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L1[00:28:33] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (Thutmose1!~Patrick@172-10-186-129.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L2[00:35:34] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L4[01:30:44] ⇨ Joins: iNick (iNick!~tajudd@75-146-141-121-NewMexico.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L5[01:30:54] <iNick> Greetings *everyone*
L6[01:31:37] <iNick> I'm pretty sure I'm out of self-help resources. Sorry for the upcoming questions
L7[01:33:09] <iNick> I'm completely unable to find any current examples and resources to build my own eeprom that works in a drone. Of the 2 items that actually turn the drone on, I think only one works (but it wasn't my goal, so I didn't use it)
L8[01:34:06] <iNick> my biggest baffle is why I have to use comonent.proxy(components.list("type")()) over the Lua require("type")
L9[01:34:46] <iNick> nd oh..! Happy New Year!
L10[01:38:49] <Izaya> uh
L11[01:38:53] <Izaya> you can't require components
L12[01:39:10] <Izaya> but uh
L13[01:39:25] <iNick> yea, I learned that. :) you have to proxy things in the eeprom
L14[01:39:26] <Izaya> the reason you can't use require, or just component.type, is because those are provided by OpenOS
L15[01:40:11] <iNick> so a dummy guide for current (OCv1.7, MC 1.12.2) releases?
L16[01:40:19] <Izaya> ~w custom os
L17[01:40:20] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L18[01:40:22] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/projects/multice/
L19[01:42:22] <Izaya> I've spent a lot of time writing code for drones and microcontrollers so I should be able to help with stuff too
L20[01:42:31] <Izaya> MultICE was my project for a proper embedded OS
L21[01:42:43] <Izaya> Got bored of it after a while \o/
L22[01:43:56] <iNick> hey, happens to us all :)
L23[01:44:39] <Izaya> (I also have PsychOS but it isn't small enough to run on drones and similar without significant abuse of everything)
L24[01:45:48] <iNick> i'll go try to understand the above two links, I knew OpenOS "component" just made things work (purple smoke effect), but not (yet) sure what component.proxy usage examples are. I'm just a n00b trying to program. Note I script a lot, I cannot program yet :)
L25[01:45:52] <iNick> getting better tho
L26[01:46:25] <iNick> Happy New Year Izaya
L27[01:46:57] <Izaya> component.proxy gives you a table of functions and stuff from an address
L28[01:47:13] <Izaya> component.list("type")() just gets the address of thefirst component of that type
L29[02:14:18] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E48606166C8D9E21760.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L30[02:14:18] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L31[02:24:45] <logan2611> Someone was talking about having PhychOS being streamed via a wireless network card and stored in /tmp to me
L32[02:24:53] <logan2611> someone should look into this
L33[02:28:01] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:c90a:a5e2:36ae:bb51) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L34[02:30:03] <Izaya> logan2611: it's a feature
L35[02:30:11] <Izaya> that's abusing lots of things :P
L36[05:17:54] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L37[05:22:56] <Sarren Nardieu> how do you use os.execute? because whenever i run it process.lua throws an "assertion failed" error
L38[05:25:24] <Sarren Nardieu> i think it's something to do with the way i'm pulling events maybe
L39[05:35:22] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E923.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L40[05:43:27] <Sarren Nardieu> might pirates just has load(cmd) in his code
L41[05:51:39] <Sarren Nardieu> on a seperate note is LuPI2 any good?
L42[05:53:13] <Sarren Nardieu> oh look it actually mentions opencomputers on the the github page xD
L43[05:53:16] <Inari> I don't recall os.execute, but load should work too :P
L44[05:53:26] <Inari> ~oc os
L45[05:53:26] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-os
L46[05:53:29] <Inari> pls
L47[05:53:31] <Inari> ~oc os api
L48[05:53:31] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L49[05:53:35] <Inari> ..
L50[05:53:55] <Inari> gamax92: Fix your bot D:
L51[05:54:07] <Sarren Nardieu> i think the problem is how i am implementing it
L52[05:54:17] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5E4F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L53[05:54:35] <Inari> How do you try to run os.execute anyway
L54[05:54:45] <Sarren Nardieu> i have it an infinite while loop along with a pull event thingy
L55[05:54:48] <Sarren Nardieu> https://pastebin.com/40dVCZ2C
L56[05:57:29] <Inari> What assert do you get?
L57[05:57:35] <Inari> " "process cannot load function environemnts""?
L58[05:58:17] <Inari> Or well what line if it says so
L59[05:58:37] <Sarren Nardieu> em hold on a sec
L60[05:58:45] <Inari> Also
L61[05:58:48] <Inari> Whats the command you input
L62[05:59:13] <Sarren Nardieu> /beep.lua
L63[06:00:16] <Sarren Nardieu> is there a pipe command?
L64[06:00:28] <Sarren Nardieu> so i can log the errors?
L65[06:00:43] <Inari> Errors should already be logged I believe? But there was a pipe thingy too
L66[06:00:48] <Inari> check the /log folder
L67[06:01:05] <Inari> I always forget how to use the pipe thing in openos :D
L68[06:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/mMcC5Nqr0NA - RailcraftLP [Episode 69] - Not Cool
L69[06:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L70[06:01:11] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@
L71[06:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: industrialcraft2,ic2,opencomputers,lua,reactor
L72[06:01:11] <MichiBot> RailcraftLP- [Episode 69] - Not Cool | length: 25m 4s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 1/1/2018
L73[06:02:12] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L74[06:02:16] <Sarren Nardieu> i founf the pipe thing, it's ">" but it doesnt work on stack traces ?
L75[06:02:46] <Sarren Nardieu> now to see if i can find the /log folder xD
L76[06:02:54] <Inari> It should
L77[06:03:00] <Inari> it was something like 1> or so
L78[06:03:01] <Inari> or 3>
L79[06:03:05] <Inari> Maybe $1> ?
L80[06:03:19] <Inari> Sadly payonel doesn'ts eem to be here :D
L81[06:07:42] <Sarren Nardieu> meh
L82[06:07:58] <Sarren Nardieu> go go gagdet manul typing!
L83[06:08:03] <Sarren Nardieu> manual*
L84[06:10:14] <Sarren Nardieu> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/iperelaxip
L85[06:10:35] <Sarren Nardieu> boot/02_os.lua:11 in function xp_call
L86[06:10:59] <Inari> Okay
L87[06:11:04] <Inari> Thats not mentionign process.lua at all :D
L88[06:11:10] <Sarren Nardieu> that last line i typed incorrectly
L89[06:11:14] <Sarren Nardieu> the next error does
L90[06:11:16] <Sarren Nardieu> theres two
L91[06:11:21] <Inari> Ah
L92[06:11:25] <Sarren Nardieu> it does that one first
L93[06:11:32] <Sarren Nardieu> then when you try to do anything
L94[06:11:41] <Sarren Nardieu> it gives the assertion failed one
L95[06:12:30] <Inari> What do you mean "try to do anything"
L96[06:12:56] <Sarren Nardieu> well it gives error one then bombs out and goes back to showing /home
L97[06:13:18] <Sarren Nardieu> at which point you can freely keep pressing enter to make more '/home's appear
L98[06:13:41] <Sarren Nardieu> but if you type in a command like 'clear' it gives the assertion failed error
L99[06:13:55] <Sarren Nardieu> so i have to turn the computer off then on again
L100[06:13:57] <Inari> Try using local function loadfile in your relay
L101[06:14:06] <Inari> You're probably overwriting the os function :P
L102[06:14:11] <Sarren Nardieu> oh noes
L103[06:14:15] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L104[06:14:19] <Inari> In general it's better to use local haha
L105[06:14:55] <Sarren Nardieu> so how does that work?
L106[06:15:11] <Sarren Nardieu> local loadfile(cmd[2])
L107[06:15:12] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L108[06:15:18] <Inari> No, just when defining it
L109[06:15:24] <Inari> local function loadfile(file)
L110[06:15:45] <Inari> local makes it local to your scope, instead of overwriting the global "loadfile" variable
L111[06:16:01] <Sarren Nardieu> ok
L112[06:16:07] <Sarren Nardieu> oh
L113[06:16:14] <Sarren Nardieu> you meant the other thing
L114[06:16:16] <Sarren Nardieu> lol
L115[06:16:20] <Sarren Nardieu> let me fix
L116[06:17:50] <Sarren Nardieu> http://tinyurl.com/ydx7nokg
L117[06:18:07] <Sarren Nardieu> ♥ ♥ ♥
L118[06:18:11] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L119[06:18:52] <Inari> HAha
L120[06:19:18] <Inari> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pz6ws93yd58nb4/iroha_c.webm?raw=1
L121[06:19:48] <Sarren Nardieu> lol xD
L122[06:21:04] <Sarren Nardieu> now ive completely forgotten what i needed that prgram for
L123[06:21:18] <Sarren Nardieu> sicne it took me something like 4 hours to do
L124[06:47:01] <Sarren Nardieu> ok my network is ready and rearing to go!!
L125[06:47:08] <Sarren Nardieu> so...
L126[06:47:16] <Sarren Nardieu> i have a bunch of robots
L127[06:47:22] <Sarren Nardieu> how do i make them move :/
L128[06:57:01] <Sarren Nardieu> ? computer.beep file not found ?
L129[06:57:15] <Sarren Nardieu> my plans for world domination are ruined ?
L130[07:20:25] <Sarren Nardieu> that and my relays only seem to work when they have screens attached to them
L131[07:57:26] <Vindex> Inari: and that's why I program everything object oriented way in CC except stupid scripts
L132[07:57:36] <Vindex> (ad rewriting globals)
L133[08:02:32] <Sarren Nardieu> so with the system i setup i can only give shell commands ?
L134[08:02:51] <Sarren Nardieu> so how to i say things like "robot.up()"?
L135[08:12:12] <Forecaster> use your words!
L136[08:13:06] <Inari> @Sarren Nardieu load
L137[08:13:26] <Forecaster> names with spaces have to be quoted :P
L138[08:13:38] <Inari> shrug
L139[08:13:41] <Inari> %shrug
L140[08:13:41] <MichiBot> Inari: No you shrug!
L141[08:15:37] <Sarren Nardieu> oh i remeber now i have to convert them to those swanky function number thingies
L142[08:16:53] <Inari> function number?
L143[08:18:36] <Sarren Nardieu> yes you now when you go into the interpreter and somtimes it'll return with something like "function: 0000064xc3894"
L144[08:19:06] <Inari> Uh, yeah, that just means it's a function :p
L145[08:19:39] <Sarren Nardieu> yes
L146[08:19:46] <Sarren Nardieu> functions are what i want, no?
L147[08:19:58] <Sarren Nardieu> robot.up() is a function tight?
L148[08:20:03] <Sarren Nardieu> robot.up() is a function right? [Edited]
L149[08:22:37] <Inari> well, you call the robot.up function with that, yes.
L150[08:29:55] <Sarren Nardieu> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/cocecocire
L151[09:00:32] <Sarren Nardieu> ......
L152[09:00:36] <Sarren Nardieu> well...
L153[09:00:41] <Sarren Nardieu> this is awkward
L154[09:01:01] <Sarren Nardieu> ehm could someone intoduce me to the indiviual who wrote the motd's please
L155[09:01:16] <Sarren Nardieu> because i wish to whack them ovre the head lol xD
L156[09:01:18] <Forecaster> check the repo for who committed them?
L157[09:01:20] <Forecaster> :P
L158[09:01:41] <Sarren Nardieu> computer.beep() isnt even a thing! ?
L159[09:02:01] <Sarren Nardieu> and i just spent the last hour spamming it into my robot lololol
L160[09:02:30] <Sarren Nardieu> also the code i needed was "load(cmd[2])()"
L161[09:02:41] <Sarren Nardieu> the last two crackets being the important bit xD
L162[09:02:47] <Sarren Nardieu> i am happy now
L163[09:02:49] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L164[09:57:00] <Inari> ~oc computer
L165[09:57:00] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L166[09:57:29] <Inari> Hmm interesting
L167[09:57:32] <Inari> I thought it was a thing
L168[10:17:46] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
L169[10:18:48] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:ac6a:ffa5:bc07:94c5)
L170[10:22:18] <gamax92> ~w gpu
L171[10:22:18] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L172[10:23:23] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (Abculatter_2!~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L173[10:27:06] ⇨ Joins: hollow (hollow!~Mutter@2601:245:8100:c4b3:9dda:e162:daa4:9f9c)
L174[10:31:39] ⇦ Quits: hollow (hollow!~Mutter@2601:245:8100:c4b3:9dda:e162:daa4:9f9c) (Client Quit)
L175[10:40:30] <Mimiru> it was a thing..
L176[10:40:38] <Mimiru> computer.beep that is.
L177[10:41:50] <AmandaC> `computer.beep` is a thing in openos. it's an alias to calling `beep` on the `computer` component
L178[10:50:37] <Skye> uhh
L179[10:50:42] <Skye> computer.beep was in EEPROM?
L180[10:50:55] <Skye> I remember using computing.beep on an EEPROM
L181[10:51:46] <Mimiru> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:computer
L182[10:51:53] <Mimiru> right, computer component, not api
L183[10:53:19] <Mimiru> @Sarren Nardieu computer.beep is a thing, just not in the API, it's part of the computer component so component.computer.beep(number) (or whatever)
L184[10:53:31] <Izaya> that is changed
L185[10:53:36] <Izaya> it used to be part of the API
L186[10:53:51] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L187[10:53:54] <Skye> what
L188[10:54:05] <Skye> that breaks a lot of EEPROM stuff
L189[10:54:06] <Izaya> well, if it's not in the API now it must be a change
L190[10:54:06] <Skye> why
L191[10:54:08] <Izaya> because it was
L192[10:54:11] <Skye> yeah
L193[10:54:25] <Inari> Mimiru: Names with spaces have to be quotes :3 :3 :3
L194[10:54:38] <Mimiru> @"Sarren Nardieu"
L195[10:54:45] <Inari> What do you mean "breaks eeprom stuff"
L196[10:54:46] <Mimiru> I stayed up til 5 AM and was back up at 9
L197[10:54:48] <Mimiru> so... meh
L198[10:54:52] <Inari> It has to be in the component to use it from EEPROM..
L199[10:54:59] * Izaya hands Mimiru a coffee
L200[10:55:05] <Forecaster> Inari: > - >
L201[10:55:08] <Izaya> Inari: it didn't used to be like that
L202[10:55:12] <Mimiru> I'll likely be heading up to Sonic for a Rt 44 coffee soon.
L203[10:55:14] <Inari> @Forecaster ;D
L204[10:55:29] <Inari> Izaya: Then Skye couldn't have used it from tEEPROM :|
L205[10:55:37] <Skye> no no
L206[10:55:51] <Skye> the API was computer and component, and bit32, and a few extra ones
L207[10:55:54] <Skye> from EEPROM
L208[10:55:56] <Izaya> beep used to be part of the base computer API, or possibly still is
L209[10:56:42] <Izaya> Forecaster: https://my.mixtape.moe/oglagu.jpg
L210[10:56:56] <Forecaster> xD
L211[10:57:41] <Inari> Skye: You mean component :P
L212[10:57:46] <Inari> EEPROM has no "api" thats openos
L213[10:57:51] <Izaya> Inari:
L214[10:57:53] <Izaya> computer
L215[10:57:55] <Izaya> the API
L216[10:58:00] <Izaya> is available from an EEPROM
L217[10:58:04] <Izaya> it is part of _G
L218[10:58:05] <Skye> so is the component API
L219[10:58:07] <Izaya> _G.computer
L220[10:58:12] <Inari> You mean the component though, no?
L221[10:58:15] <Izaya> no.
L222[10:58:19] <Inari> Weird then
L223[10:58:30] <Izaya> ~w api:computer
L224[10:58:31] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L225[10:59:01] <Izaya> I have code that uses _G.computer.beep and _G.computer.*memory from a year or two ago
L226[10:59:08] <Izaya> and it definitely doesn't run under OpenOS
L227[10:59:10] <Izaya> so
L228[10:59:17] <Inari> Weird then :D
L229[10:59:26] <Izaya> so what I'm saying
L230[10:59:37] <Izaya> is that it was either broken or someone intentionally removed it for whatever reason
L231[10:59:48] <Inari> Hm I guess "component" are the things that can only be externally called in this case
L232[11:00:03] <Inari> Izaya: How so?
L233[11:00:19] <Izaya> because apparently _G.computer.beep isn't available to EEPROMs any more
L234[11:00:32] <Inari> But it is?
L235[11:00:40] <Inari> Only not if you require "computer" maybe
L236[11:00:44] <Inari> Since then it laods the lua api frm openos
L237[11:00:47] <Inari> Or soemthing, I don't know :D
L238[11:00:48] <Izaya> but
L239[11:00:55] <Izaya> you can't require from an EEPROM
L240[11:00:59] <Izaya> that's implemented by OpenOS
L241[11:01:06] * Izaya is confused
L242[11:01:16] <Inari> Yeah, but the EEPROm apparently has the extended API anyway or something
L243[11:01:22] <Inari> The whole computer thing always conufsed me :P
L244[11:01:25] <Mimiru> beep hasn't changed since https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/commit/d5f1280fc9c9f463c45eff76119cfc513d8c3fd5 that I can find
L245[11:01:27] <Skye> the OpenOS computer API is just unhiding the EEPROM API
L246[11:01:27] <Skye> :P
L247[11:01:58] <Inari> Well I just seem to recall before having to use component.computer instead of require("computer") for some function
L248[11:02:14] <Inari> Or vice versa, I don't recall
L249[11:02:23] <Forecaster> So Plex is pretty cool
L250[11:02:34] <Forecaster> once I got around it not working with my naming scheme
L251[11:34:13] ⇨ Joins: cacaprout (cacaprout!webchat@est60-1-78-234-122-4.fbx.proxad.net)
L252[11:34:21] <cacaprout> hi
L253[11:35:07] <Mimiru> %hello
L254[11:35:08] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (don't ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L255[11:35:41] <Forecaster> %bye!
L256[11:35:41] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Dont let the door hit you on the way out!
L257[11:40:50] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L258[12:10:47] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (Unh0ly_Tigg!~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L259[12:21:44] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_alkb6PaZLo
L260[12:21:45] <MichiBot> Top Ten Shittiest Games Of 2017 (The Jimquisition) | length: 25m 1s | Likes: 10,271 Dislikes: 258 Views: 94,741 | by Jim Sterling | Published On 1/1/2018
L261[12:24:47] <Forecaster> just watched that a while ago
L262[12:25:57] <Izaya> https://eddp.co/u/Mj9iKg12
L263[13:04:10] <Kodos> %weather 62033
L264[13:04:12] <MichiBot> Current weather for Gillespie, IL Current Temp: 5.4°F/-14.8°C Feels Like: -10°F/-23°C Current Humidity: 30% Wind: From the WNW 10.5 Mph/16.9 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L265[13:04:24] <Kodos> Yeah, no, I don't want DQ that bad
L266[13:27:48] <payonel> hmm, how do i @ someone with a space in their name?
L267[13:28:07] <payonel> @Sarren Nardieu: do you still have questions about os.execute or how to debug your errors?
L268[13:28:19] <payonel> Inari: what pipe thing is hard to remember in openos?
L269[13:30:26] <Inari> payonel: how to log errors ors omething :P
L270[13:30:33] <payonel> from the shell?
L271[13:30:36] <Inari> Yeah
L272[13:30:50] <payonel> ./program arg0 arg1 2>log
L273[13:30:53] <Inari> payonel: That way: [17:54:38] <@Mimiru> @"Sarren Nardieu"
L274[13:30:55] <payonel> for stderr?
L275[13:31:06] <Inari> payonel: Yeah I never can recall the number :D (I don't really use linux haha)
L276[13:31:07] <payonel> @"Sarren Nardieu": do you still have questions about os.execute or how to debug your errors?
L277[13:31:50] <payonel> Inari: ah. openos respects the same linux numbers. so 1 is stdout (print, io.write, io.stdout:write, io.output():write ... all go through stdout (i.e. 1))
L278[13:32:07] <payonel> and 1 is implied, so `./program >foo` is the same as `./program 1>foo`
L279[13:32:24] <payonel> and 2 is stderr (io.stderr:write, io.error():write)
L280[13:32:40] <payonel> also, exceptions thrown to the shell are printed to stderr
L281[13:32:44] <payonel> (in openos)
L282[13:33:18] <payonel> you can also put the redirect in front: 2>err_log ./program arg0 arg1
L283[13:33:37] <payonel> or in the middle...not sure how that'd help anyone, but, it's possible
L284[14:03:35] <payonel> sheep power pushed to 1.7.10
L285[14:03:50] <S3> ./program 1>&1
L286[14:04:00] <payonel> S3: that's allowed too :)
L287[14:04:07] <S3> lol
L288[14:04:09] <payonel> i'll merge to the higher branches later today
L289[14:21:28] <Sarren Nardieu> i think the etiquette behind irc will always confuse me
L290[14:21:46] <Sarren Nardieu> people pinging me over things that happened several hours ago xD
L291[14:21:50] <Sarren Nardieu> etc
L292[14:25:00] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L293[14:28:25] <Sarren Nardieu> you knwo what woudl be fun ? virtualbox the game!
L294[14:29:04] <Sarren Nardieu> it would be virtualbox but like opencomputers where you could swap out the hardware and stuff
L295[14:30:12] <Forecaster> what?
L296[14:31:08] <Sarren Nardieu> i mean like you could setup little vm's with different hardware configs
L297[14:31:44] <Forecaster> that's what OC computers are already...
L298[14:32:16] <Sarren Nardieu> i guess this would be the next step up though int erms of realism ?
L299[14:32:23] <Sarren Nardieu> i guess this would be the next step up though in terms of realism ? [Edited]
L300[14:32:34] <Forecaster> also you can totally program that in Lua
L301[14:32:36] <Forecaster> have at it :P
L302[14:32:42] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L303[14:32:59] <Sarren Nardieu> you can make virtual machines in lua???
L304[14:33:16] <SF-MC> It's Turing complete... so yes?
L305[14:33:36] <Sarren Nardieu> i wish i was smrt
L306[14:33:38] <Sarren Nardieu> ?
L307[14:34:09] <Forecaster> you don't have to be smart, only competent
L308[14:34:11] <Sarren Nardieu> im trying to get LuPI setup atm xD
L309[14:34:14] <Forecaster> and that can come with experience
L310[14:34:20] <Sarren Nardieu> Yay ?
L311[14:34:42] <Sarren Nardieu> thanks forcaster ?
L312[14:34:46] <Sarren Nardieu> thanks forecaster ? [Edited]
L313[14:48:19] <Inari> %give MichiBot festive medical bills
L314[14:48:20] * MichiBot accepts festive medical bills and adds it to her inventory
L315[14:53:44] <Forecaster> %inv add festive medical pills
L316[14:53:44] * MichiBot summons 'festive medical pills' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L317[14:56:10] <Sarren Nardieu> awesome my vm is working ?
L318[15:06:39] <Sarren Nardieu> has anyone tried LuPI before?
L319[15:09:13] <asie> I helped develop it, if you're talking about LuPI
L320[15:09:15] <asie> I helped develop it, if you're talking about LuPI2*
L321[15:09:47] <Sarren Nardieu> yes LuPI2 ?
L322[15:10:07] <Sarren Nardieu> i have the cross compiler, plan9k and lupi2 itself
L323[15:10:15] <Sarren Nardieu> how do i mush them together? xD
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L333[16:11:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
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L336[16:15:19] <Sarren Nardieu> this build.sh is like some kind of pyshadelic nightmare xD
L337[16:15:34] <Sarren Nardieu> this build.sh is like some kind of pyschadelic nightmare xD [Edited]
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L341[16:40:44] <gamax92> Inari: api:os doesn't exist
L342[16:40:47] <gamax92> bot works fine
L343[16:41:14] <Inari> Then hardlink it
L344[16:41:28] <gamax92> what?
L345[16:41:49] <Inari> ~oc os => http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:non-standard-lua-libs#operating_system_facilities
L346[16:41:49] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:non-standard-lua-libs ( I tried D: )
L347[16:48:55] ⇦ Quits: lp (lp!~lordpipe@ (Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1)
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L351[17:09:41] <AmandaC> %choose anime or cube crack or youtube
L352[17:09:41] <MichiBot> AmandaC: youtube
L353[17:11:54] <AmandaC> nah, I'll finish S1 of Overlord I think
L354[17:12:21] <Inari> When you meet Lex Manos on a Skyrim mod discord
L355[17:43:31] ⇨ Joins: Trickster29 (Trickster29!webchat@host-74-211-90-67.beyondbb.com)
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L364[18:40:27] <ScuroGuardiano> Hi, I have one question
L365[18:40:31] <ScuroGuardiano> Why this mod is so hard?
L366[18:42:08] <MGR> Hard in what way?
L367[18:42:49] <ScuroGuardiano> For example components, long adresses etc.
L368[18:43:31] <MGR> Components are used for *I presume* more realism, and specialization of computers
L369[18:43:47] <MGR> As for the long addresses, you can use component.get to only input the first 3 digits
L370[18:43:53] <MGR> I know your pain though
L371[18:44:08] <ScuroGuardiano> Oh, I didn't know, thanks for advice
L372[18:44:16] <ScuroGuardiano> I am getting started with this mod
L373[18:44:28] <ScuroGuardiano> Earlier I used CC
L374[18:45:13] <MGR> Well, it's a pretty solid mod ?
L375[18:52:22] <payonel> @ScuroGuardiano you don't have to use a component address unless you have an ambiguity
L376[18:52:30] <payonel> what are you trying to do?
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L378[18:58:38] <payonel> @status @ScuroGuardiano
L379[18:58:43] <payonel> ~status @ScuroGuardiano
L380[18:58:46] <payonel> @status ScuroGuardiano
L381[18:58:49] <payonel> Mimiru: halp
L382[18:59:49] <Mimiru> @status @ScuroGuardiano
L383[18:59:50] <Discord> ScuroGuardiano is currently ONLINE Playing: League of Legends
L384[19:00:49] <Mimiru> did you copy/paste? looks like what you typed had the ZWS in it
L385[19:01:47] <Mimiru> payonel
L386[19:01:49] <payonel> i did
L387[19:01:59] <payonel> where are zws's coming from :(
L388[19:02:10] <Mimiru> AntiPing...
L389[19:02:12] <payonel> i copied the name corded said
L390[19:02:12] <AmandaC> Corded, to prevent pings
L391[19:02:18] <MGR> ^
L392[19:02:20] <payonel> bleh
L393[19:02:32] <AmandaC> maybe @status should ignore ZWS
L394[19:02:36] <payonel> too much typing
L395[19:06:20] <AmandaC> %choose cube crack or no
L396[19:06:20] <MichiBot> AmandaC: cube crack
L397[19:16:30] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E923.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Chickens will peck - peck - peck until they've worked out who's top chicken. But you know who's really top chicken? WE'RE TOP CHICKEN!' (CGP Grey))
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L399[19:22:47] <freddiez> Just curious is there any known issues with the analyzer in the new ftb pack ftb revelation? I have followed the tutorial in the book given on spawn to the letter and I still can't get the analyzer to even kick back an error
L400[19:27:21] <payonel> freddiez: 1.12?
L401[19:27:31] <payonel> trying to turn a computer on and it does nothing?
L402[19:28:36] <freddiez> 1.12.2 it does not show any error with analyzer no lights on front of case
L403[19:28:52] <payonel> and you're just trying to turn a computer on?
L404[19:29:00] <freddiez> yes
L405[19:29:04] <payonel> yeah, known issue
L406[19:29:13] <payonel> problem with that ftb pack and the version of forge it is using
L407[19:29:26] <payonel> we have a build that deals with the issue
L408[19:29:33] <payonel> but we haven't pushed an update to curseforge yet
L409[19:29:41] <freddiez> ahh
L410[19:29:43] <payonel> you can pull the build yourself though from our jenkins
L411[19:29:58] <freddiez> what is that?
L412[19:30:07] <payonel> jenkins? build service
L413[19:30:23] <payonel> http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-MC1.12/
L414[19:30:32] <freddiez> got it
L415[19:30:42] <freddiez> thank you for the help
L416[19:30:53] <payonel> yep :)
L417[19:34:24] <AmandaC> Y'all better watch out, I am now an expert with the Long Range Stabby!
L418[19:35:29] <AmandaC> ( Named my TiCon Crossbow Bolts "Long Range Stabby"
L419[19:35:56] <MGR> ?
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L422[19:57:46] <iNick> any ability to copy from edit so I can paste in another machine?
L423[19:58:02] <iNick> without using pastebin as a MITM
L424[20:01:26] <Mimiru> No
L425[20:12:45] <S3> iNick: write a program like scp
L426[20:13:28] <S3> and then edit the code of edit
L427[20:13:38] <S3> so that a key combo lets you copy paste over network
L428[20:13:39] <S3> :D
L429[20:14:00] <S3> actually not even like scp
L430[20:14:12] <S3> you could have edit enable some copy mode
L431[20:14:31] <S3> and then in the destination machine you hit the paste combo and it asks opn the network via broadcast for the paste
L432[20:14:36] <S3> you could even name your pastes
L433[20:14:48] <S3> so that more than one person could copy / paste at the same time
L434[20:31:55] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E48606166C8D9E21760.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L435[20:40:02] <S3> so i just realized something
L436[20:40:26] <S3> in normal math, if I write f(x) = x + 1
L437[20:40:45] <S3> we can typically expect that f(2) will always return 3
L438[20:41:10] <S3> however, this is not a pure function, because properties in math are often implied and aren't predictable like they are in a computer program
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L443[22:01:43] <AmandaC> S3: stop with that philosphy stuff, it's too late for it.
L444[22:01:58] <AmandaC> ... she says, an hour and a half later
L445[22:02:04] * AmandaC goes to bed
L446[22:07:21] *** DaMachinator is now known as Arcanitor
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L455[23:51:18] <SoraFirestorm> o/
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