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L1[02:03:30] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L4[02:27:30] <Forecaster> I'm *not* surprised it worked and I'm *not* on an opencomputers computer :D
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L16[05:09:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L21[06:29:49] <AmandaC> Vexatos: gratz, when's your first breakthrough on quantum quantum computing
L22[06:30:15] <AmandaC> It's quantum computing for quantum computing
L23[06:30:55] <Forecaster> "I heard you liek etc."
L24[06:31:03] <AmandaC> Indeed
L25[06:34:13] <Vexatos> AmandaC, but I don't do quantum computing I am a chemist not a physicist D:
L26[06:36:22] <Forecaster> Vexatos was all the science you did previously fake then?
L27[06:36:30] <Vexatos> whaat
L28[06:36:36] <Forecaster> if you only now became a real scientist
L29[06:36:42] <Vexatos> Hmm!
L30[06:36:48] <Vexatos> Well I only did a single science so far
L31[06:36:56] <Vexatos> and that was finding antibiotics in bacteria poop
L32[06:37:06] <Vexatos> it certainly was shitty science :I
L33[06:37:13] <Forecaster> literally
L34[06:38:50] <AmandaC> Wow
L35[06:40:14] <AmandaC> Judging from the timestamps here, I dozed off somewhere between 18:18 and 18:48 last night, then slept until something like 07.00 this morning
L36[06:41:17] <Vexatos> AmandaC, don't sleep on the keyboard, you're not a ca----wait
L37[06:41:25] <AmandaC> I guess that means I'm still good at turning off alarms in my sleep, and as a side effect today will suck if any of my neighbors decide to more the lawn. (I "slept through" my nighttime meds alarm)
L38[06:41:37] <AmandaC> Mow*
L39[06:42:43] <AmandaC> Vexatos: can you invent something like clariton d which won't affect the heart, kthe
L40[06:43:52] <AmandaC> I was on that shit for years and my allergies didn't bother me. New doctor was worried about the heart effects and took me off it, allergy season is a bitch now
L41[06:44:18] <Vexatos> is that an antiallergic or what
L42[06:44:32] <AmandaC> Yeah, a brand name of one
L43[06:45:06] <Vexatos> Just tell your cells not to explode in histamine, easy
L44[06:45:10] <AmandaC> Antihistamine + decongestant, the decongestant was what worried the doctor, iirc
L45[06:45:20] <Vexatos> why do you need a decongestant >_<
L46[06:45:29] <Vexatos> Aren't there like hald a trillion antihistamines
L47[06:45:34] <Vexatos> half*
L48[06:46:10] <AmandaC> I'm allergic to grass, the kind you have in a lawn
L49[06:46:25] <AmandaC> It kept my sinuses empty
L50[06:46:36] <Vexatos> you know that is usually the type one refers to when mentioning "grass"
L51[06:46:58] <AmandaC> I know it was here, wasn't sure if it was universal
L52[06:47:02] <Vexatos> what part of grass though
L53[06:47:34] <Vexatos> like, is it only the smell it releases when being cut
L54[06:48:03] <AmandaC> Pollen, I assume, I had a strong reaction to it on the prick test, where it contaminated nearby other tests
L55[06:48:05] <Vexatos> I know someone who is allergic to cold because that makes sense. She's also allergic to like 25 other things D:
L56[06:49:21] <AmandaC> The only other reaction I showed on the test was a sight reaction to oak trees
L57[06:54:25] <Forecaster> she's allergic to the absence of heat?
L58[07:02:27] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L59[07:19:37] <AmandaC> Maybe she's confusing the normal stuffy-nose you get from a cold environment with an allergy?
L60[07:25:19] <Vexatos> AmandaC, no
L61[07:25:32] <Vexatos> she actually has a normal allergic reaction on her skin
L62[07:25:34] <Vexatos> when it is cold
L63[07:25:42] <Vexatos> specifically, when the skin touches cold air
L64[07:25:47] <AmandaC> O.o
L65[07:25:54] <AmandaC> Like, immdiately?
L66[07:25:56] <Vexatos> so she's always wearing three layers of clothing more than others in the winter
L67[07:26:00] <Vexatos> it takes like five minutes
L68[07:26:10] <AmandaC> Doesn't the skin usually get flush in the cold, too?
L69[07:26:29] <Vexatos> it'll actually swell
L70[07:26:34] <AmandaC> weird
L71[07:26:54] <AmandaC> quick, kidnap her and discect her to advance medical science!
L72[07:28:10] <Vexatos> I think my mother would disagree
L73[07:28:18] <Vexatos> it's a friend of hers
L74[07:29:23] <Forecaster> blackmail her into volunteering, simple
L75[07:43:38] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L76[09:17:01] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6478.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L77[09:39:08] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1537452861090.png
L78[09:44:32] <Forecaster> nice shader
L79[09:59:40] <Mettaton_Fab> heh
L80[10:25:50] <CheeseAlmighty> `decongestant`
L81[10:25:50] <CheeseAlmighty> **Aah.** _No chronic decongestant use pls thx._ Didn't they prescribe intranasal steroids?
L82[10:26:08] <CheeseAlmighty> That's usually the mainstay of the treatment
L83[10:26:35] <CheeseAlmighty> Second line is antihistaminics, which, it's the first time I'm hearing about the effects to the heart, but I need to read up on that.
L84[10:27:24] <CheeseAlmighty> Most guidelines just skip the decongestants and move up to leukotriene receptor antagonists (eg. montelukast)
L85[10:27:46] <CheeseAlmighty> ~~Something is off here~~
L86[10:30:03] <CheeseAlmighty> Ah. Right, of course. It has pseudoephedrine in it.
L87[10:30:54] <CheeseAlmighty> Claritin-D. It's a combination drug. Lorantadine (2nd generation antihistaminic) and pseudoephedrine (alpha agonist)
L88[10:30:59] <CheeseAlmighty> That second part is a no no.
L89[10:31:40] <CheeseAlmighty> So, uh, regular claritin is actually safe.
L90[10:31:53] <Corded> * <CheeseAlmighty> Now excuse me while I go back to my lurking
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L95[10:58:21] <AmandaC> @CheeseAlmighty I'm on the montelukast I believe, but I can't deal with nose sprays,so that was dropped
L96[11:00:20] <CheeseAlmighty> Oh. They're really effective though. If it's the dryness that is bothering you, you can use most moistener creams
L97[11:00:59] <AmandaC> It's actually the opposite, I don't like water up my nose
L98[11:01:06] <CheeseAlmighty> Ah.
L99[11:01:33] <CheeseAlmighty> It passes really quickly, But fair enough
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L103[12:03:03] <Inari> Whats RTX
L104[12:03:31] <Inari> I stay faaaaar away from nose sprays ever since one gave me a giant nosebleed
L105[12:03:34] <gamax92> Overhype marketing
L106[12:05:44] <MGR> Inari, RTX is GTX, but with RayTracing
L107[12:05:52] <MGR> It's the next series of NVIDIA graphics cards
L108[12:06:00] <Inari> Hey look, an actual explanation :p
L109[12:06:01] <MGR> Also what gamax said
L110[12:06:18] <MGR> It'll get more important over time, but game support is limited right now
L111[12:06:27] <MGR> Prices are insanity though
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L113[12:22:09] <AmandaC> They must have had some insane marketing gimmic in the announcement, given all the memes like Izaya posted I've been seeing crop up
L114[12:22:30] <MGR> My favorite is the wallet meme
L115[12:22:40] <MGR> RTX Off: Full wallet. RTX On: Empty wallet with highly detailed shadowing
L116[12:22:52] <AmandaC> "Stationeers with RTX On: https://imgur.com/a/0WButjn&quot;
L117[12:28:19] <Mettaton_Fab> my fav RTX meme is the one with a missing kidney in the rtx off
L118[12:28:55] <AmandaC> s/off/on/ I assume?
L119[12:28:56] <MichiBot> <Mettaton_Fab> my fav RTX meme is the one with a missing kidney in the rtx on
L120[12:29:33] <Mettaton_Fab> yes.
L121[12:30:24] <gamax92> the thing is nothing supports the ray tracing part right now
L122[12:31:04] <AmandaC> speaking of, I should do my monthly driver update
L123[12:31:09] <gamax92> the games they initially demo'd haven't been publically updated for support
L124[12:32:25] <Inari> Might just be me
L125[12:32:34] <Inari> But the Battlefield V RTX trailer doesn't look all that impressive :P
L126[12:32:44] <gamax92> yeah, agreed
L127[12:33:01] <Inari> Like, it doesn't look /bad/. But dunno, it looks odd/off. Some odd uncanny valley of detail :P
L128[12:33:14] <AmandaC> oh, I closed my VNC session to the gaming compy, oh well, the driver update can wait
L129[12:38:27] <gamax92> Battlefield V has really bad flame/explosion graphics
L130[12:39:19] <Inari> gamax92: Well also stuff like those droplets when they run through puddles. Or the water bodies they fly over looking so plastic-y
L131[12:42:29] <Inari> I still like this pic: https://twitter.com/GifsAnime_/status/1042517760230744065 it isn't the most refined character or the "cutest" I've seen. But it has an odd naturality to it
L132[12:42:29] <MichiBot> Wed Sep 19 15:56:17 CDT 2018 @GifsAnime_: <https://t.co/NcrtjuS2Fm&gt;
L133[12:42:43] <Mettaton_Fab> very cute
L134[12:44:41] <asie> Inari: Because reality is not the most refined.
L135[12:44:53] <asie> Reality is plain, so in a way a plain picture feels more natural.
L136[12:45:20] <asie> This is a pose and scenario you're likely to see someone having in real life.
L137[12:45:23] <asie> Unlike many, many artpieces.
L138[12:45:24] <Inari> Yeah, thats what I meant. Like. it looks more like an actual girl so to say, than a lot of other anime girls seen.
L139[12:46:45] <AmandaC> s/plain, .*/pain/
L140[12:46:45] <MichiBot> <asie> Reality is pain
L141[12:46:58] <Inari> Heh
L142[12:47:02] <AmandaC> (Sorry)
L143[12:47:03] <Inari> AmandaC's current reality is pain
L144[12:47:27] <AmandaC> Sounds like they finished mowing the lawn, so it'll be less pain soon, I hope
L145[12:48:08] <AmandaC> might nuke some chinese we got last night, the steam from that'll be nice
L146[12:48:26] <Inari> That both racist and terrifying
L147[12:49:14] <Forecaster> that terrible grammar!
L148[12:51:49] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.2)
L149[12:53:22] <Mettaton_Fab> bread is pain
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L154[13:38:43] <test> hi
L155[13:38:48] <test> hello?
L156[13:38:51] <test> :(
L157[13:38:54] <test> im ingame
L158[13:38:57] <test> LUL
L159[13:39:00] <test> goodbye
L160[13:39:00] ⇦ Quits: test (test!~test@pD952B286.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L161[13:39:05] <MGR> %bye
L162[13:39:06] <MichiBot> MGR: Oh, well, bye I guess...
L163[13:39:12] <MGR> %goodbye
L164[13:40:19] <asie> I'm glad OC development is more active recently.
L165[13:40:26] <asie> Like, thank you payonel
L166[13:45:11] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-69-181-167-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L167[13:52:14] <payonel> asie: :)
L168[13:54:52] <Inari> https://twitter.com/KillSection/status/1042829849444982784
L169[13:54:53] <MichiBot> Thu Sep 20 12:36:25 CDT 2018 @KillSection: <https://t.co/uUnpvtCyvy&gt;
L170[14:01:21] <Temia> Of course Inari posted that.
L171[14:04:43] <Kodos> ...
L172[14:12:36] <CompanionCube> https://twitter.com/0xUID/status/1042696061121384449
L173[14:12:37] <MichiBot> Thu Sep 20 03:44:47 CDT 2018 @0xUID: Classy MacOS high-end security! #InfoSec <https://t.co/fTs3hqEa25&gt;
L174[14:12:38] <CompanionCube> apple fail
L175[14:21:37] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: that's 10.13, suppossedly it was patched in a point release, which ISTR shows in that screen.
L176[14:21:54] <AmandaC> s/that screen/the screen that's up at the beginning/
L177[14:21:54] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> CompanionCube: that's 10.13, suppossedly it was patched in a point release, which ISTR shows in the screen that's up at the beginning.
L178[14:22:23] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: don't they say that this is a different bug though
L179[14:23:07] <Inari> Temia: Hey it's all covered and friendly for your supposed family of prudes
L180[14:23:10] <AmandaC> The person who posted the video says it's `10.13 (VM)` for the version, which implies to me they don't know what's going on
L181[14:24:03] <AmandaC> and several people report in their comments they can't replicate it in `10.13.6`
L182[14:24:23] <AmandaC> so, I'm going with either a dodgy VM image, or the researcher doesn't understand point releases
L183[14:26:23] <AmandaC> since the macOS EULA says you can't emulate it on anything other than a mac device, it's entirely possible they've got a dodgy, out-of-date hackintosh modified to be happy under a VM software on other systems
L184[14:26:50] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L185[14:26:50] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC no health gained!
L186[14:27:19] <AmandaC> but yes, it was an issue before, but it should be patched in release images for consumer use on laptops (macOS is very forceful about point releases on their devices )
L187[14:28:50] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLbogEK-gOQ&t=26m35s look, if you the stupid "Brilliant.org" ads were edit as great as this, I would mind them muchless :P
L188[14:28:51] <MichiBot> Tiny Japanese Burger Kit! - Popin' Cookin' Review | length: 29m 9s | Likes: 4,879 Dislikes: 36 Views: 34,377 | by brutalmoose | Published On 20/9/2018
L189[14:29:22] <Forecaster> %quote add inari look, if you the stupid
L190[14:29:22] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Quote added at id: 176
L191[14:29:37] <Inari> -you
L192[14:29:37] <Inari> :p
L193[14:29:41] <AmandaC> And the red circle with a number in the app store icon (6th from the right) indicates there's updates available for the system
L194[14:29:45] <Inari> *all the
L195[14:29:47] <Inari> Actually
L196[14:30:04] <AmandaC> so its probably a fresh 10.13 image, not updated
L197[14:30:20] <AmandaC> </voice-of-reason>
L198[14:30:45] <AmandaC> s/right/right in the dock on the bottom/
L199[14:30:46] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> And the red circle with a number in the app store icon (6th from the right in the dock on the bottom) indicates there's updates available for the system
L200[14:31:44] <AmandaC> I
L201[14:32:07] <AmandaC> I'm fine with bashing apple, when it's real issues, not bullshit "LOL APPLE FAIL" stuff like that.
L202[14:32:41] <AmandaC> ( Granted, it /was/ a real issue when 10.13 release, but it's long since been patched )
L203[14:33:36] <Inari> Are you talking with someone I don't see
L204[14:33:40] <Inari> Or are you just going on for like 10 lines
L205[14:35:23] <AmandaC> Inari: replying to CompanionCube
L206[14:35:33] <Inari> I see, so the latter :D
L207[14:35:39] <Temia> Inari: family of prudes, what
L208[14:35:40] <AmandaC> ah. :P
L209[14:35:54] <Inari> Temia: I was gonna say "family friendly", but that doesn't really mean anything
L210[14:36:10] <AmandaC> Not exactly family frendly, though.
L211[14:36:18] <AmandaC> Well, might depend on culture, I guess.
L212[14:36:28] <Inari> Eh, everything's covered, so it's afternoon TV ad level
L213[14:36:30] <AmandaC> not exactly USA-ian "family friendly" at least
L214[14:36:45] <Inari> Actually afternoon TV ads have uncovered... so
L215[14:36:52] <Temia> Ah yes, America and it's love/fear relationship with boobs.
L216[14:36:54] <AmandaC> That's in Germany
L217[14:37:15] <AmandaC> in the US you won't even see tits on non-pay channels in the middle of the night.
L218[14:37:23] <Inari> Hence why "family friendly" doesn't really mean anything, as it depends on region/year/culture/personal preference
L219[14:37:44] <AmandaC> And pay channels are very hesitent to show them as well, bar the PPV porn channels
L220[14:37:54] <Inari> PPV?
L221[14:37:59] <AmandaC> Pay-Per-View
L222[14:38:04] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ (Quit: Leaving)
L223[14:38:12] <Inari> That sounds amusing in the context
L224[14:38:20] <Inari> "$0.10/boobshot"
L225[14:38:54] <Temia> https://satwcomic.com/it-s-complicated
L226[14:39:05] <AmandaC> ABC(?) got fined a large sum for showing a nip-slip at some award show live on air, which is why those things are all aired on like a 30s delay these days.
L227[14:39:25] <Inari> But who protects the children in the audience
L228[14:40:05] <Inari> Clearly all stars going on camera should be required to put tape over their nipples
L229[14:40:22] <AmandaC> They are now.
L230[14:40:31] <Inari> They are?
L231[14:40:42] <AmandaC> Most award shows require special stickers over the nipple, just incase
L232[14:40:49] <Inari> xD
L233[14:40:52] <Inari> Thats hilarious
L234[14:41:04] <AmandaC> ISTR reading about some models / actresses who refused to do those shows becaus of it
L235[14:41:25] <AmandaC> America is crazy about nipples
L236[14:41:32] <Inari> Go a stap further
L237[14:41:33] <AmandaC> And not even in a fun way.
L238[14:41:34] <payonel> i know i am
L239[14:41:39] <Inari> Make it nipples tassels. The nipples are hidden, so it's fine
L240[14:41:45] <AmandaC> ...
L241[14:42:05] <Inari> Forecaster: Yes, stap
L242[14:42:10] <AmandaC> You joke, but in Texas top-less strippers aren't allowed. At the least they're required to wear tassles.
L243[14:42:23] <payonel> AmandaC: that's hilarious
L244[14:42:28] <Inari> AmandaC: Well I meant more like, for award shows
L245[14:42:29] <Inari> But yeah
L246[14:42:35] <payonel> i pass 5 or 6 strip clubs just on the way to work
L247[14:42:59] <payonel> real, strip clubs
L248[14:43:04] <Inari> The main female character in RF4 has something resembling nipple tassels on her stnadard outfit
L249[14:43:06] <Inari> For... some reason
L250[14:43:08] <payonel> apparently, not texas-fake ones :)
L251[14:43:09] <AmandaC> Might just be a single city/town in Texas, my bestfriend/co-admin mentioned it to me once
L252[14:43:39] <payonel> Inari: russian fishing 4?
L253[14:47:16] <Not>Inari> Rune Factory 4 http://tinyurl.com/yc2xr9dc
L254[14:47:50] <payonel> those are mounting hooks :)
L255[14:47:56] <Inari> L-lewd
L256[14:48:01] <payonel> you're welcome
L257[14:48:44] <AmandaC> I asked my friend about it: https://nc.ddna.co/s/5N9PnarTXfxpGsF
L258[14:49:11] <payonel> AmandaC: ha, nice
L259[14:50:08] <Forecaster> why do you say "at the least" and not "at least" or "at the very least"
L260[14:50:36] <AmandaC> Because I don't english well, dispite it being literally the only human language I know.
L261[14:50:38] <Mettaton_Fab> why does mischief makers have such a good song in it
L262[14:52:05] <AmandaC> Inari: those are def. not tassels, they're attached to the armour, not her skin
L263[14:52:23] <Inari> :P
L264[14:52:27] <Forecaster> which also means they're not piercings, incidentally
L265[14:52:30] <Inari> I said they resemble them
L266[14:52:32] <Inari> Not tht they are
L267[14:54:28] <AmandaC> Inari: last thing I'll say about this: American ads involving anything that'd reasonably be showing a nude female ( Shampoo / Soap ) have japanese anime levels of absurdity in the form of strangely-stuck frothy bubbles.
L268[14:56:05] ⇨ Joins: Teris (Teris!uid315557@id-315557.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L269[14:58:11] <Inari> Teris: Heyy it's Tetris
L270[14:58:32] <Teris> Not quite Inari
L271[14:58:47] <Inari> Close enough
L272[14:59:03] <Inari> AmandaC: hehe
L273[14:59:26] * Inari pushes Teris's buttons to try to turn the Tetris theme on
L274[14:59:37] <Inari> Anyway
L275[14:59:40] <Inari> What brings you here?
L276[14:59:41] <Teris> Uhm
L277[14:59:49] <Teris> Oh, I'm here because I use OpenComputers
L278[14:59:52] <AmandaC> %bap Inari
L279[14:59:52] * MichiBot baps Inari
L280[14:59:54] <Inari> D:
L281[15:00:00] <Inari> Forecaster: Why does bap still work?
L282[15:00:27] <Inari> Teris: Many here do, many once used to
L283[15:00:47] <Teris> Yes, there are over 100 people in this channel, and more on the Discord
L284[15:00:56] <payonel> discord doesn't count
L285[15:00:57] <payonel> :)
L286[15:01:21] <AmandaC> Right, back to playing Stationeers I think.
L287[15:03:44] <Inari> https://www.twitch.tv/kirinodere best stream setup, every stream should have a cute animated anime girl
L288[15:04:57] <Mimiru> Imari most of michibot still works
L289[15:05:10] <Forecaster> yeah imari!
L290[15:05:15] <Mimiru> Stuff that uses the inventory is broken
L291[15:05:18] <Mimiru> God damn phone
L292[15:05:25] <Inari> As much as @Ristelle would like it, my name has no m
L293[15:05:26] <Mimiru> Inari
L294[15:05:38] <Mimiru> Blame phone keyboard
L295[15:05:52] <Mimiru> %blame phone keyboards
L296[15:05:53] * MichiBot blames phone keyboards for doubling the time until release by asking questions
L297[15:07:40] <Forecaster> that's pretty poorly animated
L298[15:07:50] <Forecaster> and it seems pointless as well
L299[15:08:05] <Inari> Eh, it's cute
L300[15:08:31] <Forecaster> the dress changes length between some of the frames and it bugs me >:
L301[15:13:37] <payonel> Lizzy: o/ when i visit https://oc.cil.li/ it tells me "Good news! Version 4.3.6 of Invision Community is now available. This includes a security patch and we recommend you upgrade as soon as possible. " in a big red banner, and i see an "upgrade" option
L302[15:13:54] <payonel> 1. why am _i_ seeing an option to upgrade the site? i didn't expect perms to do that. or perhaps it is confused about my perms
L303[15:14:08] <payonel> and 2. are you planning on upgrading? or do we care about that? or ... yeah
L304[15:20:59] <Mimiru> I’m pretty sure it shows that to anyone with mod or higher
L305[15:26:40] <Forecaster> Do the upgrade dance!
L306[15:36:34] <payonel> ?
L307[15:37:59] <Vexatos> (ノ°ο°)ノ * ヽ(;^o^ヽ)
L308[15:39:00] <Vexatos> ┌|゚э゚|┘ └|゚ε゚|┐
L309[15:40:26] <Forecaster> The best part about the brutalmoose video is objectively the light box on the wall that says "don't read this!"
L310[15:40:40] <Forecaster> Obviously I obeyed and have not read it
L311[15:42:05] <AmandaC> payonel: at the very least it doens't show for an un-logged-in user
L312[15:42:24] <AmandaC> I don't think I ever made an OC Forums account, so I can't speak from a luser perspective
L313[15:43:20] <payonel> k'oh, rood
L314[16:20:42] <Mettaton_Fab> man, firefox really changed into chrome
L315[16:20:53] <payonel> in what way?
L316[16:20:59] <payonel> i dont use chrome, so, i wouldn't know
L317[16:21:14] <Mettaton_Fab> it is a RAM hog
L318[16:21:17] <payonel> the one time i did almost use chrome it wanted me to log into my email or something so i noped out
L319[16:21:22] <Mettaton_Fab> but an extreme one at that
L320[16:21:58] <Mettaton_Fab> it gets my total RAM usage to 5.7GB with just 15 tabs open in one windows and 8 in another
L321[16:22:06] <Mettaton_Fab> *window
L322[16:22:26] <payonel> why on earth do people open so many tabs
L323[16:22:38] <payonel> i get to 5 and i'm thinking, "honestly, i dont need this many tabs"
L324[16:22:44] <payonel> and i just close the whole lot
L325[16:23:50] <Mettaton_Fab> but the problem is that without firefox open at all i have only 1.8GB in use
L326[16:24:13] <Mettaton_Fab> as soon as i just have firefox open and just 1 youtube tab open it jumps to 2.4GB
L327[16:24:50] <Lizzy> payonel, upgrade will happen this weekend and i'll look into the perms, but i don't think it'd work anyway unless you had access to my invision power account
L328[16:24:55] <Mettaton_Fab> back when FF was 32bit only it only used 1.5GB on its own on full load
L329[16:25:07] <Lizzy> why it can't auth just through the license key i don't know
L330[16:25:21] <Vexatos> @Mettaton_Fab then something is clearly wrong
L331[16:25:33] <Vexatos> My firefox is loaded with addons and I don't use that much
L332[16:25:43] <Mettaton_Fab> now the main process eats 2.7GB easily
L333[16:25:44] <Vexatos> and I currently have 12 tbas open for reasons
L334[16:25:51] <Kleadron> lazy devs that dont optimize because so much freedom with hyperspeed cpus and infinite ram
L335[16:26:00] <Mettaton_Fab> lemme just see how many addons i have
L336[16:26:05] <Vexatos> @Mettaton_Fab my main process is at 500MB
L337[16:27:06] <Mettaton_Fab> i have 7 add-ons
L338[16:27:23] <Mettaton_Fab> and 3 plugins
L339[16:28:06] <Vexatos> I have 37 >_>
L340[16:29:26] <Mettaton_Fab> i really need to find out why firefox keeps RAM hostage
L341[16:29:50] <Mettaton_Fab> i cant even play Gmod when firefox sets my full ram usage to 4GB
L342[16:51:02] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C10704FD881DB6AC1CA03AF6B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L343[17:19:07] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L346[18:36:43] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6478.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Get out of my way or the tadpole dies!')
L347[18:43:04] <AmandaC> %tell Inari ~sits in your way, hoping for a snack~
L348[18:43:05] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
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L352[21:21:45] * Saphire peeks
L353[21:21:49] <Saphire> Hm
L354[21:25:11] <Kleadron> no peeking >:(
L355[21:29:22] * Saphire pokes Klea
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L360[22:42:35] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
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