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L1[00:06:02] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-179-183.hlrn.qwest.net)
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L3[03:17:24] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6231.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L4[03:18:26] <Kleadron> no
L5[03:19:30] <Forecaster> yes
L6[03:20:28] <Kleadron> :GWsocksAngeryBob:
L7[03:22:54] ⇦ Quits: LordFokas (LordFokas!LordFokas@znc.theender.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L14[03:26:47] ⇨ Joins: s0cks (s0cks!socks@ds003.info)
L15[03:28:18] <asie> @seebs TGA is trivial to generate in code and widely supported
L16[03:28:19] <asie> that's why
L17[03:30:59] * Inari squeezes AmandaC
L18[03:31:05] <Inari> I finally found this stupid game I've been looking for
L19[03:31:05] <Inari> \o/
L20[03:31:58] ⇦ Quits: s0cks (s0cks!socks@ds003.info) (*.net *.split)
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L22[03:33:23] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@2001:41d0:800:60f::13)
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L25[03:33:23] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (Techokami!Techokami@2001:41d0:800:60f::13)
L26[03:34:13] <Forecaster> what stupid game?
L27[03:39:23] <Kleadron> what stupid game?
L28[03:39:33] <Kleadron> is it a game that is stupid
L29[03:43:20] <Inari> Survival Project
L30[03:43:31] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgOcApTo1Yw
L31[03:43:32] <MichiBot> Survival Project - Forest Quest 05 | length: 4m 44s | Likes: 10 Dislikes: 0 Views: 7,783 | by washdish3009 | Published On 10/4/2016
L32[03:45:10] <Kleadron> oh
L33[03:47:43] <Inari> I've played it in the past. And then every now and then I'd remember it, but couldn't recall the name or find it wiht googling
L34[03:47:47] <Inari> But now I finally found it
L35[03:58:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L38[05:03:34] ⇨ Joins: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@184-96-179-183.hlrn.qwest.net)
L39[05:21:25] <MGR> AmandaC, ouch, I feel your pain
L40[05:43:02] <Inari> Hm whats the best free windows tool to remove deleted software
L41[06:05:19] * AmandaC glares at Inari for interrupting her sleeps
L42[06:05:41] <Inari> Kon :3
L43[06:17:47] ⇨ Joins: baschdel (baschdel!~baschdel@2a01:5c0:18:a781:7093:79e0:3a62:1ca3)
L44[06:21:50] <George WL⚡> Btw, are there any code watchers for OC, one you can just put into your devenv and spoof the same interactions as the real mod?
L45[06:22:43] <Inari> code watchers?
L46[06:22:51] <George WL⚡> I've heard people recommend that if you're writing lots of code to create it in your code editor of choice then copy-pasta it into the in-game
L47[06:23:37] <Inari> Oh
L48[06:23:42] <Izaya> Just turn off buffering and edit the files
L49[06:23:47] <George WL⚡> A code watcher. Where you have it run and when there's a change, restart the running.
L50[06:23:47] <Inari> Well theres ocnetfs.. and what Izaya said
L51[06:23:47] <George WL⚡> They're common in JavaScript
L52[06:24:11] <Izaya> That's a perfect reason to never use one
L53[06:24:31] <George WL⚡> I tend to like going for Test-based Dev, which JavaScript is great for
L54[06:24:42] <George WL⚡> (JavaScript Dev by trade)
L55[06:25:25] * Izaya vomits
L56[06:25:51] <Izaya> Sorry, I'm being rude, not a fan of the way the web turned out is all
L57[06:29:15] <Izaya> ...anyway, turn off bufferChanges in the OC config, restart your game and point your text editor at the files in your save folder
L58[06:31:05] <George WL⚡> There's nothing wrong with JavaScript, just like any language, it's how you use it that matters
L59[06:31:33] <George WL⚡> Though I also don't use JavaScript for the web all that much, I create web apps for a job
L60[06:32:05] <George WL⚡> (which run on packaged localhost devices)
L61[06:33:07] <Izaya> As long as you don't make web pages, wrap them with a copy of Chrome and call them native, I guess
L62[06:33:36] <Izaya> :p
L63[06:33:48] <Forecaster> @George WL⚡ if you're in singleplayer or have access to server files you can disable buffering which makes it read from the files when you start the program
L64[06:33:59] <Forecaster> then you can just edit the files directly with any program you want
L65[06:34:26] <Forecaster> if you're on a server where you can't do that I don't know, you'll probably have to write something yourself that does what you want
L66[06:37:52] <George WL⚡> I do mostly play singleplayer yeah
L67[06:38:22] <George WL⚡> And I feel like in servers I'd test it singleplayer on creative mode first anyhow
L68[06:38:51] <George WL⚡> Then I'd copy-pasta the code across
L69[06:39:36] <Forecaster> then you can just find the `bufferChanges` option in the config and set if to false
L70[06:39:48] <George WL⚡> @Izaya#0000 I feel no matter the language, you'll get people trying to get away with murder.
L71[06:39:48] <George WL⚡> Nah, we keep them as ringe-fenced within the chromium browser
L72[06:39:53] <Forecaster> then just find the files in the world dir and edit them
L73[06:39:54] <George WL⚡> @Izaya#0000
L74[06:40:38] <Forecaster> also the people with "BOT" after their names are on IRC
L75[06:41:06] <MGR> @George WL⚡ Izaya's on IRC, not Discord ?
L76[06:47:34] <AmandaC> Ive only skimmed the backlog, but I believe wjat george wants is somwthong that will restart the program on a file change, which I don't believe exists for OC.
L77[06:49:44] <Inari> Izaya: But it runs natively and is superior to any other UI tech
L78[06:49:47] <Inari> Hence why it gets used
L79[06:49:48] <Inari> :p
L80[06:50:04] * Izaya applies a lighter to Inari
L81[06:50:22] <Inari> Hey D:
L82[06:50:58] <Izaya> None of that trash blends with my gtk theme
L83[06:51:09] <Izaya> It can go jump in a very cold lake
L84[06:51:18] <Inari> Sure, but it's still nicer tahn Gtk
L85[06:51:19] <Inari> :D
L86[06:52:30] <Izaya> Iunno man it uses a lot more memory and CPU time than a gtk program
L87[06:52:36] <Izaya> And there's no global theming
L88[06:52:59] <Izaya> And the browser is the only part running natively
L89[06:52:59] <Inari> Eh, its nice and flexible to developw ith, has a built in inspector to inspect and change stuff at runtime and the like
L90[06:53:10] <Inari> It's just nice and fast, and noone really cares about memory/cpu unless they run 1995 PCs
L91[06:53:23] <Izaya> I care and mine's circa 2015
L92[06:53:31] <Izaya> I only have 16GB of RAM man
L93[06:53:38] <Inari> So do I
L94[06:53:45] <Inari> And I rarel yneed more than 10
L95[06:53:46] <MGR> Same on my laptop
L96[06:53:51] <MGR> ^
L97[06:54:00] <Izaya> When all of your programs end up using 4GB it gets impractical fast
L98[06:54:10] <MGR> I'm only using 6GB right now, and I have a small game open
L99[06:54:10] <Inari> Not sure what programs you're running
L100[06:54:13] <Inari> But the Electron ones I use, don't
L101[06:54:17] <MGR> ^
L102[06:54:32] <Izaya> I'm only running one browser presently
L103[06:54:44] <MGR> Same
L104[06:54:53] <Inari> 46% memory usage, that with two browsers, discord, slack, and other stuff
L105[06:55:16] <Inari> Discord 100 mb
L106[06:55:17] <Inari> Slack 43 mb
L107[06:55:33] * Izaya squints
L108[06:55:53] <Inari> Kinda :P
L109[06:55:55] <MGR> Discord's using under 200MB over here
L110[06:56:05] <Inari> Depends on which "memory" statistic you take
L111[06:56:28] <Izaya> the one time I ended up using Discord it used 4GB on a 2GB machine
L112[06:56:31] <Inari> More like 420mb if you want to take the higher amount : Discord
L113[06:56:34] <Izaya> Very inconvenient
L114[06:56:42] <AmandaC> A lot of the memory between processes for an electron app are shared between eachother, not duplicated
L115[06:56:44] <MGR> I've never seen Discord use that much RAM
L116[06:56:44] <Inari> And 253 for slck
L117[06:57:02] <MGR> Discord tells you how much RAM it's using? Where?
L118[06:57:02] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L119[06:57:03] * MichiBot pets AmandaC no health gained!
L120[06:57:11] <Inari> Task Manager
L121[06:57:15] <AmandaC> You can't just take the VIRT for all the processes and add it up
L122[06:57:22] <MGR> Oh, that's what I was using
L123[06:57:23] <Forecaster> (I've started working on that by the way)
L124[06:57:29] <Inari> Forecaster: :D
L125[06:57:30] <MGR> It shows 190MB on Discord for me
L126[06:57:41] <Inari> MGR: Task Manager?
L127[06:57:45] <Forecaster> it's a lot of work though, finishing the database overhaul
L128[06:57:47] <MGR> Yeah
L129[06:57:53] <Forecaster> gonna need a few days to complete it
L130[06:57:58] <Inari> Working set? Private working set? Something else?
L131[06:58:42] <MGR> private working set
L132[06:58:53] <Inari> Yeah, that ones the 100mb number I had
L133[06:58:59] <MGR> Ah
L134[06:59:32] <Corded> * <MGR> goes back to studying the problem that his survey ships have the highest casualty rates in the fleet
L135[06:59:42] <MGR> It's a serious issue
L136[07:00:03] * AmandaC quietly ducks back behind a mountian, avoiding the eyes of the research ships
L137[07:00:48] <MGR> They're just looking for jump points and minerals
L138[07:00:51] <Forecaster> what is the crew doing? getting decapitated by the scanners?
L139[07:00:52] <Izaya> Inari: fwiw, I do appreciate the freedom you get from using web pages as the interface
L140[07:01:07] <Inari> :3
L141[07:01:11] <Inari> Time for lunch
L142[07:01:11] <Izaya> But uh
L143[07:01:37] <Izaya> Iunno maybe I'll be more inclined towards actually using any of it when our processors run javashit natively
L144[07:01:59] <AmandaC> JIT compilers make that somewhat a reality already
L145[07:02:08] <MGR> @Forecaster They're the ones that end up making First Contact with aliens
L146[07:02:18] <MGR> Aliens who all seem to employ the Intergalactic Standard Greeting
L147[07:02:29] <Forecaster> @MGR or stop dressing them in red uniforms
L148[07:02:44] <MGR> Nono, that's my fighter crews
L149[07:02:54] <MGR> Which somehow haven't taken a *single* casualty
L150[07:02:56] <Forecaster> stop making the aliens see red?
L151[07:03:15] <MGR> But all my ships have a giant GE flag painted on them for identification
L152[07:03:35] <Forecaster> that's probably *more* likely to get you shot
L153[07:04:09] <Forecaster> you might be better off putting pirate flags on them :P
L154[07:04:11] <AmandaC> Clearly MGR lives in the TNG era
L155[07:05:49] <MGR> It is probably more likely to get me shot ?
L156[07:06:12] <MGR> In any case, the 1st Destroyer Division is being dispatched to hold them off while I try to reconstruct the 1st Fleet
L157[07:06:39] <Izaya> I'd shoot anything with a GE logo on sight :^)
L158[07:06:58] <MGR> It's going to be hard, as 2 of my carriers and 6 of my destroyers are one generation are behind, and I need 8 more cruisers and 18 more destroyers
L159[07:07:06] <MGR> And 3 more carriers and 3 more battleships
L160[07:07:12] <MGR> So I'll be deploying way understrength
L161[07:12:11] <Forecaster> what are you playing anyway
L162[07:12:53] <MGR> Aurora 4X
L163[07:15:39] <Forecaster> "Dwarf Fortress in space" well color me interested
L164[07:15:56] <MGR> It's a really good free game
L165[07:27:44] <MGR> ?
L166[07:27:59] <MGR> Branch 5 has the most alien activity of any branch
L167[07:28:20] <MGR> I've fought the Battle of TZ Arietis, the Battle of Proxima Centauri, and soon the Battle of Gilese 1 in there
L168[07:35:38] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de)
L169[07:37:53] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/doesnt-know-wheat-you-mean-part-2/64453/
L170[07:38:04] <Forecaster> This cake needs more gluten!
L171[07:40:50] <Forecaster> I wonder how many scammers you could trick by putting them with a program that just plays pre-recorded stupid questions with pauses inbetween
L172[07:50:58] * Inari kneads gluten into AmandaC's fur
L173[07:51:11] <AmandaC> D:
L174[07:51:14] <AmandaC> Inari: why do you do this!?
L175[07:51:19] <Inari> It tastes good
L176[07:51:25] * Inari adds some yeast
L177[07:51:59] <AmandaC> stop putting weird things in my fur!
L178[07:52:28] <Inari> But
L179[07:52:34] <Inari> It'll taste better when you clean it D:
L180[07:52:52] <AmandaC> it doesn't need to taste better! And you're just making there be more to clean!
L181[07:52:58] <Inari> :<
L182[07:53:05] <Inari> You cats, always so picky
L183[07:53:19] * Inari adds yeast to her fox tail and chews
L184[08:39:19] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L185[08:39:58] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-88-153-113-13.hsi04.unitymediagroup.de)
L186[08:50:45] <George WL⚡> @AmandaC exactly that, or that it spoofs the responses and runs locally outside of the game
L187[09:13:48] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p5B16E8A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L190[10:23:34] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L191[10:27:48] ⇦ Quits: ba7888b72413a16a (ba7888b72413a16a!~ba7888b72@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L194[10:45:05] <AmandaC> %choose up or down
L195[10:45:05] <MichiBot> AmandaC: You *could* do down, I guess.
L196[11:09:20] <Inari> Lewd
L197[11:09:39] * Inari subjects AmandaC to the grooming punishment
L198[11:09:57] <AmandaC> D:
L199[11:12:53] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piUdfl4NLbU&t=5m52s
L200[11:12:53] <MichiBot> GJ BU All Hair Brushing | length: 10m 24s | Likes: 8,433 Dislikes: 161 Views: 877,533 | by ホイヘ | Published On 7/5/2017
L201[11:21:30] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p5B16E8A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L202[11:48:59] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-69-181-167-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L203[12:43:47] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrqphdh6bJI <3
L204[12:43:48] <MichiBot> [추억의게임] 서바이벌프로젝트 OST | length: 1m 22s | Likes: 50 Dislikes: 0 Views: 12,743 | by 이스터에그TV | Published On 23/11/2015
L205[13:47:18] <Wuerfel_21> need some ol' hot takes: would you consider this font readable? http://tinyurl.com/yas2gava
L206[13:50:45] <Inari> Dunno, probably try providing example sentences as actual screnshots
L207[13:50:45] <Inari> :D
L208[13:55:38] <Wuerfel_21> but that'd mean programming an RS232-capable version of the video output code.
L209[13:56:02] <Wuerfel_21> and a program to captue it
L210[13:56:06] <Wuerfel_21> and a program to capture it [Edited]
L211[13:56:27] <Inari> Nah
L212[13:57:36] <Wuerfel_21> ?
L213[13:58:04] <Inari> Just use a capture card orso
L214[13:58:19] <Wuerfel_21> if i had one that actually worked...
L215[14:00:16] <Wuerfel_21> i had one at some point that just did this:
L216[14:00:16] <Wuerfel_21> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1EoVbLDH4I
L217[14:00:16] <MichiBot> I dont even... USB-Capture cardXCommodore64 edition! | length: 5m 16s | Likes: 2 Dislikes: 0 Views: 22 | by Wuerfel21 | Published On 5/3/2016
L218[14:16:12] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8jqGOgCy5M neat
L219[14:16:13] <MichiBot> An Open Source CPU!? | length: 12m 50s | Likes: 43,048 Dislikes: 714 Views: 1,048,514 | by Linus Tech Tips | Published On 22/8/2018
L220[14:17:53] <Wuerfel_21> wait, that is not open source hardware logo. 2/10 too much water
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L223[16:23:58] * Inari puts a flower on AmandaC's head
L224[16:24:01] <Inari> https://twitter.com/kokoromidaregif/status/1040712605445316610
L225[16:24:02] <MichiBot> Fri Sep 14 16:23:15 CDT 2018 @kokoromidaregif: #心が乱れた時に見るgif <https://t.co/8bTHasjlgV&gt;
L226[16:26:18] <Inari> payonel: https://twitter.com/kokoromidaregif/status/1040618225485139973
L227[16:26:19] <MichiBot> Fri Sep 14 10:08:13 CDT 2018 @kokoromidaregif: #心が乱れた時に見るgif <https://t.co/gkcvLm8rrN&gt;
L228[16:38:34] <Kleadron> what
L229[16:38:44] <Kleadron> cate
L230[16:39:48] *** Michiyo is now known as Katie
L231[16:39:54] *** Katie is now known as Caitlyn
L232[16:39:55] <Inari> It's Katie!
L233[16:40:03] *** Caitlyn is now known as Michiyo
L234[16:40:04] <Michiyo> Lies.
L235[16:40:08] <Inari> Interesintg ip
L236[16:40:20] <Michiyo> :P
L237[16:40:31] <Michiyo> eos has 1bad:babe
L238[16:40:39] <Michiyo> so I added 2bad:babe on Bast
L239[16:40:56] <Kleadron> .net bananasplit
L240[16:41:56] <Michiyo> Hmm.... why isn't my ZNC account using 1bad:babe...
L241[16:42:48] ⇦ Quits: Mimiru (Mimiru!~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1ce:c01d) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.2 - http://znc.in)
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L243[16:43:31] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L244[16:43:35] <Michiyo> there we go.
L245[16:44:56] <Michiyo> I'm just glad I don't connect from "mail.pc-logix.com" anymore
L246[16:45:35] <Inari> heh
L247[16:50:59] <payonel> gamax92: linky to your vcomponent lib?
L248[16:51:36] <payonel> Inari: the cat life
L249[16:51:43] <Inari> :D
L250[16:52:20] <payonel> anyone have a link to the vcomponent library ?
L251[16:54:40] <Michiyo> payonel, https://github.com/OpenPrograms/gamax92-Programs/tree/master/vcomponent ?
L252[16:55:20] <payonel> ty
L253[17:20:27] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6231.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'I believe in you!' - Mei (Overwatch))
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L313[22:56:09] <Kleadron> thats a lot of joins and quits :) it would be a shame if someone... disrupted the chain :)
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