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L1[00:04:46] <IzayaXMPP> 1:30 to download 0.75MB
L2[00:07:00] <TheFox> yeah, ik what mbps is, i wish it was measuer in mibps for clearity
L3[00:12:45] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L4[00:14:41] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L5[00:19:13] <IzayaXMPP> okay well
L6[00:19:18] <IzayaXMPP> one minute to knock-off time
L7[00:19:26] <IzayaXMPP> I'm gonna bugger off
L8[00:19:33] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@ ())
L9[00:53:09] ⇨ Joins: DarkCow (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com)
L10[00:55:22] <Bipedsnowman> Well gosh darn it i forgot something important
L11[00:55:36] <Bipedsnowman> Without pressing "on", is there any way to turn on a robot?
L12[00:57:16] <Saphire> flop
L13[00:57:39] <Saphire> are there quadruped snowmen?
L14[00:58:10] <Bipedsnowman> They're called snowdogs.
L15[00:58:44] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L16[00:59:07] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L17[01:00:42] <Saphire> what snowdogs?
L18[01:00:49] <Saphire> hi EP o/
L19[01:01:57] <Ember_Primrose> Howaru
L20[01:04:45] <gamax92> @Ember_Primrose What's their last name?
L21[01:06:12] <TheFox> hello!
L22[01:06:14] <gamax92> or is that their only name
L23[01:06:23] <TheFox> Saphire, Ember_Primrose, gamax92 whats up
L24[01:06:25] <TheFox> ?
L25[01:06:56] <Saphire> flop
L26[01:06:58] <gamax92> TheFox: one of the snowdogs name is Howaru, but I was trying to determine if it has a last name too
L27[01:07:16] <Saphire> TheFox: I'm good, though a bit annoyed
L28[01:07:18] <Ember_Primrose> ow
L29[01:07:31] <Ember_Primrose> i meant howaru as how are you "P
L30[01:07:33] <Saphire> I also had to hear my dad yelling at some idiots
L31[01:07:55] <gamax92> @Ember_Primrose but Howaru is a name
L32[01:08:05] <TheFox> i dont need anymore details, i bet it was the idiots fault ;)
L33[01:08:16] <Ember_Primrose> as well as a made up abbreviation :P
L34[01:08:25] <gamax92> as well as a name >:(
L35[01:08:36] <Ember_Primrose> i know
L36[01:08:45] <Saphire> TheFox: yup
L37[01:08:51] <Saphire> so, dad parked
L38[01:08:54] <Ember_Primrose> now that is
L39[01:08:58] <Saphire> we all went to shop
L40[01:09:25] <Saphire> come back: some cargo machine is parked behind
L41[01:09:55] <Saphire> and just as he started the engine.. someone on automobile started parking right on front of us
L42[01:10:13] <Saphire> result: huge f-bomb
L43[01:10:27] <TheFox> boxed in?
L44[01:11:08] <Eleria> o/ Good Morning :3
L45[01:11:22] <Saphire> TheFox: yup
L46[01:11:49] <TheFox> quick question for those who may answer it. how could one run a wire beside a monitor and have it not connect to said monitor?
L47[01:11:56] <TheFox> btw good morning Ember_Primrose
L48[01:12:07] <TheFox> i dont know the rest of yalls timezone
L49[01:12:10] <Ember_Primrose> Ohi
L50[01:12:10] * Saphire nibbles on Eleria
L51[01:12:26] <Ember_Primrose> Morning
L52[01:12:35] <Saphire> it's 13:12 here, utc+8 iirc
L53[01:12:43] <gamax92> Its 0:12 here
L54[01:12:59] <TheFox> its 1/4 past 11 for me
L55[01:13:02] <TheFox> thats PM
L56[01:13:02] <Saphire> or +7
L57[01:13:18] <Saphire> what's current utc+0 time?
L58[01:13:19] <gamax92> Jeez, Saphire really is half way around the world from me
L59[01:13:30] <Ember_Primrose> It's 8:13 am here utc +2
L60[01:13:52] <Saphire> ah, UTC+7 here then
L61[01:14:37] <gamax92> yep, +7
L62[01:15:06] <Saphire> gamax92: I guess I'm a bit more than half a world away
L63[01:15:14] <Saphire> because that's 13 hours diff
L64[01:16:42] <Eleria> *is still in UTC +2 even tho every computer thinks she is in -8 but displays the correct language*
L65[01:17:45] ⇨ Joins: ade124|mobile (~ade124|mo@
L66[01:17:53] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L67[01:18:07] <TheFox> i am UTC -7 IIRC
L68[01:18:36] <Eleria> I will just stay in UTC-8 with +2 time xD Because I can :P
L69[01:18:47] <gamax92> Join the darkside
L70[01:19:06] <TheFox> ^
L71[01:19:12] <Ember_Primrose> :O
L72[01:19:13] <TheFox> we have java
L73[01:19:26] <TheFox> and bill gates D:
L74[01:19:29] <Eleria> *gets pulled*
L75[01:19:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L76[01:19:35] <Eleria> *runs away*
L77[01:19:37] <gamax92> we have coffee, tea, juice, water, milk, cookies, burgers, pasta, pizza, spiders
L78[01:19:47] <Eleria> Nothing for me tho xD
L79[01:19:55] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose is not sure what side she is on
L80[01:19:56] <TheFox> and something for you
L81[01:20:00] <Eleria> *wait*
L82[01:20:07] <Eleria> *there were...*
L83[01:20:10] <gamax92> I have too many tabs open ._.
L84[01:20:15] <Eleria> **COOKIES**
L85[01:20:23] <TheFox> Ah, we have Cookies for you Eleria
L86[01:20:31] <Eleria> *joins*
L87[01:20:42] * Saphire steals cookies from Eleria
L88[01:20:46] <ade124|mobile> I'm in UTC +8... We have the optical fibre
L89[01:21:06] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-74-141-52-241.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L90[01:21:07] <Eleria> *drops Saph some cookies and gets new ones*
L91[01:21:19] <ade124|mobile> (That's the only useful thing invented in where I live)
L92[01:21:20] <gamax92> @Eleria, /me is a thing and if you're on mobile underscore is more preferred than stars :P
L93[01:21:21] <Saphire> I have optical fibre at home as well
L94[01:21:42] <ade124|mobile> Me too
L95[01:21:43] <Eleria> @gamax92 Mobile discord can't do that :/
L96[01:21:55] <gamax92> Mobile discord knows underscores, no?
L97[01:22:01] <Corded> * Eleria test
L98[01:22:01] <Corded> * gamax92 hopes it not that bad.
L99[01:22:05] <Saphire> why underscores are better than starts though?
L100[01:22:05] * TheFox pokes saphire for stealing Eleria's cookies
L101[01:22:07] <Eleria> Yeah It does
L102[01:22:08] <ade124|mobile> Yep it knows underscores
L103[01:22:09] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-74-141-52-241.neo.res.rr.com)
L104[01:22:19] * ade124|mobile tests corded
L105[01:22:20] <Eleria> Then I will use them
L106[01:22:23] <Ember_Primrose> @Eleria it does
L107[01:22:25] <TheFox> WHAT?
L108[01:22:29] <gamax92> Because Corded will translate the underscores to a IRC like action
L109[01:22:30] <TheFox> OC is screwing with me
L110[01:22:37] <gamax92> so it just looks better for IRC users
L111[01:22:38] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose baps @Eleria
L112[01:22:46] <Corded> * Eleria cries
L113[01:22:52] <Ember_Primrose> no
L114[01:23:16] <ade124|mobile> Does corded do /me in IRC now?
L115[01:23:22] * ade124|mobile tests that
L116[01:23:24] <Eleria> _cries_ --> No, just no ;)
L117[01:23:33] <TheFox> ok, appearntly network data travels through capacitors.
L118[01:23:36] <Saphire> ... that's just a fuckaround trough corded's limitations o..o
L119[01:23:41] <Ember_Primrose> Dont ud baps
L120[01:23:47] <Ember_Primrose> O.o
L121[01:24:02] <gamax92> And quassel client is being garbage and can't display text properly.
L122[01:24:27] <Saphire> apparently corded doesn't translates /me to discord
L123[01:24:31] <ade124|mobile> *wonders why the IC2 mine is so slow
L124[01:24:39] <gamax92> Saphire: it does now, I added that in
L125[01:24:43] <Saphire> oh
L126[01:24:55] <TheFox> did you do that yesterday gamax?
L127[01:25:07] <TheFox> didnt*
L128[01:25:08] <Corded> * Eleria wonders why she shouldn't ud baps
L129[01:25:09] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L130[01:25:11] <Saphire> gamax92: get it to understand single stars
L131[01:25:29] * Saphire is all the baps!
L132[01:25:34] <Saphire> gah
L133[01:25:42] <Saphire> *uds all the baps
L134[01:26:33] <gamax92> It's already not the best ...
L135[01:26:38] <gamax92> like, watch this.
L136[01:26:45] <Corded> * gamax92 _underlined message_
L137[01:26:53] <Bipedsnowman> Does anyone know if one robot can turn another robot on?
L138[01:27:17] <gamax92> so it'd need a bit more tricks to actually get that to work a bit better
L139[01:28:01] <TheFox> oh, that didnt sound good, my AC just kicked off and it sounded like it blew up o_o shook the house too
L140[01:28:05] <Corded> * Eleria is not wondering anymore ...
L141[01:28:51] <Corded> * Eleria she just ub'd it
L142[01:32:20] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L143[01:37:50] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L144[01:44:55] <TheFox> %tell TheCryptek I made a mess of things, i was trying to get power to the new Servers upstairs, feel free to rework it if you would like, if not. i will
L145[01:44:55] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek will be notified of this message when next seen.
L146[01:45:22] <TheFox> thank you MichiBot,and to the rest of you, Night, it is now 15 till 12, cya in 8
L147[01:45:22] <MichiBot> TheFox: You're welcome!
L148[01:45:41] <TheFox> wow, i wasnt actually expecting a reply from Michibot
L149[01:45:46] *** TheFox is now known as TheFox|AFK
L150[01:46:34] <Eleria> o/
L151[01:53:07] <Saphire> he's gone now
L152[01:55:02] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L153[01:56:39] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L154[01:58:24] <Lizzy> o/
L155[01:58:58] <Saphire> hi Lizzy o/
L156[01:59:03] <Lizzy> hai
L157[01:59:36] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L158[02:00:54] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L159[02:01:47] <Forecaster> yay new day
L160[02:02:46] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L161[02:03:33] <Forecaster> oh Ember_Primrose, someone chose to view the game sections :D
L162[02:04:25] <Forecaster> oh you're busy playing no mans sky :P
L163[02:09:45] * Izaya yawns
L164[02:16:07] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L165[02:17:06] <Forecaster> hahaha
L166[02:17:53] <Forecaster> I've activated cortana and tried using her to set a reminder for the stream tonight
L167[02:17:59] <Forecaster> "what is the reminder?"
L168[02:18:10] <Forecaster> Me: "The stream"
L169[02:18:17] <Forecaster> Cortana: "Cream"
L170[02:18:22] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L171[02:18:27] * Izaya snrks
L172[02:18:27] <Forecaster> Cortana: "Reminding you to cream"
L173[02:18:40] * Izaya snrks harder
L174[02:19:58] * Eleria shrugs
L175[02:21:11] <Forecaster> she's not very good at hearing what I'm saying
L176[02:21:17] <Forecaster> probably my accent or something
L177[02:28:39] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L178[02:30:15] <TheFox|AFK> just cant help it, from your videos, i didnt notice a accent, i think thats just microsoft at its best
L179[02:30:20] <TheFox|AFK> now, back to being AFK
L180[02:30:32] <Forecaster> might be my morning voice being bad
L181[02:31:03] <TheFox|AFK> now, i officialy cant make a good sarcastic remark, look what you have done to me
L182[02:31:31] <TheFox|AFK> if i did, it would have incredibly weird
L183[02:31:41] <TheFox|AFK> why would you put me in a corner ? ;)
L184[02:31:54] <Forecaster> %addquote TheFox if i did, it would have incredibly weird
L185[02:31:56] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Quote added at id: 541412
L186[02:32:04] <Forecaster> that's why!
L187[02:32:24] <TheFox|AFK> oh, btw can you remove a quote for me? i have two identicals
L188[02:32:37] <TheFox|AFK> %listquotes TheFox
L189[02:32:39] <MichiBot> User <TheFox> has 6 quotes: 52, 54, 91, 97, 99, 102
L190[02:32:49] <TheFox|AFK> its 97 and 99 that are duplicates
L191[02:32:57] <TheFox|AFK> if you can, please remove 97
L192[02:33:10] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #91
L193[02:33:10] <MichiBot> Quote #91: <TheFox> I have safari, I hate it.
L194[02:33:10] <Forecaster> %quote #97
L195[02:33:11] <MichiBot> Quote #97: <TheFox> I think physical abuse ismok, imslap Enderbot2 a
L196[02:33:13] <Forecaster> %quote #99
L197[02:33:13] <MichiBot> Quote #99: <TheFox> I think physical abuse is OK, I slap Enderbot2 a lot
L198[02:33:16] <TheFox|AFK> oh, thats what that is
L199[02:33:40] <TheFox|AFK> i didnt know about quote 91
L200[02:33:57] <Forecaster> except 97 is what you actually said, that I added, and 99 you added trying to fix it :P
L201[02:34:20] <Forecaster> and only ops can remove quotes, but even if I could I'd remove 99
L202[02:34:21] <Forecaster> :P
L203[02:34:54] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE229CD988D05458B9E8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L204[02:34:54] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L205[02:34:59] <TheFox|AFK> yes, to fix it because you hit me when i was down, you got that when i was on mobile ... thats not right :D
L206[02:35:13] <Forecaster> that's what quotes are for :P
L207[02:35:24] * TheFox|AFK shrugs
L208[02:35:31] <TheFox|AFK> %listquotes Forecaster
L209[02:35:32] <MichiBot> User <Forecaster> has 4 quotes: 59, 73, 75, 90
L210[02:35:38] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #59
L211[02:35:38] <MichiBot> Quote #59: <Forecaster> ohno
L212[02:35:43] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #73
L213[02:35:43] <MichiBot> Quote #73: <Forecaster> D:<
L214[02:35:46] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #75
L215[02:35:46] <MichiBot> Quote #75: <Forecaster> this is too meta D:<
L216[02:35:50] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #90
L217[02:35:50] <MichiBot> Quote #90: <Forecaster> "Whatever floats your sewage, I guess" - playing Cities: Skylines
L218[02:36:06] <TheFox|AFK> welp, guess you where wrong
L219[02:36:17] <TheFox|AFK> i ws hoping to find an off one in there, not a single one
L220[02:36:45] <TheFox|AFK> how ever...
L221[02:36:49] <TheFox|AFK> %quote #52
L222[02:36:49] <MichiBot> Quote #52: <TheFox> its worse in bed than a horse
L223[02:36:53] <TheFox|AFK> says it all
L224[02:37:35] <TheFox|AFK> where you there when that happened?
L225[02:37:41] <Forecaster> yep :P
L226[02:38:10] <TheFox|AFK> that got out of control really fast... and it left a hilarious after math
L227[02:43:30] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L228[02:45:10] <TheFox|AFK> so, if mods can remove quotes, gamax was wrong, its not that he couldnt its that he wouldnt, busted buddy, but like i said, dont care
L229[02:45:39] <gamax92> I can't
L230[02:46:18] <Forecaster> I said only operators can remove quotes
L231[02:46:21] <Forecaster> voices can't
L232[02:46:31] <Forecaster> unless they've been specifically given perms with the bot
L233[02:46:45] <TheFox|AFK> thats right, i forgot, there is a diffrence between voice and op
L234[02:47:01] <TheFox|AFK> my bad
L235[02:49:17] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L236[02:55:40] ⇦ Quits: TheFox|AFK (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L237[02:57:45] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L238[02:57:47] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L239[02:59:46] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L240[03:08:30] ⇦ Quits: Bipedsnowman (webchat@d50-99-198-151.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L241[03:12:11] <vifino> Lizzy and I are split up for the first time in 1 1/2 weeks, she is taking a walk :(
L242[03:12:42] <ping> vifino, wha?
L243[03:12:53] <vifino> u wot
L244[03:13:22] <vifino> she went on a walk and i didn't, cause im tired
L245[03:13:28] <ping> oh XD
L246[03:14:44] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (~Meow-J@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L247[03:14:49] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (~Meow-J@
L248[03:14:50] <gamax92> ping: go back to hiding
L249[03:15:00] <ping> gamax92, im not hiding
L250[03:15:12] <ping> ive just been on discord more than IRC lately
L251[03:20:01] *** potato is now known as Tiktalik
L252[03:21:56] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:0:3a5f)
L253[03:23:23] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L254[03:27:10] ⇨ Joins: LizzyTrickster (~Lizzy@
L255[03:27:11] zsh sets mode: +o on LizzyTrickster
L256[03:27:31] <LizzyTrickster> vifino: I did offer you to come with me :P
L257[03:27:55] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-137-2.as13285.net)
L258[03:29:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L259[03:29:29] <Ember_Primrose> :o
L260[03:33:13] <Forecaster> :O :O
L261[03:35:50] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L262[03:36:44] <Ember_Primrose> what are you ding?
L263[03:36:47] <Ember_Primrose> doing
L264[03:38:25] <Forecaster> playing EtG atm
L265[03:40:59] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L266[03:42:29] ⇦ Quits: LizzyTrickster (~Lizzy@ (Quit: Bye)
L267[03:43:02] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L268[03:43:25] <Forecaster> and I died :I
L269[03:46:00] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L270[03:46:51] <Ember_Primrose> ohno
L271[03:53:52] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L272[03:55:49] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com)
L273[03:56:24] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L274[03:57:48] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L275[03:58:04] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-137-2.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L276[03:59:42] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L277[04:01:47] <Ember_Primrose> hey, asie? when will BuildcraftCompat get a license, i'm confused if it may be used in modpacks or not.
L278[04:01:52] <Ember_Primrose> our
L279[04:01:55] <Ember_Primrose> modpack
L280[04:02:21] <Forecaster> "Minecraft Mod Public License"
L281[04:03:01] <Ember_Primrose> is unsure what that means
L282[04:03:27] <Forecaster> http://mod-buildcraft.com/MMPL-1.0.txt
L283[04:03:58] <Forecaster> tldr: "The user is allowed to redistribute this mod partially, in totality, or
L284[04:04:00] <Forecaster> included in a distribution.
L285[04:04:01] <Forecaster> "
L286[04:04:10] <Ember_Primrose> :o
L287[04:04:13] <Ember_Primrose> thanks
L288[04:05:36] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L289[04:08:22] <GreaseMonkey> MMPL can still eat shit though
L290[04:09:45] <Ember_Primrose> what does gpl mean then?
L291[04:09:48] <Ember_Primrose> ohi
L292[04:10:05] <Forecaster> GNU General Public License
L293[04:10:17] <Ember_Primrose> i know
L294[04:10:30] <Ember_Primrose> but tldr can i use it in a modpack?
L295[04:10:36] <Forecaster> yes
L296[04:10:42] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L297[04:10:52] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose is horrible at licensing
L298[04:13:06] <Forecaster> if the license is "MIT", "GPL", "Creative Commons", "Public Domain" or the "Minecraft Forge Public Licence" you're allowed to distribute it
L299[04:13:38] <Forecaster> if it's something else you'll have to read the mod page or whatever and see if the author allows distribution somewhere, conditionally or otherwise
L300[04:14:12] <Forecaster> and yes, bspkrsCore uses the forge license for some reason
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L302[04:16:34] <Ember_Primrose> which means?
L303[04:18:25] <Ember_Primrose> Hey! @Kimiro your'e on a list
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L306[04:31:44] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/G3AcaP4.jpg
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L308[04:34:01] <Ember_Primrose> 64bit?
L309[04:35:57] <Izaya> no?
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L311[04:39:05] <Ember_Primrose> oh
L312[04:39:07] <Ember_Primrose> ;p
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L316[05:00:21] <gamax92> 36bit
L317[05:01:02] <Forecaster> Ember_Primrose: well, it's a custom license for forge, I don't think it was meant for mods to use :P
L318[05:01:09] <Forecaster> there are other licenses for that
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L322[05:16:12] <Inari> gokigenyou~
L323[05:16:18] <Eleria> o/
L324[05:16:57] <Eleria> is there any way to easily disable mods in technic launcher ? (asking because of fastcrafts license)
L325[05:19:42] *** alfw is now known as alfw|Off
L326[05:21:52] <Eleria> And since when is forestry allowed in Modpacks O.o
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L329[05:30:34] <Eleria> LMAO http://prntscr.com/c6spex
L330[05:30:47] <Eleria> Best license ive ever seen xD
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L333[05:35:50] <Inari> TIL "Fish pee is crucial to the survival and growth of coral reefs, and in reefs where fishing occurs, nearly half of the key nutrients from fish urine are absent from the ecosystem"
L334[05:38:00] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L335[05:39:10] <Eleria> Uhhh okay xD#
L336[05:39:37] <gamax92> Inari: you really didn't know that?
L337[05:39:44] <Forecaster> probably doesn't matter that much Eleria
L338[05:39:52] <Forecaster> you can just remove it from the mods folder
L339[05:40:12] <Eleria> Well i hope that counts ^^
L340[05:41:01] * Eleria doesnt want any license problems ;-;
L341[05:41:15] <Ember_Primrose> fast craft may be included no
L342[05:41:17] <Ember_Primrose> now
L343[05:42:23] <Forecaster> I doubt anyone's going to go tattle on you :P
L344[05:42:32] <Eleria> I guess its okay for now ... But well we should just make a version without fastcraft :D (then its able to be "disabled")
L345[05:43:11] <Forecaster> I've yet to hear about fastcraft causing issues, so it should be fine
L346[05:43:16] <Ember_Primrose> add it in the pack but rename it to whatever.jar.DISABLED
L347[05:43:36] <Inari> gamax92: how would i :|
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L349[05:44:28] <Forecaster> http://explosm.net/comics/4388/
L350[05:46:24] <Eleria> Ehhh i cant use journeymap ;-; cant say solder to download it from cursecdn atm
L351[05:47:03] <Forecaster> I made my own system just so I wouldn't have to deal with any of the existing ones :P
L352[05:47:06] <Ember_Primrose> add it locally then
L353[05:47:15] <Eleria> wait nwm i think there is something
L354[05:48:32] <Eleria> Okay need to redirect to the curse cdn site there
L355[05:48:38] <Eleria> I will do that later :⁾
L356[05:49:33] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L357[05:51:03] <Eleria> And apperiantely WTFPL is used in more then one mod xD
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L360[05:58:43] <Izaya> Hey, anyone got No Man's Sky here?
L361[05:59:12] <Izaya> Was wanting to know whether it actually uses the network much
L362[05:59:34] <Forecaster> probably only when you actively submit discoveries
L363[05:59:49] <Forecaster> if at all
L364[05:59:49] <Izaya> mmh
L365[06:00:03] <Izaya> Considering the fact that multiplayer seems to not exist
L366[06:00:14] <Forecaster> it does not
L367[06:00:28] <Forecaster> there's 0 proof of any multiplayer anywhere
L368[06:00:33] <Izaya> indeed
L369[06:00:42] <Izaya> wanted to see if it talked on the network much to find out
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L371[06:01:03] <Forecaster> I have it, haven't played it much
L372[06:01:05] <Forecaster> didn't like it
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L374[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L375[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/Wv2emAGz2v4 - Modded Minecraft [Episode 171] - My Buttons
L376[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: OpenComputers,Programming,Tablet,Non-minecraft programs
L377[06:01:09] <MichiBot> Modded Minecraft [Episode 171] - My Buttons | length: 45m 4s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 View: 1 | by Forecaster
L378[06:01:32] <Izaya> y'know, my hype-happy console peasant friend introduced me to the trailer of NMS as a space exploration MMO
L379[06:01:53] <Forecaster> well, the first part is true
L380[06:01:56] <Forecaster> it's just really boring
L381[06:02:01] <Izaya> yeah
L382[06:02:12] <Izaya> tbh Elite: Dangerous seems like it'd be more worth buying
L383[06:02:23] <Izaya> Or EVE Online if you're into the business part
L384[06:02:28] <Forecaster> also hate whoever decided to require you to hold down every button ever
L385[06:02:44] <Forecaster> I play E:D, at least it has proper ship flight.
L386[06:02:57] <Izaya> Looks pretty nice tbh
L387[06:02:58] <Ember_Primrose> i like space engineers
L388[06:03:09] <Izaya> SE is fun but it has a lot of issues
L389[06:03:10] <Forecaster> SE is a different kind of game
L390[06:03:18] <Izaya> I like that it's more sandboxy though
L391[06:03:18] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L392[06:03:27] <Izaya> less exploration more sandbox
L393[06:03:31] <Forecaster> ^
L394[06:03:36] <Izaya> speaking of
L395[06:03:39] <Ember_Primrose> i know, right, planets are buggy as hell tho
L396[06:03:39] <Izaya> I should play some SE
L397[06:03:48] <Forecaster> I haven't played it a lot
L398[06:03:54] <Forecaster> couldn't play it well with my old cpu
L399[06:03:54] <Izaya> Build a hovering fighter or something
L400[06:04:06] <Izaya> i3 4160 + GTX 690 seems to be able to run it fine
L401[06:04:11] <Ember_Primrose> btw, hows it going
L402[06:04:27] <Izaya> hell even a 750Ti ran it acceptably
L403[06:04:34] <Forecaster> I have that
L404[06:04:38] <Forecaster> but my cpu was crap
L405[06:04:55] <Forecaster> the game stuttered a lot
L406[06:05:05] <Forecaster> like, every minute it'd freeze for a couple of seconds
L407[06:05:12] <Forecaster> made it unplayable
L408[06:05:42] <Forecaster> should be able to play it now with the i7 though
L409[06:05:46] <Forecaster> but I haven't tried yet
L410[06:05:57] <Forecaster> Ember_Primrose: how's what going?
L411[06:06:57] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L412[06:08:00] <Izaya> Guess I'm not going to play any SE
L413[06:08:00] <Ember_Primrose> no, how is it going? What is up? etc
L414[06:08:16] <Izaya> Windows has decided that I don't get USB
L415[06:08:29] <Forecaster> I'm working on the interface designer thingy :P
L416[06:08:57] <Ember_Primrose> oh nice
L417[06:09:18] <Ember_Primrose> and Izaya I presume its not going too great?
L418[06:09:40] <Izaya> Same as usual
L419[06:09:55] <Izaya> I hate Windows, Windows hates me, nothing new
L420[06:10:18] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L421[06:10:36] <Ember_Primrose> my net is dying ohno
L422[06:11:28] <Skye> Izaya, I am reading a book about the results of someone reverse engineering windows 3.1
L423[06:11:46] <Skye> for some reason the windows 95 version was recalled before it was published
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L429[06:25:33] <Gurkengewuerz> Why is the Access Point Deprecated?
L430[06:25:43] <Forecaster> replaced by the relay
L431[06:26:05] <Gurkengewuerz> Okay, THX
L432[06:26:40] <Lizzy> as Forecaster said, relay with a wireless card in it
L433[06:27:02] <Forecaster> woop, gui designer has a color picker now :D
L434[06:27:35] <Forecaster> now to add resolution changing
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L437[06:37:07] <vifino> Windows is weird.
L438[06:37:12] <Lizzy> yup
L439[06:37:16] <xandaros> yes
L440[06:37:42] <vifino> However I properly added enough black themes everywhere to not burn my eyes out.
L441[06:38:21] <vifino> ( windows 10 dark mode + thirdparty dark theme with help from a theme patcher)
L442[06:38:27] <Ember_Primrose> welp. i found the reason for my net constantly dcin
L443[06:38:30] <Ember_Primrose> g
L444[06:38:47] <vifino> too much torrenting
L445[06:38:56] <Lizzy> too much porn
L446[06:38:56] <Ember_Primrose> no.
L447[06:39:09] <Ember_Primrose> apparently the dog pissed on itt
L448[06:39:23] <Lizzy> lol?
L449[06:39:23] <Ember_Primrose> and now its shorting
L450[06:39:25] <xandaros> My terminal has a dark theme. Does that count?
L451[06:39:34] <Ember_Primrose> ikr
L452[06:39:37] <Ember_Primrose> but
L453[06:39:50] <Ember_Primrose> unfortunately they are expensive here
L454[06:40:00] <xandaros> Dogs?
L455[06:40:29] <Ember_Primrose> well.... that too
L456[06:41:05] <Lizzy> have you tried turning it off and on again?
L457[06:41:13] <vifino> NSFW: http://bored.cf
L458[06:41:13] <Ember_Primrose> multiple times
L459[06:41:28] <Forecaster> take it apart and clean it?
L460[06:42:01] <Ember_Primrose> cant. its a one piece mould
L461[06:42:15] <Lizzy> hammer
L462[06:42:32] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, i still need to use it
L463[06:42:46] <Eleria> Maybe dry it (somehow?)
L464[06:42:59] <Lizzy> i don't think the wetness is the problem
L465[06:43:05] <Lizzy> it'd need to be cleaned
L466[06:43:08] <Eleria> Well if its shorting ?
L467[06:43:29] <Lizzy> could be dried stuff
L468[06:43:30] <Ember_Primrose> definitely no the wall port
L469[06:43:41] <Forecaster> well, it's either cleaning it or getting a new one :/
L470[06:43:47] <Forecaster> saw up the case
L471[06:43:54] <Forecaster> then glue it together again when done
L472[06:44:31] <Eleria> probably :/
L473[06:44:57] <Ember_Primrose> new one probably
L474[06:45:14] <Ember_Primrose> since it will be too slow for our new router any ways
L475[06:45:15] <Lizzy> is it not ISP loaned?
L476[06:47:10] <xandaros> We have one from our ISP which is utter crap. Luckily, they offer to put it in bridge mode, so it's just a modem and doesn't do any weird routing/natting/other shenanigans. Then put a proper router behind that
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L480[06:58:51] <Ember_Primrose> nope
L481[06:59:02] <Ember_Primrose> the router is, extenders is not
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L490[07:34:24] <Ember_Primrose> 1748 lines to go
L491[07:36:17] <Forecaster> :>
L492[07:37:49] <Ember_Primrose> i am coming for you :>
L493[07:37:51] <Ember_Primrose> jk
L494[07:37:52] <Ember_Primrose> jk
L495[07:37:57] <Forecaster> xD
L496[07:38:33] <Forecaster> fite me
L497[07:38:38] <Ember_Primrose> naw
L498[07:38:43] <Ember_Primrose> temia is first
L499[07:39:02] <Ember_Primrose> plus
L500[07:39:12] <Ember_Primrose> you have literally double my lines
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L505[07:52:56] <Lizzy> .stats
L506[07:52:56] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html, seriously :)
L507[07:53:54] <Ember_Primrose> anyone knows the deal with mystcraft and liscensing. like how the hell.
L508[07:54:10] * Lizzy is playing C:S on the living room pc thingy she and vifino made
L509[07:54:27] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L510[07:54:29] <Ember_Primrose> noice
L511[07:54:33] <Lizzy> the tv looks crap when the city is night though
L512[07:55:00] <Lizzy> though it's not unplayable
L513[07:56:46] <Forecaster> "Modpacks are not allowed excepting those that already have permission. 'Private' packs are allowed, but have restrictions as below. I am very, very restrictive and more than a little arbitrary in what modpacks I allow."
L514[07:57:08] <Forecaster> http://binarymage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=844&sid=8ab8ad8e533db0b4ff567f87f9e22c35
L515[07:57:14] <Forecaster> I'd get RFTools instead
L516[07:57:31] <Eleria> We have RFTools ^^
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L518[07:57:46] <Forecaster> what do you need mystcraft for then?
L519[07:58:02] <Eleria> Non rf powered dims
L520[07:58:03] <Eleria> XD
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L522[07:59:03] <Eleria> (Is too lazy to make a good reactor setup probably so eh)
L523[07:59:38] <Forecaster> lower the power cost if that's the issue?
L524[07:59:47] <Ember_Primrose> you can't
L525[07:59:57] <Ember_Primrose> it is based on world gen
L526[08:00:04] <Ember_Primrose> already looked at the code
L527[08:00:11] <Eleria> ^
L528[08:00:27] <Forecaster> oh, well you'll have to ask for permission then
L529[08:01:02] <Eleria> Probably ;-;
L530[08:01:32] <Ember_Primrose> define private
L531[08:01:40] <Ember_Primrose> in terms of packs
L532[08:01:50] <Forecaster> private means not just anyone can download it
L533[08:01:52] <Lizzy> whitelisted, few people, that sort of thing
L534[08:02:05] <Eleria> Well it's only hidden:/
L535[08:02:07] <Forecaster> it's either password protected or the link is only given out selectively or similar
L536[08:02:41] <Forecaster> that counts as private as long as nobody posts the link to it somewhere public
L537[08:03:08] <Eleria> Well and everything else can be open so probably mystcraft will be removed for now
L538[08:03:57] <Forecaster> you could have a public creative power supply for powering the dimesion generators or something
L539[08:04:26] <Forecaster> like a place where people can put their dim tablets to keep the dimension powered
L540[08:04:34] <Eleria> Right ^^
L541[08:04:41] <Eleria> That's a good idea :D
L542[08:05:06] <Ember_Primrose> or just give out creative dim builders
L543[08:05:30] <Eleria> Then Ember_Primrose and I will just set up the rest of solder in some minutes and then everything will be ready for playing
L544[08:06:16] <Corded> * Eleria server is not running since 2 days or something basically xD
L545[08:07:01] <Ember_Primrose> yea
L546[08:07:04] <Ember_Primrose> about that
L547[08:07:19] <Ember_Primrose> thats why i timed out this morning
L548[08:08:34] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xE8d6StMJg
L549[08:08:35] <MichiBot> Penis Disqualifies Olympic Pole Vaulter (VIDEO) | length: 1m 19s | Likes: 2252 Dislikes: 395 Views: 70933 | by The Young Turks
L550[08:08:35] <Forecaster> haha
L551[08:09:57] <Ember_Primrose> lol
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L555[08:16:27] <Forecaster> that's unfortunate :P
L556[08:17:15] <Eleria> What the actual ? xD
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L559[08:22:00] <Vexatos> Forecaster, ever heard of term.write? >_>
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L561[08:29:43] <Inari> Forecaster: lewd
L562[08:29:44] <Forecaster> nooope
L563[08:29:48] <Forecaster> I have not
L564[08:29:50] <Inari> http://chainsawsuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/20160727_tech.png
L565[08:30:10] <Forecaster> :P
L566[08:31:31] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L567[08:31:35] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-74-141-52-241.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Going on a long tril and forgetting IRC for now)
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L569[08:31:54] <Forecaster> what makes term better for drawing boxes?
L570[08:31:54] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wSGTEm-Lmg still so good
L571[08:31:55] <MichiBot> Bakemonogatari - Kaerimichi OP (HQ audio) + subs | length: 1m 31s | Likes: 5381 Dislikes: 75 Views: 937467 | by tube7master
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L573[08:38:52] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6xSU0sKaSY
L574[08:38:52] <MichiBot> NO MAN'S SKY RANT + RAP | Dan Bull | length: 8m 8s | Likes: 2259 Dislikes: 34 Views: 22920 | by Dan Bull
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L576[08:39:02] <Inari> i actaully quite like NMS :3
L577[08:39:15] <Inari> though they sure lied a big pile together :P
L578[08:39:18] <Inari> well i didnt follow it muc back then
L579[08:39:19] <Forecaster> the song is good
L580[08:39:25] <Forecaster> don't like the game
L581[08:39:28] <Forecaster> :P
L582[08:39:33] <Inari> :p
L583[08:39:33] <Kimiro> Oh Dan Bull.
L584[08:39:43] <Kimiro> Never let go of the late 90's.
L585[08:39:56] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L586[08:40:24] <Forecaster> ?
L587[08:40:31] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L588[08:41:06] <Sangar> o/
L589[08:41:22] <Ember_Primrose> \o
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L591[08:41:37] <Eleria> o/
L592[08:41:55] <Kimiro> \o/
L593[08:42:10] <Forecaster> Kimiro: what?
L594[08:43:12] <Kimiro> Forecaster: Eh, I'm not sure I could explain it.
L595[08:44:13] <Forecaster> "I don't like his music" "okay"
L596[08:44:22] <Forecaster> :P
L597[08:44:57] <Mimiru> Meh
L598[08:45:02] <Inari> Forecaster: i still dont see how exploration as a genre would ever work
L599[08:45:08] <Inari> its just too niche
L600[08:45:14] <Forecaster> wut?
L601[08:45:18] <Ember_Primrose> eh
L602[08:45:20] <Inari> if everyone finds something speical, noone finds something special
L603[08:45:26] <Inari> cause everythign is "special", the nothing is
L604[08:45:34] <Inari> if noone finds omething special 99% of people will get bored
L605[08:46:04] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L606[08:46:46] <Kimiro> Forecaster: No, I do enjoy his music. That's not what I meant.
L607[08:46:56] <Forecaster> @Mimiru @Ember_Primrose what are you meh'ing and eh'ing about? :P
L608[08:47:08] <Forecaster> @Kimiro then I don't see why it matters
L609[08:47:22] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster heh
L610[08:47:35] <Mimiru> 'Cause fuck everything?
L611[08:47:46] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L612[08:47:49] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L613[08:47:52] <Elizabeth> ^
L614[08:47:58] <Ember_Primrose> deh
L615[08:48:00] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com)
L616[08:48:05] <Elizabeth> beh
L617[08:48:11] <Ember_Primrose> oh and o/
L618[08:48:12] <Ember_Primrose> all
L619[08:48:24] <Ember_Primrose> not the everyone thing whoops
L620[08:48:56] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L621[08:50:25] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L622[08:50:41] <Forecaster> ah, okay carry on
L623[08:52:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L624[08:55:29] <Elizabeth> going out now
L625[08:55:30] <Elizabeth> o/
L626[08:55:35] <Forecaster> :O
L627[08:55:47] <Mimiru> \o
L628[08:57:44] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L629[09:05:37] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@66-219-216-151.static.ip.veracitynetworks.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L630[09:07:08] <Inari> #lua os.time()
L631[09:07:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1471442830
L632[09:09:54] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L633[09:13:35] <Inari> #lua function rperm(a)local b,c,d,e={},{},"",""for f=1,#a do table.insert(c,a:sub(f,f))end;function tc(g)local h={}for f=1,#g do h[f]=g[f]end;return h end;function rc(i,f,j)if f>#c then table.insert(b,j)return end;for k=1,#i,1 do d=tc(i)rc(d,f+1,j..table.remove(d,k))end end;function rs(g)for f=1,#c do rc(tc(g),1,"")end end;rc(tc(c),1,"")math.randomseed(os.time())return b[math.random(1,#b)]end
L634[09:13:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L635[09:13:49] <Inari> #lua print(*"hi " .. rperm("sangar"))
L636[09:13:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '*'
L637[09:13:51] <Inari> :<
L638[09:13:55] <Inari> #lua print("hi " .. rperm("sangar"))
L639[09:13:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L640[09:13:58] <Inari> boo :P
L641[09:14:03] <Inari> </terribly optimized code>
L642[09:14:13] <Kimiro> Heh.
L643[09:15:34] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L644[09:18:28] <Vexatos> Forecaster, term.write doesn't append a \n >_>
L645[09:18:38] <Kimiro> *optimizes Inari*
L646[09:18:39] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L647[09:18:42] <Inari> explorers in NMs are basically like columbus
L648[09:19:01] <Inari> "I discovered this place" - Alien: "but... i was here all along, we even built a station!" - Player: "shush"
L649[09:21:46] <Inari> #lua function rperm(a)local b,c={},""for d=1,#a do table.insert(b,a:sub(d,d))end;math.randomseed(os.time())while#b>0 do c=c..table.remove(b,math.random(1,#b))end;return c end
L650[09:21:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L651[09:21:54] <Inari> #lua print("hi " .. rperm("sangar"))
L652[09:21:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > hi aargns | nil
L653[09:23:32] <Kimiro> owo
L654[09:23:44] <Sangar> gg
L655[09:24:07] <Inari> at frist i actually wanted it to output a list of all the permutations (if thats the term :P)
L656[09:24:10] <Inari> but that got a bit long
L657[09:24:29] <Vexatos> still no selene bot in here :<
L658[09:24:43] <Inari> silicon bot
L659[09:24:44] <Sangar> only 120 :P
L660[09:24:51] <xandaros> Sangar has 720 permutations... just saying
L661[09:25:00] <Sangar> oh
L662[09:25:00] <Inari> yeah
L663[09:25:04] <Inari> well
L664[09:25:04] <Sangar> my name is 6 long
L665[09:25:05] <Sangar> who knew
L666[09:25:05] <Inari> no
L667[09:25:10] <Inari> 120 but 6 long :P
L668[09:25:18] <Inari> im confusing myself now
L669[09:25:18] <Vexatos> Cruor, why does tkirc not support selene D:
L670[09:25:19] <Inari> ¬_¬
L671[09:25:37] <Sangar> *only 720 :P
L672[09:25:43] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L673[09:25:47] <Inari> 6! basically, no?
L674[09:25:56] <xandaros> You could argue 120 because there are 2 as. However, your program will likely not realise this :P
L675[09:26:05] <xandaros> Yes, 6!
L676[09:27:15] <xandaros> Also, even with the as, I think it's 360
L677[09:27:34] <Mimiru> "can not resolve symbol String" it's gonna be a good day
L678[09:27:57] <Forecaster> how ironic...
L679[09:28:08] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/a/8zUXM
L680[09:28:19] <Mimiru> fix't Idea didn't have the JDK set
L681[09:28:20] <Mimiru> still though
L682[09:28:37] <xandaros> Had a FileNotFound occur once, whilst trying to load a FileNotFound file
L683[09:28:38] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L684[09:28:44] <xandaros> That was... interesting
L685[09:29:00] <Forecaster> I'm trying to set a custom 404 page, but it can't find the file...
L686[09:29:12] <Forecaster> so the request for the 404 file is 404-ing
L687[09:29:19] <Forecaster> ._.
L688[09:29:25] <Forecaster> dammit apache
L689[09:29:45] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L690[09:30:56] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@74-92-187-106-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L691[09:31:04] <TheFox> morning everyone
L692[09:31:14] <Eleria> o/
L693[09:31:15] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L694[09:32:45] <Ember_Primrose> YISSS
L695[09:32:45] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster
L696[09:32:47] <Ember_Primrose> you
L697[09:32:48] <Ember_Primrose> are
L698[09:32:50] <Ember_Primrose> wrong
L699[09:32:58] <TheFox> what is he wrong about?
L700[09:32:59] <Forecaster> ?
L701[09:33:04] <Forecaster> lots of things
L702[09:33:04] <Mimiru> EVERYTHING!
L703[09:33:05] <Mimiru> :p
L704[09:33:37] <TheFox> are the MC auth servers offline?
L705[09:33:44] <Ember_Primrose> OBS CAN record multi tracks and you can get the seperate tracks afterwards
L706[09:33:58] <Ember_Primrose> OBS CAN record multi tracks and you CANget the seperate tracks afterwards
L707[09:34:03] <Michiyo> %mcstatus
L708[09:34:04] <Forecaster> TheFox: no
L709[09:34:05] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Website: Up Session: Up Account: Up Auth: Up Skins: Up Auth Server: Up Session Server: Up API: Up Textures: Up
L710[09:34:05] <Forecaster> http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/
L711[09:34:07] <Michiyo> Nope
L712[09:34:32] <Mimiru> Poor corded.. need to make it strip colors before relaying
L713[09:34:36] <Forecaster> oh, I'm fine with using bandicam though :P
L714[09:34:44] <Forecaster> I have different settings when streaming anyway
L715[09:35:01] <TheFox> huh, well tahts not good
L716[09:35:25] <Ember_Primrose> aw, i did that for nothing then
L717[09:35:30] <Ember_Primrose> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L718[09:35:54] <Forecaster> Although one can use profiles with obs
L719[09:36:07] <Forecaster> I'd still like to know how :D
L720[09:37:02] <Ember_Primrose> found this: https://imgur.com/a/B3Q64
L721[09:38:27] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L722[09:39:39] <TheFox> NO ONE, and I MEAN NO ONE, should ever claim something is idiot proof
L723[09:39:51] <Ember_Primrose> don't look at me
L724[09:39:57] <Ember_Primrose> not my post
L725[09:40:24] <Forecaster> that's nice, I might use that
L726[09:40:36] <Ember_Primrose> nice thing is
L727[09:40:37] <TheFox> you have to quote it first :P
L728[09:40:39] <Ember_Primrose> ITS FREE\
L729[09:40:40] <Forecaster> could have used that for the mc episode that went up today :P
L730[09:40:46] <Kimiro> TheFox: Vasectomies, idiot-proof condoms.
L731[09:40:54] <Forecaster> well, I've already bought bandicam, so :P
L732[09:40:57] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L733[09:41:15] <Ember_Primrose> and i already bought DxTory
L734[09:41:23] <Ember_Primrose> btw @Forecaster
L735[09:41:29] <TheFox> i think, saying something is idiot proof invites the idiots to come prove you wrong
L736[09:41:47] <Ember_Primrose> remember you are streaming today
L737[09:41:55] <Ember_Primrose> :P
L738[09:42:00] <Forecaster> might switch though, becuase bc keeps deselecting my mic if the audio device is missing when it starts :I
L739[09:42:06] <Forecaster> and don't worry, I've set a reminder :P
L740[09:42:08] <TheFox> yeah, cortana didnt get that right though, did she
L741[09:42:10] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L742[09:42:11] <Ember_Primrose> i know
L743[09:42:24] <Ember_Primrose> watched the announcement thingy
L744[09:42:31] <Ember_Primrose> was just teasing you
L745[09:42:37] <Forecaster> :)
L746[09:42:46] <Forecaster> thefox what?
L747[09:42:57] <Forecaster> oh, the cream thing :P
L748[09:42:57] <Ember_Primrose> ps
L749[09:43:18] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster you can set cortana to adjust to your accent iirc
L750[09:43:32] <Forecaster> yeah, it should do that over time or some such
L751[09:44:38] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L752[09:46:40] <TheFox> Forecaster: you said that cortana was hainv some issues adjusting to your accent. thats what i was talking about
L753[09:47:20] <Forecaster> If you say "Cortana I hate you" she says "Oh good, because I'm in opposite world right now!"
L754[09:47:34] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-78-210.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L755[09:48:29] <TheFox> haha
L756[09:50:50] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L757[09:51:41] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/5GwCJr7.png
L758[09:53:28] <Mimiru> lol
L759[09:54:16] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L760[09:55:01] <xandaros> Seems legit
L761[09:55:38] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/z5eSEGW.jpg
L762[09:56:17] <Ember_Primrose> ohno
L763[09:56:59] <Forecaster> that'd probably startle you if that happened while showering xD
L764[09:57:58] <Ember_Primrose> id die of heart attack
L765[09:58:37] <Forecaster> ohno
L766[09:58:37] <TheFox> that is, a weird habbit
L767[10:01:08] <Inari> someone suddenly hugging you from behind and fondlesqueezing your boobs would startel you too
L768[10:01:54] * TheFox backs away, and shuts up
L769[10:02:12] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L770[10:02:36] <Kimiro> *peeks out of his shower and licks Inari*
L771[10:02:44] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L772[10:03:02] <TheFox> thanks forcaster, now look at what you did to chat
L773[10:03:53] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L774[10:03:57] <Forecaster> I am just the forecaster, I mean messenger
L775[10:04:08] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/Is9Izuvh.jpg
L776[10:04:40] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L777[10:04:54] <Kimiro> *awaits the impending announcement*
L778[10:05:25] <Ember_Primrose> ;O
L779[10:06:05] <Kimiro> *sits in @Ember_Primrose's shoulder*
L780[10:06:13] <Eleria> *in?*
L781[10:06:34] <Eleria> New Messages from the pack @Ember_Primrose and me did : Its now completely working together with the server \o/ Pack Link : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/embereleria-server-pack.884700 Server IP : luxcaeli.de If the server isnt fast enough currently just inform us and it will get up to 15 GB Ram and more CPU power.
L782[10:06:41] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/IsY67nCl.jpg
L783[10:06:55] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L784[10:07:07] <Kimiro> *cannot possibly play that, but cheers anyway*
L785[10:07:24] <ade124|mobile> I wonder if 32GB is enough for Windows 8
L786[10:07:42] <Eleria> New Messages from the pack @Ember_Primrose and me did : Its now completely working together with the server \o/ Pack Link : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/embereleria-server-pack.884700 Server IP : luxcaeli.de If the server isnt fast enough currently just inform us and it will get up to 15 GB Ram and more CPU power. OP Requests or Requests any art can be made of course*
L787[10:07:46] <Eleria> New Messages from the pack @Ember_Primrose and me did : Its now completely working together with the server \o/ Pack Link : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/embereleria-server-pack.884700 Server IP : luxcaeli.de If the server isnt fast enough currently just inform us and it will get up to 15 GB Ram and more CPU power. OP Requests or Requests any art can be made of course
L788[10:07:55] <Ember_Primrose> @Kimiro she meant she can up the server stats
L789[10:08:37] <Eleria> The Server has 16 GB Ram but is set to 10 GB currently . So if we have too many dimentions and stuff i will set it to use 15 GB
L790[10:08:49] <Eleria> (1 GB is needed for other stuff :P)
L791[10:10:08] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/sKiw8uV
L792[10:10:32] <Forecaster> This shouldn't be funny but it is
L793[10:11:25] <Kimiro> *ohs*
L794[10:12:00] <Ember_Primrose> hey @Mimiru ? can you pin @Eleria 's msg for ppl whom werent here?
L795[10:12:04] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L796[10:13:53] <Eleria> Corded nuuuuuu ;-;
L797[10:14:00] * Eleria cries
L798[10:14:45] <Daiyousei> wew
L799[10:16:14] <Michiyo> oseghOSHGE
L800[10:17:08] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L801[10:17:42] <Eleria> *in?*
L802[10:20:59] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L803[10:21:59] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L804[10:22:41] <TheFox> Eleria's message?
L805[10:25:41] <Eleria> It was the one on corded ^^
L806[10:25:55] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L807[10:26:02] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L808[10:26:25] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L809[10:26:32] <Michiyo> ._.
L810[10:26:37] <Mimiru> K
L811[10:27:02] <Ember_Primrose> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
L812[10:27:18] <Ember_Primrose> my laptop just decided to die
L813[10:27:28] <Eleria> ?
L814[10:27:36] * TheFox recives Ember_Primrose's laptop
L815[10:27:44] <TheFox> revives*
L816[10:27:54] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L817[10:27:57] <Kimiro> *pokes TheFox on the butt*
L818[10:28:22] <TheFox> ill receive that laptop aswell, but i figured that was out of the questions
L819[10:28:44] <Ember_Primrose> WHAT THE FUCK
L820[10:28:50] <TheFox> what?
L821[10:29:13] <TheFox> also to hell with it, i dont care if i make typos, i have an excuse. i ahvent had enough coffee yet
L822[10:29:38] <Kimiro> owo
L823[10:29:47] <TheCryptek> Hey TheFox
L824[10:29:51] <Forecaster> does that mean I can blame my typos on not having coffee ever?
L825[10:29:58] <Ember_Primrose> the cpu is breakdancing on the taskmanager scale
L826[10:30:03] <Eleria> O.o
L827[10:30:06] <Eleria> Windows Update ?
L828[10:30:09] <Eleria> Maybe ?
L829[10:30:12] <TheFox> hahaha
L830[10:30:13] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L831[10:30:40] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L832[10:30:41] <TheCryptek> TheFox: don't worry about it, A mess is a mess things will be a mess till we organize it all
L833[10:30:49] <Kimiro> @Forecaster: No, because you have a better excuse.
L834[10:30:55] <TheFox> i think i sorted it out already
L835[10:31:31] <TheFox> I dont have to worry about windows, as long as i dont have to launch an exe. or a .application. mac and linux ftw
L836[10:31:33] <Forecaster> what's that? :P
L837[10:31:43] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L838[10:31:58] <TheFox> hello MajGenRelativity
L839[10:32:06] <MajGenRelativity> hello TheFox
L840[10:32:27] <TheFox> does anyone have more coffee? if so i NEED it
L841[10:32:47] <Kimiro> I want to lie, shipwrecked a-comatose, drinkin' fresh mango juice.
L842[10:33:21] <Eleria> Actually : Who is interested in playing this pack now ? :3
L843[10:34:26] <Ember_Primrose> \o
L844[10:34:33] <Ember_Primrose> if my net was better
L845[10:34:35] <Kimiro> @Eleria Can I play without a keyboard?
L846[10:34:43] <Ember_Primrose> yes
L847[10:34:49] <Ember_Primrose> on screen keyboard
L848[10:34:58] <Kimiro> Oh god. D:
L849[10:35:03] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L850[10:35:11] <Kimiro> Impossibru.
L851[10:36:12] <Eleria> Im just asking because im debating if i should quit out of my client now or not xD
L852[10:37:57] <Ember_Primrose> doubt anyone will atm moment
L853[10:38:36] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L854[10:38:40] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L855[10:39:00] <Kimiro> *giggles and offers @Ember_Primrose a job at the Redundancy Department of Redundancies*
L856[10:39:12] <TheFox> thats redundant
L857[10:39:39] <Kimiro> At least it's not tautological.
L858[10:40:23] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L859[10:41:59] <Ember_Primrose> oh just saw what i did
L860[10:42:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L861[10:43:25] <Kimiro> *pats @Ember_Primrose*
L862[10:43:41] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L863[10:43:45] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L864[10:44:06] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose muzzles at the pets
L865[10:45:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) (Client Quit)
L866[10:45:03] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L867[10:45:10] <Kimiro> :3
L868[10:48:28] <That one guy> KDE has the highest concentration of "Ks are Kool" Syndrome
L869[10:48:45] <Ember_Primrose> KDE?
L870[10:49:36] <That one guy> The legendary lag desktop environment
L871[10:50:31] <TheFox> hello That one guy
L872[10:50:45] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L873[10:50:48] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L874[10:51:08] <That one guy> Hi
L875[10:52:24] <TheFox> you know your name doesnt tab?
L876[10:52:39] <That one guy> Does it?
L877[10:52:46] <TheFox> nope
L878[10:52:59] <TheFox> oh, your on corded thats why
L879[10:53:00] <TheFox> nvmd
L880[10:53:18] <TheFox> i really need to wake up
L881[10:53:27] <Mimiru> gg
L882[10:53:30] <That one guy> Wake me up
L883[10:53:33] <Kimiro> *pokes @That one guy#1490*
L884[10:53:41] <TheFox> its 8 AM here and im still not thinking right
L885[10:53:47] <That one guy> Wake me up inside (I can't wake up)
L886[10:53:57] <That one guy> Wake me up inside (Save me)
L887[10:54:06] <That one guy> I'll stop
L888[10:54:24] <TheFox> whats that a refrence that flew over me head?
L889[10:54:25] <That one guy> Ouch
L890[10:54:25] <xandaros> I'm actually rather annoyed by this whole corded thing. No nick colours and no nice alignment of the messages. Also no tab compeltion for nicks
L891[10:54:35] <That one guy> Yep
L892[10:55:12] <TheFox> well, xandaros there is one way to make tab completion for nicks that i can think of. OC makes there own IRC client that uses corded as a resource instead of the way its being used now
L893[10:55:43] <TheFox> Nick Colors, could probably be implemented, alightment of message, i have no clue
L894[10:56:18] <xandaros> Then I'd have to use one client for OC and one for all other channels I'm in... no, thanks
L895[10:56:32] <Kimiro> *aligns TheFox to the windows, to the walls*
L896[10:56:48] <Mimiru> gamax's hexchat addon fixes 2 of those issues :p
L897[10:56:56] * xandaros is considering to just hide corded and pretend it doesn't exist
L898[10:57:12] <Corded> * Mimiru gives no shits
L899[10:57:20] <TheFox> no Kimiro, just because we have a Michibot and our client would support it doesnt mean that other channels couldnt be supported
L900[10:57:36] Michiyo sets mode: +v on Corded
L901[10:57:38] * TheFox high fives Mimiru
L902[10:57:45] <TheFox> o/
L903[10:57:59] * xandaros doesn't use hexchat, though
L904[10:58:05] <That one guy> Does it do /me in IRC now
L905[10:58:06] * TheFox uses webchat
L906[10:58:07] <Kimiro> TheFox: wut
L907[10:58:12] <Mimiru> the same thing can be done in most clients
L908[10:58:21] <xandaros> probably, but effort
L909[10:58:31] <TheFox> you misunderstoud me Kimiro
L910[10:58:32] <Mimiru> Yeah, much easier to bitch.
L911[10:58:34] <Inari> i wish tehre was a nice electrics mod.. only one i kno wis electrical age and i dunno if that ever wents oemwhere actually interesting
L912[10:58:36] <xandaros> indeed
L913[10:58:55] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L914[10:59:09] <TheFox> Inari: someone was working on one. do you want me to try to find it, he had to dis continue it unforrunatly
L915[10:59:15] <Kimiro> TheFox: I wasn't part of the discussion, I was just goofing.
L916[10:59:18] <That one guy> Someone has the Typing too fast to register properly syndrome
L917[10:59:24] <That one guy> I have it too sometimes
L918[10:59:34] <Inari> TheFox: not much of a point if it isnt being developed xD
L919[10:59:46] <TheFox> you could take a look at it though.
L920[10:59:52] <TheFox> its supposed to simulate
L921[11:00:03] <Corded> * That one guy uses 1.10.2
L922[11:00:06] <Kimiro> I'm going to see what my average auto complete sentence is.
L923[11:00:28] <That one guy> I have a great day and I will be in the past few days ago and I will be in the past few days ago and... (Loops)
L924[11:00:49] <Kimiro> The following document untitled document and let me be the best of the discussion I have a lot more than anything I've ever heard from you in advance for the record I will have to go back to the ground and first month's rent for a few months.
L925[11:01:26] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L926[11:01:29] <That one guy> 一個人的。(It's one person's (something).) Chinese auto-complete is too short
L927[11:02:30] <Kimiro> Thanks for your email address and the other side is that I am not a big deal to be a great time in total and I am going to have to be able but easy inside of the day I was just thinking about it but I have been the case of the time to time to time to do it for a few weeks back and I have a good idea to get to the inbox.
L928[11:02:32] <That one guy> 他們所有人都係唔係咁易被人士的。 (Are all of them this easily person -ake?)
L929[11:03:12] <That one guy> The interesting thing is it switches between 2 languages
L930[11:03:30] <Kimiro> One more.
L931[11:03:40] <Forecaster> dammit connection
L932[11:03:44] <Forecaster> behave D:<
L933[11:03:51] <Forecaster> I need you for streaming soon
L934[11:03:55] <Kimiro> I have been a while ago I was just a little bit of time in the end of it and I have a good day I am not able to make the payment and the end of it and it will be working with you will be a waste.
L935[11:04:39] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/Q4FcgId.jpg
L936[11:05:05] ⇨ Joins: Schzd (~Schzdadep@modemcable121.35-162-184.mc.videotron.ca)
L937[11:05:23] <Kimiro> @Forecaster: You suck like a Hoover.
L938[11:05:27] <That one guy> 親子關係網站內容均有關資料館內容均... (Parent-Son relationship website contents are all related to "library" contents are all...)
L939[11:05:33] <That one guy> Finally got a looping one
L940[11:05:44] <Kimiro> Lol
L941[11:06:38] <Kimiro> The only one that is the best of the day of school for a while back to the ground floor and I am a bit more than anything I've missed you last week I am a little more about your experience and education and training in a very nice and warm and dry out a few weeks back to the inbox by boomerang shackles you are doing great day at work so far as the spell finishes the arcane Archer Ave East and West coast realty group Inc all the time I am a bit
L942[11:06:38] <Kimiro> more than anything I've missed you.
L943[11:06:45] <CompanionCube> I'm srurprised that font rendered
L944[11:07:05] <Kimiro> Boomerang shackles. I have a weird word history.
L945[11:07:08] <payonel> o/
L946[11:07:26] <Mimiru> o/ payonel
L947[11:07:47] <Mimiru> Oh payonel.. I figured out something...
L948[11:07:54] <Mimiru> %stats payonel
L949[11:07:55] <MichiBot> Corded: Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user?cid=oc&nick=payonel
L950[11:07:56] <Inari> chrome has been annoying lately :|
L951[11:08:02] <Mimiru> I'd forgotten to link your other nick :P
L952[11:08:03] <That one guy> I'll try Japanese 私はいい(≧∇≦)b (I'm good (not as in OK, as in great))
L953[11:08:15] <That one guy> And they say Japanese people are polite
L954[11:09:03] <Mimiru> It also tracks actions now too so everyone got a decent line boost, lol
L955[11:09:19] <Kimiro> *baps @Mimiru*
L956[11:09:41] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/hhDPK
L957[11:09:43] <Mimiru> poor @Kimiro keep it up, and i'll add lines to the logs for you.
L958[11:09:44] <That one guy> Я не могу найти еще сообщения от кого есть возможность то лучше не надо было в наличии и под заказ на сайте и в этом году в городе и стране которых уже нет в наличии и...... I'll throw that into google translate, wait
L959[11:09:55] <TheFox> hello payonel
L960[11:10:03] <Mimiru> I'll duplicate entire MONTHS and change every line to your nick.
L961[11:10:29] <Kimiro> You wouldn't. D:
L962[11:10:33] <Mimiru> I would.
L963[11:10:54] <Kimiro> But that would make your statistics meaningless. D:
L964[11:11:05] <Mimiru> And just think, the avarage day is 2000 lines...
L965[11:11:15] <Mimiru> average*
L966[11:11:31] <payonel> i found another memory fix for openos
L967[11:11:33] <Kimiro> >.<
L968[11:11:55] <Kimiro> That is an affront to record keeping, @Mimiru!
L969[11:11:56] <payonel> it's a really bad one
L970[11:12:18] <Mimiru> @Kimiro it is, yes... but keep annoying me about you showing up on stats.. :P
L971[11:12:46] <payonel> randomly, openos could allocate enormous amounts of ram on boot, literally there is a random numeric id created in a table
L972[11:12:50] <payonel> anywho, i
L973[11:12:55] <payonel> i'll push that today some time
L974[11:13:03] <Kimiro> ;-; Fien.
L975[11:13:22] <Mimiru> @payonel interesting o_O
L976[11:13:35] <That one guy> I can not find more posts by whom there is a possibility it is better to not have to stock and for the order on the website and this year in the city and country that are no longer available and ......
L977[11:14:04] <That one guy> Congratulations if your computer didn't blow up while rendering that
L978[11:14:20] <Mimiru> Nope corded just didn't print anything after the first newline
L979[11:14:23] <Corded> * Mimiru pets Corded
L980[11:14:28] <That one guy> Lol
L981[11:14:37] <Mimiru> good @Corded
L982[11:14:40] <Kimiro> *chews on @Mimiru*
L983[11:15:03] *** TheFox is now known as TheFox|AFK
L984[11:15:08] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/vwWup1f
L985[11:15:10] <Forecaster> XD
L986[11:15:23] <Temia> No linebreak stripping?
L987[11:15:37] <That one guy> I wonder...
L988[11:15:49] <Kimiro> Nope.
L989[11:16:07] <Mimiru> Hey, I didn't write it... @gamax92 and I are improving it though
L990[11:16:09] <ade124|mobile> Nope, Can't see it either
L991[11:16:29] <Kimiro> Hello from the other side.
L992[11:16:35] <That one guy> So...
L993[11:16:35] <That one guy> How about this?
L994[11:16:36] <TheCryptek> If I show a sample code could you all tell me if its right?
L995[11:16:53] <Mimiru> yes @That one guy that sent
L996[11:16:57] <ade124|mobile> Answer: It sends all lf, but in se
L997[11:17:06] <ade124|mobile> Of it, but in seperate messages
L998[11:17:09] <Forecaster> TheCryptek: what?
L999[11:17:27] <ade124|mobile> Meh, I don't mind it not spamming the IRC log
L1000[11:18:00] <ade124|mobile> I do generally tend to use two newlines though... I'll try not to (Thank you reddit)
L1001[11:18:34] <TheCryptek> forecaster: http://pastebin.com/UFqT51pF I have an auto disk mounting code as autorun.lua on my floppy but I need it to mount to /home/Disk unless /home/thecryptek exists then i need it to mount to /home/thecryptek/Disk
L1002[11:18:42] <Kimiro> Does
L1003[11:18:42] <Kimiro> This
L1004[11:18:43] <Kimiro> Amphetamines?
L1005[11:20:10] <Forecaster> that was less code than I expected
L1006[11:20:30] <TheCryptek> Its not the whole code :P
L1007[11:20:34] <Temia> I'm pretty sure it doesn't amphetamines.
L1008[11:20:42] <Forecaster> looks fine?
L1009[11:20:49] <Forecaster> I dunno
L1010[11:21:03] <Forecaster> the whole program*
L1011[11:21:49] <Kimiro> *pokes Temia in the medula oblongata*
L1012[11:22:24] <Corded> * That one guy Doesn't know LINGVA LATINA
L1013[11:23:13] <TheCryptek> forecaster: http://pastebin.com/DMUhBwtZ is the actual code
L1014[11:24:25] <Kimiro> Missed an l. Oops. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medulla_oblongata
L1015[11:26:15] <TheCryptek> forecaster: http://pastebin.com/DMUhBwtZ this is the code after I put the If - Else
L1016[11:26:22] <That one guy> _looks at article in own language_ It's called an "extend brain" Do you English scientists have nothing to do
L1017[11:26:53] <Kimiro> Well I mean... That's not... Horribly inaccurate.
L1018[11:26:58] * Temia bops Kimiro on the snoot.
L1019[11:27:00] <Temia> Bad.
L1020[11:27:08] <Temia> No brainpoking.
L1021[11:27:22] <That one guy> I also love how the term "Lingua franca" is just "French" in Latin but it means "Common language"
L1022[11:27:39] <Kimiro> I'd call it the "base brain" if anything.
L1023[11:29:40] <Kimiro> It's like the clock circuit that keeps a CPU ticking properly.
L1024[11:30:11] <MajGenRelativity> ~w filesystem
L1025[11:30:11] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L1026[11:30:37] <That one guy> "Kingdom" "Phylum" "Class" "Order" "Family" "Genus" "Species" in my language is "World/Sector" "Door"(This one is kind of weird but it makes a bit of sense in my language) "Steel" (Why??) "Subject"(2nd part of word) "Subject"(1st part of word) "Belongs to" "Type"... Makes a slight bit more sense than the English one but still kind of ridiculous
L1027[11:31:25] <Kimiro> Heh. Door. Makes me picture each species living in a big apartment.
L1028[11:31:48] <That one guy> At least you use an alphabet (Not really phonetic)... We have to write in ridiculous kanji/hanja/hanzi/hon3 zi6
L1029[11:34:51] <Lizzy> Did anyone notice any issue with either my bouncer or the Oc forums about an hour and 25 minutes ago?
L1030[11:35:29] <Forecaster> I was disconnected from irc a while ago
L1031[11:35:34] <Forecaster> I assumed it was my connection
L1032[11:35:49] <Forecaster> was about 35 minutes ago
L1033[11:36:16] <Forecaster> actually maybe it was an hour ago
L1034[11:36:25] <Lizzy> That might have been yours
L1035[11:36:37] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1036[11:37:07] <Forecaster> I dunno :P
L1037[11:37:08] <Forecaster> why?
L1038[11:37:25] <Ember_Primrose> mine got dbl msgs
L1039[11:38:07] <Ember_Primrose> oh and hi Teamia
L1040[11:38:36] <Ember_Primrose> oh and hi Temia
L1041[11:38:51] <Lizzy> Because I got an email from my monitoring stuff saying Janus was down
L1042[11:38:57] <Forecaster> ah
L1043[11:39:38] <Forecaster> I haven't been offline long enough to trigger my monitor
L1044[11:40:38] <Ember_Primrose> so @Forecaster C:S, EtG or Rimworld?
L1045[11:41:06] <Forecaster> I'll probably make a quick strawpoll to determine that :P
L1046[11:41:12] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L1047[11:41:18] <Ember_Primrose> strawpoll
L1048[11:41:19] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L1049[11:41:48] <Forecaster> oh also, I've updated the oc interface designer thingy
L1050[11:41:55] <Forecaster> you might want to download the new one
L1051[11:41:58] <Forecaster> it has more stuff
L1052[11:42:15] <Ember_Primrose> yea the res setting thing is borked
L1053[11:42:24] <Forecaster> it is?
L1054[11:42:26] <Ember_Primrose> oh
L1055[11:42:28] <Ember_Primrose> no
L1056[11:42:36] <Ember_Primrose> im an derp
L1057[11:43:00] <Forecaster> %addquote Ember_Primrose im an derp
L1058[11:43:02] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Quote added at id: 103
L1059[11:43:04] <Forecaster> :>
L1060[11:43:14] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose forgot to actually set the width and height
L1061[11:43:49] <Forecaster> haha
L1062[11:43:53] <Forecaster> I'll add a check for that
L1063[11:44:18] <Kimiro> %addquote Forecaster I'll add a check for that
L1064[11:44:20] <MichiBot> Kimiro: Quote added at id: 104
L1065[11:44:54] <Lizzy> Forecaster: Oc interface designer?
L1066[11:44:56] <Forecaster> there
L1067[11:45:05] <Forecaster> Lizzy: http://towerofawesome.org/oc_interface_designer/
L1068[11:45:30] <Forecaster> lets you draw boxes on a "screen" and generates gpu.fill code for them
L1069[11:45:45] <Forecaster> as well as conditions to check for touch events within them
L1070[11:45:49] <Forecaster> :>
L1071[11:45:49] <TheCryptek> Can someone help me out again when I run http://pastebin.com/DMUhBwtZ it says error then expected near fs
L1072[11:45:58] <TheCryptek> line 4
L1073[11:46:14] <Lizzy> Cool
L1074[11:46:23] <Forecaster> TheCryptek: if fs.exist("/home/thecryptek") *then*
L1075[11:46:35] <Mimiru> ^
L1076[11:47:24] <TheCryptek> Forecaster: If you would be willing to refresh the page did I put then in the right spot or do I have to put fs.mount right next to it?
L1077[11:47:47] <Forecaster> uh what
L1078[11:47:49] <Lizzy> Put it on the same line as the if
L1079[11:48:06] <Forecaster> ^
L1080[11:48:08] <TheCryptek> same line as if after the fs.exist argument, okay
L1081[11:48:24] <Forecaster> that's the way I typed it above...
L1082[11:48:33] <Forecaster> why you'd think it was something else I do not know
L1083[11:48:45] <TheCryptek> forecaster: In my client it showed then under the function
L1084[11:48:56] <TheCryptek> I kinda have my irc client small atm
L1085[11:49:02] <Forecaster> ...right
L1086[11:49:09] <Lizzy> -_-
L1087[11:49:33] <TheCryptek> Shhh i know im dumb at this lua stuff xD
L1088[11:50:17] <Forecaster> hm, what more could the designer thing use...
L1089[11:50:34] <TheCryptek> Now it says line 3 expected near then )
L1090[11:50:50] <TheCryptek> Er "Line 3 ) expected near then
L1091[11:51:14] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1092[11:51:18] <Forecaster> well then you're missing an ending parenthesis somewhere...
L1093[11:51:24] <Forecaster> presumably on line 3...
L1094[11:51:34] <TheCryptek> I'm stupid I accidently did if fs.exist("/home/thecryptek" then) when I wrote it in the PC LOL
L1095[11:51:59] <Lizzy> -_-
L1096[11:52:12] <Kimiro> gg no lint
L1097[11:53:24] <TheCryptek> And now I have line 3 attempt to call field 'exist' (a nil value) stack traceback: /mnt/7e3/autorun.lua:3: in main chunk (..fail calls..)
L1098[11:53:25] <TheCryptek> oh
L1099[11:53:41] <MajGenRelativity> TheCryptek, you'll get it eventually
L1100[11:53:53] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L1101[11:53:54] <MajGenRelativity> I would have walked you through it totally, but I'm testing the new modpack and eating lunch
L1102[11:54:03] <MajGenRelativity> :)
L1103[11:54:10] <Mimiru> "fail calls"
L1104[11:54:10] <TheCryptek> MajGenRelativity: Its fine, I gotta learn somehow :P
L1105[11:54:11] <Mimiru> lol...
L1106[11:54:20] <MajGenRelativity> heh
L1107[11:54:40] <TheCryptek> tail calls*
L1108[11:54:43] <TheCryptek> Ermagurd
L1109[11:55:04] <Kimiro> *pokes MajorGeneralRelativity*
L1110[11:55:18] <Forecaster> argh
L1111[11:55:22] * Forecaster kicks apache
L1112[11:55:30] <Forecaster> D:<
L1113[11:55:46] <Mimiru> P.S. it's exists
L1114[11:55:48] <Mimiru> not exist.
L1115[11:55:49] <Mimiru> :P
L1116[11:56:00] <Mimiru> filesystem.exists(path: string): boolean
L1117[11:56:04] <Kimiro> Apache has quit (network kick)
L1118[11:56:25] <TheCryptek> Now my error is /mnt/7e3/autorun.lua:3: attempt to call field 'exist' (a nil value) stacktraceback: /mnt/7e3/autorun.lua:3: in main chunk (...tail calls...)
L1119[11:56:30] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-150-233-206.as13285.net)
L1120[11:56:34] <TheCryptek> [with my typo corrections]
L1121[11:56:44] <Forecaster> nye, I don't get why ErrorDocument can't find my file D:<
L1122[11:57:01] <Kimiro> TheCryptek: exists, not exist
L1123[11:57:02] <Mimiru> http://i.imgur.com/cG6OXWq.gif
L1124[11:57:31] <Kimiro> Mmmmimiru explained that 40 seconds ago
L1125[11:57:35] <Mimiru> ^^
L1126[11:57:50] <TheCryptek> well
L1127[11:58:22] <Kimiro> Also, what the fuck autocorrect.
L1128[11:58:22] <MajGenRelativity> @Kimiro watchu want
L1129[11:58:28] <Mimiru> lolol
L1130[11:58:29] <TheCryptek> It works :D
L1131[11:58:33] <Mimiru> Anyway it's lunch tiem
L1132[11:58:40] <MajGenRelativity> same here Mimiru
L1133[11:58:49] <Mimiru> afk
L1134[11:59:01] <Kimiro> @MajGenRelativity: Peas.
L1135[11:59:45] <TheCryptek> Love you guys lots for the help! Thank you!
L1136[12:00:05] * Kimiro hugs TheCryptek
L1137[12:00:26] * TheCryptek hugs Kimiro back
L1138[12:00:58] <TheCryptek> I need the script so if I put my floppy into an OpenOS computer it mounts as /home/Disk and in a secure os it mounts as /home/thecryptek/Disk
L1139[12:02:36] <Kimiro> So no one can steal the floppy? Or for use as a key?
L1140[12:04:13] <gamax92> bzzt
L1141[12:04:58] <gamax92> Breakfast is downloading, ETA 05:36
L1142[12:05:01] <Ember_Primrose> hello
L1143[12:05:29] <Ember_Primrose> mimiru said you made a hexchat plugin?
L1144[12:05:47] <gamax92> "a hexchat plugin"
L1145[12:06:03] <gamax92> Yeah I've made planty of "a hexchat plugin" before
L1146[12:06:05] <Ember_Primrose> you know what i mean
L1147[12:06:12] <gamax92> No I don't.
L1148[12:06:34] <Ember_Primrose> oh, well nevermind then
L1149[12:06:38] <gamax92> ._.
L1150[12:07:06] <gamax92> See if you had just been any more descriptive as to what plugin you want then perhaps I could tell you more about it.
L1151[12:07:09] <Elizabeth> Lol
L1152[12:07:15] <Ember_Primrose> idk
L1153[12:07:24] <Forecaster> woo it's working!
L1154[12:07:34] <Forecaster> I somehow forgot that I changed the root path...
L1155[12:07:37] <Forecaster> I'm amazing.
L1156[12:08:16] <Elizabeth> @gamax92 what pluggins do you have?
L1157[12:08:43] <Mimiru> I assume she means the one for discord :P
L1158[12:08:52] <gamax92> Yesterday I was trying to see why my main Windows partition was full, pulled up WinDirStat and then found some stupidly huge mp4
L1159[12:09:12] <gamax92> it was like a multi hour game video at 1080p quality
L1160[12:09:21] <Ember_Primrose> https://giphy.com/gifs/yosub-birthday-l46CbaqR8Ric9zZkY
L1161[12:09:35] <gamax92> *poof* All the space is back
L1162[12:09:51] <Mimiru> http://hastebin.com/ebixituxev.py you'll need python installed, the hexchat installer will do that for you if you select it
L1163[12:10:24] <MajGenRelativity> @Kimiro your keyboard still broken?
L1164[12:10:26] <Mimiru> admire my long string of 'or' on the bnick if :P
L1165[12:10:33] <Inari> %tell payonel https://i.imgur.com/umS4Ibj.jpg
L1166[12:10:35] <MichiBot> Inari: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1167[12:10:39] <gamax92> oh that script
L1168[12:10:46] <Ember_Primrose> bnick?
L1169[12:10:53] <MajGenRelativity> @Mimiru how's your lunch?
L1170[12:10:54] <Kimiro> @MajGenRelativity Ye
L1171[12:11:01] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L1172[12:11:03] <Mimiru> haven't had anything yet, just got home
L1173[12:11:06] <gamax92> yeah if you had wanted that I would have had to ask Mimiru for it :P
L1174[12:11:06] <MajGenRelativity> lol
L1175[12:11:11] <Mimiru> @Ember_Primrose line 24 of that script
L1176[12:11:18] <MajGenRelativity> I haven't gone shopping in too long, so I ran out of most of my lunch food
L1177[12:11:25] <Mimiru> Anyway, on windows that goes in %appdata%\hexchat\addons\
L1178[12:11:53] <gamax92> afk, breakfast
L1179[12:12:01] <Mimiru> then in hexchat Window -> Plugins and Scripts -> load -> select your new .py file
L1180[12:12:01] <Ember_Primrose> oh didn't see the link
L1181[12:12:11] <Ember_Primrose> thanks
L1182[12:12:22] <Mimiru> do you have python installed?
L1183[12:13:48] <Ember_Primrose> yes
L1184[12:14:04] <Ember_Primrose> so i assume i have to save it as a .py not a .pl
L1185[12:14:20] <Mimiru> well, it IS a python script...
L1186[12:14:22] <Mimiru> :P
L1187[12:14:24] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/nothingtoseehere
L1188[12:14:27] <Mimiru> pl would be perl
L1189[12:14:27] <Ember_Primrose> oh yea
L1190[12:14:29] <Forecaster> my new 404 page :3
L1191[12:14:29] <Ember_Primrose> DUH
L1192[12:14:46] <Mimiru> @Forecaster the link is broken
L1193[12:14:56] <Mimiru> http://towerofawesome.org/towerofawesome.org/towerofawesome.org/towerofawesome.org/towerofawesome.org/towerofawesome.org/
L1194[12:15:01] <Mimiru> after clicking it a few times :p
L1195[12:15:01] <Ember_Primrose> yea it takes me to a 404
L1196[12:15:12] <Mimiru> well, we knew it was going to be a 404
L1197[12:15:18] <Mimiru> but I mean the link ON the 404 is broken
L1198[12:15:34] <Ember_Primrose> the 404 404's
L1199[12:15:44] <Forecaster> there, forgot the "http" :P
L1200[12:15:59] <Mimiru> :P
L1201[12:16:10] <gamax92> This gif enrages me
L1202[12:16:49] <Forecaster> then you are not allowed to go to the portal page >:
L1203[12:17:51] <Corded> * Mimiru sighs
L1204[12:17:51] <Mimiru> I'd LOVE to get some food....
L1205[12:17:56] <Mimiru> but my father-in-law is hogging the effing kitchen
L1206[12:18:27] <gamax92> I'm not exactly eating anything special, it's just oatmeal. :P
L1207[12:18:42] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/hTSpqpj
L1208[12:19:01] <Mimiru> I'll likely get Ramen, but still
L1209[12:19:16] <Mimiru> Oh thank fuck...
L1210[12:19:17] <Mimiru> afk
L1211[12:19:25] <Kimiro> Heh.
L1212[12:21:01] <Elizabeth> I wish I knew German so I could join in the conversations
L1213[12:21:19] <Eleria> Which conversations ? ?
L1214[12:21:22] ⇨ Joins: Saintmare (~Saintmare@
L1215[12:21:50] <Kimiro> All of them.
L1216[12:22:05] <Saintmare> altogether
L1217[12:22:36] <Elizabeth> @Eleria @vifino and his cousins technical talk
L1218[12:22:50] <Eleria> Oh okay ^^
L1219[12:25:47] <gamax92> TL;DR: Elizabeth is in Germany and doesn't understand German
L1220[12:28:25] * Eleria is doing the best thing ever http://prntscr.com/c6y61m
L1221[12:28:46] <Eleria> (playing alone on a server with 80 slots)
L1222[12:29:15] <Kimiro> XD
L1223[12:30:37] * Eleria will get ALL The resources and noone can do something against it without joining xD
L1224[12:32:04] <gamax92> "I only reddit at work btw, it's like pooping, it's best to only do it while getting"
L1225[12:32:11] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose would jooin, but her internet says no
L1226[12:32:20] <gamax92> ... I cut off the single most important word ;_;
L1227[12:32:37] <Forecaster> "paid"
L1228[12:32:44] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose pets gamax92
L1229[12:33:55] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose is on the stream hype train
L1230[12:34:37] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose notices its ~30 mins early, still wags tails
L1231[12:35:18] * Forecaster is working on making the strawpoll appear on the stream
L1232[12:40:06] <Mimiru> So.. it seems I now own Empyrion - Galactic Survival
L1233[12:40:11] <Mimiru> \o/
L1234[12:40:13] *** Daiyousei is now known as Gwyndolin
L1235[12:40:34] <Mimiru> heading back to work
L1236[12:41:06] <gamax92> I had fun yesterday trying to get Steam to recognize a game
L1237[12:41:28] <gamax92> I downloaded it on another computer, packaged it up and then put it on here, forgot the appmanifest file though
L1238[12:42:05] <Ember_Primrose> http://imgur.com/gallery/AqrjY
L1239[12:42:19] <gamax92> so ended up trying to piece one together based on steamdb and one I'd downloaded off of some chinese site
L1240[12:42:24] <gamax92> it worked.
L1241[12:42:32] <Ember_Primrose> sounds fun
L1242[12:42:36] <Ember_Primrose> and well done
L1243[12:42:47] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|away
L1244[12:43:05] <Forecaster> yay I managed to get the ads off of the stream view!
L1245[12:43:09] <Forecaster> I mean, ads yay!
L1246[12:43:23] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L1247[12:43:45] <That one guy> I wonder if youtube on android has a "auto-update without changing the version" feature... They added a new tab and a share feature that forces your username on the link so you can't watch videos in the browser and now my user icon (default) changed without notice...
L1248[12:43:58] * Eleria stops playing on the server now ... Too lame alone
L1249[12:44:37] <That one guy> I haven't updated anything on google play ever since I installed them
L1250[12:45:12] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L1251[12:45:35] <gamax92> I haven't used the youtube app in forever
L1252[12:46:26] <That one guy> I love how apps add features without me updating
L1253[12:47:06] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1254[12:47:33] <MajGenRelativity> @Eleria I have an almost working server you can play on ?
L1255[12:47:40] <That one guy> Like that time when facebook added a "flower" (which also means "lower regions" in cantonese) "emote"
L1256[12:47:55] <Eleria> @MajGenRelativity Well i made one for #oc that is working too ?
L1257[12:48:08] <That one guy> It still nags me to uodate and get messenger :D
L1258[12:48:10] <Eleria> *just noone is there yet*
L1259[12:48:12] <MajGenRelativity> mine is pretty good though ?
L1260[12:48:15] <MajGenRelativity> mine has people
L1261[12:48:24] <MajGenRelativity> mine's also broken temporarily
L1262[12:48:28] <MajGenRelativity> so, moot point
L1263[12:48:37] <Eleria> What did you do ? xD
L1264[12:48:44] <Ember_Primrose> broke it
L1265[12:48:54] <That one guy> Smashed it with a hammer
L1266[12:49:05] <Eleria> What did you do to break it? xD
L1267[12:50:08] <Eleria> Probably .... **NOT**
L1268[12:50:39] <Ember_Primrose> hey @Forecaster what was that dnd site called again?
L1269[12:51:18] <MajGenRelativity> @Eleria I'm not really sure
L1270[12:51:27] <MajGenRelativity> some odd thing in my dimension is generating massive lag
L1271[12:51:34] <MajGenRelativity> UPdating the modpack right now, then I'm going to fix it
L1272[12:51:42] <Eleria> Oh okay ^^
L1273[12:51:50] <Eleria> Well i guess i shall roam to aion again
L1274[12:52:53] <Corded> * Eleria sees that she would need to update it (8GB patch)... quits it again
L1275[12:53:17] <MajGenRelativity> @Eleria I'll message you once I get it working
L1276[12:53:23] <Eleria> Okay ^^
L1277[12:53:30] <Eleria> Thanks :3
L1278[12:53:44] <Mimiru> Now I want to start my private aion server again.. lol
L1279[12:54:15] <Ember_Primrose> aion?
L1280[12:55:01] <Mimiru> MMO, made by NCSoft
L1281[12:55:10] <Mimiru> Fantasy based
L1282[12:55:12] <Eleria> @Mimiru Well, what do you think im working on currently ?
L1283[12:55:31] <Mimiru> I have the emu files, and the db but meh :P
L1284[12:55:44] <Eleria> I have them flying around in a backup xD
L1285[12:55:58] <MajGenRelativity> I wish my SSD was already here
L1286[12:56:20] <MajGenRelativity> I picked same day shipping, but it hasn't arrived :(
L1287[12:58:06] <Forecaster> @Ember_Primrose myth-weavers? it's not just for dnd :P
L1288[12:58:12] <Forecaster> it's for rpgs in general
L1289[13:00:16] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L1290[13:00:16] <Ember_Primrose> thanks
L1291[13:00:28] <Ember_Primrose> .com?
L1292[13:01:16] <Forecaster> yes
L1293[13:02:30] <Forecaster> https://gaming.youtube.com/user/forecaster71/live
L1294[13:02:32] <Forecaster> stream time!
L1295[13:02:40] <Ember_Primrose> #hype
L1296[13:03:47] <Tazz> XD
L1297[13:04:37] <That one guy> Lol, some random guy just registered a Reddit account in the exact same hour he messaged me randomly
L1298[13:05:16] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1299[13:06:21] <That one guy> Didn't even verify his email
L1300[13:11:17] <Ember_Primrose> see yall in 2hrs
L1301[13:11:26] <Ember_Primrose> orecasters stream
L1302[13:11:33] <Ember_Primrose> forecasters stream
L1303[13:12:01] <Elizabeth> I would watch probably but I'm out
L1304[13:12:18] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1305[13:14:53] <Ember_Primrose> energy-wise
L1306[13:14:56] <Ember_Primrose> ?
L1307[13:15:05] <Ember_Primrose> have a nice nap/sleep
L1308[13:18:04] <Lizzy> No, I meant physically
L1309[13:18:31] <Lizzy> Like, I'm currently sitting on a balcony on the 7th floor of this building
L1310[13:18:36] <Ember_Primrose> oh
L1311[13:18:37] <Ember_Primrose> ah
L1312[13:18:40] <Ember_Primrose> lol
L1313[13:18:53] <Ember_Primrose> derp @Ember_Primrose
L1314[13:20:46] ⇦ Quits: Saintmare (~Saintmare@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1315[13:24:54] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1316[13:27:24] ⇨ Joins: Bipedsnowman (webchat@d50-99-198-151.abhsia.telus.net)
L1317[13:31:03] <Bipedsnowman> I haaaave a new question for all y'all.
L1318[13:32:07] <Bipedsnowman> So apparently computers / robots can be started with a command from a nearby computer, but only computers. Is there any sort of workaround for this, that would allow a robot to access external components?
L1319[13:33:09] <TheCryptek> Bipedsnowman: I couldn't tell you if there is a way, on my server we are working on that though if we find a way, we will let you know :D
L1320[13:33:36] <Temia> Write an interprocess communication layer that can use a linked card?
L1321[13:33:47] <Ember_Primrose> ohi TEmia
L1322[13:33:54] <Ember_Primrose> ohi Temia
L1323[13:33:59] <Temia> Hi.
L1324[13:34:05] <Ember_Primrose> howaru?
L1325[13:34:17] <Temia> Groggy.
L1326[13:34:46] <Ember_Primrose> D:
L1327[13:35:11] <Temia> Alternatively, cards can be configured to provide wakeup functionality over LAN or redstone.
L1328[13:35:18] <Ember_Primrose> why? Are you sick, or got hit in the head by someone or something?
L1329[13:35:38] <Temia> Because I just woke up.
L1330[13:35:47] <MajGenRelativity> Bipedsnowman, robots cannot access external computers
L1331[13:35:48] <Temia> And I am not a morning person.
L1332[13:35:57] <Ember_Primrose> ah, me neither
L1333[13:36:05] <Temia> Yes, Maj. Hence workarounds.
L1334[13:36:09] <MajGenRelativity> I'm unaware of a way for them to turn on either other computers or robots
L1335[13:36:14] <Ember_Primrose> more of a night owl
L1336[13:36:19] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, if you find one, I would love to know of it
L1337[13:36:22] <Inari> titan is over 50% tit
L1338[13:36:29] <Temia> ~w redstone
L1339[13:36:30] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L1340[13:36:30] <MajGenRelativity> ?!
L1341[13:36:36] <payonel> Inari: ^.^ -- but why do some cats sit that way. they don't have fatty bottoms, i would imagine that would hurt
L1342[13:36:39] <payonel> but it is super cute
L1343[13:36:49] <Inari> payonel: no clue xD
L1344[13:37:02] <Ember_Primrose> hey payo
L1345[13:37:10] <Temia> setWakeThreshold() on the host system, pulse with the robot, et voila.
L1346[13:37:26] <payonel> hello Ember_Primrose
L1347[13:37:30] <MajGenRelativity> MC is destroying my computer
L1348[13:37:34] <MajGenRelativity> and I don't know why
L1349[13:38:21] <Bipedsnowman> Temia: I
L1350[13:38:40] <Bipedsnowman> woops. I'll look into that. They already have network cards installed- could something similar be done with that?
L1351[13:38:48] <Temia> ~w network
L1352[13:38:48] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L1353[13:38:55] <Temia> ~w network api
L1354[13:38:55] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L1355[13:39:01] <Temia> meh.
L1356[13:39:06] <Ember_Primrose> interesting find on that mem leak!
L1357[13:39:21] <payonel> Bipedsnowman: i dont know, but -- could you put a redstone card in the robot, and then just setOuput to the side of the robot you want to wake up?
L1358[13:39:29] <Temia> Anyway setWakeMessage() for network
L1359[13:39:37] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: oh thanks :)
L1360[13:40:22] <payonel> yeah in lua, {1000='foobar'} allocates 998 unnecessary indexes
L1361[13:40:33] <Ember_Primrose> daym
L1362[13:40:41] <payonel> 998, also because is lua 1-based-stupid
L1363[13:40:54] <Bipedsnowman> Payonel: Oh, will robots wake up one their own with a redstone pulse? I'm trying to keep the number of modifiers in my being-waken robots to a minimum.
L1364[13:40:54] <payonel> 2, 1 unused, wait
L1365[13:40:56] <payonel> i can't count
L1366[13:40:58] <payonel> whatever
L1367[13:41:16] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1368[13:41:19] <payonel> 2, 1 and 2, 1 unnecessary, 1000, 999 unnecessary
L1369[13:41:21] <MajGenRelativity> and now GitHub is being stupid
L1370[13:41:21] <payonel> yeah, 999
L1371[13:41:22] <MajGenRelativity> why?!
L1372[13:41:23] <payonel> whatever
L1373[13:41:27] <payonel> 1 confuses the crap out of me
L1374[13:41:32] <Temia> The host machine will need a card too
L1375[13:41:40] <TheFox> Hello
L1376[13:41:52] <MajGenRelativity> hello TheFox
L1377[13:42:07] <payonel> Bipedsnowman: you may need the host machine to have a redstone card as well like Temia said, and use that wakeOnSignal or whatever it was
L1378[13:42:12] <payonel> ~w redstone
L1379[13:42:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L1380[13:42:29] <payonel> setWakeThreshold ?
L1381[13:42:41] <payonel> i have very little in-game experience, to be honest
L1382[13:42:58] <Temia> If networking equipment is already ubiquitous, setWakeMessage() is probably the better option.
L1383[13:44:04] <payonel> oh that is an option too? nice
L1384[13:44:23] <Bipedsnowman> I just saw the setWakeMessage thing- The network card api is a bit fuzzy on what that means, so i assumed it was what was broadcast when it woke up.
L1385[13:44:36] <Bipedsnowman> But from this, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/781, it looks like it's what will turn it on
L1386[13:44:40] <Bipedsnowman> 'll try that out, thanks a bunch!
L1387[13:44:59] <payonel> obama_beer.jpg
L1388[13:46:33] <TheFox> Payonel, please get the into a link, looks like it could be funny
L1389[13:47:17] <gamax92> TemiaMinotaur.png
L1390[13:47:20] <payonel> http://blogs.denverpost.com/beer/files/2012/08/WHITEHOUSEBEER.jpg
L1391[13:47:48] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1392[13:47:54] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L1393[13:48:07] <TheFox> Good beer
L1394[13:48:44] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L1395[13:48:44] <Ember_Primrose> \
L1396[13:48:47] <Bipedsnowman> !!!!
L1397[13:48:52] <Bipedsnowman> Whooaaaaa!
L1398[13:49:30] <TheFox> How ember, I didn't expect to see your for the rest of the day
L1399[13:49:39] <TheFox> Hia*
L1400[13:49:41] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1401[13:49:44] <Ember_Primrose> ohi
L1402[13:49:56] <Ember_Primrose> its 8:50pm here
L1403[13:49:59] <Bipedsnowman> The setWakeMessage thing definitely worked! I thought it didn't and was about to get disappointed when I realized I didn't capitalize the broadcast message properly :B
L1404[13:50:11] <Temia> Haha
L1405[13:50:17] <TheFox> Oh, 10 tell noon here
L1406[13:50:44] <TheFox> Yup burped that would do it :)
L1407[13:51:00] <TheFox> Son of a, shit why
L1408[13:51:02] <gamax92> burped
L1409[13:51:04] <Ember_Primrose> :)
L1410[13:51:05] <TheFox> I hate android
L1411[13:51:15] <TheCryptek> Why :o
L1412[13:51:18] <TheFox> Biped*
L1413[13:51:19] <Ember_Primrose> son of a shit
L1414[13:51:30] <TheFox> Biped autocorrect to burped
L1415[13:51:54] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1416[13:52:21] <gamax92> 8-bit Temia
L1417[13:52:23] <TheFox> I hate this hellish keyboard
L1418[13:52:31] <gamax92> which keyboard is it
L1419[13:53:01] <TheFox> Android screen keyboard
L1420[13:53:14] <gamax92> AOSP Keyboard then?
L1421[13:53:26] <TheFox> Nope
L1422[13:53:37] <TheFox> Google keyboard
L1423[13:54:16] <gamax92> Why didn't you just say that then.
L1424[13:54:35] <TheFox> Because I just looked to see
L1425[13:54:46] <TheFox> Which one I had turned on
L1426[13:55:16] <TheFox> I think I should go back to hand writing keyboard
L1427[13:55:33] <Ember_Primrose> or a separate kb
L1428[13:55:38] <TheFox> It typos Less often.
L1429[13:55:40] <Ember_Primrose> bluetooth kb
L1430[13:56:02] <gamax92> I'd love a little bluetooth keyboad
L1431[13:56:16] <TheFox> I have a Btkb, but i dont use it
L1432[13:56:36] ⇨ Joins: MrTMT3000 (webchat@p5B373C2D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1433[13:56:40] <TheFox> I Really Should
L1434[13:56:54] <gamax92> I really do hate this keyboard though ._. it's hard to feel or hear the keys so sometimes when I think I've pressed something I haven't
L1435[13:57:05] <Mimiru> I have a bluetooth keyboard in my tablet case, it's nice..
L1436[13:57:07] <gamax92> I need one that goes CLACK CLACK CLACK <3
L1437[13:57:34] <Temia> Slider keyboards are the beeeest
L1438[13:57:47] <Ember_Primrose> *click clacks all the things*
L1439[13:57:47] * MajGenRelativity hears gamax92's new clacking keyboard from his house in orbit of Jupiter
L1440[13:57:51] <Temia> Well, they can be fairly good at any rate.
L1441[13:57:52] <TheFox> I used to Love those keyboards
L1442[13:58:11] * Temia has been laying in bed and using her slider's keyboard this entire time :v
L1443[13:58:21] <gamax92> I used to have one but it wasn't an android phone
L1444[13:58:34] <gamax92> it had a 0% chance of being able to use IRC
L1445[13:58:53] <Temia> Shame.
L1446[13:59:06] <TheFox> they still make sliders?
L1447[13:59:21] <Ember_Primrose> brbr
L1448[13:59:23] <Ember_Primrose> toast
L1449[13:59:27] <gamax92> It could watch youtube though so I'd spend time just watching anime, all while my parents had no idea I had internet access there :D
L1450[14:00:28] <Temia> Not really.
L1451[14:01:01] <Temia> I had to really search for this one, and it was already no longer offered so I had to buy it up front from another retailer.
L1452[14:01:18] <Temia> But I don't regret it in the least!
L1453[14:01:25] <TheFox> Im addictol to tablets now, anything with a smaller screen is inferior :)
L1454[14:02:00] <Temia> Sliders really help with screen estate since you aren't losing any to the keyboard :p
L1455[14:02:43] <TheFox> addicted'*. SOB typo with hand writing Kb D:<
L1456[14:02:45] <payonel> i'm old school
L1457[14:02:45] ⇦ Quits: MrTMT3000 (webchat@p5B373C2D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1458[14:02:48] <payonel> i use a computer ...
L1459[14:02:51] <Temia> kek
L1460[14:02:56] <Temia> Oh, I do too.
L1461[14:03:03] <gamax92> payonel: I use a computer too but when you don't have one around NOW WHAT HUH?
L1462[14:03:12] <TheFox> ^
L1463[14:03:13] <Temia> Just not when I'm in bed or running errands :v
L1464[14:03:30] <gamax92> *moves computers to bed*
L1465[14:03:50] * Temia pushes her full tower into bed with Gamax.
L1466[14:04:15] <payonel> lewd
L1467[14:04:20] <gamax92> no?
L1468[14:04:30] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-191-191-46.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1469[14:04:31] * Temia spraybottles Payonel
L1470[14:04:59] <gamax92> well actually I guess I do have a little crappy netbook
L1471[14:05:18] * TheFox hides from spray bottle
L1472[14:05:56] <gamax92> I've not really used it since, oh and also an old iPad someone gave me
L1473[14:06:50] <gamax92> I don't really like the old iPad though, it's okay for drawing but not really much else :I
L1474[14:07:11] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@213-33-13-73.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
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L1476[14:08:16] <TheFox> I use apple for computer, and google for mobile. No IPAd, Just an Nvidia shield
L1477[14:10:01] <payonel> i use apple for snack
L1478[14:10:28] <payonel> and i use inari for cats
L1479[14:10:44] <TheFox> yeah. Lipo and transistor salad
L1480[14:11:24] <Bipedsnowman> New question! I keep getting a "Too long without yielding" error?
L1481[14:11:57] <Bipedsnowman> so i guess my actual question is, what causes that?
L1482[14:12:08] <payonel> Bipedsnowman: you need to yield more often :)
L1483[14:12:09] <TheFox> ossleep(.l) , in your kep
L1484[14:12:14] <TheFox> loop#
L1485[14:12:19] <payonel> os.sleep(0) actually
L1486[14:12:24] <gamax92> TheFox: you tried.
L1487[14:12:25] <payonel> but no necessarily
L1488[14:12:44] <TheFox> To hell with it. I am done with this keyboard
L1489[14:12:52] <payonel> Bipedsnowman: os.sleep, or event.pull
L1490[14:13:02] <payonel> or anything that calls event.pull would be appropriate
L1491[14:13:41] <TheFox> Handwriting keyboard was a bad idea
L1492[14:13:50] <Bipedsnowman> Oh- so it's looping too much without stuff happening, is what the googlin' tells me
L1493[14:13:59] <TheFox> Yes
L1494[14:14:45] <TheFox> I didn't know os.sleep() could be zero
L1495[14:16:28] <payonel> os.sleep(0) is valid, yes. keep in mind it isn't truly zero. you are essentially forfeiting the remainder (if any) of your thread duration
L1496[14:16:58] <TheFox> Yeah, but I thought putting 0 would return an error
L1497[14:17:04] <payonel> nay
L1498[14:17:22] <TheFox> On an off note, you should make your own arch
L1499[14:17:37] <payonel> where i dont care about memory?
L1500[14:17:39] <payonel> haha
L1501[14:17:51] <payonel> well, i always care about correctness and proper use of memory
L1502[14:17:57] <Mimiru> set the ram to x 10 :p
L1503[14:17:59] <payonel> but where i'm not restricted so much
L1504[14:18:19] <Ember_Primrose> heh
L1505[14:18:26] <Ember_Primrose> ocemu doesn't bep
L1506[14:18:33] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: windows or linux?
L1507[14:18:46] <gamax92> windows
L1508[14:18:50] <Ember_Primrose> when in lua and doing computer.beep()
L1509[14:18:52] <Ember_Primrose> windows
L1510[14:18:53] <gamax92> I don't have a good solution for beep
L1511[14:18:55] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: on windows it won't
L1512[14:18:56] <Mimiru> OpenSec was going to have a 4mb and 8mb RAM stick... I scrapped it though
L1513[14:19:07] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: only linux
L1514[14:19:09] <Mimiru> or was it just 8..
L1515[14:19:11] <Mimiru> I don't remember
L1516[14:19:31] <Ember_Primrose> why not play the windows.alert() function
L1517[14:19:46] <gamax92> because a beep can have custom durations and frequencies
L1518[14:20:01] <gamax92> and custom volume
L1519[14:20:15] <gamax92> but the volume is config wise
L1520[14:20:38] <Ember_Primrose> oh, ofc
L1521[14:20:56] <Ember_Primrose> dammit windows
L1522[14:21:29] <payonel> TheFox: i work on openos because i want to help the community more directly
L1523[14:21:40] <payonel> a lot of what i do actually fixes existing features
L1524[14:21:43] ⇨ Joins: m_A_y_A_t (Riry@2001:470:36:2de::5)
L1525[14:21:44] <payonel> the majority, actually
L1526[14:22:14] <payonel> i wouldn't be helping the community anymore if i forked
L1527[14:22:18] <payonel> and i dont have time to do two
L1528[14:22:53] <Bipedsnowman> Oops, I was checking if 1 was less 0 over and over.
L1529[14:23:23] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1530[14:24:00] <payonel> Bipedsnowman: MOST of the time, "too long without yielding" is a symptom of bugs in user code
L1531[14:24:06] <payonel> ergo, i'm not surprised
L1532[14:27:04] <gamax92> but yeah the main issue is I can't use SDL2's audio callback system because it'll call into Lua in whatever state it's in and not a proper state, causing crashes of every kind
L1533[14:27:44] <gamax92> and I could use the queue system which will have issue if you're trying to beep but are hanging the main thread since there is no multithreading in Lua
L1534[14:28:47] ⇨ Joins: CyanideX (uid17234@id-17234.tooting.irccloud.com)
L1535[14:28:52] <gamax92> ... nvm I'm an idiot. I can just do the same thing that OC does which is generate all of the audio at once and then queue the entire thing.
L1536[14:29:08] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1537[14:29:58] <gamax92> it's better than nothing I guess, it won't support multiple beeps at once though
L1538[14:30:30] ⇦ Quits: Schzd (~Schzdadep@modemcable121.35-162-184.mc.videotron.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1539[14:32:17] *** Jezza is now known as Jezza|Nom
L1540[14:33:02] <Corded> * Mimiru ragequits and never uses ocemu again
L1541[14:33:15] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1542[14:33:42] <Temia> No Monkey Island theme for us :(
L1543[14:34:23] <Inari> Forecaster: i like dan's overwatch rap
L1544[14:34:27] <Lizzy> Wow, not sure if the signal is really good here in Germany or I just get bounced between the different networks enough that I always have signal
L1545[14:34:41] <gamax92> @Mimiru :(
L1546[14:34:57] <Lizzy> Cause of roaming
L1547[14:35:18] <Michiyo> Uh.. oh
L1548[14:35:22] *** Michiyo is now known as Katie
L1549[14:35:26] *** Katie is now known as Caitlyn
L1550[14:35:31] <Eleria> Lizzy, its the bouncing around ^^
L1551[14:35:31] <Caitlyn> ._.
L1552[14:36:22] <gamax92> Caitlyn: why don't you want to use ocemu
L1553[14:38:03] <payonel> gamax92: i assume it was in response to "it won't support multiple beeps at once though"
L1554[14:38:31] <gamax92> I have two plans for it though actually
L1555[14:38:53] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1556[14:39:26] <gamax92> three
L1557[14:39:38] <Bipedsnowman> Good news: Programs doesn't crash because it's not doing anything.
L1558[14:39:53] <Bipedsnowman> Bad news: Program loops forever, spitting out "11 22 11 22..." over and over
L1559[14:40:27] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1560[14:43:46] <Elizabeth> @Eleria yeah, i think if/when i eventually move over here and get a german sim (so i'm not just piggybacking off of the German networks then going back ot the UK) i'm not going to have the luck of having signal everywhere
L1561[14:44:20] <Inari> lizzy moving to germany? :O
L1562[14:44:40] <Elizabeth> Its a plan for the future, yes
L1563[14:44:41] <Eleria> @Elizabeth The signal is pretty good normally except the mobile internet is just not working sometimes
L1564[14:44:47] <gamax92> why am I shaking :(
L1565[14:44:49] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1566[14:44:53] <Inari> germany needs all the lizzys
L1567[14:45:19] <Eleria> And well I can just tell you one thing: Eplus is using roaming to O2 and thats pretty good for the connection ?
L1568[14:45:23] <Elizabeth> @Eleria i know, but if i get a german sim i'll be on one of the german networks, currently i am just getting bounced around on all of them
L1569[14:45:35] <gamax92> This feels awful, I'm going to go lay down now.
L1570[14:46:00] <Eleria> Well for me its fine *if my phone is not s--- again
L1571[14:46:05] <Eleria> Well for me its fine *if my phone is not s--- again*
L1572[14:46:14] <Temia> https://tcrf.net/The_American_Girls_Dress_Designer#Uncompiled_scripts huh.
L1573[14:46:39] <Ember_Primrose> night gamax92
L1574[14:47:00] <TheFox> You leaving ember?
L1575[14:47:15] <Inari> gamax said they are going to lay down
L1576[14:47:17] <Inari> pls
L1577[14:47:36] <Temia> #oc apparently stands for 'out of context' today.
L1578[14:47:37] <Elizabeth> Inari, though before i move over i need to get some good qualifications and perhaps try to learn the language. also now with Britian pretty much set on leaving the EU, that throws and extra spanner in the works for me to get citizenship
L1579[14:47:41] <Mimiru> @gamax92 It was a joke.. lol
L1580[14:47:59] <Inari> Lizzy: ^^ yeah.. would be handy to knwo the langauge :P
L1581[14:48:09] <Elizabeth> i know some bits
L1582[14:48:31] <Elizabeth> like ich habe, du hast and some of the numbers but that's about it
L1583[14:48:39] <Inari> @Elizabeth: Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen.. bitte!
L1584[14:48:58] <TheCryptek> TheFox: The organization is amazing of the building :P
L1585[14:49:05] <Elizabeth> i something something something something something something
L1586[14:49:17] <Eleria> Warum denn diesen Teppich Inari ? Wie wäre es mit dem an der anderen Wand ?
L1587[14:49:18] <Inari> its from a commerical :P
L1588[14:49:26] <Corded> * Elizabeth has just been informed that the last word is please
L1589[14:49:34] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiNCIQeeAbw
L1590[14:49:35] <MichiBot> Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen, bitte! | length: 20s | Likes: 131 Dislikes: 4 Views: 49399 | by kariiinana
L1591[14:49:42] <Eleria> God im not used to talking german anymore even if im living in germany ? xD
L1592[14:49:50] <Inari> Eleria: same
L1593[14:49:53] <Inari> its weird to use german
L1594[14:49:57] <Inari> and i dont know half the words i want to use
L1595[14:50:06] <Elizabeth> Ich habe @vifino
L1596[14:50:09] <Elizabeth> ?
L1597[14:50:36] <TheFox> That you do
L1598[14:50:50] <Eleria> Yeah you do probably ^^
L1599[14:51:00] <Elizabeth> ich bin nudel
L1600[14:51:11] <Ember_Primrose> im still here!
L1601[14:51:12] <Inari> :|
L1602[14:51:15] <Inari> thats not even proper grammar
L1603[14:51:19] <Elizabeth> @vifino ist nudel
L1604[14:51:24] <Corded> * Elizabeth shrugs
L1605[14:51:28] <Elizabeth> I am trying ?
L1606[14:51:42] <TheFox> Who is noodle
L1607[14:51:57] <g> context? lol
L1608[14:51:58] <Elizabeth> ist == is, ja?
L1609[14:52:03] <TheFox> Ja
L1610[14:52:05] <Eleria> Ja ^^
L1611[14:52:07] <g> oh right
L1612[14:52:09] <Elizabeth> ?
L1613[14:52:16] <Inari> "vifino is noodle"
L1614[14:52:17] <Inari> wat
L1615[14:52:21] <Inari> that makes no sense even in egnlish
L1616[14:52:30] <g> what would it be? ist ein nudel?
L1617[14:52:43] <Inari> if you want to say "is a noodle" it would be"ist eine nudel" i guess :P
L1618[14:52:48] <Inari> sounds odd though since noone would say that XD
L1619[14:53:00] <Elizabeth> nein, @vifino ist nudel
L1620[14:53:04] <Inari> :|
L1621[14:53:19] <Eleria> Inari, ich muss ja sagen das ich meine Grammatik auch ziemlich verlernt habe... Das wird lustig in der Schule wenn ich nach 38 wochen mal wieder da bin
L1622[14:53:19] <Inari> Neinneineinein
L1623[14:54:05] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1624[14:54:13] <Ember_Primrose> ja = yes in afrikaas
L1625[14:54:18] <Inari> Elizabeth: hexe! hexe! hexe!
L1626[14:54:20] <Ember_Primrose> ja = yes in afrikaans
L1627[14:54:44] <Inari> afrikans is weird
L1628[14:54:47] <Inari> it sounds like german but isnt
L1629[14:54:47] <Inari> :P
L1630[14:54:53] <Inari> at least if MGS:V is to be trusted
L1631[14:54:58] <Gwyndolin> its more like dutch
L1632[14:57:38] <Inari> @Elizabeth all the words that sound similar but arent are the fun thing to learn :|
L1633[14:57:46] <Inari> like sensible/sensitive :P
L1634[14:57:54] <Inari> vs sensibel/sensitiv
L1635[14:58:17] <Ember_Primrose> Inari, it is a combination of German, malaysion, flemish and old dutch
L1636[14:58:43] <vifino> I am nude
L1637[14:58:45] <vifino> I am nudel
L1638[14:58:50] <gamax92> Ok
L1639[14:59:09] <vifino> Rather, I am nude
L1640[14:59:15] <vifino> Rather, I am nudel
L1641[14:59:18] <Elizabeth> no you're not
L1642[14:59:29] <vifino> dammit i keep typing english
L1643[14:59:39] <Gwyndolin> im nude too
L1644[14:59:40] <gamax92> iPad is too big and clumsy to use
L1645[14:59:43] <vifino> ICH BIN NUDE
L1646[14:59:46] <vifino> L
L1647[14:59:48] <vifino> ADAWDAWd
L1648[14:59:50] <Inari> s/nu/ju
L1649[14:59:50] <MichiBot> <Gwyndolin> im jude too
L1650[14:59:50] <Gwyndolin> gg
L1651[14:59:54] <Inari> gg
L1652[15:00:02] <Gwyndolin> LEBENSRAUM
L1653[15:00:04] <Gwyndolin> something
L1654[15:00:04] <Gwyndolin> idk
L1655[15:00:18] <Inari> s/de/as priest
L1656[15:00:18] <MichiBot> <Gwyndolin> im juas priest too
L1657[15:00:19] <Gwyndolin> i lost all my german skills :D
L1658[15:00:21] <Inari> damn
L1659[15:00:38] <vifino> >implying Gwyndolin ever knew how2german
L1660[15:00:45] <Inari> Lizzy: just remember: Muskatnuss
L1661[15:00:50] <Inari> and Herr Müller
L1662[15:01:05] <Gwyndolin> vifino, i did
L1663[15:01:22] <Gwyndolin> but we didnt learn much at school because shit teacher
L1664[15:01:22] <Inari> @vifino i hope you do know that one :|
L1665[15:01:26] <Gwyndolin> :C
L1666[15:02:13] <gamax92> hey vifin
L1667[15:02:19] <vifino> Inari: u wat
L1668[15:02:25] <vifino> Hey @gamax92
L1669[15:02:27] <Inari> vifino: ?
L1670[15:02:35] <vifino> Inari: u wot
L1671[15:02:38] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDW2MhjdIMk ?
L1672[15:02:39] <MichiBot> Muskatnuss | length: 37s | Likes: 596 Dislikes: 7 Views: 181828 | by GaryDee2
L1673[15:02:46] <Ember_Primrose> Afrikaans is n baie mooi taal, maar ongelukking begin minder en minder mense ons moedrtall gebruik.
L1674[15:02:56] <Ember_Primrose> Afrikaans is n baie mooi taal, maar ongelukking begin minder en minder mense ons moeder taal gebruik.
L1675[15:03:01] <gamax92> Ember please
L1676[15:03:14] <Gwyndolin> je moeder
L1677[15:03:21] <Inari> @Elizabeth also Dickmann's dont actaully relate to penises
L1678[15:03:59] <vifino> Inari: she's not living here permanently yet
L1679[15:04:05] <Inari> :p
L1680[15:04:34] ⇨ Joins: BransonD (webchat@104-14-246-46.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)
L1681[15:04:38] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@213-33-13-73.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1682[15:04:39] <BransonD> Hey lizzy are you here?
L1683[15:04:47] <Inari> nah
L1684[15:04:48] <BransonD> Or is anyone here for that matter?
L1685[15:04:53] <Inari> vifino probably tied her up or something
L1686[15:04:59] <BransonD> Okay, I have a huge question, does anyone here know how to set colors on a hologram
L1687[15:05:06] * Lizzy appears
L1688[15:05:10] <BransonD> I've tried hologram.setColor(bunch of numbers)
L1689[15:05:15] <vifino> Inari: *lenny*
L1690[15:05:29] <BransonD> oooo fancy, also HELLO EVERYONE! I'm new to OpenComputers, just here to mess around with holograms and tape drives
L1691[15:05:54] <Inari> reminds me of my sister apparenlty being tied up by her tehn-boyfriend while she was on the phone with my mother (or rather, my mother interrupted them ;D)
L1692[15:05:59] <Inari> but thats a different story
L1693[15:06:01] <Gwyndolin> vifino is van darkholme confirmed
L1694[15:06:12] <Gwyndolin> ill show you whos the boss of this gym
L1695[15:06:18] <BransonD> So if anyone here can give me some information that would be greatfully appreciated, can't find any githubs/manuals on this
L1696[15:06:21] <BransonD> lmao @inari
L1697[15:06:26] <TheCryptek> Would someone tell me why alamr = component.OSAlarm feeds back with no primary 'OSAlarm' available?
L1698[15:06:29] <Inari> i want a "von Whitebear" title :<
L1699[15:06:44] <Inari> or would Weissbär sound better then hmmm
L1700[15:06:51] <gamax92> hey Inari?
L1701[15:06:52] <BransonD> So does anyone here know how to do hologram colors?
L1702[15:06:58] <Inari> gamax92: ye?
L1703[15:07:02] <Inari> gamax92: still shaking?
L1704[15:07:14] <gamax92> can I have a cat picture and yes
L1705[15:07:36] <Lizzy> "<Inari> reminds me of my sister apparenlty being tied up by her tehn-boyfriend while she was on the phone with my mother (or rather, my mother interrupted them ;D)" *looks at vifino
L1706[15:07:43] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-190-70-197.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1707[15:07:48] <Lizzy> *
L1708[15:07:53] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsQFYceNZS8#t=1m18s
L1709[15:07:54] <MichiBot> FPS-Doug | length: 3m 51s | Likes: 20439 Dislikes: 491 Views: 2812721 | by Silusp
L1710[15:08:04] <gamax92> that's not a cat
L1711[15:08:14] <Ember_Primrose> @gamax92 what
L1712[15:08:23] <Ember_Primrose> it is true and sad
L1713[15:08:35] <gamax92> ?
L1714[15:09:00] <Inari> gamax92: http://i.imgur.com/WIrFC2c.jpg
L1715[15:09:22] <gamax92> that's a cat
L1716[15:09:38] <Inari> your mom's a cat
L1717[15:09:56] * Inari wants cat ears :<
L1718[15:10:07] <gamax92> Last time I checked that wasn't the case
L1719[15:10:46] <Inari> galileo galilei galileu galilea
L1720[15:10:49] <BransonD> So can someone give me information about the opencomputer holograms
L1721[15:11:04] <Inari> ~oc hologram component api
L1722[15:11:05] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:hologram
L1723[15:11:09] <Branson> Just need me some information ?
L1724[15:11:15] <Branson> For Colors in holograms
L1725[15:11:16] <Inari> there
L1726[15:11:19] <Inari> setPaletteColor
L1727[15:11:24] <gamax92> oh actually I realized why doing Discord style chat formatting would be bad
L1728[15:11:25] <BransonD> and what values do we use?
L1729[15:11:33] <Ember_Primrose> my msgs in Afrikaans
L1730[15:11:35] <Inari> the same as for hte gpu
L1731[15:11:37] <Inari> ~oc api gpu
L1732[15:11:37] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:guid
L1733[15:11:40] <Inari> pls
L1734[15:11:45] <BransonD> errrr
L1735[15:11:50] <Inari> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:gpu
L1736[15:11:57] <Inari> hm
L1737[15:11:58] <BransonD> thanks guys
L1738[15:12:00] <Inari> guess it doesnt actually tell you
L1739[15:12:07] <Inari> BransonD: just use 0xRRGGBB
L1740[15:12:07] <Ember_Primrose> Afrikaans is a beautiful language, but unfortunately fewer and fewer people use our mother language.
L1741[15:12:10] <Inari> in hex ofc
L1742[15:12:18] <Inari> so 00-FF per colour red/green/blue
L1743[15:12:25] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1744[15:12:36] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1745[15:12:41] <BransonD> thanks <3
L1746[15:12:42] <Inari> oh
L1747[15:12:43] <Inari> it does tell you
L1748[15:12:48] <BransonD> I'll ask for further information if i get stuck
L1749[15:12:56] <gamax92> Inari: why are you so FF8080
L1750[15:13:01] <Inari> "Note that the color is expected to be specified in hexadecimal RGB format, i.e. 0xRRGGBB"
L1751[15:13:20] <Mimiru> why would chat formatting be bad?
L1752[15:13:26] <Inari> gamax92: cause lewd
L1753[15:13:32] <BransonD> so its just hologram.setPaletteColor(0000ff)
L1754[15:13:33] <BransonD> right?
L1755[15:13:42] <Inari> BransonD: 0x
L1756[15:13:50] <Inari> and that woudl be for blue, yes
L1757[15:13:54] <BransonD> ah okay
L1758[15:14:01] <BransonD> so that but 0x0000ff
L1759[15:14:02] <Inari> BransonD: and well
L1760[15:14:08] <Inari> you need to tel lit which index palette colour to change :P
L1761[15:14:19] <gamax92> if it was styled like a Discord message someone in IRC could say >pick and Corded would get flowers
L1762[15:14:31] <Inari> >pick
L1763[15:14:37] <Inari> >chloroform
L1764[15:14:41] * Inari abducts a loli
L1765[15:14:57] <Mimiru> Well.. the game module is disabled here, and you can't get flowers
L1766[15:14:59] <gamax92> ... This is not discord
L1767[15:15:15] <Inari> it is whatever you want it to be
L1768[15:15:15] <Mimiru> #general has them though, but that's not relayed
L1769[15:15:17] <Inari> for the right price
L1770[15:15:19] <Inari> gamax92: :£
L1771[15:15:37] <gamax92> Inari: what price
L1772[15:15:47] <Inari> dunno, ask it
L1773[15:15:50] <Inari> do i look like a pimp
L1774[15:16:08] <BransonD> well damn, inari, sorry to trouble you but I'm new to lua in holograms
L1775[15:16:18] <BransonD> just snagged some programs added some other special codes for prefrence
L1776[15:16:26] <gamax92> Inari: I thought I was asking you
L1777[15:16:26] <Inari> "lua in holograms"
L1778[15:16:27] <Inari> o.o
L1779[15:16:37] <BransonD> New to Lua for holograms*
L1780[15:16:43] <BransonD> And to OpenComputers in general
L1781[15:16:48] <Inari> gamax92: i said "it", no "i"
L1782[15:16:54] <Inari> ;)
L1783[15:17:16] <gamax92> Inari: I don't follow
L1784[15:17:44] <Ember_Primrose> hey @Mimiru , i have a name for your unamed server
L1785[15:18:00] <Ember_Primrose> Etheria, or realm of the gods
L1786[15:19:09] <gamax92> Inari :(
L1787[15:19:54] <BransonD> so far i've gotten to hologram.setPaletteColor(0x0000FF)
L1788[15:20:00] <BransonD> And no color change, what else must I complete?
L1789[15:20:12] <gamax92> who am I paying, how much am I paying, and why am I paying
L1790[15:21:50] <Inari> gamax92: Dorothy. However much she asks for. and to violate every hole in her body regardless of its original purpose
L1791[15:22:16] <BransonD> So can anyone give me information on where else to proceed?
L1792[15:22:35] <Inari> BransonD: as i said, you also need to tell it which colour to change, like the docs say
L1793[15:22:46] <BransonD> so i have to saay
L1794[15:22:59] <gamax92> Inari: who
L1795[15:23:05] <BransonD> That code, then say "change red to blue"
L1796[15:23:07] <BransonD> practically?
L1797[15:23:44] <gamax92> who is this Dorothy
L1798[15:24:07] <Inari> gamax92: sex worker lilim
L1799[15:24:10] <Inari> quite cute one too
L1800[15:24:50] <Inari> http://66.media.tumblr.com/3cc80207c794c2e5f821a5b51949c472/tumblr_n2o0izGDJf1tw77coo2_1280.png
L1801[15:25:06] <gamax92> she doesn't need my money, I contribute to the indie developers
L1802[15:25:18] <Inari> BransonD: what do the docs on hologram say on setPaletteColor?
L1803[15:25:33] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: return 0;)
L1804[15:25:46] <gamax92> what is that, some type of game?
L1805[15:25:53] <Inari> gamax92: it is
L1806[15:26:03] <gamax92> but what game is it
L1807[15:27:12] <Inari> gamax92: valhalla
L1808[15:29:05] <gamax92> never heard of it
L1809[15:29:34] <BransonD> uh
L1810[15:29:43] <BransonD> Set the color defined for the specified value.
L1811[15:29:48] <Inari> http://waifubartending.com/
L1812[15:30:07] <BransonD> So i was taking frmo that, it will set the color of the hologram that we provided it with
L1813[15:30:21] <Inari> ~oc
L1814[15:30:21] <ocdoc> Hello, I'm #oc's wiki bot.
L1815[15:30:24] <Inari> ~oc hologram
L1816[15:30:24] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:hologram
L1817[15:30:30] <Inari> setPaletteColor(index:number, value:number):number
L1818[15:30:33] <Inari> it wants 2 values
L1819[15:30:34] <Inari> :P
L1820[15:31:02] <BransonD> gg
L1821[15:31:08] <BransonD> >cousin withdrew 2k for college
L1822[15:31:16] <BransonD> >puts 2k in front seat of car to go into store
L1823[15:31:18] <BransonD> >buys ramen
L1824[15:31:24] <BransonD> >goes out car is smashed ramen is gone
L1825[15:31:27] <BransonD> >most expensive ramen ever
L1826[15:31:37] <BransonD> I'm just confuzzled as shizzle, what do we put where
L1827[15:31:42] <BransonD> I'm that clueless in LUA
L1828[15:31:42] <EnderBot2> Lua*
L1829[15:31:56] <Inari> do you do programming
L1830[15:32:07] <Elizabeth> do you do
L1831[15:32:35] <Inari> @Elizabeth do you do vifino?
L1832[15:32:46] <Elizabeth> ye
L1833[15:32:52] <Inari> :D
L1834[15:34:03] <Inari> i wish i knew more nice VNs
L1835[15:34:32] <Mimiru> Oh man...
L1836[15:34:38] <Mimiru> people need to stfu and buy stuff lol
L1837[15:34:44] <Inari> ?
L1838[15:35:01] <Mimiru> spent the last 10+ minutes dude just rambling on
L1839[15:35:03] <Mimiru> bought nothing
L1840[15:35:27] <Elizabeth> lol
L1841[15:35:31] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1842[15:35:52] <Kimiro> @Mimiru: What do you sell? ovo
L1843[15:36:03] <Elizabeth> drugs
L1844[15:36:03] <Mimiru> I work at RadioShack
L1845[15:36:06] <Mimiru> so... lots of stuff
L1846[15:36:21] <gamax92> including drugs
L1847[15:36:43] <Mimiru> Well.. I didn't deny drugs, did I?
L1848[15:36:51] <gamax92> gotta get that magic smoke
L1849[15:36:55] ⇦ Quits: BransonD (webchat@104-14-246-46.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1850[15:37:10] <Inari> Mimiru: sadly noone actaully buts the stuff there aynmore :P
L1851[15:37:13] <Inari> theres aliexpress
L1852[15:37:33] <Mimiru> I've had lots of people come in for components
L1853[15:37:51] <Inari> huh :P guess some people dont like aliexpress
L1854[15:38:01] <Mimiru> Some people don't want to order online and wait
L1855[15:38:04] <gamax92> when I go into RadioShack I can hear the crying screams of people's wallets
L1856[15:38:12] <Kimiro> @Mimiru: I'd like to buy one of everything.
L1857[15:38:25] <Mimiru> c'mon down, I'd like to sell you one of everything
L1858[15:38:28] <Inari> Mimiru: i guess
L1859[15:38:29] <gamax92> as they buy over the overpriced evening
L1860[15:38:31] <Inari> but the price is like great
L1861[15:38:53] <Mimiru> Yeah the price is great, and when I need to fix something *NOW*...?
L1862[15:38:53] <Ember_Primrose> @Mimiru is online shopping a thing cause im not very close
L1863[15:39:17] <Mimiru> well you can order from radioshack.com... no idea if they ship international though
L1864[15:39:29] <gamax92> Inari get out of my room you're making it freezing in here.
L1865[15:39:41] <gamax92> geez stop being so cold
L1866[15:40:31] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L1867[15:40:33] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L1868[15:40:48] <gamax92> *whoosh*
L1869[15:41:10] <Inari> Mimiru: well dunno
L1870[15:41:16] <Inari> you'd uusally just order 400 resistors from aliexpress
L1871[15:41:17] <Inari> and then you ahve em
L1872[15:41:18] <Inari> xD
L1873[15:41:25] <Inari> same iwth capacitors
L1874[15:41:25] <Inari> etc
L1875[15:41:34] <Mimiru> yay I can get them in like 5 days!
L1876[15:41:45] <Mimiru> And until then I sit here with broken thing X.
L1877[15:41:49] <Inari> you can get them in like 0 days if you order them before you need them
L1878[15:41:58] <Mimiru> Or, I run on down to radioshack, and pickup what I need.
L1879[15:42:17] <Mimiru> Yes, cause I KNOW I'm gonna need that 47uf 35v cap before hand.
L1880[15:42:46] <Mimiru> cause I'm psychic and stuff
L1881[15:42:48] <Inari> :p
L1882[15:42:54] <Inari> well, the general caps you need you can get in bulk
L1883[15:43:59] <Inari> if you need any oddly specific cap like that htough
L1884[15:44:01] <Inari> yeah ig uess :P
L1885[15:47:01] <Mimiru> Oh @Ember_Primrose what's that name again?
L1886[15:48:09] <Ember_Primrose> Etheria
L1887[15:48:11] <Ember_Primrose> aka
L1888[15:48:19] <Ember_Primrose> the realm of the gods
L1889[15:50:30] <Mimiru> That'd be a great name for the Dedi...
L1890[15:50:32] <Mimiru> lol
L1891[15:51:18] <Mimiru> sense it hosts the 4 VMs named after goddesses
L1892[15:51:20] <Mimiru> :P
L1893[15:52:17] <Mimiru> why is it only 3:52...
L1894[15:53:23] <Inari> i always thougth customers that talk a lot are the nicer ones
L1895[15:53:58] <Ember_Primrose> why is it already 11
L1896[15:55:20] <TheFox> Uh, because the hamster in the middle of earth ran faster because someone put a doughnut in front of him.
L1897[15:56:55] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L1898[15:56:58] <Ember_Primrose> makes sense
L1899[15:58:05] <TheFox> See, everyone lies, it's not horse power it's hamster power
L1900[15:58:16] <Mimiru> Inari, sure, as long as they buy stuff :P
L1901[15:58:48] <gamax92> RadioSnack
L1902[15:59:00] <TheFox> If a costumer buys stuff, there sure to be good customers... (Not sarcastic at all)
L1903[15:59:15] <Mimiru> But you come in and ramble on for 10+ minutes about everything EXCEPT what you want and you finally get to it and we don't have it (Car Radios.. I have one.. but it's $399.99)
L1904[15:59:32] <Mimiru> I don't need to know about your life story, the guy trying to steal your pigs, or you shooting him
L1905[15:59:38] <Mimiru> ._.
L1906[15:59:49] <TheFox> Sounds interesting...
L1907[16:00:09] <Mimiru> Yeah...
L1908[16:00:34] <Mimiru> Did just have an 11-12 year old kid come in with a gen2 sega, bought a replacement power LED
L1909[16:00:38] <Mimiru> got it in blue instead of red..
L1910[16:01:06] <Mimiru> It's neat knowing there are still kids interested in doing their own repairs.. and old consoles :p
L1911[16:01:30] <TheFox> I hated my local radio shack, they didn't know what the electronic components or really anything else was. "Hey, I need 14 2N3904 transistors" "OK, we don't have any capacitors"
L1912[16:01:40] <Eleria> I just had someone trying to access my main server over 1000 times in like 50 sec *yay*
L1913[16:02:08] <Corded> * Eleria is guessing a kiddie with loic wants to be cool
L1914[16:02:09] <TheFox> Eleria, protect it, shield it from the outside world
L1915[16:02:21] <TheFox> And find said kiddie
L1916[16:02:22] <Mimiru> I only have 6 2N3904 in stock..
L1917[16:02:39] <TheFox> BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE
L1918[16:02:55] <Mimiru> yeah, signal transistors
L1919[16:03:33] <TheFox> Your 100 percent right, these idiots didn't know the difference between a radio and a battery...
L1920[16:04:14] <TheFox> That's an exaggeration but you get the picture
L1921[16:04:22] <Mimiru> lol...
L1922[16:04:25] <Eleria> XD
L1923[16:05:11] <TheFox> I wasn't surprised when they closed the store down, although I was mad they closed. Now I have to wait for shipping to get me my parts
L1924[16:07:17] <TheFox> Just out of curiosity, how many components like the transistors do you carry, I have a feeling your RadioShack is 1000x better then mine was
L1925[16:09:31] <Mimiru> we have rectifiers, regulators, a bunch of timers, etc
L1926[16:09:42] <Mimiru> some audio ics
L1927[16:10:11] <Ember_Primrose> goodnight everybody! feeling shit tired atm. its 11 here and i need to stand up at 4
L1928[16:10:18] <Mimiru> Night @Ember_Primrose
L1929[16:10:21] <Corded> * Mimiru hugs @Ember_Primrose
L1930[16:10:24] <TheFox> Night ember
L1931[16:10:35] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster haad a good stream
L1932[16:10:42] <gamax92> ❤
L1933[16:10:43] <Mimiru> I'm sad to say it, but this place will close when I move..
L1934[16:10:49] <payonel> Eleria: i had an ever growing number of blocks ips (scripted firewall). i used a cron job to create reports of where the ip originated from (reverse lookup of geo)
L1935[16:10:51] <Mimiru> the owner won't keep it open
L1936[16:10:58] <payonel> Eleria: 1000s from china, 100s from russia
L1937[16:11:06] <TheFox> Yours is better, I think mine had a couple and it's and that was it as far as ics go
L1938[16:11:17] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose hugs @Mimiru
L1939[16:11:18] <payonel> the rest were everywhere from germany, france, nigeria, mississippi, etc
L1940[16:11:32] <payonel> Eleria: in about a month i had ~10k in my ban list
L1941[16:11:51] <payonel> just got tired of it, so i switch my ports to non default, kept the same protection, just non default ports
L1942[16:11:54] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose hugs @gamax92 and TheFox aswell
L1943[16:11:56] <payonel> now, i get zero script kiddie attacks
L1944[16:12:13] <payonel> Ember_Primrose: what's all the hugging for?
L1945[16:12:20] <TheFox> Good, no more script kiddie
L1946[16:12:51] <TheFox> She is leaving
L1947[16:12:52] <Ember_Primrose> going to bed.
L1948[16:12:52] <gamax92> what payonel actually means is "Can I get a hug, Ember_Primrose"
L1949[16:13:01] <Corded> * Ember_Primrose hugs payonel
L1950[16:13:41] <payonel> ^.^ thanks
L1951[16:13:48] <Ember_Primrose> ^^
L1952[16:13:53] <Ember_Primrose> oh and
L1953[16:13:59] <Ember_Primrose> @Forecaster
L1954[16:14:20] <Ember_Primrose> night to you to, derpy head
L1955[16:14:31] <ds84182> my/memes/up/into/dreams/pkg/MeIRL.java: http://hastebin.com/mozagunola.java
L1956[16:16:17] <gamax92> ds84182: AWFUL JUST AWFUL 0/10 DON'T EVEN BOTHER
L1957[16:16:30] <Mimiru> 5/7 Great
L1958[16:17:06] <payonel> Mimiru: tbh, i hate that i think of that ref pretty much every time someone uses x/y now
L1959[16:17:17] <Mimiru> lol
L1960[16:17:46] <ds84182> gamax92: Also hastebin autodetects the extension as
L1961[16:17:50] <ds84182> .tex!
L1962[16:18:18] <gamax92> Why didn't you leave it as that
L1963[16:18:21] <Skye> TheFox, @Mimiru: there was an electronics store near to me. The owner was nice to me and helped me with stuff. The store sadly closed when the owner retired...
L1964[16:18:27] <Mimiru> I'm adding that to MichiBot right meow...
L1965[16:18:40] <ds84182> gamax92: because fishmemes
L1966[16:18:53] <gamax92> Mimiru is a kitty
L1967[16:20:01] <Mimiru> Yeah.. I'm looking at moving to Oregon soonish, and when I do I know my boss is going to close this place
L1968[16:20:03] <Mimiru> it makes me sad..
L1969[16:20:40] <Mimiru> But I need to get far.. far away from Arkansas
L1970[16:21:09] <Mimiru> shit... I've gotta renew a domain next week
L1971[16:21:12] <Mimiru> fuck..
L1972[16:21:52] <Mimiru> $160 - $109 - $40 - $20 - $12.99
L1973[16:21:54] <Mimiru> yep.. fucked
L1974[16:22:13] <gamax92> That's a negative
L1975[16:22:30] <Mimiru> yes.. yes it is
L1976[16:22:38] <Mimiru> and that doesn't account for food.
L1977[16:22:39] * payonel waves from oregon
L1978[16:25:31] * TheFox waves at payonel from California
L1979[16:26:02] <Mimiru> I have friends that live near portland, which is where I'll be moving
L1980[16:28:20] <Mimiru> Welp.. I guess my other break drum and shoes are going to have to wait
L1981[16:28:24] <payonel> i may be ssh'd a few times, but the ip you see here is still in the same geo: -> https://geoiptool.com/en/?ip=
L1982[16:29:00] <Mimiru> And I have to pay my moms truck payment next month.. and I have no idea how much she paid for insurance...
L1983[16:29:02] <Corded> * Mimiru sighs
L1984[16:30:00] <ds84182> Arkansas = Kansas^-1
L1985[16:30:28] <Eleria> Well, about that server stuff , every request is going to 80 that's my problem.... and k need it to be on 80 for :/ (Sorry for late response,was afk)
L1986[16:30:33] <payonel> ds84182: haha, nice
L1987[16:30:44] <ds84182> payonel: I stole it from reddit :(
L1988[16:30:56] <payonel> Eleria: :/ sorry
L1989[16:31:03] <ds84182> It's been stuck in my mind for a long time
L1990[16:31:07] <ds84182> Please help
L1991[16:31:25] <payonel> kansas-1(5/7)
L1992[16:31:30] <payonel> kansas^-1(5/7)
L1993[16:31:39] <payonel> == 10/10 ?
L1994[16:31:42] <payonel> maybe we have the answer
L1995[16:31:55] <gamax92> hey payonel
L1996[16:31:55] <ds84182> 10/10 will never do it again
L1997[16:32:06] <payonel> gamax92: hello friend
L1998[16:32:35] <Eleria> Anyways for now my servers are way faster then Loic can do shit against them xD So for now I'm still okay, payonel
L1999[16:33:02] <payonel> what is loic?
L2000[16:33:13] <payonel> sounds familiar
L2001[16:33:19] <gamax92> Script kitty tool
L2002[16:33:35] <payonel> ah
L2003[16:33:45] <Eleria> Low orbit ion cannon --> aka kiddie tool number 1
L2004[16:33:54] <Eleria> Useless af tho xD
L2005[16:34:04] <Eleria> (In my opinion)
L2006[16:36:39] ⇨ Joins: TheFox_ (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2007[16:36:59] <TheFox_> clear
L2008[16:37:10] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by TheFox_!webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)))
L2009[16:37:22] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2010[16:37:33] <TheFox_> ok, this is better, less droid, more linux PC. just with out a mouse
L2011[16:37:39] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by TheFox_!webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)))
L2012[16:37:43] *** TheFox_ is now known as TheFox
L2013[16:37:57] ⇨ Joins: TheFox|Mobile (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2014[16:38:15] <TheFox> really, im going to have to fight my tablet to get it off my user...
L2015[16:39:19] <TheFox> huh, operating this computer without a mouse is proving more difficult then i thought it would be
L2016[16:39:52] <TheFox> anyone have any tips?
L2017[16:40:04] <Mimiru> Use amouse.
L2018[16:40:54] <TheFox> really, i would if i had one at this point in time. my mouse finally died
L2019[16:41:21] <Mimiru> get a mouse.
L2020[16:41:33] <TheFox> i will later, atm i cant.
L2021[16:41:53] <Mimiru> Well, those are my tips
L2022[16:42:03] <Forecaster> craft one out of paper-clips and chewing gum
L2023[16:42:10] <Mimiru> MacGuyver that shit
L2024[16:42:41] <TheFox> i could try, or while im at it, i could magicly use my hand to operate some sort of "touch Screen" even though this monitor is close to a decade old
L2025[16:42:57] *** Guest22526 is now known as liere1Fae2
L2026[16:43:03] <Forecaster> magic works I suppose
L2027[16:43:04] <TheFox> now would be a really good time to have bluetooth on this machine
L2028[16:43:09] <Forecaster> paper-clips tho
L2029[16:43:11] <TheFox> i haev an apple trackpad right beside me
L2030[16:43:38] ⇦ Quits: liere1Fae2 (~Magik6k_@ (Quit: Bye!)
L2031[16:43:48] <gamax92> get a bluetooth adapter
L2032[16:44:39] <TheFox> hevent had a need for one up until this moment, i left my laptop at the office, so i could usually use that one in lack of a mouse on my PC
L2033[16:45:12] <TheFox> i suppose i could use a macro
L2034[16:45:49] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@magik6k.net)
L2035[16:46:18] *** Magik6k is now known as Guest64368
L2036[16:47:00] <TheFox> is there any good way to operate Firefox without a mouse?
L2037[16:47:29] *** Guest64368 is now known as Magik6k
L2038[16:48:17] <TheFox> oh, yes apperantly there is
L2039[16:48:31] <TheFox> hey, i figured something out. shocker
L2040[16:49:16] <Inari> TheFox: you like the loli?
L2041[16:49:30] <TheFox> loli?
L2042[16:49:33] <Inari> loli.
L2043[16:49:39] <Mimiru> Woo loli
L2044[16:49:46] <Inari> \o/
L2045[16:49:55] <TheFox> care to illaburate?
L2046[16:50:00] <Mimiru> http://loli.dance/
L2047[16:50:02] <Mimiru> \o/
L2048[16:50:12] <gamax92> lolicatgirls.swf
L2049[16:50:15] <TheFox> really, you post a link that you know i cant click
L2050[16:50:24] <Caitlyn> type that shit in man
L2051[16:50:33] <Mimiru> :P
L2052[16:50:41] * TheFox sighs
L2053[16:50:45] <Inari> "Dorothy seems to be the favourite character for those who played the Cyberpunk Jam build, proving what different people around the world says: Lolis make everything better." haha
L2054[16:50:55] <TheFox> i dont think anythig is worth tthe trouble of using this thing without a mouse
L2055[16:51:32] <Inari> sugaaar baaaaabbyy looove~
L2056[16:51:51] <gamax92> Inari is defective
L2057[16:51:52] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L2058[16:52:19] <Inari> gamax92: nah just singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJM9i_r-RIQ
L2059[16:52:20] <MichiBot> Tiny Little Snow Fairy Sugar Opening | length: 1m 32s | Likes: 1300 Dislikes: 25 Views: 253845 | by ichigomomochan
L2060[16:52:24] <ds84182> wow, I turned my routers wifi off without IRC getting interrupted
L2061[16:52:40] <gamax92> wow that's really not that impressive and quite common.
L2062[16:52:52] <TheFox> if Inari.defctive == true then gamax92.repairInari() return true else return false end
L2063[16:52:54] <Gwyndolin> done it 400 times
L2064[16:53:10] <ds84182> I thought that IRC would get interrupted from switching to ethernet
L2065[16:53:38] <TheFox> not if your computer stayed connected at all times during the process, and depending on if your client cought it
L2066[16:53:42] <TheFox> caught it*
L2067[16:53:57] <TheFox> if you pluged in enternet and turned of wifi in that order, nothing bad should happen'
L2068[16:54:25] <vifino> ds84182: as long as you still have the same public facing ip, theoretically, your tcp connections can continue
L2069[16:54:29] <ds84182> I plugged in ethernet, turned off wifi
L2070[16:54:39] <Eleria> Little question : How are there legal terms of self defense in Internet sections ?
L2071[16:54:49] <TheFox> then that is why your IRC didnt get disturbed
L2072[16:55:03] <TheFox> there are what?
L2073[16:55:06] <vifino> Eleria: Installing norton makes you a criminal.
L2074[16:55:41] <TheFox> yes, yesit does because Norton cant save my computers for shit
L2075[16:55:41] <Eleria> And Answering with a small DDOS to DOS ?
L2076[16:55:52] <Mimiru> No
L2077[16:56:10] ⇦ Quits: Jezza|Nom (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2078[16:56:20] <vifino> your ISP's ToS says "fuck off" to you, then.
L2079[16:56:26] <Eleria> Meh .. literally I would be so happy if I would be allowed to do that :/
L2080[16:56:59] <Eleria> But I guess that's just me wanting to show this kiddie what he/she is trying to do :/
L2081[16:57:35] <TheFox> personally i would say. just dont get caught doing it. but ik this IRC keeps logs so im am going to advise against you DDoSing your script kiddie
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L2083[16:58:07] <Eleria> Sorry for the dumb question I'm just so annoyed by the case that I need to work on network protection:/ And yeah I will just set some stuff up to catch him next time
L2084[16:58:25] <Eleria> I can go annoy the police with it then
L2085[16:58:42] <vifino> Eleria: Not police, their ISP.
L2086[16:58:52] <Eleria> Or that ^
L2087[16:58:56] <TheFox> DDos is a crime, police and ISP
L2088[16:58:57] <vifino> The police will tell you to fuck off, most likely.
L2089[16:59:13] <admicos> so i am just starting with OpenComputers coming from ComputerCraft, is there anything i need to know other than most stuff being different?
L2090[16:59:24] <TheFox> there is alot
L2091[16:59:47] <TheFox> are you familair with the diffrences in the Lua or is that what your askig about
L2092[16:59:53] <TheCryptek> Why is DDoS being brough up?
L2093[16:59:55] <TheCryptek> brought*
L2094[17:00:10] <Mimiru> Cause I'm DDoSing @Eleria
L2095[17:00:11] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2096[17:00:15] <TheFox> Eleria had someone attempt to access her server 1000 times in 50 secs
L2097[17:00:15] <Mimiru> Err I mean cause someone is DDoSing..
L2098[17:00:29] <Mimiru> (No I'm not..)
L2099[17:00:32] <Eleria> Or DoS Ing actually I think
L2100[17:00:32] <TheFox> admicos: talk to TheCryptek i am helping him in converting.
L2101[17:00:37] <Mimiru> (No really, I'm not...)
L2102[17:00:37] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Eleria: It is either DDoS or Nmap
L2103[17:00:47] <Eleria> It's not Nmap
L2104[17:01:04] <TheFox> TheCryptek: you have someone interested in swapping from CC to OC
L2105[17:01:06] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Already talking to admicos
L2106[17:01:07] <Eleria> It's a DoS thus the person is using smth like loic
L2107[17:01:11] <TheFox> oh, ok
L2108[17:01:19] <TheCryptek> Eleria: Most people use Torshammer
L2109[17:01:38] <Gwyndolin> never heard about torshammer
L2110[17:01:40] <Gwyndolin> only loic
L2111[17:01:40] <TheFox> TorsHammer, really, that is a "unique" name
L2112[17:01:59] <Eleria> Oh or that then ^ In Germany most of the yt tuts are linking loic that's why I guessed he/she is using that
L2113[17:02:01] <TheCryptek> TheFox Its what the python DDoS script is called
L2114[17:02:19] <TheCryptek> Eleria: loic doesn't work and is the fastest way to get busted
L2115[17:02:22] <TheFox> TheCryptek: i will be on soon probably, i am still having a problem with not having a mouse, but i am on a computer atm
L2116[17:02:35] <TheCryptek> Why am I giving this crap in public...
L2117[17:02:43] <Eleria> And well I can't call loic or stuff like this distributed anyways so only DoS
L2118[17:02:51] <TheFox> TheCryptek: because you didnt relalize what you where saying
L2119[17:03:15] <TheCryptek> TheFox: I knew what I was saying, I was speaking from experience :P
L2120[17:03:20] <Eleria> What do you mean cryptek
L2121[17:03:23] <TheFox> thats not what i meant
L2122[17:03:28] <Eleria> Oh okay
L2123[17:03:31] <Eleria> Nwm xD
L2124[17:03:36] <TheCryptek> Eleria: I've known people that DDoS
L2125[17:03:45] <TheCryptek> On an an irc network..
L2126[17:03:48] <Gwyndolin> same
L2127[17:03:48] <TheCryptek> From years ago..
L2128[17:03:50] <Gwyndolin> and they got caught
L2129[17:03:52] <Gwyndolin> : ^ )
L2130[17:03:58] <Eleria> Well
L2131[17:04:07] <TheCryptek> Gwyndolin xD
L2132[17:04:08] <Eleria> I know script kiddies and I hate them
L2133[17:04:12] <Eleria> So yeah xD
L2134[17:04:24] <TheCryptek> Eleria: So you aren't a script kiddie and actually hack?
L2135[17:04:28] <TheCryptek> :o learn something every day :o
L2136[17:04:41] <TheFox> Eleria: i wish that offensive defense was acceptable on the internet, that would make everything so much mroe fun'
L2137[17:05:08] <TheCryptek> TheFox: Offensive defense is acceptable on the internet to an extent.
L2138[17:05:15] <Eleria> Not really . I would count as sk because I never tried really :/ I would be a lame security help hacker anyways
L2139[17:05:27] <Eleria> Aka good one xD
L2140[17:05:36] <TheCryptek> Eleria: Thats what I do these days.
L2141[17:05:54] <TheFox> TheCryptek: i mean, if your trying to hack me, i can turn around and scare the living hell out of you, and destory your machine. thats not acceptable. but i really wish it was
L2142[17:06:18] <Eleria> And well that offense defense stuff would be good in some way ... But would be to hard to control I guess ... And well that cool TheCryptek:3
L2143[17:06:20] <TheCryptek> TheFox: If I could go as offensive as I wanted to... man DDoS would have a new meaning ._.
L2144[17:06:34] <Inari> TheFox: get a better personality? :D
L2145[17:07:08] <Eleria> I would have fun using all of my servers and droplets at once :P Against this God damn *censored* script kiddie
L2146[17:07:27] <TheCryptek> Eleria can I PM you?
L2147[17:07:36] <TheFox> Inari: what do you mean?
L2148[17:07:43] <Eleria> On irc ?
L2149[17:07:49] <TheCryptek> Eleria: Yea
L2150[17:08:02] <Inari> TheFox: that you shouldnt want to destroy their machien :P
L2151[17:08:10] <Eleria> Sure ^^ Give me a second to connect to my server
L2152[17:08:16] <TheCryptek> Inari: You attack me and I'll destroy your machine.
L2153[17:08:20] <TheFox> if they're trying to hack mine, i think all is far in cyber war ;)
L2154[17:08:23] <TheCryptek> Its how it should be
L2155[17:08:27] <Inari> TheCryptek: nope
L2156[17:08:29] <Inari> its bad attitude
L2157[17:08:49] <Eleria> Okay I'm there normally now :3
L2158[17:08:50] <TheCryptek> Inari: Attacking me is bad attitude, I'm just taking the trash out.
L2159[17:09:07] <Inari> thats an age old "eye for an eye" thing that never worekd
L2160[17:09:09] <Inari> but sure
L2161[17:09:09] <Inari> :P
L2162[17:09:15] <TheFox> maybe, some say i am to offensive, i think. if you dont do anything to warrant me beinng (that) mad at you, your fine
L2163[17:09:48] <TheFox> Inari: eye for an eye would leve the whole world blind. buuut. if you learn the first time. the world is only 1/2 blind
L2164[17:10:08] <Skye> not having depth perception is not good
L2165[17:10:14] <TheFox> yes
L2166[17:10:20] <TheFox> but its an analogy
L2167[17:10:31] <Izaya> ooohhh
L2168[17:10:31] <Inari> not having motion perception sounds freaky
L2169[17:11:02] <TheFox> motion perception? i said half blind, not numb from the neck down
L2170[17:11:08] <TheFox> :D
L2171[17:11:24] <Inari> uh
L2172[17:11:28] <Inari> perception, not moving yourself
L2173[17:11:36] <Skye> depth
L2174[17:11:37] <Skye> not motion
L2175[17:11:42] <Inari> yeah
L2176[17:11:44] <Izaya> drama
L2177[17:11:44] <Izaya> or something
L2178[17:11:44] <Izaya> remember kids, DDoSing is bad because of technical reasons, aside from just being a dick move, so put your LOIC away
L2179[17:11:45] <Inari> but motion is freakier
L2180[17:11:46] <Inari> :P
L2181[17:12:03] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akinetopsia
L2182[17:12:30] <TheFox> Izaya: yes, for "technical" reasons, not because its illegal or anything...
L2183[17:13:08] <Izaya> wait is this in-game?
L2184[17:13:08] <Izaya> also depth perception is useful
L2185[17:13:14] <TheCryptek> LOIC don't work ._.
L2186[17:13:20] <TheFox> Inari: the reason i said what i said is because a hacker can do anything to your computer. so you need to meat force with = force when it comes to it
L2187[17:13:43] <TheFox> Izaya: no, its not, Eleria had a script kiddie issue earlier
L2188[17:13:56] <TheFox> meet* not meat
L2189[17:15:11] <Izaya> TheFox: it does bad stuff to the stuff in between the attacker and the target
L2190[17:15:11] <Izaya> it congests the tubes
L2191[17:15:39] <Eleria> And it's annoying my router;-;
L2192[17:16:10] <TheFox> yes, in understand the concept of DDoS, but "congesting" the "tubes" would slow the attack down, and allow the target to defend off the attack more
L2193[17:16:20] <Izaya> don't congest the tubes, other people need those
L2194[17:16:20] <Izaya> I should add a home.shadowkat
L2195[17:16:20] <Izaya> .net subdomain
L2196[17:16:22] <Izaya> make it point at
L2197[17:19:04] ⇦ Quits: Lumindia (~IceChat9@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L2199[17:19:43] <gamax92> waauw
L2200[17:21:34] *** Ajloveslily|away is now known as Ajloveslily
L2201[17:22:06] <CompanionCube> so, TIL that Linus Torvalds uses (and maintains) his own text editor
L2202[17:22:18] <CompanionCube> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/editors/uemacs/uemacs.git/about/
L2203[17:24:04] <Lizzy> TheCryptek, it does work in a way
L2204[17:24:21] <Lizzy> you'll just never take anything down with it on a home broadband onnection
L2205[17:24:38] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~admin@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2206[17:26:02] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-150-233-206.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L2207[17:27:29] <Lizzy> anyway, i'ma go snuggle and fall asleep with vifino
L2208[17:27:41] <Eleria> o/ Good Night :3
L2209[17:29:27] <CompanionCube> (also, just tell script kiddies your IP address is something in the 127.x.x.x /8
L2210[17:29:29] ⇦ Quits: Bipedsnowman (webchat@d50-99-198-151.abhsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2211[17:29:45] <Eleria> Did that one time on an Ts of an Mc server
L2212[17:30:02] <Eleria> --> 50 sec later : timeout ed
L2213[17:30:05] <Eleria> XD
L2214[17:30:07] <CompanionCube> they might know that .1 is their own machine
L2215[17:30:16] <CompanionCube> what they might not know is that *anything* starting with 127 works
L2216[17:30:21] <Eleria> ^^
L2217[17:30:31] <Eleria> They didn't even knew .1
L2218[17:30:55] <Eleria> I could have said local host with no problem
L2219[17:30:55] <payonel> tell them your ip is x.x.x.x ? when are they asking for your ip if they don't already have it?
L2220[17:31:52] <Inari> payonel: the tales of "bitchchecker"
L2221[17:32:40] <CompanionCube> payonel: true...but I'd say that's unlikely for the type of person that would fall for this
L2222[17:33:11] <Inari> http://hastebin.com/udorubegef.xml
L2223[17:33:17] <payonel> i dont understand (and i'll read Inari's link when i can)
L2224[17:33:33] <payonel> CompanionCube: when in any scenario would a hacker (newb or otherwise) be ASKING for your ip?
L2225[17:33:57] <Inari> when they dont have it, but their app says "put target IP here"
L2226[17:34:04] <CompanionCube> payonel: because either they're lazy or the service being used does not give them it
L2227[17:35:05] <payonel> i'll read the story
L2228[17:35:12] <payonel> because what you're saying makes no sense to me at all
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L2230[17:36:38] <payonel> Inari: in the story, what is dst?
L2231[17:36:55] <CompanionCube> use the googles
L2232[17:37:06] <CompanionCube> Daylight Savings Time
L2233[17:37:07] <payonel> did already: daylight savings time
L2234[17:37:16] <Inari> dunno
L2235[17:37:17] <payonel> how does that have anything to do with the context of the story?
L2236[17:37:19] <Inari> oh right
L2237[17:37:20] <Inari> DST :P
L2238[17:37:39] <Inari> bitchchecker thinking they've been kicked
L2239[17:37:50] <Inari> not believing they ping timed out because "everythings right with the timing of my PC, it even has dsT!"
L2240[17:37:51] <Inari> :p
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L2242[17:38:53] <payonel> ...that has nothing to do with dst
L2243[17:38:55] <payonel> but
L2244[17:39:01] <payonel> my problem is that i'm reading this like this person knows anything
L2245[17:39:03] <TheFox> ok, its a peice of shit mouse, but i finaly think i have a mouse
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L2247[17:39:12] <payonel> Inari: >.<
L2248[17:41:04] * TheFox pokes payonel
L2249[17:41:40] <TheFox> TheCryptek: you go afk?
L2250[17:42:03] <TheCryptek> TheFOx I am on the server with admicos
L2251[17:42:20] <TheFox> can you link the modpack? im going to have to set it up on my linux
L2252[17:42:27] <TheFox> i left my mac at the office
L2253[17:42:39] <TheCryptek> Yea
L2254[17:42:42] <TheFox> thanks
L2255[17:42:51] <TheCryptek> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0FXIUwBqiIzckU5R0lNNHZWdjg
L2256[17:44:08] <Inari> https://zippy.gfycat.com/RigidMadeupFairybluebird.webm
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L2260[17:48:08] <TheFox> TheCryptek: im launching now
L2261[17:48:58] <TheFox> er, or not
L2262[17:50:39] <TheFox> woops, conflicting config ?
L2263[17:50:44] <TheFox> never mind
L2264[17:51:05] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE229CD988D05458B9E8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L2265[17:59:27] <Eleria> Good Night o/
L2266[17:59:30] <Mimiru> Oh what the fuck
L2267[18:00:28] <CompanionCube> ?
L2268[18:00:38] <Mimiru> RDP issues on Bast
L2269[18:07:36] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6F1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Remember your training and we'll get through this just fine.' (Pharah))
L2270[18:12:17] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L2271[18:12:46] <TheFox> ~w io
L2272[18:12:46] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io
L2273[18:19:50] <payonel> TheFox: io question?
L2274[18:19:51] <gamax92> nupe. Done with TuxOnIce. Doesn't work. Kernel removed.
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L2285[18:43:20] <gamax92> Broke laptop
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L2287[18:44:28] <gamax92> it still boots and all but it can't see the wifi adapter or ethernet port or phone tether or the right resolution ...
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L2304[19:26:30] <TheFox> quick question envoloving event.listen(). how do i stop it
L2305[19:26:48] <TheFox> ~w event
L2306[19:26:49] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L2307[19:26:59] <Mimiru> event.ignore
L2308[19:27:29] <TheFox> yup, just figured that out, thanks
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L2310[19:29:39] <TheCryptek> ~w network
L2311[19:29:39] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
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L2323[19:45:23] <admicos> guys i made my first oc prgram
L2324[19:45:25] <admicos> pastebin: QqH0VuMC
L2325[19:45:28] <admicos> what do you guys think
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L2328[19:47:52] <gamax92> admicos: neat
L2329[19:49:11] <admicos> for now i'm out
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L2337[20:19:32] <gamax92> k ... somehow build a program that ended up depending on QT4 and QT5, it just instantly segfaults :P
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L2339[20:26:42] <gamax92> that's a bit better. I guess old left over objects
L2340[20:28:36] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L2341[20:28:43] <IzayaXMPP> mfw 1080p
L2342[20:30:58] <gamax92> mfw my changes don't even work.
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L2344[20:36:56] <gamax92> There, I build a custom version of Quassel that will auto translate Corded
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L2346[20:38:04] <IzayaXMPP> Deal with the outdatedness of NIS or the setup of LDAP?
L2347[20:38:09] <gamax92> both
L2348[20:38:30] <gamax92> then using the experience of both go back and reanswer the question
L2349[20:39:16] <IzayaXMPP> NIS is a hell of a lot simpler
L2350[20:41:33] ⇦ Quits: TheFox|Mobile (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Got to work now :()
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L2354[21:04:33] <CompanionCube> Izaya: easy
L2355[21:04:46] <CompanionCube> well, you can actually use both
L2356[21:04:55] <CompanionCube> someone wrote an LDAP-backed NIS server
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L2364[21:17:57] <gamax92> oh ... thats why my laptop is broken.
L2365[21:18:15] <gamax92> linux-image-virtual won't pull in linux-image-extra
L2366[21:29:37] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e56b:6905:dffb:6ab0)
L2367[21:29:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L2368[21:41:48] <Kodos> WEll
L2369[21:41:49] <Kodos> shit
L2370[21:41:54] <Kodos> RIP Lycaonx
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L2378[22:11:57] <IzayaXMPP> this is strange
L2379[22:12:04] <IzayaXMPP> 1024x768 seems so small on a 1080p screen
L2380[22:12:24] <IzayaXMPP> I could run like 4 of this VM on the screen at once
L2381[22:28:03] <Stary> :D
L2382[22:29:49] ⇦ Quits: cbcercas|AFK (~Elyni@2001:41d0:1:c41d::1) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2383[22:30:12] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/xjtehd.jpg
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L2387[22:41:18] <TheCryptek> How do I clear the screen in lua?
L2388[22:44:26] <IzayaXMPP> I know how to do it with the GPU component but that's probably not a very clean way of doing it
L2389[22:44:35] <IzayaXMPP> The 'best' way would probably be to spam 50 newlines
L2390[22:47:22] <IzayaXMPP> s="\n" print(s:rep(50))
L2391[22:47:36] <IzayaXMPP> should output 50 newlines and clear the biggest screens
L2392[22:47:42] <IzayaXMPP> or you could get the GPU height
L2393[22:47:46] <IzayaXMPP> or there's probably term.clear
L2394[22:51:21] <Kodos> In OC? term.clear()
L2395[22:51:28] <Kodos> TheCryptek, ^
L2396[22:52:29] <Kimiro> Shields up, weapons online.
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L2398[22:52:42] <Kimiro> Not equipped with shields?
L2399[22:52:49] <Kimiro> Well then buckle up!
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L2401[22:54:54] <TheCryptek> Kodos Yup
L2402[22:55:03] <TheCryptek> Now I have an issue with while true do
L2403[22:55:10] <Kodos> What's the issue?
L2404[22:55:10] <TheCryptek> it says there is a syntax error in that line ._.
L2405[22:55:17] <Kodos> Code, pls
L2406[22:55:59] <TheCryptek> http://pastebin.com/vkC6f8Y1
L2407[22:56:12] <Kodos> It's erroring on the print line
L2408[22:56:23] <TheCryptek> is it print '' or print('')
L2409[22:56:28] <TheCryptek> or is it " and not '
L2410[22:56:46] <Kodos> It's print("text here")
L2411[22:56:55] <TheCryptek> Thank you
L2412[22:56:57] <Kodos> Also
L2413[22:57:16] <Kodos> Eh, nvm
L2414[22:57:32] <TheCryptek> Also what?
L2415[22:57:35] <Kodos> Well
L2416[22:57:39] <Kodos> If you're trying to make something malicious
L2417[22:57:46] <Kodos> a print loop is easily broken
L2418[22:57:57] <Kodos> Talk to Izaya, I think they know more about that department
L2419[22:58:07] <TheCryptek> I know, I'm not trying to do anything malicious, isn't that banned from the OC community anyways lol
L2420[22:58:17] <Kodos> Generally we point and laugh at you
L2421[22:58:36] <Kodos> I know actual malicious/pirated software is a bannable thing
L2422[22:58:39] <Kodos> Not sure about OC programs
L2423[22:58:44] <TheCryptek> Kodos: I'm still getting a syntax error ._.
L2424[22:58:59] <TheCryptek> Nvm
L2425[22:59:09] <Kodos> You're adding in the proper stuff at the top of the program, too, right?
L2426[22:59:10] <TheCryptek> I did print ("text") instead of print("text")
L2427[22:59:22] <Kodos> Ah, yeah
L2428[22:59:44] <TheCryptek> Still syntax error ._.
L2429[23:00:05] <Kodos> Okay, go back into the shell
L2430[23:00:11] <Kodos> run 'clear'
L2431[23:00:25] <Kodos> Then do 'cat myprogramname' and then run the program, and screenshot the results for me
L2432[23:01:49] <TheCryptek> http://imgur.com/a/8qsDJ
L2433[23:02:09] <Kodos> wat
L2434[23:02:13] <Kodos> What OS are you using
L2435[23:02:18] <TheCryptek> SecureOS
L2436[23:02:24] <Kodos> Damnit Shuudoushi
L2437[23:02:43] <TheCryptek> I can move it to a disk and fire up a PC running open os
L2438[23:02:52] <Kodos> Do that, and then follow aforementioned instructions
L2439[23:06:30] <TheCryptek> http://imgur.com/a/j7JUB
L2440[23:07:00] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-190-70-197.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L2442[23:07:46] <Kodos> Okay, so
L2443[23:08:04] <Kodos> At the top of your program, you need ( local term = require("term") )
L2444[23:08:09] <Kodos> Not including the outermost parentheses
L2445[23:08:52] <TheCryptek> Same syntax error
L2446[23:09:15] <Kodos> Okay, cat it again, and this time include a run attempt in the screenshot
L2447[23:09:17] <TheCryptek> Wouldn't it be - local term = require("component.term")
L2448[23:09:25] <Kodos> No, because component isn't a term
L2449[23:09:31] <Kodos> err
L2450[23:09:33] <Kodos> strike that, reverse it
L2451[23:11:19] <TheCryptek> I need an image upload service ._.
L2452[23:11:44] <Kodos> I use Puush
L2453[23:11:57] <IzayaXMPP> imgur.com is good
L2454[23:12:03] <Tazz> screencloud
L2455[23:12:05] <Tazz> love it
L2456[23:12:06] <TheCryptek> I can't use puush it crushed my pc
L2457[23:12:08] <Kodos> Gyazo
L2458[23:12:13] <TheCryptek> imgur has me waiting
L2459[23:12:13] <Tazz> integrates with imgure
L2460[23:12:15] <Tazz> imgur*
L2461[23:12:20] <TheCryptek> Ive been banned from gyazo
L2462[23:12:34] <Kodos> How the fuck do you get banned from Gyazo
L2463[23:12:54] <TheCryptek> By being an immature asshole like I was back in the day ._.
L2464[23:13:07] <TheCryptek> Excuse my language sorry
L2465[23:13:37] <TheCryptek> Last time I tried puush I got BSOD
L2466[23:14:20] <IzayaXMPP> oh no
L2467[23:14:35] <TheCryptek> Its their new ShareX integration ._.
L2468[23:14:36] <IzayaXMPP> my laptop is on 10% battery
L2469[23:14:39] <IzayaXMPP> only an hour left
L2470[23:16:48] <IzayaXMPP> ehhhh I guess I should do something about it
L2471[23:17:10] * IzayaXMPP hibernates and swaps out the battery
L2472[23:18:08] <TheCryptek> Kodos https://puu.sh/qFlYk/89a3cc5526.png
L2473[23:18:24] <Kodos> Ohhh, derp
L2474[23:18:40] <Kodos> You forgot the () on term.clear
L2475[23:18:49] <TheCryptek> derpy derp
L2476[23:19:00] <IzayaXMPP> gah damnit
L2477[23:19:08] <IzayaXMPP> puush isn't blocked here but it requires a client program
L2478[23:21:10] <TheCryptek> How do I make text display in different colors
L2479[23:22:33] ⇦ Quits: cbcercas|AFK (~Elyni@2001:41d0:1:c41d::1) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L2481[23:23:25] <TheFox> ill help you TheCryptek
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L2485[23:34:48] <TheFox> ~w gpu
L2486[23:34:48] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L2487[23:38:26] <gamax92> playing some evolve stage 2 with some friends, pretty fun game
L2488[23:40:14] <Kodos> Enjoy killing your CPU
L2489[23:40:15] <Kodos> I'm off to bed
L2490[23:40:17] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e56b:6905:dffb:6ab0) (Quit: Leaving)
L2491[23:41:14] <IzayaXMPP> sanity check: if you care about freedom and aren't playing games, is there any reason not to use nouveau?
L2492[23:42:08] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L2493[23:42:40] <ade124|mobile> Support for new GPUs
L2494[23:42:53] <ade124|mobile> :D mint defaults to Yahoo for search
L2495[23:43:28] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Smell ya later!)
L2496[23:43:34] <TheFox> ~w table
L2497[23:43:35] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table
L2498[23:47:01] <IzayaXMPP> so for reference
L2499[23:47:01] <IzayaXMPP> we're on a what
L2500[23:47:17] <IzayaXMPP> 160Mbps line
L2501[23:47:26] <IzayaXMPP> and I'm getting 10KB/s
L2502[23:48:30] <TheFox> ouch, why>
L2503[23:48:44] <IzayaXMPP> because at the moment
L2504[23:48:48] <IzayaXMPP> there's probably like 200 people on the network
L2505[23:48:50] <IzayaXMPP> maybe more
L2506[23:48:51] <TheFox> oh
L2507[23:48:58] <TheFox> makes since
L2508[23:49:01] <IzayaXMPP> we're upgrading soon(TM)
L2509[23:50:28] <ade124|mobile> I love how everything clashes with everything when I select a dark theme
L2510[23:51:14] <TheFox> um, how does one convert "0xrandomchars" into 0xRandomChars so taht its recognized as Hex?
L2511[23:52:17] <TheFox> without the 0x if possible
L2512[23:57:50] <TheCryptek> ~w autorun
L2513[23:57:50] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial
L2514[23:58:06] <TheCryptek> autorun
L2515[23:58:10] <TheCryptek> what API is that?
L2516[23:58:48] <TheFox> its a tutorial on it
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