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L1[00:16:25] ⇦ Quits: turbo_penguin (~turbopeng@169-253-237-24.gci.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[00:18:10] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@
L3[00:19:54] <smoke_fumus> Guys, can someone explain to me the low level ops of software. By that i mean, how OS > program > os routines implemented?
L4[00:21:54] ⇦ Quits: BobbyTables2012 (~EiraIRC@47-51-43-210.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L5[00:24:21] <payonel> smoke_fumus: i can explain any level of detail you want
L6[00:24:35] <payonel> but before i give a thesis on how openos works, do you have a specific question?
L7[00:25:11] <smoke_th> @payonel we could talk in private to not spam the chat.
L8[00:25:18] <payonel> it's definitely not spam
L9[00:25:23] <payonel> it's what this channel is for ?
L10[00:28:17] <smoke_th> yeah, okay. i'll use discord rather than irc client then, since i use it much more frequently.
L11[00:28:17] <smoke_th> Okay let me back up a bit first. Basically - this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8QcZz2bcJM < i've been working on a hacking game last year, but that version of project got scrapped. Thing is - unlike OC - os in this one was quite hardcoded. Right now project is about to restart, and i'm glad i stumbled upon open computers while project was in cooldown.
L12[00:28:17] <smoke_th> What i want to do - is i want to implement something closer to opencomputers scope of simulationl, down to rudimentary hardware.
L13[00:28:18] <MichiBot> NetBreakers prototype preview 1 | length: 5m 28s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 43 | by Smoke Fumus | Published On 23/6/2016
L14[00:28:45] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L15[00:31:01] <payonel> smoke_th: i'm almost never in discord like this ?
L16[00:31:08] <payonel> but i am when i'm playing games because ... reasons
L17[00:31:17] <smoke_th> voicechat. ?
L18[00:31:23] <payonel> ah sure
L19[00:31:34] <payonel> not in General though, pick one
L20[00:31:41] <smoke_th> no i mean, you use voicechat for games
L21[00:31:48] <smoke_th> i don't want to voicecall right now lel
L22[00:31:53] <payonel> oh, not that, i dont have hexchat on my gaming pc
L23[00:32:03] ⇦ Quits: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L24[00:32:30] <smoke_th> unlike opencomputers - this one uses SPRAK programming language, which is mappable to C# calls out of the box and already has "cpu clock" stack execution limiter, since it was specifically designed and used for else heart.break() (great game btw, you should totally check it). and i'm pretty certain it is a good stand-in for lua. hell at least it has proper for-do cycle and array counting starts from 0
L25[00:34:04] <payonel> okok, reading your question now
L26[00:34:06] <payonel> i was in-game
L27[00:35:18] <payonel> ok, read that
L28[00:35:23] <smoke_th> I haven't typed it in yet, i just typed in the backstory. Basically i want to understand how opencomputers manages to run it's general architecture - from the 'object' to the "power on" to bios to OS, and also understand OS execution call passing implementation
L29[00:35:42] <payonel> so, do you have a question about building your own os and need to know our hardware api or do you want to know how i built openos?
L30[00:36:05] <payonel> well...that's a lot of ground to cover ?
L31[00:36:23] <smoke_th> Latter mostly. I need a guidance help here so i wouldn't spend another 3 weeks coming up with my own/researching the depths of irl os creation
L32[00:37:16] <smoke_th> Oh also - i already have a virtual graphics adapter (which uses compute shader) working - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlICa6Xwygg unlike real VGA - this one operates it's screen fill in parallel
L33[00:37:17] <MichiBot> Virtual graphics adapter on compute shader | length: 1m 17s | Likes: 5 Dislikes: 0 Views: 85 | by Smoke Fumus | Published On 13/4/2017
L34[00:37:54] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
L35[00:38:07] <smoke_th> and yes that is an oldschool pixelshift array action
L36[00:38:48] <payonel> when you turn on a computer, it is the "computer" component that is running
L37[00:39:15] <payonel> well, no ... let me start over
L38[00:39:31] <payonel> first you have the arch, like the Lua arch, it is the cpu
L39[00:39:40] <payonel> it isn't a component as far as OC runtime is concerned
L40[00:40:05] <smoke_th> by arch you literally mean lua commands api which is mapped to java calls back and forth
L41[00:40:58] <payonel> in-game when you craft the cpu and select the arch, you are selecting an implementation in scala for the Architecture
L42[00:41:12] <payonel> it is that arch object that is executed
L43[00:41:44] <payonel> the arch a few basic objects that represent the environment for the user in-game
L44[00:42:27] <payonel> 1. the `component` api, providing methods such as component.list, component.invoke, component.methods, etc
L45[00:43:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9D9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L46[00:43:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L47[00:43:25] <smoke_th> that's zero layer api which is directly mapped to to java commands, correct?
L48[00:43:55] <payonel> 2. and some other less essentials, like `unicode` `system`, etc
L49[00:44:00] <payonel> yes, zero layer is a fair name for it
L50[00:44:20] <payonel> the Lua arch translates, or maps, those api in _G. tables
L51[00:44:37] <payonel> the first, and really only, thing the Lua arch does is load the machine.lua
L52[00:45:18] <payonel> this is outside the sandbox, machine.lua creates the sandbox, then checks components via`component.list` for an EEPROM
L53[00:45:26] <payonel> then, loads and executes the code on the EEPROM
L54[00:45:48] <payonel> at this point, machine.lua is "done" (it loops for yields and events and such, but does nothing more)
L55[00:46:31] <payonel> our default Lua EEPROM is then executing. and you are inside the sandbox
L56[00:47:04] <payonel> the default Lua EEPROM checks for a last used filesystem disk, tries to load init.lua from it, then checks all disks and loads and executes the first init.lua is finds
L57[00:47:28] <payonel> that is when OpenOS is started, and everything in OpenOS is then running from that init.lua
L58[00:48:22] <smoke_th> machine.lua piece is separated from actual editable user input, and in fact, considered 'hardcoded' from what i can understand. So, in essence - machine.lua can be called "soft motherboard initial startup routine where it goes to bios....okay Kickstart - this is definitely more like amiga kickstart rom and loads current components and what-not, then checks for command EEPROM code entry and it all spins from there".
L59[00:48:55] <payonel> a few corrections in our case
L60[00:49:16] <payonel> 1. machine.lua doesn't load any components, it ONLY looks for EEPROM and loads and executes the code on it
L61[00:49:32] <payonel> yes it is hardcoded, it is outside the sandbox, the user never sees and cannot edit it
L62[00:49:58] <payonel> i guess i only had that 1 correction ?
L63[00:50:22] <smoke_th> So it's head-less machine startup. more akin to arduino where it just loads the chip and unless "burned" chip info (EEPROM in this case) has a specific serial check - it doesn't bother with components.
L64[00:50:24] <smoke_th> Got it
L65[00:51:04] <smoke_th> i mean, does it? what about cpu/ram presence check?
L66[00:51:13] <payonel> it does not check for those
L67[00:51:17] <payonel> the CPU IS the arch
L68[00:51:27] <payonel> the arch is running machine.lua
L69[00:51:31] <smoke_th> OH.
L70[00:51:39] <payonel> the memory is merely a limit
L71[00:51:40] <smoke_th> yeah, that makes more sense architecture wise
L72[00:52:04] <payonel> the arch is checking the memory limit during runtime
L73[00:52:13] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-185-188-47.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L74[00:52:23] <smoke_th> i'd need to code that in. the whole memory alloc
L75[00:52:25] <payonel> we don't provide direct memory access, at least not in the Lua arch
L76[00:52:42] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-185-229-93.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au)
L77[00:52:44] <smoke_th> oh yeah, pointer fun in lua. The horrors just around the corner.
L78[00:53:11] <payonel> Lua provides a very nice hook, where we can be notified of every realloc
L79[00:53:17] <payonel> we use that to trigger OOM
L80[00:53:34] <smoke_th> not in case with .net so i will probably need to code in direct variable usage stack as well ?
L81[00:53:36] <payonel> but that happens in the arch
L82[00:54:51] <payonel> as for processes in OpenOS ... either that is actually far more complex, or I'm just biased because I wrote it and I know the details far more than i know everything else i just said
L83[00:55:05] <payonel> i have written an emulator for OC, which is where 90% of my knowledge of what i just explained came from
L84[00:55:29] <Vexatos> I can confirm all he just said, and I did not write any emulator >_>
L85[00:55:59] <payonel> no, but computronics ?
L86[00:56:32] <smoke_th> Hm. Okay. How would you go about implementing RAM limiting without having direct access to realloc hook of lua?
L87[00:56:46] <payonel> that completely depends on your arch
L88[00:57:12] <payonel> OC doesn't babysit the arch
L89[00:57:34] <smoke_th> i don't plan on implementing registers and actual assembly or direct cpu emulation if that's what you're asking. it's gonna be too redundant
L90[00:57:44] <smoke_th> i don't plan on implementing registers and actual assembly and direct cpu emulation if that's what you're asking. it's gonna be too redundant
L91[00:57:52] <smoke_th> i don't plan on implementing registers and actual assembly and direct cpu emulation if that's what you're asking. it's gonna be too redundant in that case
L92[00:58:37] <payonel> i dont know about c# memory management. i worked in c# for about 5 years but I didn't do any memory allocation control
L93[00:58:51] <smoke_th> because c# has nice GC and does it all automatically. ?
L94[00:58:57] <Vexatos> Why would you have to in a language with a sane GC >:>
L95[00:59:12] <Vexatos> Java even has three sane GCs
L96[00:59:14] <Vexatos> D:
L97[00:59:18] <payonel> haha
L98[00:59:31] <smoke_th> i think it's more like 4 at this point.
L99[01:00:03] <Vexatos> there is the GM, G1, whatever the default was called... what else >_>
L100[01:00:04] <smoke_th> There's the linear, there's old parallel, there's parallel and then there's recent one which partially uses graph logic multidimensional, somewhat similar to GCC's graphite
L101[01:01:03] <Vexatos> right, serial was the fourth one >_>
L102[01:01:15] <payonel> smoke_th: so about processes in Lua. a process can have a child process. each process has some metadata. but the threading is cooperative, and not preemptive. There are background processes and events, but they occur when the user yields (cooperatively), and then intercepts cause things to happen in parallel
L103[01:01:31] <payonel> i meant, processes in OpenOS
L104[01:01:45] <smoke_th> in parallel or in ienumerator?
L105[01:02:06] <payonel> nonconcurrent parallelism
L106[01:03:00] <smoke_th> you sure it's not the other way around?
L107[01:03:08] <smoke_th> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050222/concurrency-vs-parallelism-what-is-the-difference
L108[01:03:16] <payonel> init runs the shell, and shell creates child processes (based on command line input) and executes those child processes until they complete
L109[01:03:59] <payonel> smoke_th: thanks, i got them flipped
L110[01:04:02] <smoke_th> ?
L111[01:04:10] <smoke_th> so, literally concurrent execution
L112[01:04:21] <Vexatos> if they are not parallel... are they orthogonal? D:
L113[01:05:18] <smoke_th> Nah, think of it more like a list of subtasks and a single rollodex - you put them into it one after another, sometimes subtasks from different processes stuck between each other - but it's still concurrent- you have a single rollodex
L114[01:05:38] <smoke_th> Nah, think of it more like a list of subtasks and a single rolodex - you put them into it one after another, sometimes subtasks from different processes stuck between each other - but it's still concurrent- you have a single rolodex
L115[01:05:56] <Vexatos> ...I was making a joke
L116[01:06:05] <Vexatos> I know how to programming ,_,
L117[01:06:08] <smoke_th> Yeah, but some other peers here might've not understood the principle ?
L118[01:06:13] <payonel> the problem is that in the work place, concurrency is used "incorrectly"
L119[01:06:27] <payonel> and i use those quotes heavily ?
L120[01:06:53] <payonel> language is, after all, interpreted
L121[01:07:02] <payonel> but i do appreciate the correction. i prefer to be accurate
L122[01:07:24] <smoke_th> Well i mean there is lua multithreading but last thing i heard - programmer who tried using it kept weeping in the corner after few hours of work
L123[01:07:30] <smoke_th> Well i mean there is lua multithreading but last thing i heard - programmer who tried using it started weeping in the corner after few hours of work
L124[01:07:37] <payonel> anyways, i'm going to play a bit more tonight. if you want more details on openos, feel free to chat me up during "the day" (where "day" is PDT)
L125[01:08:00] <payonel> yes, and we do not plan to add any form of concurrency to the Lua arch in OC ?
L126[01:08:08] <Vexatos> payo's daylight time
L127[01:08:09] <smoke_th> *parallelism
L128[01:08:11] <payonel> any form == a true form
L129[01:08:16] <Vexatos> talk about payollelism
L130[01:08:17] <payonel> vex! ha, i love it
L131[01:08:29] <payonel> smoke_th: did it again
L132[01:08:32] <smoke_th> ;D
L133[01:08:36] <payonel> see, work, seriously, it's how ppl use the term
L134[01:08:45] <payonel> meh
L135[01:08:52] <payonel> i'm not too old to learn
L136[01:09:22] <smoke_th> Nobody's too old to learn. Brain, in a way is like a muscle, only you pump it using information analysis and algorithmical thinking (as well as information storage)
L137[01:09:25] <payonel> anyways, openos does have multithreading
L138[01:09:35] <payonel> it's fairly recent, and it's really freaking cool
L139[01:09:41] <payonel> but i dont think anyone is using it seriously yet
L140[01:09:51] <smoke_th> @payonel mutex?
L141[01:10:17] <payonel> there is no need for CS when cooperative yielding is the only option
L142[01:10:28] <smoke_th> that's on the one hand
L143[01:10:39] <smoke_th> but on the other - you want some sort of variable-thread association
L144[01:11:14] <smoke_th> at least so that programmer wouldn't tear his/her hair out whenever some rogue thread he forgot he created changes a variable and whole execution turns into "what the hell is happening anymore"
L145[01:11:46] <smoke_th> or rather - variable-thread protection when variable reside in parent/multithread starter body
L146[01:12:02] <payonel> a mutex doesn't protect you from that
L147[01:12:34] <smoke_th> :V sorry, i goofed. Just variable protection in general
L148[01:12:46] <smoke_th> see - you're not the one who messes up the terms ?
L149[01:12:51] <smoke_th> see - you're not the only one who messes up the terms ?
L150[01:13:05] <payonel> well even without threading, that a problem
L151[01:13:16] <payonel> you can have a function modifying a global or a captured reference
L152[01:13:35] <smoke_th> or implementing something akin to C# members with get/set
L153[01:13:39] <payonel> it comes down to the implementation details, and coding practices
L154[01:13:47] <smoke_th> with set being private only
L155[01:14:03] <payonel> sure, but that's not the responsibility of a thread
L156[01:14:10] <payonel> there are things openos threads do
L157[01:14:13] <smoke_th> Yeah, that's coder's responsibility in general
L158[01:14:30] <payonel> for example, if you create child threads, or if you create event listeners, or timers
L159[01:14:38] <payonel> those things are sandboxed to the thread
L160[01:14:49] <smoke_th> sandboxed or scoped?
L161[01:14:53] <payonel> if the thread is suspended, or killled, none of its children run
L162[01:15:06] <payonel> well it is scoped to the parent process
L163[01:15:12] <smoke_th> Oh, right. got it.
L164[01:15:18] <payonel> because in Lua i don't have functional scope
L165[01:16:24] <smoke_th> Yeah..interpreted languages and all that. Then again i think javascript....nevermind javascript is more VM-driven language than it is fully interpreted. or at least it's getting there by the looks of it. Especially with asm.js and recent webassembly developments
L166[01:16:45] <Vexatos> how is that related to Lua being interpreted >_>
L167[01:16:56] <Vexatos> Where the scope comes from is a design choice more than anything
L168[01:17:22] <Vexatos> also please don't talk about the third-worst language in the world ,_,
L169[01:17:41] <smoke_th> yeah, and let's face it - lua was designed, at least initially, by a bunch of CS class dropouts who couldn't even run array counting from 0.
L170[01:17:59] <Vexatos> except the guy who made it is a professor of computer science
L171[01:18:27] <smoke_th> Good for him. Doesn't change the fact that some lua designs are archaic or weird, like beforementioned array counting
L172[01:18:31] <Vexatos> and the array index choice was also very much intentional >_>
L173[01:18:42] <Vexatos> There are two reasons why you would do it
L174[01:18:53] <Vexatos> In Lua, it's because it is a heckload more intuitive
L175[01:18:54] <payonel> smoke_th: fyi: vex is a strong supporter for 1-based arrays
L176[01:19:02] <Vexatos> I am not
L177[01:19:05] <Vexatos> I am very much indifferent
L178[01:19:05] <smoke_th> *sigh*
L179[01:19:08] <Vexatos> But I know why it is in Lua
L180[01:19:20] <Vexatos> I don't care whether it's 0 or 1 based in a language
L181[01:19:24] <Vexatos> I just know arguments for both
L182[01:19:27] <payonel> ok fair, vex strongly feels 1-based arrays are intuitive
L183[01:19:32] <Vexatos> yes
L184[01:19:35] <Vexatos> for non-programmers
L185[01:19:42] <Vexatos> i.e. people who maybe had maths in school
L186[01:19:58] <Vexatos> Lua is one of the best languages to start programming with
L187[01:20:00] <smoke_th> how do i put it....uh. yeah. Fuck em.
L188[01:20:03] <Vexatos> because it is so god damn easy
L189[01:20:05] <Vexatos> by syntax
L190[01:20:12] <payonel> smoke_th: relax
L191[01:20:36] <Vexatos> It is, didactically, one of the best languages, in my opinion
L192[01:20:43] <smoke_th> Nah mate, Logo is the best language to start programming with - sure it's not very usable in irl application - but when you just need to build up basic casue-effect algorithmic thinking for a child - logo is the king
L193[01:20:59] <payonel> vex knows what he's talking about. i dont fully agree, but there is wisdom
L194[01:21:03] <Vexatos> you can teach someone programming basics without all the shit around it. You maybe shouldn't, but you can, if you just want to dive right into programming
L195[01:21:26] <Vexatos> yea I know. I'm not a CS student but I know my share of languages and I know how teaching works :I
L196[01:21:31] <Vexatos> (and learning)
L197[01:21:36] <smoke_th> and because it's so simple - it also been translated to a lot of irl languages. there is even russian version of logo. again - it's for covering basics in fun and intuitive weay
L198[01:21:52] <smoke_th> and because it's so simple - it also been translated to a lot of irl languages. there is even russian version of logo. again - it's for covering basics in fun and intuitive way
L199[01:22:09] <Vexatos> Now then
L200[01:22:16] <Vexatos> you
L201[01:22:28] <Vexatos> are trying to tell me that a lisp dialect could be easy to learn >_>
L202[01:22:30] <Vexatos> ok then
L203[01:22:32] * Vexatos dies
L204[01:22:35] <smoke_th> Neither am i, in fact i haven't even attended any sort of colledge after graduating high-school. just self-educated.
L205[01:23:37] <Vexatos> Nah seriously, if someone came to me and said "I want to write a program and I want to do it now", without any knowledge about the mathematical and electronic background required for programming, I'd tell them to go Lua
L206[01:23:49] <Vexatos> which is, like, exactly the target group of mods like CC and OC, by the way
L207[01:24:25] <Vexatos> Here's the second point in favour of 1-based indexing
L208[01:24:33] <Vexatos> I do not think this is a point you can make for Lua
L209[01:24:43] <Vexatos> but my new favourite language Julia explicitly uses it
L210[01:24:53] <Vexatos> Julia is a language for technical computing and you write it like maths
L211[01:25:03] <Vexatos> therefore, it is as close to mathematical syntax as you can probably get
L212[01:25:23] <Vexatos> And, in maths, the first element of a matrix happens to be A₁₁
L213[01:25:33] <Vexatos> there's your first index
L214[01:25:52] <Vexatos> I doubt Lua makes that point, but it definitely uses the first one
L215[01:26:04] <Vexatos> since it is a language made for beign easy and introducing new people to programming
L216[01:26:22] <smoke_th> *points at sprak and else heart.break()*
L217[01:26:28] <Vexatos> It is used in exactly those cases: Where people with little to no programming background want to write stuff
L218[01:26:31] <Vexatos> e.g. computer mods
L219[01:26:34] <Vexatos> e.g. factorio mods
L220[01:26:40] <Vexatos> e.g. WoW addons
L221[01:26:52] <Vexatos> etc etc etc
L222[01:27:18] <payonel> zug
L223[01:27:19] <payonel> vex
L224[01:27:21] <payonel> i......
L225[01:27:28] <payonel> i'm pained to agree with you on the matrix example
L226[01:27:33] <payonel> oh the shame
L227[01:27:39] <Vexatos> you can't disagree, maths were there first
L228[01:27:46] <Vexatos> if your language is made for maths
L229[01:27:49] <Vexatos> you better agree with maths
L230[01:27:54] <Vexatos> Julia is made for maths
L231[01:27:57] <payonel> i dont like this conversatoin
L232[01:28:01] <payonel> i'm leaving now
L233[01:28:02] <payonel> o/
L234[01:28:09] <Vexatos> Am I destroying your view of the world? :⁾
L235[01:29:13] <Vexatos> As you may be able to tell, I have had this conversation once or seventeen times before, I know arguments for and against my languages >_> and the most abused one against Lua happens to be this one
L236[01:30:49] <smoke_th> Well first of all - math background or physics background chumps who don't understand basic algorithmic shouldn't be allowed anywhere near programming - i've seen what these idiots write - it's a shitshow
L237[01:30:58] <Vexatos> sir
L238[01:31:11] <CompanionCube> how many people seriously make use of LOGO's general lispiness
L239[01:31:12] <CompanionCube> als
L240[01:31:16] <Vexatos> jl is a language for technical computing
L241[01:31:18] <CompanionCube> *also
L242[01:31:23] * CompanionCube gets popcorn
L243[01:31:34] <smoke_th> i said "who don't understand basic algorithmic"
L244[01:31:37] <Vexatos> you are supposed to write high-performance multicore or GPU-intensive operations in it
L245[01:31:45] <Vexatos> I am pretty sure those people know what they are doing :I
L246[01:31:56] <smoke_th> OpenCL called. told you to man up and learn some C
L247[01:32:04] <Tazz> lol
L248[01:32:25] <Vexatos> Something something reinvent the wheel
L249[01:32:39] <smoke_th> Something something best Compute API around
L250[01:32:46] <CompanionCube> C: jack of many trades, master of none :3
L251[01:32:46] <Vexatos> Julia uses those
L252[01:32:58] <Tazz> CompanionCube: lol
L253[01:33:09] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:8c72:6875:13eb:c4f4) (Remote host closed the connection)
L254[01:33:15] <Vexatos> it accesses C and FORTH computations libraries in its stdlib when necessary
L255[01:33:36] <Vexatos> it's almost just as fast as C :P
L256[01:33:38] <smoke_th> what you describing is syntax difference. it takes about few hours to get used to 0-based arrays, and understand their validity. takes another few hours to rudimentarily grasp scoping of most C-based languages altogether. then what? there are not that many languages which bend basic algorithmic structure of a program
L257[01:33:45] <Vexatos> This
L258[01:33:45] <Vexatos> is
L259[01:33:46] <Vexatos> not
L260[01:33:47] <Vexatos> about
L261[01:33:48] <Vexatos> getting
L262[01:33:49] <Vexatos> used
L263[01:33:49] <Vexatos> to
L264[01:33:50] <Vexatos> it
L265[01:33:54] <Vexatos> It is about maths
L266[01:34:01] <Tazz> “It is not the language that makes programs appear simple. It is the programmer that make the language appear simple!”
L267[01:34:07] <Vexatos> Everyone who does technical computing knows 0-based indexes
L268[01:34:19] <Tazz> to quote the god
L269[01:34:24] <Vexatos> It's just that it's not right for maths
L270[01:34:54] <smoke_th> every c-based language is right for the maths as long as you know how to put your function from your funky math annotation to a regular code
L271[01:35:06] <Vexatos> If you haven't had further mathematics, you can't understand I guess :I
L272[01:35:21] <Tazz> smoke_th if you read research papers for code algos then you can LOL
L273[01:35:49] <smoke_th> you right, i didn't. doesn't change a thing. because there is a reason it's still called a function and not subroutine
L274[01:35:58] <Vexatos> yes
L275[01:36:08] <smoke_th> you right, i didn't. doesn't change a thing. because there is a reason it's still called a function and not a subroutine
L276[01:36:16] <Vexatos> and a function, in maths, is also stuff like f(x)=2x+1
L277[01:36:21] <Vexatos> (which is valid syntax in jl)
L278[01:36:54] <Vexatos> of course you could do everything in C
L279[01:37:03] <smoke_th> double f(double x) { return 2*x+1 }
L280[01:37:05] <Vexatos> But if that was a real argument, no other language would exist
L281[01:37:06] <smoke_th> what's your point?
L282[01:37:19] <Vexatos> people would not pay €2000 for MATLAB
L283[01:37:50] <Vexatos> if your argument was valid, why is MATLAB so successful >_>
L284[01:37:58] <Vexatos> despite being this expensive
L285[01:38:16] <Tazz> bloom(img) = img ∪ blur({ px ∈ img | px > 128 & px < 255})
L286[01:38:26] <Vexatos> it's _the_ go to technical computing language
L287[01:38:32] <Vexatos> Tazz, now that is some math syntax
L288[01:38:45] <Tazz> Vexatos: func for bloom shaders
L289[01:38:49] <Tazz> using set notation
L290[01:38:53] <smoke_th> even if it was a real argument - there are still would've been other languages - not for the reasons you described. Garbage collection is a thing. :V, also C doesn't support classes so complex scoping is problematic and requires alot of additional tracking
L291[01:38:53] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L292[01:38:58] <CompanionCube> the starting index doesn't matter as long as there's a reason other than 'because'
L293[01:39:04] <Vexatos> ^this
L294[01:39:26] <Tazz> lol GC can be simulated or written
L295[01:39:28] <Vexatos> reason for 0-based: Because computers. reason for 1-based: a) more intuitive b) maths
L296[01:39:43] <Vexatos> it's not better or worse than the other >_>
L297[01:39:47] <Vexatos> at all
L298[01:40:21] <Vexatos> @smoke_th all the stuff you explained, Julia has, so :I
L299[01:40:35] <CompanionCube> Vexatos: reason 2 for 0-based: other languages/programmers.
L300[01:40:43] <Vexatos> "I am used to it"
L301[01:40:46] <Vexatos> not a good argument
L302[01:40:48] <Vexatos> at all
L303[01:41:06] <smoke_th> Okay smarty pants. Code me an arcanoid on brainfuck.
L304[01:41:17] <Vexatos> that's like still writing derivatives as f'(x) instead of df/dx
L305[01:41:19] <CompanionCube> Vexatos: i never said it had to be a *good* reason ;)
L306[01:41:21] <Vexatos> just because "you are used to it"
L307[01:41:50] <Vexatos> @smoke_th I never said 0-based indexing was bad
L308[01:42:02] <Vexatos> All I am saying is that there are very, very good reasons to do it differently
L309[01:42:15] <Vexatos> In specific cases
L310[01:42:23] <Vexatos> a) didactic and b) mathematical purposes
L311[01:42:33] <Vexatos> not all languages do either of tose
L312[01:42:35] <Vexatos> those*
L313[01:42:43] <Tazz> if you want a GC for C here https://gist.github.com/s0cks/cbe9d2759ae5fed75590494be3558b41
L314[01:42:48] <Tazz> knock yourself out :3
L315[01:43:00] <Vexatos> It's gc.c D:
L316[01:43:01] <smoke_th> you used "familiarity is a bad argument" argument. that on itself - is a horrid argument because you forgetting paradigm logic and stuff which works is just works - aka Good UX is benefactor.
L317[01:43:03] <CompanionCube> Tazz: or just go Boehm
L318[01:43:25] <Vexatos> @smoke_th 1-based indexing is the very epitome of good UX
L319[01:43:35] <Vexatos> because you write your code just like you would write your papers
L320[01:43:35] <Tazz> CompanionCube: true but boehm is more of a lib than a drop in like that
L321[01:43:42] <Vexatos> and just like you would write your maths
L322[01:43:47] <Vexatos> on paper or a blackboard
L323[01:43:52] <Vexatos> you know the formulas
L324[01:43:54] <Vexatos> you read them
L325[01:44:03] <Vexatos> and you can write them into the program almost 1-to-1
L326[01:44:10] <Vexatos> because the language is written like maths
L327[01:44:13] <Tazz> pretty much lol
L328[01:44:13] <Vexatos> sounds like good UX to me
L329[01:44:29] <Tazz> cause like when it comes down to it everything in programming is based off of maths
L330[01:44:39] <Tazz> everything is just an offset of some register or address
L331[01:44:40] <Vexatos> especially technical computing
L332[01:44:51] <Vexatos> where you have silly maths to do
L333[01:44:52] <Tazz> everything is loaded via numeric representations
L334[01:45:16] <Tazz> packed into chunks of mem called structs and passed around like candy
L335[01:45:43] <Vexatos> I hardly count numeric addition as maths >_>
L336[01:45:53] <Tazz> lol Vexatos
L337[01:46:21] <Vexatos> maths is stuff like solving schrödinger equations
L338[01:46:33] <Tazz> lol
L339[01:46:51] <Tazz> or like my bloom shader func?
L340[01:46:53] <Tazz> lol
L341[01:46:54] <Vexatos> numeric maths*
L342[01:46:55] <Vexatos> yea
L343[01:46:56] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L344[01:47:20] <Tazz> which is accurate assuming one provides a set of data which correspond to pixel data
L345[01:49:11] <Vexatos> anyways, got to go
L346[01:49:12] <Vexatos> bye bye
L347[01:49:20] <Tazz> night Vexatos
L348[01:49:21] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9D9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L350[01:52:50] <CompanionCube> 1 become: 0 " if this was possible imagine how badly it would break things "
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L354[02:14:02] <Tazz> lol tell me if this sounds like a good idea: I want to use my JIT I wrote to compile assembly code in Java for a computer mod
L355[02:14:13] <Tazz> s/computer mod/OC
L356[02:14:13] <MichiBot> <Tazz> lol tell me if this sounds like a good idea: I want to use my JIT I wrote to compile assembly code in Java for a OC
L357[02:14:34] <Tazz> depends on my interest post getting these shenanigans working
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L360[03:01:32] <Lizzy> ~oc event
L361[03:01:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
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L366[03:17:47] <Izaya> Tazz: apparently there's an integrated circuit mod that compiles java code
L367[03:18:07] <Tazz> lol nice
L368[03:18:23] <Tazz> i was referring to like native code doe
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L371[04:02:19] <Izaya> Tazz: what if the server is running on ARM?
L372[04:02:48] <Tazz> Izaya: my JIT supports a few arm archs and x86 & x64
L373[04:03:21] <Izaya> what if it's running on MIPS or RISC-V?
L374[04:03:37] <Tazz> no MIPS or RISC-V support no
L375[04:03:58] <Tazz> do I care? prolly not unless there is an obvious demmand for it
L376[04:04:01] <Izaya> seems somewhat less than ideal then
L377[04:04:22] <Izaya> ideally you'd turn it into llvm bytecode then compile that
L378[04:04:46] <Izaya> or something along those lines
L379[04:05:14] <Tazz> nah
L380[04:05:23] <Tazz> ideally Ill use my JIT
L381[04:05:36] <Tazz> it has its own flow graph compiler and supports a large enough variety of platforms
L382[04:05:38] <Izaya> ok
L383[04:05:57] <Tazz> Ill be able to quickly get it done with that otherwise Iw ould have to learn llvm and I hate fucking with C++ libraries
L384[04:06:05] <Izaya> not shitting on your idea I'm just saying it's not hugely portable as-is
L385[04:06:18] <Tazz> howso?
L386[04:06:24] <Tazz> support all desktop types
L387[04:06:33] <Tazz> and some smaller devices
L388[04:06:58] <Tazz> but not like sets of archs that people rarely use besides the purely hardcore user
L389[04:07:06] <Izaya> no RISC-V support will be an issue for me personally soon
L390[04:07:09] <Tazz> and at that point add the stuff himself
L391[04:07:24] <Tazz> its not hard its like adding a couple .cc files into the thing
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L403[06:51:41] <MGR> We could begin by just looking at Gigabyte’s promo images, which show that the X299 Aorus Gaming 7 has more RGB lighting than any of the other boards we’ve tested. LEDs line all five PCIe x16-length slots as well as all eight DIMM slots.
L404[06:51:49] <MGR> Because more RGB = Better?
L405[06:52:34] <Izaya> RGB is pretty useless
L406[06:52:42] <Izaya> but it pushes costs up so \o/
L407[06:52:48] <Izaya> and people still buy it
L408[06:53:39] <MGR> I like RGB lighting, but there's a limit to how many lights should be on a part
L409[06:54:03] <Izaya> Zero. RGB strips are cheap.
L410[06:54:13] <MGR> No
L411[06:57:23] <MGR> I'd prefer to have my LEDs embedded, and not have to deal with light strips
L412[06:59:02] <Izaya> Eh, whatever, they make boards for the people that want shiny LEDs and they make boards for people that don't care and want a functioning board.
L413[06:59:07] <Izaya> And that's true for every component.
L414[06:59:15] <Izaya> RGB RAM is unforgivable though.
L415[06:59:39] <MGR> I personally think it's cool, but I don't have that kind of money
L416[06:59:58] <MGR> And I'll probably never end up buying it, because I'll always have better areas to spend that money on
L417[07:00:31] <MGR> Plus, with most products I've seen, you can turn the LEDs off in software.
L418[07:04:26] <Corded> * <Gavle> doesn't buy cases with windows and thus ignores RGB LEDs in his decisions
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L422[07:32:47] <MGR> http://www.gigabyte.us/Motherboard/X299-AORUS-Gaming-9-rev-10#kf There is an impressive amount of marketing in that page
L423[07:33:12] <MGR> I, of course, now want to buy it. I, of course, don't have the money to buy it.
L424[07:39:11] <Skye> It's funny
L425[07:39:21] <Skye> The best air coolers are ugly
L426[07:39:27] <Skye> Noctua
L427[07:39:41] <Skye> So of course people like me use them.
L428[07:39:52] <MGR> I had a Noctua D15
L429[07:40:06] <MGR> @Skye It's not that ugly, just gigantic
L430[07:40:17] <Skye> Beige and brown
L431[07:40:32] <MGR> That's a bleh in my book, but not ugly
L432[07:40:41] <Skye> Well
L433[07:40:50] <Skye> For the people who want RGB
L434[07:41:37] <Skye> My computer is brown and black and various shades of blue, with some transparent dark green and also red.
L435[07:42:22] <MGR> ...
L436[07:42:33] <MGR> I sold my D15 and got a liquid cooler with an RGB pump
L437[07:44:24] <Skye> I don't care about looks much
L438[07:44:38] <Skye> My computer is a black monolith
L439[07:44:53] <MGR> For me, looks take second place to performance
L440[07:44:59] <MGR> Unless it looks really REALLY bad
L441[07:45:02] <Skye> With some strange colors inside because I got the cheapest parts
L442[07:45:08] <Skye> Well
L443[07:45:14] <Skye> Best value for money
L444[07:45:18] <MGR> That's also important
L445[07:45:28] <Saphire> https://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2017/07/adobe-flash-update.html
L446[07:45:33] <Saphire> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
L447[07:48:00] <Syrren> Saphire: isn't it effectively EOLd already though?
L448[07:49:09] <Saphire> Now it's officially EOLed
L449[07:49:10] <Saphire> HAHA
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L453[08:38:18] <Corded> * <Skye> headpats @Saphire
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L455[08:47:12] <MGR> Mimiru, Ryzen 3 is out
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L457[08:57:48] <Inari> How Zen is it though?
L458[09:00:20] <MGR> AMD is pretty Zen, but I've seen people on both sides frothing at the mouth
L459[09:00:30] <MGR> I'm just happy for more competition
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L464[09:43:26] <Michiyo> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
L465[09:43:27] <Michiyo> it's hot
L466[09:43:41] <Inari> I wish it was hot here xD
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L470[09:45:34] <Michiyo> %w 72396
L471[09:45:34] <MichiBot> Current weather for Wynne, AR Current Temp: 84.5°F/29.2°C Feels Like: 105°F/40°C Current Humidity: 100% Wind: From the SSW 4.0 Mph/6.4 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L472[09:45:38] <Michiyo> 84...
L473[09:45:39] <Michiyo> bs
L474[09:45:43] <Michiyo> 840? maybe
L475[09:46:05] <Michiyo> 100% humidity...
L476[09:46:16] <Temia> Temperature: The self-cleaning cycle on an oven is cooler than this
L477[09:46:27] <Michiyo> lol
L478[09:46:49] <MGR> Michiyo, that's not good
L479[09:46:57] <MGR> And it's truck day, correct?
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L481[09:47:08] <Michiyo> truck is done, thankfully
L482[09:47:14] <MGR> Did you die?
L483[09:47:27] <Michiyo> it was here when I got here, POS at the store I get my breakfast was down, so I couldn't use my card...
L484[09:47:32] <Michiyo> had to wait til after the truck to eat.
L485[09:47:38] <Michiyo> and no... I'm still somewhat alive.
L486[09:48:28] <MGR> Wow
L487[09:48:34] <MGR> Did you at least have your inhaler?
L488[09:50:18] <Michiyo> yeah
L489[09:51:33] <MGR> Well, it wasn't all bad at least
L490[09:51:48] <MGR> So, yay
L491[09:52:55] <MGR> Oh, side note Michiyo, Bristol Ridge released
L492[09:53:05] <Temia> Also Skye
L493[09:53:07] <MGR> I wanted to tell you, because I know you love AMD's APUs ?
L494[09:53:11] <Temia> At least your computer isn't a motley of red and green overlaid with stripes of purple and dark brown.
L495[09:53:34] <MGR> Purple? What's purple?
L496[09:53:41] <Skye> Temia, o_O
L497[09:54:02] <Temia> :D
L498[09:54:30] <MGR> Temia, what part of your computer is purple?
L499[10:01:54] * Izaya likes his grey and black of steel and spraypaint
L500[10:02:35] <Inari> I kind want a cute computer case still
L501[10:02:40] <Inari> But they're all kinda the same :|
L502[10:02:48] <Inari> a black box
L503[10:02:51] <MGR> Mine has a lot of black with red accents
L504[10:02:52] <Inari> sometimes with some fancy lights added
L505[10:03:04] <Inari> Sometimes a white box instead
L506[10:03:15] <Izaya> Inari: buy the barbie one /s
L507[10:03:35] <Izaya> in all seriousness those are expensive as hell now
L508[10:03:42] <MGR> I saw a Hello Kitty case once
L509[10:05:06] <MGR> Izaya, btw, my friend has RGB RAM
L510[10:06:21] <Izaya> waste of money
L511[10:07:51] <MGR> Yep
L512[10:07:52] <Inari> Yeah, making pc cases cute seems to in most cases amount to "lets make it pink and stick hello kitty onto it" :P
L513[10:07:56] <MGR> But he's wasted a lot of money
L514[10:08:16] <MGR> I built him a computer, and then he had me pretty much rebuild everything 6 months later
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L516[10:08:41] <MGR> Izaya, he has this: https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-4266c19d-16gtzr
L517[10:08:50] <Inari> https://www.dhresource.com/600x600/f2/albu/g5/M00/30/98/rBVaI1juY9uAXCbFAAB6HiATJ_A435.jpg cute
L518[10:09:03] <MGR> He also doesn't need that high of a RAM speed
L519[10:09:44] <MGR> Side bonus, I got a lot of parts for free
L520[10:10:23] <MGR> He gave his brother the RAM and monitor, but I got an i5-6500, Gigabyte B150 motherboard, and an MSI R7 370 GPU for free
L521[10:11:28] <Izaya> I got both my GPUs from a friend that plays a lot of WOW
L522[10:11:53] <Izaya> he upgraded to dual 980Tis, so I got his 690s
L523[10:11:59] <MGR> Yep
L524[10:12:14] <MGR> My 1080Ti will be sitting in my computer for, hopefully, 5 years
L525[10:12:21] <MGR> That's when the next major overhaul is due
L526[10:12:56] <Syrren> here's hoping we get more games with "native" SLI support
L527[10:13:11] <Syrren> (i.e. via vulkan)
L528[10:13:23] <MGR> Multi-GPU is dying slowly
L529[10:13:23] <MalkContent> oc dev for 1.12 seems somewhat functional
L530[10:13:28] <MalkContent> anybody playing with that yet?
L531[10:13:36] <MGR> 2-way SLI is the best we can hope for these days
L532[10:13:53] <Izaya> If my remaining 690 survives I won't replace it till I can get a RISC-V or POWER box
L533[10:13:53] <Syrren> 2-way is the only supported configuration for "classic" SLI
L534[10:14:37] <Syrren> more than 2-way can be done if the application/game explicitly supports it, as opposed to relying on the GPU itself (and/or drivers?) to loadbalance frames
L535[10:14:48] <MGR> Syrren, yes, but I don't think that will happen
L536[10:15:05] <MGR> MalkContent, is 1.12 dev new? I checked the jenkins a week ago, and it wasn't up
L537[10:15:20] <MalkContent> yea, fairly
L538[10:15:24] <MGR> Ah ok
L539[10:15:28] <Syrren> it won't totally die because compute-intensive non-game stuff
L540[10:15:28] <Corded> * <MGR> gives an evil grin
L541[10:15:30] <MalkContent> i think i tried the first version ~5 days ago?
L542[10:15:36] <MalkContent> its at the third now
L543[10:15:40] <MGR> Michiyo, 1.12 OpenSecurity please?
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L545[10:15:59] <MGR> Syrren, is that run over SLI though?
L546[10:16:05] <MalkContent> item textures are black n (yellow) purple squaaares
L547[10:16:18] <MalkContent> but creatrix boots
L548[10:16:22] <MalkContent> models are there
L549[10:16:59] <MGR> psh, you're such a square
L550[10:16:59] <MGR> Hah
L551[10:17:01] <Izaya> think the only game I've played with quad-SLI support is Skyrim
L552[10:17:21] <Izaya> and it was running ENBoost so
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L554[10:17:30] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L555[10:20:12] <Syrren> @MGR: I remember some raytracing or rendering thing which could do up to quad-SLI
L556[10:21:08] <MGR> Syrren, I was not aware of that. I thought most compute tasks ran everything over PCIe or NVLink. I'm not in that field though, so I'm far from an expert.
L557[10:22:52] <Syrren> @MGR: depends on what kind of compute. I've done deep-learning on (non-SLI) Titans at uni
L558[10:23:01] <MGR> That makes sense
L559[10:23:32] <Syrren> that box had 3 titans and one other card... it was hard to resist the temptation to ask the admin whether they tried Crysis 3 on it
L560[10:24:13] <MalkContent> i feel like that's the default way to check if its working
L561[10:25:36] <Syrren> yeah, but imagine your academic supervisor walking in on you doing that
L562[10:25:39] <Syrren> awkward.gif
L563[10:27:10] <MalkContent> "stress test, the game was cheaper than the software"
L564[10:27:21] <MalkContent> dont even have to lie too much for that :D
L565[10:27:25] <Syrren> :-P
L566[10:28:23] <MalkContent> plus at least around here its pretty common to get away with a very healthy amount of fuck-around-ery
L567[10:28:27] <MalkContent> at uni
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L569[10:38:46] <MGR> Heh
L570[10:39:18] <MGR> Ashes of the Singularity is also pretty demanding
L571[10:40:24] <Michiyo> P.S. @MGR ._. fuck off. kthx :D
L572[10:40:31] <MGR> ?
L573[10:40:57] <Kilobyte> Syrren: i'd have asked. most admins at uni are just like us
L574[10:41:03] <MGR> Heheheh
L575[10:41:07] <Kilobyte> (well, in fact i AM admin at an uni xD)
L576[10:42:15] <Kilobyte> and i can confirm what MalkContent said, you can get away with quite a bit
L577[10:42:56] <Syrren> :-P
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L579[10:44:55] <Kilobyte> the other day a guy from the NOC did a talk on the university network (as guest talk as part of the computer networks lecture), that was quite interesting
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L596[13:59:19] <payonel> o/
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L599[14:13:42] <MGR> Hello payonel, how are you?
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L601[14:21:23] <payonel> doing well
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L605[14:44:10] <Inari> payonel: https://i.imgur.com/pag0lnv.mp4
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L608[14:56:03] <payonel> Inari: ha, cute
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L611[15:00:39] <payonel> anyone like datacenters?
L612[15:00:47] <payonel> i took a tour with work today of our datacenter
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L614[15:10:35] <MGR> Datacenters sound cool
L615[15:17:18] <vifino> payonel: I do. I have one in my bathroom.
L616[15:17:37] <payonel> haha
L617[15:17:48] <vifino> (spare bathroom, not the one i actually use....)
L618[15:18:33] <vifino> At least I can say that not everyone has 10GbE and fibrechannel in their bathrooms.
L619[15:19:23] <vifino> So do tell, payonel.
L620[15:19:31] <vifino> Sure hope it holds up to my bathroom.
L621[15:22:39] <vifino> (Might have scared them off...)
L622[15:23:22] * Skye pokes payonel
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L624[15:24:24] <payonel> i don't know the bandwidth of our datacenter. but it's not small
L625[15:40:27] <payonel> we have approximately 20 cabinets of racks
L626[15:41:44] <payonel> with 48 10GB/s lines each, and 10s of petabytes of storage. but mainly we process data, we only store for testing and automation
L627[15:42:53] <payonel> we are connected to the main backbone of the city
L628[15:44:05] <payonel> anyone have a screenshot of a virtual datacenter built with oc parts i can share with our senior IT manager that took me to the datacenter today
L629[15:44:36] <Skye> payonel, there was one in BTM...
L630[15:44:43] <Skye> I think Izaya has a few
L631[15:45:34] <payonel> i'll upload some of the pics i took in a bit
L632[15:46:02] <payonel> note that our datacenter is not a warehouse - we rent a cage in a secured building
L633[15:48:00] <Temia> everyone knows the tastiest computers are wild-caught anyway
L634[15:48:37] <payonel> :/
L635[15:49:25] <Temia> :3
L636[15:49:43] <Skye> Temia, I nibbled on my IRL friend's laptop
L637[15:50:26] <Temia> \o/
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L639[16:26:23] <vifino> payonel: i have a nice screenshot somewhere
L640[16:26:25] <vifino> lemme look
L641[16:26:49] <vifino> actually wait, other laptop, nvm
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L647[16:41:45] <payonel> vifino: https://cloud.pig64.com/index.php/s/87sZuTqnzKvXquH
L648[16:46:16] * Michiyo pokes payonel's ssl certs
L649[16:46:24] <payonel> i dont want to pay for that
L650[16:46:25] <payonel> :)
L651[16:46:29] <payonel> though i've heard there are free options
L652[16:46:40] <AmandaC> let's encrypt is god
L653[16:46:51] <payonel> ?
L654[16:46:56] <Michiyo> yeah, Let's Encrypt is great
L655[16:47:08] <Michiyo> free certs, 90 day expire though, but you can automate renewal
L656[16:47:19] <payonel> linky?
L657[16:47:21] <Michiyo> it's what I use for 99% of my stuff
L658[16:47:33] <Michiyo> https://letsencrypt.org/
L659[16:48:03] <payonel> ok i'll look into that
L660[16:48:22] <Michiyo> I like it A LOT more than startcom's ssl...
L661[16:49:18] <AmandaC> Esp. since startcom is going to be deauthorised by Mozilla's CA registry (whieh pretty much all software that isn't MS/ Apple uses) sometime soon
L662[16:49:46] <Michiyo> Ah, yeah.. I remember reading about that..
L663[16:50:25] <Michiyo> Java has never trusted Startcom, they started trusting LE in 8u91 or something..
L664[16:50:32] <Michiyo> (Wish it had been a bit sooner though... lol)
L665[16:52:20] <AmandaC> Michiyo: given how forceful Java is about updates on Windows / Mac it's not too worrying, tbh
L666[16:52:56] <AmandaC> Well, windows.
L667[16:53:22] <Michiyo> yeah.. I've some some ANCIENT java installs from Mac users :P
L668[16:53:24] <AmandaC> a while back they removed the jvm from the mac installs. You need the JDK to run arbitary java apps, not the NPAPI plugin nobody uses, or will ever use
L669[16:53:48] <AmandaC> And the JDK doesn't auto-update, because Fuck You™
L670[16:53:53] <Izaya> openjdk builds for Windows don't have the nagware
L671[16:54:22] <Izaya> and considering the only thing people tend to do with java is minecraft
L672[16:54:40] <Izaya> certainly the only thing I use it for on Windows
L673[16:55:29] <Izaya> oracle java is obnoxious
L674[16:55:36] <AmandaC> historically openjdk didn't work with minecraft. Might have changed in the last like, 5 years though
L675[16:56:14] <Izaya> yup
L676[16:56:18] <Izaya> only version I use
L677[16:57:43] <Temia> Yeah.
L678[16:57:54] <Temia> OpenJDK 7 and 8 work pretty smoothly from my experience.
L679[16:58:26] <Temia> Both for server and client use, astoundingly.
L680[16:58:38] <Izaya> ^
L681[16:58:48] <Izaya> never had an issue caused by OpenJDK
L682[16:59:00] <Izaya> which makes sense because it's mostly the same code
L683[16:59:35] <Temia> I did encounter one issue with a memory leak on an old 1.7 pack under OpenJDK7, but I didn't test it under Oracle JDK7 -- wasn't an issue under OpenJDK 8 either way
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L685[17:16:03] <payonel> Izaya: you might have a btm screenshot of some server racks
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L689[17:42:48] <payonel> Izaya ?
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L693[18:07:42] <AmandaC> He's dead, jim
L694[18:13:30] <Izaya> ^
L695[18:14:27] <AmandaC> They're life, but not as we know it!
L696[18:15:38] <Izaya> payonel: I mean I could make some
L697[18:15:53] <Izaya> but my current OC server setup is a lot of tower cases
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L702[20:01:12] <Kodos> https/i.imgur.com/AMxgzdq.png
L703[20:01:14] <zer0az> Anyone any good with running multi-screen?
L704[20:02:09] <Kodos> https://i.imgur.com/AMxgzdq.png
L705[20:02:18] <Kodos> There we go
L706[20:21:33] <Izaya> Kodos: C and Python in one?
L707[20:32:23] <Dudblockman> I like that brace style
L708[20:32:30] <Dudblockman> I should start using that
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L721[23:26:36] <FLORANA> oh god that syntax orgnization image looks terible
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