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L1[00:59:02] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4fed557e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[01:17:07] <gerard> Yeah, that would change a lot in OpenComputers. The emulator is running client-side so it's easy to do graphical stuff, but OpenComputers is running server-side; it's a completely other story
L3[01:26:22] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L4[01:32:59] <Izaya> Well, my conda is now outfitted for long-range exploration
L5[01:33:14] <Izaya> Time to farm some meta-alloys and go to Colonia
L6[03:24:49] <gerard> https://gerard.pw/oc/ ayy
L7[03:29:41] <Forecaster> is it supposed to just beep when there's an error?
L8[03:29:57] <gerard> yeah, the error is in the console (F12)
L9[03:30:07] <gerard> I need to do UI stuff
L10[03:30:12] <Forecaster> ah
L11[04:06:30] <gerard> @Forecaster fixed, there is now an error renderer
L12[04:07:41] <Forecaster> nice
L13[04:14:33] <AshIndigo> %give AshIndigo ??
L14[04:14:33] * MichiBot searches through her inventory for a bit. "I couldn't find anything..."
L15[04:14:37] <AshIndigo> %inv list
L16[04:14:37] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L17[04:14:54] <AshIndigo> %give AshIndigo a ??
L18[04:14:54] * MichiBot gives AshIndigo a ?? from her inventory
L19[04:15:27] * AshIndigo pets the cat softly
L20[04:15:32] <AshIndigo> %give MichiBot ??
L21[04:15:32] * MichiBot accepts ?? and adds it to her inventory
L22[04:16:08] <gerard> %give MichiBot <b>sum bold text</b>
L23[04:16:08] * MichiBot accepts <b>sum bold text</b> and adds it to her inventory
L24[04:16:27] <gerard> escaped PogChamp
L25[04:16:43] <gerard> actually not lazy developers
L26[04:17:24] <AshIndigo> pogchamp?
L27[04:30:53] <gerard> https://image.redbull.com/rbcom/052/2017-06-19/3965fbe6-3488-40f8-88bc-b82eb8d1a230/0010/1/320/320/1/pogchamp-twitch.png
L28[04:31:02] <gerard> That's a pogchamp
L29[04:31:20] <gerard> \https://image.redbull.com/rbcom/052/2017-06-19/3965fbe6-3488-40f8-88bc-b82eb8d1a230/0010/1/320/320/1/pogchamp-twitch.png [Edited]
L30[04:31:30] <gerard> ugh, forgot how to escape urls in discord
L31[04:31:46] <gerard> now there is a huge head in the discord chat
L32[04:35:48] <AshIndigo> ohhh
L33[05:08:59] <Izaya> Automatically loading third-party images is such a great idea /s
L34[05:10:15] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E6878A4EFC44F18281A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L35[05:10:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L36[06:13:55] * Skye loads Izaya as JS inside Google.com running on x86
L37[06:14:14] <Skye> Oh and chrome and Windows, of course
L38[06:14:40] * Izaya refuses to run as the referrer is not kongregate.com
L39[06:21:53] <S3> wut
L40[06:22:00] <S3> what is ithis kongregeate
L41[06:22:38] <Izaya> it was (is?) a flash game site
L42[06:35:00] <Izaya> mod suggestion: world portals
L43[06:40:47] <Forecaster> ?
L44[06:42:26] <Izaya> think portal gun, but placeable and whole walls
L45[06:45:04] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/wNrd1
L46[06:47:47] <Skye> Izaya if only... That would be amazing
L47[06:48:57] <AmandaC> I believe Izaya was referencing the feature of the portal 2 engine of the same name, which they used to be able to rapidly prototype, reorganising the flow of the levels without having to do complictated map movements.
L48[06:49:21] <AmandaC> They're portals, with no pretty sides, and massive.
L49[06:49:36] <Izaya> aye, they're a feature of most quake-derived engines
L50[06:49:47] <AmandaC> ( I think that's what they called them in the dev. commentary)
L51[06:50:17] <Izaya> there was a wonderful Xonotic map by MrDetonia
L52[06:50:36] <Izaya> it was two rooms, with a world portal on either ceiling
L53[06:51:05] <Izaya> you could rocket jump up through either room or snipe people through the ceiling
L54[06:52:35] <Izaya> https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=5357
L55[06:53:01] <Skye> Imaging long range networks by connecting wires through portals
L56[06:55:35] <Izaya> I just wanted to emulate a rotating space station that loops around onto itself without having to actually make it circular
L57[06:55:43] <Izaya> though at least we have artificial gravity mods I guess
L58[06:55:44] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L59[06:57:13] <Izaya> I imagine world portals in minecraft would break the universe though so
L60[07:00:39] <Forecaster> didn't someone already make a mod that let you create non-euclidean spaces?
L61[07:01:19] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L62[07:02:44] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L63[07:02:57] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5dec69dc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L64[07:03:29] <AmandaC> I remember seeing an iChun thing linked here that does it for rendering at least
L65[07:17:31] * Mimiru sighs at OC's Filesystem class..
L66[07:20:36] <Arcan> %pet Mimiru
L67[07:20:36] * MichiBot brushes Mimiru with a million money. Mimiru recovers 5 health!
L68[07:28:53] ⇦ Quits: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:1053:b4fd:c1a5:6753) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L69[07:30:35] ⇨ Joins: Dark (Dark!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:bd8e:27a4:17ce:def7)
L70[07:31:06] <gerard> https://i.imgur.com/rGjKLTG.png
L71[07:31:22] <gerard> Ayy, decorators
L72[07:41:51] <ben_mkiv> what language is that? Oo
L73[07:42:09] <Forecaster> lua?
L74[07:42:36] <ben_mkiv> ok
L75[07:43:25] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/0CzBZLG.jpg
L76[07:44:52] <gerard> No that's TypeScript
L77[08:10:02] <Inari> I'm deafinitely listening
L78[08:18:21] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/ukcxpl.png fun
L79[08:21:29] <Mimiru> So.. I have dynamically loaded floppies from my file system.
L80[08:21:59] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-01-31_08-21-54.png
L81[08:22:20] <Mimiru> which is loaded from /mods/opendisks/lua/$floppyname/
L82[08:40:06] <Forecaster> floppies!
L83[08:50:19] <Michiyo> Someone on discord requested it I'd meant to do it sooner
L84[08:50:23] <Michiyo> but got sidetracked.
L85[08:51:46] <Michiyo> I think they wanted it for 1.12.. but I'm on 1.10 so I'm going to make it work here, then port it forward.
L86[09:02:00] <Vexatos> Michiyo, if you don't do it on 1.7 then payo will have to backport it :P
L87[09:02:42] <Michiyo> I'd consider 1.7 it's not much code...
L88[09:03:12] <Michiyo> I need to make sure it works on a dedicated server tonight.
L89[09:03:44] <gerard> 1.7 is 4 years old and still supported dang
L90[09:09:26] <Izaya> 1.7 is probably still the preferred modded MC version for a lot of people
L91[09:09:41] <Izaya> I couldn't name one feature Microsoft added to Minecraft since
L92[09:10:14] <Forecaster> bunnies!
L93[09:11:33] <Izaya> ono
L94[09:11:46] <Izaya> will they breed like that yogscast video from like 10 years ago
L95[09:12:16] <Izaya> ... that was nearly like 10 years ago
L96[09:13:09] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/CoDw2AV.png I feel old and I can't even legally drink.
L97[09:15:37] <Arcan> ocean temples are neat in theory but ultimately forgettable
L98[09:15:49] <Arcan> the big change since 1.7.10 i'd say is the combat and achievement changes
L99[09:16:15] <gerard> Why is 1.7 preferred btw? Newer versions are more optimized right?
L100[09:16:35] <Izaya> Newer versions use more memory, from what I hear.
L101[09:16:41] <Izaya> And I only said for some people.
L102[09:16:55] <Izaya> I still prefer it because last I checked EnderIO hadn't been updated for 1.12 yet
L103[09:17:37] <Izaya> course, last time I booted Minecraft was some time in july so
L104[09:18:39] <Forecaster> I've never been in an ocean temple in survival yet
L105[09:18:40] <Forecaster> :P
L106[09:20:29] <AmandaC> Izaya: PLease, 6 years isn't "like 10 years ago" D: Don't scare me like that
L107[09:20:53] <Izaya> AmandaC: it's closer to 10 than 0
L108[09:21:58] <AmandaC> 4 years for me is the difference of 2-years-free-from-school and worst-school-year-due-to-Dramaâ„¢
L109[09:25:15] <Forecaster> worst-school-year-due-to-school
L110[09:26:51] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:edeb:8774:298b:12f)
L111[09:30:50] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1949/
L112[09:30:50] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Fruit Collider Posted on: 1/31/2018
L113[09:30:52] <Forecaster> seems legit
L114[09:31:12] <Inari> I just want watermelon sized oranges
L115[10:20:54] <Michiyo> I want orange sized watermelons.
L116[10:37:58] <Michiyo> damn it I forgot to install a VNC server on my computer after the reset
L117[10:38:17] <Arcan> o o p s
L118[10:38:45] <Michiyo> and I can't run MC @ work cause POS computer..
L119[10:38:48] <Michiyo> how to test...
L120[10:39:02] <Michiyo> maybe I can run a server and see if that works atleast.
L121[10:47:01] <Michiyo> someone with a light 1.10.2 pack with OC wanna see if https://michi.pc-logix.com/OpenDisks-MC1.10.2- works? it should 1.) not crash horribly and 2.) make a new floppy "od-test" with a single file that prints "Hello"
L122[11:27:33] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4fed557e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L123[11:27:50] <Kodos> Michiyo, Sure let me poke it
L124[11:30:08] <Michiyo> Thanks @Kodos
L125[11:42:10] <Kodos> What's the recipe on the disk? I don't see it anywhere unless I missed it in the OC tab
L126[11:43:11] <AmandaC> I think it's suppsoed to exist as a loot disk
L127[11:43:40] <Kodos> I see the loot disks, but od-test isn't here
L128[11:46:04] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L129[11:48:54] <Corded> * <Kodos> pokes Michiyo
L130[11:50:03] <Michiyo> Yeah no recipe, it's supposed to cycle like the others
L131[11:50:13] <Michiyo> so it should be in the creative tab
L132[11:50:27] <Michiyo> is anything created in /mods/opendisks/lua/ ?
L133[11:51:12] <Kodos> Checking
L134[11:51:34] <Kodos> The folder didn't even generate
L135[11:52:17] <Michiyo> o_O
L136[11:52:30] <Michiyo> ... then the coremod didn't run somehow
L137[11:52:31] <Michiyo> wat
L138[11:52:41] <Kodos> Checked loot disk cycling, doesn't come up either
L139[11:52:43] <Michiyo> it runs locally..
L140[11:52:54] <Kodos> The mod is loaded, if it helps
L141[11:52:55] <Michiyo> yeah if the folder isn't there then no loot disk generates
L142[11:53:01] <Kodos> I can see it in my mods list
L143[11:53:14] <Michiyo> basically you add folders to that path with lua files and a disk.cfg in them
L144[11:53:26] <Kodos> That's pretty neat ??
L145[11:53:29] <Michiyo> and when the game loads it scans that path and adds loot disks for each folder.
L146[11:53:33] <Kodos> I think I might've been one of the people asking for that
L147[11:54:06] <Kodos> Not to mention the modpack potential
L148[11:54:07] <Michiyo> could you look at the log and see if you see anything about an opendisks coremod?
L149[11:54:16] <Kodos> Okey doke, one sec
L150[11:54:29] <Michiyo> [STDOUT]: [pcl.opendisks.OpenDiskUnpack:load:23]: Extracting Example Floppy from: assets/opendisks/lua/od-test/
L151[11:54:32] <Michiyo> anything like that
L152[11:55:33] <Michiyo> should also have [FML]: Found a command line coremod : pcl.opendisks.OpenDiskUnpack at the very least
L153[11:55:41] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/eJ2JxJu6
L154[11:55:45] <Michiyo> well.. not "command line coremod" but yeah
L155[11:56:12] <Kodos> OH
L156[11:56:15] <Kodos> You've dep'd open sec
L157[11:56:20] <Kodos> One sec, let me grab that
L158[11:56:22] <Michiyo> ClassNotFoundException wat
L159[11:56:27] <Michiyo> opensec
L160[11:56:28] <Michiyo> shit
L161[11:56:29] <Kodos> It's looking for something from OpenSecurity
L162[11:56:32] <Michiyo> oooh
L163[11:56:35] <Michiyo> shit the logger from opensec
L164[11:56:36] <Michiyo> fuck
L165[11:56:41] <Kodos> Lawl
L166[11:56:49] <Kodos> Silly Caitlyn is silly ?
L167[11:58:03] <Michiyo> Nope
L168[11:58:06] <Michiyo> was even dumber than that
L169[11:58:20] <Michiyo> I forgot to change the path to the coremod class in the build.gradle.
L170[11:58:41] <Michiyo> https://michi.pc-logix.com/OpenDisks-MC1.10.2-
L171[11:58:43] <Michiyo> same url/file
L172[11:59:06] <Michiyo> about to head home for lunch so I'll be unavailable for about 10 minutes
L173[12:02:44] <Kodos> That's fine
L174[12:03:11] <Kodos> Loading up the new file now
L175[12:03:26] <Kodos> Gonna be a sec, this is my Thaumcraft 6 testbed, but shouldn't affect anything
L176[12:03:56] <payonel> %lua =1
L177[12:03:56] <MichiBot> main:1: unexpected symbol near '='
L178[12:04:06] <payonel> %lua return 1
L179[12:04:06] <MichiBot> 1
L180[12:04:10] <payonel> %lua return v
L181[12:04:11] <MichiBot> nil
L182[12:04:16] * payonel is done
L183[12:10:48] <Kodos> I still don't see the disk, checking the log
L184[12:12:38] <Kodos> Going to hope that Corded autopastebins this
L185[12:12:55] <Kodos> Ah, nvm, Discord told me to fuck off, one sec
L186[12:13:09] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/aiVjKCUm
L187[12:18:42] <Mimiru> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: pcl.opendisks.OpenDisksUnpack
L188[12:18:46] <Mimiru> but the class IS there... :/
L189[12:19:34] <Mimiru> CRAP
L190[12:20:25] <Mimiru> typo in the damn class name in the jar...
L191[12:20:31] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DU44HHaW0AATLLm.jpg:large thats cute in an odd way
L192[12:20:33] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L193[12:20:33] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with an owl. AmandaC recovers 4 health!
L194[12:20:34] <Mimiru> OpenDiskUnpack, and it's supposed to be Disks.
L195[12:22:24] <cat2002> ooh, that's cute.
L196[12:24:58] <Mimiru> thanks for helping me test @Kodos
L197[12:26:35] <gerard> Anyone that maybe knows a name for my emulator?
L198[12:26:39] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-01-31_12-26-33.png
L199[12:26:40] <Mimiru> \o/
L200[12:28:15] <AmandaC> %choose bat at the thing or anime
L201[12:28:15] <MichiBot> AmandaC: bat at the thing
L202[12:28:30] <AmandaC> mmmmmmm, no.
L203[12:28:42] <Mimiru> lmao...
L204[12:29:00] <AmandaC> considering I spent the last 30m just staring blankly at th eeditor, I think I'll watch anime instead
L205[12:30:34] <AmandaC> my knee still hurts like hell just from a light brush, too. Stupid ice
L206[12:30:43] <Inari> o.o
L207[12:30:45] <Inari> What?
L208[12:31:03] <AmandaC> Inari: I slipped on some ice last night getting into the car after dinner.
L209[12:31:09] <Inari> Ah
L210[12:31:11] <AmandaC> banged my knee and hands real good
L211[12:31:16] <Inari> Ouch
L212[12:31:38] <AmandaC> I'm just glad my laptop's okay.
L213[12:31:47] <Inari> Thats good at least
L214[12:31:51] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L215[12:31:51] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a million money. AmandaC recovers 4 health!
L216[12:31:53] <Inari> More healing!
L217[12:32:24] <payonel> i wish it was icey here
L218[12:32:25] <Mimiru> Eeeeeetttt wooooorks
L219[12:32:40] <AmandaC> Mimiru: How do you get info for the title of the disk and such?
L220[12:32:57] <Mimiru> theres a disk.cfg
L221[12:33:00] <AmandaC> Just dirname, or is there some metadata file you can use as the user
L222[12:33:02] <AmandaC> ah
L223[12:33:11] <Mimiru> color=11 name=name isReadOnly=true
L224[12:33:27] <AmandaC> wait, thre are writable loot disks?
L225[12:33:30] <Mimiru> you can set read only to false, and have a globally writeable floppy
L226[12:33:35] <AmandaC> oh, nice
L227[12:33:52] <Mimiru> so 2 copies of the disk change one the other magically gets updated
L228[12:33:59] <payonel> what if crouch-rightclick with a floppy or hdd made it readonly?
L229[12:34:00] <Mimiru> via.... quantum entanglement.
L230[12:34:25] <Kodos> Mimiru, you should prepend disk.cfg with a . so dir/ls hides it
L231[12:34:26] <Mimiru> anyway back to work for me
L232[12:34:26] <AmandaC> Just call it magic gnomes that move from the mouse to the screen and back all in the instance it takes you to click
L233[12:34:40] <Kodos> Since it's not needed within OC, iirc
L234[12:34:42] <Mimiru> where I'll work on porting this around to various MC versions.
L235[12:34:42] <Kodos> Or is it?
L236[12:34:59] <Mimiru> no, it's not
L237[12:35:06] <AmandaC> Does `cmd.exe`'s dir hide dot-files? O.o
L238[12:35:49] <AmandaC> Last I remember it doesn't, because NTFS has a 'hidden' property that cmd and explorer find and just silently ignore the file for display
L239[12:36:00] <AmandaC> ( This was back in XP though, so it very well could have changed since )
L240[12:37:29] <payonel> AmandaC: i think msft considers cmd in limbo somewhere between abandonware and corelib
L241[12:37:44] <AmandaC> payonel: true, Powershell is the new hotness for them
L242[12:37:50] <payonel> it isn't changing that tool ever. all "feature" dev goes into powershell
L243[12:37:52] <payonel> yeah
L244[12:38:27] <payonel> it's really a shame, imo. windows should have gone full posix shell years ago
L245[12:38:48] <Vexatos> I mean they recognize their failure and embedded a linux system in win10 :P
L246[12:38:55] <payonel> heh
L247[12:39:08] <payonel> when i worked there, everyone was using cygwin anyways
L248[12:39:15] <AmandaC> I don't know where my brain got this info, as it was misfiled, but ISTR that cmd.exe is super-tightly tied into some windows stdlib or another, which is why it was even still around for Vista when they dropped DOS compat
L249[12:39:25] <payonel> so i'm not surprised they finally did the subsystems feature
L250[12:39:40] <Vexatos> Anything that involves the command line you'd be stupid to attempt on windows
L251[12:39:52] <AmandaC> PowerShell is pretty neat, been toying with it a bit these last couple days
L252[12:40:18] <AmandaC> Anyway, going to lay down and watch some anime, try and clear this fog in my mind
L253[12:40:21] <AmandaC> ttfn
L254[12:40:34] <Vexatos> just get an A/C
L255[12:41:20] <Vexatos> I wish I had air cooling
L256[12:51:43] <Michiyo> ok, it's ".disk.cfg" now
L257[12:56:56] <Michiyo> man this is horribly hacky lol
L258[12:57:49] <Michiyo> li.cil.oc.api.FileSystem.fromSaveDirectory("/../../../mods/opendisks/lua/folderName/",etc...
L259[12:58:32] <Michiyo> I have a method that gets the relative path to get the proper number of "../"'s for SP/Server
L260[13:05:03] <seebs> So I noticed that the shell.lua library supports only flag options. Like, there's only yes/no "has -l".
L261[13:05:03] <seebs> Would a fancier parser that can handle arguments-to-flags be of interest?
L262[13:05:26] <payonel> seebs: definitely
L263[13:05:34] <payonel> it is something i have toyed with NUMEROUS times over the years :)
L264[13:05:43] <payonel> but all the options i LIKE were breaking changes
L265[13:05:58] <payonel> the other option is to add a 2nd optional param that changes its behavior
L266[13:06:10] <payonel> but yeah, i've toyed with it
L267[13:06:19] <Vexatos> like grep's options to change the regex syntax used :?
L268[13:06:35] <payonel> some have suggested i follow the getopts pattern
L269[13:07:00] <payonel> but getopts is ugly, i can't stand it
L270[13:07:06] <payonel> so .. i haven't wanted to mimic it :)
L271[13:08:28] <payonel> seebs: you can use --for="bar" btw
L272[13:08:52] <payonel> local _, ops = shell.parse(...) print(ops.for)
L273[13:08:57] <payonel> would print "bar" in that case
L274[13:11:10] <Vexatos> shebang is the only feature the shell needs anyways :3
L275[13:32:40] ⇨ Joins: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L276[13:33:42] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@
L277[13:36:00] ⇦ Quits: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L278[14:00:18] <Michiyo> wow... so I've never setup a 1.12 workspace on this PC..
L279[14:00:35] <Michiyo> I can tell cause of the 3GB of RAM java is using trying to set it up ATM
L280[14:05:03] <seebs> i have lua code lying around for a parser type thing which takes getopt-like strings so "ab:c#" indicates that -a is a boolean, -b takes a string, and -c takes a numeric argument.
L281[14:09:12] <Michiyo> wow.. I think 1.12 built directly off the 1.10 sources.
L282[14:10:37] <Michiyo> yeah it looks like 1.12 took 0 changes.
L283[14:12:11] <Kodos> Neat
L284[14:12:15] <Kodos> 1.7 now ??
L285[14:12:43] <Michiyo> inb4 total rewrite.
L286[14:13:10] <Michiyo> really though, I think only 2 methods in the coremod changed names..
L287[14:13:23] <Michiyo> and I can swipe those from OpenSec.
L288[14:20:24] ⇦ Quits: alFamaRt (alFamaRt!carrs@ipv6.pisces.panicbnc.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L289[14:22:09] <seebs> it could probably be adapted pretty easily.
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L291[14:23:06] <chernobyl> payonel
L292[14:23:09] <chernobyl> opfor kek
L293[14:26:41] <payonel> huh?
L294[14:29:05] ⇨ Joins: alFamaRt (alFamaRt!carrs@ipv6.pisces.panicbnc.net)
L295[14:30:40] <Michiyo> And that looks like a hopefully successful port to 1.7
L296[14:31:13] <Michiyo> [14:30:47] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'od-test' from mod opendisks.
L297[14:31:13] <Michiyo> [14:30:47] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pcl.opendisks.OpenDisks:listFilesForFolder:79]: Registering a floppy with name od-test Color: 0
L298[14:31:28] <Michiyo> yep... as far as I can tell, without being able to fire up a client and test...
L299[14:31:29] <Michiyo> that works.
L300[14:36:13] <Michiyo> https://caitlynmainer.com/OpenDisks/ if anyone wants to test them.
L301[14:39:31] <Mimiru> @TehNorthernViolet if you ever see this https://caitlynmainer.com/OpenDisks/ I wrote that mod I was talking about for the floppies.
L302[14:42:41] <Michiyo> really wish setStackDisplayName worked.. but whatever
L303[14:44:27] <Michiyo> I might have to modify the NBT of the stack to it show the floppy name, I have no idea what key to set, and I can't actually run the game to fire up an NBT editor, so maybe 1.1 will have that feature.
L304[14:52:13] <Kodos> I don't know who mentioned using `yes | install` but holy shit this makes my life easier
L305[14:53:10] <Kodos> Michiyo, I can confirm the 1.7 build works
L306[14:53:30] <Kodos> Gonna go poke it now to see about adding my own disk
L307[14:54:11] <Michiyo> Awesome
L308[14:54:15] <Kodos> Oh, shit, you even added read only
L309[14:54:18] <Kodos> That's amazing
L310[14:54:22] <Michiyo> yep
L311[14:54:33] <Kodos> Now if we could only figure out why the fuck the SNC doesn't work
L312[14:54:40] <Michiyo> ?
L313[14:54:44] <Kodos> Secure Network Card
L314[14:54:46] <Michiyo> Oh
L315[14:54:47] <Michiyo> lol
L316[14:54:49] <Michiyo> Yeha
L317[14:54:52] <Michiyo> Yeah*
L318[14:54:53] <Michiyo> no clue.
L319[14:54:54] <Kodos> I wanted that to be a thing so bad ??
L320[14:56:07] <Michiyo> when I get home tonight I'll make sure it works properly on a dedicated server, in theory it'll work server only too
L321[14:56:12] <Michiyo> so no need for anything to be on the client
L322[14:56:53] <Michiyo> IDK if that'll work though cause of the recipes..
L323[14:59:41] <Inari> https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/55/d8/c155d8814f2e29c55c76d72306d40a06.jpg cute/prety
L324[15:05:03] <seebs> my thought would be: leave shell.parse as is
L325[15:05:03] <seebs> then add shell.getopt()
L326[16:05:03] <seebs> so shell.getopt("a:b", ...)
L327[16:05:03] <seebs> and then you have smarter/fancier parsing.
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L331[17:05:05] <seebs> the main thing i note is: the getopts template is pretty easy to use. in a language where the distinction matters, adding a "#" suffix for "numeric value" seems to work well.
L332[17:05:05] <seebs> true that it's ugly, but also it's terse.
L333[17:06:55] <Michiyo> @Kodos no issues adding disks I assume?
L334[17:07:56] <Kodos> Haven't tinkered yet, wife woke up so i was tending to her
L335[17:08:14] <Kodos> I did have a question though
L336[17:08:39] <Kodos> How hard would it be to have the folders, and then a global disks.cfg file in the main lua folder, so the config isn't on the disk itself?
L337[17:08:53] <Kodos> You'd just need nested info tables, I would assume, but I have no idea
L338[17:13:27] <Michiyo> that sounds overly complicated, and easy for end users that have no idea what a table is to fuck up :P
L339[17:14:06] <Kodos> Lol fair enough
L340[17:15:10] <Michiyo> Also, this isn't lua, it's java, the config parser I'm using is stupid simple and has no concept of nesting anything
L341[17:15:21] <Michiyo> I don't even think I can do arrays in it
L342[17:15:40] <Michiyo> well.. I might be able to do arrays in it but meh.
L343[17:18:36] <Kodos> As for adding disks, I added my lib file to a floppy just fine :3
L344[17:18:48] <Kodos> Now I just need to make an installer that will actually download an updated version instead
L345[17:19:19] <Michiyo> yay
L346[17:19:44] <Kodos> Oh, I wonder...
L347[17:19:46] <Kodos> brb
L348[17:19:59] <Kodos> Will the filestructure inside hte disk's folder respect things like subfolders?
L349[17:20:09] <Kodos> So if I put something into a lib folder, it'll install to /lib?
L350[17:23:23] <Michiyo> in theory, yes
L351[17:23:26] <Michiyo> if I did everything right
L352[17:23:29] <Michiyo> Please, find out :D
L353[17:24:54] <Kodos> Okey doke
L354[17:30:19] <Kodos> Works!
L355[17:30:41] <Kodos> Fantastic, this means I can dump everything I usually install from oppm/elsewhere right onto a floppy, and call it a day
L356[17:37:19] <Kodos> Now the real question
L357[17:37:31] <Kodos> Can another mod detect if OD is installed, and if so, add in folders to the Lua folder?
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L360[18:04:10] <Mimiru> YEah, through the standered Loader.isModLoaded("modid") method
L361[18:04:15] <Mimiru> why?
L362[18:04:59] <Mimiru> @Kodos ^
L363[18:13:34] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L364[18:19:03] <Kodos> Because, you could do things like OpenSec loading SecureOS dynamically, rather than hardcoded into the mod, and it would allow other mods that add OC integration with things (Big Reactors, as an example) to include example programs for their mods
L365[18:21:05] <Kodos> So if I were to write a server program for reactor control, and whoever the hell is maintaining the mod right now likes it, he could add it into his mod
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L368[18:25:18] <Keckle> im using an irc client inside of a computer inside of minecraft, what autism is this
L369[18:26:32] <Keckle> ping
L370[18:26:44] <CompanionCube> it is no autism
L371[18:27:32] <Keckle> is there a way to use a search engine inside this?
L372[18:27:43] <CompanionCube> What kind of search engine?
L373[18:27:53] <Keckle> like google, bing etc
L374[18:28:08] <Izaya> disgusting
L375[18:28:12] <CompanionCube> Nothing stops you from using their APIs, though it'd be pointless because there's no web browser
L376[18:28:20] <Izaya> in all seriousness, you can use search engines, but you won't like it
L377[18:28:42] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a hard-boiled detective personality core
L378[18:28:42] * MichiBot accepts the hard-boiled detective personality core and adds it to her inventory
L379[18:29:11] <Keckle> ive used unix like OSes before, im fine with using a terminal
L380[18:29:13] <CompanionCube> (you could maybe implement an extremely basic web browser, but it'd be broken for lots of things because web developers are addicted to javascript)
L381[18:29:26] <Keckle> so no one has tried yet?
L382[18:30:35] <AmandaC> CompanionCube: n-no we're not! ~hides the needles full of JS frameworls~
L383[18:30:44] <Keckle> lol
L384[18:30:45] <AmandaC> Frameworks*
L385[18:31:01] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: what are you injecting at the moment
L386[18:31:09] <Izaya> I wrote a gopher browser, but that's about as useful in 2018 as an rlogin client
L387[18:31:15] <AmandaC> Anime
L388[18:31:20] <Keckle> >when /ping doesnt have default parameters
L389[18:31:40] <Keckle> help /ping
L390[18:31:43] <AmandaC> Izaya: I wonder if distros still package rsh by default.
L391[18:31:45] <Keckle> oops
L392[18:31:54] ⇦ Quits: Keckle (Keckle!~keckle@ca17.server.pro) (Remote host closed the connection)
L393[18:32:04] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: iirc freebsd removed it semi-recently
L394[18:33:12] <CompanionCube> ubuntu has the rsh command, but the help text says it's ssh. And it has no version/help
L395[18:34:06] <CompanionCube> 'lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Apr 3 2017 /etc/alternatives/rsh -> /usr/bin/ssh'
L396[18:40:32] <Kodos> Someone should make Lynx in OC
L397[18:40:39] <Mimiru> well.. damn
L398[18:41:33] <Mimiru> So shit with OpenDisks only on the server the floppy is not there.
L399[18:41:43] <Mimiru> Kinda expected that but I was hopeful.
L400[18:52:07] <Mimiru> Oh.. hmm
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L402[18:53:00] <Quantx> quick question
L403[18:53:07] <Quantx> because i'm apparently an idiot
L404[18:53:20] <Quantx> in OC how do i print a message
L405[18:53:24] <Quantx> without the trailing newline
L406[18:55:08] <Izaya> io.write
L407[19:00:56] <Quantx> thanks
L408[19:05:03] <seebs> alternative would be to take a table of { opt: defaultvalue }
L409[19:05:03] <seebs> and then you could have, say, "opt: false", "opt: [string]", and "opt: 0" for flag types.
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L413[19:51:44] * Mimiru bashes head on desk
L414[19:53:25] <Mimiru> SO yeah, it seems I'm just too damn dumb to properly do packets in MC.
L415[19:54:32] <Kodos> Trying to make it serversided?
L416[19:55:18] <Mimiru> Well.. my idea wouldn't work anyway
L417[19:55:30] <Mimiru> because basically I'd be registering items after init ._.
L418[19:55:31] <Mimiru> shit
L419[19:57:51] <Mimiru> Yep, no way around it.. it'll require the mod on client/server and at the very least the folder structure on the client so that it can register the floppy item.
L420[20:16:50] <Mimiru> Well.. I'm even more confused now
L421[20:19:50] <Mimiru> yeah, seems it doesn't even work on a server even if you have the files locally
L422[20:19:56] <Mimiru> ugh
L423[20:19:57] <Mimiru> screw it
L424[20:20:02] <Mimiru> I'm done for tonight.
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L427[21:05:03] <seebs> i just like the getopts thing because, ugly though it may be, it's terse and widely-used.
L428[21:05:03] <seebs> and any time i use a fancier thing, i end up being frustrated at all the extra typing
L429[21:28:10] ⇦ Quits: Quantx (Quantx!webchat@dhcp-228-219.resnet.purdue.edu) (Quit: Web client closed)
L430[22:05:03] <seebs> huh, neat
L431[22:33:27] <Izaya> ~w modem
L432[22:33:28] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
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L434[22:50:31] <S3> seebs: I dunno.. I find getopts fine
L435[22:50:42] <S3> getopts usually supports linux AND BSD style command switches
L436[22:51:07] <S3> er GNU style
L437[22:51:14] <S3> GNU and BSD
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L439[23:05:03] <seebs> i hadn't figured that part out from reading the code, i thought there might be a thing like that, but it "didn't work" -- because i only tried it on single letter options
L440[23:05:03] <seebs> i was just making a trivial thing to do NxN blocks, because skyfactory world and i hate holding shift
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L445[23:40:35] <S3> heh
L446[23:40:44] <S3> you should see windows command switch style
L447[23:40:59] <S3> its up down every ******* where
L448[23:41:16] <S3> just like its lack of real library support
L449[23:41:58] <Izaya> because switches using path separators is a great idea
L450[23:43:02] <S3> lol
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