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L1[00:02:00] <Xyxen> payonel: https://www.lua.org/doc/jucs05.pdf section 4
L2[00:08:33] ⇦ Quits: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@2601:240:4601:4b90:1931:6c8c:485f:6482) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L3[01:46:16] ⇦ Quits: Xyxen (~Xyxen@S0106dcef091b12f1.cg.shawcable.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L4[02:04:42] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L5[02:04:55] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com)
L6[02:25:28] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7uecl9a
L7[02:25:31] <Forecaster> tip of the day
L8[04:07:19] ⇨ Joins: Dimtree (~dimtree@74-196-33-246.nbrncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L9[04:13:23] ⇦ Quits: Bigcheese (~quassel@ (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L10[04:14:29] ⇨ Joins: Bigcheese (~quassel@
L11[04:20:42] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L12[04:20:42] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight savings time might not happen this year because of magnetic field reversal? Apparently it's getting worse and no one knows why.
L13[04:20:51] <Forecaster> %ohno
L14[04:20:51] <MichiBot> ohno
L15[04:33:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E4811D2D39EB2258F81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L16[04:33:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L17[05:12:57] ⇨ Joins: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@c-73-36-115-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L18[05:16:59] ⇦ Quits: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@c-73-36-115-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dinnerbeefs)))
L19[05:17:04] ⇨ Joins: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@c-73-36-115-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L20[05:23:00] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L21[05:28:45] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y9p2omxl
L22[05:28:45] <Forecaster> huh
L23[05:29:01] <Forecaster> I'm mildly suspicious of that address
L24[05:54:31] <AshIndigo> ~markov MichiBot
L25[05:54:31] <ocdoc> Mettaton_Fab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzPpWInAiOg - *Doot - E1M1 [Knee-Deep in the Doot] | length: 3m 51s | Likes: 284 Dislikes: 5 Views: 92,220 | Napalm Records
L26[05:54:32] <MichiBot> Doot - E1M1 [Knee-Deep in the Doot] | length: 3m 13s | Likes: 47,050 Dislikes: 357 Views: 1,938,138 | by Nick Ino | Published On 12/5/2016
L27[06:27:38] <Forecaster> %shell Mettaton_Fab
L28[06:27:38] * MichiBot loads a whoopie pie into a shell and fires it. It strikes Mettaton_Fab. They take 8 damage. surferconor425 and pwootage stood too close and take 5 and 2 splash damage respectively.
L29[06:27:53] <Forecaster> aw. minimum damage.
L30[06:57:14] <AshIndigo> %shell Forecaster
L31[06:57:14] * MichiBot loads the wrong prefix into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Forecaster, Vic and TheCryptek. They each take 6, 5 and 2 splash damage respectively.
L32[06:58:29] <Forecaster> %shell AshIndigo
L33[06:58:30] * MichiBot loads an air can into a shell and fires it. It strikes AshIndigo. They take 18 damage. progwml6 and bl0m1 stood too close and take 8 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L34[06:58:36] <Forecaster> \o/
L35[06:58:39] <AshIndigo> oww
L36[07:01:47] <Forecaster> %inv add shell
L37[07:01:47] * MichiBot summons 'shell' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L38[07:04:29] <AshIndigo> %shell shell
L39[07:04:29] * MichiBot loads a whoopie pie into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near shell, DFrostedWang and dmod. They each take 3, 1 and 4 splash damage respectively.
L40[07:04:49] <DFrostedWang> oi
L41[07:05:11] * AshIndigo hides
L42[07:05:29] * DFrostedWang doesn't think 1 damage is worth a potion, so he takes a short rest
L43[07:05:37] <DFrostedWang> not doing anything anyway
L44[07:06:48] <Forecaster> %shell
L45[07:06:48] * MichiBot loads some ibuprofen into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near dequbed, Techokami and LeshaInc. They each take 2, 8 and 5 splash damage respectively.
L46[07:29:31] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCE264.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L47[07:31:17] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L48[08:29:25] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/5py7QHF.png
L49[08:38:07] <Forecaster> This is neat
L50[08:38:07] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/FKa6JQI
L51[08:45:47] <AmandaC> %neat
L52[08:45:47] <MichiBot> https://i.imgur.com/OIc8DRk.gif
L53[08:47:56] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E548.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L54[08:49:28] <Inari> %give MichiBot a wayward Linkle
L55[08:49:28] * MichiBot accepts the wayward Linkle and adds it to her inventory
L56[08:50:39] <payonel> Inari joins #oc https://i.giphy.com/media/3o84U1k2yyjoCQydZm/giphy.mp4
L57[08:50:52] <Inari> Hehe
L58[08:52:20] * AshIndigo pets the fluffy cat
L59[08:52:30] <Michiyo> Ok.. so I ran SQL logging overnight... lets see how many rows I got.
L60[08:53:09] <Michiyo> 7630... not as much as I expected.
L61[08:54:41] <Michiyo> A lot of that is also duplicate data.. https://michi.pc-logix.com/SQLyogCommunity_2017-12-20_08-54-28.png
L62[08:56:31] <Michiyo> https://michi.pc-logix.com/SQLyogCommunity_2017-12-20_08-56-25.png trying that again..
L63[08:57:12] <Michiyo> AmandaC, I added editcommand! lol
L64[08:57:17] <Michiyo> ^printcommand testlua
L65[08:57:22] <Michiyo> %printcommand testlua
L66[08:57:22] <MichiBot> [lua] a = "Hello " b = "World" print(a .. b)
L67[08:57:48] <Michiyo> ^editcommand testlua [lua] a = "Hello " b = "World" c= " bleh" print(a .. b .. c)
L68[08:57:54] <Michiyo> damn wrong prefix AGAIN
L69[08:58:00] <Michiyo> %editcommand testlua [lua] a = "Hello " b = "World" c= " bleh" print(a .. b .. c)
L70[08:58:00] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Command Edited
L71[08:58:03] <Michiyo> %testlua
L72[08:58:03] <MichiBot> Hello World bleh
L73[08:58:38] <Michiyo> js/lua can not use {0} etc to do replacements from the input text though...
L74[08:58:46] <AmandaC> Michiyo: nice. :3
L75[08:59:06] <Michiyo> cause running lua/js through MessageFormat.format breaks horrible on any {'s
L76[09:01:55] <AmandaC> %choose watch or play
L77[09:01:55] <MichiBot> AmandaC: watch
L78[09:02:16] <AmandaC> hrm, nah, I'll do both
L79[09:17:15] <Michiyo> https://michi.pc-logix.com/2017-12-20_09-17-11.png ._.
L80[09:19:30] <payonel> Michiyo: math isn't for everyone
L81[09:23:00] <S3> damn spotify
L82[09:23:11] <S3> I see it's paused somehow so I hit play
L83[09:23:17] <S3> and it's some modern day not really music bullsht
L84[09:46:20] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/DT07R0C.jpg
L85[09:50:19] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:60b7:6eca:e28b:ae9c) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L86[09:57:03] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L87[10:01:41] <Michiyo> Ok... next project, import 3ish years of IRC logs into a MySQL DB.
L88[10:01:43] <Michiyo> fun.
L89[10:02:17] <Michiyo> in theory, easy, in practice... not so much, lol.
L90[10:02:30] <S3> Michiyo: ditch em!
L91[10:02:34] <S3> no loggin
L92[10:02:43] <S3> bad for ya noggin!
L93[10:02:49] <Michiyo> that's like the ENTIRE reason for oclogs though.. lol
L94[10:03:31] <S3> I dunno
L95[10:03:39] <S3> I like to keep qute databases instead
L96[10:03:52] <S3> so if somebody says something noteworthy it gets submitted
L97[10:03:56] <S3> otherwise it's meh
L98[10:04:00] <neumond> why MySQL?
L99[10:04:04] <S3> saves space and privacy
L100[10:04:26] <S3> because people think that mysql is a good thing for lots of text
L101[10:04:32] <S3> or sql period
L102[10:04:47] <neumond> why not Elasticsearch or Sphinx?
L103[10:04:56] <Michiyo> Why bother?
L104[10:05:03] <Michiyo> I have MySQL, and don't feel like setting more shit up.
L105[10:05:08] <Michiyo> sooooo, here we are.
L106[10:05:49] <neumond> note that AnySQL usually sucks in fulltext searches
L107[10:05:50] <S3> SQL however is not bad for record keeping and pointing to some flat files that contain log information
L108[10:05:53] <Michiyo> I'm not even 100% sure I'll have this box for another month at this point. so meh.
L109[10:07:20] <S3> I've also found that there are many situations where SQL is just not good for databases period
L110[10:07:32] <S3> and NoSQL databases are much more suited (not in this case)
L111[10:07:58] <S3> I have this odd frustration with people who try and use SQL the same way people use TCP
L112[10:08:07] <S3> "Use it for everything!"
L113[10:08:28] <Michiyo> anyway, I have 1,446 .log files, and doing a search is stupid slow. I don't feel like deploying yet another "thing" just for logs.
L114[10:08:41] <AmandaC> Yeah, clearly an excel spread sheet is the way to go
L115[10:08:42] * AmandaC hides
L116[10:08:48] <Michiyo> Awesome idea!
L117[10:09:13] * Michiyo installs wine on her server, then office 2010 and uses excel
L118[10:09:17] <neumond> what would be your typical SQL query for searching something?
L119[10:09:39] <SAL9000> select * from table where nickname == "neumond";
L120[10:09:48] <S3> oh gross
L121[10:09:55] <S3> I almost never use *
L122[10:09:58] <neumond> you can do it in elasticsearch/sphinx as well
L123[10:10:05] <AmandaC> @neumond You're missing the point. MySQL has full text search, which is good enough, vs setting up Yet Another Database™
L124[10:10:06] <SAL9000> S3: it's not like I know the schema of 'table'
L125[10:10:20] <S3> heh
L126[10:10:30] <SAL9000> since this ain't sqlite I can't .schema
L127[10:10:50] <S3> SAL9000: When dealing with SQL databases lately, I've been experiementing with creating ALL of my functions in SQL that handle all data
L128[10:11:00] <S3> so I can just call functions that hide the data
L129[10:11:06] <SAL9000> >stored procedures
L130[10:11:16] <S3> yeah so much fun
L131[10:11:31] <S3> then the backend doesn't do any selects at all directly
L132[10:11:58] <SAL9000> https://media.giphy.com/media/Bq7yz8gBShy5a/giphy.gif
L133[10:12:26] <S3> CREATE FUNCTION foobar...
L134[10:12:45] <S3> SAL9000: lol
L135[10:12:57] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:4d36:a37d:18cf:dda5)
L136[10:16:39] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:392f:494c:d24a:a7bf)
L137[10:29:25] <S3> of course, MySQL CTE are your friend
L138[10:41:48] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCE264.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L139[10:49:35] <Skye> SAL9000, dear god that gif is corrupted, how many reencodings has it suffered
L140[10:49:54] <SAL9000> Skye: Yeah, it's probably been through hell. Couldn't find a better source on short notice :(
L141[10:57:20] <neumond> tree traversion without recursion is so tricky..
L142[10:57:37] <S3> that gif is fine, Skye ..
L143[10:58:10] <S3> stop putting your eyes against the screen
L144[10:58:10] <S3> :P
L145[11:04:03] <payonel> xarses: that wiki issue is growing fast. it actually makes me really happy that it is
L146[11:04:31] <payonel> i think it'll be much more productive to track the list of needs separately than trying to resolve the needs
L147[11:09:47] <xarses> whichever you want
L148[11:09:58] <xarses> I'm just throwing my notes in before I forget again
L149[11:10:58] <payonel> perhaps my wording was confusing
L150[11:11:38] <payonel> what i'm trying to say is....this github issue and the list of needs we are currently compiling is a better solution to eventually improve+fix the wiki than ...
L151[11:12:26] <payonel> well whatever i've tried before i guess
L152[11:12:51] <payonel> i could really use some help with templates though. i dont fancy myself a designer
L153[11:14:13] <payonel> xarses: i'm not sure what you mean by "events page also needs to be switched to templates so all the components and api's can include their details on one page"
L154[11:14:23] <payonel> i mostly understand, but, can you give some detail
L155[11:15:17] <payonel> xarses: also, see the added tasks for template, and give feedback: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2686
L156[11:15:18] <MichiBot> Title: The Big Wiki issue | Posted by: payonel | Posted: Mon Dec 18 19:14:42 CST 2017 | Status: open
L157[11:19:48] <AshIndigo> %xkcd git
L158[11:19:50] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: https://xkcd.com/1597/ - *xkcd: Git*: "Git. | · >|. Git. | · >|. Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/1597/ Image URL (for hotlinking/ embedding): https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/git.png. [[3 people stand in front of a laptop on a desk. Person 3 just stands there and learns]] Person 1: This is git. It tracks ..."
L159[11:26:21] <AmandaC> %inv list
L160[11:26:21] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Here's my inventory: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/inventory
L161[11:26:38] <AmandaC> aww, jithub is gone
L162[11:44:51] ⇨ Joins: Cogitabundus (~HAL@
L163[11:51:33] ⇦ Quits: Cogitabundus (~HAL@ (Quit: Leaving)
L164[11:53:01] <neumond> yea, git can't sustain power losses during its operations
L165[11:53:13] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L166[11:53:25] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L167[11:57:05] <neumond> %js [] + []
L168[11:57:08] <xarses> payonel: if we make the events page contents their own ie "these are the events from component:internet" then we can include them in the single page events for a summary, and then again in the component:internet page and wherever else they might need to be aggregated, similar to the way the TOC footer is done. but probably with a edit this page link emedded to get through the problems finding the template source
L169[11:57:45] <xarses> it's a thing I've done with mediawiki before, it should comeout nicely on docu
L170[11:58:13] <payonel> "then we can include them in the single page events for a summary" as links to the individual pages?
L171[11:58:34] <payonel> or use automatic expansion like the footer to have it full-text in both places?
L172[11:59:17] <xarses> full text in both places is my pref
L173[11:59:34] <payonel> i see
L174[11:59:44] <payonel> the concept makes sense to me, i understand what you want
L175[11:59:57] <xarses> `make template for machine library api (what is available from "bare metal")` this is for whats available from the eeprom VS openos?
L176[12:00:08] <payonel> yeah
L177[12:00:27] <payonel> there is a "make custom oses" page, but, i want a page specifically about the bare metal api
L178[12:00:45] <xarses> sgtm
L179[12:00:52] <payonel> sgtm?
L180[12:01:02] <payonel> so i know what you want with templates, but i dont know how to do that
L181[12:01:06] <xarses> soungs good to me
L182[12:01:17] <xarses> thats fine, I can take that on
L183[12:01:24] <payonel> i could probably figure it out but ... if you wanted to prototype it or prove it with a page of each type or something, that'd be really cool
L184[12:01:33] <payonel> yeah, ok
L185[12:02:41] <xarses> should we cross ref, or simply scrape the automated docs from code page that is outthere to ensure we have all the interfaces up to date?
L186[12:03:09] <xarses> someone made a tool that builds a html version of the in-game doc
L187[12:03:20] <payonel> Izaya did, yeah?
L188[12:03:34] <xarses> I'd have to go look for it again
L189[12:03:57] <xarses> but should probably add an item to at least check all of the interfaces
L190[12:04:15] <xarses> maybe later automatically update some of these interfaces
L191[12:06:07] <payonel> something that parses @Callback out of the code, you mean?
L192[12:06:12] ⇦ Parts: payonel (~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de) (Leaving))
L193[12:06:15] ⇨ Joins: payonel (~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de)
L194[12:06:15] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L195[12:06:24] <xarses> well however the other parser was built
L196[12:07:58] <xarses> ya, https://lain.shadowkat.net/~izaya/ocdoc/
L197[12:12:21] <xarses> Izaya: care to share how you built the pages?
L198[12:29:50] <payonel> xarses: did my best to make your requests into tasks in my list
L199[12:29:54] <payonel> and deleted your comment
L200[12:30:07] <xarses> sounds good
L202[12:33:59] <S3> ?
L203[12:34:13] <payonel> :)
L204[12:34:47] <payonel> i suppose the alternative would be to ~~strikethrough~~ comments as i include them
L205[12:34:50] <xarses> hi ***** ** ****
L206[12:34:52] <Mimiru> lol
L207[12:34:53] <payonel> that might have been better
L208[12:36:46] <xarses> payonel: other than something like 'validate all of the api interfaces match current implmentation' lookgs good until I remember something else that needs to be done
L209[12:38:47] <neumond> real guys just do Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ixekoxuser and Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/udehinucox
L210[12:39:23] <Mimiru> I need to tweak the code pastebinning...
L211[12:39:43] <Mimiru> I swear I had it doing that only if it had newlines
L212[12:39:45] <Mimiru> but I guess not
L213[12:43:08] <xarses> payonel: ++
L214[12:45:44] <Inari> Whats this lewd component you have there?
L215[12:48:18] <neumond> that one with methods .tickle(), .moan() and .purr()
L216[12:49:01] <neumond> I have proposition. We need robo pets!
L217[12:49:14] <Corded> * <Forecaster> pets MichiBot
L218[12:49:21] <Forecaster> aw
L219[12:49:27] <Forecaster> doesn't that work from Discord?
L220[12:51:50] ⇨ Joins: Xyxen (~Xyxen@S0106dcef091b12f1.cg.shawcable.net)
L221[13:01:11] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1931/
L222[13:01:12] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Virtual Assistant Posted on: 12/20/2017
L223[13:01:15] <Forecaster> I'd fund that project
L224[13:12:50] <Izaya> xarses: https://oc.shadowkat.net
L225[13:12:53] <Izaya> lemme find you the script
L226[13:14:55] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/ftwdfikJ
L227[13:18:28] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED5E57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L228[13:20:59] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L229[13:22:50] <gamax92> ze computer is alive
L230[13:23:02] <gamax92> the processor died, so I'm back to a dual core
L231[13:23:32] <gamax92> that quad was failing anyway, it would occasionally through errors and not boot
L232[13:24:37] <Michiyo> :/ that sucks..
L233[13:25:16] <Michiyo> @Forecaster, no it doesn't work from discord, because Corded's actions aren't actual actions.
L234[13:25:32] <Forecaster> yeah
L235[13:25:35] <Forecaster> I thought so
L236[13:25:41] <Michiyo> and that handler looks for actions only
L237[13:26:41] <AmandaC> Actually Actions, a new mod from the creator of Actually Additions!
L238[13:27:31] <AmandaC> %choose construct more bridges or get to work on that tier 3 spawner
L239[13:27:31] <MichiBot> AmandaC: get to work on that tier 3 spawner
L240[13:27:36] <AmandaC> :( Mewn
L241[13:50:51] <payonel> Izaya: https://imgur.com/a/5RTAO
L242[13:51:32] <Izaya> reload it
L243[13:51:35] <Izaya> it's a feature tm
L244[13:51:49] <Izaya> (yell at vifino about it)
L245[13:52:32] <Forecaster> hm
L246[14:05:07] <AshIndigo> ~markov Corded
L247[14:05:09] <ocdoc> What is the only *official* OpenComputer's IRC to discord, from opencomputers also connects via ether pretty quickly.
L248[14:05:39] *** DaMachinator is now known as Arcanitor
L249[14:11:45] <gamax92> ~markov AshIndigo
L250[14:11:46] <ocdoc> doing well, enough for me to use it writes music AFAIK mettaton
L251[14:12:43] <AshIndigo> %logs
L252[14:12:44] <MichiBot> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L253[14:14:26] <AshIndigo> %choose clean up code that may not be used again or leave it there
L254[14:14:26] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: leave it there
L255[14:17:13] <Inari> What code? :P
L256[14:19:33] <gamax92> ~markov choose
L257[14:19:33] <ocdoc> %choose whole nude squirrel or play portal 2 or new toys
L258[14:19:33] <MichiBot> ocdoc: new toys
L259[14:20:27] <Inari> "toys"
L260[14:20:49] <gamax92> "portal 2"
L261[14:20:54] <AshIndigo> %give MichiBot Inari's toybox
L262[14:20:54] * MichiBot accepts Inari's toybox and adds it to her inventory
L263[14:20:55] <Inari> gamax92: Didn't know markov works with terms :P
L264[14:21:03] <gamax92> I just generated the choose database
L265[14:21:40] <gamax92> but yeah I can add in ones based on custom parameters, like all mentions of a word
L266[14:22:37] <Inari> Hm I guess ~markov lewd wouldn't work so well since it's often just "l-lewd" :P
L267[14:23:46] <Skye> ~markov lewd
L268[14:23:46] <ocdoc> also vifino and Lizzy, via sighing at the moment I thought about other sex. " bi" and with nice lewd dreams~
L269[14:24:12] <gamax92> the lewd db already exists
L270[14:24:13] <Lizzy> ooookayyy
L271[14:24:15] <Inari> Interesting
L272[14:24:19] <Inari> ~markov lewd
L273[14:24:19] <ocdoc> [Lizzy] Dara O'Brian - Loli dance | length: 12m 56s | Likes: 375 Dislikes: 25 Views: 70933 | nil
L274[14:24:37] <Inari> Lizzy: well at least it paired you up with vif
L275[14:24:37] <Inari> :D
L276[14:25:06] <AshIndigo> ~markov lewd
L277[14:25:06] <ocdoc> though i can't do "Hey Cortana Open HexChat" What does not know sex exists at all"-attitude is pretty but im not sure if my like for good luck
L278[14:27:50] <Skye> ~markov Inari
L279[14:27:51] <ocdoc> to elete you just add more powergen for uniform-y stuff you likely dont ahve much of it last time
L280[14:28:16] <gamax92> Inari used to be lewd but then a bug fix to ocdoc made it just minecrafty
L281[14:29:17] <Inari> What?
L282[14:29:28] <Inari> What bugfix
L283[14:29:51] <gamax92> I was deleting the wrong index so some markov's would just hang in an infinite loop
L284[14:29:59] <Inari> Heh
L285[14:30:26] <Skye> ~markov lewd
L286[14:30:26] <ocdoc> Skye Sex with males in exchange for cleaning her bathroom
L287[14:30:31] <Skye> WHAT
L288[14:30:57] <payonel> so...you do that so that she lets you clean her bathroom
L289[14:30:59] <payonel> huh
L290[14:31:12] <Skye> uhhhh
L291[14:31:14] <Skye> >_<
L292[14:31:28] <Skye> how did that chain even get formed
L293[14:31:38] <Inari> Haha
L294[14:31:48] <AshIndigo> ~markov lewd
L295[14:31:48] <ocdoc> Skye: If you miss it so they can only move.
L296[14:32:11] <gamax92> Skye: https://hastebin.com/qivetupepe.txt
L297[14:32:12] <Skye> why is my name in there so much
L298[14:32:40] <Inari> You're just so lewd
L299[14:33:03] <Skye> gamax92, WTF was the first line
L300[14:33:11] <Skye> actually where did all of those lines come from
L301[14:34:29] <gamax92> Inari, ectoBiologist, and Kodos
L302[14:35:41] <Inari> Why only we 3
L303[14:35:53] <gamax92> because that's what it chose on that instance of markov
L304[14:35:59] <Inari> Ah :P
L305[14:36:43] <Skye> gamax92, in order?
L306[14:36:49] <AshIndigo> why ectoBiologist?
L307[14:37:06] <gamax92> ya, and i dunno
L308[14:37:07] <AshIndigo> it just felt like making a homestuck reference?
L309[14:37:17] <Skye> so uh
L310[14:37:22] <Skye> let's see
L311[14:37:39] <CompanionCube> AshIndigo: I believe wolfmitchell used to be ectoBiologist
L312[14:37:40] <gamax92> I want my quad core again :(
L313[14:37:45] <Skye> Inari saying something (explain yourself! :P), some random trivia, and Kodos quoting something?
L314[14:38:00] <Kodos> wat
L315[14:38:02] <AshIndigo> that makes sense
L316[14:38:02] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L317[14:38:03] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight saving time happens earlier every year because of magnetic field reversal? Apparently there's a proposal to fix it, but it might be unconstitutional.
L318[14:38:29] <gamax92> There are a lot of garbage databases that I tried
L319[14:38:38] <gamax92> like I tried to feed recipe directions into it
L320[14:39:19] <Inari> Skye: I seem to vaguely recall joking baout SKSE I guess
L321[14:39:22] <gamax92> which I cannot find actually, perhaps I deleted it
L322[14:39:26] <Inari> (Skyrim Script Extender)
L323[14:39:33] <Inari> (or Skye Sex Extender) :D
L324[14:39:38] <Skye> oh
L325[14:40:02] <Skye> s/Extender/Changer/
L326[14:40:02] <MichiBot> <Inari> (or Skye Sex Changer) :D
L327[14:40:19] <Inari> Well that would be SKSC
L328[14:40:49] <gamax92> ~markov story
L329[14:40:49] <ocdoc> Suddenly, Tiamat so that it could have been able to reconnect my heart!"
L330[14:41:02] <gamax92> yep that garbage
L331[14:41:27] <xarses> Izaya: woot, thanks. are we free to copy/re-use this elsewhere?
L332[14:41:46] <Izaya> I mean, I can't stop you
L333[14:41:46] <gamax92> iirc I found a transcript so I broke it up into individual sentences (it was 80 column formatted) and then made that a database
L334[14:42:01] <Izaya> either way, it's just a bash script that runs markdown and appends stuff
L335[14:43:10] <xarses> ya, its super neat, I'm not sure I would have though of this =)
L336[14:43:53] <Izaya> I have the script running as a cronjob
L337[14:44:03] <xarses> for some reason, I thought the in source docs where generated from the scala
L338[14:44:20] <Izaya> (my version is also a few times longer and generates the computronics ingame docs, PsychOS builds, etc.)
L339[14:44:35] <Izaya> (if you want that you can have it but the code is horrid)
L340[14:45:02] <xarses> this is more than enough for me to at least converge the oc wiki with the in-game docs
L341[14:45:36] <Izaya> oh right docs update
L342[14:45:41] <Izaya> well, glad I could help :)
L343[14:45:53] <xarses> tyvm =)
L344[14:49:00] <xarses> hey payonel, is the adapter remote entity thingy that I can't remember the name of that was added in 1.7.0 on the wiki docket
L345[14:50:27] <payonel> oh that thing Vexatos made?
L346[14:50:51] <payonel> it's called the ah... HardToRememberNameMadeByVex
L347[14:50:55] <Vexatos> MFU
L348[14:50:59] <payonel> yeah that
L349[14:51:10] <habnabit> the remote adapter is ?; i wish i'd seen that before i started assembling together this system
L350[14:51:20] <Kodos> Anyone happen to be in #factorio
L351[14:51:22] <Vexatos> pro tip: It can also brige the entire network
L352[14:51:24] <Vexatos> as in
L353[14:51:35] <payonel> should have called it the Remote Adapter....maybe?!
L354[14:51:36] <Vexatos> try connecting it to, say, a screen
L355[14:51:37] <xarses> Kodos: in #factorio, no
L356[14:51:40] <Vexatos> :^)
L357[14:51:48] <payonel> xarses: let's call the link in the docs "Remote Adapter (MFU)" :)
L358[14:51:52] <xarses> a factorio player yes,
L359[14:51:57] <Vexatos> payonel, just call it MFU, please
L360[14:52:07] <Vexatos> Since it's an adapter upgrade, not an adapter
L361[14:52:08] <payonel> yolo!
L362[14:52:21] <xarses> Mother F***ing Upgrade?
L363[14:52:24] <Vexatos> it would be like calling robot upgrades robots
L364[14:52:26] <Vexatos> xarses, no
L365[14:52:27] <Vexatos> don't ask
L366[14:52:28] <Kodos> Magical Fairy Upgrade
L367[14:52:30] <Vexatos> No
L368[14:52:30] <Kodos> =D
L369[14:52:43] <habnabit> @Vexatos i'm not really sure what you're getting at re: bridging to a screen
L370[14:52:51] <Vexatos> @habnabit it's not just an adapter
L371[14:52:54] <Vexatos> it's more than that
L372[14:53:08] <Vexatos> You can brige a cap with it, replacing cables
L373[14:53:10] <xarses> payonel: we can add keywords to the document that make remote adapter show up when searching, but I agree with vex, just call it the MFU
L374[14:53:11] <habnabit> it connects two networks' components without a cable?
L375[14:53:11] <habnabit> ah
L376[14:53:12] <Vexatos> gap*
L377[14:53:18] <Vexatos> it's basically a 3-block cable
L378[14:53:24] <Vexatos> at a power cost
L379[14:53:29] <payonel> xarses: you're not supposed to agree with him in public
L380[14:53:29] <habnabit> neat
L381[14:53:42] * xarses un-agrees with Vexatos
L382[14:53:48] <xarses> =P
L383[14:53:49] <Vexatos> would that be
L384[14:53:51] <Vexatos> a dis-agreement?
L385[14:54:09] <xarses> depends on what MFU stands for
L386[14:54:15] <Vexatos> Don't aks
L387[14:54:16] <Vexatos> ask*
L388[14:54:36] <xarses> =P
L389[14:54:45] <xarses> yet here we are guessing instead
L390[14:55:31] <payonel> he forgot
L391[14:55:40] <xarses> so whatever consensus we come up with is what we are going to write it means
L392[14:55:55] <xarses> sounds like he want's to forget
L393[14:56:52] <xarses> anyway, can you put in a line on #2686 for it?
L394[14:56:53] <habnabit> can we make expanded adapters that ccan have >1 upgrade
L395[14:57:32] <xarses> if only we could do that with a uC
L396[14:57:39] <habnabit> ikr
L397[14:57:52] <habnabit> i still haven't actually found a use for microcontrollers
L398[14:58:09] <habnabit> maybe with a wireless card and remote logging i'd appreciate them more
L399[14:58:39] <xarses> Put thoughts on https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1917
L400[14:58:40] <MichiBot> Title: [request] make microcontrollers great Again... | Posted by: xarses | Posted: Mon Jun 27 16:58:18 CDT 2016 | Status: closed
L401[14:58:53] <xarses> and we will break out whatever useful comes from discussion
L402[14:59:12] <payonel> "- [ ] add a page about the MFU (the remote adapter than vex refuses to name)" added to the ticket
L403[14:59:16] <xarses> I like the idea of the remote console, and adding r/w support to the component it gives
L404[15:00:12] <xarses> also on a slightly related thread, I like the idea of giving right-click access to component networks to tablets
L405[15:01:29] <habnabit> oh, by 'remote logging' i meant the syslog-esque thing i've been rolling, but a remote console or tablet for that would be great too
L406[15:02:52] <Izaya> I was gonna write an actual syslog client for PsychOS...
L407[15:03:42] <vifino> ooo
L408[15:04:07] <vifino> reminded me to order some more hdds.
L409[15:04:10] <Izaya> I want to make a bunch of changes to the kernel first though >.>
L410[15:04:11] <CompanionCube> Izaya: inb4 ends up porting actual syslog protocol to OC
L411[15:04:18] <Izaya> CompanionCube: pretty much
L412[15:04:29] <Izaya> logs in PsychOS internally use the syslog fields
L413[15:04:30] <xarses> I mean adding a stream device to the component network
L414[15:04:36] <payonel> xarses: we can reopen that uC ticket .. i just wanted a ticket with action items
L415[15:04:44] <CompanionCube> to the point where you could wire up an ingame PsychOS server to an irl syslog server's port 514.
L416[15:04:49] <payonel> instead of "this block isn't as useful as it should be"
L417[15:04:50] <Izaya> yup.
L418[15:04:52] <Izaya> was planned.
L419[15:04:56] <xarses> payonel: yep, working on distilling to something to do still
L420[15:05:11] <xarses> that people might agree with
L421[15:05:17] <payonel> sure
L422[15:05:25] <xarses> since people seem to love hard-core uC usage
L423[15:05:27] <Izaya> First though, I want the scheduler, user system and FS all in kernel space so they can work better together
L424[15:05:29] <payonel> heh
L425[15:05:48] <payonel> xarses: i want uC to be better at something, not just worse at everything :)
L426[15:05:57] <Izaya> then I can solidly place everything else outside of the kernel
L427[15:06:07] <CompanionCube> so you're going hybrid kernel?
L428[15:06:09] <xarses> payonel: +100
L429[15:06:39] <Izaya> Yeah.
L430[15:06:48] <Izaya> Seems saner.
L431[15:07:02] <Izaya> The user system was already half in the kernel so
L432[15:07:39] <Skye> Izaya, what about custom FS drivers?
L433[15:08:00] <Izaya> Skye: no reason you can't mount an arbitrary table still
L434[15:08:14] <Izaya> It's just easier to coordinate this stuff if the FS API can access the user API stuff and etc
L435[15:08:34] <CompanionCube> ...sounds like what you really need is good inter-module access :p
L436[15:08:41] <Izaya> Probably.
L437[15:08:47] <Izaya> Maybe I'll implement require() while I'm at it
L438[15:08:57] <CompanionCube> that'd fit better in userspace
L439[15:09:11] <Izaya> That said, I'd prefer not to have password hashes world-readable
L440[15:09:16] <Izaya> sha256 is okay but hardly ideal
L441[15:09:42] <Izaya> It's only okay because it's for ingame computers, I'd never use it for actual passwords >.>
L442[15:09:44] <vifino> pfft, security
L443[15:10:16] <CompanionCube> Izaya: at least no-one's used MD5 or UNIX crypt.
L444[15:10:20] <Izaya> was it sha256 that got collisions recently?
L445[15:10:40] <CompanionCube> SHA-1 got a collision this year
L446[15:11:22] <Izaya> so sha256 is still not confirmed fucked?
L447[15:12:43] <Izaya> Skye: to be more specific, I'm just moving the FS API into kernel space, the actual FS stuff has to be implemented by components or things pretending to be components
L448[15:13:01] <CompanionCube> 'A 2011 attack breaks preimage resistance for 57 out of 80 rounds of SHA-512, and 52 out of 64 rounds for SHA-256.[1] Pseudo-collision attack against up to 46 rounds of SHA-256'
L449[15:13:06] <CompanionCube> sounds not fucked
L450[15:13:35] <Izaya> I'm also using a relatively okay salt so there's that going for it
L451[15:14:33] <Izaya> (16 random chars. dunno if it should be longer)
L452[15:15:19] <Skye> also have a pepper? :P
L453[15:15:36] <Izaya> ...
L454[15:15:38] <Izaya> :3
L455[15:16:20] <Skye> a random value that is not known so it has to be iterated
L456[15:17:49] <Izaya> How would I implement that?
L457[15:19:05] <Skye> similar to salt, you'd have, say 3 values, which only one is actually used
L458[15:19:15] <Skye> so it'd have to test all three (in random order)
L459[15:20:14] <xarses> Izaya: sha-256 is supposedly fine still
L460[15:20:46] <xarses> sha-1 had 3 naturally occuring collisions this year on various git repos
L461[15:21:12] <Skye> wut
L462[15:21:22] <Skye> I am doubtful of that
L463[15:21:38] <Skye> I do know someone messed up an SVN with google's collision
L464[15:22:15] <gamax92> iirc it was that svn was fine but git-svn threw a fit
L465[15:25:12] <gamax92> oh, no it was svn that had an issue
L466[15:30:35] <habnabit> sha256 is not a password hash
L467[15:30:47] <habnabit> (nor is sha1)
L468[15:30:55] <Kodos> What would you say IS a password hash
L469[15:31:04] <habnabit> scrypt, argon2
L470[15:31:37] <Izaya> let's see the lua implmentations then :^)
L471[15:32:08] <habnabit> rolling one yourself with a cryptographic hash and a salt is not a good idea
L472[15:32:26] <habnabit> @Izaya easily added to the data card
L473[15:32:33] <Kodos> Cool, go PR it
L474[15:32:40] <Skye> @habnabit, well... Izaya is trying to do stuff without the data card.
L475[15:33:07] <Izaya> I mean, it'll use the data card if it's available
L476[15:33:41] <Izaya> but the lua implementation I'm using for sha256 and the data card version return the same thing so
L477[15:34:00] <Kodos> I have this still https://pastebin.com/efAHHCTX
L478[15:34:22] <habnabit> if you're going to do it with the data card as is, at _least_ use PBKDF2
L479[15:35:09] <Izaya> that's a pretty short sha256 impl
L480[15:35:11] * CompanionCube points out that SHA256 is both practical and Secure Enough for the scenario
L481[15:35:21] <habnabit> no, sha256 is not a secure password hash
L482[15:35:29] <habnabit> it's a cryptographic hash. it's too fast
L483[15:35:40] <CompanionCube> Look at the 2nd word.
L484[15:36:23] <Skye> @habnabit: two things: (1) it's in OC, even SHA256 is overkill as there are easier ways too get the password. (2) Izaya needs to be compatible with things WITHOUT THE DATA CARD, and also needs to do it with minimal code...
L485[15:36:34] <Izaya> Well, you want it to use something else, the repo is here https://github.com/XeonSquared/PsychOS
L486[15:36:38] <habnabit> what is 'secure enough' supposed to mean?
L487[15:36:38] <Izaya> Have fun.
L488[15:37:12] <habnabit> @Skye yes, and PBKDF2/HMAC are straightforward to construct if you're rolling this all in pure lua anyway
L489[15:37:23] <habnabit> there's probably already implementations you can copy/paste in
L490[15:37:25] <Izaya> I think the data card might be slower than using it in Lua actually
L491[15:38:02] <CompanionCube> i.e while it may not be absolutely secure, given the environment and context the problems and disadvantages are not as important relative to other techniques.
L492[15:38:11] * vifino sues Izaya for censoring his interwebs
L493[15:38:18] <CompanionCube> it's not like say, RC4 where it's trivially breakable by anyone.
L494[15:38:51] <habnabit> @CompanionCube strange comparison. single sha256 as a password hash is just as 'trivially breakable by anyone' as rc4. just throw john at it
L495[15:39:08] <Skye> hence the salt
L496[15:39:11] <Skye> (and pepper)
L497[15:39:13] <Izaya> ab ivsvab cyf qba'g fhr zr
L498[15:39:24] <Skye> https://github.com/somesocks/lua-lockbox
L499[15:39:32] <habnabit> yeah, salts don't do anything here except protect against precomputation
L500[15:39:33] <vifino> Izaya: no.
L501[15:40:33] <habnabit> adding a pepper in this use case is just obfuscation, if we're going to oscillate between talking about this in general and in this specific use case
L502[15:41:03] <vifino> Skye: don't forget chilli.
L504[15:41:09] <vifino> everyone loves some good spice.
L505[15:41:32] <CompanionCube> maybe you should submit a PR
L506[15:41:35] <Izaya> ^
L507[15:41:47] <Izaya> This is good enough for everyone that uses it.
L508[15:41:59] <Izaya> If it's not good enough for you, do something about it.
L509[15:42:08] <Izaya> Don't get me wrong, it's not secure.
L510[15:42:08] <Skye> @habnabit, Izaya: https://github.com/somesocks/lua-lockbox/blob/master/lockbox/kdf/pbkdf2.lua I found this, maybe it would work IF it is possible to compact
L511[15:42:21] <Izaya> That said, you're not gonna break sha256 on an OC computer
L512[15:42:38] <Michiyo> welp, now filling the DB with logs.
L513[15:43:13] <habnabit> i mean, as far as i can tell, what you're saying is that you're just pretending to be a cryptographer and bashing a few primitives together for fun and handwaving its security (but not telling the actual relevant parties that it's not secure)
L514[15:43:35] <CompanionCube> I don't think Izaya is actually pretending to be anything
L515[15:43:41] <habnabit> sure. export the hash and run it on an ec2 gpu instance for a bit
L516[15:43:41] <Izaya> I'
L517[15:43:53] <Izaya> m intentionally avoiding writing my own because I'm not qualified.
L518[15:45:06] <Skye> Izaya is writing something for his own use, for this usecase, it would be fine to use just plaintext, but he wants some obfuscation, so he's doing a basic hash, the salt was because "why not, it'll be educational", and the pepper was my suggestion.
L519[15:45:58] <CompanionCube> (and like hell is anyone going to pay for EC2 GPU time to crack OC passwords)
L520[15:46:21] <CompanionCube> their own GPU even is unlikely.
L521[15:46:58] <habnabit> sure. considering the threat model, even just rot13 is secure enough. if someone can pull the drive to read the hash, they can write a new hash to it
L522[15:47:18] <Izaya> Yup.
L523[15:47:58] <Skye> oooohhhh
L524[15:48:02] <AmandaC> if they can pull the drive, the password is worthless anyway, because they can just read the files / data
L525[15:48:05] <Skye> Izaya, make an encrypting FS
L526[15:48:36] <vifino> fat12 with encryption. what can go wrong.
L527[15:48:43] <habnabit> @Skye is that possible without being able to make a filesystem device driver?
L528[15:48:48] <habnabit> .. or could you?
L529[15:48:49] <Skye> nope
L530[15:48:50] <Izaya> wrap the FS component
L531[15:48:52] <habnabit> yeah
L532[15:48:55] <Skye> but Izaya is making drivers
L533[15:48:56] <Skye> :P
L534[15:49:00] <CompanionCube> also, isn't unmanaged storage a thing
L535[15:49:23] <Izaya> replace read() and write() with ones that encrypt it with a given key
L536[15:49:34] <Skye> oooh
L537[15:49:36] <AmandaC> using XOr, ofc
L538[15:49:40] * AmandaC flees
L539[15:49:41] <habnabit> @AmandaC not true; that only gets you the files at that moment
L540[15:49:42] <Izaya> ^
L541[15:49:47] <Izaya> because encrypting is pointless :^)
L542[15:49:52] <Skye> OH I KNOW
L543[15:49:54] <Skye> :3
L544[15:50:03] <habnabit> @AmandaC maybe you want to be able to use the computer later without being detected
L545[15:50:06] <CompanionCube> one problem with an OC encfs is where would you secure the key?
L546[15:50:27] <habnabit> @CompanionCube same as always: in memory?
L547[15:50:50] <Izaya> on a floppy you remove
L548[15:51:21] <Skye> the key for a certain bit of data is... some_dumb_but_fast_hash(SHA256(password .. salt) .. data_offset)
L549[15:51:23] <Skye> bam
L550[15:51:53] <habnabit> i mean there's literally a class of things called KDFs for this
L551[15:52:09] <Skye> well is there anything fast?
L552[15:52:16] <Skye> I mean the inital key has to be slow
L553[15:52:28] <Skye> but once you've got that, the next keys for the offset have to be fast
L554[15:52:32] <Skye> assuming you use XOR
L555[15:52:45] <habnabit> AES-CTR; key comes from KDF and counter value is sector number
L556[15:53:00] <CompanionCube> conventional OC filesystems don't have sectors
L557[15:53:07] <Skye> well
L558[15:53:29] <Skye> make it the path
L559[15:53:32] <Skye> + file offset
L560[15:53:35] <habnabit> presumably you'd want this as a bag of bytes so as to not leak the fs structure
L561[15:59:15] <Kodos> I'm still wanting to know what the fuck the smartcards will be in ZI
L562[16:29:16] <AmandaC> ZI?
L563[16:29:32] ⇨ Joins: SentientTurtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L564[16:33:55] <Michiyo> Zetta Industries
L565[16:35:03] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L566[16:35:36] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L567[16:40:22] <AmandaC> ah right, that Early Access game that aims to be a Zachtornics-like game, right?
L568[16:40:49] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L569[16:40:56] <Kodos> wat
L570[16:40:57] <Kodos> no
L571[16:41:00] <Kodos> ZI is an OC addon
L572[16:41:32] <AmandaC> oh
L573[16:44:01] <AmandaC> huh, interesting-looking mod
L574[16:46:02] <Kodos> It's got IE-Styled OC cable ?
L575[16:46:10] <Kodos> Only reason I have it installed in my 1.7 pack, tbh
L576[16:46:22] <Kodos> But the robots being able to do forestry trades and what not is nice, too
L577[16:46:23] <AmandaC> I've never messed with IE
L578[16:46:56] <AmandaC> The Big Battery might be nice for me to use in my base though, since I keep losing power overnight
L579[16:47:52] <payonel> AmandaC: do you have sheep?
L580[16:47:54] <payonel> or ocelots?
L581[16:48:05] <AmandaC> payonel: some sheep, yeah
L582[16:48:09] <payonel> :>
L583[16:48:15] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L584[16:48:22] <AmandaC> I keep meaning to setup a robot to chase them around with sheers
L585[16:49:25] <payonel> i'm looking forward carpacitors :) [carpeted capacitors]
L586[16:49:28] <payonel> to+
L587[16:49:33] <AmandaC> heh. :P
L588[16:49:40] <payonel> but some of those under your sheep, they'll keep your batteries charged
L589[16:49:52] <AmandaC> O.o really?
L590[16:49:58] <payonel> yep
L591[16:50:01] <AmandaC> OC batteries only, I assume/
L592[16:50:02] <payonel> it's going to be oc's power gen
L593[16:50:05] <AmandaC> ah
L594[16:50:12] <payonel> yeah, they connect to oc battery networks
L595[16:50:40] <Vexatos> it would zap the sheep though so it's unethical and you shouldn't do it
L596[16:50:46] <payonel> haha
L597[16:50:47] <Vexatos> you can be nice to nature and use coal generators instead
L598[16:50:52] <payonel> i should zap them from time to time
L599[16:50:54] <payonel> that's funny
L600[16:50:58] <Vexatos> you have to
L601[16:51:02] <payonel> haha
L602[16:51:03] <Vexatos> otherwise it would be infinite free power :P
L603[16:51:06] <payonel> oh man, that's great
L604[16:51:08] <Vexatos> if they take damage, it's not quite infinite
L605[16:51:21] <Vexatos> ...to an extent
L606[16:51:28] <payonel> well solar is free
L607[16:51:32] <Vexatos> no
L608[16:51:40] <Vexatos> the sun will go out after a while
L609[16:51:40] <Izaya> today's weird chinese electronics: https://a.uguu.se/HqOPjqVp7EbZ_40074.jpg
L610[16:53:57] <AmandaC> %choose cubes or portals
L611[16:53:57] <MichiBot> AmandaC: cubes
L612[16:54:12] <Izaya> https://media.8ch.net/file_store/9e4c854cac45405ec1c59784decd27f6c5c3423e413276afd206cfe33c59f155.jpg
L613[16:54:56] <AmandaC> Izaya: this meme provided by Shutterstock!
L614[16:55:06] <Izaya> :D
L615[17:13:48] <Skye> payonel, maybe do 0 damage like a snowball
L616[17:14:04] <Skye> and the more full, the more likely a shock
L617[17:14:05] <Skye> so
L618[17:14:40] <Skye> as charge increases, the rate of charge decreases as sheep too close will run away
L619[17:14:41] <Skye> :D
L620[17:17:39] ⇦ Quits: SentientTurtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L621[17:19:44] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E548.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Good night / 晚安 (Wǎn-anh))
L622[17:23:01] <AngelOfDeath> whats was the command to spawn OC computer
L623[17:23:53] <Xyxen> Are you thinking /oc_spawnComputer ?
L624[17:24:03] <Xyxen> Capitalization matters
L625[17:24:58] <AngelOfDeath> oc_sc
L626[17:25:01] <AngelOfDeath> thanks
L627[17:28:22] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L628[17:41:19] <Kodos> Is it possible to edit a specific line on a file without needing to rewrite the entire file with the new data change
L629[17:41:45] <MGR> No
L630[17:41:51] <MGR> But I have a program that can edit that line
L631[17:42:03] <Kodos> Meh
L632[17:42:12] <Kodos> I'll just rig up an actual database to use then
L633[17:42:20] <Kodos> I already have most of the framework code I need anyway
L634[17:42:22] <MGR> Ok
L635[17:42:40] <Kodos> Just for shiggles though, can you link the relevant code to do that that's in your program?
L636[17:44:34] <MGR> Sure
L637[17:45:17] <MGR> https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/OC-Programs/blob/master/Libraries/FileManipilimation.lua
L638[17:47:23] <Mimiru> %calc 1581532/2
L639[17:47:24] <MichiBot> Mimiru: 790,766
L640[17:47:43] <Mimiru> nice, just over half way there
L641[18:01:43] <Izaya> Skye: I could probably strip down that pbkdf2 impl
L642[18:06:45] <MGR> @Kodos BTW, sent you the code if you wanted to look at it
L643[18:07:03] <Kodos> Err where
L644[18:07:16] <MGR> @Kodos https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/OC-Programs/blob/master/Libraries/FileManipilimation.lua
L645[18:10:05] <Izaya> is inserting a line somewhere in a file something you use often?
L646[18:11:30] <MGR> No
L647[18:11:51] <S3> pasta carbanara
L648[18:11:52] <S3> :D
L649[18:12:08] <S3> I have to say
L650[18:12:11] <MGR> It's also a really old program
L651[18:12:15] <S3> store bought eggs usually suck really hard
L652[18:12:31] <S3> My friend's chickens started laying eggs and man they are way tons better
L653[18:12:35] <S3> much stronger too
L654[18:12:56] <S3> and half of them are green XD
L655[18:13:01] <S3> all I need now is ham
L656[18:13:31] <Skye> S3, US store eggs are awful
L657[18:13:54] <Skye> they wash them which means they have to be refriderated
L658[18:14:16] <Skye> in the UK, eggs can be stored in the open, and are safe to eat raw?
L659[18:19:09] <S3> Skye: you can store eggs in the open from the store..
L660[18:19:31] <S3> I've eaten eggs that were sitting out from the store for over a week
L661[18:19:37] <MGR> @Kodos Any questions about the code?
L662[18:19:52] <Kodos> Not yet
L663[18:19:55] <Kodos> I'll get back to you
L664[18:20:01] <S3> MGR when are you going to fix it?
L665[18:20:45] <MGR> S3, fix what?
L666[18:20:57] <MGR> Kodos, ok, I'm not on IRC, but I'm on Discord
L667[18:21:44] <Kodos> Good thing it's bridged
L668[18:21:48] <S3> Skye: but you're right, washing eggs isn't necessarily the best thing for them
L669[18:22:32] * Izaya hmms
L670[18:22:47] <Izaya> if I'm rewriting the PsychOS filesystem setup anyway, should I add a proper VFS?
L671[18:24:19] <MGR> S3, fix what?
L672[18:24:25] <S3> your code
L673[18:25:03] <MGR> What's wrong with it?
L674[18:28:26] <MGR> S3, ^
L675[18:28:38] <Izaya> Kodos: is it cool if I use that sha256 impl?
L676[18:28:51] <Kodos> Izaya, ping gave it to me, so sure?
L677[18:29:00] <Izaya> works
L678[18:29:05] <Izaya> it's a lot smaller than the other one I was using
L679[18:29:15] <Kodos> (I don't even remember how to use it, tbh)
L680[18:30:17] <Izaya> looks like I just need to do local bxor = bit32.bxor
L681[18:30:21] <Izaya> and then pass data to it
L682[18:39:30] <Izaya> hey ping it's cool if I use a modified version of your sha256 impl right
L683[18:40:55] <MGR> S3, what's wrong with my code?
L684[18:45:31] <habnabit> @Kodos ? actual database
L685[18:45:51] <Kodos> Yes, actual database
L686[18:46:04] <Kodos> As in an SQL database that I interact with via php and python
L687[18:46:18] <habnabit> @Kodos there was a ? there if you didn't see it
L688[18:46:24] <habnabit> oh that made an emoji again
L689[18:46:25] <Kodos> Just a funny box to me
L690[18:46:30] <habnabit> thumbs up
L691[18:46:37] <Kodos> Ah
L692[18:46:40] <Kodos> Indeed
L693[18:47:43] <Vexatos> Install better fonts :3
L694[18:47:59] <habnabit> yep
L695[18:51:33] <Izaya> writes :thumbsup: for me
L696[18:53:28] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L697[18:56:21] <S3> mgr: It's always broken!
L698[18:56:24] <S3> lolololoololtrolololo
L699[18:56:53] <Skye> uhhh
L700[18:58:19] <MGR> S3, so, is there a serious suggestion, or no?
L701[18:58:41] <S3> ...
L702[18:59:34] <MGR> So, no
L703[18:59:54] <MGR> Thank you for your input, and no, that isn't sarcastic
L704[19:00:10] <Skye> well... uh... @MGR, do you have any bugs you know about, why not fix them now? No time like the present :P
L705[19:00:12] <S3> rofl
L706[19:00:31] <MGR> Skye, there are no bugs I know about in that program
L707[19:00:44] <Skye> linky?
L708[19:00:57] <MGR> https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/OC-Programs/blob/master/Libraries/FileManipilimation.lua
L709[19:01:08] <Izaya> winning: checking parent dirs to see if you're allowed to write
L710[19:02:04] <Skye> > that file name
L711[19:02:24] <MGR> Yep
L712[19:02:36] <MGR> It's a very old file
L713[19:02:47] <Skye> > not in binary mode, that might break some stuff
L714[19:03:26] <Skye> > why "junktable", if it's useful, don't call it that
L715[19:03:43] <MGR> Well, binary files won't have text added to them?
L716[19:03:48] <MGR> I don't think so....
L717[19:04:01] <Izaya> pretty sure ascii mode doesn't cope with unicode well...
L718[19:04:10] <Skye> ^
L719[19:04:38] <MGR> It's really a basic program
L720[19:04:51] * Skye coughs
L721[19:04:53] <MGR> It was designed for a project that was axed
L724[19:05:16] * Skye uncoughs]
L725[19:05:23] <Izaya> :3
L726[19:05:35] <Izaya> I use "access denied" in this so many times it has its own 2-char variable
L727[19:06:33] <Mimiru> damn it...
L728[19:06:36] <Skye> Izaya, oh oh oh oh, make language swappable! :D
L729[19:06:55] <Izaya> what, use translation strings for everything?
L730[19:06:57] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/SQLyogCommunity_2017-12-20_19-06-53.png
L731[19:07:18] <Izaya> ffr, I'm using "access denied" a lot because I'm moving the fs API into the kernel
L732[19:08:04] <Skye> Izaya, why not have a translation subsystem?
L733[19:08:14] <Izaya> I mean, it's a cool idea, sure
L734[19:08:24] <Izaya> but am I going to use that for return values?
L735[19:08:26] <Izaya> :P
L736[19:08:41] <Skye> oh uh
L737[19:08:43] <Skye> alright
L738[19:09:05] <Skye> maybe seperate base messages, and descriptuibs
L739[19:09:14] <Izaya> kernel is now 12k without sha256
L740[19:09:24] <Izaya> on the upside, sha256 will only push it to ~14k
L741[19:09:41] <Skye> so "access denied" is always english, but the description can be ADDED BY USERLAND CODE to be "You do not have permission to access this"
L742[19:09:51] <Izaya> so you're saying Skye
L743[19:09:53] <Izaya> what I should do
L744[19:10:04] <Izaya> is have a table of return-value-indexed translatable strings?
L745[19:10:06] <Izaya> :D
L746[19:10:12] <Izaya> not a terrible idea tbh
L747[19:10:14] <Skye> maybe?
L748[19:10:22] <Skye> and a way to eaisally present them to users
L749[19:10:30] <Skye> so it can be self documenting?
L750[19:10:31] <Izaya> ie ["access denied"] = "You don't have permission to access this file"
L751[19:10:33] * Mimiru sighs
L752[19:10:35] <Skye> but if you need to trim it
L753[19:10:39] <Mimiru> looks like UTF8 is fucked
L754[19:10:42] <Skye> you can just leave it out
L755[19:10:46] <Izaya> and if not, just return the key
L756[19:11:06] <Izaya> you could run almost everything through that
L757[19:11:06] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/SQLyogCommunity_2017-12-20_19-11-00.png
L758[19:11:38] <Skye> Mimiru, Mojibake
L759[19:11:46] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:8d3:9a8:d76e:8b94)
L760[19:11:51] <Izaya> heh
L761[19:11:52] <Skye> there must be a way to unfuck that
L762[19:11:56] <Skye> like
L763[19:12:05] <Skye> this is just interpretation, right?
L764[19:12:09] <Izaya> I just realised I was removing the file without checking whether it was copied with fs.cp
L765[19:12:13] <Izaya> fs.mv rather
L766[19:12:14] <Skye> as long as data isn't LOST
L767[19:12:25] <Skye> it should be recoverable
L768[19:13:45] <Izaya> \o/
L769[19:13:52] <Izaya> kernel is still syntactically valid
L770[19:14:16] <Skye> Izaya, so no PKDF2? :P
L771[19:14:46] <Izaya> for my next trick, I'll build just the kernel, followed by everything but the kernel, into two files so my 'init file' is actually the rest of the OS
L772[19:14:50] <Izaya> Skye: no sha256 either
L773[19:15:17] <Izaya> function _G.sha.sha256(s) return s end
L774[19:15:31] <Izaya> :^)
L775[19:16:05] <Skye> x_x
L776[19:16:20] <Izaya> just because I can't be bothered to verify the new sha256 impl yet
L777[19:16:33] <Skye> lol
L778[19:16:49] <Skye> though could you allow custom hash modules?
L779[19:16:58] <Izaya> well I mean
L780[19:17:04] <Izaya> you can just load sha256 after everything else
L781[19:17:22] <Izaya> and replace the one in sha.
L782[19:17:33] <Izaya> this just lets me do shitty plaintext auth
L783[19:18:26] <Izaya> oh, I don't even need that
L784[19:18:34] <Skye> well
L785[19:18:36] <Skye> I mean
L786[19:18:38] <Izaya> if sha isn't detected, it'll let you in no matter what you put in
L787[19:18:40] <Izaya> nice
L788[19:18:47] <Skye> allow differnet types of hashes to be used at once
L789[19:18:57] <Izaya> _G.sha = nil; su superuser
L790[19:19:01] <Skye> just don't pull an OSX and muck up your key upgrades
L791[19:19:10] <Skye> Izaya, process isolation time
L792[19:19:39] <Izaya> I was considering creating a copy of the environment rather than just referencing the main one actually
L793[19:19:47] <Izaya> or rather, copying choice tables
L794[19:19:54] <Izaya> fs, sha, os, etc.
L795[19:20:30] <Izaya> then doing metatables magic to not allow writing to them anyway
L796[19:20:42] <Izaya> then override rawset to not allow writing to those tables
L797[19:21:03] <AmandaC> then place it all on a floppy disk and throw it into lava
L798[19:21:03] <Izaya> but eh
L799[19:21:11] <Izaya> I'll burn that bridge when I get to it
L800[19:21:15] <Izaya> for now, testing
L801[19:21:32] <AmandaC> please stop burning the aperature science computer-aided testing bridges. :D
L802[19:21:37] <AmandaC> s/:D/D:/
L803[19:21:37] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> please stop burning the aperature science computer-aided testing bridges. D:
L804[19:24:03] <S3> LOLOLOLOL
L805[19:24:12] <S3> So I was doing my thing, having trouble
L806[19:24:29] <S3> I was saying to myself, "man I don't remember this being so damn confusing before"
L807[19:25:13] <S3> so I'm searching all through the mini dungeon and I'm like wtf, where is the damn lens of truth? and then when I explored some more I went into my inventory screen to grab something and was like, OH there it is! I already have it! XD
L808[19:25:22] <S3> I somehow completely missed myself grabbing it from the chest
L809[19:25:36] <Kodos> Aperture
L810[19:26:24] <S3> so now I can skip ahead and go for the spirit temple
L811[19:26:28] <S3> because screw shadow
L812[19:28:09] <Mimiru> in the logs lenny is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L813[19:28:17] <Mimiru> but when it's read with this script it fucks it up.
L814[19:28:50] <Skye> Mimiru, what languahe is the script
L815[19:29:01] <Izaya> arch can't do ocemu because too new, debian can't do ocvm because too old
L816[19:29:02] * Mimiru coughs
L817[19:30:43] <Skye> Mimiru, Python?
L818[19:30:44] <Skye> :P
L819[19:30:49] <Mimiru> nooooo......
L820[19:30:52] <Skye> Perl?
L821[19:30:56] <Skye> Java?
L822[19:30:59] <Skye> JavaScript? :P
L823[19:31:19] <Mimiru> no, no, and no...
L824[19:31:23] <Mimiru> it's... PHP
L825[19:33:25] <Mimiru> looks like it's something wrong in my file reader.
L826[19:33:32] <Skye> oh dear god
L827[19:35:03] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L828[19:35:29] <Izaya> files mount and etc
L829[19:35:31] <Izaya> that's a good sign
L830[19:35:38] <Izaya> drives mount rather
L831[19:37:04] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L832[19:47:59] <gamax92> Izaya: I run ocemu in arch
L833[19:48:10] <gamax92> what are you talking about too new
L834[19:48:28] <Izaya> whatever happened to lua-ffib or whatever not being updated
L835[19:48:42] <gamax92> ocemu has a submodule to a patched luaffifb
L836[19:48:58] <Izaya> oh okay
L837[19:52:25] <gamax92> facebook abandoned luaffi anyway
L838[19:52:43] <gamax92> it's now an archived project
L839[20:03:43] <Kodos> HOly fucking shit
L840[20:03:47] <Kodos> Maniac Mansion is on Steam
L841[20:17:33] ⇦ Quits: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@c-73-36-115-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L842[21:21:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E4811D2D39EB2258F81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L843[22:05:34] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549609A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L844[22:07:03] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496093A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L845[22:08:57] <AngelOfDeath> can Industrial Peripheral be used with OC
L846[22:11:31] <AmandaC> %choose be responsible or Wooooo fireworks and gasoline!
L847[22:11:31] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Wooooo fireworks and gasoline!
L848[22:23:58] * Mimiru sighs
L849[22:24:09] <Mimiru> 6-9 seconds for a search in mysql...
L850[22:24:23] <Mimiru> same search just opening the actual .logs.... 2.63
L851[22:26:11] <Mimiru> so yeah... scrap that then
L852[22:30:15] <AmandaC> Mimiru: is that using the mysql support for full text search, or just a LIKE "%butts^"
L853[22:33:56] <Mimiru> I was just playing with full text search..
L854[22:34:01] <Mimiru> it's a lot faster lol
L855[22:34:14] <AmandaC> :p
L856[22:34:46] * AmandaC wanders off to unplug and get ready for bed.
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