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L9[00:18:02] <BlueZero> I'm going to guess a switch is the same thing as a relay except you don't have to supply it with a network card?
L10[00:27:01] <Mimiru> switches are depreciated, so they may go at any update
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L18[00:38:44] <BlueZero> Ah, I see.
L19[00:42:04] <Izaya> https://media2.8ch.net/tech/src/1464730094381-0.jpg
L20[00:42:43] <Temia> The Stallmanator?
L21[00:43:42] <Izaya> I guess so
L22[00:45:38] <Izaya> Was watching Hardware and found that on an 8ch thread
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L25[01:01:40] <BlueZero> Ooooooh, I'm watching tutorials on how to use all these blocks in OC and holy crap this is interesting. Especially the use of the switch and servers.
L26[01:01:49] <BlueZero> Starting to get sooo many ideas on how to utalize this. xP
L27[01:02:41] ⇦ Quits: SusWombat (~suspiciou@ipbcc3c28b.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L29[01:04:23] <BlueZero> I'm almost sad actually I didn't learn of this mod before. D:
L30[01:05:16] <BlueZero> I mean sure CC is great, but it's like learning Visual Basic in comparison.
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L35[01:45:47] <TheFox_> i have never had that much trouble taking over an IRC connection from my tablet. it keeps signing on and ghosting me :(
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L39[01:46:28] <TheFox_> FAH
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L42[01:46:42] <TheFox> finally
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L46[02:03:50] <TheFox> darn, i wanted to do a test on someones mind, but I'm pretty sure i would be thrown in a federal jail or fined out who knows where if i tried it :(. to bad, just will have to settle with not so covert methods to screw around with people
L47[02:05:03] <TheFox> i guess that form of subliminal messaging is not looked at to greatly
L48[02:07:38] <asie> TheFox: what
L49[02:09:47] <TheFox> there was a way of increasing sales a long time ago, movie studios and cinemas would flash a image at really high FPS on the screen at random points in the movie and it would be to fast for you to "see" but your brain would still understand the image. so think like popcorn (the way they did the test). if your watching a movie and i flash a piece of popcorn on the movie at 144 FPS every 60 seconds you'll want popcorn but you won't noti
L50[02:10:07] <TheFox> so think something similar to "brain washing" more like suggestive thinking though
L51[02:10:16] <TheFox> subliminal messaging
L52[02:10:18] <asie> it's not as accurate as people think
L53[02:10:34] <asie> the tests were slightly botched, and the brain is not as magic
L54[02:10:35] <TheFox> ik, but still if I'm not mistaken its illegal
L55[02:10:47] <asie> yes because who would want random images to be flashed on them
L56[02:11:43] <TheFox> mmm. lets hope Inari isn't here. well, i was gonna have some fun. glad i researched that before i tried it though
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L59[02:13:30] <TheFox> woops
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L62[02:31:13] <BlueZero> Hmm, ok server question if someone doesn't mind answering it, the difference between internal and external on a rack is just that the packet going down the line hitting the server rack won't get forwarded anywhere else but the server?
L63[02:31:22] <BlueZero> If I'm understanding this video correctly.
L64[02:31:43] <BlueZero> This is granted that it's a wired connection, mind you, not wireless.
L65[02:35:31] <TheFox> I'm assuming your asking in game, and if that is so, i have never really noticed a difference, then again, I'm far out of date
L66[02:35:53] <TheFox> so maybe my button is broken and it was fix in a later version BlueZero
L67[02:37:47] <BlueZero> TheFox, ah ok, 'cause looking at it he's got a computer being point A, sending a packet to point B being the server rack connected to it's left side, then point C on the right side of the server being another computer. I think that's how it's working but the way described is seeing as the server rack also acts as a switch if it's set to external it'll send information to point C rather than it stopping at point B if it were internal mod
L68[02:37:47] <BlueZero> e.
L69[02:37:55] <BlueZero> Just trying to follow up and make sure my understanding is correct.
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L71[02:39:00] <TheFox> you know, i think you got it there
L72[02:39:08] <TheFox> sounds like that would be a good way to run things
L73[02:39:50] <BlueZero> Nice, ok cool. Thanks for the help. xD I think I may have an idea on how I'm going to run my operation.
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L75[02:41:15] <TheFox> alright Blue, glad i could "help" i think you taught me something, if you dont mind me asking what is your "operation"?
L76[02:42:21] <BlueZero> Ah, I'm making an underground facility that's similar in design to one of the Umbrella underground facilities. My project is to make multiple compounds and have containment cells for creatures and such. I donno what else I'll do with it, maybe automated creation of things, but so far I'm just winging it.
L77[02:42:58] <BlueZero> Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'll wire and monitor each creature. I've got a design layout for how I'll make the containment cells, but actually monitoring them, I think I'll work with simply a motion sensor to start with and see what I can do with it.
L78[02:42:59] <TheFox> if its on a server where other people use OC you could screw around with them
L79[02:43:24] <TheFox> Motion sensor isn't a bad idea
L80[02:43:36] <BlueZero> Naw, this is in single player mode at the moment. I didn't know people were using OC on servers. At least any time I'd look for CC on a server, they'd have it disabled so I donno.
L81[02:44:09] <asie> Yeah. OC on servers is very reliable :)
L82[02:44:33] <TheFox> asie can your mods camera pick up entities?
L83[02:44:36] <asie> no
L84[02:44:40] <TheFox> awwww
L85[02:44:43] <TheFox> that would be fun
L86[02:44:46] <asie> unless Vexatos did a thing
L87[02:44:54] <TheFox> but I'm assuming thats a lot of work
L88[02:45:04] <Temia> Well, the motion sensor is still an option.
L89[02:45:32] <BlueZero> Common complaint with CC was that people'd be dickheads and make shit that'd DoS the server itself, so I donno about OC and how it handles things yet. Still getting aquainted with it.
L90[02:45:33] <TheFox> yup, should not be a problem with that
L91[02:45:37] <BlueZero> So far I love the absolute crap out of it though.
L92[02:45:51] <Temia> And yeah, BlueZero, OC's actually designed for safe sandboxing and resource allocation in multiplayer.
L93[02:46:06] <TheFox> OC is a lot better then CC, but the community seems to be diffrent
L94[02:46:09] <TheFox> as normal
L95[02:46:19] <asie> ?
L96[02:46:22] <asie> the communities are different
L97[02:46:25] <BlueZero> Ah nice then. That sounds good then. I may try and look for a server running it then in time.
L98[02:46:28] <asie> for starters, the CC community gets things done
L99[02:46:40] <BlueZero> Right now I just wonna see what I can do with it, then see if I can play well with others.
L100[02:46:41] <TheFox> i would stick with OC though, they know what there doing
L101[02:46:49] <asie> We do, yes.
L102[02:47:00] <TheFox> CC plagiarizes everything
L103[02:47:06] <asie> CC plagarizes what
L104[02:47:08] <asie> ?
L105[02:47:11] <TheFox> everything
L106[02:47:16] <asie> Too abstract.
L107[02:47:19] <Temia> Okay, you two.
L108[02:47:28] <Sangar> the hell of conversation did i wake up to here o.o
L109[02:47:33] <TheFox> hahaha
L110[02:47:36] <Temia> Let's not start the CC/OC war again.
L111[02:47:43] <asie> Temia: Debates are not wars, shush.
L112[02:47:51] <Sangar> WARS WITH WORDS
L113[02:47:51] <asie> Learning perspectives is a good thing.
L114[02:47:54] <asie> WORD WARS
L115[02:47:57] <Sangar> !!!
L116[02:48:01] <asie> !!!!!!
L117[02:48:07] <Sangar> someone make that movie please
L118[02:48:10] <asie> I'm going to use the letter "a" to fight
L119[02:48:16] <TheFox> ill pass sangar
L120[02:48:16] <Forecaster> everything plagiarizes everything
L121[02:48:20] <asie> Forecaster: yeah
L122[02:48:30] <Sangar> everything's a remix, eh? ;)
L123[02:48:39] <TheFox> well, Forecaster good point, but at least some people try to hide it
L124[02:50:16] <Sangar> has there been anything new in cc recently? kinda haven't followed it in... forever :X
L125[02:50:22] <TheFox> Temia: Not trying to start another war, just trying to express my severe lack of trust in that community, there good for response time, but the response isn't always good
L126[02:50:27] <TheFox> No Sangar nothing new in CC
L127[02:50:42] <TheFox> it lacks a lot that OC has,
L128[02:51:06] <Forecaster> CC isn't trying to be what OC is
L129[02:51:10] <Sangar> one could also say it's more focused :P
L130[02:51:13] <Sangar> yeah
L131[02:51:14] <asie> Forecaster: That's a bit of a post-facto-crafted lie
L132[02:51:16] <asie> CC was an everything mod
L133[02:51:19] <Sangar> well
L134[02:51:24] <asie> it's just that when OC came along we developed this "CC is for education" schtick
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L136[02:51:45] <asie> because that's what it became
L137[02:51:48] <Sangar> did *we*? wasn't that going on already at the time? i really can't remember :X
L138[02:51:58] <asie> It was, but CC was not deliberately designed for education
L139[02:52:04] <TheFox> im not trying to say they should all be the same. in my opinion OC wouldn't catch to well if things like CC didn't exist, and CC would die with out OC
L140[02:52:04] <Sangar> fair enough
L141[02:52:05] <asie> I mean, I've used CC from 1.2.5 all the way to 1.5.2
L142[02:52:31] <asie> CC was just a computer mod for Minecraft, and not even the first one
L143[02:52:39] <TheFox> yeah^^
L144[02:52:48] <asie> the second one, if anything
L145[02:52:54] <Temia> Ah, good ol' Redpower.
L146[02:52:58] <asie> Temia: RedPower was third.
L147[02:52:59] <TheFox> i remember the old red power one
L148[02:53:01] * Sangar sighs
L149[02:53:03] <Sangar> good ol times
L150[02:53:04] <Temia> Oh, right.
L151[02:53:10] <TheFox> it was different thats for sure
L152[02:53:20] <asie> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1273115-1-5_01-programmable-cpu-version-2-2-gui-bugfix
L153[02:53:24] <Sangar> do redstone alus count? :P
L154[02:53:35] <TheFox> i think so
L155[02:53:38] <Temia> I kind of hopped on around 1.2.5 so I missed out on the first. :p
L156[02:53:39] <asie> but that was more like command blocks
L157[02:53:45] <TheFox> see Telia no war just memories :P
L158[02:54:02] <asie> I miss RP2-style computers.
L159[02:54:07] <asie> I preferred them to the Lua-style
L160[02:54:17] <asie> though OC is what allowed BTM to exist
L161[02:54:24] <asie> OC is the Amiga of Minecraft computer mods
L162[02:54:44] <asie> amazingly powerful and capable, but niche and with a fairly dedicated, small fanbase
L163[02:55:00] <Temia> Don't call me Telia. Do I look like I eat fried bread?
L164[02:55:04] <asie> Telia!
L165[02:55:05] <TheFox> if RP's computers came back, i would have to remember it all. and thats a bit to ask of me :D
L166[02:55:09] <Temia> Don't!
L167[02:55:10] * Sangar copies that as a box quote
L168[02:55:14] <Temia> I am not the agepan girl!
L169[02:55:18] <Forecaster> I never got RP2 computers
L170[02:55:27] <Forecaster> also Telia is a cell operator here
L171[02:55:28] <asie> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1445308-early-wip-1-6-x-modular-computing-cpus-tape
L172[02:55:30] <asie> this was a thing once
L173[02:55:37] <TheFox> Sorry Temia , my tablets auto-correcting
L174[02:55:42] <asie> but I axed it when OC became a thing to me
L175[02:55:47] <Temia> :c
L176[02:56:20] <asie> HOWEVER
L177[02:56:32] <TheFox> it would appear that it needs to have Temia added to the word list
L178[02:56:41] <asie> Modular Computing had computer cases with replaceable parts BEFORE OpenComputers
L179[02:56:53] <Temia> Aw, too bad about the paper tape music boxes. That would've been fun.
L180[02:57:04] <Sangar> i... had not known about that. if i had i might have just contributed to that :X
L181[02:57:12] <asie> Sangar: Good you haven't.
L182[02:57:14] <asie> That mod was horrible.
L183[02:57:16] <Sangar> :P
L184[02:57:35] <Sangar> in what ways?
L185[02:57:36] <TheFox> im glad you made your own mod instead
L186[02:57:46] <Sangar> let me learn from your mistakes
L187[02:57:50] <asie> Sangar: The CPU architecture took the worst of the 68000 and the 8086
L188[02:57:58] <asie> and mashed it into one amalgation
L189[02:58:01] <asie> however, I miss the displays
L190[02:58:05] <asie> they were designed from day one for graphics
L191[02:58:20] <asie> also
L192[02:58:22] <asie> >Terminals with Unicode support and a 256-color palette, letting you be far more expressive than with ASCII alone
L193[02:58:33] <asie> and of course
L194[02:58:35] <asie> >Hardware Echo puts an end to typing lag by typing the characters on the client side as soon as you type them!
L195[02:58:43] <asie> that was the most unique feature
L196[02:59:03] <asie> also, in planned
L197[02:59:05] <asie> >Direct audio playback via cassette tapes
L198[02:59:07] <asie> that eventually came along in Computronics
L199[02:59:14] <Sangar> that sounds... way too user friendly :P
L200[02:59:20] <Sangar> heh
L201[02:59:22] <asie> Sangar: it was ASM
L202[02:59:27] <asie> and my plan was to implement FORTH or something
L203[02:59:31] <asie> it was not user friendly
L204[02:59:36] <Sangar> i mean the no-lag typing
L205[02:59:40] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/moducomp/tree/master/pl/asie/moducomp the horrible code
L206[03:00:57] <asie> moducomp v2 used separate blocks for components, ish
L207[03:01:02] <asie> moducomp v1 didn't
L208[03:01:11] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/modularcomputing-old this is worse
L209[03:01:23] <asie> Sangar: https://github.com/asiekierka/modularcomputing-old/blob/master/resources/gui/chassis.png
L210[03:01:27] <asie> does this look familiar? :^)
L211[03:01:45] <Sangar> ohh. wait. i think you actually linked me that image once before
L212[03:01:48] <asie> yeah
L213[03:01:54] <asie> April 2013
L214[03:03:07] <Sangar> ahh, yes. everything in one directory. the hallmark of good programming ;)
L215[03:03:08] <TheFox> must be important, maybe i will click
L216[03:03:19] <asie> Sangar: it was my first major-scale mod
L217[03:03:24] <asie> the one before that was, uh, PonySocks
L218[03:03:34] <asie> and before i made a single-item mod as an iConomy addon
L219[03:03:43] <asie> after that came EnderNet
L220[03:03:45] <asie> and the rest is history
L221[03:03:48] <Sangar> you've come a long way!
L222[03:03:53] <Sangar> also ItemGPU.java~
L223[03:03:55] <Sangar> :P
L224[03:04:00] <asie> ~~~~
L225[03:04:02] <asie> ~~~~~~~~
L226[03:04:07] <asie> if you want to cry more
L227[03:04:09] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/64pixels
L228[03:04:11] <asie> my first java project
L229[03:04:30] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/64pixels/tree/7624d3b81b47915aed46f35081b05e2d533f127e
L230[03:04:34] <Sangar> i don't think i have my first java project anymore >_>
L231[03:04:36] <asie> my first java project BEFORE i gave it a small cleanup
L232[03:04:42] * Sangar quickly hides things
L233[03:04:43] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/64pixels/blob/7624d3b81b47915aed46f35081b05e2d533f127e/common/CraftrPhysics.java cry
L234[03:04:45] <asie> go cry
L235[03:04:51] <asie> it's less object-oriented than C
L236[03:05:03] <asie> and the wire code is magic
L237[03:05:11] <asie> i have tried rewriting it multiple times and i always broke something
L238[03:05:13] <asie> just like redstone...
L239[03:05:19] <Sangar> looks like my first flash games :P so no judging here
L240[03:05:25] <asie> however
L241[03:05:28] <asie> it was my most ambitious project to date
L242[03:05:31] <asie> :(
L243[03:05:42] <asie> back then, i simply didn't know that hard projects are hard
L244[03:05:45] <asie> so i just kept going
L245[03:05:51] <asie> nowadays i don't keep going as fast
L246[03:05:59] <Sangar> ironically, keeping going is kinda how you finish them :P
L247[03:07:22] <asie> yeah
L248[03:07:26] <asie> the problem is they feel scary now
L249[03:07:28] <asie> they didn't use to
L250[03:07:43] <Sangar> just cuddle them harder
L251[03:08:21] <Sangar> what's actually scary are never-ending projects >_> *cough*oc*cough*
L252[03:08:27] <asie> OC2 when
L253[03:08:38] <TheFox> lol
L254[03:08:39] <asie> BuildCraft is undergoing a full rewrite by AlexIIL right now
L255[03:08:42] <asie> if BC can do it so can you <o>
L256[03:08:51] <Sangar> when i figured out a way to make low-level and high-level work well together
L257[03:09:01] <asie> what I would do
L258[03:09:08] <asie> is make it low-level all the time, then add high-level wrappers
L259[03:09:20] <asie> provided on floppy disks
L260[03:09:23] <asie> or in the OS
L261[03:09:26] <Sangar> that's what i'm thinking yes, i just need to properly formulate it
L262[03:09:32] <TheFox> you have a community that might know what there doing go to them. but please dont come to me :D
L263[03:09:40] <Sangar> also needs very intuitive guis
L264[03:09:42] <asie> TheFox: learn harder
L265[03:09:45] <asie> Sangar: why not
L266[03:09:47] <asie> a GUI-less computer mod?
L267[03:09:51] <asie> I had some ideas for that
L268[03:09:51] <Sangar> for address block assignments
L269[03:09:57] <Sangar> i.e. memory goes here, vram goes here
L270[03:09:59] <asie> my vision for a computer mod was one where computers actually take up a lot of space
L271[03:10:01] <asie> think 60s computing
L272[03:10:10] <Sangar> yes
L273[03:10:19] <TheFox> wow
L274[03:10:19] <asie> then make them GUI-less where you literally insert boards into the computer
L275[03:10:26] <asie> http://d.lib.ncsu.edu/adore-djatoka/resolver?rft_id=0016860&svc.level=5&svc_id=info%3Alanl-repo%2Fsvc%2FgetRegion&svc_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajpeg2000&url_ver=Z39.88-2004
L276[03:10:34] <asie> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/IBM_7090_computer.jpg
L277[03:10:43] <Sangar> that's actually something i've been thinking about. encouraging few "mainframe" computers, make it easier to have endpoints all over the place
L278[03:10:47] <TheFox> you know, that would be a really fun mod in my opinion
L279[03:10:49] <asie> yeah
L280[03:10:53] <asie> TheFox: this was the plan for CharsetComputing
L281[03:11:07] <asie> i have some designs in my head... i can give you a rough outline if you want to hop on TeamSpeak or Mumble today Sangar
L282[03:11:32] <TheFox> CharsetComputeing? another mod?
L283[03:11:37] <asie> TheFox: yeah
L284[03:11:41] <asie> back when i was still into modding Mineykraft
L285[03:11:43] <Sangar> sure, i'll just have breakfast, then i have an hour or two :3
L286[03:11:46] <asie> Sangar: sure
L287[03:11:49] <asie> i should have breakfast too you know
L288[03:11:51] <asie> brb
L289[03:12:53] <TheFox> wow. i should have realized the time. note to self, if hangar signs on its to early for me to be on IRC. its 5AM guess sleep is for the weak
L290[03:13:00] <asie> >hangar
L291[03:13:02] <asie> >hangar
L292[03:13:04] <asie> >hangar
L293[03:13:06] <asie> >hangar
L294[03:13:08] <TheFox> son of a
L295[03:13:11] <asie> i'm literally laughing out loud
L296[03:13:14] <TheFox> DYAC
L297[03:13:39] <TheFox> i hate my computer, my OS, and myself
L298[03:14:26] ⇨ Joins: fluvialFlute (Mibbit@ip70-171-44-164.ga.at.cox.net)
L299[03:14:42] <TheFox> there are times when i wish oclogs didn't exist so i could cover things up, but its gets worse when people use Michibot to modify your text then make it your quote :(
L300[03:15:32] <TheFox> there wouldn't happen to be a remove quote function on Michibot would there?
L301[03:15:39] <TheFox> or does it just override?
L302[03:15:43] ⇦ Parts: fluvialFlute (Mibbit@ip70-171-44-164.ga.at.cox.net) ())
L303[03:15:53] <TheFox> %commands
L304[03:16:31] <TheFox> %wobbo?
L305[03:16:39] <TheFox> %wobbo
L306[03:16:40] <MichiBot> TheFox: WoooooOoooOobbbbbBBBBbBbBOoooooOOOoOoOo
L307[03:16:46] <TheFox> oh, thats what that does
L308[03:17:34] <TheFox> %drama
L309[03:17:35] <MichiBot> TheFox: Calclavia removes compatibility between Extra Trees and Modular Power Suits by request of Lunatrius
L310[03:20:33] <TheFox> asie, so what was the point of your Charset computing mod, was it something like AE2 or something different with more of a computing base to it?
L311[03:20:57] <asie> TheFox: More like RP2 computers
L312[03:21:05] <asie> except massive
L313[03:21:11] <TheFox> ooooooooooooo
L314[03:21:48] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L315[03:22:27] <TheFox> sounds nice, unfortunately i wasn't any good with programing when i learned about RP and never took the time to learn it so i could be good at it so i dont know much about it. but i bet loading tekkit wouldn't hurt
L316[03:22:36] <asie> eh, it's FORTH
L317[03:22:49] <TheFox> ??
L318[03:23:18] <TheFox> what do you mean?
L319[03:23:25] <TheFox> %P
L320[03:23:28] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheFox 2.51s
L321[03:25:07] <TheFox> what do you mean by it's FORTH aside?
L322[03:25:10] <TheFox> son of a
L323[03:25:15] <TheFox> WHY WHY WHY WHY
L324[03:25:28] <TheFox> s/aside/asie
L325[03:25:28] <MichiBot> <TheFox> what do you mean by it's FORTH asie?
L326[03:25:48] <asie> Aside from that
L327[03:25:53] <asie> FORTH is a language
L328[03:25:55] <asie> a peculiar language
L329[03:26:35] <TheFox> ahhh,
L330[03:26:48] <TheFox> i didn't know what at a the time i was trying and failing to learn RP
L331[03:26:56] <TheFox> that would have been REALLY helpful to know
L332[03:27:50] <TheFox> i was looking for the language it was in and never found it.
L333[03:27:59] <TheFox> so i gave up
L334[03:28:28] <Sangar> asie, allright, where do you want me? :P
L335[03:28:41] <asie> Sangar: I haven't finished!
L336[03:28:45] <asie> Give me, like, 10-15 minutes to eat =)
L337[03:28:53] <asie> Well, 5-10.
L338[03:28:56] <asie> But the usual goldspeak.pl TeamSpeak
L339[03:28:57] <Sangar> sure :)
L340[03:28:59] <Sangar> okeh
L341[03:29:14] <asie> all of you can probably go there if you want to
L342[03:29:18] <asie> but i will mute you if you annoy us
L343[03:29:23] <asie> asking interesting questions is fine tho
L344[03:30:00] <TheFox> meh, like i said its 5 AM where i am and i dont have head phones so ill stay. makes me sad though, i want to hear a intelligent conversation. its been ages
L345[03:30:27] <Izaya> TheFox: FORTH is a wonderful language
L346[03:30:45] <Izaya> it is possibly the strangest language around that is still usable
L347[03:30:49] <TheFox> Forth looks kinda confusing but I'm not awake yet so maybe thatll change
L348[03:31:06] <Izaya> but it's incredibly SIMPLE after you wrap your head around 'everything is on the stack'
L349[03:31:20] <TheFox> thats whats confusing me a little
L350[03:36:34] <TheFox> what advantages does 4th have?
L351[03:36:58] <asie> Izaya: FORTH is I think in the same league as Lisp
L352[03:36:59] <TheFox> if any?
L353[03:37:01] <asie> it's languages with an ideal in mind
L354[03:37:31] <asie> Lisp is based around lists, FORTH is based around a stack
L355[03:37:43] <TheFox> so someone wanted something and went through the trouble of making a language so that they could have ut
L356[03:38:04] <Izaya> asie: they're interestingly similar
L357[03:38:24] <Izaya> TheFox: it's simultaneously high-level and low-level
L358[03:38:44] <TheFox> welp. that didn't help me trying to understand it thats for sure
L359[03:38:53] <TheFox> i have never heard of that.
L360[03:39:02] <Izaya> which means you get small, fast code while it is human readable and understandable
L361[03:39:40] <asie> colorFORTH is especially interesting
L362[03:39:48] <asie> it's the only language I'm aware of which uses color-coding as part of syntax
L363[03:40:03] <TheFox> what really defines human readable? are we talking pre or post compilation?
L364[03:40:27] <TheFox> then either or a human could learn to read it
L365[03:42:17] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6457.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L366[03:42:22] <TheFox> o/
L367[03:42:30] <asie> Sangar: That was clearly 10 minutes. Yes.
L368[03:42:36] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L369[03:42:41] <asie> I'm there now
L370[03:42:54] <TheFox> better late then never?
L371[03:42:55] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L372[03:43:02] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA63A1F3688C146953E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L373[03:43:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L374[03:43:03] <Izaya> TheFox: I'm pretty sure there's FORTH environments that support converting code back into the original source
L375[03:43:04] <TheFox> jk your pretty close to your mark
L376[03:43:29] <Izaya> if it's threaded usually words are built out of JMPs to other words
L377[03:44:36] <TheFox> i have no clue what your talking about, i just hear of FORTH less then 20 minutes ago and i have not put a lot of time reading about it, ik nothing about that language/
L378[03:44:51] <TheFox> heard**
L379[03:45:14] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-74-141-52-241.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Going on a long tril and forgetting IRC for now)
L380[03:47:18] * TheFox Slaps EnderBot2
L381[03:47:34] <TheFox> hm
L382[03:47:44] <TheFox> there was no reply
L383[03:48:51] * Forecaster slaps TheFox for slapping EnderBot2
L384[03:48:51] * EnderBot2 laughs
L385[03:49:02] <TheFox> really
L386[03:49:12] * Izaya instructs EnderBot2 to slap TheFox
L387[03:49:12] * EnderBot2 complies!
L388[03:49:12] * EnderBot2 slaps TheFox
L389[03:49:13] <TheFox> oh capital S
L390[03:49:26] * TheFox slaps EnderBot2
L391[03:49:26] * EnderBot2 throws a brick at TheFox
L392[03:49:32] <TheFox> there we go
L393[03:49:40] * TheFox slaps everyone and EnderBot2
L394[03:49:40] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L395[03:49:47] <TheFox> better
L396[03:50:10] <TheFox> how can i get a list of things Enderbot can do?
L397[03:52:37] <TheFox> welp, i gtg talk to y'all later
L398[03:52:39] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) ()
L399[03:53:43] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L400[03:57:48] ⇦ Parts: ArchReplicator (~HammerDav@c-69-244-59-193.hsd1.az.comcast.net) ())
L401[04:41:49] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
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L403[04:55:24] * Saphire shakes vifino
L404[04:55:27] <Saphire> wai..
L405[04:55:37] <Saphire> wrong V
L406[04:55:40] * Saphire shakes Vexatos
L407[04:58:49] <Vexatos> ?
L408[04:59:17] <Vexatos> %tell Izaya would require rewriting half of the mod
L409[04:59:18] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Izaya will be notified of this message when next seen.
L410[04:59:35] <Vexatos> %tell Izaya yes, it has been suggested too many times.
L411[04:59:35] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Izaya will be notified of this message when next seen.
L412[05:00:18] <Izaya> uh
L413[05:00:23] <Izaya> yeah
L414[05:00:26] <Izaya> we noticed after a bit
L415[05:00:37] <Izaya> sorry
L416[05:00:39] <Saphire> What mod?
L417[05:00:53] <Saphire> Vexatos: uh, which DFPWM version does the BTM uses right now?
L418[05:01:05] <asie> probably 1
L419[05:01:07] <asie> not 1a
L420[05:01:08] <Saphire> Because magik6k's converted music sounds... off
L421[05:01:22] <Saphire> or maybe undertale music just sucks with tapes
L422[05:01:32] <Saphire> probably the latter
L423[05:01:40] <asie> it doesn't
L424[05:01:42] <asie> just ask Vexatos
L425[05:01:50] <asie> we had a war between Touhou remixes and Undertale remixes last time
L426[05:01:52] <Saphire> then there is something weird...
L427[05:02:35] <Izaya> how tf do I modify document properties in LibreOffice Writer?
L428[05:02:40] <Saphire> they just.. they sound like someone got a horrible equalizer and put most of the sound into the bass
L429[05:02:45] <Saphire> no middle at all
L430[05:03:01] <Saphire> and bass is too loud compared to the rest of frequencies
L431[05:03:14] <asie> yeah sounds like it
L432[05:03:24] <Saphire> uh?
L433[05:03:26] <asie> like magik is using 1a and the server is using 1
L434[05:03:32] <Saphire> ooooh
L435[05:03:40] <Saphire> ...i'm killing him
L436[05:03:43] <Vexatos> asie, using 1a @ 32768Hz
L437[05:03:53] <asie> Vexatos: O_O
L438[05:03:55] <Vexatos> but the 1a@48k one is scheduled
L439[05:03:55] <Saphire> ...or maybe not
L440[05:04:00] <Vexatos> has been since yesterday
L441[05:04:05] <Saphire> Vexatos: gimme converter
L442[05:04:22] <Vexatos> http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/LionRay1a.jar
L443[05:04:38] * Saphire shakes m_A_y_A_t
L444[05:04:41] <Saphire> damn
L445[05:04:46] * Saphire shakes Magik6k
L446[05:04:56] <Izaya> Format -> Page
L447[05:04:58] <Izaya> >.>
L448[05:05:18] <Vexatos> Saphire, make sure to select 32768 for the bitrate
L449[05:05:18] <Izaya> eurgh
L450[05:05:19] <Vexatos> for now
L451[05:05:23] <Izaya> why is LibreOffice using inches
L452[05:05:23] <Vexatos> until the server updates
L453[05:05:27] <Izaya> fucking cavemen
L454[05:05:47] <Vexatos> asie, because noone but me complained, tapes just received a 47% increase in storage capacity :X
L455[05:05:51] <Vexatos> For lack of a better solution
L456[05:06:47] <Saphire> Vexatos: can't i just use 1.5 speed?
L457[05:07:30] <Vexatos> sure
L458[05:07:38] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L461[05:15:22] ⇨ Joins: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@86-46-99-93-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net)
L462[05:16:38] <BlueZero> Ooooooh crap I just noticed the Data cards. xD Niiiice.
L463[05:17:11] <Saphire> hah
L464[05:17:27] <Saphire> BlueZero: wanna get shocked? We have MIPS for OC
L465[05:18:01] <BlueZero> MIPS for OC?
L466[05:19:25] <BlueZero> Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages. Hmm.
L467[05:19:53] <Saphire> It's real-life processor architecture
L468[05:19:58] <Saphire> used in routers and etc...
L469[05:20:11] <BlueZero> Oh really? o: That's all programmed into it? That's freakin' nuts.
L470[05:20:21] <Saphire> uh
L471[05:20:25] <Saphire> it's an addon for OC
L472[05:20:33] <BlueZero> Ah ok.
L473[05:20:48] <Saphire> You see, OC can have literally any architecture. It's not limited to Lua
L474[05:21:01] <Saphire> (Oh, and OC has both 5.2 and 5.3 Lua)
L475[05:21:11] <BlueZero> Hmm, so if you really wanted to, you could essentially have C++ within it, then?
L476[05:21:38] <Saphire> well
L477[05:21:45] <Saphire> C++ is compiled language
L478[05:22:09] <Saphire> And if you get a C++ compiler for MIPS... sure
L479[05:22:16] <BlueZero> Actually that gave me a stupid idea.
L480[05:22:32] <BlueZero> Assembly within OC, as well as the use of Bytecode.
L481[05:23:08] <Saphire> Hmmm?
L482[05:23:22] <Saphire> MIPS is "assembly"
L483[05:23:41] <BlueZero> Oh, I didn't know that.
L484[05:23:52] <BlueZero> Lol sorry I'm not as well versed in computer science as I want to be right now. xP
L485[05:24:59] <BlueZero> That's freakin' cool though. You could essentially put together a code foundation to the use of compilation and executables.
L486[05:25:53] <Saphire> well, there is already a compiled Lua interpreter for MIPS
L487[05:25:57] <Saphire> ooh, sec
L488[05:26:30] <Saphire> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/4cu1sc/got_linux_working_on_opencomputers/
L489[05:27:37] <BlueZero> Whaaaaaaaaaat.
L490[05:27:56] <Saphire> I think i broke him
L491[05:28:28] ⇨ Joins: FunMaker (~FunMaker@85-222-6-194.dynamic.chello.pl)
L492[05:28:38] <BlueZero> Wait, ok, so here's a dumb question but isn't Open Computers in it's base Java? I thougth Java was a bit of a hog.
L493[05:28:49] <Saphire> Weeeeeell
L494[05:28:59] <Saphire> OC Lua architecture uses native binaries
L495[05:29:23] <asie> Java is only a memory hog
L496[05:29:27] <asie> CPU-wise it's really really alright
L497[05:29:30] <Izaya> Java can be good
L498[05:29:34] <Izaya> just not when Notch writes it
L499[05:30:00] <asie> Notch Java isn't bad
L500[05:30:04] <asie> it's performance-oriented
L501[05:30:11] <BlueZero> Ah ok, fair enough. I thought it had bottleneck issues.
L502[05:30:26] * Izaya thinks Dis is an interesting idea
L503[05:30:38] <BlueZero> That's so freakin' 'cool though. Oh my god. o:
L504[05:32:16] <BlueZero> Christ.
L505[05:32:20] <BlueZero> https://i.imgur.com/mINuF54.gif I'm seriously this right now.
L506[05:32:22] <BlueZero> >mfw
L507[05:32:33] <BlueZero> K, I love OC. xD
L508[05:33:26] <Izaya> where does the actual computer part come from
L509[05:33:34] <Saphire> damn
L510[05:33:44] <Saphire> that's was quite ”close” one
L511[05:33:57] <Saphire> meanwhile in Russia: thunderstorm!
L512[05:35:06] <Saphire> even closer one this time
L513[05:36:00] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L515[05:37:31] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L516[05:37:52] <BlueZero> What was close?
L517[05:38:16] <Vexatos> BlueZero, I heard you like OC? :>
L518[05:38:44] <BlueZero> Oh, another question. What is OC's base then considering this. Is it then written in lua but designed to emulate an actual computer when using MIPS then? Or what is it's core mechanism?
L519[05:38:45] <Saphire> back
L520[05:39:05] <Saphire> well
L521[05:39:20] <Saphire> the mod itself is Scala (read Java)
L522[05:39:40] <Saphire> it allows for adding ”architectures” that handle the code
L523[05:39:58] <Saphire> one architecture is lua, OC MIPS is another
L524[05:41:05] <BlueZero> Hmm.
L525[05:42:35] <BlueZero> Huh, won the scriptbowl contest in 2012.
L526[05:43:37] <BlueZero> Ah ok. I can kind of see how this comes about then.
L527[05:46:51] <BlueZero> Speaking of which, Saphire. https://blogs.oracle.com/henrik/entry/oracle_announces_plans_for_java This is an interesting relation to this then.
L528[05:53:19] <BlueZero> K, note to self. Debug card is scary.
L529[05:53:21] <BlueZero> Moving on.
L530[05:59:20] * Lizzy groans
L531[06:08:24] <BlueZero> Y u groanin'?
L532[06:12:36] <Lizzy> i just got up
L533[06:18:59] ⇨ Joins: ChJees (~ChJees@h53n9-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L534[06:30:51] <BlueZero> Lizzy, fair enough. Groan away.
L535[06:43:56] <panda_2134> could i ask a question?
L536[06:44:20] <panda_2134> Are there any OpenOS emulator that work?
L537[06:46:03] <BlueZero> That's actually a good question, I'd like to know this too. o:
L538[06:46:20] <panda_2134> I found a lua version but failed to install luasec,which is a dependency of that emulator
L539[06:48:12] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L540[06:53:00] <Lizzy> WOO, my city just broke the 50,000 citizens mark
L541[06:59:54] <BlueZero> Hmm.
L542[07:00:11] <BlueZero> No bootable medium found; file not found.
L543[07:00:15] <BlueZero> Wtf am I doing wrong? D:
L544[07:01:12] <Lizzy> now i just have to wait for my city to recover from the -17,000,000 money debt that happened cause i switched it from infinate to normal
L545[07:01:35] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/pxdlgq.pdf :| it'll do
L546[07:03:03] <BlueZero> Bah, I can't start my servers in my server rack. :'(
L547[07:04:25] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L548[07:08:23] <FunMaker> BlueZero, do you have any OS installed on HDD?
L549[07:08:55] <BlueZero> Oh... Derp. I forgot I had to do that 'cause there's no floppy like the computer cases.
L550[07:09:20] <FunMaker> you can attach disk drive to servers too
L551[07:10:06] <BlueZero> Ah ok, that's cool then, I'll just do that.
L552[07:10:33] <FunMaker> In which case whole computer crashes with "no such component" message and no info about any line of file that caused it?
L553[07:12:19] <BlueZero> What?
L554[07:12:46] <FunMaker> Because my microcontrollers randomly crash with message like this. It was happening only with one of them but now others do it as well. These are just routers and the only component they use is internal network modem so I can't really remove it while they are working.
L555[07:13:09] <FunMaker> they work fine usually, but after few hours they just crash
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L558[07:18:51] <Lizzy> have you raised a ticket for that, FunMaker?
L559[07:19:42] <FunMaker> no, because I can't really reproduce that or point down what is causing it. All my controllers run the same script and same set up, yet only one(now two) in whole network crashes
L560[07:20:26] <FunMaker> also this happens after few hours, so I can't test it out
L561[07:20:44] <FunMaker> maybe there is something in server logs, I'll check it
L562[07:22:23] <BlueZero> Hmm. Is there software to ghost a series of drives? Or do I need to make one?
L563[07:23:13] <Vexatos> well OC does have RAID blocks :P
L564[07:23:28] <FunMaker> oh it looks interesting. There is lot's of 'A component of type 'eeprom' disappeared' and 'A component of type 'modem' disappeared' logs
L565[07:25:08] <BlueZero> Vexatos, yeah but my server racks need a disk drive with an OS on'em. I can go through and manually run each drive with the install script on my computer but I thought I'd ask if there was a better way.
L566[07:26:04] <FunMaker> I guess, I'll raise a ticket, but I dunno if it's enough info to fix it
L567[07:30:39] <Inari> FunMaker: maybe they run out of energy somehow?
L568[07:30:53] <FunMaker> not possible
L569[07:31:10] <FunMaker> also it doesnt' explains the errors in console
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L574[07:42:23] * Lizzy is considering removing the Traffic++ V2 mod from her cities skylines so she can get TM:PE's Vehicle AI
L575[07:43:14] * vifino groans loudly, crawls over to Lizzy and lets himself fall on her
L576[07:43:37] * Lizzy grabs vifino up on to her lap and pets him
L577[07:44:13] * vifino purrrs
L578[07:44:15] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L579[07:44:53] <vifino> Also did someone mention Dis? I have real hardware running Plan 9 with hosted Inferno on it.
L580[07:54:20] <BILLPC2684> i wish opencomputers tablets don't shutdown when you die with keepinventory on
L581[07:54:35] <BILLPC2684> is there a way to change that?
L582[07:55:01] <Lizzy> not really, they use the ticks of the player inventory for running
L583[07:55:11] <BILLPC2684> hm...
L584[07:55:15] <BILLPC2684> makes sence
L585[07:55:19] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
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L587[07:59:03] <BILLPC2684> i would like if you could change the config so when you enter a dimentions or die or stay idle for too long it won't shutdown... but i dout that cu it uses the player's inventory ticks
L588[08:00:42] <BILLPC2684> i'll be right back i got to go into the nether to spawn a wither or 2...
L589[08:01:44] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L590[08:01:48] * Saphire pokes Magik6k
L591[08:02:06] <Magik6k> .
L592[08:02:56] <Saphire> http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/LionRay1a.jar
L593[08:02:59] <Saphire> here
L594[08:03:15] <Saphire> dunno for link, maybe something like aconv?
L595[08:04:13] <Magik6k> I set ri/rd in C codec and I'll lust put that under dfpwm.magik6k.net/conv1a[k rate]/YTID
L596[08:04:22] <Magik6k> or nconv
L597[08:04:25] <Magik6k> dunno
L598[08:06:14] <Magik6k> Done, set to /aconv
L599[08:06:16] <Magik6k> Saphire, ^
L600[08:07:48] <Saphire> set what? o..o
L601[08:08:06] <Saphire> I'm not sure about changes
L602[08:08:11] <Magik6k> dfpwm.magik6k.net/aconv[k rate]/YTID
L603[08:12:27] <Magik6k> Rate is still 32k
L604[08:12:38] <Magik6k> but quality is niceeeer
L605[08:13:03] <Magik6k> Saphire, I'm on BTM server
L606[08:13:09] <Vexatos> queued update has 48k as a rate
L607[08:13:12] <Saphire> yay
L608[08:13:33] <Vexatos> which means a 45% storage size increase to all tapes... I don't like that but I couldn't find a better solution
L609[08:13:39] <Saphire> btw, I'll push an update for HTML soon
L610[08:14:10] <Saphire> Vexatos: is it required to have 48k?
L611[08:15:06] <Vexatos> what?
L612[08:15:14] <Vexatos> the base bitrate changed
L613[08:15:15] <Vexatos> that's all
L614[08:15:16] <Vexatos> ._.
L615[08:25:20] <FunMaker> why are all modem messages getting doubled in my network. I hate it :C
L616[08:26:15] <Saphire> Magik6k: wai, how do you convert?
L617[08:26:48] <Saphire> also, what happens when two people try to convert something at the same time?
L618[08:27:03] <Skye> Vexatos, have different tooltips seperating lo-fi and hi-fi and data
L619[08:29:09] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L620[08:29:12] <FunMaker> oh wow, I forgot servers work as relays as well
L621[08:29:30] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L622[08:29:30] <FunMaker> act*
L623[08:30:37] <Magik6k> Saphire, using script+ffmpeg/sox+C converter, aand I need to revrite it to use pipes
L624[08:31:05] <Magik6k> but from what I've seen it's pretty safe when people convers at the same time
L625[08:31:10] <Saphire> FunMaker: *racks?
L626[08:31:17] <FunMaker> right
L627[08:45:00] <Inari> https://twitter.com/Vazkii/status/747980487067570176 heh
L628[08:45:02] <MichiBot> Tue Jun 28 21:30:19 CDT 2016 @Vazkii: .@sumisanjima https://t.co/EbKbCfMszF
L629[08:45:57] <Forecaster> hah
L630[08:46:36] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CmDglzMWIAAJDJT.jpg:large cute
L631[08:47:11] <Forecaster> adorable even
L632[08:48:03] <Inari> for wearing that kinda outfit, i'd prefer the skirt ot be a bit longer though and given tehre plenty space it doesnt even remove the absolute territory effect :f
L633[08:48:08] <Saphire> daawwwwww
L634[08:48:49] * Forecaster looks up "absolute territory effect"
L635[08:48:55] <Inari> zettai rouiki
L636[08:48:59] <Inari> *rouiki
L637[08:49:02] <Inari> ...
L638[08:49:04] <Inari> *ryouiki
L639[08:49:26] <Inari> Zettai Ryouiki, ("Absolute Territory"), is the tiny strip of visible thigh between longsocks/tights/thighhighs, and a skirt/dress/shorts.
L640[08:49:27] <Inari> basically
L641[08:49:33] <Forecaster> ah
L642[08:49:47] <Forecaster> I've only ever heard that term in a song
L643[08:49:55] <Inari> kn33s0xxx?
L644[08:50:00] <Forecaster> no
L645[08:50:49] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Alrc98fQlc#t=2m33s
L646[08:50:50] <MichiBot> Ni Sokkususu -「KN33S0XXX」精霊使いの剣舞 | length: 3m 55s | Likes: 582 Dislikes: 8 Views: 55699 | by TODO アニメ
L647[08:51:06] <Forecaster> "Absolute Territory" by Ken Ashcorp
L648[08:51:20] <Inari> :p
L649[08:51:46] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFZKgf5WG0g
L650[08:51:46] <MichiBot> Ken Ashcorp - Absolute Territory | length: 4m 29s | Likes: 38034 Dislikes: 684 Views: 3638630 | by Ken Ashcorp
L651[08:52:11] <Inari> hhaa nice
L652[08:52:13] <Inari> its even about that
L653[08:52:13] <Inari> :D
L654[08:52:26] <Forecaster> yeah I get that now :P
L655[08:53:03] <Inari> hm
L656[08:53:07] <Inari> i've listened ot that before i think
L657[08:53:10] <Inari> did you link that once
L658[08:53:47] <Forecaster> one second
L659[08:54:00] <Forecaster> nope
L660[08:54:08] <Forecaster> I don't have that video id in my logs
L661[08:54:09] <Inari> hm
L662[08:54:32] <Forecaster> or actually, I don't have older logs on my server anymore
L663[08:57:20] <Inari> https://twitter.com/Vazkii/status/747230296400068608
L664[08:57:20] <MichiBot> Sun Jun 26 19:49:20 CDT 2016 @Vazkii: .@Bjorniavelli naturally https://t.co/57tIzdEj5C
L665[08:58:00] <Forecaster> :P
L666[08:58:40] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p5DCE4E52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L667[09:06:13] <Oddstr13> Sangar: does robot inventory tick?
L668[09:14:12] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Trust me, you've got a friend in me. (I ate them))
L669[09:17:04] <Inari> Oddstr13: test :D
L670[09:21:23] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/latG0dd.jpg
L671[09:26:38] * gamax92 licks
L672[09:28:27] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/gqOS8U2.jpg what the hell
L673[09:28:46] <Forecaster> it looks like a giant mitten
L674[09:29:01] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/hlgMeQz.jpg k i want these socks
L675[09:29:37] <Forecaster> why?
L676[09:29:44] <Inari> dunno
L677[09:29:46] <Inari> i lke their stytle
L678[09:29:48] <Inari> that little logo
L679[09:29:50] <Inari> the look
L680[09:29:56] <Inari> "For the TOTALLY mentally stable cat-loving woman (not a butplug)" http://i.imgur.com/QjryAi0.gif haha
L681[09:30:31] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L682[09:30:41] <Forecaster> psh, a real catwoman would use a whip
L683[09:30:50] <gamax92> looks even less real than a buttplug
L684[09:31:01] <Inari> :p
L685[09:31:02] <Mimiru> That totally needs to come in buttplug form.
L686[09:31:13] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhTKB_EtJOk haha
L687[09:31:13] <MichiBot> Twitchy Kitty Cat Ears and Electronic Tail from ThinkGeek | length: 1m 23s | Likes: 213 Dislikes: 16 Views: 29438 | by ThinkGeek
L688[09:33:27] <Inari> http://www.firebox.com/Bubble-Lick-Edible-Bubbles/p7571?visa=chart ;3
L689[09:34:27] <BlueZero> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wjbTruO4Ko Speaking of buttplugs.
L690[09:34:29] <MichiBot> Prank Call - Butt Plug | length: 1m 43s | Likes: 797 Dislikes: 21 Views: 109006 | by BaguaChannel
L691[09:37:07] ⇦ Quits: BlueZero (~BlueZero@S010600fc8dc75bf3.ok.shawcable.net) (Quit: BSOD: Halp.)
L692[09:37:39] <gamax92> Inari: lewd bubble flavor
L693[09:38:34] <Inari> love juice bubbles?
L694[09:39:05] <gamax92> uhh well ...
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L698[09:54:45] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L702[10:41:47] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com)
L703[10:42:05] <BILLPC2684> XD forgot to reconnect :3
L704[10:55:08] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L706[11:01:35] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L707[11:02:37] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar so relevant source said something about OC2? :3
L708[11:02:39] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L709[11:06:43] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L710[11:08:47] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L712[11:13:24] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L713[11:14:28] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arg_aHzviQw
L714[11:14:28] <MichiBot> RED vs BLUE | length: 4m 8s | Likes: 10977 Dislikes: 190 Views: 100366 | by CorridorDigital
L715[11:14:34] <Forecaster> well, that escalated numerous times
L716[11:19:37] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar when a creative computer is shut down and you remove the CPU, it beeps and crashes with "too many components connected" even though it's turned off.
L717[11:19:39] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L718[11:20:39] <gamax92> Vexatos: the computer was never truly off ... OPENCOMPUTERS SPYING BACKDOOR SECURITY ISSUES DATA STEALING </overreaction>
L719[11:21:06] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar I hope your computers aren't spying on my while turned off...
L720[11:21:06] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L721[11:24:41] <Forecaster> Vexatos: of course it does, why else would anyone spend all this time making a mod?
L722[11:35:09] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L723[11:39:26] <Vexatos> Forecaster, gamax92, the name of the mod... is Obvious Conspiracy?
L724[11:39:32] <Vexatos> D:
L725[11:39:42] <gamax92> What no it's OpenComputers you silly.
L726[11:40:28] <Inari> Vexatos: i already reported that
L727[11:40:32] <Inari> Vexatos: and seemed to be fixed
L728[11:42:53] <Mimiru> s/silly/cil.li
L729[11:42:53] <MichiBot> <gamax92> What no it's OpenComputers you cil.li.
L730[11:43:06] <gamax92> O.O
L731[11:44:34] <Mimiru> :P
L732[11:44:45] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L733[11:58:04] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L734[11:58:56] <gamax92> wasps are trying to make a nest in my father's old car :/
L735[12:02:41] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar "These new recipes are way too cheap" ~ Cruor 2016. You really did something wrong if the CC fanboy himself says OC recipes are cheap :P
L736[12:02:42] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L737[12:04:03] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L738[12:04:14] *** Jezza is now known as Jezza|AFK
L739[12:04:16] <Lizzy> %tell Sangar pineapple
L740[12:04:18] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L741[12:04:51] <Mimiru> %raw DELETE FROM tells
L742[12:04:54] <Mimiru> :P
L743[12:05:01] <Mimiru> no more tells
L744[12:05:04] * Mimiru evil laugh
L745[12:05:12] <gamax92> %tell Mimiru :<
L746[12:05:14] <MichiBot> gamax92: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L747[12:05:16] <reinei> %raw drop table `tells`
L748[12:05:17] <Mimiru> No.. I'm kidding
L749[12:05:22] <Mimiru> I didn't do that
L750[12:05:50] <Forecaster> %raw drop Mimiru
L751[12:05:57] <gamax92> blurb
L752[12:06:10] <Vexatos> Mimiru, wait
L753[12:06:14] <Vexatos> did you remove ALL the tells?
L754[12:06:27] <Mimiru> Anyway, AFK for... the rest of the day helping someone move
L755[12:06:33] <Vexatos> Mimiru, pls
L756[12:06:39] <Mimiru> Vexatos, no... I can't do that without grabbing the DB and doing it by hand
L757[12:06:39] <Vexatos> do I need to %tell him everything again?
L758[12:06:45] <Vexatos> ._.
L759[12:06:45] <Mimiru> there is no way to do that from %raw
L760[12:06:50] <Mimiru> the use of %raw?
L761[12:06:50] <Vexatos> phew
L762[12:06:56] <Mimiru> %raw PRIVMSG #OC: Hi
L763[12:07:04] <Mimiru> Err oops
L764[12:07:08] <Mimiru> %raw PRIVMSG #OC :Hi
L765[12:07:08] <MichiBot> Hi
L766[12:12:45] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-25-65.bna.bellsouth.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L767[12:13:12] <gamax92> ~tell Vexatos Hey what's up?
L768[12:13:13] <ocdoc> Hey Vexatos, Hey what's up?
L769[12:14:20] <Vexatos> ~tell gamax92 Hi
L770[12:14:20] <ocdoc> Hey gamax92, Hi
L771[12:17:05] <Forecaster> #oc is a silly place
L772[12:17:10] <Forecaster> lets all go to camelot instead
L773[12:17:21] ⇦ Quits: Dididii (~DD@cpe-69-203-16-82.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: Dididii)
L774[12:17:25] <gamax92> Forecaster: do they have pancakes in camelot?
L775[12:17:44] <Forecaster> there's probably bees
L776[12:17:54] <gamax92> oh I don't need that
L777[12:18:13] <Forecaster> bees = honey
L778[12:18:17] <gamax92> and?
L779[12:18:26] <Forecaster> honey goes on pancakes
L780[12:18:32] <Forecaster> so there's probably pancakes
L781[12:18:37] * gamax92 is using fruit sauce
L782[12:19:36] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L783[12:21:52] <Skye> how does one use the hologram projectro
L784[12:22:16] <Forecaster> you tell it to project things, and it does
L785[12:27:16] ⇨ Joins: Mocuto (~Mocupo@cpe-71-67-100-84.cinci.res.rr.com)
L786[12:27:28] <gamax92> ~tell Hologram Projector project things!
L787[12:27:28] <ocdoc> Hey Hologram Projector, project things!
L788[12:29:56] <Skye> ~w hologram projector
L789[12:29:56] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/block:hologram_projector
L790[12:30:52] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L791[12:31:13] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L792[12:34:05] <gamax92> can someone link the component:hologram page from that block page?
L793[12:34:09] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L794[12:35:03] <Inari> ~oc component hologram
L795[12:35:03] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:hologram
L796[12:37:52] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L797[12:39:43] <Sangar> tells
L798[12:39:54] <Lizzy> %tell Sangar pineapple
L799[12:39:56] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L800[12:40:02] <gamax92> ~tell Sangar pineapple
L801[12:40:02] <ocdoc> Hey Sangar, pineapple
L802[12:40:03] * Sangar stabs Lizzy
L803[12:40:16] <Sangar> (with the pineapple)
L804[12:40:22] * Lizzy bleeds on Sangar
L805[12:40:30] <Inari> lewd
L806[12:40:31] * Saphire nibbles on Sangar's pineapple
L807[12:40:32] <Sangar> Vexatos, do you even test with latest builds :
L808[12:40:35] <Sangar> :P
L809[12:40:36] <Inari> Saphire: lewd
L810[12:40:38] <Lizzy> %tell Sangar ?
L811[12:40:39] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L812[12:40:47] <Sangar> .-.
L813[12:40:50] <Lizzy> Heh
L814[12:41:32] <Sangar> also possibly
L815[12:42:53] <Lizzy> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aysct2mfEslytSiNMrWbrncWFDnl9gU9T3rrbAesRK4/edit?usp=drive_web short story I wrote, if anyone wants to read
L816[12:43:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, Cruor just made an interesting discovers
L817[12:43:09] <Vexatos> discovery*
L818[12:43:31] <Sangar> cool
L819[12:44:01] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L820[12:44:14] <Vexatos> apparently the new OC recipes are too cheap for him, and the loot disk cycle recipe crashed him :P
L821[12:44:43] <Saphire> lol
L822[12:44:49] <Vexatos> also Sangar, pretty sure we're on the latest or second-to-latest build
L823[12:44:54] <Saphire> hmmm
L824[12:45:25] <Saphire> I guess OC it's in the phase of bugfixing currently?
L825[12:45:26] <Sangar> the error when removing cpu thing has been fixed
L826[12:45:49] <Sangar> as for cycling crash, log and issue plzkthx :P
L827[12:46:01] <gamax92> Sangar: is OC during a freeze period where no new features only fixes?
L828[12:46:20] <Sangar> gamax92, kinda, wanna clean up and finally throw out 1.6 .-.
L829[12:46:25] <Sangar> after... half a year of saying that
L830[12:46:41] <gamax92> tooBadEndless1.6
L831[12:46:53] <Vexatos> Sangar, http://pastebin.com/zVjnAjrK apparently
L832[12:47:20] <Sangar> also it will probably be "frozen" after that if i do decide to dedicate to making oc2 in some shape or form, unless someone else can be found to maintain / continue it
L833[12:47:28] <Cruor>
L834[12:47:31] <Cruor> :I
L835[12:48:06] <Sangar> wat
L836[12:48:19] <alekso56> snagar pls :o
L837[12:49:10] <Vexatos> Sangar, asie told me you had ideas about OC2? when were you going to tell me D:
L838[12:49:24] <Sangar> Vexatos, never
L839[12:49:35] <Vexatos> Sangar, http://git.io/vIp6O :3
L840[12:50:02] <Sangar> dat declining graph tho
L841[12:50:25] <Vexatos> october 2014 was not healthy
L842[12:50:36] <Vexatos> or 2013
L843[12:51:28] <Sangar> hmm?
L844[12:51:36] <Vexatos> the graph
L845[12:51:45] <Skye> Sangar, before you release,... fix the driver disks
L846[12:51:47] *** Jezza|AFK is now known as Jezza
L847[12:52:07] <Vexatos> and fix everything producing cave sounds
L848[12:52:41] <Sangar> tell me how
L849[12:52:51] <Vexatos> no clue
L850[12:53:04] <Vexatos> ask HenryLoenwind, IIRC they had the same issue for their sounds
L851[12:54:44] <alekso56> dammit, i tried to run dig.lua but it doesn't print a nice error on normal computers. sadface
L852[13:01:09] <Skye> Sangar, can you help me with modifying the holo-text program? I want to make the text face a different direction
L853[13:01:28] <Sangar> just hit the hologram projector with a wrench :P
L854[13:01:41] <Inari> not a scrench?
L855[13:01:44] <Sangar> or that
L856[13:01:45] <Inari> and so thats why i coudlnt ge the debug card to make anything but cave sounds :D
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L858[13:11:05] <gamax92> is there a better way to flush swap besides doing swapoff swapon
L859[13:11:27] <Skye> Sangar, It doesn;t work
L860[13:11:44] <Sangar> are you hitting it on the top?
L861[13:11:52] <Skye> yes
L862[13:12:03] <Sangar> and the hologram doesn't rotate?
L863[13:12:11] <Skye> correct
L864[13:12:15] <Sangar> goddammit
L865[13:12:23] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L866[13:12:35] <Sangar> you're holding it in your right hand? >_>
L867[13:12:57] <Vexatos> inb4 and he's lefthanded
L868[13:13:12] <Skye> I'm using the main hand
L869[13:14:03] <Sangar> welp, time to repro
L870[13:14:05] ⇨ Joins: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com)
L871[13:14:25] <gamax92> lewd
L872[13:16:26] <vifino> gamax92: The Ur-Quan Masters
L873[13:16:53] <gamax92> vifino: Twitch.TV
L874[13:17:10] <vifino> gamax92: Star Control 2
L875[13:17:16] <gamax92> :o
L876[13:17:20] <gamax92> vifino: Backgammon!
L877[13:17:34] <vifino> gamax92: Yes, please.
L878[13:17:39] <Forecaster> bingo!
L879[13:20:57] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L880[13:24:49] <gamax92> SDGQ :3
L881[13:25:42] <Vexatos> and all the interesting runs are at 2 a.m.
L882[13:25:43] <Vexatos> :X
L883[13:25:52] <gamax92> :P
L884[13:28:41] <vifino> gamax92: If I were to stream The Ur-Quan Masters, would you watch?
L885[13:28:48] <gamax92> I don't know what that is
L886[13:29:05] <vifino> A port of Star Control 2.
L887[13:29:19] <Sangar> Skye, fixed in next build!
L888[13:29:26] <Skye> k
L889[13:29:26] <gamax92> oh, I was just spouting random things
L890[13:29:30] <Skye> \o/
L891[13:29:32] * Skye hugs Sangar
L892[13:29:35] <gamax92> also don't know what Star Control 2 is
L893[13:29:40] * Sangar hugs
L894[13:29:57] <vifino> gamax92: a game about space
L895[13:30:01] <gamax92> what is a space?
L896[13:30:03] <vifino> from the 90's
L897[13:30:16] <Sangar> SPAAAAAACE
L898[13:30:17] <gamax92> ... what is a 90's
L899[13:30:35] <Sangar> only 90s kids will know this space
L900[13:30:56] <Skye> What if you're a 00 kid
L901[13:30:56] <Vexatos> Space space I wanna go to space?
L902[13:31:10] <Sangar> then you're depressingly young
L904[13:32:32] <gamax92> Sangar: I remember the 60s ... I used to ... huh ... zzzZZZ ...
L905[13:33:13] <Sangar> last day, i learned icq is actually still a thing .-.
L906[13:34:09] <Vexatos> it what
L907[13:34:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, I remember the days, I was in year 6 or so
L908[13:34:37] <Vexatos> where this new awesome thing called "skype" came along
L909[13:34:43] <Vexatos> better than icq
L910[13:34:45] <Sangar> uhuh
L911[13:35:01] <Vexatos> never used icq since
L912[13:35:06] <Sangar> who remembers kazaa? :X
L913[13:35:11] <Vexatos> oh god why
L914[13:35:15] * Vexatos unreads
L915[13:35:30] <Sangar> emule? :P
L916[13:35:54] <Sangar> oh wait, edonkey2k it was originally, wasn't it
L917[13:44:31] <scj643> Mimiru: What ddns client do you use?
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L921[14:01:58] ⇨ Joins: Caveman_ (~Caveman@2001:1c00:a08:f100:14dc:9926:92b3:8a12)
L922[14:07:14] <Skye> Lizzy, you here?
L923[14:07:22] * Lizzy might be
L924[14:07:38] <Skye> you know the story that you linked here? I found a grammar error. :P
L925[14:07:54] <Lizzy> there's probably quite a few
L926[14:08:40] <Skye> "katana's"
L927[14:10:07] <Lizzy> guessing that should be Katanas, without the apostraphee?
L928[14:10:12] <Skye> yes
L929[14:11:08] <Skye> your welcome
L930[14:11:14] <Skye> should be "you're welcome"
L931[14:11:15] <Skye> :P
L932[14:11:32] <Lizzy> huh, it lost the last bit that i added.....
L933[14:11:53] <Lizzy> Skye, whereabouts?
L934[14:12:34] <Lizzy> there we go, got phone to sync the rest on ther
L935[14:12:36] <Skye> near the end
L936[14:12:55] <Skye> “Nice to meet you Ria, your welcome
L937[14:13:13] <Lizzy> ah, got it
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L944[14:58:33] <gamax92> wawu
L945[15:00:15] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L946[15:04:36] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L947[15:10:43] <Mimiru> scj643, I use the one I wrote for pcldns :P
L948[15:12:16] <cloakable> \o/ with a little debugging, powermonitor.lua works as intended
L949[15:12:19] <Mimiru> It's windows only, I was working on one in Java but never finished it, and Oddstr13 wrote one in Python iirc
L950[15:16:40] ⇦ Quits: Caveman_ (~Caveman@2001:1c00:a08:f100:14dc:9926:92b3:8a12) (Quit: Leaving)
L951[15:19:51] <Sangar> i'm off, gnight o/
L952[15:19:58] <cloakable> sleep well
L953[15:20:01] <XDjackieXD> good night
L954[15:21:36] <Forecaster> sleep loosely
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L962[15:54:39] <patchy> connect irc.freenode.net
L963[15:54:43] <patchy> sooqa
L964[15:54:48] <Lizzy> lol
L965[15:54:48] <patchy> missclick
L966[15:54:56] <Lizzy> tis fine
L967[15:54:57] <patchy> mdaheh
L968[15:55:08] <gamax92> I should really improve WocChat to have standard features ...
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L972[15:58:08] <gamax92> also payonel kept yelling at me about something related to using the term api or somedat
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L974[16:08:12] <gamax92> has payonel been around recently?
L975[16:08:26] <Forecaster> %seen payonel
L976[16:08:28] <MichiBot> Forecaster: payonel was last seen 1d 5h 59m 21s ago.
L977[16:09:59] <Forecaster> gamax92: if recently means within a day then no :P
L978[16:22:49] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA63A1F3688C146953E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L980[16:44:31] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L981[16:44:32] * Lizzy snuggls vifino and falls asleep
L982[16:50:06] <gamax92> time to reboot computer, got a process that hung and cannot be killed, so it's just going to linger there and cause problems
L983[16:58:01] <payonel> gamax92: hi
L984[16:58:04] <payonel> what about term api?
L985[16:58:18] <CompanionCube> gamax92, have you tried SIGKILL/'End Process'
L986[16:59:06] <gamax92> CompanionCube: yes I tried that
L987[16:59:13] <gamax92> it doesn't help if it's hung in kernel land
L988[16:59:17] <CompanionCube> O.o
L989[16:59:17] <gamax92> where it's not processing signals
L990[16:59:23] <CompanionCube> wtf
L991[16:59:28] <g> zombie processes
L992[16:59:31] <g> not that unusual
L993[16:59:35] <payonel> improve wocchat to use term only and no gpu?
L994[16:59:40] <payonel> yeah, i could help you with that
L995[16:59:41] <gamax92> payonel: yeah that
L996[16:59:44] <gamax92> thank you <3
L997[16:59:50] <g> you get them on both windows and linu
L998[16:59:50] <CompanionCube> aren't zombie processes slightly different
L999[16:59:52] <g> linux*
L1000[17:00:01] <g> it's the same concept, I think
L1001[17:00:07] <g> process not accepting signals
L1002[17:00:20] <g> there's some sleep state they can be in where the kernel just won't send the signal
L1003[17:00:34] <CompanionCube> it could be that something hung in the middle of a syscall
L1004[17:00:41] <TheCryptek> %tell TheFox I am working on a pure OC and CC minecraft server.
L1005[17:00:42] <MichiBot> TheCryptek: TheFox will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1006[17:00:52] <gamax92> the only process I know that does it is dolphin emulator
L1007[17:00:56] <payonel> i'm finding some edge case issue with term and lots of screens and keyboards in the btm booth
L1008[17:01:04] <g> I've managed to make various processes do it on windows
L1009[17:01:05] <payonel> nothing to stop 1.6 but, something i'll be improving later
L1010[17:01:11] <g> with the help of my AV
L1011[17:01:12] <payonel> this could also help anything wocchat would need
L1012[17:01:16] <g> "help"
L1013[17:01:24] <gamax92> randomly it can just hang and then doesn't accept SIGKILL, Force close oddly does something but it's still there
L1014[17:01:27] <Temia> ~w sleep
L1015[17:01:27] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-select
L1016[17:01:30] <gamax92> if you run say, pidof or ps, they hang
L1017[17:01:34] <gamax92> top hangs
L1018[17:01:39] <payonel> gamax92: what process is this?
L1019[17:01:44] <gamax92> "dolphin emulator"
L1020[17:01:46] <g> Temia, os.sleep I think
L1021[17:01:51] <Temia> Ah, right.
L1022[17:02:04] <Temia> It's been a while.
L1023[17:02:07] <payonel> yes, os.sleep, takes number in seconds
L1024[17:02:12] <g> I'm amazed that I remember that
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L1034[17:48:16] <Temia> Well, that's the first step underway. I now have a single 16x16 8-bit sprite made according to the tight limitations of the rendering format.
L1035[17:48:30] <Temia> And I partitioned it in a way that I can change the hair and clothing colours independently.
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L1039[18:05:47] <Temia> Hmm. There. A little splash of extra colour.
L1040[18:07:08] <gamax92> heart shaped m&m's
L1041[18:09:01] <Temia> http://i.imgur.com/H7Wzxtc.png boop
L1042[18:09:16] <gamax92> owo
L1043[18:09:36] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-137-46.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
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L1045[18:12:41] <alekso56> ey, everytime i disassemble something based on pistons in oc (crafted with a normal piston ) it gives back a sticky piston xd
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L1049[18:21:45] <vifino> OH MY GOD TEMIA
L1050[18:21:53] <vifino> THAT IS TOO ADORABLE AAAAAAAAH
L1051[18:22:11] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1052[18:25:24] <Temia> It's even more cute in action, I assure you. 'w'
L1053[18:26:55] <Temia> I was admittedly doing something generic, then decided to test palette compatibility by switching over
L1054[18:29:14] <vifino> It is way too cute. '.'
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L1061[19:00:40] <gamax92> hmm
L1062[19:07:24] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1067[19:14:32] <Inari> Temia: what are you making? OC VN with temia?
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L1071[19:29:07] <Temia> No :P
L1072[19:29:34] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-24-62-128-93.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1073[19:29:43] <Temia> I just had the urge to try making a classic JRPG and started working on implementing sprites, and was pleased enough with the results that I played around with palette handling.
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L1075[19:36:56] <gamax92> :3
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L1078[19:46:42] <gamax92_> Hi don't mind me
L1079[19:46:48] * gamax92_ ping test gamax92
L1080[19:47:17] <gamax92_> that is the worst looking notification I've ever seen.
L1081[19:48:00] *** Kolatra|away is now known as Kolatra
L1082[19:48:20] * gamax92_ boop gamax92
L1083[19:48:39] <gamax92_> tray icon stop flashing.
L1084[19:51:19] * gamax92_ hits gamax92 with a rock
L1085[19:51:24] <gamax92_> yay
L1086[19:51:36] ⇦ Quits: gamax92_ (webchat@c-75-70-114-152.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L1091[20:15:26] <gamax92> wtf Quassel mutates the colors you select
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L1103[20:33:16] <gamax92> a wild InariWB appeared and vanished
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L1107[20:43:00] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
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L1112[21:01:13] <gamax92> Had to write a .fonts.conf otherwise fonts in Qt looked like crap
L1113[21:01:32] <gamax92> also resolved my visual issue I've had in MultiMC but didn't care about since it's not an IRC client
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L1130[22:22:44] * gamax92 lights the channel on fire
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L1134[23:01:07] <gamax92> sometimes no matter how hard you try, the message never gets through
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