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L1[00:56:06] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:34cc:ff55:9cf3:21d7) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[01:04:38] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L3[01:06:31] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@
L4[01:10:30] <Forecaster> Shoot
L5[01:10:41] <Forecaster> I thought I sorted the overloads out
L6[01:11:05] <Forecaster> So existing calls would continue working
L7[01:31:43] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED56EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L8[01:32:19] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/rMsVm9u
L9[01:41:24] <Forecaster> %shell
L10[01:41:24] * MichiBot loads hot electronics into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Sava, ds84182 and UnRealDinnerbone. They each take 5, 3 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L11[01:41:25] * MichiBot If hot electronics had been less shiny it might not have attracked the attention of a dragon.
L12[01:48:10] <SAL9000> s/attracked/attracted/
L13[01:48:56] <Forecaster> hm, yes, probably
L14[01:49:26] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@flux.tedster.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L15[01:50:21] <Izaya> tfw grepping like 40GB of logs to find out who sent me a picture
L16[01:51:43] <Forecaster> who did send you the picture?
L17[01:51:49] <Forecaster> was it a picture of a face?
L18[01:51:53] <Izaya> no
L19[01:52:02] <Izaya> it was a picture of a white thinkpad
L20[01:52:31] <Forecaster> tfw people use tfw without a face D:<
L21[01:52:57] <Izaya> tfw tfw can also mean "that feeling when"
L22[01:53:47] <Forecaster> huh, I guess
L23[01:54:13] <Forecaster> %shell feelings
L24[01:54:13] * MichiBot loads a subatomic hug into a shell and fires it. It strikes feelings. They take 14 damage. GreaseMonkey and TheCryptek take 10 and 1 splash damage respectively.
L25[01:54:14] * MichiBot The subatomic hug took the blue pill and fell asleep.
L26[01:54:20] <Forecaster> woo, direct hit!
L27[01:54:31] <Forecaster> also appropriate item
L28[01:54:44] <Izaya> and I mean, I could describe in detail the feeling of the cat and the laptop and the rain outside and etc
L29[01:54:48] <Izaya> but I only have ...
L30[01:55:10] <Izaya> 512-13 characters
L31[01:55:42] <Izaya> 499
L32[01:55:56] <Izaya> not between 512 and 13
L33[01:56:02] <Izaya> well
L34[01:56:10] <Izaya> it is between those two but it's a definite number
L35[01:58:44] <Izaya> this is one of those days where I wish I had a SSD in my gw box
L36[01:58:48] <Izaya> and more RAM too
L37[01:59:28] <Izaya> 4GB is fine especially considering it's sitting on 700M used presently but when you look through the fs it's not a huge amount of cache
L38[02:03:54] <Skye> Morning.
L39[02:08:36] <Forecaster> Marbles
L40[02:19:27] <Forecaster> woop, 9 more dust strings and some fixes
L41[02:19:38] <Forecaster> %shell
L42[02:19:38] * MichiBot loads parboiled water into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near mrkirby153, Sangar and rikai. They each take 6, 7 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L43[02:37:10] <AshIndigo> %shell MichiBot
L44[02:37:10] * MichiBot loads a rubber ducky into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near MichiBot, elucent and zsh. They each take 6, 1 and 5 splash damage respectively.
L45[02:38:34] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L46[02:42:17] <Forecaster> > - >
L47[02:43:54] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L48[02:43:56] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L49[02:47:40] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L50[02:50:09] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@pa49-199-66-134.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L51[02:55:36] <Forecaster> also added a self-interaction check > _ >
L52[03:19:22] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED56EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L53[03:40:22] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L55[03:57:10] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S010664777d493f93.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L56[04:05:13] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybwxxly6
L57[04:15:39] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@s010664777d493f93.vf.shawcable.net)
L58[04:33:55] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@s010664777d493f93.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L59[04:36:17] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@S010664777d493f93.vf.shawcable.net)
L60[04:37:21] <Forecaster> Inari, payonel & Amanda: https://imgur.com/gallery/ITOcq
L61[04:37:26] <Forecaster> Cat & Bunny
L62[04:45:26] <SAL9000> Izaya: I followed your windows sanification guide ( https://shadowkat.net/news/5.html ) and it's working great so far... but how do I make the xfce-panel "cooperate" with windows? Ideally, it should reserve space for itself just like windows' own panels do.
L63[04:45:39] <Izaya> uuuuuh
L64[04:45:51] <Izaya> I have it autohide at the top of the screen
L65[04:46:40] <SAL9000> ugh, vcxsrv just died horribly
L66[04:47:27] <Izaya> also
L67[04:47:38] <Izaya> people actually read my blog?
L68[04:47:40] <Izaya> huh.
L69[04:47:52] <Forecaster> "Windows is generally known as a Bad Thing" haha
L70[04:47:53] <Forecaster> sure it is
L71[04:49:03] <Izaya> Not even worth arguing
L72[04:49:11] <Izaya> You want to disagree, \o/
L73[04:49:47] <Forecaster> I don't argue non-facts
L74[04:50:14] <Forecaster> I don't argue opinions [Edited]
L75[04:50:37] <Izaya> Excellent.
L76[04:51:17] <Izaya> SAL9000: 80% sure there was a way to make windows not maximize stuff to a given area
L77[04:51:24] <Izaya> not sure how though
L78[04:52:19] <Izaya> some people here probably know
L79[04:53:59] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/MZ3llVH
L80[04:54:03] <Forecaster> Dog(?)
L81[04:55:41] <Forecaster> (Here's a fun opinion, I would never use a unix system as my primary because I think it's bad)
L82[04:55:45] <Forecaster> works for a server though
L83[05:11:06] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L84[05:11:07] <Lizzy> all depends on what your primary task on a pc is
L85[05:11:45] <Lizzy> mine generally prefers linux/unix because it's easier to manage stuff on those systems than others
L86[05:12:24] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@
L87[05:12:56] ⇦ Quits: Backslash__ (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L88[05:13:21] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L89[05:14:55] <Forecaster> I don't know what you mean by "manage stuff"
L90[05:15:01] <Forecaster> I manage my stuff fine :P
L91[05:32:34] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E9BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L92[05:34:06] <Lizzy> @Forecaster multiple virtual environments with python, unix sockets fifo-files, etc
L93[05:38:35] <Lizzy> not to mention that stuff like virtual switches for VMs is easier to set up. has support for vlans natively (windows can't use them anymore because M$)
L94[05:42:18] <Forecaster> ah, I don't use that kind of stuff
L95[06:03:08] <Kodos> Happy Birthday to me :3
L96[06:07:43] <Forecaster> Happy birthday! Have a shell!
L97[06:07:48] <Forecaster> %shell @Kodos
L98[06:07:48] * MichiBot loads a cake into a shell and fires it. It strikes @Kodos. They take 15 damage. lp and Xellurat take 6 and 2 splash damage respectively.
L99[06:08:11] <Forecaster> and it contained a cake too, how appropriate!
L100[06:08:12] <Forecaster> :D
L101[06:08:14] <Kodos> ?
L102[06:08:18] <Kodos> It's getting smarter
L103[06:08:26] <Kodos> Not sure if impressed or terrified
L104[06:09:54] <MGR> You can shell people now?!
L105[06:09:59] <Forecaster> ....no
L106[06:10:03] <MGR> When will MichiBot grow to control nuclear weapons?
L107[06:10:08] <Corded> * <Forecaster> hides the mortar under a rug
L108[06:11:26] <MGR> inb4 MichiBot Skynet
L109[06:11:50] <Forecaster> how do you know she doesn't already control nuclear weapons?
L110[06:12:42] <Inari> %give MichiBot a nuclear warhead
L111[06:12:43] * MichiBot accepts the nuclear warhead and adds it to her inventory
L112[06:13:23] <Forecaster> %give MichiBot an EMP warhead
L113[06:13:23] * MichiBot accepts the EMP warhead and adds it to her inventory
L114[06:18:26] <MGR> Dun dun dun
L115[06:18:29] <MGR> %inventory count
L116[06:18:29] <MichiBot> The inventory contains 39 items.
L117[06:18:45] <MGR> @Forecaster If she already does, then it is over for humanity
L118[06:18:56] <Kodos> %shell MGR
L119[06:18:57] * MichiBot loads a wind-up sylph into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near MGR, DFrostedWang and dequbed. They each take 4, 10 and 3 splash damage respectively.
L120[06:19:44] <Inari> %give MichiBot a roper
L121[06:19:44] * MichiBot accepts the roper and adds it to her inventory
L122[06:22:49] <AshIndigo> %shell MichiBot
L123[06:22:50] * MichiBot loads AshIndigo into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near MichiBot, ` and Cazzar. They each take 10, 7 and 6 splash damage respectively.
L124[06:23:21] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a heavy lead brick
L125[06:23:21] * MichiBot accepts the heavy lead brick and adds it to her inventory
L126[06:25:44] <MGR> Ack
L127[06:25:46] ⇨ Joins: Arcanitor- (webchat@
L128[06:26:34] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L129[06:28:29] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~mitchell@
L130[06:34:28] <MGR> "$boss: We do it like in the old days! Use Excel!" --- Quote 1/2
L131[06:34:51] <MGR> This story went from using SQL and a real database, to using Access, to using Excel
L132[06:35:00] <Arcanitor-> %fling MGR
L133[06:35:01] * MichiBot flings an IBM 5100 in a random direction. It hits MGR right where they didn't expect. They take [3] damage.
L134[06:35:01] <MGR> I just died a little inside
L135[06:35:05] <AshIndigo> is this the
L136[06:35:06] <Forecaster> fun fact, people still use excel for things
L137[06:35:15] <AshIndigo> *why use mysql we have access story?
L138[06:35:16] <MGR> @Forecaster This was a world-wide corporate database
L139[06:35:24] <Forecaster> things™
L140[06:36:02] <MGR> Excel definitely has its place. I have used Excel, and will happily use it again. This is not the place for a spreadsheet.
L141[06:36:23] <Arcanitor-> @MGR have you seen the excel rpg
L142[06:36:30] <MGR> No
L143[06:36:32] <Forecaster> I also, have used excel
L144[06:37:08] <Arcanitor-> MGR: https://goo.gl/isrCej
L145[06:37:37] <MGR> There's nothing wrong with using excel properly
L146[06:38:02] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybrvyf6c
L147[06:38:58] <AshIndigo> %give MichiBot a cup of spiders
L148[06:38:59] * MichiBot accepts the cup of spiders and adds it to her inventory
L149[06:39:44] <MGR> Uhm
L150[06:39:49] <MGR> Are they at least dead?
L151[06:39:56] <Forecaster> no
L152[06:40:00] <AshIndigo> the top ones are
L153[06:40:05] <MGR> Yeah, then I'm not drinking that
L154[06:40:46] <Arcanitor-> %give MichiBot a spray can of insecticide
L155[06:40:46] * MichiBot accepts the spray can of insecticide and adds it to her inventory
L156[06:42:47] <AmandaC> AshIndigo... why.
L157[06:43:04] <AmandaC> NOw I have to burn MichiBot down.
L158[06:43:46] * AshIndigo uses a squirt gun on AmandaC
L159[06:44:14] <AmandaC> D:
L160[06:50:48] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot a lit molotov cocktail
L161[06:50:48] * MichiBot accepts the lit molotov cocktail and adds it to her inventory
L162[06:51:04] <AshIndigo> %shell
L163[06:51:04] * MichiBot loads a sukusuku hakutaku into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Bigcheese, Oddstr13 and rashy. They each take 8, 5 and 7 splash damage respectively.
L164[06:51:41] <MGR> 2019: MichiBot finally has enough weaponry given to her inventory that she becomes a one bot army and conquers the world
L165[06:52:17] <AshIndigo> would she spare us?
L166[06:52:30] <AmandaC> %choose ofc I'd spare y'all or No.
L167[06:52:30] <MichiBot> AmandaC: No.
L168[06:52:37] <AmandaC> RIP Humanity
L169[06:53:04] <MGR> %choose will you spare me or No
L170[06:53:04] <MichiBot> MGR: No
L172[06:53:24] <AshIndigo> %choose spare me or nope
L173[06:53:24] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: spare me
L174[06:53:32] <MGR> ?!
L175[06:53:46] <MGR> %choose spare me or no
L176[06:53:46] <MichiBot> MGR: spare me
L177[06:53:51] <MGR> ?
L178[06:53:56] <AmandaC> Too late, y
L179[06:53:57] <Lizzy> %choose Lizzy for goddess or Michiyo for goddess
L180[06:53:57] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Lizzy for goddess
L181[06:53:58] <MGR> Just took some convincing
L182[06:54:01] <Lizzy> \o/
L183[06:54:07] * AshIndigo bows down
L184[06:54:13] <AmandaC> 'all are already doomed from my first question
L185[06:54:32] <MGR> %choose save me or no
L186[06:54:32] <MichiBot> MGR: save me
L187[06:54:37] <MGR> 2/3 means I win
L188[06:54:40] <AshIndigo> %choose save mgr or meh
L189[06:54:40] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: save mgr
L190[06:54:41] <Corded> * <Lizzy> saves MichiBot
L191[06:54:48] <MGR> ?
L192[06:55:00] <AmandaC> You don't get to ask the question multiple times until you get the answer you want, @MGR. That's not how that works.
L193[06:55:02] <Izaya> (several thousand) visitors have been Saved.
L194[06:55:07] <MGR> ?
L195[06:55:12] <Izaya> %choose live or die
L196[06:55:12] <MichiBot> Izaya: live
L197[06:55:14] <Izaya> fuck.
L198[06:55:15] <MGR> Izaya, count the shadows
L199[06:55:16] <Izaya> goddamnit.
L200[06:55:25] <MGR> Hey, who turned out the lights?
L201[06:55:32] <AshIndigo> %choose kill izaya or spare her
L202[06:55:33] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: kill izaya
L203[06:55:41] <AshIndigo> ok
L204[06:55:46] <Izaya> I have an issue with that choice but I'm fine with the answer.
L205[06:55:48] <MGR> Doctor, we should go, now
L206[06:56:06] <AmandaC> Oh dear, He's snapped from his impending doom.
L207[06:56:37] <MGR> I have no impending doom, and I'm quoting from the same thing Izaya is quoting from
L208[06:57:24] * AmandaC makes a note in her calendar to prepare the next simulation batch to start in 2020
L209[06:57:54] <MGR> But you'll be dead in 2019
L210[06:57:58] <AmandaC> Let's see if we can get around the whole "rape and murder neanderthals" thing this time
L211[06:58:39] <AmandaC> The interfact into this simulation will be, yes.
L212[06:58:42] <AmandaC> interface*
L213[06:58:56] <AmandaC> Which is why I'll have to tear it down and start from scratch
L214[06:58:59] * Izaya wonders if AmandaC is a Humanoid Interface of the IDSE
L215[06:59:10] <AmandaC> Izaya: nah, feline interface.
L216[06:59:25] <Izaya> Of the IDSE?
L217[06:59:42] <AmandaC> No idea what the IDSE is
L218[07:00:00] <AshIndigo> %search IDSE
L219[07:00:00] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: Unknown sub-command 'IDSE' (Try: google, curseForge, wiki, urban, ann, youtube)
L220[07:00:04] <AshIndigo> %search google IDSE
L221[07:00:05] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: https://idse.imss.gob.mx/ - *Bienvenido a IDSE :: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social*: "Descarga la Guía de Soluciones del portal IDSE. AVISOS IMPORTANTES. Si desea ingresar a IDSE utilizando los archivos de su certificado digital FIEL del SAT, en el campo de Usuario deberá capturar el RFC de la empresa que representa y de la cual desea enviar movimientos. Si desea enviar movimientos de sus ..."
L222[07:00:16] <AshIndigo> thanks michibot
L223[07:01:02] <Izaya> Don't worry about it :P
L224[07:03:21] * Temia hugs the wind-up sylph
L225[07:03:46] <AmandaC> %choose watch more assassination classroom or try and do some work, even though you're feeling ill
L226[07:03:46] <MichiBot> AmandaC: watch more assassination classroom
L227[07:03:58] <Temia> This one did not get enough sleep, oh no... =.=
L228[07:04:00] <Izaya> .... maybe shamisen was an IDSE interface
L229[07:05:03] <AmandaC> %choose let it rain first or meh
L230[07:05:03] <MichiBot> AmandaC: meh
L231[07:05:14] * AmandaC disagrees, goes out to sit in the rain some
L232[07:05:41] <MGR> My Internet provider has a plan that is "Good for unlimited devices at the same time"
L233[07:05:51] <MGR> I wonder what would happen if I proved them wrong
L234[07:06:05] <MGR> And how much it would take to do so
L235[07:06:31] <Forecaster> I'd bet they wouldn't care
L236[07:07:11] <MGR> But could I sue them?
L237[07:07:21] <Forecaster> you could try
L238[07:07:35] <Izaya> because that's the first time advertising has lied
L239[07:08:29] <MGR> Well, if you see some guy on the news that is suing his ISP, and has several hundred devices connected into 1 Internet Gateway, you'll know it's me ?
L240[07:08:41] <AmandaC> Speed and quality of the link are generaly defined in legalese on the bottom of those advertisements as on a "best effort / ideal" basis
L241[07:08:49] <MGR> Yeah
L242[07:08:53] <MGR> It says speeds will vary
L243[07:09:12] <S3> oh wth
L244[07:09:17] <S3> youtube videos dont load anyrmore
L245[07:09:17] <AmandaC> So you can no more sue them thanks for getting a 30 link when you pay for 50
L246[07:09:27] <Corded> * <MGR> nods
L247[07:09:35] <AmandaC> s/thanks/than/
L248[07:09:36] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> So you can no more sue them than for getting a 30 link when you pay for 50
L249[07:09:36] <Arcanitor-> AmandaC: or they say "up to 50mbps"
L250[07:09:38] <MGR> Which is part of the reason USA ISPs are the worst
L251[07:09:54] * Arcanitor- mumbles something about net neutrality
L252[07:10:01] <S3> I get "up to 60" and often get like 75
L253[07:10:30] <AmandaC> You also live in Maine with much less poulation density
L254[07:10:42] <MGR> ^
L255[07:10:56] * Izaya gets "up to 24" and gets 24 at 4AM on a monday
L256[07:11:08] <Izaya> technically correct I guess
L257[07:11:12] <MGR> Usually I get around the full speed of my Internet plan
L258[07:11:17] <MGR> I don't check that often though
L259[07:11:45] <S3> AmandaC: yeah I really don't like cable but
L260[07:12:10] <S3> I used to have DSL but they wanted to charge me hundreds of $ just to move my modem to my new place a couple blocks down
L261[07:12:13] <S3> and I was like F that
L262[07:12:23] <AmandaC> I've never really bothered to check unless it was super bad, considering what I had untill I turned 18 was literally dialup speed dsl
L263[07:12:43] <S3> I only had 10 down on DSL, but it was ALWAYS 10
L264[07:12:48] <S3> no matter what happened
L265[07:13:05] <Izaya> tfw had dialup till 2012
L266[07:13:37] <S3> heh I had dialup until I was about 15..
L267[07:13:40] <S3> or 16
L268[07:13:45] <S3> let's see
L269[07:13:58] <AmandaC> Izaya: dialup would probably been worse. There was severe line noise on the phone lines to my house.
L270[07:14:12] <S3> 2002 - 2003ish
L271[07:14:50] <S3> AmandaC I lived very far from civilization when I had dialup, so I was lucky to even get 2K sometimes
L272[07:15:23] <S3> not to mention, it was cheaper to dial all the way to california with long distance phone line prices than to go through AT&T locally
L273[07:15:24] <S3> XD
L274[07:15:36] <S3> because at&t was expensive
L275[07:16:19] <S3> so I have a friend who lives just down the road from where I lived as a kid
L276[07:16:25] <Skye> Why do people put up with companies
L277[07:16:26] <S3> and they JUST got broadband
L278[07:16:29] <S3> literally
L279[07:16:41] <S3> after all these years they've been stuck with dialup until just recently XD
L280[07:16:57] <S3> they finally extended the line
L281[07:17:10] <AmandaC> At 18 I gave my dad an ultimatum. Get cable internet, or I will, because I was sick if 480 YouTube videos and not being able to do literally anything when a game was updating in steam
L282[07:17:36] <S3> lol
L283[07:17:46] <Skye> Our family got cable after leaching off of a neighbour's WiFi
L284[07:18:16] <Izaya> we moved
L285[07:18:35] <Izaya> went from 33k to 100Mbps
L286[07:18:40] <S3> it is possible now where I used to live to use cellular but
L287[07:18:42] <S3> or sattelite
L288[07:18:54] <S3> sattelites been an option for a while but nobody wants to pay that much
L289[07:19:05] <S3> the cellular service out there is very poor
L290[07:19:06] <Skye> Why not make your own microwave network
L291[07:19:12] <S3> could
L292[07:19:20] <AmandaC> I've lived in this house since my parents inhareted it when I was less than a year old, so
L293[07:20:04] <Izaya> sounds depressing
L294[07:20:17] <S3> heh I had to get out
L295[07:20:29] <S3> soon as 2008 came I left my parents
L296[07:20:34] <S3> was like nope no more of that
L297[07:20:45] <S3> I have a good relationship with my parents, but I had to be free
L298[07:21:01] <S3> it was like the week of graduating high school when I left
L299[07:21:08] <S3> I didn't even go to graduation
L300[07:22:10] <S3> they just mail you your diploma anyways, did the same thing with my first college, their graduatiion signup and schedule was too confusing and cost money so I was like nope no graduation ceremony for me
L301[07:25:45] <Forecaster> I've lived in the same house since for about 25 years
L302[07:25:52] <Forecaster> -since
L303[07:26:28] <S3> I'm probably going to be building a house soon
L304[07:26:43] <S3> We have a house now, but I don't like living in town it's the stupidest crap ever
L305[07:26:51] <S3> Not sure why anyone does
L306[07:27:14] <Forecaster> I've always lived out in a forest
L307[07:27:30] <S3> so much better
L308[07:27:39] <Forecaster> it's pretty nice
L309[07:27:43] <Forecaster> far from everything thoug
L310[07:27:51] <S3> I grew up in heavily forested mountains
L311[07:28:09] <S3> and people in the city think I'm crazy when I say I want to go back
L312[07:28:33] ⇦ Quits: lp (~lp@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L313[07:28:36] <S3> I could go just a little southwest in the middle of nowhere 15 20 mins from town , they have roadside fiber there
L314[07:28:41] <S3> that'd be cool
L315[07:29:47] <S3> friend of mine got a house on that road about.. 45 mins from town (that's a bit far for my commute in winter) and he's getting like 200 up 200 down for like 100 bucks a month because no competition XD
L316[07:30:20] <S3> they installed the fiber 10 or so years ago and it's just been sitting there
L317[07:34:37] <S3> I should probably get driving to class
L318[07:37:48] <Noire> Guys
L319[07:37:56] <Noire> Im exhausted
L320[07:38:06] <Noire> This Segfault makes me wanna pull the trigger
L321[07:38:18] <Noire> I have no idea whats the problem
L322[07:38:31] <Noire> Ive enabled Forceusenative=true
L323[07:38:37] <Noire> But crash still appear
L324[07:38:45] <Skye> @Noire, have you downloaded the new jar
L325[07:38:50] <Noire> Yes
L326[07:38:52] <Noire> Ive tried
L327[07:39:02] <Skye> What OS
L328[07:39:07] <Noire> I tried even starting with plain new config
L329[07:39:16] <Noire> My os is Debian 8 x64
L330[07:39:27] <Noire> OVH hosting, if it means something
L331[07:39:56] <Skye> Latest updates of glibc installed?
L332[07:40:47] <Noire> Uhm, sorry what? :
L333[07:40:48] <Noire> ?
L334[07:40:52] <Noire> How can i check it?
L335[07:41:38] <S3> what the hell
L336[07:42:03] <S3> Somebody made a hard credit score inquiry on me without permission the other day
L337[07:42:05] <Skye> have you apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
L338[07:44:19] <Noire> No, i havent
L339[07:45:52] <Skye> You should probably do that for security reasons
L340[07:47:47] <Noire> apt-get upgrade too?
L341[07:49:55] <Mimiru> upgrade just updates all the packages that have updates, it doesn't actually "upgrade" the OS
L342[07:50:13] <Noire> okay, what should i use
L343[07:50:13] <Mimiru> SO yes, both.
L344[07:50:19] <Noire> dist-upgrade
L345[07:50:22] <Noire> or upgrade?
L346[07:50:25] <Mimiru> first apt-get update
L347[07:50:28] <Mimiru> then apt-get upgrade
L348[07:50:40] <Mimiru> dist-upgrade will upgrade your OS... which is likely not what you want to do
L349[07:52:05] <Noire> Okay
L350[07:52:07] <Noire> Thanks
L351[07:52:27] <Noire> Should i try repro the crash after updates?
L352[07:52:34] <Noire> is system reboot needed?
L353[07:53:21] <Mimiru> if there are kernel updates an update will be needed.. otherwise you shouldn't need one
L354[07:53:33] <Mimiru> (will be needed for the new kernel to take effect)
L355[07:55:17] <Forecaster> %s/update will/restart will/
L356[07:55:17] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> if there are kernel updates an restart will be needed.. otherwise you shouldn't need one
L357[07:55:38] <Mimiru> right.. meh
L358[07:55:40] <Mimiru> tired still
L359[07:55:40] <Mimiru> lol
L360[07:56:10] <Forecaster> %give MichiBot an restart
L361[07:56:10] * MichiBot accepts the restart and adds it to her inventory
L362[07:56:24] <AmandaC> Right, a hot shower might have been a bad idea. Not I'm freezing even more
L363[07:56:30] <AmandaC> Now*
L364[07:56:33] <Forecaster> %shell the shower
L365[07:56:33] * MichiBot loads an adventurer into a shell and fires it. It strikes the shower. They take 13 damage. Cruor and Temia take 7 and 10 splash damage respectively.
L366[07:56:56] * AmandaC curls up, shivering in Inari's lap again
L367[07:59:16] <Noire> Looks like theres no glibc update
L368[07:59:47] <Noire> @Skye
L369[08:00:10] <Skye> Just update everything
L370[08:00:24] <Mimiru> update it all, then update everything again!
L371[08:00:24] <Mimiru> :p
L372[08:01:10] <Skye> Ye
L373[08:03:28] <Noire> Did not helped...
L374[08:03:32] <Noire> help*
L375[08:03:41] <Noire> Segfault agai
L376[08:03:54] <Noire> Segfault again [Edited]
L377[08:04:12] <Skye> Hmm
L378[08:04:12] <Skye> Did you reboot
L379[08:04:22] <Noire> Nah, will try in a sec
L380[08:08:48] <Noire> Skye, can u tell more about glibc?
L381[08:09:01] <Noire> How it is related to OC?
L382[08:11:25] <Mimiru> the natives are c code
L383[08:11:27] <Noire> Still segfaults...
L384[08:13:44] <Skye> Okay very odd
L385[08:13:57] <Skye> So you did an upgrade
L386[08:14:00] <Skye> And rebooted
L387[08:14:06] <Skye> And redownloaded
L388[08:14:10] <Noire> Yes
L389[08:14:20] <Lizzy> if possible, have you tried it on a different system like ubuntu?
L390[08:14:40] <Noire> I cant
L391[08:14:52] <Noire> My server`s hosting is on Debian 8
L392[08:15:16] <Noire> so it is very difficult
L393[08:15:23] <Noire> would be*
L394[08:15:34] <Noire> But, evertying worked well
L395[08:15:40] <Noire> Before updating OC to 1.7
L396[08:15:44] <Lizzy> hmm
L397[08:15:59] <Noire> I have glibc 2.19, by the way
L398[08:16:14] <Noire> ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.19-18+deb8u10) 2.19
L399[08:16:25] <Skye> Java version?
L400[08:17:25] <Noire>
L401[08:17:43] <Noire> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13)
L402[08:19:11] <Noire> By the way, there were a lot of crashes with Extracells2 OC module
L403[08:19:18] <Noire> In previous versions
L404[08:19:26] <Noire> Just remembered
L405[08:20:05] <Skye> Odd, have you tried to remove it? I don't think it'll make a difference but it's probably a good idea to check.
L406[08:21:03] <Noire> Remove extracells?
L407[08:21:33] <Noire> Ive disabled the Opencomputers compatibility option, so crash do not occur now
L408[08:22:02] <Noire> But that was a legit crash, with a crashlog. Not a Segfault
L409[08:22:48] <Mimiru> have you posted the segfault yet?
L410[08:24:23] <Noire> Ive written about it to IRC chat couple of days ago
L411[08:24:27] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y88a4lf5
L412[08:24:52] <Mimiru> A couple of days ago... k well that helps lots
L413[08:24:59] * Mimiru busts out the crystal ball and oclogs
L414[08:25:18] <Forecaster> LMGTFY "a couple of days ago"
L415[08:25:47] <Noire> Lel
L416[08:26:41] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/chrome_2017-12-05_08-26-02.png A distinct lack of "segfault" a couple of days ago unless you're XDJackie, or pwootage.
L417[08:27:09] <Mimiru> On that note
L418[08:27:16] * Mimiru is off to work
L419[08:27:17] <Noire> Ive written about it from this nickname
L420[08:27:18] <Noire> Noire
L421[08:27:24] <Mimiru> I *JUST* posted the logs..
L422[08:27:41] <Noire> U can search "Segmentation fault"
L423[08:28:06] <Mimiru> nope again
L424[08:28:12] <Mimiru> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/search?search=Segmentation+fault&case=1
L425[08:28:38] <Forecaster> hm
L426[08:28:47] <Forecaster> that could probably use a user filter
L427[08:29:18] <Mimiru> just make it smart enough to deal with Corded :P
L428[08:29:19] <Mimiru> anyway bai
L429[08:29:29] <Noire> L570 [12:40:04] <Noire> Experimentally, ive found that my server is killed with error "Segmentatin fault"
L430[08:29:44] <Noire> 2017-12-03.log
L431[08:30:48] <Lizzy> that's not really posting the segfault, just saying you had on e
L432[08:31:12] <Noire> How can i "post it"?
L433[08:31:30] <Noire> I literally have no logs ?
L434[08:32:56] <Noire> Looking through gdb debugger did not help, actually
L435[08:33:17] <Noire> No JVM crash, no minecraft crashlog
L436[08:33:29] <Noire> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L437[08:33:37] <Forecaster> %give MichiBot a crashlog
L438[08:33:37] * MichiBot accepts the crashlog and adds it to her inventory
L439[08:34:42] <Noire> Wiping hard drive data and state folder helps, but not for long time
L440[08:36:25] <Forecaster> Cat: https://imgur.com/gallery/zOeOK
L441[08:44:19] <Michiyo> segfaults are usually saved in the root of the MC instance
L442[08:45:40] <Michiyo> Also, yay back
L443[08:45:44] <Michiyo> wooo @ work
L444[08:45:49] <Michiyo> party tiem... no
L445[08:45:50] <Michiyo> that's a lie
L446[08:46:24] <Forecaster> shelling party!
L447[08:46:26] <Forecaster> %shell
L448[08:46:26] * MichiBot loads a sukusuku hakutaku into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near zsh, Sandra and elucent. They each take 9, 1 and 10 splash damage respectively.
L449[08:46:45] <Noire> yes i have a coredump
L450[08:46:51] <Noire> in my MC folder
L451[08:47:03] <Noire> What should i do with it?
L452[08:48:50] <Michiyo> well, you either put it on pastebin, you can drag the file to discord and it'll upload it
L453[08:48:57] <Michiyo> and nicely link it to IRC as well.
L454[08:49:18] <Michiyo> because I'm a decent bot modifier :P
L455[08:49:25] <payonel> anyone ever read the book or scene the movie, a man called ove ?
L456[08:49:33] <Noire> it is 6 GB big...
L457[08:49:55] <Michiyo> 6gb... for the log, in the root of MC?
L458[08:50:01] <Noire> not a log
L459[08:50:03] <Noire> Core dump
L460[08:50:12] <Noire> I have NO logs after server crash
L461[08:50:17] <Noire> NO Java log
L462[08:50:26] <Noire> NO Minecraft crashlog
L463[08:50:27] * Michiyo sighs
L464[08:50:35] <Noire> Nothing, but a coredump
L465[08:50:41] <Michiyo> well you *wouldn't* get a MC log.. since the JVM aborts.
L466[08:50:46] <Michiyo> so no shock there...
L467[08:50:58] <Michiyo> but I've NEVER seen the JVM dump without tossing out a log too.. :/
L468[08:51:21] <Michiyo> hs_err_*.log
L469[08:51:23] <Noire> Because it is killed by SIGSEV
L470[08:51:31] <Noire> <Michiyo> hserr*.log
L471[08:51:32] <Noire> yes, no hs_err
L472[08:51:32] <Michiyo> nothing in that format?
L473[08:51:37] <Noire> Not a single file
L474[08:51:45] <Forecaster> these are dangerously adorable https://imgur.com/gallery/aWXPq
L475[08:52:01] <Michiyo> Well then, you're right screwed.
L476[08:52:15] <Noire> SIGSEGV*, sorry
L477[08:53:20] <Skye> @Noire, is this a hardened kernel?
L478[08:53:27] <Skye> uname -a
L479[08:53:32] <Noire> ?
L480[08:54:03] <Noire> Linux serverip 3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64 #7 SMP Wed Jan 27 18:05:09 CET 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux
L481[08:54:39] <Skye> 3.14.32-grs-ipv6-64
L482[08:54:41] <Skye> Alright
L483[08:54:43] <Michiyo> ewww, default OVH kernel.
L484[08:55:19] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L485[08:55:22] <Skye> Michiyo, would it have any funky parts that would make it kill processes it doesn't like?
L486[08:55:34] <Lizzy> shouldn't do
L487[08:55:35] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L488[08:55:36] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L489[08:55:52] <Michiyo> No, but I drop that as soon as I get a chance, so I have next to no experience with it
L490[08:56:47] <Forecaster> %shell MichiBot
L491[08:56:47] * MichiBot kicks Forecaster into space.
L492[08:57:08] <Noire> Funny that crash happens when autosaving occurs
L493[08:57:15] <Noire> Or i use some command
L494[08:57:18] <Skye> So during serialisation?
L495[08:57:19] <Skye> Hmmm
L496[08:57:20] <Noire> Or when*
L497[08:57:32] <Noire> ./gc for example
L498[08:57:39] <Noire> Any bukkit or other command
L499[08:57:58] <Lizzy> so wait, how are you running this server?
L500[08:58:02] <Noire> just a side note, that might not be a serious point
L501[08:58:10] <Michiyo> bukkit... sponge?
L502[08:58:14] <Noire> Thermos
L503[08:58:23] * Michiyo falls over.
L504[08:58:24] <Noire> It is a Cauldron fork
L505[08:58:26] <Michiyo> welp
L506[08:58:29] <Michiyo> I'm well aware of it
L507[08:58:37] <Michiyo> I'mma just stand over here and watch it burn.
L508[08:58:43] <Noire> ?
L509[08:59:02] <Noire> I repeat, it worked pretty well before updating OC to the latest 1.7.10 ver
L510[08:59:11] <Michiyo> I'm surprised it worked at all :D
L511[08:59:15] <Lizzy> perhaps try it with standard vanilla forge and see if you get the same issue?
L512[08:59:21] <Skye> Hmm
L513[08:59:36] <Skye> -grs in the uname
L514[08:59:40] <Skye> Does that mean anything
L515[08:59:46] <Noire> It is hard to reproduce, because this crash appears only when i load a chunk of one of my players
L516[08:59:46] <Michiyo> ^ First step with using ANYthing like cauldron/thermos/bukkit/spongeforge/litteralshitonastick
L517[08:59:53] <Skye> It could be GrSecurity?
L518[09:00:08] <Noire> He has a lot of computers
L519[09:00:21] <Michiyo> Skye, yes IIRC
L520[09:00:23] <Noire> But, when i walk on spawn for example, server works fine
L521[09:00:32] <Lizzy> @Noire please test it with vanilla forge and see if the issue still occurs
L522[09:00:36] <Skye> Michiyo, so OVH use GrSecurity
L523[09:00:41] <Skye> So it might be the kernel
L524[09:00:45] <Noire> Its hard to reproduce(
L525[09:00:59] <Noire> But i will try
L526[09:01:11] <Skye> Which is randomly killing JNLua because the funky stuff it does
L527[09:01:27] <Noire> Ah, i have something about JNLUA
L528[09:01:36] <Skye> And the patches aren't public so it's impossible for someone to debug it even if they wanted to!
L529[09:01:42] <Noire> [19:56:27 WARN]: Could not persist computer @ (1721.5, 66.5, -1622.5). li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: JNI error: NewObject() failed creating Lua error
L530[09:01:56] <Skye> Yeahhh...
L531[09:01:56] <Michiyo> not unusual after a crash
L532[09:01:58] <Noire> That thing appeared once before crash
L533[09:02:01] <Skye> Yeah
L534[09:02:34] <Skye> I think the kernel kills the lua code when it serialises, and that brings the whole thing down
L535[09:02:58] <Noire> uname -grs?
L536[09:03:02] <Noire> this command?
L537[09:04:00] <Skye> No
L538[09:04:09] <Noire> Ah, im blind
L539[09:04:10] <Noire> See now
L540[09:04:17] <Skye> In the kernel string there is blah...-grs-...blah
L541[09:04:21] <Skye> That's GrSecurity
L542[09:04:25] <Noire> Yeah
L543[09:04:38] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L544[09:05:02] <Noire> But i dont know, what has been changed that it crashes with MC1.7.10-
L545[09:05:44] <Noire> maybe i should try downgrading?
L546[09:06:06] <Skye> Things to try:
L547[09:06:12] <Michiyo> wow 1085... the build on curse is almost 100 builds old lol
L548[09:06:14] <Skye> * normal kernel
L549[09:06:30] <Michiyo> well... 50
L550[09:06:35] <Skye> * downgrade OC which could break other things
L551[09:06:38] <Michiyo> Icanmath
L552[09:06:43] <Skye> * test with pure forge
L553[09:06:53] <Noire> I had OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- as a prev version
L554[09:07:08] <Noire> Ok, trying with pure forge
L555[09:07:39] <Skye> I think GrSecurity doesn't like lua
L556[09:07:48] <Forecaster> %inv add Icanmath
L557[09:07:48] * MichiBot summons 'Icanmath' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L558[09:08:27] <Michiyo> I don't have a box with the grs kernel to even test with.
L559[09:10:49] <Michiyo> @Forecaster, screw it I don't know what else to add to this.. I'm going to commit the table create statement, and you can go from there
L560[09:11:26] <Michiyo> @Forecaster, commited
L561[09:12:36] <Forecaster> woo
L562[09:12:45] <Forecaster> will get on that when I have some time
L563[09:12:51] <Forecaster> currently swamped with work
L564[09:13:14] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L565[09:15:06] <Noire> Doesn`t helped...
L566[09:17:40] <Michiyo> For the standard kernel https://www.kiloroot.com/switch-to-standard-ubuntu-kernel-on-ovh-or-kimsufi-servers/ should work for debian, though do heed the paragraph under the "commands" box there.. also don't try to sue me if it bricks your box.
L567[09:18:19] <Noire> Thats kinda scary
L568[09:19:14] <Michiyo> it's not that bad.
L569[09:19:50] <Michiyo> I do however know, that in my instance, on my pack, on my Ubuntu 16.whatever the latest OC ci build runs fine, and hasn't crashed in months...
L570[09:20:00] <Noire> So
L571[09:20:01] <Michiyo> I also don't have a -grs kernel :P
L572[09:20:15] <Noire> Ive enabled forceLuaJ=true
L573[09:20:20] <Noire> Crash is not appering now
L574[09:20:25] <Noire> But it is interesting
L575[09:20:32] <Noire> That this appeared in log
L576[09:20:46] <Noire> component of type 'radar' disappeared (300ac345-f821-4612-af6d-13039a9357b7)! This usually means that it didn't save its node.
L577[09:20:48] <Noire> Just this
L578[09:20:53] <Michiyo> LuaJ doesn't load native c code, so not shocking.
L579[09:21:05] <Noire> Ye, i guess
L580[09:21:22] <Noire> But maybe it is because of this radar?
L581[09:21:26] <Noire> From computronics
L582[09:21:27] <Michiyo> just means that it couldn't load a node from NBT, likely that in one of the crashes some NBT got nuked.
L583[09:21:42] <Michiyo> unlikely
L584[09:21:54] <Michiyo> if I crashed everytime I saw that... lol
L585[09:22:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2F0922EC821827797DA505.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L586[09:22:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L587[09:22:08] <Michiyo> (Not from 'tronics just in general)
L588[09:22:15] <payonel> Vexatos: o/
L589[09:22:26] <Noire> Nah, this thing appears only after server start while forceLUaj enabled
L590[09:23:08] <Noire> When it is set as false, this radar message isnt visible
L591[09:23:30] <Noire> I dunno
L592[09:23:34] <Michiyo> it's likely a one off thing.. like I said, it's probably from one of the crashes nuking the NBT in a radar TE.
L593[09:23:35] <Noire> If it is about kernel
L594[09:23:41] <Noire> Then i`m cracked up...
L595[09:23:59] <Michiyo> when that happens the node fails to reload, and a new one has to be made, old one disappears, new one poofs into existence.
L596[09:24:16] <Michiyo> and you get a nice log message.
L597[09:24:27] <Noire> Ok, i guess.
L598[09:24:42] <Noire> Maybe Vexatos will give me a wise advice?
L599[09:24:43] <Noire> ?
L600[09:26:30] <Michiyo> Seems like no.
L601[09:26:31] <Michiyo> ll
L602[09:26:32] <Michiyo> lol*
L603[09:26:45] <Noire> :C
L604[09:27:02] <Lizzy> hmm, did my landscape server ever manage to complete the upgrade on my other servers...
L605[09:27:16] <Noire> I see downgrading is the only logical option for me...
L606[09:27:30] <Lizzy> that would be a no... ffs
L607[09:27:41] <Noire> ?
L608[09:27:50] <Lizzy> talking to myself, don't mind me
L609[09:27:55] <Noire> Okay
L610[09:28:35] <Noire> Vexatos:
L611[09:29:32] <Vexatos> .-.
L612[09:29:44] <Noire> Hello!
L613[09:29:57] <Noire> Maybe you can say your helping word?
L614[09:30:10] <Vexatos> what would a helping word be
L615[09:30:17] <Lizzy> spahgetti
L616[09:30:19] <Noire> I dunno ?
L617[09:30:33] <Noire> But this crash terrifies me 5 days in a row
L618[09:30:50] <Noire> *laying hands to a trigger
L619[09:32:46] <AmandaC> are the OC lua libs even depending on the system
L620[09:32:49] <AmandaC> 's glibc?
L621[09:33:03] <Noire> how to check it?
L622[09:33:09] <Vexatos> I don't even know what's going on >_>
L623[09:33:43] <Noire> Vexatos: After updating to 1.7 build of OC 1.7.10 my server is killed by a Segmentation fault.
L624[09:33:44] <Michiyo> Vexatos, segfault with oc's natives, with no hs_err generated
L625[09:33:58] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L626[09:34:22] <AmandaC> ... I can't even find where minecraft stores the .so files these days
L627[09:34:25] <Michiyo> theres a 6gb coredump though.
L628[09:34:42] <Vexatos> Have you tried re-downloading OC and deleting the extracted native files in your MC dir?
L629[09:35:03] <Noire> I tried redownloading, but i did not delete the native files
L630[09:35:14] <Vexatos> well then, redownloading wouldn't do anything >_>
L631[09:35:40] <Noire> But looks like after enabling ForceLuaJ my corrupted chunk doesnt crash server...
L632[09:36:03] <Noire> But it will crash after some time
L633[09:36:23] <AmandaC> with a sigsegv still?
L634[09:36:29] <Noire> Yes
L635[09:36:31] <Noire> SIGSEGV
L636[09:36:41] <AmandaC> Then it's definately nothing to do with the native libs
L637[09:36:52] <AmandaC> because they're not used when forceluaj is active
L638[09:36:58] <Noire> Ehm
L639[09:37:11] <Noire> Crash doesnt appear when ForceLuaJ is enabled
L640[09:37:27] <AmandaC> You just said it doesn't when it's enabled, but the it crashes after awhile anyway
L641[09:37:35] <Noire> oh, sorry
L642[09:37:51] <Noire> forgot to mention that it crashes after disabling this option
L643[09:37:56] <Noire> and after some time
L644[09:38:05] <AmandaC> That's a pretty big detail
L645[09:38:32] <Noire> (Also, i am sorry for my bad explanations, english isn`t my native lang)
L646[09:38:44] <AmandaC> is your java version up to date?
L647[09:38:45] <Lizzy> you're doing good so far
L648[09:38:55] <Noire> Yes, java is up to date.
L649[09:39:03] <Noire> I did apt-get update and upgrade
L650[09:39:05] <AmandaC> openjdk or oracle java?
L651[09:39:07] <Noire> With a reboot
L652[09:39:10] <Noire> Oracle.
L653[09:39:10] <Noire> \
L654[09:39:25] <AmandaC> I don't think oracle's .debs install updates automatically
L655[09:39:30] <Michiyo> ^
L656[09:39:38] <AmandaC> because they want you to agree to their EULA every time
L657[09:39:43] <AmandaC> and apt doesn't support that
L658[09:39:49] <Noire> Hm, okay
L659[09:39:56] <Noire> I will update it manually
L660[09:40:35] <Vexatos> Try deleting the extracted native libs first :I
L661[09:40:40] <Vexatos> so OC re-generates them
L662[09:40:52] <Noire> Yea, doin it now
L663[09:41:05] <Noire> OpenComputersMod- - am i correct?
L664[09:41:10] <Lizzy> yes
L665[09:41:32] <Lizzy> also make sure you disable the LuaJ again so it actually uses the native stuff
L666[09:42:08] <Noire> Okay
L667[09:42:13] <AmandaC> Vexatos: does 1.12 not need to extract them somehow? I don't see any .so files whatsoever under my 1.12 instance.
L668[09:45:56] <Vexatos> huh
L669[09:46:15] <Vexatos> there was no change to the Lua internals during the update >_>
L670[09:46:55] <AmandaC> looks like it might have been in 1.10 or earlier, actually. the only instance n ny multimc with .so files is the Thistle one
L671[09:47:13] <AmandaC> in my*
L672[09:47:30] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L673[09:49:21] <payonel> Vexatos: you remind me of Ove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPoaN2XROk8
L674[09:49:22] <MichiBot> A Man Called Ove - Official Trailer | length: 2m | Likes: 543 Dislikes: 25 Views: 304,053 | by Music Box Films | Published On 15/8/2016
L675[09:49:44] <Noire> Updated Java to latest
L676[09:49:59] <Vexatos> I hope it's not java 9 :P
L677[09:50:14] <Noire> 1.8.0_151
L678[09:50:33] <Michiyo> AmandaC, I have Natives in my 1.12 MMC instance
L679[09:50:37] <Michiyo> just checked my home PC.
L680[09:51:30] <Noire> Wow
L681[09:52:08] <Noire> Looks like the player, who owns the crashchunk with computers, just told me that he programmed Computronix Radar incorrectly
L682[09:52:48] <Noire> quoting: "Ive written a program without delays"
L683[09:53:00] <Noire> (translated form russian)
L684[09:53:09] <Noire> (translated from russian) [Edited]
L685[09:53:27] <Skye> Well any programs shouldn't cause segfaults
L686[09:54:17] <Michiyo> no delays just means the program should be killed with a too long without yielding error..
L687[09:54:18] <Noire> We will try to reproduce it in no time
L688[09:55:11] <Noire> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/remohejuke
L689[09:55:59] <Michiyo> so glad I added the newline pastebin ._.
L690[09:55:59] <Skye> Uhh
L691[09:56:11] <Skye> So it's definitely native lua crashing
L692[09:56:33] <payonel> Michiyo: :) haha
L693[09:56:37] <Skye> @Noire try pure forge, or try a new kernel
L694[09:56:54] <Michiyo> They said they've done straight forge a bit ago
L695[09:56:56] <Noire> Pure forge didnt help
L696[09:57:01] <Skye> @Noire http://help.ovh.com/KernelInstall
L697[09:57:26] <Michiyo> That's just going to get another grs kernel
L698[09:57:31] <Skye> Oh
L699[09:57:33] <Noire> Yes
L700[09:57:36] <Michiyo> I linked to a good guide a while back
L701[09:57:39] <Noire> It`s about new grs
L702[09:57:57] <Lizzy> https://www.kiloroot.com/switch-to-standard-ubuntu-kernel-on-ovh-or-kimsufi-servers/
L703[09:57:57] <Skye> >°<
L704[09:58:04] <AmandaC> AshIndigo: I don't seem to have the right permissions, but I think the issue with your hacky maven thing is that the jar doesn't have -dev before the .jar
L705[09:58:29] <Michiyo> AmandaC, I have mine up for forestry if you want to try it.
L706[09:58:47] <AmandaC> Michiyo: sure
L707[09:59:24] <Michiyo> https://caitlynmainer.com/maven/ I have the forestry dev in there, I couldn't find a working pom for forestry though.
L708[09:59:53] <Skye> @Noire http://hyperdimensionneptunia.wikia.com/wiki/Noire
L709[10:00:00] <Corded> * <Skye> flees
L710[10:00:12] <Noire> im actually not a weeb
L711[10:00:13] <Noire> ?
L712[10:00:23] <Noire> Have u heard about L.A Noire?
L713[10:00:37] <Michiyo> >weeb ._.
L714[10:00:55] <AmandaC> I think AshIndigo might have just created a bare-bones one just to make the thing happy, otherwise I'm not sure why she called it "Hacky"
L715[10:01:19] <MGR> I haven't heard of LA Noire, but I've heard of the Noire genre of books I think
L716[10:01:34] <Noire> Yes, the genre
L717[10:01:43] <Noire> Thats the origin of my name
L718[10:01:45] <Forecaster> I've heard of the game L.A. Noire
L719[10:02:22] <Skye> I've heard of the genre, but I prefer the cute stuff. :P
L720[10:02:24] <AmandaC> She walked into my office. Had legs for light seconds and a big smile on her face. I knew instantly what she was here for, and went to get the bottle from my bottom left drawer...
L721[10:02:58] <AmandaC> ^ Noire, right?
L722[10:03:01] <Michiyo> <3 lol
L723[10:03:01] <Skye> Wut
L724[10:03:05] <Noire> Yea
L725[10:03:06] <Noire> Lold
L726[10:03:11] <Skye> I dun get it
L727[10:03:27] <Noire> ThatCode Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ufojalenefs
L728[10:03:30] <AmandaC> Skye that's what a noire book would be written like. :P
L729[10:03:35] <MGR> Mhm
L730[10:03:35] <Noire> ?
L731[10:03:40] <AmandaC> except for 'light seconds'
L732[10:03:57] <Noire> You forgot about cigarettes
L733[10:04:10] <AmandaC> Michiyo: danke, it's built!
L734[10:04:12] <Michiyo> wow.. good job there discord.
L735[10:04:17] <Michiyo> it worked?!
L736[10:04:18] <Michiyo> woot!
L737[10:04:46] <AmandaC> Michiyo: yep. I had to delete the hacky cache manupulation I attempted first, but it's built successfully now
L738[10:05:00] <Michiyo> oh right.. you're using "`"'s for "'"'s likely a localization thing... and discord thought you wanted a codeblock.
L739[10:05:11] <AmandaC> It's very angry about a set cookie header, though
L740[10:05:23] <AmandaC> might want to move it to maven. instead of /maven
L741[10:05:28] <Michiyo> awesome... I'll work on getting the rest of the deps on maven, and move them off of my domain
L742[10:05:37] <AmandaC> (assuming / is a wordpress site )
L743[10:05:50] <Michiyo> Yeah it'll be on maven.pc-logix or maven.caitlynmainer instead of a subdir I just wanted to see if it'd work
L744[10:05:56] <AmandaC> sure. :)
L745[10:06:03] <Michiyo> and yes / is a wp site
L746[10:06:04] <Michiyo> I was lazy
L747[10:06:13] <AmandaC> Just wanted to verify. :)
L748[10:09:15] <AmandaC> payonel: good news. I still have no sub-modules. :D
L749[10:09:44] * AmandaC wonders if 2017.3 is angry about something
L750[10:10:24] * AmandaC does a clean build and tries again
L751[10:10:29] <payonel> you mean gradle not caching
L752[10:12:18] <AmandaC> payonel: bish, I mean what I say and I say what I mean!!!1111oneoneone
L753[10:12:34] <payonel> "oneoneone" :)
L754[10:12:37] <AmandaC> :P
L755[10:12:37] <payonel> nerd
L756[10:12:45] <AmandaC> It's a sarcasm marker. :P
L757[10:13:00] <payonel> yeah i get that :)
L758[10:13:38] <AmandaC> realisation: I have the hacked together thing, I don't need to get idea happy to test.
L759[10:18:19] <AmandaC> Good news!
L760[10:18:30] <AmandaC> The screen turns off properly now, but isn't getting turnt back on for boot!
L761[10:19:44] <tim4242> Does anyone know what OC uses for it's native interface?
L762[10:20:30] ⇨ Joins: tim4242 (~tim@p2E5024B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L763[10:20:36] <Michiyo> yeah, eris
L764[10:20:45] <Michiyo> a c native that is loaded via jni
L765[10:21:01] <tim4242> So no JNA?
L766[10:21:19] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:8824:ff7f:322:cfbe)
L767[10:21:59] <Michiyo> I don't think it uses JNA, I could be wrong
L768[10:22:05] <Michiyo> Vexatos, or gamax92 would know more.
L769[10:22:09] <Michiyo> maybe payonel :P
L770[10:22:29] <tim4242> I'll just try to un-rust my scala and look myself
L771[10:23:03] <payonel> AmandaC: you tested your change? and it doesn't turn back on?
L772[10:23:32] <AmandaC> payonel: yep.I assume it's because the nodes stay connected, and I'm calling turnOn for the onConnect
L773[10:25:01] <payonel> onConnect sounds like the network method, when nodes join a network
L774[10:25:08] <payonel> like placing a disk drive next to a machine
L775[10:29:56] <tim4242> The answer to my question is standard JNI through a library called JNLua. Just for later reference.
L776[10:30:42] <Michiyo> JNLua is just what OC uses for lua whenb natives are disabled/unavailable
L777[10:30:57] <Michiyo> JNI is what loads the natives if enabled/available
L778[10:31:46] <Michiyo> wait, no I got that wrong, LUAJ is what's loaded when natives aren't available
L779[10:31:48] <Michiyo> sorry
L780[10:32:10] <AmandaC> payonel: oh, hey, the sub-modules appeared! It requires a build to be tried first, it seems
L781[10:32:48] <Michiyo> This is what happens when you try to be technical while dealing with effing morons that "Don't need no adapter, they need a cable with USB on on end and HDMI on the other!"
L782[10:32:50] <Michiyo> ._.
L783[10:33:01] <Michiyo> on one*
L784[10:33:43] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L785[10:33:45] <Michiyo> then you try to explain that hooking an HDMI cable to their laptop to the USB port on their TV ISN'T going to work... and they tell you you're dumb cause their neighbors best friend's son's best friends mom did it!
L786[10:34:15] <Michiyo> then you shoot yourself.
L787[10:34:26] <tim4242> yea f*** it I'll just write a quick wrapper for JNI, no need to use anything more complicated when you have like five functions and a subroutine.
L788[10:34:50] <Skye> Michiyo, actually
L789[10:34:58] <Skye> there is a standard for HDMI over USB
L790[10:35:00] <payonel> AmandaC: when you say sub-module i think of the thaumcraft git sub-module in api. are you talking about the build dependencies that gradle tries to cache?
L791[10:35:34] <Skye> however you need special (expensive) TVs
L792[10:35:38] <Skye> and modern (expensive) phones
L793[10:36:12] <gamax92> Acktchually
L794[10:36:18] <gamax92> ~ Skye
L795[10:36:32] <Skye> wut
L796[10:37:17] <tim4242> But actuall, I'll probably wait until circuity is either released or I can steal it because this API really wasn't made for low level architectures.
L797[10:38:51] <Michiyo> Skye, I doubt there $300 Vizio and there $100 straight talk generic ass samsung support it.
L798[10:38:51] <Inari> tim4242: That seem unlikely to ever happen xD
L799[10:39:05] <Michiyo> there? their*
L800[10:39:07] <Michiyo> ffs
L801[10:39:20] <tim4242> I know, but one can hope
L802[10:39:56] <tim4242> Or I'll do what I actually started with and bend a CPU until it fits into OC's worldview
L803[10:40:11] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net)
L804[10:41:27] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:a8c6:6512:fcdf:b9ee)
L805[10:41:39] <AmandaC> payonel: the OpenComputers_{api,main,test}
L806[10:41:45] <Skye> Michiyo, tell them that, I guess. :P
L807[10:41:58] <payonel> AmandaC: OH okay
L808[10:42:37] <Michiyo> Skye, nah man, I'm just fuckin dumb..
L809[10:43:13] <Michiyo> like when they want to buy this MHL adapter here, and I tell them, you know.. that wont work with your phone.. they buy it any way then I see them the next day
L810[10:43:16] <Michiyo> bringing it back.
L811[10:49:18] <tim4242> Yea, I'm going to change VP16 a bit, I think I should be able to get something going that works fairly well in OC
L812[10:51:11] <AmandaC> payonel: at your leisure, confirmed to work: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/2659
L813[10:51:27] <Skye> Michiyo, oh god, that is painful to deal with
L814[10:51:29] <AmandaC> ( or any of th eother OC code fairies )
L815[10:53:27] <payonel> AmandaC: ok cool, thanks
L816[11:13:00] <tim4242> So, how about this: A secondary addressing mode that uses a 128-bit register to R/W to a component. This seperates RAM from other peripherals, but I honestly can't think of a better way of working with the OC API on a low level.
L817[11:13:57] <tim4242> Otherwise you could just use a 144-bit address bus, but I feel like this would waste space
L818[11:14:43] <Skye> tim4242, MMU?
L819[11:15:22] <Noire> trying to reproduce segfault
L820[11:15:32] <Noire> looks like everything is fine for now
L821[11:15:36] <tim4242> How would you set up the interface for the MMU?
L822[11:17:01] <tim4242> I originally wanted to avoid mapping over RAM because it would, well, block RAM
L823[11:17:49] <tim4242> And when you only have 2^16 bytes to play with you want them all, not half of it overshadowed by the display buffer
L824[11:17:54] <Skye> tim4242, you could have a 64 bit virutal address space and a 144-bit physical address space?
L825[11:20:03] <tim4242> I'll build the prototype, lets see how it works
L826[11:22:54] <tim4242> I just wanted to stick to a 16-bit address bus because I already have a working implementation
L827[11:44:54] <S3> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/LQcuvESg/
L828[11:44:57] <Skye> tim4242, go for a 32-bit address bus at least
L829[11:45:08] <Skye> OC ram has max 4MB I think
L830[11:45:19] <Skye> and with 4GB of address space, you have a lot of ram to map peripherals
L831[11:45:32] <S3> Skye: I'm having problems :(
L832[11:45:39] <S3> I need 512B of SRAM
L833[11:45:46] <Skye> uhhh
L834[11:45:48] <S3> it's very hard to find in 12ns access times
L835[11:45:51] <Skye> oooh
L836[11:45:53] <S3> most of them are max 20Mhz
L837[11:45:53] <Skye> I see
L838[11:46:03] <S3> I need it for a VGA buffer
L839[11:46:13] <S3> and the VGA pixel clock for my resolution is like 25Mhz
L840[11:46:19] <Skye> hmmm
L841[11:46:32] <Skye> interleaving?
L842[11:46:36] <S3> I could try 20Mhz memory and just figure itl cool off during horrizontal blank and vblank time but
L843[11:46:47] <S3> well it's just RGB
L844[11:46:51] <S3> but with extras
L845[11:46:55] <Skye> dual ported ram?
L846[11:47:07] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:299a:7e79:8ef8:5995) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L847[11:47:11] <S3> no no no, I found out I do not need dual ported ram at all
L848[11:47:15] <S3> :D
L849[11:47:20] <AmandaC> S3: Have you considered using a blockchain to do it?
L850[11:47:28] * AmandaC hides
L851[11:47:30] <AshIndigo> Must have missed a needed partition, sorry amanda
L852[11:47:39] <AshIndigo> *permission
L853[11:47:41] <S3> a blockchain.. where have I heard that term before..
L854[11:47:52] <AmandaC> AshIndigo: Michiyo's repo worked, so I'm good for now. :)
L855[11:48:10] <Skye> S3, with dual ported RAM you could theoretically double the rate
L856[11:48:10] <payonel> Inari: https://i.imgur.com/my3Le6w.jpg
L857[11:48:17] <Skye> as you could read two bytes at once?
L858[11:48:31] <AshIndigo> Nice
L859[11:48:44] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:4137:443:dde6:d3a7)
L860[11:48:44] <Inari> payonel: Haha :D
L861[11:48:48] <S3> I don't think that helps with VGA timing
L862[11:48:59] <Skye> :P
L863[11:49:05] <Skye> though you could interleave it
L864[11:49:05] <S3> so here's the current specs
L865[11:49:08] <Skye> like
L866[11:49:13] <Skye> split it up
L867[11:49:28] <S3> 12 bit color
L868[11:49:35] <Skye> so that each read for VGA accesses alternating areas
L869[11:49:38] <S3> 12 bit color is actually a lot of color it's almost just like 16 bit color
L870[11:49:52] <S3> anyways
L871[11:49:54] <Skye> will it be linear
L872[11:50:09] <S3> decided to go with 12 bit RGB so 4 bits per color, but lemme give you a sample
L873[11:50:23] <Skye> or skewed for what humans find most noticable?
L874[11:50:33] <S3> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/RGB_12bits_palette_sample_image.png
L875[11:50:48] <S3> here's a sample of 12 bit RGB 4 bits per color
L876[11:51:11] <S3> it's "reasonabke"
L877[11:51:15] <S3> reasonable*
L878[11:52:03] <S3> I looked at using 12 bit color at once on screen, but thre's a problem with that: I would need almost 1MB of video memory just to have 640x480 for ONE screen
L879[11:52:08] <S3> at 60Hz
L880[11:52:24] <S3> that's a shit mega ton of video memory
L881[11:52:58] <S3> so to fix this, I use a pallette, I could lowe res to 320x240, or somethingf. I kind of like 640x480.. butu I can limit the ammount of colors I can have on the screen at once.
L882[11:53:09] <S3> the genesis sued 64 colors on the palette..
L883[11:53:33] <S3> so 6 bit palette entries I would imagine
L884[11:54:00] <S3> I could go down to 16 colors on the screen at once but that looks awful
L885[11:54:25] <S3> http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/images/jpeg3.jpg
L886[11:54:27] <S3> example ^
L887[11:56:57] <S3> SRAM is cheap, having 1MB of video memory isn't the problem. Copying data to the VRAM is a problem
L888[11:58:15] <Skye> S3, blitter!
L889[11:58:33] <S3> ?
L890[11:58:57] <Skye> S3, use a blitter to make the CPU do less work copying data
L891[11:59:27] <S3> Not sure what you're really getting at, but I do have a DMA controller built into the MMU circuit
L892[11:59:47] <S3> this allows me to place memory inside of cached locations and it will DMA straight to the 16 MB memory space
L893[11:59:54] <S3> I can see 4KB at a time from the cpu
L894[12:19:37] <Noire> my gid
L895[12:19:40] <Noire> god*
L896[12:19:44] <Noire> SIGSEGV againm
L897[12:20:02] <Noire> *shoots in the head*
L898[12:20:15] <Noire> With updated natives and Jvm...
L899[12:23:01] <Noire> wtf...
L900[12:23:38] <Skye> @Noire, I blame your kernel
L901[12:24:03] <SAL9000> grsec?
L902[12:24:08] <Skye> ye
L903[12:24:17] <Noire> Maybe it is because hosting uses a lot of memory?
L904[12:24:24] <Noire> I have 32g, 28 used
L905[12:24:48] <Noire> Skye: but how?
L906[12:24:50] <SAL9000> jvm + sec annotations (grsec/hardened) = WORLD OF PAIN
L907[12:25:00] <SAL9000> always.
L908[12:25:03] <Noire> What has been changed since
L909[12:25:19] <Noire> Because this version gave me no headache
L910[12:26:03] <Noire> muck this
L911[12:26:06] <Noire> im downgrading
L912[12:26:14] <Skye> that will break things >_<
L913[12:26:22] <Noire> i have no other way
L914[12:26:27] <Skye> tbh things are already broken
L915[12:26:30] <Skye> actually
L916[12:26:37] <Noire> players are awaiting for the server
L917[12:26:40] <Noire> to be working
L918[12:26:45] <Noire> 5th day in a row
L919[12:26:52] <Noire> And i cant do anything with this
L920[12:27:09] <Skye> alright
L921[12:27:12] <Skye> downgrade
L922[12:27:24] <Noire> What will be broken in that case?
L923[12:27:26] <AmandaC> the native libraries havn't been changed since 2016
L924[12:27:26] <Skye> well
L925[12:27:54] <AmandaC> January 2016 no less
L926[12:28:02] <Noire> But im still interested
L927[12:28:16] <Noire> Which feature breaks it?
L928[12:28:24] <Skye> @Noire, any motion sensors
L929[12:28:27] <Skye> "Added: Motion Sensor is now an upgrade"
L930[12:28:33] <Skye> wait
L931[12:28:34] <Skye> I mean
L932[12:28:39] <Skye> that is what will break when DOWNgrading
L933[12:28:46] <Skye> that shouldn't cause a native error
L934[12:29:14] <Noire> ...
L935[12:29:27] <AmandaC> I'd be veru curiou on the stack trace you get out of gdb for that
L936[12:29:35] <Noire> Okay
L937[12:29:39] <Noire> I can provide it
L938[12:29:45] <Skye> "Fixed: case where computers could run minecraft host machine cpu too high"
L939[12:29:52] <Skye> that could be it
L940[12:29:58] <Noire> Who commited it?
L941[12:30:40] <AmandaC> Also, I think when you update the oracle jvm you have to tell it to use the new version
L942[12:30:49] <AmandaC> It' been awhile since I used it though
L943[12:30:57] <Noire> yes
L944[12:31:02] <Noire> it usees new ver
L945[12:31:08] <Noire> even server logs says it
L946[12:31:11] <AmandaC> kk
L947[12:31:30] <Skye> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2117 ??
L948[12:31:34] <Skye> maybe?
L949[12:31:36] <Skye> I dunno
L950[12:31:43] <Skye> something was changed in serialisations
L951[12:32:34] <Mimiru> have you tried any of the CI builds?
L952[12:32:53] <AmandaC> Is this a physical machine or one in "The Cloud" spurrious SIGSEGV can also be an indicator of bad RAM
L953[12:32:59] ⇦ Quits: Arcanitor- (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L954[12:33:04] <Mimiru> http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- give that a shot
L955[12:33:59] <Skye> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/commits/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/server/machine
L956[12:34:12] <Noire> I have a VDS
L957[12:34:17] <Noire> So its not virtual machine
L958[12:35:37] <AmandaC> VDS?
L959[12:36:00] <Skye> VDS sounds like "virtual dedicated server"
L960[12:36:09] <CompanionCube> so a VPS then?
L961[12:36:18] <Noire> Dedicated server
L962[12:36:25] <Noire> MC-32 Game
L963[12:36:26] <Noire> OVH
L964[12:36:30] <CompanionCube> 'virtual' and 'dedicated' are oxymorons :p
L965[12:36:45] <Noire> It says dedicated in my control panel
L966[12:36:56] <Skye> also... have you tested the new jar? :p
L967[12:37:04] <Noire> Uploading now
L968[12:37:12] <Skye> https://www.ovh.com/us/dedicated-servers/details-servers-range-GAME-id-MC-32.xml
L969[12:37:13] <Skye> alright
L970[12:37:15] <Skye> it's a real server
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L972[12:47:50] <Noire> Hm
L973[12:47:58] <Noire> What changed in he last CI build?
L974[12:48:02] <Noire> the*
L975[12:54:36] <Noire> Skye: still crash with new ver
L976[12:55:24] <Skye> @Noire check the kernel dmesg
L977[12:57:00] <Noire> yea\
L978[12:57:03] <Noire> it has something
L979[12:58:18] <Noire> : Segmentation fault occurred at (nil) in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java[java:17910] uid/euid:1000/1000 gid/egid:1000/1000, parent /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java[java:17783] uid/euid:1000/1000 gid/egid:1000/1000
L980[13:00:42] <Noire> Skye:
L981[13:00:55] <Skye> hmm
L982[13:01:01] <Skye> so nothing about the kernel saying it didn't like it
L983[13:01:08] <Skye> could you backup your world
L984[13:01:13] <Skye> and try with the old version of OC
L985[13:02:04] <Noire>
L986[13:03:21] <Skye> ye
L987[13:03:29] <Skye> see if it still crashes
L988[13:04:17] <Noire> kk
L989[13:09:43] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L990[13:10:34] <Noire> everything works great
L991[13:10:39] <Noire> with an old version
L992[13:10:53] <Noire> Note: computers work well after reboot too
L993[13:10:57] ⇦ Quits: tim4242 (~tim@p2E5024B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L994[13:11:14] <Skye> @Noire, so you have literally tested it right now
L995[13:11:15] <Noire> They seemed kinda laggy after serverstart with 1.7 OC
L996[13:11:19] <Skye> very very odd
L997[13:11:34] <Noire> It is
L998[13:11:47] <Noire> So, what we can do for now?
L999[13:12:00] <Noire> @Sangar ?
L1000[13:13:17] <Skye> payonel, is there anything in the natives that could have been affected inthe 1.7.0 OC update?
L1001[13:13:39] <Noire> I swear to god, build works fine
L1002[13:13:47] <Noire> and the crashzone doesn`t crash now
L1003[13:15:24] <payonel> gamax92: didn't you have to rebuild the natives?
L1004[13:15:42] <Skye> ooohhh
L1005[13:15:50] <gamax92> hmm?
L1006[13:16:17] <Skye> don't tell me that the compiler of the natives breaks it
L1007[13:16:18] <Noire> ???!
L1008[13:16:25] <Noire> lol
L1009[13:16:47] <gamax92> I did stuff locally but the ones in OC are the ones that have been there for a long time
L1010[13:17:14] <Skye> urgh
L1011[13:17:15] <AmandaC> the ones in src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/lib/ havn't been updated since january 2016
L1012[13:17:27] <Skye> the ONLY thing that I can see changed
L1013[13:17:36] <Skye> is the fact that there was a limit to stop computers from hanging the server?
L1014[13:17:43] <Skye> could that even affect it?
L1015[13:17:49] <Skye> I can't find the actual change
L1016[13:19:47] <Noire> so, what? ?
L1017[13:26:13] <Noire> [20:28:13 WARN]: Could not persist computer @ (1705.5, 42.5, -1617.5).
L1018[13:26:13] <Noire> li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: object too complex
L1019[13:26:14] <Noire> hm
L1020[13:26:19] <Noire> spamming this in console
L1021[13:26:45] <Noire> but server is alive
L1022[13:29:06] <payonel> is anyone else seeing this?
L1023[13:29:14] <Noire> ?
L1024[13:29:20] <payonel> your crash
L1025[13:29:22] <payonel> because i dont
L1026[13:29:28] <payonel> i test oc builds all the time and haven't had a problem
L1027[13:29:39] <Noire> Ehm
L1028[13:29:45] <Noire> I have no crashlog
L1029[13:29:50] <payonel> and i'm talking about new+fresh+clean server folders
L1030[13:29:50] <Noire> No hs_err
L1031[13:30:06] <payonel> fine, but i don't get any such LuaRuntimeException
L1032[13:30:10] <payonel> idont have failure to persist
L1033[13:30:11] <Noire> Just a proccess killed by a SIGSEGV
L1034[13:30:19] <payonel> i have no process killed by a SIGSEGV
L1035[13:30:33] <payonel> so like i said, does anyone else see this?
L1036[13:30:34] <Noire> But i have it ? on version 1.7
L1037[13:30:47] <Noire> On version 1.6.1 everything is fine
L1038[13:31:05] <AmandaC> I'm still betting on RAM / hardware issue
L1039[13:32:03] <Noire> Dunno
L1040[13:32:08] <Noire> The only fact is
L1041[13:32:19] <Noire> That something in new version breaks it
L1042[13:33:29] <AmandaC> Okay, so do a git bisect and show us the exact commit causing it, because otherwise it's likely a Oracle JVM issue, or some hardware issue.
L1043[13:33:58] <AmandaC> I'm going with faulty / damaged RAM
L1044[13:36:31] <AmandaC> The natives havn't updated since january of last year, so it's not something OC did that caused the sigsegv, it's a bug in the JVM at best
L1045[13:36:44] <Inari> Well that LuaRuntimeException could be a hint?
L1046[13:39:02] <Noire> Yes, and this exception points on computers that are located in the crashzone
L1047[13:40:06] <Noire> AmandaC: Okay, if it is Oracle JVM issue, why its okay with 1.6.1 then?
L1048[13:40:17] * AmandaC sighs
L1049[13:40:25] <Skye> @Noire can you reproduce this on a clean world
L1050[13:45:24] <Noire> I guess not, the crash-computers run a player-owned program
L1051[13:45:57] <Skye> argh
L1052[13:46:02] <Skye> we need the program
L1053[13:46:06] <Skye> and also the save state
L1054[13:46:22] <Noire> okay
L1055[13:46:29] <Skye> maybe the world if you trust payonel. :P
L1056[13:46:55] <Noire> i tried to wipe ALL OC data
L1057[13:47:00] <Noire> after 1.7 installation
L1058[13:47:04] <Skye> then maybe it';s the program?!
L1059[13:47:08] <Skye> or the tileentity
L1060[13:47:19] <Noire> Do you need program from problematic computer?
L1061[13:47:30] <Noire> [20:49:15 WARN]: Could not persist computer @ (1705.5, 42.5, -1617.5).
L1062[13:47:31] <Noire> li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: object too complex
L1063[13:47:31] <Noire> ?
L1064[13:48:19] <AmandaC> %choose anime or youtube
L1065[13:48:19] <MichiBot> AmandaC: youtube
L1066[13:48:24] <AmandaC> hrm. nah
L1067[13:51:51] <Michiyo> anime ON youtube!
L1068[13:52:04] <Skye> @Noire, yes
L1069[13:52:09] <Noire> [20:43:51 ERROR]: Unexpected error loading a state of computer at (1692.5, 7.5, -1642.5). State: Paused. Unless you're upgrading/downgrading across a major version, please report this! Thank you.
L1070[13:52:09] <Noire> java.lang.Exception: li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: Invalid stack.
L1071[13:52:26] <Skye> also can you just break and replace that computer? maybae that'd "fix it"
L1072[13:52:49] <Noire> they fixed themselves
L1073[13:53:00] <Noire> rebooting this one [20:49:15 WARN]: Could not persist computer @ (1705.5, 42.5, -1617.5).
L1074[13:53:01] <Noire> li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: object too complex helped
L1075[13:53:22] <Noire> im using for now
L1076[13:54:27] <Noire> http://tinyurl.com/yajrbexm
L1077[13:54:32] <Vexatos> I blame gamax92
L1078[13:54:35] <Noire> program itself
L1079[13:54:49] <Noire> From this Could not persist computer @ (1705.5, 42.5, -1617.5)
L1080[13:54:55] <Noire> Vexatos: Why?
L1081[13:57:30] <Skye> this shouldn't mess with OC...
L1082[13:57:35] <Skye> aaaa
L1083[14:04:02] <Noire> ?
L1084[14:14:09] <Skye> I don't get why it's crashing
L1085[14:14:28] <Noire> Me neither
L1086[14:14:42] <Skye> even though you found a workaround (downgrade)
L1087[14:15:02] * CompanionCube would just break out the git bisect
L1088[14:15:04] <Skye> is it okay if you still test stuff when possible?
L1089[14:15:15] <Inari> What if you turn that PC off, shutdown, upgrade, and load then
L1090[14:15:19] <Skye> CompanionCube, well then compile a few hundred jars for them. :P
L1091[14:15:44] <Inari> Or was it already off
L1092[14:16:31] <Inari> and/or had its state cleared so that it didn't have any "persisted objects"
L1093[14:17:00] <Inari> Though I'm just guessing, I have no clue :P
L1094[14:19:00] <Noire> Vexatos said something about gamax92
L1095[14:19:06] <Noire> Maybe he knows better?
L1096[14:19:27] <Noire> I dunno, i already put the bullet into the barrel
L1097[14:19:37] <Noire> I am ready to pull the trigger
L1098[14:19:38] <Noire> ?
L1099[14:25:42] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1100[14:45:55] <Forecaster> %shell
L1101[14:45:55] * MichiBot loads a cup of spiders into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near daniel, Thog and SpiritedDusty. They each take 6, 7 and 2 splash damage respectively.
L1102[14:46:29] <Muanh> Hey guys, not really a modding expert, what is the best way to downgrade my MC version?
L1103[14:47:14] <Forecaster> uh, select a lower version?
L1104[14:48:50] <Kodos> What launcher are you using
L1105[14:49:15] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED56EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1106[14:50:00] <Muanh> i mean can I change some settings in build.gradle?
L1107[14:50:18] <Muanh> i tried changing the version
L1108[14:50:20] <Kodos> Oh you're talking about making a mod
L1109[14:50:24] <Muanh> yeah
L1110[14:50:34] <Kodos> Best advice would be a new workspace
L1111[14:50:38] <Muanh> i need to downgrade because there is a bug currently in OC AE integration
L1112[14:50:41] <Muanh> oh
L1113[14:50:45] <Muanh> ok
L1114[14:51:01] <Kodos> And just use the forge dec thinger for the version you want
L1115[14:51:06] <Kodos> Dev*
L1116[14:52:52] <Muanh> that's kinda anoying was hoping i could just change some settings in gradle
L1117[14:54:20] <Kodos> I mean I dunno that you can't but a new workspace seems like an easier time
L1118[14:55:02] <Muanh> already have my mod in there so would have to copy everything over and then copy everything back ones the bug is fixed
L1119[15:03:07] <Kodos> Well depending on what you call you may have to refactor anyway
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L1121[15:16:55] <Michiyo> So.. change the version in your build.gradle, then setupDecompWorkspace and then generate your IDE stuff with eclipse/...whatever you do to generate Idea's stuff
L1122[15:17:49] <Michiyo> And depending on how big of a jump you're doing.. you might have to swap out the gradle directory/gradlew with the one for the matching Forge dev kit
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L1125[15:28:46] <Muanh> maybe best to first check with standalone if it is working with the other versions before I do all that ?
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L1139[16:57:38] <payonel> https://imgur.com/bnLWAxv gaming on a mac
L1140[16:58:24] <S3> heh
L1141[16:58:40] <Izaya> they make wonderful footrests too
L1142[16:58:42] <Izaya> side tables
L1143[17:09:34] ⇨ Joins: freacknate09 (~freacknat@97-92-106-20.static.reno.nv.charter.com)
L1144[17:09:40] <freacknate09> Hello
L1145[17:14:27] <Forecaster> %hello
L1146[17:14:27] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L1147[17:15:43] <freacknate09> How is everyone?
L1148[17:21:00] <Forecaster> Sleepy
L1149[17:21:17] <freacknate09> Fun
L1150[17:22:04] <freacknate09> I am gonna hop off the IRC; I am going into an SSP world, where I dont have the IRC client yet
L1151[17:22:07] ⇦ Quits: freacknate09 (~freacknat@97-92-106-20.static.reno.nv.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1152[17:26:29] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E9BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'I still love you.' - D.Va (Overwatch))
L1153[17:57:53] <AmandaC> %tell Inari also: "wait nagisua is really a boy!?" Even though he doesn't really present himself as a girl in any way than his pigtails
L1154[17:57:53] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1155[18:00:38] <Izaya> wonder if they know that you can use IRC out of game
L1156[18:01:49] <Mimiru> !! I've just left my game open for years
L1157[18:14:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2F0922EC821827797DA505.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1158[18:16:11] <AmandaC> Izaya: don't be silly
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L1181[19:14:09] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
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L1183[20:53:26] *** Unh0lyTigg is now known as Unh0ly_Tigg
L1184[21:25:23] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:4137:443:dde6:d3a7) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1185[22:09:30] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:a8c6:6512:fcdf:b9ee) (Quit: Cervator)
L1186[22:24:10] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960E28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1187[22:24:28] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:8824:ff7f:322:cfbe) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1188[22:25:48] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960C59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1189[23:59:05] <Forecaster> %shell
L1190[23:59:05] * MichiBot loads a crashlog into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near daniel, alFamaRt and Lucifer. They each take 10, 9 and 6 splash damage respectively.
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