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L1[00:04:15] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L2[00:04:32] <gamax92> Mimiru: hmm
L3[00:04:50] <gamax92> I blame payonel
L4[00:04:58] <Mimiru> likely :P
L5[00:05:12] <Mimiru> this is 1.10.2 jenkins from last night
L6[00:05:49] <gamax92> 1587 is a call to term.read
L7[00:07:01] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2018-01-20_00-06-55.gif
L8[00:07:22] * Mimiru shrugs
L9[00:07:49] <Kiritow> How to allow OpenComputers establish connections with 10.X.X.X?
L10[00:07:59] <Mimiru> theres a blacklist option in the config
L11[00:08:05] <Kiritow> I have removed the from config
L12[00:08:16] <Kiritow> but it still report "address is blacklisted"
L13[00:08:45] <gamax92> Did you restart minecraft (and or minecraft server)
L14[00:09:04] <Kiritow> I've restarted the server,
L15[00:09:16] <Kiritow> Should I change config in client and restart client?
L16[00:10:26] <gamax92> %tell payonel wocchat is crashing when calling term.read
L17[00:10:26] <MichiBot> gamax92: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L18[00:11:05] <Mimiru> %tell payonel http://michi.pc-logix.com/2018-01-20_00-06-55.gif RE: gamax's tell
L19[00:11:05] <MichiBot> Mimiru: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L20[00:12:18] <gamax92> my home brewed wocchat gui
L21[00:41:58] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (Nachtara!~Nachiebre@2604:2d80:c02c:8376:f89a:60b:e406:2f40) (Quit: Blue skidoo, we can too!)
L22[01:16:39] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:54cd:184f:ee6c:8cc8) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L23[01:21:43] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L24[03:12:18] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972F1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L25[03:32:35] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ycz6p9ej
L26[03:35:07] <Izaya> https://a.uguu.se/HIeSkKugBycB_45544.jpg
L27[03:48:51] <Forecaster> That's no spaceship!
L28[03:57:25] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p5B3C8EFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L29[03:57:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L30[04:51:16] ⇨ Joins: Cogitabundus (Cogitabundus!~HAL@
L31[05:04:46] ⇦ Quits: Cogitabundus (Cogitabundus!~HAL@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L32[05:25:03] ⇦ Quits: Backslash_ (Backslash_!~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L33[05:26:32] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net)
L34[05:27:35] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L35[05:29:36] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (Backslash!~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net)
L36[05:39:38] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L37[06:01:07] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@
L38[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L39[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/e267R5O-GCA - RailcraftLP [Episode 74] - Auto-cast
L40[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: ic2,industrialcraft2,building,opencomputers,code,lua,foundry,casting
L41[06:01:08] <MichiBot> RailcraftLP- [Episode 74] - Auto-cast | length: 31m 33s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 20/1/2018
L42[06:02:08] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L43[06:53:40] <Mimiru> o_O
L44[06:54:27] <Mimiru> So.. I logged into my server, and my door controller computer is powered off, analyzer shows no error, but 131/0 components.
L45[06:55:05] <Mimiru> I don't think there are 131 components connected to this computer.
L46[06:56:22] <Mimiru> Ooooh.. I see
L47[06:56:37] <Mimiru> my ingame nbteditor shows... a shitton of filesystems..
L48[06:58:38] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-01-20_06-58-22.png and it keeps going... for roughly 120 items.
L49[07:03:30] <MGR> Dang
L50[07:03:49] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L51[07:11:37] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L52[07:14:52] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L53[07:14:54] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L54[07:31:20] <Mimiru> ... wtf
L55[07:32:21] <Mimiru> so, logged out waited a bit, logged in computer is powered off again
L56[07:32:51] <Mimiru> 14/0 components and a bunch of "filesystems" are back
L57[07:38:34] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L58[07:41:54] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L59[07:57:02] <payonel> gamax92: i'll check right now
L60[08:15:29] <Mimiru> Ok yep, chunk unloads and my computer shuts down
L61[08:15:47] <Mimiru> even disconnected external components to make sure OpenSec wasn't doing something dumb
L62[08:18:35] <FLORANA> hey :4
L63[08:18:38] <FLORANA> *:3
L64[08:18:47] <FLORANA> morning
L65[08:19:05] <Mimiru> no server error about not able to persist either...
L66[08:19:07] <Mimiru> ._.
L67[08:19:35] <FLORANA> is some wrong going on hete?
L68[08:20:00] <Mimiru> just an issue on my server with a computer turning off when the chunk unloads
L69[08:20:11] <FLORANA> odd
L70[08:20:21] <FLORANA> it should keep it loaded
L71[08:20:27] <Mimiru> I'm aware.
L72[08:21:06] <FLORANA> it is bugged on the lattest build?
L73[08:21:53] <Mimiru> IDK and I have to leave
L74[08:21:59] <Mimiru> gotta go get a new s eat for my car
L75[08:22:04] ⇨ Joins: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L76[08:22:06] <FLORANA> RiP
L77[08:22:17] <AvissCora> pir
L78[08:22:24] <FLORANA> >-> uuh the the of android typing...
L80[08:22:50] <AvissCora> LMAO
L81[08:22:53] <FLORANA> why does this always happen
L82[08:23:14] <AvissCora> I picked a good time to see what this was it seems
L83[08:23:37] <FLORANA> i know for a fact i typed `joy`
L84[08:24:04] <FLORANA> not a 2nd `the`
L85[08:24:13] <AvissCora> I cant drag my browser window hol up o.o
L86[08:24:37] <AvissCora> I can't drag any window wot
L87[08:24:45] <AvissCora> beeee back..
L88[08:24:45] <FLORANA> RIP
L89[08:24:50] ⇦ Quits: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L90[08:28:47] ⇨ Joins: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L91[08:29:26] <AvissCora> So after a log out/log in, still cant drag windows. But i can minimize, maximize, resize, close....
L92[08:30:09] <AvissCora> This is doing some fuuunky stuff.
L93[08:31:10] <AvissCora> Whelp even restarting explorer didn't fix it. gg microsoft.
L94[08:31:18] <AvissCora> i want linux drivers >:|
L95[08:34:51] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC60E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L96[08:34:54] <Inari> .
L97[08:35:10] <Inari> AmandaC: hehe, still a lot of air movmenet though xD
L98[08:35:57] <AmandaC> Inari: I solved that now. Put a pressure speed regulator on the input to the filter. :P
L99[08:36:07] <Inari> Ah, neat
L100[08:36:47] <AvissCora> o.o
L101[08:38:02] <AvissCora> So i've found that clicking and dragging in GENERAL is broken..
L102[08:38:20] <AvissCora> And i can't even box select stuff on my desktop and whatnot
L103[08:39:19] <payonel> AvissCora: perhaps you have a modifier key that is stuck or broken?
L104[08:39:44] <AvissCora> Working on that..
L105[08:40:04] <AvissCora> Pressed and released shift, ctrl and alt to see if it was one of those. Nothing
L106[08:40:21] <AvissCora> Is there something that monitors pressed keys?
L107[08:40:43] <AvissCora> Actually im pretty sure one of the autohotkey scripts does that
L108[08:46:58] <AvissCora> So yeah apparently there isn't any keys stuck down software wise, or hardware
L109[08:47:28] <AvissCora> Even with another kayboard and mouse i can't drag
L110[08:47:35] <AvissCora> >kayboard
L111[08:48:59] <AvissCora> Im just gonna suck it up and restart, see if that fixes it. I have a suspision it wont
L112[08:49:41] <Inari> %give MichiBot a juicy Snagar figurine
L113[08:49:41] * MichiBot accepts the juicy Snagar figurine and adds it to her inventory
L114[08:51:19] <payonel> gamax92: :/ there is a call to setBackground that is returning: 11062, 0
L115[08:51:47] <payonel> 0x002B36
L116[08:52:29] ⇦ Quits: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L117[08:56:06] ⇨ Joins: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L118[08:56:22] <AvissCora> Nope still not fixed
L119[09:01:41] <AvissCora> How in the hell did i manage to break my click drag
L120[09:01:55] <AvissCora> I can CLICK, just not click then drag
L121[09:02:08] <AvissCora> Like how does that even make sense
L122[09:06:39] <Inari> payonel: Whys that a ":/"?
L123[09:07:46] <payonel> because i always forget it does that when the color was a palette color
L124[09:08:01] <Inari> I see
L125[09:08:09] <payonel> i would prefer the set****ground() return the same type of values as the get****ground() does
L126[09:08:27] <payonel> well, more precisely --
L127[09:08:36] <payonel> i would like it to return the same types as the values you give it
L128[09:08:46] <Inari> All that censoring though
L129[09:08:51] <payonel> haha
L130[09:09:00] <payonel> Inari: you're the best
L131[09:09:16] <Inari> I know :3
L132[09:09:29] ⇦ Quits: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L133[09:09:45] <FLORANA> hey does enyone know why some ppl perfer a float instead of a byte to hold color?
L134[09:10:05] <Inari> Who?
L135[09:10:12] ⇨ Joins: payo_mc (payo_mc!~payo_mc@
L136[09:10:15] <payo_mc> o/
L137[09:10:20] <Inari> You mean float but still using 0-255?
L138[09:10:23] <Inari> Or you mean 0-1?
L139[09:10:24] <FLORANA> hello :3
L140[09:10:25] <FLORANA> yes
L141[09:10:34] <Inari> Hrm
L142[09:10:36] <Inari> No clue then
L143[09:10:48] <Inari> Maybe to not lose precision when doing calculations
L144[09:10:58] <FLORANA> idk cuz ppl over at love2d moved from 0-255 to 0-1
L145[09:11:21] <FLORANA> they said the 255 thing was uneeded and pointless due to "shaders"
L146[09:11:26] <payo_mc> Inari: check out my ip :)
L147[09:11:27] <Inari> I feel like 0-255 lets you be more exact
L148[09:11:38] <FLORANA> it is
L149[09:11:39] <Inari> payonel: Hm?
L150[09:11:56] <payo_mc> payo_mc (~payo_mc@ has Joined #oc
L151[09:11:58] <payo_mc> ^
L152[09:12:08] <Inari> Yeah, I saw
L153[09:12:09] <payo_mc> i'm in the bahamas
L154[09:12:11] <Inari> Ah
L155[09:12:12] <FLORANA> now we got to do float/*256 inorder to convert back and forth
L156[09:12:17] <Inari> I don't know bahamas IP haha
L157[09:12:34] <Inari> @FLORANA well ideally you'd just use the native way
L158[09:12:38] <payo_mc> haha i didn't think so
L159[09:12:47] <FLORANA> yah iknow
L160[09:13:09] <FLORANA> their the ones that chanced it
L161[09:13:38] <FLORANA> whats the point of dividing/multipling color by 256? it's just more confusion on the programmer
L162[09:13:54] ⇦ Quits: payo_mc (payo_mc!~payo_mc@ (Client Quit)
L163[09:14:29] <Inari> Well I mean, don't divide/multiply by 256
L164[09:14:41] <FLORANA> ?
L165[09:14:54] <Inari> Just use the 0-1 range
L166[09:15:02] <FLORANA> why
L167[09:15:13] <Inari> Easier than to keep dividing and multiplying? :D
L168[09:15:20] <FLORANA> ...
L169[09:15:25] <Inari> Anyway, down the line it'll be mapped to 0-1 anyway when it's handed to GL
L170[09:15:37] <FLORANA> but in a programming term it's not easyer
L171[09:15:48] <FLORANA> a float is 2 bytes
L172[09:15:58] <FLORANA> well depends
L173[09:16:18] <Inari> I doubt yu'll hav so many colours that the extra byte matters
L174[09:16:24] <FLORANA> 8-bit floats are 2 bytes
L175[09:17:11] <FLORANA> yah tell that to ppl that makes emulators
L176[09:17:32] <FLORANA> they haft to /RGB from the regs to give to love2d
L177[09:18:12] ⇨ Joins: payo_mc (payo_mc!~payo_mc@
L178[09:18:15] <payo_mc> fixed
L179[09:18:19] <FLORANA> wb
L180[09:18:29] <payo_mc> gamax92: thanks for letting me know i broke wocchat, yet again
L181[09:18:31] <payo_mc> :(
L182[09:18:39] <payo_mc> but i fixed it, i'll push this
L183[09:18:42] <FLORANA> what happenes?
L184[09:18:43] ⇦ Quits: payo_mc (payo_mc!~payo_mc@ (Client Quit)
L185[09:19:11] <payonel> @FLORANA i forgot setBackground() returns [number, number] when you've set a palette color
L186[09:19:13] <FLORANA> ... he does know OC has multitasking right?
L187[09:19:36] <payonel> multitasking?
L188[09:20:09] <FLORANA> didn't it have OpenOS multitasking?
L189[09:21:13] <payonel> you're referring to openos threads as multitasking? what is "it" in this context? wocchat?
L190[09:21:15] <payonel> i'm so confused
L191[09:21:23] <FLORANA> ...
L192[09:21:52] <FLORANA> have openOS multitask wocchat on other thread/tab thing
L193[09:22:05] <payonel> why?
L194[09:22:15] <FLORANA> multitasking
L195[09:22:32] <FLORANA> thats how computer do it IRL
L196[09:22:59] <payonel> what does that have to do with having broken wocchat?
L197[09:23:32] <FLORANA> i never said enything about it being broken
L198[09:24:12] <FLORANA> i'm tslking out multitask wocchat while uploading or editing
L199[09:24:42] <payonel> are you complaining that i logged out of irc between fixing it?
L200[09:24:43] <FLORANA> that way it'd be faster relogs and not as meny work time gaps
L201[09:24:49] <FLORANA> no
L202[09:25:49] <payonel> you're asking gamax92 add a type of suspended mode to wocchat so it can keep its connection and channel+user list?
L203[09:26:12] <FLORANA> no
L204[09:26:32] <FLORANA> it doesn't effect wocchat
L205[09:26:45] <payonel> who does it affect?
L206[09:26:45] <FLORANA> it just runs on another thread
L207[09:26:58] <FLORANA> ...
L208[09:27:57] <payonel> first of all, that would require a windowing system. which openos doesn't have
L209[09:28:07] <payonel> second of all, that still makes no sense for what you said
L210[09:28:22] <payonel> "... he does know OC has multitasking right?"
L211[09:28:23] <FLORANA> no CC did it with tabs
L212[09:28:34] <payonel> that's great
L213[09:28:36] <payonel> tabs are windows
L214[09:28:44] <payonel> openos doesn't have that
L215[09:28:59] <FLORANA> then who said it did?
L216[09:29:23] <payonel> no idea
L217[09:29:35] <payonel> also, when you say "... he does know xyz right?"
L218[09:29:53] <payonel> it's like you're saying "why is this person doing it wrong, he should know about xyz"
L219[09:29:55] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L220[09:30:00] <payonel> who is he, what is he doing wrong?
L221[09:32:29] <Temia> https://twitter.com/traaaaaaannnnns/status/954396363739074560 leaving this here.
L222[09:32:29] <MichiBot> Fri Jan 19 10:53:19 CST 2018 @traaaaaaannnnns: Reasons to buy a radioactive cat today https://t.co/7TstwdMmRX https://t.co/DoVqAiXhvp
L223[09:38:23] <FLORANA> ok that dosen't make sence
L224[09:38:53] <FLORANA> how does a radioactive cat turn a boy into a female human cat?
L225[09:42:07] <payonel> %tell gamax92 all branches updated, thanks
L226[09:42:08] <MichiBot> payonel: gamax92 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L227[09:52:19] <Temia> Counterpoint: Who's ever heard of Catman?
L228[09:52:54] <Skye> Temia, gib radioactive cat pls
L229[09:53:03] <Temia> I don't have one
L230[09:53:48] <Temia> :<
L231[10:03:38] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L232[10:07:43] ⇨ Joins: kobylka (kobylka!~kobylka@78-141-79-239.static.orange.sk)
L233[10:07:49] <kobylka> hi
L234[10:08:40] <this is not me> if vivecraft was more popular, i'd know a way of making OC even cooler
L235[10:09:00] ⇦ Quits: kobylka (kobylka!~kobylka@78-141-79-239.static.orange.sk) (Remote host closed the connection)
L236[10:09:38] ⇨ Joins: Horacio111 (Horacio111!~horacio11@78-141-79-239.static.orange.sk)
L237[10:12:33] <Horacio111> hi
L238[10:14:09] ⇨ Joins: lol (lol!~lol@78-141-79-239.static.orange.sk)
L239[10:14:14] <lol> hi
L240[10:14:56] <Horacio111> Is there someone?
L241[10:20:31] <FLORANA> @this is not me vivecraft works fine for me with OC
L242[10:20:55] <this is not me> no i mean like
L243[10:21:01] <this is not me> having a virtual keyboard
L244[10:21:06] <this is not me> for the thing
L245[10:21:08] <FLORANA> it's just shaders that doesn't mix well
L246[10:21:13] <this is not me> *xtra realism*
L247[10:21:39] <FLORANA> that why you type on your real keyboard
L248[10:21:52] <this is not me> yeah
L249[10:22:34] <FLORANA> what i want is a nerual headset :3
L250[10:22:50] <this is not me> neural headset?
L251[10:22:54] <FLORANA> tell minecraft what i want to do how i want it
L252[10:22:56] <FLORANA> yah
L253[10:23:09] <FLORANA> never heard of it?
L254[10:23:12] <this is not me> nope
L255[10:23:15] <FLORANA> wow
L256[10:23:17] <Temia> Hasn't .Hack taught you anything?
L257[10:23:23] <this is not me> .hack?
L258[10:23:29] <Temia> ...Goddamit I hate being old.
L259[10:23:33] <this is not me> pretty sure there isnt a mod for mc to use with neural headsets
L260[10:23:47] <this is not me> tho you got voice control in mc
L261[10:23:48] * Temia goes back to her old person corner. :T
L262[10:23:55] <FLORANA> then look here https://www.emotiv.com
L263[10:24:15] <this is not me> ok
L264[10:24:40] <this is not me> lol i wrote teamsteam, instead of just steam
L265[10:25:35] <this is not me> actually they seem pretty cheap
L266[10:25:43] <this is not me> it costs the same as a vive for me
L267[10:25:51] <this is not me> the epoc+
L268[10:25:56] <this is not me> https://www.emotiv.com/product/emotiv-epoc-14-channel-mobile-eeg/
L269[10:26:01] <FLORANA> neural headsets can only read as of now
L270[10:26:14] <this is not me> *but in da future they can edit ur brain*
L271[10:26:17] <this is not me> am i correct?
L272[10:26:34] <FLORANA> no...
L273[10:26:37] <this is not me> k
L274[10:27:06] <FLORANA> it'a for controlling a computer with your mind
L275[10:27:08] <this is not me> okay
L276[10:27:11] <this is not me> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STHOmOe-XqU oh cool
L277[10:27:11] <MichiBot> Brain controlled Minecraft in VR: HTC Vive + Emotiv Insight | length: 1m 2s | Likes: 4 Dislikes: 2 Views: 404 | by HiOA Gaming | Published On 15/4/2017
L278[10:28:24] <FLORANA> it just looks like the vive
L279[10:28:33] <this is not me> it has some extra shit
L280[10:28:36] <this is not me> not just a vive
L281[10:29:07] <this is not me> afaik
L282[10:29:28] <FLORANA> like i see then neural headset but i don't think he's using it to controll the char
L283[10:29:36] <this is not me> k
L284[10:29:49] <Horacio111> whar?
L285[10:29:53] <Horacio111> what?
L286[10:30:09] <FLORANA> he's holding the vive controllers
L287[10:30:25] <this is not me> oh
L288[10:30:30] <FLORANA> as in make it seem real
L289[10:30:47] <this is not me> k
L290[10:30:50] <FLORANA> it'll thow ppl off
L291[10:31:03] <FLORANA> enyway
L292[10:31:10] <this is not me> time to run vrchat
L293[10:31:16] <FLORANA> lol
L294[10:31:19] <FLORANA> gg
L295[10:31:31] <this is not me> and see if my controller solution works
L296[10:31:36] <FLORANA> find jackspeceye while your at it
L297[10:31:49] <FLORANA> lol he's been in it
L298[10:36:26] <this is not me> k
L299[10:38:47] ⇦ Quits: lol (lol!~lol@78-141-79-239.static.orange.sk) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L302[11:25:50] <Inari> %give MichiBot a roll of sushi with X and Y special qualities
L303[11:25:50] * MichiBot accepts the roll of sushi with X and Y special qualities and adds it to her inventory
L304[11:36:36] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (glasspelican!~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp140-02-70-27-168-98.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L306[11:49:29] <Inari> %give MichiBot a GODPOING plushdoll
L307[11:49:29] * MichiBot accepts the GODPOING plushdoll and adds it to her inventory
L308[11:57:33] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L309[12:17:42] * gamax92 pets old Temia
L310[12:18:25] <gamax92> payonel: yay thanks
L311[12:18:40] <Temia> :O
L312[12:18:50] * Temia leans and tailswishes. =u=
L313[12:18:55] <Temia> Also, GODPOING... :O
L314[12:20:52] <gamax92> @FLORANA "8-bit float" what
L315[12:23:25] <Mimiru> Ok...
L316[12:23:30] <Mimiru> So I got my car's seat..
L317[12:23:49] <Mimiru> looking at the server... I don't have a 5.2 native.. just a 5.3 :/
L318[12:23:52] <Mimiru> wat
L319[12:24:19] <Mimiru> "OpenComputersMod-" is the only native in the MC root dir
L320[12:25:12] <Mimiru> and the CPU on this PC was 5.2.. switched to 5.3 seeing if it still breaks.
L321[12:25:46] <Mimiru> And that's a no.
L322[12:26:28] <Mimiru> So yeah... this computer powers off with no error on chunk unload. 5.2 or 5.3, and I only have a 5.3 native extracted.
L323[12:26:45] <Mimiru> 4.4.0-79-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 17 19:58:14 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
L324[12:30:46] <Mimiru> %mcstatus
L325[12:30:46] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Website: Up Session: Up Account: Up Auth: Up Skins: Up Auth Server: Up Session Server: Up API: Up Textures: Up
L326[12:31:05] <Mimiru> "Authentication servers are down. Please try again later, sorry!"
L327[12:31:06] <Mimiru> wtf.
L328[12:42:43] ⇨ Joins: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
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L330[13:14:21] <Mimiru> but another computer, a few hundred blocks away is fine .->
L331[13:14:24] <Mimiru> ._.*
L332[13:14:25] <Mimiru> I quit.
L333[13:15:29] <Inari> Mimiru: MC blocks? ;D
L334[13:16:28] <Mimiru> yes...
L335[13:16:46] <Mimiru> 575 meters north west a computer is fine
L336[13:16:55] <Mimiru> this computer won't stay alive during chunk unloads
L337[13:17:09] <Inari> Ah
L338[13:17:32] <Mimiru> Both are /oc_sc spawned computers, both have internet cards added... this computer now has NOTHING else connected to it.
L339[13:17:36] <Mimiru> no errors are thrown.
L340[13:17:40] <Mimiru> just.. powered off
L341[13:17:55] <Inari> Time to whip out the debugger!
L342[13:18:15] <Mimiru> on a dedi? nah
L343[13:18:17] <Mimiru> I'm good :D
L344[13:18:36] <Inari> replicate locally
L345[13:18:59] ⇦ Quits: AvissCora (AvissCora!webchat@c-68-84-248-177.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L346[13:43:30] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2018-01-20_13-43-20.png
L347[13:43:55] <Mimiru> the right side is the chunk that computers die in, the left computers are fine.
L348[13:44:22] <Mimiru> That chunk also has a small AE setup you can see there.. and that's it.
L349[13:51:37] ⇦ Quits: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L352[14:55:20] <Metafield> is there a bets practice for yeilding during an infinite loop?
L353[14:55:28] <Metafield> is there a best practice for yeilding during an infinite loop? [Edited]
L354[14:55:51] ⇦ Quits: DarkCow (DarkCow!~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:1053:b4fd:c1a5:6753) (Quit: Off to nuke a wizard)
L355[14:56:47] <MGR> @Metafield#9202 os.sleep(0) works pretty well
L356[14:56:53] <MGR> @Metafield
L357[14:57:18] <Metafield> perfect. I assume the modpack has something that naturally prevents that anyway?
L358[14:58:18] <Izaya> coroutine.yield doesn't have the overhead and should work
L359[14:59:24] <MGR> Wait.
L360[14:59:35] <MGR> Why (and how) would your modpack prevent os.sleep?
L361[15:02:03] <Metafield> Sorry I didn't mean to say pack. I'm assuming that OC itself has measures in place to prevent infinite loops imploding a game session
L362[15:02:42] <MGR> Yes, but os.sleep(0) will allow for continued code execution
L363[15:03:02] <MGR> There's a finite and configurable amount of execution time Lua code has per tick, shared between all the computers in the world
L364[15:03:10] <Metafield> i'll use sleep for now and look into co-routines for bigger programs, thanks
L365[15:03:21] <MGR> If you had a lot of code executing at once, it would run slower, but os.sleep will stop crashes
L366[15:03:32] <Metafield> that's it, makes a lot of sense
L367[15:03:44] <Metafield> go right
L368[15:03:51] <Metafield> oops ??
L369[15:04:07] <MGR> (your lua code would run slower, not the MC server)
L370[15:05:47] <Metafield> if drones don't use a lua eeprom then what language do they use?
L371[15:05:58] <Izaya> lua
L372[15:06:01] <payonel> @metafield the "lua eeprom" is perhaps a poor name
L373[15:06:14] <Izaya> They just don't have a bootloader, they only run code from the EEPROM
L374[15:06:29] <Izaya> that is also a good way to put it, now that I think about it :|
L375[15:06:34] <Metafield> I see, how do you get the code onto it
L376[15:06:36] <payonel> @metafield the Lua EEPROM is already configured/installed with our bios
L377[15:06:38] <MGR> Everything in OC uses Lua
L378[15:06:46] <Izaya> Unless it doesn't.
L379[15:06:48] <MGR> You can flash the EEPROM in a computer, then put it in the assembler
L380[15:07:10] <payonel> @metafield you can `edit /dev/eeprom` or `cp my_eeprom_code /dev/eeprom`
L381[15:07:17] <payonel> then remove the eeprom from that machine
L382[15:08:11] <payonel> and use that eeprom in the drone/robot/uC of your choice
L383[15:08:28] <Metafield> ohh it's only 62 lines
L384[15:08:39] <payonel> @metafield yeah, it has a size limit (in chars)
L385[15:09:28] <Metafield> So a program on a drone is just one lua file essentially on the eeprom?
L386[15:09:36] <payonel> yes
L387[15:10:12] <Metafield> can drones connect to the internet?
L388[15:10:49] <payonel> yes, the internet card is a tier 2 card
L389[15:10:58] <payonel> you just need a tier 2 drone with a tier 2 slot open
L390[15:11:24] <Metafield> so i could link my drones to a static pastebin and that would work all fine?
L391[15:11:44] <MGR> Yes
L392[15:11:50] <Metafield> this mod is amazing
L393[15:12:05] <MGR> You can't just download and run the pastebin though
L394[15:12:16] <payonel> sure you could :)
L395[15:12:31] <MGR> How?
L396[15:12:42] <payonel> load(download_pastebin(url))()
L397[15:12:54] <Izaya> Have your bootloader run what it gets from a HTTP request
L398[15:12:56] <Izaya> simple :D
L399[15:13:08] * Izaya has a BIOS that supports in-game network booting
L400[15:13:39] <MGR> payonel, I'm not sure how your code works
L401[15:13:50] <MGR> more specifically, what "donwload_pastebin" is
L402[15:14:07] <Izaya> From the name, I imagine it's a function to download a page, probably from pastebin :^)
L403[15:14:19] <payonel> mgr: https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7TKP9ln2Dr6ze6f6/giphy.gif
L404[15:14:42] <payonel> but yeah, basically what Izaya said
L405[15:14:54] <MGR> Download the page and store it how?
L406[15:15:00] <MGR> EEPROMs don't have a filesystem to store it in
L407[15:15:12] <Izaya> Why store it?
L408[15:15:16] <payonel> +1 ^
L409[15:15:19] <Izaya> Beyond main memory, anyway.
L410[15:15:24] <Izaya> Either way, a drone has a filesystem.
L411[15:15:24] <payonel> yeah
L412[15:15:31] <Izaya> You get 64k of tmpfs
L413[15:15:39] <MGR> Did not know that
L414[15:15:39] <payonel> the http response is in memory already
L415[15:15:40] <Izaya> Why does everyone think that OpenOS implements that?
L416[15:15:59] <Izaya> mayonel you do your job too well
L417[15:16:07] <MGR> I thought it was a computer thing, not an OpenOS thing
L418[15:16:14] <payonel> but
L419[15:16:19] <payonel> you dont need a rw fs
L420[15:16:22] <Izaya> ^
L421[15:16:29] <payonel> just load the string right out of the http response
L422[15:16:47] <MGR> I did not know you could load a string
L423[15:16:52] <Izaya> ._.
L424[15:16:53] <MGR> Good to know
L425[15:16:54] <Izaya> .________.
L426[15:17:04] <MGR> I'm not omniscient
L427[15:17:07] <payonel> @mgr that is exactly what is happening when you execute a script
L428[15:17:15] <Izaya> How do you think loading stuff from a file works?
L429[15:17:20] <payonel> it reads the script file into a variable, then load()'s it
L430[15:17:37] <payonel> Izaya: :) relax -- some people may not have considered that level of the system
L431[15:17:43] <MGR> I suppose you're right, I just never thought of it that way
L432[15:17:51] <MGR> Never had any reason to
L433[15:17:58] <payonel> yep, i know what you mean
L434[15:19:27] <payonel> @mgr fyi, load also has a function reader option
L435[15:19:36] <payonel> which in the case of a stream can be quite useful
L436[15:19:36] <MGR> What does that mean?
L437[15:19:52] <payonel> you can load a string, or you can load a function that acts like io read
L438[15:19:56] <payonel> returning string until nil
L439[15:19:58] <Izaya> payonel: does that allow you to pass it an iterator/whatever?
L440[15:20:02] <payonel> yes
L441[15:20:05] <Izaya> that's v. convenient
L442[15:21:26] <MGR> I see
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L444[15:22:05] <Izaya> payonel: does that save memory in practice/
L445[15:22:09] <payonel> yes
L446[15:22:10] <payonel> well
L447[15:22:12] <payonel> yes
L448[15:22:18] <payonel> it sort of depends
L449[15:22:24] <payonel> but it is definitely more likely to save memory
L450[15:23:17] <payonel> in very low memory work flows, it is possible to save memory buffering first
L451[15:23:31] <payonel> but i mean...that's if you're trying to work with less than 500 bytes free
L452[15:23:44] <Izaya> Gotta love OC. "It'll probably save memory. Maybe."
L453[15:23:51] <payonel> :)
L454[15:24:00] <payonel> if you are ALREADY working with an iterator, you should just use it
L455[15:24:59] <Inari> Sounds more of a lua issue than an OC issue
L456[15:25:20] <payonel> Inari: :) indeed. but irl, you generally aren't stressing about 1k of memory
L457[15:25:26] <payonel> + when using lua
L458[15:26:26] <Vexatos> I mean, Selene is like 60kB in size, which is quite a lot in OC :P
L459[15:27:47] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (brandon3055!~Brandon@pa49-199-120-114.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L460[15:30:37] <Izaya> Been playing with a TI-89, 1k is a lot of memory
L461[15:31:59] * payonel is afk
L462[15:32:59] <Inari> Izaya: tell that to the LHC ;D
L463[15:33:14] <Izaya> Large Hadron Collider?
L464[15:33:19] <Inari> Yeah
L465[15:39:23] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (brandon3055!~Brandon@pa49-199-107-39.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L466[16:00:14] <Metafield> Wait.. for the docs it looks like inventory size on robots, stacks?
L467[16:04:40] <MGR> Correct
L468[16:08:04] <Mimiru> I need to murder this chunk.
L469[16:13:28] <Mimiru> hmmmm
L470[16:17:53] <Mimiru> I pulled the AE and 2 TE smelters out of the chunk
L471[16:18:01] <Mimiru> and the computer survives chunk unloads.
L472[16:38:52] <Forecaster> murdrer!
L473[16:38:56] <Forecaster> murder! [Edited]
L474[16:40:15] <Izaya> important edit.
L475[16:40:35] <Forecaster> %s/important/very important/
L476[16:40:35] <MichiBot> <Izaya> very important edit.
L477[16:51:14] <MGR> http://www.businessinsider.com/cryptocurrency-miners-rent-boeing-747s-2017-7
L478[16:51:17] <MGR> What.
L479[17:06:35] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/qIlit
L480[17:12:24] <Forecaster> Wat
L481[17:12:52] <Izaya> logistics is hard
L482[17:14:09] <Izaya> I just hope the whole situation goes away soon.
L483[17:18:29] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:c963:8625:f450:5a59)
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L488[18:12:21] * Mimiru sighs
L489[18:12:29] <Mimiru> so it seems it's the AE network in the same chunk.
L490[18:34:09] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L491[18:38:26] * Inari throws plastic bags at AmandaC
L492[18:38:39] <AmandaC> D:
L493[18:39:33] <Inari> AmandaC: https://imgur.com/gallery/XNG0o
L494[18:39:42] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p5B3C8EFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ?)
L495[18:42:13] <AmandaC> :P
L496[18:48:12] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/HjiyT
L497[19:02:04] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC60E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Now a reality, once but a vision. With classicality, Grace and precision! Hailed with cardiality, Honored in song, Eternal Neutrality Pulls us along!')
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L507[21:39:51] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/img/ed-ee-wp8-eagles-landing.png
L508[22:04:07] ⇨ Joins: BrotherLeon (BrotherLeon!webchat@159-118-65-229.cpe.cableone.net)
L509[22:04:15] <BrotherLeon> Hi.
L510[22:06:23] <BrotherLeon> Does anyone know how to convert .nbt files to ASCII files?
L511[23:04:22] <AmandaC> %choose be very bad or be good
L512[23:04:22] <MichiBot> AmandaC: be good
L513[23:04:25] <AmandaC> Aww
L514[23:04:35] <AmandaC> Night nerds, I guess
L515[23:09:44] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L516[23:23:01] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (Nachtara!~Nachiebre@2604:2d80:c02c:8376:7db4:3178:fd81:94fd) (Quit: Blue skidoo, we can too!)
L517[23:28:32] ⇦ Quits: BrotherLeon (BrotherLeon!webchat@159-118-65-229.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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