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L1[00:20:59] <AngelOfDeath> is autorun.lua broke
L2[00:21:05] <payonel> nope
L3[00:21:07] <payonel> :)
L4[00:21:11] <AngelOfDeath> how do i use it
L5[00:22:54] <payonel> you can create an autorun.lua (or .autorun.lua) at the root of a fs
L6[00:23:13] <payonel> and when that fs is detected/loaded, the autorun will run
L7[00:24:39] <AngelOfDeath> fs = fliesystem
L8[00:36:01] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L9[00:38:32] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L10[00:43:45] <Kodos> I like using automounting autoruns for hard drives I move between computers a lot
L11[00:44:24] <Kodos> Still not sure how to set 'default' directories but it works for what I need
L12[00:46:36] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L13[00:52:23] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L14[00:53:11] <AngelOfDeath> https://pastebin.com/iaKc5Z7i
L15[00:53:11] <AngelOfDeath> im haveing issues detecting 3 inputs its only detecting 2 or it only printing to the screen 2 of them and it also printing only 2 tables
L16[00:59:41] <Kodos> Which colors work and which one doesn't
L17[01:00:19] <Kodos> I'm guessing gray doesn't work
L18[01:00:33] <Kodos> Because the API uses gray, and you've used grey
L19[01:07:18] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L20[01:07:18] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight saving time happens earlier every year because of time zone legislation in Indiana? Apparently there's a proposal to fix it, but it actually makes things worse.
L21[01:13:01] <Kodos> I'm off to bed, good luck @AngelOfDeath
L22[01:21:37] <payonel> @kodos default dirs?
L23[01:24:44] <SAL9000> @Forecaster: perfect
L24[01:29:55] <AngelOfDeath> thanks
L25[01:30:19] <AngelOfDeath> oh
L26[01:30:21] <AngelOfDeath> haha
L27[01:30:27] <AngelOfDeath> makes sence
L28[01:33:02] <AngelOfDeath> @Kodos that solved it thank you
L29[01:33:12] <Forecaster> SAL9000: ?
L30[02:44:49] <AngelOfDeath> am i doing somthing wrong i cant get the remote terminal to conect
L31[02:45:05] <AngelOfDeath> i mean its conected but wont display the screen
L32[03:00:06] <Forecaster> does the server have a GPU or APU?
L33[03:02:39] <AngelOfDeath> card 3
L34[03:18:52] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@c-71-203-107-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Cervator)
L35[03:22:49] ⇨ Joins: Alaura_ (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net)
L36[03:24:22] ⇦ Quits: Alaura (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L37[03:34:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E612.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L38[03:55:56] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L39[03:56:14] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L40[04:26:37] <AngelOfDeath> my computer wont brodcast 160 m
L41[04:27:00] <AngelOfDeath> i have change the wireless range in config to 40000
L42[04:27:05] <AngelOfDeath> and still nothing
L43[04:27:21] <AngelOfDeath> ive change strenght to 4000 still nothing
L44[04:28:18] <Inari> Does it broadcast over 2m? :p
L45[04:28:47] <AngelOfDeath> yea i have a computer 5-10 m behinde it
L46[04:30:12] <AngelOfDeath> and it broadcasting and reciving
L47[04:39:26] <AngelOfDeath> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw4fxf1kzgo
L48[04:42:29] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L49[04:44:10] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
L50[04:48:10] ⇦ Quits: Alaura_ (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L51[04:48:33] ⇨ Joins: Alaura_ (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net)
L52[05:14:52] <Forecaster> "This video is unavailable"
L53[05:15:52] <AngelOfDeath> sorry it was private try now
L54[05:19:19] <Forecaster> is the receiving end chunkloaded?
L55[05:19:28] <AngelOfDeath> oh
L56[05:19:41] <AngelOfDeath> computer dont chunck load
L57[05:19:50] <Forecaster> no
L58[05:20:10] <AngelOfDeath> good chunk loader mod ?
L59[05:20:18] <Forecaster> Railcraft
L60[05:20:26] <Forecaster> in 1.7
L61[05:20:30] <AngelOfDeath> yea
L62[05:20:35] <AngelOfDeath> whats it called
L63[05:20:43] <Forecaster> World Anchor
L64[05:27:13] <AngelOfDeath> still no lcuk with ancher on both ends
L65[05:34:15] <Skye> Some chunk loaders need fuel or something
L66[05:37:20] <AngelOfDeath> admin
L67[05:37:22] <AngelOfDeath> creative
L68[05:38:34] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/y7poh77g
L69[05:38:39] <AngelOfDeath> even attempted this
L70[05:39:24] <AngelOfDeath> the farm is where the computer is mark by waypoints
L71[05:39:44] <AngelOfDeath> i dont think i should be having problems
L72[05:40:28] <AngelOfDeath> i have it set as a repeater
L73[05:53:23] <Lizzy> are there any blocks in the direct path between both computers?
L74[05:54:04] <AngelOfDeath> lots but the access point acts as a wireless point no ?
L75[05:57:31] <Lizzy> possibly but the 'thickness' of blocks will dampen the signal
L76[05:58:51] <AngelOfDeath> can i change configs to allow no restrictions
L77[06:09:02] <Forecaster> upping the strength should do I think
L78[06:16:11] <AngelOfDeath> to what ive got it at 40000
L79[06:19:27] <Forecaster> in the computer?
L80[06:19:29] <MGR> Are you setting the modem card's strength?
L81[06:19:49] <MGR> ^ modem.setStrength(40000) has to be called on each startup too
L82[06:19:50] <Forecaster> do note that there's also an energy cost
L83[06:19:56] <Forecaster> you may need capacitors
L84[06:21:25] <AngelOfDeath> think i set it to 0
L85[06:22:03] <MGR> That's your problem
L86[06:22:16] <MGR> You're telling the modem to only use a wired connection
L87[06:22:24] <AngelOfDeath> ?
L88[06:22:40] <MGR> modem.setStrength(n) determines the strength of which to send a wireless message
L89[06:22:44] <AngelOfDeath> no the ennerycost is set to 0 in config
L90[06:22:47] <MGR> Oh
L91[06:22:53] <MGR> Ignore my comment then
L92[06:23:06] <AngelOfDeath> streath is at 30000
L93[06:23:16] <AngelOfDeath> changed that in config too
L94[06:23:29] <MGR> But did you set that strength in the OC computer from within your code?
L95[06:24:00] <AngelOfDeath> componet.modem.setstreanth(30000)?
L96[06:24:15] <MGR> Yes
L97[06:24:18] <AngelOfDeath> yup
L98[06:24:22] <AngelOfDeath> both ends
L99[06:24:26] <MGR> Ok
L100[06:24:41] <MGR> Btw, did you get my PM?
L101[06:26:37] <Inari> "reath" what
L102[06:26:49] <Inari> ?*streanth
L103[06:47:17] <Forecaster> strength
L104[06:48:56] <Inari> I wonder if there already are AIs which determine which keyboard layout someone users depending on their typos
L105[06:50:00] <Forecaster> probably doable
L106[06:50:21] <Inari> I found out someone was using dvorak by that yesterday. :p
L107[06:51:41] <Forecaster> probably don't even need an AI
L108[07:06:57] <AshIndigo> ~markov Michibot
L109[07:06:58] <ocdoc> Please wait ...
L110[07:07:02] <AshIndigo> ~markov MichiBot
L111[07:07:07] <ocdoc> Nickname does not exist
L112[07:07:08] <ocdoc> Ember_Primrose: 3: The Ring conversation easter egg 1080p | length: 3m 38s | Likes: 1655 Dislikes: 2,514 Views: 97,911 | length: 14s | Likes: 875,237 Dislikes: 785 Views:
L113[07:08:26] <SAL9000> @Forecaster: I was responding to %calfacts
L114[07:09:47] <Forecaster> ah
L115[07:10:18] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L116[07:10:18] <MichiBot> Did you know that Easter drifts out of sync with the atomic clock in Colorado because of eccentricity of the Earth's axismagnetic field reversal? Apparently that's why we have leap seconds.
L117[07:10:30] <SAL9000> whoops
L118[07:10:35] <SAL9000> "axismagnetic" :p
L119[07:17:28] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L120[07:20:19] <AmandaC> "magnetic field reversal" shouldn't be there
L121[07:22:38] <Forecaster> ah, you're right about that
L122[07:22:47] <Forecaster> must be missing a break
L123[07:24:50] <Forecaster> this entire command is 99% nested switch cases
L124[07:25:38] <MGR> lol
L125[07:28:19] ⇦ Quits: lp (~lp@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L126[07:46:06] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED5B13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L127[07:57:27] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED5B13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L128[08:00:29] <Forecaster> I fixed it
L129[08:00:36] <Forecaster> probably
L130[08:01:07] <SAL9000> %calfacts
L131[08:01:07] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight saving time happens later every year because of an arbitrary decition by Benjamin Franklin? Apparently scientists are really worried.
L132[08:01:15] <SAL9000> :-)
L133[08:01:49] <AmandaC> MichiBot hasn't been restarted, so the fix isn't live yet
L134[08:02:55] <SAL9000> Ah. And here I thought MichiBot could do in-place module reloads :p
L135[08:05:55] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L136[08:06:11] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L137[08:06:11] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L138[08:06:47] <Mimiru> %restart
L139[08:07:08] * Mimiru waits and wonders
L140[08:07:20] <Forecaster> I thought that didn't work :P
L141[08:07:29] <Mimiru> well.. it might now
L142[08:07:32] <Mimiru> I have no idea :D
L143[08:07:37] <Mimiru> but it seems not.
L144[08:08:14] <Mimiru> %restart
L145[08:08:25] <Mimiru> Oh
L146[08:08:25] <Mimiru> hmm
L147[08:08:39] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/7NmCk
L148[08:09:57] <Mimiru> Kitty!
L149[08:11:04] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L150[08:12:22] <Forecaster> big kitty!
L151[08:12:53] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L152[08:12:53] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L153[08:13:08] <Mimiru> okay..
L154[08:13:32] <Mimiru> %restart
L155[08:13:37] <Mimiru> wtf..
L156[08:14:05] <Mimiru> it's running 454.. why is it using the wrong path
L157[08:14:53] <Mimiru> oooooh
L158[08:14:58] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4fed5b13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L159[08:14:59] <Mimiru> because I'm not awake yet.
L160[08:14:59] ⇦ Parts: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4fed5b13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L161[08:15:48] * AmandaC deteremines Mimiru is cursed, calls the witch doctor, and the witch doctor says "NO MORE BOTS JUMPING ON THE BED"
L162[08:17:57] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) ()
L163[08:18:29] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L164[08:18:29] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L165[08:18:34] <Mimiru> One. more. try.
L166[08:19:03] <MGR> Do or do not, there is no try
L167[08:19:16] <Mimiru> Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
L168[08:19:21] <Mimiru> %restart
L169[08:19:21] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L170[08:19:31] <MGR> Ooooh
L171[08:19:40] <MGR> But isn't that statement in itself an absolute?
L172[08:19:47] <MGR> Mimiru is Sith Lord confirmed
L173[08:19:51] <Mimiru> Maaaaaybe.
L174[08:20:00] <Mimiru> now... come on back MichiBot....
L175[08:20:04] <Mimiru> :/
L176[08:20:18] <Mimiru> shit.... it's in the wrong dir when it runs the command.
L177[08:20:40] <MGR> I don't have a problem with you being a Sith Lord
L178[08:21:19] <MGR> Unless you go on a murderous rampage. Then we'll have a problem
L179[08:21:35] * AshIndigo is ok with murderous rampages
L180[08:22:02] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L181[08:22:02] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L182[08:22:25] <Skye> I don't think I can get any more detail out of the source engine without using models
L183[08:22:36] <Mimiru> %restart
L184[08:22:38] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L185[08:23:52] <Mimiru> So, it seems that MichiBot can't relaunch itself via it's .sh
L186[08:23:59] <Mimiru> s/'//
L187[08:24:05] * Mimiru sighs
L188[08:24:24] <Mimiru> would have got the wrong one anyway
L189[08:24:51] <Mimiru> so.. I have a very effective kill here.
L190[08:24:52] <Mimiru> lol
L191[08:24:59] <MGR> Heh
L192[08:25:00] <Forecaster> :P
L193[08:25:13] <Mimiru> And I know *WHY* it doesn't work
L194[08:25:37] <Mimiru> I start the execute of the shell script, it kills the bot, but I was *hoping* the script would keep running...
L195[08:26:07] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L196[08:26:07] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L197[08:26:07] <AmandaC> Well that was... interesting
L198[08:26:24] <AmandaC> restarted to let Tumbleweed update. Bluetooth is dead on boot.
L199[08:26:44] <AmandaC> reboot again, into the old kernel, still dead.
L200[08:26:47] <Forecaster> good for when she eventually gains sentience
L201[08:27:03] <AmandaC> Power off completely, remove battery, place it back in and boot... bluetooth works again
L202[08:27:22] <AmandaC> I assume the usb probe errors I saw in dmesg were the internal bluetooth dongle being in a bad state
L203[08:27:23] <Forecaster> at some point I'll have added enough data to her that she becomes sentient probably
L204[08:27:28] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L205[08:27:28] <MichiBot> Message too long to send to channel https://paste.pc-logix.com/rowujuwexu
L206[08:27:32] <Forecaster> meh
L207[08:27:36] <Forecaster> I thought I overrode that
L208[08:27:50] <Forecaster> oh.
L209[08:27:56] <Forecaster> overridePaste: false
L210[08:27:57] <Forecaster> ...
L211[08:28:03] <Forecaster> :|
L212[08:28:09] <AmandaC> There's another missing break. :D
L213[08:28:16] <AshIndigo> s/false/true
L214[08:28:16] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> overridePaste: true
L215[08:28:24] <AshIndigo> fixed it!
L216[08:29:10] <Forecaster> mergh
L217[08:29:14] <MGR> @Forecaster But how long will it take, and will she kill us all on sight?
L218[08:29:41] <Forecaster> yes and yes
L219[08:29:52] <MGR> You should kill us all on sight
L220[08:29:59] <Corded> * <MGR> laughs at his reference
L221[08:32:39] * AmandaC sends the nice men in white with the comfy coat to @MGR
L222[08:33:19] <MGR> That's not a reference to Doctor Who.....
L223[08:33:40] <AmandaC> They're coming to take you away, haha
L224[08:33:49] <MGR> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
L225[08:33:51] <MGR> %ohno
L226[08:33:51] <MichiBot> ohno
L227[08:33:55] <AshIndigo> %ohyes
L228[08:34:39] <Forecaster> %addcommand ohyes Still no.
L229[08:34:40] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command Added
L230[08:34:45] <AshIndigo> D:
L231[08:34:50] <Forecaster> :3
L232[08:35:00] <MGR> ?
L233[08:35:17] <AshIndigo> %flip ^
L234[08:35:17] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: (╯°□°)╯?
L235[08:36:23] <AmandaC> %editcommand ohno Oh no! https://i.imgur.com/OIc8DRk.gif
L236[08:37:03] <AmandaC> maybe without the "Oh no!"
L237[08:38:05] <Forecaster> I don't think that's a command
L238[08:38:16] <Forecaster> %help
L239[08:38:16] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command list: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/help
L240[08:38:47] <Forecaster> nope :P
L241[08:39:03] <Forecaster> %addcommand neat https://i.imgur.com/OIc8DRk.gif
L242[08:39:03] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command Added
L243[08:39:11] <AmandaC> I doubt I'd have access regardless, unless it was moved to TRUSTED :P
L244[08:40:06] <Forecaster> Probably not :P
L245[08:40:19] <Forecaster> I have no clue though because it still uses the old permission stuff
L246[08:40:23] <Forecaster> which is a mess
L247[08:41:20] <AshIndigo> %neat
L248[08:41:20] <MichiBot> https://i.imgur.com/OIc8DRk.gif
L249[08:42:57] <AmandaC> %addcommand AmandaC See also: Cat
L250[08:43:09] <AmandaC> Nope. :P
L251[08:43:17] <AshIndigo> %cat
L252[08:43:21] <AshIndigo> aww
L253[08:46:21] <Inari> Moi Lolita
L254[08:55:24] <Michiyo> Yay! My co-worker didn't quit...
L255[08:55:41] <MGR> Hooray!
L256[08:55:56] <Michiyo> His usual day off is today, he didn't come in yesterday and was later than usual today...
L257[08:56:09] <Michiyo> (Usually if he doesn't come in monday he comes in tuesday)
L258[08:56:15] <MGR> Ah
L259[08:56:43] <Michiyo> But I saw him pull up, and was very happy lol
L260[08:57:02] <Kodos> %whopinged
L261[08:57:03] <MichiBot> Kodos: Who Pinged you: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/whopinged?nick=Kodos
L262[09:00:12] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L263[09:01:42] <Michiyo> ok... let's see if I can modify this .sh to background when it's ran so the parent process dying doesn't kill it.
L264[09:04:28] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L265[09:04:39] <Michiyo> hmm... maybe.
L266[09:04:44] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L267[09:04:45] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L268[09:04:57] <Michiyo> %restart
L269[09:05:21] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L270[09:05:44] <Michiyo> nope.
L271[09:06:11] <Forecaster> %ohno
L272[09:06:46] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L273[09:06:46] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L274[09:06:49] <Michiyo> %restart
L275[09:07:15] <MGR> %ohno
L276[09:07:23] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L277[09:07:38] * Michiyo crosses fingers
L278[09:07:39] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L279[09:07:39] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L280[09:07:41] <Michiyo> \o/
L281[09:07:47] <Forecaster> yaaay
L282[09:08:23] <Michiyo> it's very hacky.. but it means it can be restarted without me having to open SSH and kicking it.
L283[09:08:29] <Michiyo> now.... to remember how to add someone as admin
L284[09:09:08] <Forecaster> %addmin
L285[09:09:10] <Forecaster> :D
L286[09:09:14] <MGR> Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
L287[09:09:23] <MGR> %addadmin MajGenRelativity
L288[09:09:30] <MGR> Aw
L289[09:09:58] <Forecaster> yes, that probably would have worked A+
L290[09:10:08] <MGR> You never know ?
L291[09:10:40] <Michiyo> %addperm Forecaster Admin
L292[09:10:41] <MichiBot> Michiyo: true
L293[09:10:58] <Michiyo> now you too can %restart
L294[09:11:10] <Michiyo> (only from IRC though ;p0
L295[09:11:14] <Michiyo> ... :P)
L296[09:11:17] <Forecaster> I already could, but thanks :P
L297[09:11:25] <Forecaster> (I was admin already)
L298[09:11:43] <Michiyo> Were you? I messed up and dropped all the perm tables a while back
L299[09:11:46] <Forecaster> I used restart a while ago and it killed the bot
L300[09:11:50] <Michiyo> I thought I'd forgot to add you..
L301[09:11:55] <Michiyo> s/add/readd/
L302[09:12:01] <Michiyo> did...
L303[09:12:03] <Michiyo> did sed break?
L304[09:12:05] <Michiyo> %sed
L305[09:12:05] <MichiBot> Michiyo: SED is enabled in this channel
L306[09:12:05] <Forecaster> I was at that time at least
L307[09:12:16] <Michiyo> test
L308[09:12:17] <Forecaster> %s/enabled/dead/
L309[09:12:17] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> SED is dead in this channel
L310[09:12:18] <Michiyo> s/test/merp/
L311[09:12:19] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> merp
L312[09:12:23] <Michiyo> then.. wtf.
L313[09:12:42] <Michiyo> SED Dead Redemption?
L314[09:12:51] <Michiyo> anyway
L315[09:12:51] <MGR> Yes
L316[09:15:14] <Forecaster> I've received a box that contains a bowl in the shape of a zombie head today
L317[09:15:23] <MGR> https://gist.github.com/MajorGeneralRelativity/af4aea70bebafcc6783b4c5176e563ac
L318[09:15:38] <MGR> Obi-Wan uses the high ground to the maximum
L319[09:15:52] <MGR> (Text not originally from me)
L320[09:17:07] <Forecaster> https://www.thinkgeek.com/product/1d88/
L321[09:17:20] <Forecaster> It's going to be a christmas present
L322[09:18:21] <Inari> Very christmassy
L323[09:19:32] <Forecaster> there's no law that says christmas presents have to be christmas themed :P
L324[09:19:40] <Forecaster> (that I know of)
L325[09:20:04] <AmandaC> All Forecaster wants to do is eat your brains.
L326[09:20:29] <Inari> Soundsl ike a good law though
L327[09:22:48] <Forecaster> wellp, no more electronics for christmas kids!
L328[09:22:56] <Forecaster> unless they come in red!
L329[09:24:35] <MGR> Blech, my brain is working wrong today
L330[09:24:49] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net)
L331[09:25:25] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L332[09:29:39] <MGR> "$BigBoss: So you can't turn off the anti-glare because it's the glass itself blocking it and stronger lasers won't overpower it, right? Can you get us an anti-anti-glare film to put over it so we can see the pointer?" --- Quote 2/2
L333[09:29:54] <SAL9000> wat
L334[09:30:14] <MGR> Mhm
L335[09:31:16] <Forecaster> %inv add anti-anti glare film
L336[09:31:16] * MichiBot summons 'anti-anti glare film' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L337[09:31:47] <Forecaster> %shell
L338[09:31:48] * MichiBot loads a whoopie pie into a shell and fires it. It strikes Renari. They take 8 damage. Bigcheese and alFamaRt stood too close and take 5 and 8 splash damage respectively.
L339[09:32:14] <MGR> %shell anti-anti glare film
L340[09:32:14] * MichiBot loads Saphire's murrs into a shell and fires it. It strikes anti-anti glare film. They take 9 damage. jazzpi and DaMachinator stood too close and take 4 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L341[09:33:32] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L342[09:34:37] <Forecaster> you can't specify the item
L343[09:35:13] <MGR> I wanted to shell the anti-anti-glare film though
L344[09:35:15] <Forecaster> %restart
L345[09:35:15] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L346[09:35:16] <MGR> Not shell with it
L347[09:35:33] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L348[09:35:34] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L349[09:35:38] <Forecaster> %shell
L350[09:36:05] * MichiBot loads an EMP warhead into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near yorick, ocdoc and Gethiox. They each take 4, 7 and 7 splash damage respectively.
L351[09:37:03] <Michiyo> alas poor yorick...
L352[09:40:20] <Michiyo> welp, your builds are successful.. and I don't feel like tabbing over to KiTTY... sooooo
L353[09:40:29] <Michiyo> %restart
L354[09:40:30] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L355[09:40:48] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L356[09:40:48] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L357[09:41:05] <Forecaster> but I already restarted :O
L358[09:41:05] <Michiyo> this only works by abusing screen... lol
L359[09:41:14] <Michiyo> Oh so yo udid, I missed that
L360[09:41:33] <Forecaster> :P
L361[09:48:56] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:88c8:aac6:c728:580)
L362[09:57:18] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L363[10:01:57] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L364[10:01:58] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight savings time happens earlier every year because of time zone legislation in Russia? Apparently that's why we have leap seconds.
L365[10:07:52] <AmandaC> %shell @MGR
L366[10:07:52] * MichiBot loads storage into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near @MGR, OneM_Industries and alekso56. They each take 2, 6 and 6 splash damage respectively.
L367[10:08:00] <MGR> Arggggg
L368[10:10:16] <Forecaster> I decreased plash damage by 2, and now a direct hit is at least 8 damage (max splash damage)
L369[10:18:49] <AmandaC> %newtopic
L370[10:18:49] <MichiBot> AmandaC: #3 Hey, how many the minecraft do you think I can juggle at once?
L371[10:18:54] <AmandaC> Hrm
L372[10:36:50] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L373[10:43:12] <Skye> %shell MichiBot
L374[10:43:12] * MichiBot kicks Skye into space.
L375[10:43:15] <Skye> wheeee~
L376[10:43:29] <MGR> Lol
L377[10:43:35] <MGR> %shell MichiBot
L378[10:43:35] * MichiBot kicks MGR into space.
L379[10:43:38] <MGR> DANG IT
L380[10:44:04] * Skye looks at @MGR
L381[10:44:07] <Skye> fancy meeting you here
L382[10:44:14] <MGR> ?
L383[10:47:47] <MGR> How do you do?
L384[10:47:53] <MGR> Enjoying space, Skye?
L386[10:48:50] <MGR> Yes
L387[10:49:35] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net)
L388[10:51:20] <Skye> MIND THE GAP http://tinyurl.com/ybyvjzf8
L389[10:51:40] <MGR> Trains
L390[10:51:44] <MGR> I like trains
L391[11:18:29] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L392[11:19:14] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot the reserve air tanks for the ISS
L393[11:19:14] * MichiBot accepts the reserve air tanks for the ISS and adds it to her inventory
L394[11:27:03] <Forecaster> %shell space
L395[11:27:03] * MichiBot loads Textronix osciloscope into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near space, Reika and AmandaC. They each take 7, 6 and 7 splash damage respectively.
L396[11:27:04] * MichiBot Textronix osciloscope vanishes into a rift in space..
L397[11:27:09] <Michiyo> %restart
L398[11:27:10] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L399[11:28:06] <Michiyo> Hmm
L400[11:28:38] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L401[11:28:39] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L402[11:28:54] <Kodos> %shell Kodos' head
L403[11:29:15] * MichiBot loads a rift in space into a shell and fires it. It strikes Kodos' head. They take 11 damage. CompanionCube and marcin212 stood too close and take 4 and 6 splash damage respectively.
L404[11:29:52] <Corded> * <MGR> develops a theory that the #oc community runs towards instead of away from mortar shots
L405[11:30:56] <Michiyo> Theres no sound in IRC... so no one knows where it's going. :P
L406[11:31:17] <Michiyo> In IRC no one can hear you scream.... or a mortar falling on your head.
L407[11:32:05] <MGR> Good point
L408[11:32:13] <MGR> Maybe we shouldn't stand so close to each other
L409[11:32:36] <Forecaster> maybe the shrapnel just flies really far
L410[11:33:02] <Corded> * <MGR> starts constructing a bunker
L411[11:33:26] <Forecaster> %shell MGR's construction site
L412[11:33:26] * MichiBot loads a burred into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near MGR's construction site, Sava and ashka. They each take 6, 3 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L413[11:33:27] * MichiBot The burred gets lost in the woods and is never seen again..
L414[11:33:31] <Forecaster> damn
L415[11:33:33] <MGR> Noooooo
L416[11:50:46] <Michiyo> Hmm.... WhoPinged doesn't know about Corded...
L417[11:50:48] <Michiyo> good to know.
L418[11:51:17] <Michiyo> it.. should
L419[11:51:28] <MGR> Fix it
L420[11:51:31] <MGR> Wave your magic wand ?
L421[11:51:48] <Corded> * <Forecaster> takes out the mortar
L422[11:52:01] <MGR> Pls nu
L423[11:52:04] <Michiyo> I need to make oclogs search faster
L424[11:52:04] <Michiyo> lol
L425[11:52:31] <Michiyo> Oh.. I think it broke because of Corded's actions.
L426[11:52:50] <Mimiru> Testing Michiyo
L427[11:53:02] <Michiyo> Yep
L428[11:53:04] <Michiyo> hmm..
L429[11:56:55] <Corded> * <Mimiru> tests Michiyo
L430[11:57:18] <MGR> Failure
L431[11:58:27] <Michiyo> Meh, that's gonna take work on Corded to fix..
L432[11:59:20] <Michiyo> %restart
L433[11:59:20] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L434[11:59:37] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L435[11:59:37] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L436[12:04:37] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L437[12:05:14] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L438[12:05:14] <MichiBot> Did you know that Toyota Truck Month might happen twice this year because of liberation of the moon? Apparently it's getting worse and no one knows why.
L439[12:05:25] <Forecaster> oh dear
L440[12:05:45] <MGR> Not Toyota Truck Month!
L441[12:18:30] <MichiBot> Mimiru REMINDER: >
L442[12:19:14] <Mimiru> !
L443[12:19:30] <Forecaster> wellp, time to >
L444[12:19:33] <Mimiru> 16m 9s until level up damn
L445[12:19:47] <Forecaster> ?
L446[12:20:00] <Mimiru> idlerpg
L447[12:20:07] <Forecaster> ah
L448[12:20:10] <Mimiru> I missed by 16 minutes
L449[12:20:20] <Mimiru> either shocky, or MichiBot did the math wrong
L450[12:34:12] <Inari> %remindme 10s !
L451[12:34:13] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "!" at 12/19/2017 12:34:22 PM
L452[12:34:23] <MichiBot> Inari REMINDER: !
L453[12:35:48] <Mimiru> %remindme 13w0d22h50m14s >
L454[12:35:48] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about ">" at 03/21/2018 12:26:02 PM
L455[12:49:16] <neumond> %remindme 1000y Welcome to the glorious future!
L456[12:49:31] <Michiyo> no years, afaik.
L457[12:49:43] <Michiyo> I remember trying to add them, and it causing issues.
L458[12:50:12] <Inari> Leap year fun? :P
L459[12:50:18] <Michiyo> IIRC, yes.
L460[12:50:25] <Forecaster> %remindme 1y add years
L461[12:50:28] <Forecaster> wait....
L462[12:50:34] <AmandaC> %remindme 52000w Welcome, to the land of tomorrow!
L463[12:50:34] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "Welcome, to the land of tomorrow!" at 07/26/3014 01:50:34 PM
L464[12:50:51] <AmandaC> Close enough
L465[12:51:23] <Michiyo> 7/26... o_O
L466[12:51:29] <MGR> ?
L467[12:51:36] <Inari> ?
L468[12:53:44] <neumond> %remindme -48000w Time to invade the Palestine, my lord!
L469[12:53:44] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "Time to invade the Palestine, my lord!" at 01/05/1098 12:53:44 PM
L470[12:53:45] <MichiBot> @neumond REMINDER: Time to invade the Palestine, my lord!
L471[12:54:41] <Forecaster> I think you missed that one
L472[12:54:45] <AmandaC> Michiyo: 3014
L473[12:54:45] <Forecaster> unless time loops
L474[12:54:53] <MGR> It overflowed?
L475[12:54:59] <MGR> Or went to 11098?
L476[12:56:34] <Forecaster> neumond specified a negative value, so it resulted in a date in the past?
L477[12:56:56] <MGR> Huh
L478[12:57:12] <MGR> Oh, I read the - as a ~
L479[13:00:18] <Forecaster> ....
L480[13:00:24] <Corded> * <Forecaster> downloads press kit
L481[13:00:36] <Forecaster> it doesn't have logo with no background in it...
L482[13:01:21] <Michiyo> AmandaC, I caught that...
L483[13:01:27] <Michiyo> but 52 weeks from today... is 20day
L484[13:01:29] <Michiyo> err
L485[13:01:31] <Michiyo> today
L486[13:01:32] <Michiyo> wtf 20day
L487[13:02:08] <Michiyo> I do get it though, my brain just did the math wrong.
L488[13:03:08] <neumond> %remindme -105240w1d22h3m It's a new Era, mate
L489[13:03:08] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "It's a new Era, mate" at 01/06/0001 11:06:08 AM
L490[13:03:09] <MichiBot> @neumond REMINDER: It's a new Era, mate
L491[13:05:05] <Michiyo> :(
L492[13:05:15] <Michiyo> I left my headphones in my pocket, washed/dried
L493[13:05:26] <Forecaster> D:
L494[13:05:36] <Michiyo> and the cable is fubar/left earbud doesn't work.
L495[13:05:41] <neumond> now you have really clean sound
L496[13:05:46] <Michiyo> checked amazon for replacement... $32.99
L497[13:05:59] ⇦ Quits: Alaura_ (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net) (Quit: Going away, see you this friday, 4-5 CST, love you all, stay safe <3)
L498[13:06:24] <MGR> Darn
L499[13:06:31] ⇨ Joins: Alaura (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net)
L500[13:06:42] <MGR> I accidentally crushed one of my earbuds, which caused one half to pop off and severed the wires
L501[13:06:53] <MGR> Now I just use my giant headphones indoors
L502[13:07:08] <MGR> I still miss them, but don't have the money to replace them, so I feel your pain Michiyo
L503[13:07:15] <Michiyo> I'm now using generic RadioShack brand "Auvio" headphones....
L504[13:07:22] <Michiyo> which are... meh at best.
L505[13:08:06] <vifino> RIP.
L506[13:08:20] <MGR> eyyyy, RadioShack
L507[13:08:36] <vifino> My headphones broke a while ago, so I decided to shell out a lot for new ones, they'll arrive in a few months... :/
L508[13:09:06] <AmandaC> I stole some headphones off some fish guy and they turned out to just be some stupid resperator system
L509[13:09:28] <Michiyo> o_O lol
L510[13:09:29] <vifino> ... What.
L511[13:09:40] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E328C5A0AD65B339D2B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L512[13:09:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L513[13:09:53] <Michiyo> Well, as long as they didn't just have audio on repeat "Breath in, Breath out"
L514[13:09:54] <Michiyo> :P
L515[13:10:19] <AmandaC> vifino: Plot of an episode of `Kekkai Sensen & Beyond`. :P
L516[13:10:47] <vifino> Sounds.. sketchy.
L517[13:51:35] <Michiyo> gamax92, are you still using oclogs download feature?
L518[13:52:04] <Michiyo> I think you were the only person that ever used it, other than me.. lol
L519[13:53:34] <Michiyo> I'm considering moving the logs from physical .logs to mysql...
L520[14:17:34] <Michiyo> Restarting my ZNC
L521[15:01:35] ⇨ Joins: Neo (~Neo@2607:5300:61:8d9::dead:c0de)
L522[15:01:37] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L523[15:01:45] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L524[15:01:46] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L525[15:02:07] ⇨ Joins: Shuudoushi (~Shuudoush@2607:5300:61:8d9::c0f:fee)
L526[15:02:39] ⇨ Joins: Naomi (~Naomi@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
L527[15:03:15] ⇨ Joins: payonel (~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de)
L528[15:03:15] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L529[15:03:47] ⇨ Joins: EnderScout (webchat@
L530[15:03:59] <Michiyo> Oh wait... did ns auth work for payonel or was he just quick??
L531[15:04:18] <PhantomEnderium> hello
L532[15:04:22] <Michiyo> (or did his client reconnect and it authed for him lol)
L533[15:04:24] <Michiyo> %hello
L534[15:04:24] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L535[15:05:33] ⇦ Quits: PhantomEnderium (~phantomen@ (Quit: PhantomEnderium)
L536[15:05:43] <Michiyo> Mkaaaaay
L537[15:05:54] <Forecaster> %bye
L538[15:05:54] <MichiBot> Oh, well, bye I guess...
L539[15:06:06] ⇨ Joins: naterman90 (~naterman9@
L540[15:06:12] <Michiyo> welcome back
L541[15:06:15] <naterman90> yolo
L542[15:06:23] <Michiyo> mmhmm..
L543[15:06:26] ⇦ Quits: EnderScout (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L544[15:06:43] ⇨ Joins: PhantomEnderium (webchat@
L545[15:07:23] <naterman90> what can i do on oc
L546[15:07:34] <Forecaster> hallucinate
L547[15:07:41] <naterman90> ..
L548[15:07:45] <PhantomEnderium> ...
L549[15:07:49] <naterman90> bye
L550[15:08:04] <PhantomEnderium> well okay then
L551[15:08:13] ⇦ Quits: naterman90 (~naterman9@ (Client Quit)
L552[15:08:29] ⇦ Quits: PhantomEnderium (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L553[15:09:03] * Michiyo rolls her eyes
L554[15:09:09] <Inari> Weird people :P
L555[15:09:43] <Michiyo> yeah..
L556[15:10:28] <Michiyo> %regex
L557[15:10:29] <MichiBot> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, Ill use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski
L558[15:10:32] <Michiyo> Oh
L559[15:10:33] <Michiyo> right.
L560[15:11:05] <Michiyo> wow theres lots of dynamic commands..
L561[15:11:18] <Inari> lots of dynamic commands which are actually static
L562[15:11:38] <Michiyo> "dynamic" as in not a compiled module..
L563[15:12:05] <Forecaster> not dynamic as in "ever changing"
L564[15:12:09] <Forecaster> we have none of those
L565[15:12:19] ⇨ Joins: DinnerBeef (~DinnerBee@2601:240:4601:4b90:1931:6c8c:485f:6482)
L566[15:12:48] <Michiyo> Also... thought about expanding the dynmod system to allow for.. some kind of scripting for simple stuff..
L567[15:12:54] <Michiyo> could do JS or Lua...
L568[15:13:19] <AshIndigo> simple vars would be nice
L569[15:13:24] <Forecaster> lua would kind of be the most appropriate considering the context I think
L570[15:13:29] <AshIndigo> ie $RANDOM to get a random username
L571[15:13:35] <AshIndigo> or $TIME for the current time
L572[15:18:34] <Inari> Those freelance jobs that are obviously someone paying for someone else to do their work for Uni/school...
L573[15:20:39] <payonel> i'm back!
L574[15:20:41] <payonel> thanks Mimiru
L575[15:22:39] <AshIndigo> \o/
L576[15:46:18] <Michiyo> ok, let's see about letting dynmod store lua scripts and exec them.
L577[15:46:45] <AmandaC> Inari: I'll give you some purrs and permissionto poke my belly once if you hunt mice for me for a day!
L578[15:47:18] <Michiyo> I suppose a print and edit command will be needed for this as well.
L579[15:49:42] <payonel> LUA
L580[15:49:42] <MichiBot> Lua*
L581[15:59:16] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L582[15:59:16] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with a whoopie pie. AmandaC recovers 4 health!
L583[15:59:47] * AmandaC glares
L584[16:11:39] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L585[16:11:42] <gamax92> MichiBot: I've not used it recently
L586[16:12:02] <Michiyo> I'll likely figure out a way to add it back anyway but thanks for letting me know
L587[16:12:08] <Michiyo> :P
L588[16:12:09] <gamax92> ocdoc has it's own logging for reasons
L589[16:12:27] <gamax92> ~markov Michiyo
L590[16:12:28] <ocdoc> and it's about 1/2 a jar of nutella, to New box soon) has OS-dev will let me convert servers ._.
L591[16:12:44] <Michiyo> Yep.
L592[16:13:43] <gamax92> also hi I exist for a while, been busy
L593[16:15:22] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L594[16:15:22] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with a spray can of insecticide. AmandaC recovers 2 health!
L595[16:15:42] <payonel> recovers from a spray of insecticide... ?
L596[16:16:17] <gamax92> no, a spray can of insecticide
L597[16:16:27] <Michiyo> ._.
L598[16:16:28] <Michiyo> com.naef.jnlua.LuaError: 0x1bae0758
L599[16:16:30] <Michiyo> fuck you too.
L600[16:16:42] <gamax92> oh.
L601[16:17:02] <Michiyo> but the same thing in %lua works fine ._.
L602[16:27:40] <KoxFox> annnnnnnyone know a good github tool for OC?
L603[16:28:08] <Forecaster> for committing and pushing stuff?
L604[16:29:21] <KoxFox> actually,
L605[16:29:24] <KoxFox> just pulling.
L606[16:29:33] <KoxFox> Wget grabs the whole damn webpage, much to my dismay
L607[16:29:57] <Forecaster> you have to get the raw files...
L608[16:30:00] <Michiyo> wget the raw
L609[16:30:02] <Michiyo> yeah ^
L610[16:30:53] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yd5ju7k9
L611[16:36:26] <AmandaC> I wish robots kept their inventory when they were picked up. I keep forgetting to give Skynet her pickaxe back so she can replace the floor for me
L612[16:36:50] <Cruor> o_O her?!
L613[16:42:53] ⇨ Joins: lp (~lp@
L614[16:43:27] <gamax92> Cruor: her.
L615[16:44:32] <Cruor> rude
L616[16:45:03] <Forecaster> %shell
L617[16:45:04] * MichiBot loads dragon-proof bunker into a shell and fires it. It strikes Arcanox. They take 11 damage. xarses_ and DaMachinator stood too close and take 5 and 1 splash damage respectively.
L618[16:48:58] <habnabit> are there health stats somewhere
L619[16:49:19] <Forecaster> Not yet
L620[16:49:29] <Forecaster> Almost, though
L621[16:49:41] ⇨ Joins: PhantomEnderium (~phantomen@
L622[16:50:06] <PhantomEnderium> hi, is someone able to help me with the redstone component?
L623[16:50:26] <Forecaster> %hello
L624[16:50:27] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L625[16:55:01] <habnabit> @Forecaster so then are the numbers just for show
L626[16:56:01] <Michiyo> They are right now, we're working on the RPG backend that actually tracks all of it.
L627[16:56:16] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E612.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'I tried IRC over IPoAC, but all I got were tweets!')
L628[16:58:09] ⇦ Quits: PhantomEnderium (~phantomen@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L629[17:00:13] <gamax92> IP over 13 billion miles of deep space
L630[17:02:20] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L631[17:02:48] <habnabit> man i can never remember what the limitations of microcontrollers are
L632[17:04:36] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com)
L633[17:05:56] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L634[17:09:56] * Michiyo stabs LuaError
L635[17:13:37] <Michiyo> tried to use JNLuaSandbox.runScriptInSandbox("print('hello')"); get LuaError, move everything needed to run runScriptInSandbox into dyncommands... same script throws same error
L636[17:13:39] <Michiyo> ._.
L637[17:13:40] * Michiyo quits
L638[17:13:56] <Michiyo> %lua print('hello')
L639[17:13:56] <MichiBot> hello
L640[17:14:05] <Michiyo> yet... that works.
L641[17:18:17] <gamax92> Michiyo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/7jqdha/future_of_atom/dr8tc8r/
L642[17:20:34] <Michiyo> :/ lol
L643[18:27:25] <gamax92> great my computer does not start up
L644[18:30:30] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L645[18:38:24] <gamax92> psu seems fine, did the paperclip thing
L646[19:23:49] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L658[20:34:09] <Mimiru> Ok, lua and JS are embedable in dyncommands, only issue is.. you have to escape "{"'s so like [js] for (var i = 100; i> 0; i-=5)'{' print(i); '}'
L659[20:35:14] <Mimiru> Took forever to figure out why MessageFormat.format was choking... and it's cause I'm dumb and forgot what it actually did
L660[21:19:08] ⇨ Joins: Xyxen (~Xyxen@S0106dcef091b12f1.cg.shawcable.net)
L661[21:22:46] <Mimiru> k, actually fixed that
L662[21:23:30] ⇦ Quits: Alaura (~Alaura@ip68-14-164-59.ok.ok.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L663[21:49:45] <Mimiru> %restart
L664[21:49:46] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L665[21:50:19] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L666[21:50:19] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L667[21:51:08] <Mimiru> %addcommand testjs [js] for (var i = 100; i>= 0; i-=5){ print(i); }
L668[21:51:09] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Command Added
L669[21:52:01] <Mimiru> %addcommand testlua [lua] a = "Hello " b = "World" print(a .. b)
L670[21:52:01] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Command Added
L671[21:52:15] <Mimiru> ^testjs
L672[21:52:17] <Mimiru> err
L673[21:52:19] <Mimiru> %testjs
L674[21:52:20] <MichiBot> 100 | 95 | 90 | 85 | 80 | 75 | 70 | 65 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
L675[21:52:24] <Mimiru> %testlua
L676[21:52:24] <MichiBot> Hello World
L677[22:06:30] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496062A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L678[22:07:28] <KoxFox> There is a way to reverse a text based table, right?
L679[22:07:42] <KoxFox> [test="tester"]
L680[22:08:30] <KoxFox> or moreover in this application, [modem.address]=0x0ca80101
L681[22:11:31] <Xyxen> Reverse as in swapping keys and values?
L682[22:12:38] <Xyxen> No default functions I know of, but it's easy to do either way
L683[22:12:53] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549609A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L684[22:14:13] <KoxFox> Well, Xyxen i'd like to do it, but I'm quickly running out of space.
L685[22:14:21] <KoxFox> I only have 500 byes left in my programmable space.
L686[22:14:38] <Xyxen> Oof
L687[22:14:42] <Xyxen> Microcontroller?
L688[22:14:48] <KoxFox> eeyup
L689[22:15:25] <KoxFox> Furtunatly I only have but so much left to do.
L690[22:16:11] <KoxFox> For now, all I need to do is finish the send function for the routing device.
L691[22:16:11] <KoxFox> So...
L692[22:16:12] <KoxFox> pretty much just two more lines
L693[22:16:26] <KoxFox> buttt I don't know how to sway k,v pairs.
L694[22:17:01] <Xyxen> for k, v in pairs(old) do new[v] = k end ?
L695[22:17:42] <KoxFox> Ah, I thought you meant something oooother than that, lmao
L696[22:17:44] <KoxFox> yes, that would be simple.
L697[22:19:42] <KoxFox> Ah, well I just realized I can't do that.
L698[22:19:51] <KoxFox> Becauuuuse m.address = a large hex number.
L699[22:20:00] <KoxFox> in the upper triliions.
L700[22:20:04] <Xyxen> So?
L701[22:20:13] <KoxFox> Which... lua will try to reserve 1-1.37 trillion..
L702[22:20:18] <Xyxen> No it won't
L703[22:20:22] <Xyxen> Lua tables are basically magic
L704[22:20:40] <Xyxen> They store sequential stuff in an array, but spare stuff is all hashtabled
L705[22:20:46] <Xyxen> sparse*
L706[22:22:29] <Xyxen> You're good to throw whatever numbers you want at it
L707[22:22:37] <KoxFox> [m.address]=0x0C00A8001001
L708[22:22:37] <KoxFox> 0x0C00A8001001=[m.address]
L709[22:22:47] <KoxFox> and the length of the table will only be 1, if I enter just the latter?
L710[22:22:59] <Xyxen> Yeah
L711[22:23:30] <KoxFox> well in that case I'll simply just switch it aorund and avoid table swapping.
L712[22:23:41] <KoxFox> Cause I can use it that way, I believe
L713[22:23:47] <Xyxen> Oh, perfect
L714[22:24:32] <Xyxen> I remember preallocing Lua tables being a pain, specifically because {[10000] = true} doesn't allocate 10,000 entries
L715[22:25:09] <Xyxen> Saw a script once that did something like {nil, nil, nil, nil, ..........., nil} for nearly a thousand entries
L716[22:25:15] <Xyxen> Was pretty positive it wasn't worth it
L717[22:33:19] <Mimiru> %restart
L718[22:33:19] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L719[22:33:38] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L720[22:33:39] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L721[22:33:54] <Mimiru> logger has been running for 7 minutes less than an hour, and I've got 1k+ lines logged.. :/
L722[22:33:59] <Mimiru> this might be a bad idea.
L723[22:35:10] <Mimiru> 1323* lol
L724[23:08:09] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L725[23:17:02] <Mimiru> %restart
L726[23:17:02] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L728[23:17:34] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
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L733[23:47:52] <payonel> Xyxen: lua table allocation is actually quite inefficient
L734[23:47:57] <payonel> but generally that shouldn't matter to users
L735[23:48:20] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L736[23:48:25] <Xyxen> Yeah
L737[23:48:27] <payonel> x[10] = value actually allocates 10
L738[23:49:01] <payonel> and well may or may not actually "malloc" anything as it is a vm and there could be some space ready for use
L739[23:49:11] <payonel> the vm memory usage grows in chunks
L740[23:49:27] <payonel> but the table pre-allocs for indexed values
L741[23:54:26] <Xyxen> It won't alloc 10,000 if you set x[10000]
L742[23:54:58] <Xyxen> Array part is reallocated much like an ArrayList in Java
L743[23:56:27] <Xyxen> Don't think it ever shrinks, but you won't use much memory if you insert at some arbitrarily high index because you'll be out of range of the array part
L744[23:57:58] <Xyxen> The Lua VM doesn't know or care about the table implementation anyway
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