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L1[00:20:09] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579728C0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:24:04] <Forecaster> %jumble
L3[00:24:04] <MichiBot> reviewing code changes just my
L4[00:51:27] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy!Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
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L9[03:37:39] * Inari stares at AmandaC
L10[03:37:45] * Inari looks over at http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/730195/85219097.png
L11[03:37:48] * Inari stares back at AmandaC
L12[03:39:49] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDLIkfSLTmU #FactorioGoals
L13[03:39:49] <MichiBot> Factorio: Big Bertha | length: 4m 10s | Likes: 4,052 Dislikes: 109 Views: 224,648 | by Michael Lundgren | Published On 16/2/2018
L14[03:49:55] ⇦ Quits: Moongoodboy{K} (Moongoodboy{K}!~LunarToyK@sugar-belle.blackl.net) (Quit: Moongoodboy{K})
L15[04:08:50] <Forecaster> http://theworstthingsforsale.com/2018/03/25/the-manga-guide-to-databases/
L16[04:09:13] <Izaya> Got a PDF of it already
L17[04:09:23] <Izaya> then I realised I don't actually want to know SQL or anything
L18[04:11:56] <Inari> Don't worry
L19[04:12:00] <Inari> Theres plenty more of htat series
L20[04:12:11] <Izaya> yeah
L21[04:13:16] <Forecaster> it's incredibly silly :P
L22[04:14:30] <Izaya> yet rather popular
L23[04:17:34] <Inari> Popura
L24[04:17:58] <Inari> %pet Izaya
L25[04:17:58] * MichiBot brushes Izaya with hugs. Izaya recovers 2 health!
L26[04:18:11] <Inari> How would burshing with hugs work
L27[04:18:51] <Forecaster> when I need info on SQL I just google :P
L28[04:27:07] <Inari> Well it can be a nice introduction to topics you don't know much of anything about
L29[04:31:26] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L30[04:31:26] <MichiBot> of much anything know introduction nice to a can about you don't Well be topics it
L31[04:45:47] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/do-mini-matrix/41511/
L32[04:57:55] <Forecaster> https://mr-steaks.tumblr.com/post/172181751006/hcfm-nippon-com-japans-vast-assortment-of
L33[04:58:39] <Forecaster> bats!
L34[04:58:40] <Forecaster> https://mr-steaks.tumblr.com/post/172181868951/ayellowbirds-honduran-white-bats-they-make-a
L35[05:17:50] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (Alex_hawks!~Alex_hawk@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L37[05:21:09] <Inari> Riiii~n chaaaa~n
L38[06:10:28] <Forecaster> %juggle
L39[06:10:28] * MichiBot juggles with a lovechild of chess and shogi, a mysterious elf, & usb-d
L40[06:10:29] * MichiBot drops a mysterious elf which takes 1 damage
L41[06:10:30] <MichiBot> Oops...
L42[07:01:19] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@ (Quit: Peace)
L43[07:13:34] <AmandaC> Inari: d-dont you dare! D:
L44[07:29:25] <Inari> AmandaC: :3
L45[07:29:55] <Inari> AmandaC: You'd make a pretty floofy christmas tree
L46[07:34:12] * Arcan is confused
L47[07:35:42] <Inari> Arcan: http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/730195/85219097.png
L48[07:36:06] <Arcan> blocked by firewall, will look @ when home
L49[07:36:24] <Inari> Shame
L50[07:42:37] <AmandaC> payonel: just tried the branch, it seems to be dying when the first node is coming up.
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L55[08:27:00] <Forecaster> inari: http://tinyurl.com/y9sljrno
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L59[08:36:53] <Inari> Haha
L60[08:40:51] <AmandaC> payonel: Hrm, did a clean rebuild and now it's crashing when the second node comes up
L61[08:45:17] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1972/
L62[08:45:18] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Autogyros Posted on: 3/26/2018
L63[08:45:20] <Forecaster> I want one
L64[09:18:41] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E26A434F433ECAE84CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L65[09:18:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L66[09:31:28] <AmandaC> @Forecaster so build one in your garage, it should only take 10 years according to the alt-text
L67[09:32:07] <Forecaster> the problem with that is that I don't have a garage, and nothing else
L68[09:32:49] <Forecaster> I guess I need to build a garage first, so the total time will probably be more like 20 years
L69[09:51:31] <AmandaC> hrm,
L70[09:53:23] <Forecaster> except, I don't have a place to build a garage... so I'll have to build a *place* first!
L71[09:53:38] <Forecaster> %jumble
L72[09:53:38] <MichiBot> build years @Forecaster your alt-text take to in only 10 should it garage, one the so according
L73[09:53:55] <Izaya> Build a garage inside your house. Duh.
L74[09:54:32] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L75[09:54:32] <MichiBot> a Duh. your house. inside Build garage
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L78[10:00:52] <payonel> AmandaC: same crash?
L79[10:01:26] <AmandaC> payonel: read_vector in Modem::update
L80[10:08:22] <payonel> ok. i'll have to work on repro'ing it
L81[10:10:24] <AmandaC> payonel: tangentally-related, does using the debug feature of VSCode work for you?
L82[10:10:38] <AmandaC> ( for ocvm )
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L84[10:23:19] <payonel> AmandaC: yes it does
L85[10:23:32] <AmandaC> payonel: hrm. It seems to just die on me, unsure why
L86[10:23:56] <AmandaC> if I switch it to lldb it outputs something about a kernel panic for unsupported resolution
L87[10:24:25] <AmandaC> but under gdb it just falls over
L88[10:27:39] <AmandaC> ah, yep, it's def. a kernel panic
L89[10:27:51] <AmandaC> ( ocvm kernel, not linux-kernel )
L90[10:30:22] <AmandaC> ( added `lout() << "kernel panic: " << report << endl;` in computer.cpp ~line 543 )
L91[10:31:16] <AmandaC> oh wait, that isn't nessary... then why wasn't it outputting anything to the log before..
L92[10:32:56] <AmandaC> oh yay, it only does the panic if I launch under lldb! \o/
L93[10:34:27] <payonel> AmandaC: i got some nodes to crash
L94[10:34:40] <payonel> i'll have time later to dig into it
L95[10:35:03] <AmandaC> sure. :)
L96[11:11:00] <AmandaC> payonel: I don't know if you remember this ( I didn't until just now) but my old test case for the issue I fixed in PR8 also can replicate this with three nodes (1srv, 2 cli) https://gitlab.darkdna.net/snippets/52 (cli) https://gitlab.darkdna.net/snippets/51 (srv)
L97[11:11:39] <AmandaC> ( And that testcase represents somewhat close to the usecase I'm encountering the bug using )
L98[11:16:59] <AmandaC> payonel: and the maybe-modem-fix patch falls over with just one client using that
L99[11:17:24] <payonel> so, maybe-not? :)
L100[11:17:30] <AmandaC> haha, yeah. :P
L101[11:18:13] <AmandaC> I'm going to stop stabbing at it now I think, as I feel like I'm going in circles
L102[11:18:31] <Forecaster> stabbing in circles*
L103[11:18:37] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:98e9:ebe0:d599:ee82)
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L106[12:49:57] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L107[12:54:05] <Temia> https://img2.finalfantasyxiv.com/f/5a6b4612d9e061e261afecec68bda953_7a573cbc0cda3a3dfc1795cb3d9f7b23fl0_640x873.jpg?1522006810 smol.
L108[12:57:36] <LinuxMintGuy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414733482774757377/427548499551191051/DZH2FojVQAADvSj.jpg
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L111[13:58:23] <Hyperic88> Hey ? a question... is it possible to hook up gregtech multiblock turbine , IC2 fluid (5x5x5) reactor into OC?:)
L112[14:04:35] <AmandaC> What do you mean "into OC"?
L113[14:04:42] <Hyperic88> opencomputers ?
L114[14:04:55] <AmandaC> Yes, but what do you hope to acclomplish?
L115[14:05:25] <Hyperic88> get turbine stats / reactor output and fuel status
L116[14:06:25] <Hyperic88> i did that (reactor output +
L117[14:06:39] <Hyperic88> fuel status) on "basic" IC2 one - not fluid one
L118[14:06:50] <Forecaster> the ic2 reactor supports OC yes
L119[14:07:00] <Forecaster> put an adapter next to a redstone port
L120[14:08:44] <Hyperic88> ok... and GT multiblock turbines?:)
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L163[14:36:10] <Forecaster> @Hyperic88 I haven't used GregTech in several years
L164[14:36:30] <Hyperic88> ah, ok ?
L165[14:36:34] <Forecaster> just put an adapter next to things and see if it does anything
L166[14:36:37] ⇨ Joins: LordFokas (LordFokas!LordFokas@2001:41d0:2:d8bc::13)
L167[14:37:13] <Hyperic88> it doesnt...
L168[14:37:55] <Hyperic88> and since that multiblock has special need for placement i cant connect it to the control block
L169[14:38:43] <Forecaster> there's a thing that lets you remotely access a thing I think
L170[14:38:49] <Forecaster> it might be in computronics
L171[14:38:51] <Forecaster> I can't remember
L172[14:39:56] ⇨ Joins: ` (`!justastran@lightning.bouncer.ml)
L173[14:41:11] <Hyperic88> i know what you mean, but dont know the name tho
L174[14:41:31] <Hyperic88> MFU ?
L175[14:42:59] ⇦ Quits: LinuxMintGuy (LinuxMintGuy!webchat@ipb21b0dca.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L177[14:52:41] <Hyperic88> @Forecaster ok MFU works, thx
L178[14:52:44] ⇨ Joins: Keridos (Keridos!~Keridos@static.
L179[14:52:53] <Forecaster> \o/
L180[15:33:40] <Kodos> I love few things about GregTech. Namely the cover system, proper ore veins, and the better versions of IC2 machines. But I can never justify having it in my pack.
L181[15:42:46] <S3> KodosTech
L182[15:42:51] <S3> new mod
L183[15:56:19] <Kodos> May as well be. I've already done K-Matter in response to the UU Matter change years ago
L184[16:40:10] <Skye> Goodnight
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L190[17:20:59] <cam72cam> I've got another question, what is the difference between a component address and a network address. I am firing a event out of my NamedBlock but the address reported does not match the component
L191[17:31:48] <Vexatos> there is no difference
L192[17:31:55] <Vexatos> each Node instance has its own address
L193[17:32:06] <Vexatos> if you use the same node for the component and the event, it should have the same address
L194[17:33:35] <Vexatos> @cam72cam ^
L195[17:33:52] <cam72cam> Hmm, I wonder if it could be that I was not using the preferredName in the .withComponent call
L196[17:34:04] <Vexatos> are you sure you were comparing the right addresses
L197[17:34:24] <Vexatos> Just making sure >_<
L198[17:34:32] <cam72cam> fair question
L199[17:34:43] <Vexatos> .withComponent defaults to the node name
L200[17:35:12] <Vexatos> but if you don't have one set
L201[17:35:19] <Vexatos> then the node might not even have a name
L202[17:35:28] <cam72cam> I think I was setting the wrong name
L203[17:35:31] <cam72cam> testing now
L204[17:35:40] <cam72cam> Here's the code if you are curious: https://github.com/cam72cam/ImmersiveRailroading/blob/master/src/main/java/cam72cam/immersiverailroading/thirdparty/opencomputers/AugmentDriver.java#L96
L205[17:35:55] <Vexatos> *gasp*
L206[17:35:59] <Vexatos> someone using the API correctly
L207[17:36:01] <Vexatos> what is this
L208[17:36:09] <Vexatos> might you be *gasp* ACTUALLY READING THE JAVADOC?!?
L209[17:36:22] <Corded> * <cam72cam> is a madman!
L210[17:36:26] <Vexatos> I can't believe it!
L211[17:36:40] <Vexatos> >people reading documentation in this millennium
L212[17:36:50] <Vexatos> It's past midnight I must be hallucinating
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L214[17:38:02] <Vexatos> @cam72cam when in doubt just call preferredName there
L215[17:38:26] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/yavkm2yy
L216[17:38:34] <cam72cam> that's with the change to preferred name
L217[17:38:47] <Vexatos> you sure there is only one of each component there?
L218[17:38:55] <cam72cam> yeah
L219[17:39:00] <cam72cam> I am breaking and re-placing t
L220[17:39:03] <Vexatos> quit back to shell and run "components" to list it
L221[17:39:18] <Vexatos> make sure there's only one
L222[17:39:27] <Vexatos> ah yes the node won't update until you replace it
L223[17:39:35] <Vexatos> could just break and replace the adapter, too
L224[17:40:07] <cam72cam> broke everything, restarted computer, replaced adapter
L225[17:40:18] <Vexatos> computer restarts don't do anything here
L226[17:40:24] <cam72cam> ok
L227[17:40:35] <cam72cam> It's a habit from working in IT in a former life
L228[17:40:38] <Vexatos> >using OC documentation syntax instead of the superior documentation syntax
L229[17:40:40] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/y7nxyqq4
L230[17:40:54] <Vexatos> Why am I the only one using the superior syntax D:<
L231[17:41:11] <Vexatos> ...yea that looks perfectly fine
L232[17:41:13] <Vexatos> now run dmesg
L233[17:41:25] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/y9dntx49
L234[17:41:30] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L235[17:41:33] <Vexatos> wait
L236[17:41:40] <Vexatos> you are just running pullSignal
L237[17:41:46] <Vexatos> you are aware that that waits for the next event, right
L238[17:41:57] <Vexatos> which in this case is likely you pressing any button or anything else
L239[17:42:12] <Vexatos> in OpenOS, you can run event.pull("name_of_the_event")
L240[17:42:29] <Vexatos> or just run dmesg from shell to list all events
L241[17:42:29] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/y9d99zk9
L242[17:43:11] <Vexatos> weird
L243[17:43:43] <Vexatos> could you try setting the priority to 1?
L244[17:43:50] <cam72cam> how do I do that?
L245[17:43:50] <Vexatos> or, like, 4 or 5 idk
L246[17:43:55] <Vexatos> public int priority()
L247[17:43:58] <Vexatos> return 4
L248[17:44:35] <Vexatos> the higher the number, the more your node is preferred for anything, really. Since you're official integration you can justify having a high number like 4
L249[17:44:39] <Vexatos> just try it
L250[17:44:44] <Vexatos> I doubt that changes anything
L251[17:45:01] <Vexatos> if it does I get to yell at payonel
L252[17:45:49] <cam72cam> set to 3, reloading
L253[17:46:20] <Vexatos> I mean, worst case set breakpoints at like onConnect, and update() and right after setNode() to see what the addresses are at each point in time
L254[17:47:23] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/y9jpfw7c
L255[17:48:37] <Vexatos> I shudder at the level of immersion-breaking that this event is, having put way too much effort into making Railcraft integration immersive and sane
L256[17:48:42] <Vexatos> but it's your mod so whatev
L257[17:48:47] <Vexatos> I don't get it
L258[17:49:02] <Vexatos> it's clearly not events in general being broken, key_up works just fine
L259[17:49:16] <Vexatos> it literally looks like you are using a different node to send the event
L260[17:49:21] <Vexatos> than you are using in onConnect
L261[17:49:57] <cam72cam> adding println debugging
L262[17:52:36] <cam72cam> [18:51:58] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiverailroading]: IN ON CONNECT (self=e57431ff-56c3-4726-82f1-941206dd484e, connected=e57431ff-56c3-4726-82f1-941206dd484e)
L263[17:53:01] <Vexatos> if e57 is the one connecting to the network
L264[17:53:15] <cam72cam> http://tinyurl.com/y9tm9vkv
L265[17:53:19] <Vexatos> then where the potat is the computer getting 19c from
L266[17:53:58] <Vexatos> I've been using this code for years
L267[17:54:00] <Vexatos> what the heck
L268[17:54:14] <Vexatos> onConnect is literally the method connecting a node to the network
L269[17:54:21] <Vexatos> 19c must be connected somewhere
L270[17:54:22] <Vexatos> but where
L271[17:54:27] <cam72cam> it's one of it's neighbors
L272[17:54:33] <Vexatos> huh
L273[17:54:41] <cam72cam> I get that when I call node.neighbors()
L274[17:54:51] <Vexatos> does it have a name
L275[17:54:55] <Vexatos> what is node.name()
L276[17:55:02] <Vexatos> and what is the name of 19c
L277[17:55:35] <cam72cam> can you give me a code example?
L278[17:55:51] <Vexatos> you give the node a name, right
L279[17:56:09] <Vexatos> so your node instance must have a name, and 19c likely also has a name
L280[17:56:14] <Vexatos> that might tell something
L281[17:56:20] <Vexatos> just inspect it and see what it is :I
L282[17:57:19] <cam72cam> ok, 1 sec
L283[17:59:02] <cam72cam> "ir_augment_control"
L284[17:59:12] <cam72cam> and my node is named the same thing
L285[17:59:20] <Vexatos> so there are two?
L286[17:59:24] <cam72cam> yeah
L287[17:59:25] <Vexatos> they are not the same object, right?
L288[17:59:28] <Vexatos> different addresses
L289[17:59:29] <cam72cam> nope
L290[17:59:35] <cam72cam> Node(19ce3f1e-3b9f-4597-8618-07f0d1d524eb, li.cil.oc.server.driver.CompoundBlockEnvironment@731ced37)@ir_augment_control
L291[17:59:38] <Vexatos> if you break the thing
L292[17:59:46] <cam72cam> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/lavijipure
L293[17:59:46] <Vexatos> and replace it
L294[17:59:51] <Vexatos> do both change
L295[17:59:56] <cam72cam> let me see
L296[18:00:29] <Vexatos> because if one keeps its address it might be leftover magic
L297[18:00:40] <Vexatos> and you should start an entirely new setup
L298[18:00:52] <Vexatos> or rather, somewhere else it's staying
L299[18:00:59] <Vexatos> just break the adapter
L300[18:01:01] <Vexatos> and replace it
L301[18:01:05] <Vexatos> that's the most easy way
L302[18:01:12] <cam72cam> Neighbor:
L303[18:01:12] <cam72cam> Node(99ab2dc4-0b0b-4d76-9cfb-33fd4d3aae25, li.cil.oc.server.driver.CompoundBlockEnvironment@5edd3814)@ir_augment_control
L304[18:01:14] <Vexatos> if both change their address, that means you are actually creating two nodes
L305[18:01:23] <cam72cam> self:
L306[18:01:23] <cam72cam> Node(291a2a16-9997-408a-9dd5-0f8dbbef2b7b, cam72cam.immersiverailroading.thirdparty.opencomputers.AugmentDriver$LocoControlAugment@3a75f880)@ir_augment_control
L307[18:01:23] <cam72cam> 291a2a16-9997-408a-9dd5-0f8dbbef2b7b
L308[18:01:34] <Vexatos> so you are producing two nodes then, no?
L309[18:01:53] <Vexatos> break the adapter, and check whether the constructor is called twice when you place down the adapter
L310[18:02:03] <Vexatos> and maybe where it's called from
L311[18:02:45] <cam72cam> hah, it is being called twice
L312[18:02:51] <cam72cam> oh, nvm
L313[18:02:56] <cam72cam> I was wrong
L314[18:03:06] <cam72cam> It's only called once
L315[18:03:31] <cam72cam> It seems the neighbor node is a "li.cil.oc.server.driver.CompoundBlockEnvironment"
L316[18:03:31] <cam72cam> and my node is a "cam72cam.immersiverailroading.thirdparty.opencomputers.AugmentDriver$LocoControlAugment"
L317[18:03:33] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4fed4e63.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L318[18:03:40] <Vexatos> pro tip
L319[18:03:43] <Vexatos> nodes have coordinates
L320[18:03:52] <cam72cam> how do I find that?
L321[18:03:56] <Vexatos> ...yes
L322[18:03:58] <cam72cam> I don't see that fn off of node
L323[18:04:21] <Vexatos> You find that at it's 1 a.m. and I really should finish my research tomorrow
L324[18:04:33] <Vexatos> a.k.a. give me a minute
L325[18:05:06] <cam72cam> no rush
L326[18:06:30] <Vexatos> like, just print this.pos in the constructor
L327[18:06:40] <Vexatos> to make sure it's not actually happening elsewhere :I
L328[18:06:43] <cam72cam> oh, that pos
L329[18:07:07] <Vexatos> and print it in onConnect
L330[18:07:13] <Vexatos> when you break and replace the adapter
L331[18:07:16] <Vexatos> because there are two nodes
L332[18:07:32] <Vexatos> and it _has_ to be called twice because otherwise there would not be two different node instances with different addresses
L333[18:08:08] <cam72cam> the pos is the pos of the tile entity
L334[18:08:48] <Vexatos> which in this case obviously is the component's position
L335[18:08:57] <Vexatos> just making sure both nodes are actually in the same place too :I
L336[18:09:43] <cam72cam> well, that constructor is only called once
L337[18:09:50] <Vexatos> then why are there two nodes
L338[18:10:00] <cam72cam> I don't know, why is one of them a "CompoundBlockEnvironment"
L339[18:12:06] <Vexatos> that node should neve be added to the network
L340[18:12:07] <Vexatos> what
L341[18:12:13] <Vexatos> wait no
L342[18:12:15] <Vexatos> it should
L343[18:12:18] <Vexatos> wrong one
L344[18:12:59] <Vexatos> the neighbor is the CompoundBlockEnvironment, right?
L345[18:13:04] <Vexatos> That is the one sending the event?
L346[18:13:10] <Vexatos> no wait
L347[18:13:14] <Vexatos> that is the one appearing in components
L348[18:13:14] <Vexatos> >_<
L349[18:13:44] <Vexatos> that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
L350[18:13:56] <Vexatos> literally every node like that is wrapped in a CompoundBlockEnvironment
L351[18:14:12] <Vexatos> every node an adapter accesses, and more
L352[18:14:54] <cam72cam> the neighbor is the CompoundBlockEnvironment, my this.getNode() is a AugmentDriver$LocoControlAugment
L353[18:15:07] <Vexatos> yes that is completely normal
L354[18:15:15] <Vexatos> but why is that one appearing in the components list
L355[18:15:40] <Vexatos> meh, sorry
L356[18:15:42] <Vexatos> I need to go sleep
L357[18:15:46] <Vexatos> I cannot think like this anyway
L358[18:15:53] <Vexatos> ask payonel when he wakes up
L359[18:16:00] <cam72cam> ok, will do
L360[18:16:36] <Vexatos> night
L361[18:16:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E26A434F433ECAE84CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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L363[18:20:55] <S3> wow people are stupid
L364[18:21:13] <S3> if you do the math the cow water vs almond milk water argument makes no sense
L365[18:21:20] <S3> when it comes to vegans
L366[18:23:32] <Inari> If you don't do the math you just notice almond milk tastes like crap and the argument is over
L367[18:26:55] <payonel> @cam72cam what?
L368[18:27:55] <cam72cam> morning
L369[18:28:08] <payonel> haha, well, late afternoon
L370[18:28:10] <payonel> but what's up?
L371[18:28:17] <cam72cam> I am creating a ManagedEnvironment for immersiverailroading
L372[18:28:25] <cam72cam> it should fire an event when a train paasses over it
L373[18:28:42] <cam72cam> The problem is that my component address != my node address
L374[18:28:53] <cam72cam> and my component seems to be the neighbor of my node
L375[18:29:03] <cam72cam> https://github.com/cam72cam/ImmersiveRailroading/blob/master/src/main/java/cam72cam/immersiverailroading/thirdparty/opencomputers/AugmentDriver.java#L86
L376[18:29:07] <cam72cam> That's the current code
L377[18:33:24] <cam72cam> It "works" correctly when I do this:
L378[18:33:24] <cam72cam> Node neighbor = node.neighbors().iterator().next();
L379[18:33:24] <cam72cam> neighbor.sendToReachable("computer.signal", "ir_train_overhead", neighbor.address(), te.getAugment().toString(), isOverhead == null ? null : isOverhead.toString());
L380[18:34:01] <S3> Inari: well I drink almond milk / rice milk because my other half can't have any kind of real milk
L381[18:34:13] <Inari> S3: Why?
L382[18:34:14] <S3> and I am very picky
L383[18:34:22] <S3> I get the unflavored, unsweetened stuff
L384[18:34:45] <S3> because she's allergic stuff in the milk. She's not intolerant, she literally can't have it
L385[18:35:00] <S3> she can't even take lactaid pills
L386[18:35:20] <Inari> Almond milk just tastes odd to me :D It tastes way too watery. With an odd subtle touch of floury texture
L387[18:35:27] <Inari> Oh well
L388[18:35:44] <S3> oh I could agree
L389[18:35:57] <S3> but yeah I cant stand any vanilla flavoring or sugar added etc
L390[18:36:00] <S3> it has to be as plain as can be
L391[18:36:21] <S3> It can be hard to find in the store
L392[18:36:46] <S3> Literally have to get no name brand stuff just to find it
L393[18:36:55] <S3> because other brands don't make it
L394[18:37:14] <S3> or at least it doesn't sell here
L395[18:37:29] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC63A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Succubees make the best honey' - Xenos (#xkcd/freenode))
L396[18:37:43] <payonel> @cam72cam interesting. i read the entire conversation you had with vex - to be honest, he's going to be your best support
L397[18:37:58] <payonel> i haven't changed how componets are added to networks, so what he expects is how it should work
L398[18:38:21] <S3> oh gosh what did payonel break now
L399[18:38:33] <payonel> :)
L400[18:38:37] <payonel> no idea, probably nothing
L401[18:38:54] <S3> oh.. maybe ocvm works
L402[18:38:56] <Ory'hara> S3, stop drinking it if its store bought, lol. its like 5% almonds and 95% of random junk, naturalnews.com
L403[18:39:23] <S3> I could
L404[18:39:32] <payonel> s3 oh with ocvm? my modem is broken. i'll fix that later
L405[18:39:36] <S3> I do make rice tea
L406[18:39:50] * S3 makes a request to set the baud rate of the modem
L407[18:40:02] <S3> because soni entertainment
L408[18:41:41] <S3> payonel: what I am supposed to do is install ocvm on a pi, then make a gpio component right?
L409[18:42:05] <payonel> haha, yeah :)
L410[18:42:12] <S3> wait a minute..
L411[18:42:21] <S3> did ocvm just successfully compile with lua 5.2 not found errors..
L412[18:42:40] <S3> oh nvm
L413[18:43:14] <S3> man I like Lua I hate how binding to lua libraries is so damn pita
L414[18:51:39] <S3> YAY!
L415[18:51:41] <S3> payonel: https://i.imgur.com/sitYoOp.jpg
L416[18:53:55] <payonel> :|
L417[18:54:06] <payonel> :)
L418[18:54:07] <S3> what
L419[18:54:33] <S3> so now I don't know what to do
L420[18:55:09] <payonel> i just reworked cursor movement and made a big separation between tty input and tty output
L421[18:55:20] <payonel> got rid of a lot of code, simplified other things
L422[18:55:29] <payonel> and now...i dont even really know why i went through all that trouble
L423[18:55:35] <S3> lol
L424[18:55:46] <S3> because AmandaC will yell if you don't
L425[18:57:02] <S3> you know I just realized I'm not sure I like the component API
L426[18:57:06] <S3> not your fault
L427[18:57:27] <S3> it is kind of weird how list lists components and yet there's shortcuts to certain ones like component.modem
L428[19:03:09] <payonel> S3: they all get a shortcut
L429[19:03:16] <payonel> just to the "first" one
L430[19:06:16] <S3> right
L431[19:06:30] <S3> I do recall that, but I was just thinking, man that's a usability hack
L432[19:06:31] <S3> lol
L433[19:07:13] <payonel> yeah, blame sangar :)
L434[19:07:21] <payonel> i think it would have been nice to not mix any of the apis
L435[19:07:33] <payonel> no openos lib should have the same name as a component
L436[19:07:40] <payonel> filesystem vs filesystem, component vs component
L437[19:07:54] <payonel> but too late for that
L438[19:08:01] <payonel> it is what it is
L439[19:17:53] <S3> ok.
L440[19:18:23] <S3> Well I mean it makes sense for people who are getting into programming exploring minecraft
L441[19:18:35] <S3> why not make it easy for em
L442[19:19:21] <S3> I want a device tree for my os
L443[19:19:36] <S3> so you can retrieve component APIS exposed on sysfs in /sys
L444[19:20:04] <S3> I wonder you know I could possibly get that to work on OpenOS
L445[19:20:07] <S3> maybe it'd be neat
L446[19:20:28] <payonel> that's what /dev is in openos
L447[19:20:38] <payonel> i decided to merge /dev and /sys, logically
L448[19:20:39] <S3> you could do things like echo "left on" > /sys/component/redstone/1/state
L449[19:20:47] <payonel> yep
L450[19:20:50] <S3> I didn't realize openos even had a sys
L451[19:21:31] <payonel> echo 4 > /dev/components/by-type/gpu/0/depth
L452[19:21:35] <payonel> that'll change your depth to 4
L453[19:21:42] <S3> that actually works?!
L454[19:21:46] <payonel> yeah
L455[19:21:48] <S3> this is exciting
L456[19:21:51] <S3> did you implement that?
L457[19:21:54] <payonel> yes
L458[19:22:00] <S3> how long ago?
L459[19:22:15] <payonel> about a year ago, maybe a bit more
L460[19:22:19] <S3> ah
L461[19:22:23] ⇦ Quits: yorick (yorick!~yorick@ip51cd0513.speed.planet.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L462[19:22:27] <S3> man I missed our
L463[19:22:30] <S3> out*
L464[19:22:36] <payonel> check out /dev
L465[19:22:39] <payonel> it has lots of goodies
L466[19:22:50] <payonel> i don't automagically populate ALL component types in /dev/components
L467[19:23:13] <payonel> just the ones that have drivers in /lib/core/devfs/adapters/
L468[19:23:25] <S3> well that makes sense
L469[19:24:02] <payonel> /dev also has /dev/eeprom, /dev/eeprom-data, /dev/null, and /dev/random
L470[19:24:26] <S3> ooooooOOOOOOoooooo
L471[19:24:35] <S3> you've been busier than I thought
L472[19:24:36] <payonel> and /dev/components has by-address/, by-label/, and by-type/
L473[19:24:49] <payonel> :|
L474[19:24:58] <payonel> yeah man, i rewrote 99% of openos by now
L475[19:25:01] <payonel> and added quite a bit
L476[19:25:14] <S3> heh
L477[19:25:21] <S3> I feel like fixing autocomplete
L478[19:25:27] <S3> it works like windows autocomplete
L479[19:25:31] <AmandaC> S3: huh?
L480[19:25:49] <payonel> S3: yeah, i haven't changed the old autocomplete behavior
L481[19:25:58] <payonel> rewrote it of course, but, not changed it
L482[19:26:08] <S3> woah so changing depth in gpu changes the color depth not the...
L483[19:26:08] <S3> wow
L484[19:26:10] <payonel> though i have improved it considerably
L485[19:26:35] <payonel> like you can autocomplete dir paths where there is only one match
L486[19:26:43] <payonel> and you can autocomplete parameters for file paths
L487[19:26:50] ⇨ Joins: yorick (yorick!~yorick@ip51cd0513.speed.planet.nl)
L488[19:26:54] <payonel> and it autocompletes correctly within complex commands
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L490[19:27:07] <payonel> such as with redirects, pipes, and semicolon separated commands
L491[19:28:01] <S3> hm
L492[19:28:23] <S3> I think I was just getting annoyed when IW as trying to autocomplete one dir in a bunch of dirs similarly named
L493[19:28:52] <S3> it kept filling in the entire first match instead of as much as it could or suggesting ones that still do
L494[19:29:03] <payonel> S3: yeah, i would prefer that too
L495[19:29:03] <S3> maybe I am just so used to bash / zsh
L496[19:29:04] <payonel> one day
L497[19:29:16] <payonel> i dont like zsh
L498[19:29:16] <S3> guess I can't complain :D
L499[19:29:21] <S3> orly
L500[19:29:24] <payonel> but ppl tell me that because i'm a newb, not ready for zsh
L501[19:29:30] <S3> rofl
L502[19:29:35] <S3> what you need is bourne shell
L503[19:29:43] <payonel> that's what i sue
L504[19:29:44] <payonel> use*
L505[19:29:48] <S3> the original?
L506[19:29:51] <S3> before bourne again?
L507[19:29:54] <payonel> no
L508[19:30:08] <payonel> i use what is standard with linux distros with bash
L509[19:30:14] <S3> ah shit other half says we have to go to store right now or I am in trouble
L510[19:30:21] <payonel> o/
L511[20:03:39] <cam72cam> payonel, Vexatos: https://github.com/cam72cam/ImmersiveRailroading/commit/b67b00db0e72a54a196604a8366d52927e327375
L512[20:03:46] <cam72cam> I ended up doing that
L513[20:03:59] <cam72cam> it seems to work just fine, even though we don't know why
L514[20:11:12] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L515[20:20:31] <S3> yay for juice
L516[20:29:43] ⇦ Quits: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L517[21:00:35] <AmandaC> %choose be good or be bad
L518[21:00:35] <MichiBot> AmandaC: be good
L519[21:00:38] <AmandaC> Aww
L520[21:00:52] <S3> AmandaC is always good
L521[21:03:00] <S3> huh
L522[21:03:06] <S3> GPIO on OC!
L523[21:05:36] <S3> useless ideas
L524[21:36:43] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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