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L1[00:07:24] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
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L3[00:25:46] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L4[00:26:36] <GreaseMonkey> wew, the MIPS core is now exactly the same number of lines as the Z80 core, and has untested TLB support
L5[00:26:51] <GreaseMonkey> it's also incomplete (the dirty bit is completely ignored, much like all notions of cache bits)
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L8[00:46:06] <snowden89> GreaseMonkey MIPSaddict :P
L9[00:46:12] <GreaseMonkey> yep
L10[00:46:24] <snowden89> or i guess saddist depending on who you assk
L11[00:47:12] <GreaseMonkey> sadist would be x86
L12[00:47:25] <GreaseMonkey> wait even worse: 68000
L13[00:47:31] <snowden89> MIPS is assembly right?
L14[00:47:32] <GreaseMonkey> from an emulator writer's perspective
L15[00:47:38] <GreaseMonkey> MIPS is a real CPU
L16[00:47:41] <GreaseMonkey> and thus has an assembly
L17[00:49:58] <GreaseMonkey> aaaaaand bare-bones virtual memory works
L18[00:50:04] <snowden89> so what would use it?
L19[00:50:06] <GreaseMonkey> well, bare-bones TLB
L20[00:50:19] <snowden89> like like broadcom chips?
L21[00:50:24] <GreaseMonkey> some of them, yes
L22[00:50:36] <GreaseMonkey> the PS1 and N64, and also the PS2 all had MIPS cores
L23[00:50:56] <snowden89> whats the standard item that uses MIPS cpu now adays?
L24[00:51:07] <GreaseMonkey> probably routers and SPIM
L25[00:51:15] <GreaseMonkey> SPIM being the emulator that often gets used at universities
L26[00:51:45] <GreaseMonkey> university is a great place to learn how to hate MIPS, fortunately i missed those particular courses which cover it
L27[00:52:01] <GreaseMonkey> it's a great CPU, but it's one you kinda have to grow to appreciate
L28[00:52:10] <snowden89> cool so if i need custom firmware for my router :P
L29[00:52:12] <GreaseMonkey> erm, it kinda grows on you, you don't end up liking it much at first
L30[00:52:15] <snowden89> your the man to higher?
L31[00:52:27] <GreaseMonkey> ...how did you make two mistakes in that
L32[00:52:44] <GreaseMonkey> i guess you could hire me, yeah, you'd want to give me some docs though
L33[00:52:56] <snowden89> pfft thats not how dev goes :P
L34[00:53:06] <snowden89> the docs never exist before you arrive
L35[00:53:17] <snowden89> the comments dont align with the code
L36[00:53:55] <snowden89> and the last version control log is commented living this technical debt to the next guy cheers
L37[00:54:08] <snowden89> leaving...
L38[00:54:12] <snowden89> god damn words....
L39[00:54:39] <GreaseMonkey> [17:53:22] <snowden89> the comments dont align with the code
L40[00:54:54] <GreaseMonkey> and this is why you comment the "why" rather than the "how"
L41[00:56:37] <GreaseMonkey> but yeah, it's something you learn to appreciate the fuck out of
L42[00:56:42] <GreaseMonkey> MIPS that is
L43[00:57:08] <GreaseMonkey> although you don't really end up appreciating it if it's the only CPU you've worked with... if you've worked with other CPUs, though, you start to like it a lot
L44[00:57:30] <GreaseMonkey> ARM is very nice from the "writing software for it" side, it's not quite as nice from the "writing an emulator" side
L45[00:58:23] <GreaseMonkey> but yeah, there's a few things they did with MIPS that were absolutely brilliant... one i've noticed is that on the 64-bit cores all regs are by default sign extended 32->64 for backwards compat
L46[00:59:20] <GreaseMonkey> things that need 64-bit versions: add+sub, shifts, load, store, multiply, divide
L47[01:00:15] <GreaseMonkey> things that don't: logic ops, SLT, LUI, branch compares, M[FT](LO|HI)
L48[01:00:20] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
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L57[01:16:10] *** Vi is now known as Lily
L58[01:20:00] *** Saphire is now known as Sapphire
L59[01:20:26] <Miyoyo> The english language has spoken.
L60[01:20:46] *** Sapphire is now known as Saphire
L61[01:20:52] <Miyoyo> But :(
L62[01:21:57] <Miyoyo> Enuf Lafing, advanst John by his buro, with a voice as deep as the hole in his hart, hope gon since time immemorial.
L63[01:22:03] <Miyoyo> This phrase is 100% correct
L64[01:30:44] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L66[02:12:52] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L67[02:44:32] <Kimiro> So many dreams left broken and so much was sacrificed.
L68[02:44:57] <GreaseMonkey> woohoo, i just got the xtlb handler working \:D/
L69[02:46:48] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L70[02:47:34] <xandaros> xtlb?
L71[02:48:12] <Kimiro> GreaseMonkey: Your head is on sideways.
L72[02:48:45] <GreaseMonkey> well, in MIPS there's the TLB miss exception which has its own special handler
L73[02:48:54] <GreaseMonkey> and in 64-bit MIPS there's the XTLB exception for 64-bit stuff
L74[02:49:55] <xandaros> Ah, I see
L75[02:50:08] * xandaros has only used MIPS in like the first semester of uni
L76[02:52:14] <GreaseMonkey> xandaros: 1. did you ever use real hardware, 2. did you ever use anything that wasn't SPIM, 3. did you ever touch COP0 at all, 4. did you ever touch virtual memory at all
L77[02:53:28] <xandaros> 1. no, 2. no clue, 4. no, 5. no
L78[02:53:35] <GreaseMonkey> damn
L79[02:53:53] <xandaros> I'm the master of numbers, apparently
L80[02:54:01] <GreaseMonkey> if you want to have a play around with the latter two, OCMIPS has support
L81[02:54:26] <xandaros> What are SPIM and COP0?
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L83[02:55:41] <xandaros> “System Control Copressor” - Well... if only I knew what that means :D
L84[02:56:08] <xandaros> Maybe I should play with mips a bit... how much are mips chips?
L85[03:00:31] <xandaros> 25 MHz, 16k flash and 1k RAM for 1.50€. That doesn't actually look that bad
L86[03:07:49] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE2249D752C76C9B0B059.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L87[03:07:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L88[03:12:58] <Izaya> xandaros: go get a WRT54GL
L89[03:13:15] <Izaya> cheap, has networking, serial console, can bit-bang an SD card
L90[03:14:58] <xandaros> Izaya: You have an odd definition of cheap
L91[03:15:09] <Izaya> I got 10 for free
L92[03:16:06] <xandaros> If I want a cheap chip with networking, I just use an ESP :P
L93[03:16:14] <xandaros> Though they do use quite a lot of energy
L94[03:19:41] <Izaya> I like these because they're well-documented
L95[03:26:39] <xandaros> Something the ESPs are certainly lacking...
L96[03:26:58] <Miyoyo> Still, dat size and speed tho
L97[03:28:02] <xandaros> Let's not forget the price...
L98[03:28:17] <xandaros> 1.60€ a piece. It even has onboard wifi!
L99[03:28:45] <xandaros> It also has onboard crypto stuff, but nobody knows how to use it. This is where we get back to the amazing documentation... lol
L100[03:29:09] <Miyoyo> wiat
L101[03:29:26] <Miyoyo> it has on board crypto?
L102[03:29:31] <Miyoyo> TIL
L103[03:29:41] <xandaros> It does. In fact, the wifi stuff uses it :P
L104[03:29:46] <Miyoyo> TIL
L105[03:30:04] <xandaros> How do you think it connects to protected networks?
L106[03:30:27] <Miyoyo> Well, soft implementation in the wireless controller?
L107[03:30:40] <xandaros> All of the wifi stuff is in ROM
L108[03:31:28] <Miyoyo> http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9615
L109[03:31:29] <Miyoyo> Wow
L110[03:31:33] <Miyoyo> Such success
L111[03:32:41] <xandaros> There are some hundred-off functions in ROM. The SDK actually gives names to most of them. There's some sweet stuff like crypto, hash functions, I think even deflate there. What it forgets to mention, however, are the parameters
L112[03:33:25] <Miyoyo> kek
L113[03:33:52] <Miyoyo> Espressif ffs
L114[03:35:20] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L115[03:35:51] <xandaros> I don't know why they left those out, but my guess is, that it's because they are a chinese company and china might have some crypto laws
L116[03:36:08] <Miyoyo> Still
L117[03:36:23] <Miyoyo> Why not implement esp8266 in oc
L118[03:36:37] <Miyoyo> just a lot of hours to undersand tensilica cpus
L119[03:36:51] <xandaros> The architecture is the weirdest shit, lol
L120[03:36:52] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L121[03:36:59] <Miyoyo> Why?
L122[03:37:10] <Miyoyo> just looks like a CPU stuck to a wifi chip
L123[03:37:25] <xandaros> I don't actually remember, but I tried reverse engineering the crypto libraries
L124[03:37:35] <xandaros> Some aspects really put me off
L125[03:38:08] <Miyoyo> http://0x04.net/~mwk/doc/xtensa.pdf
L126[03:38:09] <Miyoyo> hfhf
L127[03:44:36] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (~Meow-J@
L128[03:47:45] <GreaseMonkey> TLB next 16 -> 16
L129[03:47:49] <GreaseMonkey> ^ fucking hell, this just had to happen
L130[03:47:52] <GreaseMonkey> Linked Lists Are Hard
L131[03:47:59] <GreaseMonkey> (well they're not but you do get shit like that)
L132[03:49:28] <GreaseMonkey> turns out i was doing the "move to the start" op on the TLB entry at the start
L133[03:56:01] <GreaseMonkey> i need to suss out why it says "Hllo World" instead of "Hello World" though
L134[03:56:36] <Kimiro> Over the hills and far away~
L135[03:56:37] <GreaseMonkey> it's only using 2 TLB entries, one for 0x10... and one for 0x00...
L136[03:56:49] <GreaseMonkey> 10xxx and 00xxx
L137[03:57:14] <xandaros> Your "Hello World" in a linked list? Do you treat the first element specially?
L138[03:57:37] <GreaseMonkey> the linked list is for the CPU to track the last known TLB for a given virtual address
L139[03:58:02] <GreaseMonkey> the "Hello World!" string fits within a single 4KB page
L140[03:59:06] <xandaros> Hmm, that's odd
L141[03:59:23] <xandaros> What happens if you calculate the length?
L142[04:01:48] <GreaseMonkey> i could try printing it twice
L143[04:02:35] <GreaseMonkey> the second time it prints it prints without issue
L144[04:06:45] <GreaseMonkey> and yes i confirmed they were calling the print function from the same location
L145[04:06:57] <GreaseMonkey> oh fuck i think i know what i did
L146[04:07:36] <GreaseMonkey> ...turns out that was *not* what i did
L147[04:07:54] <xandaros> To me it sounds like your print function must be mutating something...
L148[04:08:14] <GreaseMonkey> it's not a problem with the print function
L149[04:08:50] <GreaseMonkey> have you ever done OS development?
L150[04:09:05] <xandaros> I've made a “Bootable Hello World”, if that counts
L151[04:09:41] <xandaros> GreaseMonkey: https://github.com/Xandaros/Geranium-Duckling
L152[04:10:05] <xandaros> The last commit was only 3 years ago... Feels so much longer, lol
L153[04:10:16] <GreaseMonkey> ok, have you ever done ISR handling
L154[04:10:20] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L155[04:11:08] <GreaseMonkey> well ok, here's the weirder bit: have you ever written the emulator to handle said ISR handling?
L156[04:11:26] <xandaros> Well, there's an isr.S, but I don't actually know where the accompanying C code is
L157[04:11:33] <xandaros> I have never written an emulator :P
L158[04:11:38] <GreaseMonkey> it's in irq.c
L159[04:11:56] <GreaseMonkey> but yeah, on MIPS, shit can get really weird when you're doing virtual memory
L160[04:12:23] <xandaros> irq.c and interrupt.c, yeah
L161[04:13:16] <xandaros> GreaseMonkey: Also, take a look at idt.c. I did that before I was proficient with vim...
L162[04:13:36] <GreaseMonkey> https://gist.github.com/iamgreaser/d96fb129ac20b4558bbe456bbcf63c3f
L163[04:13:50] <GreaseMonkey> ouch
L164[04:14:08] <xandaros> Yeah... it actually hurt :D
L165[04:14:09] <GreaseMonkey> to quickly clarify: branches generally execute the operation after htem
L166[04:14:37] <GreaseMonkey> the only exception to this rule is if it's a "likely" branch or if it's an ERET, neither of these show up here
L167[04:14:50] <xandaros> wat?
L168[04:15:04] <GreaseMonkey> yeah, welcome to MIPS, there's a very logical reason as to why that happens
L169[04:15:20] <GreaseMonkey> but it can bite you in the arse if you aren't prepared for it
L170[04:15:43] <xandaros> So, even if the branch “triggers”, it will still execute the next instruction?
L171[04:16:01] <GreaseMonkey> yes, unless you have one of those two situations in which case it will clear the op in that part of the pipeline
L172[04:16:24] <GreaseMonkey> there's basically a 1 op prefetch
L173[04:16:55] <xandaros> Right, so you have to make sure any instruction after a branch is inert in the branching case. Or just put a nop
L174[04:17:34] <xandaros> Still seems a bit odd to me
L175[04:18:01] <GreaseMonkey> if you look into MIPS for long enough it will make perfect sense
L176[04:18:08] <GreaseMonkey> basically, it's for speed reasons
L177[04:18:27] <xandaros> Yeah, I got that :P
L178[04:18:27] <GreaseMonkey> classic ARM on the other hand loses two cycles every single time a branch is taken
L179[04:18:43] <GreaseMonkey> simply because it chooses to flush rather than have a branch delay slot
L180[04:18:57] <GreaseMonkey> in hindsight the branch delay slot actually ended up complicating things on more complex designs
L181[04:19:11] <GreaseMonkey> but back in 1985ish it was a very good idea
L182[04:19:33] <xandaros> Yeah, I think I'd prefer to lose those 2 cycles, to be honest :P At least then I know what code actually gets executed
L183[04:19:51] <GreaseMonkey> well i know what code gets executed too
L184[04:20:15] <GreaseMonkey> and losing cycles? what kind of demoscener *are* you?!
L185[04:20:36] <xandaros> Who said I'm a demoscener? :P
L186[04:20:40] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L187[04:21:20] <GreaseMonkey> AHA. found the issue.
L188[04:21:29] <GreaseMonkey> 408: 80830000 lb v1,0(a0)
L189[04:21:34] <GreaseMonkey> this is where it loads the byte.
L190[04:21:39] <GreaseMonkey> 41c: a0a30020 sb v1,32(a1)
L191[04:21:39] <GreaseMonkey> 420: 64840001 daddiu a0,a0,1
L192[04:21:45] <GreaseMonkey> this is where it writes it to the serial port.
L193[04:21:55] <GreaseMonkey> i'm not clearing the instruction after it in the pipeline on an exception.
L194[04:23:16] <xandaros> Also, while I do enjoy some assembly every now and then, you'll usually find me on the opposite end of the spectrum of programming - in the Haskell corner :P
L195[04:23:57] <GreaseMonkey> for FP stuff i prefer Erlang
L196[04:24:30] <GreaseMonkey> my main lang is C, and my lang for quick calculations and general hacky tools is Python
L197[04:25:39] <xandaros> I use Haskell for both of those cases. I have a rather large dislike concerning dynamic languages and runtime errors
L198[04:25:42] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L199[04:25:59] <GreaseMonkey> OTOH i hate strict dynamically-guessed typing
L200[04:26:14] <GreaseMonkey> i prefer my strict typing explicit
L201[04:26:48] <GreaseMonkey> assembly is great though, the only types you have are numbers and all other types are either numbers or applications of data structures
L202[04:26:55] <xandaros> I love my strong, static types
L203[04:26:59] <GreaseMonkey> but i do tend to do C
L204[04:27:10] <GreaseMonkey> as, well, the compiler tends to be a lot better at me at asm than i am
L205[04:27:23] <GreaseMonkey> i do like strong types, i also like being able to break them
L206[04:27:44] <xandaros> Well, there IS unsafeCoerce :P
L207[04:28:07] <GreaseMonkey> 2002 lines, and i *think* that's enough of the TLB stuff to be fully practical
L208[04:28:22] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: use theUnsafe
L209[04:29:17] <GreaseMonkey> oh hello gamax92... i don't think 64KB of RAM is enough for loading Lua into, but at least i have the TLB probably working almost completely adequately now
L210[04:29:32] <xandaros> GreaseMonkey: At least C has static types. I think I prefer static,weak over dynamic,strong
L211[04:29:41] <Forecaster> http://theworstthingsforsale.com/2016/08/23/bottle-opening-seat-belt-defeater/
L212[04:29:43] <Forecaster> this is amazing
L213[04:29:46] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: does elua have mips
L214[04:29:58] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: what do you mean by "elua"
L215[04:30:47] <GreaseMonkey> either way, as "OC2" lacks a storage medium, i cannot abuse virtual memory to thrash it off the disk
L216[04:30:53] <GreaseMonkey> and i lack a 64-bit libc, so i'd need to fix that first
L217[04:31:19] <gamax92> oh you're doing this in oc2
L218[04:31:21] <GreaseMonkey> yeah
L219[04:32:12] <GreaseMonkey> either way, if the bus system can work cleanly with the Z80 (17a, 8d bits) and the MIPS3 (36a, 64d bits), then it will probably work with just about anything
L220[04:32:47] <GreaseMonkey> at the moment i'm just doing this all over the 8-bit bus
L221[04:32:59] <GreaseMonkey> i think the next thing i need now that i have the TLB pretty much done is the cache system
L222[04:34:37] <GreaseMonkey> i've shoved on an issue on the issue tracker requesting support for multiprocessing, and part of that is a request for an LL/SC API for the bus controller
L223[04:34:49] <nxsupert> o/
L224[04:35:01] <nxsupert> OC2?
L225[04:35:49] <GreaseMonkey> it's basically a codename for a not-yet-released mod which is somewhere between OC and TIS-3D in terms of how, i guess "close to the metal" it is
L226[04:36:09] <nxsupert> You mean Circuity?
L227[04:36:11] <GreaseMonkey> yes
L228[04:36:20] <nxsupert> Ah.
L229[04:36:44] <nxsupert> How usable is it right now?
L230[04:37:10] <GreaseMonkey> you kinda have to hack it to make it slip your program in but it can output to stdout
L231[04:38:37] <GreaseMonkey> i get the feeling that we may end up with an OS written in C, considering the Z80 core's test program is written using the sdcc compiler
L232[04:39:02] <nxsupert> It uses Z80 proccessor?
L233[04:40:45] <nxsupert> Thats funny. Cause' I am trying to make a Z80 computer IRL ?
L234[04:42:18] <GreaseMonkey> and here i am on the other end of the spectrum (no pun intended) making a CPU that will hopefully make damn sure that the bus controller is as flexible as it will ever need to be
L235[04:43:06] <nxsupert> haha.
L236[04:43:06] <xandaros> lol
L237[04:43:53] <nxsupert> Hopefully your having more luck than me. I think I may have broken my FRAM chip.
L238[04:45:10] <nxsupert> Trying to solder SOIC footprint IC's is really really hard.
L239[04:45:53] <xandaros> Talking about soldering, I need to order more perfboard
L240[04:46:34] <xandaros> (And yes, soldering → perfboard seems like quite a leap to me, too... brains, how do they work)
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L242[04:47:12] <nxsupert> I'm just using a breadboard.
L243[04:48:11] <nxsupert> Don't trust my self to do it correct the first time ?
L244[04:48:19] <xandaros> breadboard is fine for testing, but I use perfboard if I want to actually keep the project
L245[04:48:39] <xandaros> So, I usually stick in all on the breadboard first and if it works, move it all over to the perfboard
L246[04:49:13] <xandaros> If I really like the project, I might get a PCB, but that's a lot of effort and also not exactly cheap
L247[04:50:11] ⇨ Joins: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com)
L248[04:50:13] <nxsupert> Well this is the first time I have done anything major. Mostly i've just messed with a rasberry pi and arduino and a few components. Learning a lot though , like no connection to circuit != 0
L249[04:50:35] <xandaros> Oh yeah, floating pins are fun
L250[04:51:15] <xandaros> We had an LED strip here in the lab. If you touched one of the pins with some metal (not connected to anything), it would trigger the on/off switch
L251[04:51:50] <nxsupert> And that crystal oscilators don't work on their own. I gave up trying to figure out how to make it work and just used a schmitt trigger invert , capacitor and variable resistor for a clock.
L252[04:52:56] <xandaros> The greatest annoyance about both bread- and perfboard is probably that you can't easily use SMD components. And some things only come as SMD :/
L253[04:53:23] <xandaros> (Thinking of USB connectors in particular right now, but there are other things, as well)
L254[04:54:05] <nxsupert> SMD?
L255[04:54:33] <xandaros> surface mount device
L256[04:54:34] <nxsupert> Or Surface mount.
L257[04:54:37] <nxsupert> oh*
L258[04:55:07] <xandaros> “We provide 1 year warranty. If the item is defective, please notify us within 3 days of delivery.” - So, I have to tell them that it'll break in half a year?
L259[04:57:04] <nxsupert> Yea. For the memory for this computer I am making I wanted something non-volitile , so I didn't need any EEPROM or Flash stuff. The only thing I found that was suitable was FRAM , But the only FRAM chip I could find that had a parrellel input rather than SPI or I2C had a SOIC footprint.
L260[04:57:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6177.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L261[04:57:41] <nxsupert> So I found an adapter. But I think I may have broke the chip when soldering it to the adapter.
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L270[05:19:59] <nxsupert> Well. Thats annoying. I downloaded Circuitry and I am getting a compiling. Something about the method register isn;t defined for CapabilityManager.
L271[05:23:58] <Inari> * Circuity
L272[05:28:17] <nxsupert> Any ideas what went wrong?
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L276[05:40:56] <GreaseMonkey> ok, how are you building it?
L277[05:41:01] <GreaseMonkey> i'm doing it through IDEA
L278[05:41:25] <GreaseMonkey> ./gradlew setupDevWorkspace idea
L279[05:41:29] <GreaseMonkey> is how i got it set up
L280[05:41:34] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L281[05:41:34] <GreaseMonkey> i also fixed the javadoc comments
L282[05:41:37] <Vexatos> setupDecompWorkspace man D:<
L283[05:41:48] <GreaseMonkey> Dev still works fine
L284[05:45:17] <Inari> Decomp works fine too :p
L285[05:45:35] <GreaseMonkey> not as fine as dev does
L286[05:45:47] <Inari> with Dev you dont get the MC/forge code even :|
L287[05:45:47] <GreaseMonkey> no special gradle build config required
L288[05:46:00] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy
L289[05:46:43] <GreaseMonkey> also i'm far enough removed from MC with the code i write that it's not an issue
L290[05:48:10] <Inari> GreaseMonkey: well if you want to check how something is done in MC its kinda handy
L291[05:48:25] <xandaros> I used setupDecompWorkspace and didn't have to do any manual configurations
L292[05:57:05] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
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L296[06:20:44] <nxsupert> Using eclipse.
L297[06:21:41] <nxsupert> I'm guessing I am using a version of forge that is incompatible with Circuity somehow.
L298[06:24:23] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/0yEattH.png the tree is like super derpy but other than that its coming along haha
L299[06:24:33] <xandaros> gradlew build should work
L300[06:24:34] <Tazz> need flight for an actually good looking tree
L301[06:25:01] <xandaros> You can worry about IDE integration after you confirmed it actually works :P
L302[06:29:58] <nxsupert> Well. The build command worked (I think)
L303[06:37:46] <nxsupert> And I have no idea how anything works.
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L309[07:14:41] <Kimiro> Mod idea. Liquid leaves.
L310[07:15:27] <Kimiro> You pour it and it grows into thick volumes of leaves.
L311[07:18:04] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L312[07:33:02] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L313[07:40:04] <Miyoyo> That's poetic
L314[07:42:06] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L315[07:42:11] <TheFox> Helo everyone
L316[07:42:26] <Miyoyo> hi TheFox
L317[07:42:41] <TheFox> hello Miyoyo how have you been?
L318[07:43:05] <Miyoyo> I didn't get any shuteye this night and I just woke up from a 4 hour map
L319[07:43:22] <Miyoyo> nap*
L320[07:43:32] <TheFox> sorry to hear
L321[07:43:39] <Miyoyo> Meh
L322[07:43:59] <MajGenRelativity> It's time
L323[07:44:09] <TheFox> what time?
L324[07:44:13] <MajGenRelativity> I'm going to fix my computer or die trying
L325[07:44:18] <Miyoyo> >:3
L326[07:44:31] <nxsupert> How?
L328[07:44:33] <Forecaster> list potential "die" scenarios please
L329[07:44:57] <nxsupert> Electric shock by screen alternator?
L330[07:45:07] <TheFox> Majgen whats wrong with it?
L331[07:45:13] <Miyoyo> An ant colony finds a sugary liquid source, then they walk trough the motherboard AND the psu
L332[07:45:54] <Kimiro> @Forecaster: Puncture femoral artery with a screwdriver trying to remove a stripped screw?
L333[07:46:12] <TheFox> why is everyone on corded?
L334[07:46:22] <MajGenRelativity> RAM seems intact
L335[07:46:23] ⇦ Quits: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-162-223-180-83.cpe.metrocast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L336[07:46:26] <Miyoyo> Cause Discord or some shit
L337[07:46:26] <Forecaster> I'm at school, can't irc from here
L338[07:46:39] <MajGenRelativity> TheFox, my computer's BIOS went away
L339[07:46:43] <Miyoyo> MajGenRelativity: RAM death is rarely visible
L340[07:46:53] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13_ (~Johannes1@
L341[07:46:57] <MajGenRelativity> I can rule out corrosion at least
L342[07:47:49] <TheFox> Majgen laptop or tower?
L343[07:48:22] <nxsupert> Laptop
L344[07:48:34] <Miyoyo> TheFox 2014 HP Envy with 16Gb of ram suffering of "Not-Starting"-itis
L345[07:48:46] <Miyoyo> Also Maj I thought about it
L346[07:48:48] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L347[07:48:57] <Miyoyo> If the first megabyte of the RAM is bad
L348[07:49:01] <MajGenRelativity> GB, not Gb :p
L349[07:49:03] <TheFox> cringe worthy, is it a soldered BIOS chip?
L350[07:49:08] <Miyoyo> the BIOS won't load entirely
L351[07:49:18] <Miyoyo> and the PC will say that it's corrupt
L352[07:49:19] <MajGenRelativity> Haven't opened up everythinf
L353[07:49:27] <Miyoyo> Still, try Both sticks alone
L354[07:49:42] <MajGenRelativity> What the hell
L355[07:49:44] <Kimiro> TheFox: I'm on corded because I got a network ban from esper.
L356[07:49:50] <Kimiro> Jk.
L357[07:49:56] <MajGenRelativity> I think I just broke a RAM retainer clip
L358[07:50:02] <Miyoyo> Oshit
L359[07:50:10] <MajGenRelativity> With minimal force
L360[07:50:29] <Miyoyo> How the fuck did you do this?
L361[07:50:54] <MajGenRelativity> I don't know!
L362[07:50:59] <Miyoyo> Was it "User Error" or "QUALITY HP MAGIC"
L363[07:51:32] <MajGenRelativity> The upper left clip is bentish
L364[07:51:45] <Miyoyo> Uh
L365[07:51:46] <TheFox> oh Kimiro i finally got around to seaching thorugh the logs for your username, its toooooo many results WAY to many
L366[07:51:53] <Miyoyo> You sure your ram is all the way pushed?
L367[07:52:02] <Miyoyo> Because if it isn't it will be at a slight angle
L368[07:52:41] <MajGenRelativity> Look at the pic
L369[07:52:44] <Miyoyo> At worst, just try removing it (Push the tabs slightly away and the RAM stick should rise alone without any force)
L370[07:52:50] <MajGenRelativity> It is bent with no RAM
L371[07:53:35] <TheFox> does grep support the pipeout command?
L372[07:53:58] <MajGenRelativity> Alright, I think I put it back in
L373[07:54:24] <Miyoyo> did you put a single stick in?
L374[07:54:37] <MajGenRelativity> Yep
L375[07:54:54] <MajGenRelativity> In the other slot
L376[07:54:57] <Miyoyo> Try booting it
L377[07:55:01] <Miyoyo> If it doesn't work
L378[07:55:04] <Miyoyo> Swap sticks
L379[07:55:04] <MajGenRelativity> Want to avoid touching that one as much as possible
L380[07:56:07] <MajGenRelativity> I have SK Hynix ram, so at least it isn't no-name brand RAM
L381[07:56:21] <MajGenRelativity> Hynix, Micron, and Samsung are the best
L382[07:57:07] <MajGenRelativity> No go on startup
L383[07:57:11] <Miyoyo> Swap sticks
L384[07:57:14] <MajGenRelativity> Yep
L385[07:59:57] <MajGenRelativity> Nope
L386[08:00:13] <Miyoyo> Tried the other slot?
L387[08:00:23] <MajGenRelativity> Am doing that now
L388[08:01:02] <TheFox> @Kimiro Going through these logs takes everything out of context, its created some "odd" reading material
L389[08:01:49] <Miyoyo> Here's a challenge: write something that is completely normal out of context but strange in-context
L390[08:02:21] <MajGenRelativity> 1st stick Failed
L391[08:02:36] <TheFox> Miyoyo: Clearly you haven't read this file yet Miyoyo
L392[08:03:52] <MajGenRelativity> Final chance for my the problem to be RAM related
L393[08:04:14] <Saphire> "Process finished with exit code 139"
L394[08:04:16] <Saphire> wat
L395[08:04:25] <Miyoyo> Otherwise it's either BIOS or the link between BIOS<->Chipset<->RAM
L396[08:04:33] <Miyoyo> And at that point good fucking luck
L397[08:04:42] <MajGenRelativity> Yeah
L398[08:04:49] <TheFox> hello Saphire
L399[08:04:55] <MajGenRelativity> That exceeds my capabilities really
L400[08:05:01] <Miyoyo> I witnessed something today
L401[08:05:04] <nxsupert> You'd need a new motherboard if I am correct?
L402[08:05:08] <Miyoyo> Around 8am GMT+2
L403[08:05:18] <Miyoyo> Saphire was named Sapphire
L404[08:05:24] <MajGenRelativity> @nxsupert my computer has multiple system boards
L405[08:05:30] <Saphire> nick is taken :C
L406[08:05:45] <nxsupert> Replace all of them!
L407[08:05:47] <Miyoyo> Yeah but gen, there is only one with a chipset
L408[08:06:01] <MajGenRelativity> Yeah, because I have the time to do that
L409[08:06:06] <Miyoyo> And still, nearly every laptop has different PCB design
L410[08:06:12] <Miyoyo> so it'll be expensive AF
L411[08:06:23] <MajGenRelativity> And the money spent on that could be spent on a new laptop
L412[08:06:33] <Miyoyo> But i'm not sure what a repair shop could do
L413[08:06:40] <MajGenRelativity> Idk
L414[08:06:46] <Miyoyo> Either you are out of luck and BOTH your ramsticks are out
L415[08:06:54] <Miyoyo> which is PRETTY improbable
L416[08:07:11] <MajGenRelativity> I want to save myself the money of buying a new laptop if at all possible
L417[08:07:19] <Miyoyo> Or the key combination you do for USB bios recovery is not the correct one
L418[08:07:32] <MajGenRelativity> Because that eats into the funds for my $4000 USD desktop
L419[08:07:53] <Miyoyo> Or maybe, just maybe they have a BIOS flash tool that is able to remotely overwrite the BIOS
L420[08:08:07] <MajGenRelativity> That would be amazing
L421[08:08:12] <Miyoyo> Otherwise it's uselesslt spent mony
L422[08:08:48] <MajGenRelativity> Alright, time to enact repair plan B
L423[08:08:54] <MajGenRelativity> Unplug the HDD
L424[08:08:56] <Kimiro> Hammer?
L425[08:09:19] <MajGenRelativity> No
L426[08:09:29] <Miyoyo> Kimiro: A maximum amount of love ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L427[08:09:55] <Kimiro> *gives Miyoyo a maximum amount of love*
L428[08:10:00] <Miyoyo> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L429[08:10:04] <MajGenRelativity> That, or enough rage to melt the Antarctic
L430[08:10:32] <MajGenRelativity> Hopefully love and the few ideas I have left work
L431[08:10:40] <Kimiro> (>^_^(>O_O)>
L432[08:10:44] <Miyoyo> Well gen "WATER" you waiting for getting your desktop setup?
L433[08:11:13] <MajGenRelativity> Enough funds to make sure that I have a savings account after buying my desktop
L434[08:11:18] <MajGenRelativity> Emergencies happen
L435[08:11:23] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~MobileDra@
L436[08:11:35] <MajGenRelativity> BIOS's poof away ?
L437[08:11:42] <MajGenRelativity> :P *
L438[08:12:37] <Miyoyo> "Enuf Lafing, advanst John by his buro, with a voice as deep as the hole in his hart, hope gon since time immemorial."
L439[08:12:39] <Miyoyo> I assure you
L440[08:12:45] <Miyoyo> no word is wrongly written here
L441[08:12:48] <MajGenRelativity> What
L442[08:13:11] <MajGenRelativity> Alriggt
L443[08:13:19] <MajGenRelativity> This is my last hope
L444[08:13:23] <MajGenRelativity> Put out the feels
L445[08:13:44] <Miyoyo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_Spelling_Board
L446[08:13:51] <Miyoyo> Read it and weep, bitch
L447[08:14:28] <Miyoyo> Oh, sorry
L448[08:14:54] <Miyoyo> Red it and weep, bitch
L449[08:15:34] <Forecaster> I have never head of this :P
L450[08:15:42] <Miyoyo> Now you do.
L451[08:15:50] <Forecaster> heard
L452[08:15:51] <Miyoyo> And I put dots at the end of my sentences.
L453[08:15:59] <Forecaster> good for you
L454[08:15:59] <Miyoyo> Therefore I am a shitty person.
L455[08:16:08] <Forecaster> so you've said
L456[08:16:27] <nxsupert> ...
L457[08:18:53] <Miyoyo> I think MajGenRelativity broke
L458[08:19:07] * Kimiro fondles Miyoyo's hard drive platter
L459[08:19:24] <Miyoyo> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L460[08:19:31] <MajGenRelativity> I did not
L461[08:19:43] <MajGenRelativity> I'm just running out of possible key combos
L462[08:21:27] <Miyoyo> rip ur pc
L463[08:22:45] <MajGenRelativity> If I have to get a new laptop, I want a GTX 1060 in it
L464[08:22:56] <MajGenRelativity> Unless prices are absurd, which they may be
L465[08:23:11] <Kimiro> %stats
L466[08:23:12] <MichiBot> Kimiro: Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L467[08:23:17] <Kimiro> %p
L468[08:23:18] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Kimiro 0.16s
L469[08:23:28] <Miyoyo> %p
L470[08:23:29] <MajGenRelativity> %p
L471[08:23:35] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Miyoyo 5.49s
L472[08:23:43] <Miyoyo> I'm still the king here
L473[08:23:50] <MajGenRelativity> %p
L474[08:24:00] <MajGenRelativity> Welp
L475[08:24:02] <Caitlyn> How do you expect the bot to ping you..?
L476[08:24:06] <Caitlyn> You're on discord
L477[08:24:07] <MajGenRelativity> Idk
L478[08:24:10] <Miyoyo> rip
L479[08:24:15] <Forecaster> haha "king"
L480[08:24:19] <MajGenRelativity> I thought it would ping Corded at least
L481[08:24:20] <Forecaster> :P
L482[08:24:28] <Caitlyn> Corded doesn't respond to CTCPs
L483[08:24:34] <MajGenRelativity> Ah
L484[08:24:47] <Caitlyn> well, to ctcp pings anyway
L485[08:24:51] <Caitlyn> it does respond to version
L486[08:26:27] <Kimiro> *eats Caitlyn*
L487[08:26:38] <Caitlyn> …
L488[08:27:18] <MajGenRelativity> *eats @Kimiro*
L489[08:27:25] <Izaya> MGR, expect double the price for it to be in a laptop
L490[08:27:32] <MajGenRelativity> Yep
L491[08:27:38] <nxsupert> %p
L492[08:27:40] <Izaya> except if it's a low power Intel CPU
L493[08:27:43] <MichiBot> Ping reply from nxsupert 2.35s
L494[08:27:43] <nxsupert> %p
L495[08:27:47] * Kimiro does the lewdest things in MGR's stomach
L496[08:27:49] <MajGenRelativity> I may not be able to afford that
L497[08:27:50] <Izaya> in which case it's the reverse
L498[08:28:00] <nxsupert> I am in 2 places at once.
L499[08:28:05] <nxsupert> Muhahahaha!
L500[08:28:12] <MajGenRelativity> *destroys @Kimiro *
L501[08:28:16] <Izaya> %p
L502[08:28:17] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.93s
L503[08:28:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.57s
L504[08:28:31] <Izaya> I am in multiple places at once.
L505[08:28:49] * Kimiro is indestructible (lethal damage and "destroy" effects don't destroy him).
L506[08:28:49] <nxsupert> @125708450763112448 hello!
L507[08:29:02] <nxsupert> Nope. That didn't work.
L508[08:29:11] <MajGenRelativity> *destroys @Kimiro again*
L509[08:29:12] <Izaya> #p
L510[08:29:12] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > 0.441263872 Seconds passed.
L511[08:29:24] <Izaya> boring
L512[08:29:25] * Kimiro points to previous
L513[08:29:29] <nxsupert> @MajGenRelativity#4971 Hello!
L514[08:29:35] * Miyoyo shifts the frame of reality Kimiro currently is on
L515[08:29:37] <MajGenRelativity> destroys @Kimiro again
L516[08:29:40] <Caitlyn> No, you can't ping anyone on discord from IRC
L517[08:29:49] <MajGenRelativity> Nxsupert, it didn't trigger me :(
L518[08:29:49] <nxsupert> Obviously corded doesn't support that.
L519[08:29:54] <Caitlyn> corded doesn't call the notify methods in the API
L520[08:29:55] <Kimiro> Miyoyo: So... All of them?
L521[08:29:59] <Caitlyn> cause it's a bitch to do.
L522[08:30:00] <Miyoyo> Exactly
L523[08:30:51] <Caitlyn> %test
L524[08:30:53] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Success
L525[08:31:00] * Caitlyn pokes Hexchat
L526[08:31:03] <Caitlyn> anyway off to work
L527[08:31:22] ⇨ Joins: Miyoyo_ (~Miyoyo@ip-80-236-198-4.dsl.scarlet.be)
L528[08:31:26] <Miyoyo_> What the hell happened?
L529[08:31:31] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L530[08:31:54] * Miyoyo_ prays Miyoyo with a catholic priest
L531[08:32:03] * Miyoyo_ lets Miyoyo disappear into a black hole
L532[08:32:27] <Miyoyo_> How long's the timeout here?
L533[08:32:38] <Kimiro> Forever.
L534[08:32:42] <Miyoyo_> Aw :(
L535[08:32:59] <Forecaster> timeout?
L536[08:33:06] <Forecaster> timeout for what?
L537[08:33:12] <Kimiro> You.
L538[08:33:27] <Miyoyo_> IDK My main nick suddently disconnected for no reason
L539[08:33:31] ⇦ Quits: Miyoyo (~Miyoyo@ip-83-134-236-113.dsl.scarlet.be) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L540[08:33:38] <Miyoyo_> 202s k
L541[08:33:50] ⇦ Quits: Miyoyo_ (~Miyoyo@ip-80-236-198-4.dsl.scarlet.be) (Client Quit)
L542[08:34:02] ⇨ Joins: Miyoyo_ (~Miyoyo@ip-80-236-198-4.dsl.scarlet.be)
L543[08:34:07] <Kimiro> All these squares make a circle.
L544[08:34:10] *** Miyoyo_ is now known as Miyoyo
L545[08:34:22] <Forecaster> but what resolution
L546[08:34:34] * Kimiro is now known as Miyoyo
L547[08:34:41] <Miyoyo> ow
L548[08:34:50] <MajGenRelativity> What
L549[08:34:55] <MajGenRelativity> Oh, nvm
L550[08:35:00] <Kimiro> Lol
L551[08:35:08] <Miyoyo> So maj
L552[08:35:09] <Miyoyo> any luck?
L553[08:35:13] <MajGenRelativity> Nope
L554[08:35:17] <Miyoyo> rip
L555[08:35:40] <MajGenRelativity> I'm letting it sit there for another 5 minutes, then I am probably taking it to a repair shop
L556[08:35:42] <Kimiro> RIP in peace.
L557[08:35:57] <Miyoyo> Maj ask for a repair price estimate
L558[08:36:30] <Miyoyo> If it exceeds 250 EUR/USD/KPW
L559[08:36:40] <Miyoyo> Well ur fucked
L560[08:37:34] <MajGenRelativity> Yeah
L561[08:37:39] <MajGenRelativity> What is KPW?
L562[08:37:55] <Izaya> what laptop has more than one main mobo?
L563[08:38:03] <Miyoyo> None
L564[08:38:14] <Miyoyo> but some use split PCBs to reduce costs
L565[08:38:29] <Miyoyo> and bridge PCBs with ribbon cables
L566[08:38:37] <MajGenRelativity> Mine does
L567[08:38:44] <Izaya> yeah one of mine has that
L568[08:38:53] <Miyoyo> None does, it's just split
L569[08:39:01] <Izaya> it's not really a major component though
L570[08:39:07] <MajGenRelativity> And since I've broken or lost nearly everything I touched, I'm going to take it in to a shop
L571[08:39:10] <Miyoyo> Because if you go that way my laptop has seven
L572[08:39:10] <Izaya> just the VGA out and USB
L573[08:39:20] <Izaya> wtf
L574[08:39:23] <Izaya> mine has 2
L575[08:39:31] <Izaya> because it has a fan
L576[08:39:51] <MajGenRelativity> My laptop has 3 PCB's I think
L577[08:39:56] <MajGenRelativity> Might be more
L578[08:40:36] <Miyoyo> MB/GPU/left USB/left powerplug&HDMI/ActivityLeds/Power Button/HDD
L579[08:41:59] <MajGenRelativity> Rocking out with HD 4600, so no GPU board
L580[08:42:10] <MajGenRelativity> I heard of a laptop with liquid cooling once
L581[08:42:25] <MajGenRelativity> I was confused as to how it was light enough to be very portable
L582[08:43:14] <Miyoyo> It's not :D
L583[08:44:05] <MajGenRelativity> Yeah
L584[08:44:13] <MajGenRelativity> At that point, just get a desktop
L585[08:45:29] <Miyoyo> One of my laptop fan is so loud it sounds like a fuckin airbus
L586[08:46:00] <MajGenRelativity> That was my laptop until I did a BIOS update
L587[08:46:08] <MajGenRelativity> Now it is quieter
L588[08:46:28] <MajGenRelativity> But I hit 95C playing games and get thermal throttling
L589[08:46:42] <MajGenRelativity> I was displeased because I could have handled the noise
L590[08:46:49] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L591[08:48:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L592[08:50:50] <Michiyo> Miyoyo, each server has a different timeout, I've seen some as low as 180 seconds, and some as high as 320+
L593[08:51:24] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L594[08:54:58] * Inari runs in, gropes Ember_Primrose and runs off!
L595[08:55:35] <Michiyo> %wtf
L596[08:55:35] <MichiBot> Michiyo: http://goo.gl/UZF0R6
L597[08:55:37] <Michiyo> :P
L598[08:57:24] <Forecaster> I found a helicopter whale, enjoy: http://imgur.com/gallery/63B8W
L599[08:57:52] <Miyoyo> No
L600[08:57:53] <Miyoyo> you found
L601[08:57:58] <Miyoyo> a "Whalicopter"
L602[08:59:48] <Forecaster> you call it that, I'll keep calling it a helicopter whale
L603[08:59:49] <Forecaster> :P
L604[09:01:05] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/THxJTYw.jpg this is also great
L605[09:06:56] <MajGenRelativity> That is what my face looks like right now
L606[09:07:11] <Saphire> http://imgur.com/gallery/8JhmdwU ...i forgot to shoot the edge deletion as well .-.
L607[09:07:13] <Kimiro> @MajGenRelativity Damn you ugly.
L608[09:08:35] <MajGenRelativity> @Kimiro#4076
L609[09:23:21] <TheCryptek> %seen TheFox
L610[09:23:24] <MichiBot> TheCryptek: TheFox was last seen 1h 18m 32s ago.
L611[09:23:32] <Mimiru> $$$ yourself @Kimiro
L612[09:24:02] <Kimiro> Lol
L613[09:24:32] <Kimiro> How about you £££ my $$$ until the world makes ¢¢¢.
L614[09:24:56] * TheFox slaps TheCryptek
L615[09:24:56] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L616[09:24:59] <TheFox> there you saw me
L617[09:25:11] <TheCryptek> Yup I saw ye
L618[09:25:20] <TheFox> im downloading the pack now
L619[09:25:30] <TheFox> correction, im launching the pack now
L620[09:25:35] <TheCryptek> Okay, I got something to tell you in the server after words :P
L621[09:25:38] <Kimiro> *slaps TheCryptek*
L622[09:25:40] <TheCryptek> DO NOT JOIN THE SERVER
L623[09:25:41] <TheCryptek> :o
L624[09:25:47] <TheCryptek> Why is it slap Cryptek Today :o
L625[09:25:50] <TheFox> TheCryptek: err whats wrong?
L626[09:25:51] * TheCryptek slaps himself
L627[09:25:51] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L628[09:25:57] <TheCryptek> Gotta upload le new mods
L629[09:25:58] * TheFox slaps EnderBot2
L630[09:25:58] * EnderBot2 grabs Ender's Katana and slices TheFox in half
L631[09:26:03] <TheFox> welp, shit
L632[09:26:11] <TheCryptek> It'll only take a few seconds
L633[09:26:18] <TheFox> at least you get to see my better half
L634[09:26:44] * TheFox pokes EnderBot2
L635[09:26:53] * TheFox waves at EnderBot2
L636[09:27:05] <Kimiro> *slips a roof into @Mimiru's drink*
L637[09:27:05] <TheFox> ok nvmd ignore me why dont you
L638[09:27:15] <Mimiru> An entire roof? nice
L639[09:27:24] <Kimiro> Yep.
L640[09:27:34] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Who is ignoring you :o
L641[09:27:35] <Kimiro> Guaranteed leak proof.
L642[09:27:44] <TheFox> TheCryptek: EnderBot2 :)
L643[09:27:50] <TheCryptek> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
L644[09:28:01] * TheCryptek slaps EnderBot2
L645[09:28:01] * EnderBot2 feeds TheCryptek to the lions
L646[09:28:03] * Kimiro slaps TheCryptek with a music instrument
L647[09:28:04] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L648[09:28:05] <TheCryptek> HA!
L649[09:28:10] <TheFox> i think he loves hating me
L650[09:28:14] <TheCryptek> lol
L651[09:28:34] * Kimiro hugs EnderBot2
L652[09:28:34] * EnderBot2 is wondering why Kimiro is hugging him...
L653[09:28:39] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Server is officially down for a minute or so
L654[09:28:47] <TheFox> i mean, its not very often someone cuts you in two, thats a goo d thing right?
L655[09:28:56] * Kimiro kisses EnderBot2
L656[09:28:58] * Miyoyo blows EnderBot2 up with 1 ton of c4
L657[09:29:06] * TheFox high-fives EnderBot2
L658[09:29:16] * Miyoyo waits alone for a high-five partner
L659[09:29:18] * TheFox gawks at the explosion of 1 ton of c4
L660[09:29:27] * TheCryptek high-fives Miyoyo
L661[09:29:31] * Kimiro slaps 5 with Miyoyo
L662[09:29:31] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L663[09:29:37] * Miyoyo is happy then sad.
L664[09:29:48] * Miyoyo is sad because tacos aren't sentient
L665[09:29:52] * Miyoyo slaps Miyoyo with a PRIVMSG
L666[09:29:53] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L667[09:29:58] * Kimiro hugs EnderBot2
L668[09:29:58] * EnderBot2 is wondering why Kimiro is hugging him...
L669[09:30:20] * Kimiro slaps EnderBot2 with a restraining order
L670[09:30:20] * EnderBot2 feeds Kimiro to the lions
L671[09:30:26] <TheFox> Miyoyo: if tacos where sentient, we would have a problem. they are one of my favorite foods
L672[09:30:32] <TheFox> seconded by berries
L673[09:30:36] <Miyoyo> No, it would be awesome
L674[09:30:40] <Miyoyo> you get to eat
L675[09:30:41] <TheCryptek> NEI doesn't need to be installed on the server right?
L676[09:30:49] <TheFox> Correct
L677[09:30:49] <Miyoyo> AND you hear cries of innocent life-formsç
L678[09:30:50] <Miyoyo> !*
L679[09:31:00] <TheCryptek> Balls gotta delete it from server files
L680[09:31:00] <TheFox> the hell Miyoyo
L681[09:31:08] * TheFox hides from Miyoyo
L682[09:31:13] <Miyoyo> >:3
L683[09:31:28] * TheFox shoves TheCryptek towards Miyoyo
L684[09:31:30] * Kimiro eats Miyoyo like a 99¢ taco
L685[09:31:39] * TheCryptek hugs miyoyo
L686[09:31:55] * Miyoyo is 97.45% happy
L687[09:31:56] <TheCryptek> 99 cent tacos destroy my bathrooms... >..
L688[09:31:59] <TheCryptek> >.>*
L689[09:32:11] <Miyoyo> In belgium
L690[09:32:14] <Miyoyo> there is no taco bell
L691[09:32:16] <Miyoyo> nor KFCs
L692[09:32:27] <Miyoyo> Or burger king
L693[09:32:32] <Miyoyo> or anything really
L694[09:32:38] <Miyoyo> except for McDonalds
L695[09:33:14] <Kimiro> *eats Miyoyo like baklava*
L696[09:33:24] <Miyoyo> Baklava?
L697[09:33:28] <Miyoyo> Not Balaclava?
L698[09:33:33] <Miyoyo> Or Balclava?
L699[09:33:40] <Miyoyo> Or whatever the fuck this shit is spelled like
L700[09:33:48] <Miyoyo> Or should I say Spelt
L701[09:34:15] <Kimiro> Spelt is delicious.
L702[09:34:28] <Kimiro> I like it alot.
L703[09:34:47] <Kimiro> Its defiantly the best
L704[09:35:30] <Miyoyo> You also have an alot?
L705[09:35:33] <Miyoyo> I love my alot
L706[09:35:49] <TheFox> #lua for i=0,5 do print("TheCryptek") end
L707[09:35:52] <TheFox> shit
L708[09:35:54] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > TheCryptek | TheCryptek | TheCryptek | TheCryptek | TheCryptek | TheCryptek | nil
L709[09:35:56] <TheFox> ahh
L710[09:35:58] <TheFox> there we go
L711[09:36:19] <Miyoyo> #lua print(coroutine.isyieldable())
L712[09:36:22] <TheFox> awww, my attempts to ping him dont seem to have worked
L713[09:36:24] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > true | nil
L714[09:36:29] <Kimiro> *misses |0xDEADBEEF|
L715[09:36:44] <TheCryptek> TheFox #lua for i=0,5 do print("TheFox's duckling.") end
L716[09:36:47] <TheCryptek> SHIT
L717[09:36:47] <Miyoyo> #lua print(#_ENV)
L718[09:36:47] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > 0 | nil
L719[09:36:53] <TheCryptek> #lua for i=0,5 do print("TheFox's duckling.") end
L720[09:36:56] <Miyoyo> #lua print(#_ENV)
L721[09:36:58] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > TheFox's duckling. | TheFox's duckling. | TheFox's duckling. | TheFox's duckling. | TheFox's duckling. | TheFox's duckling. | nil
L722[09:36:58] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > 0 | nil
L723[09:37:03] <Miyoyo> #lua print(#_G)
L724[09:37:03] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > 0 | nil
L725[09:37:15] <TheCryptek> #lua print("Hai")
L726[09:37:15] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > Hai | nil
L727[09:37:18] <TheFox> errrm i dont have a duck
L728[09:37:27] <Miyoyo> #lua for i in pairs(_G) do print(i) end
L729[09:37:27] <TheCryptek> TheFox: So you are a female owo
L730[09:37:27] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/cq2Upj72
L731[09:37:39] <TheFox> er, i thought you actually meant a duck
L732[09:37:42] <Miyoyo> #lua for i in pairs(_ENV) do print(i) end
L733[09:37:43] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/d5fQ83Fm
L734[09:37:45] <TheCryptek> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
L735[09:38:09] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Server is starting up
L736[09:38:23] <TheFox> so Deadbeef can execute IRC commands?
L737[09:38:47] <TheCryptek> Deadbeef?
L738[09:38:50] <TheFox> there has to be a limit somewhere, where does deadbeef stop executing?
L739[09:39:01] <TheCryptek> Who is deadbeef owo
L740[09:39:04] <Miyoyo> #lua _G = setmetatable(_G,{__index=function () if coroutine.isyieldable() then coroutine.yield() end end}; _ENV = setmetatable(_ENV,{__index=function () if coroutine.isyieldable() then coroutine.yield() end end};
L741[09:39:04] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > [string "lua"]:1: ')' expected near ';'
L742[09:39:16] <Miyoyo> #lua _G = setmetatable(_G,{__index=function () if coroutine.isyieldable() then coroutine.yield() end end}); _ENV = setmetatable(_ENV,{__index=function () if coroutine.isyieldable() then coroutine.yield() end end});
L743[09:39:16] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > [string "line"]:54: Not allowed.
L744[09:39:18] <Miyoyo> aw
L745[09:39:39] ⇨ Joins: TheFox_ (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L746[09:39:43] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L747[09:39:45] <TheFox_> woops discon
L748[09:39:46] <TheCryptek> #lua os.sleep(5)
L749[09:39:46] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'sleep')
L750[09:39:53] <TheCryptek> Oh
L751[09:39:55] <TheCryptek> Wrong
L752[09:39:55] <Miyoyo> os.sleep does not exist
L753[09:39:57] <TheCryptek> LOL
L754[09:39:58] <Miyoyo> but unix sleep does
L755[09:40:02] <TheCryptek> I know
L756[09:40:03] <TheCryptek> ._.
L757[09:40:08] <Miyoyo> #lua print(package.path)
L758[09:40:09] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 'package')
L759[09:40:15] <TheCryptek> I forgot how to call unix sleep in lua
L760[09:40:28] <TheFox_> um, just requre('os') the os package does exisit, i think
L761[09:40:33] <Miyoyo> ...
L762[09:40:50] <Miyoyo> #lua print(type(randomshit))
L763[09:40:50] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > function | nil
L764[09:40:53] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by TheFox_)))
L765[09:40:55] *** TheFox_ is now known as TheFox
L766[09:41:14] <Miyoyo> #lua for i in pairs(os) do print(i) end
L767[09:41:14] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > clock | time | difftime | exit | date | nil
L768[09:41:26] <TheCryptek> #lua print(random)
L769[09:41:26] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > nil | nil
L770[09:41:52] <Miyoyo> #lua for i in pairs(nick) do print(i) end
L771[09:41:52] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
L772[09:41:53] <Saphire> OKAY RANDOM QUESTION TIME
L773[09:42:01] <Miyoyo> #lua print(nick)
L774[09:42:01] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > Miyoyo | nil
L775[09:42:03] <Miyoyo> ye?
L776[09:42:04] <Saphire> TEXT RENDERING?
L777[09:42:10] <Miyoyo> What, text rendering?
L778[09:42:12] <Saphire> how do i do it even?
L779[09:42:19] <Miyoyo> With wat
L780[09:42:24] <Miyoyo> cockroaches?
L781[09:42:26] <Saphire> C++ and opengl atm
L782[09:42:27] <Miyoyo> Oreo packets?
L783[09:42:45] <Miyoyo> IDK either make a 2d renderer or just use windows api
L784[09:43:51] <TheFox> and so restarts the fight with ecdh
L785[09:43:54] <Miyoyo> Or just do an offscreen rendertarget and draw a two-triangle flat surface if you want to do it the hard way
L786[09:43:56] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L787[09:44:09] <Saphire> >windows api
L788[09:44:12] <Saphire> wat?
L789[09:44:51] <Miyoyo> With enough hope, CPU cycles and whip lashes, you literally can do anything with the winapi
L790[09:48:31] <TheFox> Miyoyo: you the one that told me about ecdh right?
L791[09:48:54] <Miyoyo> I don't know shit about crypto sorry
L792[09:49:06] <fingercomp> Saphire: font rendering isn't a part of OpenGL API. Either make your own text renderer, or find one on the internet (e.g., freetype)
L793[09:49:08] <TheFox> so your not the one that told me
L794[09:49:15] <Miyoyo> no
L795[09:49:18] <Saphire> THAT i know
L796[09:49:28] <Saphire> okay..
L797[09:49:35] <Miyoyo> And if you know that
L798[09:49:39] <Miyoyo> what do you want to do?
L799[09:49:52] <Saphire> GUI, text labels for nodes, colored nodes/edges, file saving/loading oooooooor networking?
L800[09:49:56] <Saphire> What to do?
L801[09:50:15] <Miyoyo> Do everything
L802[09:50:19] <Miyoyo> separately
L803[09:53:51] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-76-98.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L804[10:16:50] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L805[10:17:03] <MajGenRelativity> Taking my laptop to a repair shop :(
L806[10:18:02] <Miyoyo> Give it a name before it dies :(
L807[10:18:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L808[10:18:13] <MajGenRelativity> Why?
L809[10:18:59] <Miyoyo> Respect
L810[10:19:03] <Miyoyo> [F]<-
L811[10:19:31] <Miyoyo> Come on people I want some Fs in here
L812[10:19:49] <MajGenRelativity> My laptop is named Althaz then
L813[10:20:02] <Miyoyo> Rip althaz 2014-2016
L814[10:20:05] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L815[10:20:06] <Miyoyo> [F]<-
L816[10:20:57] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L817[10:23:21] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L818[10:23:34] <MajGenRelativity> My laptop needs to survive
L819[10:23:39] <Miyoyo> Press F to pay respects
L820[10:23:43] <MajGenRelativity> There is no other option
L821[10:24:32] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L822[10:32:05] <Saphire> badum-ts
L823[10:34:49] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L824[10:34:56] <MajGenRelativity> Death March time
L825[10:36:43] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L826[10:38:19] ⇨ Joins: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-162-223-180-83.cpe.metrocast.net)
L827[10:43:39] <nxsupert> ?
L828[10:44:39] <Miyoyo> There are kids in my street shouting like fucking fire truck sirens
L829[10:44:43] <Miyoyo> or police sirens
L830[10:44:52] <Miyoyo> Please, send us a little IQ
L831[10:44:54] <Miyoyo> -Me
L832[10:45:00] <Miyoyo> -Yoyo
L833[10:48:55] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCFF1F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L834[10:58:51] <Saphire> wooohoooo
L835[10:58:55] <Saphire> i can zoom in and out
L836[10:59:02] <Saphire> and also i render everything ._.
L837[10:59:03] <Miyoyo> Nice, Saphire with one P
L838[10:59:07] <Saphire> even things that are offscreen
L839[10:59:14] <Skye> Saphire, \o/
L840[10:59:25] <Saphire> yay terrible rendering
L841[10:59:36] <Saphire> but eh, it's not OC
L842[10:59:49] <Miyoyo> >R O A S T E D
L843[11:00:29] <Lizzy> Miyoyo, wat?
L844[11:00:40] <Miyoyo> [17:59:31] <Saphire> yay terrible rendering
L845[11:00:40] <Miyoyo> [17:59:42] <Saphire> but eh, it's not OC
L846[11:07:48] <Saphire> i mean that i'm rendering DAMN CIRCLES
L847[11:07:58] <Miyoyo> SCIRKELS
L848[11:08:11] <Saphire> it's not like rendering a bunch of them offscreen will hurt the speed or anything
L849[11:19:21] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L850[11:19:54] <Inari> (╙_╜)
L851[11:20:32] <Skye> Inari, wut?
L852[11:20:39] <Inari> dunno, but it looks funny
L853[11:20:50] <Inari> eyelashes from hell?
L854[11:21:04] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L855[11:21:07] <Skye> ah
L856[11:21:47] <Inari> ┎(╙_╜)┚
L857[11:24:49] <Inari> mhmmm
L858[11:25:00] * Inari still looking for some nice non-combat game to play xD
L859[11:25:12] <Inari> maye i could try E:D again
L860[11:25:18] <MalkContent> *non-combat*
L861[11:25:18] <Inari> new gpu should make it run better too
L862[11:25:29] <MalkContent> i'd have suggested monkey island 3
L863[11:25:33] <MalkContent> combat is brutal tho
L864[11:25:41] <Inari> eh, im not a fan of point&clicks
L865[11:25:54] <Inari> unless perhaps they'd have a very interseting (to me) story and cahracters
L866[11:26:04] <Inari> safe to say, i didnt encounter any that would fulfill that requirement yet
L867[11:26:11] <Inari> and monkey isalnd certainly is not that
L868[11:26:19] <Temia> What.
L869[11:26:26] <MalkContent> ಠ_ಠ
L870[11:26:41] <Temia> Did you just diss the characterisation of Monkey Island(TM)?
L871[11:26:51] <Inari> I'm saying it does not appeal to me
L872[11:26:52] <vifino> wtf
L873[11:26:59] <MalkContent> i now understand why there is war in the world
L874[11:27:25] <Inari> i mean to start with i hatemonkeys so that title already is questionable :P
L875[11:27:26] <vifino> same.
L876[11:27:28] <Vexatos> Inari, do you even Deponia ._.
L877[11:27:35] <Inari> Vexatos: nope
L878[11:27:38] <Vexatos> pls
L879[11:27:43] <Vexatos> YOU ARE GERMAN
L880[11:27:44] <Vexatos> USE THIS POWER
L881[11:27:58] <vifino> Vexatos: buy me deponia
L882[11:28:00] <vifino> :>
L883[11:28:10] <Inari> dont like point&click inherently, dont like deponias artstyle or character
L884[11:28:15] <Inari> i'd watch it in a stream perhaps, by phunk
L885[11:28:17] <Inari> but wouldnt play it
L886[11:28:22] * Temia draws sabre
L887[11:28:36] <Temia> YOU FIGHT LIKE A DAIRY FARMER
L888[11:28:38] <Vexatos> pls
L889[11:28:51] <vifino> Can we add a new rule to #oc? Ignore Inari's opinion.
L890[11:28:54] <Inari> i think phunk played it at some point even! *goes to browse the you tubes*
L891[11:28:58] <MalkContent> "Killing you would be justifiable homicide."
L892[11:29:05] <Lizzy> vifino, i thought that was already implied
L893[11:29:10] <Vexatos> Inari, one cannot not like point&click games without defying the laws of physics
L894[11:29:13] <Vexatos> So stop lying
L895[11:29:42] <Inari> i dunno
L896[11:29:47] <Inari> its a weird genre
L897[11:29:59] <vifino> Your face is weird. >:I
L898[11:30:06] <MalkContent> if you never play any other point and click
L899[11:30:12] <MalkContent> still play monkey island 3
L900[11:30:15] <Inari> you can only do the specific things you're supposed to do, have this other solution that would work but doesnt because you need the item you'd use later in the game and thus the game doesnt let you use it? yeah
L901[11:30:16] <Vexatos> Also, you are trying to say bad things about Monkey Island in #oc, a channel for a mod by MightyPirates which adds grog and like a dozen other MI references :X
L902[11:30:33] <Lizzy> Inari, E:D is good, if you get back into it you could maybe join me and Forecaster when we play it
L903[11:30:48] <Vexatos> Inari, then it's a bad game
L904[11:30:53] <Vexatos> Monkey Island is not a bad game >_>
L905[11:31:02] <Skye> What is "E:D"? :P
L906[11:31:05] <Vexatos> None of the three
L907[11:31:07] <Lizzy> Elite Dangerous
L908[11:31:12] <Vexatos> MI 4 is crap but that has other reasons
L909[11:31:20] <Lizzy> like Eve Online but better
L910[11:31:20] <Vexatos> We don't talk about MI 4
L911[11:31:21] <Inari> Vexatos: thats all the point&clicks though, you ahve to find this very specific solution to the problem, its like a logic puzzle game where you ahve to udnerstand what the level maker wanted you to do, but more convoluted
L912[11:31:37] <Vexatos> IT IS A PUZZLE GAME
L913[11:31:40] <Vexatos> THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT
L914[11:31:51] <Vexatos> and it is not convoluted
L915[11:31:56] <MalkContent> well the humor and all the handled false solutions are the other point ^^
L916[11:31:58] <Inari> but logic puzzles make sense
L917[11:32:03] * Skye shoots portals underneath Inari and Vexatos
L918[11:32:05] <Vexatos> the entire point is that you have puzzles you solve by thinking logically
L919[11:32:14] <Inari> they are based on logic, not on "you can only solve the problem in this speicifc way for no reason"
L920[11:32:53] <Inari> anyway, i dont like MI's cast, so not that i'd consider it a game to play in the first place :P I might try a point&click if i find one i find of interest though
L921[11:32:58] <Vexatos> there is only that specific way because others would not make sense
L922[11:33:18] <Inari> Vexatos: for the most part, others do make sense, unless you know the rest of the game
L923[11:33:29] <Vexatos> If you have a flintstone, a banana and a coin and you're trying to make fire, what would you use.
L924[11:33:33] <Vexatos> >_>
L925[11:33:40] <MalkContent> banana
L926[11:33:45] <Inari> yeah but you have matches too
L927[11:33:49] <MalkContent> obvously you would pay the monkey
L928[11:33:51] <Inari> but you cant use the flintstone
L929[11:33:54] <Vexatos> Except you don't because the game is good-designed
L930[11:33:56] <Inari> cause the game wants you to use the matches
L931[11:34:00] <Inari> :P
L932[11:34:00] <MalkContent> to climb up to the volcano
L933[11:34:03] <MajGenRelativity> Alright, my laptop is in the repair shop
L934[11:34:04] <MalkContent> and light up a stick
L935[11:34:05] <Inari> anyway
L936[11:34:06] <Vexatos> Inari, that is what will never happen
L937[11:34:14] <Vexatos> you clearly haven't played any good adventure game yet
L938[11:34:19] <Inari> if i find a nicely designed point&click with nice character I will play it xD
L939[11:35:25] <MalkContent> dott and mi3 are revelations :P let's just say the genre is not for you
L940[11:35:36] <MalkContent> just like transport simulation games are not for me
L941[11:36:11] <Vexatos> Inari, how about The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2, The Curse of Monkey Island :P
L942[11:36:15] <MalkContent> also you are totally missing out on skull island that way
L943[11:36:26] * Temia ... jabs Inari with the sabre. :T
L944[11:36:39] * vifino stabs Inari
L945[11:36:55] <Vexatos> Or how about literally any of these http://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Daedalic%20Entertainment
L946[11:37:18] <Temia> What's the point of insult swordfighting if the opponent doesn't fight? Is this some kind of zen insult swordfighting? Riposting by not-riposting?
L947[11:37:29] <vifino> Vexatos: Monkey Island (the original) with a Roland MT-32, the sound *.*
L948[11:37:38] <vifino> music* rather
L949[11:37:39] <Vexatos> vifino, holy cow
L950[11:37:49] <Inari> i watched a game of daedalic once, it had those issues i mentioned. i dont really like thier artstyle, but might look trhoguh the list to see if theres any nice ones
L951[11:38:06] <Vexatos> Like they have one art style
L952[11:38:09] <Vexatos> >_>
L953[11:38:21] <vifino> Vexatos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdd2CNlcqn0
L954[11:38:22] <MichiBot> The Secret of Monkey Island (Roland MT-32) | length: 7m 42s | Likes: 55 Dislikes: 0 Views: 9037 | by ponytear
L955[11:38:51] * Temia jabs Inari a few more times, then bahs and walks off :T
L956[11:39:08] <Inari> Memoria sounds somewhat interesting, has a nicer artstyle too
L957[11:39:26] <Vexatos> You have the privilege of knowing German, this is one of a few occasions where this is useful
L958[11:39:27] <Vexatos> >_>
L959[11:39:41] <vifino> ^
L960[11:40:01] <Inari> :P
L961[11:41:38] <Inari> ohr ight, the whispered wordl was the one i watched a stream of
L962[11:41:59] <Lizzy> Myrrdin why are you not recognising this USB ethernet adapter?
L963[11:42:03] <Vexatos> Daedalic games make you realize that German humour is actually a thing because there are so few German videos/games nowadays that actually utilize it :P
L964[11:42:42] <Inari> so yeah may try Memoria i guess
L965[11:45:07] <Lizzy> there, reboot got it
L966[11:46:43] <Inari> Lizzy: i think i'd hvae to go find a guide on trading first xD
L967[11:46:53] <Lizzy> ?
L968[11:46:57] <Inari> for E:D
L969[11:47:00] <Lizzy> ah
L970[11:47:06] <Lizzy> there's a few out htere
L971[11:48:12] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L972[11:51:57] <Inari> oh right
L973[11:52:06] <Inari> hmm meh
L974[11:52:11] <Inari> Lizzy: how good ismining at making money? xD
L975[11:52:29] <Lizzy> i'm not sure, haven't dived into that much yet
L976[11:52:48] <vifino> how much is E:D again?
L977[11:53:19] * Lizzy goes to check
L978[11:55:03] <Lizzy> £19.99 for the base game, £19.99 for the Horizons DLC (which'll allow you to land on planets and other stuff as they release it like multi-crew ship support )
L979[11:55:08] <Inari> just reading about trading sound hilariously terrible :P so ig uess i'll try mining
L980[11:55:14] <Miyoyo> BHIOS
L981[11:55:24] <Miyoyo> Bloated Horrible Input Output System
L982[11:56:39] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L983[11:57:25] <Skye> Miyoyo, also known as EFI
L984[11:57:36] <Miyoyo> Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
L985[11:57:42] <Miyoyo> EFI has neat things
L986[11:58:42] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L987[12:00:04] <vifino> Lizzy: i checked in the german store, 25€ for the base game, 25€ for the season pass
L988[12:00:46] <Miyoyo> >10 EUR less than no man's sky, 2^64-1 times better
L989[12:01:04] <vifino> i dont really feel like spending 50€ on a game :v
L990[12:01:16] <Lizzy> it's a good game though
L991[12:01:29] <Miyoyo> 60 Eur/Usd is the norm :/
L992[12:01:32] <vifino> it is still a lot of money for a game
L993[12:01:41] <vifino> for me at least
L994[12:01:58] <MalkContent> the past 5 years or so
L995[12:02:13] <vifino> oh, please. this game has a osx version but no linux version?!
L996[12:02:17] <MalkContent> ive been disappointed by full price games time and again
L997[12:02:36] <Miyoyo> Vifino: huh
L998[12:02:50] <Temia> Yeah, I know what you mean.
L999[12:03:09] <Miyoyo> I think one of the biggest disapointments of my gaming history is...
L1000[12:03:12] <Miyoyo> Firewatch
L1001[12:03:18] <Temia> The AAA demographic has diverged from mine for the past 10 years.
L1002[12:03:39] <vifino> doom 1/2 > *
L1003[12:03:45] <Temia> Now I just kind of helplessly shrug my shoulders whenever talk about any of them comes up.
L1004[12:03:56] <MalkContent> i keep seeing new stuff coming out and go "meh", pre and post release
L1005[12:04:01] <MalkContent> fc3 was a nice new thing
L1006[12:04:06] <MalkContent> and blood dragon was fun :D
L1007[12:04:16] <MalkContent> bf 3 was cool, too
L1008[12:04:27] <MalkContent> but then comes fc4, bf4, bf hardline
L1009[12:04:27] <Temia> I don't particularly care about your stubbly space marine/assassin/vigilante/unrepentant asshole with a good cause.
L1010[12:04:28] <MalkContent> blegh
L1011[12:04:40] <gamax92> o.o
L1012[12:04:46] <MalkContent> assassins creed bleghed
L1013[12:04:51] <MalkContent> ey
L1014[12:04:54] ⇨ Joins: AntheusPhone (~Mutter@
L1015[12:05:00] <MalkContent> dont you say crap about speece mareens
L1016[12:05:07] <Miyoyo> Spess mereens
L1017[12:05:09] <vifino> the last two? three? games i got were all gifts from Lizzy
L1018[12:05:21] <Miyoyo> God, such poison gifts :3
L1019[12:05:25] <vifino> don't really buy many games.
L1020[12:05:33] <MalkContent> just because they are hiding in their metal bawkses
L1021[12:05:36] <gamax92> The last every game on steam except one were all gifts
L1022[12:05:52] *** Lily is now known as Vi
L1023[12:06:00] <Miyoyo> Li Vi
L1024[12:06:03] <Miyoyo> Ngroom
L1025[12:06:12] <gamax92> And because of that one game, a penny has sat there for eternity
L1026[12:06:14] <Miyoyo> sorry ._.
L1027[12:06:15] <Vi> Mi!
L1028[12:06:55] <Miyoyo> I have 1,55 eur on steam
L1029[12:07:02] <Miyoyo> And literally nothing to spend it on
L1030[12:07:14] <MalkContent> you could buy crappy dlc
L1031[12:07:18] <Miyoyo> meh
L1032[12:07:18] <MalkContent> for square enix games
L1033[12:07:40] <Temia> Of course I act jaded now but I'm discussing the pun behind "floran moe" on another network `-`
L1034[12:07:53] <Miyoyo> Starbond(age)?
L1035[12:08:24] <MalkContent> o right. i completely forgot about witcher 3. that one did not leave me disappointed :D
L1036[12:09:13] <Miyoyo> I'm addicted to procrastination
L1037[12:13:10] ⇦ Quits: AntheusPhone (~Mutter@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1038[12:14:32] <Inari> Miyoyo: lewd
L1039[12:14:39] <Miyoyo> >:3
L1040[12:15:02] <Inari> the heck is DW
L1041[12:15:11] <Lizzy> ?
L1042[12:15:14] <Miyoyo> ?
L1043[12:15:25] <Inari> dunno i just found this on my dropbox https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/dw.jpg
L1044[12:15:36] <Inari> Miyoyo: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/folewd.png
L1045[12:23:26] <Inari> Lizzy: you play hoprizons or normal?
L1046[12:23:38] <Lizzy> Horizons
L1047[12:24:24] <Lizzy> i think you could still join me even if you're on the normal mode, you just wouldn't be able to come down to a planet with me
L1048[12:24:36] <Miyoyo> My phone won't start at all now :(
L1049[12:25:26] <Inari> Lizzy: whats there to do on planets btw?
L1050[12:26:04] <Forecaster> yay back home
L1051[12:26:05] <Forecaster> hi irc
L1052[12:26:09] <Miyoyo> Mining
L1053[12:26:11] <Lizzy> there's bases on a few of them, there's also salvage you can grab and possibly mining, not sure of that
L1054[12:26:14] <Lizzy> hi Forecaster
L1055[12:26:15] <Miyoyo> Hi forey
L1056[12:26:33] <Forecaster> well, you "mine" by shooting small rocks
L1057[12:26:40] <Forecaster> it's not the same as asteroid mining though
L1058[12:26:51] <Forecaster> those rocks only contain materials used for synthesis
L1059[12:27:01] * Miyoyo visualizes a stick figure throwing pebbles at something
L1060[12:27:04] <Inari> rigth :s i doubt i'll get much into it, but i'll try i guess
L1061[12:27:20] <Forecaster> it's more fun when you're more than one doing something :P
L1062[12:27:30] <Inari> im not sure how that improves it xD
L1063[12:27:32] <Miyoyo> You know, like in NMS
L1064[12:27:33] <Miyoyo> oh wait
L1065[12:28:06] <Forecaster> kind of like how sex is better with two people instead of just one :P
L1066[12:28:16] <Inari> i guess, but thats a different thing
L1067[12:28:25] <Miyoyo> It's even better at 26!
L1068[12:28:31] <Miyoyo> T(h)rust me
L1069[12:28:34] <Inari> though i hear sex with one "people" and an animal can be nice
L1070[12:29:24] <Miyoyo> Kinda like how Celsius is for water and Farenheit is for people, cause I am a people not a water
L1071[12:29:49] <Lizzy> Inari, also Horizons isn't just planets (well, it is at the moment) there'll also be ship launched fighters and multi-crew ships comming soon
L1072[12:29:50] <Forecaster> pretty sure people contain lots of water
L1073[12:30:22] <Miyoyo> I PEOPLE NOT VÂTTËR
L1074[12:30:36] <Forecaster> you're getting wetter?
L1075[12:30:43] <Forecaster> oh my
L1076[12:31:14] <Kimiro> *lewds all over Inari*
L1077[12:31:18] <gamax92> oh my
L1078[12:31:28] <Kimiro> *lewds all over gamax92*
L1079[12:31:42] * Lizzy lewds over vifino
L1080[12:31:47] <Miyoyo> Kimiro you don't lewd over Inari you literally are 97.8% Pure concentrated lewd
L1081[12:32:00] <Miyoyo> You lewd over the fabric of existence
L1082[12:32:06] <Lizzy> owww
L1083[12:32:09] <Kimiro> Bitch please. 97.9%
L1084[12:32:19] <Lizzy> i sneezed and bit my tongue :<
L1085[12:32:33] <Kimiro> Ow. Also how.
L1086[12:32:59] * gamax92 sits down two cubes, both are red 1 inch cubes, but this one is super compressed and this other one is fluffy
L1087[12:33:00] <Lizzy> i had my tongue inbetween my teeth as i sneezed
L1088[12:33:04] <Inari> hmm
L1089[12:33:14] <Inari> what ship do you need to get onto a plent
L1090[12:33:18] <Inari> *planet
L1091[12:33:40] <gamax92> Inari: probably shipping yourself with a astronaut
L1092[12:33:55] <Forecaster> any ship pretty much
L1093[12:34:02] <Lizzy> Inari, any, it has ot have the planetary landing stuff on it though
L1094[12:34:03] <Inari> sidewinder?
L1095[12:34:08] <Inari> ah :p
L1096[12:34:12] <Kimiro> *swallows gamax92's cubes and then pukes up a bunch of tinier cubes of average density*
L1097[12:34:14] <Forecaster> you need a planetary approach module to be able to enter the planet "atmosphere"
L1098[12:34:20] <Forecaster> and land
L1099[12:34:20] <Lizzy> ^
L1100[12:34:28] <Inari> Forecaster: what if i dont have one?
L1101[12:34:34] <Forecaster> then you can't
L1102[12:34:54] <Inari> but what happens if i do anyway? do i burn up? xD
L1103[12:34:56] <Forecaster> I assume you'll get thrown out of supercruise when you get too close
L1104[12:35:09] <Lizzy> that reminds me, when i was on the way to you Forecaster i found an "earth like" planet, i think i bookmarked it
L1105[12:35:13] <Forecaster> same as what happens to anyone with a non-horizons body
L1106[12:35:27] <Inari> Forecaster: so... fly to it out of uspercurise :D
L1107[12:35:32] <Lizzy> also gotta play RL with the little bro, so back in a while
L1108[12:35:44] <Forecaster> Lizzy: only planets without an atmosphere are enterable currently
L1109[12:35:51] <Lizzy> ah
L1110[12:35:54] <Forecaster> earth-likes would probably have atmospheres
L1111[12:36:33] <Forecaster> Inari: also worth noting that the approach suite doesn't carry the srv
L1112[12:36:44] <Forecaster> that's a separate module
L1113[12:36:55] <Forecaster> you can still fit both in a sidewinder though
L1114[12:40:08] * vifino lewds all over Lizzy and giggles
L1115[12:40:17] <Forecaster> :O
L1116[12:40:19] <Forecaster> so lewd
L1117[12:43:13] <Inari> now Lizzy has to take a shower
L1118[12:43:14] <Inari> pls
L1119[12:43:55] <Inari> hope they add actaul space station (where you can walk around and suhc) soon
L1120[12:44:52] <Inari> https://66.media.tumblr.com/814896211b6db4787f77728a1e3dfd87/tumblr_ocfajlTRty1qlwco3o2_1280.png
L1121[12:45:08] * Lizzy wonders if vifino wants to lewd with her in the shower
L1122[12:45:14] <Forecaster> probably wont be soon
L1123[12:45:17] <Forecaster> but I don't mind
L1124[12:45:23] <Forecaster> I'd rather have more gameplay :P
L1125[12:45:44] <Forecaster> with pretty-immersive things sprinkled in along the way
L1126[12:45:49] <Inari> Forecaster: me too, and tahts gameplay
L1127[12:46:16] <Forecaster> not really, you can interact with stations through the menus fine
L1128[12:46:26] <Forecaster> what would walking around add?
L1129[12:46:27] <Inari> yeah, but crafting, bars, shopping!
L1130[12:46:35] <Forecaster> beyond immersion
L1131[12:47:03] <Inari> homes!
L1132[12:47:28] <Inari> earn money by doing janitor work :3
L1133[12:47:51] <Forecaster> there's a different game for doing janitor work :P
L1134[12:48:19] <Inari> yeah but it oesnt integrate with E:D :P
L1135[12:49:31] <Inari> Forecaster: just would be nice to do something other than spaceflight I guess
L1136[12:50:07] <Forecaster> but that's what E:D is about
L1137[12:50:54] <Forecaster> "Skyrim is nice but I wish I had some spaceships to fly" :P
L1138[12:51:47] <Inari> Forecaster: well it wouldnt fit into skyrims world :P it doesnt ift into E:Ds world that people literally never get up from their ship
L1139[12:52:24] <Forecaster> maybe they do when you're logged out :P
L1140[12:52:44] <Inari> doesnt help make the game more interseting whil eim logged in
L1141[12:53:16] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-200-2.as13285.net)
L1142[12:54:44] <Inari> Forecaster: i guess i'm just looking for something to do in E:D that feels like it has an inherent point, or at least gives all the trading a point
L1143[12:55:43] <Forecaster> what point would doing "janitor work" serve? :P
L1144[12:56:17] <Inari> no clue, to buy clothes?
L1145[12:56:29] <Inari> at least it would be something different :P
L1146[12:57:01] <Forecaster> eh, if you don't want to fly a spaceship play a different game :P
L1147[12:57:15] <Forecaster> I play E:D because I think flying spaceships is fun
L1148[12:57:19] <Inari> thats not the point, toher games dont have spaceships
L1149[12:57:24] <Miyoyo> E:D
L1150[12:57:28] <Forecaster> or driving around on planets I guess
L1151[12:57:32] <Miyoyo> Also known as
L1152[12:57:42] <Miyoyo> Milky way truck simulator
L1153[12:57:57] <Forecaster> with guns
L1154[12:57:59] <Inari> just so far every feature seems to just add a little detail that you again do with a spaceship :P
L1155[12:58:07] <Miyoyo> Still
L1156[12:58:11] <Miyoyo> Milkyway truck sim
L1157[12:58:15] <Forecaster> well yeah... because E:D is about spaceships
L1158[12:58:32] <Forecaster> it's about flying spaceships
L1159[12:58:49] <Miyoyo> Also
L1160[12:58:50] <Inari> well it doesnt even do that part particularly well though
L1161[12:58:57] <Miyoyo> Them Audio Assistants
L1162[12:59:13] <Forecaster> better than a certain recent game with spaceships in my opinion :P
L1163[12:59:22] <Miyoyo> No shit
L1164[12:59:36] <Miyoyo> 10 bucks less, 2^64-1 times better
L1165[12:59:52] <Inari> eh, NMS is like 80% of hwat E:D is in regards to spaceshipping
L1166[12:59:59] <Miyoyo> 80?
L1167[13:00:01] <Inari> relatively good for it not bein gthe focus of the game i guess
L1168[13:00:06] <Miyoyo> Fucking hell stop overestimating
L1169[13:00:15] <Miyoyo> You don't even have power management!
L1170[13:00:26] <Forecaster> E:D is a lot better as far as I'm concerned
L1171[13:00:29] <Miyoyo> Don't tell me that you need thaumium9
L1172[13:00:45] <Miyoyo> You ram into any random asteroid you can do earth-mars
L1173[13:00:50] <Inari> i guess i never really found a reason to powermanage in E:D xD
L1174[13:01:05] <Miyoyo> Still, you can do it
L1175[13:01:07] <Miyoyo> it's there
L1176[13:01:09] <Forecaster> you don't really need to outside of combat
L1177[13:01:18] <Inari> Miyoyo: i'd rather there would be other stuff you could do
L1178[13:01:19] <Forecaster> else just keep engines maxed
L1179[13:01:31] <Miyoyo> in NMS you crash into between three to four asteroids you have one full tank
L1180[13:01:51] <Inari> Miyoyo: in E:D you click the "Refuel button" and you ahve one full tank :D
L1181[13:01:58] <Miyoyo> Yeah
L1182[13:02:02] <Miyoyo> but there is a risk
L1183[13:02:03] <Miyoyo> it takes time
L1184[13:02:07] <Forecaster> there's actual risk in E:D though
L1185[13:02:10] <Inari> what risk
L1186[13:02:11] <Miyoyo> you are forced to keep moving
L1187[13:02:25] <Miyoyo> Let's say you are doing a 50% galaxy travel
L1188[13:02:30] <Inari> i wasnt talking about fuel scooping
L1189[13:02:39] <Forecaster> me neither
L1190[13:02:51] <Inari> its risky to dock and click the button? o.o
L1191[13:02:53] <Miyoyo> Still, in NMS the "ENEMY APROACHING OMG RUN" thing is
L1192[13:02:58] <Forecaster> I'm not talking about fuel.
L1193[13:03:00] <Miyoyo> four ships
L1194[13:03:10] <Miyoyo> you have level 3 beams?
L1195[13:03:16] <Miyoyo> They're down in less than a minute
L1196[13:03:26] <Inari> Miyoyo: im not interested in combat, so i dont really carea bout comparing the game's combat systems
L1197[13:03:26] <Miyoyo> in E:D you actually have a challenge
L1198[13:03:34] <Miyoyo> Inari: it's still important
L1199[13:03:45] <Miyoyo> You can be attacked and need to defend yourself
L1200[13:03:50] <Inari> E:D's comabt for me is about 50/50
L1201[13:03:53] <Inari> you either get away or die
L1202[13:03:53] <Inari> xD
L1203[13:03:56] <Miyoyo> Yeah
L1204[13:04:05] <Miyoyo> But that's how it should be
L1205[13:04:10] <Forecaster> better than 100% winning :P
L1206[13:04:35] <Miyoyo> I literally had time to kill eight enemy attacks than letting them kill me
L1207[13:04:35] <Inari> mostly cause i suck at space comabt in E:D :P but also dont ahve much of a reason or interest in trying to improve
L1208[13:04:39] <Miyoyo> because their movement is pure shit
L1209[13:04:56] <Inari> Miyoyo: neither way adds much of anything to the game imo
L1210[13:05:21] <Forecaster> it enables people to be pirates
L1211[13:05:40] <Inari> at the point of not caring for combat you coudl pretty much just have a small chance to self-destroy on entering supercruise and it would bea bout the same
L1212[13:05:54] <Miyoyo> I think the risk of being literally RIPPED OUT OF FRAME SHIFT while having ultra-expensive cargo is more thrilling than
L1213[13:05:58] <Forecaster> the same can be said about NMS then
L1214[13:06:00] <Miyoyo> "Oh I have eight atlas orbs"
L1215[13:06:05] <Miyoyo> "Oh an attack"
L1216[13:06:13] <Miyoyo> "Oh it's over they're all dead"
L1217[13:06:16] <Miyoyo> >INVENTORY FULL
L1218[13:06:25] <Inari> Forecaster: except in NMs you tend to not end up dead, and even if you do, you just fly back there in a minute
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L1221[13:06:59] <Miyoyo> And you can't have challenge in NMS
L1222[13:07:09] <Inari> anyway 90% of NMS im not even in space, so im not sure what we're talking about
L1223[13:07:46] <Miyoyo> Honestly, NMS is a complete failiure and it's showing in sales
L1224[13:07:50] <Inari> Miyoyo: i dont carea bout challenge in NMS though
L1225[13:07:52] <Inari> why woudl you
L1226[13:08:02] <vifino> Lizzy: What do you think? :3
L1227[13:08:14] <Miyoyo> When I play a space exploration game, I'd like to do something else than
L1228[13:09:51] <Inari> hm apparently noone knwos what happens if you just fly at a planet wihtout a module
L1229[13:09:54] <Inari> guess i'll try once its DLd
L1230[13:09:55] <Miyoyo> Mine->NO SLOTS LEFT IN SUIT INVENTORY->TP Items->INVENTORY FULL->Get attacked by static points in the sky or mechadogs that are honestly the hardest enemy to beat->Go to space station->Sell shit->Get zinc and susp fluid->Craft six wrap cells->Jump 2K ly->Rinse and repeat
L1231[13:10:32] <Miyoyo> With absolutely no depth
L1232[13:11:01] <Miyoyo> No missions, no real interaction with anything, no backstory, nothing
L1233[13:11:07] <Inari> i barely have any invnetory issues tbf xD <3 exosuit upgrades
L1234[13:11:13] <Kimiro> Heh.
L1235[13:11:23] <Inari> Miyoyo: you're playing the game wrong i'd say :P
L1236[13:11:36] <Inari> not that it matters
L1237[13:11:39] <Miyoyo> How do you want me to play? explore planets?
L1238[13:11:53] <Inari> you cant really compare it to E:D this much
L1239[13:11:59] <Miyoyo> Seeing the same recolored shit over and over
L1240[13:12:31] <Forecaster> http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rocks
L1241[13:12:31] <Miyoyo> NMS got a big hunch during dev and most features got completely scrapped
L1242[13:12:36] <Forecaster> s/rocks/games
L1243[13:12:39] <Miyoyo> What happened?
L1244[13:12:40] <Miyoyo> IDK
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L1246[13:12:49] <Miyoyo> But honestly I'd like to knpw
L1247[13:13:02] <gamax92> Inari: the truth is too hard for you to handle.
L1248[13:13:05] <Forecaster> Rocks!
L1249[13:13:08] <Miyoyo> Rocks!
L1250[13:13:12] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L1251[13:13:26] <Miyoyo> One thing that's neat about planets is the procedural generation but even then
L1252[13:13:34] <Miyoyo> There's no "reward" for exploring
L1253[13:13:50] <Miyoyo> I know with 90% certainty that if I jump from one planet to another
L1254[13:13:54] <Miyoyo> there will be wildlife
L1255[13:13:56] <Miyoyo> ores
L1256[13:14:03] <Miyoyo> flora
L1257[13:14:09] <Miyoyo> fucking drones
L1258[13:14:13] <Miyoyo> and that's it
L1259[13:14:31] <Inari> Miyoyo: yeah, you basically described E:D xD
L1260[13:14:38] <Miyoyo> What?
L1261[13:14:39] <Miyoyo> No
L1262[13:14:45] <Miyoyo> in E:D finding a planet even worth exploring is hard AF
L1263[13:15:04] <Miyoyo> There is rarely anything on them
L1264[13:15:10] <Miyoyo> and it should be like that
L1265[13:15:20] <Inari> space is either empty, and if it is not, its just the same xD
L1266[13:15:28] <Miyoyo> Exploring should be about surprises, and finding special things
L1267[13:15:44] <Inari> Miyoyo: ikr, just like people find fun creatures in NMS
L1268[13:15:47] <Miyoyo> but when everything interesting is fucking everywhere, it becomes mainstream
L1269[13:15:55] <Miyoyo> Tell me
L1270[13:16:18] <Miyoyo> How many times did you see one or another iteration of the hopping potato/pineapple
L1271[13:16:23] <Miyoyo> it's fucking everywhere
L1272[13:16:47] <Inari> and there are standouts
L1273[13:16:54] <Miyoyo> Standouts,
L1274[13:16:56] <Miyoyo> ?*
L1275[13:17:29] <Inari> i.e. theres life about everywhere, but only now and then you actually find something thats interesting
L1276[13:17:58] <Miyoyo> Yes, but we're talking about 2^64-1 planets here
L1277[13:18:08] <Miyoyo> if 90% of them are populated
L1278[13:18:11] <Inari> 99% of which you will never see
L1279[13:18:18] <Miyoyo> That's not the fucking point
L1280[13:18:25] <Miyoyo> It's not the point at all
L1281[13:18:27] <Inari> thats a good point
L1282[13:18:32] <Inari> i actually dont know what the point is here
L1283[13:18:33] <Inari> :P
L1284[13:18:43] <gamax92> but why would it be -1
L1285[13:18:47] <gamax92> is 0 not a planet?
L1286[13:18:56] <Miyoyo> This game is a fucking ocean with five atom thick depth
L1287[13:18:56] <Inari> NMS is a bit game? well, idc, doesnt make E:D any more immeersive
L1288[13:19:06] <Inari> *bad
L1289[13:19:06] <Miyoyo> there's nothing to see
L1290[13:19:34] <Miyoyo> because I can nearly guarantee that you don't need to explore 99% of those planets
L1291[13:19:35] <Inari> gamax92: haha
L1292[13:20:18] <Inari> Miyoyo: eh, theres portals that are rare that some people found, not sure how they ar ebeing used yet htouhg. also the race stories to explore of course. and then theres this bananosaurus someone foudn which i found rather funny
L1293[13:20:38] <Miyoyo> Also it's discouraging to explore fifty planets to see nothing worth coming onto them
L1294[13:20:44] <Miyoyo> maybe something interesting was there
L1295[13:20:55] <Miyoyo> but because you can't discern it from the mass of shit
L1296[13:21:09] <Miyoyo> most people won't spend 16 hours exploring copies of planets
L1297[13:21:46] <Inari> eh, its just nice and mellow to walk around a bit i guess. maybe thats what some people see in flying around in E:D, except E:D seemsmuch slower paced yet, no clue
L1298[13:21:55] * Forecaster lost interest a while ago and pokes his rock instead
L1299[13:22:02] <Forecaster> Inari: it's relaxing :P
L1300[13:22:08] <Miyoyo> SIR NO ROCK POKING HERE
L1301[13:22:09] <Miyoyo> PUT
L1302[13:22:10] <Miyoyo> THE POKER
L1303[13:22:11] <Miyoyo> DOWN
L1304[13:22:18] <Inari> i guess the difference is that in NMS you do something
L1305[13:22:23] <Inari> while in E:D you look at the screen
L1306[13:23:58] <Inari> i.e. menus in E:D are kinda okay, you clic, do some stuff, but then travel between stations means sitting aroudn for 5 minutes in supercruise. sometimes somethign will pop up where you coudl drop out, but if youj're trading theres really no rreason to do so
L1307[13:24:15] <Inari> in NMS you wanter to the next "?" or somesuch, and then ooh hteres some merald overthere
L1308[13:24:26] <Inari> and ooh fvaluable gold! and som eplutonium, cause i needed some more anyway
L1309[13:24:42] <gamax92> "Watching hentai being drawn"
L1310[13:24:51] <Inari> and ocne you want to go sell you're generally at the station faster than in E:D
L1311[13:25:02] <Forecaster> I just feel that there is nothing to work towards in NMS, no reason to play
L1312[13:25:17] <Forecaster> in E:D my goal is to get a bigger ship
L1313[13:25:38] <Inari> Forecaster: eh its the same in every game prettymuch
L1314[13:25:40] <SpaceWolfve> Which one u have now forecaster
L1315[13:25:45] <Inari> in NMS you get more inventory, better tech, bigger ship
L1316[13:25:50] <Miyoyo> One thing still stands
L1317[13:25:50] <Inari> in E:D you get a bigger ship or better guns
L1318[13:25:55] <Miyoyo> Mods for this game
L1319[13:25:56] <SpaceWolfve> No Inari
L1320[13:26:00] <Miyoyo> are fucking idiotic
L1321[13:26:01] <Miyoyo> https://youtu.be/EXLSwakcXog
L1322[13:26:02] <MichiBot> French accent mod for No Man's Sky | length: 31s | Likes: 50 Dislikes: 10 Views: 7211 | by SoopaFlyism
L1323[13:26:04] <Miyoyo> and amazing
L1324[13:26:13] <SpaceWolfve> Its just a ship whit more inventory
L1325[13:26:18] <SpaceWolfve> ED has mote
L1326[13:26:19] <Inari> your issue with a game is that theres a mod you dont like? XD
L1327[13:26:25] <Miyoyo> No
L1328[13:26:26] <Miyoyo> just
L1329[13:26:29] <Miyoyo> ...
L1330[13:26:31] <Miyoyo> listen to this
L1331[13:26:35] <Miyoyo> it's beautiful
L1332[13:26:36] <Inari> @SpaceWolfve: what?
L1333[13:27:12] <Forecaster> also still, the flight mechanics in E:D are better, which I value
L1334[13:27:13] <Forecaster> :P
L1335[13:27:58] <Forecaster> NSM is too arcadey for me
L1336[13:28:00] <Inari> Forecaster: still wish they were newtonian :|
L1337[13:28:00] <gamax92> Miyoyo: is that really how the game looks
L1338[13:28:07] <Miyoyo> Yes
L1339[13:28:23] <Miyoyo> But atmosphere differs in function of the current nebula color
L1340[13:28:26] <Forecaster> Inari: what do you mean newtonian?
L1341[13:28:31] <Miyoyo> cause you're in a nebula everyfuckingwhere
L1342[13:28:42] <gamax92> Miyoyo: it looked like a flat with textured depth.
L1343[13:28:46] <Inari> Forecaster: no speed limit. preferably also no frmaeshift thingy but i guess its hard to make a MP game without
L1344[13:29:12] <Miyoyo> Well gamax there's a pretty heavy filtering in Post
L1345[13:29:13] <Forecaster> you'd be in transit for years going anywhere without the FSD
L1346[13:29:36] <Inari> Forecaster: unfortunately yeah :P hence why i said, you cant really make a MP game wihtout something like that I guess
L1347[13:29:51] <Forecaster> MP doesn't matter
L1348[13:29:56] <Inari> it does
L1349[13:29:57] <Forecaster> the same thing applies to NMS
L1350[13:30:04] <Inari> old elite didnt have this
L1351[13:30:07] <gamax92> Miyoyo: why does color separation effect randomly kick in midway through the video?
L1352[13:30:14] <Forecaster> I never played the original elite
L1353[13:30:17] <Miyoyo> It's a fade in
L1354[13:30:23] <Miyoyo> and shaders are pretty shit
L1355[13:30:29] <Inari> yeah but in NMS its at least less immersion breaking
L1356[13:30:35] <Miyoyo> they COMPLETELY break when you exit the skybox
L1357[13:30:38] <Inari> sutff doesnt change much between the booost and normal
L1358[13:30:50] <gamax92> do not like
L1359[13:31:05] <Forecaster> what changes?
L1360[13:31:06] <Miyoyo> Wait gamax
L1361[13:31:28] <Inari> Forecaster: stuff disappears, other stuff appears, sometimes the position desyncs, and often you hang in space for like 3 seconds
L1362[13:31:49] <Forecaster> I've not noticed that enough for it to bother me
L1363[13:32:08] <Forecaster> sure there's a bit of hanging sometimes like you said, but it's a game, they do that
L1364[13:32:25] <Miyoyo> Also compared to complete NMS crashes
L1365[13:32:25] <Inari> gamax92: color spearation effect?
L1366[13:32:32] <Miyoyo> or even NT kernel panics
L1367[13:32:42] <Inari> Forecaster: its just a reminder of how hollow and faked it actaull yis i guess xD
L1368[13:33:01] <Forecaster> you mean like the draw distance in NMS? :P
L1369[13:33:26] <Inari> E:D is worse, but none of these big procgen games actualyl do it very well
L1370[13:33:32] <Miyoyo> http://nomansskymods.com/mods/comic-sans-font-mod/
L1371[13:33:38] <Forecaster> I don't see how E:D is worse
L1372[13:34:07] <Forecaster> it at lest manages to look pretty
L1373[13:34:10] <Forecaster> least*
L1374[13:34:18] <Miyoyo> >HOT ASS compatibility
L1375[13:34:23] <Inari> Forecaster: the lag, the dispalcement, the half-multplayer... eh.. it just feels weird
L1376[13:34:46] <Miyoyo> Gamax92?
L1377[13:34:46] <Forecaster> I've not noticed any of those things
L1378[13:35:11] <Miyoyo> Just look at this:
L1379[13:35:19] <Miyoyo> http://nomansskymods.com/mods/deep-space/
L1380[13:35:24] <Miyoyo> or at least the description
L1381[13:35:34] <Forecaster> NMS has the same awful drawdistance for everyone :P
L1382[13:35:39] ⇦ Quits: Tiktalik (~tiktalik@2607:fcd0:daaa:1400:f::4) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1383[13:35:55] <Miyoyo> >50 METER ASTEROID POPIN
L1384[13:36:19] <Inari> in general i noticed the asteroids jumping less than in E:D though
L1385[13:36:42] ⇨ Joins: Tiktalik (~tiktalik@2607:fcd0:daaa:1400:f::4)
L1386[13:36:45] <Inari> the planets can be pretty ugly in jumping thouigh
L1387[13:36:58] <Miyoyo> >LOD'll do that to ya
L1388[13:37:10] <Inari> in E:D it doesnt even seem to be LOD
L1389[13:37:17] <Miyoyo> ?
L1390[13:37:19] <Inari> same in NMS i guess
L1391[13:37:23] <gamax92> Miyoyo: ?
L1392[13:37:28] <Miyoyo> http://nomansskymods.com/mods/deep-space/
L1393[13:37:28] <Inari> theres just kind of a texture or something thats hown when youj're far away
L1394[13:37:33] <Inari> and then it compeltely changes when you get close
L1395[13:37:36] <Miyoyo> Kek
L1396[13:38:38] <Miyoyo> just look at the desc gamax
L1397[13:38:44] <Miyoyo> for a list of most Post processes
L1398[13:38:52] <gamax92> I'm watching hentai being drawn, not right now :/
L1399[13:38:56] <Inari> lol
L1400[13:38:57] <Miyoyo> aw
L1401[13:38:59] <Inari> gamax92: link?
L1402[13:40:15] <Temia> lewd
L1403[13:40:28] <Miyoyo> %inari
L1404[13:40:31] <MichiBot> Miyoyo: http://i.imgur.com/XoYgHyi.jpg
L1405[13:40:57] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1406[13:42:19] * Inari shakes gamax92
L1407[13:42:35] <gamax92> Inari: why
L1408[13:42:39] <Inari> cause link
L1409[13:42:40] <Miyoyo> Engage maxilewd mode.
L1410[13:42:40] <Inari> gimme
L1411[13:43:39] <gamax92> Inari: https://twitter.com/Kirika_ma_cos/status/727418624529436673
L1412[13:43:39] <MichiBot> Tue May 03 03:44:49 CDT 2016 @Kirika_ma_cos: どこにも行かんから https://t.co/YavgMulPjr
L1413[13:43:45] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@
L1414[13:44:02] <Inari> gamax92: thats not hentai and nothings being drawn
L1415[13:44:13] <gamax92> Inari: I can't give you the link
L1416[13:44:18] <Inari> why :|
L1417[13:44:22] <gamax92> not allowed to
L1418[13:44:25] <Inari> ¬_¬
L1419[13:44:36] <Inari> how does that make sense :P
L1420[13:44:37] <Miyoyo> Also this is supposed to be #oc not #lewdcomputers
L1421[13:44:46] <Inari> Miyoyo: *#lc
L1422[13:44:51] <Miyoyo> ye
L1423[13:45:25] <gamax92> Inari: because you didn't pay for it nor are friends with the one who did pay
L1424[13:46:00] <Inari> gamax92: where do i pay for it? :P
L1425[13:46:14] <Inari> why can you pay to watch hentrai being drawn anyway
L1426[13:46:19] <Inari> that sounds odd
L1427[13:46:24] <gamax92> well you'd be comissioning your own art work
L1428[13:46:27] <Miyoyo> Inari : Magic
L1429[13:46:33] <Inari> gamax92: lame :|
L1430[13:46:51] <Inari> gamax92: how much :P
L1431[13:46:54] <Miyoyo> Inari I'm pretty sure you can not make opencomputer porn :D
L1432[13:47:03] <gamax92> Miyoyo: that's already been done
L1433[13:47:08] <Inari> Miyoyo: opencomputer pron?
L1434[13:47:09] <Miyoyo> wait what
L1435[13:47:10] <Miyoyo> the fuck
L1436[13:47:12] <Miyoyo> is that
L1437[13:47:14] <Miyoyo> HOW DO YU
L1438[13:47:15] <Miyoyo> EVEN
L1439[13:47:16] <Miyoyo> DO
L1440[13:47:18] <gamax92> Well see
L1441[13:47:22] <Miyoyo> OC LEWD PICS
L1442[13:47:23] <Inari> what do you mean "opencomputer porn"
L1443[13:47:31] <Miyoyo> Inari: exactly that
L1444[13:47:36] <Inari> like what
L1445[13:47:40] <Inari> drones having sx
L1446[13:47:40] <Miyoyo> Uh
L1447[13:47:42] <Miyoyo> IDK
L1448[13:47:43] <Inari> or what
L1449[13:47:44] <Miyoyo> THAT
L1450[13:47:55] <Miyoyo> magic caps ffs
L1451[13:49:59] <Miyoyo> gamax92: I want proof
L1452[13:56:17] <Inari> Forecaster: seems it just says "Body Exclusion Zone hit" or something like that and doesnt let you fly in fruther
L1453[13:57:11] <Inari> funny enough i had started on a moon thigny (guess thats where you start when you pick horizons sidewinder)
L1454[13:57:15] <Inari> when i sold the suite
L1455[13:57:21] <Inari> and launched it teleproted me into orbit xD
L1456[14:01:00] <CompanionCube> Miyoyo: Inari is master of the lewds
L1457[14:01:07] <CompanionCube> and then you have rule 34
L1458[14:01:14] <Miyoyo> ...
L1459[14:01:20] <Miyoyo> I'm 16 and this is deep
L1460[14:01:31] <Inari> Forecaster: i do like that they reworked the missions baord
L1461[14:01:40] <Inari> more persoanlity
L1462[14:01:42] <CompanionCube> Miyoyo: isn't it usually 12
L1463[14:01:48] <Inari> less "steril list of htings"
L1464[14:01:54] <MajGenRelativity> Miyoyo, everything here is crzy
L1465[14:01:57] <MajGenRelativity> crazy*
L1466[14:02:01] <MajGenRelativity> Except for me
L1467[14:02:16] <Miyoyo> Truth >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inari >>>>>>> #oc >>>>> most #oc drones >> irc > all
L1468[14:02:48] <MajGenRelativity> what?
L1469[14:02:55] <Miyoyo> Dw
L1470[14:04:16] <MajGenRelativity> Doctor Who?
L1471[14:04:36] <Miyoyo> Don't worry you don't have to understand
L1472[14:04:43] <MajGenRelativity> Ok
L1473[14:04:54] <Miyoyo> just that even lewdness is less important than THRUFF
L1474[14:05:24] <MajGenRelativity> I'll just sit here on my backup laptop then
L1475[14:05:33] <Miyoyo> Backup lt?
L1476[14:05:37] <Miyoyo> What is it?
L1477[14:05:58] <MajGenRelativity> It's a Toshiba
L1478[14:06:01] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1479[14:06:04] <Miyoyo> Neat
L1480[14:06:18] <MajGenRelativity> It's 6 years old I think
L1481[14:06:59] <Inari> best birthday present for Vex: https://tictail.com/s/infixstore/flamingo-silicon-phone-case
L1482[14:07:17] <Miyoyo> I have a packard bell, customized by my sisted, missing the P and left arrow key, there's nail polish on some keys and the fucking bezel is cracked
L1483[14:07:39] <MajGenRelativity> Sounds pretty bad
L1484[14:07:43] <Miyoyo> These cases are worthless god
L1485[14:08:00] <MajGenRelativity> You should get a better sister ?
L1486[14:08:03] <Miyoyo> The nail polish on the X key has sparkles :D
L1487[14:08:18] <Miyoyo> This PC is 5 yo so... it was a long time ago
L1488[14:08:38] <MajGenRelativity> sparkles make up for it all ?
L1489[14:08:42] <Miyoyo> Ikr
L1490[14:09:07] <Miyoyo> also
L1491[14:09:13] <Miyoyo> the power supply plug is broken
L1492[14:09:16] <Miyoyo> AND
L1493[14:09:22] <Miyoyo> it overheats when on a mattress
L1494[14:09:36] <Miyoyo> 80°c idle on flat wood
L1495[14:09:42] <MajGenRelativity> gg!
L1496[14:09:45] <Miyoyo> I love it!
L1497[14:09:52] <MajGenRelativity> my primary laptop hits 95C with modded MC
L1498[14:09:59] <Miyoyo> Also it surprisingly has a 2 hour battery life
L1499[14:10:04] <MajGenRelativity> or any real game
L1500[14:10:20] <Miyoyo> For a 5 yo 6 cell battery it's surprising
L1501[14:10:42] <MalkContent> u ever clean its grills?
L1502[14:10:51] <Miyoyo> I cleaned it a week ago
L1503[14:10:55] <MalkContent> hm
L1504[14:11:06] <MajGenRelativity> compressed air 4 lyfe
L1505[14:11:10] <MalkContent> oced? ^^
L1506[14:11:21] <Miyoyo> Malk
L1507[14:11:25] <MajGenRelativity> really
L1508[14:11:26] <Miyoyo> Let's sit down
L1509[14:11:29] <MajGenRelativity> Overclocking a laptop?
L1510[14:11:32] <Miyoyo> for five seconds
L1511[14:11:36] <Miyoyo> and please listen
L1512[14:11:40] <Miyoyo> This
L1513[14:11:43] <Miyoyo> is a packard bell
L1514[14:11:52] <Forecaster> you weren't sitting down already?
L1515[14:11:53] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity still barely knows what packard bell is
L1516[14:11:53] <Miyoyo> with a dual core
L1517[14:11:58] <Miyoyo> celeron processor
L1518[14:12:08] <Miyoyo> (Low quality acer brand
L1519[14:12:11] <Miyoyo> you know)
L1520[14:12:35] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L1521[14:12:37] <Miyoyo> the processor is literally underclocked by default
L1522[14:12:43] <MajGenRelativity> Same thing as Gateway
L1523[14:12:49] <Miyoyo> It should be 1.35 ghz it's 1.15
L1524[14:13:01] <Miyoyo> Gateway is the "enterprise" edition
L1525[14:13:17] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity was sitting on a 2.4 GHz base 3.4 Ghz turbo i7
L1526[14:13:27] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity had that laptop shot out from under him
L1527[14:13:37] <Miyoyo> Rip
L1528[14:14:25] <MalkContent> why has it 80° tho :P
L1529[14:14:48] <Miyoyo> The thermal paste is way too small
L1530[14:15:03] <MajGenRelativity> you can buy thermal paste
L1531[14:15:07] <Miyoyo> I emptied my tube last week
L1532[14:15:08] <Miyoyo> ...
L1533[14:15:12] <Miyoyo> I know gdmnt
L1534[14:15:27] <MajGenRelativity> including "Elite Awesome Super-Thermal Conductive Thermal Paste"
L1535[14:15:30] <Miyoyo> wat
L1536[14:15:35] <MajGenRelativity> Guarranteed to cool your CPU to 0K
L1537[14:16:03] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity is making a joke based on some thermal paste manufacturer's claims
L1538[14:16:21] <MalkContent> is that from the same guys that made the antivirus hdmi cable?
L1539[14:16:32] <gamax92> lol wat.
L1540[14:16:35] <Miyoyo> wat
L1541[14:16:40] <Miyoyo> Correction
L1542[14:16:46] <MalkContent> haha lemme try to find it
L1543[14:16:57] <Miyoyo> it's not 1.35 and 1.15 it's 2.35 and 2.1
L1544[14:16:57] <MajGenRelativity> MalkContent, I need to see that
L1545[14:17:09] <MalkContent> http://www.zdnet.com/article/this-xbox-hdmi-cable-has-anti-virus-protection/
L1546[14:17:16] <MalkContent> first hit on google even :D
L1547[14:17:45] <MajGenRelativity> I can't wait to read
L1548[14:17:48] <Miyoyo> also
L1549[14:17:52] <Miyoyo> 4189 bmips
L1550[14:18:13] <Miyoyo> also GM45 gpu
L1551[14:18:26] <Miyoyo> it suffers at 720p decoding
L1552[14:18:29] <MajGenRelativity> Here's the kicker, in case you were too astounded that you missed it. The cable doesn't claim to feature virus protection. No. It features anti-virus protection. Virus protection protects you from viruses. So anti-virus protection must protect you from anti-viruses?
L1553[14:18:34] <MajGenRelativity> LOLOLOLOL
L1554[14:19:20] <MajGenRelativity> This company should be sued into oblivion. Actually, Microsoft should sue this company into oblivion. After all, it's apparently called the "Xbox 360 Elite HDMI cable."
L1555[14:19:25] <MajGenRelativity> yes it should be
L1556[14:20:14] <gamax92> Miyoyo: 945?
L1557[14:20:43] <MalkContent> :D
L1558[14:22:06] <Miyoyo> GMA 4500M
L1559[14:22:16] <Miyoyo> Not only is it a GMA
L1560[14:22:18] <Miyoyo> it's M
L1561[14:22:32] <MajGenRelativity> yeah!
L1562[14:22:38] <Miyoyo> QUALITY
L1563[14:22:46] <MajGenRelativity> like a GeForce 940M!
L1564[14:22:53] <MajGenRelativity> Not only is it 940, it's an M!
L1565[14:23:01] <Miyoyo> Still
L1566[14:23:06] <Miyoyo> it's more powerful
L1567[14:23:13] <MajGenRelativity> Barely
L1568[14:23:18] <Miyoyo> THAN A FUCKING PLASTIC SPADE
L1569[14:23:27] <Miyoyo> Not a GEforce 4500M
L1570[14:23:30] <MajGenRelativity> I saw a desktop with an i5-6600K and a Geforce GT 710
L1571[14:23:33] <Miyoyo> a GMA
L1572[14:23:36] <Miyoyo> from intel
L1573[14:23:51] <Miyoyo> the atom line
L1574[14:23:55] <MajGenRelativity> the GT 710 is less powerful than the integrated HD 520 in the 6600K
L1575[14:23:56] <Miyoyo> had GMA 9xx
L1576[14:24:16] <Miyoyo> HD > GMA 9xx > GMA 4500
L1577[14:24:33] <Miyoyo> Now imagine
L1578[14:24:36] <Miyoyo> it's an M
L1579[14:24:45] <Miyoyo> A LIME
L1580[14:24:47] <MajGenRelativity> I can imagine
L1581[14:25:09] <Miyoyo> This laptop runs elementary
L1583[14:25:52] <Miyoyo> it has trouble running a 2D desktop env
L1584[14:26:43] <MajGenRelativity> Windows Aero?
L1585[14:27:05] <MajGenRelativity> also, Miyoyo, how is your nick pronounced?
L1586[14:27:16] <MajGenRelativity> I pronounce it internally as "My yo yo"
L1587[14:27:19] <Miyoyo> MEE-YOW-YOW
L1588[14:27:21] <Miyoyo> like
L1589[14:27:24] <Miyoyo> the latin I
L1590[14:27:28] <Miyoyo> ee
L1591[14:27:47] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1592[14:27:48] <Miyoyo> French you know
L1593[14:27:49] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L1594[14:27:57] <Miyoyo> Well belgium but still
L1595[14:31:56] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1596[14:34:42] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1597[14:46:17] <Inari> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/494654861413274690/A98FF9B8CD902F59F2E7F17302C90B395FCCEACB/
L1598[14:46:29] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L1599[14:46:57] <MajGenRelativity> -70C?
L1600[14:47:01] <MajGenRelativity> Are you doing LN2 cooling?
L1601[14:47:07] <MajGenRelativity> Oh wait
L1602[14:47:16] <Lizzy> also grr, why does DB shared folders make the space used apply to everyone even if they're readonly ¬_¬
L1603[14:47:16] <MajGenRelativity> That's the temperature of the place isn't it..................
L1604[14:47:24] <Inari> MGR: yes
L1605[14:47:35] <Inari> the spaceship is heated to 19 degrees C
L1606[14:47:37] <Inari> which i find too cold
L1607[14:47:40] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L1608[14:47:41] <Inari> so i made a feature reques to adjust that
L1609[14:47:59] <MajGenRelativity> LN2 cooling would have been pretty cool
L1610[14:48:13] <Inari> dear god how do you take over 24 hours to /accept/ an order
L1611[14:50:49] <Forecaster> Lizzy: for local offline access?
L1612[14:51:26] <Lizzy> Forecaster, yes but it's not a toggleable feature
L1613[14:51:28] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@
L1614[15:06:40] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1615[15:19:13] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: return 0;)
L1616[15:21:15] <Miyoyo> My god
L1617[15:21:21] <Miyoyo> the documentation of Electrical age
L1618[15:25:07] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1619[15:25:15] <TheFox> hello
L1620[15:25:22] <Miyoyo> Hi foxy
L1621[15:25:29] <MajGenRelativity> hello TheFox
L1622[15:25:43] <TheFox> Hi Miyoyo and MajgenRelativity
L1623[15:25:50] <TheFox> Miyoyo: i uh i didnt know you felt that way
L1624[15:25:51] <TheFox> XD
L1625[15:25:55] <Miyoyo> Fox, did you ever use electrical age?
L1626[15:25:59] <TheFox> yes
L1627[15:26:02] <TheFox> i used it alot
L1628[15:26:03] <Miyoyo> The wiki
L1629[15:26:06] <Miyoyo> it is cancerous right?
L1630[15:26:24] <TheFox> er, i never used the Wiki, i learned by fire
L1631[15:27:03] <TheFox> its had several updates since i last played
L1632[15:27:45] <Miyoyo> How
L1633[15:27:45] <TheFox> oh, yes. that wiki needs A LOT of work
L1634[15:27:46] <Miyoyo> does
L1635[15:27:48] <Miyoyo> the
L1636[15:27:52] <Miyoyo> thermal probe
L1637[15:27:53] <Miyoyo> word
L1638[15:27:55] <Miyoyo> work*
L1639[15:28:09] <TheFox> uh
L1640[15:28:20] <Miyoyo> fucking magic amirite
L1641[15:28:31] <MajGenRelativity> gotta go
L1642[15:28:35] <Miyoyo> bye
L1643[15:28:37] <TheFox> did you try a monitor Miyoyo ?
L1644[15:28:38] <TheFox> bye maj
L1645[15:28:46] <Miyoyo> The monitor works fine
L1646[15:28:48] <Miyoyo> the problem is
L1647[15:28:58] <Miyoyo> Hot item <-> thermometer
L1648[15:29:38] <TheFox> i assume you put it on the block? i never used it
L1649[15:29:44] <Miyoyo> That's the problem
L1650[15:29:46] <Miyoyo> this wiki is shit
L1651[15:29:50] <Miyoyo> and the owner doesn't give a fuck
L1652[15:30:42] <TheFox> erm, there is a video on it somewhere, if you find the guy i watched, nothing will be left out. he does a great job at it. i just cant remember his name, sorry
L1653[15:30:59] <Miyoyo> Pokepeel?
L1654[15:31:27] <TheFox> um
L1655[15:31:30] <TheFox> let me see
L1656[15:32:19] <TheFox> um no, i think the videos i watched where takin down D:
L1657[15:41:30] <Miyoyo> fucking hell there are functions and shit
L1658[15:42:21] <TheCryptek> What's wrong with functions owo
L1659[15:42:27] <Miyoyo> Nothing
L1661[15:43:09] <Saphire> ^
L1662[15:43:21] <Saphire> and when there are not even arguments
L1663[15:43:55] <Saphire> *not even an arguments guide
L1664[15:51:34] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1665[15:57:03] <Mimiru> https://github.com/Electrical-Age/ElectricalAge go read the code :p
L1666[16:01:20] <MalkContent> corded is discord bot, no?
L1667[16:01:23] <MalkContent> discord any good?
L1668[16:01:37] <Miyoyo> Well discord's discord
L1669[16:02:02] <Mimiru> Discord is pretty good
L1670[16:02:47] <Miyoyo> Alright i did the tut map
L1671[16:02:51] <Miyoyo> NO THERMAL THINGS
L1672[16:02:56] <Inari> depends, i dislike its client for multiple servers :P
L1673[16:02:59] <Inari> but some like it i guess
L1674[16:03:12] <Miyoyo> I find it too overkill
L1675[16:03:20] * Inari sticks a thermal sensor into Miyoyo
L1676[16:03:25] <Miyoyo> ooh
L1677[16:03:59] <MalkContent> hm
L1678[16:04:28] <Miyoyo> an han
L1679[16:04:36] <Mimiru> I'm on a few servers.. http://puu.sh/qN7Ld/c820939d7d.jpg heh
L1680[16:04:43] <MalkContent> would you recommend it over mumble for voice?
L1681[16:05:03] <Mimiru> I've used mumble for about 15 minutes, and hated every second. so yes :p
L1682[16:05:11] <Miyoyo> The quality is top notch, but so is the bandwidth usage
L1683[16:05:21] <MalkContent> :D
L1684[16:05:30] <Miyoyo> I can't use discord and play at the same time
L1685[16:05:33] <Mimiru> You can set the quality, and therefor the bandwidth
L1686[16:05:33] <Miyoyo> shit adsl y'all
L1687[16:05:50] <Miyoyo> Still, mumble uses much less with better compression
L1688[16:06:00] <Miyoyo> But then discord has all sort of features
L1689[16:06:14] <Miyoyo> so if you can affrod it (in terms of bw) then go for it m8
L1690[16:06:27] <Miyoyo> keep in mind i rock 4Mbps
L1691[16:08:13] <MalkContent> game+voice should not exceed 4mbps :x
L1692[16:09:21] <GreaseMonkey> in my view: mumble > discord > TS3 > skype
L1693[16:09:38] <GreaseMonkey> not sure where i'd slot tox in there as i've not used it much at all
L1694[16:09:48] <GreaseMonkey> but i'd definitely use it over skype
L1695[16:10:01] <GreaseMonkey> can confirm that video calling works
L1696[16:10:11] <Miyoyo> Skype's trash
L1697[16:10:13] <Miyoyo> in general
L1698[16:10:18] <Miyoyo> don't use skype people
L1699[16:10:46] <Miyoyo> Malk: I'm talking more about ping
L1700[16:11:01] <Corded> * Eleria I would place Curse between discord and ts3 tho
L1701[16:11:02] <Mimiru> I still run and use my TS3 server, I prefer it to Discord, mainly cause I control it. But Discord is alright as well
L1702[16:11:13] <Miyoyo> I get shit tons of ping for no reason when anything bigger than a mbps passes trough my card
L1703[16:11:39] <GreaseMonkey> so basically we can all agree that skype sucks? despite the fact that there are people who can't accept that TS3 is also objectively shit?>
L1704[16:11:57] <Miyoyo> Skype has no reason to exist anymore
L1705[16:11:59] <Mimiru> Skype sucks, how is TS3 shit?
L1706[16:12:10] <Eleria> I like ts3 tbh
L1707[16:12:11] <Miyoyo> At least as long as they don't change their video compression algs
L1708[16:12:18] <GreaseMonkey> for starters there's a very blatant code smell: the news bar chews a whole core
L1709[16:12:31] <Miyoyo> TS3 not floss meme bla bla and yeah cpu usage
L1710[16:12:42] <Mimiru> The news bar uses a core.. what?
L1711[16:12:43] <Miyoyo> Otherwise I don't have a lot against ts
L1712[16:12:49] <GreaseMonkey> it legitimately does
L1713[16:12:53] <Mimiru> What..?
L1714[16:13:07] <Miyoyo> If it hogs a core that ain't normal m8
L1715[16:13:07] <Mimiru> TS3 has never... *NEVER* used more than a few % for me
L1716[16:13:14] <Mimiru> Hogs a core lolk
L1717[16:13:34] <Eleria> For me it's using like 1 % o.O
L1718[16:13:38] <GreaseMonkey> i have a 3.2GHz i5-6500, and yes, it hogs a whole core
L1719[16:13:44] <GreaseMonkey> then again i run linux
L1720[16:14:13] <Kasen> PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE
L1721[16:14:15] <Mimiru> I have a 4.0/4.2GHz FX-8350 and it uses 2-4% on a bad day
L1722[16:14:57] <GreaseMonkey> ABORT ABORT
L1723[16:15:37] <GreaseMonkey> all this talk about how shit every voice chat program is kinda makes me want to write my own not-shit one
L1724[16:15:53] <Mimiru> the *only* issue I've had with TS3 is on android, and it's dislike of using my bluetooth mic
L1725[16:15:56] <Achai> Google Hango-
L1726[16:15:58] * Achai crashes
L1727[16:16:03] <Mimiru> lol
L1728[16:16:34] <Kasen> TS has always been a crashy piece of shit for me
L1729[16:16:46] <Mimiru> http://puu.sh/qN8DY/e31bd4997d.png
L1730[16:16:50] <GreaseMonkey> i don't recall how crashy ventrilo was
L1731[16:17:00] <Mimiru> Vent pissedm e off with it's 8 user limit
L1732[16:17:00] <Miyoyo> Alright fuck EA
L1733[16:17:05] <Miyoyo> Ventrillo is SHIT
L1734[16:17:28] <Miyoyo> It uses outdated codecs
L1735[16:17:35] <Achai> but I can't completely fuck EA because EASTL is quite good
L1736[16:17:45] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-200-2.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1737[16:17:48] <Miyoyo> Limits what you can do
L1738[16:17:52] <Miyoyo> Ram hog
L1739[16:18:11] <Miyoyo> and yeah it has logitech integration but who gives a shit when you can do f13-f24
L1740[16:18:12] <Kasen> vent worked better than TS for me, but it felt like something from 1997
L1741[16:18:18] <GreaseMonkey> yeah i might just start my own thing with portaudio and opus
L1742[16:18:27] <Miyoyo> Vent is literally a relic of the past
L1743[16:18:31] <Miyoyo> worse than skype for audio
L1744[16:18:36] <Miyoyo> (maybe not but still
L1745[16:18:41] <Miyoyo> it's pretty bad)
L1746[16:18:58] <GreaseMonkey> i mean, what do you really need in a voice chat program
L1747[16:19:06] <Kasen> i prefer mumble, personally, although its ACL system could be a little clearer
L1748[16:19:26] <MalkContent> ^
L1749[16:19:28] <Miyoyo> GreaseMonkey: UDP audio data over internet
L1750[16:19:42] <GreaseMonkey> 1. network protocol, 2. audio in/out, 3. audio codec, 4. UI, 5. some way of doing push to talk
L1751[16:19:53] <MalkContent> to me mumbles big problem is that it is so obviously an open source project
L1752[16:20:08] <Miyoyo> Honestly gimme some features of TS like per user audio and shit like that
L1753[16:20:12] <Miyoyo> put it in mumble
L1754[16:20:16] <Kasen> per-user audio?
L1755[16:20:18] <Miyoyo> ult audio client
L1756[16:20:21] <Miyoyo> Per user audio levels
L1757[16:20:22] <MalkContent> bring any normal person to mumble and they are like "what is this!? so many options D: don't touch me with this"
L1758[16:20:23] <Kasen> oh
L1759[16:20:25] <Kasen> fuck that shit
L1760[16:20:26] <Kasen> i ahte that
L1761[16:20:28] <Kasen> hate*
L1762[16:20:36] <Kasen> playing games in a channel with 7 people
L1763[16:20:36] <GreaseMonkey> in other words: 1. BSD sockets for UDP, 2. PortAudio, 3. Opus, 4. some shit i can pull out of my arse in SDL, 5. per-OS hooks
L1764[16:20:36] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1765[16:20:36] <Miyoyo> Why do you hate that?
L1766[16:20:38] <Kasen> new user joins
L1767[16:20:40] <Kasen> really quiet
L1768[16:20:48] <Kasen> fucking everyone alt-tabs to boost their volume
L1769[16:20:51] <Miyoyo> huh that's wierd
L1770[16:20:55] <Kasen> isntead of that one person with the broken audio just fixing their own shit
L1771[16:20:59] <Kasen> instead*
L1772[16:21:04] <MalkContent> :D
L1773[16:21:22] <GreaseMonkey> #1 would definitely require proper elaboration
L1774[16:21:26] <Miyoyo> GreaseMonkey: Doesn't SDL have os-abstracted keyboard commands?
L1775[16:21:51] <GreaseMonkey> Miyoyo: afaik i'd need to use the OS to get the key events At Any Time(TM)
L1776[16:21:58] <Miyoyo> tm
L1777[16:22:02] <GreaseMonkey> i know win32 has a fairly nice way of doing it
L1778[16:22:10] <Kasen> wait
L1779[16:22:11] <GreaseMonkey> i forgot what it was though
L1780[16:22:13] <Kasen> did i just see grease
L1781[16:22:15] <Kasen> say something nice
L1782[16:22:18] <Kasen> about windows?
L1783[16:22:35] <GreaseMonkey> well yeah, although this isn't very nice from a security perspective
L1784[16:22:53] <GreaseMonkey> i mean, they provide GetMousePos() and SetMousePos() at least
L1785[16:23:00] <GreaseMonkey> which is mostly useful for completely fucking with people
L1786[16:23:03] <Kasen> i mean
L1787[16:23:08] <Kasen> you're running arbitrary software
L1788[16:23:09] <Miyoyo> so safe
L1789[16:23:15] <Kasen> you can do a lot worse than move the mouse
L1790[16:23:41] <GreaseMonkey> well yeah with that argument there's a lot of bullshit you can do on pretty much anything
L1791[16:23:50] <Miyoyo> Overwrite gpu mem :D
L1792[16:24:01] <GreaseMonkey> Miyoyo: not really unless your drivers are shit
L1793[16:24:15] <Miyoyo> We're talking nvidia levels of bad
L1794[16:24:30] <GreaseMonkey> but are we talking AMD levels of bad?
L1795[16:24:36] <GreaseMonkey> which i'm pretty sure is higher
L1796[16:24:40] <Miyoyo> Both levels of bad
L1797[16:24:52] <GreaseMonkey> afaik if you have an intel GPU and the drivers aren't shit you actually have pretty good control over what each process is allowed to see
L1798[16:25:53] <GreaseMonkey> but then again, by similar but slightly different logic, so do GPUs w/o UMA
L1799[16:26:15] <GreaseMonkey> (assuming of course that you can fence your memory properly)
L1800[16:28:17] <payonel> psh progress update. emulated remote events are no longer being lost. psh is probably what i'd call beta
L1801[16:29:51] * Lizzy curls up on vifino and falls asleep
L1802[16:30:06] * vifino pets Lizzy
L1803[16:31:34] <payonel> all this hate for voip tools you haven't paid for :) i tend to not mock something until i've built something better myself, or unless i've paid for it
L1804[16:31:48] <Miyoyo> >unless i've paid for it
L1805[16:32:06] <payonel> but meh, i'm also pretty easy going. perhaps that makes me not fit in so much in typical irc channels :P
L1806[16:32:26] <Miyoyo> Going by this logic, I can't critiscize, I don't know, twinkies, because I've never bought one, even if scientific research on it show high ammounts of sugar?
L1807[16:32:53] <Kasen> that's stupid logic
L1808[16:33:15] <payonel> well, yes. but there is a tiny bit of allowance to criticize it if it is something "paid for", but no, if you've never bought one, shut up about it, yes :)
L1809[16:33:18] <Kasen> i've never built a car, but if i see one with a spike on the steering wheel, i'm gonna criticise it
L1810[16:33:23] <payonel> and also, who hasn't bought a twinkie!?
L1811[16:33:25] <payonel> they are amazing
L1812[16:33:29] <Miyoyo> In europe
L1813[16:33:30] <Kasen> i haven't
L1814[16:33:33] <Miyoyo> there are no twinkies
L1815[16:33:34] <Kasen> not an american
L1816[16:33:36] <payonel> well, now they aren't made anymore?
L1817[16:34:03] <Miyoyo> Still, ventrillo has worse quality than fucking mumble and you need to pay for it
L1818[16:34:23] <Kasen> mumble quality isn't bad - hell, it's the same fucking codec as TS
L1819[16:34:32] <Kasen> it's just low-bandwidth by default
L1820[16:34:49] <Kasen> unless you haven't used it for a while - the opus update is relatively recent (year or two)
L1821[16:34:52] <Miyoyo> It's like having a fucking 1990 polo at 50000$ when you can get something like an audi or even a tesla for 35000$
L1822[16:35:15] <payonel> Miyoyo: but definitely, people complaining about things they haven't purchased, or have never used -- yeah, that gets old instantly
L1823[16:35:24] <Kasen> lol, went on the vent site
L1824[16:35:26] <Miyoyo> Have never used I ca, tell
L1825[16:35:27] <Kasen> >Latest News
L1826[16:35:28] <Kasen> >2014-07-30
L1827[16:35:32] <Miyoyo> but I tried ventrillo
L1828[16:35:35] <Miyoyo> it was SHIT
L1829[16:35:52] <Miyoyo> A little better than skype
L1830[16:35:55] <Miyoyo> and skype is shit
L1831[16:36:22] <payonel> then make something better
L1832[16:36:23] <Kasen> i needed to use skype recently for a meeting - it got passive aggressive at me for not wanting to install the browser addon <_<
L1833[16:36:28] <Miyoyo> I don't need to
L1834[16:36:31] <Miyoyo> mumble exists
L1835[16:36:33] <Miyoyo> TS exists
L1836[16:36:40] <payonel> then stop complaining
L1837[16:36:47] <payonel> :)
L1838[16:36:50] <Kasen> you can criticise things without having to go out and do a better job yourself...
L1839[16:36:52] <Miyoyo> For fuck's sake stop assuming thing
L1840[16:36:56] <Miyoyo> I'm just saying
L1841[16:37:05] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L1842[16:37:12] <payonel> i'm not assuming anything, just clarifying my perspective about whiners
L1843[16:37:19] <Kasen> >whiners
L1844[16:37:24] <Miyoyo> there's no reason to use ventrillo over anything because we were talking about voice comms
L1845[16:37:33] <Miyoyo> If you start saying that
L1846[16:37:40] <Miyoyo> Yeah I can't fucking mill a head gasket
L1847[16:37:42] <Kasen> legitimate criticism == whining apparently, unless you write a competitor?
L1848[16:37:53] <Miyoyo> doesn't change the fact that if mine is blown I can say it's bad
L1849[16:38:14] <payonel> Kasen: no, "legitimate criticism" is not == "f***ing sh**"
L1850[16:38:28] <Kasen> payonel, yes, because that's all that was said
L1851[16:38:33] <Miyoyo> The quality of ventrillo is horrible
L1852[16:38:34] <Kasen> that's the entirety of the conversation, right there
L1853[16:38:41] <payonel> meh
L1854[16:38:44] <Miyoyo> Saying that something is shit is a synonim
L1855[16:38:51] <Miyoyo> this word is badly written
L1856[16:38:52] <Kasen> the thing said in annoyance when you're acting like a dict
L1857[16:38:54] <Miyoyo> wait 2 second
L1858[16:38:55] <Kasen> dick*
L1859[16:39:04] <Miyoyo> synonym
L1860[16:39:05] <Miyoyo> better
L1861[16:39:06] <Kasen> can you tell i'm writing python?
L1862[16:39:46] <Michiyo> payonel, RE: twinkies yes, they are still made :P
L1863[16:39:52] <Kasen> i hate that attitude - "you can't complain - you couldn't do better"
L1864[16:40:06] <Miyoyo> On that subject, what do twinkies taste like?
L1865[16:40:17] <Miyoyo> $GenericChemicalCake with banana filling?
L1866[16:40:21] <Kasen> corn syrup?
L1867[16:40:27] <Michiyo> Banana..?
L1868[16:40:45] <Michiyo> I like the Chocolate, and the Original, never got into the other flavorings
L1869[16:41:30] <Miyoyo> Do amazon sell twinkies?
L1870[16:41:34] <Michiyo> Yes
L1871[16:41:45] <Michiyo> https://www.amazon.com/Hostess-Twinkies-individually-wrapped-twinkies/dp/B0027AR7RU
L1872[16:42:10] <Miyoyo> I'm in belgiupm
L1873[16:42:16] <Miyoyo> so hostess doesn't deliver there
L1874[16:43:21] <Michiyo> hostess doesn't exist :P
L1875[16:43:39] <Miyoyo> Well on amazon someone calls themselve that
L1876[16:43:42] <Miyoyo> at least amazon.Fr
L1877[16:43:45] <Michiyo> The brand is currently owned by private equity firms Apollo Global Management and C. Dean Metropoulos and Company
L1878[16:44:04] <Miyoyo> Fucking hell they deliver nothing in belgium
L1879[16:44:08] <Miyoyo> no amazon.be
L1880[16:44:11] <Miyoyo> that's sad :(
L1881[16:44:22] <Michiyo> Pay someone who can get them to ship them to you?
L1882[16:44:24] <Michiyo> :P
L1883[16:44:33] <Miyoyo> Meh
L1884[16:44:50] * gamax92 gives GreaseMonkey Qualcomm
L1885[16:44:51] <Kasen> the most expensively disappointing snack you'll ever taste
L1886[16:45:07] <Miyoyo> 3 bucks for two little bars
L1887[16:45:09] <Miyoyo> ye
L1888[16:46:04] <GreaseMonkey> how would it compare with twix
L1889[16:46:15] <Miyoyo> Twixes are hard-shelled
L1890[16:46:23] <Miyoyo> have a solid biscuit
L1891[16:46:26] <Miyoyo> caramel and chocolate
L1892[16:46:49] <Miyoyo> Twinkies use heat-raised cakes filled with something
L1893[16:46:51] <gamax92> Hi welcome to advertisements
L1894[16:47:03] <Miyoyo> But das objctv
L1895[16:47:06] <Miyoyo> :(
L1896[16:47:15] <gamax92> you can advertise facts
L1897[16:47:17] <TheFox> im back
L1898[16:47:21] <Miyoyo> k
L1899[16:47:29] <Michiyo> It needs to be 5:30 already
L1900[16:48:11] <TheFox> %seen TheCryptek
L1901[16:48:12] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek was last seen 1h 5m 50s ago.
L1902[16:48:18] <gamax92> But alas, it was only 4:48
L1903[16:48:35] <Miyoyo> It's 23:48 in GMT+2
L1904[16:48:36] <MalkContent> wow. just colored a computer for the first time
L1905[16:48:44] <TheFox> its 2:48 for me
L1906[16:48:52] <Miyoyo> Where you at fox?
L1907[16:48:56] <MalkContent> cause i'm playing with immersive engineering and i thought "well lets make this look nice for a change"
L1908[16:48:59] <TheFox> Miyoyo: California
L1909[16:49:03] <Miyoyo> neat
L1910[16:49:08] <MalkContent> i am somewhat underwhelmed ^^
L1911[16:49:24] <TheFox> MalkContent: write a 1GB lua script
L1912[16:49:33] <MalkContent> ?
L1913[16:49:40] <TheFox> that shall overwelm you, not underwelm
L1914[16:49:46] <MalkContent> a
L1915[16:49:48] <Miyoyo> >cause i'm playing with immersive engineering
L1916[16:49:50] <Miyoyo> way
L1917[16:49:53] <Miyoyo> wat
L1918[16:50:01] <TheFox> Miyoyo: Immersive engineering is a fun mod
L1919[16:50:05] <Miyoyo> k
L1920[16:50:05] <MalkContent> gotta make things look nice
L1921[16:50:11] <MalkContent> if everything else looks nice :P
L1922[16:50:14] <TheFox> espcecially when you mix it with AE
L1923[16:50:32] <MalkContent> computers are kind of uh... on the dark side
L1924[16:51:40] <TheFox> to be honest, i have been here since late 2014 and had no clue you could color computers
L1925[16:51:48] <MalkContent> ikr
L1926[16:52:28] <MalkContent> if you color it white, it is more of a
L1927[16:52:33] <MalkContent> cold war white
L1928[16:52:54] <MalkContent> there are storm clouds on the horizon comrade. did you get food today?
L1929[16:53:08] <TheFox> erm, if evt~="modem_message" would work right?
L1930[16:53:27] <MalkContent> like the colors towers were back in the day before they turned yellowish
L1931[16:54:36] <TheFox> #lua if "string" ~= "strang" then print("success") else return false end
L1932[16:54:41] <|0xDECAFBAD|> > success | nil
L1933[16:54:46] <TheFox> ok, that worked
L1934[16:55:26] <TheFox> oh, really, i missed an arg...
L1935[16:58:09] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L1936[17:00:22] <Miyoyo> It's midnight and I want to eat a carbonara
L1937[17:00:58] <Miyoyo> What's the adjective for people on #oc?
L1938[17:01:01] <Miyoyo> Psychos?
L1939[17:01:44] <Skye> >_>
L1940[17:01:57] <Miyoyo> Dr#OCnes?
L1941[17:05:42] <CompanionCube> Miyoyo: how are we psychos
L1942[17:06:06] <Miyoyo> I don't know, we're a mod IRC channel but since 5 days I've seen
L1943[17:06:19] <Miyoyo> -Snuggle storms
L1944[17:06:20] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1945[17:06:23] <Miyoyo> -PC Problems
L1946[17:06:26] <Miyoyo> -pc Problems
L1947[17:06:39] <Miyoyo> -Gamax live watching hentai being drawn
L1948[17:06:49] <Miyoyo> -Discussions about fucking audio comms
L1949[17:06:53] <MalkContent> that sounds more like a self help group
L1950[17:06:58] <Miyoyo> Yeah
L1951[17:07:00] <Miyoyo> Still
L1952[17:07:11] <MalkContent> and someone trying to aquire drawingskills :P
L1953[17:07:14] <Miyoyo> and I don't remember I have shit memory
L1954[17:18:12] ⇨ Joins: minot (~minot@pool-98-109-119-45.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L1955[17:22:43] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1956[17:25:20] <Miyoyo> I went mosquito hunting
L1957[17:25:24] <Miyoyo> Six casualities
L1958[17:29:06] <TheCryptek> MIYOYO
L1959[17:29:15] <TheCryptek> I trained you better. You should have walked away with more then that.
L1960[17:29:22] <TheCryptek> xD
L1961[17:34:13] <Miyoyo> This was a genocide.
L1962[17:34:17] <Miyoyo> None are left?
L1963[17:34:20] <Miyoyo> None are left.
L1964[17:37:08] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1965[17:43:33] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1966[17:46:45] <Kimiro> o.o
L1967[17:47:43] <Kimiro> *smacks Miyoyo on the cheek* Missed one.
L1968[17:48:13] <Miyoyo> ʢꔸ﹏ꔸʡ
L1969[17:53:09] <GreaseMonkey> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1032-how-do-we-clock-a-contended-bus-controller-oc2/ <-- this is very much a loose draft
L1970[17:56:40] ⇦ Parts: Darkhax (~Darkhax@ts.darkhax.net) ())
L1971[17:59:15] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L1972[17:59:37] <Miyoyo> I still want to eat carbonaras
L1973[18:03:51] <Miyoyo> GreaseMonkey?
L1974[18:07:58] <GreaseMonkey> Miyoyo: what?
L1975[18:09:19] <Miyoyo> Yeah I was just wondering about the rising complexity of OpenComputers
L1976[18:10:12] <GreaseMonkey> i tend to refer to circuity as OC2
L1977[18:11:29] <Miyoyo> Yeah but as I read this IRC it looks like OC will get dropped in favor of circuity
L1978[18:11:53] <GreaseMonkey> as it stands, it's possible to run two CPUs over the same bus but it does not have proper support
L1979[18:12:14] <GreaseMonkey> and yeah it is quite likely that will be the case
L1980[18:12:14] <Miyoyo> Yeah, but it looks like this is getting overengineered
L1981[18:13:39] <Miyoyo> I mean, yeah there definitely will be more complexity (which will most likely drive away some people honestly people are lazy) but having more than one architecture on a system is just overengineering
L1982[18:13:41] <Vexatos> Miyoyo, you see
L1983[18:13:44] <Vexatos> please look at the mod name
L1984[18:13:52] <Miyoyo> Circuity yeah
L1985[18:14:00] <Miyoyo> but if OC gets dropped in favor of circuity
L1986[18:14:03] <Vexatos> There is a reason for the name
L1987[18:14:09] <GreaseMonkey> "but having more than one architecture on a system is just overengineering" i disagree on that point
L1988[18:14:10] <Miyoyo> Well there will be a quite massive split
L1989[18:14:13] <GreaseMonkey> well
L1990[18:14:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE2249D752C76C9B0B059.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1991[18:14:26] <Miyoyo> Do you know of any systems
L1992[18:14:29] <Miyoyo> any kind of system
L1993[18:14:41] <Miyoyo> that has two different architecture CPUs that boot off the same data source
L1994[18:14:50] <GreaseMonkey> currently it uses Z80, i'm working on a MIPS3 core as pretty much a "worst case"
L1995[18:15:34] <Miyoyo> (Will we get eeproms bigger than 4k pls pls pls pls pls pls)
L1996[18:15:50] <GreaseMonkey> (probably not, use a disk)
L1997[18:15:59] <Kasen> what's the difference from how OC currently works? it already requires you use a Lua arch thing to use Lua
L1998[18:16:23] <Miyoyo> Yeah, but there's no bus emulation or even Direct Ram access
L1999[18:16:28] <GreaseMonkey> Kasen: this is roughly how you build the systems (yeah yeah placeholder textures): https://twitter.com/SangarWasTaken/status/766777328416460801
L2000[18:16:29] <MichiBot> Fri Aug 19 18:22:15 CDT 2016 @SangarWasTaken: Those few lines of console output make me so incredibly happy! https://t.co/rcSRN3EC0G
L2001[18:16:44] <Miyoyo> In the end current OC is just a sandbox
L2002[18:16:59] <Miyoyo> But lua does not run on bare metal by itself
L2003[18:17:16] <Kasen> looks about the same other than breaking the thing up into multiple blocks
L2004[18:18:09] <Miyoyo> Well it's like every item currently in a OC case is a block and it looks like there will be WAY more complexity possible
L2005[18:18:27] <GreaseMonkey> it's also more real-CPU-friendly
L2006[18:18:29] <Kasen> sure, in the current case, Lua is the bare metal, but only if you use the Lua arch - wouldn't that still be the case in circuitry?
L2007[18:18:44] <GreaseMonkey> in circuity, if you want lua, you run it atop a CPU
L2008[18:18:52] <GreaseMonkey> well, you compile it for a CPU
L2009[18:18:52] <Miyoyo> Well the current lua is not really bare metal so yeah
L2010[18:18:53] <Kasen> that seems... inefficient
L2011[18:19:03] <Miyoyo> Honestly
L2012[18:19:05] <Kasen> VM in a VM (potentially in a VM)
L2013[18:19:23] <Miyoyo> I'd say it is incredibly inefficient but whatever this is the direction OC takes stfu and endure it
L2014[18:19:36] <GreaseMonkey> if you count lua as a VM that's VM^3 at the very least
L2015[18:19:51] <Miyoyo> Does the JVM run in LLVM?
L2016[18:19:59] <Miyoyo> IF this is the case that's VM^4
L2017[18:20:07] <GreaseMonkey> probably not
L2018[18:20:10] <Miyoyo> aw
L2019[18:20:11] <Miyoyo> Still
L2020[18:20:16] <Miyoyo> Java is slow af
L2021[18:20:16] <Kasen> i do - lua code in the lua vm, which is running as whatever arch code in the OC VM, which is potentially written in java/scala/whatever running in the JVM
L2022[18:20:16] <GreaseMonkey> if you use clang to somehow build a JVM it'll probably compile to native
L2023[18:20:20] <GreaseMonkey> java's not slow af
L2024[18:20:36] <Miyoyo> I'm sorry but java's slow af for what it is
L2025[18:20:39] <Kasen> would it not be possible to build an arch that is Lua, to avoid that extra layer?
L2026[18:20:40] <GreaseMonkey> early versions of the emulator core used in OCMIPS could get pretty damn close to 100MHz
L2027[18:20:46] <GreaseMonkey> it's actually really fucking fast for what it is
L2028[18:20:53] <GreaseMonkey> and what it is is an object-oriented pile of shit
L2029[18:20:59] <Kasen> the JVM's pretty fast
L2030[18:21:02] <GreaseMonkey> although not as shit as people make it out to be, but still kinda shit
L2031[18:21:21] <Miyoyo> But yeah we'll roll with it
L2032[18:21:26] <GreaseMonkey> Kasen: it'd probably be better to just get people to code the damn things in an assembly monitor rom
L2033[18:21:46] <Kasen> sounds like something most people are not gonna do and go back to CC instead
L2034[18:21:49] <GreaseMonkey> although an idea is to let people upload their own code to the EEPROMs
L2035[18:22:03] <Miyoyo> Why not make a DCPU :D
L2036[18:22:09] <GreaseMonkey> because DCPU is shit
L2037[18:22:13] <GreaseMonkey> but nothing's stopping you from doing it
L2038[18:22:14] <Miyoyo> Yeah
L2039[18:22:16] <Miyoyo> but still
L2040[18:22:37] <Miyoyo> Well computercraft os pretty much depecated honestly
L2041[18:22:53] <Miyoyo> 4 months with no update or anything
L2042[18:22:56] <GreaseMonkey> put it this way, CC and OC both kinda turn MC into a different game
L2043[18:23:18] <GreaseMonkey> ...then again circuity also has that potential
L2044[18:23:34] <GreaseMonkey> but yeah, you have people basically using them to make password protected doors
L2045[18:23:35] <Miyoyo> Yeah but GM
L2046[18:23:50] <Kasen> put it this way - if i were to run a server with a computer mod, people would want lua, and i would not be comfortable running 3 layers of VMs
L2047[18:24:18] <GreaseMonkey> so in other words, OC should at least be kept maintained?
L2048[18:24:19] <Miyoyo> And making a true lua arch is pretty much impossible
L2049[18:24:36] <Miyoyo> Honestly just keep it updated but don't kill the project
L2050[18:24:44] <Miyoyo> As people fear change
L2051[18:24:51] <GreaseMonkey> making a true lua arch should be achievable but it would feel very different within the OS itself
L2052[18:24:55] <Miyoyo> and honestly CC->OC is possible
L2053[18:25:05] <GreaseMonkey> CC->OC has been done
L2054[18:25:09] <GreaseMonkey> i wrote the unzipper program
L2055[18:25:14] <GreaseMonkey> well, the unzipper code
L2056[18:25:16] <Miyoyo> I don't mean it in code way
L2057[18:25:23] <Miyoyo> I mean it in user "way"
L2058[18:25:34] <GreaseMonkey> oh as in we could steal all the CC users?
L2059[18:25:44] <Miyoyo> Coming from CC and going to OC is already a little hard
L2060[18:25:46] <Miyoyo> well
L2061[18:25:53] <Miyoyo> from a user perspective
L2062[18:25:57] <Miyoyo> A lot of thing changes
L2063[18:26:01] <Miyoyo> requires and libs
L2064[18:26:02] <Miyoyo> etc
L2065[18:26:07] <Miyoyo> but CC to circuity?
L2066[18:26:22] <GreaseMonkey> what's the diff between CC and TIS-3D?
L2067[18:26:27] <Miyoyo> If i'm Skiddie #46 and I want to learn to code
L2068[18:26:34] <Miyoyo> CC is good but dead
L2069[18:26:37] <MalkContent> dammit
L2070[18:26:42] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6177.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Make every second count!' (Reinhardt))
L2071[18:26:47] <Miyoyo> I want something updated, but OC is dead too
L2072[18:26:51] <Miyoyo> Circuity?
L2073[18:26:56] <Kasen> i know a few people who got into programming because of CC/OC - not sure any of them would have been the slightest bit interested in it if it wasn't for something as easy to pick up as lua
L2074[18:27:14] <Miyoyo> But Why bother do a VM in a VM in a VM
L2075[18:27:26] <GreaseMonkey> they honestly won't care if it's VMs all the way down
L2076[18:27:31] <Miyoyo> When someone could just do a light interface mod and distribute executables on the side
L2077[18:27:44] <Miyoyo> the perf will be massively better
L2078[18:27:50] <Kasen> GreaseMonkey, sure, /they/ won't
L2079[18:27:54] <Kasen> but i as a server owner will
L2080[18:27:56] <Miyoyo> and Servers will suffer less
L2081[18:27:56] <GreaseMonkey> "fast enough" is as fast as it needs to be
L2082[18:27:58] <GreaseMonkey> ah right
L2083[18:28:13] <MalkContent> now that i am busy making stuff look pretty
L2084[18:28:17] <GreaseMonkey> either way we can potentially get more consistent timeslicing
L2085[18:28:27] <MalkContent> i want to squish the computer case under a bibliocraft desk
L2086[18:28:32] <MalkContent> woe is me x)
L2087[18:28:47] <GreaseMonkey> if the mod ends up chewing too much CPU time, the bus controller can probably be slowed down
L2088[18:28:51] <Kasen> we're talking like at least a magnitude less efficient, and holy fuck, modded minecraft already uses far too much memory
L2089[18:29:12] <GreaseMonkey> oh yeah speaking of memory the RAM usage is more consistent to measure
L2090[18:29:34] <MalkContent> one day i'm gonna have time and i'm gonna make a pretty-addon for oc
L2091[18:29:41] <Miyoyo> Also what speed do you expect from your CPUs in the end?
L2092[18:29:42] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2093[18:29:54] <GreaseMonkey> "fast enough"
L2094[18:29:58] <Miyoyo> ...
L2095[18:30:01] <GreaseMonkey> current CPU clock is 2MHz
L2096[18:30:13] <Miyoyo> 2Mhz?
L2097[18:30:25] <GreaseMonkey> never underestimate how fast that is in practice
L2098[18:30:52] <GreaseMonkey> i mean after all this is 1MHz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLIUkBa_mA0
L2099[18:30:53] <MichiBot> Booze Design - Edge of Disgrace - C64 Demo (50 FPS) | length: 14m 43s | Likes: 57 Dislikes: 1 Views: 3919 | by RetroDemoScene
L2100[18:30:54] <Kasen> i'm just imaging my server's resource graphs
L2101[18:30:57] <Kasen> imagining*
L2102[18:31:24] <Kasen> also, very few users are as skilled as demo creators :P
L2103[18:31:31] <Miyoyo> I won't underestimate it, but my fucking calculator's CPU shreds that
L2104[18:31:57] <GreaseMonkey> what speed is your calc and what CPU?
L2105[18:32:18] <GreaseMonkey> if it's a 3MHz Z80 it's probably about the same speed as a 1MHz 6502 in practice
L2106[18:32:29] <alekso56> > it's a core i7
L2107[18:32:50] <Kasen> i have a bunch of microcontrollers on my desk that are 16 and 32MHz - not sure how much they actually do per clock cycle though
L2108[18:33:13] <Kasen> i certainly wouldn't want to run lua on them though
L2109[18:33:35] <GreaseMonkey> if they're AVR they're pretty much one instruction per clock unless you're accessing memory or branching or multiplying things
L2110[18:33:35] * CompanionCube wonders how performant a lua bytecode CPU wouldd bere in the environment
L2111[18:34:10] <Kasen> that's kinda what i'd want - one VM, not three
L2112[18:34:28] <GreaseMonkey> you're ultimately going to have at least two, the JVM and the Lua VM
L2113[18:34:36] <Kasen> (well personally i'd just compile C to whatever arch is available, but most people i know would want lua)
L2114[18:34:41] <Kasen> well, the Lua VM is in C
L2115[18:34:44] <Kasen> not in the JVM
L2116[18:34:53] <Miyoyo> Casio 35+, Renesas SH-3 or SH-4V
L2117[18:35:45] <GreaseMonkey> ah righty
L2118[18:35:58] <Miyoyo> SuperH Risc based arch
L2119[18:36:07] <GreaseMonkey> ah righty, SH is pretty fast afaik
L2120[18:36:22] <Miyoyo> base speed @30mhz
L2121[18:36:29] <Miyoyo> Max speed 270Mhz
L2122[18:36:32] <GreaseMonkey> yeah that'll definitely shred it
L2123[18:36:42] <Miyoyo> And it's my fkin calc
L2124[18:36:53] <GreaseMonkey> my calc is a ? MHz ? CPU
L2125[18:37:00] <GreaseMonkey> casio cfx9850gb+
L2126[18:37:12] <Miyoyo> CFXes use motorolas
L2127[18:37:14] <GreaseMonkey> if you code it in BASIC it's horribly slow
L2128[18:37:15] <CompanionCube> Miyoyo: is it representative of the average one though
L2129[18:37:16] <Miyoyo> custom designed
L2130[18:37:27] <GreaseMonkey> it's a completely custom design afaik
L2131[18:37:29] <Kimiro> *kisses Miyoyo*
L2132[18:37:30] <Miyoyo> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw9RH3JqWdk
L2133[18:37:31] <MichiBot> Casio Graph 35+ mViewer GX overclocking test | length: 3m 19s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 1 Views: 261 | by Critor TI
L2134[18:37:38] <Miyoyo> Ugh kimiro not in public
L2135[18:37:47] <Kimiro> C:
L2136[18:38:03] <GreaseMonkey> ok that "50fps" render of edge of disgrace is fucking terrible
L2137[18:38:11] <Miyoyo> Ikr
L2138[18:38:12] <Miyoyo> Also
L2139[18:38:16] <Miyoyo> The CFX series
L2140[18:38:24] <Miyoyo> Scores .000027 Bogomips
L2141[18:39:05] <GreaseMonkey> there are effects in that which SHOULD be 50fps but aren't
L2142[18:39:07] <Miyoyo> It's 2Mhz
L2143[18:39:33] <Miyoyo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitachi_6309
L2144[18:39:43] <Skye> 6309?
L2145[18:39:51] <Skye> Isn't that the 6809 clone?
L2146[18:40:09] ⇦ Quits: ChJees (~ChJees@h126n12-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2147[18:40:09] <Miyoyo> That's the closest to the Custom Designed CPU for the CFX series
L2148[18:40:14] <gamax92> I wonder if someone can make a non ModernUI version of the ImmersiveControlPanel
L2149[18:40:20] <Miyoyo> It's not a clone
L2150[18:40:26] <Miyoyo> but has emulation support
L2151[18:40:46] <Miyoyo> Used in tandy's color computer 3
L2152[18:40:58] <gamax92> Otherwise it's the only program that ruins the theming
L2153[18:41:05] <Skye> Miyoyo: two 6309 CPUs were used in the Epson HX-20 laptop
L2154[18:41:37] <Skye> One as a CPU and another as the controller.
L2155[18:41:47] <Miyoyo> Well GM's calc is about as fast as that
L2156[18:42:01] <Miyoyo> And It might rival the current perf of the VM
L2157[18:42:06] <Skye> HX-20 is slow.
L2158[18:42:15] <Miyoyo> (i was jokin pls dun kil me)
L2159[18:42:36] <Skye> Clock speed measured in kilohertz to save battery life.
L2160[18:42:56] <GreaseMonkey> ok this capture appears to be not-shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp3oEJemnz0
L2161[18:42:57] <MichiBot> Booze Design - Edge of Disgrace | C64 demo, Full HD 50 fps, Real SID | length: 14m 48s | Likes: 13 Dislikes: 0 Views: 1270 | by C64 studio
L2162[18:43:03] <Miyoyo> The top calc model, the CFX-9850G is 43Mhz
L2163[18:43:14] <Miyoyo> Yeah but demos
L2164[18:43:18] <Miyoyo> are fucking art
L2165[18:43:26] * Miyoyo proceeds to fap
L2166[18:44:56] <gamax92> Miyoyo: don't do that in here you'll make a mess of the channel
L2167[18:45:05] <Miyoyo> >:3
L2168[18:46:23] *** g is now known as gAway2002
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L2170[18:53:12] <CompanionCube> gamax92: implying it wasn't already
L2171[18:53:13] ⇦ Quits: Achai (~ds84182@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Quit: bai 4ever)
L2172[18:53:35] <gamax92> a bigger mess
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L2174[18:56:31] <Magik6k> Deployed new MPT interface, enjoy bugs: http://mpt.magik6k.net/
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L2176[18:57:38] <CompanionCube> gamax92: also it's weird to have someone who paid to watch hentai object to that
L2177[18:58:01] <Miyoyo> watch hentai get drawn*
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L2183[19:08:53] <MalkContent> keyboards have to be placed <against> screens, right?
L2184[19:08:54] <gamax92> CompanionCube: Do you know what a commission is?
L2185[19:09:03] <MalkContent> no way to have it be <next to>?
L2186[19:09:56] <gamax92> CompanionCube: and also what part of I didn't pay for it did you not get?
L2187[19:10:47] <CompanionCube> ah
L2188[19:10:55] <gamax92> I stated that a friend paid for a commission and invited me to watch it get drawn
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L2194[19:43:14] <Kimiro> Jub jub.
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L2206[21:00:08] <TheFox> hello
L2207[21:00:20] <TheFox> %seen TheCryptek
L2208[21:00:22] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek was last seen 3h 30m 58s ago.
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L2213[21:16:29] <TheFox> %tell TheCryptek Security system is 99% up, i just need you on to finish it up
L2214[21:16:30] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek will be notified of this message when next seen.
L2215[21:17:15] <TheFox> ~w nanobots
L2216[21:17:16] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L2217[21:17:59] <TheFox> nope thats not what i mean
L2218[21:18:06] <TheFox> ~w nanomachine
L2219[21:18:06] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:nanomachines
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L2221[21:33:27] <GreaseMonkey> ok, did some maven servers go down or some shit like that because my build simply isn't working properly
L2222[21:35:58] <GreaseMonkey> ...it started working again
L2223[21:35:58] <TheFox> glad me looking at your question fixed it
L2224[21:36:54] <GreaseMonkey> OH YES. i now have the instruction cache working properly \:D/
L2225[21:36:54] <GreaseMonkey> next up, data cache!
L2226[21:36:54] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: gradlew build --offline
L2227[21:36:55] <gamax92> if you've done a build one then you've already obviously downloaded all the resources for it, and can use --offline to make it stop stupidly redownloading things
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L2233[21:47:04] <TheFox> GreaseMonkey: there isnt away to program your MIPS mod from Open computers is there?
L2234[21:47:27] <TheFox> sorry, is there a way*
L2235[21:48:18] <GreaseMonkey> the one i'm working on right now? no.
L2236[21:48:41] <GreaseMonkey> OCMIPS? well, i did manage to get lua working on it...
L2237[21:48:52] <GreaseMonkey> but it's stock lua, not the OC version
L2238[21:49:25] <Temia> Probably wouldn't be too hard to write a boot disk and BIOS for it.
L2239[21:50:01] <TheFox> ok, thats fine, i was just wondering if you came up with someting that aloud us to program assembler in oc or not, if you did, i would be swapping between the ARM and MIPS add-ons waaaaay to much
L2240[21:57:14] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Smell ya later!)
L2241[21:57:21] <TheFox> erm, data.deflate is supposed to apply compression correct?
L2242[21:58:07] <TheFox> so why is the file larger...
L2243[21:58:27] <Temia> Algorithms aren't perfect.
L2244[22:00:19] <Temia> The dictionary for the compressed data adds an overhead, which for small or especially poorly-compressible data can lead to exceeding the uncompressed size.
L2245[22:01:06] <Temia> What was it you put in?
L2246[22:03:37] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L2249[22:12:10] <GreaseMonkey> well that's interesting, it seems that my dcache is broken right now
L2250[22:12:43] <GreaseMonkey> it's even decided that instead of saying "Hello World!" it's going to say "Hell"
L2251[22:12:43] <GreaseMonkey> it still managed to get through the whole program though
L2252[22:13:14] <GreaseMonkey> dCacheData[cdidx + 0] = (int)(d0); <-- that might be the problem, the dcache uses 64-bit data entries, not 32-bit ones
L2253[22:14:10] <GreaseMonkey> that's better, now the dcache works
L2254[22:32:04] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L2255[22:33:15] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: http://www.docjar.com/docs/api/sun/misc/Unsafe.html
L2256[22:38:35] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: if you've ever wanted to do things like malloc, realloc, and free in Java, well lucky for you there's allocateMemory, reallocateMemory, and freeMemory
L2257[22:39:11] <GreaseMonkey> for the most part i just have int[] and long[] arrays so there's no real benefit to that
L2258[22:39:30] <gamax92> Yeah well you know what? :I
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