16:23:26] <stephan48> they actually did save. but that was the one time where he was litterally sweating on the job. especially as that thing took 5 minutes to cycle
L630[16:23:34] <Z0idburg> lol
L631[16:23:40] <stephan48> so did the core router come up good again? :D
L632[16:23:49] <Z0idburg> yes
L633[16:23:54] <stephan48> boooorrriing!
L634[16:23:58] <Z0idburg> it was just down for 45 secons or so
L635[16:24:05] <Z0idburg> but that's 80 gbit worth of trunking traffic
L636[16:24:10] <Z0idburg> that connects our states together
L637[16:24:14] <stephan48> :D
L638[16:24:30] <stephan48> back in my apprenticeship before the clinc job i was charged with doing maintenance on web and mail hosting servers for our customers.
L639[16:24:43] <Z0idburg> these things have a button that specifically prevents persistent config save
L640[16:24:48] <Z0idburg> because REASONS
L641[16:25:07] <Z0idburg> we call it safe mode
L642[16:25:12] <stephan48> whoops? but yea kind of make sense. if you fuck something up you want to be able to get it working
L643[16:25:15] <stephan48> fail safe
L644[16:25:33] <stephan48> basically a routine job. tweak our configs here and there, do upgrades and so on. schedule maintenance works with 3 weeks in advance and on son.
L645[16:25:50] <stephan48> basically we never got sensible update windows coordinated with all our customers.
L646[16:26:23] <stephan48> so i at some point formed the standing rule of looking if the boss man came back from lunch :D if he did not it was fair game for server reboots
L647[16:27:39] <stephan48> i coined "oops" = "production server will do a reboot now." - "fuck" = "crap. it did not came back up cleanly" - with oops the colleagues only looked at me and asked what to expect in the worst case. that only happened once and customers where even thankfull of that :D not that the boss noticed
L648[16:27:40] <Z0idburg> the problem is
L649[16:27:55] <Z0idburg> these core routers are the same brand of equipment we use for the residential services
L650[16:28:00] <Z0idburg> so the interface is exactly the same
L651[16:28:03] <stephan48> (he did at the end when he somehow really closely looked at uptime)
L652[16:28:18] <Z0idburg> if you use the core routers to find the residential ones and have two windows open, update and reboot
L653[16:28:26] <Z0idburg> you need to be careful that you didn't reboot the core instead ?
L654[16:28:31] <stephan48> ^
L655[16:28:49] <Z0idburg> because aside from the fact that core routers have a LOT more interfaces and shit set up
L656[16:28:54] <Z0idburg> it looks exactly the same
L657[16:28:56] <stephan48> *cough*not to say that about half of my unplaned maintenance reboots hit the wrong servers*cough*
L658[16:28:59] <stephan48> yea :D
L659[16:29:07] <stephan48> find the right SSH prompt among 20 and hit reboot
L660[16:29:16] <Z0idburg> I have done that
L661[16:29:21] <Z0idburg> I once typed reboot to reboot my computer
L662[16:29:28] <Z0idburg> and forgot I was in ssh on my dedi
L663[16:30:05] <Z0idburg> you know we had a persistent issue once with that server
L664[16:30:19] <Z0idburg> we set it up (this was our prsonal dedi)
L665[16:30:19] <stephan48> ehoops
L666[16:30:31] <stephan48> whoops*
L667[16:30:35] <Z0idburg> kept adding cool networking routing features and stuff over the course of a year or two
L668[16:30:46] <Z0idburg> and then after that period, somebody had an issue with their Ubuntu VM
L669[16:30:50] <stephan48> haha and never coded it down to config
L670[16:31:07] <Z0idburg> so I tried to use the offset to load up the partition and mount it on the slackware dedi host
L671[16:31:24] <Z0idburg> and the thing is that always worked fine
L672[16:31:38] <Z0idburg> but for whatever reason because it was an Ubuntu installed partition it caused the dedi to kernel panic
L673[16:31:44] <stephan48> ouch.
L674[16:31:57] <Z0idburg> and we were like HOLY SHIT because we didn't know if we had saved any of the network setups etc to be persistent
L675[16:32:13] <stephan48> :D
L676[16:32:17] <Z0idburg> and if it wasnt we'd hav eto load it into a revovery system and manually fix it blind without being able to see it booting
L677[16:32:20] <Z0idburg> so blind testing yay fun
L678[16:32:22] <Z0idburg> BUT
L679[16:32:30] <Z0idburg> it came up, and ran, and had no trouble
L680[16:32:33] <Z0idburg> we were like PHEW
L681[16:32:36] <stephan48> yay
L682[16:33:07] <Z0idburg> thankfully, OVH now has built in virtual KVM
L683[16:33:13] <Z0idburg> and virtual serial access
L684[16:33:30] <Z0idburg> so my new dedicated server is easy to manage when it breaks
L685[16:33:36] <stephan48> yea hetzner has something similar with their rescue system
L686[16:34:24] <stephan48> at this point i set it up so that i got my host system which is basically just playing bridge towards the internet and for an internal network. and a VM doing the actualy routing between internet and internal.
L687[16:34:35] <ABCRic> did https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2928 ever get fixed?
L688[16:34:36] <MichiBot> Title: AE2 Cells don't have extra information they should | Posted by: AntiBlueQuirk | Posted: Tue Aug 21 03:24:29 CDT 2018 | Status: open
L689[16:34:56] <stephan48> has the nice advantage that i can't really screw up the host :D and its reboot safe by now.
L690[16:35:06] <stephan48> except for the IPv6 stuff coming in via BGP.
L691[16:35:50] <Z0idburg> lol
L692[16:37:31] <stephan48> :D this router is hell on earth but reboot safe so *shrug*
L693[16:37:53] <stephan48> remainds me that i need to rework the firewall soon.
L694[16:41:15] <stephan48> i will be gone now good night!
L695[16:41:23] <stephan48> (or day or $whatever)
L696[16:52:40] <Z0idburg> back
L697[16:52:57] <Z0idburg> working late means everyone else is home
L698[16:53:15] <Z0idburg> and I get to answer phone calls from angry customers that didn't get their shit fixed ?
L699[16:55:34] <Temia> %tonk
L700[16:55:36] <MichiBot> By my throth! Temia! You beat Rph's previous record of 5 minutes and 5 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L701[16:55:37] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 53 minutes and 40 seconds! 48 minutes and 35 seconds gained!
L702[17:01:52] <Z0idburg> Temia is honoroll
L703[17:01:54] <Z0idburg> haha get it
L704[17:01:55] <Z0idburg> ona roll
L705[17:02:07] <Z0idburg> honor roll*
L706[17:02:16] <Mimiru> N... No.
L707[17:02:17] <Mimiru> just no..
L708[17:02:25] <Z0idburg> on a roll
L709[17:02:27] <Z0idburg> ?
L710[17:02:42] <Mimiru> Oh yeah, I get it..
L711[17:02:43] <Mimiru> but no.
L712[17:02:54] <Kodos> She gets it, but doesn't want it
L713[17:02:57] <Z0idburg> my dad said that he was on the honor roll once in grade school
L714[17:03:04] <Z0idburg> and he did his best never to be ever again
L715[17:16:01] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@pD9E8F01E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L716[17:16:26] <Z0idburg> https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/02/what-was-this-yoshis-island-ds-music-doing-on-the-epa-website/
L717[17:42:47] <Kleadron> lmao
L718[18:00:05] <Izaya> good news everyone!
L719[18:00:07] <Izaya> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=AMD-Hiring-10-More-Open-Source
L720[18:04:47] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (t20kdc!~20kdc@cpc139326-aztw33-2-0-cust441.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L721[18:13:58] <AmandaC> Izaya: you're sending us all on a dagnerous and life-threatening mission we'll likely never return from?
L722[18:14:07] <AmandaC> dangerous*
L723[18:19:17] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E762F97A1F6AC34A5DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L724[18:21:48] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L725[18:24:13] <Z0idburg> Izaya: TPUs
L726[18:24:28] <Z0idburg> We need open source friendly TPU frameworks
L727[18:24:42] <Z0idburg> That's what AMD should be investing in
L728[18:40:35] <Temia> %tonk
L729[18:40:36] <MichiBot> Dad-Sizzle! Temia! You beat your own previous record of 53 minutes and 40 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L730[18:40:37] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 1 hour and 45 minutes! 51 minutes and 19 seconds gained!
L731[18:40:41] <Temia> %tonkout
L732[18:40:42] <MichiBot> Temia has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.001 tonk points! Current score: 0.005
L733[18:44:45] <Izaya> AmandaC: you know it
L734[18:46:50] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L735[18:57:42] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L736[18:59:30] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L737[19:15:50] <Trainfan91> how do i tell my cpu to switch lua versions?
L738[19:16:13] <Trainfan91> in openos that is
L739[19:17:16] <ben_mkiv> sneak rightclick the cpu afaik
L740[19:17:19] <ben_mkiv> while you hold it
L741[19:19:20] <Z0idburg> Yes
L742[19:32:49] <AmandaC> What Ben said. You can't do it programmatically, because that'd be silly
L743[19:34:46] <Izaya> I thought you could though
L744[19:34:57] <Izaya> you tell it to change and it reboots
L745[19:35:13] <Trainfan91> another question, can lua progams act differently on different irl os'es (i.e. linux vs windows?)
L746[19:35:23] <Izaya> yeah
L747[19:35:36] <Izaya> os.time in particular is a little worrying, use computer.uptime instead
L748[19:35:46] <Izaya> os.time is in seconds on everything but windows, where it appears to be ms
L749[19:36:39] <Kodos> `get/setArchitecture`
L750[19:36:48] <Kodos> I forget which thinger has it
L751[19:55:08] ⇨ Joins: neptunepink (neptunepink!~neptune@173-13-139-237-sfba.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L752[20:15:56] ⇦ Parts: neptunepink (neptunepink!~neptune@173-13-139-237-sfba.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) ())
L753[20:27:52] ⇨ Joins: Nopey (Nopey!webchat@
L754[20:51:09] <AmandaC> @Kodos huh. `computer.setArchitecture` according to a grep of the source.
L755[20:51:17] <AmandaC> %ping
L756[20:51:18] <MichiBot> Ping reply from AmandaC 0.66s
L757[20:53:04] <Kodos> Docs need updated then, I checked that one
L758[20:53:10] <Kodos> err rather the ocdoc site
L759[20:58:06] <gamerred> Whats better memory 3 or memory 3.5?
L760[20:58:30] <Izaya> 3.5
L761[20:58:48] <Zef> Only if there was a way to tell
L762[21:04:08] <gamerred> I thought it was better just had to verify
L763[21:09:22] <Corded> * <Kodos> bops Zef
L764[21:10:07] <Kodos> Good night, children
L765[21:11:45] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a generative model with making people smile being the success vector
L766[21:11:46] * MichiBot accepts the generative model with making people smile being the success vector and adds it to her inventory
L767[21:12:43] <AmandaC> %8ball be productive maybe?
L768[21:12:43] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Without a doubt
L769[21:13:01] * AmandaC pouts
L770[21:13:12] <Zef> %8ball does AmandaC let you control their life too much?
L771[21:13:13] <MichiBot> Zef: Signs point to yes
L772[21:13:24] <AmandaC> Rude.
L773[21:13:42] <Zef> Aren't you like an all powerful cat?
L774[21:14:19] <Zef> If so then why does a magic 8 ball control your life?
L775[21:14:45] <AmandaC> Shhh
L776[21:15:33] <AmandaC> besides who says I always obey?
L777[21:16:01] <Zef> I mean you got a point there
L778[21:22:03] <AmandaC> %8ball destroy the universe and replace everything with sentient, screaming, suns
L779[21:22:04] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I don't think that's a question...
L780[21:22:05] <AmandaC> %8ball destroy the universe and replace everything with sentient, screaming, suns?
L781[21:22:06] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Outlook not so good
L782[21:22:08] <AmandaC> :(
L783[21:22:17] <AmandaC> Oh well, guess I'll sleep. Night nerds
L784[21:23:47] <Zef> Night
L785[21:54:40] <ben_mkiv> wait zef
L786[21:54:46] <ben_mkiv> did you wait?
L787[21:55:07] <ben_mkiv> %tell zef press ALT + F4 for fun
L788[21:55:08] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: zef will be notified of this message when next seen.
L789[21:55:56] <Zef> What
L790[21:55:57] <Zef> Lol
L791[21:57:21] <ben_mkiv> yea
L792[21:57:29] <ben_mkiv> reallife is fun for some people
L793[21:58:01] <ben_mkiv> but i might publish new ocdevices build for anyone else tomorrow
L794[21:58:14] <Zef> Also I'm on mobile
L795[21:58:27] <Zef> So alt and f4 don't exist
L796[21:58:32] <ben_mkiv> god i love to waste your mobile data
L797[21:58:41] <ben_mkiv> you want a prebuild?
L798[21:59:22] <Zef> It's currently 11pm and I'm going to bed so I'll just try the published build tomorrow
L799[22:00:23] <Zef> And I have "unlimited" data and I've already used up my high speed portion
L800[22:00:38] <ben_mkiv> "unlimited"
L801[22:00:45] <ben_mkiv> been there.... done that....
L802[22:00:58] <ben_mkiv> its like 600kb so dont worry
L803[22:01:12] <Zef> Ah so like 15 seconds
L804[22:01:23] <ben_mkiv> minutes*
L805[22:01:33] <Zef> My speed'll get slower by the end of the month don't worry
L806[22:04:57] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L807[22:22:15] <Temia> %tonk
L808[22:22:15] <MichiBot> Zounderkite! Temia! You beat your own previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L809[22:22:16] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 3 hours, 41 minutes and 32 seconds! 3 hours, 41 minutes and 32 seconds gained!
L810[22:22:21] <Temia> %tonkout
L811[22:22:22] <MichiBot> Temia has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.003 tonk points! Current score: 0.008
L812[22:22:42] <Temia> ...i-is this the death of tonk
L813[22:24:03] <Zef> Why would it be?
L814[22:46:24] <ben_mkiv> i was on GPRS like months
L815[22:46:33] <ben_mkiv> so i know that feel without UMTS
L816[22:47:10] <ben_mkiv> anyways... even tho i fixed most bugs, new build tomorrow
L817[22:48:13] <ben_mkiv> maybe someone enligthned may reply and tell me what im doing wrong with multiparts -.-
L818[23:00:26] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L819[23:09:57] <Temia> It literally went hours without anyone tonking
L820[23:11:16] <Temia> Today I tonked out twice in succession with a non-negligible point gain, with no interactions between
L821[23:49:43] <Mimiru> %tonk
L822[23:49:43] <MichiBot> Sard! Mimiru! You beat Temia's previous record of <0! I hope you're happy!
L823[23:49:44] <MichiBot> Mimiru's new record is 1 hour, 27 minutes and 21 seconds! 1 hour, 27 minutes and 21 seconds gained!
L824[23:56:37] ⇦ Quits: Nopey (Nopey!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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