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L1[00:02:43] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d1c7:98c4:38fc:9cc3)
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L7[00:37:07] <Marlyn> Hmm, what would be a good way of connecting to a websockets-based system using the internet card? Or is that not feasible as-is...?
L8[00:39:33] <fingercomp> the internet card can open TCP sockets, so it is possible to create a websocket client
L9[00:40:26] <fingercomp> I don't think it's difficult to make one
L10[00:40:50] <fingercomp> there's no TLS support built-in, though
L11[00:41:15] <payonel> @forecaster: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2751
L12[00:41:15] <MichiBot> Title: Industrialcraft 2 fluid cell duplication bug with robots | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Thu Feb 15 09:59:37 CST 2018 | Status: open
L13[00:41:49] <payonel> Marlyn: we don't have websocket support _directly_
L14[00:42:06] <payonel> but just as fingercomp says, it can be done. no one has gone fully to the effort of building tls support
L15[00:42:11] <payonel> and it's been asked many times for us to add it
L16[00:42:33] <fingercomp> well, I wrote a TLS 1.2 library for OC in Lua 1.5 yrs ago, but it's slow and depends on Computronics
L17[00:42:46] <payonel> but, i'm not inclined to make it even easier for people to turn oc machines on other people's servers into micro-services
L18[00:43:19] <payonel> fingercomp: ah yes -- that you did
L19[00:43:25] <fingercomp> I'd really like to have it implemented in OC, though
L20[00:44:36] <payonel> @forecaster you didn't tell me any thing about what versions of what you are using in that github issue
L21[00:44:52] <payonel> does anyone here know what version of mc forecaster uses?
L22[01:03:19] <Marlyn> Ah, alright. I was curious about connecting to a discord server from an OC computer, I might see if I can't give that a shot
L23[01:09:52] <Forecaster> payonel: https://towerofawesome.org/biofeedback/public_modlist
L24[01:10:13] <Forecaster> ...
L25[01:10:16] <Forecaster> Dammit
L26[01:10:27] <payonel> ic2-exp for 1.7.10 is lame!
L27[01:10:29] <payonel> LAME
L28[01:10:37] <payonel> i build a deobf version of it
L29[01:10:40] <Izaya> liblame
L30[01:10:46] <Forecaster> payonel: https://towerofawesome.org/railcraftpack/public_modlist [Edited]
L31[01:10:49] <payonel> and they're using a JarVerifier and blocking me from using it
L32[01:10:57] <payonel> how the CRAP am i supposed to debug these stupid jars
L33[01:11:09] <payonel> s/ jars/ mod interactions/
L34[01:11:09] <MichiBot> <payonel> how the CRAP am i supposed to debug these stupid mod interactions
L35[01:11:20] <payonel> at least you're on 1.10
L36[01:11:27] <payonel> hopefully the fix is the same for 1.7.10
L37[01:11:30] <payonel> but still
L38[01:11:33] <payonel> stupid ic2
L39[01:12:58] <Forecaster> yeah, I'm honestly kinda disappointed in player
L40[01:13:10] <payonel> @Forecaster: this version? industrialcraft-2-2.6.245-ex110.jar
L41[01:13:13] <payonel> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/industrial-craft/files/2442911
L42[01:13:56] <Forecaster> should be yeah
L43[01:14:55] <Forecaster> In my base I set up an RTG heater to generate some constant power at a slow rate
L44[01:15:29] <Forecaster> and I encountered a bug where the TE's would toggle their state very quickly and switch textures, which I believe uses TESR's
L45[01:15:53] <Forecaster> and it would absolutely murder my framerate when it was running and I was looking in it's direction
L46[01:16:52] <Forecaster> but when I told player about it he just dismissed it
L47[01:17:43] <payonel> i sometimes wonder how many people i disappoint
L48[01:18:06] <Forecaster> probably not many
L49[01:18:40] <Forecaster> I'm sure you don't dismiss actual issues like that.
L50[01:18:50] <Forecaster> I even have video of it happening.
L51[01:18:58] <Forecaster> I was recording a letsplay episode when it happened
L52[01:19:09] <Forecaster> and I have an fps counter in the corner at all times
L53[01:21:06] <Izaya> payonel: so rc won't run stuff from /usr/etc/rc.d right?
L54[01:21:15] <payonel> oh perhaps not
L55[01:21:20] <payonel> make a github ticket
L56[01:21:21] <payonel> i'll check later
L57[01:21:38] <Izaya> I haven't tried
L58[01:21:51] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p5797233D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L59[01:22:27] <Izaya> I just ask because oppm installs to /usr by default
L60[01:22:46] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d1c7:98c4:38fc:9cc3) (Quit: Leaving)
L61[01:22:49] <payonel> Izaya: yeah, let me know and ticket it if it doesn't
L62[01:22:50] <payonel> i have to run
L63[01:22:50] <payonel> but
L64[01:22:55] <payonel> @forecaster, i repro'd in dev env
L65[01:22:58] <payonel> so, i'll look into that tomorrow
L66[01:22:59] <payonel> o/
L67[01:23:02] <Izaya> \o
L68[01:27:32] <Forecaster> and of course when I told him about this fluid dupe bug he blamed OC
L69[01:27:45] <Forecaster> even though it's ic2's fault with it's non standard container handling
L70[01:28:04] <Forecaster> :|
L71[01:42:45] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: ask Vexatos for OPPM registration
L72[01:58:36] <Marlyn> I'm trying to compile the 1.12 ver, but gradle chokes when it's not able to download Extra Cells' API jar
L73[02:07:23] <payonel> Marlyn: you can edit the gradle build deps and comment out ec dep
L74[02:07:51] <payonel> mod deps are pain for this reason
L75[02:08:15] <payonel> worked for me, but it took many tries and a long time
L76[02:08:42] <payonel> we'd like to put ALL the deps up on a private gradle server one day
L77[02:08:43] <payonel> :)
L78[02:11:52] <Marlyn> So, what would one then do for the orphaned import statements for the corresponding integration? Would I just delete those files and ignore it?
L79[02:13:42] <payonel> you can mark those folders to ignore in the idea settings for the project
L80[02:13:59] <payonel> but, keep trying :)
L81[02:14:02] <payonel> maybe :/
L82[02:14:08] <payonel> maybe the version has been removed from the server
L83[02:14:14] <payonel> maybe we just need to update our version
L84[02:15:28] <Marlyn> Mmm, alright. My existing experience with Modding has taught me persistence and experimentation in these matters pays off, so that is what I shall do
L85[02:15:42] <payonel> what version of ec is it trying to download? what is the latest ec version?
L86[02:15:43] <Izaya> Huh, manual doesn't have recipes.
L87[02:15:45] <payonel> i'd mess wit hthat
L88[02:16:19] <Marlyn> Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I did look there, but the gradle script uses a URL that is not obviously accessible from the curseforge page
L89[02:17:50] <Izaya> Good to see the 1.12 recipe book integrates so "well" with mods
L90[02:18:15] <Izaya> Time to install JEI I guess.
L91[02:18:45] <payonel> i dislike the 1.12 feature that lets me know i can craft something new
L92[02:18:54] <payonel> with mods that basically every freakin' day
L93[02:19:00] <Izaya> I dislike most of the 1.12 changes
L94[02:19:13] <payonel> mmhm
L95[02:19:14] <Izaya> and 1.11 and 1.10 and 1.9 and 1.8 and 1.7 and 1.6
L96[02:19:18] <payonel> haha
L97[02:19:25] <payonel> :)
L98[02:19:26] <Izaya> and probably some before that too
L99[02:19:36] <Izaya> back in my day we had to delete META-INF
L100[02:19:45] <payonel> haha, i definitely was there then
L101[02:20:19] <Izaya> That said, once upon a time you had to delete META-INF just for texture packs and I wasn't there then
L102[02:20:37] <Izaya> still
L103[02:20:52] <Izaya> all this parity with the mobile versions of the game stuff is BS
L104[02:20:56] <Izaya> those are the worse versions
L105[02:21:00] <Izaya> why do you want to add the worse features
L106[02:21:09] <Izaya> in a few years we won't even have crafting grids
L107[02:21:13] <Izaya> just terraria crafting
L108[02:21:29] <Forecaster> I can't wait
L109[02:21:58] * Izaya squints
L110[02:22:55] <Izaya> even more fun
L111[02:23:01] <Izaya> the recipe book causes crashes
L112[02:23:05] <Izaya> or rather
L113[02:23:14] <Izaya> the mod "integration" with the recipe book can cause crashes
L114[02:23:19] <Izaya> also mayonel
L115[02:23:37] <Izaya> if you do /recipe give you * it'll stop giving you notifications
L116[02:23:45] <Izaya> it'll only give you 1/1000th of the recipes too
L117[02:24:14] <payonel> o_o
L118[02:24:16] <payonel> i'll do that
L119[02:24:17] <payonel> :)
L120[02:24:22] * payonel fist bumps Izaya
L121[02:24:52] <Izaya> :)
L122[02:26:03] <Izaya> yeah okay rc won't look at stuff in /usr/etc/rc.d/
L123[02:26:27] <payonel> maybe that's okay
L124[02:26:35] <payonel> i've never used an etc/ in /usr/etc
L125[02:26:37] <payonel> is that a thing?
L126[02:26:41] <Izaya> unsure
L127[02:26:56] <Izaya> I know /usr is meant to be a replica of / mostly
L128[02:26:59] <payonel> anyways, in oppm you can prefix your install paths with an additional /
L129[02:27:04] <Izaya> oh
L130[02:27:04] <payonel> yeah, true
L131[02:27:08] <Izaya> that works
L132[02:27:11] <payonel> the additional / means abs
L133[02:27:18] <Marlyn> It's kind of annoying that oppm will "track" files you install to floppy disks
L134[02:27:24] <payonel> totally
L135[02:27:33] <payonel> there are a lot of things i wanted to redo with oppm
L136[02:27:52] <payonel> before i was payonel ... when i was still just sugoi here :) i was writing my own oppm
L137[02:28:02] <payonel> but wow...it's a lot of work
L138[02:28:05] <payonel> to make it "right"
L139[02:28:16] <payonel> so i gave up :) wanted to do more fun stuff
L140[02:28:37] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/uSmVnVE.png will put minitel.lua in /etc/rc.d but net.lua into /usr/lib by default?
L141[02:29:07] <Marlyn> Yeah, that is well-understandable
L142[02:29:11] <payonel> i THINK it takes //etc/rc.d
L143[02:29:16] <Izaya> oh okay
L144[02:29:17] <payonel> but, ask vex
L145[02:30:04] <Izaya> >pb.i0i0.me is down
L146[02:30:08] <Izaya> ffffffff
L147[02:30:23] <payonel> what is pb.i0i0.me ?
L148[02:30:33] <Izaya> vifino's pastebin
L149[02:36:13] <Izaya> https://paste.teknik.io/GhL99 here's what I have now
L150[02:39:51] <Marlyn> Hmm, if I had to hazard a guess, did curse stop hosting "Ivy" repositories for their packages...?
L151[02:40:14] <Marlyn> The raw URL for the download itself is quite similar in form to the one in the gradle file
L152[02:40:32] <Marlyn> But I cannot find a way to manipulate it so that it's able to find the XML file needed
L153[02:40:47] <Marlyn> I guess I can manually download+drop in place for now
L154[02:46:06] <Marlyn> hrmmmm
L155[02:46:45] <Marlyn> Can't really do that if I don't know how to accurately mimic the hashes that gradle expects... perhaps I'll modify it as a local file dependency instead?
L156[02:47:26] <payonel> Marlyn: what happened to trying to use an updated version number?
L157[02:48:41] <Marlyn> ...I don't think I actually tried that yet, haha, although I'm skeptical if it'll work...? yeah dang it didn't
L158[02:52:02] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L159[02:52:45] <payonel> okok, i've dug myself into the fluid cell use code
L160[02:59:36] <Marlyn> I think I'm able to cheese it by adding it as an "embedded" entry
L161[02:59:57] <Marlyn> Won't work for publishing changes ofc, but it'll let me compile
L162[03:02:27] <Marlyn> Excellent! That trick worked!
L163[03:05:40] <Marlyn> payonel: if you're trying to defuse the knot of EC integration code, I've managed a workaround
L164[03:06:06] <Marlyn> Thank you so much for all your help so far, though!
L165[03:07:37] <payonel> woo
L166[03:11:29] <Marlyn> So if I wanted to add OC integration with another mod, but that mod already implements OC integration on their side, would I make my changes to the foreign mod or OC? I would assume the foreign mod, right, just so that changes don't get spread too thin?
L167[03:12:25] <payonel> yeah
L168[03:12:30] <payonel> that sounds reasonale
L169[03:12:33] <payonel> b+
L170[03:12:38] <payonel> time to sleep
L171[03:12:52] * payonel collapses
L172[03:13:06] <Marlyn> nite
L173[03:14:44] <Izaya> o/
L174[03:17:52] <Forecaster> most mods manage their own intergration
L175[03:22:58] <Izaya> oh yay the current version of ZI doesn't crash the game when you remove telecom wires
L176[03:23:18] <Marlyn> How would I add a "Bundled Redstone" integration?
L177[03:23:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6366.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L178[03:23:24] <Inari> Lewd http://tinyurl.com/ydfz2qlo
L179[03:23:37] <Marlyn> Or rather, it seems non-affine to what the present API enables...?
L180[03:23:56] <Marlyn> Then again all I'm looking at are examples of adapter API usages
L181[03:26:01] <Forecaster> that looks like a centipede
L182[03:26:25] <Izaya> Holy shit. An ad, but it's just a gif that links to something.
L183[03:26:29] <Izaya> It's a miracle.
L184[03:27:25] <Izaya> how does one transfer a file nowdays
L185[03:29:09] <Forecaster> carrier pidgeon
L186[03:29:18] <Izaya> figured as much
L187[03:29:27] <Izaya> how is it that we still don't have a good way for just 'sending' files
L188[03:29:54] <Izaya> pomf sites are okay but it's often slower than it needs to be because you have to upload it to there then download it somewhere else
L189[03:31:07] <Forecaster> email?
L190[03:31:23] <Izaya> Has the same issues, and a smaller file size limit
L191[03:31:38] <Corded> * <Forecaster> shrugs
L192[03:31:47] <Izaya> I'm inclined to think everyone running an FTP or webserver with a temp directory would be the easiest way to do this
L193[03:34:57] <Forecaster> that's hardly a thing everyone can or wants to do
L194[03:35:06] <Forecaster> most people would just use dropbox or something similar
L195[03:35:19] <Izaya> maybe when IPv6 is more widespread and we can have an address for every machine again
L196[03:36:33] <Marlyn> Is it safe/acceptable form for an external mod to reference classes in the "integration.util" directory?
L197[03:37:09] <Forecaster> uh
L198[03:37:15] <Forecaster> no idea what that is
L199[03:37:44] <Forecaster> you should ask Vexatos that question when he comes around
L200[03:37:50] <Forecaster> he'll probably know
L201[03:38:37] <Marlyn> I'm attempting to rig up "Bundled Redstone" integration with the redstone connectors of Immersive Engineering
L202[03:47:53] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y9tg26oy
L203[03:47:57] <Forecaster> this turned out a little weird
L204[03:48:12] <Forecaster> I'm not sure what b******s is supposed to be
L205[03:48:25] <Forecaster> I'm not sure what `b******s` is supposed to be [Edited]
L206[04:21:17] <ade124> 'bollocks'? _kind of_ fits
L207[04:27:53] <Forecaster> that's not a personal insult though is it?
L208[04:28:16] <Forecaster> as in, directed at a subject
L209[04:31:38] ⇦ Quits: erratic (erratic!erratic@shells.yourstruly.sx) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L210[04:43:45] <ade124> any insult can be a personal insult
L211[04:49:27] <Forecaster> I'm insulted by that D:
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L214[05:46:18] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L215[05:46:36] <Izaya> %seen vexatos
L216[05:46:36] <MichiBot> vexatos was last seen 11h 58m 8s ago. Saying: I'll go sleep now >_<
L217[05:46:41] <Izaya> ah :|
L218[05:47:41] <Izaya> guess I should find a sacrificial goat and stuff
L219[05:49:57] <Kodos> %summon Vexatos
L220[06:23:29] <Temia> Not the goats! D:
L221[06:23:41] <Temia> They're too cute to die!
L222[06:24:36] <Inari> %pet Temia
L223[06:24:37] * MichiBot brushes Temia with a safety lance. Temia recovers 6 health!
L224[06:27:16] <Inari> I'm skeptical about the ability of home depot thermometers to measure/display triple negative digit temps
L225[06:30:10] <Forecaster> try it!
L226[06:30:12] <Forecaster> for science!
L227[06:30:18] <Forecaster> or something
L228[06:31:00] <Inari> I'd look up their webpage
L229[06:31:09] <Inari> But it died?
L230[06:31:12] <Inari> https://www.homedepot.com/
L231[06:32:21] <Inari> Also https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883 xD
L232[06:32:21] <MichiBot> Title: Critical Linux filesystem permissions are being changed by latest version | Posted by: Crunkle | Posted: Wed Feb 21 21:41:27 CST 2018 | Status: open
L233[06:33:12] <Izaya> Another item for the list of reasons "why we can't have nice things"
L234[06:33:38] <Inari> Because we can't order them if the website goes "Access denied"?
L235[06:34:17] <MGR> https://notalwaysright.com/not-watching-important-things/105751/
L236[06:35:05] <Inari> Sounds like the "You need tattoos to be good at tattooing
L237[06:36:58] <jackie> reminds me of this old riddle for kids: "two dentists have their offices next to each other. one has really bad teeth and one has really nice teeth. to which of them do you go when you need a dentist?" ^^
L238[06:37:18] <MGR> Interesting riddle
L239[06:38:06] <Inari> jackie: Haha
L240[06:38:08] <Inari> nice one
L241[06:38:14] <Inari> also, https://notalwaysright.com/thats-scam-cookie-crumbles/106014/ people are weird
L242[06:38:33] <MGR> Can confirm people are weird
L243[06:38:35] <Corded> * <MGR> points at himself
L244[06:39:08] <MGR> Although, to me, you're the weird ones! ??
L245[06:40:19] <MGR> Supervisor: “I guess that’s how the cookie crum–“
L246[06:41:52] <Inari> Also I don't get tipping :P
L247[06:42:12] <Inari> "suggested tips" for "Normal service", "good service", "great service"
L248[06:42:14] <MGR> The concept of tipping people in general, or something specific?
L249[06:42:19] <MGR> Ah
L250[06:42:29] <Inari> So I go sit down, you come and I tell you waht I want, some time later you bring me my drink,m then sometime later my food, then sometime later I pay
L251[06:42:35] <Inari> I don't see how that can be bad or good or anything
L252[06:43:06] <Inari> It's like I'm telling a cashier "You swiped those items across the scanner very elegantly today, have an euro!"
L253[06:43:18] <MGR> Attitude, speed, and responsiveness?
L254[06:43:54] <MGR> Because I've had waiters never come by my table after the food is delivered, and I'm thirsty, and so now I have to watch for other waiters to flag someone down to get more
L255[06:44:57] <MGR> That annoys me, in case it wasn't clear
L256[06:55:15] <Forecaster> Jackie, the one with bad teeth, because he's probably doing the teeh of the other dentist
L257[06:55:16] <Kodos> All hail the Honk Mother https://i.imgur.com/JoJpr2l.mp4
L258[06:55:24] <Forecaster> teeth*
L259[06:57:36] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ydedv367
L260[06:57:40] <Forecaster> this one isn't right either
L261[06:58:02] <Forecaster> it would be B****** before my script tries to un-censor it
L262[07:01:55] <Inari> @MGR Well I don't really ever get more
L263[07:02:05] <Inari> I get my drink before the food anyway, and it genrally lasts me till after the food
L264[07:02:33] <MGR> I usually drink about 1.5-2 glasses of water at a public meal
L265[07:02:41] <Inari> I just drink a large coke
L266[07:03:06] <MGR> I like most soda, but not Coca Cola
L267[07:03:56] <MGR> I also don't drink a lot of soda, mostly water or lemonade
L268[07:05:19] <Forecaster> I drink tons of cola :P
L269[07:05:29] <Forecaster> I have a .5L bottle with me to work every day
L270[07:05:38] <MGR> That's a lot
L271[07:05:40] <Forecaster> I drink half in the morning and the rest for lunch
L272[07:06:03] <Inari> That doesn't sound very "tons"
L273[07:06:41] <MGR> But the fastest (and only usable way short of currency valued in the trillions) way to bribe me is to approach me with a bag of Swedish Fish in one hand, and a bottle of lemonade in the other
L274[07:07:19] <Forecaster> I usually have more when I get home, but I drink at *least* half a liter on week days
L275[07:09:59] <Forecaster> when someone says "Swedish fish" I always think of surströmming first
L276[07:12:42] * Temia sips her coffee.
L277[07:12:45] <MGR> @Forecaster these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Fish
L278[07:13:33] <Forecaster> yeah I know
L279[07:14:49] <Forecaster> they're not called that here :P
L280[07:15:24] <MGR> Where do you live?
L281[07:15:33] <Forecaster> in sweden :P
L282[07:15:48] <MGR> Ahhh
L283[07:15:56] <MGR> I think they're called "pastel fish"
L284[07:16:01] <MGR> Probably not "our fish"
L285[07:16:13] <Forecaster> I think most people just call them candy fish
L286[07:16:29] <Temia> Muuu .o.
L287[07:16:46] <Forecaster> are you sure you wouldn't like some surströmming instead? :P
L288[07:16:49] * Izaya offers Temia tea
L289[07:16:58] <MGR> That's probably a decent name
L290[07:17:01] <Temia> I would!
L291[07:17:07] <MGR> I'm not sure what surstromming is though
L292[07:17:11] <Forecaster> hehe
L293[07:17:22] <Corded> * <MGR> doesn't know the combo for o umulaut thing
L294[07:17:31] <Mimiru> %translate surströmming
L295[07:17:31] <MichiBot> fermented herring
L296[07:17:36] <Izaya> compose + o + :
L297[07:17:45] <Forecaster> o + ¨
L298[07:17:45] <Izaya> anyway
L299[07:17:48] <Temia> :D~
L300[07:18:01] <Izaya> I'm going to go to bed before I pass out
L301[07:18:11] <Izaya> because sleeping in computer chairs is uncomfortable
L302[07:18:12] <Forecaster> yes, that's pretty much a literal translation
L303[07:18:23] <Forecaster> strömming is herring
L304[07:18:26] <Izaya> especially ones without arm wrests
L305[07:18:33] <Forecaster> sur means sour or rotten
L306[07:18:52] <Forecaster> and yeah, it's basically rotten fish
L307[07:18:57] <Forecaster> that people eat
L308[07:18:59] <Forecaster> and like
L309[07:19:05] <Forecaster> and I have no idea why
L310[07:19:16] <Forecaster> I can't even eat green cheese
L311[07:19:25] <Forecaster> or blue, or whatever
L312[07:20:02] <Temia> I was squeamish about blue cheese once. Not at all anymore.
L313[07:20:08] <MGR> Eating rotten fish sounds.... interesting
L314[07:20:30] <MGR> I assume there has to be more than just leaving fish out until they decompose, and then eating whatever is left
L315[07:20:57] <Forecaster> they're like, half-preserved with salt or something
L316[07:21:24] <Forecaster> but yes, they're pretty much allowed to decompose to a degree (for a long time) and then you heat what's left
L317[07:21:58] <Forecaster> it comes in cans, and the smell is so pungent that they're opened in water
L318[07:22:21] <Forecaster> if you open one in the air in a room the smell can linger for ages
L319[07:22:35] <Temia> Either way I'm none too perturbed about fermented food, so long as it's done in a way that doesn't make food poisoning likely.
L320[07:22:59] <Temia> The smell might be a bit much for me though, who knows.
L321[07:28:10] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1)
L322[07:33:36] <Inari> Ew blue cheese
L323[07:34:12] <Forecaster> I also don't like coffee so maybe I'm weird
L324[07:34:40] <Inari> Coffee is nice if you pour enough milk and sugar into it
L325[07:35:27] <Forecaster> I disagree
L326[07:35:59] <Forecaster> at that point I'd prefer hot chocolate
L327[07:36:58] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVmjHQaUMAAsAAy.jpg:large xD
L328[07:38:00] <Forecaster> looks about right
L329[07:38:48] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/blowing-nothing-hot-air/101351/
L330[07:38:50] <Forecaster> yeesh
L331[07:47:48] <Izaya> Coffee is best without milk or sugar
L332[07:50:26] * Skye gives Izaya a hot chcolate
L333[07:50:35] <Skye> *chocolate
L334[07:50:48] <ds84182> ??
L335[07:51:23] <Skye> hai @ds84182
L336[07:51:26] <Skye> long time no see?
L337[07:51:57] <ds84182> Hai
L338[07:52:21] <Kodos> Oi!
L339[07:53:46] <ds84182> ??
L340[08:41:53] <AmandaC> ¬.¬
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L345[09:19:44] <vifino> wat, did i get pinged?
L346[09:19:48] <vifino> %lastping
L347[09:19:56] <vifino> erm, wazzitcalled.
L348[09:20:33] <Forecaster> whopinged
L349[09:20:34] <vifino> found it.
L350[09:21:03] <vifino> Izaya: yes, things are asplodin.
L351[09:21:47] <vifino> now it works again.
L352[09:27:12] <Forecaster> https://notalwaysright.com/beguiling-bagels-3/101814/
L353[09:27:16] <Forecaster> good god some people
L354[09:34:05] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p5797233D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L355[09:44:04] <Inari> Thats... odd
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L358[10:38:46] <ds84182> yum, 3gb of source files and 6gb of compiled binaries
L359[10:39:38] <ds84182> time to reboot
L360[10:47:11] <Michiyo> Ok.. interesting issue time.
L361[10:47:52] <Michiyo> I have a directory full of images, some of those images are duplicates. I'd like to remove the duplicates (easy enough) AND update a bunch of .json files pointing the old file names to the new ones...
L362[10:48:13] <Michiyo> without having to manually do this 1500 times split across multiple json files.
L363[10:52:48] <Forecaster> If you give me more criteria I can write a python script that does that
L364[10:55:36] <payonel> MichiBot: are the dups exact checksum dups?
L365[10:55:42] <payonel> -_-
L366[10:55:45] <Michiyo> lol
L367[10:55:46] <payonel> Michiyo*
L368[10:56:12] <payonel> ya know what, if i ever talk to MichiBot you can just assume from context that i'm talking to you :)
L369[10:56:15] <Michiyo> In theory, I've yet to run md5sum on them or anything.. but this duplicate finder set to 100% match returns 1250~ dups.
L370[10:56:30] <Michiyo> sadly I can't export the list.. or I would lol
L371[10:57:01] <payonel> i've used `fdupes`, it works very well
L372[10:57:06] <payonel> command line tool, makes a report
L373[10:57:09] <Michiyo> @Forecaster basically I'm wanting to remove duplicate images that we scraped from the wiki, some items use the same icon for both items
L374[10:57:22] <Michiyo> then I need to update the jsons to point the old filename to the new one.
L375[10:58:15] <Michiyo> so if I delete `20px-Abalathian_Rock_Salt_Icon.png` it now points to `20px-Ala_Mhigan_Salt_Crystal_Icon.png`
L376[10:58:41] <Michiyo> bad example as I don't think those are the same exact image.. but the idea is the same.
L377[10:58:59] <Michiyo> Oh wait, no those totally ARE the same image.
L378[10:59:57] <AmandaC> content-addressed filestorage!
L379[10:59:59] <Michiyo> it won't save much space.. but I'm sitting @ ~50mb of images right now.
L380[11:00:24] <Michiyo> pngcrush hasn't done much
L381[11:00:38] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E577482274066B412F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L382[11:00:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L383[11:00:43] <Michiyo> 20x20px images are roughly the same at png or jpg.
L384[11:01:49] <Michiyo> and the Sears truck is here.. so woo.. :/
L385[11:02:54] <Michiyo> @Forecaster if you want to take a crack at it https://michi.pc-logix.com/images%20and%20db.zip
L386[11:03:02] <Michiyo> afk
L387[11:15:13] <payonel> Michiyo and @Forecaster: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/oWCJrlvw
L388[11:16:00] <payonel> or if you would all dupes on single lines
L389[11:16:01] <payonel> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/Ninni1ey
L390[11:37:31] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L391[11:45:29] <Marlyn> How would I add Bundled Redstone integration from the context of another mod? From the code I'm seeing in other mods, there are no external accesses to any OC classes permitted besides the "API" classes, right? Though, the only place in OC where I see it's possible to add Bundled Redstone integration is in "integration.util"...?
L392[11:52:22] <AmandaC> Computronics has some code that might be helpful, ISTR, gimme a sec and I'll dig it out
L393[11:57:31] <AmandaC> hrm, I may have mis-remembered
L394[12:04:38] <Marlyn> I'll dig there
L395[12:09:05] <payonel> Marlyn: which mod's b.redstone are you looking to add support for?
L396[12:09:30] <Marlyn> "Immersive Engineering"
L397[12:09:39] <Marlyn> The redstone connectors in particular
L398[12:09:43] <payonel> huh
L399[12:09:48] <payonel> i didn't know ImEng had bundled redstone
L400[12:09:58] <payonel> i dont know very much at all about that mod though, tbh
L401[12:15:43] <Inari> Lizzy: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWqKlFgXUAE782f.jpg:large :3
L402[12:19:49] <AmandaC> Inari: d'aww
L403[12:20:42] <Inari> :3
L404[12:21:15] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks|Alt (Alex_hawks|Alt!~Alex_hawk@
L405[12:21:23] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L406[12:21:23] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with depression. AmandaC recovers 13 health!
L407[12:21:42] <Arcan> ...wat
L408[12:21:51] <AmandaC> :(
L409[12:21:58] <Inari> %pet Arcan
L410[12:21:59] * MichiBot pets Arcan with allegro days. Arcan recovers 11 health!
L411[12:24:00] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (Alex_hawks!~Alex_hawk@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L412[13:04:39] * Michiyo blehs in the general direction of the channel
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L417[13:44:47] <Izaya> Vexatos: hey
L418[13:45:43] <Vexatos> Izaya: hey
L419[13:45:55] <Izaya> https://paste.teknik.io/GhL99 is this the right format for a programs.cfg that puts stuff into /etc/rc.d?
L420[13:46:16] <Vexatos> looks about right >_<
L421[13:46:50] <Izaya> so // at the start for absolute?
L422[13:47:03] <Vexatos> yes
L423[13:47:08] <Vexatos> read the doc >_<
L424[13:48:10] <Izaya> oh, it is in there
L425[13:48:40] <Vexatos> surprise: the oppm documentation is comprehensive
L426[13:48:52] <Izaya> how unusual for something OC-related
L427[13:49:08] * Vexatos continues working on fully undocumented leaf
L428[13:49:52] <Izaya> well, now that that's cleared up
L429[13:50:40] <Izaya> any chance you'd want to register https://github.com/ShadowKatStudios/OC-Minitel/blob/master/programs.cfg ?
L430[13:51:00] <Vexatos> but you already have a repo
L431[13:51:21] * Izaya squints
L432[13:51:24] <Izaya> I do?
L433[13:51:39] <Vexatos> Do you not >-<
L434[13:52:23] <Izaya> I have my OC-Stuff repo but it doesn't have a programs.cfg
L435[13:55:07] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:e4fd:46f0:f213:72da) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L436[13:55:56] <Skye> Vexatos, this is its own project though
L437[13:56:50] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:749b:3e14:c643:5991)
L438[14:00:44] <Vexatos> welp
L439[14:00:47] <Vexatos> there you go :I
L440[14:02:10] <Izaya> thanks :D https://i.imgur.com/Pnjt9tL.png
L441[14:15:33] <Mettaton_Fab> aw man, why is my internet so slow
L442[14:15:50] <Mettaton_Fab> even though i should get more than before
L443[14:22:02] <ZeekDaGeek> @Vexatos, here's the documentation you wanted for MaryTTS all written in SSML. https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/speech-synthesis-markup-language-ssml-reference.html
L444[14:22:51] <ZeekDaGeek> Which now that I know it exists Computronics totally needs a way to pass in SSML as a string and external SSML files.
L445[14:25:43] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek Indeed, I should add a function for that
L446[14:25:58] <Vexatos> probably make it a config option because some people might be paranoid
L447[14:26:11] <Vexatos> and also this is harder to... "balance", not as simple as "maximum number of characters"
L448[14:26:53] <AmandaC> regex out anything between `<>`s and count the chars
L449[14:26:59] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L450[14:26:59] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a mysterious elf. AmandaC recovers 5 health!
L451[14:28:44] <Vexatos> Guess I'll have to look into how to make mary recognize SSML properly
L452[14:28:49] <Vexatos> as opposed to plain text
L453[14:29:07] <ZeekDaGeek> Or probably maximum WAV length or size for the message instead considering you may be able to just make the an SSML file that just screams "AHHHH" for a year.
L454[14:29:21] <Vexatos> actually
L455[14:29:28] <Vexatos> I do have the length of the output stream
L456[14:31:09] <Vexatos> it's 48000Hz DFPWM so it's exactly 6000B/s
L457[14:31:31] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek problem with that is that I have to synthesize the sound before I reject it
L458[14:31:39] <Vexatos> to know its length
L459[14:33:33] ⇦ Quits: Marlyn (Marlyn!~Marlyn@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L460[14:41:43] <ZeekDaGeek> Huh strange that there's no way to set a maximum. Damned scientist in their lab not needing to take user input and thinking "Wait what if someone just types W 1,000 times?"
L461[14:42:05] <Vexatos> this should be very doable though
L462[14:42:22] <Vexatos> like
L463[14:42:23] <Vexatos> Computronics.tts.marytts.setInputType("SSML");
L464[14:42:29] <Vexatos> 999 difficult
L465[14:43:13] <Vexatos> I'll have to switch input type every process but it seems to be just a flag so no problem
L466[14:43:41] <ZeekDaGeek> Then we can not only have OpenComputers controlling the note blocks but Computronics doing the singing... if SSML can swing it.
L467[14:47:45] <Vexatos> now I first need to learn how DOM errors work
L468[14:47:59] <Vexatos> Number of times I have dealt with XML: -4
L469[14:48:58] <ZeekDaGeek> The first thing to test: <speak><prosody volume="+9000db">Hello</prosody><speak>
L470[14:49:36] <Vexatos> that sounds safe
L471[14:49:45] <Vexatos> I can see nothing that could go wrong with this
L472[14:50:00] <Vexatos> yea I'll make it a config option
L473[14:50:02] <Vexatos> and it's off by default
L474[14:50:07] <Vexatos> this isn't even remotely safe :P
L475[14:51:15] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVg3cBAU8AAR0vX.jpg:large ~
L476[14:52:27] <ZeekDaGeek> And the ability to check the available voices and set which one is used is also missing I think...
L477[14:54:01] <ZeekDaGeek> marrytts.getVoice(), marrytts.setVoice(), getLocale(), setLocale().
L478[14:54:17] <ZeekDaGeek> How am I supposed to get my sweet Canadian accents when I say "sorry."
L479[14:54:38] <Vexatos> problem with that is that setVoice affects the entire runtime
L480[14:54:50] <Vexatos> i.e. all synthesis on every computer
L481[14:55:12] <Vexatos> I don't want per-box mary instances since they are huge and take a long time to load
L482[14:55:30] <Vexatos> Hm
L483[14:56:08] <Vexatos> actually
L484[14:56:10] <ZeekDaGeek> Doesn't seem to be very hard to solve... Any time component.speak.speak("Blah") is called set the instance's parameters.
L485[14:56:23] <Vexatos> probably worth a try
L486[14:56:25] <ZeekDaGeek> You'll need to do the same thing for SSML processing anyways right?
L487[14:56:36] <Vexatos> I'll just add an unsafeMary option that enables all this madness
L488[14:56:53] <Vexatos> and the callback functions are simply not visible when that is false
L489[15:00:54] <Vexatos> see here is one example of it breaking
L490[15:01:00] <Vexatos> you _have_ to specify the language in the SSML
L491[15:03:41] <ZeekDaGeek> I have to admit that I have no idea how it actually works this is just my experience with other programing languages.
L492[15:04:08] <Vexatos> the XML has to at least say <speak version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis&quot; xml:lang="en-US">
L493[15:04:17] <Vexatos> replacing "en-US" with anything valid
L494[15:04:35] <ZeekDaGeek> Is it not like any other object based programming where you create a constructor that is called for each computer instance. In the constructor you can say things like maryLocale = "US" and only if it's ever changed would it not be available.
L495[15:04:45] <Vexatos> mary won't use the default voice if there is no voice specified in XML it seems
L496[15:05:27] <ZeekDaGeek> Oh weird, all of the SSML I'm looking at for maryTTS seems to just be <speak></speak>
L497[15:05:42] <Vexatos> the only example for mary I have seen does not https://git.io/vAgd7
L498[15:05:48] <Vexatos> also I checked the code
L499[15:05:56] <Vexatos> and it errors if it cannot find a language
L500[15:06:02] <Vexatos> (in the XML itself)
L501[15:08:52] <Vexatos> ...what
L502[15:08:54] <Vexatos> actually
L503[15:08:57] <Vexatos> it should be working...
L504[15:09:01] <Vexatos> let's see
L505[15:09:51] <Inari> asie: Whats up wiht Hakase and shark gore?
L506[15:09:52] <Vexatos> oh I see
L507[15:10:50] <Vexatos> Yea no
L508[15:11:02] <Forecaster> @Mimiru they are indeed hash same-hash duplicates
L509[15:11:26] <ZeekDaGeek> I guess I maybe got carried away to some other SSML variants at some point, it does look like MaryTTS is very strict.
L510[15:11:54] <Michiyo> @Forecaster yeah
L511[15:12:07] <Michiyo> payonel, linked the output from... something on *nix
L512[15:12:08] <Michiyo> lol
L513[15:12:10] <Forecaster> I've now got a script that generates hashes and creates a dictionary of them, each containing an array of the files with the same hash
L514[15:12:28] <Michiyo> nice
L515[15:12:53] <Forecaster> probably just gotta do a replace on the paths in the already existing json files, then delete the duplicates
L516[15:13:18] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek it works :I
L517[15:13:21] <Forecaster> but I'm slightly ill so I'm going to bed now
L518[15:13:21] <Vexatos> like
L519[15:13:23] <Vexatos> it just does
L520[15:13:38] <Vexatos> But yes, you HAVE to either specify the voice or lang in the <speak> tag
L521[15:13:41] <Michiyo> kk, hope you feel better @Forecaster
L522[15:14:06] <Forecaster> I should be able to finish the rest tomorrow
L523[15:14:10] <Vexatos> this is why this'll be off by default :P
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L525[15:16:16] <ZeekDaGeek> Wait it works in the current version?
L526[15:16:25] <Forecaster> also, there's 6805 files in the crafting dir
L527[15:16:34] <Michiyo> yep ._.
L528[15:16:38] <Forecaster> my script found 6079 unique hashes
L529[15:16:49] <Michiyo> sounds about right.
L530[15:16:50] <Forecaster> so that's roughly 800 unecessary images
L531[15:17:12] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:749b:3e14:c643:5991) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L532[15:17:23] <Michiyo> wish pngcrush or jpg-ing them would make them smaller
L533[15:17:24] <Michiyo> lol
L534[15:17:38] <Forecaster> 11%
L535[15:17:51] <Forecaster> ish
L536[15:19:37] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek also a component.speech_box.voices I guess as a table of available voices
L537[15:21:22] <Forecaster> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340238602334240780/416314917117755392/1180719819451.jpg
L538[15:21:35] <Michiyo> \o/
L539[15:22:41] <asie> Inari: fandoms
L540[15:25:14] <Inari> Odd fandoms
L541[15:39:20] <Mettaton_Fab> oh no, catgirl rain
L542[15:43:57] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek what should faulty XML even do? Currently it prints an error to the server console. It isn't really possible to return an error to OC itself
L543[15:44:35] <ZeekDaGeek> Just return false I imagine...
L544[15:44:41] <Vexatos> Can't, really
L545[15:44:55] <Vexatos> all that saySSML() would do would be the same as say(), i.e. just tell the mary thread to start processing
L546[15:45:03] <Vexatos> it doesn't know yet whether it'll succeed or not
L547[15:45:17] <ZeekDaGeek> It should say "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
L548[15:45:23] <Vexatos> Hah
L549[15:45:31] <Vexatos> Hm
L550[15:45:41] <Vexatos> oh here's an idea
L551[15:45:41] <payonel> Mimiru and @forecaster
L552[15:45:45] <payonel> i did all of that for you already
L553[15:45:58] <Vexatos> maybe add that as the "Last Error" when you right click the box with an Analyzer
L554[15:46:22] <Vexatos> not sure :i
L555[15:46:38] <Vexatos> faulty XML is practically impossible to distinguish from any other synthesis error, anyway
L556[15:48:28] <ZeekDaGeek> Can't you try-catch it?
L557[15:48:52] <Vexatos> well yes but it just throws a SynthesisException
L558[15:49:12] <Vexatos> Hard to tell if it errored because of bad XML
L559[15:49:14] <Vexatos> or something else
L560[15:51:52] <ZeekDaGeek> catch(SyntheticException e) { //Failure of voice synthesis } catch(Exception e) { // Any other errors? }
L561[15:52:11] <Vexatos> What I meant was that there can be a lot of reasons for a SynthesisException
L562[15:52:15] <ZeekDaGeek> Also doesn't matter if you're only saying "false" what the reason was, it just didn't work.
L563[15:52:18] <Vexatos> literally anything going on in mary would cause it
L564[15:52:22] <Vexatos> ...I guess
L565[15:53:03] <Vexatos> I guess I will just make it stay silent in saySSML
L566[15:53:20] <Vexatos> Hm, another issue
L567[15:53:32] <Vexatos> if it fails, it stops, meaning you can immediately call saySSML() again without having to wait
L568[15:53:38] <Vexatos> meaning you can easily DOS the mary thread
L569[15:54:00] <Vexatos> any ideas?
L570[15:54:13] <Vexatos> hm maybe I can force a five-second timeout or something
L571[15:55:28] <ZeekDaGeek> it already prevents new messages when it's already playing text right?
L572[15:55:32] <ZeekDaGeek> Or just processing?
L573[15:55:41] <Vexatos> while it is playing, yes
L574[15:55:47] <Vexatos> my issue is when it fails to generate the sound
L575[15:55:53] <Vexatos> And won't even start playing
L576[15:55:55] <Vexatos> i.e. won't block
L577[15:56:14] <Vexatos> right now, you could just immediately send a new message
L578[15:56:33] <Lizzian> ~oc robot
L579[15:56:33] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L580[15:58:25] <ZeekDaGeek> Give a value to amount of time spent processing and cool down based on that?
L581[15:58:48] <Vexatos> An average processing takes around 500ms
L582[15:59:01] <Vexatos> so maybe 10 times the processing time?
L583[15:59:07] <Vexatos> i.e. 5 seconds on average
L584[15:59:12] <Forecaster> payonel yes but I want a self contained script that Mimiru can reuse if necessary
L585[15:59:43] <payonel> `fdupes mimiru-files -r`
L586[15:59:46] <payonel> ^ that's all i did :)
L587[15:59:49] <ZeekDaGeek> Should be alright, but honestly you can always DoS anything in Minecraft if you're malicious. ??
L588[16:00:12] <ZeekDaGeek> I could just create a bunch of computers doing never ending tough math.
L589[16:00:20] <Forecaster> Sure...
L590[16:00:42] <Forecaster> But I can use my table of dupes to operate on the files
L591[16:00:59] <Forecaster> See self contained
L592[16:01:19] <Vexatos> well OC has limits for that
L593[16:04:32] <ben_mkiv> mine bitcoins in openos
L594[16:06:43] <Forecaster> opencoins
L595[16:06:45] <MGR> ??
L596[16:07:06] <Forecaster> The game *is* called Minecraft
L597[16:07:14] <MGR> That's true
L598[16:07:19] <MGR> Obviously they want this to happen
L599[16:07:23] <ben_mkiv> xD
L600[16:08:09] <Vexatos> Hm
L601[16:08:15] <Vexatos> I shouldn't call these "unsafe callbacks"
L602[16:09:01] <Vexatos> they aren't really... unsafe
L603[16:09:04] <Vexatos> just... less safe
L604[16:10:47] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek why would you need getLocale and setLocale? setVoice automatically sets the locale to that voice's language
L605[16:11:20] <Vexatos> well getLocale() maybe for getVoices(thislocale)
L606[16:16:59] <ZeekDaGeek> I'm not exactly sure, I figured they were for inflection of syllables depending on the language you wanted to try to emulate.
L607[16:17:24] <Vexatos> In mary, the voice defines which languages it can be used for
L608[16:17:35] <Vexatos> e.g. the default English voice _only_ works for US English
L609[16:17:58] <Vexatos> a voice _can_ support multiple languages, but eh >_<
L610[16:19:28] <ZeekDaGeek> What voices are included by default? I guess it's not like people can install extras.
L611[16:19:38] <ZeekDaGeek> If they're all english who cares.
L612[16:20:05] <cat2002> Did you know that different voices sound different?
L613[16:20:11] <cat2002> Also
L614[16:20:16] <cat2002> Some people might not speak english.
L615[16:20:31] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek they can though
L616[16:20:37] <Vexatos> one of the three jar files you install is the voice
L617[16:20:39] <Vexatos> one is the language
L618[16:20:49] <Vexatos> you can put as many languages and voices in that directory as you want
L619[16:21:10] <ZeekDaGeek> Oh sweet.
L620[16:21:28] <Vexatos> It is just that computronics randomly sets mary to the first voice it finds that has a correspondign language
L621[16:21:38] <Vexatos> actually no
L622[16:21:46] <Vexatos> it sets mary to the first language that has an installed voice
L623[16:21:47] <Vexatos> >_<
L624[16:21:54] <Vexatos> but it's undefined behaviour
L625[16:22:02] <Vexatos> It does not expect any particular language to be there
L626[16:22:34] <Vexatos> so if you install multiple languages, say() will just derp unless you actually use setVoice
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L628[16:23:50] <Vexatos> I am just not sure whether setLocale is needed since that really is only useful if you have a voice that can speak multiple languages
L629[16:23:58] <ZeekDaGeek> It's hard to find a list of available voices online anywhere...
L630[16:24:04] <Vexatos> since setVoice already sets the locale to the voice's primary language
L631[16:24:33] <Vexatos> there are a lot of language jars in https://github.com/marytts/marytts/releases/download/v5.2/marytts-5.2.zip
L632[16:24:40] <Vexatos> and a list of voices is at https://github.com/marytts?q=voice
L633[16:24:57] <Vexatos> those are all the "official voices"
L634[16:25:08] <Vexatos> some are better than others
L635[16:25:21] <Vexatos> basically any repo that starts with "voice-"
L636[16:25:33] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek good example is this British voice https://github.com/marytts/voice-dfki-prudence-hsmm
L637[16:26:11] <Vexatos> or https://github.com/marytts/voice-dfki-prudence if you prefer a unit selection voice
L638[16:26:52] <Vexatos> [all this is documented on the marytts wiki page]
L639[16:26:57] <ZeekDaGeek> All these models have hidden semis. :geekLewd:
L640[16:27:11] <Vexatos> [because I actually spent time on that wiki page]
L641[16:30:08] <ZeekDaGeek> Going to have to install all of these with proper releases.
L642[16:30:20] <ZeekDaGeek> Screw compiling jars.
L643[16:30:33] <Vexatos> github releases to the rescue
L644[16:30:52] <Vexatos> as I said, right now it'll just lead to mary randomly selecting one of the installed languages and voices
L645[16:31:15] <Vexatos> whichever is the first language that has a working voice
L646[16:31:35] <ZeekDaGeek> Untested or thought through updates now! ??
L647[16:31:56] <Vexatos> but I should be able to get you a build soon™
L648[16:32:03] <Vexatos> And then I go sleep while the world crashes and burns
L649[16:32:26] <ZeekDaGeek> What that could be minutes from now, I'll have lost interest in all TTS by then. ??
L650[16:32:38] <Vexatos> pfft
L651[16:33:30] <ZeekDaGeek> If there was one ingot to define all of Immersive Engineering what ingot would you say that was?
L652[16:34:43] <Vexatos> I never used that mod >_<
L653[16:34:53] <Marlyn> Hmm, I'm torn between steel or electrum
L654[16:34:58] <Marlyn> Probably steel though
L655[16:35:18] <ZeekDaGeek> Steel, steel is the ingot that defines that mod. And you can't make steel with IE at the moment.
L656[16:35:47] <Marlyn> Is the blast furnace broken?
L657[16:36:11] <ZeekDaGeek> So once IE releases a version with working steel and Tech Reborn releases a fix to not being able to pump items in and out of their machines I'll be ready to Computronics, that'll be your deadline Vexatos.
L658[16:36:29] <ZeekDaGeek> So you've probably got a few weeks at Tech Reborn's update schedule. ??
L659[16:36:50] <ZeekDaGeek> Yeah Blast Furnaces will burn your fuel but never increase their work at the moment.
L660[16:37:02] <Marlyn> Is this the 1.13 ver, or
L661[16:37:12] <ZeekDaGeek> Burned through 60k coke coal, it was a great loss to the environment.
L662[16:37:53] <ZeekDaGeek> 0.12 - 77 is broken blast furnaces.
L663[16:38:16] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6366.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'A girl can have multiple page programs!')
L664[16:38:25] <ZeekDaGeek> Issue tracker has it fixed just nothing compiled on CurseForge yet.
L665[16:47:07] <ZeekDaGeek> -So you've probably got a few weeks at Tech Reborn's update schedule. ??- [Edited]
L666[16:47:15] <ZeekDaGeek> --So you've probably got a few weeks at Tech Reborn's update schedule. ??-- [Edited]
L667[16:48:01] <ZeekDaGeek> ~~So you've probably got a few weeks at Tech Reborn's update schedule. ??~~ Apparently I'm using the wrong version, Tech Reborn fixed it. [Edited]
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L669[16:53:21] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek which Minecraft version would you like a build for >_<
L670[16:55:16] <ZeekDaGeek> 1.12.2 o.o;
L671[16:55:41] <ZeekDaGeek> What versions are you weirdos using over here in #oc? ??
L672[16:56:03] <Vexatos> OC is still up-to-date for 1.7, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12
L673[16:56:22] <Vexatos> o no wats this https://files.vexatos.com/Computronics/dev/Computronics-1.12.2-1.6.6-ssml.jar
L674[16:56:41] <Vexatos> @ZeekDaGeek reminder to launch, close, and check the config for two new config options
L675[16:56:51] <Vexatos> all the stuff is off by default
L676[16:58:21] <ZeekDaGeek> Won't be able to test it at the moment. Since it's a server I don't want to do frequent updates, waiting for one more mod to fix itself since it has a major bug.
L677[16:58:33] <Vexatos> Sure >_<
L678[16:58:44] <Vexatos> I didn't test it past "yea it loads this simple XML file"
L679[16:58:49] <Vexatos> so uh
L680[16:58:53] <Vexatos> expect anything to happen
L681[16:59:00] <Vexatos> setVoice also works with the regular say(), of course
L682[16:59:35] <ZeekDaGeek> Nice.
L683[16:59:46] <Vexatos> Thanks to this, I found a bug in OC's JEI integration, too
L684[17:00:08] <ZeekDaGeek> The one where every single item in existance says something about..
L685[17:00:23] <Vexatos> no that was a bug in Zetta Industries
L686[17:00:41] <Vexatos> fixed though, whenever a new version of that comes out
L687[17:01:07] <Kodos> Did ZI ever get fully implemented smartcards
L688[17:01:44] <Michiyo> Someone was going to do smartcards for OpenSec, and then didn't.
L689[17:01:48] <ZeekDaGeek> I don't know but apparently 9 hours ago they were "Improved"
L690[17:01:59] <Michiyo> KINDA like someone was going to do screens for OpenSec, and the ndidn't
L691[17:02:05] <Kodos> Michiyo, someone was also gonna do display screens and then vanished for months
L692[17:02:07] <Kodos> Lol
L693[17:05:45] <ZeekDaGeek> Do GPUs and screens have a buffer you can write to so that you can update the screen all at once instead of sending an update every time you change a line?
L694[17:06:54] <Vexatos> oh it's not a bug
L695[17:06:56] <Vexatos> damn
L696[17:07:05] <Vexatos> JEI will show the new functions even if they are not enabled in the config
L697[17:07:06] <Vexatos> :I
L698[17:07:32] <Vexatos> anyhoo, time to go sleep
L699[17:13:13] <payonel> @ZeekDaGeek sort of
L700[17:13:32] <payonel> gpu's have a viewport that can be <= the resolution
L701[17:13:51] <payonel> you can use gpu.copy to blit data from offscreen to onscreen or vise versa
L702[17:14:57] <payonel> hmm, 1.8 idea: maybe i'll let the viewport go 2x the size of the resolution
L703[17:25:01] <ZeekDaGeek> @payonel That doesn't sound like it would solve the problem exactly. I'm trying to create a multiple colored list that can be scrolled through with up and down arrows, but I can see as each line draws in sequence essentially.
L704[17:25:20] <ZeekDaGeek> Unless you can make multiple draws off screen within a single tick and copy it over...
L705[17:26:07] <ZeekDaGeek> Usually most graphics things have a buffer you can draw to then display all at once to get rid of that effect.
L706[17:27:43] <ZeekDaGeek> I'll have to try to create a stress test and see if it helps any.
L707[17:31:12] <payonel> yes, you can write offscreen, if you set the viewport to be small than resolution
L708[17:44:17] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E577482274066B412F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L709[17:45:58] <Kodos> What sort of items will be on the list?
L710[17:46:33] <Kodos> Depending on what you're doing, you may consider using the history feature of whatever that function is to read input
L711[17:49:39] <sshika> hello. there is an event redstone ?
L712[17:49:48] <payonel> @sshika yep
L713[17:49:59] <payonel> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals
L714[17:50:14] <payonel> redstone_changed(address: string, side: number, oldValue: number, newValue: number)
L715[17:50:49] <sshika> ok thanks.
L716[17:54:16] <sshika> have you an exmple to use this function ?
L717[17:54:36] <payonel> not a function, a signal
L718[17:54:47] <payonel> do you have an openos shell?
L719[17:56:04] <sshika> yes
L720[17:56:19] <payonel> run `dmesg` on the command line
L721[17:56:31] <payonel> then, with a redstone io thingie next to the case
L722[17:56:36] <payonel> send it redstone signals
L723[17:56:47] <payonel> i mean, vanilla redstone on/off pulses
L724[17:56:53] <payonel> so the redstone io port
L725[17:57:01] <payonel> and observe the output of dmesg
L726[17:57:28] <sshika> ok. i have 2 bundle on a redstone block.
L727[17:57:41] <sshika> i want to detect ther is a changement
L728[18:03:42] <Kodos> Best bet is to write an event handler
L729[18:04:33] <Kodos> I don't have redstone examples, but this is my handler template. Feel free to shamelessly steal it. https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/blob/master/misc/eventhandler_template.lua
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L733[18:45:31] <ZeekDaGeek> D: My hard drive won't stop making clicking noises, nothing is running, it's driving me insane.
L734[18:46:15] <Arcan> does the PC turn on?
L735[18:46:22] <Arcan> if the answer is no, you have a head crash
L736[18:46:27] <Arcan> i hope you have backups
L737[18:46:42] <Arcan> ...unless you mean an OpenComputers pc?
L738[18:46:51] <ZeekDaGeek> OpenComputer PC. ??
L739[18:47:00] <Arcan> oh thank heavens
L740[18:47:04] <Arcan> does it have power
L741[18:47:17] <ZeekDaGeek> Yes, it's running on the terminal at the moment.
L742[18:47:20] <Arcan> and a bootable medium
L743[18:47:31] <Arcan> and a lua bios eeprom
L744[18:47:54] <Arcan> @ZeekDaGeek screenshot of your setup and the computer case GUI?
L745[18:47:58] <ZeekDaGeek> I ran a program on it, the program crashed and now it seems to think that stuff is happening with the harddrive when I can't imagine anything is.
L746[18:48:21] <ZeekDaGeek> Program: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ZeekDaGeek/1177c00e88695e2cd4395c25124d66c4/raw/0d5d637c10e69b4e027504b3148fa259878b1a21/program_sync.lua
L747[18:48:48] <ZeekDaGeek> Server: http://zeekdageek.tv/ss/Hf806.png
L748[18:50:20] <ZeekDaGeek> Just a rack with a server T3, Terminal server, disk drive: http://zeekdageek.tv/ss/HuFEv.png
L749[18:58:13] <Arcan> presumably, some part of wherever it is that you write files to the HDD is bugged
L750[18:58:18] <Arcan> have you tried forcing a restart
L751[18:59:10] <ZeekDaGeek> If I reboot it'll be quiet, but as soon as I run it again it'll do it again.
L752[18:59:52] <ZeekDaGeek> I don't understand how a crashed program continues to run in the background...
L753[19:03:40] <ZeekDaGeek> Do event.timers run after a program crahes?
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L759[19:38:02] <Mimiru> "Everyone has a test environment, some people also have a production one."
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L775[21:30:50] <Kodos> Zeek, I believe they run until you event.ignore them
L776[21:30:52] <Kodos> I could be mistaken
L777[21:31:04] <Kodos> It's late, and I am tired, so I probably am
L778[21:31:11] <Kodos> Best bet is to read
L779[21:31:17] <Kodos> %w event
L780[21:31:18] <MichiBot> No data returned
L781[21:31:23] <Kodos> %w events [Edited]
L782[21:31:23] <MichiBot> No data returned
L783[21:31:32] <Kodos> ~w event
L784[21:31:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L785[21:31:36] <Kodos> That's the one
L786[21:31:53] <Kodos> Aha, event.cancel
L787[21:31:56] <Kodos> With the ID returned by timers
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L790[22:08:33] zsh sets mode: +v on superminor2
L791[22:11:10] <payonel> @ZeekDaGeek do event.timers run after a program crashes? definitely -- event.timers and event.listeners are persistent init process registrations
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L793[22:13:23] <payonel> @ZeekDaGeek if you want event registrations relative to a user process, and not init process, use threads
L794[22:13:36] <payonel> event registrations created inside a thread are tied to that thread
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L803[22:47:55] zsh sets mode: +v on superminor2
L804[22:59:28] <ZeekDaGeek> Thanks for the thread tip payonel, it helped a lot with making everything feel smoother like I wanted it to.
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