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L1[00:03:27] ⇨ Joins: ndiniz (webchat@24-220-202-250-dynamic.midco.net)
L2[00:03:52] <ndiniz> Anyone know how to make a good power supply?
L3[00:16:45] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L4[00:17:51] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com)
L5[00:20:30] ⇨ Joins: Unh0lyTigg (~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
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L7[00:30:11] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L8[00:53:59] ⇦ Quits: Ang3lOfD3ath (webchat@67-204-237-88.eastlink.ca) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L9[01:08:01] <Kodos> Ugh, Stacksonstacks still doesn't have project red ingot colors
L10[01:10:49] ⇦ Quits: ndiniz (webchat@24-220-202-250-dynamic.midco.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L11[01:15:05] <Forecaster> I love that mod
L12[01:29:48] <Kodos> I do, too ? Got it in my 1.7 pack
L13[01:35:39] <Kodos> There, pyrite vein found. Tomorrow's goal will be an explosives factory
L14[01:39:30] ⇦ Quits: Unh0lyTigg (~Unh0ly_Ti@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L15[02:16:21] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@
L16[04:14:39] ⇦ Quits: Deamon (~Deamon@irc.thevoxelbox.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L17[04:33:17] ⇦ Quits: Xyxen (~Xyxen@s0106dcef091b12f1.cg.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L18[04:35:49] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E8524E9C973825339D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L19[04:35:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L20[04:39:16] ⇨ Joins: TomBot44 (~tombot44@n175-38-29-213.per2.wa.optusnet.com.au)
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L22[04:41:08] ⇨ Joins: TomBot44 (~tombot44@n175-38-29-213.per2.wa.optusnet.com.au)
L23[04:41:26] <Forecaster> %shell
L24[04:41:26] * MichiBot loads a fancy whitemage outfit that Inari wants into a shell and fires it. It strikes DeGariless. They take 14 damage. Kasen and Lathanael|Away stood too close and take 4 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L25[04:41:27] * MichiBot The fancy whitemage outfit that Inari wants looked into the void and was consumed..
L26[04:41:36] <Forecaster> oops
L27[04:42:57] ⇦ Quits: TomBot44 (~tombot44@n175-38-29-213.per2.wa.optusnet.com.au) (Client Quit)
L28[04:44:32] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/oQHroza.jpg
L29[04:52:05] <Forecaster> I don't want to believe people are this stupid
L30[04:52:05] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/ZmmVqZy.jpg
L31[04:53:23] <AshIndigo> atleast they wont be part of the gene pool then
L32[04:54:02] <Forecaster> still though
L33[04:56:21] <Forecaster> this is amazing though
L34[04:56:22] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/tV37uv1.jpg
L35[04:59:05] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fc1e57f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[04:59:28] <Forecaster> oh
L37[04:59:32] <Forecaster> %shell the ground
L38[04:59:32] * MichiBot loads agoriphobia into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near the ground, AngieBLD and tehbeard. They each take 2, 8 and 10 splash damage respectively.
L39[04:59:33] * MichiBot Agoriphobia didn't have an immunity to the common cold!.
L40[05:00:43] ⇨ Joins: TomBot44 (~tombot44@n175-38-29-213.per2.wa.optusnet.com.au)
L41[05:04:22] ⇦ Quits: TomBot44 (~tombot44@n175-38-29-213.per2.wa.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L42[05:04:59] <Inari> "it strikes the ground near the ground"
L43[05:08:29] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCE3E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L44[05:09:50] <vifino> %shell Inari
L45[05:09:50] * MichiBot loads vifino's keys into a shell and fires it. It strikes Inari. They take 7 damage. flappy and Guest76096 stood too close and take 8 and 4 splash damage respectively.
L46[05:09:57] <vifino> Oh, very fitting.
L47[05:10:10] <Inari> :<
L48[05:10:20] * vifino pets Inari
L49[05:10:21] <Inari> %stab vifino
L50[05:10:21] * MichiBot stabs vifino with a sukusuku hakutaku doing [9] damage
L51[05:10:34] <vifino> 9.
L52[05:10:35] <Inari> %google sukusuku hakutaku
L53[05:12:05] <vifino> %g sukusuku hakutaku
L54[05:12:06] <MichiBot> vifino: http://yukkuri.wikia.com/wiki/Yukkuri_Keine - *Yukkuri Keine | Yukkuri Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia*: "Blue castle-shaped hat in normal mode, twin horns when in Hakutaku mode. Filling ... Very intelligent, high attention span, obsession with Mokotan, transforms into a more powerful Hakutaku state when under stress or upon seeing the moon .... As of recent, just about the entire cast of Touhou has been turned into Sukusuku."
L55[05:12:22] <vifino> You're welcome, Inari.
L56[05:12:36] <Inari> Already googled it
L57[05:12:36] <Inari> :p
L58[05:13:18] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef5n_qrk8tI
L59[05:13:18] <MichiBot> Centaur No Nayami セントールの悩み『Edelweiss』ED FULL sub Romaji | length: 4m 22s | Likes: 328 Dislikes: 3 Views: 18,502 | by CL Music Channel | Published On 21/8/2017
L60[05:48:33] <Forecaster> Inari I hit my target regardless of the roll! :D
L61[06:18:30] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L62[06:19:01] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L63[06:22:35] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
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L65[06:24:29] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@
L66[06:25:17] <Skye> Inari, vifino: oh god that face... The face those things have is what neptune uses as a troll face.
L67[06:28:14] <Skye> http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/781/233/03b.jpg
L68[06:29:20] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L69[06:34:50] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:6cf6:3844:defe:6f21)
L70[06:48:53] <Corded> * <Forecaster> does apt-get upgrade
L71[06:48:59] <Forecaster> *server goes down*
L72[06:49:03] <Forecaster> oops
L73[06:54:17] <Forecaster> Also, furthering my hate of DHL, their site is now unavailable.
L74[06:54:36] <Izaya> Set fire to them.
L75[06:54:47] <Izaya> I swear, suggesting applying a lighter to something is half of what I say here :|
L76[06:59:06] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:6cf6:3844:defe:6f21) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L77[07:00:42] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L78[07:08:44] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L79[07:10:57] ⇦ Quits: SAL9000 (~syrren@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L80[07:11:01] <Forecaster> sneak attack https://imgur.com/gallery/G6YKk
L81[07:12:10] ⇨ Joins: SAL9000 (~syrren@
L82[07:13:04] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/ePsmq
L83[07:14:07] <Forecaster> hehe
L84[07:15:40] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L85[07:21:10] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L86[07:21:23] ⇨ Joins: SAL9000- (~syrren@
L87[07:21:42] ⇦ Quits: SAL9000 (~syrren@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L88[07:51:09] <payonel> Inari: https://media3.giphy.com/media/GQOJ7N4ziOcBG/giphy.gif
L89[07:51:28] <payonel> Saphire: i was bapped?
L90[07:51:31] <Inari> Haha, thats one way to exercise
L91[07:54:36] <AmandaC> Somehow I just realised. This is pretty much Inari's intro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaHDBL7dVgs
L92[07:54:37] <MichiBot> Tom Lehrer - Smut - LIVE FILM From Copenhagen in 1967 | length: 3m 39s | Likes: 1,435 Dislikes: 8 Views: 117,713 | by The Tom Lehrer Wisdom Channel | Published On 16/10/2012
L93[07:57:44] <Saphire> payonel: yah <.<
L94[07:58:00] <Saphire> You kinda went "eeeh out of scope" <.<
L95[07:58:47] <payonel> mhm, which one are you concerned about?
L96[07:59:05] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L97[08:02:39] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L98[08:06:59] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L99[08:11:43] *** SAL9000- is now known as SAL9000
L100[08:21:00] <Inari> AmandaC: I disagree :P
L101[08:24:13] <vifino> Rice > Noodles.
L102[08:24:45] <vifino> fite me.
L103[08:27:09] <AmandaC> Can someone tell me wtf this star means next to flint? https://amandac.keybase.pub/screenshots/Screenshot%20from%202017-12-15%2009-26-02.png
L104[08:27:15] <AmandaC> and how to toggle it?
L105[08:28:55] <AmandaC> Mod list: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/UOQ5sUOM/mods.txt
L106[08:29:12] <Forecaster> I've never seen that
L107[08:29:23] <payonel> AmandaC: huh, interesting
L108[08:32:34] <AmandaC> I know it's not just soe special drop of flint, because I had the same thing get triggered for a sign in another save
L109[08:33:59] * AmandaC remembers she has minetweaker: <minecraft:flint>.withTag({"Quark:FavoriteItem": 1 as byte}) * 2
L110[08:42:16] <AmandaC> alt + rightclick: https://github.com/Vazkii/Quark/blob/4cfcd4e167e435cd44cb8c50c966a577f445120e/src/main/java/vazkii/quark/management/feature/FavoriteItems.java
L111[08:49:13] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L112[08:52:51] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L113[08:57:51] <Michiyo> Aww, it's your favorite piece of flint.
L114[08:57:52] <Michiyo> :P
L115[08:58:38] <Michiyo> Balls.
L116[08:58:45] <Michiyo> Updates want me to restart.
L117[08:58:46] * Michiyo sighs
L118[09:00:46] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L119[09:01:15] <Forecaster> what does favouriting an item do?
L120[09:01:36] <vifino> magic, basically.
L121[09:02:52] <vifino> also, someone buy me some more harddrives.
L122[09:05:33] <AmandaC> Forecaster: "Alt+right clicking an item will make it a "Favorite Item". Favorite items are not deposited by the Dropoff button or the last two Chest buttons."
L123[09:05:36] <Forecaster> what? no!
L124[09:05:40] <Corded> * <Forecaster> hugs his harddrives
L125[09:10:02] <vifino> @Forecaster but i've run out of storage and can't finish creating this timelapse video because i don't have enough storage to store it :<
L126[09:11:21] <Forecaster> hm, sounds to me like you need more storage
L127[09:11:28] <Forecaster> %give MichiBot storage
L128[09:11:28] * MichiBot accepts storage and adds it to her inventory
L129[09:15:58] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L130[09:15:58] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L131[09:20:39] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L132[09:20:57] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L133[09:20:57] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L134[09:21:01] <Michiyo> Damn it.
L135[09:21:07] <Michiyo> Also... https://michi.pc-logix.com/firefox_2017-12-15_09-20-52.png I'm from the future!
L136[09:24:36] <SAL9000> :P
L137[09:25:20] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L138[09:25:39] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L139[09:30:45] <Forecaster> how's the weather 12 seconds in the future?
L140[09:33:29] <Michiyo> still pretty chilly here.
L141[09:33:45] * Michiyo glares at the once again broken heater @ home
L142[09:47:49] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L143[09:48:12] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
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L145[09:54:44] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L146[09:54:54] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/gnsbzo.jpg
L147[09:55:17] <Forecaster> is that Ark?
L148[09:55:31] <Inari> Do boulders still explode in Ark?
L149[09:55:37] <Inari> did they manage to not name it ShooterGame yet?
L150[09:58:58] <vifino> man blender needs to hurry up.
L151[09:59:23] <vifino> also blender on windows doesn't even have h264 as an output option.
L152[09:59:25] <vifino> boo.
L153[10:00:43] <Skye> vifino, it does? you can use FFMPEG on windwos blender?
L154[10:01:03] <Izaya> Inari: only if you enable it, and it's still called ShooterGame internally
L155[10:01:45] <Inari> Hrm
L156[10:01:55] <Inari> I guess it still won't offer muchof interest to me unfortunately
L157[10:02:20] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net)
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L159[10:06:32] <vifino> Skye: there is no h.264 output option on the output format selector
L160[10:08:15] <Skye> vifino, there should be an FFMPEG option
L161[10:09:08] <vifino> but that shortcut is handy >:(
L162[10:11:27] <Skye> vifino, IIRC that's a new change in the latest blender
L163[10:11:48] <vifino> meh. thanks for informing me, Skye.
L164[10:11:55] <vifino> i haven't used blender in a while.
L165[10:12:05] * vifino is abusing it to render timelapses
L166[10:14:28] <vifino> Skye: as a small thank you: https://my.mixtape.moe/jsvejf.mp4
L167[10:18:11] <vifino> near the end auto white balance fucks it up
L168[10:21:02] <vifino> got a bad sunrise, too.
L169[10:25:37] <vifino> Skye: https://my.mixtape.moe/rdyeyx.mp4
L170[10:26:27] <vifino> with some luck, tomorrow i will shoot a christmas market timelapse, too
L171[10:28:26] <Skye> nice
L172[10:30:33] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L173[10:34:15] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L174[11:03:40] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-250-069.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L175[11:22:20] ⇨ Joins: CheeseL0ver (webchat@ip-52-2-52-196.nyc.us.northamericancoax.com)
L176[11:23:09] <CheeseL0ver> Does anyone know any really good tutorials for starting the manipulation of inventories with OC? I have been searching and everything I have found is outdated.
L177[11:43:25] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L178[11:49:40] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L179[11:52:52] <Forecaster> I should get on that...
L180[11:54:14] <Michiyo> Oh yeah?
L181[11:55:45] <Forecaster> yeah
L182[11:57:23] <Michiyo> Oh
L183[11:57:24] <Michiyo> K
L184[11:57:34] <Forecaster> Yeah!
L185[11:58:24] <Forecaster> I should make some videos...
L186[12:08:39] <vifino> whee, tty.sh and vifino.de is only again.
L187[12:08:53] <vifino> now to i0i0.me. should be relatively quick.
L188[12:12:02] <S3> hm.
L189[12:12:09] <S3> vifino: DVI is a damn good choice
L190[12:12:19] <S3> 19 connector ! :D
L191[12:12:21] <S3> 29*
L192[12:17:08] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L193[12:20:13] <CheeseL0ver> Does anyone know any really good tutorials for starting the manipulation of inventories with OC? I have been searching and everything I have found is outdated.
L194[12:26:55] ⇨ Joins: Xyxen (~Xyxen@S0106dcef091b12f1.cg.shawcable.net)
L195[12:32:16] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L196[12:35:23] <MalkContent> CheeseL0ver: dont have a tutorial, but just inspect the functions of a transposer
L197[12:35:57] <Forecaster> CheeseL0ver if you can wait a few days I'll get on that
L198[12:35:59] <Forecaster> :P
L199[12:36:15] <MalkContent> play around a bit, come back when you have questions
L200[12:37:06] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L201[12:37:12] <Kodos> Forecaster, 67 when? I want to watch your reactor catc- I mean turn on
L202[12:37:20] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com)
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L204[12:45:18] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@piber.solzard.com)
L205[12:49:08] <CompanionCube> Kodos: *asplode?
L206[12:59:57] <Kodos> %rot13 Hello
L207[12:59:57] <MichiBot> Kodos: Uryyb
L208[13:00:26] <Kodos> %rot13 zl xarrpncf tebj zhfgnpurf
L209[13:00:26] <MichiBot> Kodos: my kneecaps grow mustaches
L210[13:00:28] <Kodos> wat
L211[13:00:54] <Forecaster> Kodos: There's a video every monday and saturday
L212[13:01:02] <Forecaster> but the reactor doesn't come online yet
L213[13:09:03] <AshIndigo> ~markov Corded
L214[13:09:05] <ocdoc> Only getting 200 myself but that is different and bad, so that the user code on Mr phone with 10,000 Watts right there
L215[13:33:11] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCE3E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L216[13:35:14] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L217[13:40:16] ⇨ Joins: guest (webchat@
L218[13:40:20] <guest> hello
L219[13:40:24] <guest> long time no see
L220[13:40:47] <AshIndigo> heyo
L221[13:40:52] <guest> I have a question.
L222[13:41:05] <AmandaC> Don't ask to ask, just ask
L223[13:41:30] <guest> anyone knows how to use component.me_interface.store(args) function?
L224[13:41:37] <guest> for ae2
L225[13:41:43] <AshIndigo> what are the args?
L226[13:42:32] <guest> filter:table , dbaddress:string....
L227[13:42:55] <guest> I know dbaddress but not filter
L228[13:43:53] <AmandaC> it should be a item description
L229[13:44:14] <AmandaC> so, say `{ name = "minecraft:dirt", size = 10 }` would be 10 dirt.
L230[13:44:22] <AmandaC> s/item description/itemstack/
L231[13:45:21] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
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L233[13:53:35] ⇨ Joins: herobrin (webchat@
L234[14:02:33] <Michiyo> So....
L235[14:02:38] <Michiyo> Really fuckin neato thing.
L236[14:02:40] <Michiyo> https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/filings?proceedings_name=17-108&q=Jeannie%20Mainer
L237[14:03:36] <Michiyo> my mom commented in favor of repealing Net Neutrality almost a full year after her death.
L238[14:04:18] <Michiyo> She also didn't know, that she lived in Hughes ARKANSAS, not Hughes ARIZONA.. but atleast she got her Zipcode right, which clearly says Arkansas.
L239[14:04:26] <CompanionCube> so, more evidence that the shit's fake?
L240[14:04:41] <Vexatos> nah
L241[14:04:57] <Vexatos> It's not uncommon for dead people not to have the greatest memory
L242[14:05:00] <Michiyo> Cause *EVERYONE* sees "AR" and says Oh.. Arizona! not Arkansas.
L243[14:05:18] <Vexatos> What is Arizona then? AZ?
L244[14:05:21] <Michiyo> Yes
L245[14:05:22] <Michiyo> AZ
L246[14:05:27] <Vexatos> No wait
L247[14:05:33] <Vexatos> AZ was that guy from Pokémon
L248[14:05:40] <Michiyo> and Alaska is AK.
L249[14:05:50] <Michiyo> which.. ALSO gets confused with Arkansas.
L250[14:05:51] <Inari> Arkansow
L251[14:06:21] <Michiyo> Ar-Kansas. :p
L252[14:06:31] <Michiyo> really pisses off the people around here.
L253[14:06:47] <Vexatos> Arkensore? :^)
L254[14:07:07] <Michiyo> But yeah, I really doubt my very much non living mom commented in favor of this.
L255[14:07:09] <guest> I want to write data about items in ae2 network into database component without physical access.
L256[14:07:59] <guest> I found component.me_interface.store(filter:table,dbaddress:string) function but it does not work on my hand
L257[14:08:41] <guest> can anyone show some example of this method?
L258[14:09:14] <Vexatos> "on your hand"?
L259[14:10:59] <guest> I don't know what table goes in filter argument.
L260[14:12:47] <guest> my ae2 networks has only 1 item: 1 stack of dirt.
L261[14:12:59] <Vexatos> you can put in an empty table
L262[14:13:02] <Inari> Obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04hHIezRMPk
L263[14:13:02] <MichiBot> Kansas vs Arkansas | length: 16s | Likes: 2,191 Dislikes: 42 Views: 101,153 | by TheCryptoKage | Published On 9/2/2017
L264[14:13:05] <Vexatos> if you don't need to filter
L265[14:15:14] <guest> oh. new information.
L266[14:15:47] <guest> thx. than what kind of table should I use in what situation?
L267[14:15:52] <guest> sorry for bad english.
L268[14:16:10] <guest> I mean.... how to use filter?
L269[14:18:34] <Vexatos> you can put item filters into it
L270[14:18:36] <guest> failed to write database. store({},dbaddress} works but database is empty..(dirt expected)
L271[14:18:42] <Vexatos> the stuff you get from getStackInSlot() etc.
L272[14:19:00] <guest> sad..
L273[14:19:04] <Vexatos> are you using OC 1.7.1?
L274[14:19:23] <Vexatos> Because a database bug has recently been fixed if you are using Minecraft 1.11 or later
L275[14:20:22] <Skye> Michiyo, in the UK that would be a breach of the data protection act...
L276[14:20:38] <Skye> both the fact that false details were used
L277[14:20:44] <guest> so If I insert filter table about apple,dirt,gold ingot, then store function writes database these items only. correct?
L278[14:21:01] <Skye> and that the fact that the false details are stored (all information about someone has to be correct)
L279[14:21:32] <guest> sadly, yes.. i use
L280[14:22:51] <guest> adapter has tier 3 database inside,adjecent to me interface, and me terminal works,network has 1 dirt, and store function does not work
L281[14:25:57] <Vexatos> are you using the right database address?
L282[14:27:40] <Vexatos> it has to be the full address
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L285[14:30:33] <guest> yes. full address.if I shorten the address,function yields an error.
L286[14:31:22] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L287[14:31:26] <Vexatos> Ah I see
L288[14:31:37] <Vexatos> guest, just checked the code: An empty filter does _not_ work
L289[14:31:42] <Vexatos> you must specify which item to store
L290[14:32:31] <Vexatos> in this case, you need to get a table representing dirt from somewhere and put it in there
L291[14:32:33] <Vexatos> as the filter table
L292[14:32:52] <Vexatos> use something like getStackInSlot on a transposer, or analyze() on a geolyzer, to get it
L293[14:37:45] <guest> wow! thanks: can I see that code ...?
L294[14:37:51] <guest> code of store function..
L295[14:38:01] <guest> github is to difficult ...
L296[14:38:15] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vboIR
L297[14:41:02] <Xyxen> Would it be unreasonable for note block components to be able to tell what instrument they'll play when triggered?
L298[14:42:37] <Xyxen> Could possibly consume some amount of energy, since it's a bit like a poor-man's geolyzer
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L300[14:58:25] <Vexatos> People use the note block component? D:
L301[14:58:32] <Vexatos> I forgot OC had one >_>
L302[14:59:35] <Vexatos> Considering there are half a dozen better ways to make music with it, anyhow
L303[14:59:45] <Vexatos> Oh right, wait
L304[15:00:00] <Vexatos> >_> I was the one who wrote the Note API, I must be stupid
L305[15:01:30] <Xyxen> Better ways? Are you thinking beep API, or other mods?
L306[15:04:17] <Vexatos> Computronics of course :U
L307[15:04:38] <Vexatos> I might be slightly biased, but I think it's a very good mod :I
L308[15:08:31] <Xyxen> haha
L309[15:08:50] <Vexatos> I mean, there is a reason I took it over and keep it alive
L310[15:09:02] <Vexatos> And it may or may not be the music part of it
L311[15:09:30] <Xyxen> One question: is playing the iron note block a direct call?
L312[15:09:48] <Vexatos> yuppers
L313[15:09:54] <Vexatos> I think the limit is 16
L314[15:10:07] <Xyxen> oh no
L315[15:10:12] <Xyxen> I could have saved so much time
L316[15:10:14] <Vexatos> if that tells you anything
L317[15:10:34] <Vexatos> nope, limit is 10
L318[15:11:06] <Vexatos> in case you didn't know: You can execute n/l direct calls per tick, where l is the limit and n is your CPU tier divided by 2
L319[15:11:20] <Vexatos> uuh
L320[15:11:21] <Vexatos> derp
L321[15:11:30] <Vexatos> it's the other way around >_>
L322[15:11:32] <Vexatos> n*l :P
L323[15:11:49] <Vexatos> limit of 10 means you can execute 10 direct calls on a tier 2 CPU
L324[15:11:54] <Vexatos> 15 on a tier 3, and 5 on a tier 1
L325[15:12:20] <Xyxen> I wrote a distributed MIDI player that uses a dozen computers for playback to avoid the synchronized call yield on the vanilla note block component
L326[15:12:31] <Xyxen> Never even bothered trying to add computronics to the mod pack
L327[15:13:40] <Xyxen> I guess it's fun to watch the network lights blink while track data is being streamed in, but ick
L328[15:14:21] <Vexatos> I mean, the iron note block isn't even the craziest music device in 'tronics :P
L329[15:14:55] <Vexatos> There also is the beep card, the noise card, the sound card, and the tape drive
L330[15:15:09] <Vexatos> although you like won't need the tape drive for a midi player :P
L331[15:16:12] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L332[15:17:03] <SquidDev> There's also the robot colouring upgrade, that's pretty crazy.
L333[15:17:12] <Xyxen> Now, I think there's a real charm to playing MIDI files on note blocks
L334[15:17:35] <AmandaC> But you can also play MIDI files with the sound card, thanks to gamax92.
L335[15:17:36] <Xyxen> But I also can't deny that the harp is a poor replacement for actual sine/square/sawtooth waves
L336[15:17:40] <Vexatos> I know two working sound card midi players
L337[15:17:44] <Vexatos> and one of them also works with note blocks
L338[15:17:49] <gamax92> >working
L339[15:17:49] <Vexatos> well, iron note blocks
L340[15:17:56] <Vexatos> And ComputerCraft >_>
L341[15:18:04] <Vexatos> gamax92, I consider yours working :I
L342[15:18:10] <gamax92> you said two
L343[15:18:16] <gamax92> what's the other working one :P
L344[15:18:19] <Vexatos> Crucru's is working pretty well
L345[15:18:27] <Vexatos> now that stuff is fixed
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L347[15:20:37] <Vexatos> Xyxen, The noise card can do actual sound waves, but the sound card can do modulation as well :P
L348[15:20:46] <Vexatos> the beep card is just computer.beep except eight at a time
L349[15:22:03] <Vexatos> gamax92, I mean, technically Sangar also made a MIDI player
L350[15:22:07] <Vexatos> he was also the first
L351[15:22:12] <Vexatos> not that it is a very good one :P
L352[15:23:25] <Xyxen> I wrote this dumb thing nearly two years ago
L353[15:23:34] <Xyxen> Came back to it since 1.12 added new note block sounds
L354[15:24:15] <Vexatos> Iron note blocks even support them >_>
L355[15:24:49] <Xyxen> But maybe I should have a play with the sound card sometime
L356[15:24:58] <Vexatos> too few people have :P
L357[15:25:04] <Xyxen> Looks like fun
L358[15:25:26] <Vexatos> I mean, it's not exactly the most intuitive or useful device in the game
L359[15:25:27] <Xyxen> Much nicer to set volume with an easy call than it is to play those notes on note blocks that are physically farther away
L360[15:25:51] <Vexatos> iron note blocks support volume, too :P
L361[15:25:57] <Xyxen> aaaaaaaa
L362[15:26:15] <Vexatos> it's (instrument, note, volume), instrument and volume are both optional parameters
L363[15:26:26] <Vexatos> if no instrument is given it works like the normal note block
L364[15:32:42] <fingercomp> The sound card is really fun. And the most fun part is figuring out how it works.
L365[15:33:10] <Vexatos> ^ the only person who ever used the sound card, apart from, like, the two other people who did
L366[15:33:43] <Vexatos> The sound card is not something you can document in less than ten billion words and two Russian blog posts
L367[15:34:02] <fingercomp> three
L368[15:34:13] <Vexatos> If you include your program showcase, yes
L369[15:34:36] <Vexatos> The general mechanics are in the OC manual, but the rest is just realizing how instructions work, and then reading the component documentation itself
L370[15:35:40] <fingercomp> 1. basic sounds. 2. modulation. 3. additive synthesis
L371[15:36:06] <Vexatos> right
L372[15:36:13] <Vexatos> It's been a while since I saw them >_>
L373[15:36:17] <Vexatos> And, like, I don't speak Russian
L374[15:36:30] <Vexatos> I can hardly read it
L375[15:36:42] <Vexatos> let alone understand anything at all >_>
L376[15:39:30] <Vexatos> fingercomp, your cookbook has "Lua" written as "LUA", please fix or I will have to condemn you to burning in hell for all eternity, thanks
L377[15:39:30] <MichiBot> Lua*
L378[15:39:40] ⇨ Joins: mobileguest (webchat@
L379[15:39:44] <Vexatos> thanks MichiBot
L380[15:40:03] <Vexatos> oh wait
L381[15:40:06] <mobileguest> ve
L382[15:40:08] <fingercomp> it's "Lua" in the Markdown source file
L383[15:40:08] <Vexatos> the headlines are allcaps anyway
L384[15:40:15] <Vexatos> I blame gitbooks
L385[15:40:18] <Vexatos> nevermind :I
L386[15:40:46] <mobileguest> sorry vexatos. despite of your attention, I turned off pc
L387[15:40:55] <mobileguest> becoy
L388[15:41:19] <mobileguest> because of its 6 am here and Im sleepy
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L394[16:00:12] <Inari> %shell Vexatos
L395[16:00:12] * MichiBot loads a rubber ducky into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Vexatos, Xellurat and Fridtjof. They each take 4, 9 and 3 splash damage respectively.
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L402[16:34:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
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L404[16:43:25] <S3> WOAH
L405[16:43:27] <S3> AIM is goooone
L406[16:44:09] <Vexatos> AIM?
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L410[16:51:56] <Inari> AOL Instant Messenger, presumably
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L413[17:01:25] <Vexatos> wait
L414[17:01:28] <Vexatos> that was still a thing?
L415[17:01:37] <Vexatos> Next thing you'll tell me is that people still use ICQ
L416[17:02:18] <CompanionCube> Vexatos: ....about that
L417[17:02:20] <CompanionCube> 'Stable release: 10.0 Build 12094 / June 27, 2016; 16 months ago'
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L424[17:26:21] <Kodos> Anyone remember the crash that was common in 1.7 where trying to view a specific mod's creative tab was crashing?
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L428[17:56:49] <Kodos> Woo solved it
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L431[18:06:17] <Inari> Vexatos: People still use IRC
L432[18:07:22] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fc1e57f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'The Uncertainty Principle exists only in the net split')
L433[18:26:59] <Kodos> What sort of ore or blocks would you expect to find alongside saltpeter? Setting up an IE vein for the ore, and I'm not sure I want a straight saltpeter vein
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L436[18:33:07] <Vexatos> @Kodos You would mostly find other types of saltpeter
L437[18:33:19] <Kodos> Well, uhh
L438[18:33:29] <Kodos> Guess it's a straight up vein then
L439[18:33:34] <Kodos> I'll just make it rare I guess
L440[18:34:22] <Vexatos> it's not a traditional ore in the sense that it comes from dead life, similar to oil
L441[18:34:41] <Vexatos> Since it is an alkaline salt
L442[18:36:28] <Kodos> Indeed
L443[18:55:11] <Xyxen> So what you're saying is surround it with silverfish
L444[18:56:39] <S3> Lolololol
L445[18:57:06] <S3> ASRock: The Behringer of motherboards; works great, made of nothing but 100% POS parts from china. XD
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L447[19:17:08] <ndiniz> looking for help! trying to find out how to create a power supply for OC
L448[19:19:34] <Izaya> p. much attach it to your power system of choice
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L451[19:24:28] <ndiniz> ok, so how do I use a power converter?
L452[19:24:40] <ndiniz> I'm new to OC by the way
L453[19:26:50] <MGR> One end hooks up to your external network, the other end connects to an OC cable, or an OC computer
L454[19:33:32] <ndiniz> do I need to creaete an external network?
L455[19:37:01] <Xyxen> Power ---> [POWER CONVERTER] ---> OpenComputers power
L456[19:37:15] <Xyxen> You have to create power with other mods (for now)
L457[19:37:46] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L458[19:38:40] <Xyxen> If you plug some IC2 power (for example) into the power converter, it'll supply OpenComputers power to everything its connected to
L459[19:44:57] <MGR> ^
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L497[22:53:02] <Kodos> https://puu.sh/yHsi3/54f8a30a28.txt Anyone have any bright ideas
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L501[23:07:22] <ben_mkiv> kodos are you coding?
L502[23:07:28] <ben_mkiv> or is that another persons mod?
L503[23:08:07] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L504[23:08:10] <ben_mkiv> some classes are only available client/server side, not for both
L505[23:08:27] <ben_mkiv> and/or related to java version probably
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L507[23:09:04] <Kodos> I have a theory, in that case
L508[23:09:17] <Kodos> Computronics is mentioned in the stacktrace, wonder if this build is for SSP only
L509[23:10:52] <ben_mkiv> no
L510[23:10:54] <ben_mkiv> shouldnt
L511[23:11:02] <ben_mkiv> what java version are you using?
L512[23:11:18] <Kodos> It's in the log, but uhh
L513[23:11:23] <ben_mkiv> oh xD
L514[23:11:30] <Kodos> 1.8.0 151
L515[23:11:39] <ben_mkiv> that should be java8 afaik
L516[23:11:41] <ben_mkiv> hmm
L517[23:11:59] <ben_mkiv> but i've used computronics on multiplayer before... is that a fresh build?
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L519[23:12:45] <Kodos> It's one of the older ones. I'm going through and updating all my OC-related stuff now
L520[23:14:18] <ben_mkiv> when trying to import that class in idea it doesnt even find it
L521[23:14:22] <Kodos> Err what is Vials?
L522[23:14:24] <ben_mkiv> maybe its some old class, which was removed in java8
L523[23:14:41] <Kodos> Wonder if Computronics is using J7 to dev
L524[23:14:49] <Kodos> Would be super dumb
L525[23:16:35] <ben_mkiv> master uses java8
L526[23:18:15] <Kodos> What's odd is that it worked in SSP, but the server crashes on start
L527[23:20:44] <ben_mkiv> why dont you use latest release?
L528[23:21:16] <ben_mkiv> http://files.vexatos.com/Computronics/Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.5.jar
L529[23:21:26] <Kodos> I'm using dev builds because TTS
L530[23:21:41] <ben_mkiv> TTS should work with the other ones, too. shouldnt it?
L531[23:22:13] <Kodos> I have no idea, tbh
L532[23:22:19] <Kodos> Trying server again with newer versions
L533[23:22:23] <ben_mkiv> i've used it with computronics 1.6.4
L534[23:22:24] <Kodos> Updated everything to do with OC
L535[23:22:31] <ben_mkiv> so i guess it would work with 1.6.5, too
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L537[23:23:35] <Kodos> Looks like it's working
L538[23:24:56] <Mimiru> my water cooler died...
L539[23:25:38] <Mimiru> the pump motor worked, so the software never complained, but it seems the impeller sheared off..
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L543[23:28:52] <guest> hi
L544[23:29:11] <guest> anyone knows how to write database from ae2 network?
L545[23:29:30] <guest> suppose ae2 network has only 1 item: dirt.
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L547[23:30:24] <Xyxen> Still struggling with that one?
L548[23:30:38] <Xyxen> Did you ever figure out what the filter argument was for?
L549[23:31:30] <guest> filter is.. afaik table about Items to written
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L551[23:32:11] <ben_mkiv> some versions are broken with ae2
L552[23:32:15] <ben_mkiv> like 1.10+
L553[23:32:18] <ben_mkiv> iirc
L554[23:32:34] <guest> im 1.12.2 and oc version is 1.7.1
L555[23:32:51] <Xyxen> I think in your case, filter should be something like {name = "minecraft:dirt"}
L556[23:33:14] <Xyxen> Or maybe {label = "Dirt"}, but I dunno how locales play in with that one
L557[23:34:45] <Kodos> Updating all the things seems to have fixed it. Thanks for the help in any case, Ben
L558[23:36:31] <Mimiru> Kodos, IIRC it was a shading issue in an older version of Computronics
L559[23:38:28] <Kodos> Which is odd, since it worked in SSP
L560[23:38:35] <Kodos> But yeah, updating it works now so idk
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L564[23:48:23] <Kodos> Fore, you around?
L565[23:51:32] <guest> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.12/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/integration/appeng/NetworkControl.scala#L76-L95
L566[23:52:57] <guest> this is link of store function. I think this contains information about what kind of table the function needs but I don't know this programming lang...
L567[23:55:56] <Xyxen> Yes
L568[23:56:17] <Xyxen> I think it's documented somewhere on the wiki
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