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L1[00:01:31] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L2[00:02:03] <Kleadron> first new function in the MiniWindows kernel
L3[00:02:09] <Kleadron> setCursorWrite
L4[00:02:15] <Kleadron> self explanatory
L5[00:03:30] ⇨ Joins: vifino (vifino!~vifino@tty.sh)
L6[00:15:07] <Izaya> https://files.hom.ph/media_attachments/files/000/074/824/original/b1753ec735bd25d9.mp4
L7[00:16:57] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L8[00:17:13] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L9[00:27:57] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L10[00:34:23] <gamerred> guys can I get a example of how to use gpu's bind feature to effect 2 screens?
L11[00:35:35] <Skye> @Kleadron you can base it off of miniOS, but I'd like it if you don't call it NT (I have a plan for that, just need more time), and also it'd be nice if you kept the same licence so I can ~~steal~~ borrow code back
L12[00:36:02] <Kleadron> Ok lol
L13[00:36:15] <Kleadron> want me to post the github link
L14[00:37:21] <Kleadron> currently it doesnt even have the graphical shell being worked on since i want to improve the command prompt
L15[00:37:35] <Kleadron> but once that works somewhat well i could start working on the shell
L16[00:37:46] <Izaya> friendly tip
L17[00:38:08] <Izaya> make sure you have a sane I/O model rather than having to implement 800 different functions again to make them work in a window
L18[00:38:29] <Kleadron> Ok
L19[00:42:08] <gamerred> figured that out guys how to decide what screen is the main on multiple screen setups?
L20[00:44:36] <Izaya> highest res and colour depth
L21[01:19:38] <Skye> @Kleadron ooh, yeah, I'd like a github link.
L22[01:19:58] <Kleadron> nettalk has such a strange notification sound
L23[01:20:09] <Kleadron> one sec
L24[01:20:19] <Kleadron> https://github.com/Kleadron/kleadron-opencomputers
L25[01:21:04] <Kleadron> please do tell me if i have done something completely wrong
L26[01:27:31] <Izaya> >like 10 commits of "deleted single file"
L27[01:28:04] <Mimiru> %tonk
L28[01:28:04] <MichiBot> Mimiru! You beat CompanionCube's previous record of 2 hours, 29 minutes and 11 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L29[01:28:05] <MichiBot> Mimiru's new record is 4 hours, 26 minutes and 26 seconds
L30[01:28:34] <Kleadron> i have no idea how to use github ok
L31[01:34:47] <Izaya> https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
L32[01:36:34] <Izaya> Forget github
L33[01:36:35] <Kleadron> oh god
L34[01:36:44] <Izaya> You must get git before you git gud
L35[01:37:58] <Kleadron> do i need to read the entire thing
L36[01:38:47] <Izaya> not really
L37[01:38:57] <Izaya> the man page for git is probably more than you need tbh
L38[01:39:37] <Izaya> https://manpage.me/index.cgi?q=gitcore-tutorial&sektion=7&apropos=0&manpath=FreeBSD+12-CURRENT+and+Ports
L39[01:45:47] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L40[01:53:53] <Skye> @Kleadron if you use github desktop, it allows you to commit multiple changes at once.
L41[01:54:53] <Forecaster> or any git client
L42[02:07:15] <Forecaster> huh... this server has 0 swap usage according to sysstat...
L43[02:07:20] <Forecaster> that's weird right?
L44[02:08:04] <Izaya> not really
L45[02:08:26] <Forecaster> even if ram usage gets to 98%?
L46[02:08:34] <Izaya> that's a bit odd
L47[02:08:41] <Forecaster> and the server restarts and becomes unresponsive at 2 am every night
L48[02:09:12] <Forecaster> I'm not sure if it restarts actually, but it stops responding
L49[02:09:45] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7kt44fc
L50[02:10:22] <Forecaster> I think we need to throw more ram at it :|
L51[02:17:25] <Izaya> neat statistics program
L52[02:17:57] <Forecaster> it's just the output from sysstat?
L53[03:38:27] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L54[03:38:43] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L55[03:44:00] <Forecaster> it might be the redis cache server eating all the ram, but it's weird that it happens at the same time every night
L56[04:22:57] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L58[04:27:06] ⇦ Quits: phroa (phroa!~phroa@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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L60[04:55:42] ⇦ Quits: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L61[04:59:52] ⇨ Joins: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L62[05:22:57] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L63[05:23:13] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L64[05:29:07] <Forecaster> %tonk
L65[05:29:08] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat Mimiru's record of 4 hours, 26 minutes and 26 seconds this time.
L66[05:29:09] <MichiBot> 4 hours, 1 minute and 2 seconds were wasted!
L67[05:29:31] <Forecaster> what
L68[05:29:48] <Forecaster> oh, darn, I miscalculated
L69[05:29:53] <Forecaster> >:
L70[05:52:57] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L71[05:53:12] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L72[05:54:10] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (alekso56!~cax@2001:464b:c21a:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L73[06:17:03] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC60BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L74[06:17:45] <Inari> payonel: https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/21e07cfc4c40b2efa7610f29e2a99ad4 new and improved! Though not yet tested :P
L75[06:19:47] <Forecaster> then how do you know it's improved?!
L76[06:19:53] <Forecaster> it could be completely broken
L77[06:19:54] <Forecaster> :P
L78[06:19:54] <Inari> :P
L79[06:20:07] <Inari> Careful, our tongues may touch
L80[06:22:10] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (alekso56!~cax@ti0107a400-0625.bb.online.no)
L81[06:30:24] <Skye> Lewd
L82[07:07:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E071D5F084B0221DB6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L83[07:07:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L84[07:23:16] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L85[08:09:57] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L86[08:10:14] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
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L90[08:19:15] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (rashdanml!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L91[08:21:28] <Forecaster> %loot
L92[08:21:52] <Forecaster> >:
L93[08:24:48] <Inari> %loot
L94[08:24:48] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a talking spork.
L95[08:24:53] <Inari> Yay
L96[08:30:39] <ArcheRion720> hello, tried to make some simple program, but can't get used to OC's stuff, any idea why my program do this? http://tinyurl.com/yd3wn2uk
L97[08:31:38] <MGR> It looks like the term library is failing
L98[08:31:45] <ArcheRion720> but why?
L99[08:31:50] <MGR> I'm not quite sure
L100[08:32:17] <MGR> Perhaps there's some peculiarity in your code that's making it do that, but nothing stands out on first glance. That being said, I'm not very familiar with the term library internals
L101[08:33:39] <ArcheRion720> hm, in this case i use term api to either write text or set cursor position, is there any alternative?
L102[08:34:38] <MGR> You can use print to write text, and I think you can interact with the gpu component directly to set the cursor position
L103[08:35:47] <ArcheRion720> i don't see anything with gpu to move cursor
L104[08:35:55] <ArcheRion720> i don't see anything with gpu to move cursor in docs [Edited]
L105[08:36:32] <MGR> Ah, that's unfortunate
L106[08:36:55] <MGR> Try replacing the text print parts of your term calls, and see if that fixes it
L107[08:40:55] <ArcheRion720> nope
L108[08:41:19] <MGR> Send the new code please?
L109[08:41:31] <Izaya> if you're moving the cursor, using VT100 escape codes should work
L110[08:41:47] <Izaya> \27[20,20H should move the cursor t0 20,20
L111[08:42:26] <MGR> "If you're not committing felonies across multiple continents, then what the hell are we paying you for"? --- Quote 1/2
L112[08:44:40] <Izaya> is that a position as a cartel enforcer or cyberpunk internal security or
L113[08:45:00] <MGR> D) All of the above
L114[08:47:01] <ArcheRion720> well, don't seem to move http://tinyurl.com/y7cfmd7f
L115[08:48:04] <ArcheRion720> well, don't seem to move
L116[08:48:13] <ArcheRion720> don't seem to be moved http://tinyurl.com/y9w6kvru
L117[08:49:34] <Izaya> so you io.write()'d that?
L118[08:49:42] <ArcheRion720> printed
L119[08:49:49] <ArcheRion720> print()'ed [Edited]
L120[08:53:03] <Izaya> huh
L121[08:53:22] <Izaya> must be an old version
L122[08:54:02] <MGR> Fair point. You should try updating your OpenOS version, which you can do by updating OC, crafting/creative moding a new install disk, and installing OpenOS again
L123[08:55:15] <ArcheRion720> well, playing on modpack, but i've seen people who had no problem with that on it
L124[08:55:58] <MGR> Try a different computer just to be safe?
L125[08:56:31] <ArcheRion720> just in case: OC version is here
L126[09:07:13] <ArcheRion720> okay, found issue, i'm such an dumbas
L127[09:07:14] <ArcheRion720> okay, found issue, i'm such an dumbass [Edited]
L128[09:07:43] <ArcheRion720> `term.setCursor(StartColumn + math.floor((Width - #Text)/2))` it would be nice to say y, wouldn't it?
L129[09:10:20] <MGR> "The physical hardware is also 'hacked to the teeth'. I don't want to see whatever homebuilt gamer box he has in there." --- Quote 2/2
L130[09:55:37] <Kleadron> %loot%
L131[09:55:37] <MichiBot> Kleadron: You get a loot box! It contains a rickety gazebo.
L132[10:08:29] <Temia> Oh, the lootbox is back?
L133[10:08:39] <Temia> %tonk
L134[10:08:39] <MichiBot> Temia! You beat Mimiru's previous record of 4 hours, 26 minutes and 26 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L135[10:08:40] <MichiBot> Temia's new record is 4 hours, 39 minutes and 32 seconds
L136[10:08:57] <Temia> The winnah and new champeen
L137[10:09:33] <ArcheRion720> %loot%
L138[10:09:33] <MichiBot> ArcheRion720: You get a loot box! It contains cheese residue.
L139[10:11:17] <ArcheRion720> also, question, i don't really get what docs means with driver mode of events, i just call listen and i'm good or do i need to run it via other program?
L140[10:11:49] <MGR> You just call event.listen and you're good
L141[10:14:49] <Lizzian> dammit Temia
L142[10:14:52] <Lizzian> :<
L143[10:14:59] <Lizzian> i wanted to be the tonk tween
L144[10:15:08] <Lizzian> *queen
L145[10:15:28] * Temia aws and hugs
L146[10:15:33] <Temia> I'll hold off on the tonking for a while then
L147[10:16:03] <Corded> * <Lizzian> hugs back and purrs
L148[10:16:04] <Lizzian> it's fine
L149[10:16:32] <Lizzian> i was calculating and was like "aha! i can do it" then i saw you had done it and was like "nuuu"
L150[10:18:13] <Forecaster> I need to expand it to reset every so often and keep a leaderboard
L151[10:18:15] <Forecaster> but busy
L152[10:18:28] <Forecaster> and I should probably fix the inventory first
L153[10:18:43] <Lizzian> %loot
L154[10:18:43] <MichiBot> Lizzian: You get a loot box! It contains an empty drive slot.
L155[10:18:50] <Lizzian> %pet Lizzian
L156[10:18:51] * MichiBot brushes Lizzian with a toothbrush. 1 health gained!
L157[10:18:55] <Corded> * <Lizzian> purrs
L158[10:19:57] <Temia> D'aw
L159[10:20:03] <Temia> %pet Lizzian
L160[10:20:04] * MichiBot pets Lizzian with more spiked pudding. 4 health gained!
L161[10:20:09] <Temia> ...WHY
L162[10:20:24] <Temia> %inv add anti-pudding
L163[10:20:24] * MichiBot summons 'anti-pudding' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L164[10:21:16] <ArcheRion720> @MGR seems to not work http://tinyurl.com/ydacxctf
L165[10:21:41] <MGR> You want to put local in front of your variables and functions
L166[10:21:49] <MGR> probably won't fix your problem, but it's good practice
L167[10:22:50] <MGR> Also, your code will only run when you receive touch events
L168[10:23:11] <ArcheRion720> indeed, and when i touched screen nothing happend
L169[10:23:40] <MGR> Mind if I PM you some sample code?
L170[10:23:44] <ArcheRion720> sure
L171[10:24:01] <ArcheRion720> sure, feel free to send [Edited]
L172[10:29:05] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
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L174[10:32:26] <gamerred> I dont know if this is possible but can open computers read the in game chat?
L175[10:32:44] <MGR> Computronics chat box will allow that
L176[10:34:03] <gamerred> my idea is to make it where I can add new items without having to close and reload my program if possible
L177[10:37:01] <gamerred> btw if I make a function can I make it where I can push to my table via like name,damage,label,amount,disp? just so its a lil easier to add filters?
L178[10:38:03] <MGR> Can you clarify that second statement?
L179[10:39:59] <gamerred> like how I add items I gotta do currently table = {{name = item name here,damage=damage here,label=its label,amount=how much to store,disp=if its displayed on screen or not}} I was wondering if I can do like add(item name,damage value,label,how many,if its displayed without doing like name ?
L180[10:40:35] <MGR> You can write a function call add with those perameters that adds it to the table for you
L181[10:40:40] <MGR> You can write a function called add with those perameters that adds it to the table for you [Edited]
L182[10:40:57] <Inari> %pet Temia
L183[10:40:58] * MichiBot brushes Temia with sboobs. 8 health gained!
L184[10:41:01] <Inari> :3
L185[10:41:09] <gamerred> awesome cool I know how to write functions just didnt know if its possible to push to table with it yet thx
L186[10:41:20] <MGR> You're welcome
L187[10:42:38] <gamerred> It just makes it easier to add new items thats why I wanna do it that way
L188[10:43:57] <gamerred> yeah at first I thought that with tables you had to use the ones that are pre-existing values didnt know you can add customs then do like . customname
L189[10:45:48] <gamerred> which it shouldve hit me when they made the nbt syntax they had to add those values themself lol
L190[10:48:20] <gamerred> so its just like I am doing table manually to make the function right just instead of adding each items I just add like place holders in there place right?
L191[10:48:54] <MGR> Can you rephrase that?
L192[10:49:15] <Inari> %moo so its just like I am doing table manually to make the function right just instead of adding each items I just add like place holders in there place right?
L193[10:49:15] <MichiBot> soo its joost like I am dooing table manooally too make the foonctioon right joost instead oof adding each items I joost add like place hoolders in there place right?
L194[10:49:30] <Inari> > oof
L195[10:49:43] <gamerred> I mean like since its a table say my value for name is called field1 I just do in the return {name = field1} correct?
L196[10:51:03] <gamerred> I dont know if adding new table editions via a function is different then say string,number what not just need to know if there is anything special to add if its a table or not
L197[10:52:36] <MGR> The first statement is correct, I think
L198[10:53:05] <MGR> The perameters for a function don't need to be special if they're a table
L199[10:53:59] * Temia suplexes Inari
L200[10:54:10] <gamerred> well dont matter what it gots to output like name = string,damage = number and what not so I might have to do like name = the fields lol
L201[10:58:05] <gamerred> lol it reverses the order by default it reads right
L202[11:00:24] <gamerred> dont get how it reversed there order lol
L203[11:02:00] <Inari> Temia: D: You're always so mean
L204[11:02:11] <Inari> @MGR perameters :D
L205[11:02:36] <Temia> %pet Inari
L206[11:02:36] * MichiBot pets Inari with a lego figure of AmandaC. 4 health gained!
L207[11:02:44] <Inari> Heh
L208[11:02:51] <MGR> I cann bee spall gud u no? ¯\_(ăƒ„)_/¯
L209[11:02:53] <Kleadron> ?
L210[11:03:24] <Kleadron> the only thing you spelled right is "I"
L211[11:03:42] <MGR> Eye deed, thonk u
L212[11:04:26] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L213[11:04:42] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L214[11:05:41] <gamerred> something has to be going wrong its using the function even if I am tryping the function name wrong in a test code lol
L215[11:06:16] <Compu> put the code in a normal editor and ctrl+f the function name? maybe it's being called somewhere else?
L216[11:07:59] <gamerred> its not oddly only functions is filter,testd, and testr its calling filter even if I am typing filer or any text it dont matter as long as the stuff in the () has 5 values
L217[11:08:06] <MGR> Is the function marked local?
L218[11:08:41] <gamerred> tried both with and without local and its doing the same
L219[11:08:53] <MGR> We'd have to see the code
L220[11:10:44] <gamerred> wasnt it f12 to screenshot or should I just paste the code thats giving errors here since its just 3 lines?
L221[11:11:15] <Inari> AmandaC: https://imgur.com/gallery/NiTCFwP o.o
L222[11:11:59] <Forecaster> spider cat
L223[11:12:10] <MGR> We'd prefer a pastebin of the code
L224[11:15:08] <gamerred> k need to get the pastebin link
L225[11:16:01] <gamerred> http://pastebin.com/mLAnwUcX see both of thosoe under the function is calling the function
L226[11:17:32] <gamerred> Top 1 calling it is expected cause its right however bottom is wrong so it shouldnt
L227[11:18:16] <gamerred> also on top its flipping the order of the stuff in {} so the 5th one is coming first
L228[11:20:39] <Michiyo> %tonk
L229[11:20:39] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Michiyo, you were not able to beat Temia's record of 4 hours, 39 minutes and 32 seconds this time.
L230[11:20:40] <MichiBot> 1 hour and 12 minutes were wasted!
L231[11:21:12] <Temia> Mwahahaha
L232[11:22:47] <Michiyo> :P
L233[11:28:20] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/CjUXqNJ heh
L234[11:30:52] <Forecaster> I'm suspicious of that sheep
L235[11:31:33] <Kleadron> i want a fluffy dog like that
L236[11:32:14] <gamerred> lol thats not a dog ?
L237[11:32:31] <Kleadron> :GWfroggyAngryEyes:
L238[11:33:52] <MGR> I think that's a dog
L239[11:34:21] <gamerred> yeah it is a dog was kidding lol
L240[11:34:56] <gamerred> ok with my code found out it only reads it if I type filter,filterd,filtere or filterz else it dont read the filter code
L241[11:35:09] <gamerred> it should be only filter how its coded
L242[11:36:01] <gamerred> know by any chance why its always reversing the layout?
L243[12:20:47] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L244[12:21:55] <Forecaster> sigh
L245[12:21:58] <Forecaster> I hate magento
L246[12:24:44] <Kleadron> magentno?
L247[12:31:01] <MGR> https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/88tppa/do_u_know_what_minecraft_is/
L248[12:34:48] <Forecaster> I hate it so much...
L249[12:35:01] <Forecaster> I'd rather face Magneto
L250[12:36:36] <Kleadron> What is magento
L251[12:36:46] <Kleadron> it is undefined
L252[12:36:52] <Kleadron> you must define it before you can use it
L253[12:37:01] <Forecaster> Magento is a webstore system
L254[12:37:44] <Kleadron> Ok
L255[12:42:10] <Forecaster> time to escape home before the site goes down again.
L256[13:02:40] <Warior4356> Robot’s ability to know where it is. Is there any way to do it in absolute cords rather than relative?
L257[13:07:59] <payonel> what tool to mc server admins run that generates those pretty profiles of method calls sorted by inclusive call cost
L258[13:10:26] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L260[13:12:39] <MGR> @Warior4356 You can have a central waypoint that you know the absolute coordinates and convert relative position from it
L261[13:13:10] <Warior4356> That could work ya
L262[13:22:51] <Warior4356> I’m wanting to build an ore finding robot, I’m trying to figure out what’s the best behavior here. Should it search in columns, finding all ore in its radius each Y level or should it search more relative, finding new ore after it mined the old bit of ore?
L263[13:23:38] <Warior4356> I think columns is more accurate.
L264[13:24:17] <Warior4356> But would lose some efficiency....
L265[13:27:58] <MGR> It depends on what balance you want
L266[13:31:31] <Michiyo> @payonel warmroast?
L267[13:31:48] <Michiyo> https://github.com/sk89q/WarmRoast
L268[13:32:01] <Michiyo> that's the one I used to use anyway
L269[13:32:05] <Michiyo> long long ago
L270[13:32:49] <payonel> vex told me about the jdk's visualizer and Player's sampler
L271[13:32:51] <payonel> i'll use those
L272[13:32:59] <Michiyo> yeah
L273[13:33:11] <payonel> also, how is the bouncer?
L274[13:33:26] <payonel> oh look, it's back up
L275[13:33:28] <payonel> :)
L276[13:34:05] <Michiyo> It.. went down?
L277[13:34:12] <payonel> this morning i couldn't connect
L278[13:34:18] <payonel> must have been user error
L279[13:34:19] <payonel> :)
L280[13:34:22] * Michiyo shrugs
L281[13:40:35] <Warior4356> It would be a bit more complex but the best compromise seems to be combining columns with local search. So it can mine out whole deposits before returning to its central shaft.
L282[13:44:50] <MGR> ?
L283[14:00:56] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L285[14:11:09] <ZefTheFox> So I wouldn't be surprised if this was fixed in one of the dev builds but from underneath floppy disks have no texture when in the rack disk drive
L286[14:18:56] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L288[14:28:16] <payonel> @ZefTheFox uh no
L289[14:28:26] <payonel> i've definitely not heard of nor messed with that
L290[14:30:04] <ZefTheFox> Well it's just a graphical thing that doesn't matter much http://tinyurl.com/y7rvuj72
L291[14:30:14] <ZefTheFox> http://tinyurl.com/ycrqen5g
L292[14:30:16] <ZefTheFox> Disk is still in the drive
L293[14:30:52] <payonel> cut a ticket
L294[14:30:59] <payonel> with those screenshots, please
L295[14:31:30] <gerard> literally unplayable
L296[14:31:30] <Wuerfel_21> Is this on fast graphics only? I don't rmember wether or not these are using the regular item-on-ground drawing
L297[14:34:00] <ZefTheFox> Let me test
L298[14:34:19] <ZefTheFox> Oh it is only on fast graphics
L299[14:34:20] <ZefTheFox> weird
L300[14:35:38] <Wuerfel_21> no, makes perfect sense
L301[14:36:17] <ZefTheFox> Should I still submit a ticket?
L302[14:36:41] <Wuerfel_21> on fast graphics, items are drawn as 2D sprites. But apparently, the culling mode isn't changed to NONE, thus the back side dissapears.
L303[14:36:41] <Wuerfel_21> Yes, a ticket should be flagged.
L304[14:36:47] <Wuerfel_21> on fast graphics, items are drawn as 2D sprites. But apparently, the culling mode isn't changed to NONE, thus the back side dissapears.
L305[14:36:47] <Wuerfel_21> Yes, a ticket should be submitted. [Edited]
L306[14:38:27] <ZefTheFox> submitted
L307[14:50:04] <payonel> @Wuerfel_21 thanks for asking that point. can you please explain this in the ticket as well
L308[14:50:16] <payonel> i won't be looking at this in the near future
L309[14:54:27] <ZefTheFox> I'll stick it in as a comment
L310[14:54:33] <ZefTheFox> unless Wuerfel wants to
L311[15:04:22] <Kleadron> github desktop client is pretty cool
L312[15:19:17] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L313[15:21:03] <Kleadron> i felt like 4 gigabytes of ram a while ago was small, now i have 8 gigabytes of ram and it still feels like its a small amount
L314[15:22:15] <Kleadron> you know what using ripcord instead of discord would probably help a little bit
L315[15:22:46] <Izaya> CompanionCube: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=power9-threadripper-core9&num=3
L316[15:23:10] <Izaya> Kleadron: probably, running multiple web browsers is p heavy
L317[15:23:49] <Kleadron> and im gona use irc to talk here because ripcord doesnt like to update the images and names of webhooks
L318[15:24:12] <Kleadron> so it makes it look like inari is saying everything but in reality izaya said my username
L319[15:24:54] <Izaya> Quality.
L320[15:26:05] <Forecaster> Sneak 100
L321[15:29:27] <Inari> Works fine for me
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L323[15:37:14] <Kleadron> it is 13:37
L324[15:37:29] <Wuerfel_21> no it's 22:37 ?
L325[15:37:39] <Kleadron> says u
L326[15:37:48] <AmandaC> 16:37 in the OTTZ
L327[15:38:03] <Kleadron> everything is ruined now
L328[15:41:43] <Forecaster> It's every time, at the same time
L329[15:41:44] <Forecaster> There
L330[15:43:29] <Inari> AmandaC: That a lewd timezone
L331[15:43:33] <Inari> *What a
L332[15:43:35] <Wuerfel_21> 4 Simultaneous Days Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth
L333[15:47:10] <AmandaC> Inari: I could call it Tuesday and you'd find a way to make it lewd, though. :P
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L335[15:58:28] ⇦ Quits: Arcanox (Arcanox!~dragonox@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L336[16:00:16] <Inari> AmandaC: Nah, Tuesday is pretty unlewd
L337[16:00:24] ⇨ Joins: Arcanox (Arcanox!~dragonox@
L338[16:00:49] <payonel> wednesday, aka "hump day" in the US, is definitely the most lewd day
L339[16:01:11] ⇨ Joins: progwml6 (progwml6!~progwml6@
L340[16:02:14] <Inari> Wesdnesday is also the name of a female character
L341[16:13:53] <asie> %tonk
L342[16:13:53] <MichiBot> asie! You beat Temia's previous record of 4 hours, 39 minutes and 32 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L343[16:13:54] <MichiBot> asie's new record is 4 hours, 53 minutes and 13 seconds
L344[16:38:27] <Inari> Heh
L345[16:53:21] <Warior4356> The heck?
L346[16:53:22] <Warior4356> The heck?
L347[16:54:15] <Warior4356> That moment when it slowly dawns on you, almost everything clever you want to do with a robot is done better with other mods.
L348[16:55:17] <Warior4356> Grow trees? Forestry. Mining? Like 4 different mods.
L349[16:57:03] <payonel> oc isn't better because it is does a job "better", but because you can treat your automation as a software-run system
L350[17:00:07] <Izaya> the real question
L351[17:00:09] <Izaya> which is more fun
L352[17:00:38] <payonel> well yeah, that's why i quoted "better"
L353[17:04:00] <Inari> payonel: I feel it should have its own unique advantages, or even cases where its required. But the MC modding landscape isn't laid out for that. YOu'd need a gmae designed for it. Or possibly a modpack. But that would mean modifying or creating a lot of mods. The former has issues with their creators, the latter is a ton of work.
L354[17:05:04] <payonel> Inari: but for someone like me, having the option to write code to automation an action is a unique advantage
L355[17:05:21] <payonel> the tree and the wood isn't my goal, the goal is having written code to automate it
L356[17:05:52] <payonel> yes, it is a "ton of work". playing games is a "ton of work" ... if time == work
L357[17:06:01] <payonel> for someone like me, writing code IS the goal, IS the fun
L358[17:06:28] <payonel> now...but, "is the fog funny?"
L359[17:06:47] <payonel> i hope we don't add tedium to oc for tedium's sake
L360[17:07:03] <payonel> i think our design should simplfiy away a lot of the complexities of the real world
L361[17:07:18] <Inari> The only thing I referred to as a ton of work is making a whole modpack worth of mods that fit OC :D
L362[17:07:41] <payonel> but everything already fits OC
L363[17:07:46] <payonel> i'm confused, honestly
L364[17:08:09] <payonel> i can wield an axe on my robot, and swing the wood blocks of a tree. fits
L365[17:08:44] <payonel> yeah, i put forestry's tree block down, power it, and done, i have my wood
L366[17:08:47] <Inari> But you have no mods that require computers, or having unique advantages due to OC
L367[17:09:03] <payonel> in my opinion, for my style of gameplay, you are looking at it wrong
L368[17:09:11] <payonel> oc adds the piece missing, the part that makes it fun
L369[17:09:19] <payonel> that is, writing the code to do those things
L370[17:09:19] <Inari> And I'm not sure I agree, simplifying away complexity also means you can do less
L371[17:09:30] <payonel> ALL mods make a requirement that is OC
L372[17:11:14] <Inari> Sure, just doing something you can find fun can be nice in of itself, but at that point the game becomes meaningless?
L373[17:11:21] <Inari> You can write more useful automation code for other stuff
L374[17:14:59] <Forecaster> There's no meaning to any game beyond what you make of it :P
L375[17:15:27] <payonel> i was afk, back now
L376[17:15:37] <Forecaster> (Unless someone is going to give you a physical prize for playing it)
L377[17:15:40] <payonel> Inari: i used to play a lot of starcraft
L378[17:15:51] <payonel> and then i enjoyed starcraft 2
L379[17:16:12] <payonel> then i was thinking...what build order would give me 50 marines the fastest?
L380[17:16:23] <payonel> there are trade-offs for more farms now, more barracks now, etc
L381[17:16:39] <payonel> and, what if i want 20 marines fastest, but then 50 soon after?
L382[17:16:45] <payonel> and so i built a build-order planner
L383[17:16:54] <payonel> sc, for me, became loads more
L384[17:17:03] <payonel> the more i built my planning tool, the more i played the game
L385[17:17:37] <payonel> another time i was playing baulder's gate. i wanted get a really good dice roll for my character
L386[17:18:17] <payonel> so...i wrote a tool that would click the mouse for me, use OCR to read how good the roll was, and then (it was also running in a vm) take a snapshot of the vm if it was the best roll, and keep rolling
L387[17:18:21] <payonel> i let that run for a week
L388[17:19:12] <payonel> another time i was playing oblivion. i didn't like that it required the disc to play the game. so i hacked the binary and found the condition that checked for the disc. I wrote a tool that helped me detect it .. and
L389[17:19:22] <payonel> anyways, this is where i find fun in games. when i can write code for them
L390[17:19:33] <payonel> oc lets me do that IN the game, and not as a tool outside of the game
L391[17:19:36] <payonel> and i think that is really fun
L392[17:21:16] <Izaya> I don't even play Minecraft, just do OC stuff tbh
L393[17:29:26] <payonel> Inari: i think my examples were bad because in those cases, nothing else (like a mod) did that for me, i had to do it myself
L394[17:29:47] <payonel> and i still think doing some things with oc is just too much work, so i use other mods to do it
L395[17:30:05] <payonel> like, i haven't programmed a fully oc managed inventory system ... i just use ae
L396[17:31:27] <Inari> @Forecaster My point was that the game doesnt' contribute :D
L397[17:32:50] <Inari> payonel: I just feel OC should have a point besides "this allows you to write code"
L398[17:33:11] <Inari> Computeres are so big in the world because they're useful, not because people find it fun to program them :D
L399[17:36:22] <Kleadron> some people like going through hell though
L400[17:40:15] <payonel> Inari: i think you're right
L401[17:40:31] <payonel> the first thing OC should have is fewer bugs :)
L402[17:40:47] <payonel> which....1.7.3 should have
L403[17:42:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E071D5F084B0221DB6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L404[18:00:29] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC60BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Have a break... have a Hitachi. *bzzzzz*')
L405[18:06:22] <Kleadron> i need to not half ass the directory support and see if i can make it work a lot better
L406[18:06:33] <Kleadron> in MiniWindows command prompt
L407[18:08:26] <Izaya> isn't the miniOS support a little off?
L408[18:17:29] <Izaya> bam! and the vlans are gone
L409[18:22:45] <CompanionCube> lol
L410[18:54:53] <ZefTheFox> If I ever learn java I want to make an addon for opencomputers
L411[18:55:11] <ZefTheFox> That in a way could be considered a sister addon of openprinters
L412[18:56:23] <ZefTheFox> ***Thermal printers***
L413[18:56:44] <ZefTheFox> and maybe expand that into a generalized shop making mod
L414[18:58:56] <AmandaC> You could always write one in kotlin
L415[18:59:09] <AmandaC> Like my buttsmod that will never see the light of day
L416[18:59:50] <AmandaC> Provides a block which says a random message from a configurable list in chat
L417[19:00:23] <ZefTheFox> lol
L418[19:00:39] <ZefTheFox> Would kotlin be capable of having compatibility with opencomputers?
L419[19:01:06] <AmandaC> Kotlin is designed to be interiperable with java
L420[19:01:41] <AmandaC> It doesn't introduce many ceazy-new ideas and what it does has a basis in Java already
L421[19:02:26] <AmandaC> Well, I guess coroutines is an exception to that rule
L422[19:02:56] <AmandaC> (unrelated to Lua coroutines)
L423[19:03:30] <ZefTheFox> weird
L424[19:03:43] <ZefTheFox> tbh I haven't really been a fan of object oriented stuff
L425[19:04:55] <ZefTheFox> and while I have the idea now it doesn't mean I'll have the dedication to actually do something with ti
L426[19:04:57] <ZefTheFox> and while I have the idea now it doesn't mean I'll have the dedication to actually do something with it [Edited]
L427[19:07:16] <AmandaC> payonel: <unsolicited-rant> I had a bit of a think re: Ms trying to make "intellisense" a more general thing. The concept of a context / language aware tab complete having a unique / general name makes some sense, having used vim / emacs ideas of tab complete. It's s totally different level between them. And while for some languages (like go) vim / emacs get close, it's very much in spite of the editor's tab completion frameworks, not because
L428[19:07:16] <AmandaC> of them. </Unsolicited-rant>
L429[19:10:25] <AmandaC> I wonder how hard it'd be to make a program / ps oneliner to count the number of individual "projects" I have in my ~/Code
L430[19:11:44] <Z0idburg> so
L431[19:12:57] <Izaya> don't leave us hanging this time
L432[19:14:42] <ZefTheFox> ~~I didn't understand any of that~~
L433[19:17:34] <Z0idburg> lol
L434[19:18:08] <Z0idburg> kinda weird being alone in the house for a week
L435[19:19:33] <Compu> https://i.imgur.com/YlTzH0s.png
L436[19:19:35] <Compu> muh truck
L437[19:20:01] <Izaya> ah, you’re having a party
L438[19:20:08] <Izaya> the sort where you leave the bathroom door open
L439[19:25:42] <ZefTheFox> I'm watching tutorials now
L440[19:25:52] <ZefTheFox> not from an indian guy though
L441[19:25:56] <ZefTheFox> so probably not top spec
L442[19:26:07] <ZefTheFox> ~~itsajoke~~
L443[20:03:24] <ZefTheFox> And of course
L444[20:03:31] <ZefTheFox> it never is as easy as they show
L445[20:03:55] <ZefTheFox> the fucking forge build thing is not recognizing the jdk
L446[20:04:14] <ZefTheFox> http://tinyurl.com/ybpusfb3
L447[20:04:48] <ZefTheFox> Instead it's pointing to some other fucking java version
L448[20:06:44] <ZefTheFox> lets see if the java website had correct instructions
L449[20:10:02] <ZefTheFox> and it didn't
L450[20:18:24] <Compu> @ZefTheFox minecraft doesn't work on newer java versions, u have to have 1.8
L451[20:19:08] <ZefTheFox> Well then wouldn't it at least fucking go to the right folder?
L452[20:19:21] <ZefTheFox> I have JAVA_HOME set in my system variables and shit
L453[20:19:31] <Compu> no idea
L454[20:19:57] <Compu> check what JAVA_HOME is set to
L455[20:20:15] <Compu> the minecraft launcher uses it's own built in version regardless of what u have installed
L456[20:20:25] <Compu> but the forge thing doesn't
L457[20:20:39] <Compu> that could explain the confusion
L458[20:22:07] <ZefTheFox> http://tinyurl.com/y8gr962n
L459[20:22:39] <Compu> hmm
L460[20:22:43] <Compu> lemme google
L461[20:22:49] <ZefTheFox> I've been googling
L462[20:22:53] <ZefTheFox> It's all stack overflow
L463[20:23:03] <ZefTheFox> and fucking linux and just the same shit I've been doing
L464[20:23:51] <Compu> >.>
L465[20:23:54] <Compu> install linux
L466[20:24:15] <ZefTheFox> Ah yes
L467[20:24:30] <ZefTheFox> let me just get rid of my terabyte plus and $100s of games
L468[20:24:39] <ZefTheFox> just to develop a damn mod
L469[20:24:47] <Compu> sounds about right
L470[20:24:51] <ZefTheFox> and I'm not doing it in a vm because that's even more tedious
L471[20:24:55] <Compu> lel
L472[20:25:06] <Compu> asked a friend
L473[20:25:13] <Compu> 9:24 PM] Nebbie: That's...interesting
L474[20:25:14] <Compu> [9:24 PM] Nebbie: Maybe they didn't restart after an installation
L475[20:25:14] <Compu> [9:24 PM] Nebbie: I say nuke it and start over.
L476[20:25:17] <Compu> [9:24 PM] Nebbie: That's...interesting
L477[20:25:17] <Compu> [9:24 PM] Nebbie: Maybe they didn't restart after an installation
L478[20:25:17] <Compu> [9:24 PM] Nebbie: I say nuke it and start over. [Edited]
L479[20:25:50] <Compu> in other words uninstall all java versions and such, reboot, reinstall 1.8 only, reboot, then try again
L480[20:27:18] <Compu> windows seems "fun"
L481[20:27:40] <Compu> in linux i wouldn't even need to reboot once, and changing the default java version is easy
L482[20:28:13] <Kleadron> i heard someone say that linux is easy
L483[20:28:26] <Kleadron> do you want to confirm that
L484[20:28:28] <Compu> in this specific aspect it seems it is
L485[20:28:45] <Kleadron> because for me installing simple software is a nightmere
L486[20:28:55] <Compu> depends on the linux
L487[20:29:52] <Compu> for ubuntu it's simplay `sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk` to install java 8
L488[20:30:13] <Compu> and then `sudo update-alternatives --config java` to set the default java version
L489[20:30:46] <Compu> and when u do that update alternatives command it's literally just a multiple choice type thing for which version u want
L490[20:30:52] <Compu> Code Block pastebined null
L491[20:31:21] <Compu> u want open jdk java 8? just press 2 and hit enter and ur done there
L492[20:32:39] <Compu> Kleadron: what did u have issues installing?
L493[20:32:59] <ZefTheFox> "Look how simple remembering commands is!"
L494[20:33:01] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L495[20:33:07] <ZefTheFox> A ui is much more friendly
L496[20:33:26] <Compu> last i checked he was using a command line on windows for trying to change this stuff too
L497[20:33:40] <Kleadron> Trying to install software for any operating system without using the application store or whatever you want to call it is difficult
L498[20:33:48] <Kleadron> well
L499[20:33:51] <Kleadron> except windows and mac os
L500[20:33:54] <Kleadron> and maybe some others
L501[20:33:55] <ZefTheFox> Windows isn't bad
L502[20:34:06] <ZefTheFox> Neither is linux
L503[20:34:13] <Compu> also for instructions, giving someone a command to copy and paste is a lot simpler and quicker than trying to get them to click on all the right things
L504[20:34:21] <ZefTheFox> But that doesn't mean flout linux around like it's a god
L505[20:34:27] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2)
L506[20:34:36] <ZefTheFox> It has advantages sure but don't be obnoxious with it
L507[20:34:42] <Compu> i...wasn't?
L508[20:34:57] <Compu> i was literally just saying it's a bit easier to do this very specific thing on linux
L509[20:35:51] <Compu> no offense but ur the one kinda being obnoxious right now
L510[20:37:51] <Kleadron> just dont butt into something and say "install linux" because it annoys people
L511[20:38:18] <Compu> i wasn't butting in, i was already in the conversation
L512[20:39:02] <Compu> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined null
L513[20:39:16] <Kleadron> Either way, i think the issue was with a newer java version while making a mod?
L514[20:39:24] <Compu> i added the >.> as an attempt to indicate it was a joke
L515[20:39:26] <Kleadron> just remove the newer java version and everything will work
L516[20:39:33] <ZefTheFox> No it's not
L517[20:39:39] <ZefTheFox> It's the path wasn't being recognized
L518[20:39:42] <Kleadron> oh
L519[20:39:49] <Compu> yeah my friend suggested he just wipe out all java versions and only install java 8, and reboot a bunch
L520[20:39:50] <ZefTheFox> I got that working, now I'm getting an older java version
L521[20:40:04] <Kleadron> i will just leave now
L522[20:40:08] <ZefTheFox> The reason I wasn't rebooting is because this hd is super slow
L523[20:40:17] <Izaya> uninstall oracle java, install openjdk :^)
L524[20:40:59] <Compu> that's a linux thing
L525[20:41:06] <Izaya> nah
L526[20:41:08] <Compu> i don't really recommend doing that on windows
L527[20:41:09] <Izaya> works on Windows too
L528[20:41:22] <Izaya> doesn't have the goddamn updater
L529[20:41:29] <Izaya> nor the licensing bullshit
L530[20:41:36] <Compu> i haven't actually tried it on windows
L531[20:41:38] <Izaya> Michiyo: MichiBot's paste thing is kill for multiple lines
L532[20:41:57] <ZefTheFox> So why are you recommending against it on windows?
L533[20:42:07] <Compu> because i haven't tried it
L534[20:42:17] <Compu> and i'm not gonna recommend something that i haven't tried myself
L535[20:42:36] <Mimiru> Izaya, no it's not.
L536[20:42:40] <Mimiru> It's entirely broken
L537[20:42:46] <Mimiru> not just for multiline pastes
L538[20:42:49] <ZefTheFox> You recommended *against* it
L539[20:42:59] <Izaya> o-oh
L540[20:43:02] <Izaya> I used OpenJDK on Windows and it was pleasant, fwiw
L541[20:43:10] <Izaya> didn't try to build anything with it though
L542[20:43:19] <Compu> if u think it works fine i'll take ur word for it
L543[20:43:36] <Izaya> it should be fine it's mostly the same code
L544[20:43:46] <Kleadron> Does openjdk go faster than oracle java
L545[20:43:59] <Izaya> probably no difference
L546[20:44:00] <Mimiru> should be fixed now
L547[20:48:29] <ZefTheFox> there
L548[20:48:34] <ZefTheFox> got past the broken spot
L549[20:53:27] <payonel> AmandaC: visual studio with c# and intellisense is the gold standard
L550[20:54:22] <payonel> like Sinéad O'Connor said, nothing compares
L551[21:11:22] <ZefTheFox> Now that the Java environment is set up time to go to sleep and loose all interest in it
L552[21:12:00] <AmandaC> payonel: they've been trying to creep the definition to include some of their language packages for vscode, too. Their changelog frequently mentions 'intellisense for java/typescript' and I think the go readme calls the completion it provides as such as well.
L553[21:14:13] <Wuerfel_21> AFAIK VS Code calls any code completion "Intelli Sense"
L554[21:15:44] <Wuerfel_21> even the entirely horrible one provided by the ruby plugin that almost never figures out what type a value should be, even when the previous line is literally
L555[21:15:44] <Wuerfel_21> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/vajedaturi
L556[21:16:25] <AmandaC> I don't think I've ever heard of completion for Ruby in any thing
L557[21:16:57] <AmandaC> And I'm not surprised. It's more monkey patchwork than most gmod mods
L558[21:17:15] <Wuerfel_21> well, it is very hard to do more than basic autocomplete for Ruby
L559[21:18:05] <AmandaC> But yeah, I think you're right, they've been calling the settings strings intellisense as well
L560[21:18:45] <AmandaC> In their new **Bing powered** settings ui
L561[21:19:46] <Wuerfel_21> Monkey patching can come in quite handy for software that accepts extensions/plugins, as you don't need to bloat the core and every plugin with lots of expandability features. Downside: higher likelyhood of conflicts/incompatibilities
L562[21:21:09] <Wuerfel_21> `Bing powered settings ui` WTF
L563[21:21:11] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L564[21:22:51] <Izaya> Microsoft.
L565[21:22:58] <Izaya> in all seriousness, what
L566[21:23:04] <CompanionCube> isn't bing a search engine
L567[21:23:05] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L568[21:23:21] <CompanionCube> does windows 10 now include a copy of the core bing engine?
L569[21:23:41] <AmandaC> I think they only called it's search function "Bing powered" but still
L570[21:23:50] <Kleadron> ew
L571[21:24:06] <AmandaC> (re: settings UI)
L572[21:24:29] <Izaya> fwiw
L573[21:24:39] <Wuerfel_21> apparently, they're actually using Bing to search the settings
L574[21:24:39] <Izaya> I love being able to monkey patch or wrap things
L575[21:24:55] * Izaya has a way to add Minitel to any OS that doesn't sandbox events
L576[21:24:58] <Kleadron> that actually sounds kinda smart
L577[21:25:05] <Izaya> So it doesn't work without internet?
L578[21:25:25] <Kleadron> why would it need the internet
L579[21:25:54] <Izaya> >uses bing
L580[21:25:59] <Izaya> >bing is a website
L581[21:26:42] <Kleadron> they could have just taken the tech for the search engine itself and shoved it into the settings
L582[21:26:58] <Izaya> depends how much ML sauce they've applied to it
L583[21:28:38] <AmandaC> I just assumed it was marketing trying to get more mind share for Bing, not actually related
L584[21:29:14] <Kleadron> if it actually needs the internet its crap
L585[21:29:31] <AmandaC> Easy enough to test
L586[21:29:55] <AmandaC> I'd do so, but my laptop is away for the night
L587[21:30:31] <Wuerfel_21> I just did
L588[21:30:36] <Wuerfel_21> works fine
L589[21:31:47] <Wuerfel_21> either it is 100% local, my VSCode is outdated or it just falls back to local search
L590[21:32:11] <Kleadron> try a couple of searches, turn off the internet and see if you get the same thing
L591[21:32:33] <Kleadron> or maybe try it without the internet first
L592[21:32:46] <Kleadron> then when you search it might download something
L593[21:36:55] <Wuerfel_21> eh, too lazy for that
L594[21:37:17] <Wuerfel_21> i need internet to code anyways. Often need to look stuff up
L595[21:37:42] <Kleadron> grab a giant manual and some documentation
L596[21:38:02] <Kleadron> turn the internet off for 5 hours and then barrel through it
L597[21:38:34] <Wuerfel_21> When there is a giant manual that isn't too big, i usually do read most of it
L598[22:03:00] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L599[22:03:00] <MichiBot> CompanionCube! You beat asie's previous record of 4 hours, 53 minutes and 13 seconds! I hope you're happy!
L600[22:03:01] <MichiBot> CompanionCube's new record is 5 hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds
L601[22:03:37] <CompanionCube> should've cone for a nice round number
L602[22:06:17] <Kleadron> %loot
L603[22:08:02] <Kleadron> it did not work
L604[22:08:06] <Kleadron> it has been 2 minutes
L605[22:08:09] <Kleadron> i am upset
L606[22:08:13] <CompanionCube> what
L607[22:08:26] <Kleadron> i think michibot has some serious issues
L608[22:08:29] * CompanionCube loots Kleadron
L609[22:08:34] <Kleadron> no u
L610[22:08:42] <CompanionCube> so what did i get
L611[22:08:57] <Kleadron> a lack of motivation
L612[22:09:00] <Mimiru> ... well that's interesting
L613[22:09:11] <CompanionCube> so nothing then?
L614[22:09:17] <Mimiru> @Forecaster https://paste.pc-logix.com/gomeriroke.sql
L615[22:10:02] <Mimiru> %loot
L616[22:10:02] <MichiBot> Mimiru: You get a loot box! It contains a tiny model shoe.
L617[22:12:40] <Kleadron> %blame Forecaster
L618[22:12:40] * MichiBot blames Forecaster for ruptured tires
L619[22:18:58] ⇦ Quits: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L620[22:21:08] ⇨ Joins: Kleadron (Kleadron!~kleadron@c-73-254-147-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L621[22:24:56] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L622[22:25:12] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L623[22:35:26] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L624[22:35:41] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L625[22:59:53] <Kleadron> echo
L626[23:00:53] * CompanionCube wonders who will eventually out-%tonk him
L627[23:02:23] <Kleadron> %tonk
L628[23:02:24] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Kleadron, you were not able to beat CompanionCube's record of 5 hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds this time.
L629[23:02:25] <MichiBot> 59 minutes and 23 seconds were wasted!
L630[23:03:22] <CompanionCube> :3 sorries
L631[23:06:20] * Kleadron wonders what %tonk even does
L632[23:08:26] <Temia> Tonk ast tonk (extreme)
L633[23:10:07] <Temia> Red bloometh the rose of conviction
L634[23:13:27] <Kleadron> what if tis blue
L635[23:15:20] <CompanionCube> Kleadron: the logs will tell you
L636[23:16:17] <Kleadron> sentient logs
L637[23:16:20] <Kleadron> cool
L638[23:17:11] <CompanionCube> there's multiple explanations
L639[23:17:41] <Kleadron> are there sentient cubes
L640[23:18:10] <CompanionCube> i am a member of that set
L641[23:18:19] <Kleadron> oh snap
L642[23:18:45] <CompanionCube> companioncubes are a subset of cubes, no?
L643[23:19:33] * CompanionCube squishes with his heavy cube shell
L644[23:20:20] <CompanionCube> er
L645[23:20:41] * CompanionCube squishes Kleadron with his heavy cube shell
L646[23:21:22] * Kleadron is dead
L647[23:21:45] * CompanionCube rolls away
L648[23:21:52] <Kleadron> cubes dont roll
L649[23:21:57] * Kleadron is suspicious
L650[23:22:12] <CompanionCube> companioncubes roll
L651[23:23:50] <CompanionCube> also, suspicious about what, how?
L652[23:24:18] <Kleadron> i am suspicious about rolling cubes
L653[23:24:31] <Kleadron> cubes dont generally roll very well
L654[23:24:46] <Kleadron> let me test this in portal 2
L655[23:28:56] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L656[23:29:13] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml_ (rashdanml_!~rashdanml@d24-156-232-46.home4.cgocable.net)
L657[23:30:39] <Kleadron> portal 2 doesn't like me for whatever reason
L658[23:31:21] <CompanionCube> i do not mind violating physics to roll if need be
L659[23:31:34] * Izaya gives CompanionCube a sander
L660[23:32:26] <CompanionCube> Izaya: my outer materials aren't highly amendable to sand into roundness.
L661[23:32:33] <CompanionCube> *amenable
L662[23:32:41] * Izaya gives CompanionCube a blowtorch
L663[23:33:16] <CompanionCube> something something 4000K+
L664[23:33:32] <Kleadron> do you need an intel cpu
L665[23:34:03] <CompanionCube> nope
L666[23:35:25] <CompanionCube> the latest revision of my inner components includes a modified version of RISC-V
L667[23:37:02] <CompanionCube> One does not simply put up with Intel's shit when you have better options.
L668[23:37:45] <Kleadron> AMD is better than intel, dare change my mind?
L669[23:38:28] <CompanionCube> but that's correct
L670[23:38:49] <Kleadron> good
L671[23:41:27] <CompanionCube> Did you discover the meaning of %tonk
L672[23:41:59] <Kleadron> no i did not
L673[23:44:34] <CompanionCube> %tonk is basically a game of seeing who can wait the longest between tonks
L674[23:44:34] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat CompanionCube's record of 5 hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds this time.
L675[23:44:35] <MichiBot> 42 minutes and 10 seconds were wasted!
L676[23:45:27] <CompanionCube> When there is no %tonk, the first person to %tonk sets a record of the rime
L677[23:45:29] <CompanionCube> '
L678[23:45:37] <CompanionCube> of the time it took
L679[23:46:30] <CompanionCube> Thereafter, the time between %tonks is compared to the record set by the previous %tonk
L680[23:46:31] <Kleadron> look at this fancy son of a gun
L681[23:46:37] <Kleadron> http://tinyurl.com/y7mebsbu
L682[23:47:14] <CompanionCube> is that companioncube rolling
L683[23:47:47] <Kleadron> thats not a companion cube
L684[23:47:53] <Kleadron> that is a weighted storage cube
L685[23:50:57] <CompanionCube> bad lighting is bad
L686[23:56:17] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L687[23:58:15] <CompanionCube> Kleadron: was my explanation of %tonk helpful?
L688[23:58:28] <Kleadron> yes
L689[23:59:06] <Kleadron> time goes too fast
L690[23:59:34] <Compu> microcontrollers require power, right?
L691[23:59:39] <CompanionCube> will you try to beat me
L692[23:59:43] <Compu> do they have power converters built in?
L693[23:59:47] <Forecaster> Yes they do
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