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L1[00:29:24] <gamax92> this SSD is amazing
L2[00:29:40] <gamax92> Linux boots in about 3 seconds
L3[00:31:29] <Mimiru> yeah I love my SSD
L4[01:00:08] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@14-201-37-16.static.tpgi.com.au) (Remote host closed the connection)
L5[01:11:42] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L6[01:22:59] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:a963:53e7:a3fd:34cb) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L7[01:35:10] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:49f8:18df:af5:4856) (Quit: Cervator)
L8[01:36:40] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: Quitting)
L9[02:06:28] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L10[02:53:39] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-141-249.as13285.net)
L11[03:07:37] ⇦ Quits: Kattery (v^@katt.is.cute.pxtst.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L12[03:08:26] ⇦ Quits: ping (v^@me.pxtst.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L13[03:11:20] ⇨ Joins: Kattery (v^@katt.is.cute.pxtst.com)
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L15[03:11:48] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L16[03:14:16] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L17[03:25:16] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p4fc72c38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L18[03:31:15] <Forecaster> http://dilbert.com/strip/2017-01-08
L19[03:31:45] <Forecaster> "It's everything"
L20[03:43:45] <Mettaton_Fab> i want my new obo
L21[03:43:50] <Mettaton_Fab> *mobo
L22[04:22:20] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L23[04:42:54] <MGR> And my flight was cancelled
L24[04:43:06] <MGR> GG airline
L25[04:43:10] <MGR> G FREAKING G
L26[04:48:19] <Saphire> http://dmitry.gr/index.php?r=05.Projects&proj=17.%20eToken owo
L27[04:54:02] <Kodos> MGR, yes because it's the airline's fault the weather is shit across the country
L28[05:00:16] <Skye> Morning
L29[05:04:56] <MGR> Kodos, it obviously is
L30[05:05:11] <MGR> And now I can't fly out today, have to do it tomorrow
L31[05:05:29] <MGR> And now have to try to find someone to drive me
L32[05:07:51] <Kodos> Is there a decent food stop in the terminal?
L33[05:10:54] <MGR> Kodos, I hadn't left my house yet
L34[05:11:14] <MGR> so it isn't actually the worst possible scenario
L35[05:11:28] <MGR> that happened to me LAST time
L36[05:11:38] <MGR> airline didn't even cancel the flight
L37[05:11:56] <MGR> just shuffled us around the different gates for 8+ hours
L38[05:21:11] <Kodos> My local airport has a mcdonalds and a starbucks, both operate 24h. If it were my airport, I'd just camp mcdonalds near an outlet
L39[05:22:27] <MGR> ye
L40[05:22:43] <MGR> but instead I'm sitting at home loading up Jimothy so I can see what Factorio's world looks like
L41[05:23:01] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L42[05:29:52] <MGR> alright Jimothy, let's go!
L43[05:36:17] <Kodos> If anyone else is interested, Mass Effect 2 is free on Origin via the On the House program
L44[05:38:47] <Forecaster> meh, origin
L45[05:44:20] <MGR> well, that journey was short
L46[05:44:35] <MGR> mostly because I realized that their are several large alien nests about to get hit by my pollution
L47[05:45:02] <20kdc> I presume that's... Exactly as planned?
L48[05:46:20] <MGR> @20kdc ??
L49[05:47:00] <20kdc> You mean you *weren't* planning to pollute the alien nests,
L50[05:47:13] <20kdc> in order to kill them all off?
L51[05:47:13] <MGR> I wasn't planning to pollute them on purpose
L52[05:47:20] <MGR> @20kdc it doesn't kill them
L53[05:47:27] <MGR> it just makes them swarm your base
L54[05:47:30] <Forecaster> you were planning to pollute them by accident? :P
L55[05:51:10] <MGR> Forecaster, I wasn't planning on polluting them at all
L56[05:51:18] <MGR> my industry sort of just makes a lot of pollution
L57[05:51:45] <Forecaster> https://i.imgur.com/Lffqx89.png
L58[05:58:14] <MGR> Forecaster, watchu mean
L59[05:59:19] <Kodos> "<MGR> I wasn't planning to pollute them on purpose" implies you meant to on accident
L60[06:00:23] <20kdc> "I didn't *intend* to throw the catgirls into the macerator on purpose! *I meant for it to look like an accident.*"
L61[06:07:11] <MGR> Kodos, I didn't mean to at all
L62[06:07:29] <MGR> @20kdc but it was an accident
L63[06:07:36] <MGR> a forseeable one, but still an accident
L64[06:07:58] <20kdc> Well, you might convince me, but...
L65[06:08:12] <20kdc> good luck convincing the Omniscient Council Of Invaders.
L66[06:08:41] <20kdc> Or the National Institute of Karmic Originality.
L67[06:09:26] <MGR> I have a rocket launcher!
L68[06:09:51] <Forecaster> \o/
L69[06:09:57] <Forecaster> making android apps is fun
L70[06:10:21] <Lizzy> yay, chrome profile on my laptop is corrupt ¬_¬
L71[06:10:26] <Lizzy> ahain
L72[06:10:34] <Lizzy> *again
L73[06:10:52] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/JxUKq3x.png
L74[06:10:54] <Forecaster> :D
L75[06:11:06] <MGR> HAH
L76[06:11:15] <MGR> defeated the alien nest before they could invade me
L77[06:11:37] <20kdc> so, you *murdered them* before they even tried to invade you
L78[06:11:43] <Forecaster> that's what I usually do
L79[06:11:54] <Forecaster> remove bases before the pollution reaches them
L80[06:12:20] <20kdc> _sets self-switch 'W' on Event 82, Room 12. And Event 83, just for good measure._
L81[06:13:18] <MGR> son of a gun
L82[06:13:26] <MGR> my own landmines blew me up
L83[06:13:37] <20kdc> Told ya the Karmic Originality people would get ya.
L84[06:15:52] <MGR> I tried it again and managed to not blow myself up
L85[06:16:05] <Forecaster> I've never used mines
L86[06:27:43] <MGR> they work
L87[06:34:15] <vifino> that's cause they are made of SCIENCE, and SCIENCE never disappoints.
L88[06:34:47] <20kdc> MGR, I'm sure, for you... this was a triumph
L89[06:35:31] <vifino> Did you leave a note there, just in case?
L90[06:38:35] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L91[06:39:11] <Mettaton_Fab> my amp still works, even though i shouldn't use it with 4 ohm speakers.
L92[06:40:59] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L93[06:42:46] <MGR> @20kdc it was a novelty
L94[06:42:53] <MGR> I don't plan to use them regularly
L95[06:43:07] <MGR> My main goal right now is research and getting Science 3 production up and running
L96[06:43:39] <20kdc> Will you be making a note on how it went? Something like, IDK, "HUGE SUCCESS"?
L97[06:44:02] <MGR> @20kdc not planning to
L98[06:44:12] <MGR> argh, I'm going to have to make even more pollution now
L99[06:45:19] <Mettaton_Fab> stop using Portal Quotes!
L100[06:45:41] <Forecaster> why tho
L101[06:45:50] <MGR> actually, I'm going to use solar panels!
L102[06:45:55] <MGR> also, portal quotes?
L103[06:46:01] <vifino> lol
L104[06:46:07] <Forecaster> ...
L105[06:46:13] <Forecaster> I'm dissappointed in you MRG
L106[06:46:17] <Forecaster> :|
L107[06:46:19] <vifino> ^
L108[06:46:38] <vifino> yeah, we are all deeply disappointed in you, MRG
L109[06:46:39] <Mettaton_Fab> HUGE SUCCESS aka lyrics from the song at the end of portal 1
L110[06:47:37] <MGR> ah
L111[06:47:53] <20kdc> It's kind of hard to *under*state my satisfaction given you didn't get the reference at all.
L112[06:47:55] <MGR> I know what the games Portal 1/2 are, but I've never played them
L113[06:48:10] <Mettaton_Fab> i only played portal 2, but even i know it!
L114[06:48:51] <Mettaton_Fab> stop making portal references!
L115[06:49:23] <vifino> no, never.
L116[06:49:29] <Mettaton_Fab> lets start making batteries that last a lifetime!
L117[06:49:30] <vifino> THE CAKE IS A LIE
L118[06:49:42] <Mettaton_Fab> Space?
L119[06:49:50] <Forecaster> that's not actually a quote
L120[06:49:55] <vifino> Forecaster: shhh
L121[06:49:55] <Forecaster> but it is a reference
L122[06:50:00] <vifino> SHHH
L123[06:50:01] <Mettaton_Fab> SPAAACE!
L124[06:50:02] <20kdc> The Global Empire. Because you "can" get Science 3, you "have to".
L125[06:50:42] <Mettaton_Fab> has portal 3 even been released?
L126[06:50:47] <20kdc> no
L127[06:51:10] <Forecaster> has valve released "x 3" anything
L128[06:51:20] <20kdc> also, apparently switching to <DATA REMOVED. Mettaton_Fab knows> references worked.
L129[06:51:31] <Mettaton_Fab> http://dmitry.gr/index.php?r=05.Projects&proj=02.%20Single-chip%20audio%20Player
L130[06:51:52] * Lizzy groans and pulls vifino towards her
L131[06:52:19] <Mettaton_Fab> i wanna build this media player, but i dont have the parts for it!
L132[06:53:18] <Mettaton_Fab> 20kdc, i dont know what you mean with those references.
L133[06:54:52] <20kdc> Just the one. "Because you 'can', you 'have to'."
L134[06:55:10] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L135[06:55:43] <MGR> @20kdc I don't understand what this has to do with the Global Empire
L136[06:55:55] <20kdc> You mean you *aren't* extending the GE into Factorio?
L137[06:56:05] <20kdc> I must have been mistaken.
L138[06:56:40] <MGR> not right now?
L139[06:56:46] <MGR> becasue it's just me?
L140[07:05:08] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L141[07:05:47] <MGR> @20kdc also, I'm not getting science 3, "Because I can" it's because you NEED it to progress
L142[07:10:18] <20kdc> But... what about the poor aliens!
L143[07:13:11] <Mettaton_Fab> i want this MP3 player with Line-in recording and FM Radio!
L144[07:16:48] <MGR> @20kdc well, I'm building a few solar panels
L145[07:16:54] <MGR> that should reduce my carbon footprint
L146[07:26:42] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6C3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L147[07:41:22] <Mettaton_Fab> apparently 4 ohm speakers are good enough for voice playback
L148[07:44:34] ⇦ Quits: Syrren (~syrren@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L149[08:00:12] <Mettaton_Fab> especially the Voice of Clint Basinger
L150[08:00:41] <Forecaster> whosits?
L151[08:08:04] ⇨ Joins: bl0m1 (~bl0m1@
L152[08:12:08] <vifino> yay, i have a browser
L153[08:12:23] <Forecaster> now all you need is a mario!
L154[08:12:23] <vifino> lemme see if i can find my luakit configs
L155[08:12:35] <vifino> Forecaster: browser, not bowser
L156[08:12:45] <Forecaster> a mrario
L157[08:17:27] <Tokiko> time to do the mahyro time
L158[08:20:13] <Inari> mahyro?
L159[08:23:11] <Tokiko> http://vocaroo.com/i/s1bWTeVmmVzH
L160[08:24:09] <Inari> Wat
L161[08:24:38] <Tokiko> i assume you dont watch vinny?
L162[08:24:39] <Tokiko> rip
L163[08:25:37] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L164[08:26:12] <Mettaton_Fab> *Kermit Voice* "Joel, are you downloading boobs again?"
L165[08:26:30] <Tokiko> he recorded this glorious mario song for his planet coaster gameplay
L166[08:26:52] <Tokiko> vinesauceland worst park
L167[08:30:51] ⇨ Joins: Syrren (~syrren@
L168[08:39:51] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~cax@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L169[08:43:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L170[08:43:44] <Mettaton_Fab> but what about 7 Grand Dad?
L171[08:44:47] <Tokiko> thats joel
L172[08:44:48] <Tokiko> :V
L173[08:46:55] <Mettaton_Fab> we are number one and that pillar man thing from Jojos bizarre adventure are in the same key apparently.
L174[09:02:32] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@122-129-151-82.dynamic.ipstaraus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L175[09:03:49] <Mettaton_Fab> you ever saw that german with his honking suit?
L176[09:07:29] <Mettaton_Fab> the new vinesauce vid just appeared in my g+ messages
L177[09:11:55] <Mettaton_Fab> i like the speed luigi ride
L178[09:36:25] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~cax@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L179[09:47:08] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p4fc72c38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L180[09:47:11] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbjhO3iX1GY surprisingly nice
L181[09:47:15] <MichiBot> East Asia modern Folks Compilation | length: 1h, 7m 32s | Likes: 14,472 Dislikes: 154 Views: 568,559 | by Elegant Sister (ES) | Published On 13/7/2015
L182[09:48:57] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p4FC72C38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L183[09:58:02] <Inari> San-gar is playing ROcket League I see ;o
L184[09:59:04] <Forecaster> Mimiru: how do you implement a fragment for for example a settings menu? :|
L185[10:00:25] * Inari researches Power Word: Empower Tentacle
L186[10:01:05] * Inari never understood that Power Word stuff in WoW
L187[10:08:05] <MGR> I've discovered an alien super-nest
L188[10:08:18] <MGR> It has some new race that I haven't been able to get a good look at
L189[10:08:26] <MGR> Shoots blobs at me, like the big worm, but mobile
L190[10:08:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2549C49339091D2A76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L191[10:08:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L192[10:12:11] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.)
L193[10:15:57] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b05f:333:748b:6132) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L194[10:46:04] <Mettaton_Fab> whoknows aboutchen from touhou?
L195[10:53:43] <Mimiru> Forecaster, I don't think I'm using fragments..
L196[10:54:30] <Forecaster> oh, what do you use for the settings menu and how???
L197[10:54:33] <Forecaster> I must know!
L198[10:54:49] <Mimiru> https://github.com/CaitlynMainer/HuntingLogHelper
L199[10:54:50] <Forecaster> I tried using a view first, but couldn't get that to work correctly
L200[10:54:56] <Saphire> I love that relay script thingy
L201[10:55:08] <Forecaster> the back button closed the whole app instead of going back :|
L202[10:55:55] <Mimiru> https://git.io/vMWtv it's hacky...
L203[10:56:09] <Mimiru> there *IS* a way to go back to the last activity..
L204[10:56:14] <Mimiru> but I forget how to do it now
L205[10:56:34] <Mimiru> Oh
L206[10:56:39] <Mimiru> this.finish() I think
L207[11:02:26] <Inari> :P
L208[11:02:55] <Inari> hunting log?
L209[11:05:23] <Mimiru> FFXIV thing :P
L210[11:09:15] <FLORANA> hello :3
L211[11:15:36] <Mimiru> %isup http://rbl.efnetrbl.org
L212[11:15:36] <MichiBot> Mimiru: http://rbl.efnetrbl.org Is Up.
L213[11:15:38] <Mimiru> :/
L214[11:15:51] <Mimiru> %lookup rbl.efnetrbl.org
L215[11:15:51] <MichiBot> Mimiru: DNS Info for rbl.efnetrbl.org 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe33:cd73
L216[11:16:00] <Inari> ?
L217[11:16:29] <Mimiru> one of the RBLs we use on our IRC Network keeps glining one of my IPs
L218[11:16:43] <Mimiru> it *looks* like it's down..
L219[11:16:52] <Mimiru> but... it seems it's not :/
L220[11:16:53] <Inari> Works fin ehere
L221[11:17:24] <Mimiru> eos.pc-logix.com> ANNOUNCEMENT: Connecting user 04KAAJOLS!unknown@ detected as being on a DNS blacklist (rbl.efnetrbl.org) with result 53
L222[11:17:42] <Mimiru> what do you get here: http://rbl.efnetrbl.org/?i= ?
L223[11:18:04] <Inari> was not found active in the database.
L224[11:18:04] <Inari> Bans set on specific IRC servers are outside our control, so please contact the server/network staff directly for immediate ban removal.
L225[11:18:18] <Mimiru> So... then why am I getting glined because of it
L226[11:18:46] <Mimiru> I even disabled it in our netconfig and it's still happening o_O
L227[11:18:47] <Mimiru> wtf
L228[11:18:50] <Inari> Notice - We have created a mirror of the rbl.efnet.org zone at rbl.efnetrbl.org. It has the exact same data and responses. Please use the mirror in your configs. The mirror was created after repeated failures at Network Solutions.
L229[11:18:55] <Inari> Haha
L230[11:19:06] <Mimiru> yeah I'm using the mirror
L231[11:21:23] * DaMachinator feels incredibly stupid
L232[11:22:11] <Inari> DaMachinator: ?
L233[11:22:43] <TYKUHN2> Open Proxies Spam Client Trojan Clients and TOR Proxies... questionable for use as a lot of those are not the same severity.
L234[11:23:05] <DaMachinator> Well, I have been wondering for endless ages how I could get a variable type in C++ that behaves like an array but can have its size changed arbitrarily
L235[11:23:33] <DaMachinator> i just realized i can copy the contents of old_array to new_array and set new_array to have the size i want
L236[11:23:39] * DaMachinator facepalms
L237[11:23:52] <TYKUHN2> Don't forget to delete old_array!
L238[11:24:17] <DaMachinator> true
L239[11:24:57] <DaMachinator> also TIL most number variables in C++ default to being signed
L240[11:25:12] <DaMachinator> if you want an unsigned int you have to ask for it
L241[11:25:30] <TYKUHN2> Can I have a binary variable ? Oh wait nvm
L242[11:25:51] <DaMachinator> sure
L243[11:26:00] <Inari> DaMachinator: Isn't that like normal?
L244[11:26:03] <Inari> @signed/unsigned
L245[11:26:26] <Inari> DaMachinator: Also
L246[11:26:31] <Inari> Thats what vectors are for, no? :P
L247[11:27:13] <DaMachinator> unsigned int binVal = 0b01001101
L248[11:27:27] <Inari> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/
L249[11:27:31] <DaMachinator> Inari: what kind of vector
L250[11:27:40] <DaMachinator> a math vector or something i've never heard of
L251[11:27:50] <DaMachinator> something i've never heard of
L252[11:27:55] <TYKUHN2> Best description ever
L253[11:28:33] <DaMachinator> wut
L254[11:29:14] <DaMachinator> math vector can be represented as an array using either point & rotation or start_point & end_point
L255[11:29:28] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L256[11:30:17] <TYKUHN2> "As anyone who's done it knows stepping on a Lego block is something akin to being shot in the foot by a knife soaked in bullet and venom in truth this is an inherent danger of allowing a child to exist in your home."
L257[11:31:32] <20kdc> well, that's it, I'm calling for a ban on children
L258[11:31:36] <Temia> Y'all have weakass feet
L259[11:31:50] * DaMachinator wears sneakers around his house
L260[11:31:57] <DaMachinator> or slippers if its cold
L261[11:32:31] <TYKUHN2> Jesus christ
L262[11:32:51] <TYKUHN2> 950lbs or 4500N of force to even start crushing a lego brick
L263[11:33:01] <DaMachinator> that's the regular bricks
L264[11:33:08] <DaMachinator> other parts break far more easily
L265[11:33:22] <TYKUHN2> That along with its studs probably means it's gunna hurt
L266[11:33:24] <DaMachinator> esp. the longer ones, which are prone to...snapping...
L267[11:34:06] <DaMachinator> fun fact: legos are made of heat-resistant ABS plastic and made to some absurdly high degree of precision to make sure they fit together properly
L268[11:35:04] <TYKUHN2> Lego knows how to make things correctly
L269[11:35:53] <20kdc> so they'll fit together properly in somewhere really warm, like... *a desert*?
L270[11:36:14] <TYKUHN2> SURE!
L271[11:36:33] <TYKUHN2> "May god have mercy on your soul if you step on a lego brick on a tiled not a carpeted floor"
L272[11:37:18] <TYKUHN2> Ohhh god
L273[11:37:39] <TYKUHN2> Creator of the first "lego" died before Lego's patent violating brick was discovered. Got so damn lucky.
L274[11:37:40] <Forecaster> I wear slippers at home
L275[11:38:17] <DaMachinator> the tolerance of the moulds is <2μm
L276[11:40:47] <TYKUHN2> _<-- Can't remember how to do arrays in JavaScript_
L277[11:41:24] <Forecaster> var my_var = []
L278[11:41:43] <DaMachinator> i think it looks like this: [0,1,2,4,6]
L279[11:41:51] <Forecaster> yes
L280[11:41:56] <DaMachinator> http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_arrays.asp
L281[11:42:19] <Inari> Fun fact: Legos are engineered to hurt your feet
L282[11:42:21] <TYKUHN2> Meant to say objects but I figured it out
L283[11:42:27] <DaMachinator> what IDE and compiler should I use for C++...
L284[11:42:42] <Inari> Whichever you please
L285[11:43:00] <DaMachinator> I find your answer vague and unconvincing.
L286[11:44:18] <TYKUHN2> "Which one of my females is ready to breed... that sounds really weird." "TaylorTJ you're still too young to breed... that sounds really weird." "Redfish you're probably going to be dead relatively soon I'm hoping we have someone to take your children" Quotes you get from a game about genetics.
L287[11:44:52] <TYKUHN2> DaMachinator Linux or Windows?
L288[11:44:53] <Inari> TYKUHN2 Just breed and see if it works
L289[11:44:58] <Inari> If it idd they weren't too young
L290[11:45:07] <Inari> Also What game even o.o
L291[11:45:11] <TYKUHN2> Niche
L292[11:45:18] <TYKUHN2> "Niche" is the title
L293[11:45:18] <Forecaster> idd?
L294[11:45:24] <DaMachinator> TYKUHN2: Windows at first, both as i gain experience
L295[11:45:27] <Inari> Forecaster: did :P
L296[11:45:45] <TYKUHN2> Windows I'd use Visual Studio.
L297[11:45:56] <TYKUHN2> Linux, any text editor would work and I'd use GCC for compilation.
L298[11:46:10] <DaMachinator> debugger?
L299[11:46:20] <TYKUHN2> I don't know debuggers
L300[11:46:48] <Nikky> on linux visual studio code is good
L301[11:46:58] <TYKUHN2> I'd like to point out the video I am watching involves a dude scambling to try and fix his impending incestuous disease ridden future
L302[11:46:58] <DaMachinator> apparently there is a thing called GDB
L303[11:47:03] <Nikky> and it has a plugin that works with native debuggers
L304[11:47:19] <Nikky> ^that GDB thing
L305[11:47:22] <vifino> vim is good, gdb/lldb is good, make is good, radare2 is good.
L306[11:47:26] <vifino> good good.
L307[11:47:29] <TYKUHN2> As Candy Crush would say: "Tasty"
L308[11:47:47] <DaMachinator> does GDB run on windows
L309[11:47:53] <Nikky> https://github.com/WebFreak001/code-debug
L310[11:48:06] <TYKUHN2> "What redfish can't do the breeding? Oh god their both male"
L311[11:48:18] <vifino> no clue, i dont use windows.
L312[11:48:40] <TYKUHN2> Visual Studio has a built in debugger
L313[11:49:00] <Nikky> on windows you cna use CLion
L314[11:49:05] <TYKUHN2> Also it's fun becuase when VS is detected on your computer Windows defaults to opening crashed programs in VS.
L315[11:49:10] <Nikky> it also has a decent debugger
L316[11:49:58] <DaMachinator> well, i am going to have fun
L317[11:50:28] <DaMachinator> partly because of my...unusual circumstances...
L318[11:51:02] <DaMachinator> I suppose the thing to do would be to ask the IT ppl at school very very nicely to install these things for me
L319[11:51:26] <TYKUHN2> First learn how functions work. Then your variables. Maybe swap those around. But the third thing you should always learn is THREADS ?
L320[11:51:48] <DaMachinator> I know the basics, and Javascript, and Lua (kind of)
L321[11:52:03] <DaMachinator> threading still falls into the "magic" category for me
L322[11:52:06] <TYKUHN2> C++ works with a text editor. I'm sure compilers work from flash drives. No need to tell the school anything ?
L323[11:52:34] <TYKUHN2> I got bored wanted to finish my network program and just skipped the tutorials to THREADS
L324[11:53:01] <DaMachinator> categories: [stuff i understand] [stuff i kind of understand] [magic] [more magic] [my head hurts thinking about it]
L325[11:53:21] <TYKUHN2> JS vars are scoped local by default no?
L326[11:53:31] <DaMachinator> yes
L327[11:53:38] <TYKUHN2> Dang
L328[11:54:26] <DaMachinator> i had to review someone's program who wondered why their basic webapp wasn't working
L329[11:54:38] <DaMachinator> they were storing user input to a variable outside of functions
L330[11:54:45] <TYKUHN2> "Come back here I need somebody to breed with" I'd get off the island fast.
L331[11:55:10] <DaMachinator> so the input was stored as whatever the initial values were, and never changed because the function didn't do the needful
L332[11:57:17] <DaMachinator> there is only one true IDE i know that has a semi-portable version
L333[11:57:19] <DaMachinator> eclipse
L334[11:57:56] <TYKUHN2> Hemophilia blind low immunity sounds like a great partner
L335[11:58:16] <TYKUHN2> Notepad++ is portable
L336[11:58:21] * DaMachinator is attempting to make a program that takes the derivative of something
L337[11:58:36] <DaMachinator> notepad++ is already installed (praise the powers that be for that)
L338[11:58:51] <Nikky> DaMachinator: i solve it by just make he computer i use portable..
L339[11:58:58] <Mettaton_Fab> my school has NP++ installed.
L340[11:59:05] <Nikky> i bring my laptop
L341[11:59:19] <Nikky> i got my school to install vscode
L342[11:59:21] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari, how about bulding the most low-end linux machine?
L343[11:59:53] <DaMachinator> Nikky: that would be great if it weren't that i have to get schoolwork done at school too
L344[11:59:59] <Inari> ?
L345[12:00:02] <DaMachinator> this place is not BYOD friendly
L346[12:00:34] <TYKUHN2> Wow
L347[12:00:34] <Mettaton_Fab> just for fun, so you can do some linux stuff on lowest-end hardware
L348[12:00:39] <DaMachinator> i should have commented this code better because i have absolutely no idea what it does now
L349[12:01:02] <TYKUHN2> My laptop has Kali Linux and a list of their network structure. My place is BYOD friendly needless to say.
L350[12:01:25] <Nikky> well we get out assignments via moodle
L351[12:01:49] <TYKUHN2> Anyways JS's for loop is 20x faster than the forEach
L352[12:01:53] <Nikky> and transfering stuff via usb sticks and slack works well enough
L353[12:02:15] <Forecaster> forEach has never worked for me
L354[12:02:20] <Forecaster> I always use for
L355[12:03:10] <TYKUHN2> How do I go over each key/value pair of an object?
L356[12:03:19] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L357[12:03:30] <Forecaster> for (var key in object) {object[key]}
L358[12:03:59] <TYKUHN2> "Ahh yeah you did get it on. He got it on with his mother" The quotes don't stop coming.
L359[12:05:23] <TYKUHN2> Do object's have "lengths"?
L360[12:05:28] <Forecaster> no
L361[12:05:31] <TYKUHN2> I take it all back
L362[12:05:41] <TYKUHN2> I just realised I am tryng to do a numerical object when I can just array that
L363[12:05:47] <Forecaster> yeah
L364[12:06:06] <Forecaster> (that's what an array really is, it's just shorthand)
L365[12:07:52] <Ember_Primrose> whats the rules of oc regarding mc modpacks?
L366[12:08:01] <Ember_Primrose> and dev builds
L367[12:08:14] <Forecaster> it's MIT licensed
L368[12:08:43] <Ember_Primrose> so, im good to use a dev vesion>?
L369[12:09:15] <DaMachinator> time to write down an indepth step-by-step process for taking derivatives
L370[12:09:16] <Inari> Mettaton_Fab: ?.?
L371[12:09:22] <Forecaster> they have the same license as normal versions
L372[12:09:24] <Inari> Mettaton_Fab: But I don't even have interest in linux stuff
L373[12:09:27] <DaMachinator> gah
L374[12:09:35] <Inari> besides using basic microcontroller stuff is better if you go for low hardware
L375[12:09:35] <Inari> :P
L376[12:09:37] <DaMachinator> what is the C++ order of operations
L377[12:09:49] <TYKUHN2> Similar if not the same to Lua
L378[12:10:01] <DaMachinator> it seems to evaluate unary '-' before anything else
L379[12:10:09] <Inari> http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_precedence
L380[12:10:25] <TYKUHN2> http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/operators/#precedence
L381[12:10:38] <DaMachinator> it does
L382[12:10:42] <Mettaton_Fab> that lowest-end linux pc is an emulation of a 32-bit ARM cpu on an 8-bit AVR
L383[12:10:46] <DaMachinator> *facedesk*
L384[12:11:46] <DaMachinator> which i suppose doesn't really matter since C++ has no binary exponentiation operator
L385[12:13:29] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:1881:ef88:86dd:5a3d)
L386[12:15:24] <Ember_Primrose> you want reactor craft?
L387[12:15:50] <DaMachinator> ???
L388[12:16:10] <Ember_Primrose> ignore that
L389[12:16:14] <Ember_Primrose> wrong chat
L390[12:16:14] <DaMachinator> ok
L391[12:16:37] <DaMachinator> this is harder than i thought
L392[12:23:18] <Inari> Bows are expensive :<
L393[12:28:53] <DaMachinator> my head hurts now
L394[12:29:10] <DaMachinator> is it just me
L395[12:29:32] <DaMachinator> or is finding the first instance of ')' in a string VERY hard
L396[12:29:47] <vifino> just loop over it?
L397[12:29:48] <DaMachinator> time to do this in a different way
L398[12:31:05] <Inari> myString.find_first_of(")"); ?
L399[12:36:39] <Inari> Let sal lwrit elik ethi s
L400[12:38:30] <DaMachinator> find all of the ')'s
L401[12:38:37] <DaMachinator> since i need to anyways
L402[12:39:04] <Izaya> Mettaton_Fab: a better low end linux machine is a VIA C3 with 64M of RAM
L403[12:39:13] * DaMachinator realizes that the character positions will change in the process
L404[12:39:16] <Izaya> better in that it reports i686 despite only being i586
L405[12:40:29] <vifino> fun.
L406[12:40:36] <Mettaton_Fab> i want a pc with such a small size that it fits into a potato
L407[12:41:06] <Izaya> double side boards count, right?
L408[12:41:46] <Izaya> https://github.com/NextThingCo/CHIP_Pro-Hardware/blob/master/Datasheets/GR8_Datasheet_v1.0.pdf no reason you couldn't have this, a flash chip and a regulator to get a linux machine in two chips and an extra component
L409[12:41:49] <Izaya> is a regulator a chip?
L410[12:41:56] <Izaya> it's an integrated circuit I guess
L411[12:43:17] <DaMachinator> the type of elements in string is char, right?
L412[12:44:05] <TYKUHN2> Yeah
L413[12:44:09] <TYKUHN2> String = array of char
L414[12:45:13] <MGR> I have
L415[12:45:16] <MGR> A TANK
L416[12:45:27] <DaMachinator> cool story bro
L417[12:45:44] <TYKUHN2> I have A FLAMETROWIER
L418[12:46:10] <gamax92> nice flameTROWIER
L419[12:46:22] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 we should see who would win!
L420[12:46:33] <MGR> FLAMETROWIER versus tank
L421[12:46:49] * Inari hands Mettaton_Fab an Azuki to fondle
L422[12:46:55] <gamax92> oh
L423[12:47:04] <TYKUHN2> Does your tank have a automatic reloading and refueling station connected to a constant HE shell production facility?
L424[12:47:14] <TYKUHN2> Mine does
L425[12:47:23] <Inari> Reminds me of htis "Who wins, a stick or 10000 US marines"
L426[12:47:24] <20kdc> ok, Izaya, reading this datasheet... the BGA grid port mapping is a bit weird
L427[12:47:52] <20kdc> ...it's like one of those puzzle things where they say "map the arbitrary patterns to the numbers" or some other thing
L428[12:47:54] * DaMachinator has a Javelin missile
L429[12:48:04] <Mettaton_Fab> the stick wins, depending on size
L430[12:48:11] * DaMachinator acquires a second
L431[12:48:17] <Mettaton_Fab> do you also have a claymore mine?
L432[12:48:21] <Inari> The answer was like
L433[12:48:25] <DaMachinator> at what point does it cease to become a stick and become mulch
L434[12:48:32] <DaMachinator> or tinder
L435[12:48:33] <Inari> "Stick wins, becuase if you break a stick you have 2 sticks"
L436[12:48:33] <Inari> :P
L437[12:48:35] <DaMachinator> or sawdust
L438[12:48:44] <Inari> Though you could just blow it up
L439[12:48:46] <Inari> *shrugs*
L440[12:48:48] <DaMachinator> but if you take a stick and burn it
L442[12:48:55] <DaMachinator> you have 0 sticks and some ash
L443[12:48:59] <Inari> DaMachinator: Then stick will haunt you
L444[12:49:09] * DaMachinator shoots MGR's tank with a Javelin missile
L445[12:49:24] <MGR> DaMachinator, my main gun has awesome range
L446[12:49:30] <MGR> or I could just drive over you
L447[12:49:35] <MGR> like I do FREAKING TREES
L448[12:49:37] <gamax92> stick will trap you and make you immobile
L449[12:50:31] <Inari> #StickBondage
L450[12:50:41] <gamax92> Inari gets the idea
L451[12:51:31] <TYKUHN2> Basically the only part of my tank not automated is shooting and driving
L452[12:51:31] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 mine does not have the auto reload facility
L453[12:51:35] <MGR> is yours in Factorio though?
L454[12:52:10] <TYKUHN2> Did tha rmessage send?
L455[12:52:19] <TYKUHN2> Nope
L456[12:52:26] <TYKUHN2> The message was: Yeah
L457[12:52:28] <Mettaton_Fab> i somehow like Aesthetic music
L458[12:53:49] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 ok
L459[12:53:55] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 ok
L460[12:54:00] <MGR> well, I'm making tank shells and piercing bullets
L461[12:54:07] <MGR> well, I'm making tank shells and piercing bullets
L462[12:54:12] <MGR> and I'm sending double messages?
L463[12:54:19] <MGR> and I'm sending double messages?
L464[12:54:59] <Mettaton_Fab> i just found out that starting up Win98 while the PC is connected to a subwoofer is not a good idea
L465[12:55:54] <Mettaton_Fab> yes, yes you are.
L466[12:56:28] <Mettaton_Fab> somehow my laptops keyboard is not even
L467[13:03:53] <Inari> MGR: If you're making piercings (which Id on't like) at least make nipple ones
L468[13:04:27] <Temia> .
L469[13:05:26] <DaMachinator> I think he's making projectiles with shaped charge warheads
L470[13:06:05] <Inari> Temia: ?
L471[13:07:31] <Temia> Nothing.
L472[13:07:34] <Temia> I have nothing to say.
L473[13:08:06] <Mettaton_Fab> piercing bulets are called this name because they are designed to pierce through a variety of materials.
L474[13:10:27] <20kdc> ...such as ears, noses, etc...?
L475[13:10:57] <MGR> Inari, I will not
L476[13:11:01] <MGR> and I'm not making piercings
L477[13:11:04] <MGR> I'm making bulletz
L478[13:11:20] <MGR> DaMachinator, spot on
L479[13:12:15] <DaMachinator> #slightlyuselessknowledge
L480[13:13:24] <Inari> Bullet vibrators/
L481[13:13:25] <Inari> *?
L482[13:13:44] <MGR> Inari, no
L483[13:13:50] <MGR> they kill things
L484[13:13:50] ⇦ Parts: Temia (~temia@monmusu.me) ("When I said I'd follow you to the ends of the realm, I didn't think we'd need to stop and ask for directions."))
L485[13:16:16] <Inari> Too much for Temia :<
L486[13:20:14] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L487[13:21:14] <MGR> Inari, what?
L488[13:22:18] <Mettaton_Fab> can someone tell me which type of relais i have to use to get a normal switch to switch like a light switch?
L489[13:24:22] <TYKUHN2> All the relais
L490[13:24:33] <Mettaton_Fab> cuz i want a switch, like a pc power switch, to behave like a light switsch
L491[13:25:43] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L492[13:28:45] <Inari> Uh
L493[13:29:08] <Inari> Mettaton_Fab: Ask in the proper channel :D
L494[13:29:19] <MGR> oh no
L495[13:29:26] <MGR> killing aliens makes stronger ones show up
L497[13:30:49] <Izaya> no shit, sherlock
L498[13:31:08] <Vexatos> >Sherlock
L499[13:31:14] <Vexatos> new Sherlock episode today \:D/
L500[13:31:26] <Vexatos> %tell Inari No.
L501[13:31:26] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L502[13:31:28] <vifino> Vexatos!
L503[13:31:32] <Vexatos> vifino!
L504[13:31:33] <Inari> :<
L505[13:31:36] <Inari> Vexatos: Why
L506[13:31:41] <vifino> Vexatos!
L507[13:31:43] <Vexatos> Inari, it's terrible
L508[13:31:49] <vifino> guess what's up again!
L509[13:31:51] <Vexatos> I cannot read it
L510[13:31:54] <Vexatos> vifino, oh no
L511[13:31:58] <Vexatos> don't tell me
L512[13:31:59] <Vexatos> D:
L513[13:32:01] <Vexatos> THE SKY?!?
L514[13:32:11] * Vexatos gasps
L515[13:32:12] <vifino> no, sorry, accidentally took that down
L516[13:32:21] <Vexatos> phew
L517[13:32:26] ⇨ Joins: Turtle2 (~SentientT@
L518[13:32:32] <Vexatos> SKYE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN
L519[13:32:35] <MGR> Izaya, well, I didn't know that
L520[13:32:37] <Vexatos> vifino, well, thanks :P
L521[13:32:44] <vifino> you're welcome.
L522[13:32:51] * Skye falls on the floor
L523[13:32:52] <Skye> oof
L524[13:32:52] <vifino> sadly, for the most part, i can't do anything.
L525[13:33:06] <Vexatos> vifino, is it just me or is it really slow now
L526[13:33:11] * vifino locks Skye in a box and puts it in the attic
L527[13:33:15] <vifino> Vexatos: just you
L528[13:33:18] <Vexatos> ok
L529[13:33:20] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L530[13:33:22] * CompanionCube lets Skye out of the box
L531[13:33:28] <20kdc> the sky generally gets a DMCA takedown from Pixar every day, and that's why night exists
L532[13:33:31] <DaMachinator> pointers and references are moderately confusing
L533[13:33:45] <MGR> alright, my evolution factor is only 0.35
L534[13:33:54] <MGR> Let's take this opportunity to make lots and lots of turrets
L535[13:34:16] <Vexatos> vifino, are you paying money for this shitty server? I hope not too much ._.
L536[13:34:18] <DaMachinator> torrents of turrets?
L537[13:34:41] <20kdc> _sends the aliens EMP grenades_
L538[13:34:42] <Mettaton_Fab> there exists a module which does what i want it to do, but i want to build it myself
L539[13:34:52] <vifino> Vexatos: its not a shitty server and i am not paying anything, my cousin is
L540[13:35:14] <Vexatos> ok
L541[13:35:19] <Vexatos> well at least you aren't
L542[13:35:39] <vifino> well, not for the server hosting wiki.vex.tty.sh.
L543[13:35:51] <vifino> for pretty much everything else i am though.
L544[13:36:01] <Vexatos> at least files.* is on a different server and THAT one runs just fine ._.
L545[13:36:04] <vifino> including files and <sekrit>
L546[13:36:23] <Vexatos> just the wiki one is derp occasionally
L547[13:36:30] <vifino> yeah.
L548[13:36:54] <MGR> DaMachinator, yes, torrents of turrets
L549[13:37:10] <MGR> @20kdc please do NOT
L550[13:37:16] <MGR> behemoth biters are SCARY looking
L551[13:37:34] <20kdc> sorry, I kind of already entered a contract with them so they won't murder me for talking to you
L552[13:38:39] <MGR> waaaaaaat
L553[13:38:43] <Kodos> Metta use switch boards
L554[13:38:44] <TYKUHN2> "Microsoft Windows has stopped responding"
L555[13:38:52] * DaMachinator wonders why one cannot just cause a contained flood of bunker oil covering the area occupied by the aliens and set it alight
L556[13:39:00] <MGR> @20kdc https://wiki.factorio.com/File:BehemothBiter-anim.gif
L557[13:39:07] <MGR> I don't want these coming for me
L558[13:39:17] <DaMachinator> probably at least partly because bunker oil doesn't flow very well
L559[13:39:19] <vifino> In any case, if you are wondering how much I pay for servers, its around $150/m.
L560[13:39:21] <MGR> DaMachinator, I can't make an oil flood, but I can make flamethrowers
L561[13:39:39] <DaMachinator> i was suggesting a flaming oil flood
L562[13:39:48] <20kdc> MGR: nah, those look fine
L563[13:39:50] <DaMachinator> can you make rockets?
L564[13:40:11] <20kdc> MGR: go play Terraria and poke around the Crimson if you want scary things
L565[13:40:18] <DaMachinator> if you point the fire end of a sufficiently large rocket motor towards the aliens
L566[13:40:34] <DaMachinator> you should be able to attain the desired results
L567[13:41:34] <Inari> vifino: Thats al ot of moeny
L568[13:41:42] <vifino> Yes.
L569[13:41:44] <MGR> DaMachinator, I can make rockets
L570[13:41:55] <MGR> I cannot do what you suggest though
L571[13:42:44] <DaMachinator> why are all the fun solutions impossible
L572[13:42:58] <DaMachinator> nuclear option?
L573[13:43:05] <DaMachinator> less fun, similar results
L574[13:43:06] <MGR> DaMachinator, nope
L575[13:43:17] <MGR> I have bulletz, lasers, and flamethrowers
L576[13:44:09] <Mettaton_Fab> what are switch boards and how big are they
L577[13:44:16] <TYKUHN2> MGR just get a Saturn V and point it the other way
L578[13:45:50] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 I can't
L579[13:45:59] <MGR> and you have the game, so you should know I can't
L580[13:46:06] <TYKUHN2> Do it anyways
L581[13:47:45] <MGR> but I can't
L582[13:47:59] <MGR> I'm making hundreds of piercing ammo magazines though
L583[13:48:06] <MGR> because I want to be ready
L584[13:48:23] <MGR> I'm also deploying more turrets
L585[13:48:24] <Kodos> Metta they are rackmounted
L586[13:48:38] <MGR> @Kodos oh hey, did you still want to hit me up with that modlist?
L587[13:48:53] <Kodos> Yes as soon as I'm home today
L588[13:49:24] <Kodos> House is being shown today
L589[13:49:42] <Kodos> So I'm camping at Taco Bell
L590[13:49:48] <MGR> ok
L591[13:51:17] <Mettaton_Fab> Kodos, i need a circuit which causes a switch with switchstates off/(on) to have the switchstates off/on
L592[13:51:28] <Mettaton_Fab> and it has to be small
L593[13:52:03] <Vexatos> Kodos, by the way: Forecaster is officially the second person I know to ever have used any of the rack parts we came up with :P
L594[13:52:14] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/AtomicBlom/status/780365721628835840
L595[13:52:15] <MichiBot> Mon Sep 26 06:17:41 CDT 2016 @AtomicBlom: When you see it... https://t.co/xXVFEH81Uo
L596[13:54:18] <Kodos> Forecaster what do you use them in
L597[13:55:29] <Forecaster> I'm *going* to use them in a reactor control system that I'm still developing
L598[13:55:58] <Inari> What rack parts?
L599[13:56:28] <Kodos> Light and switch boards
L600[13:56:32] <Vexatos> So it's like partt Kodos, par Kubuxu and part me, actually, they both came up with the light board around the same time
L601[13:56:53] <Vexatos> switch board was Kodos' idea though, don't think Forecaster is using that yet though
L602[13:57:10] <Forecaster> I'm still working out the arrangement
L603[13:57:17] <Forecaster> I'm going to need multiple racks
L604[13:57:44] <Vexatos> well they're meant to be placed in batches :P
L605[13:57:46] <Kodos> I still want rack relays for upgrading
L606[13:57:57] <Vexatos> "rack relays"?
L607[13:58:00] <Kodos> And rack raids because realism
L608[13:58:06] <Kodos> And rack raids because realism
L609[13:58:11] <Kodos> Yes. A rack isn't upgradable
L610[13:58:17] <Kodos> Yes. A rack isn't upgradable
L611[13:58:21] <Vexatos> "Upgradeable"?
L612[13:58:23] <Kodos> Oh ffs
L613[13:58:29] <Vexatos> like, what
L614[13:58:36] <Vexatos> what would you upgrade about them
L615[13:58:39] <Kodos> Yes. Hard drive CPU and memory stick
L616[13:58:48] <Kodos> Like a block relay
L617[13:58:53] <Forecaster> ??
L618[13:59:06] <Kodos> Have you even right clicked a relay block
L619[13:59:10] <Forecaster> the server blades have those things, not racks
L620[13:59:35] <Kodos> Ever*
L621[13:59:39] <Forecaster> yes
L622[13:59:42] <Kodos> Ever*
L623[13:59:43] <Izaya> welp
L624[13:59:45] <Forecaster> so?
L625[14:00:00] <Izaya> I guess I should look up the Synth Courser before I run into the place
L626[14:00:00] <Forecaster> you want a rack mounted relay, but what does that have to do with upgrading? oO
L627[14:00:53] <vifino> Forecaster: as someone who has both server blades and rack servers, i find your misuse of blade offensive
L628[14:06:12] <Kodos> You can upgrade a relay to have a bigger network queue, faster processing of network stuff etc. a rack gets none of that and is an empty relay in terms of tier by default
L629[14:06:33] <Forecaster> oh
L630[14:06:56] <Forecaster> maybe you should make a ticket about that
L631[14:07:02] <Kodos> Racks have a confit setting but I'm the type to not mess with default settings
L632[14:07:44] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L633[14:08:05] <Kodos> I have made several issues regarding rack mountables. Most have been laughed to closure or just ignored
L634[14:08:11] <Kodos> I have made several issues regarding rack mountables. Most have been laughed to closure or just ignored
L635[14:09:11] <Kodos> I did get approval on one but nothing ever came of it
L636[14:12:06] <Vexatos> Some things are more important than new features :P
L637[14:12:31] <Kodos> What's even being worked on
L638[14:13:27] <Vexatos> nothing right now?
L639[14:13:48] <Vexatos> Circuity.
L640[14:31:09] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p4FC72C38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: gotta go to bed or other stuff, maybe its not even midnight and im just sleepy af)
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L647[14:53:14] <Forecaster> I can't even get it to display the title the same as the main view
L648[14:53:17] <Forecaster> and I have no idea why
L649[14:53:22] <Forecaster> :|
L650[14:58:13] <Kodos> Circuitry?
L651[14:58:41] <Vexatos> No, Circuity.
L652[14:58:56] <Vexatos> https://github.com/fnuecke/Circuity
L653[14:59:27] <Kodos> Ahh
L654[14:59:46] <Kodos> So is oc "done" then?
L655[15:00:39] <Vexatos> no?
L656[15:01:52] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2549C49339091D2A76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L657[15:02:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2549C49339091D2A76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L658[15:02:54] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L659[15:05:56] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L660[15:13:32] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE2549C49339091D2A76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L661[15:20:08] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L662[15:48:29] <Forecaster> Mimiru: when I open your project gradle says "Could not get unknown property 'huntinghelper_storeFile'..."
L663[15:48:32] <Forecaster> what is that?
L664[15:48:45] <Mimiru> Oh
L665[15:48:51] <Mimiru> take out this section in the app gradle
L666[15:48:54] <Mimiru> (one second :P)
L667[15:49:04] <Mimiru> "signingConfigs"
L668[15:49:08] <Mimiru> take everything in there out
L669[15:49:27] <Mimiru> that's how I set jenkins up to automatically sign my app without having to put my password and keystore in a public file
L670[15:49:34] <Mimiru> (I also have the same file locally)
L671[15:49:49] <Forecaster> Error:(23, 0) Could not get unknown property 'release' for SigningConfig container.
L672[15:50:08] <Forecaster> ah nevermind
L673[15:50:21] <Forecaster> not removing the "release" section completely solved that
L674[15:50:23] <Mimiru> heh
L675[15:53:03] <Forecaster> I still can't figure out why the menu bar wont appear in my second activity :|
L676[15:53:13] <Forecaster> it's just an empty purple strip
L677[15:53:29] <Mimiru> code?
L678[15:54:20] <Forecaster> erm, I told it to run your project and now both studios are frozen
L679[15:54:28] <Mimiru> o_O gj
L680[15:55:18] <Forecaster> not frozen as in windows saying they're not responding though
L681[15:55:27] <Forecaster> they're just not responding to input
L682[15:55:36] <Forecaster> or updating by the looks of it
L683[15:56:03] <Izaya> could be responding to input
L684[15:56:10] <Izaya> just not updating
L685[15:56:20] <Forecaster> I guess
L686[15:56:31] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE25D86CB99E39AD17D1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L687[15:56:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L688[15:57:58] <Forecaster> dammit AS what are you doing
L689[15:58:44] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE25D86CB99E39AD17D1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L690[15:59:13] <Forecaster> allright, kill time
L691[16:05:40] <Forecaster> okay
L692[16:05:45] <Forecaster> Mimiru: https://git.theender.net/Forecaster/ArtCounterApp/tree/master
L693[16:08:49] <Mimiru> Forecaster, setupActionBar();?
L694[16:08:56] <Mimiru> Oh
L695[16:09:03] <Mimiru> nvm you have thta with toolbar as the arg
L696[16:09:11] <Mimiru> Oh.. no you don't :P
L697[16:09:22] <Mimiru> see if setupActionBar() helps
L698[16:09:31] <Forecaster> k
L699[16:10:52] <Forecaster> that just does getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
L700[16:11:02] <Forecaster> which is what I do directly, without a method
L701[16:11:21] <Forecaster> ln 21 in SettingsActivity
L702[16:16:27] <Forecaster> putting it in a method gets rid of the api level warning though so that's something I suppose :P
L703[16:18:19] <Izaya> okay the Courser uniform looks cool af I'm using this
L704[16:18:26] <Kodos> Vexatos, is Circuity usable yet? Or is it still indev
L705[16:30:34] <Forecaster> @Kodos: he's offline
L706[16:30:39] <Forecaster> I believe it's still indev
L707[16:32:04] <Mimiru> yay shitty internet keeps dumping connections
L708[16:33:34] <Forecaster> huh
L709[16:33:43] <Forecaster> you don't have the content xml's in your project
L710[16:35:05] <Mimiru> ?
L711[16:35:26] <Forecaster> sigh, laptop died again
L712[16:35:43] <Forecaster> wait, no
L713[16:36:06] <Forecaster> in my project there's a "content_main.xml" and an "activity_main.xml"
L714[16:36:37] <Forecaster> but in your project you only have "main_activity.xml"
L715[16:36:44] <Forecaster> which matches my "content" file
L716[16:36:59] <Mimiru> yeah.. just what I named it :P
L717[16:37:06] <Forecaster> or wait, no
L718[16:37:27] <Forecaster> the main acitivity is like my activity
L719[16:38:41] <Forecaster> your main doesn't have a RelativeLayout? oO
L720[16:39:00] <Forecaster> agh, things are different
L721[16:39:03] <Mimiru> No..? lol
L722[16:39:10] <Forecaster> Mine does.
L723[16:39:18] <Forecaster> and I don't know why
L724[16:39:31] <Mimiru> RelativeLayout should be fine..
L725[16:40:49] <Forecaster> I guess you're generating the layout pragmatically
L726[16:41:15] <Forecaster> your settings activity is just a RelativeLayout though
L727[16:41:25] <Forecaster> I also have a CoordinatorLayout for mine
L728[16:42:24] <Forecaster> I don't think that should matter either though
L729[16:42:35] <Forecaster> I still don't get why the menubar isn't showing
L730[16:43:45] ⇨ Joins: WeButterTheBread (webchat@
L731[16:44:29] <Kodos> I can't decide between Minecraft and Planetside 2
L732[16:44:46] <Kodos> %coinflip
L733[16:44:58] <Kodos> Oh, right, that won't work through corded
L734[16:45:09] <WeButterTheBread> %coinflip
L735[16:45:17] <Mimiru> Not a command.. :P
L736[16:45:17] <Mimiru> %choose Minecraft or Planetside 2
L737[16:45:17] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Minecraft
L738[16:45:27] <WeButterTheBread> oh
L739[16:45:30] <Mimiru> Also
L740[16:45:31] <Mimiru> %choose Minecraft or Planetside 2
L741[16:45:31] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Planetside 2
L742[16:45:38] <Mimiru> that does work on discord ?
L743[16:46:09] <Forecaster> This is frustrating
L744[16:46:21] <Forecaster> somewhere is a difference that is keeping this from working, but where
L745[16:46:22] <Forecaster> D:<
L746[16:46:35] <Kodos> Neat!
L747[16:46:39] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L748[16:46:40] <Kodos> %choose MC or Planetside 2
L749[16:46:41] <MichiBot> Kodos: Planetside 2
L750[16:46:43] <WeButterTheBread> I'm having a speck of trouble getting opencomputers to work properly with Project Red
L751[16:46:44] <Kodos> Welp
L752[16:46:47] <Kodos> 2 out of 3
L753[16:46:55] <Kodos> WeButter, which part
L754[16:47:41] <WeButterTheBread> I've tried using the example code in the wiki, and writing the code myself. I've gotten everything to execute properly, at least as far as the computer is concerned. However, nothing changes in the bundled output
L755[16:48:06] <Forecaster> what kind of redstone card do you have in the computer?
L756[16:48:14] <WeButterTheBread> the code is set to the correct side (right) and the bundled is on the right
L757[16:48:14] <Forecaster> you need a T2 one to use bundled cable
L758[16:48:22] <WeButterTheBread> I have such
L759[16:48:36] <Kodos> OH
L760[16:48:38] <Kodos> I know what you did
L761[16:48:40] <Forecaster> right from the computers perspective or yours?
L762[16:48:43] <Kodos> ^
L763[16:48:52] <Kodos> Your right is sides.left as far as the computer is concerned
L764[16:49:02] <Kodos> Sides are assigned from the computer's perspective
L765[16:49:04] <Forecaster> the computer is facing to where the power led is
L766[16:49:20] <Forecaster> you can also use cardinal directions with the sides api
L767[16:49:23] <WeButterTheBread> the side with the blinking light being the front, the right side is where the bundle is
L768[16:49:24] <Forecaster> as in sides.north
L769[16:49:33] <Kodos> Screenshot your setup please
L770[16:49:45] <WeButterTheBread> paste where?
L771[16:49:58] <Forecaster> upload to imgur or something
L772[16:50:00] <Forecaster> paste link
L773[16:50:43] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/a/u76kI
L774[16:50:55] <Forecaster> like that yeah :P
L775[16:50:59] <Forecaster> nice demonstration
L776[16:51:19] <Izaya> :3
L777[16:54:24] <WeButterTheBread> http://imgur.com/gallery/9sMxY
L778[16:55:07] <Forecaster> that looks like the cable is connected to the back...
L779[16:55:10] <Kodos> That's the back as far as I can tell
L780[16:55:12] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L781[16:55:14] <Mimiru> Forecaster....
L782[16:55:21] <Forecaster> what?
L783[16:55:24] <Mimiru> go look at your Manifest
L784[16:55:46] <Mimiru> SettingsActivity android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar">
L785[16:55:51] <WeButterTheBread> Forester: but the liht is on the front
L786[16:55:52] <WeButterTheBread> *light
L787[16:56:00] <Kodos> But you have the redstone connected in the back
L788[16:56:06] <Kodos> So you want sides.back
L789[16:56:11] <Forecaster> yeah, the light is on the front
L790[16:56:16] <Forecaster> the cable is opposite the light
L791[16:56:19] <Forecaster> so it's on the back
L792[16:56:38] <Mimiru> that looks like it's on the right from here.. :P
L793[16:57:02] <Forecaster> oh wait
L794[16:57:07] <Mimiru> The back is facing the grass
L795[16:57:08] <Forecaster> the second image confused me
L796[16:57:11] <Forecaster> the screen is removed
L797[16:57:14] <Mimiru> yes
L798[16:57:21] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE25BDC43849CED97EC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L799[16:57:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L800[16:57:22] <Forecaster> but then that's the left side
L801[16:57:30] <Forecaster> from the computers perspective
L802[16:57:32] <Forecaster> not the right
L803[16:57:32] <Mimiru> Yes
L804[16:57:37] <Mimiru> so, sides.left
L805[16:57:49] <Forecaster> you said right though :>
L806[16:58:14] <Mimiru> it's on the right, from your perspective, I wasn't commenting on the computers perspective
L807[16:58:16] <Forecaster> WeButterTheBread: stand on top of the computer, and look in the direction the light is facing
L808[16:58:32] <Forecaster> those are the directions you want to use
L809[16:58:47] <Forecaster> then your right/left will be the same as the computers
L810[16:59:13] <WeButterTheBread> thatd be left
L811[16:59:31] <WeButterTheBread> http://imgur.com/gallery/PAyOP
L812[16:59:33] <Forecaster> yes
L813[16:59:58] <Forecaster> show the code
L814[17:00:25] <WeButterTheBread> fstanding on top has fixed the issue. it need left
L815[17:00:33] <WeButterTheBread> *needed
L816[17:00:37] <WeButterTheBread> thank you very much
L817[17:00:45] <WeButterTheBread> do you still want/need the code?
L818[17:00:48] <Forecaster> nah
L819[17:00:50] <Mimiru> K, now back to you Forecaster NoActionBar is not what you want :P
L820[17:00:57] <Forecaster> I thought you were still having issues
L821[17:01:06] <Forecaster> Mimiru: but the main activity has that too
L822[17:01:08] <Forecaster> oO
L823[17:02:34] <Mimiru> adding it to mine removes the title bar, the menu and everything
L824[17:02:40] <Mimiru> I have it on my main action too
L825[17:02:50] <Mimiru> but I think the main action has something else that does the same thing
L826[17:03:48] <Forecaster> removing the theme bit didn't do anything
L827[17:12:30] <Forecaster> well, gotta go to bed
L828[17:12:43] <Forecaster> I'll have to continue beating this wall up tomorrow :P
L829[17:14:18] ⇨ Joins: vifino[m] (~vifinomat@osiris.stary2001.co.uk)
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L832[17:19:22] <Stary> .
L833[17:19:30] ⇨ Joins: Stary[m] (~starymatr@osiris.stary2001.co.uk)
L834[17:19:32] <Stary[m]> ok its not completely brokne
L835[17:19:33] <Stary[m]> thats nice
L836[17:21:06] ⇨ Joins: Jake (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L837[17:21:29] ⇦ Parts: Jake (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) ())
L838[17:21:41] ⇨ Joins: Jake12314545123 (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L839[17:21:48] <Jake12314545123> Hello, Anyone here?
L840[17:22:03] <WeButterTheBread> bye everybody
L841[17:22:05] ⇦ Quits: WeButterTheBread (webchat@ ()
L842[17:22:29] <Jake12314545123> Anyone have a link to what the hologram machine does?
L843[17:22:48] <Jake12314545123> Trying to make that cool hologram of the landscape like is in the screenshots but can not find any information anywhere about it.
L844[17:24:29] <TangentDelta> I don't know if I'm doing something incredibly stupid or what, but I can't link the remote terminal to the server in my server rack.
L845[17:24:49] <Forecaster> Look at the program called geo2holo on oppm
L846[17:25:08] <Mimiru> TangentDelta, OC 1.6?
L847[17:25:09] <Forecaster> TangentDelta you need a terminal server
L848[17:25:13] <Mimiru> ^
L849[17:25:15] <Forecaster> Probably
L850[17:25:16] <TangentDelta> Ah. Got it.
L851[17:25:33] <Mimiru> you link the terminal to the terminal server, and you link the terminal server, to your server
L852[17:25:47] <Forecaster> Don't forget to link them in the gui
L853[17:26:47] <TangentDelta> Oh, that's really neat.
L854[17:27:49] <Forecaster> Jake12314545123 look at geo2holo on oppm
L855[17:31:13] <Forecaster> If you run it on a computer that has a projector and a geolyzer it will create a projection of the surrounding area for you
L856[17:31:20] <MGR> I'm preparing to get a laser turret in Factorio
L857[17:32:33] <MGR> I'm also slowly working towards a portable fusion reactor
L858[17:32:41] <Jake12314545123> Sorry im very fresh at this, could someone explain what JOPPM is?
L859[17:32:48] <Jake12314545123> OPPM**
L860[17:33:56] <Jake12314545123> Ah its the manual.
L861[17:34:06] <Forecaster> No
L862[17:34:30] <Jake12314545123> Then im not sure.
L863[17:34:41] <Forecaster> It's a program that lets you install programs from a large repository
L864[17:34:53] <Forecaster> It's on one of the loot disks
L865[17:35:20] <Vexatos> You can craft it
L866[17:35:32] <Jake12314545123> Is it called OPPM in the crafting table?
L867[17:35:43] <Vexatos> you just craft a floppy disk with an Interweb
L868[17:35:58] <Vexatos> TangentDelta, the terminal server basically acts as a graphics card I think.
L869[17:36:05] <Vexatos> if you connect it to a server
L870[17:36:26] <TangentDelta> I still need a graphics card in the server though.
L871[17:36:46] <Jake12314545123> Fantastic thank you guys.
L872[17:37:00] <Vexatos> TangentDelta, then it probably just acts as a screen + keyboard then :P
L873[17:37:08] <Vexatos> then then then
L874[17:37:12] <Vexatos> my english is good today
L875[17:37:28] <TangentDelta> Can multiple servers try to access a single terminal server?
L876[17:37:39] <Vexatos> might be because of the four hours of sleep I have gotten in the last... 58 hours
L877[17:38:00] <Vexatos> TangentDelta, yes but you obviously get the same problems as multiple computers connected to one screen
L878[17:38:05] <TangentDelta> lol
L879[17:38:10] <TangentDelta> I've never tried that before.
L880[17:38:23] <Vexatos> well, one sends a write command, the other sends a write command
L881[17:38:26] <Vexatos> they both write
L882[17:38:38] <Jake12314545123> Do you need a higher tier computer to use the internet card?
L883[17:38:41] <Vexatos> so unless your software is designed for this
L884[17:38:48] <Vexatos> e.g. one computer only writing on one half
L885[17:38:52] <TangentDelta> Tier 2 computer.
L886[17:40:44] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L887[17:41:33] <Vexatos> So uuh
L888[17:41:39] <Vexatos> anyone here just watched the new episode of Sherlock?
L889[17:42:56] <Jake12314545123> Once you have OPPM installed, how to do you search? Its still in terminal if im supposed to be looking at a GUI
L890[17:43:17] <Vexatos> oppm list [name]
L891[17:43:23] <Vexatos> or just oppm list for all the packages
L892[17:43:44] <Jake12314545123> Awesome thanks!
L893[17:44:08] <Vexatos> Please don't expect me drawing anything on screen ever ._.
L894[17:44:23] <Vexatos> I am not good at graphics :P
L895[17:44:35] <Vexatos> ugh, I should really go sleep
L896[17:44:38] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE25BDC43849CED97EC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L897[17:45:29] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6C3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Multiplayer boobs!')
L898[17:45:54] <Mimiru> Hey @Forecaster if you'
L899[17:46:10] <Mimiru> you're still around, and feel like trying to scrape the icons at some point, I just got checking working with icons
L900[17:50:28] <TangentDelta> So, do inventory controllers work in microcontrollers?
L901[17:50:29] <Jake12314545123> Im assuming the geolizer and the holograph need to be connected to the computer in some way? Is there anyway to do this without it actually touching?
L902[17:52:14] <Mimiru> use a cable?
L903[17:55:29] <Jake12314545123> Any particular cable?
L904[17:56:01] <Jake12314545123> Ah the OC cable, nvm
L905[18:01:17] <Jake12314545123> Okay, once i have geo2holo installed, wires ran from the computer to the holo and the geo, how do i execute the geo2holo program?
L906[18:03:26] <Jake12314545123> Does anyone have a link to the OPPM manual of any sort
L907[18:03:29] <Jake12314545123> That would be super helpful
L908[18:05:18] <Kodos> oppm install geo2holo
L909[18:20:59] ⇦ Quits: Jake12314545123 (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L910[18:23:50] ⇨ Joins: Hathadar (Hathadar@c-67-166-69-207.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)
L911[18:24:36] <Hathadar> myProgram.lua > log.txt does not save lua errors anything to log.txt. How may I save lua errors?
L912[18:30:36] <Mimiru> I know payonel was working on that semi recently
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L914[18:54:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L916[18:57:36] <MGR> I've been trying to reduce my pollution by switching to solar panels, but I appranetly reduce it by enough
L917[18:57:42] <MGR> I have an alien attack on my hands now
L918[18:59:07] <MGR> SON OF A BEACH
L919[18:59:13] <MGR> they spawned a whole base right next to me
L920[18:59:19] <MGR> and my tank won't fit through my machinery
L921[19:01:02] <MGR> Alright, I think I blew the offending base up
L922[19:01:09] <MGR> I'm inching towards 0.4 evolution though ?
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L924[19:05:52] ⇨ Joins: Jake12314545123 (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L925[19:06:02] <Jake12314545123> What am i missing if the code is saying "local noise = require("noise")"
L926[19:07:06] <Kodos> Do you have the noise file downloaded into your lib folder?
L927[19:07:11] <Kodos> It isn't a standard OC Lib
L928[19:07:16] <Jake12314545123> No, How would i download that?
L929[19:07:53] <Jake12314545123> oppm install noise
L930[19:07:54] <Jake12314545123> ?
L931[19:08:00] <Kodos> No, one sec
L932[19:08:19] <Kodos> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/master/noise.lua /lib/noise.lua
L933[19:09:24] <Jake12314545123> Awesome thanks!
L934[19:12:29] ⇦ Quits: Jake12314545123 (webchat@75-111-193-27.lbbkcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L935[19:17:13] <MGR> and I'm off for the night
L936[19:17:22] <MGR> massive alien attack averted
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L953[22:36:11] <bamajoe411> is there a way to use textures from mods with the 3d printer?
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L958[23:11:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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