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L1[00:00:35] <chernobyl> pl0x halp
L2[00:00:42] <Kodos> Jay, what are you using to compare rn
L3[00:00:53] <chernobyl> computers are playing a noteblock sound instead of beeps
L4[00:01:10] <chernobyl> i am dying because of the lack of sine waves
L5[00:01:15] <chernobyl> i am dying because of the lack of square waves [Edited]
L6[00:01:19] <Mimiru> Usually means you have too many mod sounds, so OC couldn't create it's sounds dynamically
L7[00:02:13] <chernobyl> kthen
L8[00:02:28] <Mimiru> the beeps are dynamicly created when called, so if theres not enough memory available for sounds, you end up with noteblock sounds IIRC
L9[00:03:09] * Saphire beeps at Mimiru
L10[00:03:36] <chernobyl> i'm going to try to track down the code that controls this and compile my own opencomputers .jar that falls back onto a pre-made beep sound instead of noteblocks
L11[00:03:39] <chernobyl> should work
L12[00:10:33] <JayLocke> Currently im wokring on an extreme reactor program that runs on a T1 computer, no frills just low level control
L13[00:10:39] ⇨ Joins: Ed (Ed!webchat@
L14[00:10:39] <JayLocke> Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/aARqXPz3
L15[00:10:54] <JayLocke> This is my first OC program that I am making by hand
L16[00:11:03] <JayLocke> besides Hello World
L17[00:11:40] <JayLocke> I think I am almost finishing up, luckily
L18[00:12:07] <Ed> Umm... Hello does anyone here know how to play the dfpmw file of computronics after it has been converted by LionRay? This is a lot but if you understand then I really need your help...
L19[00:13:02] <chernobyl> ed, put it on pastebin and download it from pastebin onto your computer using `wget`
L20[00:13:21] <Ed> Ok thanks a ton... really hope this works
L21[00:13:29] ⇦ Quits: Ed (Ed!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L22[00:13:32] <chernobyl> ffs
L23[00:15:04] ⇨ Joins: Ed (Ed!webchat@
L24[00:16:50] <Kodos> Well, at least my panel looks cool now. http://tinyurl.com/yd6gwh3c
L25[00:17:06] <Kodos> Now I just need it to work
L26[00:17:58] <JayLocke> Argh, I feel like I shouldnt be using function
L27[00:19:18] <Ed> Ok, so I'm back, and still have dumb questions, But the DFPWM file that was written by LionRay is just a bunch of weird symbols. Also I dont know how to upload to pastebin... I am so confused...
L28[00:20:14] <Kodos> It's 'weird symbols' because it's basically binary now
L29[00:20:28] <Kodos> It's not formatted like a normal file when it's DFPWM
L30[00:20:35] <Ed> Ok well how do I upload it to pastebin?
L31[00:21:02] <Ed> Do i just copy and paste the whole thing? Dose not seam like that would work.
L32[00:22:22] <Ed> Also the tape program says it can play stuff from the OCcomputer itself. Is there A way I can put a file from my computer into a Opencomputer file?
L33[00:24:05] <chernobyl> download it onto your IN GAME computer using wget
L34[00:24:22] <Ed> ok... will look into that
L35[00:24:31] <chernobyl> then use the tape program to copy it onto a tape in a tape drive
L36[00:24:46] <chernobyl> ie - tape write file.dfpwm
L37[00:29:02] <Keridos> is there any way to get the name of an item from a database upgrade?
L38[00:29:21] <Ed> wget says it gets struff from the internet. Put the the file and dropbox and downloaded it with wget and the writed it onto the tape drave. But when i played it it just when NUTS and played super crazy noises...
L39[00:29:37] <Ed> *went
L40[00:30:21] <Mimiru> you have to make sure it's a raw file.. dropbox is rarely a raw file.
L41[00:30:31] <Kodos> ALso dropbox doesn't even support direct dl does it?
L42[00:30:50] <Kodos> I thought that's why Railcraft Emblems broke
L43[00:30:51] <Ed> Ok where can I upload and then download a raw file?
L44[00:31:39] <Mimiru> you *can* get direct dls I think... by appending ?raw=1 to the end of the URL... sometimes
L45[00:31:50] <Mimiru> like https://www.dropbox.com/s/mn5smjgwtlbndqu/dropbox-dropdown.png?raw=1 redirects you to the direct url
L46[00:31:57] <Mimiru> but IDK if that'll make OC happy or not
L47[00:32:00] <Ed> ok will try
L48[00:32:54] <Ed> its says .dfpwm files can’t be previewed.
L49[00:33:10] <Ed> maybe if i change it to a text file?
L50[00:33:22] * Mimiru shrugs
L51[00:33:25] <Mimiru> good luck
L52[00:33:27] <Mimiru> I'm going to bed.
L53[00:33:33] <Mimiru> first day of actual work tomorrow
L54[00:34:19] <Ed> Aww come on! :( it still dosnt work... also Hope work is ok tomorrow :)
L55[00:49:40] ⇦ Quits: Ed (Ed!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L56[00:53:56] <JayLocke> So, im thinking I am using my functions incorrectly. Am I able to just use a function as a subroutine without returning anything or, can I return a nil value?
L57[00:59:39] <Kodos> Jay, it may be better (And probably faster) if you just linked your code in whole
L58[01:04:11] <JayLocke> I just got it working
L59[01:04:41] <JayLocke> Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/aARqXPz3
L60[01:05:26] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L61[01:05:32] <JayLocke> and it failed
L62[01:05:36] <JayLocke> eventually
L63[01:08:44] <JayLocke> Current power never changed and, I tried lowering / raising rods past 0 - 100
L64[01:15:24] <Forecaster> JayLocke: what's the issue?
L65[01:18:28] ⇨ Joins: Ed (Ed!webchat@
L66[01:19:36] <Ed> Hello! Back again. Still wondering on how to put a converted wav to dfpwm file, converted with LionRay, into a tap, from computronics and play it...
L67[01:19:45] <Ed> *tape
L68[01:21:13] <Ed> Yo Gamax92! Your the one who created LionRay! Any tips on how to use your program?
L69[01:27:31] <JayLocke> Forecaster: I just had a small bug, tried pulling the rods out past 100
L70[01:27:50] <JayLocke> and I forgot to update the current power level
L71[01:28:06] <Forecaster> ah
L72[01:28:24] <JayLocke> Then I fixxed it and now I made more problems, lol
L73[01:29:20] <JayLocke> Should be fixxed now
L74[01:29:56] <Ed> am I being ignored or just does nobody know anything else about LoinRay.
L75[01:29:59] <Ed> :P
L76[01:30:20] <Forecaster> the latter
L77[01:30:24] <Forecaster> it's kind of niche
L78[01:30:25] <JayLocke> Ed: I have no clue
L79[01:30:46] <Ed> Ok thanks. Sorry for bothering you. ._.
L80[01:30:58] <JayLocke> It isnt any problem ed
L81[01:31:04] <JayLocke> It is just one of those specific things
L82[01:31:18] <JayLocke> Probably better to ask the coder the issues on that
L83[01:31:31] ⇦ Quits: Ed (Ed!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L86[01:56:53] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L87[03:13:08] ⇨ Joins: Elendil (Elendil!webchat@5249E149.cm-4-2d.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L88[03:28:45] <Elendil> Hi, I'm quite new to this mod, coming from computercraft, and I was wondering if anyone knows how I can use the robot to fill a bucket of water.
L89[03:29:20] <Elendil> I have tried selecting the bucket and using robot.use(sides.front), but it gives me an unknown error
L90[03:30:41] <Forecaster> "unknown error"?
L91[03:33:14] <Elendil> yeah
L92[03:33:18] <Elendil> it's returning nil
L93[03:33:29] <Forecaster> what is
L94[03:33:37] <Forecaster> use?
L95[03:33:42] <Elendil> the call to robot.use(sides.front)
L96[03:33:57] <Elendil> when I have an empty bucket in the selected slot
L97[03:34:35] <Elendil> how should I be filling a bucket with the robot?
L98[03:34:52] <Forecaster> what are you trying to interact with?
L99[03:35:00] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC62B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L100[03:36:00] <Elendil> I'm trying to use that on a water source block.
L101[03:36:11] <Elendil> I have also tried a harvestcraft well.
L102[03:36:19] <Elendil> and an enderIO fluid tank
L103[03:37:31] <Inari> %pet AmandaC aggressively
L104[03:37:31] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC aggressively with the linux gerbil. 2 health gained!
L105[03:38:06] <Forecaster> Elendil the side is which side of the block in front of the robot to click
L106[03:38:22] <Forecaster> "use" is always on whatever is in front of the robot
L107[03:39:29] <Elendil> well, even if I provide no side argument, it gives the same nil return value.
L108[03:39:47] <Elendil> oh
L109[03:40:18] <Inari> %loot
L110[03:40:18] <MichiBot> Inari: You get a loot box! It contains a power adapter incompatible with everything.
L111[03:40:34] <Forecaster> if you provide no argument it tries all sides it can
L112[03:41:03] <Forecaster> it shouldn't return nil though
L113[03:41:07] <Forecaster> it should return true or false
L114[03:41:24] <Forecaster> Elendil: show us your code
L115[03:42:00] <Inari> %inv add AmandaC's tenderness and multi-vivid colours
L116[03:42:00] * MichiBot summons 'AmandaC's tenderness and multi-vivid colours' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L117[03:43:17] <Elendil> `r.select(1)
L118[03:43:18] <Elendil> r.use()`
L119[03:43:30] <Elendil> where r is the robot component
L120[03:43:39] <Forecaster> you don't print anything?
L121[03:43:43] <Elendil> and the robot is facing a water source block
L122[03:43:52] <Elendil> I'm calling this in a lua interpreter
L123[03:44:25] <Forecaster> well I'm getting false
L124[03:46:34] <Elendil> Is it maybe that I'm using the creative robot?
L125[03:46:42] <Forecaster> that's what I'm using
L126[03:46:52] <Elendil> do I need to add anything to it?
L127[03:46:57] <Forecaster> it doesn't make a difference, it's the same
L128[03:47:14] <Forecaster> pretty sure it's supposed to be able to do this
L129[03:47:36] <Forecaster> oh
L130[03:47:37] <Forecaster> right
L131[03:47:47] <Forecaster> Elendil you have to equip the bucket
L132[03:47:52] <Elendil> oh
L133[03:47:56] <Forecaster> "use" uses the item in the tool slot
L134[03:47:57] <Elendil> how do I do that then?
L135[03:47:57] <Forecaster> :P
L136[03:48:01] <Forecaster> which makes sense
L137[03:48:22] <Forecaster> you need an inventory controller for that
L138[03:48:28] <Elendil> ohhhh
L139[03:48:30] <Elendil> thank you!
L140[03:48:50] <Elendil> I mean, I literally just need a bot to fill water buckets for me. so this is good enough
L141[03:49:23] <Forecaster> inventory_controller.equip()
L142[03:49:36] <Forecaster> moves an item between the selected slot and the tool slot
L143[03:50:16] <Elendil> okay, thanks for the help.
L144[04:04:13] <Forecaster> %loot
L145[04:04:13] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a Magic dango! (25%)
L146[04:07:56] <Inari> https://twitter.com/maobaby/status/1000469543691616256 top class cosplay
L147[04:07:56] <MichiBot> Sat May 26 15:11:41 CDT 2018 @maobaby: IM LOSING IT JFJFJFJGHJDNFHSJHFF https://t.co/yxPLt6Y9K1
L148[04:16:50] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794372E245AFDB2DD147A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L149[04:16:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L150[04:35:31] ⇦ Quits: Elendil (Elendil!webchat@5249E149.cm-4-2d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L158[06:00:15] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qwDR2ONVuM still a great scene
L159[06:00:15] <MichiBot> Ga-Rei Zero: Pocky Game | length: 1m 29s | Likes: 7,984 Dislikes: 269 Views: 710,084 | by Khanxay | Published On 31/8/2014
L160[06:00:55] <Keridos> I must admit, watching the panic about the GDPR here in europe is quite funny
L161[06:02:54] <Inari> https://puu.sh/AtkJj/dc3778c068.png Meanwhile in the US
L162[06:03:47] <Keridos> Or just use the basic subscription and ublock
L163[06:04:00] <Inari> Yeah, but still xD
L164[06:05:10] <Keridos> kinda funny though
L165[06:14:00] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/ulxlnz.png
L166[06:24:54] <Skye> Iz
L167[06:25:03] <Skye> Izaya: Minecraft on haiku?
L168[06:25:22] <Izaya> still no 3D accel
L169[06:25:28] <Izaya> probably not till after B1
L170[06:28:39] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L171[06:31:39] <Skye> Izaya, I want to make a haiku laptop. :p
L172[06:31:58] <Izaya> buy the oldest thinkpad with a core 2 duo you can find, install haiku
L173[06:32:41] <Wuerfel_21> What have i done.... https://youtu.be/U_YaKwCQaNI
L174[06:32:41] <MichiBot> MARIO KART WII - HYPED EUROBEAT EDITION | length: 4m 59s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 2 | by Wuerfel21 | Published On 27/5/2018
L175[06:34:07] <Izaya> instructions unclear, found this https://hooktube.com/ItOYypjvsDQ
L176[06:35:11] <Izaya> actually, speaking of Minecraft, I ended up in a mineshaft and dunno how to get back out so I've ended up growing trees in the dirt down here and subsisting off chicken and monster jerky
L177[06:36:47] <Izaya> also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7QUEJJNnBE
L178[06:36:48] <MichiBot> Deus Ex: Evangelion OP | length: 1m 30s | Likes: 479 Dislikes: 10 Views: 5,233 | by Rahn | Published On 20/5/2018
L179[06:38:09] ⇨ Joins: ECS (ECS!~ECS@
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L181[06:43:05] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5DFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L182[06:50:02] <Izaya> ~w motion sensor
L183[06:50:02] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:motion_sensor
L184[07:09:14] <Saphire> "new Date(B.getTime() + B.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toDateString();"
L185[07:09:39] <Saphire> ...my friend is discovering the beautiful world of time and JS.
L186[07:09:49] <Izaya> Vexatos: radar upgrades should work in microcontrollers right
L187[07:10:24] <Vexatos> uh
L188[07:10:29] <Vexatos> they are tier 3 upgrades
L189[07:10:32] <Vexatos> so probably not?
L190[07:10:39] <Vexatos> unless the T2 MCU has a T3 slot .-.
L191[07:11:00] <Izaya> o-oh
L192[07:11:24] <Izaya> guess I'm sticking motion sensors in the ceilings then
L193[07:31:02] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L194[07:31:03] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with diachronic shear. 7 health gained!
L195[07:31:07] <Inari> RIP
L196[07:49:06] <Saphire> *bored derg noises* http://tinyurl.com/y9u9yfw3
L197[07:59:15] * AmandaC yawns, meows at Inari
L198[08:02:23] <AmandaC> Inari: you'll never believe this, but I had the weirdest dream, I was being pet aggressively with a Linux gerbil
L199[08:09:35] <Saphire> AmandaC: don't think it's too weird for Inari o..o
L200[08:10:56] <AmandaC> Saphire: I'm referencing a %pet command she did at like 4am my time
L201[08:11:45] <Saphire> Oh heh
L202[08:25:43] <Saphire> *Hums* http://tinyurl.com/yasnlwd4
L203[08:26:15] <Saphire> ...probably "in" and "with"?
L204[08:30:42] <Inari> :P
L205[08:40:02] <Temia> Magic dango o:
L206[08:40:55] <Temia> %loot
L207[08:40:55] <MichiBot> Temia: You get a loot box! It contains a pen.
L208[08:41:04] <Temia> %inv list
L209[08:41:04] <MichiBot> Temia: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L210[08:42:06] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L211[08:42:06] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with gamax92 slurry. 7 health gained!
L212[08:42:11] <Inari> gamax92: ew
L213[08:46:43] * AmandaC purrs softly from all the attention she's getting this morning. :3
L214[08:48:03] * Temia pets AmandaC with her hand like a normal person
L215[08:48:14] * AmandaC purrs softly
L216[08:48:19] <Temia> <3
L217[08:48:22] <AmandaC> :3
L218[08:48:46] * Temia gives earscritches too
L219[08:49:37] <Inari> %pet Temia wtih MichiBot like an IRC person
L220[08:49:37] <MichiBot> Inari: I'm not going to pet myself in public. It'd be rude.
L221[08:49:41] <Inari> grr
L222[08:50:08] <Temia> Heehee
L223[08:50:50] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L224[08:51:17] <Temia> I should have breakfast
L225[08:51:39] <AmandaC> hrm, breakfast sounds like a good idea
L226[08:52:12] <Inari> %inv add fried mice
L227[08:52:12] * MichiBot summons 'fried mice' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L228[08:53:19] <Inari> AmandaC: <https://twitter.com/LonelyHDream/status/1000702485630078976&gt;
L229[08:54:15] <AmandaC> Inari: what? She's helping!
L230[09:11:17] <AmandaC> %choose bother-bother or don't
L231[09:11:17] <MichiBot> AmandaC: bother-bother
L232[09:12:52] <Saphire> Feels empty... http://tinyurl.com/yc5522jm
L233[09:13:24] <Inari> s/-b/-br/
L234[09:13:24] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> bother-brother
L235[09:13:54] <Inari> huh
L236[09:13:59] <Inari> s/uh/h/
L237[09:13:59] <MichiBot> <Inari> hh
L238[09:14:05] <Inari> %choose abc or def
L239[09:14:05] <MichiBot> Inari: def
L240[09:14:10] <Inari> s/abc/def/
L241[09:15:17] <Inari> I'm confuzzled
L242[09:15:23] <AmandaC> MichiBot doesn't store commands given to her in the sed buffer
L243[09:15:45] <Inari> But where did she get the bother-brother from then D:
L244[09:15:49] <Inari> Like
L245[09:15:52] <Inari> as a single message
L246[09:16:14] <AmandaC> I guess she stores the result of the command, but not the command itself
L247[09:16:24] <Saphire> *pouts*
L248[09:16:28] <AmandaC> s/: def/: pet teh kitteh/
L249[09:16:37] <Inari> But that doesn't seem to work according to my tests :D
L250[09:17:05] <AmandaC> because she picked def and you asked to replace abc
L251[09:17:41] <Inari> She doesn't replace the other eihter
L252[09:18:11] <AmandaC> My test probably failed because she doesn't store it as "Inari: def"
L253[09:18:24] <Inari> Nah I tried in michibot chan
L254[09:18:28] <Inari> %choose abc or def
L255[09:18:28] <MichiBot> Inari: abc
L256[09:18:36] <Inari> s/abc/testing/
L257[09:18:36] <MichiBot> <Inari> testing
L258[09:18:38] <Inari> Hm
L259[09:18:40] <Inari> Guess it does work
L260[09:18:49] <Inari> Oddly she interprets the message as posted by Inari
L261[09:18:53] <Inari> Not given to Inari by MichiBot
L262[09:18:53] <AmandaC> yeah
L263[09:58:29] <ben_mkiv> sometimes i wonder if rewriting from scratch wouldnt be faster than trying to fix some issues -.-
L264[10:01:55] <ben_mkiv> %inv add recursion
L265[10:01:55] * MichiBot summons 'recursion' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L266[10:15:13] <Izaya> https://hooktube.com/watch?v=WFV5LouxK4M
L267[10:17:35] <Alex404> i'm writing with an external tool a program in lua and it gives me this (after having worked perfectly for half a day)
L268[10:17:57] <Alex404> "unrecoverable error /lib/buffer.lua:158: attempt to call a nil value (method "buffered write")
L269[10:18:26] <Alex404> i've wrote most of the program outside minecraft already, this is new
L270[10:19:10] <Inari> When does it show that error
L271[10:19:31] <Alex404> i have my branch mining script
L272[10:19:58] <Alex404> when I try to activate it, it doesnt start
L273[10:20:16] <Alex404> so i'm trying removing part of the program trying to get at least an error (right now it just return to shell)
L274[10:20:39] <Alex404> so I delete half of the program just for that, and it gives me that error
L275[10:21:04] <Inari> Well
L276[10:21:09] <Inari> might be due to what you deleted xD
L277[10:21:22] <Inari> Whats the code?
L278[10:22:03] <Alex404> https://pastebin.com/gBUWEGpb
L279[10:22:09] <Alex404> my first "program"
L280[10:22:51] <Alex404> more of a writing function tutorial
L281[10:28:35] <Alex404> maybe the robot its not powerful enough?
L282[10:28:46] <Alex404> for this script to not load
L283[10:29:34] <Inari> So what happens when you start it, it doesn't print the "Definisci altezza del branch!:" ?
L284[10:30:29] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/JcPjfa9.jpg
L285[10:30:39] <Alex404> no
L286[10:30:45] <Forecaster> Woop woop
L287[10:32:50] <Alex404> its inconsistent on when to open or not
L288[10:33:17] <Alex404> http://tinyurl.com/yaz2bzeq
L289[10:33:34] <Alex404> the editor i'm using is brackets, i do no have modified the script when i've called diggyhole two times
L290[10:33:43] <Alex404> the first time, it simply return to usr
L291[10:33:52] <Alex404> the second time, finally it gives me an error
L292[10:43:17] <ben_mkiv> place an "end" after line 105
L293[10:43:39] <ben_mkiv> the first for loop isnt closed
L294[10:44:04] <ben_mkiv> or place the end at the end of the function, depending on what its supposed to do
L295[10:45:06] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L296[10:47:10] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L297[10:48:05] <Inari> AmandaC: https://twitter.com/EmrgencyKittens/status/1000764857761878016
L298[10:48:06] <MichiBot> Sun May 27 10:45:10 CDT 2018 @EmrgencyKittens: flawless ?
L299[10:49:03] <Inari> Skye likes the pantsu
L300[10:50:10] <AmandaC> pantsu? I don't see any pantsu in that
L301[10:50:22] <Inari> No, in that :P https://twitter.com/CuteAnimeGirls_/status/1000758168375312386
L302[10:50:22] <MichiBot> Sun May 27 10:18:35 CDT 2018 @CuteAnimeGirls_: https://t.co/9LdIrZTV90
L303[10:50:33] <AmandaC> ah
L304[10:55:21] <Skye> Inari: AmandaC: that was an accidental favourite
L305[10:55:42] <Inari> Suuuure
L306[10:55:50] <Inari> You don't like it then? :p
L307[10:57:42] <Skye> It's cute but not what I'd like
L308[10:58:56] <AmandaC> %choose be productive or meh
L309[10:58:56] <MichiBot> AmandaC: meh
L310[11:00:34] <Inari> Skye: Psh :p
L311[11:02:10] <Wuerfel_21> It's cute but ~~not~~ what I'd like _to be_
L312[11:02:23] <Izaya> ~~~~~~~~~~ indeed
L313[11:02:54] <Alex404> yes i've fixed those ends
L314[11:03:03] <Alex404> so it because thats the program doesn't load?
L315[11:04:01] <Wuerfel_21> The ~~ is markdown for strikethrough
L316[11:05:54] <Inari> @Wuerfel_21 haha
L317[11:06:05] <Wuerfel_21> ?
L318[11:12:18] <Saphire> Eeee
L319[11:12:26] <Saphire> Updated muh site a bit
L320[11:26:17] <Skye> Linky
L321[11:33:52] <Saphire> https://saphi.re/
L322[11:49:56] <Forecaster> I have a bugreport: "Distinct lack of dragons"
L323[11:57:26] <gerard> Another bug report, it doesn't work in my most favorite browser IE: https://i.imgur.com/2E8OFzG.png
L324[11:59:49] <payonel> o/
L325[12:00:41] <Alex404> is there a way to make a robot drop it tool without inventory controller?
L326[12:18:15] <AmandaC> %choose doooeeet or for the last time, don't
L327[12:18:15] <MichiBot> AmandaC: doooeeet
L328[12:19:03] <Forecaster> @Alex404 no
L329[12:19:09] <Alex404> k
L330[12:32:07] <gerard> %choose programming or taking a shower and thinking about life
L331[12:32:07] <MichiBot> gerard: programming
L332[12:40:30] <Forecaster> %choose programming or pro gaming
L333[12:40:30] <MichiBot> Forecaster: programming
L334[13:22:51] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L335[13:27:22] ⇨ Joins: ArchBinix (ArchBinix!~archbinix@ns523167.ip-158-69-226.net)
L336[13:27:51] <ArchBinix> Does anyone know a method of playing mp3 files? I have computronics installed.
L337[13:33:31] ⇨ Joins: Bone (Bone!webchat@035-132-252-024.dhcp.chtrptr.net)
L338[13:33:48] <Bone> I am having a similar problem ^^^
L339[13:34:29] <AmandaC> There's a command around somewhere to convert stuff with ffmpeg + another tool into dfwpm
L340[13:34:36] <ArchBinix> Ok
L341[13:34:56] ⇦ Quits: ArchBinix (ArchBinix!~archbinix@ns523167.ip-158-69-226.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L342[13:39:58] <Forecaster> the ocdoc search feature could use some improvement
L343[13:40:19] <Forecaster> for whatever reason if you search for "3D" the only result is the hologram projector block
L344[13:44:08] <Bone> AmandaC, I converted a wav file to dfwpm and played it on a cassette tape. It sounds like demons screeching. Perhaps the file is just too large?
L345[13:44:53] <AmandaC> what kind of file? dfwpm isn't very high-quality, so if the wav is really complex it'll sound bad
L346[13:45:52] <Bone> Its a wav file I converted from an mp3. Do you know where I can find some simple sounds to test out?
L347[13:46:12] <AmandaC> No, I don't
L348[13:46:22] <Bone> Thanks for your help.
L349[13:46:40] <Forecaster> hm, strange
L350[13:46:42] <AmandaC> I think @Kodos has a thing for youtube-to-dfwpm that I've used to transform Still Alive, but otherwise I didn't mess with it much
L351[13:46:55] <Temia> Did you use the most recent version of LionRay for it?
L352[13:47:18] <Temia> And which version of Minecraft are you using?
L353[13:48:09] <Forecaster> hm
L354[13:48:19] <Forecaster> is print3d supposed to install the example file
L355[13:48:24] <Forecaster> cause it seems it hasn't...
L356[13:49:26] <Forecaster> or is the wiki lying again
L357[14:02:18] <Vexatos> that would be print3d-examples @Forecaster
L358[14:02:28] <Forecaster> ??
L359[14:02:33] <Vexatos> see http://openprograms.github.io/
L360[14:02:54] <Forecaster> ah
L361[14:03:24] <Forecaster> oh, the wiki entry says to install that as well, but I missed it
L362[14:03:37] <Forecaster> and it doesn't say it where it references the example.3dm
L363[14:06:22] <Vexatos> /usr/share/print3d or so?
L364[14:06:39] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L365[14:06:39] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with Jelly Bombs. 4 health gained!
L366[14:07:25] * AmandaC glares at Inari for putting jelly in her fur
L367[14:08:34] <Inari> %inv add Peanut Butter Jelly Amanda
L368[14:08:34] * MichiBot summons 'Peanut Butter Jelly Amanda' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L369[14:08:49] <Inari> xP
L370[14:09:32] <AmandaC> :D
L371[14:09:41] <AmandaC> D: rather
L372[14:09:45] * AmandaC should look when she's typing
L373[14:11:02] <Forecaster> I wish I could foam oc cables
L374[14:11:42] <Inari> PR it!
L375[14:11:58] <Forecaster> I wish I knew how to do that :P
L376[14:12:28] <Kleadron> fml i just tried to use inventory tweaks on my desktop
L377[14:13:37] <Inari> https://twitter.com/JUSTINtime4aLAF/status/1000814152410071040 xD
L378[14:13:37] <MichiBot> Sun May 27 14:01:02 CDT 2018 @JUSTINtime4aLAF: I'm:
L379[14:16:47] <Alex404> buildcraft has derped and returned to mj, breaking compat with every mod that requires energy, oc too
L380[14:16:48] ⇨ Joins: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl)
L381[14:16:48] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L382[14:17:41] <Alex404> do oc know or has tried to give compatibility to mj?
L383[14:18:48] <Inari> s/derped/wised up/
L384[14:18:48] <MichiBot> <Alex404> buildcraft has wised up and returned to mj, breaking compat with every mod that requires energy, oc too
L385[14:18:59] <asie> >wised up
L386[14:19:14] <Inari> What :D
L387[14:19:24] <Inari> I don't like RF :<
L388[14:19:29] <Alex404> me neither
L389[14:19:37] <Vexatos> Inari, it would be wisened
L390[14:19:42] <Inari> Psh
L391[14:19:50] <Inari> I thought it sounded odd
L392[14:19:51] <Inari> But hey!
L393[14:20:02] <Alex404> i like eu and gt eu, but use whathever works for blocks that requires other form of energy
L394[14:20:04] <Forecaster> live and lurn right?
L395[14:20:25] <Vexatos> OC can use EU though...
L396[14:20:36] <Inari> OC can't use EU until it's GDPR compliant
L397[14:20:40] <Forecaster> and sheep power
L398[14:20:48] <Forecaster> it's sheep compliant
L399[14:20:58] <Vexatos> Inari, it's DSGVO compliant that's enough right
L400[14:21:02] <Alex404> tyes oc can use eu ?
L401[14:21:12] <Inari> Isn't that the same
L402[14:21:14] <Alex404> but right now I don't have it
L403[14:21:19] <Vexatos> No
L404[14:21:22] <Inari> Hm
L405[14:21:24] <Vexatos> one of them is German
L406[14:21:26] <Vexatos> :^)
L407[14:21:29] <Inari> :P
L408[14:21:36] <Inari> But it's jsut he German anme for GDPR
L409[14:21:40] <Inari> At least I thought so
L410[14:21:42] <Vexatos> No
L411[14:21:56] <Vexatos> The DSGVO is the entire GDPR but translated into German
L412[14:22:01] <Inari> ¬_¬
L413[14:22:03] <Vexatos> :^)
L414[14:22:05] <Inari> %bap Vexatos
L415[14:22:05] * MichiBot baps Vexatos with hugs
L416[14:22:17] <Vexatos> All EU regulations are published in all member state languages
L417[14:23:48] <Alex404> the question remains ? does oc know about mj and will have compat? do i need to make a request? or is simply a matter of time?
L418[14:24:08] <asie> Vexatos:
L419[14:24:10] <asie> you should know
L420[14:24:28] <asie> (hint: the answer is "no" and there's a good reason for it but you can't tell them what it is)
L421[14:24:33] <asie> (don't ask questions, just say that)
L422[14:24:44] <Vexatos> I mean it's actually correct
L423[14:24:46] <Forecaster> OC doesn't want to butt into spidermans relationships
L424[14:24:53] <Vexatos> we cannot really support MJ without more or less breaking MJ
L425[14:25:01] <asie> it's not that reason but ok
L426[14:32:00] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@c-71-203-107-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L427[14:39:25] <Forecaster> https://tapas.io/episode/756876
L428[14:39:28] <Forecaster> tea problems?
L429[14:43:33] <Vexatos> but is it chamomile tea
L430[14:43:48] <Forecaster> who knows
L431[14:53:25] <Forecaster> https://tapas.io/episode/1004817
L432[14:53:33] <Forecaster> luckily I have no themed mugs
L433[14:53:51] <Forecaster> I only have a total of two mugs though...
L434[14:54:42] <Bone> AmandaC I was actually trying to get Still Alive to work, do you still have the dfwpm file?
L435[14:55:10] <AmandaC> Bone: uh... I'm not sure, I'd have to dig around
L436[14:58:00] <Forecaster> https://tapas.io/episode/1047944
L437[14:58:02] <Forecaster> I love this comci
L438[14:58:06] <Forecaster> I love this comic [Edited]
L439[15:03:32] <Alex404> well thats bad
L440[15:04:48] <Alex404> I don't know what are the relations about buildcraft and other mods
L441[15:05:46] <Forecaster> what are you talking about
L442[15:45:24] <Forecaster> %loot
L443[15:45:24] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .mp5.
L444[16:01:20] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (Kilobyte!~kilobyte@2a01:4f8:201:34c7::1)
L445[16:01:21] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L446[16:04:22] <jackie> ?msg NICKSERV info kilobyte
L447[16:04:44] <jackie> and tehre I fucked up :P
L448[16:05:13] <Forecaster> :P
L449[16:05:17] <Forecaster> scandalous
L450[16:05:25] <jackie> I still ahve to get used to the uk keyboard
L451[16:05:47] <jackie> nah not that bad. kilo asked me to look if his account is still registered because his bouncer was down for quite a while
L452[16:07:08] ⇨ Joins: ECS (ECS!~ECS@
L453[16:10:37] ⇦ Quits: ECS (ECS!~ECS@ (Client Quit)
L454[16:13:18] <S3> ok. Just scrolled up and saw Inari's last anime girl picture
L455[16:13:21] <S3> that was uh
L456[16:13:27] <S3> questionable lol
L457[16:40:36] <Forecaster> yeah
L458[17:11:38] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L459[17:12:25] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (SoraFirestorm!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L460[17:16:03] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C1071794372E245AFDB2DD147A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L461[17:20:21] <Kodos> Whaaatt
L462[17:20:25] <Kodos> I was sleeping
L463[17:34:51] <AmandaC> @Kodos you made the youtube-to-tape thing, right?
L464[17:44:29] <S3> ooooh
L465[17:44:34] <S3> steins gate 0 just got even better
L466[17:44:45] <S3> I knew this shit was gonna happen
L467[17:44:54] <AmandaC> What're you up to, S3?
L468[17:45:28] <S3> Just catching up on some shows I watch on crunchy roll, why?
L469[17:45:55] <Kodos> AmandaC, no that was Magik
L470[17:45:58] <Kodos> ytdl on oppm
L471[17:46:09] <Kodos> Not sure it's working atm, since it relies on Magik's server that may or may not be down
L472[17:46:16] <AmandaC> ah
L473[17:46:24] <S3> AmandaC But now I don't know what to do because I watched pretty much everything but the latest DIF
L474[17:47:01] <AmandaC> S3: what episode are you up to*
L475[17:47:36] <S3> I just watched 7
L476[17:47:38] <AmandaC> ah
L477[17:48:14] <S3> I'm hoping that this sudden change is for the better
L478[17:48:32] <AmandaC> I'm considering putting it on hold until it finishes airing, because I'm having a hard time following it as it airs
L479[17:48:37] <S3> And not some giant pile of poop Okarin has to clean up
L480[17:49:12] <SF-MC> Do Buildcraft autocrafters work faster if I power them?
L481[17:50:28] <S3> AmandaC: if you have enough shows you're watching you can watch one a day and perhaps never feel disconnected!
L482[17:50:35] <S3> but it's too easy to watch all of them once a week
L483[17:51:41] <AmandaC> S3: the issue is I'm having a hard time following the plot / subtlies of S;G0 as it airs. :P
L484[17:51:57] <AmandaC> one episode a week is long enough that it's left my mental RAM
L485[17:51:59] <S3> have you watched the first season?
L486[17:52:23] <AmandaC> I watched Steins;Gate, yes
L487[17:52:31] <AmandaC> like, 4-5 years ago at this point
L488[18:01:55] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5DFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L489[18:06:12] <Bone> Kodos Thank you/
L490[18:13:49] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC62B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Mama, please teach me... how do I stop my heart from beating so fast for a bad guy?' - Chocolat Meilleure (Sugar Sugar Rune))
L491[18:17:24] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L492[18:20:02] <AmandaC> %choose now or later
L493[18:20:02] <MichiBot> AmandaC: now
L494[18:27:27] ⇨ Joins: Dashvadia (Dashvadia!Mibbit@
L495[18:32:04] ⇦ Quits: Dashvadia (Dashvadia!Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L496[19:11:23] <peelz> I just removed ComputerCraft from my 1.7.10 server and now I'm getting this error: "Missing Mods:
L497[19:11:23] <peelz> ComputerCraft : [1.6,]"
L498[19:11:30] <peelz> Any idea why?
L499[19:11:36] <SF-MC> I mean, obviously
L500[19:11:50] <SF-MC> you removed ComputerCraft! :P
L501[19:11:55] <SF-MC> Seriously though
L502[19:11:57] <peelz> lol
L503[19:12:00] <SF-MC> Something is hard-depending on CC
L504[19:12:04] <peelz> hmm
L505[19:12:07] <peelz> I have computronics installed
L506[19:12:18] <peelz> That's the only thing I can think of
L507[19:12:26] <SF-MC> I'm 70% sure it's not a hard depend
L508[19:12:39] <SF-MC> Are you using a pre-built or custom?
L509[19:12:49] <peelz> prebuilt
L510[19:12:57] <SF-MC> which?
L511[19:13:05] <peelz> Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.3.jar
L512[19:13:14] <SF-MC> I meant modpack
L513[19:13:20] <peelz> ah not a modpack
L514[19:13:36] <peelz> My own modpack in a way I guess
L515[19:13:37] <SF-MC> Mod list on pastebin or some such?
L516[19:13:39] <peelz> sure
L517[19:14:33] <SF-MC> Because I have Computronics but not ComputerCraft
L518[19:14:37] <SF-MC> I do have OpenComputers though
L519[19:15:10] <peelz> here you go: https://hastebin.com/ukekupohuc.md
L520[19:15:46] <SF-MC> Immibis Peripherals possibly?
L521[19:15:54] <peelz> hmm
L522[19:16:17] <peelz> I tried grepping for "ComputerCraft" through my mods folder and the only things that came up are Computronics,dynmap,OC and immibis-macroblocks
L523[19:16:18] <SF-MC> That's about the only thing I can see that looks like it'd cause a problem
L524[19:16:21] <peelz> not sure how reliable that is lol
L525[19:16:32] <SF-MC> Probably not reliable
L526[19:16:38] <peelz> yeah that's what I thought lol
L527[19:17:01] <SF-MC> Your problem is that the classnames are likely not going to contain that
L528[19:17:10] <SF-MC> if the classnames are readable at all
L529[19:17:17] <peelz> right right
L530[19:17:18] <SF-MC> Points for effort though
L531[19:17:21] <peelz> lol
L532[19:17:39] <peelz> zgrep or something like that?
L533[19:18:04] <peelz> wait zgrep is actually a thing
L534[19:18:05] <SF-MC> Possibly, although I think that the class files are binary goo
L535[19:18:17] <peelz> hmm there should still be readable strings in there
L536[19:18:18] <SF-MC> So it still wouldn't do much good for the most part
L537[19:18:25] <CompanionCube> jars are fancy zipfiles
L538[19:18:32] <SF-MC> Have you tried removing Immibis Peripherals?
L539[19:18:40] <peelz> not sure what immibis peripherals is lol
L540[19:18:47] <peelz> / don't remember
L541[19:18:53] <CompanionCube> class names are visible in the list of files in a jar
L542[19:18:56] <peelz> gotta make sure it doesn't remove anything important from the world first
L543[19:19:05] <SF-MC> CompanionCube: TIL, thanks
L544[19:19:15] <SF-MC> well, no
L545[19:19:27] <SF-MC> that's not exactly what we're doing... I think
L546[19:19:32] <SF-MC> idk anymore
L547[19:19:37] <peelz> lol
L548[19:19:54] <peelz> well the filenames are going to show up as raw strings
L549[19:20:08] <peelz> but anything inside the files (.class, etc.) are compressed goo
L550[19:20:08] <CompanionCube> peelz: windows or linux?
L551[19:20:19] <SF-MC> He talks of grepping so probably not Windows
L552[19:20:23] <peelz> CompanionCube, linux via putty
L553[19:20:45] <CompanionCube> peelz: unzip -l shows you the files in a jar without extracting it
L554[19:20:48] <peelz> SF-MC, but yeah, immibis peripherals is the culprit :P
L555[19:20:54] <SF-MC> I figured as much
L556[19:20:58] <peelz> ^^
L557[19:21:03] <SF-MC> was about the only thing that would have been problematic
L558[19:21:08] <peelz> oh great, CompanionCube
L559[19:21:31] <SF-MC> peelz: doesn't necessarily mean the class file will be called ComputerCraftCompat.class or whatever
L560[19:21:34] <CompanionCube> to look inside the class files themeselves, you want a decompiler
L561[19:21:39] <SF-MC> ^
L562[19:22:02] <CompanionCube> (they're uncompressed, compression is part of the .zip)
L563[19:22:09] <peelz> SF-MC, true, but with zgrep (if it does what I think it does), you can grep through the compressed files
L564[19:22:24] <CompanionCube> peelz: zgrep doesn't work with zip compression
L565[19:22:29] <peelz> aw
L566[19:22:33] <SF-MC> gzip
L567[19:22:42] <peelz> right right forgot about that
L568[19:22:50] <peelz> zless, zcat and all that only work with gzip
L569[19:24:13] <CompanionCube> (also, javac tends to name .class files after their contained classes. Names can get weird for innerclasses though.)
L570[19:25:03] <peelz> doesn't it end up naming children classes like this: parentClass$childClass.class ?
L571[19:25:12] <CompanionCube> that's it
L572[19:25:21] ⇨ Joins: Izzy411 (Izzy411!~lmqbch@114-36-189-149.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)
L573[19:25:45] <SF-MC> That's _awesome_
L574[19:25:53] <SF-MC> Minecraft just ate my linking book back home
L575[19:25:55] ⇦ Quits: Izzy411 (Izzy411!~lmqbch@114-36-189-149.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) (Network ban)
L576[19:26:00] <peelz> lol
L577[19:29:04] <SF-MC> So naturally I cheated my way back one
L578[19:29:08] <SF-MC> s/one/home/
L579[19:29:08] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> So naturally I cheated my way back home
L580[19:29:13] <SF-MC> because screw that noise
L581[19:29:30] <peelz> Wait why do I have Immibis Microblocks installed alongside FMP?
L582[19:30:04] <peelz> Should I just get rid of Microblocks?
L583[19:31:39] <SF-MC> Up to you, I guess
L584[19:31:51] <SF-MC> IIRC though IM isn't FMP-compatible
L585[19:31:58] <SF-MC> however much that is or isn't worth to you
L586[19:32:06] <peelz> I don't think I've ever used IM tbh
L587[19:32:35] <peelz> SF-MC, ProjectRed's saws uses FMP, right?
L588[19:32:46] <peelz> s/uses/use
L589[19:32:46] <MichiBot> <peelz> SF-MC, ProjectRed's saws use FMP, right?
L590[19:33:11] <SF-MC> dunno
L591[19:33:48] <SF-MC> Oh! You mean the gem-flavored 3D saws?
L592[19:33:57] <peelz> 3D saws?
L593[19:33:58] <SF-MC> If so, those *are* FMP saws
L594[19:34:15] <peelz> these: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Ruby_Saw
L595[19:34:33] <SoraFirestorm> Yes
L596[19:34:37] <peelz> awesome
L597[19:34:40] <peelz> I can get rid of IM then
L598[19:34:42] <SoraFirestorm> (They are 3D, btw)
L599[19:34:53] <peelz> oh right
L600[19:34:54] <peelz> they are
L601[19:35:57] <SF-MC> but yeah, those are FMP saws
L602[19:36:17] <SF-MC> as in literally the base item comes from FMP
L603[19:36:23] <peelz> ah
L604[19:39:24] <SF-MC> as much as I love using Buildcraft fuel as my main power source
L605[19:39:30] <SF-MC> Damn is it inefficient sometimes
L606[19:39:45] <SF-MC> tbh I'm not even sure why I like it so much
L607[19:41:03] <peelz> How well does Immersive Engineering (the 1.7.10 version) mesh with IC2?
L608[19:41:12] <peelz> if anybody has tried mixing the two together
L609[19:41:48] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972A38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L610[19:43:01] <AmandaC> %choose computer or not so computer
L611[19:43:01] <MichiBot> AmandaC: computer
L612[19:43:51] <peelz> AmandaC, do you always let RNG make choices for you? :thinking:
L613[19:46:08] <AmandaC> %choose peelz yes or peelz no
L614[19:46:08] <MichiBot> AmandaC: peelz no
L615[19:46:13] <AmandaC> peelz: no
L616[19:46:14] <SF-MC> lol
L617[19:46:18] <peelz> HMMM
L618[19:46:31] * AmandaC goes to listen to podcasts and chill out in Yonder
L619[19:58:20] <Kodos> For 1.7 I don’t tend to mix rf and eu
L620[19:58:25] <Kodos> Mods
L621[19:59:19] <peelz> @Kodos but the 1.7.10 versions of Immersive Engineering still support EU
L622[20:01:21] <Kodos> And? What I said was personal preference
L623[20:01:40] <SoraFirestorm> I mean honestly
L624[20:01:46] <SoraFirestorm> I'd rather just one power system and stick to it
L625[20:01:50] <SoraFirestorm> Which basically means RF
L626[20:01:58] <peelz> oh, sure. I was just asking if the IE-IC2 interoperation is smooth enough
L627[20:26:43] <SF-MC> So I finally got some tesseracts going
L628[20:26:49] <SF-MC> Interdimensional power ftw
L629[20:40:04] ⇨ Joins: SoraFire` (SoraFire`!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
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L631[20:50:02] ⇦ Parts: SoraFire` (SoraFire`!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (ERC (IRC client for Emacs 27.0.50)))
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L633[20:50:14] *** SoraFire` is now known as SoraFirestorm
L634[20:50:25] <SoraFirestorm> alright then... dunno why it decided to rename me
L635[20:50:26] <SoraFirestorm> Oh well
L636[20:50:41] ⇨ Joins: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L637[21:07:48] <CompanionCube> this thread is ... https://cybre.space/@SoniEx2/100104322706134219
L638[21:08:53] <SF-MC> I mean
L639[21:08:56] <SF-MC> It's a valid complaint
L640[21:09:03] <SF-MC> But the implementation is...
L641[21:09:05] <SF-MC> less than ideal
L642[21:09:11] <CompanionCube> SF-MC: it's a valid point
L643[21:09:26] <CompanionCube> but it's shit way of making it
L644[21:09:39] <SF-MC> yes
L645[21:10:02] <superminor2> A little bit excessive lol
L646[21:14:07] <SF-MC> And I understand that our friend here has a history
L647[21:14:21] <SF-MC> But why does anyone thing being a total ass gets things done?
L648[21:14:27] <SF-MC> s/thing/think/
L649[21:14:27] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> But why does anyone think being a total ass gets things done?
L650[21:14:57] <superminor2> I don't know if that person actually thinks
L651[21:15:24] <SF-MC> Like I said, I understand that this particular instance is of someone 'well-known'
L652[21:15:29] <SF-MC> to put it kindly
L653[21:15:35] <superminor2> Indeed lol
L654[21:15:43] <SF-MC> I'm just saying in general
L655[21:16:14] <superminor2> Yeah I know what you meant, and I agree
L656[21:17:32] <Izaya> o.o
L657[21:17:55] <S3> AmandaC: using bananas and oldschool 1970s computers to go back in time while voiding microwave warranty. That's all you need to remember :D
L658[21:18:20] <SF-MC> S3: that only left me /very/ confused
L659[21:18:22] <superminor2> Steins Gate?
L660[21:18:26] <SF-MC> ah
L661[21:18:28] <S3> yes
L662[21:18:32] * CompanionCube is wondering how to respond
L663[21:18:36] <superminor2> Been a while since I have seen that
L664[21:19:59] <S3> :( my other halfs parents called my TRS-80 a whacky looking keyboard today
L665[21:20:09] <SF-MC> :(
L666[21:20:16] <Izaya> to be fair
L667[21:20:17] <S3> I told them it wasnt a keyboard
L668[21:20:20] <S3> they were like wut
L669[21:20:23] <Izaya> modern keyboards probably have more computing power
L670[21:20:28] <SF-MC> lol
L671[21:20:29] <S3> :D
L672[21:20:32] <SF-MC> Wouldn't be surprised
L673[21:20:35] <S3> They do
L674[21:20:45] <S3> but less memory
L675[21:21:18] <S3> I imagine they use those little 128B RAM microcontrollers now
L676[21:21:23] <S3> that are oh so popular
L677[21:22:04] <SF-MC> So I've decided that my goal for this world is to get octuple-compressed cobble
L678[21:22:11] <S3> well the minicomputer I am designing Izaya
L679[21:22:40] <S3> I can't use a PIC or an AVR or FPGA, ARM, or even an MSP430..
L680[21:22:44] <S3> in the entire design
L681[21:22:59] <S3> because if I do that one chip will be a million x more powerful than the entire machine
L682[21:23:05] <Izaya> Good limitation :D
L683[21:23:13] <Izaya> hey you know what'd be cool
L684[21:23:14] <Xal> making a ttl computer?
L685[21:23:15] <Izaya> core memory
L686[21:23:22] <S3> yes I am Xal
L687[21:23:24] <S3> a stack machine
L688[21:23:27] <S3> no not core memory
L689[21:23:27] <Izaya> I wonder if one could buy the parts to make core memory
L690[21:23:28] <S3> fuck that
L691[21:23:38] <SF-MC> Probably
L692[21:23:44] <Izaya> it's like, copper wire and tiny ferrite cores
L693[21:23:46] <SF-MC> But is it really worth trying to hand-build core memory?
L694[21:23:48] <S3> Xal: there's a couple of problems I've run into though
L695[21:23:51] <Xal> and a WHOOOLE lot of driving circuitry
L696[21:23:55] <Izaya> probably not, but it'd be cool
L697[21:24:05] <Izaya> Xal: that's the fun part
L698[21:24:17] <Izaya> do you want to do the write back in the memory module, or?
L699[21:24:19] <S3> Xal: they don't seem to make PROMs anymore.. I used to use them as a kid
L700[21:24:24] <S3> whatever happened to them?
L701[21:24:45] <S3> like they used to make really fast PROMs that you could burn oncer
L702[21:24:47] <S3> once*
L703[21:24:49] <Izaya> Replaced by EPROMS and EEPROMs and flash, probably
L704[21:24:51] <Xal> do yourself a favour and buy a lot of soviet am2900-series clones off ebay
L705[21:24:58] <S3> EEPROMs are very slow
L706[21:25:00] <Xal> they are god's gift to computer-makers
L707[21:25:07] <S3> like a lot of them are over 100ns
L708[21:25:16] <Izaya> am2900 are the bitslice processor parts, right?
L709[21:25:27] <Xal> more than just that, all sorts of general computer-making components
L710[21:25:41] <Izaya> I saw a single-chip soviet PDP-11 clone a while back
L711[21:25:53] <S3> here's the thing. I can use pure TTL to make an accumulator with an access time of say 40ns
L712[21:26:01] <AmandaC> S3: yeah, I know. But there's neuances between episodes of S:g 0 that I know I'm missing just because I'm seeing the episodes a week apart
L713[21:26:04] <S3> howeverm if I use PROM I could get it down to like 10ns
L714[21:26:14] <Xal> s3: what level of abstraction are you going for?
L715[21:26:25] <Xal> would a 74181 be "cheating" for you?
L716[21:26:31] <Izaya> I'd rather like to get one but it's a QIP and hahaha not gonna find docs for that
L717[21:27:52] <S3> Xal: no a 181 would be fine, but a) I thought that was ripple carry and b) I'll have to look to see if that fits now snce I just changed my word size from 12 bit to 16
L718[21:28:33] <S3> I realized that even though I amn fine with a 12 bit machine, it would be a use waste of memory space to use 16 bits of memory space to fit a 12 bit bus
L719[21:29:02] <S3> however it poses challenges to my serial
L720[21:29:11] <S3> serial DMA bus
L721[21:29:44] <S3> the goal is to build a stack machine with serial access to external hardware via a homebuilt TTL DMA controller
L722[21:30:14] <S3> not serial as in UART, something custom
L723[21:31:08] <S3> Xal: I actually designed an IO system that replicates the actor model
L724[21:31:20] <S3> this allows me to scale multiple units if I wanted to build more
L725[21:31:26] <S3> and easily add new hardware
L726[21:31:54] <S3> the end goal is to open source all schematics and everything
L727[21:32:10] <S3> But this is entirely just intended to be a toy
L728[21:33:03] <Xal> grab an FPGA so your computer has something to talk to
L729[21:33:05] <S3> Xal: if I can find some fast fuse based PROMs then I will just use that in place of a 181
L730[21:33:21] <Xal> could be worthwhile to prototype the logic on the fpga in parallel with the construction of the ttl one
L731[21:33:25] <S3> though 16 bit makes it very large
L732[21:33:36] <S3> I could break it up I guess
L733[21:33:39] <Xal> and when you're done you'll have as many fpga computers for it to talk to as you want!
L734[21:34:02] <S3> Yeah. I actually lost my lattice FPGAs..
L735[21:34:15] <S3> and I am unsure how to get my spartan ones working
L736[21:34:24] <Izaya> http://www.jakepoz.com/debugging-behind-the-iron-curtain/
L737[21:35:12] <S3> hmm
L738[21:35:32] <S3> Xal: this is going to be one super powerful forth toy I can give you that
L739[21:35:45] <Xal> have you seen the J1?
L740[21:36:33] <S3> Xal: I actually sat down with a friend of mine (we're in ECE together) and we've put down a lot of the design for a 12 bit color VGA adaptor card with weak 8x10 sprite support on 640x480
L741[21:36:40] <S3> yes I have
L742[21:37:15] <Izaya> huh
L743[21:37:22] <S3> It turns out also that we don't need to buy a 12 bit video DAC
L744[21:37:49] <Izaya> so in the soviet union they had their own v6 unix derivative with parts of BSD and it was lighter than both v7 and later BSD distros
L745[21:37:55] <S3> video is unimportant enough that using the old resistor ladder DAC trick is way more than clean enough
L746[21:38:11] <Xal> my favourite EE parlour trick is bitbanging ntsc signals from a pair of digital output pins
L747[21:38:42] <Xal> say goodbye to your CPU cycles!
L748[21:39:31] <S3> I looked at NTSC but NTSC is annoying, and color NTSC is a bitch
L749[21:39:44] <S3> because if your color burst is just barely out of whack it becomes black and white
L750[21:39:55] <SF-MC> That sounds moderately annoying
L751[21:41:07] <Xal> colour ntsc is an amusing hack
L752[21:41:15] <S3> right. well with VGA it's really easy to do your hsync and vsync pulses, and you have a HUGE space between every horrizontal line and every vertical screen image
L753[21:42:24] <S3> which means that between every image sprite data can be loaded when not drawing to the screen, and between every horrzontal line there is way more than enough time to copy sprite data and pass it through pallette lookup table and create the VGA output buffer
L754[21:42:43] <S3> and between every pixel there is enough time to run the counter for the next color.
L755[21:43:29] <S3> VGA makes it really easy to not have multi port memory
L756[21:43:55] <Xal> who needs vga when you can just have a tty
L757[21:44:02] <S3> rofl
L758[21:44:07] <S3> I don't have a teletype
L759[21:45:20] <S3> anyways that design works great for sprite based fonts
L760[21:45:43] <S3> however, I ran into trouble when thinking transparent graphics
L761[21:46:05] <S3> which would be nice but I have no idea how to do that, and alpha channels apparently require a lot of math I guess?
L762[21:46:31] <Xal> [WON'T FIX] screen can't become transparent so alpha won't be implemented
L763[21:46:31] <S3> plus more memory
L764[21:47:43] <S3> LOL
L765[21:48:43] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972A38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L766[22:06:57] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/feyfbe.png
L767[22:28:25] <S3> wtf is that thing on your window
L768[22:29:30] <Mimiru> macopix
L769[22:32:10] <Izaya> not actually macopix, but basically macopix, yeah
L770[22:32:12] <Izaya> window sitter
L771[23:09:22] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@c-71-203-107-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Cervator)
L772[23:49:27] <payonel> xarses: i'm getting closer to the thing you actually asked for
L773[23:49:28] <payonel> :P
L774[23:50:56] ⇦ Quits: erratic (erratic!erratic@shells.yourstruly.sx) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L775[23:55:18] <Izaya> so payonel I had a great idea
L776[23:55:27] <Izaya> I'm going to rebuild gcc on here and see if I can enable experimental/fs
L777[23:55:36] <Izaya> to get ocvm working on Haiku
L778[23:55:47] <Mimiru> payonels not here man
L779[23:56:17] <Izaya> disconnected from bouncer after that?
L780[23:56:29] <Izaya> or am I just losing it and he didn't talk like 10 minutes ago at all anyway
L781[23:56:33] <Mimiru> 'bout 3 minutes before your first message
L782[23:56:36] <Izaya> of course
L783[23:56:41] <Izaya> oh well
L784[23:56:52] * Izaya goes to find the source for gcc
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