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L1[00:38:03] <Forecaster> Mimiru: sure thing
L2[00:40:33] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: Quitting)
L3[00:41:08] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L4[01:02:21] * Izaya has spent far too long trying to make a set of armour that can deal with the Glowing Sea
L5[01:15:18] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:1881:ef88:86dd:5a3d) (Quit: Cervator)
L6[01:26:03] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (~Meow-J@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L7[01:26:12] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (~Meow-J@
L8[01:28:04] <Forecaster> Mimiru: should image dl be on or off by default
L9[01:28:06] <Forecaster> I'm not sure
L10[01:28:27] <Forecaster> I'm thinking maybe it's not something you want to do all the time, just occasionally compared to the recipe scraping
L11[01:35:15] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L12[02:12:43] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L13[02:21:46] ⇨ Joins: Temia (~temia@monmusu.me)
L14[02:24:33] <Lizzy> _yawns and snuggles her vifino_
L15[03:05:59] ⇦ Quits: Kattery (v^@katt.is.cute.pxtst.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L16[03:08:15] ⇦ Quits: ping (v^@me.pxtst.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L17[03:27:46] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L18[03:39:11] ⇨ Joins: Kattery (v^@katt.is.cute.pxtst.com)
L19[03:39:24] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC68F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[03:39:27] ⇨ Joins: ping (v^@me.pxtst.com)
L21[03:39:29] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L22[03:39:36] <Inari> https://giphy.com/gifs/animated-hello-waving-bcKmIWkUMCjVm this is so damn cute :s
L23[04:12:55] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L24[04:31:31] <Forecaster> Mimiru: 0.9 is up
L25[04:31:34] <Forecaster> has new stuff
L26[05:07:05] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L27[05:17:03] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L28[05:18:14] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L29[05:19:47] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@14-201-37-16.static.tpgi.com.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L30[05:34:32] <Forecaster> Mimiru: I fixed the app!
L31[05:34:54] <Forecaster> I was doing 'setContentView(R.layout.activity_settings);'
L32[05:35:15] <Forecaster> doing 'startActivity(new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class));' which I found in your code works correctly
L33[05:35:43] <Forecaster> that makes the menu bar appear correctly, with a back button as expected!
L34[06:33:01] <Inari> Mimiru: Wait
L35[06:33:04] <Inari> wheres your avatar from
L36[06:51:27] <Mimiru> Inari, the internet?
L37[06:52:29] <Forecaster> Amaze!
L38[06:53:16] <Inari> Mimiru: AH :P I thought itm ight be drawn by someone fro you
L39[06:53:23] <Mimiru> Nah
L40[07:02:17] <vifino> whoa, i almost thought Inari would spit out words instead of gibberish, was a fluke though
L41[07:06:51] <Forecaster> there are a lot of icons
L42[07:13:53] <Lizzy> _snuggles her vifino_
L43[07:14:09] <Lizzy> _should get her bouncer's webchat back up again_
L44[07:14:37] <Lizzy> _should probably do a lot of things that she doesn't_
L45[07:17:05] * Inari thinks Lizzy would like to bounce on vifino a lot
L46[07:17:52] <Lizzy> That is pretty much a given
L47[07:20:29] <Mimiru> Forecaster, great news! "Seems the targets failed to load...
L48[07:20:29] <Mimiru> "
L49[07:35:50] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L50[07:35:57] * Lizzy snuggles vifino :3
L51[07:36:04] <vifino> somehow that didn't ping me at all
L52[07:36:08] <Lizzy> :O
L53[07:36:13] <Forecaster> Mimiru: does the log say anything at all?
L54[07:36:24] <vifino> the line you sent on discord, i mean
L55[07:36:33] <Mimiru> Forecaster, everything is empty
L56[07:36:41] <Lizzy> ah
L57[07:36:49] * Lizzy snuggles vifino some more
L58[07:36:56] <Forecaster> Mimiru: try deleting input.json?
L59[07:37:09] <Mimiru> It never makes it
L60[07:37:44] <Forecaster> oh, if everything is empty that most likely mean that there was an exception that stopped the script
L61[07:38:18] <Forecaster> I'll investigate
L62[07:40:13] <Forecaster> hm... it works for me
L63[07:40:20] <Forecaster> outside of the dev env
L64[07:40:56] <Forecaster> can you see what the console says?
L65[07:41:06] <Forecaster> if you still have those files
L66[07:42:35] <Mimiru> Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'request'
L67[07:42:55] <Forecaster> oh
L68[07:42:56] <Forecaster> what
L69[07:43:22] <Mimiru> http://puu.sh/tgroH/cb30eb4cb8.txt
L70[07:43:29] <Forecaster> yeah I know
L71[07:43:43] <Forecaster> but why is it doing that... and why doesn't that happen for me
L72[07:49:49] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L73[07:50:35] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L74[07:50:48] <Forecaster> ah, apparently request is not a default module
L75[07:50:51] <Forecaster> it's not included
L76[07:51:13] <Forecaster> I'm going to have to look into how to include it
L77[07:54:08] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L78[07:56:07] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L79[08:03:58] <Mimiru> Forecaster, I wonder if I should just load the images via the internet, instead of including them
L80[08:04:00] <Mimiru> cause that
L81[08:04:05] <Mimiru> that's gonna be HUGE..
L82[08:04:17] <Mimiru> settings toggle to enable/disable it
L83[08:05:11] <Forecaster> there's a lot of images, but they're very small
L84[08:05:38] <Forecaster> I've downloaded 450 of them and they take up 2 MB
L85[08:06:07] <Mimiru> yeah, and theres like 4600+ crafting logs, and I need to do the same for the hunting logs
L86[08:06:07] <Mimiru> lol
L87[08:06:23] <Forecaster> yeah but the images are reused
L88[08:06:37] <Forecaster> many components use the same images
L89[08:06:52] <Forecaster> though I guess each item has it's own icon
L90[08:10:11] <Forecaster> well, up to you
L91[08:10:34] <Forecaster> I'll add a setting for making it save the url to the image instead of just the filename
L92[08:11:32] <Lizzy> \o/ linux does as intended
L93[08:11:42] <Forecaster> what?
L94[08:12:12] <Lizzy> creating a small script that can take an excel spreadsheet exported from SCCM and wake up computers with it
L95[08:12:23] <Forecaster> ah, that
L96[08:12:50] <Lizzy> yeah, linux does the sane thing and sends packets out of interfaces that it has local network connection to
L97[08:13:03] <Lizzy> not entirely sure what windows would have done
L98[08:13:17] <Lizzy> probably sent them all out the default gateway
L99[08:22:31] <Forecaster> Mimiru: 0.10 is uploading
L100[08:22:42] <Forecaster> this will load I hope
L101[08:23:18] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:d8ed:be35:6436:f453)
L102[08:25:15] <Mimiru> Forecaster, yeah that loaded
L103[08:26:57] <Forecaster> yay
L104[08:27:50] <Mimiru> didn't actually save the images, but it has the URL in the output, so I can just add a row to the DB
L105[08:28:53] <Forecaster> there are options you need to toggle for it to save the images
L106[08:28:59] <Forecaster> by default it just saves the online urls
L107[08:29:36] <Mimiru> You mean the "Download Item Icons" and "Download Ingredient Icons" If so those are checked
L108[08:29:52] <Forecaster> you also need to uncheck the last one
L109[08:30:17] <Mimiru> Ahh
L110[08:30:18] <Mimiru> right
L111[08:30:18] <Forecaster> that makes it save the local filename instead of the url, and also allows it to download the images
L112[08:30:20] <Mimiru> thanks Forecaster
L113[08:30:42] <Forecaster> :>
L114[08:31:03] <Forecaster> there's a description of each setting if you hover over them
L115[08:31:39] <Mimiru> Ahh
L116[08:31:48] <Mimiru> shit.. I'm running late lol
L117[08:32:51] <gamax92> very windy today...
L118[08:34:19] <Forecaster> hm, something is broken
L119[08:34:24] <Forecaster> it's getting stuck
L120[08:38:02] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPUQdLbTvP8
L121[08:38:03] <MichiBot> How Not To Be Seen (in Space Engineers) | length: 2m 49s | Likes: 166 Dislikes: 2 Views: 1,167 | by w4stedspace | Published On 9/1/2017
L122[08:38:59] <gamax92> heard someone's window break
L123[08:45:59] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L124[08:47:58] <Forecaster> oh, nevermind
L125[08:48:15] <Forecaster> I forgot I had the img download log entries hidden by default now
L126[08:48:20] <Forecaster> because they were so spammy
L127[08:52:57] <TangentDelta> So, I'm working on a wireless microcontroller framework, kind of IoT-esque.
L128[08:53:07] <Forecaster> IoT?
L129[08:53:15] <TangentDelta> Internet of Things
L130[08:54:23] <TangentDelta> Basically, slap a microcontroller down and link it to the C&C server. Tell it what it does and forget about it.
L131[08:54:46] <Forecaster> ah
L132[08:57:00] <gamax92> give it a monthly checkup to make sure it's still doing what it should be
L133[08:57:22] <gamax92> or fire it and hire another microcontroller
L134[08:57:26] <TangentDelta> I want to be able the manage my base from my tablet from anywhere in my setver.
L135[08:57:30] <TangentDelta> lol
L136[09:02:31] <Michiyo_> Forecaster, how different is the layout of say http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Hunting_Log:_Arcanist compared to the crafting logs?
L137[09:02:36] *** Michiyo_ is now known as Michiyo
L138[09:03:02] <Michiyo> Oh.. that's annoying.. the ranks are changed via JS..
L139[09:03:09] <Kodos> TangentDelta, why no linked card?
L140[09:03:43] <payonel> Mimiru: fyi, the question about `foo.lua > error.txt` -- this has been fixed/resolved since 1.6 release version
L141[09:03:45] <payonel> otherwise, bug
L142[09:04:13] <Michiyo> so > should do errors too?
L143[09:04:16] <payonel> yes
L144[09:04:22] <Forecaster> Michiyo: I don't think it's actually changing anything, it's actually hiding the Rank 1 table and unhiding a Rank x one
L145[09:04:32] <Forecaster> which means that all of them are in the page, which works
L146[09:04:38] <Michiyo> yeah I looked at it after I said that
L147[09:04:44] <Forecaster> you want a log scraper too?
L148[09:04:46] <Forecaster> :P
L149[09:04:48] <Forecaster> I can do that
L150[09:04:50] <payonel> Michiyo: oh ... wow
L151[09:04:53] <payonel> nevermind
L152[09:04:55] <payonel> >.<
L153[09:04:57] <payonel> what the crap!?
L154[09:05:02] <Michiyo> well, it'd make getting the icons easier :P
L155[09:05:30] <Michiyo> I also wouldn't mind adding the Log number..
L157[09:05:44] <MGR> Now I can put in exoskeletons and stuff so I can walk around faster
L158[09:05:54] <payonel> Michiyo: ok i take that back. i just tested it and it doesn't work. i fixed that and now i'm worried i forgot to merge that fix :/
L159[09:06:01] <Michiyo> uh oh
L160[09:06:25] <MGR> oh wait
L161[09:06:32] <MGR> I need better armor with a bigger grid ?
L162[09:06:34] <Forecaster> uh oh what?
L163[09:06:49] <Michiyo> RE: payo's discovery
L164[09:06:57] <Lizzy> Forecaster, spahgetti-o's
L165[09:07:03] <Michiyo> lol..
L166[09:07:05] <Forecaster> ah
L167[09:07:07] <Forecaster> okay :P
L168[09:07:10] * payonel slow claps Lizzy
L169[09:07:29] * Lizzy giggles
L170[09:07:37] <Michiyo> bosses are gone all week \o/
L171[09:07:41] <Michiyo> party tiem
L172[09:07:49] <Michiyo> :P
L173[09:07:53] <payonel> Michiyo: i'm the only one in the office due to ice
L174[09:08:19] <Michiyo> we were closed friday cause of ice...
L175[09:08:27] <Michiyo> except i wasnt told... and showed up
L176[09:08:54] <Kodos> MGR, http://puu.sh/tgvgf/7d5b8eb49f.png
L177[09:09:21] <payonel> Inari: o/
L178[09:09:31] * Lizzy is at work and has 2 of her coworkers in the office
L179[09:09:42] <payonel> + tied up in the back
L180[09:09:59] <Lizzy> payonel, noo. that's Inari's office
L181[09:10:01] <Michiyo> lolol
L182[09:10:02] <Lizzy> :P
L183[09:10:09] <payonel> ^.^
L184[09:11:50] <payonel> %seen Magik6k
L185[09:11:51] <MichiBot> Magik6k was last seen 3d 11h 48m 52s ago.
L186[09:12:11] <Michiyo> Oh.. Forecaster if you ever decide you want to add icons to a ListView, with CheckedTextViews... it's a REALLY easy fix to get the checkboxes to work
L187[09:12:44] <Michiyo> that I of course haven't checked into git yet
L188[09:13:01] <Michiyo> but basically you have to make a custom listview class that implements checkable
L189[09:13:04] <Inari> Lol
L190[09:14:24] <Michiyo> then you use that class instead of the normal listview in your xml
L191[09:20:47] <Michiyo> So... my boss left a PSU here that he wants me to order a replacement for. None of our vendors carry PC PSUs.. and I have no way of ordering from other vendors cause I don't have CC Info
L192[09:23:58] <Mettaton_Fab> just look inside the PSUand repair it!
L193[09:25:01] <Skye> > he wants me to order a replacement for
L194[09:26:12] <Mettaton_Fab> just got o the next best PC shop and buy one, or order one on amazon.
L195[09:26:17] <MGR> Kodos thank you
L196[09:26:26] <MGR> If you could PM me that on Discord, that would be AMAZING
L197[09:26:35] <MGR> I gotta go, and I don't want it to get buried in the logs
L198[09:26:58] <Michiyo> I. Don't. Have. A. Company. Card.
L199[09:27:08] <Michiyo> And I'm SURE as hell not spending *MY* money on one
L200[09:27:09] <Skye> Mettaton_Fab, she can't do that because she hasn't got the credit card that the store owns and paying her own money is unreasonable.
L201[09:29:28] <vifino> equery uses firefox
L202[09:29:30] <vifino> dammit
L203[09:29:50] <Skye> what's wrong with firefox?
L204[09:30:19] <vifino> who said there is something wrong with firefox?
L205[09:33:23] <vifino> however, now that you speak of it, it is not very well threaded and has no sandbox.
L206[09:33:35] <vifino> that's some big no-no's.
L207[09:34:02] <vifino> only compiling it cause it's easier to compile than chromium.
L208[09:34:08] <Mettaton_Fab> what about Internet Explorer?
L209[09:34:19] <vifino> Shut the hell up.
L210[09:34:53] <Skye> firefox is slowly improving threading, IIRC.
L211[09:43:23] <Forecaster> Michiyo: I'm still trying to get a list with just text items to work :P
L212[09:49:30] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUuut2HJti4
L213[09:49:31] <MichiBot> No Man's Fog | length: 9m 26s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 47 | by ProjectorGames | Published On 9/1/2017
L214[09:49:56] <Forecaster> the developer of FortressCraft Evolved plays factoryidle, and uses my addon :P
L215[09:57:48] * Lizzy was confused as to who vifino was shouting at, then she checked discord and understood
L216[09:57:53] * Lizzy snuggles her vifino
L217[09:58:34] <Forecaster> :P
L218[09:58:34] * Mettaton_Fab wants a fitting mobo for his rig
L219[09:59:05] <Lizzy> s/mo/ho
L220[09:59:06] <MichiBot> <Mettaton_Fab> *** wants a fitting hobo for his rig
L221[09:59:19] <TangentDelta> lol
L222[09:59:41] <TangentDelta> So, have a lot of people moved to discord?
L223[09:59:59] <Lizzy> some use both
L224[10:00:50] <TangentDelta> There isn't a CLI for discord on Linux, is there?
L225[10:00:51] <Forecaster> I do!
L226[10:00:53] <Forecaster> I do!
L227[10:01:20] <Lizzy> TangentDelta, no. there's a "desktop app" for it but no CLI
L228[10:01:26] <TangentDelta> :(
L229[10:01:28] <Lizzy> I mainly use Discord when i'm on my phone because i'm too lazy to clear my 3k-lines-per-channel backlog and it'll take a minute or two for it to just render out all the data
L230[10:02:11] <Forecaster> if I want to see my backlog on my phone I ssh to my client :P
L231[10:02:35] <Lizzy> i could ssh on my phone but the virtual keyboard takes up half the page
L232[10:02:57] <Forecaster> yeah, but I just hide it unless I'm actually typing
L233[10:03:19] <Lizzy> I could try seeing if i can make a mount using some old phone cases and mount it to the mini-bluetooth keyboard i have
L234[10:03:39] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L235[10:04:02] <Lizzy> probably just need a gluegun and a couple of supports
L236[10:04:18] <Forecaster> or duct tape
L237[10:04:22] <Lizzy> na
L238[10:04:28] <Forecaster> :P
L239[10:04:32] <Lizzy> i don't want to duct tape everything
L240[10:10:56] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L241[10:17:57] ⇦ Quits: vifino[m] (~vifinomat@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Network ban)
L242[10:17:57] ⇦ Quits: Stary[m] (~starymatr@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Network ban)
L243[10:17:57] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Network ban)
L244[10:19:22] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-192-39.as13285.net)
L245[10:23:41] ⇨ Joins: Crazylemon (~Crazylemo@
L246[10:24:16] <Lizzy> wat
L247[10:24:30] <Lizzy> lol, Stary did your server get netbaned?
L248[10:24:35] <Lizzy> or was it CC's
L249[10:24:45] <Forecaster> what xD
L250[10:25:23] <Lizzy> i guess it's companioncube's since both Stary and vifino are still here on their main accounts
L251[10:25:35] <XDjackieXD> lol
L252[10:28:14] <Lizzy> in other news, home time! (or 2 minutes to it but meh
L253[10:28:15] <Lizzy> )
L254[10:38:15] * XDjackieXD wonders how he managed to get a netban
L255[10:41:17] ⇦ Quits: rikai (~quassel@rekd.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L256[10:41:19] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L257[10:45:15] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L258[10:46:15] <Michiyo> I'm willing to bet it was too many connections
L259[10:46:24] <Michiyo> that's what it was the last 2 times that happened
L260[10:46:38] <Michiyo> connection drops, all clients reconnect before they time out
L261[10:46:46] <Michiyo> and suddenly 2x the normal connections are opened
L262[10:49:38] <XDjackieXD> oh
L263[10:53:57] ⇨ Joins: rikai (~quassel@rekd.net)
L264[10:56:12] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE265820CBEEE69628FB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L265[10:56:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L266[11:20:53] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@osiris.stary2001.co.uk)
L267[11:30:14] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L268[11:36:04] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L269[11:36:06] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~S3@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com)
L270[11:36:09] <S3> Hey guys
L271[11:37:39] <Lizzy> o/
L272[11:59:17] <gamax92> Hey gals
L273[11:59:49] <gamax92> every always says the guys, but never thinks about the rest
L274[12:00:09] * Lizzy gives gamax92 a sunflower
L275[12:00:22] <gamax92> :3
L276[12:00:45] <gamax92> Been without power for a few hours now, went somewhere else where there happens to be power
L277[12:03:18] * Lizzy is debating if she wants to turn her small home server from a linux box to a windows one
L278[12:05:57] <ping> come to the dark side
L279[12:05:59] <ping> jk it sucks
L280[12:06:37] <ping> i have gpu passthrough working so i dont need to dual boot
L281[12:07:10] <Lizzy> well i mean the only thing i generally use it for is file storage and hosting a windows VM anyway for a print server
L282[12:08:08] <Lizzy> thinking i might as well move one of it's 2 3tb drives back to my pc then i can have it turn off at like, 11pm since i wont need it
L283[12:09:09] <TangentDelta> Mmm...stupid ACPI wireless switch.
L284[12:11:17] <ping> TangentDelta, there is a cli IIRC
L285[12:11:32] <ping> basically just a node.js bot that uses your user token
L286[12:11:58] <TangentDelta> ping: Actually, there are a bunch by the looks of it :o
L287[12:12:08] <ping> :o
L288[12:12:13] <TangentDelta> :O
L289[12:13:28] <TangentDelta> I might look into it at some point. Are there a lot of additional discussions that go on on the discord channels?
L290[12:13:39] <gamax92> for oc? no.
L291[12:14:55] <TangentDelta> Oh, so I found out you can crouch and right-click on an MCU with an EEPROM to swap it out for the one in your hand. Is there a way to do it for robots too?
L292[12:15:44] <gamax92> ??
L293[12:16:52] <S3> wut.
L294[12:17:02] <S3> gamax92: my recovery code for my microsoft account was "8086"
L295[12:17:04] <S3> XD
L296[12:17:13] <gamax92> thanks for letting me know
L297[12:17:17] <gamax92> r.i.p your account
L298[12:17:20] <S3> What are the channces
L299[12:17:26] <S3> oh no it's all been done and expired
L300[12:17:32] <S3> I just realized it now lol
L301[12:17:34] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net)
L302[12:18:13] <gamax92> I wonder ... ? what color is that?
L303[12:18:19] <Lizzy> green
L304[12:18:20] <Mimiru> green :P
L305[12:18:21] <Forecaster> green
L306[12:18:37] <gamax92> ahh but it's a red circle
L307[12:18:51] <Forecaster> it's an "unknown character" for me
L308[12:19:40] <gamax92> then alternative question, do any of you see it as a circle and not a broken character?
L309[12:19:43] <S3> gamax92: it was red for me
L310[12:19:50] * gamax92 high fives S3
L311[12:20:19] <S3> Lizzy and Mimiru are colorblind
L312[12:20:49] <Lizzy> https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/hexchat_2017-01-09_18-20-32.png pretty sure that's fucking green
L313[12:20:52] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/hexchat_2017-01-09_12-20-45.png
L314[12:20:54] <Mimiru> ^^
L315[12:21:05] <S3> no that's red
L316[12:21:43] <Mimiru> On discord, it's red
L317[12:22:18] <gamax92> ahh, because Lizzy doesn't have the character and Mimiru doesn't have colored emoji support
L318[12:22:35] <TangentDelta> Well, thought I would pop onto my server and work on my program. Appearently none of the blocks want to render so I'm just stuck in a completely black room.
L319[12:23:32] ⇨ Joins: fotoply (~fotoply@
L320[12:23:40] <Forecaster> hm, it downloaded 4961 icons, but it got stuck during the final segment
L321[12:23:47] <Forecaster> it's not doing anything...
L322[12:23:53] <Forecaster> it might have failed to proceed
L323[12:24:34] <Forecaster> yeah, looks like that was it
L324[12:24:37] <Forecaster> that's odd
L325[12:26:48] <Forecaster> okay, total 5087 images
L326[12:26:51] <Forecaster> @Mimiru
L327[12:26:54] <Forecaster> :P
L328[12:27:02] <Mimiru> woah..
L329[12:27:19] <Forecaster> for items and components
L330[12:27:47] <Forecaster> windows is not enjoying calculating the attributes window for that many objects
L331[12:28:05] <Forecaster> total size is 30 MB
L332[12:28:54] ⇨ Joins: Lupus590 (~Lupus590@cpc8-swan4-2-0-cust69.7-3.cable.virginm.net)
L333[12:29:32] <Forecaster> that's less than I expected honestly
L334[12:29:43] <Mimiru> yeah.. same
L335[12:30:37] <Forecaster> need to see if I can figure out why it failed to continue however
L336[12:31:22] <Forecaster> will probably work on the hunting stuff tomorrow
L337[12:34:03] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L338[12:34:23] <payonel> i wanted to join in on the screenshots...but 1. i hate not having mspaint on ubuntu, and 2. i got a phone call
L339[12:34:23] <Kodos> Bleh, I need to either find a good microphone for recording, or find someone who can do recording for me
L340[12:34:31] <payonel> but, here http://imgur.com/a/Gc9HZ
L341[12:34:53] <Forecaster> recording what? :P
L342[12:35:00] <Kodos> I need some voice acting work done
L343[12:35:07] <Kodos> The only issue is...
L344[12:35:08] <Kodos> I can't really pay :x
L345[12:35:15] <payonel> Kodos: how many hours of work?
L346[12:35:24] <Kodos> I would think not even an hour
L347[12:35:39] <Forecaster> I could do that :P
L348[12:35:57] <Kodos> Basically, I just need clean, background noise free recordings of the same voice saying specific phrases consistently
L349[12:36:08] <Forecaster> I have plenty of voice samples, having recorded hours and hours of letsplays
L350[12:36:11] <Kodos> Right now I've been using odd and end sound files I find on the internet
L351[12:36:47] <Kodos> I would also need the files in a specific format
L352[12:36:58] <Kodos> Because Second Life has retarded upload specifications
L353[12:37:02] <Forecaster> what format?
L354[12:37:19] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L355[12:37:49] <Kodos> Getting the specifics now
L356[12:38:12] <XDjackieXD> Kodos: format shouldn't be a problem (sox and ffmpeg <3)
L357[12:39:47] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:1d73:40e6:7a92:45e4)
L358[12:39:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L359[12:39:54] <Xilandro> Fucking piece of shit internet
L360[12:40:06] <Xilandro> It's not bad enough that I get 9 Mbps down, < 1 up
L361[12:40:08] <Xilandro> It has to go out now and then, too
L362[12:40:44] <Xilandro> Anyway
L363[12:40:46] <Xilandro> Forecaster, ❝any .WAV file in standard PCM format, 16-bit/44.1kHz/mono or stereo (which will be converted to mono anyway), less than or exactly 10 seconds in length.❞
L364[12:41:03] <Forecaster> that's easy
L365[12:41:40] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:1d73:40e6:7a92:45e4) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L366[12:44:14] <Temia> Uncompressed WAVs? That IS stupid
L367[12:44:44] <gamax92> wavs are always uncompressed
L368[12:45:19] <Temia> Actually, you can use some compressed codecs with WAVs (but of course, why would you want to)
L369[12:46:00] <Temia> I have encountered MP3-encoded WAVs in the wild. It's like "what"
L370[12:50:14] <gamax92> heh
L371[12:52:44] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2698D83AE8D5EC2798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L372[12:52:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L373[12:54:18] <Lizzy> come on dominoes, how long does it take to quality check my puizxxa?
L374[12:54:22] <Lizzy> *pizza
L375[12:54:43] <Skye> Lizzy, they have to eat the whole pizza and make another one
L376[12:54:49] <Michiyo> ^
L377[12:55:56] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L378[12:56:08] <Lizzy> yay, it's out for delivery
L379[12:56:28] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (~Johannes1@dslb-094-216-121-125.094.216.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L382[12:58:35] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L383[13:12:18] * Lizzy has her pizza
L384[13:12:26] * Lizzy offers vifino half
L385[13:15:19] * Temia staaares at pizza. 'q'
L386[13:15:56] * XDjackieXD eats the last cookie in the box in front of him
L387[13:20:52] * Lizzy gives Temia a slice
L388[13:21:12] * Temia nom, tailswishes happily <3
L389[13:23:26] ⇦ Quits: Lupus590 (~Lupus590@cpc8-swan4-2-0-cust69.7-3.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L390[13:27:31] <XDjackieXD> ^^
L391[13:28:35] <vifino> gotta love when my desktop doesn't respond to ssh anymore
L392[13:28:55] ⇨ Joins: Lupus590 (~Lupus590@cpc8-swan4-2-0-cust69.7-3.cable.virginm.net)
L393[13:29:11] <vifino> like, it connects and authenticates, but nothing happens after that
L394[13:29:30] <Lizzy> :/
L395[13:31:18] <XDjackieXD> vifino: reminds me of my old server. took 2 minutes to load the shel after ssh login.
L396[13:32:17] <vifino> pretty sure a 4.2Ghz octacore running gentoo on a ssd isn't supposed to take that long.
L397[13:33:09] <Lupus590> check your network connection
L398[13:34:44] <vifino> Lupus590: if it would be the network, it wouldn't get through the authentication stage, would it?
L399[13:35:03] <Lupus590> could be just slow
L400[13:35:15] <vifino> over gigabit?
L401[13:35:53] <Lupus590> how old is all the hardware?
L402[13:36:25] <vifino> now that's a hard question for me to answe.r
L403[13:37:38] <gamax92> I like how Windows is telling me this thing will take "About 10 hours"
L404[13:37:50] <gamax92> it completed in ~7 minutes
L405[13:42:16] <Skye> it could be something eating packets after a certain time?
L406[14:07:09] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L407[14:10:07] ⇦ Quits: andreww (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L408[14:15:20] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/rWIhcx6
L409[14:16:38] * CompanionCube has experienced something similar with MTU issues
L410[14:33:15] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L411[14:34:49] <Xilandro> Forecaster, if you're serious about doing the voicework, I can get you a list of what would need to be said
L412[14:35:02] <Forecaster> sure
L413[14:35:12] <Xilandro> Alrighty, I'll work on that as soon as I get these comms done
L414[14:44:25] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/a/99JCM
L415[14:44:28] <Forecaster> anyone seen this before?
L416[14:45:05] <Inari> Nope
L417[14:49:56] <Forecaster> this is some comic site I follow via RSS
L418[14:50:07] <Forecaster> I got four updates from it
L419[14:50:11] <Forecaster> I don't remember what it's about
L420[14:50:51] <Forecaster> oh yeah
L421[14:50:59] <Forecaster> this one doesn't update anymore
L422[14:51:02] <Forecaster> so meh
L423[14:51:08] <Forecaster> pretty sure it's dead :P
L424[14:58:03] <Xilandro> Atlassian just bought Trello
L425[14:58:12] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L426[14:59:16] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-192-39.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L427[14:59:35] <Forecaster> I forget what Trello is
L428[14:59:41] <Forecaster> some kinda task management thing?
L429[14:59:50] <Stary> yeah
L430[14:59:55] <Xilandro> %g trello
L431[14:59:58] <MichiBot> Xilandro: https://trello.com/ - *Trello*: "Infinitely flexible. Incredibly easy to use. Great mobile apps. It's free. Trello keeps track of everything, from the big picture to the minute details."
L432[15:00:22] <Forecaster> that could be an app for making post it notes for all I know :P
L433[15:00:25] <Forecaster> great description
L434[15:01:37] <Forecaster> yay
L435[15:01:49] <Forecaster> citybound had an dev update post
L436[15:01:51] <Forecaster> http://blog.cityboundsim.com/what-i-did-jan-9-17/
L437[15:05:18] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/ip5W8Zu.png wut
L438[15:06:18] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L439[15:07:12] <Forecaster> seems legit :P
L440[15:11:19] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L442[15:15:51] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-75-185-6-240.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L443[15:20:01] <g> trello is a kanban board
L444[15:20:07] <Forecaster> ah
L445[15:20:43] <vifino> %xkcd Workflow
L446[15:20:45] <MichiBot> vifino: https://xkcd.com/1172/ - *xkcd: Workflow*: "Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/workflow.png . [[Changelog for version 10.17 of a piece of software. One change listed: The ..."
L447[15:21:43] ⇦ Quits: Crazylemon (~Crazylemo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L451[15:27:14] <Forecaster> yaay the listview works!!!1!
L452[15:27:21] <Forecaster> it didn't like my JSONarray
L453[15:39:36] <Michiyo> Thinking about making the icon pack a in app download, so it doesn't make my apk fat, and people aren't having to download them over cell data as they view 'em
L454[15:39:53] <Michiyo> (if they don't have wifi)
L455[15:40:04] <Forecaster> that might be a good idea
L456[15:40:54] <Forecaster> huh
L457[15:40:55] <Michiyo> show a generic icon and then replace it with the real one from the pack if it's installed
L458[15:41:10] <Forecaster> I requested all the log entries from my api with -1 instead of 10
L459[15:41:17] <Forecaster> and I got 5 lines
L460[15:41:33] <Forecaster> methnks something went wrong
L461[15:41:42] <Forecaster> oh wait, that's the default according to the api
L462[15:45:19] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L463[15:45:52] <Forecaster> right, I messed up the conditions in an if statement in my api
L464[15:45:53] <Forecaster> :P
L465[15:46:55] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L470[16:03:07] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC68F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Beauty can be found where _everything_ is in harmony.' - Symmetra (Overwatch))
L471[16:04:50] ⇨ Joins: vifino[m] (~vifinomat@osiris.stary2001.co.uk)
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L474[16:12:23] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964531.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: gotta go to bed or other stuff, maybe its not even midnight and im just sleepy af)
L475[16:16:35] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L476[16:23:20] <Forecaster> hm
L477[16:23:32] <Forecaster> startActivity doesn't work in a floating action button
L478[16:27:41] <Forecaster> Oh, but it works if I put it in a method, then call that in the button xD
L479[16:27:42] <Forecaster> okay
L480[16:29:19] ⇦ Quits: vifino[m] (~vifinomat@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L484[17:05:38] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/gvnVhss.png
L485[17:05:40] <Forecaster> well uh
L486[17:05:54] <Forecaster> that's a step in the right direction, getting stuff into the spinner...
L487[17:05:59] <Forecaster> not quite what I want though
L488[17:07:32] ⇦ Quits: DarkCow (~MrDark@cpe-75-185-6-240.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L489[17:07:36] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L490[17:09:54] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-75-185-6-240.columbus.res.rr.com)
L491[17:15:31] <Xilandro> Forecaster, http://puu.sh/tgX8Q/0c284150a5.txt This is what I have so far. I'm not sure if that's < 1 hour or not :x
L492[17:34:53] <Xilandro> Oh, wait, I missed a couple
L493[17:42:16] <Forecaster> Alright, I'll have a look tomorrow :>
L494[18:03:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2698D83AE8D5EC2798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L495[18:09:30] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:f563:afb2:18c4:656d)
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L507[21:04:18] <Mimiru> %tell Forecaster some images didn't download it seems, I'm missing anything with a ( or ) in the name (possibly more though)
L508[21:04:18] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Forecaster will be notified of this message when next seen.
L509[21:09:34] <Izaya> Muahaha
L510[21:09:51] <Izaya> I have a set of armour that allows me to stay in the Glowing Sea long enough to explore happily
L511[21:15:17] <Izaya> I'd really love a chem that could remove like, 0.1 rads / s for maybe 5 minutes?
L512[21:15:46] <Izaya> You'd only remove 30 rads in total but it'd offset the <1 rads you end up with
L513[21:36:34] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L514[21:43:29] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:f563:afb2:18c4:656d) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L516[21:46:24] ⇨ Joins: WriteEscape (webchat@cpc69064-oxfd26-2-0-cust381.4-3.cable.virginm.net)
L517[21:47:31] <WriteEscape> hey, is there an easy way of oc reading files outside of the virtual computer?
L518[21:48:10] <WriteEscape> i'm trying to make SimpleAchievements work with it
L519[22:12:13] <snowden89> you mean for it to access files on the actual PC?
L520[22:48:43] * Saphire flops
L521[22:48:52] <Saphire> metaprogramming is weird
L522[22:50:03] <snowden89> meta* is weird
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L525[23:27:44] <ping> WriteEscape, fitting name
L526[23:28:15] <ping> theres no way to directly read files outside the virtual computer
L527[23:28:34] <ping> you can however create a ftp client
L528[23:42:42] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.)
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