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L1[01:11:00] ⇦ Quits: freacknate09 (freacknate09!~freacknat@97-92-106-20.static.reno.nv.charter.com) (Quit: good night everyone)
L2[02:01:03] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/EqmTJz5g7BA - RailcraftLP [Episode 87] - Splitting issues
L3[02:01:03] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L4[02:01:03] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@2001:2002:51e9:3ca0:8d65:2e9a:c200:a469)
L5[02:01:03] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: programming,lua,opencomputers,foundry
L6[02:01:03] <MichiBot> RailcraftLP- [Episode 87] - Splitting issues | length: 30m 43s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 23/3/2018
L7[02:02:03] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@2001:2002:51e9:3ca0:8d65:2e9a:c200:a469) (Remote host closed the connection)
L8[02:27:25] <Forecaster> %jumble
L9[02:27:25] <MichiBot> is seems it
L10[02:33:28] <Moongoodboy{K}> Gimme a min, I will send a pastebin link
L11[02:33:32] <Moongoodboy{K}> %jumble ^
L12[02:33:32] <MichiBot> I a a Gimme min, link pastebin send will
L13[02:34:20] <Forecaster> %jumble gimme a jumble
L14[02:34:21] <MichiBot> a gimme jumble
L15[02:35:40] <Moongoodboy{K}> A gimme jumble indeed. Very apt.
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L18[02:58:22] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4fc1ea60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L19[04:04:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E7958AF37F522086C26.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[04:04:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L21[05:06:12] <Inari> interesting. Generally I see feminists hate on the catgirl concept http://tinyurl.com/y7vno4xu
L22[05:06:41] <Forecaster> generally "feminist" is pretty vague
L23[05:06:56] <Inari> Yeah
L24[05:07:06] <Inari> I like seeing myself as humanist/egalitarianist :P
L25[05:19:27] ⇨ Joins: Sanduhr32 (Sanduhr32!~sanduhr32@static.88-198-57-56.clients.your-server.de)
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L27[05:29:57] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729c7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L28[05:40:02] <Skye> I don't get hung up on definitions
L29[05:40:45] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L30[05:40:45] <MichiBot> definitions on up I hung get don't
L31[06:04:03] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L32[06:13:46] <SAL9000> %alias yoda jumble
L33[06:29:37] <Inari> %jumble I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better.
L34[06:29:37] <MichiBot> can can I than write write who write faster anybody better. can can and who I faster, than write better anybody
L35[06:29:58] <Inari> It seems to like putting the same word together
L36[06:30:42] <SAL9000> Inari: might be an illusion due to consecutive words being particularly noticable
L37[06:31:25] <SAL9000> which is particularly ironic since consecutive identical words *across a line or page break* are a very common type of typo
L38[06:31:41] <Inari> %jumble a b c a d e f g h i j k a l a m a n o p q a r s t a u a v a w
L39[06:31:41] <MichiBot> a s w g u a l h q d m o k a a p b v a a i f a e a n r c t j a
L40[06:31:48] <Inari> Guess so
L41[06:32:03] <Inari> ~markov lewd
L42[06:32:03] <ocdoc> lewd! I really need the lewd, girls (or so i'm guessing the lewd one as well according to hentai these lewds from al lthe lewds
L43[06:32:06] <Inari> %jumble ^
L44[06:32:06] <MichiBot> (or al the really guessing i'm one lewd these lewd, girls lewd! lthe hentai as lewds so I well the according lewds to need from
L45[06:32:30] <Inari> "i'm one lewd these lewd, girls lewd!"
L46[06:34:40] <Inari> Making things https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZISIRlXcAAT8O0.png:large
L47[06:34:43] <Inari> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368159840201342976/427427832613044224/unknown.png just a touch lewder
L48[06:35:52] <SAL9000> there should be a spell check module on ~markov which detects erro rsli kethese
L49[06:36:19] <SAL9000> try transposing characters around each space and check frequency of resulting words, if the frequency is much higher then it's probably an error
L50[06:42:19] <Inari> I want cute wrist ribbon bows like that though D: Should buy a sewing machine :P My last attempt at making somethingl ike that with textile glue wasn't so great
L51[06:42:25] <Inari> Like, it did look fine, it just didn't really hold
L52[06:42:53] <Inari> (and yes, theoretically I could just use ribbon abnd and tie it, but thats somewhat hard since you can only use one hand, and I'd have to practice it al ot to get a good result all the time
L53[06:43:20] <Vexatos> We have two sewing machines at home
L54[06:43:23] <SAL9000> ...you mean that you want to tie your hands together like that 2nd pic?
L55[06:43:24] <SAL9000> wat
L56[06:43:25] <Vexatos> new ones are way too expensive
L57[06:44:35] <Forecaster> I think the artist accidentally left color swatches in the second image
L58[06:56:56] <Inari> SAL9000: No, I mean I want cute bow ribbons bands on my wrists like in the first pic
L59[06:57:00] <Inari> Though I'm not opposed to it
L60[06:57:06] <Inari> @Forecaster yeah xD
L61[06:57:29] <Inari> Forgot I made those
L62[06:57:30] <Inari> :s
L63[07:02:18] ⇨ Joins: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com)
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L65[07:09:44] <Inari> %give MichiBot honey slime
L66[07:09:44] * MichiBot accepts honey slime and adds it to her inventory
L67[07:09:46] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L68[07:09:46] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with cucumber flavoured yogurt. AmandaC recovers 3 health!, cucumber flavoured yogurt angered a dragon and was incinerated.
L69[07:20:54] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/v5YtU92.jpg
L70[07:21:24] <Forecaster> Makes sense in text, not so much in speech :P
L71[07:33:35] <Inari> Removed color swatches and added something mmore, sadly it isn't that PG-13 anymore now
L72[07:46:04] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L73[07:46:04] <MichiBot> now added it PG-13 and isn't swatches mmore, color that something Removed sadly anymore
L74[08:01:54] <Ristelle> o/
L75[08:02:10] <Ristelle> someone help out cam72cam for OC API help. thanks.
L76[08:02:47] <cam72cam> Hello, I am working on the OC integration for IR
L77[08:02:47] <cam72cam> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ocuzecubag
L78[08:03:47] <cam72cam> I don't see that event on the connected computer when I computer.pullSignal()
L79[08:14:59] <Forecaster> my headset has a poor connection...
L80[08:15:09] <Forecaster> sometimes the left speaker just stops
L81[08:15:14] <Forecaster> and it feels really weird
L82[08:24:55] <cam72cam> Figured it out
L83[08:25:05] <cam72cam> The first arg to sendToVisible needs to be "computer.signal"
L84[08:25:16] <cam72cam> the rest are just params passed to the listener
L85[08:25:17] <cam72cam> got it
L86[08:26:48] <Vexatos> computer.signal are computer signals that will be sent to the Lua side. Nodes can send all types of signals, they are the primary way for components to communicate with each other
L87[08:27:20] <Vexatos> @cam72cam not recommended to put a dot in your event
L88[08:27:31] <Vexatos> you should use underscores
L89[08:27:38] <Vexatos> signals are always lower case and underscores
L90[08:27:44] <cam72cam> Ok, understood
L91[08:28:04] <cam72cam> should I be using sendToReachable or sendToVisible?
L92[08:28:33] <Vexatos> sendToReachable
L93[08:28:46] <cam72cam> Ok, thanks
L94[08:28:51] <Vexatos> https://git.io/vxRPS
L95[08:29:18] <Vexatos> if you're interested you can just look through how I do Railcraft integration here, it will likely be similar in places
L96[08:32:07] <cam72cam> ooh, @Optional.Method. I had not seen that before
L97[08:33:31] <Vexatos> Computronics only consists of that
L98[08:33:43] <Vexatos> @cam72cam you won't need that though, most likely
L99[08:33:56] <Vexatos> I assume you don't have any blocks like this one, dedicated to Computer interaction?
L100[08:34:10] <cam72cam> I was considering it actually
L101[08:34:26] <Vexatos> because if not, and you choose to use drivers instead (i.e. place an adapter block adjacent to <thing> to interface with it)
L102[08:34:38] <cam72cam> I've been using Adaptors for now
L103[08:34:49] <Vexatos> that is most certainly the best option in 90% of cases
L104[08:35:10] <Vexatos> Unless you actually know what you are doing, it is also the safer option
L105[08:35:22] <cam72cam> fair point
L106[08:35:52] <Vexatos> I add a digital detector for Railcraft simply because I liked the idea of having a dedicated detector for it - I could have instead added a driver for one of Railcraft's own detectors and that'd have been much less work
L107[08:37:02] <Vexatos> components that cables can directly connect to instead of using an adapter (i.e. using the Environment capability instead of drivers) should only be added to blocks that are primarily a computer peripheral
L108[08:37:11] <Vexatos> if you just want methods on a block, use a driver instead
L109[08:38:09] <Vexatos> So unless you actually are interested in adding dedicated blocks, you shouldn't even think about it
L110[08:38:24] <AmandaC> Forgetta 'boutit!
L111[08:39:12] <Vexatos> I call this the "Reika Prevention Notice" for obvious reasons .3
L112[08:39:14] <Vexatos> :3
L113[08:39:54] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L114[08:39:54] <MichiBot> for obvious I this .3 "Reika Prevention call the reasons Notice"
L115[08:47:16] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p579729C7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L116[08:49:46] <cam72cam> Vex, are there any programs equiv to SSH from over the internet link (to outside game)?
L117[08:50:08] <Izaya> There was a telnet program
L118[08:50:37] <cam72cam> Ok, that lead me to https://openprograms.github.io/
L119[09:10:26] <S3> telnet program!
L120[09:10:58] <S3> hmm. 36% copied
L121[09:11:16] <S3> turns out it's faster for me to download the kernel on git on my laptop, compress it, send it over ssh to my raspberry pi
L122[09:11:25] <S3> than it is to download the kernel on git on my raspberry pi
L123[09:11:49] <Temia> Ah, funtimes
L124[09:12:09] <Temia> Ran into someone the other day who unironically ran Windows XP, with no firewall, and AVG Free antivirus. In 2018.
L125[09:12:41] <S3> well if he's like me there's nothing wrong with that
L126[09:12:54] <Temia> And complained that his system was slow because it was so resource-taxed on a CORE 2 QUAD, but viruses? Nah, he couldn't have any, and what does he have to worry about from them anyway?
L128[09:13:59] <S3> I haven't gotten viruses and crap since I was in high school 10+ years ago
L129[09:14:41] <S3> but then again, I am not an average user
L130[09:15:11] <S3> but it sounds like this guy just know what he's doing Temia :D
L131[09:15:18] <S3> just doesn't know*
L132[09:15:51] <Temia> Well, he's using an antivirus that hasn't supported Windows XP for three years and has been crapware for far longer.
L133[09:15:59] <Temia> That was a given.
L134[09:16:06] <S3> ok yeah he needs to either uninstall it or get something new
L135[09:17:05] <Temia> I stopped using AVG back in, like, what, 2010?
L136[09:17:26] <S3> although the number of new viruses and malware that work 100% with the windows XP api are probably slowly decreasing
L137[09:17:46] <Inari> Remember kids. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate!
L138[09:18:24] <S3> Inari: somebody's gotta do a solid
L139[09:19:28] <AmandaC> Temia: I'll be an allibi if you want to accidentally burn his house down
L140[09:19:34] <Inari> S3: guys can do both
L141[09:19:50] <Temia> Tempting
L142[09:19:57] <Temia> Veeery tempting
L143[09:20:25] <S3> ...
L144[09:21:59] <Inari> %pet Temia
L145[09:21:59] * MichiBot brushes Temia with 3x Compressed Sentences. Temia recovers 3 health!
L146[09:22:03] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L147[09:22:30] <Temia> Very finely spaced ms make for good tines. =w=
L148[09:23:08] <Inari> ms?
L149[09:27:12] <S3> I think he means multiple sclerosis
L150[09:29:02] <Inari> Not sure how that makes for good times
L151[09:29:13] <S3> well I am not sure what else it could be
L152[09:29:19] <S3> missile seeking
L153[09:29:44] <Inari> I'd assume it means multiple instances of "m"
L154[09:30:18] <Inari> Like 3ms: mmm
L155[09:36:33] <S3> so you -can- store a tank in your gtav online garage..
L156[09:53:59] ⇨ Joins: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com)
L157[09:56:29] <Temia> 3x compressed Ms.
L158[09:56:42] <Temia> Also S3, he? >.>
L159[09:57:00] <S3> Temia: the s is invisible
L160[09:57:00] <S3> :D
L161[09:57:02] <Temia> :P
L162[09:57:23] <Temia> Seriously, I've been here for years
L163[09:57:45] <S3> I have only been here for..
L164[09:57:55] <S3> who knows
L165[09:58:17] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L166[09:58:28] <Mimiru> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/stats/oc/user.php?cid=oc&nick=s3
L167[09:58:34] <Temia> Long enough to know that I'm a woman? :p
L168[09:58:36] <Mimiru> S3 first seen may 10th 2015
L169[09:58:46] <S3> I was sophiamaster before that
L170[09:58:49] <S3> lets see..
L171[09:59:02] <S3> aha
L172[09:59:07] <Mimiru> oh I'll link the nick then
L173[09:59:08] <S3> it doesn't have info!
L174[09:59:39] <Mimiru> erm...
L175[09:59:40] <Mimiru> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/search?case=1&search=sophiamaster&chan=oc
L176[09:59:49] <Mimiru> and I have logs from the start of #oc
L177[10:00:50] <Forecaster> I have logs from #opencomputers
L178[10:00:54] <S3> huh
L179[10:01:02] <S3> I didn't know there ever was an opencomputers
L180[10:01:08] <Mimiru> those would be nice for archival
L181[10:01:25] <Forecaster> it was abandoned due to a conflict with the person who owned it
L182[10:01:35] <Forecaster> iirc
L183[10:01:55] <S3> aha
L184[10:15:33] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:6cbb:b980:f93:e3ce)
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L187[10:32:28] <ben_mkiv> so i see theres no way to use wireless redstone in the modpack im playing actually
L188[10:32:46] <Forecaster> microcontrollers!
L189[10:32:49] <ben_mkiv> now i wonder if it wouldnt be an option to add support for the rftools redstone transmitter
L190[10:33:02] <ben_mkiv> yea, im using microcontrollers now, but still...
L191[10:35:07] <ben_mkiv> also microcontrollers tend to lose power for some reason sometimes
L192[10:35:17] <ben_mkiv> so i have to add lan wakeup support
L193[10:35:26] <Forecaster> loose power?
L194[10:35:32] <ben_mkiv> or shutdown
L195[10:35:35] <ben_mkiv> im not sure
L196[10:36:06] <Forecaster> it's not this issue is it? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1886
L197[10:36:06] <MichiBot> Title: MCU's fail to start at server startup (again) | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Wed Jun 15 15:38:41 CDT 2016 | Status: closed
L198[10:36:17] <Forecaster> (or something similar)
L199[10:36:46] <Forecaster> what's the error message they give?
L200[10:36:55] <ben_mkiv> dont think so, i havent tested them on this server yet
L201[10:37:01] <ben_mkiv> and didnt analyze them on the last one...
L202[10:37:33] <ben_mkiv> for the last server i've just sticked to emmit redstone when its active, so i've just sent the wakeonlan packet to activate redstone
L203[10:37:39] <ben_mkiv> and shutdown command to disable xD
L204[10:58:53] ⇦ Quits: Reika (Reika!~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L206[11:03:53] <Forecaster> @Mimiru https://towerofawesome.org/files/opencomputers_2014-01-10_-_2014-12-18.zip
L207[11:03:59] <Forecaster> that's what I've got
L208[11:04:42] <Forecaster> I had to write a python script to extract and re-name the files from my archive
L209[11:05:19] <S3> YES
L210[11:05:22] <S3> module compiled
L211[11:05:27] <S3> er, inserted*
L212[11:05:37] <S3> it wasnt inserting because my module symvers was just barely off
L213[11:10:43] <S3> Izaya: Think I could intercept require nicely?
L214[11:10:51] <S3> and make it ask if you want to install libraries that are missing
L215[11:10:53] <S3> from some repo
L216[11:11:26] <Izaya> Probably doable, but I'm not the person to ask about OpenOS internals
L217[11:12:07] <S3> I was thinking for a custom os
L218[11:12:11] <S3> U could trap them
L219[11:12:36] <S3> I just realized something about the actor model
L220[11:12:45] <S3> if I did this, you can hot reload Code at runtime
L221[11:12:46] <S3> easily
L222[11:12:56] <S3> just force a process to crash
L223[11:13:26] <S3> processes that hold state would be more difficult
L224[11:13:29] <S3> but you could save state
L225[11:14:07] <S3> ok time to head out
L226[11:16:32] <Inari> Sometimes people on IRC give me headache :P
L227[11:18:55] <Inari> https://pastebin.com/mqi0QBQb I literally can't follow person A :P
L228[11:26:04] <vifino> Inari: i give myself headaches
L229[11:27:13] <Inari> Why would you
L230[11:29:33] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (Cazzar!~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
L231[11:29:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
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L233[11:34:27] <AmandaC> Inari: looks like a language thing
L234[11:35:35] <Inari> AmandaC: I was never good at dealing with that :P
L235[11:39:02] <vifino> Inari: i don't have a choice in that matter
L236[12:02:03] <Forecaster> PersonA makes little sense
L237[12:03:48] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (SuperCoder79!uid276919@id-276919.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L239[12:37:17] ⇨ Joins: Knubb (Knubb!webchat@c83-255-17-157.bredband.comhem.se)
L240[13:23:48] <AmandaC> payonel: OpenOS API idea: An ability to mark a component as "reserved" -- meaning OpenOS will allow the app to access it, but OpenOS itself pretends it doesn't exist.
L241[13:25:51] <Ristelle> you mean
L242[13:25:58] <Ristelle> restricted right?
L243[13:27:08] <Skye> honestly OpenOS should have its own virtual component API
L244[13:27:29] <AmandaC> restricted implies only app at a time can access it, to me. I'm more concerned with just making OpenOS ignore it for it's own purposes.
L245[13:28:19] <AmandaC> Like, a keyboard plugged in and marked as reserved won't ever be used for text input in the term APIs
L246[13:28:24] <S3> Skye: it kinda does
L247[13:28:38] <AmandaC> s/only app/only one app/
L248[13:28:38] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> restricted implies only one app at a time can access it, to me. I'm more concerned with just making OpenOS ignore it for it's own purposes.
L249[13:28:48] <S3> Skye: my os will have no distinction between components and devices.
L250[13:29:07] <AmandaC> S3: your OS isn't OpenOS.
L251[13:29:19] <S3> yes but openos can use vcomponent
L252[13:29:34] <AmandaC> Skye wants something like vcomponent built-in to OpenOS
L253[13:29:44] <Skye> also vcomponent has some problems
L254[13:30:03] <S3> I suggest fixing it up, patching it in, and submitting a pull request to mistah payonel
L255[13:30:26] <Skye> sadly I'm the all words no action type of person
L256[13:30:33] <S3> heh
L257[13:30:39] <Skye> maybe if I find the time
L258[13:36:02] <S3> ok. somebody needs to grab a megaphone
L259[13:46:08] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-108-77-138.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Peace)
L260[13:46:59] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:31ae:168:7eaf:8ddb) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L262[13:50:29] ⇦ Quits: Knubb (Knubb!webchat@c83-255-17-157.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L263[13:56:05] <S3> Skye: yes need a megaphone. Then step 2) That place where you said everybody avoids eachother and never looks at eachother, grab megaphone, yell out "Anyone who doesn't look at eachother in the eye right now, shake hands, and say the first thing that comes to mind about something you liked about today is a rotten egg"
L264[13:56:33] <S3> best. experiment. ever
L265[13:56:42] <Skye> S3, I'd be stabbed for that
L266[13:56:49] <S3> are you sure?
L267[13:57:07] <S3> I understand there are some idiots out there, but that seems a bit excessive
L268[13:57:23] <S3> especially if you are in the middle of a busy place
L269[13:57:31] <SAL9000> I guess Londoners are serious about urban solitude?
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L271[13:58:06] <Skye> I'm exaggerating
L272[14:01:42] <Ristelle> Sorry to ask but whats that mod for the localised chat in minecraft where you need to do ! to shout?
L273[14:01:48] <Ristelle> It was in BTM afaik
L274[14:04:08] <AmandaC> @Forecaster might know, ISTR it was in the Railcraft patron server
L275[14:05:16] <Forecaster> `ConventionalChat` probably
L276[14:07:50] <payonel> vcomponents, or a variation of that, for openos?
L277[14:12:08] <S3> interesting
L278[14:12:13] <S3> I got disconnected
L279[14:32:03] <Ristelle> Cheers forcaster
L280[14:32:09] <Ristelle> Cheers forecaster [Edited]
L281[14:36:21] <AmandaC> \o/ I'm somehow causing ocvm to SIGSEGV
L282[14:36:36] <S3> okay that is just annoying
L283[14:36:40] <AmandaC> I'm guessing it's related to the networking somehow, because it happens to every single instance of it at once.
L284[14:36:52] <Forecaster> %jumble ^
L285[14:36:52] <MichiBot> it to somehow, networking it of single to once. related guessing every it's happens at because I'm the instance
L286[14:37:26] <S3> this place drops Forecaster: LOL!
L287[14:37:31] <S3> I didn't know you could do that
L288[14:37:41] <Forecaster> what+
L289[14:37:43] <Forecaster> ?
L290[14:37:49] <S3> jumble
L291[14:38:09] <S3> Ok I am not sure if I should create a registry of socket to sink processes
L292[14:38:26] <S3> I have messages coming in, but no where for them to go
L293[14:38:38] <Forecaster> I'm not able to parse "this place drops Forecaster"
L294[14:38:39] <Forecaster> what
L295[14:38:44] <S3> Elixir registry lets me create a key value store for looking up processes
L296[14:39:11] <Forecaster> I'm very confused
L297[14:39:27] <S3> I am writing an IRC server
L298[14:39:32] <payonel> AmandaC: :( sounds serious (ocvm network bug)
L299[14:39:35] <S3> I got connections working
L300[14:39:48] <Forecaster> what does that have to do with jumble...
L301[14:39:52] <Forecaster> oO
L302[14:39:56] <S3> Nothing
L303[14:40:53] <Ristelle> SegFaUlT
L304[14:41:51] <S3> y
L305[14:41:55] <S3> y u do dis
L306[14:42:16] <S3> Ristelle: Please report Sargeant Segfault to Colonel Panic right away
L307[14:42:43] <Forecaster> well okay then...
L308[14:43:17] <Forecaster> if you just meant you didn't know about jumble it's probably because I wrote it a couple of days ago
L309[14:43:26] <S3> Right
L310[14:43:33] <S3> I did not kniow
L311[14:43:35] <S3> know*
L312[14:44:45] <AmandaC> payonel: Running under gdb now, we'll see if it repeats
L313[14:44:56] <payonel> AmandaC: so the ocvm gpu doesn't scrub the font codepoints
L314[14:45:07] <payonel> it does do some utf8 parsing, but not against the fonts table
L315[14:45:19] <AmandaC> payonel: ah
L316[14:45:29] <payonel> your tochar change would affect only calls from lua to unicode.char(codepoint)
L317[14:45:47] <AmandaC> Yeah, I figured as much.
L318[14:45:57] <payonel> i'll still merge it though
L319[14:46:18] <AmandaC> I figured it was at least a start, to cover unicode.char
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L321[14:48:34] <S3> Payonel broke it
L322[14:50:49] <AmandaC> payonel: uh... I'm at a loss.
L323[14:51:24] <AmandaC> payonel: got the crash again, it appears to be crashing in read_vector from trying to read a string of size 962867513
L324[14:53:36] <S3> XD
L325[14:54:01] <S3> This is why strings suck
L326[14:54:15] <S3> null terminated and magnitude:data, they all suck
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L328[14:56:54] <payonel> AmandaC: i'll investigate in a bit
L329[14:57:40] <AmandaC> payonel: I'm not sure why, but for some reason it's reading the first 4 bytes of the UUID as the size for the UUID, but that's about as far as I've gotten
L330[14:58:34] <AmandaC> printing `me.payload.data()` from update() gives: `$10 = 0x5555559a5190 "91d93dc5-14ee-e75e-bcc9-f9dab749247df615\001$"`
L331[14:58:42] <S3> is it just me or is freenode being attacked..
L332[14:58:45] <S3> again
L333[15:01:08] <payonel> AmandaC: in ModemDriver::readNextModemMessage ?
L334[15:01:20] <AmandaC> payonel: Modem::update()
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L336[15:04:10] <AmandaC> payonel: This is the full stack trace I observed: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/K46lGVKI/stack.log
L337[15:04:44] <payonel> yeah the update runs after ModemDriver::readNextModemMessage has created the ModemEvent
L338[15:05:07] <payonel> there are some important inter deps there, that things are packed the same they are unpacked
L339[15:06:05] <payonel> AmandaC: is this easy to hit? any 2 nodes when broadcast and listening will cause this?
L340[15:06:38] <AmandaC> payonel: I've been replicating with three nodes, but not sure what specifically is causing it
L341[15:06:53] <AmandaC> ( My OC Base server, a tablet, and a todo machine )
L342[15:07:00] <payonel> AmandaC: what is your host os?
L343[15:07:12] <AmandaC> payonel: Pop OS, based off Ubuntu 17.10
L344[15:07:21] <AmandaC> hrm, I wonder..
L345[15:10:32] <AmandaC> I wonder if there's some kind of race going on
L346[15:11:23] <AmandaC> Just got a different stacktrace ending in Connection::move this time, with an absurdly-large bytes value
L347[15:16:56] <payonel> AmandaC: do things work for a time and then suddenly fail?
L348[15:17:01] <payonel> does it fail with 2 nodes or only 3?
L349[15:21:14] <AmandaC> payonel: three nodes, at least two of them broadcasting semi-regularly, back and forth
L350[15:21:30] <AmandaC> ( all on the same modem port )
L351[15:23:04] <payonel> but it works for a time, then crashes
L352[15:23:05] <payonel> yes?
L353[15:23:26] <AmandaC> yeah, shortly after the third node comes up, it seems
L354[15:24:25] <AmandaC> ( And after that third node *should* have finished speaking regularly )
L355[15:28:52] <payonel> hmm, ok i have an idea of what the problem is
L356[15:33:54] <AmandaC> And of course now it's turned into a hisenbug for me
L357[15:34:23] <payonel> AmandaC: the idea is that there is a modem server/manager
L358[15:34:27] <payonel> and all nodes communicate to it
L359[15:34:43] <payonel> the packets/payloads are not supposed to be emitted to nodes until they "finish"
L360[15:35:06] <payonel> it sounds a little like 3 nodes are confusing that manager, and packets are being garbled on receive
L361[15:56:19] <payonel> AmandaC: ok back again
L362[15:56:53] <payonel> i think i'm write, and i think the problem is modem_drv.cpp line 152
L363[15:57:01] <payonel> well, that for loop
L364[15:57:15] <payonel> it is broadcasting client packet data immediately
L365[15:57:20] <payonel> and it should buffer it first until a packet is done
L366[16:09:36] <AmandaC> payonel: why would that cause every client to die?
L367[16:09:47] <AmandaC> when the crash happens, every node dies
L368[16:09:49] <payonel> becase the server broadcasts to all clients at the same time
L369[16:10:06] <payonel> so, server has bad packet, and spews bad packet to all clients
L370[16:10:10] <AmandaC> ahh
L371[16:10:11] <payonel> i have a solution
L372[16:10:14] <payonel> finished
L373[16:10:18] <payonel> just reviewing my code changes
L374[16:10:21] <payonel> i haven't tested it though :)
L375[16:10:31] <AmandaC> I'll give it a try tomorrow, going to unplug shortly and veg out I think
L376[16:11:06] <payonel> ah, ok
L377[16:12:35] <payonel> AmandaC: https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/tree/maybe-modem-fix
L378[16:12:46] <payonel> https://github.com/payonel/ocvm/commit/582be4d9c02f19167bfa086bac3be0df7aa5192f
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L384[17:16:52] <Knubb> Is there a updated list to see which functions a drone shares with the robot api?
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