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Stuff goes here
L1[00:07:24] <TheFox> %tell TheCryptek i dont know where you went, but i gtg, cya tommorow
L2[00:07:26] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek will be notified of this message when next seen.
L3[00:18:00] * IzayaXMPP dies
L4[00:18:02] <IzayaXMPP> .docx files have no plain text in them
L5[00:21:29] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@ ())
L6[00:26:47] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L7[00:34:53] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L8[00:49:39] ⇨ Joins: AlexanderADM (~Aensland@host193-215-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it)
L9[01:06:55] <gamax92> ade124|mobile: firefox has horrible dark theme support
L10[01:07:54] <gamax92> Izaya: a .docx is a zip
L11[01:08:21] <ade124|mobile> A .pages and .odt is also a zip... I think
L12[01:08:22] <ade124|mobile> Weird
L13[01:10:20] <ade124|mobile> In other news I just got Linux on my MBP again
L14[01:22:01] <Eleria> o/ Good Morning :3
L15[01:34:14] <Corded> * Elizabeth yawns and stretches
L16[01:34:19] <Elizabeth> also good morning
L17[01:35:28] <Elizabeth> currently trying to get @vifino up
L18[01:41:11] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@
L19[01:51:19] <Elizabeth> and @vifino is up
L20[01:56:43] <vifino> lies
L21[01:57:01] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L22[01:58:29] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L23[01:59:07] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L24[02:01:44] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L25[02:04:18] <ade124|mobile> My inbox is filled with "You have more friends than you think"s from Facebook
L26[02:08:37] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L28[02:18:31] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L29[02:28:51] <Eleria> http://prntscr.com/c76ozs Wow .... Literally 8 IP's in 1 min O.o
L30[02:32:05] <Forecaster> You know you can still read those right? :P
L31[02:36:04] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L32[02:36:18] <Eleria> I know ^^ Its just to be safe legal wise xD
L33[02:38:45] <Forecaster> wat
L34[02:39:03] <Forecaster> ...
L35[02:43:38] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE275457DC3E7F9EB988C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[02:43:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L37[02:44:02] <Forecaster> you're not covering anything legally if they can still be read...
L38[02:44:36] <Forecaster> even if it was somehow illegal to show a few random ip's not associated to names or anything
L39[02:46:37] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC60D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L40[02:49:32] <Inari> cheers loves!
L41[02:49:48] <gamax92> Inari: the calories here?
L42[02:51:11] <Inari> lol :P
L43[02:51:19] <Inari> wait
L44[02:51:21] <Inari> are you calling me fat
L45[02:51:49] <gamax92> I'm not
L46[02:51:53] <Forecaster> the calciums here?
L47[02:52:10] <Forecaster> "my what big teeth you have"
L48[02:53:01] <gamax92> "poptarts soaked in beer"
L49[02:56:25] <gamax92> "chocolate covered lime slices"
L50[03:05:45] <Vexatos> gamax92, you mean Ca₅[(F,Cl,OH)|(PO₄)₃]
L51[03:07:01] <gamax92> Vexatos: no i don't
L52[03:10:37] <Forecaster> Cafclohpo
L53[03:11:39] <Forecaster> yeee
L54[03:11:53] <Forecaster> new E:D version mid october
L55[03:13:21] <Vexatos> With 20% more E and 100% more D?
L56[03:13:28] <Vexatos> (and 24% more :)
L57[03:13:39] <Forecaster> new mission types!
L58[03:13:44] <Forecaster> hauling tourists :P
L59[03:14:00] <Forecaster> or passengers
L60[03:15:49] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L61[03:17:46] <snowden89> lol.. legally protecting self by badly bluring ips
L62[03:17:55] <snowden89> that are not private entinties
L63[03:18:39] <snowden89> entyties/ what ever word that is
L64[03:18:51] <Forecaster> entities
L65[03:19:06] <snowden89> yes that is the word i am looking for :P
L66[03:19:10] * snowden89 raises cap
L67[03:19:36] <Kimiro> "Entittays"
L68[03:19:43] <Forecaster> watching Frontier stream from GamesCom right now
L69[03:19:48] <Forecaster> showing some new stuff
L70[03:20:30] <snowden89> is it public streams?
L71[03:20:36] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/user/FrontierDevelopments/live
L72[03:22:06] <Inari> Forecaster: anythign interseting on planets yet? any actual planets?
L73[03:22:14] <Inari> Forecaster: anything to do while in supercruise?
L74[03:22:17] <Forecaster> not yet
L75[03:22:22] <Inari> aw
L76[03:22:35] <Forecaster> so far they've showed a new ship and the passenger missions
L77[03:23:29] <snowden89> i have the knowledge. is all i get. :(
L78[03:23:45] <Forecaster> yeah, it's a raffle for a headset :P
L79[03:23:52] <Forecaster> so everyone is spamming it in the chat now
L80[03:24:45] <snowden89> trailer is kind of going on abit?
L81[03:25:01] <Forecaster> it's a fan-made video or somesuch
L82[03:25:02] <snowden89> as i say that it stops
L83[03:25:06] <Forecaster> I think
L84[03:25:35] <snowden89> now it looks like no mans sky?
L85[03:25:45] <Forecaster> :P
L86[03:25:48] <Forecaster> E:D did it first
L87[03:25:56] <Inari> i think my biggest issue wiht E:D really is that it takes too long to get from A to B in supercruise, and therse nothing to do during that time
L88[03:26:11] <Forecaster> I watch yt videos or something :P
L89[03:26:20] <snowden89> you should just absorb all that super
L90[03:26:24] <Inari> not much to watchi n 3 mins
L91[03:26:33] <snowden89> and kek 9000 super moi moments
L92[03:26:38] <snowden89> :P
L93[03:28:27] <Inari> mostly playing NMS makes me yearn for E:D fliught mechanics :P but i cant stand E:D's "lets it here fro 4 minutes with dong nothing" all the time
L94[03:28:46] <Forecaster> I still watch videos while playing :P
L95[03:29:10] <Inari> i dont thin i'd find it very enjoyable to watch a video for 3 mins, pause, do somethign ingame, then go back to watching that video at some point
L96[03:29:11] <Forecaster> yay more new things
L97[03:29:22] <Forecaster> I never said I pause it
L98[03:29:39] <Inari> eh, i generally like to either watch or do somethign else xD
L99[03:29:58] <Forecaster> I "multitask" all the time
L100[03:30:03] <snowden89> got to multitask life
L101[03:30:07] <snowden89> or your going to miss something
L102[03:30:10] <Forecaster> listening/watching a video while doing something else
L103[03:30:14] <Inari> watchign crap is much less enjoyable if you do others tuff on the side
L104[03:30:15] <Inari> imo at least
L105[03:30:24] * Forecaster shrugs
L106[03:30:39] <Inari> and if i keep switchign contexts every 3 minutes that justmakes me all weird :P
L107[03:30:53] <Forecaster> wat
L108[03:30:58] <Forecaster> switching contexts?
L109[03:31:22] <Inari> yeah, from focusing on watching the video to doing something ingame or such xD
L110[03:31:41] <Forecaster> meh, I did that before E:D
L111[03:31:58] <Forecaster> :P
L112[03:32:01] <Inari> and i do multitask too, though thats mostly playing something while listening ot apodcast haha, dont have to interrupt listening to the podcast that way
L113[03:34:56] <Forecaster> next stream may be E:D because of this...
L114[03:35:31] <Inari> i think the change they had made to supercruise early on was also something i disliked
L115[03:35:43] <Inari> i recall it being nicerin beta at least
L116[03:36:01] <Forecaster> what change?
L117[03:36:20] <Inari> not sure exactly, but approaching stuff used to be quicker somehow xD
L118[03:36:21] <Forecaster> I didn't play it before release
L119[03:37:13] <Forecaster> I "pre-purchased" it a couple of days before it released
L120[03:37:18] <Forecaster> because there was a discount
L121[03:41:13] <Forecaster> my god his voice
L122[03:41:20] <Forecaster> he's going to be in pain later
L123[03:41:46] ⇦ Quits: OrbsTheorem (~roosember@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L124[03:41:47] ⇨ Joins: OrbsTheorem (~roosember@
L125[03:42:35] <Inari> maybe part of the beta also was that i generally was busy with trading and hopeful the universe would become more alive at some point
L126[03:42:45] <Inari> but then it was just as empty in release and i wasnt busy trading
L127[03:45:10] <Inari> maybe that "- Supercruise speed balanced (Top speed lowered, acceleration lowered, min speed increased, gravity wells shrunk, star mass lock reduced)" but not sure if i was in taht beta laready
L128[03:45:24] * Forecaster shrugs
L129[03:46:10] <Forecaster> haha
L130[03:46:21] <Forecaster> VIP passenger wants to visit a conflict zone
L131[03:46:22] <Forecaster> :P
L132[03:53:37] <ade124|mobile> :D squashfs_read_data failed to read block
L133[03:53:43] <ade124|mobile> I need a new CD
L134[03:59:38] <Inari> %tell payonel not a cat but still cute :P http://i.imgur.com/lyVtFMK.gifv
L135[03:59:40] <MichiBot> Inari: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L136[04:04:15] <Forecaster> they're adding more stuff on planet surfaces to interract with
L137[04:04:19] <Forecaster> "geologies"
L138[04:04:22] <Forecaster> not many details yet
L139[04:04:49] <Forecaster> fissures vents shown
L140[04:05:23] <Forecaster> and vents*
L141[04:12:57] <Forecaster> ooh
L142[04:13:07] <Forecaster> they mentioned launching fighters from ships
L143[04:13:08] <Forecaster> :O
L144[04:14:05] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L145[04:14:18] <Eleria> o/
L146[04:19:41] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L147[04:20:47] <Izaya> Why is there no live distro for virtualization
L148[04:20:57] <Izaya> Maybe a bit of emphasis on privacy, too
L149[04:28:53] ⇨ Joins: admicos (~admicos@
L150[04:30:46] <gamax92> With the fan it's too cold and without it's too hot and stuffy
L151[04:32:45] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/plrKamfh.jpg
L152[04:36:58] ⇨ Joins: oc (~oc@
L153[04:36:59] ⇦ Quits: oc (~oc@ (Client Quit)
L154[04:39:12] ⇨ Joins: oc (~oc@
L155[04:39:31] <oc> hello
L156[04:40:57] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L157[04:41:20] <oc> is there a browser like lynx yet?
L158[04:52:40] ⇦ Quits: ade124|mobile (~ade124|mo@ (Quit: Bye)
L159[04:54:25] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:0:3a5f)
L160[04:55:46] <Ember_Primrose> %commands
L161[04:58:33] ⇦ Quits: oc (~oc@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L162[05:04:46] <Temia> I guess I should get around to making a gopher browser.
L163[05:04:52] <Temia> so much effort though.
L164[05:06:38] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L165[05:06:47] <Forecaster> mm, homemade cheeseburgers
L166[05:06:53] * Forecaster noms
L167[05:07:48] <Ember_Primrose> :#
L168[05:07:52] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L169[05:07:59] <Ember_Primrose> im hungry again now
L170[05:08:09] <Ember_Primrose> but i just ate D:
L171[05:08:24] <Corded> * Eleria Eleria gives Ember_Primrose some cookies
L172[05:08:36] <Corded> * Eleria Eleria gives Ember___Primrose some cookies
L173[05:08:41] <Corded> * Eleria Eleria gives Ember_ __Primrose some cookies
L174[05:08:53] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose noms a few
L175[05:10:00] * Inari inspects Ember_Primrose's belly https://images.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/NewGame-Episode7-Omake-11.gif
L176[05:11:40] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L177[05:15:37] <Inari> so i went to a ruin marker yesterday, but it took me a while, by the time i arrived, it looked as if it was uked form orbit or something :P http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/448492814318516537/0DD580888A71E1A5CF2473041A3E7B2FD9BBB2B9/
L178[05:15:38] <Inari> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/448492814318516187/26FBA6A3664AD4796BB116223D43C801379931C3/
L179[05:15:53] <Inari> (the whole planet is irradiated :P not just that spot)
L180[05:16:10] <Forecaster> :P
L181[05:16:53] <Inari> no ruin to be found either :<
L182[05:17:03] <Ember_Primrose> you glassed the planet?
L183[05:17:12] <Ember_Primrose> :P
L184[05:17:12] <Inari> ?
L185[05:17:42] <Ember_Primrose> glassed is another way of total annihilation due to nukes
L186[05:18:03] <Inari> :P
L187[05:19:00] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L188[05:21:18] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv7Jd94bnOI
L189[05:21:18] <MichiBot> BRITAIN'S NEW LEADER RAPS LIKE A BOSS | length: 1m 4s | Likes: 23275 Dislikes: 335 Views: 687238 | by Dan Bull
L190[05:39:07] <Sangar> o/
L191[05:39:28] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L192[05:39:43] <Ember_Primrose> howaru
L193[05:40:06] <Sangar> mostly fine :P
L194[05:40:20] <Ember_Primrose> the pack is now live :D
L195[05:40:32] <Sangar> making some progress on circuity, so yay
L196[05:41:22] <Ember_Primrose> circuity?
L197[05:42:25] <gamax92> Sangar: Resize all the partitions.
L198[05:42:54] <Forecaster> batten down the hatches!
L199[05:44:20] <gamax92> Delete swap partition, Shrink linux filesystem, Shrink linux partition, Move partition to the right, Shrink Windows partition, Put new OS in newly formed space.
L200[05:44:59] <Sangar> uhhh
L201[05:45:14] <Sangar> glad to see this place as coherent as ever
L202[05:45:50] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L203[05:46:15] <gamax92> Sangar: Hey, it's either this or be virtually as dead as cc's channel :P
L204[05:46:23] <Forecaster> if that changes you should be worried
L205[05:46:40] <Sangar> oh i was not being sarcastic :P
L206[05:47:27] <Forecaster> I know :P
L207[05:47:28] <Ember_Primrose> loli.dance
L208[05:48:50] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, you wanted to add ksp right?
L209[05:49:01] <Forecaster> yep
L210[05:49:35] <Ember_Primrose> ok
L211[05:51:20] <gamax92> EXEC_TEMIA/.
L212[05:51:26] <Lily_White> o 3o?
L213[05:51:34] <Lily_White> Temoo is quite popular in here, isn't she?
L214[05:51:46] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L215[05:51:47] <Ember_Primrose> ohi
L216[05:52:06] <Ember_Primrose> is loli.dance considered NSFW?
L217[05:52:34] <gamax92> aaaaand FUCK YOU GRUB :D
L218[05:52:45] <Ember_Primrose> ?
L219[05:52:48] <Lily_White> kek
L220[05:52:51] <gamax92> welp time to go make LiveUSB to repair grub
L221[05:52:58] <Lily_White> Temia is one of my close friends from another IRC network
L222[05:53:23] <Ember_Primrose> well hello then!
L223[05:54:09] <gamax92> Ember_Primrose: also lets say you are at work, and someone comes by and sees that on your screen, is it safe for work? :P
L224[05:54:28] <Ember_Primrose> where i work yes
L225[05:54:39] <gamax92> what is this :I
L226[05:54:40] <Skye> everything that is not work is NSFW
L227[05:54:52] <Eleria> xD
L228[05:55:12] <Ember_Primrose> i work at an comic store, that sells many things
L229[05:55:17] ⇦ Quits: CyanideX (uid17234@id-17234.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L230[05:55:28] <Eleria> Guess you should not have that open at work xD Thats why i would add it in NSFW
L231[05:56:03] <gamax92> Is reading manga safe for work if you work at a comic store?
L232[05:56:10] <Skye> probably not
L233[05:56:32] <Skye> since you're supposed to help people in a store or something
L234[05:57:53] <gamax92> Well of course you'd still be doing your job >_>
L235[05:57:59] <Ember_Primrose> yes
L236[05:58:57] <Ember_Primrose> i am the stores stockist, like putting books and stuff where they need to go
L237[05:58:59] <gamax92> I guess I don't actually need to repair grub I only need to boot into Windows to finalize the resize and make sure things went well
L238[05:59:03] <Ember_Primrose> which happens once a week
L239[05:59:24] <Ember_Primrose> other wise i work on the db
L240[06:00:16] <Vexatos> snagar
L241[06:00:20] <Vexatos> y u no work on oc D:
L242[06:00:30] <Vexatos> OC > real life man
L243[06:00:33] <Vexatos> :>
L244[06:00:47] <Ember_Primrose> Vexatos, OC = Life
L245[06:01:02] <Ember_Primrose> becuase Life = OC
L246[06:01:23] <Skye> Open Original Character Computer Life
L247[06:01:33] <Skye> Open Original Character Computer Content Life
L248[06:01:54] <Ember_Primrose> OOCCCL m8
L249[06:01:58] <Ember_Primrose> frw
L250[06:02:01] <Ember_Primrose> ftw
L251[06:05:24] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, done
L252[06:05:26] <Ember_Primrose> added
L253[06:05:44] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L254[06:06:12] <Skye> @Ember_Primrose: You have a new profile picture?
L255[06:06:22] <Ember_Primrose> yes, like it?
L256[06:06:40] <Skye> I wonder why you changed it. ?
L257[06:06:58] <Ember_Primrose> it my dnd char
L258[06:07:00] <Corded> * Eleria definitely because of skye
L259[06:07:14] <Skye> wut
L260[06:07:24] <Corded> * Eleria im just kidding around dont mind me
L261[06:07:29] <Skye> wut
L262[06:07:36] <Forecaster> I like it, but your server still has the old one :3
L263[06:07:45] <Ember_Primrose> i know
L264[06:07:55] <Ember_Primrose> changing it takes bandwidth
L265[06:08:06] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose Kicks her internet
L266[06:08:19] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L267[06:08:38] <Forecaster> link it and I can change it
L268[06:08:57] <Forecaster> oh nevermind :P
L269[06:09:03] <Skye> hm
L270[06:09:33] <Skye> Does anyone want to know the story of my profile picture?
L271[06:09:36] <Ember_Primrose> it just takes a while
L272[06:10:45] <Sangar> Vexatos, because i need to do something else for a bit to not go insane
L273[06:11:19] <Ember_Primrose> sure
L274[06:11:22] <gamax92> Sangar: What if you took up a job in making pizzas?
L275[06:11:23] <Ember_Primrose> i like stories
L276[06:11:30] <Eleria> same ^^
L277[06:11:38] <gamax92> I like pizza...
L278[06:11:47] <Ember_Primrose> ditto
L279[06:11:52] <Ember_Primrose> pizza ftw
L280[06:14:19] <Skye> @Ember_Primrose, @Eleria: Well... I never knew what to do for a profile picture... so when I wanted to make an account for the computercraft forums (don't kill me, this was before OC even existed! (in fact the CC fourms are how I discovered OC!)), I also wanted to make a profile picture. What did I do? I opened up Paint and got a 72 point font set to fixedsys and typed !`>_`
L281[06:14:24] <Skye> @Ember_Primrose, @Eleria: Well... I never knew what to do for a profile picture... so when I wanted to make an account for the computercraft forums (don't kill me, this was before OC even existed! (in fact the CC fourms are how I discovered OC!)), I also wanted to make a profile picture. What did I do? I opened up Paint and got a 72 point font set to fixedsys and typed `>_`
L282[06:14:38] <Skye> That lasted for a few years
L283[06:14:40] <Skye> then
L284[06:15:00] <Skye> Later on, I wanted a higher resoulution one, probably because of GitHub
L285[06:15:15] <Skye> so I recreated it in Inkscape so it's now a vector image
L286[06:15:32] <Skye> THEN
L287[06:15:37] <Vexatos> Sangar, but you already are insane D:
L288[06:16:04] <Forecaster> Vexatos: but not "go on a murderous rampage" insane
L289[06:16:06] <Skye> someone drew something for me, which I then merged into my profile picture
L290[06:16:17] <Vexatos> Forecaster, set the base on fire insane
L291[06:16:28] <Vexatos> eat your cat insane
L292[06:16:39] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L293[06:16:44] <gamax92> Vexatos shut the fuck up Skye is talking
L294[06:17:03] <Skye> hey
L295[06:17:09] <Skye> I finished my story
L296[06:17:12] <Skye> any questions?
L297[06:17:29] <Ember_Primrose> who draw the pic and why?
L298[06:18:07] <Skye> Liz (no that's not a tab fail) / Vi (again, not a tab fail!) / Vic
L299[06:18:29] <Skye> @VicNightfall on twitter
L300[06:18:32] <Vexatos> Does anyone want to know the story of my profile pic?
L301[06:18:43] <Skye> why? because they wanted to draw! :P
L302[06:18:44] <Forecaster> it's a cloud?
L303[06:18:51] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L304[06:18:58] <Vexatos> I searched for Nebulae on google and chose the one I liked the most ?
L305[06:19:13] <Ember_Primrose> face spasinates me
L306[06:19:27] <Ember_Primrose> damit
L307[06:19:33] <Ember_Primrose> space facinates me
L308[06:19:40] <Skye> SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE
L309[06:19:48] <Vexatos> space space I wanna go to space
L310[06:19:52] <Ember_Primrose> space core
L311[06:19:54] <Forecaster> nobody will ever be able to guess mine, and it's secret
L312[06:19:55] <Ember_Primrose> ftw
L313[06:20:14] <Vexatos> @Forecaster VECTORGRAPHICSLOGO
L314[06:20:15] ⇦ Quits: admicos (~admicos@ (Quit: Leaving)
L315[06:20:16] <Ember_Primrose> it yer name , ye knob
L316[06:20:20] <Vexatos> But it's round
L317[06:20:21] <Vexatos> that is illegal
L318[06:20:22] <Vexatos> ?
L319[06:20:24] <Forecaster> :O who told you?!
L320[06:20:35] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L321[06:20:38] <Forecaster> that's because discord crops the images >:
L322[06:20:42] <Vexatos> A round logo on discord... a triangular logo on YT
L323[06:20:47] <Vexatos> Forecaster is illuminati confirmed
L324[06:20:52] <Ember_Primrose> no
L325[06:20:55] <Ember_Primrose> not yet
L326[06:21:04] <Ember_Primrose> need a square one
L327[06:21:09] <Ember_Primrose> then its thre
L328[06:21:41] <Forecaster> I have a hexagon version?
L329[06:22:08] <Sangar> gamax92, frozen, sure :P
L330[06:22:08] <Forecaster> I've only ever used that for KSP flags
L331[06:22:36] <gamax92> Sangar: Fine by me
L332[06:22:45] <Ember_Primrose> ILLUMINATI
L333[06:22:48] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L334[06:23:00] <Forecaster> oh Sangar, did you see the thing I made? :3
L335[06:23:05] <Forecaster> (you probably didn't)
L336[06:23:10] <Sangar> no, show me
L337[06:23:11] <Ember_Primrose> he made a thing
L338[06:23:19] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/oc_interface_designer/
L339[06:23:23] <Forecaster> it's a wip still
L340[06:23:48] <Forecaster> basically you draw boxes and it generates gpu.fill code for them
L341[06:24:00] <Forecaster> as well as if conditions to test for touch events for them
L342[06:24:21] <Vexatos> oh Sangar, did you hear the thing Cruor made? :3
L343[06:24:22] <Vexatos> (you probably didn't)
L344[06:24:31] <Forecaster> because I'm lazy(TM)
L345[06:24:40] <Sangar> Forecaster, huh. how do i make a selection?
L346[06:24:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, what thing??
L347[06:24:49] <Sangar> so many things!
L348[06:24:55] <Forecaster> Sangar: click once, then click again somewhere else
L349[06:25:10] <Sangar> nothing happens :/
L350[06:25:12] <Forecaster> it's not really represented very well right now, it's one of the things I need to improve
L351[06:25:16] <Vexatos> Sangar, ask crucru D:
L352[06:25:33] <Forecaster> Sangar: you have to click the button on the right to actually create a box
L353[06:25:45] <gamax92> Forecaster: I also have zero idea how to use this.
L354[06:25:48] <Sangar> clear selection? :X
L355[06:26:01] <Sangar> the create shape one is greyed out
L356[06:26:14] <Forecaster> it'll light up when you have selected two points
L357[06:26:24] <Sangar> then i can't select things :/
L358[06:26:33] <Forecaster> do you have JS disabled?
L359[06:26:35] <Sangar> i'm even trying in chrome to make sure noscript isn't messing with it
L360[06:26:41] <Sangar> so no, js enabled as it can be
L361[06:26:58] <Forecaster> when you click the first time does the clicked pixel turn yellow?
L362[06:27:05] <gamax92> nope
L363[06:27:18] <Sangar> nope
L364[06:27:24] <Forecaster> can you open the Js console and tell me if it says anything?
L365[06:27:26] <Vexatos> I do not even have the screen show up ;X
L366[06:27:27] <Forecaster> cause it works for me
L367[06:27:38] <Sangar> "Setting resolution to 80x25"
L368[06:27:38] <Vexatos> showing up*
L369[06:27:40] <Sangar> and that's it
L370[06:27:56] <Vexatos> No matter what I do
L371[06:28:00] <Vexatos> nothing shows up :X
L372[06:28:31] <Forecaster> huh, I might have broken it cause now it doesn't show me the screen either
L373[06:28:31] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L375[06:29:06] <Ember_Primrose> %quote #28
L376[06:29:08] <MichiBot> Quote #28: <Inari> wokrs ownderuflly!
L377[06:29:14] <Forecaster> hm, the monitor is there, it has pixels, but they're not colored
L378[06:29:24] <Sangar> also, divs for the rects? :P y u no canvas? :P
L379[06:29:39] <Forecaster> I dunno, what's the difference?
L380[06:29:51] <Forecaster> I looked at canvas at some point but I've forgotten
L381[06:29:54] <Sangar> canvas is basically an editable texture
L382[06:29:59] <Sangar> so it's faster
L383[06:30:11] <Sangar> in particular if you just paint filled rects
L384[06:30:16] <Sangar> also no hassle with layouting stuff
L385[06:30:43] <Forecaster> y u no draw the pixles D:<
L386[06:30:49] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: :P
L387[06:30:53] <Inari> also
L388[06:30:56] <Inari> >hyperboobspace
L389[06:30:59] <Ember_Primrose> hj
L390[06:31:00] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L391[06:31:03] <Ember_Primrose> hi
L392[06:31:15] * Forecaster grumbles
L393[06:31:20] <Forecaster> it was working yesterday D:
L394[06:31:23] <Ember_Primrose> Inari, space facinates me
L395[06:31:32] <Ember_Primrose> also universe snadbox
L396[06:31:39] <Ember_Primrose> sandbox
L397[06:31:46] <Sangar> :/
L398[06:31:51] <Syrren> 20:49:15 <+Corded> <Ember_Primrose> face spasinates me
L399[06:31:52] <Sangar> such is the way of sftware i guess
L400[06:32:00] <Forecaster> hah, yeah
L401[06:32:19] <Ember_Primrose> %addquote Ember_Primrose face spasinates me
L402[06:32:19] <MichiBot> Ember_Primrose: Quote added at id: 105
L403[06:32:23] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: https://twitter.com/jlist/status/765741600454479872
L404[06:32:24] <MichiBot> Tue Aug 16 21:46:38 CDT 2016 @jlist: Fun with anime physics: bulling a bento box out of "boob hyperspace." https://t.co/9Sq6Os8wtE
L405[06:32:24] <Forecaster> ah
L406[06:32:31] <Forecaster> the minotr class is collapsed...
L407[06:32:33] <Forecaster> wut
L408[06:32:34] <Ember_Primrose> gg
L409[06:32:37] <Forecaster> monitor*
L410[06:32:38] <Ember_Primrose> well played
L411[06:32:40] <Forecaster> why did I do that
L412[06:33:01] <Forecaster> there!
L413[06:33:15] <Forecaster> Sangar: gamax92 now the monitor should appear again :P
L414[06:33:16] <Vexatos> Temia possessed you :>
L415[06:33:18] <Ember_Primrose> fixed
L416[06:33:21] <Ember_Primrose> ??
L417[06:33:23] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqBUXcjWYAA5_3p.jpg Lol
L418[06:33:44] <gamax92> the minotaur class
L419[06:34:17] <Inari> Cruor: https://twitter.com/jlist/status/765504533631868928 tahts helpful
L420[06:34:17] <MichiBot> Tue Aug 16 06:04:37 CDT 2016 @jlist: Remember, if you can't remember the order of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, it's the first three letters of NSFW. https://t.co/80O17HeLex
L421[06:34:23] <Ember_Primrose> Inari, show Antheus
L422[06:34:30] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L423[06:36:07] <gamax92> But then who is the W?
L424[06:36:46] <Inari> Wolbachia
L425[06:37:36] <Ember_Primrose> well
L426[06:38:03] <Ember_Primrose> wals
L427[06:38:05] <Ember_Primrose> wales
L428[06:38:10] <Ember_Primrose> words
L429[06:39:57] <Inari> hm
L430[06:40:04] <Inari> is there some good "japanese snacks" box that you orderj ust once :|
L431[06:41:36] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-100-1-168-123.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L432[06:41:49] <Syrren> https://twitter.com/MarioUComics/status/765422297498914816
L433[06:41:50] <MichiBot> Tue Aug 16 00:37:51 CDT 2016 @MarioUComics: @jlist Yo don't play pokemon go. Pokemon Go plays you! https://t.co/OyYaoTNXLj
L434[06:42:00] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@
L435[06:42:19] <Inari> Syrren: that pikachu (the one in the original tweet) is cute
L436[06:42:29] <Syrren> indeed
L437[06:46:21] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L438[06:47:37] <Forecaster> yep, now everything seems to be working correctly again
L439[06:47:38] <Forecaster> :>
L440[06:47:46] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L441[06:48:22] <Sangar> Forecaster, indeed. so. now how do i draw a rect inside an existing rect? :P
L442[06:48:35] <Forecaster> you can't right now :P
L443[06:48:40] <Sangar> awwww
L444[06:48:50] <Forecaster> I made this like 2 days ago
L445[06:48:55] <Sangar> but yeah, nice for getting measurements
L446[06:49:10] <Forecaster> there's a bunch of things to add, like exporting and importing layouts
L447[06:49:17] <Forecaster> to/from json probably
L448[06:49:58] <Forecaster> yeah, doing that stuff is what kept me from making my own guis in OC :P
L449[06:50:00] <Sangar> mhmm
L450[06:50:01] <Forecaster> hence the app
L451[06:50:06] <Sangar> :D
L452[06:50:15] <Forecaster> I used it in the last mc letsplay episode
L453[06:50:22] <Forecaster> to many a locomotive control gui
L454[06:50:25] <Forecaster> for a tablet
L455[06:51:37] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/Wv2emAGz2v4?t=591
L456[06:51:37] <MichiBot> Modded Minecraft [Episode 171] - My Buttons | length: 45m 4s | Likes: 5 Dislikes: 0 Views: 46 | by Forecaster
L457[06:51:48] <Forecaster> there's how it used to look :P
L458[06:52:02] <Forecaster> didn't have the color picker then
L459[06:54:29] <Ember_Primrose> lol
L460[06:54:30] <Ember_Primrose> https://twitter.com/jlist/status/766065065611100161
L461[06:54:31] <MichiBot> Wed Aug 17 19:11:59 CDT 2016 @jlist: Pokemon Go teams in a nutshell. https://t.co/9zlckzbfKh
L462[06:55:14] <Forecaster> :P
L463[06:55:54] <Ember_Primrose> watching yer buttons
L464[06:56:04] <Forecaster> ohmy
L465[06:56:14] <Ember_Primrose> your video mate
L466[06:56:35] <Ember_Primrose> called "My buttons"
L467[06:56:47] <Forecaster> I know ;P
L468[06:57:39] ⇨ Joins: ade124|mobile (~ade124|mo@
L469[06:57:46] <Ember_Primrose> brb
L470[06:58:23] <Ember_Primrose> adv driving lessons
L471[06:58:34] <ade124|mobile> That moment when your parents use your WhatsApp conversation as a note storage
L472[06:58:36] <Forecaster> good luck!
L473[06:58:46] <Ember_Primrose> thanks
L474[07:00:44] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L478[07:24:44] <Kimiro> Nam Nam.
L479[07:25:13] <Kimiro> Fire alarm went off last night around 4 AM.
L480[07:25:29] <Forecaster> sounds fun
L481[07:25:57] <Kimiro> Yeah, I love standing in the rain. =-=
L482[07:26:18] <Forecaster> me too :D
L483[07:26:20] <Forecaster> wait, no
L484[07:26:35] <Kimiro> So much more than being cuddled up in a dry, warm, comfy bed.
L485[07:27:47] <Forecaster> I asked Cortana "are you siri" she said "Surely you're not Siri-ous."
L486[07:30:07] <Izaya> Cortana is Siri-ous about collecting data on you :3
L487[07:30:10] ⇦ Quits: Jakemichie97 (Jakemichie@ipv6.9.lambda.elitebnc.org) (Quit: Quit.)
L488[07:31:00] <Kimiro> *collects data on Izaya*
L489[07:31:30] * Izaya does not collect data on @Kimiro while still offering a fully functional, useful service
L490[07:32:16] <Kimiro> *eats the data collected on Izaya*
L491[07:32:20] * Forecaster doesn't care
L492[07:32:47] * Izaya grumbles but accepts that users will be users
L493[07:33:15] * ade124|mobile thanks the PRC for removing Cantonese from Windows
L494[07:33:33] <ade124|mobile> Which would probably mean Cortana will never support HK
L495[07:34:31] * ade124|mobile eats the chat log
L496[07:35:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L497[07:35:13] <Forecaster> yay, more E:D stream
L498[07:35:16] <Forecaster> \o/
L499[07:36:09] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L502[07:52:08] <Saphire> #ping
L503[07:52:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L504[07:52:28] <Saphire> %ping
L505[07:52:37] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 8.17s
L506[07:54:16] <Kimiro> *pings Saphire*
L507[07:55:42] <Saphire> meep?
L508[07:56:27] <Kimiro> I'm watching you. :>
L509[07:56:51] <Saphire> okay..
L510[07:57:21] <Kimiro> Also, Izaya: Users will be users. Typically very stupid. :>
L511[08:01:48] <Kimiro> Though mostly because of a lack of education.
L512[08:02:15] <Izaya> I have a LART for a reason
L513[08:04:10] <Forecaster> lots of people whining about the cosmetic things they're adding
L514[08:04:21] ⇨ Joins: edrat (~edrat@p54A25A21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L515[08:05:06] <Izaya> it looks like shit, you signed up for this when you installed Windows
L516[08:05:13] <Izaya> dunno why they're whining
L517[08:05:23] <edrat> Linux is best :D
L518[08:05:25] <Izaya> Now my issue is the interface itself, not how it looks
L519[08:05:29] <Skye> #p
L520[08:05:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.300672547 Seconds passed.
L521[08:05:34] <Izaya> It'd be nice to have like
L522[08:05:34] <Skye> #p Saphire
L523[08:05:36] ⇦ Quits: edrat (~edrat@p54A25A21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L524[08:05:38] <Izaya> one control panel
L525[08:05:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L526[08:05:46] <Izaya> bye edrat
L527[08:05:48] <Kimiro> Cortana is watching you masturbate.
L528[08:05:49] <Izaya> #p
L529[08:05:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.458943413 Seconds passed.
L530[08:05:55] <Forecaster> I'm talking about E:D.
L531[08:06:03] <Izaya> oh
L532[08:06:07] <Izaya> in that case
L533[08:06:13] <Izaya> more shiny stuff :D
L534[08:06:23] <Izaya> I should get E:D some time
L535[08:06:29] <Forecaster> and I like how windows looks, it looks fine to me
L536[08:06:44] <Izaya> personal taste
L537[08:06:49] <Forecaster> no shit
L538[08:06:59] <Izaya> not a fan of powerpoint shapes myself
L539[08:08:11] <Forecaster> I spend less than 1% of my time looking at windows dialogs
L540[08:08:17] <Forecaster> so it wouldn't matter
L541[08:09:21] <Kimiro> Forecaster: What's the other 99% of your time spent looking at? :>
L542[08:09:45] <Forecaster> programs obviously
L543[08:10:02] <Kimiro> "Obviously".
L544[08:10:24] <Forecaster> well I don't sit and stare at the clock now do I?
L545[08:10:26] <Forecaster> :P
L546[08:11:15] <Kimiro> Hehehe.
L547[08:12:54] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L548[08:13:17] <Kimiro> *pats Forecaster*
L549[08:15:52] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L550[08:15:54] <ade124|mobile> %ping
L551[08:16:18] <Izaya> #p ade124|mobile
L552[08:16:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L553[08:17:43] <ade124|mobile> Why are taskbar placed at the bottom? Maybe I'm too used to OS X
L554[08:17:54] <Forecaster> what?
L555[08:17:58] <Izaya> Why not?
L556[08:18:09] <Forecaster> you can move it
L557[08:18:10] <Izaya> Doesn't make much difference really
L558[08:18:25] <ade124|mobile> I like top-mounted taskbar (lol why)
L559[08:18:51] <Izaya> ade124|mobile: as a mac user, does the single menu bar seem like a good or bad thing?
L560[08:18:59] <Forecaster> I'm used to it being on the bottom
L561[08:19:05] <ade124|mobile> ?
L562[08:19:12] <Izaya> I've been trying it on my laptop and IMO it makes no difference
L563[08:19:23] <ade124|mobile> On a laptop, good
L564[08:19:32] <Izaya> Just have to select the program you want to access
L565[08:19:37] <ade124|mobile> On a giant display: No, not in a million years
L566[08:19:46] <Izaya> That said it'd be good with autohide maybe
L567[08:19:49] <Izaya> Interesting
L568[08:20:05] <Izaya> Makes sense tho
L569[08:20:19] <ade124|mobile> It's like placing the "back" button on the top of the screen for iOs
L570[08:20:24] <ade124|mobile> *iOS
L571[08:20:59] <ade124|mobile> For small screens that is fine and maybe even good but it's definitely not for a 5.5 inch screems
L572[08:21:07] <Izaya> I thought that was just so they could just have the applications button at the bottom
L573[08:21:10] <ade124|mobile> *screens
L574[08:21:36] <Izaya> yeah I wouldn't want the back button at the top of a 5" screen t. Moto G3 user
L575[08:22:07] <ade124|mobile> I don't even really like the menu being moved to the top
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L577[08:23:48] <ade124|mobile> I can't even fit 2 applications comfortably on a 13" screen anyway
L578[08:25:12] <Izaya> Considering the size of the original Mac screen it made a lot of sense I guess
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L589[09:33:19] <Forecaster> http://www.loadingartist.com/comic/dream-to-stream-1/
L590[09:33:20] <Forecaster> hehe
L591[09:33:39] <Ember_Primrose> :P
L592[09:33:42] <Forecaster> also http://buttersafe.com/2016/08/18/rescue-my-son/
L593[09:33:44] <Forecaster> cats!
L594[09:37:04] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L596[09:43:29] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@ (Quit: Leaving)
L597[09:44:01] <Ember_Primrose> stream today?
L598[09:44:28] <Forecaster> nah, tomorrow probably
L599[09:44:36] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L600[09:44:37] <Ember_Primrose> ok
L601[09:44:44] <Forecaster> need to finish the new schedule thing
L602[09:45:35] <Ember_Primrose> that and last nights stream was so long it made me tired af
L603[09:45:47] <Forecaster> sorry
L604[09:45:52] <Forecaster> got carried away
L605[09:47:14] <Ember_Primrose> nah
L606[09:47:16] <Ember_Primrose> was fun
L607[09:48:19] ⇦ Quits: TheFox|AFK (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L608[09:57:47] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> so i can talk in irc in here
L609[09:58:23] <Mimiru> Yes..
L610[09:58:28] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ah :3
L611[09:59:19] <Saphire> ..I don't want to know what that nick means
L612[09:59:54] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ?
L613[10:00:34] <Inari> ignore her, shes just being lewd again
L614[10:03:41] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> :3
L615[10:04:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L616[10:04:49] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> dose irc commands work on `Corded`?
L617[10:05:08] <Mimiru> "irc commands" ?
L618[10:05:13] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> like /list
L619[10:05:30] <Mimiru> No..
L620[10:05:40] <Mimiru> How would that even...
L621[10:05:42] <Mimiru> eh anyway no
L622[10:07:31] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> just saying the way i see it is it the persion that entered /list gets a PM from the bot saying all the users online... but if it's not made like that it's not :3
L623[10:08:29] <Mimiru> irc's /list is channels, not users, which is why I was confused.
L624[10:08:54] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ? really
L625[10:08:58] <Mimiru> yes..
L626[10:09:20] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L627[10:09:28] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L628[10:09:33] <Mimiru> /list : http://puu.sh/qFOcl/2cd67e16d1.png
L629[10:10:07] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> hmm... haven't used irc in like 2-3 weeks so X3
L630[10:10:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L631[10:11:15] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> enyway i'm still working on that OC OS but still stuck X3
L632[10:13:32] <ade124|mobile> :D Mac EFI at it again
L633[10:14:32] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ... mac?
L634[10:14:33] <Natsumi> **Conversations** module has been banned from use on this **channel**.
L635[10:14:56] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> derp on you bot :P
L636[10:15:12] <ade124|mobile> Darn, Mac EFI, back at it again with the weirdness
L637[10:16:52] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@remote.kjisystems.com)
L638[10:17:18] <MajGenRelativity> hello
L639[10:17:29] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L640[10:18:14] <Mimiru> ;verbose false
L641[10:18:14] <Natsumi> Verbosity set to False.
L642[10:20:13] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru I have a quick question
L643[10:20:29] <Mimiru> Chances are: no.
L644[10:20:30] <Mimiru> :D
L645[10:20:36] <MajGenRelativity> would it be possible for OpenSecurity turrets to take the angles in radians instead of/in addition to degrees?
L646[10:20:49] <Mimiru> Seems I was correct.
L647[10:20:54] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L648[10:21:00] <MajGenRelativity> because my program spits out angles in radians, and I was wondering if it would be possible to avoid the conversion
L649[10:21:17] <Mimiru> So.. instead of you doing the conversion, you want me to do the conversion..
L650[10:21:21] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ... OpenSecurity was alway glitchy for me
L651[10:21:21] <Mimiru> which I don't know how to do.
L652[10:21:32] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose high-fives @Mimiru for her excellent precognition skills
L653[10:21:36] <Mimiru> And did you ever report that to me @FLORANA(BILLPC2684) ?
L654[10:21:42] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> even the doors break in one instant punch
L655[10:21:46] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> no
L656[10:21:51] <Mimiru> Well, you're fault then.
L657[10:21:57] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> well i'm sorry
L658[10:21:58] <MajGenRelativity> lol
L659[10:22:03] <Mimiru> Also, the doors don't break in one punch for anyone but the owner.
L660[10:22:10] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> oh
L661[10:22:11] <Mimiru> and they shouldn't even do that anymore.
L662[10:22:25] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru radians = degrees/360*2(pi) I believe
L663[10:22:41] <MajGenRelativity> I was just wondering if it was a possibility
L664[10:22:43] <Mimiru> The doors can't be broken at all, except by the owner matter of fact.
L665[10:22:50] <MajGenRelativity> It's no sweat off my back to call math.deg() anyways
L666[10:23:01] <Mimiru> @MajGenRelativity make an issue, when I'm not busy I'll look into it
L667[10:23:01] ⇦ Quits: Nentify (uid14943@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:0:3a5f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L668[10:23:16] <Mimiru> RE: Doors, they CAN be broken IF you disable the blockbreak event in the config
L669[10:23:17] <Mimiru> afk
L670[10:23:20] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru alright, I'll do that
L671[10:23:35] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> well in survival the doors break in a intant for me after placing it and the block don't return a item so thats a wast of resources
L672[10:23:56] <MajGenRelativity> @FLORANA(BILLPC2684) OpenSecurity is right up there with my favorite mods
L673[10:24:04] <Inari> so the bot still doesnt realy actions? :P
L674[10:24:08] <MajGenRelativity> TACEATS2 can/will be able to do amazing things with those turrets
L675[10:24:15] <Mimiru> Inari, it does..?
L676[10:24:29] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> hm...
L677[10:24:29] * Lizzy tests
L678[10:24:35] <Inari> i mean from discord to irc
L679[10:24:37] <Corded> * Elizabeth test confirm
L680[10:24:38] <Corded> * Mimiru yes
L681[10:24:40] <Corded> * Mimiru it does.
L682[10:24:46] <Inari> oh
L683[10:24:49] <Mimiru> those were actions Inari
L684[10:24:57] <Inari> its my script not being adapted to it :D
L685[10:25:03] <MajGenRelativity> ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
L686[10:25:06] <Inari> i wondered whats with the weirdness for a while lmao
L687[10:25:18] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_Mn4sT
L688[10:26:07] <Mimiru> lol, yeah gamax updated corded and the send changed a bit
L689[10:26:28] <MajGenRelativity> good job, gamax92
L690[10:26:48] * Kimiro bone apple feet
L691[10:26:52] <Mimiru> anyway our truck is here so I have to AFK
L692[10:27:27] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity noms on @Kimiro 's apple feet
L693[10:28:55] <Kimiro> *bones @MajGenRelativity wait no that can out wrong*
L694[10:29:02] <MajGenRelativity> uh
L695[10:29:07] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity signals a tactical retreat
L696[10:30:04] ⇨ Joins: Jezza|Nom (~Jezza@
L697[10:30:08] <Kimiro> And thus I can say the phrase...
L698[10:30:24] <Kimiro> *is subject to a tactical de-boning*
L699[10:31:06] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity wishes he had TACEATS2 to shoot @Kimiro with
L700[10:32:26] <Kimiro> *spontaneously starts bleeding profusely from his leg*
L701[10:33:04] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L702[10:36:12] <Inari> test
L703[10:36:14] <Corded> * Inari test
L704[10:37:16] <MajGenRelativity> @Inari message received ?
L705[10:37:53] <Forecaster> dammit laptop, stop crashing D:<
L706[10:40:57] <Inari> ?
L707[10:41:19] <Inari> whys it crashing?
L708[10:42:29] <Inari> .
L709[10:42:42] <Inari> this is weird
L710[10:42:43] <alekso56> streaming lewd, and the machine gets too hot.
L711[10:43:06] <alekso56> what, do you have slow buttons enabled?
L712[10:44:04] <Inari> slow buttons?
L713[10:44:13] <Corded> * Inari tests some more
L714[10:44:37] <Corded> * Inari thinks KVS can be a pain tow rok with :|
L715[10:45:10] <Skye> so
L716[10:45:15] <Inari> so?
L717[10:45:22] <Corded> * Inari licks Skye
L718[10:45:24] <Skye> alekso56, your computer is too lewd? :P
L719[10:45:28] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L720[10:45:28] <Skye> !!
L721[10:46:17] <Skye> why am I being licked?!
L722[10:49:32] <Inari> you're the test subject
L723[10:49:35] <Corded> * Inari licks skye more
L724[10:49:37] <Skye> .O_O
L725[10:49:59] <Kimiro> *licks @Skye too*
L726[10:50:06] <Skye> halp!
L727[10:50:14] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity attempts to intervene
L728[10:50:48] <Kimiro> *ends up licking @MajGenRelativity*
L729[10:50:59] <ade124|mobile> Oh no, I started Gentoo by accident
L730[10:51:10] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity begins annihilating @Kimiro
L731[10:51:13] <Corded> * Inari licks Skye while Kimiro is busy with MGR
L732[10:51:29] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@remote.kjisystems.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L733[10:51:51] <MajGenRelativity> @Skye I can't stop them all
L734[10:52:20] <Forecaster> I dunno
L735[10:52:29] <Forecaster> it's been doing it a lot today >:
L736[10:52:39] <Kimiro> *has 100% resistance to point-blank annihilation; continues licking @MajGenRelativity*
L737[10:53:20] * ade124|mobile licks everyone because this is getting too weird
L738[10:53:30] <Corded> * Inari licks Skye still
L739[10:53:43] <Skye> o_o
L740[10:53:52] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i bet i tast bad cus i'm a plant :P
L741[10:54:09] <ade124|mobile> Where's the install Gentoo video? I need it before I suffocate
L742[10:54:43] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity overrides @Kimiro 's defenses
L743[10:55:05] <Corded> * Inari stops licking Skye as the script works now
L744[10:55:25] * ade124|mobile executes sudo rm -rf /
L745[10:55:35] <Kimiro> *adapts faster than @MajGenRelativity cab override*
L746[10:56:24] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity overrides even faster
L747[10:56:30] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> WOOO OCLights and CCLights downloads are back online :D
L748[10:56:50] <Skye> what script
L749[10:58:52] * ade124|mobile decides to install mint instead since he is lazy
L750[11:01:46] <Forecaster> http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/real-parenting
L751[11:02:06] <Forecaster> seems legit
L752[11:02:16] <Forecaster> @Mimiru
L753[11:03:18] <Mimiru> just got back
L754[11:03:53] <Forecaster> back to doing real A+ parenting? :D
L755[11:04:44] <Mimiru> lmao wtf
L756[11:04:51] <Forecaster> :P
L757[11:06:31] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Smell ya later!)
L758[11:07:51] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L759[11:12:33] * CompanionCube licks Inari
L760[11:16:22] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ok um... i loading a 4 mods OCLights, OpenComputers, CCLights, and ComputerCraft and i got this http://pastebin.com/NDeBtHyd
L761[11:16:56] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@id-14943.highgate.irccloud.com)
L762[11:17:57] <MajGenRelativity> @FLORANA(BILLPC2684) cheatycomputer?
L763[11:18:02] <MajGenRelativity> @FLORANA(BILLPC2684) cheatycomputers?
L764[11:18:27] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> what?
L765[11:19:05] <MajGenRelativity> it doesn't matter
L766[11:19:29] <MajGenRelativity> it was a joke that went over your head ?
L767[11:20:03] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i don't really take jokes cuz i'm verry litteral
L768[11:20:19] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> enyway it says OCLight is erroring
L769[11:20:20] <Mimiru> Duplicate id: GPU... I'd assume it's cause OCL and CCL both register "gpu" without any kind of namespace
L770[11:20:39] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> then how do i fix this....
L771[11:20:54] <Mimiru> remove one or the other.
L772[11:21:10] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> cuz OCLights just that crashes CC's monitors
L773[11:21:28] <Mimiru> Best option here... remove CC and CCL
L774[11:21:30] <Mimiru> and be happy.
L775[11:21:36] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru I second your statement
L776[11:21:44] <Kimiro> I have thirds of cake.
L777[11:22:27] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> *toster pops* I have poptarts X3
L778[11:22:51] <ade124|mobile> CC stands for ClosedComputers
L779[11:22:59] <ade124|mobile> I think
L780[11:23:02] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> no CC = ComputerCraft
L781[11:23:07] <MajGenRelativity> no, it stands for CheatyComputers
L782[11:23:09] <Mimiru> Nah ade124 is right :P
L783[11:23:14] <ade124|mobile> Oops, forgot the /s
L784[11:23:40] <Mimiru> (we all know what cc is thanks though :P)
L785[11:24:28] ⇨ Joins: Lumindia_ (~IceChat9@nj-76-1-237-139.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
L786[11:45:20] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L787[11:50:16] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> um i need some help... my OS is erroring on `event.pull("key_down")`
L788[11:50:54] <Forecaster> what's the error?
L789[11:50:56] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> it says `attempt to index global 'event' (a nil value)`
L790[11:51:02] <Skye> uh
L791[11:51:10] <Skye> event doesn't exist without an OS
L792[11:51:15] <Skye> you need an OS to even make it exist
L793[11:51:23] <Forecaster> well, the api
L794[11:51:29] <Forecaster> you can still get events
L795[11:51:32] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> this is a blank OS
L796[11:51:34] <MajGenRelativity> do you have local event = require("event")
L797[11:51:40] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> from scratch
L798[11:51:58] <MajGenRelativity> well, then the event library doesn't exist?
L799[11:52:02] <MajGenRelativity> yeah
L800[11:52:04] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L801[11:52:10] <MajGenRelativity> you need OpenOS to use event.XXX
L802[11:52:21] <Forecaster> you use "computer.pullSignal"
L803[11:52:30] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> oh...
L804[11:53:14] <Forecaster> or steal the event api from openOS :P
L805[11:56:46] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> so how do i use `computer.pullSignal`?
L806[11:56:56] <MajGenRelativity> ~w computer API
L807[11:57:04] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> same as event.pull i'm gessing
L808[11:57:10] <MajGenRelativity> welp, ocdoc doesn't get pulled through
L809[11:57:15] <MajGenRelativity> probably
L810[11:57:18] <Forecaster> ~oc computer
L811[11:57:18] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L812[11:57:27] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i'm aready there tho
L813[11:57:59] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> it says `computer.pullSignal([timeout: number]): name, ...` and that kunda confused me...
L814[11:58:05] <MajGenRelativity> yep
L815[11:58:09] <MajGenRelativity> just like event.pull
L816[11:58:13] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> k
L817[11:58:50] <Forecaster> except you can't filter the signals
L818[11:59:10] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> filter?
L819[12:00:03] <Forecaster> event.pull("touch")
L820[12:01:03] <MajGenRelativity> @Forecaster thank you for that tidbit of information
L821[12:01:07] <MajGenRelativity> I didn't know I could do that
L822[12:01:35] <Forecaster> :>
L823[12:02:22] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> so `computer.pullSignal("key_down")`?
L824[12:02:49] <Forecaster> no you can't do that with pullSignal
L825[12:03:02] <Forecaster> the event api adds that feature
L826[12:03:16] <Forecaster> pullSignal only takes a timeout parameter
L827[12:04:17] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> then how do i get a user press for my OS?
L828[12:04:54] <Forecaster> local event, ... = computer.pullSignal()
L829[12:05:01] <MajGenRelativity> re-implement event API functions, or just steal the API
L830[12:05:02] <Forecaster> if event == "key_down" then
L831[12:05:15] <Forecaster> you have to do the test yourself
L832[12:06:06] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> so `event,_,_,key,key2,_=computer.pushSignal()`
L833[12:06:31] <Forecaster> not push
L834[12:06:34] <MajGenRelativity> computer.pullSignal()*
L835[12:06:38] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> derp :P
L836[12:06:40] <Forecaster> yes
L837[12:06:47] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> typed the wrong one X3
L838[12:06:53] <Forecaster> although you don't need the last ,_
L839[12:07:01] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> true
L840[12:07:05] <Forecaster> :P
L841[12:07:15] <Forecaster> also you should use local
L842[12:07:50] <Kimiro> *uses @Forecaster locally as a paperweight*
L843[12:10:35] <Forecaster> D:<
L844[12:13:34] ⇦ Quits: Ashigaru (Ashigaru@through.the.looking.glass.sixthsage.com) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.3 - http://znc.in)
L845[12:14:59] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L846[12:15:18] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i got `bad argument #1 (string expected, got none)`
L847[12:15:45] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i think thats on the computer.pullString
L848[12:16:06] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> *computer.pullSingal
L849[12:16:20] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> *hates english*
L850[12:20:24] ⇦ Quits: sighup (nacht@gigchannel9-1--12-1.core2.dfw-tx.vzlink.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L851[12:20:46] <Forecaster> did you pass a timeout?
L852[12:20:49] <Forecaster> it might be required
L853[12:21:31] ⇦ Quits: lacsap (~lacsap@modemcable071.26-83-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L854[12:21:46] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ok it worked but then got `too long without yielding`
L855[12:22:24] <MajGenRelativity> try 1 for a 1 second time out?
L856[12:22:29] <MajGenRelativity> I think timeout is in seconds..........
L857[12:22:36] <Forecaster> it's in seconds
L858[12:23:17] <Forecaster> what you need to do is have a loop that checks for the event, after a few seconds of waiting it should time out (yeld)
L859[12:23:24] <Forecaster> then the loop should restart and wait for the event again
L860[12:23:36] <MajGenRelativity> ^
L861[12:23:38] <Forecaster> until you get the event you want, then you exit the loop
L862[12:24:09] ⇨ Joins: Ashigaru (znc@through.the.looking.glass.sixthsage.com)
L863[12:24:39] *** Ashigaru is now known as Guest5347
L864[12:25:42] *** Guest5347 is now known as Ashigaru
L865[12:25:42] ⇨ Joins: sighup (nacht@gigchannel9-1--12-1.core2.dfw-tx.vzlink.net)
L866[12:26:03] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> how do i close the loop?
L867[12:26:10] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L868[12:29:18] <Kimiro> *loops @MajGenRelativity into himself*
L869[12:29:32] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity bursts out of @Kimiro 's body
L870[12:29:43] <Corded> * MajGenRelativity goes back to working
L871[12:35:34] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> found my probblem with the yield error X3
L872[12:35:41] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> it was my sleep command\
L873[12:35:48] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L874[12:47:53] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> ok it's working my OS works but not getting the keys for data
L875[12:48:12] * vifino presents six cake slices leaning on each other to Lizzy, her picking the second left most one for $REASONS
L876[12:48:56] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L877[12:48:59] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L878[12:49:37] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L879[12:49:39] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L880[12:49:42] <Skye> wut
L881[12:50:32] <Ember_Primrose> gg
L882[12:50:38] <Ember_Primrose> good god
L883[12:50:41] <Mimiru> Skye what..?
L884[12:50:54] <Mimiru> lol yeah
L885[12:50:58] <Skye> I am confused nasally
L886[12:51:01] <MajGenRelativity> yay
L887[12:51:02] <Skye> what
L888[12:51:04] <Skye> WHAT
L889[12:51:06] <Skye> eaisaally
L890[12:51:08] <Skye> esailly
L891[12:51:10] <Skye> I GIVE UP
L892[12:51:13] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru I still gotta make that OS issue ?
L893[12:51:18] <Mimiru> I'm only like 14k behind them
L894[12:51:19] <Skye> I can't spell easy
L895[12:51:27] <Inari> Skye: are you high
L896[12:51:35] <Mimiru> lol @MajGenRelativity get on it :P
L897[12:51:44] * Caitlyn kicks corded
L898[12:51:59] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru alright, I'll do it now
L899[12:53:03] <Kimiro> No, Skye is easy. :>
L900[12:53:36] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L901[12:53:41] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L902[12:53:44] <Skye> Inari, no. I will never be, just because I fear for the sanity of others and myself.
L903[12:53:55] <Caitlyn> GAH TF
L904[12:53:57] <Caitlyn> WTF*
L905[12:54:41] Caitlyn sets mode: +v on Corded
L906[12:55:37] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/issues/55
L907[12:55:38] <MajGenRelativity> boom
L908[12:55:46] <Caitlyn> Yes, I got the email :p
L909[12:55:47] <Caitlyn> ty
L910[12:55:49] <MajGenRelativity> np
L911[12:56:32] <Mimiru> why doesn't corded work for this other channel I'm trying to add
L912[12:57:05] <MajGenRelativity> idk
L913[12:57:05] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L914[12:58:15] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L915[12:58:17] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L916[12:58:34] <Mimiru> Oh.. I was using the wrong server ID
L917[12:58:37] <Mimiru> cause I R SMRT
L918[12:58:38] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L919[12:58:43] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> so i'm doing `event,r1,r2,key,key2,r3=computer.pullSignal(1);print(1,13,tostring(event))` and giving `nil`
L920[12:59:17] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> oh...
L921[12:59:28] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i think i found my probblem X3
L922[13:00:14] <Mimiru> nil just means it existed before it found an event iirc
L923[13:00:17] <Mimiru> err
L924[13:00:19] <Mimiru> exited*
L925[13:00:40] Caitlyn sets mode: +v on Corded
L926[13:00:43] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i fixed it XD
L927[13:02:04] <Caitlyn> Oh, hey thanks Lizzy :P
L928[13:02:32] <Lizzy> ?
L929[13:02:52] <Lizzy> oh
L930[13:02:54] <Lizzy> !flags
L931[13:02:56] <Caitlyn> other channel, I thought it was set here not there
L932[13:03:15] <Lizzy> oh derp
L933[13:03:20] <Caitlyn> heh
L934[13:03:27] <Lizzy> there we go
L935[13:03:41] <Caitlyn> I need to rip into corded some more and figure out why it isn't identing to NS
L936[13:03:46] * Lizzy was still putting the other cannel name in
L937[13:03:47] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L938[13:03:49] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L939[13:03:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L940[13:03:53] <Caitlyn> \o/ thanks
L941[13:04:01] <Lizzy> right, now bathroom break
L942[13:04:02] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru i'm sure you can figure it out
L943[13:04:10] <MajGenRelativity> that and radians for turrets ?
L944[13:05:05] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L945[13:06:01] <Mimiru> "no ussage found" for getIdentNick
L946[13:06:12] <Mimiru> well.. that'd be why cause it never calls it
L947[13:06:52] <MajGenRelativity> heh
L948[13:08:30] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L949[13:09:56] <Mimiru> if (!getIdentPass().isEmpty())
L950[13:09:56] <Mimiru> builder.setNickservPassword(getIdentPass());
L951[13:09:56] <Mimiru> done
L952[13:10:16] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L953[13:10:22] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L954[13:10:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L955[13:10:32] <Mimiru> * [Corded] is logged in as Michibot
L956[13:10:37] <Elizabeth> .setgame with Corded ? ?
L957[13:10:53] <Elizabeth> !setgame with Natsumi ? ?
L958[13:10:58] <Mimiru> heh
L959[13:11:11] <Forecaster> so lewd
L960[13:11:15] <Elizabeth> ye
L961[13:11:30] <Forecaster> the bots are getting more action than me :P
L962[13:11:36] <Mimiru> lol
L963[13:11:39] <Mimiru> yay lunch
L964[13:11:40] <Mimiru> afk
L965[13:12:03] <Elizabeth> o/
L966[13:12:06] <Skye> Corded x Natsumi
L967[13:12:57] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L968[13:20:08] <Inari> Forecaster wants lewd action
L969[13:21:39] <Forecaster> I didn't actually say I wanted it, but maybe :P
L970[13:24:50] <Inari> Forecaster: ;) you woudl like the loli getting you some action, you know it
L971[13:24:53] *** Jezza|Nom is now known as Jezza
L972[13:25:08] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L973[13:25:14] <Forecaster> :P
L974[13:25:50] <Ember_Primrose> :O
L975[13:25:58] <Ember_Primrose> this is so cool
L976[13:26:05] <Forecaster> what is?
L977[13:26:10] <Ember_Primrose> loli.dance
L978[13:26:33] <Forecaster> I don't know what that is
L979[13:26:34] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@wifi-student.yccd.edu)
L980[13:27:10] <Forecaster> oh
L981[13:27:11] <Forecaster> xD
L982[13:27:18] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L983[13:27:34] <Forecaster> that is really loud
L984[13:27:44] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L985[13:27:48] <Ember_Primrose> loli
L986[13:28:15] <Ember_Primrose> :O
L987[13:28:16] <Ember_Primrose> ohno
L988[13:28:30] <Ember_Primrose> Inari left the discord server
L989[13:28:47] <Eleria> nuuuuu ;-;
L990[13:29:13] <Forecaster> still on yours tho :P
L991[13:29:21] <Ember_Primrose> oh no
L992[13:30:15] <Mimiru> Still on mine too :p
L993[13:30:39] <Ember_Primrose> @Mimiru I LOVE IT
L994[13:31:09] <Mimiru> ?
L995[13:31:51] <Ember_Primrose> loli.dance
L996[13:31:54] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L997[13:31:56] <Mimiru> Oh lol
L998[13:31:58] <Mimiru> yeah
L999[13:32:11] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d01XRSB-7dA
L1000[13:32:12] <MichiBot> 【Electro】Monstaz. - Popcorn Funk | length: 4m 5s | Likes: 29869 Dislikes: 248 Views: 2334327 | by xKito Music
L1001[13:32:14] <Mimiru> is the song
L1002[13:32:18] <Ember_Primrose> where Inari when you need her
L1003[13:32:35] <Ember_Primrose> i need to know the anime
L1004[13:32:46] <Inari> ?
L1005[13:32:56] <Mimiru> http://myanimelist.net/anime/14829/Fate/kaleid_liner_Prisma%E2%98%86Illya
L1006[13:33:00] <Inari> &
L1007[13:33:01] <Inari> ^
L1008[13:33:02] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (~kilobyte@cucumber.kilobyte22.de) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
L1009[13:33:19] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L1010[13:33:23] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (~kilobyte@cucumber.kilobyte22.de)
L1011[13:33:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L1012[13:33:27] <Mimiru> .mal Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
L1013[13:33:30] <Ember_Primrose> thank youuu Inari-saaan
L1014[13:33:30] <Mimiru> No? k
L1015[13:33:34] <Mimiru> But..
L1016[13:33:35] <Mimiru> but..
L1017[13:33:37] <Mimiru> :P
L1018[13:33:44] <Ember_Primrose> and @Mimiru saaan
L1019[13:34:10] <Ember_Primrose> said thanks to inari for appearing and to you for answering
L1020[13:34:15] <Inari> lol
L1021[13:34:16] <Mimiru> lol
L1022[13:34:29] <Inari> kalied liner <3
L1023[13:37:24] ⇨ Joins: xilni (~xilni@
L1024[13:37:49] <payonel> Inari: =D loved the skunks
L1025[13:38:31] <Ember_Primrose> o/ payo
L1026[13:38:39] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: :) hello
L1027[13:39:23] <Inari> hehe
L1028[13:39:41] <vifino> lewd
L1029[13:39:57] <Inari> vifino: http://akari.in/pinky_qF9H6 ;)
L1030[13:41:04] <vifino> pls
L1031[13:42:31] <Forecaster> aw, I want an .er domain
L1032[13:42:33] <Forecaster> >:
L1033[13:42:54] <Gwyndolin> "infection strategy game"
L1034[13:42:55] <Gwyndolin> "infection" STDS?!?!
L1035[13:43:57] <vifino> Forecaster: mem.er
L1036[13:44:18] <Ember_Primrose> er?
L1037[13:44:28] <Forecaster> I'd want forecast.er
L1038[13:44:29] <Forecaster> :P
L1039[13:44:54] <vifino> Forecaster: Forecaste.ru
L1040[13:45:00] <Gwyndolin> blyat
L1041[13:49:29] <Ember_Primrose> so fl studio is fun
L1042[13:49:36] <Forecaster> I bet :P
L1043[13:49:39] <vifino> Forecaster: "Forecaster you"
L1044[13:50:34] <vifino> Def: To Forecaster someone: To entertain someone with audiovisual recordings or streams via the internet
L1045[13:50:54] <Forecaster> xD
L1046[13:50:59] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1047[13:51:07] <Ember_Primrose> oh and hi vifino
L1048[13:52:27] <gamax92> Hello
L1049[13:52:39] <Inari> woo
L1050[13:52:45] <Inari> i finally bought the r18 nekopara vol1 :p
L1051[13:52:53] <vifino> Hello Ember_Primrose.
L1052[13:53:23] <Ember_Primrose> ohno
L1053[13:53:25] * Lumindia_ gnaws on Gwyndolin
L1054[13:53:34] <Gwyndolin> :>
L1055[13:53:35] <Ember_Primrose> my friend in dnd is a nekoparan
L1056[13:53:58] * Inari hands out collars with a little bell on them to Ember_Primrose, Lizzy, and Mimiru
L1057[13:54:12] <gamax92> Woaaaah there now.
L1058[13:54:13] <Skye> Wait... why did Inari leave the discord?
L1059[13:54:51] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose plays with the bell constantly
L1060[13:55:18] <Corded> * Eleria is sad because she got none
L1061[13:58:23] <Inari> cause discords sucks for being on multiple servers, its a pain when people ping me on discord (both because it seems someitmes my IRC client doesnt recognize that as aping and because even if i server mute it it still shows the stupid "XX" number on the server
L1062[13:59:58] <TheCryptek> %seen TheFox
L1063[13:59:59] <MichiBot> TheCryptek: TheFox was last seen 13h 52m 34s ago.
L1064[14:00:20] <Gwyndolin> wow dark souls 3 has some really cheap enemies
L1065[14:00:24] * CompanionCube huggles Inari
L1066[14:00:28] <Gwyndolin> lovely
L1067[14:00:33] <gamax92> Inari: Can agree there.
L1068[14:08:06] <Inari> gamax92: why woah?
L1069[14:08:43] <gamax92> I put Manjaro on my laptop and am going to go play with the AUR now
L1070[14:09:22] <Inari> gamax92: collars with littl ebells are cute
L1071[14:09:23] <Inari> :3
L1072[14:11:09] <Ember_Primrose> inari
L1073[14:11:14] <Ember_Primrose> do a server mute
L1074[14:11:31] <Ember_Primrose> then pings wont highlight in discord
L1075[14:12:13] <Mimiru> "even if i server mute it it still shows the stupid "XX" number on the server"
L1076[14:12:14] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: i did, they do
L1077[14:13:56] <Ember_Primrose> well mine doesnt
L1078[14:14:16] <Ember_Primrose> it only makes a red dot insted of a number and a white dot
L1079[14:14:41] <Ember_Primrose> it might be that i muterd everything?
L1080[14:14:42] * Lizzy puts hers on
L1081[14:15:05] <Ember_Primrose> that or mute irc #oc-js
L1082[14:15:11] <Ember_Primrose> f off tab
L1083[14:15:27] <gamax92> I wish Discord had tab cycling
L1084[14:15:29] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: red dot is still bad :P
L1085[14:15:33] <Inari> i want it to just show nothing
L1086[14:15:43] <gamax92> even wocchat has tab cycling.
L1087[14:17:49] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1088[14:18:54] <Ember_Primrose> inari do this:
L1089[14:18:54] <Ember_Primrose> 1: right click the #oc discord server icon>notification settings> mute the server
L1090[14:18:54] <Ember_Primrose> 2: under server setting switch notification level to nothing
L1091[14:18:54] <Ember_Primrose> 3: turn on supress @ everyone and @ me s
L1092[14:19:09] <Inari> but why
L1093[14:19:18] <Ember_Primrose> ping me
L1094[14:19:35] <Kimiro> @Ember_Primrose
L1095[14:19:48] <Ember_Primrose> got nothing
L1096[14:19:59] <Ember_Primrose> no ping no icon change nada
L1097[14:20:05] ⇦ Quits: AlexanderADM (~Aensland@host193-215-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1098[14:20:15] <Ember_Primrose> @Ember_Primrose
L1099[14:20:49] <Forecaster> that doesn't work from irc
L1100[14:21:50] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: good :p
L1101[14:21:56] <TheFox> o/
L1102[14:22:05] <TheFox> hello everyone
L1103[14:22:34] <gamax92> "easy to paint 2mm figures"
L1104[14:22:53] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster it does
L1105[14:22:57] <TheFox> um, no its not. i havent done it, but it sounds like its almost impossible
L1106[14:22:57] <Ember_Primrose> did
L1107[14:23:08] <TheFox> hello Ember_Primrose
L1108[14:23:09] <gamax92> umm Ember, it doesn't work from IRC.
L1109[14:23:26] <gamax92> you'll note that it's not blue and just looks like normal text
L1110[14:23:30] <Ember_Primrose> what?
L1111[14:23:39] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster
L1112[14:23:44] <Ember_Primrose> or @gamax92
L1113[14:23:56] <gamax92> @Ember_Primrose
L1114[14:24:07] <gamax92> That's blue and acts like a link
L1115[14:24:08] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: see, i see no point in using discord, so theres no point ot being on the OC discord thing in the frist place
L1116[14:24:14] <gamax92> @Ember_Pimrose
L1117[14:24:26] <gamax92> This is just normal text
L1118[14:24:36] <Ember_Primrose> oh
L1119[14:24:39] <Ember_Primrose> dangit
L1120[14:24:44] <TheFox> hey gamax92 i have a question for you. how can i turn "0xABCDEF " from a string into its hex a value?
L1121[14:24:59] <Ember_Primrose> well i just disabled the ping ntifications from hexchat
L1122[14:24:59] <TheFox> or really anyone
L1123[14:25:11] <Forecaster> what do you mean "hex value"?
L1124[14:25:19] <Ember_Primrose> and int?
L1125[14:25:28] <Ember_Primrose> an *
L1126[14:25:31] <TheFox> make it capable of being inputed into gpu.setForeground()
L1127[14:25:33] <gamax92> TheFox: add 0
L1128[14:25:41] <gamax92> #lua "0xABCDEF"+0
L1129[14:25:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 11259375.0
L1130[14:25:44] <gamax92> also tonumber works
L1131[14:25:46] <Inari> lol
L1132[14:25:48] <gamax92> #lua tonumber("0xABCDEF")
L1133[14:25:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 11259375
L1134[14:25:54] <TheFox> tonumber does not work for me
L1135[14:26:01] <TheFox> it returns nil
L1136[14:26:16] <Inari> you're doign it wrong
L1137[14:26:36] <TheFox> im doing gpu.setForeground(tonumber(hexVal)) where hexVal = "0xABCDEF"
L1138[14:26:36] <gamax92> yeah you're really doing it wrong, as it works, and no spaces aren't an issue tonumber will trim whitespace
L1139[14:27:17] <TheFox> ABCDEF are place holder values by the way. they change from numbers to letters at will
L1140[14:27:29] <TheFox> then they are loaded into a table and concatinated
L1141[14:27:43] <Inari> TheFox: wat
L1142[14:28:16] <vifino> Inari: thanks for collaring up my pet, appreciate it
L1143[14:28:23] <Inari> vifino: ;D
L1144[14:28:24] <Inari> lewd
L1145[14:28:28] <gamax92> Inari: that was why I said woah.
L1146[14:28:29] <vifino> indeed
L1147[14:28:40] <Inari> i hope she enjoys it too ;)
L1148[14:29:14] <Mimiru> I wish I could wear mine out... but I REALLY don't want to get odd looks from people.. or fired.
L1149[14:29:51] <TheFox> Inari: i have an Array of Hex (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'A',B','C','D','E','F') and im randomly grabbing chars to try to make a random hex value . then i load them into string using table.concat() and try to load that into gpu.setForeground(hexstring) which errors "number expected, got string
L1150[14:30:15] <Ember_Primrose> @Mimiru fuck the people
L1151[14:30:26] <Inari> Mimiru: literally
L1152[14:30:27] <Inari> ;3
L1153[14:30:48] <gamax92> TheFox: oh, if you're missing the 0x you either need to add it or tell tonumber base 16
L1154[14:30:49] <Ember_Primrose> nononononon
L1155[14:30:55] <gamax92> #lua tonumber("ABCDEF",16)
L1156[14:30:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 11259375
L1157[14:31:43] <gamax92> #lua local hexVal = "0xABCDEF" gpu.setForeground(tonumber(hexVal))
L1158[14:31:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Got color #abcdef | nil
L1159[14:32:24] <TheFox> ill to number to base 16
L1160[14:33:02] <TheFox> yup, that fixed it. thanks
L1161[14:33:04] <TheFox> !
L1162[14:34:29] <payonel> =tonumber("inari", 28)
L1163[14:34:35] <payonel> #lua return tonumber("inari", 28)
L1164[14:34:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 11577318
L1165[14:35:05] <Ember_Primrose> Inari turned 11577318 people into lewdy people
L1166[14:35:24] <TheFox> thats a lot
L1167[14:35:36] <TheFox> ^ there you go gamax92, i bet your happy i spelled it right this time
L1168[14:35:42] <TheFox> ;P
L1169[14:36:02] <payonel> ironically, this time it was an alot
L1170[14:36:19] ⇦ Quits: Lumindia_ (~IceChat9@nj-76-1-237-139.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1171[14:36:24] * TheFox shrugs
L1172[14:36:29] <payonel> #lua tonumber("alot", 30)
L1173[14:36:29] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 289649
L1174[14:36:41] <TheFox> it would have still trpped michibot and made gamax mad at me, so better safe then sorry
L1175[14:36:46] ⇨ Joins: Aensland (~Aensland@host193-215-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it)
L1176[14:36:47] ⇦ Quits: Aensland (~Aensland@host193-215-dynamic.47-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1177[14:38:18] <Forecaster> you mean by saying alot
L1178[14:38:30] <Forecaster> no?
L1179[14:38:33] <Forecaster> D:
L1180[14:38:45] <TheFox> im having a hard time finding a diffrence between the Secure Wirless modem from OpenSecurity and the normal wireless modem. please dont say one is more secure then the other. what is the diffrence
L1181[14:39:16] <Mimiru> I didn't realize mine was wireless :P
L1182[14:39:36] <Mimiru> anyway with mine you can call a method, and get a new address
L1183[14:39:40] <Mimiru> was requested, so I added it
L1184[14:40:08] <TheFox> oh, yeah. that would mess my code up horribly
L1185[14:40:18] <TheFox> thanks for telling me that.
L1186[14:40:31] <Mimiru> generateUUID() will make a new uuid
L1187[14:40:54] <TheFox> oh, so its not automatic its an on command function
L1188[14:41:08] <Mimiru> "with mine you can call a method, and get a new address"
L1189[14:41:16] <Mimiru> "can" "call a method"
L1190[14:41:18] <Mimiru> :P
L1191[14:41:21] <TheFox> i didnt notice the comma
L1192[14:41:48] <TheFox> with mine you can call a method and get a new address <- i thought u meant every time you call a method it makes a new UUID
L1193[14:42:19] <TheFox> also, Mimiru i dont know what version TheCryptek's server is running, but he is the only one that can here the Open Security alarms
L1194[14:42:24] <Mimiru> well yes, every time you call a specific method.. :P
L1195[14:42:44] <TheFox> i gues you are right there
L1196[14:43:07] <Mimiru> Also alarms haven't changed in a *long* time, and work fine for me...
L1197[14:43:21] <Mimiru> Well, that's al ie..
L1198[14:43:31] <Forecaster> I still want that block protection thing D:
L1199[14:43:40] <Mimiru> I changed how the sounds extraced a while back.. make sure you have .ogg files in /mods/OpenSecurity/alarms
L1200[14:43:44] <Mimiru> or whatever the directory is
L1201[14:43:50] <Mimiru> @Forecaster one day
L1202[14:44:00] <Forecaster> but... but...
L1203[14:44:01] <TheFox> ok, i remeber you talking about that a while ago
L1204[14:44:09] <TheFox> thats why i brought it up
L1205[14:44:42] <TheFox> Mimiru: i have no files in OpenSecurity
L1206[14:44:55] <TheFox> OpenSecurity/alarms
L1207[14:44:56] <Mimiru> the new sound extraction code should work fine... change was on May 9
L1208[14:45:10] <TheFox> maybe he downloaded an older version, hang on
L1209[14:45:33] <TheFox> we are running 1.0-91
L1210[14:45:38] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Smell ya later!)
L1211[14:45:51] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1212[14:51:26] <gamax92> I don't know why but even though my phone's wifi is set to don't turn off even when the screen's off, it still does so anyway
L1213[14:51:47] <gamax92> so, lock screen on and run black screen program to make it appear off
L1214[14:54:03] <Mimiru> Oh... umm
L1215[14:54:04] <Mimiru> what
L1216[14:54:32] <Mimiru> 91 was built Feb 24, 2016
L1217[14:54:33] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1218[14:54:38] <Mimiru> I've not ran another build since then?!
L1219[14:54:51] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@63-158-87-14.dia.static.qwest.net)
L1220[14:55:00] <Mimiru> Theres been SO MANY FIXES SINCE THEN
L1221[14:55:00] <Mimiru> wtf
L1222[14:55:28] <Mimiru> wait..
L1223[14:55:33] <Mimiru> you have the SecureNetworkCard..?
L1224[14:56:00] <Mimiru> TheFox
L1225[14:56:03] <TheFox> let me check
L1226[14:56:32] <TheFox> nooooooo..... i tought there was one because i have used newer versions of your mod
L1227[14:56:36] <TheFox> thought*
L1228[14:56:57] <Mimiru> Oh
L1229[14:57:03] <Mimiru> Ok.. Yeah you likely had one of the dev builds
L1230[14:57:08] <Mimiru> I've not ran a stable build in AGES -_-
L1231[14:57:24] <Ember_Primrose> pls help me
L1232[14:57:26] <Mimiru> Let's fix that
L1233[14:57:29] <Ember_Primrose> im addictef
L1234[14:57:30] <Ember_Primrose> d
L1235[14:57:35] <TheFox> addicted to what?
L1236[14:57:40] <Ember_Primrose> fl studio is amazing
L1237[14:57:43] <Ember_Primrose> making music
L1238[14:58:02] <Mimiru> Build 92 is running now and will be on curse soon... that has the new sound unpack changes, and lots of other awesome fixes
L1239[14:59:13] <TheFox> ok, ill persuade him in on it.
L1240[14:59:27] <Mimiru> Err
L1241[14:59:28] <Mimiru> -_-
L1242[14:59:31] <Mimiru> wtf
L1243[14:59:35] <Mimiru> I'm so confused
L1244[14:59:56] <TheFox> im on someone elses server
L1245[15:00:06] <Mimiru> No.. not about what you said
L1246[15:00:10] <TheFox> oh
L1247[15:00:13] <Mimiru> Jenkins is telling me there were no changes
L1248[15:00:18] <Mimiru> but the file is bigger...
L1249[15:00:30] <Mimiru> OH
L1250[15:00:33] <Mimiru> Oh
L1251[15:00:38] <Mimiru> Welp that build is fucking broken \o/
L1252[15:00:51] <TheFox> not good
L1253[15:01:12] <Mimiru> it build the wrong damn branch
L1254[15:02:23] <Mimiru> I give up
L1255[15:02:26] <Mimiru> I'm going to leave now
L1256[15:02:43] <TheFox> have a good one
L1257[15:02:47] <TheFox> o/
L1258[15:06:51] <gamax92> mmmm, yogurt and oatmeal
L1259[15:07:13] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1260[15:07:31] <Forecaster> mm sammishyes
L1261[15:07:33] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-190-70-197.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1262[15:07:45] <gamax92> Forecaster: what kind?
L1263[15:08:00] <Forecaster> ham, cheese & lettuce
L1264[15:09:46] <Mimiru> what the hell.. 80% of the mod doesn't even exist in the fucking workspace for jenkins
L1265[15:09:58] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@93-82-140-228.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1266[15:10:16] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1267[15:11:44] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1268[15:13:20] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: return 0;)
L1269[15:13:23] ⇨ Joins: oc (~oc@
L1270[15:13:38] <Mimiru> Can someone see if this even loads
L1271[15:13:41] <Mimiru> MC 1.7 oc 1.6
L1272[15:14:26] <Mimiru> http://puu.sh/qG5yK/baa5352336.jar
L1273[15:14:31] <Mimiru> helps if I link it I suppose
L1274[15:14:32] <S3> I see jar files
L1275[15:14:33] <S3> wyyyyyyy
L1276[15:14:34] <Mimiru> had a customer walking in
L1277[15:14:39] <S3> oh yes this is oc
L1278[15:14:39] <S3> nvm
L1279[15:14:46] <TheFox> er, quick question. this wont work will it? event.listen("place_holder",function(evt,a,b,c,d,e,f) return evt,a,b,c,d,e,f) end)
L1280[15:15:05] <Caitlyn> cause that's not how it works
L1281[15:15:20] <TheFox> i asked it it would or wouldnt, so i gues it wouldnt
L1282[15:15:21] <S3> Mimiru: nice key logger mod
L1283[15:15:24] <S3> lol
L1284[15:15:42] <TheFox> so, how can i get the values out of itthen?
L1285[15:18:39] <TheFox> anyone?
L1286[15:19:01] <gamax92> TheFox: store them somewhere?
L1287[15:19:20] <gamax92> and do note, that an event.listen can't just be returning arbitrary things
L1288[15:19:40] <gamax92> iirc it returns a boolean that can be used to automatically terminate the listener
L1289[15:19:40] <TheFox> its not, place_holder is a event. i just didnt put it in
L1290[15:19:53] <gamax92> as in it'll stop listening
L1291[15:19:56] <TheFox> no, it returns a bool that can be used to tell if it was registered
L1292[15:20:09] <gamax92> not event.listen, the call back.
L1293[15:20:19] <TheFox> oh'
L1294[15:22:12] <Mimiru> event.listen("place_holder",function())
L1295[15:22:15] <Mimiru> that's all you need
L1296[15:22:25] <Mimiru> ak
L1297[15:22:26] <Mimiru> afk
L1298[15:23:20] <TheFox> er, gamax92 i cant store them somewhere ic an access them out of the function. everyway i try just returns them as nil
L1299[15:25:01] <gamax92> why do you need to access it outside the funciton anyway
L1300[15:25:26] <TheFox> im using event.listen() as a way to get around using a while loop that will freze the computer
L1301[15:25:43] <gamax92> that makes zero sense
L1302[15:26:02] <gamax92> erm ... nvm sorry
L1303[15:26:21] <gamax92> TheFox: still though, a specific case perhaps?
L1304[15:26:35] <gamax92> because generally you do all you work regarding the event in the function
L1305[15:27:26] <TheFox> a specific case? the vars are capitalized correctly/
L1306[15:27:30] <gamax92> ....
L1307[15:27:37] <gamax92> case as in your usage of event.listne.
L1308[15:27:41] <TheFox> oh
L1309[15:28:04] <TheFox> im using it in a "library" to control one of my programs that throughs events
L1310[15:28:20] <gamax92> do note that if you're using event.listen to avoid a loop calling event.pull then event.listen won't even function anyway unless you're perhaps calling term.read
L1311[15:28:36] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com)
L1312[15:29:45] <TheFox> hang on a sec
L1313[15:30:36] <Mimiru> Ok.. anyone any feed back on that OS jar..?
L1314[15:30:54] <gamax92> Mimiru, I could take a look at it, just testing if it loads right?
L1315[15:31:05] <Mimiru> yeah, basically
L1316[15:31:29] ⇨ Joins: InariWB (~Pinkishu@p5DEC60D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1317[15:31:47] <TheFox> gamax92: i want this to run in background and be trigfgered when a certain event is triggered. thus why i used event.listen()
L1318[15:32:18] <gamax92> run in the background of OpenOS?
L1319[15:32:24] <TheFox> yes
L1320[15:32:44] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1321[15:32:51] <TheFox> last time i was doing something similar you guys had me make a TSR like program to do that
L1322[15:32:53] <gamax92> then yeah that'll be fine, the shell will be triggerent event.pull calls to drive event.listen listeners
L1323[15:33:12] <gamax92> "be triggerent" wtf is wrong with me.
L1324[15:33:30] <TheFox> so, how can i get my events args out of my handler? isnt there a Global, like _G or something?
L1325[15:33:53] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC60D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1326[15:33:54] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549617F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1327[15:34:44] <Mimiru> set them via the callback..?
L1328[15:34:48] <gamax92> TheFox: but why? even if you are putting stuff into global variables, nothing is going to be reading them unless perhaps another listener
L1329[15:34:53] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@63-158-87-14.dia.static.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1330[15:35:16] <gamax92> the shell will be doing shell things and there's no place in the shell to magically inject code to act upon these global variables
L1331[15:35:35] <gamax92> so all you'd be doing is polluting the global table with no code to read it.
L1332[15:35:38] <TheFox> Mimiru: thats what i tried to do, out side of the listener they return nil. gamax92: ok, so _G wont work then
L1333[15:35:39] *** InariWB is now known as Inari
L1334[15:35:46] <gamax92> ...
L1335[15:35:50] <Mimiru> ....
L1336[15:35:54] <gamax92> TheFox: You, stop now.
L1337[15:36:08] <gamax92> What are you trying to do, accomplish, what is your end goal.
L1338[15:36:26] <gamax92> Because you can most certainly assign stuff in a function, it's the same way you assign any variable.
L1339[15:36:35] <gamax92> _G.some_name = some_value
L1340[15:36:44] <gamax92> you can every easily do that yes
L1342[15:36:58] <Inari> _G._G = _G
L1343[15:37:32] <Inari> _G._G = _G -- make sure the global table's global table is set to the global table that is the global table
L1344[15:37:45] <TheFox> i know how to assing things in a variable, but i cant do return using event.listen(). my end goal is to get the variables from event.listen() out and into other variable in my program so i can use them
L1345[15:38:06] <gamax92> so you're not in OpenOS's shell then you're just inside your own program?
L1346[15:38:11] <TheFox> yes
L1347[15:38:12] <Inari> local blah
L1348[15:38:15] <gamax92> so uhh ... assign variables then :P
L1349[15:38:17] <Inari> function blub() end
L1350[15:38:18] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549617F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1351[15:38:22] <Inari> event.listen(blahblha, blub)
L1352[15:38:27] <Inari> use blah="meh" in blub
L1353[15:38:36] <TheFox> gamax92: that didnt return anything other then nil. let me try it another way
L1354[15:38:44] <gamax92> you aren't returning tings.
L1355[15:38:55] <gamax92> you don't return from a function to assign a variable.
L1356[15:39:00] <gamax92> you assign a variable to assign a variable.
L1357[15:39:10] <Inari> event.listen just tells the event ssytem to call that function fro that event
L1358[15:39:14] <Inari> of course it doesnt return soemthing
L1359[15:40:19] <gamax92> TheFox: http://pastebin.com/LwuqPCbQ
L1360[15:40:48] <Inari> i wihs OC had actual microcontrollers :<
L1361[15:41:38] <Mimiru> 88k downloads on OS 91
L1362[15:41:57] <gamax92> sorry Mimiru I'll go test it now >_>
L1363[15:42:03] <Mimiru> lol
L1364[15:42:46] <TheFox> gamax92:
L1365[15:42:49] <Mimiru> I've tried loading MC on the server before.. it doesn't like it
L1366[15:42:49] <TheFox> http://pastebin.com/FqkyPh02
L1367[15:43:16] <Inari> TheFox: theres no event.listen int hat code :|
L1368[15:43:37] <TheFox> yeah, dont mind that. just imagen there is oen
L1369[15:43:44] <Inari> what event are you listening to
L1370[15:43:44] <TheFox> i fogrot to put it in the paste
L1371[15:43:51] <Inari> are you sure it happened between the print and the thing?
L1372[15:44:25] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@wifi-student.yccd.edu) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1373[15:44:32] <Corded> * Mimiru sighs
L1374[15:45:34] <gamax92> Mimiru: crash
L1375[15:45:50] <TheFox> yes Inari its happening there
L1376[15:45:55] <Mimiru> you realize that when you run that... it just keeps going alone and executing stuff.. so when you run it yes the print will print nil, cause those variables won't have values yet. when the event is triggered, and the call back is called it's not going to magically call your print
L1377[15:46:02] <Mimiru> you realize that when you run that... it just keeps going along/ and executing stuff.. so when you run it yes the print will print nil, cause those variables won't have values yet. when the event is triggered, and the call back is called it's not going to magically call your print
L1378[15:46:20] <Mimiru> Oh and fml.. s/bleh/blah works on discords side now
L1379[15:46:22] <Mimiru> nice..
L1380[15:46:24] <TheFox> Mimiru: are you saying that you want me to run it for a second?
L1381[15:46:30] <TheFox> in a loop?
L1382[15:46:40] <gamax92> @Mimiru http://hastebin.com/inufomilaw.avrasm
L1383[15:46:40] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@wifi-student.yccd.edu)
L1384[15:46:57] <Mimiru> .listFilesForFolder
L1385[15:47:01] <Mimiru> dafuq...
L1386[15:47:02] <Mimiru> god damn it
L1387[15:47:08] <Mimiru> thanks gam
L1388[15:47:10] <Mimiru> gamax
L1389[15:48:45] <Mimiru> set the build to archived..
L1390[15:49:42] <gamax92> TheFox: event listners can only be called when event.pull is active
L1391[15:49:58] <Mimiru> and they only call *exactly* what is in the callback
L1392[15:50:35] <gamax92> since you have no code that specifically calls or indirectly calls event.pull, your event listener CANNOT be called, thus it's not possible for it to change values
L1393[15:50:51] <TheFox> http://pastebin.com/aAhy46j7 here is the code with event.listen() in it if you wanted it
L1394[15:51:05] <gamax92> and even then, there's no guarentee that a call to event.pull will change those values because what if your event didn't fire
L1395[15:51:20] <Mimiru> Once again... because when you run it, those variables have no value, and are nil.
L1396[15:51:31] <TheFox> gamax92: i already check if my event does fire.
L1397[15:51:31] <Mimiru> when you do whatever to trigger the event they get set...
L1398[15:51:32] <Inari> TheFox: how about you just give us the actaul code
L1399[15:51:47] <Mimiru> but then since your code has already ran, your 2nd print is done
L1400[15:51:58] <gamax92> ...
L1401[15:52:03] <Mimiru> it runs once, and is over. finished. done.
L1402[15:52:17] <Corded> * Kimiro chews on @Mimiru
L1403[15:52:21] <TheFox> but Mimiru that vars are saved, they should still hold there value?
L1404[15:52:26] <TheFox> Inari: one sec
L1405[15:52:27] <Mimiru> the callback can be called whenever... but that 2nd print is useless unless you keep the program running.
L1406[15:52:42] <Mimiru> The program terminates when it reaches the end.
L1407[15:52:48] <Mimiru> do you understand terminate?
L1408[15:52:52] <TheFox> i ran the program in a for loop at one point, it still didnt do anything other then nil
L1409[15:53:00] <Corded> * Mimiru sighs again
L1410[15:53:04] <TheFox> yes Mimiru i understand terminate
L1411[15:53:16] *** Caitlyn is now known as NotFuckingMimiru
L1412[15:53:18] <NotFuckingMimiru> -_-
L1413[15:53:45] <Inari> that much denial must mean Caitlyn is clearly fucking Mimiru
L1414[15:54:33] <gamax92> TheFox: http://pastebin.com/T60AR6WZ
L1415[15:55:26] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~quassel@wifi-student.yccd.edu) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1416[15:55:33] <gamax92> even if you do for i=1,100 do end before your print, thats still not event.pull, and will not indirectly call event.pull, and thus your listener cannot be called then
L1417[15:55:48] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-68-190.as13285.net)
L1418[15:56:35] <gamax92> also, you still haven't fucking said why you need the values outside the function.
L1419[15:56:42] <gamax92> you can't do your work inside the function?
L1420[15:57:26] <TheFox> http://pastebin.com/t0VbGdiR, there Inari, that is the part that is not working
L1421[15:57:33] <Inari> http://pastebin.com/4Fqfbzq6 hers a phoen number
L1422[15:58:03] <Inari> TheFox: tahts the program that you run?
L1423[15:58:29] <gamax92> TheFox: what is the end goal of this.
L1424[15:58:33] <TheFox> a cut down version of the part thats broken
L1425[15:58:39] <Inari> ...
L1426[15:59:09] <TheFox> the goal in the end is to make a library that only cycles when the modem_message is fired with specific port and message arguments
L1427[15:59:19] <TheFox> Inari: i can garuntee this is the part that is broken
L1428[15:59:25] <gamax92> wtf does that even mean.
L1429[15:59:34] <Inari> TheFox: good, i dont care, iw ont speculate on that hwatever you put there is what actually runs
L1430[15:59:36] <gamax92> cycles?
L1431[15:59:51] <Inari> TheFox: what you put there cant work btw
L1432[15:59:55] <Inari> since print is directly executed
L1433[15:59:58] <Inari> doesnt wait for the even tto fire first
L1434[16:00:08] <Inari> and if you now tlel me, in thea ctual code it does, then fu
L1435[16:00:26] <TheFox> shit, i didnt think about that. didnt think that print would fire before the event did. hold on
L1436[16:00:40] <gamax92> TheFox: did you even look at my pastebin.
L1437[16:00:48] <gamax92> TheFox: http://pastebin.com/T60AR6WZ
L1438[16:00:49] <gamax92> read.
L1439[16:01:17] <Inari> and sorry, im just sick of trying to speculate peoples issue on weird cut-down code that often doesnt reflect the actual code or pure specualtion :P
L1440[16:01:41] <Inari> you're not going to have developed some super secret code that needs to be patent protected
L1441[16:02:29] <payonel> the better my code is, the more worthy it is of sharing openly
L1442[16:02:51] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L1443[16:03:07] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1444[16:03:16] <TheFox> Inari: i dont care if its super secret patent protected or not, the last 3 times i posted code for help, it was stolen and called someone elses, real code and OC code, so i compartmentalize it all now
L1445[16:04:01] <gamax92> TheFox: http://pastebin.com/T60AR6WZ
L1446[16:04:02] <gamax92> read.
L1447[16:04:11] <TheFox> i did read
L1448[16:04:12] <Inari> TheFox: like what
L1449[16:04:29] <TheFox> gamax92: it worked after i told teh computer to sleep for (10)
L1450[16:04:42] <gamax92> yes sleeping will call event.pull
L1451[16:05:00] <payonel> ^
L1452[16:05:07] <TheFox> yes, or it will load my event and with the concept of FIFO it will give me the event modem_message
L1453[16:05:07] <gamax92> but that doesn't guarentee you'll get an event in those 10 seconds
L1454[16:05:22] <TheFox> well, gamax92 the event fires ever .2 seconds
L1455[16:05:30] <Mimiru> Have you even read a single thing I've said then..? " didnt think that print would fire before the event did." I've said this atleast 3 times
L1456[16:06:12] <TheFox> Mimiru: i am focusing on 15 diffrent peoples messages, i am sorry if i didnt take the time to fully understand your message because by the time i started reading yours i had 14 others
L1457[16:06:22] <NotFuckingMimiru> I just realized... even this won't fucking help me.. cause it's on my god damn highlight list, not nick matching
L1458[16:06:26] *** NotFuckingMimiru is now known as Michiyo
L1459[16:06:37] <Mimiru> You've responded to me directly when I said it...
L1460[16:06:52] <gamax92> and there's only 3 people
L1461[16:06:54] <Mimiru> Which means you either 1.) didn't READ the message... or 2.) Just don't fucking pay any attention to shit.
L1462[16:06:56] * payonel throws more messages at TheFox
L1463[16:07:28] <TheFox> Mimiru: or i was distracted by the other messages comming in and couldnt pay attention and "absurb" your message
L1464[16:07:34] <Mimiru> Either way, I don't care, and with your bullshit psuedo code have no interest in helping you.
L1465[16:07:37] * TheFox absurbs payonels message
L1466[16:07:45] <TheFox> dont need anymore help
L1467[16:07:47] <TheFox> it works fine
L1468[16:08:10] <Mimiru> absurb?
L1469[16:08:14] <Mimiru> mkay...
L1470[16:08:31] <gamax92> I'm glad I don't use or want to use your code that's built on spamming a computer ever .2 seconds
L1471[16:08:43] <Mimiru> But that's a WONDERFUL idea...
L1472[16:09:06] <TheFox> i set it to .2 seconds for temporary use, ill reset it later
L1473[16:10:25] <gamax92> seriously though, instead of using this event.listen, a shitty os.sleep that defeats the point of the event.listen acting like a driver or TSR, and then code that blindly expects variables to have been set
L1474[16:10:38] <gamax92> you could have just put the logic that acts on your modem_message inside the callback function
L1475[16:12:44] <TheFox> gamax92: its all temporary at the moment
L1476[16:12:44] <payonel> Inari: did you want a peek message? was that you?
L1477[16:12:56] <Inari> payonel: that sounds lewd
L1478[16:12:59] <Inari> who are we peeking at?
L1479[16:13:00] <payonel> >.<
L1480[16:13:11] <payonel> event.peek
L1481[16:13:17] <Inari> uhhh
L1482[16:13:22] <payonel> someone else? ok
L1483[16:13:26] <Inari> i onc easked for a way to geta ll events ont eh queue
L1484[16:13:33] <payonel> ah
L1485[16:13:34] <Inari> if thats what you mean
L1486[16:13:35] <payonel> ok
L1487[16:13:37] <payonel> nvm
L1488[16:13:38] <payonel> i think so
L1489[16:13:41] <payonel> but
L1490[16:13:44] <payonel> nvm
L1491[16:13:47] * Inari peeks at Lizzy pantsu,pulling payonel along
L1492[16:13:56] <payonel> weee!
L1493[16:14:11] * Inari keeps payonel infront, in case vifino tries to stab
L1494[16:14:40] <payonel> i've been working on my psh (payo (remote) shell - name inspired by ssh)
L1495[16:14:44] <Inari> though maybe he's busy stabbing someone else :3 :3
L1496[16:14:46] <gamax92> TheFox: are you on a server?
L1497[16:14:47] <payonel> -1 too many )
L1498[16:14:53] <TheFox> TheCryptek's server
L1499[16:14:58] <Inari> payonel: haha
L1500[16:15:03] <Inari> payonel: i was actually askinga bout that once :P
L1501[16:15:06] <Inari> but i dodnt think you caught it
L1502[16:15:12] <payonel> sorry?
L1503[16:15:14] <gamax92> TheFox: would it be okay if I were to poke in?
L1504[16:15:36] <TheFox> my code is a hell hole and i know it, so no need to say it is, and Yes, everything you need is on a forum post in servers
L1505[16:15:39] * vifino stabs Inari over and over
L1506[16:15:46] <TheFox> your more then welcome to sign on
L1507[16:15:47] <Inari> D:
L1508[16:15:55] <vifino> Lizzy's mine.
L1509[16:16:04] <payonel> Inari: asking about psh?
L1510[16:16:09] * TheFox waits for vifino to stop stabbing Inari then patches her up
L1511[16:16:14] <Inari> vifino: was just peeking
L1512[16:16:20] <vifino> Inari: No.
L1513[16:16:27] <vifino> Bad.
L1514[16:16:41] * vifino sprays Inari with a water bottle, then continues stabbing
L1515[16:17:10] <Inari> payonel: yeah
L1516[16:17:11] <Inari> [22:06:21] <+payonel> so that example, in real bash, can be redirected
L1517[16:17:12] <Inari> [22:06:30] <+payonel> i'm not planning on supporting that in openos
L1518[16:17:12] <Inari> [22:06:34] <Inari> psh when
L1519[16:17:13] <Inari> :P
L1520[16:17:47] <payonel> oh btw, i have that all fixed now in a 1.6.1 branch i'm holding onto until after release
L1521[16:17:47] <Inari> Lizzy: you fine with your boyfriend making me wet and stabbing me?
L1522[16:18:04] <payonel> e.g. in openos shell now you can say # asdfadsf 2>/dev/null
L1523[16:18:10] <payonel> and the "command not found" stderr is redirected
L1524[16:18:20] <payonel> same as failed to compile script errors
L1525[16:18:25] <payonel> same as aborts from scripts
L1526[16:18:33] <payonel> same as io.stderr from scripts
L1527[16:18:35] <payonel> \o/
L1528[16:19:08] <payonel> Inari: psh is my focus again. it'll be an oppm program though
L1529[16:19:11] <TheFox> gamax92: if you sign on and you use a wireless modem. DONT OPEN ANY PORTS FROM 500 to 550 unless you want to be spammed with a message every .2 secods
L1530[16:19:18] <payonel> less than a month away, probably more than a week
L1531[16:19:26] * Lizzy dumps a barrel of custard on Inari
L1532[16:19:36] <Inari> ew
L1533[16:19:39] * Inari goes to shower :|
L1534[16:20:08] * Lizzy replaces all the water with cusstard
L1535[16:20:15] <Lizzy> s/ss/s
L1536[16:20:15] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> *** replaces all the water with custard
L1537[16:20:53] <Skye> lewd
L1538[16:21:15] <Lizzy> also, mine and vifino's current networking setup: switch to my laptop which is then bridged to my usb3 ethernet port which then feeds off to vifino's laptop
L1539[16:21:52] <TheFox> why that way?
L1540[16:22:01] <Lizzy> because wifi is shit
L1541[16:22:05] <TheFox> oh
L1542[16:22:27] <Lizzy> and we don't want to unravel the other 10m ethernet cable
L1543[16:22:45] <gamax92> lol
L1544[16:23:40] <gamax92> TheFox: is the server 1.7.10 or 1.10.2
L1545[16:24:19] <TheFox> 1.7.10. if i where you i would install . i think its forge 1614
L1546[16:24:32] <gamax92> why is it telling me "Spigot 1.10.2"
L1547[16:24:54] <TheFox> uh, stupid question, do you have the port right?
L1548[16:25:16] <gamax92> ahh, indeed I do not.
L1549[16:32:02] <Inari> payonel: http://i.imgur.com/hwJx5h5.gifv
L1550[16:32:17] <Inari> "Who the hell are you?"
L1551[16:32:26] <payonel> ha!
L1552[16:32:31] <payonel> :)
L1553[16:32:47] <Vexatos> who is this payonel you speak of
L1554[16:32:50] <payonel> Inari: a project i want to do after psh is a ramfs-from-eeprom boot
L1555[16:33:03] <Vexatos> what is psh even
L1556[16:33:13] <Inari> pantsu shell
L1557[16:33:38] <Inari> "NASA just made all the scientific research it funds available for free." nice
L1558[16:33:47] <gamax92> Inari: what's the pantsu shell do though
L1559[16:34:06] <Inari> gamax92: its a small capsule that holds your pantsu folded up inside
L1560[16:34:09] <Inari> hence its a shell for pantus
L1561[16:34:11] <Inari> pantsu shell
L1562[16:34:29] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1563[16:34:46] <Inari> payonel: ramfs?
L1564[16:34:55] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L1565[16:35:01] <payonel> Inari: so the goal would be to have a tool that creates a ramfs-on-boot from eeprom, also with the option to install openos to ramfs over network, and have pshd enabled on boot (rc enabled) -- you'd flash an eeprom with this, boot your microcontroller, and you can psh to it
L1566[16:35:23] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1567[16:35:23] <payonel> Inari: ramfs, RAM filesystem - in memory only, lost on reboot
L1568[16:35:27] <Inari> hm
L1569[16:35:31] <Inari> not sure how that woudl work in lua, but sure xD
L1570[16:35:56] <payonel> i've got it all figured out, but i want psh done first
L1571[16:36:14] <Inari> sounds nice though
L1572[16:36:38] ⇨ Joins: CyanideX (uid17234@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:0:4352)
L1573[16:37:06] <payonel> Vexatos: psh is payo-shell, name inspired by ssh. it's a remote shell for openos - sans the ssh security and all
L1574[16:37:42] <Gwyndolin> how much does it cost
L1575[16:37:51] <payonel> i have a pshd and psh client, it's coming along. i can support multiple concurrent connections at once, and the host is still usable
L1576[16:38:15] <payonel> Gwyndolin: :) it'll be in oppm
L1577[16:38:41] <Inari> payonel: should be pussyshell, with cat pics
L1578[16:38:50] <payonel> wow
L1579[16:38:53] <payonel> well
L1580[16:39:09] <payonel> i'll leave it as psh :) you're welcome to expand on that as you wish
L1581[16:39:42] <Stary> >pay-o shell
L1582[16:39:52] <payonel> >.<
L1583[16:39:57] <payonel> i forget ppl say that
L1584[16:40:04] <payonel> it's "pie-oh"
L1585[16:40:23] <TheFox> oh, with the accent
L1586[16:40:26] <payonel> pahyo
L1587[16:40:54] <payonel> it's actually a real word
L1588[16:41:01] <TheFox> how many elements can a table go before its full in lua?
L1589[16:41:10] <TheFox> ik there is a limit
L1590[16:41:18] <TheFox> but i also know its HUGE
L1591[16:41:19] <Inari> TheFox: as much memory as you ahve?
L1592[16:41:24] <payonel> comes from the verb payoc. it's a mayan language i speak - used to live in guatemala
L1593[16:41:37] <TheFox> oh, cool
L1594[16:41:42] <payonel> #lua {[mage.huge]='eat me!'}
L1595[16:41:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 'mage')
L1596[16:41:51] <payonel> #lua {[math.huge]='eat me!'}
L1597[16:41:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f90fc7048e0
L1598[16:41:54] <Inari> a huge mage eh
L1599[16:41:55] <Inari> lewd
L1600[16:41:57] <payonel> ha
L1601[16:41:59] <payonel> weird typo
L1602[16:42:14] <Inari> your brain proably moved on to hu-ge
L1603[16:42:25] <payonel> probably :) i'll accept that
L1604[16:42:47] <payonel> #lua return {[100000000]='foo'}
L1605[16:42:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f90fc84f170
L1606[16:42:50] <payonel> huh
L1607[16:42:55] <payonel> good job deadbeef
L1608[16:43:13] <Vexatos> payonel, I saw it on a separate branch already :P
L1609[16:43:46] <payonel> #lua t={} b=function(n) for i=1,n do t[#t+1]=#t+1 end print(#t) end b(0)
L1610[16:43:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0 | nil
L1611[16:43:52] <payonel> #lua b(1000)
L1612[16:43:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1000 | nil
L1613[16:43:54] <payonel> #lua b(1000)
L1614[16:43:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2000 | nil
L1615[16:43:56] <payonel> #lua b(1000000)
L1616[16:43:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1617[16:43:59] <payonel> #lua b(100000)
L1618[16:43:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1619[16:44:01] <payonel> #lua b(10000)
L1620[16:44:01] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1621[16:44:03] <payonel> :(
L1622[16:44:27] <payonel> Vexatos: psh? the version i've pushed is pretty crap, those are the remains of what pushed me to work on openos to improve standardized io
L1623[16:44:41] <payonel> also , with popen now, the next psh will be pretty great
L1624[16:45:01] <payonel> #lua b(1000)
L1625[16:45:01] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 9663 | nil
L1626[16:45:03] <payonel> #lua b(10000)
L1627[16:45:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1628[16:45:05] <payonel> #lua b(1000)
L1629[16:45:05] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12884 | nil
L1630[16:45:08] <payonel> #lua b(5000)
L1631[16:45:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1632[16:45:10] <payonel> #lua b(4000)
L1633[16:45:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1634[16:45:12] <Inari> spam
L1635[16:46:09] <payonel> sry :)
L1636[16:46:11] <payonel> #lua return #t
L1637[16:46:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 17326
L1638[16:46:13] <payonel> ha!
L1639[16:46:15] <payonel> hehe
L1640[16:47:03] <TheFox> there is alot of DEADBEEF here
L1641[16:47:21] <Inari> well lua 5.3 got ot "33554400" before running out of memory
L1642[16:47:25] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1643[16:47:42] <payonel> |0xDEADBEEF| alots are the worst
L1644[16:47:56] <payonel> #lua t=nil b=nil return "done"
L1645[16:47:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > done
L1646[16:49:08] <Inari> payonel: "Jedi Training" http://i.imgur.com/bahdWqY.gifv
L1647[16:50:18] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e56b:6905:dffb:6ab0)
L1648[16:50:18] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1649[16:50:26] <payonel> the force is weak with this one
L1650[16:51:04] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=vC_5MUrK684 source
L1651[16:51:05] <MichiBot> Yoda Training the Jedi Cats | length: 3m 4s | Likes: 310 Dislikes: 7 Views: 41254 | by Raul Duran
L1652[16:51:25] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1653[16:52:29] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1654[16:52:40] <Inari> those super chill cats though
L1655[16:57:07] <TheFox> ~w event
L1656[16:57:07] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L1657[16:57:36] <Mimiru> lol... gj Corded: http://puu.sh/qGcwH/95faceae4d.png
L1658[16:57:54] <Inari> IRC doesnt guarantee ordering
L1659[16:58:08] <Mimiru> Yes... I'm aware, I just found it funny
L1660[17:03:17] ⇦ Quits: xilni (~xilni@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1661[17:06:43] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1662[17:08:25] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@stanley.glasspelican.ca) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1663[17:09:46] <TheFox> ocdoc is psycic
L1664[17:14:23] <Kimiro> Heh.
L1665[17:22:47] <TheFox> the numbers in the front of the programs in /boot. do they set the load order or something?
L1666[17:23:48] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1667[17:26:09] <Skye> TheFox, yep
L1668[17:26:39] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e56b:6905:dffb:6ab0) (Quit: Leaving)
L1669[17:28:33] <TheFox> thought so
L1670[17:31:31] <Ember_Primrose> ugh
L1671[17:31:34] <Ember_Primrose> im tired
L1672[17:31:40] <Ember_Primrose> goddnight everyone!
L1673[17:32:41] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1674[17:33:27] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L1675[17:35:12] <payonel> good bye everyone! be back tomorrow
L1676[17:35:16] * payonel is afk
L1677[17:36:51] <Corded> * Eleria is going to sleep too ^^ Good Night :3
L1678[17:43:01] ⇦ Quits: Nentify (uid14943@id-14943.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1679[17:51:49] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L1681[17:53:19] *** LordFokas|out is now known as LordFokas
L1682[18:05:01] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE275457DC3E7F9EB988C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1683[18:31:29] <Techokami> https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell :O Microsoft released PowerShell as open source (MIT license), and released preliminary ports for Linux and macOS
L1684[18:38:40] <gamax92> Microsoft has changed
L1685[18:46:36] <Inari> Bastion short so good
L1686[18:46:54] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8yh83jlXg
L1687[18:46:54] <MichiBot> Overwatch Animated Short | "The Last Bastion" | length: 7m 23s | Likes: 100129 Dislikes: 589 Views: 462220 | by PlayOverwatch
L1688[18:50:55] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-68-190.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1689[18:52:25] <Inari> they really need to make a movie of this stuff
L1690[18:52:25] <Inari> :P
L1691[18:53:32] <Inari> https://soundcloud.com/tmabird/everybodys-circulation ~
L1692[18:58:21] <Inari> http://goo.gl/icWPqn "Just do me right"
L1693[19:03:32] <Inari> Cruor: you should watch golden boy
L1694[19:03:55] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1695[19:18:42] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@
L1696[19:31:02] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC60D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Remember your training and we'll get through this just fine.' (Pharah))
L1697[19:31:49] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1698[19:34:36] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L1699[19:40:54] ⇨ Joins: kodos (~kodos@2602:306:bcd4:4430:d597:bcb9:878a:3443)
L1700[19:40:54] zsh sets mode: +v on kodos
L1701[19:41:05] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1702[19:41:17] <kodos> Okay, so I'm on my linux book, what's the thingy to update my shiz
L1703[19:41:18] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@
L1704[19:46:37] ⇦ Quits: kodos (~kodos@2602:306:bcd4:4430:d597:bcb9:878a:3443) (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
L1705[19:48:52] <CompanionCube> ...
L1706[19:49:22] <gamax92> CompanionCube: you know, the thingy
L1707[19:49:27] <gamax92> it updates shiz
L1708[19:49:35] <CompanionCube> gamax92: I wasgoing to anser
L1709[19:49:38] <CompanionCube> *answer
L1710[19:49:44] <CompanionCube> but thenthey quite after ~5min
L1711[19:53:23] * CompanionCube is going to move his Shell dotfiles to vcsh/mr next
L1712[19:54:33] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L1714[19:56:13] ⇨ Joins: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com)
L1715[19:57:55] <TheFox> hey waited 2 minutes for help
L1716[19:57:57] <TheFox> ...
L1717[20:00:05] <GreaseMonkey> as kodos is a regular here i suspect he may have sussed it out
L1718[20:00:40] * TheFox shrugs
L1719[20:00:51] <TheFox> how have you been GreaseMonkey ?
L1720[20:01:13] <GreaseMonkey> i am right in the middle of implementing a rather involved algorithm in Java
L1721[20:01:32] <TheFox> o_o
L1722[20:03:00] <TheFox> TheCryptek: im back on the server
L1723[20:03:54] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L1724[20:04:40] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L1725[20:12:37] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1726[20:14:43] <TheFox> er gamax92?
L1727[20:15:14] <gamax92> hi
L1728[20:15:16] <gamax92> that was fast.
L1729[20:15:18] ⇦ Quits: CyanideX (uid17234@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:0:4352) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1730[20:15:18] <TheFox> nevermind.
L1731[20:15:22] <gamax92> welp.
L1732[20:15:34] <TheFox> gamax92: yes it was fast. when you signed off you had your remote term didnt you
L1733[20:15:40] <gamax92> yes
L1734[20:16:32] <TheFox> the version cryptek downloaded for OC breakes the remote term if you though a linked term away or remove it from the world. i thought the server broek
L1735[20:16:40] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional (~kvirc@
L1736[20:41:38] <Mimiru> God fucking damn it
L1737[20:41:40] <Mimiru> fuck this shit
L1738[20:42:06] <Mimiru> THIS WAS FUCKING WORKING... I tested it
L1739[20:42:19] <Mimiru> This same god damn code works for OpenFM extracting the SPIs
L1740[20:43:34] <Mimiru> Except now it's not...
L1741[20:43:36] <Mimiru> why
L1742[20:49:02] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1743[20:50:22] ⇦ Quits: Eleria (~Eleria@p4FE63B8B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1744[20:52:11] <Mimiru> java.io.FileNotFoundException: \Users\Michi\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\OpenSecurity-1.7.10-1.0-41.jar\assets\opensecurity\sounds\alarms (The system cannot find the path specified) -_-
L1745[20:53:34] ⇨ Joins: Eleria (~Eleria@p4FE63C05.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1746[20:54:06] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1748[20:56:39] <Mimiru> Ugh ok.. can't fix this via github web
L1749[21:04:10] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1752[21:17:00] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L1753[21:17:25] <IzayaXMPP> So apparently I get unlimited Google Drive storage due to having a .edu.au email address
L1754[21:17:46] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: installing windows server DataCenter)
L1755[21:18:53] <IzayaXMPP> Know where my .squash files are going now :D
L1756[21:20:38] <IzayaXMPP> After being encrypted, of course
L1757[21:21:34] <gamax92> NASCAR ... NaScAr ... NSA
L1758[21:21:47] <gamax92> NASCAR ... NAScAr ... NASA
L1759[21:23:42] <gamax92> IzayaXMPP: want to visit the Disk Operating System Mountain? or more commonly known as MT-DOS?
L1760[21:24:08] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@
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L1762[21:26:20] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1763[21:26:23] <TheFox> im so lost\
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L1765[21:26:39] <gamax92> TheFox: don't be lost
L1766[21:27:11] <Kimiro> *finds TheFox in the closet*
L1767[21:27:12] <TheFox> im going to get lost resizing unbuntu LVM's to fit 300GB of windows Server 2012 R2
L1768[21:27:25] * TheFox refuses to come out of the closet
L1769[21:28:08] <IzayaXMPP> gamax92: Is there much walking involved?
L1770[21:28:17] <IzayaXMPP> I don't want to push my computer very far up a hill
L1771[21:28:42] <TheFox> the hell do i resize LVM's without loosing data>
L1772[21:29:15] <TheFox> i dont know shit about lvm, so sorry if i aska stupid question
L1773[21:29:59] <gamax92> IzayaXMPP: how much of a reduction can squash give
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L1776[21:31:49] <TheCryptek> So I have established making an OS is hard work..
L1777[21:32:00] <TheFox> that it is.
L1778[21:32:11] <TheCryptek> I copied the contents of OpenOS floppy to my own Floppy and editing its files to learn
L1779[21:32:22] <TheCryptek> So far I have a modified version of OpenOS running ._.
L1780[21:32:28] <TheFox> does anyone here now how the hell to use lvm? please pleas please say yes
L1781[21:32:37] <TheCryptek> lvm?
L1782[21:32:41] <TheCryptek> What do you need to do with it?
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L1785[21:33:01] <TheFox> install Windows Server 2012 R2 along side ubuntu Xenial Xerus
L1786[21:33:11] <gamax92> why do you need lvm for that
L1787[21:33:17] <TheCryptek> So you need to use lvm for partitioning?
L1788[21:33:27] * TheFox nods
L1789[21:33:30] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Depending on the OS he is using and wether or not he put
L1790[21:33:33] <TheCryptek> WOOPS
L1791[21:33:34] <TheFox> that and thats what my disk is formated as
L1792[21:33:40] ⇨ Joins: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com)
L1793[21:33:41] <LordFokas> TheCryptek, that's how you learn how to make stuff
L1794[21:33:47] <IzayaXMPP> what the fuck
L1795[21:33:50] <TheCryptek> LordFokas: I know :P
L1796[21:33:51] <IzayaXMPP> why does debian default to ext2
L1797[21:34:00] <LordFokas> you pick up something that already exists and look at it
L1798[21:34:16] <TheFox> depending on how embeded that something is can make it a pain in the ass
L1799[21:34:17] <LordFokas> and then keep modifying it until you've remade all of it
L1800[21:34:30] <Kimiro> *fills TheFoxes closer with Furby's with half-dead batteries*
L1801[21:34:34] <LordFokas> and at that point you're good enough to make your own from scratch
L1802[21:34:43] <TheCryptek> LordFokas: I am wanting to make my own OS but I made a modified Open Os and called it RogueOS 1.0 and in greetings.txt the only thing there is "RogueOS is based off of OpenOS"
L1803[21:35:02] * TheFox runs out of the furby closet like a bat out of hell hauling ass towards doughnuts
L1804[21:35:38] <LordFokas> I want to get back into MC soon
L1805[21:35:49] * IzayaXMPP grumbles and goes to find a live USB before this all comes crashing down
L1806[21:35:57] <LordFokas> I have SO MUCH stuff to do though (both IRL and in MC)
L1807[21:36:14] <TheFox> TheCryptek: do you know enough about LVM to lend me a hand here?
L1808[21:36:35] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Nope I've only ever used it to encrypt my hard drive :P
L1809[21:36:44] <TheFox> ... shit
L1810[21:36:59] <TheCryptek> TheFox: irc.spotchat.org #linuxmint-help
L1811[21:37:13] <TheCryptek> They should be able to tell you, Linux Mint is a spin off of Ubunut
L1812[21:37:17] <TheCryptek> Ubuntu*
L1813[21:37:20] <TheFox> ik what mint is
L1814[21:37:38] <TheCryptek> I call it "The Ubuntu for crappy Laptops"
L1815[21:37:46] <TheFox> man, 1tb does last long with fedora,ubuntu and windows
L1816[21:38:02] <TheCryptek> I need to make an RMA for my 1TB
L1817[21:38:51] <TheFox> i can try to figure this out myself, whats the worst that can happen, i loose my data. oh wait
L1818[21:47:00] <IzayaXMPP> damn man
L1819[21:47:09] <IzayaXMPP> 100GB of recycle bin
L1820[21:47:31] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1821[21:48:55] <TheFox> holy shit, delete delete delete
L1822[21:50:17] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1823[21:51:43] <gamax92> There should a screensaver that is a virtual 3D printer, so you can watch things over the course of several hours build up
L1824[21:52:10] <gamax92> must be complete with support stands
L1825[21:57:17] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L1827[21:59:00] <TheCryptek> Anyone here familiar with creating an OS?
L1828[21:59:07] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Thank you for joining my server.
L1829[21:59:11] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1830[21:59:27] <Tazz> relatively familiar with OS design and stuff
L1831[21:59:42] <TheCryptek> Tazz would you be willing to help me learn?
L1832[21:59:52] <Tazz> uh depends
L1833[21:59:52] <Tazz> XD
L1834[22:00:03] <TheCryptek> Like starting from the ground up
L1835[22:00:05] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L1836[22:00:53] <Tazz> I would reccommend for starting off you try using the linux kernel and something like grub or whatnot so you dont have to do too much sophisticated work till you know how :p
L1837[22:01:34] <Tazz> even studying the linux kernel and whatnot could help its open source and on github
L1838[22:01:37] <Tazz> at least a mirror
L1839[22:01:45] <TheCryptek> Tazz: I ment os creation as in OC
L1840[22:01:49] <Tazz> oh
L1841[22:01:49] <Tazz> XD
L1842[22:01:51] <GreaseMonkey> i've done one for a real system before
L1843[22:01:52] <Tazz> then no
L1844[22:01:57] <GreaseMonkey> i've also done one for OCMIPS
L1845[22:02:03] <TheCryptek> I know how to make my own linux OS, I'm busy doing that right now, just taking a break from it.
L1846[22:02:05] <Tazz> Im not familiar at all with OC minus reading through the source a few times :p
L1847[22:02:16] <Tazz> Ive played with it very briefly
L1848[22:02:45] <GreaseMonkey> i did try writing an oc eeprom once, i got at least some of the openos api working
L1849[22:03:05] <TheFox> you should play it more, its much less agrivating when your OC computer doesnt turn on instead of your real computer
L1850[22:03:09] <GreaseMonkey> TheCryptek: probably my biggest tip is pcall() will be your friend
L1851[22:03:25] <TheCryptek> GreaseMonkey: What is pcall()?
L1852[22:03:26] <TheFox> 100%
L1853[22:03:36] <TheFox> protected mode for functions
L1854[22:03:39] <Tazz> TheFox, I should play with it more XD
L1855[22:03:43] <GreaseMonkey> TheCryptek: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-pcall
L1856[22:03:44] <Tazz> however
L1857[22:03:49] <TheFox> it returns a function and a reason if it fails
L1858[22:03:53] <Tazz> I dont necessarily play MC that much :p
L1859[22:04:04] <Tazz> and currently Im playing a pack that I dont think has OC in it Xd
L1860[22:04:11] <TheFox> local result, reason. result will be a function, unless it fails, then reason will be your error
L1861[22:04:16] <GreaseMonkey> also learn how to use varargs
L1862[22:04:26] <TheFox> varargs?
L1863[22:04:27] <GreaseMonkey> also result will be a boolean, not a function
L1864[22:04:47] <TheFox> sorry your right grease i was thinking load
L1865[22:04:50] <GreaseMonkey> varargs as in the ... thing
L1866[22:04:53] <Tazz> TheFox, variadic args?
L1867[22:04:54] <Tazz> lol
L1868[22:05:02] <Tazz> at least I think thats the name :>
L1869[22:05:11] <TheFox> the hell is it?
L1870[22:05:13] <Tazz> Ive always just called them varargs and whatnot Xd
L1871[22:05:46] <Tazz> TheFox, essentially a way to have a sequence of args that arent required to have a minimum or maximum
L1872[22:06:07] <TheFox> oh, that ... arg thing?
L1873[22:06:09] <Tazz> but theres lots more you can do with them and whatnot especially the lower you go in the programming langugae chain
L1874[22:06:28] <Tazz> yes
L1875[22:06:29] <Tazz> lol
L1876[22:06:31] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1877[22:06:44] <TheFox> the thing. the most techincal term you acn key up
L1878[22:07:16] <TheFox> pcall( result,reason = load(TheFox slap TheCryptek))
L1879[22:07:38] <TheFox> Tazz: do you know LVM/? #linux didnt feel like helping any
L1880[22:07:50] <Tazz> LVM?
L1881[22:07:54] <Tazz> or LLVM? XD
L1882[22:08:05] <Tazz> LVM no XD
L1883[22:08:09] <Tazz> LLVM a little
L1884[22:08:24] <TheCryptek> Dafuq is llvm?
L1885[22:08:37] <TheFox> would you know if i said i was trying to install windows server 2012 R2 along side xenial xerus with out data loss
L1886[22:08:43] <Tazz> one of the most popular compiler infrastructures XD
L1887[22:08:57] <Tazz> its even used in the backend of Apple's Swift
L1888[22:09:01] <Tazz> and many others use it
L1889[22:09:09] <Tazz> afaik Rust does but I cant be quoted on that
L1890[22:09:14] <TheFox> swift is good
L1891[22:09:21] <Tazz> swift is becoming a mess
L1892[22:09:24] <Tazz> it was at one point good XD
L1893[22:09:26] <TheFox> LLVM is clang and such IIRC
L1894[22:09:48] <TheFox> it was good when it first came out. i had alot of fun with it
L1895[22:10:10] <Tazz> Ive only really read up on it a lot
L1896[22:10:15] <Tazz> Ive not found an actual use
L1897[22:10:22] <Tazz> since I despise Apple products to begin with
L1898[22:10:35] * TheFox slaps Tazz
L1899[22:10:35] * EnderBot2 high-fives TheFox
L1900[22:10:38] <Tazz> Xd
L1901[22:10:46] <TheFox> Macs help out alot with what i do
L1902[22:10:56] <Tazz> well Im not interested in anything other than programming and whatnot
L1903[22:10:57] <TheCryptek> Tazz it's not Apple prodcuts its CrApple products
L1904[22:11:04] <Tazz> so I dont really need anything Apple-y
L1905[22:11:12] <TheCryptek> CrApple-y
L1906[22:11:19] <TheFox> Tazz: i use my mac to program
L1907[22:11:20] <Tazz> I can deal with my desktop running Arch and my phone running Android
L1908[22:11:24] <Tazz> and my chromebook
L1909[22:11:25] <Tazz> lol
L1910[22:11:29] <TheCryptek> Android FTW
L1911[22:11:44] <Tazz> eh Android is nice
L1912[22:11:59] <Tazz> the majority of android phones out there are shit because retailers fill them with bloat
L1913[22:12:10] <IzayaXMPP> Android was a Nice Idea(TM)
L1914[22:12:11] <Tazz> but the ones that deal primarily with Google are nice D:
L1915[22:12:12] <Tazz> :D*
L1916[22:12:15] <TheFox> android is good
L1917[22:12:17] <TheCryptek> Tazz: That is why you root and build your own Android OS
L1918[22:12:21] <Tazz> rofl
L1919[22:12:22] <Tazz> I could do that
L1920[22:12:29] <TheCryptek> I DO do that
L1921[22:12:38] <Tazz> but Im not into tinkering with expensive devices that I could most certainly brick XD
L1922[22:12:52] <TheCryptek> Tazz: Emulators will save your life AD
L1923[22:12:55] <TheCryptek> 0:D*
L1924[22:12:56] <TheCryptek> :D*
L1925[22:12:56] <Tazz> rofl
L1926[22:13:03] <TheFox> i refuse to root my nvidia shield
L1927[22:13:05] <IzayaXMPP> Once my phone's warranty expires I'm gonna make a custom image built from AOSP + drivers for my phone
L1928[22:13:32] <IzayaXMPP> Not gonna have any non-freedom-respecting code aside from drivers on there
L1929[22:13:33] <Tazz> as far as Im concerned I get my kicks from working on my language and VM
L1930[22:14:01] <CompanionCube> IzayaXMPP: what about the firmware
L1931[22:14:12] <IzayaXMPP> I can't do anything about most of that
L1932[22:14:18] <IzayaXMPP> esp. the baseband
L1933[22:14:22] <CompanionCube> and non-free drivers
L1934[22:14:33] <IzayaXMPP> it'd be nice for my phone to work
L1935[22:14:41] <gamax92> but your freedom
L1937[22:14:47] <IzayaXMPP> It'll be as free as your average x86 box running loonix tho
L1938[22:14:52] <Tazz> rofl
L1939[22:14:56] <Tazz> loonix
L1940[22:14:56] <gamax92> TheFox: ._.
L1941[22:15:07] <gamax92> seriously I don't know why you need LVM
L1942[22:15:18] <CompanionCube> IzayaXMPP: well, you're not wrong especially with modern x86 CPUs
L1943[22:15:24] <IzayaXMPP> LVM can make stuff saner
L1944[22:15:27] <TheCryptek> gamax92: LVM is required when you encrypt your hard drive.
L1945[22:15:34] <IzayaXMPP> RISC-V soon I hope
L1946[22:15:38] <IzayaXMPP> TheCryptek: False
L1947[22:15:42] <TheCryptek> gamax92: It also makes partition resizing easier
L1948[22:15:43] <gamax92> TheCryptek: false
L1949[22:15:46] <gamax92> also false
L1950[22:15:50] <TheFox> i need LVM because thats what im formated to
L1951[22:15:55] <CompanionCube> IzayaXMPP: indeed. Maybe SPARC
L1952[22:15:57] <TheCryptek> Dafuq
L1953[22:15:57] <IzayaXMPP> You can simply encrypt a block device and then map + format that
L1954[22:15:58] <CompanionCube> or POWER
L1955[22:16:07] <Tazz> wait wut
L1956[22:16:09] <TheFox> and i need to move the partition around so i can install without data loss
L1957[22:16:10] <TheCryptek> LVM is easy
L1958[22:16:12] <IzayaXMPP> POWER is expensive, affordable SPARC hardware is slow
L1959[22:16:18] <Tazz> why do Go closures not allow inline syntax?
L1960[22:16:18] <Tazz> Xd
L1961[22:16:25] <gamax92> okay, but you can move partitions and resize them just fine without LVM
L1962[22:16:29] <Tazz> or do they and Im not seeing any examples of it XD
L1963[22:16:40] <CompanionCube> IzayaXMPP: they have a headstart though
L1964[22:17:00] <IzayaXMPP> True, but they weren't open from the beginning
L1965[22:17:03] <TheFox> the last thing i saw him say. <TuxBot> <light@OFTC> You won't really learn anything practical here, but you might have some fun doing things you'll never use in the real world
L1966[22:17:10] <IzayaXMPP> and neither POWER nor SPARC really caught on
L1967[22:17:13] <TheFox> THE HELL #LINUX
L1968[22:17:16] <Tazz> oh okay they do
L1969[22:17:18] <Tazz> thank god XD
L1970[22:17:20] * CompanionCube wonders if ARM or 'x86' would be more 'free'
L1971[22:17:20] <IzayaXMPP> RISC-V has the advantage of being open
L1972[22:17:28] <IzayaXMPP> I do like SPARC stuff though
L1973[22:17:34] <IzayaXMPP> something about old UNIXes
L1974[22:17:47] <IzayaXMPP> Sun machines are just nice
L1975[22:18:22] <gamax92> 4 paritions, Windows Boot Partition, Windows, Linux, Swap
L1976[22:18:35] <Tazz> I have like 2-3 partitions on my current disk
L1977[22:18:37] <gamax92> me I've personally merged the boot partition and windows together
L1978[22:18:41] <Tazz> Win 8.1 Ubuntu and Arch
L1979[22:19:39] <IzayaXMPP> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Sun_Ultra_30-IMG_1705.jpg
L1980[22:19:51] <TheFox> can anyone be more help then this little shit head.
L1981[22:19:51] <IzayaXMPP> I've used the system restore partition as /boot in the past
L1982[22:20:04] <TheFox> light@OFTC i declare war
L1983[22:20:16] <CompanionCube> brb
L1984[22:21:49] <gamax92> Windows doesn't understand LVM right, how do you expect this to work
L1985[22:22:08] <TheFox> thanks for the new gamax92 thats one of the things i needed to hear
L1986[22:22:25] <GreaseMonkey> i keep boot separate as i've had issues wrt the bios before
L1987[22:22:36] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/RDvXRFl.png which is better for the feel I have going on at my little island thing?
L1988[22:22:44] <GreaseMonkey> having said that 1GB should be enough for the boot partition at least in theory
L1989[22:23:19] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/7jiHz8G.png http://i.imgur.com/27qSGUz.png http://i.imgur.com/TXjyO2f.png for reference to what that place looks like Xd
L1990[22:23:25] <GreaseMonkey> ...ok if you have grub EFI it actually just puts a stub into the EFI boot partition
L1991[22:23:30] <GreaseMonkey> well, a loader in there
L1992[22:23:33] <GreaseMonkey> your kernels go into /boot
L1993[22:25:20] <TheCryptek> When I run install on an OpenOS floppy where is this install file located?
L1994[22:26:09] <CompanionCube> GreaseMonkey: 1GB is too much
L1995[22:26:13] <TheCryptek> Cuzz I wanna make sure it copies over everything including the new files I am making
L1996[22:26:22] <GreaseMonkey> CompanionCube: how big is your hdd
L1997[22:26:39] <GreaseMonkey> i use 1.5GB for my /boot/efi
L1998[22:26:43] <CompanionCube> GreaseMonkey: that hdd is of kill
L1999[22:26:52] <GreaseMonkey> and that's on a 240GB SSD
L2000[22:27:41] <CompanionCube> more disk for / and /home is always good
L2001[22:27:53] <IzayaXMPP> dropped my phone :x
L2002[22:27:54] <IzayaXMPP> It bounced
L2003[22:28:07] <GreaseMonkey> yeah i use the SSD for / and a 2TB HDD for /home
L2004[22:28:36] <TheFox> ok, is there anyway i can put windows on this machine (as dualboot) and not have to reformat from LVM
L2005[22:28:49] <GreaseMonkey> also have a dedicated dir for the SSD for me to symlink some shit to
L2006[22:28:59] <gamax92> is LVM a parition type in GPT/MBR or a replacement for those two?
L2007[22:29:16] <GreaseMonkey> TheFox: sure, buy a new HDD
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L2009[22:29:39] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L2010[22:29:42] <TheFox> GreaseMonkey: i dont have money< that is a problEM, gamax92 are you asking me?
L2011[22:29:52] <GreaseMonkey> ok then, find a spare HDD you can plug in and format
L2012[22:29:57] <gamax92> well anyone who knows what LVM is because I don't really know.
L2013[22:30:05] <CompanionCube> gamax92: LVM is not a replacement for GPT/MBR iirc
L2014[22:30:21] <IzayaXMPP> is there an android thing
L2015[22:30:27] <gamax92> oh so then, split it in half and then make a normal NTFS partition.
L2016[22:30:29] <IzayaXMPP> that detects if the phone is travelling quickly downwards
L2017[22:30:36] <TheFox> yes
L2018[22:30:37] <GreaseMonkey> can you even resize ext* these days?
L2019[22:30:40] <IzayaXMPP> and makes it shout something out
L2020[22:30:44] <gamax92> yes of course you can >_>
L2021[22:30:45] <TheFox> its called the accelerometer
L2022[22:30:48] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L2023[22:30:50] <GreaseMonkey> i remember when you just straight up couldn't
L2024[22:30:54] <IzayaXMPP> that doesn't make it yell tho
L2025[22:30:54] <gamax92> resize2fs has existed for forever.
L2026[22:30:57] <CompanionCube> GreaseMonkey: gparted ftw
L2027[22:30:58] <TheFox> IzayaXMPP: its called the accelerometer
L2028[22:31:15] <IzayaXMPP> it doesn't make it yell tho
L2029[22:31:24] <TheFox> IzayaXMPP: then make a program for it, download a IDE or something on your droid and make the app
L2030[22:31:26] <GreaseMonkey> not sure if mandrake 8.1 ever had it
L2031[22:31:46] <CompanionCube> an FS that can't be resized is stupid
L2032[22:31:56] <IzayaXMPP> TheFox: I don't know java
L2033[22:31:57] <IzayaXMPP> or scala
L2034[22:32:00] <TheFox> oh
L2035[22:32:00] <IzayaXMPP> or clojure
L2036[22:32:03] <IzayaXMPP> or any of those
L2037[22:32:04] <CompanionCube> GreaseMonkey: maybe you're thinking of inodes?
L2038[22:32:06] <gamax92> I did actually have to use resize2fs manually earlier, since gparted was having issues
L2039[22:32:10] <IzayaXMPP> wait wait
L2040[22:32:16] <IzayaXMPP> the JVM is a virtual stack machine, right?
L2041[22:32:22] <GreaseMonkey> CompanionCube: i'm not even thinking of that
L2042[22:32:33] <gamax92> IzayaXMPP: Android runs on DalvikVM
L2043[22:32:43] <CompanionCube> nope
L2044[22:32:51] <CompanionCube> They use ART now
L2045[22:32:55] <gamax92> oh right that
L2046[22:32:59] <CompanionCube> which iirc is AOT
L2047[22:33:11] <IzayaXMPP> okay okay
L2048[22:33:13] <Tazz> even so Dalvik is a register machine Xd
L2049[22:33:18] <gamax92> yep
L2050[22:33:20] <IzayaXMPP> but
L2051[22:33:21] <IzayaXMPP> wait
L2052[22:33:30] <IzayaXMPP> so you can't even run plain java stuff on android any more?
L2053[22:33:38] <gamax92> yes of couse you can
L2054[22:33:38] <Tazz> and ART is a runtime thing isnt it? I didnt think it was a VM itself...
L2055[22:33:49] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: making attempt at windows)
L2056[22:34:00] <gamax92> Android has been a process where you compile into a jar and then use a program to convert the JVM code into Dalvik code
L2057[22:34:01] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549617F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2058[22:34:02] <gamax92> dx iirc
L2059[22:34:14] <IzayaXMPP> oh
L2060[22:34:22] <IzayaXMPP> well there goes that idea anyway
L2061[22:34:24] <Tazz> hmm interesting its a successor to Dalvik must actually be a VM... XD
L2062[22:34:29] <IzayaXMPP> was gonna write FORTH for the JVM
L2063[22:34:37] <Tazz> IzayaXMPP, you can XD
L2064[22:34:40] <Tazz> and its easy :D
L2065[22:34:40] <CompanionCube> IzayaXMPP: it's likely already a thing
L2066[22:34:47] <Tazz> theres a forth implementation thats only like a single Java file XD
L2067[22:34:50] <gamax92> IzayaXMPP: Remember what I said about dx?
L2068[22:34:52] <Tazz> albeit its massive
L2069[22:34:57] <Tazz> but its a single one :P
L2070[22:35:03] <gamax92> take jar, pass through dx, get dex
L2071[22:35:11] <IzayaXMPP> gamax92: but I wanted to do it interactively
L2072[22:35:20] <gamax92> so take Forth, pass through dx, get dex
L2073[22:35:26] <Tazz> lol
L2074[22:35:28] <CompanionCube> The tricky it would be accessing java APIs
L2075[22:35:44] <IzayaXMPP> gamax92: but then I don
L2076[22:35:45] <Tazz> lol
L2077[22:35:48] <IzayaXMPP> t get a FORTH prompt
L2078[22:36:06] <TheCryptek> When I run install why do I get 'nothing to install'
L2079[22:36:14] <gamax92> because there's nothing to install
L2080[22:36:26] <TheCryptek> gamax92: But I'm trying to isntall my OS
L2081[22:36:29] <gamax92> the install program hasn't found any available installation medium
L2082[22:36:44] <TheCryptek> gamax92: but my OS is just OpenOS files modified
L2083[22:36:52] <gamax92> is it on a read write floppy
L2084[22:36:54] <TheCryptek> So how is it not an isntallation medium?
L2085[22:36:56] <TheCryptek> tNo
L2086[22:36:56] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54961D8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2087[22:37:00] <TheCryptek> Yes
L2088[22:37:04] <TheCryptek> tIdk how to tell :P
L2089[22:37:16] <gamax92> >_> you don't know how to tell if you're able to modify files
L2090[22:37:23] <TheCryptek> Oh yea I can
L2091[22:37:45] <oc> hello
L2092[22:37:48] <oc> is this london
L2093[22:38:00] <GreaseMonkey> this is dog
L2094[22:38:02] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Is that the problem that its not read only?
L2095[22:38:25] <oc> i found this computer in this guys basement
L2096[22:38:40] <oc> he nuked us so we nuked him
L2097[22:38:54] <oc> anyhow, goodbye
L2098[22:38:59] ⇦ Quits: oc (~oc@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2099[22:39:17] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2100[22:41:14] <gamax92> TheCryptek: hmm, perhaps not.
L2101[22:41:45] <TheCryptek> gamax92: then how would I make said OS installable?
L2102[22:45:14] <gamax92> the only thing I can find that might cause issues is this line: if not options.source_label or options.source_label:lower() == (candidate.prop.label or dev.getLabel()):lower() then
L2103[22:45:19] * gamax92 pokes payonel
L2104[22:45:39] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2105[22:45:52] <gamax92> oh ... nvm that's just for install options.
L2106[22:45:52] <TheCryptek> gamax92: In the install.lua?
L2107[22:46:16] <gamax92> TheCryptek: most of the installer is actually in /lib/tools/install_basics.lua
L2108[22:46:24] <TheCryptek> Fuck
L2109[22:46:28] <TheCryptek> sorry language
L2110[22:49:10] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Could it be where I did label -a 848 RogueOS?
L2111[22:49:41] <gamax92> no don't think so ...
L2112[22:49:45] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2113[22:49:51] <TheCryptek> What is rootfs?
L2115[22:50:16] <TheFox> i am going to have to rebuild for the 5th time this year
L2116[22:50:30] <gamax92> TheCryptek: oh ... is there a /.prop
L2117[22:51:02] <TheFox> anyone have a suggestion on how to rebuild with out it taking so long
L2118[22:51:46] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Not that I see
L2119[22:52:06] <gamax92> perhaps make one? the OpenOS disk has one
L2120[22:52:23] <TheCryptek> no idea what .prop is how do I see a .blah
L2121[22:52:29] <gamax92> ls -a
L2122[22:52:49] <TheCryptek> How do I make one?
L2123[22:53:08] <TheFox> edit .blah
L2124[22:53:16] <gamax92> TheCryptek: https://git.io/v6Pww
L2125[22:53:17] <TheCryptek> I mean is .prop a dir or file
L2126[22:53:21] <gamax92> file
L2127[22:53:36] <gamax92> that's OpenOS's .prop
L2128[22:54:29] <TheCryptek> gamax92: Thanks
L2129[22:55:54] ⇨ Joins: oc (~oc@
L2130[22:55:54] <TheCryptek> same errpr
L2131[22:55:59] <TheCryptek> There is nothing to install
L2132[22:56:11] <TheCryptek> could it be cuzz I added 100_bootinit.lua to /boot
L2133[22:56:12] <TheCryptek> ?
L2134[22:56:33] <oc> what is this
L2135[22:57:20] <oc> i didn't even know we had servers
L2136[22:58:00] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L2137[22:58:26] <oc> what room
L2138[22:58:30] <oc> huh
L2139[22:59:56] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L2140[23:01:39] <payonel> o/
L2141[23:04:36] <gamax92> payonel: Can you help TheCryptek trying to get his disk accepted by install?
L2142[23:04:50] <payonel> oh sure!
L2143[23:05:27] <payonel> just having a filesystem, it should be listed as an option to install from
L2144[23:05:41] <payonel> TheCryptek: where are we in your efforts? whaat are you trying to make it do?
L2145[23:09:14] <payonel> TheCryptek: .prop only needs to define a table, no "return" needed
L2146[23:09:19] <payonel> like a .json
L2147[23:09:32] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L2148[23:09:33] <payonel> if you have openos installed, see `cat /.prop` for an example
L2149[23:11:33] <payonel> label is the label /bin/install can use to simplify what the user reads
L2150[23:11:46] <payonel> e.g. `install` would show "Install OpenOS [Y/n]?"
L2151[23:11:56] <payonel> it gets the name from the .prop: {label="OpenOS"}
L2152[23:13:39] <TheFox> hi payonel hi TheCryptek
L2153[23:14:14] <payonel> o/
L2154[23:14:55] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2155[23:15:00] <TheFox> payonel: before i try a last ditch attempt, would you know how to get Windows 2012 R2 data center running on LVM?
L2156[23:15:30] <payonel> i've done it a few times with vbox
L2157[23:15:45] <payonel> vbox is the only vm i use
L2158[23:15:53] <TheFox> same here
L2159[23:16:06] <TheFox> but im trying to dualboot along side Xenial Xerus
L2160[23:16:37] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2161[23:17:03] <TheFox> so, can you help me figure it out? obviously im kinda against deleteing everything on my disk
L2162[23:17:10] <TheFox> brb
L2163[23:17:12] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) ()
L2164[23:20:37] <TheCryptek> payonel: I have modified the files to OpenOS from the floppy
L2165[23:20:54] <TheCryptek> payonel: But I can't get it to work with install, you might have to join my server to see where I'm going wrong
L2166[23:21:03] <TheCryptek> payonel: SOrry I didn't reply, my net went out
L2167[23:21:03] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2168[23:21:10] <TheFox> ok, payonel you still there?
L2169[23:21:38] <payonel> TheCryptek: if you have changes to openos that you'd like to suggest, i'm like suggestions, just fyi
L2170[23:21:49] <payonel> TheFox: yes, but you'll have to ask specific questions, not "can you fix it?"
L2171[23:22:00] <payonel> TheCryptek: sure, perhaps in ... 10 minutes or so
L2172[23:22:02] <TheCryptek> payonel: Nah, I'm modifiying OpenOS to learn how to make an OS
L2173[23:22:08] <payonel> ah, fair
L2174[23:22:14] <TheCryptek> payonel: Open OS is amazing though :*
L2175[23:22:20] <payonel> ^.^
L2176[23:22:54] <TheFox> payonel: it wasnt can you fix it, it was i am trying to install it along side Xenial Xerus
L2177[23:23:14] <payonel> i have no experience with lvm, nor xenial xerus
L2178[23:23:17] <payonel> so, probably not
L2179[23:23:32] <TheFox> SHIT!
L2180[23:23:52] <TheFox> damn no body knows, not even the morons on #linux
L2181[23:24:51] <TheFox> i really dont want to have to rebuild my computer (software wise) for the 5th time this year
L2182[23:25:24] <TheFox> but you have used windows server 2012 R2 DataCenter?
L2183[23:25:41] <payonel> i installed it a few times - i used to host some tfs servers
L2184[23:25:59] <TheFox> is it any good?
L2185[23:26:09] <payonel> tfs? sure, it's not bad
L2186[23:26:17] <payonel> it does quite a lot of things
L2187[23:26:20] <TheFox> no. windows
L2188[23:26:20] <TheCryptek> Bleeeb
L2189[23:26:25] <TheFox> 2012
L2190[23:26:35] <payonel> i had zero need for the os
L2191[23:26:42] <payonel> only that tfs had some dependencies
L2192[23:26:53] <payonel> i used nothing from windows server
L2193[23:27:20] <TheFox> ... well, i guess its worth it because it was free. if im disappointed then im disappointed
L2194[23:27:34] <payonel> what are you hoping to use it for?
L2195[23:27:48] <gamax92> douse eggs in salt and peper to cover the fact that you're terrible and can't even cook the most simplist of things
L2196[23:30:35] <TheFox> payonel: im hoping that my return to windows after years (since windows 2000) isnt greeted by a BSOD
L2197[23:31:31] <payonel> you plan to use it as just windows for desktop?
L2198[23:31:55] <TheFox> kinda yes
L2199[23:32:00] <TheFox> and it was free
L2200[23:32:04] <TheFox> its also a in house server
L2201[23:32:41] <payonel> well it's not going to be anything special. it comes with some extra optional services that make sense for servers. but otherwise server 2012 is merely windows 8
L2202[23:32:58] <TheCryptek> payonel: Still having issues xD
L2203[23:33:08] <TheFox> i never used windows 8 other then on someone elses computer
L2204[23:33:15] <payonel> though, its interface will look more restricted, and have far too many permission restrictions out of the box
L2205[23:33:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2206[23:33:35] <TheCryptek> payonel: Could it be cuzz I'm copying OpenOS from a floppy to another floppy so I can edit?
L2207[23:33:38] <TheFox> well, i can probably fix that. if not windows 10 for free sounds good to
L2208[23:33:53] <payonel> TheFox: all i'm saaying is that windows "server xxxx" is nothing more than windows desktop x, but with a restriction experience (sans lots of configuration to make it more 'user friendly')
L2209[23:33:54] <TheCryptek> Windows 10 free upgrade is over...
L2210[23:34:08] <payonel> TheCryptek: that should be fine
L2211[23:34:16] <TheCryptek> payonel: Poop
L2212[23:34:25] <gamax92> poop.
L2213[23:34:39] <payonel> i dont have to take your crap
L2214[23:34:40] <TheFox> dont care if it is over, I as the Awesome person/bot/fox/what ever the hell you want. get it for free
L2215[23:35:02] <TheFox> .edu makes the world a better place
L2216[23:35:06] <TheFox> slightly
L2217[23:35:24] <TheFox> still its very painful when you want it but cant install it because of DAMN LVM
L2218[23:35:44] <payonel> TheCryptek: ok, what viruses do i need to install?
L2219[23:36:00] <oc> can this break my base?
L2220[23:36:08] <oc> the server i am on
L2221[23:36:15] <TheFox> elaborate?
L2222[23:36:22] <TheCryptek> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0FXIUwBqiIzckU5R0lNNHZWdjg
L2223[23:36:31] <TheCryptek> @payonel
L2224[23:36:33] <oc> i took this from someone
L2225[23:36:38] <oc> can this break my base
L2226[23:36:46] <TheFox> what did you take from someone
L2227[23:37:05] <oc> they shot a nuke at us
L2228[23:37:15] <gamax92> oc: will you quit with the random nonsense about your server activities.
L2229[23:37:25] <payonel> +1 ^
L2230[23:37:29] <oc> what
L2231[23:37:33] <TheFox> will what break your base, is it code?
L2232[23:37:39] <oc> i guess
L2233[23:37:42] <gamax92> Nobody cares abut your nukes on your server
L2234[23:37:43] <IzayaXMPP> Issue with mainlining caffeine: you end up shaking a lot
L2235[23:37:46] <TheFox> if so . go to paste bin and post the program
L2236[23:37:47] <oc> since some of you arent happy
L2237[23:37:52] <payonel> TheCryptek: mv version?
L2238[23:37:55] <oc> ill throw this in lava
L2239[23:37:59] <TheCryptek> mv?
L2240[23:38:02] <payonel> oh, 1.7.10
L2241[23:38:02] <TheCryptek> or mc?
L2242[23:38:05] <TheFox> oc. do you want help?
L2243[23:38:06] <payonel> TheCryptek: meant mc
L2244[23:38:15] <oc> not really
L2245[23:38:17] <TheFox> ok
L2246[23:38:19] <oc> ihave no idea what this is
L2247[23:38:21] ⇦ Quits: oc (~oc@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2248[23:38:25] <TheFox> is it a floppy?
L2249[23:38:33] <gamax92> !ban *!*@
L2250[23:38:33] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L2251[23:38:48] <TheFox> that was fafst
L2252[23:38:52] <TheFox> fast*
L2253[23:39:15] <gamax92> I'm probably guessing random other person on his server finding a computer on chat
L2254[23:39:16] <TheFox> the hell was that, i dont even think that qualifies as "newbie"
L2255[23:39:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2256[23:40:42] <TheCryptek> payonel: The ip is mcslashcraft.com/25566
L2257[23:40:59] <TheFox> use a colon not a / TheCryptek its a bad idea to put the /
L2258[23:41:01] <TheFox> it doesnt work
L2259[23:41:02] <GreaseMonkey> what modpack would it be
L2260[23:41:10] <payonel> GreaseMonkey: ! o/
L2261[23:41:13] <GreaseMonkey> ohai
L2262[23:41:16] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: !
L2263[23:41:17] <TheFox> private, link is up top
L2264[23:41:25] <TheFox> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0FXIUwBqiIzckU5R0lNNHZWdjg
L2265[23:41:28] <TheFox> there you go GreaseMonkey
L2266[23:41:34] <gamax92> it's not private if you've made a forum post about it :P
L2267[23:41:40] <payonel> oh shush
L2268[23:42:18] <GreaseMonkey> oh right i thought you were talking about that guy who talked ingame shit in here
L2269[23:43:04] <IzayaXMPP> Windows 10 installers have a huge box with a tiny USB inside
L2270[23:43:20] <Stary> LOL
L2271[23:43:20] <gamax92> IzayaXMPP: rufus
L2272[23:43:34] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2274[23:44:28] <gamax92> oh, Windows 10 has official USB installation media now?
L2275[23:44:43] <IzayaXMPP> Seems so
L2276[23:44:43] <TheFox> windows installed of USB
L2277[23:44:45] <TheFox> ?
L2278[23:45:01] <TheFox> lizzy babout blew something up trying to do that a week or so ago
L2279[23:45:22] <gamax92> I've always installed Windows from USB anyway, much faster
L2280[23:45:43] <IzayaXMPP> It's nice not to have to write it to a USB though
L2281[23:45:56] <IzayaXMPP> and like I always use the same copy of 7 because it can install any edition
L2282[23:46:05] <gamax92> :P
L2283[23:46:05] <IzayaXMPP> so I just have a DVD with it on there
L2284[23:46:41] <gamax92> I dunno, I personally wouldn't need the DVD afterwards except maybe once or twice per year
L2285[23:46:54] <TheFox> so, you all install windows, but non of you know how to install it over lvm, just my luck. i do something that noone ever wants to do
L2286[23:47:06] <gamax92> TheFox: Windows doesn't support LVM
L2287[23:47:08] <TheFox> meaning i shouldnnt do it
L2288[23:47:14] <IzayaXMPP> I reinstall my stuff quite regularly
L2289[23:47:17] <gamax92> this is like trying to install Windows on ext4
L2290[23:47:24] <IzayaXMPP> TheFox: No, there's no way to do it at all
L2291[23:47:31] <IzayaXMPP> Unless you want to destroy the LVM that is
L2292[23:48:00] <TheFox> is there a way to only reformat half my disk? or say 300/1000 GB
L2293[23:48:06] <TheFox> i really dont want to have to wipe it
L2294[23:48:09] ⇨ Joins: Schzd (~Schzdadep@modemcable121.35-162-184.mc.videotron.ca)
L2295[23:48:11] <IzayaXMPP> partitions
L2296[23:48:18] <dan2wik> you could re-size but it has lots of risks
L2297[23:49:13] <TheFox> i dont care i can back up the movies from the media server, the one i dont want to do is have to reinstall my packages again.
L2298[23:49:21] <TheFox> so so so so many
L2299[23:49:44] <IzayaXMPP> leave it going overnight
L2300[23:49:46] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L2301[23:49:52] <IzayaXMPP> if you want a list most distros have a way to do that
L2302[23:50:36] <TheFox> IzayaXMPP: last time i tried to get a Package list it failed mesirably
L2303[23:50:51] <IzayaXMPP> how did you do that?
L2304[23:50:55] <gamax92> ^
L2305[23:51:11] <TheFox> i copyed x auth
L2306[23:51:18] <IzayaXMPP> what
L2307[23:51:26] <IzayaXMPP> xauth is for remote X logins
L2308[23:51:33] <IzayaXMPP> are you on debian?
L2309[23:51:43] <TheFox> im running Ubuntu
L2310[23:51:53] <IzayaXMPP> dpkg --get-selections
L2311[23:52:08] <TheFox> i had to install dpkg last time
L2312[23:52:21] <IzayaXMPP> wat
L2313[23:52:23] <TheFox> i can do that tommorow, im not on my linux atm, im on my mac
L2314[23:52:32] <IzayaXMPP> you can't use apt without dpkg
L2315[23:52:34] <dan2wik> dpkg is included
L2316[23:52:38] <TheFox> last time i used dpkg i had to install it using apt install
L2317[23:53:00] <IzayaXMPP> TheFox: wat in the fsck
L2318[23:53:11] <IzayaXMPP> oh do whatever
L2319[23:53:11] <IzayaXMPP> have fun
L2320[23:53:11] <IzayaXMPP> etc
L2321[23:53:40] <TheFox> i like that joke IzayaXMPP
L2322[23:54:06] <TheFox> oh, wait nvmd it was something else i had to install
L2323[23:54:23] <TheFox> i had dpkg, i didnt have the modifyed apt that installs a list
L2324[23:55:03] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2325[23:55:10] <gamax92> ... you use dpkg to make a list, apt isn't involved.
L2326[23:56:20] <TheFox> SON OF A
L2327[23:56:47] <payonel> gamax92: can we make floppies read only?
L2328[23:56:49] <TheFox> there is a package that someone had me install, dpkg returned a list of packages into a file. someone had me read that file and install it
L2329[23:56:52] <TheCryptek> Is it possible to make floppies read only
L2330[23:56:57] <TheCryptek> darn payonel beat me to it
L2331[23:57:04] <payonel> sometimes i type fast
L2332[23:57:25] <gamax92> somrties i troupe f ady ot biut muto iv ythe umt oycant readint;s
L2333[23:57:25] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2334[23:57:34] <payonel> o_O
L2335[23:57:39] <payonel> :) hehe
L2336[23:58:47] <payonel> TheFox: you can say: if component.isAvailable("modem") then ..
L2337[23:58:57] <payonel> in case you don't want kernel panic sans modem
L2338[23:59:09] <payonel> TheCryptek: ok, that's all i can do for you currently
L2339[23:59:30] <TheFox> payonel: im rougeminner in game chat works unless you prefer IRC
L2340[23:59:38] <TheFox> oh, nvmd
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