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L1[00:10:26] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks|Alt (Alex_hawks|Alt!~Alex_hawk@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L2[00:19:57] <Izaya> https://hooktube.com/aFuA50H9uek
L3[00:26:32] ⇦ Quits: Schzd (Schzd!~Schzdadep@modemcable250.104-59-74.mc.videotron.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L4[01:12:05] ⇦ Quits: zzarr (zzarr!~zzarr@h83-209-217-68.cust.se.alltele.net) (Quit: Lämnar)
L5[01:26:23] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/blogging-dead-horse/104390/
L6[01:26:24] <Forecaster> heh
L7[01:33:01] ⇨ Joins: erratic (erratic!erratic@shells.yourstruly.sx)
L8[01:37:47] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p579726D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L9[02:24:14] <Metafield> why does robot.swing() have a sides parameter when it only swings in front?
L10[02:25:01] <Forecaster> it can swing up and down as well
L11[02:25:14] <Forecaster> just not to the sides and back
L12[02:25:19] <Forecaster> I believe
L13[02:27:53] <scj643> That would be just weird
L14[02:28:32] <Forecaster> what would?
L15[02:28:59] <scj643> Swinging to the sides
L16[02:32:21] <Forecaster> and back
L17[02:32:22] <Forecaster> :P
L18[03:24:18] ⇨ Joins: ade124m (ade124m!~ade124m@
L19[03:53:30] <Lizzian> spin-swing
L20[04:22:45] <Kodos> Only works if you name the robot Link
L21[04:37:18] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L22[06:04:16] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks (Alex_hawks!~Alex_hawk@
L23[06:05:15] <Forecaster> oh, I thought of another bug I'd love getting fixed payonel :P
L24[06:05:46] <Forecaster> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2399
L25[06:05:46] <MichiBot> Title: Debug card permissions reset | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Tue May 23 03:39:05 CDT 2017 | Status: open
L26[06:05:47] <Forecaster> this one
L27[06:14:57] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E946CFD028072B1B0D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L28[06:14:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L29[06:22:19] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L30[06:47:36] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yajb8bsx
L31[06:47:37] <Forecaster> hm
L32[07:06:31] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L33[07:26:09] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1)
L34[07:57:58] <Mimiru> oh hey... tinyurl works again
L35[07:58:00] <Mimiru> odd
L36[08:02:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1EDA1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L37[08:02:33] <Skye> Inari, you don't need to follow bots when you follow Skye
L38[08:06:09] <Inari> Skye: ?
L39[08:06:40] <Inari> AmandaC: I mean, if i snuggle it 24/7 it can't make dams
L40[08:07:15] <AmandaC> Inari: :p
L41[08:11:27] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/Uc4zCqN.gifv
L42[08:32:34] <S3> oh man I intended on cooking lunch and now its too late
L43[08:34:33] <Forecaster> so cook a late lunch!
L44[08:34:35] <Forecaster> :D
L45[08:35:23] ⇦ Quits: ade124m (ade124m!~ade124m@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L46[08:41:44] ⇦ Quits: ade124 (ade124!~ade124@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L47[08:45:29] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/icdhut.png
L48[08:47:01] <Forecaster> Warp speed!
L49[08:47:28] <Izaya> oh right most people have their FOV lower
L50[08:47:34] <Izaya> I can't play at anything under that
L51[08:48:00] * Saphire blinks
L52[08:48:01] ⇦ Quits: Dimtree (Dimtree!~dimtree@75-110-156-132.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: Peace)
L53[08:48:04] <Saphire> ...what the fuck
L54[08:48:09] <Saphire> What the fuck
L55[08:48:10] <Saphire> wtf
L56[08:48:12] <Saphire> why
L57[08:48:39] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/putting-ice-sacrifice/102333/
L58[08:48:55] <Arcan> Saphire: what's wrong
L59[08:50:07] <Temia> Yeah, that FOV's always been a bit much for me
L60[08:50:17] <Temia> Maybe at a much wider resolution it would be less disorienting, but no
L61[08:50:31] <Izaya> anything lower feels like I'm looking through a keyhole
L62[08:50:43] <Temia> Meanwhile it feels plain fish-eyed to me
L63[08:51:00] <Michiyo> ^
L64[08:51:16] <Izaya> I spent a lot of time playing Quake and similar
L65[08:51:22] <Temia> Ah.
L66[08:51:58] <Temia> That would do it, I suppose.
L67[08:52:02] <Saphire> U
L68[08:52:04] <Saphire> I
L69[08:52:05] <Saphire> uh
L70[08:52:05] <Izaya> sure stuff is a little warped around the edges but it feels weird to use it any lower
L71[08:52:25] <Saphire> Temia: are pings and mentions annoying if you're already here in conversation?
L72[08:52:40] <Temia> Nah, why?
L73[08:53:07] <Temia> I mean it's more important if the subject you're replying to has fallen back in the buffer a bit, but
L74[08:53:07] <Arcan> i'm confused now
L75[08:53:08] <Saphire> Arcan: I just found a discord server that has the silliest rule of "do not ping unless person is not participating in conversation"
L76[08:53:34] <Arcan> That's pretty common on discord servers
L77[08:53:35] <Temia> Well, most people have push notifications on for some ghastly reason
L78[08:53:47] <Temia> I'm not one of them and I prefer IRC over discord anyway but *shruuuug*
L79[08:53:56] <Saphire> ...I have push notifications on, but they are not vibration or sound?
L80[08:54:00] <Temia> Different sense of etiquette due to different prevailing principles
L81[08:54:06] <Arcan> as a general rule i just type names out on discord while in conversation, instead of pinging
L82[08:54:06] <Saphire> Why the heck would I enable sounds for such?
L83[08:54:22] <Saphire> Arcan: I love tab. Tab is life. And tab is pinging.
L84[08:54:28] <Izaya> meanwhile on IRC: Don't ping people who aren't in conversation
L85[08:54:34] <Saphire> Izaya: EXACTLY
L86[08:54:44] <Saphire> And it just... it really really really confused the fuck out of me
L87[08:54:49] <Izaya> I have this great idea on how to deal with it
L88[08:54:52] <Saphire> Because that's the FIRST time I see such anywhere.
L89[08:54:56] <Saphire> On discord or not.
L90[08:55:08] <Saphire> I never ever heard of such rule anywhere before.
L91[08:55:11] <Temia> Discord continues to be alien for us old guard, I suppose.
L92[08:55:19] * Temia yawnmoos, curls up against Saphire. Warm. z.z
L93[08:55:31] <Saphire> Temia: it's not discord, it's one of communities that uses it
L94[08:55:33] <Arcan> the funny thing is when discord was new and cool, i absolutely refused to make an account
L95[08:55:45] <Forecaster> wait, why would you not ping someone who's not in conversation...
L96[08:55:52] <Saphire> Arcan: I tried, but my browser caught fire
L97[08:56:07] <Arcan> i have one now, but i don't really use it
L98[08:56:08] <Saphire> Forecaster, because "that's annoying" and.. dunno.
L99[08:56:09] <Izaya> Forecaster: unless you're trying to talk to them, one generally avoids disturbing people
L100[08:56:16] <Saphire> ^
L101[08:56:34] <Saphire> And that rule was like.. "use name when you're talking, ping if they are very away and needed"
L102[08:56:39] <Forecaster> oh you mean when mentioning someone in a different conversation
L103[08:56:43] <Temia> I only acquiesced to making a Discord account due to FFXIV, myself.
L104[08:56:45] <Temia> Still prefer IRC.
L105[08:56:53] <Temia> I can see why some don't, but I'm not them
L106[08:57:00] <Saphire> ...the fuck? How would I notice that I got reply if you're replying to something from few minutes ago?
L107[08:57:02] <Arcan> i made one because all of my school friends are on discord and won't use IRC
L108[08:57:04] * Izaya still sees no reason to opt into more data collection
L109[08:57:22] <Saphire> Izaya: eh
L110[08:57:25] <Forecaster> convenience!
L111[08:57:26] <Forecaster> :D
L112[08:57:33] <Corded> * <Forecaster> values convenience
L113[08:57:58] <Saphire> most, if not all, of data collection is ads
L114[08:58:04] <Saphire> for ads
L115[08:58:05] <Saphire> by ads
L116[08:58:06] * Temia values simplicity in life, and having Discord is only mildly less inconvenient than only ever being able to converse with people over linkshells.
L117[08:58:19] <Saphire> And if you are blocking them...
L118[08:58:23] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/going-to-get-charged-with-nine-months/81119/
L119[08:58:26] <Saphire> You just don't see that.
L120[08:58:59] <Forecaster> I block ads, with very few exceptions
L121[08:59:52] <Forecaster> and I also don't put ads on any of my sites or videos, because that would make me a hypocrite
L122[09:00:19] <Izaya> tbh
L123[09:00:24] <Izaya> with all the stuff going on recently
L124[09:00:29] <Izaya> I wish I could just stop using computers
L125[09:00:35] <Forecaster> I don't
L126[09:00:37] <Forecaster> :P
L127[09:00:42] <Izaya> everything sucks
L128[09:00:44] <Forecaster> just don't download any virtual aircraft
L129[09:00:49] <Izaya> kek
L130[09:00:58] <Izaya> couldn't afford to anyway :^)
L131[09:01:09] <Izaya> and yet here I am, applying for a cybersec job
L132[09:01:16] * Temia nods. She has very little trust in ad providers save for, say, ProjectWonderful, and Prerisoft is hosted without the intent to make money, so no ad content, and probably the most dialup-friendly site ever :x
L133[09:01:46] <Saphire> If you have to rely on ads, you're doing shit wrong.
L134[09:01:57] <Izaya> if you're relying on ads
L135[09:02:01] <Izaya> perhaps you should get a job
L136[09:02:33] <Temia> If I was hosting it with the intent to make money, I'd put a game worth paying for on it :P
L137[09:04:16] <Temia> That said, getting a job doesn't really solve a thing in some economies. Good thing I'm out of the US now. c.c
L138[09:05:41] * Arcan nuz Saphire?
L139[09:05:50] <Forecaster> that's not really valid... sometimes you put a lot of work into a site and you might not be able to support it yourself
L140[09:05:54] <Forecaster> that said, ads are terrible
L141[09:06:06] <Arcan> is there a way to do ads well, without being stupidly intrusive?
L142[09:06:36] <Forecaster> there's a webcomic I follow that's looking to replace adds with Etherium mining
L143[09:06:50] <Forecaster> ads*
L144[09:06:57] <Izaya> most good adblockers block mining scripts also
L145[09:07:02] <Izaya> I'm not sure which I prefer :|
L146[09:07:03] <Forecaster> no no
L147[09:07:10] <Forecaster> they don't do it like that
L148[09:07:18] <Forecaster> you have to download a client
L149[09:07:23] <Forecaster> ie it's opt-in
L150[09:07:27] <Izaya> oh
L151[09:07:30] <Izaya> that's interesting
L152[09:07:38] <Izaya> placing my bets on it not working
L153[09:07:56] <Temia> Mining scripts cost me electricity so fuck the whole lot of that :X
L154[09:08:01] <Forecaster> it's actually looking promising according to the last article they wrote about it
L155[09:09:41] <Arcan> i wonder if you can buy phones in the US that aren't preloaded with loads of crapware
L156[09:10:11] <Saphire> Arcan: sorry, no notification <.<
L157[09:10:23] <Temia> Nope. Root and nuke your phones always always always.
L158[09:10:27] <Saphire> ...I am still in mild "What the fuck" state from discovering that rule.
L159[09:10:30] * Arcan blinks, confused
L160[09:10:40] <Arcan> what do you mean by that, saph
L161[09:11:01] <Izaya> Arcan: I imagine you could ship in a phone from europe or asia
L162[09:11:12] <Arcan> unfortunately my current phone is a fruitphone
L163[09:11:16] <Izaya> of course your providers all use their own standards much like how the US still uses imperial measurements
L164[09:11:22] <Arcan> i intend to use it until it breaks
L165[09:11:26] <Arcan> because it was free
L166[09:11:44] <Izaya> still rocking a 2015 Moto G
L167[09:12:01] <AmandaC> Besides the fact the mic up and died in january, I'm rather happy with my google Pixel 1
L168[09:12:24] <Izaya> I removed the google stuff from my phone and that made the experience much nicer
L169[09:12:37] <Saphire> Temia: I am using a vanilla firmware of Xiaomi.
L170[09:12:41] <Saphire> How fucked am I?
L171[09:12:49] <Izaya> not very
L172[09:12:58] <Saphire> (Well, global version, google services one)
L173[09:12:59] <Izaya> better the chinese botnet than the US botnet
L174[09:13:38] <Saphire> Izaya: problem with US is: Early adaptation and never upgrading.
L175[09:13:55] <Izaya> what codename is it
L176[09:14:00] <Izaya> there's probably a LOS rom for it :D
L177[09:16:40] <Saphire> Duh!
L178[09:17:02] <Forecaster> I have no need to root my phone
L179[09:17:40] <Arcan> how is it legally binding for apple to restrict macOS to installation on apple products -_-
L180[09:17:41] <AmandaC> Me neither. I'm happy to give google the data I'm giving them in exchange for the services they provide for "free"
L181[09:18:08] <Izaya> Recently updated to LineageOS from CM13, can't say split screen is very useful but I guess I can shitpost on IRC and via Overchan at the same time now
L182[09:18:29] <Forecaster> it's not like I wouldn't use my google account on it anyway
L183[09:21:34] * Izaya squints
L184[09:21:47] <Izaya> was Weight of the World from the NieR:Automata OST used anywhere else?
L185[09:23:26] <Izaya> I want to say it was used in Guilty Crown but I can't find any reference to it
L186[09:24:19] <Inari> "(I work in this small grocery store and we don’t get many customers until one day…)"
L187[09:24:27] <Inari> The story doesn't exactly imply they get more cusotmers from it
L188[09:24:29] <Inari> So thats odd phrasing
L189[09:24:42] <Inari> Unless "don't get many" means "literally none"
L190[09:29:41] <Forecaster> yeah that introduction was a bit weird
L191[09:29:47] <Forecaster> but the story was funny :P
L192[09:48:53] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWjzpxkX0AAwnsZ.jpg:large I want a pretty oufit like this~
L193[09:52:42] * Michiyo makes grabby hands
L194[09:53:25] <Izaya> Did Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ever get a second season?
L195[10:00:21] <Inari> Not yet
L196[10:00:31] <Inari> Michiyo: Stop groping the poor girl
L197[10:00:39] <Michiyo> ...
L198[10:00:47] <Michiyo> That is not at all what I meant, and you know it.
L199[10:00:51] <Inari> ;D
L200[10:01:03] * Temia spraybottles Inari
L201[10:01:05] <Inari> :<
L202[10:01:15] <Inari> I'm not even a cat
L203[10:01:26] <Temia> Too bad
L204[10:01:32] <Temia> That is a cute outfit though
L205[10:01:40] <Inari> I know right :D
L206[10:01:40] <Izaya> I saw a thing saying nov 2017 but it hasn't happened yet by the looks
L207[10:01:43] <Izaya> :<
L208[10:01:45] <Inari> I like the small details too
L209[10:01:50] <Inari> Like the underside of the boots having spikes
L210[10:02:47] <Inari> Also cute hand bags are way too hard to find :< The cutest I know are shark bags
L211[10:02:59] <Inari> And it's not really a "hand bag"
L212[10:03:21] <Forecaster> why not?
L213[10:03:23] <Inari> http://www.bluemaize.net/im/bags/shark-bag-2.jpg though there are shark handbags it seems
L214[10:04:33] <Inari> @Forecaster https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1w7NkfBDH8KJjSszcq6zDTFXaT/High-Quality-Durable-Ride-Big-Shark-Waist-Bag-Bananka-Travel-Leisure-Fanny-Pack-Men-And-Women.jpg_640x640.jpg more of a bag that you put around your waist
L215[10:04:44] <Inari> Though it can tbe carried in various ways I gues
L216[10:04:58] <Forecaster> :P
L217[10:07:43] <Inari> Like this https://shop.r10s.jp/mowlift/cabinet/00857899/imgrc0065178089.jpg or like kind-of-handbag but google refuses to give me the picture it gave me af ew minutes ago :P
L218[10:08:25] <Inari> The idea of having one I nicked from her http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/829/829616/grisaia_10_cs1w1_x720.jpg
L219[10:16:50] <FLORANA> shark bag?
L220[10:43:58] <Lizzian> a sharg
L221[10:49:28] <Izaya> Could drop another letter but then it'd gain a meaning
L222[10:50:39] <Lizzian> i was waiting to see if anyone would sed it to that ??
L223[10:51:34] <AmandaC> s/rg/r/
L224[10:51:34] <MichiBot> <Lizzian> a shar
L225[10:51:37] * AmandaC nods
L226[10:51:40] <Inari> s/ed/ex
L227[10:51:40] <MichiBot> <Lizzian> i was waiting to see if anyone would sex it to that ??
L228[10:51:45] <Lizzian> -_-
L229[10:51:49] <Inari> :3
L230[10:52:11] <Corded> * <Lizzian> writes "unsatisfactory" on her notepad then walks off
L231[10:59:07] * Skye locks Inari and Lizzy in a room and flees
L232[10:59:38] * AmandaC meows, claws at the door to the room Skye locked, wanting her seat back
L233[10:59:48] * Inari becomes decoherent
L234[11:00:11] * Skye adds AmandaC to the mix
L235[11:00:12] * Arcan bites off the door handle
L236[11:00:13] <Arcan> nom
L237[11:00:23] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L238[11:00:23] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a mimi doll. AmandaC recovers 7 health!
L239[11:00:29] * AmandaC sits back down on Inari's lap, purring softly. :3
L240[11:01:19] * Inari looks at Lizzy while petting 'So you've made it to my lair, Miss Bond... Is that short for a certain fetish, maybe?'
L241[11:05:48] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1519231668324.png
L242[11:07:05] <Temia> Nice, Izaya
L243[11:07:25] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1519232119174.png
L244[11:26:35] <Forecaster> wtf
L245[11:26:50] <Forecaster> how did my weather updater program error with too long without yelding?
L246[11:26:55] <Forecaster> :|
L247[11:27:49] <Forecaster> the main loop is literally just an internet.request run every second...
L248[11:29:01] * Michiyo blocks @Forecaster's IP
L249[11:29:43] <Forecaster> it's to my own server >:
L250[11:34:07] * AmandaC covertly slides a piece of paper over to Michiyo
L251[11:44:57] ⇨ Joins: Marlyn (Marlyn!~Marlyn@
L252[11:48:21] <Inari> OC deals poorly with lag, no?
L253[11:50:14] <Forecaster> probably yeah
L254[11:54:16] <Lizzian> Inari, perhaps
L255[11:54:56] <Inari> :o
L256[11:55:17] <Lizzian> and no, we will not be discussing my fetishes here
L257[11:55:28] <Inari> :<
L258[11:55:36] <Arcan> %slap Inari
L259[11:55:36] * MichiBot slaps Inari with cookie doing [5] damage
L260[12:00:11] ⇨ Joins: _ (_!webchat@ncsu-nat1-9.ncstate.net)
L261[12:01:06] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican_ (glasspelican_!~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp130-04-76-67-126-214.dsl.bell.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L269[12:24:00] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (Alex_hawks!~Alex_hawk@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L270[12:32:44] <payonel> Forecaster: some future version (not 1.7.2) will PROBABLY change the timeout to ticks instead of real seconds
L271[12:34:54] <payonel> gamax92: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2598
L272[12:34:54] <MichiBot> Title: computer freezes after jumping with Warp Drive mod | Posted by: KyeDuo | Posted: Tue Oct 24 18:39:10 CDT 2017 | Status: open
L273[12:34:56] <payonel> read my last comment
L274[12:37:16] <Forecaster> wut
L275[12:37:21] <Forecaster> what is that a reply to?
L276[12:37:23] <Michiyo> tl:dr
L277[12:37:28] <Michiyo> s/:/;/
L278[12:37:28] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> tl;dr
L279[12:38:04] <Forecaster> payonel: I don't know how that relates to anything I've said
L280[12:38:27] <AmandaC> @Forecaster: I think he meant re: the timeout
L281[12:38:27] <payonel> "<Forecaster> how did my weather updater program error with too long without yelding?"
L282[12:38:30] <AmandaC> er.
L283[12:38:43] <AmandaC> yah, that
L284[12:39:07] <Forecaster> I guess it could have been because of lag
L285[12:39:09] <Forecaster> I have no idea
L286[12:39:35] <payonel> if i change the timeout to use ticks instead of seconds, lag won't kill otherwise-well-behaved lua states
L287[12:39:43] ⇨ Joins: aaron (aaron!~rapus95@2a00:1398:9:fb03:258d:14d5:330d:2663)
L288[12:39:47] <Forecaster> sounds good
L289[12:39:53] <Forecaster> now also fix the debug card thing :P
L290[12:41:14] <payonel> @forecaster there is a work around for that
L291[12:41:22] <Forecaster> what's that?
L292[12:41:28] <payonel> stop crashing the server
L293[12:41:29] <payonel> :P
L294[12:41:30] <payonel> haha
L295[12:41:34] <payonel> ahh...i'm so funny
L296[12:41:39] <payonel> ok, yeah i'll look into that
L297[12:41:41] <payonel> but after 1.7.2
L298[12:41:43] <Forecaster> it restarts every day
L299[12:41:48] <payonel> why?
L300[12:41:52] <Forecaster> it almost never crashes
L301[12:42:09] <Forecaster> common practice?
L302[12:42:19] <Forecaster> to prevent issues
L303[12:42:44] <payonel> huh, not common for me
L304[12:44:12] <Forecaster> I at least think it may happen on a normal restart
L305[12:44:14] <Forecaster> I'm unsure
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L307[12:56:05] <Michiyo> my MC servers have always restarted daily
L308[13:17:14] <payonel> i never learned any recommended mc server admin processes
L309[13:17:27] <payonel> i leave my mc servers running, i never restart them unless there is an update
L310[13:18:31] <Inari> I should make a names website
L311[13:18:51] <Inari> People can sign up and have lists of their favourite names, ordered by rank. and can adjust those overtime of course
L312[13:19:06] <Forecaster> "names"
L313[13:19:08] <Inari> Also I'll have a feature where parents-to-be have people vote on a name for their child
L314[13:20:21] <Inari> Elizasleyn is a nice name btw :p
L315[13:20:30] <Forecaster> I can't see that going wrong
L316[13:20:30] <payonel> boaty mcboatface
L317[13:20:36] <Forecaster> ^
L318[13:20:57] <Inari> Well I guess the parents would use their list o favourite names to vote from
L319[13:23:28] <payonel> i'm making a change to the crafting upgrade
L320[13:23:33] <payonel> when the craft changes, the crafting will stop
L321[13:23:34] <Forecaster> :O
L322[13:48:54] <Metafield> is there a tool that lets you rename external components?
L323[13:50:17] <payonel> @Metafield: to change their address or change their type?
L324[13:50:22] <payonel> type: string
L325[13:56:35] <Metafield> the address
L326[13:57:50] <Metafield> When im looking to make larger larger setups I'm seeing having multiple components in the same network being an issue. I'd like to be able to go over to a redstoneIO and rename it to say 'smelteryControl
L327[13:58:25] <Metafield> Then when I make a proxy of it or give it to someone else all they need to do is go through and rename their components the same way
L328[14:02:33] <aaron> how did you solve the problem of pausing and serializing a computer while it's running a java native method?
L329[14:03:51] <Inari> You wait till it's done running the method ;D
L330[14:04:11] <aaron> is there any timeout set?
L331[14:04:40] ⇨ Joins: Ninsa (Ninsa!webchat@p5DF3ED64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L332[14:04:43] <Ninsa> Hello
L333[14:04:57] <Ninsa> Is this the place where i can report a really weird bug with the Robot?
L334[14:05:30] <Metafield> oh.. turns out you can label components but it is experimental
L335[14:06:08] <AmandaC> huh?
L336[14:06:23] <AmandaC> label components?
L337[14:06:30] <Metafield> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1751
L338[14:06:30] <MichiBot> Title: Method to change names of components | Posted by: gdude2002 | Posted: Tue Apr 05 13:17:20 CDT 2016 | Status: closed
L339[14:06:35] <Ninsa> So you can disable a creafting recipe with the robot. ServerWide
L340[14:06:48] <Ninsa> ahh github
L341[14:06:49] <Ninsa> okay
L342[14:07:38] <Metafield> it would be really cool if components by default has an address alias that was their x,y,z,dimension as their address
L343[14:07:47] <Metafield> it would be really cool if components by default had an address alias that was their x,y,z,dimension as their address [Edited]
L344[14:07:58] <AmandaC> ah, it's an openOS thing
L345[14:10:48] <aaron> Corded, do you know if there is any sort of timeout existing that somehow interrupts the execution of a java method (in order to prevent the server from ending in an infinite loop)
L346[14:11:15] <Michiyo> Corded, is a bot, the user after Corded is the user you want.
L347[14:11:20] <Michiyo> Corded, links Discord and IRC.
L348[14:13:13] <aaron> lel i read in the wrong line, i actually meant to ping Inari xD
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L351[14:13:55] <aaron> maybe you can help me with that question aswell x)
L352[14:14:40] <Forecaster> questions? we don't like 'em kinds around here *spits into bucket*
L353[14:15:08] <payonel> @metafield you can also make a symlink to a component by id
L354[14:15:19] <payonel> and remake those symlinks on boot in your .shrc
L355[14:16:36] <Metafield> thanks! ill look into doing that
L356[14:16:49] <payonel> basically, take a look at the /dev tree
L357[14:16:57] <payonel> there might be things there you find useful
L358[14:17:07] <payonel> although ...
L359[14:17:14] <payonel> you want this for your redstone components?
L360[14:17:32] <payonel> there needs to be a driver for the component type, for the devfs to populate files for it
L361[14:17:49] <payonel> i'd be happy to add a driver to a new component type for you, if you make a specific request for one
L362[14:21:03] <Metafield> I'm looking for a solution that may have already existed for multiple components in general. I'm wondering how others distribute code when multiple components are present because I'm not sure how the addresses will match on the other users end
L363[14:21:46] <Metafield> but that is really helpful
L364[14:25:36] <Michiyo> Either with a config file that the user fills in, or they just search for all components of type 'a' and present the user with the list and they get to match up.
L365[14:26:16] <Metafield> OH i think I just figured out a hack to get it working. I could supply a redstone signal to each redstoneio and run an initialization that is basically: 'im receiving a signal of 13 i must be the smeltery controller' when the program runs
L366[14:54:19] ⇦ Quits: Arcan (Arcan!~DaMachina@ (Quit: That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet)
L367[14:54:21] <Inari> aaron: Corded is a bot that bridges dicord :p
L368[14:55:20] <Michiyo> I covered that already.
L369[14:55:55] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator (DaMachinator!~DaMachina@
L370[14:56:57] <Inari> :p
L371[14:56:58] <Inari> Right
L372[14:58:33] *** DaMachinator is now known as Arcan
L373[15:00:06] <aaron> Inari, it was about whether there is timeout handling in the code to prevent the server from stucking in an infinite while loop that was called from lua
L374[15:00:27] <Inari> Why would it be in an infinite loop
L375[15:00:42] <AmandaC> There's no protection of bad java-side code from OC
L376[15:00:47] <aaron> ok
L377[15:01:04] <aaron> ty
L378[15:01:12] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L379[15:01:12] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a dangerous -1. AmandaC recovers 5 health!
L380[15:01:44] <payonel> aaron: the Lua Architecture protects your server from bad lua code
L381[15:02:00] <payonel> but, we don't provide a sandboxed Java arch to run mc the server inside of :)
L382[15:02:24] <payonel> s/mc the server/the mc server/
L383[15:02:24] <MichiBot> <payonel> but, we don't provide a sandboxed Java arch to run the mc server inside of :)
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L386[15:30:53] <AmandaC> %choose anime or no
L387[15:30:53] <MichiBot> AmandaC: anime
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L393[16:08:04] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1519244051409.png
L394[16:18:24] <Inari> I don't get it
L395[16:19:19] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L398[16:54:37] <S3> Anyone playing fortnite?
L399[16:55:21] <Xal> no
L400[16:55:56] <payonel> S3: not for 2 weeks
L401[16:56:05] <S3> I just bought a ps4
L402[16:56:08] <S3> anddiscovered it
L403[16:56:22] * payonel tries to pun fortnite and 2 weeks
L404[16:56:31] <S3> it's pretty neat
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L408[17:16:18] <Forecaster> Hmm
L409[17:16:49] <Forecaster> Seems certbot hasn't been running
L410[17:17:20] <Forecaster> My ssl certs expired today
L411[17:18:37] <Forecaster> If I put something in the crontab that opens when you use sudo it's run with root privileges right?
L412[17:18:46] <Skye> Uhh
L413[17:19:04] <Skye> I think you need to tell it to edit the root contab?
L414[17:21:31] <payonel> @forecaster yeah, definitely use the root crontab
L415[17:22:20] <Forecaster> I hope that was the only issue
L416[17:22:49] <Forecaster> It worked fine when I ran it manually just now with sudo
L417[17:22:56] <payonel> definitely
L418[17:23:27] <payonel> first of all, i dont think sudo runs without an interactive shell
L419[17:24:04] <payonel> second of all, this is the first stackoverflow question i get when i search for sudo and crontab: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/49077/why-does-cron-silently-fail-to-run-sudo-stuff-in-my-script
L420[17:24:07] <payonel> i think it confirms what i said
L421[17:24:22] <payonel> but, yeah -- don't use sudo in crontabs
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L423[17:38:57] <Skye> Goodnight!
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L426[18:02:42] <terribleperson> i want to redirect text output (or ideally all output, that but that seems more complex) that would normally go to the screen to component.tunnel.send(). I know you can use io.output to change stdout to a file and I coudl then read the file to a string and send that, but is that the best way to do it?
L427[18:02:53] <terribleperson> Also, am I badly implementing something I could just get off the shelf?
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L430[18:04:03] <Zeekus> This was a terrible mistake and all Vexatos's fault.
L431[18:04:24] <MGR> Uhm, ok
L432[18:29:09] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E946CFD028072B1B0D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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L440[19:42:45] <Izaya> %remindme 6h ask Vexatos for OPPM registration
L441[19:42:45] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "ask Vexatos for OPPM registration" at 02/22/2018 01:42:45 AM
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L443[21:02:28] * Mimiru waves at ds84182
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L446[21:03:17] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
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L452[21:51:44] <terribleperson> oh, do we have io.popen?
L453[21:52:39] <terribleperson> could I use that to send output over the tunnel instead of sending output to an actual file, reading it, and then sending that through the tunnel?
L454[22:00:21] <freacknate09> This is odd, pastebin.lua is throwing an error
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L457[22:12:49] <payonel> @terribleperson indeed - i add that a little over two years ago
L458[22:13:01] <payonel> @freacknate09 can you give specifics?
L459[22:13:29] <freacknate09> I quite the game, so I cant give you more sadly
L460[22:13:30] <payonel> @terribleperson definitely. also, it technically allows any shell command
L461[22:13:40] <payonel> irl it only allow pipes and redicts or what not
L462[22:14:08] <payonel> but openos' popen is more flexible
L463[22:16:45] <payonel> @terribleperson popep streams properly suspend and resume the underlying process as you read it
L464[22:17:59] <terribleperson> i'll have to try that out then. I want to set up a tablet as basically just a terminal/thin client for a fixed computer
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L466[22:42:37] <S3> well that was a bad idea
L467[22:44:47] <S3> what was scary was when I was on my way back all I thought was holy shit I drove this far?
L468[22:44:48] <S3> lol
L469[22:45:03] <S3> got so bad I had to turn around
L470[22:50:57] <terribleperson> just to check, i'm not implementing something that's already been done by someone else, right?
L471[22:51:18] <terribleperson> i figured it would have been done but i couldn't find anything, I guess people just use the remote terminal item?
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