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L1[00:04:24] ⇦ Quits: progwml6 (progwml6!~progwml6@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L4[00:20:19] <S3> ill find it tomorrow
L5[01:49:35] ⇨ Joins: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@
L6[01:51:37] ⇦ Quits: Renari (Renari!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L8[02:27:13] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L9[02:34:48] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:c501:a818:9e0b:230) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L10[02:57:56] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:1053:b4fd:c1a5:6753)
L11[03:14:05] ⇦ Quits: dansixx (dansixx!~dansixx@220-235-28-147.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L12[03:15:38] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L13[03:20:17] <Forecaster> %shell
L14[03:20:17] * MichiBot loads an uncomfortable loli scene into a shell and fires it. It strikes ping. They take 5 damage. daniel and payonel stood too close and take 4 and 6 damage respectively.
L15[04:44:09] <Saphire> %moo ^
L16[04:44:09] <MichiBot> ill find it toomoorroow
L17[05:21:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B525FB6919F1E71EF581.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L18[05:21:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L19[05:54:39] ⇨ Joins: dansixx (dansixx!~dansixx@220-235-28-147.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L20[06:35:35] <gerard> https://i.imgur.com/qZ5HIbO.png
L21[06:35:43] <gerard> A little unit testing system in Lua
L22[06:40:02] <AmandaC> interesting
L23[06:40:37] ⇦ Quits: Gethiox (Gethiox!~gethiox@gethiox.pl) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L24[06:41:14] <gerard> it's quite messy, but saurce pls: https://hastebin.com/ifipexiceb.lua
L25[06:43:53] <gerard> it should also work in OC, because https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/commit/c69c9e674855bb55ca8b9d8b10a9ce8fc33a6e88 was commited last month (thx payonel <3)
L26[06:48:32] <Vexatos> OpenOS has unit tests :P
L27[06:48:59] <20kdc> ...wait, getlocal and getupvalue access? ❗
L28[06:49:12] <20kdc> ...oh, it just returns names, okay
L29[06:50:04] <gerard> oh yeah, darn
L30[06:50:07] <gerard> it doesn't work
L31[06:50:12] <gerard> because debug.upvaluejoin isn't there
L32[06:50:54] <20kdc> *reads description of function, adds more red exclaimation marks*
L33[06:51:27] <AmandaC> Damn, Snake is doing a terrible job today, isn't he.
L34[06:51:54] <20kdc> yes
L35[06:55:14] * Izaya hmms
L36[06:55:52] <Izaya> Is my time worth the shipping costs for a crate of computer magazine CDs to wherever Archive.org is?
L37[06:57:24] <20kdc> depends if it's a proper wooden crate or not. if it is a proper wooden crate, then the shipping costs are worth it just to imagine the looks on their faces as they receive a wooden crate
L38[07:00:15] <Izaya> It's a plastic crate.
L39[07:00:19] <Izaya> Roughly 50x50cm
L40[07:00:29] <Izaya> full of CDs
L41[07:00:33] <20kdc> Is it at least painted to look like a wooden crate?
L42[07:01:33] <Izaya> ....
L43[07:01:38] <Izaya> Huuuuh.
L44[07:01:53] <Izaya> It looks like the ACCC has told Valve "you can't restrict refunds to two hours"
L45[07:02:01] <Izaya> And no, it's dark green.
L46[07:05:35] <AmandaC> @20kdc just did another once-over with my apps and some of the built-in apps for the latest -dev all seems good
L47[07:05:49] <20kdc> about that,
L48[07:06:13] <20kdc> latest -dev has just immediately been updated for 192K support
L49[07:06:23] <AmandaC> ah
L50[07:06:41] <20kdc> the only way I could trim more size off of this would be to put file copying into a separate application from the main file manager
L51[07:08:31] <20kdc> (Not that that is infeasible, or that I wouldn't do it if necessary in a future release. "Being able to load & save the init.lua file on a Lua 5.2 192K 64-bit system" is the benchmark, and failing this indicates a loss of one of the primary goals of the OS.)
L52[07:09:44] <20kdc> (This also leaves a relatively high amount of spare room on Lua 5.3 systems, which seem to be more memory-efficient in my testing.)
L53[07:10:22] <Forecaster> %shell
L54[07:10:23] * MichiBot loads ? into a shell and fires it. It strikes brayden. They take 14 damage. Tahg and Kilobyte stood too close and take 9 and 10 damage respectively.
L55[07:10:29] <20kdc> %shell Forecaster
L56[07:10:29] * MichiBot loads araragi-san into a shell and fires it. It strikes Forecaster. They take 13 damage. dansixx and scj643 stood too close and take 9 and 5 damage respectively.
L57[07:10:39] <Forecaster> %shiv @20kdc
L58[07:10:39] * MichiBot shivs @20kdc with Inari 2 Remastered HD doing no damage, Inari 2 Remastered HD looked too much like a carrot and was eaten by a near-sighted bunny.
L59[07:10:47] <Forecaster> >:
L60[07:11:51] <gerard> %shell @gerard
L61[07:11:51] * MichiBot loads a roper into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near @gerard, Guest84969 and brayden. They each take 5, 5 and 7 splash damage respectively.
L62[07:11:52] * MichiBot The roper melts into a puddle of unidentifiable goo..
L63[07:12:18] <gerard> I didn't want to hurt other people :(
L64[07:13:04] <20kdc> pretty sure %shiv is safer
L65[07:13:39] <20kdc> %shiv @20kdc
L66[07:13:39] * MichiBot shivs @20kdc with local internet doing 12 damage
L67[07:13:51] <20kdc> why... *dies*
L68[07:14:39] <AmandaC> @20kdc just finished another once-over with the latest -dev, still looks all green
L69[07:14:55] <20kdc> great! expect a lower memory usage from that version
L70[07:15:19] <20kdc> app-textedit no longer uses the event library for instance
L71[07:15:22] <Forecaster> %inv add all green
L72[07:15:22] * MichiBot summons 'all green' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L73[07:16:46] <20kdc> %inv add self-extracting TAR file (now with a free dose of text editor incompatibility)
L74[07:16:46] * MichiBot compresses the sentence into a more manageable format since it was too long.
L75[07:16:52] <20kdc> ...uhoh
L76[07:17:30] <AmandaC> Hrm, just took a look at the memory, and it's fluxuating between 130 and 210K
L77[07:17:42] <AmandaC> ( on a machine with 2048K )
L78[07:18:19] <AmandaC> ( on an idle machine with only app-taskmgr)
L79[07:18:26] <Izaya> >using a high-spec machine
L80[07:18:35] <20kdc> GCs are fun like that. Actually restrict it to 192K and it'll fluctuate between 130 and 192K
L81[07:19:03] <20kdc> and no, I can't really fix this at this point without breaking compatibility somewhere
L82[07:19:44] <AmandaC> ah, I see
L83[07:19:49] <20kdc> autostart services were probably a good addition memory-management wise, though, because autostart services can be written to auto*stop*
L84[07:20:37] <20kdc> if you look at svc-ghostie, after it's done with all pending beeps, it ends it's own event loop
L85[07:21:06] <AmandaC> I should do some memory optimising on my svc-lilac. Just launched an app that auto-started it on a machine with 192K and it all exploded. :D
L86[07:21:22] <Izaya> tfw minitel works fine on a 192k machine
L87[07:21:39] <20kdc> Izaya: Really? Oh, good. I assume you use Lua 5.3, though, because otherwise...
L88[07:21:47] <Izaya> though I should really write a dedicated frequest client
L89[07:21:58] <Izaya> my browser does not work so well on a 192k machine
L90[07:22:00] <20kdc> ...well, there's a reason the system makes a big deal out of Lua 5.3 on the startup prompt if you aren't using it
L91[07:22:21] <AmandaC> WEll, If I'm not running another app it seems to do okay!
L92[07:22:42] <20kdc> yeah, multitasking and memory usage are not very compatible
L93[07:23:34] <Izaya> https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/8f0i9i/not_that_sort/
L94[07:36:29] <AmandaC> Hrm, seems like it's specifically app-taskmgr that caused the issue. I;ve has my app-lilac-power and app-lilac-crafting running for a couple minutes now with no crashes ( both depend in svc-lilac )
L95[07:38:51] <AmandaC> that probably makes sense though, given the fast refresh rate of app-taskmgr
L96[07:39:18] <20kdc> the refresh rate shouldn't cause memory issues, but event+neoux is a relatively heavy combination
L97[07:39:45] <AmandaC> Hrm, both my app-lilac-* programs use neoux, although not the event library directly
L98[07:39:52] <20kdc> hence the "I am not going to be adding any more controls to neoux" policy, plus my active avoidance of those APIs throughout the system processes
L99[07:39:54] <AmandaC> ( other than event.pull )
L100[07:40:10] <20kdc> having it loaded is enough
L101[07:40:29] <20kdc> it's not much of an issue so long as you aren't doing anything that needs too much RAM
L102[07:40:46] <20kdc> and neoux memory usage is somewhat shared between applications that use neoux
L103[07:42:49] <AmandaC> I was curious if the libraries were cached between processes, or if they were all loaded fully every time
L104[07:43:02] <20kdc> cached between processes, but they get unloaded when no process is using them
L105[07:43:07] <AmandaC> ( Obv. with some kind of reference countingto-- yeah )
L106[07:43:15] <20kdc> and it actually relies on the GC
L107[07:43:25] <20kdc> weak-valued tables to the rescue
L108[07:43:46] <AmandaC> I'm not that familiar with the advanced table magick of Lua
L109[07:44:10] <20kdc> so you can write require("onetimefunc")(blah) to load, run, and then unload a particularly memory-intensive function
L110[07:44:19] <20kdc> yes, this gets used basically all the time
L111[07:44:49] <AmandaC> Question, if I try and load "foo.bar" will that look in foo/bar.lua or just "foo.bar.lua"
L112[07:44:57] <20kdc> it'll load "foo.bar.lua"
L113[07:45:01] <AmandaC> ah
L114[07:45:40] <20kdc> you might be able to have "foo/bar" in future, but it'll still be restricted to the libs folder
L115[07:45:45] <AmandaC> I'm somewhat considering trying to get some of my utilities I use in OpenOS to port to KOS, but I have them all in a single library tree
L116[07:46:08] <20kdc> also note, your libraries get wrapMeta'd by default
L117[07:46:17] <AmandaC> so, for my logging util you do require("libac.logging") which OpenOS infers is "/usr/lib/libac/logging.lua")
L118[07:46:40] <20kdc> ...gsub I guess could implement that simply enough
L119[07:47:13] <AmandaC> however openos also does other stuff, like if theres no "foo.lua" it'll check for a "foo/init.lua"
L120[07:47:16] <20kdc> anything more is likely to introduce complicated logic which is going to cut into memory, and as you can tell that is already a knife's-edge problem
L121[07:48:20] <20kdc> it's at the point already where removing the Copy option from the file manager would be beneficial
L122[07:48:34] <AmandaC> Also, not sure if it's expected, by when the apps crashed earlier from no memory I also got an error from something sys- that was angry about "dm" being null
L123[07:48:52] <AmandaC> Lemme see if I can reproduce
L124[07:48:53] <20kdc> Once memory starts getting low, everything begins to fall apart,
L125[07:48:59] <20kdc> since basic Lua constructs start randomly failing
L126[07:49:11] <AmandaC> ah, fair enough
L127[07:49:23] <AmandaC> apparently it was sys-icecap and "global dw"
L128[07:49:27] <20kdc> The kernel will *try* to get rid of an app's memory as quickly as possible, but...
L129[07:49:53] <AmandaC> https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/L3CLpmHmzDL9npT
L130[07:50:27] <AmandaC> That keeps appearing when I try and kill a process now
L131[07:50:28] <20kdc> oh, that's just me being an idiot again
L132[07:51:38] <AmandaC> Only after an OOM happens, it seems
L133[07:52:30] <20kdc> it seems like startDialog's "in case of stuff going horribly wrong" code went horribly wrong
L134[07:52:53] <AmandaC> Oh dear.
L135[07:53:41] <20kdc> The reason is because testing memory and testing everything else tends to be mutually exclusive when almost every bugfix leads to more memory usage. This is thankfully not one of them.
L136[07:54:02] <20kdc> With that noted, fix pushed and -dev updated.
L137[07:56:39] <AmandaC> What is the "incase something goes horribly wrong" code meant to do?
L138[07:57:40] <Izaya> it sends a killing machine back in time to deal with 20kdc
L139[07:57:54] <Izaya> before they could write KOS
L140[07:57:58] <20kdc> well, either you tried to close the dialog, which would trigger some other code, or the dialog tried to display and then crashed during the Everest span code for some reason.
L141[07:58:32] <20kdc> ...though come to think of it, the other code had to get fixed too.
L142[07:58:56] <20kdc> Anyway, in either case, the table which maps Everest windows to their Nexus callbacks needs to have the entry for that window removed.
L143[07:59:09] <20kdc> Otherwise it's a massive memory leak.
L144[07:59:16] <AmandaC> ah
L145[07:59:26] <20kdc> I wrote "dw" rather than "w".
L146[07:59:31] <AmandaC> ahh
L147[08:02:54] <20kdc> I'm considering writing an app to test "actual available memory" so I can produce cleaner full-system benchmarks
L148[08:03:20] <20kdc> nothing quite gets the GC up to maximum mad tricks mode like actual memory pressure
L149[08:05:52] <AmandaC> Might be worth asking payonel how his ocvm profiling stuff works too, since he made it specifically to understand / improve openOS's memory usage
L150[08:24:38] <20kdc> TIL: don't rlimit OCEmu http://tinyurl.com/ydz68e8w
L151[08:33:43] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E4B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L152[08:34:05] <Inari> I hath tells
L153[08:34:39] <Inari> AmandaC: haha, of course I do, I hate cars and can't drive
L154[08:35:26] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L155[08:35:57] <Temia> Hey 20kdc
L156[08:36:14] <Temia> If you ported KOS to the 6502
L157[08:36:25] <Temia> Could you call it KOS-MOS?
L158[08:36:31] <Temia> :V
L159[08:36:43] * Temia giggleflees
L160[08:37:02] <20kdc> ...porting KOS to the 6502 would be more like something entirely different that happened to share the same name, but sure
L161[08:37:09] <Izaya> only if it were in cyrillic :D
L162[08:37:19] <20kdc> if that ever happened (which probably won't) then that name might be used
L163[08:37:36] <20kdc> ...but only with a "Name chosen by Temia" sticker under it so the flames are correctly directed
L164[08:37:47] <Temia> Rats
L165[08:37:57] <Temia> I have sealed my own fate
L166[08:38:45] <Forecaster> Inari why do you hate cars
L167[08:38:56] <Temia> But no, are you kidding? You could use everyone's favourite android girl as a mascot!
L168[08:39:14] <MGR> I'm missing something
L169[08:39:23] <MGR> The 6502 has an android girl mascot?
L170[08:39:30] <Temia> No
L171[08:39:43] <MGR> What am I missing?
L172[08:39:54] <Temia> Google "KOS-MOS"
L173[08:39:55] <Izaya> Where to begin? :P
L174[08:40:06] <20kdc> AmandaC: and the survey says...! http://tinyurl.com/y9gydefv
L175[08:40:08] <Temia> Izaya: harsh
L176[08:40:15] <Temia> (But true)
L177[08:40:36] <gerard> is there a way to force a gc in OC?
L178[08:40:40] <MGR> Ah, got it. Thank you
L179[08:40:54] <Izaya> yield a bunch of times.
L180[08:41:56] <gerard> i see, in the `install.lua` they do "for i=1,20 do os.sleep(0) end"
L181[08:42:16] <AmandaC> You should only need to do it 10 times, but payonel does it 20 to be safe.
L182[08:43:00] <20kdc> I wonder if I could just move all this setup code into a library and see what happens
L183[08:43:02] <Temia> Is there a way to do it without creating a large delay?
L184[08:43:23] <Izaya> coroutine.yield() 10x from the highest level, basically
L185[08:43:30] <gerard> In that case I want to be safe safe and will do 30 times
L186[08:43:31] <20kdc> Temia: it seems like emergency-GC-before-OOM seems to work, but unsure
L187[08:46:35] <Forecaster> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/robins
L188[08:46:38] <Forecaster> so that's how it works
L189[08:49:46] <AmandaC> That's taking forever to load, and the comic never appears. @Forecaster
L190[08:49:56] <MGR> Same
L191[08:50:23] <Forecaster> weird, it's acting a bit weird but it loaded for me
L192[08:50:43] <gerard> maybe they are forcing gc by looping 20 times
L193[08:50:51] <Forecaster> oh, now it's not...
L194[08:50:52] <Forecaster> huh
L195[08:50:53] <Izaya> "Get the video cassette of Spaceballs: The movie!"
L196[08:51:06] <Izaya> How bizarrely meta.
L197[08:51:11] <gerard> it's because everone in this server tries to connect to this page now :D
L198[08:51:15] <gerard> everyone -
L199[08:51:37] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:1053:b4fd:c1a5:6753) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L200[08:51:41] <Temia> We aren't Slashdot.
L201[08:52:05] <Izaya> If everyone on esper opened that page at the same time, that would be bad.
L202[08:52:37] <AmandaC> I assume @Forecaster got it from somewhere more capable of slashdotting a server though
L203[08:52:49] <Forecaster> RSS
L204[08:53:14] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:39b8:66fc:3c68:2107)
L205[08:58:39] <AmandaC> @20kdc I'm confused what that screenshot is showing?
L206[09:02:09] <gerard> https://i.imgur.com/sfG4E4q.png
L207[09:02:10] <gerard> ez fix
L208[09:02:43] <Inari> AmandaC: Their general smell makes me feel ill. Plus I find it stressful to be in one :D Always looks like you're going to crash into something or something might crash into you
L209[09:02:43] <gerard> quite ugly, but it's whatever
L210[09:03:47] <Izaya> fun fact
L211[09:04:00] <Izaya> you can load functions again to change their environment IIRC
L212[09:04:23] <AmandaC> %choose svc-fuse or meh
L213[09:04:23] <MichiBot> AmandaC: meh
L214[09:04:34] <gerard> wouldn't that be using more memory?
L215[09:04:36] <Izaya> svc-filesystem-in-user-space?
L216[09:04:44] <gerard> since you're cloning the function
L217[09:04:47] <AmandaC> Izaya: yeah
L218[09:04:54] <Izaya> you're not cloning the function
L219[09:05:02] <Izaya> copies a reference to the function
L220[09:05:11] <Izaya> tables have some weird rules
L221[09:05:13] <AmandaC> is _G even a thing in 5.2/5.3?
L222[09:05:16] <gerard> with the new env?
L223[09:05:18] <gerard> but how
L224[09:05:35] <Izaya> what you can do is setmetatable(newenv,{__index=_G})
L225[09:05:44] <AmandaC> environments are just upvalues, probably
L226[09:05:45] <Izaya> then newenv.whatever = whatever you want to mask
L227[09:05:51] <Inari> Er
L228[09:05:53] <Inari> Wrong person :D
L229[09:05:56] <Inari> Forecaster: See above
L230[09:06:05] <gerard> But that's on a table isn't it?
L231[09:06:11] <gerard> I'm working with a function
L232[09:06:15] <gerard> I tried with setfenv, but it's not in Lua 5.2 / 5.3
L233[09:06:22] <gerard> and the polyfill doesn't work in OC
L234[09:06:25] <gerard> since it uses debug
L235[09:06:29] <Izaya> ~w load
L236[09:06:30] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load
L237[09:06:41] <Izaya> I'm 80% sure you can load() on a function and supply a new env
L238[09:06:52] <gerard> "If ld is a function, load calls it repeatedly to get the chunk pieces."
L239[09:06:57] <gerard> I never knew this
L240[09:06:59] <gerard> lemme try
L241[09:07:29] <Izaya> I think that's for reading from a file
L242[09:08:29] <AmandaC> You could probably do it with string.dump and loading that, but that requires bytecode to be enables
L243[09:08:33] <AmandaC> s/enables/enabled/
L244[09:08:33] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> You could probably do it with string.dump and loading that, but that requires bytecode to be enabled
L245[09:08:46] <gerard> ah i see
L246[09:10:34] <gerard> with string.dump it works, but you'll lose the ability to use local variables
L247[09:10:59] <20kdc> AmandaC: available memory, measured by allocating as much as possible until pcall failure
L248[09:11:23] <AmandaC> loading bytecode isn't enabled by default in OC because it can break out of the OC sandbox
L249[09:11:27] <20kdc> I've managed to get it up to 44.9 by swapping monitor initialization code out of RAM when not in use
L250[09:11:45] <AmandaC> @20kdc ah, interesting
L251[09:12:45] <20kdc> there seems to be a consistent deficit of 0.3 that occurs after the first time I run allmem (went down to 44.6, previous went from 43.6 to 43.3), but otherwise the measurements are extremely consistent
L252[09:13:18] <Izaya> Ah :3
L253[09:13:18] <Izaya> 200k for taking out one anaconda
L254[09:21:11] <MGR> I haven't played E:D in a while...
L255[09:21:14] <MGR> I should get back into it
L256[09:23:49] <Forecaster> Me neither, I've been busy
L257[09:26:05] <Izaya> 80k for a FAS :D
L258[09:34:02] <Izaya> Who knew an AspX would be such a competent combat ship?
L259[09:34:16] <MGR> ?
L260[09:34:27] <MGR> It does have decent shields I think
L261[09:34:54] <Forecaster> I flew one for a long long time
L262[09:35:03] <Forecaster> It's pretty great
L263[09:36:42] <Izaya> I think it's p. great
L264[09:36:54] <Izaya> Current one is competent at combat and can jump 45Ly, and is still worth <1mil'
L265[09:37:37] <Izaya> I think I'm doing p. well today
L266[09:37:47] <MGR> 45Ly jump range is good with a combat loadout
L267[09:38:01] <Izaya> got at least one rebuy worth from bountyhunting in an AspX while mildly intoxicated
L268[09:38:14] <MGR> Better than my (mostly) jump range expansion engineered Anaconda
L269[09:38:25] <MGR> with a combat loadout
L270[09:40:30] <Izaya> oort orbital
L271[09:41:18] ⇦ Quits: dansixx (dansixx!~dansixx@220-235-28-147.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L272[09:41:52] <Izaya> oof
L273[09:41:59] <Izaya> would've had that guy if not for the shield boosters
L274[09:42:33] <MGR> Those are the reasons I need to tune my weapons better for performance against shields
L275[09:42:48] <MGR> It was what I was working on before I got distracted by World of SpaceWarships
L276[09:43:56] <Izaya> I could add more lasers I guess.
L277[09:44:09] <Forecaster> world of whatnow?
L278[09:44:17] <Izaya> Take em off when I want to actually go somewhere.
L279[09:44:27] <Izaya> Even with 45Ly I can't plot a course to a Zurara
L280[09:44:32] <Izaya> s/a Z/the Z/
L281[09:44:32] <MichiBot> <Izaya> Even with 45Ly I can't plot a course to the Zurara
L282[09:44:34] <MGR> @Forecaster World of Warships, but they added a space battle mode for April
L283[09:44:39] <Forecaster> oh
L284[09:44:44] <MGR> What's Zurara?
L285[09:45:03] <Forecaster> huh, the webhook randomly failed
L286[09:45:07] <Izaya> a megaship in the formidine rift
L287[09:45:14] <Forecaster> weird
L288[09:45:28] <MGR> Ohhhhhhh
L289[09:45:31] <Mimiru> ?
L290[09:45:33] <MGR> Wasn't that made by The Club?
L291[09:45:43] <Izaya> Probably not.
L292[09:45:48] <Mimiru> @Forecaster wat?
L293[09:45:55] <Izaya> It's part of the story.
L294[09:46:21] <Mimiru> Oh... what
L295[09:46:30] <MGR> "The Club funded the construction of The Zurara"
L296[09:46:37] <Izaya> Oh. Huh.
L297[09:46:41] <Izaya> Point taken.
L298[09:46:57] <Izaya> Guess that means it isn't a player group :D
L299[09:47:08] <MGR> It is not
L300[09:47:25] <MGR> It's the (NPC) people running the show in the E:D universe
L301[09:47:40] <Izaya> The space illuminati?
L302[09:47:41] <Mimiru> Wait.. @Forecaster I'm going back to wat.
L303[09:47:43] <Mimiru> Where?
L304[09:47:52] <MGR> Yes, Space Illuminati
L305[09:47:54] <MGR> But real
L306[09:47:58] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ydar4e8n
L307[09:48:01] <Forecaster> right there
L308[09:48:09] <Mimiru> The webhook worked.
L309[09:48:11] <Izaya> >implying the space illuminati aren't real
L310[09:48:20] <Mimiru> MichiBot sent a SED reply
L311[09:48:23] <Forecaster> oh, I didn't notice the edit
L312[09:48:24] <Forecaster> xD
L313[09:48:36] <MGR> Space Illuminati are real in E:D
L314[09:48:36] <Mimiru> Yeah it confused me at first too :P
L315[09:48:38] <MGR> That's what I said
L316[09:48:40] <Mimiru> I thought I'd missed something else :P
L317[09:48:52] <Izaya> >implying the space illuminati aren't real in real life
L318[09:49:30] <MGR> Oh
L319[09:49:33] <gdude> Hey mimi, one of my guys left a ticket on OpenSecurity RE 1.12.2
L320[09:49:40] <gdude> what's left to do? I might be able to get him to PR it
L321[09:49:49] <Mimiru> What's left to do?
L322[09:49:50] <Mimiru> lol...
L323[09:49:55] <gdude> Oh boy. :P
L324[09:49:56] <Izaya> man I wish I had a group of people I could call "my guys"
L325[09:49:58] <Mimiru> Oh man
L326[09:50:10] <gdude> That much, huh?
L327[09:50:18] <Forecaster> Izaya recruit a band of misfits
L328[09:50:18] <Mimiru> Yeah.
L329[09:50:44] * Izaya hmms
L330[09:50:49] <Izaya> Do I need to do anything *after* that?
L331[09:50:58] <Forecaster> not really?
L332[09:51:09] <AmandaC> @20kdc just discovered something, ther appears to be no way to cancel a "Mk Directory" if you hit it
L333[09:51:10] <gdude> well, I'll see if he's up for an entire port, maybe he'll try it
L334[09:51:12] <Izaya> Huh.
L335[09:52:01] <20kdc> AmandaC: Whoops! Will fix that now, once I've double-checked my memory-saving work (up to 45.3K available from 43.5)
L336[09:52:30] <AmandaC> Well, "no way" -- you can close the app, but that's not exactly helpful
L337[09:52:57] <Izaya> may I suggest
L338[09:53:06] <Izaya> run a simple minifier on your release versions
L339[09:53:19] <Izaya> that may improve memory usage at times
L340[09:53:48] <20kdc> Izaya: Funny thing - I've noticed that the relationship between direct code size and Lua memory usage isn't exactly straightforward.
L341[09:54:12] <AmandaC> Also, is there supposed to be a confirmation before deleting a file? ISTR seeing something to that effect in the code when I was splunking yesterday to try and debug something
L342[09:54:17] <20kdc> Any minifier in use would be best written to make local names smaller vs. anything else.
L343[09:54:23] <20kdc> AmandaC: Yes.
L344[09:54:29] * Izaya nods
L345[09:54:31] <20kdc> I assume by that that it doesn't work.
L346[09:54:52] <Izaya> I have one that doesn't actually modify the code as opposed to just the syntax around it
L347[09:54:53] <Forecaster> %shell
L348[09:54:53] * MichiBot loads vifino's keys into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near erratic, Forecaster and zsh. They each take 8, 9 and 8 splash damage respectively.
L349[09:54:58] <Izaya> https://github.com/XeonSquared/PsychOS/blob/master/strip.lua
L350[09:55:00] <AmandaC> yeah, just nuked the file immediately, unless I somehow approved it immediately by double-tapping (which shouldn't be possible anyway, just from a UX perspective)
L351[09:55:57] <20kdc> ...oh, right, the confirmation is on *directory* removes
L352[09:55:59] ⇦ Quits: Yarillo (Yarillo!~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L353[09:56:02] <AmandaC> ah
L354[09:56:12] ⇨ Joins: Yarillo (Yarillo!~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9)
L355[09:56:53] * Saphire yawns, flopping down
L356[09:57:08] <20kdc> I'll see about restructuring to try and fix this in a way that reduces memory usage of filedialog - if I can't do that I'm going to have to refuse the feature.
L357[09:57:13] <20kdc> 45K is not much available memory.
L358[09:57:20] <AmandaC> sure. :)
L359[09:58:04] <Saphire> Filedialog? O.o
L360[09:58:42] <20kdc> Saphire: KittenOS NEO stuff, so it has GUI filedialogs (yay!)
L361[09:58:45] <Izaya> fffffffffffffffff
L362[09:58:55] * Izaya reees omnidirectionally
L363[09:59:01] <AmandaC> Izaya: SIGSEGV
L364[09:59:13] <Izaya> I'm sitting on 11/16GB used and Windows is killing stuff because OOM
L365[09:59:33] <Izaya> does it seriously need a swap file this bad?
L366[10:00:14] <Izaya> Everyone says Linux is bad at resources compared to the BSDs but it's nothing compared to this
L367[10:02:43] <AmandaC> @20kdc hrm, sorry, just not startign to take a harder look at fm, and it seems it draws slightly weird when it's tall enough to actually show all entries: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/gG6Wr7mrCKC8mDR
L368[10:02:57] <AmandaC> now starting*
L369[10:03:43] <20kdc> eh, it's just the "scroll camera" going a bit far down
L370[10:03:49] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L371[10:12:28] <20kdc> 28.8K -> 29.5K, and implements delete confirmation in both situations as a side-effect.
L372[10:13:13] <AmandaC> Took me a second to realise that was an improvement
L373[10:13:48] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
L374[10:14:22] <20kdc> Updated -dev.
L375[10:20:45] <AmandaC> Looks nice. Random thought, is this how the installer is meant to look: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/nf9zpg9YgBk2p67 I ask because it occurs to me that it might be offset by one, because a second solid white line appears under the installer in ocvm, just off screen.
L376[10:25:12] <AmandaC> Having a hell of a time getting a screenshot of it under ocvm, because it goes by too fast for me to react
L377[10:25:15] <20kdc> that's how the installer is meant to look, yes. Anything else is likely due to the terminal being resized to such a small size.
L378[10:25:37] ⇦ Quits: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L379[10:26:45] <AmandaC> In that case, the only other thing, but it's really just a nit-pick: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/Epk9FFbzNC3DfG8 The size calulcaiton looks a bit absurd under ocvm
L380[10:27:16] <20kdc> ...ok, how much space exactly did OCVM give you
L381[10:27:18] ⇨ Joins: Xal (Xal!~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L382[10:27:20] <20kdc> your entire disk?
L383[10:28:01] <AmandaC> Apparently it's returning this: return ValuePack::ret(lua, numeric_limits<double>::max());
L384[10:28:16] <AmandaC> so, the max valid value for double
L385[10:28:21] <20kdc> ...so I'm going to define any visual errors as "not my fault"
L386[10:28:28] <AmandaC> haha
L387[10:28:30] <AmandaC> fair enough
L388[10:28:55] <AmandaC> I wonder if I can make it return inf instead, like OCEmu does
L389[10:32:07] <Inari> https://twitter.com/catgirls_bot/status/989527379252072448 cute
L390[10:32:08] <MichiBot> Thu Apr 26 10:31:26 CDT 2018 @catgirls_bot: https://t.co/po4ZzpnHnD https://t.co/2vO7nGWqhC
L391[10:32:44] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L392[10:36:37] <AmandaC> Perfect: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/8go6Gfr96ZSNZMm
L393[10:37:42] <AmandaC> I also checked under OpenOS, https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/Aqes2Bg89b9nNET vs https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/WJrj8gmjfZ9mPAK
L394[10:42:19] <AmandaC> @20kdc Just took a look at the neoux clipboad thing, any thought on making it trigger clipboard for the in-game clipboard key binding as well?
L395[10:43:09] <AmandaC> ( Or is that handled somewhere further up the stack )
L396[10:43:48] <AmandaC> @20kdc I can just see it being a problem with custom widgets getting out of sync for what they support relative to the "system standard"
L397[10:45:23] <AmandaC> s/clipboard thing/clipboard implementation/ words!
L398[10:49:50] <AmandaC> ( It can come later if that'd be a problem, I'd understand if you want to stop adding stuff to get R2 out the door )
L399[10:53:15] <gamax92> MORE SUBMODULES
L400[10:53:28] <AmandaC> gamax92: SUBMODULES FOR THE SUBMODULE GODS
L401[10:53:29] <gamax92> Cause I messed up and put stuff in different repositories
L402[10:54:12] <20kdc> I'd like to stop adding stuff to prevent the pending memory usage disaster. The pub.clipboard thing might actually get completely removed at a later date on the basis that it doesn't really break compatibility too badly to get rid of it.
L403[10:54:32] <AmandaC> ah
L404[10:54:42] <gamax92> Izaya: Windows for me really handles running out of memory pretty poorly
L405[10:55:04] <AmandaC> yeah, a feature freeze is pretty reasonable. P
L406[10:56:03] <20kdc> Keeping in mind Izaya is managing to run minitel on the 192K systems, I'd probably be worsening compatibility to use more memory for anything r/n
L407[10:56:17] <AmandaC> true
L408[10:57:24] <AmandaC> I was wondering if there was anything that could be unloaded from init once it finished booting.
L409[10:57:35] <20kdc> The entirety of sys-init gets unloaded.
L410[10:57:43] <20kdc> The moment you login.
L411[10:57:52] <20kdc> Plus or minus a GC.
L412[10:58:33] <AmandaC> ah
L413[10:59:05] <Saphire> gamax92: or pretends to at least?
L414[10:59:28] <Saphire> Windows is very "user first" so whatever is active will remain active while other stuff goes to swap.
L415[10:59:42] <Saphire> Linux? Whatever is using CPU gets memory.
L416[11:00:53] <Inari> https://twitter.com/hime_bun/status/989338381338333184
L417[11:00:54] <MichiBot> Wed Apr 25 22:00:25 CDT 2018 @hime_bun: The Power Stance™ https://t.co/Fk7N38bcnC
L418[11:01:10] <Inari> Saphire: Except when it comes to focus
L419[11:01:11] <Inari> :f
L420[11:07:10] <Izaya> I don't have any swap
L421[11:07:17] <Izaya> I think that's the issue
L422[11:07:24] <Izaya> Maybe stuff over-allocates
L423[11:12:04] <AmandaC> man, gotta love when you discover your phone didn't charge overnight, and it shuts down suddenly
L424[11:17:07] <gamax92> Windows ends up killing a whole bunch of processes including system stuff so I'm left with a broken OS that I have to reboot on OOM
L425[11:23:16] <payonel> Inari: https://imgur.com/a/tIQlGDg
L426[11:23:36] <Inari> payonel: zzz
L427[11:27:31] <payonel> AmandaC: does kos need a more accurate fs size?
L428[11:27:43] <payonel> more accurate than max double :) hah
L429[11:28:01] <AmandaC> payonel: it's pretty much entirely cosmetic, but it does apply to both OpenOS and KittenOS
L430[11:28:04] <payonel> also, when is 20kdc going to be done using discord?
L431[11:28:46] <AmandaC> payonel: basically, max double is an absurd number that neither expect, but (at least) both of them handle inf properly
L432[11:29:32] <AmandaC> OCEmu also returns infinity for filesystem.spaceTotal, IIRC, so it'd also be falling in line with that
L433[11:29:45] <payonel> AmandaC: yeah, it was mostly a placeholder for a feature i wasn't keen on supporting (i.e. i did consider making fs limits)
L434[11:29:52] <AmandaC> ah
L435[11:30:02] <payonel> anywho, meetings, bbl
L436[11:30:03] <payonel> o/
L437[11:30:05] <AmandaC> ttfn
L438[11:34:31] <Saphire> I am still amazed I got to have a proper GRUB setup with UEFI
L439[11:37:09] <AmandaC> @20kdc have you been working on more memory improvements?
L440[11:37:38] <20kdc> Some. Up to about 47.5K without file manager running, didn't check the number with.
L441[11:38:01] <20kdc> Do note, these numbers aren't .freeMemory numbers, which are... substantially different.
L442[11:38:01] <AmandaC> a fresh boot inside OC is showing me 71.0KiB
L443[11:38:16] <20kdc> Curiouser and curiouser.
L444[11:38:20] <20kdc> Are you on 32-bit?
L445[11:38:38] <AmandaC> uh... good question, lemme check
L446[11:38:57] <Izaya> Can you even run MC on 32-bit Java?
L447[11:39:24] <AmandaC> OpenJDK 64-bit
L448[11:39:32] <20kdc> Same as here, quite odd.
L449[11:39:34] <20kdc> Anyway, updated -dev
L450[11:39:35] <AmandaC> This is on a server, though I doubt it makes a difference
L451[11:39:46] <20kdc> Could be OC version.
L452[11:39:51] <20kdc> What's yours?
L453[11:40:18] <AmandaC> latest stable on curseforge, 1.7.2
L454[11:41:29] <AmandaC> 73.5KiB under latest -dev
L455[11:41:44] <20kdc> "", on 1.12, and good to hear the improvements are working for you
L456[11:41:53] <20kdc> oh, wait, 1.12.2, not 1.12
L457[11:42:22] <AmandaC> yup, -- just checked
L458[11:43:27] <S3> Izaya: you used to be able to
L459[11:43:27] <S3> i
L460[11:43:36] <S3> I think 64 bit java has huge performance boosts though
L461[11:43:57] <Izaya> Pre-1.8 would've been fine I imagine
L462[11:44:10] <S3> yeah 1.8 was the first version that started lagging my box
L463[11:44:14] <S3> I was so pissed
L464[11:44:19] <S3> and should have written a complaint letter
L465[11:44:44] <S3> it was also the first version I started having real graphics bugs
L466[11:44:54] <S3> like seeing through the map
L467[11:48:54] <Izaya> Oh well.
L468[11:49:14] <Izaya> Java Minecraft won't be with us for too long anyway
L469[11:49:43] <S3> OMG trhis shit is disgusting
L470[11:50:05] <S3> somebody brought over this velveeta boxed mac and cheese shit (who buys boxed mac and cheese?!)
L471[11:50:12] <S3> and this like isn't even cheese
L472[11:50:24] <S3> it's like nuclear goop
L473[11:50:28] <S3> colored yellow
L474[11:50:36] <Izaya> Yup.
L475[11:51:14] <S3> this is so gross
L476[11:51:25] <S3> I only put in like half the cheese
L477[11:51:44] <S3> Iw as like yeah you're not going to eat all that
L478[11:51:44] <S3> XD
L479[11:52:08] <Izaya> Non-real cheese isn't worth the time
L480[11:52:19] <S3> I make mac and cheese all the time
L481[11:52:22] <S3> I buy cheese in blocks
L482[11:52:29] <S3> so I just shred them over pasta
L483[11:52:31] <S3> in a dish
L484[11:52:36] <S3> bam mac n cheese
L485[11:52:54] <Izaya> Nothing wrong with boxed pasta but fuck fake cheese
L486[11:52:54] <S3> and it turns out this box of mac n cheese was like 5 bucks
L487[11:53:01] <S3> such an expensive waste
L488[11:53:15] <S3> yeah I buy pasta in bags / boxes all the time
L489[11:53:18] <Izaya> s/boxed/dry/
L490[11:53:18] <MichiBot> <Izaya> Nothing wrong with dry pasta but fuck fake cheese
L491[11:53:36] <Izaya> Buy a 1kg block, apply cheese grater
L492[11:53:40] <S3> hmm
L493[11:53:47] <S3> so this has got tons of yellow dye in it
L494[11:53:55] <S3> and a lot of yellow dye is made from petroleum
L495[11:54:00] <S3> which is pretty cancerous lol
L496[11:54:40] <S3> not like a little will hurt ya but wtf lol
L497[11:54:46] <S3> hey lets put petrol in your food
L498[11:55:03] <S3> and sell it for $$
L499[12:21:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B525FB6919F1E71EF581.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L500[12:33:20] <gamax92> What if we make wigs out of solar panels
L501[12:34:04] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DTtLMHJXUAAzcT1.jpg:large cat daki!
L502[12:34:12] <Forecaster> *or* what if we made solar panels out of wigs!?
L503[12:34:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B5376CEA32C687009FD6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L504[12:34:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L505[12:36:45] <MGR> I read an article on what if we put solar panels on cows, and it turns out that it wouldn't save as much energy as thought
L506[12:38:05] <Inari> But
L507[12:38:13] <Inari> What if we put solars on the ocean floor?
L508[12:38:19] <Forecaster> that's probably because that's a stupid idea :P
L509[12:42:47] <AmandaC> Inari: D: I said not to share that!
L510[12:42:55] <AmandaC> That photo wassupposed to be just for you!
L511[12:43:13] <Inari> xD
L512[12:44:27] <AmandaC> who even is that on the daki?
L513[12:47:19] <Inari> No clue
L514[13:00:46] <Inari> %give MichiBot a coop
L515[13:00:46] * MichiBot accepts the coop and adds it to her inventory
L516[13:00:48] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L517[13:00:48] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with diachronic shear. 13 health gained!
L518[13:00:52] <Inari> RIP
L519[13:01:08] <AmandaC> D:
L520[13:03:56] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L521[13:11:22] <Inari> %pet AmandaC more
L522[13:11:23] * MichiBot pets AmandaC more with AmandaC's urn. 2 health gained!
L523[13:11:30] <Inari> RIP squared?
L524[13:12:27] <MGR> Time travel
L525[13:16:05] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:34f5:dc83:7be1:8026)
L526[13:21:35] <AmandaC> RIP squared?
L527[13:21:44] <AmandaC> oh
L528[13:21:59] <AmandaC> I forgot about the first RIP
L529[13:22:32] <Inari> Haha
L530[13:54:56] <Forecaster> %shell
L531[13:54:56] * MichiBot loads honey slime into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near s0cks, Skye and Zerant. They each take 15, 12 and 18 splash damage respectively.
L532[14:04:07] <AmandaC> And @Forecaster's unending shelling continues
L533[14:04:49] <Corded> * <Forecaster> throws a carpet over pile of shells
L534[14:04:53] <Forecaster> what?
L535[14:05:44] <CompanionCube> %shell Forecaster
L536[14:05:45] * MichiBot loads ^^ into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Forecaster, clampy and greaser|q. They each take 19, 25 and 22 splash damage respectively.
L537[14:05:45] <Inari> %whatislove
L538[14:05:46] <MichiBot> Inari: Love is... Perl6!
L539[14:06:04] <CompanionCube> ...did MichiBot shell Forecaster with themselves
L540[14:07:25] <Forecaster> herself
L541[14:07:46] <Forecaster> and no
L542[14:42:42] <AmandaC> %choose anime or no anime
L543[14:42:42] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no anime
L544[14:44:11] <AmandaC> Hrm. I guess I'll listen to a podcast first
L545[14:46:44] <Inari> %fling
L546[14:46:44] * MichiBot flings a friendly rod in a random direction. It hits cloakable on the left hand. They take no damage (Incapable).
L547[14:46:57] <Inari> "incapable"?
L548[15:57:24] <gamax92> %choose anime or destroy yourself or youtube or 4
L549[15:57:24] <MichiBot> gamax92: destroy yourself
L550[15:57:26] <gamax92> welp
L551[15:57:51] <Mimiru> %choose ignore last selection or not
L552[15:57:51] <MichiBot> Mimiru: ignore last selection
L553[15:57:56] <Mimiru> gamax92, ^
L554[15:58:03] <gamax92> wooo
L555[16:01:02] <AmandaC> %choose anime or destroy gamax92
L556[16:01:02] <MichiBot> AmandaC: anime
L557[16:01:09] <gamax92> D:
L558[16:01:14] <AmandaC> :P
L559[16:01:50] <AmandaC> %choose Balloon Vine or OP Chain dude or other
L560[16:01:50] <MichiBot> AmandaC: other
L561[16:02:05] <AmandaC> Hrm. I guess I'll watch S2E15 of The Outcast
L562[16:37:18] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot the mcguffen for this universe's plot
L563[16:37:18] * MichiBot accepts the mcguffen for this universe's plot and adds it to her inventory
L564[16:38:57] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot an abstract concept that can't be visualised by anybody but The Chosen One™
L565[16:38:58] * MichiBot accepts the abstract concept that can't be visualised by anybody but The Chosen One™ and adds it to her inventory
L566[16:39:39] * AmandaC nods, decides that's enough for now, cuddles back up to watch not anime
L567[16:46:35] <CompanionCube> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43891132 this is the darkest timeline!
L568[16:50:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E4B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Luck is also a skill.' Iron-Arm Alchemist (Kamidori))
L569[16:59:20] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L570[17:28:45] <S3> phew
L571[17:28:48] <S3> running low on cash
L572[17:28:56] <S3> I am so glad that here in Maine they accept canadian money
L573[17:29:23] <S3> as in canadian quarters = american quarters
L574[17:29:34] <S3> because otherwise I'd be stuck here
L575[17:56:47] ⇨ Joins: dansixx (dansixx!~dansixx@220-235-28-147.dyn.iinet.net.au)
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L577[17:59:54] ⇨ Joins: radu706 (radu706!webchat@LFbn-1-9180-114.w86-238.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L578[18:00:01] <radu706> hi
L579[18:00:56] ⇦ Quits: radu706 (radu706!webchat@LFbn-1-9180-114.w86-238.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Client Quit)
L580[18:16:20] ⇨ Joins: Skordy (Skordy!~skordy@ns552997.ip-142-44-212.net)
L581[18:17:34] <Skordy> Hello
L582[18:19:43] ⇦ Quits: Skordy (Skordy!~skordy@ns552997.ip-142-44-212.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L590[20:04:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E62B5376CEA32C687009FD6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L591[21:22:19] <S3> ohai
L592[21:31:51] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L593[21:32:55] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972A42.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L594[21:34:02] <S3> Man this is a mess
L595[21:34:15] <S3> Maine just had its first gun related law enforcement incident in 30 years
L596[22:17:55] <Izaya> @20kdc so if I'm keeping a list of processes to send events to, I could kill my service when #processes==nil, right?
L597[22:32:46] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!uid288574@id-288574.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L598[22:37:09] <Izaya> AmandaC: launchbar and slaunch should no longer spam the log: https://github.com/XeonSquared/OC-KittenOS/commit/65ce8d3d22c3875a4dd2c3e3d40dbcf25b68afa4
L599[22:41:05] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:34f5:dc83:7be1:8026) (Remote host closed the connection)
L600[23:51:51] <S3> wow
L601[23:52:03] <S3> steins gate 0 is going slow but it's nifty
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