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L1[00:00:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:9553::1234:5678) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:00:09] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@eos.pc-logix.com)
L3[00:00:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:01:03] <TheFox> Hello corded
L5[00:01:25] <gamax92> Why
L6[00:01:38] <TheFox> Hello gamax
L7[00:01:46] <TheFox> Because I'm bored
L8[00:02:20] <TheFox> My 48 hour day turned into a 72 hour day
L9[00:02:37] <TheFox> Wtf
L10[00:02:59] <TheFox> At least no more programming
L11[00:04:06] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L12[00:04:33] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L13[00:06:08] <TheFox> At least I slept once. For 1 1/2 hours but still, wwwhhyyyyyy
L14[00:12:30] <BaronQuantum> Hmm... I'm trying to use the T2 Data Card's encrypt function (I got sick of trying to make my own encryption) and it keeps popping up with the error "Expected 128 bit AES key". Any idea what forma ...
L15[00:18:28] <TheFox> Oh oh I know
L16[00:19:04] ⇨ Joins: TheFox|Mobile (~TheFox@2600:1003:b46b:b24b:3cd1:c8db:2a7e:3dab)
L17[00:19:05] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@2600:1003:b46b:b24b:3cd1:c8db:2a7e:3dab) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L18[00:19:14] <TheFox|Mobile> Um sorry bout that.
L19[00:19:38] <TheFox|Mobile> Corded where you asking a question or addressing someone's question?
L20[00:19:43] <TheFox|Mobile> %oclogs
L21[00:19:46] <MichiBot> TheFox|Mobile: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L22[00:22:07] <TheFox|Mobile> %p
L23[00:22:47] <Saphire> TheFox|Mobile: btw, Corded is a relay bot
L24[00:23:08] <Saphire> the real person speaking is in the message, in that message it was "BaronQuantum"
L25[00:23:12] <TheFox|Mobile> Sh!t I thought he was human
L26[00:23:30] <Saphire> It's just a bot that relays messages from Discord.
L27[00:23:50] <Saphire> when people say something on discord, their message is said by Corded
L28[00:23:58] <TheFox|Mobile> I swear I'm remember having a conversation with someone with that name
L29[00:24:06] <Saphire> and it works for reverse, all of our messages get sent to Discord
L30[00:24:24] <TheFox|Mobile> So they can see my failure to!?
L31[00:24:55] <TheFox|Mobile> So baron could see it if I answer the question?
L32[00:26:40] <TheFox|Mobile> BaronQuantum your problem is that your key !=16 characters long
L33[00:28:24] <TheFox|Mobile> AES-128 bit uses a 16 byte key and IV to encrypt you data for example try data.encrypt("test",123456789abcdef,123456789ahcdef)
L34[00:28:42] ⇦ Quits: Kenny164 (~pkinney@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L35[00:30:29] <TheFox|Mobile> Saphire: so i don't have to do anything special for corded to relay to discord? Just type and it'll be shipped across the network?
L36[00:30:40] <Mimiru> Exactly.
L37[00:30:57] <Mimiru> On discord: [12:30 AM] Corded: <TheFox|Mobile> Saphire: so i don't have to do anything special for corded to relay to discord? Just type and it'll be shipped across the network?
L38[00:32:13] <TheFox|Mobile> So then what's the point of discord? If its exactly the same as irc in this case?
L39[00:32:35] <Mimiru> Because some people like Discord, or don't know how to IRC?
L40[00:32:55] <TheFox|Mobile> Its pretty sim
L41[00:33:21] <TheFox|Mobile> Simple to use Irc and if you don't want to setup a client use webchat.
L42[00:33:46] <TheFox|Mobile> But potato pototo
L43[00:36:04] <gamax92> pototo?
L44[00:36:47] <TheFox|Mobile> Potāto
L45[00:36:51] <TheFox|Mobile> Long a
L46[00:37:07] <TheFox|Mobile> But sure pototo works to
L47[00:37:22] <TheFox|Mobile> I noticed I typed pototo instead wops
L48[00:40:36] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L49[00:49:11] <TheFox|Mobile> Baron did that help you any?
L50[00:54:49] <Izaya> Hmm.
L51[00:55:02] <Izaya> Now that I have 16GB of RAM I feel like I need something more powerful than an i3
L52[00:55:06] <TheFox|Mobile> What's up? Break SSL again?
L53[00:55:16] <TheFox|Mobile> Ahhhh
L54[00:55:23] <TheFox|Mobile> Trump syndrome
L55[00:55:30] <Izaya> uh?
L56[00:55:41] <TheFox|Mobile> Spend money, then spend money
L57[00:55:53] <Izaya> well actually
L58[00:55:56] <Izaya> I'm saving it
L59[00:56:02] <TheFox|Mobile> Smart
L60[00:56:02] <Izaya> till I have 5kAUD
L61[00:56:13] <TheFox|Mobile> Wow
L62[00:56:19] <Izaya> https://www.raptorengineering.com/TALOS/prerelease.php then I can get one of these
L63[00:56:43] <TheFox|Mobile> Yup ik about talos
L64[00:56:58] <TheFox|Mobile> There beastly creatures
L65[00:57:13] <TheFox|Mobile> Aren't they
L66[00:57:20] <Izaya> Quite so.
L67[00:57:50] <TheFox|Mobile> What are you going to do with it
L68[00:57:57] <Izaya> everything
L69[00:58:03] <Izaya> I could have one box for literally everything
L70[00:58:38] <TheFox|Mobile> If! If you could afford to fuel the components. Ik in my spot I cant
L71[00:58:56] <scj643> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuAOJfsMefuej06Q3n4QrSSC7qYjQ-FlU
L72[00:59:05] <TheFox|Mobile> Ie ram, and 2 apu's
L73[00:59:31] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L74[00:59:39] <TheFox|Mobile> Brb
L75[00:59:43] ⇦ Parts: TheFox|Mobile (~TheFox@2600:1003:b46b:b24b:3cd1:c8db:2a7e:3dab) (Chasing tail))
L76[01:04:38] ⇦ Quits: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-162-223-180-83.cpe.metrocast.net) (Quit: Macbook has gone zzz)
L77[01:04:59] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA23092FC3EA188FEF28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L78[01:04:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L79[01:27:35] ⇨ Joins: DEALL (webchat@
L80[01:28:00] <DEALL> Hello?
L81[01:29:13] ⇦ Parts: DEALL (webchat@ ())
L82[01:29:40] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L83[01:30:29] <Sangar> o/
L84[01:31:01] <Izaya> Linux Mint 18 is nice
L85[01:31:04] <Izaya> Hai Sangar
L86[01:31:32] <Sangar> 7 tells .-. that's gotta be a new record
L87[01:32:42] <Sangar> %tell Inari giving tablets to everyone at btm doesn't sound like such a good idea to me >_> in particular, keep in mind threads are pooled, so one or two people derping around with their tablets could reeeally screw with demos and such
L88[01:32:43] <MichiBot> Sangar: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L89[01:32:48] <Saphire> :c
L90[01:32:54] * Saphire still has no ideas Q_Q
L91[01:33:37] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L92[01:33:42] <TheFox> o/
L93[01:33:46] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/RGlnnSL.png not bad
L94[01:34:21] <TheFox> mint?
L95[01:34:34] <Izaya> yeah
L96[01:34:48] <Izaya> I guess it's decided
L97[01:34:56] <Izaya> Dropping $30 on 50 DVDs to burn and give away
L98[01:35:08] <TheFox> why and for what?
L99[01:35:20] <Izaya> to spread the word of Freedom
L100[01:35:29] <Saphire> lol
L101[01:35:44] <Saphire> USA's freedom? :D
L102[01:35:49] <TheFox> maybe im missing something
L103[01:35:50] <Izaya> the US isn't free
L104[01:35:56] <TheFox> also sapgire what freedom
L105[01:35:59] <TheFox> saphire**
L106[01:36:14] <TheFox> %oclogs
L107[01:36:17] <Izaya> what are you missing?
L108[01:36:17] <MichiBot> TheFox: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L109[01:36:26] <Sangar> Vexatos, as for creative cases and energy... i don't see why it wouldn't work; unless ic2 changed their logic so that IEnergySink should now be a capability? (which would be fantastic) and they should still refill themselves, unless someone messed with the tick frequency config maybe?
L110[01:37:27] <Vexatos> Sangar, skye has done more testing on this
L111[01:37:31] <TheFox> i didnt know that creative energy cases required energy
L112[01:37:42] <Vexatos> he found a lot of weird things with big screens yesterday as well
L113[01:37:48] <Vexatos> TheFox, they didn't
L114[01:37:50] <Vexatos> hence the report
L115[01:37:57] <TheFox> oh. ok then
L116[01:38:11] <TheFox> i just signed on so i dont know whats going on
L117[01:38:44] <Vexatos> Sangar, also, uuuh... Any news on the player lighting thinger?
L118[01:38:48] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L119[01:39:20] <Sangar> Vexatos, no, had no time at all this week i'm afraid. will look into it today and tomorrow (evening)
L120[01:41:37] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L121[01:41:39] <Sangar> > java.lang.ClassCastException: li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Case cannot be cast to ic2.api.energy.tile.IEnergyTile
L122[01:41:43] <Sangar> say fucking what now .-.
L123[01:42:27] <TheFox> i have a feeling i should get familiar with the code from both mods before i try to understand that
L124[01:42:47] <TheFox> i think that would be a good quote though
L125[01:45:26] <Izaya> 3ntropy
L126[01:45:31] <Izaya> gah
L127[01:46:29] <TheFox> welp, im gonna go make friends with my pillow, been 56 hours since i last slept, time to make up for lost time, see yall in 8 or so
L128[01:46:50] <Izaya> that sounds unhealthy
L129[01:47:01] <TheFox> it probably was, but im kinda used to it
L130[01:47:19] <TheFox> 8 hours off sleep, and a few gallons of coffee
L131[01:47:21] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@188-23-94-88.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L132[01:48:02] *** TheFox is now known as TheFox|Mobileaway
L133[01:48:09] *** TheFox|Mobileaway is now known as TheFox|Mobile|away
L134[01:49:18] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-191-191-28.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L135[01:50:50] <Sangar> oh, transformer didn't run because fresh dev env -.- well that would've been too easy anyway
L136[01:51:23] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L137[01:54:24] ⇨ Joins: BlueZero (~BlueZero@S010600fc8dc75bf3.ok.shawcable.net)
L138[01:56:32] <Vexatos> Hello BlueZero :>
L139[01:56:40] <BlueZero> Ohihi.
L140[01:57:12] <BlueZero> And yes, that could work. The server room I'm setting up is going to have a lot of server racks for processing things, not that it's really necessary at all.
L141[01:57:43] <BlueZero> Definitely going to link them to one control node, then maybe each level of security access will have each machine'd ID linked to their security level and password matching?
L142[01:58:02] <BlueZero> I donno, scratching shit crap together but my ideas don't always start out all that great. xP
L143[01:58:28] <Vexatos> maybe not machine ID
L144[01:58:41] <Vexatos> maybe produce the MCUs with slight differences, their access level hardcoded into their software
L145[01:58:53] <Vexatos> so you could have a "level 1" MCU, a "level 2" MCU and so on
L146[01:59:01] <Vexatos> only differing in software
L147[01:59:08] <Vexatos> and only in one value or so
L148[01:59:38] <BlueZero> Hmm.
L149[02:02:41] <BlueZero> MCU, sorry is the micro controller?
L150[02:04:04] <Vexatos> yes
L151[02:05:53] <BlueZero> Hmm. Yeah that could work. Better than coding IDs into each level's security programming and then communicating with the array as to if it's legitimate or not.
L152[02:08:02] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA86092FC3EA188FEF28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L153[02:08:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L154[02:08:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA23092FC3EA188FEF28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (ipo.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L155[02:08:26] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L156[02:08:44] <Vexatos> Heh
L157[02:09:15] <BlueZero> Wait, does each computer have an ID like CC's internal setup?
L158[02:09:34] <Vexatos> Everything in OC has a UUID
L159[02:09:38] <Vexatos> component address
L160[02:09:49] ⇦ Quits: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:bc5f:dd29:fc23:3575) (Quit: see ya - bauen1)
L161[02:09:51] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:bc5f:dd29:fc23:3575)
L162[02:10:20] <Vexatos> you can copy the addres of a block by ctrl+right clicking on it with an analyser. Or you just enter the first three or four characters
L163[02:10:45] <Vexatos> if it's a wireless connection, you need the full address
L164[02:12:01] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L165[02:12:24] <BlueZero> I think I may sub for an entirely wired connection, but then just do that. Write a script that sends the main server the current computer system's UUID and information, as well as my admin password for it to add to the system and whitelist it's activity.
L166[02:13:29] <BlueZero> That's going a bit over the top, but eh... Why the hell not.
L167[02:16:59] <Saphire> oooh
L168[02:17:33] <Saphire> wireless connection is quite sane BTW
L169[02:18:19] <BlueZero> I haven't looked at it, I imagine it's a bit more laid out than CC is? The channel memorization actually annoyed me a little to be honest.
L170[02:18:33] ⇨ Joins: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com)
L171[02:19:52] <Vexatos> BlueZero, you still have ports
L172[02:19:59] <Vexatos> but you can just all send on the very same port
L173[02:20:16] <Vexatos> also there is still broadcast to send to everyone on the port
L174[02:20:21] <Vexatos> and send to send to one specific address
L175[02:20:43] <BlueZero> Ah ok, that's good then. I like that.
L176[02:20:56] <Vexatos> ~w modem
L177[02:20:56] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L178[02:21:03] <Vexatos> try this
L179[02:21:08] <Vexatos> there is also linked cards, BlueZero
L180[02:21:15] <Vexatos> those are interdimensional, have no range limit
L181[02:21:18] <Vexatos> but they are only P2P
L182[02:21:43] <BlueZero> Ah, I'm setting all my stuff up in creative mode just 'cause I want to build stuff, so I have access to them.
L183[02:21:47] <BlueZero> That may be useful.
L184[02:22:34] <Vexatos> you always craft linked cards in pairs
L185[02:22:41] <Vexatos> and those two cards are then linked to each other
L186[02:22:46] <Vexatos> you can tell because they have the exact same UUID
L187[02:23:33] <Saphire> and thus you can put one in a computer, and another somewhere in other world, far away, in another computer
L188[02:23:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, it appears some things like placing a floppy into a floppy drive makes cave sounds :P
L189[02:24:19] <Sangar> wat
L190[02:24:55] <BlueZero> Hmm, that may actually be really useful if I were to branch out this facility and make nodes for each location.
L191[02:25:27] <Vexatos> Sangar, IIRC HenryLoenwind knows something about that
L192[02:25:40] <Vexatos> BlueZero, you can have linked cards inside of relays ;)
L193[02:25:46] <Vexatos> ...I think
L194[02:25:48] <Vexatos> (Sangar confirm)
L195[02:28:03] <BlueZero> Hmm, majority of the Lua libraries are untouched from what I see here, which is really, really nice.
L196[02:28:22] <Saphire> BlueZero: wanna hear the best?
L197[02:28:36] <BlueZero> I wonder if I can use encryption libraries.
L198[02:28:38] <Saphire> you can make your own OS
L199[02:28:46] <Saphire> and that's literally OS, not a wrapper
L200[02:28:54] <BlueZero> Wuuuuuuuut.
L201[02:29:05] <BlueZero> Oh dayum.
L202[02:29:17] <Saphire> okay, there is one tiny "machine.lua" code that is always loaded on computers
L203[02:29:28] <BlueZero> I can make my facility have it's own OS. That's freakin' nuts.
L204[02:29:37] <Saphire> all it does is setting up some sandboxing and etc and then loads EEPROM code and runs it
L205[02:29:42] <Sangar> Vexatos, i'm not sure either :X
L206[02:29:45] <Saphire> eeprom then... it does whatever
L207[02:30:09] <BlueZero> That's freakin' cool.
L208[02:30:10] <Sangar> allright, yeah, linked cards in relays should work
L209[02:30:11] <Saphire> and you can rewrite EEPROM with your own code
L210[02:30:20] <Saphire> Sangar: so OP :P
L211[02:30:36] <Saphire> (jk)
L212[02:30:37] <Vexatos> BlueZero, well, there is the data card and cipher blocks
L213[02:30:43] <Vexatos> if you need hashing / encryption
L214[02:31:25] <BlueZero> Cipher Block?
L215[02:31:28] <Vexatos> BlueZero, so yea, linked cards in relays -> you can P2P wired messages wirelessly over infinite range
L216[02:31:33] <Vexatos> something in Computronics
L217[02:31:39] <Vexatos> the data card is provided by OC itself
L218[02:31:47] <Vexatos> because Sangar obviously hates me
L219[02:31:54] <BlueZero> Niiiiice. I like that.
L220[02:32:31] <Sangar> you like that i hate him?
L221[02:32:32] <Sangar> ;)
L222[02:32:56] <asie> Vexatos: you have a problem now
L223[02:32:57] <Vexatos> That is not nice :(
L224[02:33:00] <asie> GreaseMonkey invented DFPWM 1a
L225[02:33:05] <Vexatos> asie, shit
L226[02:33:07] <Saphire> hmm
L227[02:33:08] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey,
L228[02:33:09] <asie> it has higher quality across the board
L229[02:33:14] <Saphire> DFPWM OC MIPS visualizer?
L230[02:33:14] <asie> *and* is slightly faster
L231[02:33:19] <Sangar> sounds good
L232[02:33:23] <Sangar> (pun totally intended)
L233[02:33:24] <asie> Vexatos: don't fret, however!
L234[02:33:26] <Saphire> Sangar: badum-ts
L235[02:33:27] <asie> it's partially compatible with DFPWM 1
L236[02:33:28] <Vexatos> asie, I COULD just replace DFPWM.java but BACKWARDSCOMPAT AAAAARGH
L237[02:33:35] <asie> that is it will play the same files
L238[02:33:38] <asie> just quieter and noisier
L239[02:33:41] <Saphire> ooh
L240[02:33:46] <Saphire> Vexatos: DO IIIIIT
L241[02:33:54] <Vexatos> asie, an update would be literally replacing DFPWM.java, no?
L242[02:34:00] <Vexatos> that'd be all
L243[02:34:02] <asie> yeah
L244[02:34:04] <asie> that's it
L245[02:34:14] <Saphire> that's what you call a SANE programming
L246[02:34:14] <asie> https://github.com/ChenThread/dfpwm/blob/master/1a/DFPWM.java
L247[02:34:14] <Vexatos> asie, so what changed
L248[02:34:17] <asie> Vexatos: constants
L249[02:34:27] <asie> and one calculation was made redundant so it's no longer in
L250[02:34:36] <Saphire> when you replace one component and you can just drop-in it into the things
L251[02:34:40] <Saphire> *update/replace
L252[02:34:51] <asie> Vexatos: remember, however, that this means LionRay needs an update etc
L253[02:34:51] <Vexatos> asie, it's actualyl 1-bit now heh
L254[02:34:55] <asie> Vexatos: it was always 1-bit
L255[02:34:59] <Vexatos> gamax92, fix lionray :P
L256[02:35:11] <Vexatos> oh wait
L257[02:35:13] <asie> but yeah, DFPWM is now slightly greater
L258[02:35:20] <Vexatos> slightly greasier?
L259[02:35:20] <Vexatos> :>
L260[02:35:23] <asie> yeah
L261[02:35:36] <Vexatos> leeet's test this
L262[02:35:37] <Saphire> Vexatos: i laughed
L263[02:35:45] <Vexatos> asie, I could just replace it on 1.8 only
L264[02:35:48] <Vexatos> to keep 1.7 intact
L265[02:35:54] <Saphire> Vexatos: BUT BTM
L266[02:35:57] <Vexatos> as 1.8+ has had no tronics release yet
L267[02:35:59] <asie> Vexatos: yeah
L268[02:35:59] <Saphire> D:
L269[02:35:59] * Izaya ignites the Grease
L270[02:36:04] <asie> Saphire: exactly!
L271[02:36:07] <Vexatos> Saphire, 1.8+
L272[02:36:12] <Saphire> whew
L273[02:36:14] <asie> BTM will have superior audio quality
L274[02:36:18] <Saphire> asie: YAY
L275[02:36:19] <Saphire> uh
L276[02:36:24] <Vexatos> asie, lemme test the differences I guess
L277[02:36:28] <Saphire> asie: what about converter?
L278[02:36:32] <Vexatos> or do you have samples ready
L279[02:36:37] <Saphire> CONVERTER, I NEED CONVERTER D:
L280[02:36:48] <Vexatos> Saphire, I'll fix that one too
L281[02:36:51] <Saphire> ...and someone, please wake up the Magik6k
L282[02:36:58] <Saphire> for the online-converter ._.
L283[02:37:21] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L284[02:56:45] <Vexatos> asie, it is 0.1% smaller :3
L285[02:57:43] <Vexatos> asie, new format .dfpwm1a? :3
L286[02:57:47] <asie> nah
L287[02:57:51] <asie> it's the same exact codec
L288[02:57:53] <asie> just with new constants
L289[02:57:55] <asie> :^)
L290[02:58:59] <Vexatos> yea I think I'll only apply it on 1.8+
L291[02:59:37] <Vexatos> ...why do I even need a 1.8 release, dammit :P
L292[02:59:42] <Vexatos> snagar pls
L293[02:59:51] <Antheus> plz
L294[03:00:24] <Vexatos> asie, the
L295[03:00:26] <Vexatos> fudge
L296[03:00:37] <Vexatos> the improvement is so noticable I don't
L297[03:00:38] <Vexatos> just
L298[03:00:39] <Vexatos> what
L299[03:00:49] <Vexatos> holy fudge
L300[03:01:10] <asie> GreaseMonkey: ^
L301[03:01:52] <Sangar> BTMP3? :P
L302[03:02:51] <Vexatos> asie, hasn't he tested it yet?
L303[03:02:54] <asie> he has
L304[03:03:01] <Vexatos> we just jumped a decade in radio quality
L305[03:03:03] <asie> yes
L306[03:03:10] <asie> and the filesize is the same
L307[03:03:40] <Vexatos> 0.1% smaller
L308[03:04:08] <Vexatos> actually
L309[03:04:26] <Vexatos> only doing this on 1.8+ would mean gamax92 maintaining two versions of lionray :P
L310[03:04:29] <BlueZero> Welp, I'm outy. Have a good'er.
L311[03:04:30] ⇦ Quits: BlueZero (~BlueZero@S010600fc8dc75bf3.ok.shawcable.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L312[03:04:35] <asie> Vexatos: shush
L313[03:04:40] <asie> or you steal code from charset
L314[03:04:49] <Vexatos> what?
L315[03:04:52] <asie> i give you permission to use everything related to audio handling under the MIT
L316[03:05:28] <Vexatos> what would I steal
L317[03:07:46] <Vexatos> asie, what do you mean
L318[03:07:52] <Vexatos> "or you steal code from charset"
L319[03:07:57] <Vexatos> oh
L320[03:07:59] <asie> built-in recording
L321[03:08:01] <Vexatos> you mean the record stuff
L322[03:08:09] <asie> i also have code to record audio packets from other tape drivesd
L323[03:08:18] <Vexatos> I can't do it, as I said :P
L324[03:08:21] <asie> yes you can
L325[03:08:25] <asie> you just copy TapeRecordThread
L326[03:08:29] <asie> and add libresample4j
L327[03:08:32] <asie> and do a bit of executive meddling in the GUI
L328[03:08:45] <asie> i'm not telling you to copy the tape drive
L329[03:08:59] <Vexatos> asie, I've got a physics exam coming up in just over a week.
L330[03:09:04] <asie> Minecraft is not in a hurry
L331[03:09:05] <Vexatos> I don't have time to mess with GUIs :P
L332[03:09:06] <asie> it's dying anyway*COUGH*
L333[03:11:43] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L334[03:19:26] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6132.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L335[03:19:34] <Vexatos> Really not sure what to do now
L336[03:19:42] <Inari> wow thats the first time chrome canary fully broke on me
L337[03:19:50] <Vexatos> having two versions of LionRay, for 1 and 1a, might be confusing
L338[03:19:59] <Inari> Sangar: boo :p improve your mod!
L339[03:20:00] <Vexatos> but breaking every tape ever recorded on 1.7 is bad too
L340[03:20:03] <asie> Vexatos: boo!
L341[03:20:10] <asie> do what record players did
L342[03:20:14] <Vexatos> (It is REALLY noisy and quiet)
L343[03:20:15] <asie> add a switch, but with fancy names
L344[03:20:31] <Vexatos> hm?
L345[03:20:36] <Inari> Sangar: not sure what you mean wiht "derp around" though :o
L346[03:21:46] <Vexatos> asie, elaborate ED:
L347[03:22:01] <Sangar> Inari, doing time consuming things
L348[03:22:15] <Inari> Sangar: well its a locked down tablet :P that just shows a map
L349[03:22:38] <Sangar> why not just use maps then >_>
L350[03:23:06] <Inari> cause im not aware of any "map" item which shows booth names, which booth you are at, your location and is aware of floor levels
L351[03:23:15] <Sangar> pfffft
L352[03:23:16] <Sangar> :P
L353[03:23:21] <Inari> haha
L354[03:23:25] <Inari> but okay, not atblets then i guess :f
L355[03:23:38] <Inari> we have like 64 cores, use em :D
L356[03:23:43] <Sangar> if they're completely locked down, doesn't it not matter if the internal uuids are the same?
L357[03:25:48] <Inari> well it does, since 2 people shouldnt see the same thing on the tablet
L358[03:26:08] <Inari> i found a workaround though: pipe them into a creative barrel from assembler, without ever touching em first
L359[03:28:34] <Inari> Sangar: im just thinking a floor-plan style map (so each booth area has its own colour, with walls a different colour) and a "You are here" dot
L360[03:28:49] <Inari> though it needs to use nav upgrade to locate you and might need some time drawing the map
L361[03:28:52] <Inari> so no clue how time consuming tha tis
L362[03:30:04] <Sangar> if it doesn't refresh a lot, i suppose it could be fine. i'd definitely recommend adding a killswitch and doing some stress testing before the event proper though :P
L363[03:32:18] <Inari> :p
L364[03:32:38] <Inari> it kinda needs to refresh though :f cause "you are here" dot... guess it can only redraw what it must
L365[03:32:57] <Inari> gimme graphic layers
L366[03:32:57] <Inari> :D
L367[03:33:31] <Inari> Sangar: whats with eh weird energy creative case bug thingy?
L368[03:33:45] <Sangar> idk, i can't reproduce it
L369[03:33:52] <Inari> hm
L370[03:34:42] <Inari> so much non-reproducible stuff :D
L371[03:35:01] <Inari> how did oyu test the config thing?
L372[03:35:03] <Vexatos> Cruor, help
L373[03:35:11] <Vexatos> grargh I can't decide
L374[03:35:23] <Vexatos> do I push DFPWM 1a to 1.7 or 1.8 :X
L375[03:35:47] <Vexatos> 1.7 would mean making every tape ever recorded on that version quiet and noisy as heck
L376[03:36:01] <Vexatos> 1.8 would mean maintaining two LionRay versions at once which may be confusing for players
L377[03:37:12] <Vexatos> Sangar, lighting fix when :D
L378[03:38:06] <Antheus> .-.
L379[03:39:09] <asie> Snagar
L380[03:39:34] <Inari> weird
L381[03:39:40] <Vexatos> grargh
L382[03:39:42] <Vexatos> hard decision
L383[03:39:42] <Vexatos> D:
L384[03:39:45] <Inari> why would this fail to find the path to a file its trying to create ;-;
L385[03:39:47] <Vexatos> I NEED OPINIONS
L386[03:39:49] <Sangar> Vexatos, already pushed
L387[03:39:49] <Saphire> Is there anything like arma but for linux? ._.
L388[03:39:51] <Sangar> i think?
L389[03:39:51] <Sangar> :X
L390[03:39:55] <Saphire> Vexatos: 1.8+
L391[03:40:20] <Vexatos> yay
L392[03:40:59] <Vexatos> I guess most mod pack maintainers would rather go for 1.8+ as well to keep 1.7 non-breaking
L393[03:41:14] <Inari> wonder if this is some weird java bug
L394[03:41:23] <Inari> ohwait
L395[03:43:26] <Inari> Sangar: hm, i think i know why? You aren't actually making the opencomputers directory before recipes are written.. adn the config tries to write before that
L396[03:43:28] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L397[03:44:12] <Inari> probably wasnt an issue before the settings was moved from main config to the oc folder
L398[03:46:20] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L399[03:47:56] <Vexatos> asie, note in change log
L400[03:47:57] <Vexatos> **Note: On 1.8.9 and later, the tape drives use an updated audio codec (DFPWM 1a). Any files encoded with the old codec will still play, but the sound will be a lot more quiet.**
L401[03:48:00] <Vexatos> good enough?
L402[03:48:05] <asie> i don't care Vexatos
L403[03:48:09] <asie> you still act as if I owned Computronics
L404[03:48:19] <asie> i don't want anything to do with it beyond adding a random feature once a year
L405[03:48:20] <Vexatos> I just value your opinion :P
L406[03:48:28] <asie> and ffs remove asielib already
L407[03:48:34] <Inari> haha
L408[03:49:02] <Inari> asie: i somehow got chiselbits to crash with your audiocables yesterday :D seemed a one-off issue though
L409[03:49:35] <Inari> good thing the boot layout stays the same throughout the tower :P
L410[03:49:39] <Inari> so i only have to redraw the names
L411[03:50:07] <asie> Inari: charset is not very stable
L412[03:50:12] <Inari> :p
L413[03:50:21] <Inari> i was chiselbits that actaully carshed i think
L414[03:51:24] <Inari> i accidentally put a layer too much and it put a layer of bits into the same block as the audiocable (thouhg iirc that already had bits in it), then hit undo and crashed with invalid packet
L415[03:51:48] <Inari> repeated after restart but didnt crash then
L416[03:51:50] * Inari shrugs
L417[03:52:34] <asie> huh
L418[03:52:46] <asie> the audio cable was never finished
L419[03:52:48] <asie> it was mid-refactor
L420[03:52:52] <Inari> haha
L421[03:52:54] <asie> the wires are a general library and you can make arbitrary RP2-wire-like things
L422[03:52:57] <asie> since 0.3.0-pre1
L423[03:52:59] <asie> 0
L424[03:53:03] <Inari> dunno, using it over computronics mostly becaasue its hideable
L425[03:53:05] <asie> by extending PartWireBase
L426[03:53:22] <Inari> and it seems to work
L427[03:53:22] <Inari> so
L428[03:53:55] <Vexatos> OH SANGAR BY THE WAY
L429[03:54:02] <Vexatos> how do you make your fancy tapes have display names
L430[03:56:31] <asie> FANCY TAPES
L431[03:56:52] <Antheus> M'fancy tapes
L432[03:57:00] * Antheus tips m'fancy fedora
L433[03:58:46] <Saphire> meanwhile: i'm thinking of trying to make a 3d blocky space game ._.
L434[04:21:25] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-103-148.as13285.net)
L435[04:24:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, I mean floppies >.<
L436[04:40:03] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Quit: Quit from turtledude01's bouncer!)
L437[04:42:53] <Vexatos> asie, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/Computronics-1.9.4-1.6.1-new-codec.jar hype
L438[04:43:04] <Vexatos> also http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/LionRay-1a.jar
L439[04:43:10] ⇨ Joins: turtledude01_ (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com)
L440[04:43:36] <Vexatos> uuh
L441[04:43:40] <Vexatos> hmm
L442[04:43:44] <Vexatos> hold on
L443[04:43:59] <Vexatos> where is META-INF D:
L444[04:44:13] <Izaya> did you delete it?
L445[04:46:10] <Vexatos> It didn't generate
L446[04:46:47] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L447[04:47:17] <Saphire> lol
L448[04:48:28] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01_ (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Quit: Quit from turtledude01's bouncer!)
L449[04:49:04] <Vexatos> there we go
L450[04:49:13] ⇨ Joins: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com)
L451[04:49:49] <Inari> %drama
L452[04:49:52] <MichiBot> Inari: Team CoFH is not updated for the latest version of Minecraft.
L453[04:50:00] <Inari> tahts al ame one
L454[04:50:01] <Inari> %drama
L455[04:50:02] <MichiBot> Inari: Shukaro forks OptiFine causing adf.ly
L456[04:50:11] <Inari> damn, so thats how that started
L457[04:50:55] <Vexatos> http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/LionRay-1a.jar there
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L461[04:57:40] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L462[04:58:59] <asie> %drama
L463[04:59:01] <MichiBot> asie: Schematica adds adf.ly links that only functions in ATLauncher
L464[05:01:18] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01 (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Quit: Quit from turtledude01's bouncer!)
L465[05:04:13] <Inari> hm
L466[05:04:27] <Inari> anyone got a logitech mouse (g502 maybe even) and know if theres a way to rebind the scrollwheel up/down?
L467[05:09:21] <g> you can't afaik
L468[05:09:23] <g> just left/right
L469[05:09:30] <Inari> :f
L470[05:09:33] <Inari> logitech pls
L471[05:09:44] <g> I have no idea why you'd want to do that
L472[05:09:53] <Inari> so i have an easy volume up/down :P
L473[05:10:13] <g> don't you have side buttons?
L474[05:10:22] <g> my g700s has 4 side buttons
L475[05:10:25] <Inari> i do, but its nicer to scroll than to click it 10 times
L476[05:10:42] <g> idk, I prefer to use my scroll wheel for scrolling
L477[05:10:57] <Inari> thats why you only set it in g-shift
L478[05:11:11] <g> I don't have g-shift
L479[05:11:12] <g> I have profiles
L480[05:11:16] <Inari> :p
L481[05:11:26] <Inari> as long as you can cahnge to another profile while holding down the button
L482[05:11:36] <g> No, they're profile up/down buttons
L483[05:11:54] <g> no, wait, those are dpi
L484[05:11:56] <g> it's just profile up
L485[05:11:58] <g> and loops around
L486[05:12:12] <g> there are lights on the side that tell you what profile you're on
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L488[05:12:38] <Inari> well thats a pain more than gshift though
L489[05:12:49] <g> I wouldn't have a use for gshift
L490[05:12:58] <g> I don't use the profiles much either though
L491[05:13:07] <g> I mostly let the logitech application set it based on game
L492[05:13:07] <Inari> my use is volume control :p
L493[05:13:52] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01_ (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Client Quit)
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L495[05:21:16] <Vexatos> asie, get on the server so I can show you the new codec's awesomeness ,_;
L496[05:21:27] <Vexatos> that quality improvement D:
L497[05:22:16] <asie> Vexatos: i tested it myself lol
L498[05:22:33] <Vexatos> :O
L499[05:23:02] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01_ (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Quit: Quit from turtledude01's bouncer!)
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L501[05:24:03] <Vexatos> hmmmm
L502[05:25:05] <Vexatos> XDjackieXD gave me an idea for speakers with bigger (or maybe modifyable) range... not sure how I'd want to implement that though. damn
L503[05:25:29] <Vexatos> as a bigger range is useful in some places, but not all :X
L504[05:25:36] <Antheus> There's a bug convulsing on my living room floor
L505[05:25:39] <Antheus> upside down
L506[05:25:52] <Antheus> Must be australian
L507[05:25:57] <Forecaster> it's evolving
L508[05:26:03] ⇦ Quits: turtledude01_ (~turtledud@71-89-110-94.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) (Client Quit)
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L523[05:54:11] <Inari> someone needs to fix theri connection/bouncer
L524[05:54:11] <Inari> :D
L525[05:55:06] <Forecaster> sounds to me like its working fine, it's doing lots of bouncing :D
L526[05:57:03] *** Antheus is now known as Antheus|Sleep
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L529[06:04:03] <Inari> turtledude01: pls
L530[06:05:10] <turtledude01> Actually, im trying to get ident working and shits just not working
L531[06:05:27] <turtledude01> and my bouncer keeps failing when i reconnect
L532[06:05:37] <turtledude01> ill use my other user instead, sorry
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L534[06:17:39] <Sangar> Inari, huh, that'd kinda make sense. it'd just be a terrible error message for that :X
L535[06:17:57] <Inari> Sangar: well it cant find the path its supposed to create teh file in :D
L536[06:18:15] <Inari> what else woudl you call it thoguh
L537[06:18:31] <Sangar> nosuchdirectoryexception? :P
L538[06:18:35] <Inari> i guess that works
L539[06:19:00] <Sangar> i mean, glass houses and all that
L540[06:19:07] <Sangar> oc isn't any better there :P
L541[06:19:08] <Inari> haha
L542[06:26:06] <Vexatos> Inari, you'd call it LessUselessOpenALException
L543[06:31:04] <Vexatos> Sangar, hover boots are still whiet
L544[06:31:13] <Vexatos> (i.e. colour is not applied to the item texture)
L545[06:31:16] <Vexatos> white*
L546[06:31:38] <Sangar> lies
L547[06:34:26] <Vexatos> Sangar, I also still don't get any step assist D:
L548[06:34:44] <Inari> psh 1.10 step assist is best
L549[06:38:02] * Sangar shrugs
L550[06:42:13] <Saphire> %p
L551[06:42:15] <Saphire> #p
L552[06:42:16] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 2.02s
L553[06:42:19] <Saphire> &p
L554[06:42:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Timeout.
L555[06:42:25] <Saphire> ded
L556[06:43:50] <Forecaster> 1.10's "auto jump" is just weird
L557[06:43:54] <Forecaster> I didn't like it
L558[06:44:01] <Forecaster> prefer modded step-height
L559[06:44:16] <Izaya> 1.10?
L560[06:44:18] <Izaya> there's 1.10 now?
L561[06:44:23] <Izaya> when did this happen
L562[06:44:26] <Forecaster> old :P
L563[06:44:54] * Izaya hasn't even tried 1.8 yet
L564[06:45:18] <Forecaster> it's a content update mostly
L565[06:45:32] <Forecaster> so most mods for 1.9 will just straight off work
L566[06:45:36] <Izaya> so a mod content update?
L567[06:45:43] <Izaya> which mod did they add to the base game this time?
L568[06:46:22] <Forecaster> none
L569[06:47:01] <Forecaster> they just added a few random things (which do exist it various mods I guess)
L570[06:47:11] <Forecaster> like polar bear mobs
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L572[06:47:38] <Izaya> oh nice
L573[06:47:40] <Izaya> more Mo'
L574[06:47:43] <Izaya> Creatures content
L575[06:47:58] <Forecaster> that's fine with me, I don't use that mod
L576[06:48:16] <Izaya> it pisses me off
L577[06:48:18] <Izaya> irrationally
L578[06:48:22] <Izaya> aka don't ask me why
L579[06:48:59] <Forecaster> I don't mind, it means people who don't use those mods or mods at all get to play with it
L580[06:49:01] <Lizzy> i don't use it because the last time i did, an ogre smashed the cooling pipes for my reactors, they then overheated and blew up my base
L581[06:50:58] <Forecaster> they also added a "magma block"
L582[06:52:04] <Lizzy> also Traffic++/Traffic Manager: President Edition are by far the most useful mods. cause i can create small alley ways between streets that only emergency vehicles, herses and garbage trucks can go down which doesn't cause extra traffic from people using them as annoying shortcuts
L583[06:52:40] <Forecaster> :P
L584[06:55:30] <Lizzy> https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/20160702125334_1.jpg this is the public transport 'hub' in my Thornton Heights district, the busses go around the district itself and the train line connects back to the other main city area
L585[06:56:13] <Forecaster> nice
L586[06:56:41] <Lizzy> currently 400 people waiting at one of the stops there
L587[06:56:52] <Lizzy> i should probably give that line more busses
L588[06:57:36] <Inari> must be one popular bus
L589[06:57:39] <Inari> probably one of those sex buses
L590[06:57:40] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|away
L591[06:59:44] <Lizzy> na, it's just the bus route that has the longest distance to go from that terminal
L592[07:00:18] <Forecaster> I want to do a letsplay on that, which is why I haven't touched it yet
L593[07:01:57] <Lizzy> few mods i suggest you get (because they are awesome): Network Extensions Project, Traffic++/TM:PE and probably some of the enhanced utility AI's cause cities isn't the best at that
L594[07:02:14] <Lizzy> also avoid roundabouts for anything above light local traffic
L595[07:02:50] <Forecaster> why?
L596[07:03:00] <Lizzy> because they don't work right
L597[07:03:15] <Lizzy> they usually end up causing more problems than they solve
L598[07:03:44] <Inari> according to hentai these loops that hang down on busses so that people standing can hold on them for support can be used for bondage purposes :p
L599[07:04:44] <Forecaster> I've made a single city, before I bought the game on steam
L600[07:05:03] <Forecaster> back when it came out I think
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L603[07:17:00] <Sangar> Vexatos, step assist works fine for me, sp and mp
L604[07:18:05] <Sangar> maybe some other mod setting the stepheight back to default
L605[07:19:03] <Vexatos> well, thanks for debugging which <3
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L608[07:30:34] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L609[07:47:59] <Kodos> Mimi/Michi,y ou around?
L610[07:48:21] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy
L611[07:48:29] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L612[07:59:06] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/5ny3r7O.png DINOSAURS
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L618[08:45:50] <Saphire> Izaya: what about dragons? :c
L619[08:46:00] <Izaya> uh
L620[08:46:03] <Izaya> there is a dragon
L621[08:46:11] <Izaya> I think it lives in the volcano
L622[08:46:26] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/CYyLCx9.png
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L624[08:54:23] <Vexatos> asie, how much of http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/dfpwm is still correct and what needs to change >_>
L625[08:56:20] <asie> "Ri=7, Rd=20"
L626[08:56:22] <asie> mostly this
L627[08:56:24] <asie> but to what i have no idea
L628[08:58:21] <asie> but woah
L629[08:58:24] <Michiyo> \o/
L630[08:58:24] <asie> the quality improvement is insane
L631[08:58:28] <Michiyo> I drove my car to work :D
L632[08:58:29] <Vexatos> asie, ikr
L633[08:58:40] <Vexatos> how did you test?
L634[08:58:54] <Michiyo> %tell Kodos what ya need?
L635[08:58:55] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Kodos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L636[08:58:56] <asie> by using the reference C implementations of both
L637[08:58:59] <Vexatos> Yea
L638[08:59:02] <Vexatos> it's insane.
L639[08:59:09] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, yo, would you mind updating that wiki page so we have some proper DFPWM doc again?
L640[08:59:47] <Michiyo> 2 starters, and 2 hours of work with a multimeter my car runs again
L641[09:01:56] <FunMaker> I wish I could mess around with tapes but I use too many mods for them to work on my server :v
L642[09:02:29] <Vexatos> huh?
L643[09:03:06] <FunMaker> it's known bug that when there is too many mods loading sounds, sound card run out of memory and tape drive stop working
L644[09:03:45] <Vexatos> That never happened to me... Do you have an old computer?
L645[09:03:53] <FunMaker> not really
L646[09:04:01] <Vexatos> Unless you are using mods like ChromatiCraft
L647[09:04:08] <Vexatos> I can't see how it'd run out of memory, huh
L648[09:04:14] <FunMaker> the issue about it has been closed both on computronics and space astronomy git hubs
L649[09:04:27] <Vexatos> yes
L650[09:04:31] <Vexatos> Nothing to be done about it
L651[09:04:37] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L652[09:04:37] <Vexatos> but it's really weird anyway
L653[09:04:38] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L654[09:04:45] <FunMaker> I boubt it's really out of memory, but I don't know details
L655[09:05:10] <Vexatos> usually, sounds are discarded from the sound card again once they have been played
L656[09:05:25] <Vexatos> so either they are being buffered and there is a memory leak in some mod
L657[09:05:31] <Inari> i still need to figure out how to actaully use mips
L658[09:05:33] <Vexatos> or there is too much playing at once
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L660[09:06:43] <FunMaker> is there any way I can check whats the cause? I have the same errors as people in bug tickets. I tried removing ~50% of mods and the problem still was present
L661[09:07:09] <FunMaker> but when I ran only Computronics, OC it worked fine
L662[09:07:47] <FunMaker> even if it's possible, it's really hard to point down which mod it causes since they all require many of them
L663[09:08:25] <Temia> Funmaker, do you have Rotarycraft?
L664[09:08:30] <FunMaker> I'll check
L665[09:10:07] <FunMaker> no I don't
L666[09:10:18] <Temia> Hm.
L667[09:10:34] <FunMaker> no mod has 'otary' in its name at least
L668[09:11:37] <FunMaker> My computer is Lenovo Y510p btw
L669[09:11:54] <FunMaker> but it doesn't work on my friends' computers as well
L670[09:12:04] <Temia> Well, something in particular is probably altering your sound configuration. I've run packs with a hundred-something mods and had no issues.
L671[09:12:17] <Temia> Can you post a list?
L672[09:12:49] <FunMaker> http://pastebin.com/zpYfac2E
L673[09:13:13] <FunMaker> minus Mekanism mods
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L676[09:20:27] <Vexatos> FunMaker, have you tried removing the other 50% :P
L677[09:20:41] <Vexatos> if it's one mod in particular causing it, that would fix it
L678[09:21:20] <FunMaker> Yes, but the problem is that mods require each other and there is no way to easially tell which mod can I remove
L679[09:21:34] <FunMaker> so I couldn't get under these 50%
L680[09:22:12] <FunMaker> and games loads about 5 minutes before it can tell there is a problem with some depedencies
L681[09:24:02] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L682[09:25:56] <BILLPC2684> hello :3
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L684[09:29:23] <Vexatos> Hullo
L685[09:30:07] <Antheus> Aloha
L686[09:30:13] <BILLPC2684> never spoken on this IRC channel with wocchat before :3
L687[09:32:25] <Skye> wikivexttysh
L688[09:33:17] <BILLPC2684> i'll be right back configuring wocchat :3
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L691[09:38:10] <Michiyo> Man, this week has sucked
L692[09:38:19] <Michiyo> Thur\
L693[09:38:21] <Michiyo> fohsegtih
L694[09:40:08] <Michiyo> Thursday, our truck ran late, 1 PM it's like 95deg unloading a bunch of appliances and shit end up with a huge migraine, left my phone at work when I went home. Friday come pick up my phone, and the VM that runs our rental software was fucked *again* because the host PC rebooted without shutting the VM down... I had to scramble to hook the old computer backup and restore a backup
L695[09:41:00] <Michiyo> come back to pickup my check, cash it, and get gas and possibly grab some fireworks for the 4th, and my car won't start at the gas station, starter is dead. Buy new starter for 95% of my check, put it on and it's fucking bad.
L696[09:41:00] <Skye> O_o
L697[09:42:08] <Michiyo> get pulled to another parts store 10 minutes after they close, the friend helping me work on the car knows them and asked them to stay open for us, we buy *another* starter put it on, and the fucking thing gets stuck running as soon as you hook the battery up.
L698[09:42:29] <Michiyo> turns out there was a short in a relay that was added because of a recall
L699[09:42:29] <Vexatos> And all for want of some patriotism :P
L700[09:42:55] <Antheus> USA
L701[09:43:07] <Antheus> LEGAL EXPLOSIVES
L702[09:43:13] <Michiyo> So I've dropped $300 on 2 starters, one of which my mom can HOPEFULLY return
L703[09:43:33] <Michiyo> My check for this week was $215..so I'm now totally broke
L704[09:43:43] <Antheus> People were blowing off fireworks all night
L705[09:44:01] <Michiyo> But the good news is, after troubleshooting it this morning, I got my car running
L706[09:44:07] <Antheus> \o/
L707[09:44:21] <Antheus> Now sell it to get some juicy fireworks
L708[09:44:28] <Inari> http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/10/why-do-witches-ride-brooms-nsfw/281037/
L709[09:44:52] <Michiyo> No, Fireworks are off the table
L710[09:44:54] <Michiyo> sadly :/
L711[09:45:01] <Antheus> :(
L712[09:45:14] <Antheus> I don't think I'm doing anything this 4th
L713[09:45:51] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L714[09:45:51] <Antheus> I was going to go to Philidelpha but that plan fell through, I may watch the fireworks at fair park in Dallas though
L715[09:46:24] <Antheus> I wonder what Ft. Worth's fireworks are like...
L716[09:47:26] <Michiyo> Explody
L717[09:48:16] <Antheus> :(
L718[09:48:30] <Antheus> My dog used to get very scared on the 4th
L719[09:48:38] <Antheus> (used to as in she's dead)
L720[09:48:51] <Michiyo> :/
L721[09:48:52] <Michiyo> :(
L722[09:49:18] <Michiyo> It turns out my father-in-law bought a $20 pack of fireworks, so my kids will have a bit of fun
L723[09:49:24] <Antheus> She wouldn't bat an eye to softball sized hail slaming into the side of the house and a funnel cloud about to turn into a tornado
L724[09:50:15] <Michiyo> lol...
L725[09:50:53] <Antheus> The sound of huge hail hitting a house is terrifying
L726[09:50:55] <Antheus> tbh
L727[09:51:08] <Antheus> but looking up into a funnel cloud going directly over your house is pretty cool
L728[09:51:28] <Inari> i read tail there at frist
L729[09:52:17] <Antheus> lol
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L732[09:53:42] <Antheus> Well
L733[09:53:54] <Antheus> I think I should head off to bed
L734[09:54:00] <Antheus> since it is almost 10 am
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L738[10:08:40] <payonel> Skye: i want to see your 6x9 bug
L739[10:08:53] <Skye> 9x6
L740[10:08:57] <Skye> go to BTM
L741[10:08:58] <payonel> either one
L742[10:09:05] <payonel> ok, i will in a few minutes
L743[10:13:34] <Sangar> ugh, when will forge add @Nullable to their getCapability and stuff .-. incorrect warnings are annoying
L744[10:14:28] <Vexatos> <asie> Vexatos: also, with the new DFPWM
L745[10:14:28] <Vexatos> <asie> there's a slight issue
L746[10:14:28] <Vexatos> <asie> it can have dropouts with a high pitch at 32768Hz
L747[10:14:28] <Vexatos> <asie> 48000Hz would be more ideal
L748[10:14:32] <Vexatos> well this is an issue
L749[10:14:59] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
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L753[10:21:26] <Michiyo> "Did you know that 75% of the people in this country make up 3/4 of the population? When will congress address this problem?"
L754[10:21:31] <Michiyo> That's horrible.....
L755[10:22:48] <Vexatos> Michiyo, http://imgur.com/gJRfpsq
L756[10:23:54] <Inari> unlocking the scrollwheel is fun to play with :P
L757[10:24:30] <Inari> Michiyo: wheres that from
L758[10:27:48] <Michiyo> Inari, not sure, a friend posted it on FB
L759[10:27:53] <Michiyo> also Vexatos lol
L760[10:29:13] <Skye> Magik6k, you here?
L761[10:33:52] <Magik6k> dunno lol
L762[10:33:55] <Magik6k> probably
L763[10:34:59] <Magik6k> Skye, ^
L764[10:35:19] <Skye> Magik6k, how does one convert a youtube video to sfpwm
L765[10:35:22] <Skye> *dfpwm
L766[10:36:19] <Magik6k> Skye, https://0bin.net/paste/2VAw1CbAxXqHhJ6A#-MZQDouDGC0rZq3OJB0/LqJ1gYa2MtGbKmEloE1P5ZL + fastcgiwrap + some nginx rules
L767[10:36:32] <Skye> your API
L768[10:36:35] <Skye> how does it work
L769[10:36:39] <Skye> ytdl from OPPM doesn't work
L770[10:36:44] <Magik6k> ah
L771[10:37:33] <Skye> the API is uses returns 0 bytes
L772[10:37:54] <Magik6k> In theory you get dfpwm.magik6k.net/conv[k bitrate: Int]/Youtube ID
L773[10:38:10] <Magik6k> and dfpwm.magik6k.net/titlet/ID for title
L774[10:38:13] <Skye> 0 bytes
L775[10:38:19] <Magik6k> And that's strange
L776[10:38:49] <Michiyo> "titlet"
L777[10:38:58] <Magik6k> *title
L778[10:39:11] <Magik6k> Just can't keyboard
L779[10:39:33] <Magik6k> anyways, title seems to work, soo let me debug further
L780[10:39:37] <Skye> dfpwm.magik6k.net/conv32/l6s7Ts1nZG4 is 0 bytes
L781[10:41:30] <Saphire> ^
L782[10:41:35] <Saphire> THATS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT
L783[10:41:54] <Michiyo> OH OK
L784[10:41:58] <Michiyo> :P
L785[10:42:28] <Magik6k> umm, wat
L786[10:42:42] <Magik6k> https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1467474124.png
L787[10:43:19] <Saphire> lol
L788[10:43:27] <Saphire> and how much of those do you have?
L789[10:44:19] <asie> Magik6k: c.sh
L790[10:44:22] <asie> :D
L791[10:44:33] <Magik6k> Jun 24 04:25:40 magik6k fcgiwrap[15167]: ERROR: YouTube said: This video is available in Andorra, Albania, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Cypru
L792[10:46:00] <Magik6k> +Some other errors
L793[10:46:38] ⇦ Quits: DominanceIRC (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L796[10:48:01] <Skye> Magik6k, your VPS is banned from youttue
L797[10:48:04] <Skye> ?
L798[10:48:08] <Magik6k> Porbably not
L799[10:48:20] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L800[10:48:25] <Magik6k> But I got accient youtube-dl so I'm trying to update it now
L801[10:49:05] <Magik6k> But having like 16 people on 1 poor HDD raid makes it a bit slow
L802[10:49:39] <Michiyo> Yeah... when I did my yt2mp3 I had to play with different versions of ytdl
L803[10:50:21] <Magik6k> Huh, that version is 1 yr old
L804[10:51:49] <Vexatos> asie, you evil, just mentioning now that I need to increase the default bitrate, but then again ugh ._.
L805[10:52:10] <Vexatos> not sure how I'm going to handle this issue
L806[10:52:17] <asie> Vexatos: now you have an excuse what to call the different formats
L807[10:52:20] <asie> call the 48kHz one "Hi-Fi"
L808[10:52:23] <asie> and have a switch in tape drives
L809[10:52:26] <Vexatos> is it really bad?
L810[10:52:31] <Vexatos> the issue?
L811[10:52:35] <asie> play renai circulation
L812[10:52:38] <Vexatos> bad enough to be worth that
L813[10:52:41] <asie> it actually sounds *better* at old 32khz
L814[10:52:45] <asie> new 48khz is ALWAYS better then old 48khz
L815[10:52:54] <Vexatos> well, tape tooltips show minute numbers :P
L816[10:53:03] <asie> so add separate Hi-Fi numbers
L817[10:53:05] <asie> geez
L818[10:53:11] <Vexatos> hm
L819[10:53:22] <Vexatos> "Switch" in tape drives?
L820[10:53:35] <asie> yeah
L821[10:53:37] <asie> like a toggle
L822[10:53:42] <asie> "Lo-Fi" [# ] "Hi-Fi"
L823[10:53:45] <Temia> Wouldn't a hi-fi switch just be setting the tape speed to 1.5x?
L824[10:53:48] <Vexatos> tape.setSpeed(1.46484375) ._.
L825[10:53:51] <asie> Temia: and switching the DFPWM encoder
L826[10:53:55] <asie> Lo-Fi would use the old encoder
L827[10:53:58] <Temia> Ahh.
L828[10:54:00] <Temia> Fair enough.
L829[10:54:04] <Vexatos> StreamingAudioPlayer extends DFPWM
L830[10:54:12] <asie> REFACTOR TIME
L831[10:54:20] <Vexatos> \*-*/
L832[10:54:21] <asie> No excuses
L833[10:54:34] <Vexatos> but eww GUI buttons
L834[10:54:44] <Vexatos> I like the simple four buttons :<
L835[10:54:49] <asie> Charset has six
L836[10:54:51] <asie> and a counter
L837[10:54:54] <asie> and a reset switch
L838[10:55:08] <asie> if you want a way out of it
L839[10:55:10] <asie> go the cipher block route
L840[10:55:13] <asie> and add an Advanced Tape Drive
L841[10:55:15] <asie> :^)
L842[10:55:17] <asie> or
L843[10:55:19] <asie> Audiophile Tape Drive
L844[10:55:22] <asie> :^)^)^)
L845[10:55:24] <asie> made out of pure gold
L846[10:55:30] <asie> for the highest signal fidelity
L847[10:55:47] <Vexatos> like those cliché gold records
L848[10:56:28] ⇦ Quits: Jezza|Quiet (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L849[10:58:10] <Vexatos> now asie, where would I store which codec it uses
L850[11:01:53] <Vexatos> I'd have to send that data with the packet
L851[11:01:59] <Vexatos> as a byte, I guess
L852[11:02:14] <Vexatos> that means I need a codec registry?
L853[11:02:53] <asie> Vexatos: yeah
L854[11:02:57] * Saphire shakes Magik6k o..o
L855[11:03:01] <Saphire> isitworkingyet
L856[11:03:08] <Magik6k> nope
L857[11:03:14] <Vexatos> asie, should that go into AudioPacketRegistry
L858[11:03:24] <Magik6k> weird shit happening
L859[11:03:28] <Magik6k> wat
L860[11:03:36] <asie> Vexatos: dunno
L861[11:04:31] <Saphire> Magik6k: oh also
L862[11:04:35] <Saphire> bewaaaaare
L863[11:04:49] <Saphire> Magik6k: there is a new version of DFPWM
L864[11:05:13] <Magik6k> I heard of it
L865[11:05:20] <Saphire> care to make something like nconv64?
L866[11:05:24] <Forecaster> I now have 99 games in my steam library
L867[11:05:27] <Forecaster> \o/
L868[11:05:32] <Magik6k> But it would be preddy nice to have current conv working
L869[11:05:33] <Vexatos> asie, and I guess IAudioSource.getCodec?
L870[11:08:13] ⇨ Joins: Jezza|Quiet (~Jezza@
L871[11:11:33] <Vexatos> package pl.asie.lib.audio.codec.dfpwm1a;
L872[11:11:33] <Vexatos> eww
L873[11:12:27] <Sangar> still better than ...dfpwmonea :P
L874[11:14:40] <Inari> dfpwmoan
L875[11:16:19] <Sangar> dfpwm1a1? :P
L876[11:17:27] <Skye> Magik6k, how's it going?
L877[11:17:46] <Magik6k> dunno, may work
L878[11:18:31] <Saphire> zero
L879[11:19:18] ⇦ Quits: Nachie (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L880[11:24:30] <Skye> Vexatos, asie: who uses the old and new dfpwm use
L881[11:24:38] <Magik6k> Vexatos, ur tapes still using old codec?
L882[11:25:10] <Vexatos> Magik6k, on 1.7, yes, and uuh I'm right now changing stuff in some way so both are supported
L883[11:25:21] <Vexatos> as the new one apparently needs 48k for a bitrate to properly work
L884[11:25:58] <Vexatos> so there'll be lo-fi and hi-fi I guess
L885[11:28:12] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L886[11:29:14] <gamax92> hmm ...
L887[11:29:21] <gamax92> Vexatos: hi.
L888[11:29:43] ⇨ Joins: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-162-223-180-83.cpe.metrocast.net)
L889[11:29:53] <Vexatos> hi
L890[11:29:57] <gamax92> hi.
L891[11:33:07] ⇦ Quits: ChJees (~ChJees@h53n9-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L892[11:38:22] <Skye> Vexatos, also you need a speed selector for tapes
L893[11:38:31] <Vexatos> asie, wouldn't I have to change the packet size in TapeDriveState?
L894[11:38:42] <Vexatos> There is way too much I don't know if I should change
L895[11:38:51] <Saphire> Magik6k: how is it?
L896[11:39:21] <asie> Vexatos: experiment with it
L897[11:39:25] <Saphire> Magik6k: IT WORKS
L898[11:39:43] <gamax92> asie: why is 48000 needed
L899[11:40:17] <asie> gamax92: 32768 is not enough
L900[11:40:22] <gamax92> why.
L901[11:40:24] <asie> the new dfpwm needs a bit more rampup time
L902[11:40:27] <asie> from what i understand
L903[11:40:33] <asie> so overly high frequency signals will just drop out
L904[11:40:35] <asie> to zero
L905[11:40:43] <gamax92> yes because he made the coeffs 1 :I
L906[11:40:51] <asie> yes which give massively better quality in all other cases :I
L907[11:40:54] <asie> he also did some other changes tho
L908[11:41:29] <Vexatos> but server friendliness D:
L909[11:41:42] <Vexatos> it's 50% more data per second D:
L910[11:41:50] <asie> Vexatos: i changed it *after* BTM16
L911[11:41:51] <asie> not *before*
L912[11:41:54] <asie> and BTM15
L913[11:41:58] <asie> those experiences showed me that 50% is meaningless
L914[11:42:11] <asie> as you're probably eating 32 tape drives' worth just by playing on a heavily modded server
L915[11:42:43] <Vexatos> okay, switching to hi-fi would change the tape drive's codec (It is an IAudioSourceWithCodec now) and set the tape drive state's basePacketSize to 1500 ._.
L916[11:42:59] <asie> hai hai
L917[11:43:04] <asie> also
L918[11:43:08] <asie> Hz speeds divisible by 20 are superior
L919[11:43:20] <asie> if i were you I'd also silently make lo-fi use 32800Hz
L920[11:43:24] <asie> divisible by 20*8 or 160*
L921[11:45:27] <gamax92> asie: do you think for a second you could be him and do the commits yourself since you know what you're doing :P
L922[11:47:34] ⇨ Joins: ChJees (~ChJees@h53n9-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L923[11:51:52] <Vexatos> well it compiles again
L924[11:52:51] <asie> gamax92: no
L925[11:52:51] ⇦ Quits: Jasontti (~Jason@dsl-prvbrasgw1-58c005-181.dhcp.inet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L926[11:52:51] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L927[11:52:54] <asie> i would just work on charset
L928[11:52:58] <Vexatos> now I just need a way to switch between lo-fi and hi-fi
L929[11:53:05] <CompanionCube> https://community.amd.com/thread/202410
L930[11:53:07] <CompanionCube> O.o
L931[11:53:15] <CompanionCube> actual, physical hardware damage
L932[11:53:21] <gamax92> asie: does charset talk to computronics?
L933[11:53:28] <asie> not fully
L934[11:53:38] <asie> they cross-support audio
L935[11:53:41] <asie> but charset does not do OC
L936[11:53:48] <asie> it was supposed to sometime
L937[11:54:24] <Vexatos> asie,
L938[11:54:25] <Vexatos> public static final int L_SECOND = 4096;
L939[11:54:32] <Vexatos> what is this magic number in ItemTape exactly
L940[11:54:36] <Vexatos> and how do I adapt it to hi-fi
L941[11:54:46] <asie> bytes per second
L942[11:54:51] <asie> only used for tape length in bytes
L943[11:55:06] <Vexatos> and for display of length in minutes
L944[11:55:12] <Vexatos> which will be lower on 48kHz
L945[11:55:13] <CompanionCube> AMD achievement get: release a GPU that can cause physical damage to the motherboard due to power usage
L946[11:55:14] <CompanionCube> Stary2001, ^
L947[11:57:42] <Stary2001> yep
L948[11:57:57] ⇨ Joins: Jasontti (~Jason@dsl-prvbrasgw1-58c005-181.dhcp.inet.fi)
L949[11:58:40] <Forecaster> there's a new worms game coming out
L950[11:58:50] <Forecaster> one of the added weapons is "dodgy phone battery"
L951[11:59:24] <Vexatos> so asie, normally it sends 1024 bytes of DFPWM?
L952[11:59:33] <Vexatos> per packet, that is
L953[12:00:08] <asie> L_SECOND only controls display
L954[12:00:09] <Vexatos> and it sends one every 250ms
L955[12:00:10] <asie> but yes
L956[12:00:11] <Vexatos> AAAH
L957[12:00:14] <Vexatos> that is the 4096
L958[12:00:17] <Vexatos> it is 4 packets a second
L959[12:00:18] <Vexatos> >_>
L960[12:00:25] <Vexatos> ok
L961[12:01:08] ⇦ Quits: Jasontti (~Jason@dsl-prvbrasgw1-58c005-181.dhcp.inet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L962[12:01:52] ⇦ Quits: TheFox|Mobile|away (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Got to work now :()
L963[12:02:00] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L964[12:02:06] <TheFox> Hello
L965[12:02:20] <TheFox> %oclogs
L966[12:02:22] <MichiBot> TheFox: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L967[12:02:56] ⇨ Joins: Jasontti (~Jason@dsl-prvbrasgw1-58c005-181.dhcp.inet.fi)
L968[12:04:30] <Michiyo> http://steamcommunity.com/id/palmdesert
L969[12:05:07] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L970[12:05:38] <TheFox> how does one get a list of what MichiBot is capable of?
L971[12:06:36] <TheFox> also i didnt even know there where 5k games on steam
L972[12:08:47] <Michiyo> ffs, for the 90th time, %commands
L973[12:09:00] <Michiyo> Also, there are roughly 7,300+ games
L974[12:09:51] <Michiyo> 7481 it seems
L975[12:09:57] <TheFox> thats quite a bit
L976[12:10:47] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Got to work now :()
L977[12:10:58] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L978[12:11:10] <TheFox> that is not what i wanted to do
L979[12:11:53] <Vexatos> asie, so if 32768 is 1024 bytes of DFPWM, 48k is 1500, right?
L980[12:12:08] <TheFox> um
L981[12:13:24] <gamax92> Vexatos: yes
L982[12:15:12] <gamax92> oh good.
L983[12:15:14] <gamax92> quassel froze.
L984[12:15:57] <gamax92> oh nvm, was just that I had a config window up ... ?_?;
L985[12:16:56] <gamax92> Really not liking quassel.
L986[12:17:18] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L987[12:19:03] <Vexatos> how would I have the tape drive switch between lo-fi and hi-fi? Should I add an "advanced tape drive"=
L988[12:19:04] <Vexatos> ?
L989[12:19:05] <Vexatos> >_>
L990[12:20:32] <gamax92> quassel has no tabs support.
L991[12:20:50] <gamax92> so it'll look like crap on my laptop
L992[12:22:58] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-0-109.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L993[12:24:59] <Vexatos> asie, test component.tape_drive.setHifi(true)
L994[12:25:00] <Vexatos> it works
L995[12:25:01] <Vexatos> holy cow
L996[12:25:06] <Vexatos> that's a hell of a refactor
L997[12:25:12] <Vexatos> now to backport it to asielib on 1.7 _>
L998[12:25:13] <Vexatos> :>
L999[12:25:17] <Vexatos> BUT FIRST
L1000[12:25:23] <asie> >asielib
L1001[12:25:24] <Vexatos> how to handle the two codecs
L1002[12:25:26] <asie> DESTROY IT ALREADY
L1003[12:25:31] <Vexatos> asie, it's gone in 1.8+
L1004[12:25:35] <gamax92> asie: I depend on asielib :<
L1005[12:25:36] <gamax92> ... wat
L1006[12:25:36] <asie> DESTROY IT MORE
L1007[12:25:38] <gamax92> Vexatos: why.
L1008[12:25:43] <asie> gamax92: depend on charsetlib instead
L1009[12:25:44] <Vexatos> gamax92, built into computronics
L1010[12:25:52] <asie> asielib sucks
L1011[12:25:54] <gamax92> alright, then I guess I will do charsetlib then
L1012[12:25:54] <asie> really
L1013[12:25:55] <Vexatos> because I thought noone used it
L1014[12:25:59] <Vexatos> because it's crap
L1015[12:26:06] <gamax92> Vexatos: you scumbag!
L1016[12:26:06] <Vexatos> 10 out of 10 people agree asielib is crap
L1017[12:26:17] <Vexatos> asie agrees asielib is crap
L1018[12:26:19] <Vexatos> and he made it
L1019[12:26:25] <gamax92> and?
L1020[12:26:28] <gamax92> that's not saying much
L1021[12:26:46] <gamax92> asielib is an old creation, it's possible to have time pass and yourself to change, and then look back at old creations and not like them
L1022[12:27:04] ⇦ Quits: infina (~infina@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1023[12:27:05] ⇦ Quits: S3 (~S3@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1024[12:27:05] <Vexatos> I had to rewrite it a lot just to get it working on 1.8
L1025[12:27:06] <Forecaster> it's pretty much mandatory in software development :P
L1026[12:27:09] <Vexatos> what do you use it for
L1027[12:27:16] <Vexatos> Forecaster, asielib is? Nice.
L1028[12:27:25] <Forecaster> no :P
L1029[12:27:26] <gamax92> nah it's okay charset does what I needed
L1030[12:27:30] * gamax92 jumps ship
L1031[12:27:56] <Vexatos> k
L1032[12:28:05] <Vexatos> charsetlib is the successor to asielib, pretty much
L1033[12:28:12] <Vexatos> so
L1034[12:28:14] <Vexatos> now
L1035[12:28:35] <Vexatos> asie, gamax92, anyone: Any good suggestion on how to handle the difference between DFPWM32k and DFPWM1a48k?
L1036[12:28:40] <Vexatos> I like the idea of "lo-fi" and "hi-fi"
L1037[12:28:53] <Vexatos> But having the tape drive simply switch between them?
L1038[12:29:05] <Vexatos> Or an entire new "advanced tape drive"? Or something completely different?
L1039[12:29:30] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L1040[12:29:40] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L1041[12:32:59] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1042[12:34:28] <Temia> I think the switch works.
L1043[12:35:05] ⇦ Quits: Jezza|Quiet (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1044[12:35:19] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1045[12:35:22] <TheFox> so your trying to make a music tape or computronics?
L1046[12:35:35] <Saphire> computronics
L1047[12:35:59] <TheFox> thats what i said
L1048[12:36:17] <Forecaster> question unclear, ask again
L1049[12:36:50] *** Jezza is now known as Jezza|Quiet
L1050[12:36:55] <TheFox> and Forecaster is playing robot, this might be a long one ;)
L1051[12:37:34] <Forecaster> okay then, clarified: we don't understand your question, try again
L1052[12:37:45] <TheFox> i read and answer my question
L1053[12:37:50] <TheFox> answered**
L1054[12:38:02] <TheFox> %commands
L1055[12:39:09] <TheFox> %drama
L1056[12:39:13] <MichiBot> TheFox: JABBA adds code to destroy jeb automatically
L1057[12:39:20] <TheFox> that is dramatic
L1058[12:40:14] <Lizzy> wow, onne of my bus stops has 700 people standing at it
L1059[12:40:18] <Vexatos> hm asie, I can't display the hi-fi tape length in the tooltip because it would use the default java locale, i.e. use comma on some and point on other systems. Yay
L1060[12:40:20] <TheFox> welp, i need to go fix something someone "accidentally" broke...
L1061[12:40:28] <Vexatos> And that's completely independent of the language chosen
L1062[12:40:31] <TheFox> Lizzy, did you count them all?
L1063[12:40:51] <Lizzy> no, cities skylines has a nice counter for it
L1064[12:41:00] <TheFox> oh
L1065[12:41:16] <TheFox> i thought you meant IRL
L1066[12:41:29] <Lizzy> also i may need to re-distribute some of these lines, there's too many busses
L1067[12:42:37] <Lizzy> https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/20160702184039_1.jpg the first Thornton Heights line, just had to add another 2 busses to that line for the extra capacity
L1068[12:42:39] *** Jezza|Quiet is now known as Jezza
L1069[12:43:34] *** Jezza is now known as Jezza|Quiet
L1070[12:43:44] <Lizzy> wow, it's just dropped below 10..., i think i have enough busses on that line now
L1071[12:43:53] <TheFox> yeah
L1072[12:45:37] <Lizzy> 5482 citizens and 104 tourists use one of my public transport services a week
L1073[12:48:02] <Vexatos> asie, having lo-fi would encourage sticking with the old codec though, no? :X
L1074[12:48:06] * Vexatos pokes GreaseMonkey
L1075[12:49:26] <gamax92> I don't get that logic though :I
L1076[12:50:39] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) (Quit: Abort | Retry | Fail)
L1077[12:51:16] <gamax92> use settings that are less active and muffle the higher ends so you have to use a higher frequency to get that back
L1078[12:52:25] <Vexatos> uhm what
L1079[12:52:45] <gamax92> RD/RI=1 makes it less active and muffles the higher ends
L1080[12:52:53] <gamax92> so their solution to that is to move from ~32 to 48
L1081[12:53:45] <gamax92> and then somehow it's so much more amazing because you're storing more data in it >_>; gee yes using more data to represent something results in higher quality.
L1082[12:55:34] <asie> gamax92: no
L1083[12:55:38] <asie> charset uses 48
L1084[12:55:44] <gamax92> asie: good for charset
L1085[12:55:47] <asie> i'm comparing 48khz dfpwmv1 to 48khz dfpwmv1a
L1086[12:55:50] <asie> there's a massive difference
L1087[12:55:59] <asie> even 32khz dfpwmv1a is better than 32khz dfpwmv1, in *most* cases
L1088[12:56:06] <asie> it's just that it gives up on very high frequencies for obvious reasons
L1089[12:56:27] <gamax92> asie: apply an equilizer :>
L1090[12:56:30] <asie> no
L1091[12:56:33] <asie> the codec gives up :>
L1092[12:56:46] <asie> i don't think it will make it better
L1093[12:57:09] <Vexatos> I mean, I could just go with 48k as default now because all songs will have to be re-encoded anyway
L1094[12:57:16] <Vexatos> but that'd mean I'd need to change the tape sizes
L1095[12:57:23] <Vexatos> to fit again, or we get ugly decimal numbers
L1096[12:58:38] * gamax92 tests things.
L1097[12:58:38] <Vexatos> but that would mean increasing data storage space by 50% on every tape, allowing 48MB on the top tier D:
L1098[13:01:49] <Vexatos> so the question now is: do this whole lo-fi / hi-fi thing or just go with 48k hardcoded anyway
L1099[13:02:34] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (~Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0e:dec:403d:f013:3bb4:bd28)
L1100[13:02:35] zsh sets mode: +o on Caitlyn
L1101[13:02:37] <Caitlyn> \o/ IPv6
L1102[13:02:40] <gamax92> why would you hardcode the speed
L1103[13:02:49] <gamax92> when it has not been hardcoded before
L1104[13:03:10] <Vexatos> gamax92, before it was 32768
L1105[13:03:20] <gamax92> the lo-fi / hi-fi thing isn't speed related anyway.
L1106[13:03:26] <Vexatos> "speed" is just a multiplier between 0.25 and 2
L1107[13:03:27] <gamax92> it's more about the new seettings
L1108[13:03:46] <Vexatos> lo-fi/hi-fi would be old@32768 vs new@48000
L1109[13:04:01] <Vexatos> but the old codec is worse in every way so why even bother, that is my question
L1110[13:04:06] <gamax92> Vexatos: no stop.
L1111[13:04:09] <asie> yeah pretty much
L1112[13:04:14] <gamax92> ignore the speed, you can just force 48000 sure
L1113[13:04:26] <gamax92> but the whole lo-fi hi-fi is the new settings
L1114[13:04:31] <gamax92> the hz is not a setting
L1115[13:04:47] <Vexatos> well it'd still be old codec vs new codec
L1116[13:04:52] <Vexatos> but why even have the old codec then
L1117[13:04:59] <gamax92> there you go that's better :3
L1118[13:05:28] <Vexatos> but forcing the new codec would mean increasing tape sizes by 50% or we get weird decimal points on the tooltips. OR we just change the tooltip to display binary capacity instead of the time in minutes as it's inaccurate as you change speed anyway
L1119[13:06:03] <gamax92> no you're doing it again stop doing that.
L1120[13:06:09] <gamax92> s/codec/speed/
L1121[13:06:10] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> but forcing the new speed would mean increasing tape sizes by 50% or we get weird decimal points on the tooltips. OR we just change the tooltip to display binary capacity instead of the time in minutes as it's inaccurate as you change speed anyway
L1122[13:06:12] <gamax92> there you go.
L1123[13:06:44] <gamax92> separate the thing into two separate issue
L1124[13:07:10] <Vexatos> >_>
L1125[13:07:17] <Vexatos> now on to actually _discussing_, thanks
L1126[13:07:46] <gamax92> if you think of it wrong you treat it wrong
L1127[13:07:50] <Lizzy> Caitlyn, woop?
L1128[13:08:13] <Lizzy> %lookup athar.theender.net
L1129[13:08:15] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for athar.theender.net 2001:bc8:2193:101::1
L1130[13:08:34] <Lizzy> %isup https://[2001:bc8:2193:101::1]
L1131[13:08:35] <MichiBot> Lizzy: https://[2001:bc8:2193:101::1] Is Down.
L1132[13:08:36] <gamax92> Vexatos: how does the tape display time anyway currently, mm:ss ?
L1133[13:08:38] <Lizzy> :/
L1134[13:08:56] <Lizzy> %isup https://git.theender.net
L1135[13:09:01] <MichiBot> Lizzy: https://git.theender.net Is Up.
L1136[13:09:02] <Vexatos> gamax92, item tooltip "Length: n minutes"
L1137[13:09:15] <Lizzy> oh, it is up ¬_¬
L1138[13:09:25] <Vexatos> inaccurate as soon as your tape drive speed is != 1
L1139[13:09:39] <gamax92> Vexatos: of course
L1140[13:10:33] <Vexatos> so the option would be to change that to plain binary capacity
L1141[13:10:35] <Vexatos> (n bytes)
L1142[13:11:06] <gamax92> Vexatos: they're all whole MB's right now, right?
L1143[13:13:04] <Vexatos> they are all whole multiples of 245760
L1144[13:13:35] <gamax92> thanks for not answering the question.
L1145[13:13:43] <asie> gamax92: HE CLEARLY SAID NO
L1146[13:13:43] <Vexatos> what do you mean?
L1147[13:13:57] <Vexatos> 245760 is clearly not 1024^2
L1148[13:16:03] <Michiyo> Lizzy, woop indeed... :P
L1149[13:16:09] <Lizzy> :D
L1150[13:16:09] <Vexatos> it's 1024 (size of one packet) * 4 (four packets are sent a second) * <tape size>
L1151[13:16:20] <Vexatos> and * 60 (seconds a minute)
L1152[13:16:37] <Michiyo> also the isup on the ipv6 returned down because it didn't trust the cert
L1153[13:17:45] <gamax92> Vexatos: hmm ... moving to bytes would probably make the tapes more confusing
L1154[13:17:45] <Lizzy> ah
L1155[13:18:06] <Vexatos> well they are binary data storage after all
L1156[13:18:08] <gamax92> and still result in weird decimal points when people calculate how much audio you can put on it
L1157[13:18:19] <Vexatos> yea
L1158[13:20:01] <Vexatos> It should be a whole multiple of 6000 though at 48kHz
L1159[13:20:02] <Vexatos> :X
L1160[13:21:04] <gamax92> yeah otherwise you get say, a 6 minute tape -> 4 minutes and 5.76 seconds
L1161[13:21:54] <gamax92> but increasing it would break every tape ever to have a bunch of new zeros that didn't used to be there
L1162[13:21:55] <Vexatos> yes
L1163[13:22:05] <Vexatos> well
L1164[13:22:13] <Vexatos> the change would only be on 1.8+ anyway
L1165[13:22:22] <Vexatos> as those versions have not been officially released yet
L1166[13:22:44] <gamax92> oh then just do the ~46% increase
L1167[13:22:50] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1168[13:24:47] <Vexatos> THAT is a balancing issue.
L1169[13:24:57] <Vexatos> 32MB tapes are already a lot.
L1170[13:25:01] <Vexatos> 48MB is just ;_;
L1171[13:25:57] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (~TheFox@pool-108-4-58-236.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: didnt notice i left this on)
L1172[13:27:44] <gamax92> Vexatos: does it help if I tell you it's actually only 44MB? :P
L1173[13:28:03] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1174[13:29:42] <Vexatos> so yea, this is my current concern.
L1175[13:30:45] <gamax92> Vexatos: well if you make it 88 minutes you're back down close to the old 30MB
L1176[13:32:29] <cloakable> Hmm. ocdoc doesn't mention microcontrollers not being able to access external components; has that changed?
L1177[13:32:50] <Forecaster> no it hasn't
L1178[13:35:12] <cloakable> damn, going to have to use a T1 case instead of the power-sipping MC xD
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L1181[13:41:01] <Vexatos> grrr
L1182[13:41:07] <Vexatos> I can't decide on what to do
L1183[13:42:52] <Vexatos> asie, you said charset just has 48k anyway, right?
L1184[13:43:03] <Vexatos> so the lengths on charset tapes are according to that?
L1185[13:43:13] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1186[13:43:34] <gamax92> #lua 4096*60*128/1024/1024
L1187[13:43:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 30.0
L1188[13:43:47] <gamax92> #lua 6000*60*128/1024/1024
L1189[13:43:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 43.9453125
L1190[13:44:00] <Vexatos> yes it is
L1191[13:44:03] <gamax92> 48000/32768
L1192[13:44:06] <gamax92> #lua 48000/32768
L1193[13:44:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.46484375
L1194[13:44:08] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1195[13:44:38] <asie> Vexatos: yes
L1196[13:45:03] <Vexatos> indeed, you have 6000 instead of 4096
L1197[13:46:14] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1198[13:47:51] <gamax92> why the fuck does lua have a broken autocompletion file.
L1199[13:51:40] <Saphire> wat?
L1200[13:52:20] <gamax92> it'll let me tab complete lua files sure but then nothing else, so r.i.p script arguments
L1201[13:52:46] <gamax92> sooo ... rm /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/lua :>
L1202[13:52:51] <Saphire> going to sleep
L1203[13:52:58] <gamax92> good night
L1204[14:03:37] <Skye> night
L1205[14:04:29] <Vexatos> Sangar, poke?
L1206[14:04:37] <Vexatos> gamax92, I'll talk to Sangar about it, too.
L1207[14:04:41] <Vexatos> because binary balance
L1208[14:07:26] <Vexatos> hm
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L1223[15:42:57] <Sangar> aaand i'm back
L1224[15:43:00] <Sangar> what
L1225[15:43:01] <gamax92> hey Sangar
L1226[15:45:50] <Vexatos> what what
L1227[15:46:19] <Forecaster> woot woot
L1228[15:49:50] <asie> 8hi Sangar
L1229[15:50:58] <Sangar> ohai asie
L1230[15:51:01] <Sangar> how's life
L1231[15:51:14] <Sangar> Vexatos, what poke
L1232[15:51:21] <Vexatos> Sangar, have fun reading ^
L1233[15:51:27] <Sangar> short version?
L1234[15:51:51] <Vexatos> new DFPWM codec is so good 32768 Hz can't handle it
L1235[15:51:53] <Vexatos> needs 48k
L1236[15:51:55] <asie> Sangar: how's life?
L1237[15:51:58] <asie> eh
L1238[15:52:21] <Vexatos> Problem: Need to change tape sizes
L1239[15:52:23] <Vexatos> to match again
L1240[15:52:40] <Vexatos> but just sticking with the same tape lengths would mean 47% capacity increase
L1241[15:52:42] <Vexatos> which is... a lot
L1242[15:53:00] <Vexatos> basically 31MB -> 45MB on the top tier
L1243[15:53:23] <gamax92> 30MB* -> ~44MB*
L1244[15:54:56] <Sangar> welp
L1245[15:55:05] <Sangar> add more expensive hifi tapes? :X
L1246[15:55:15] <Sangar> add... burnable cds? >_>
L1247[15:55:17] * Sangar runs
L1248[15:55:21] <Inari> haha
L1249[15:55:32] <Inari> add tape drives
L1250[15:55:33] <Inari> ohwait
L1251[15:55:57] <gamax92> Sangar: a thing to note is apparently Charset has been using 48k already so if it had OC integration ~44MB data blobs would have already been available from that
L1252[15:55:57] * Vexatos burns Sangar
L1253[15:56:05] <Vexatos> relevant https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/issues/194
L1254[15:56:15] <Sangar> there was this weird thing called minidisc once :P
L1255[15:56:23] <Sangar> long ago
L1256[15:56:40] <Vexatos> Sangar, Commodore Datasettes
L1257[15:56:48] <cloakable> I remember minidisc :D
L1258[15:57:04] <cloakable> I was dissapoint there was not a computer drive for them
L1259[15:57:09] <Sangar> haha
L1260[15:58:24] <Sangar> welp. idk. i mean, compared to region data i suppose 44mb isn't that much, so whatever :X
L1261[15:58:25] <Inari> add sellotape data strorage :f
L1262[15:58:36] <Vexatos> Sangar, more like balance
L1263[15:58:44] <Vexatos> I mean, 32MB is already almost infinite in OC space
L1264[15:58:46] <Vexatos> but still
L1265[15:58:47] <Inari> this 1999 article though
L1266[15:58:48] <Vexatos> 45 is... a lot
L1267[15:58:49] <Inari> "Scientists have discovered the perfect medium for storing data: sticky tape."
L1268[15:59:06] <gamax92> silly Vexatos keeps changing the numbers every time he says a size
L1269[15:59:13] <Inari> "The tape always remains as a roll, he added, a standard 10-metre section providing enough storage for 10 gigabytes of data, twice the hard-drive capacity of most conventional computers and the equivalent of about 7,000 floppy disks."
L1270[15:59:23] <Vexatos> gamax92, 31, 32, whatever
L1271[15:59:26] <Inari> "The team believes, however, that it will be able to increase the present capacity by a factor of 10 in a few years."
L1272[15:59:33] * Sangar shrugs
L1273[15:59:34] <cloakable> heh
L1274[15:59:35] <gamax92> Vexatos: it's funny because it's exactly 30 :P
L1275[15:59:45] <Sangar> then again, large is large, so does it make much of a difference anymore?
L1276[15:59:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, but then again 1.5MB for iron tape
L1277[16:00:01] <Vexatos> 800k for copper
L1278[16:00:20] <Vexatos> a hard drive's worth of storage is extremely cheap suddenly
L1279[16:00:49] <gamax92> yeah but it's not easy to use and somewhat slow
L1280[16:03:30] <Vexatos> hnnnnngh muhbalanz
L1281[16:10:47] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
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L1283[16:12:59] <Vexatos> Sangar, 3MB of storage space for one gold ingot?
L1284[16:13:01] <Vexatos> :X
L1285[16:16:10] <Sangar> such efficient. much wow.
L1286[16:17:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, it'd be the easiest change for me (s/1024/1500/) but it's meh
L1287[16:18:02] <Vexatos> it's just so much of a storage increase
L1288[16:19:48] <Sangar> eh. whatever. it's not really random access (efficiency wise), so i guess it's not too bad
L1289[16:20:01] <Sangar> it's not like it really replaces hard drives or other such media
L1290[16:21:49] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1292[16:25:14] <marcin212> Sangar: Hello, I have a problem with inventory controller on BTM. (screen: https://img.bymarcin.com/screenshot-2016-07-02_23-07-39.png)
L1293[16:29:03] ⇨ Joins: YungElf (webchat@c-24-99-170-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1294[16:29:29] <YungElf> hey all, i have a quick question. :)
L1295[16:29:47] <Temia> Shoot.
L1296[16:30:10] <YungElf> adding a package via the github repo is done how?
L1297[16:31:55] <YungElf> they all seem to have a smaller name, such as ytdl is what im trying to add
L1298[16:33:16] <YungElf> would it be something like oppm install ytdl
L1299[16:33:25] <GreaseMonkey> Vexatos: mrow
L1300[16:33:38] <YungElf> whats that?
L1301[16:33:49] <YungElf> i dont understand the context.
L1302[16:33:52] <YungElf> sorry, bad english
L1303[16:34:01] <Sangar> marcin212, yeah, Magik6k just linked that in #BTM. looks like some more handles the RightClickBlock event and decides to throw if that parameter is null... instead of just not handling it :/
L1304[16:34:35] <Skye> Sangar, when will you fix alt hand stuff
L1305[16:34:43] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, would you mind updating http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/dfpwm ._.
L1306[16:34:44] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: charset tapes use 48kbps afaik so there's no real issues there... i could possibly tweak the precision though to see if i can drop the muffling but i'd rather provide a tool to create conditions to prevent the muffling from being an issue on 32kbps
L1307[16:34:50] <YungElf> so in regards to insalling ytdl from github?
L1308[16:35:24] <Sangar> Skye, idk. kinda cba to anytime soon since i don't really use it myself >_> pr welcome :X
L1309[16:36:17] <Skye> Sangar, I can't even get a working dev environment...
L1310[16:36:32] <GreaseMonkey> Vexatos: do you want me to just have the dfpwm1a info on there? the algo is *slightly* different
L1311[16:36:40] <Vexatos> I guess
L1312[16:37:05] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: changing from 32 to 48 only extends the muffledness a little bit higher, it's still present of course.
L1313[16:37:06] <Sangar> doesn't have to be you doing the pr :P
L1314[16:37:09] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, main issue in the mod is actually balance because to keep the byte->minutes ratio the same I'd have to increase file size by 45%
L1315[16:37:26] <GreaseMonkey> oh right
L1316[16:37:27] * gamax92 throws bricks at Vexatos
L1317[16:37:36] <gamax92> why do you keep changing the numbers >:I
L1318[16:38:00] <GreaseMonkey> Vexatos: could have a HQ/SQ mode?
L1319[16:38:03] <Sangar> bricking balance since 20XX
L1320[16:38:16] <gamax92> right I was supposed to do tests sorry
L1321[16:38:18] <GreaseMonkey> and for HQ the tapes are a bit shorter?
L1322[16:38:26] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, was one idea, but that would mean decimal numbers in the tooltip with . and , messed up depending on locale
L1323[16:38:47] <Vexatos> also SQ with the new codec has that issue asie mentioned
L1324[16:38:49] <Temia> Why is that a problem, anyway? o.o
L1325[16:38:51] <GreaseMonkey> 8m / 5m20s
L1326[16:38:54] <Vexatos> and SQ with old codec just doesn't make sense
L1327[16:39:01] <Vexatos> as there is virtually no advantage of the old
L1328[16:39:05] <Vexatos> according to asie >_>
L1329[16:39:09] <asie> ^
L1330[16:40:18] <GreaseMonkey> Vexatos: try with a prec set to 9, see if that fixes the muffling
L1331[16:40:31] <gamax92> oh right that's what I wanted to ask you
L1332[16:40:36] <gamax92> prec is precision, right?
L1333[16:40:39] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, I haven't ever tested that
L1334[16:40:42] <YungElf> to install something from a git repo?
L1335[16:40:44] <Vexatos> need to ask someone like asie
L1336[16:40:47] <YungElf> what would the command be
L1337[16:40:56] <asie> Vexatos: trust in the you who believes in me going to sleep in a sec
L1338[16:41:01] <gamax92> heh.
L1339[16:41:29] <YungElf> can anyone help me
L1340[16:42:04] <GreaseMonkey> YungElf: wget the raw URL
L1341[16:42:41] <GreaseMonkey> i'm trying one of the offending tracks, it seems it always has muffling issues regardless of the precision value
L1342[16:43:01] <GreaseMonkey> oh good, values below 8 work too
L1343[16:43:30] <GreaseMonkey> but yeah, i think a bit of preproc will be necessary
L1344[16:43:32] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: is precision backwards compatible, like would something encoded at 10 work at 8 or what not
L1345[16:43:34] <GreaseMonkey> for some tracks
L1346[16:44:07] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: tested it, sounds rather scratchy
L1347[16:44:24] <gamax92> oh okay, so then no
L1348[16:44:43] <Magik6k> TIL scala match can handle nested tuples like 'case ((r: Row, bar: ProgressBar), (last: Long, cont: LxcContainer)) =>'
L1349[16:47:43] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: oh you removed the OPTIMP stuff in 1a
L1350[16:47:49] <GreaseMonkey> yeah that never worked
L1351[16:48:30] <YungElf> from the entire github url?
L1352[16:48:41] <YungElf> like wget github.blahblah
L1353[16:48:50] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: ... and CONST_RD/RI ?
L1354[16:48:58] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: dropped from the algorithm
L1355[16:49:02] <gamax92> why
L1356[16:49:20] <GreaseMonkey> because after finding new Ri/Rd values and getting better sound they turned out to be useless
L1357[16:49:36] <gamax92> oh?
L1358[16:49:38] <GreaseMonkey> in other words we have one less multiply
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L1360[16:50:01] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: that's stupid.
L1361[16:50:05] <GreaseMonkey> no it isn't.
L1362[16:50:32] <GreaseMonkey> it's what works.
L1363[16:50:44] <GreaseMonkey> what's stupid is leaving Ri and Rd in and doing a calculation which always returns 0
L1364[16:52:07] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1365[16:52:11] <Michiyo> YungElf, if you want to get a file directly from github find the file you want, then click the "Raw" button that will give you a url like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/whatever/ and you can wget that
L1366[16:52:30] <Michiyo> if you're trying to use oppm to install a package, it's just oppm install packagename
L1367[16:54:57] <GreaseMonkey> Vexatos: https://gist.github.com/iamgreaser/d0994a3d9277f264a6ccedc2c7ce0bca
L1368[17:04:31] <Vexatos> thanks :D
L1369[17:05:14] <Vexatos> http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/dfpwm updated
L1370[17:05:23] <Vexatos> now to fill stuff in
L1371[17:05:43] <Sangar> welp, i'm off. gnight o/
L1372[17:07:11] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, I'm just using whatever was the default
L1373[17:07:15] <Vexatos> how would I phrase that
L1374[17:07:24] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1375[17:11:59] <YungElf> is there a way to get a higher resolution than 160 by 50
L1376[17:12:49] <gamax92> nope, you can fake higher resolution using special unicode characters, for example with the braille characters you can get 320x200 pixel, although 2x4 blocks share the same background/foreground color
L1377[17:13:29] <Vexatos> well
L1378[17:13:32] <YungElf> hm
L1379[17:13:38] <Vexatos> bigger storage size it is, now
L1380[17:13:44] <Vexatos> I hope noone will complain but me :X
L1381[17:13:45] <YungElf> so a 3x2 screen just sucks
L1382[17:13:48] <YungElf> damn
L1383[17:13:49] <Vexatos> (I still don't like it)
L1384[17:13:55] <YungElf> i just want a bigger resolution lol
L1385[17:13:59] <Vexatos> ok, LionRay updated
L1386[17:14:12] <gamax92> Vexatos: PR?
L1387[17:14:35] <Vexatos> gamax92, sure
L1388[17:14:41] <Vexatos> I also restructured the repo though
L1389[17:14:43] <gamax92> what do you mean sure?
L1390[17:14:48] <gamax92> ...
L1391[17:14:53] <Vexatos> put code into src/ so my IDE stops crapping itself
L1392[17:15:12] <Vexatos> so you might not want it :P
L1393[17:15:32] <gamax92> then what you do is PR something that doesn't have those changes you dipshit.
L1394[17:15:44] <YungElf> there any gui that could help with resolution?
L1395[17:15:58] <Vexatos> http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/LionRay1a.jar is a thing at least
L1396[17:16:19] <Vexatos> gamax92, just don't remove the link for the old one >_>
L1397[17:16:37] <Vexatos> I did not make it so you could switch codecs or anything :P
L1398[17:16:41] <gamax92> wouldn't the new one just have a toggle button for Hi-Fi? :P
L1399[17:16:49] <gamax92> I'll just do that then
L1400[17:18:40] <Vexatos> gamax92, https://github.com/gamax92/LionRay/commit/89d5dd67a1169ca656b702329e91bfe3110b7dbd
L1401[17:18:41] <Vexatos> :>
L1402[17:18:51] <Vexatos> revert and derp as much as you want
L1403[17:18:54] <Vexatos> that's the change
L1404[17:18:58] <Vexatos> good night now
L1405[17:19:09] <gamax92> :I
L1406[17:19:17] <gamax92> Vexatos: I didn't know you had access to the repo.
L1407[17:19:21] <Vexatos> me neither
L1408[17:19:31] <Vexatos> I just hit "commit and push" like normal and it didn't get rejected
L1409[17:19:46] <Vexatos> good night now
L1410[17:19:48] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA86092FC3EA188FEF28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1411[17:19:59] <Mimiru> Bad night
L1412[17:20:24] * gamax92 gives Mimiru a roll of tape
L1413[17:20:32] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1414[17:23:34] <Temia> ... I just had the sudden urge to make a JRPG with braille graphics, but it'd probably be ZX Spectrum-level `-`;
L1415[17:24:12] <gamax92> Temia: color attribute clashing? :P
L1416[17:24:19] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1419[17:26:51] <Temia> Yeah.
L1420[17:27:27] <gamax92> I dunno, ZX has 8x8, braille is 2x4, plus your range of colors goes from like 16 to 256
L1421[17:28:05] <Temia> Good point. With some clever work, it probably would be possible to get away with a decent range of colours.
L1422[17:28:45] <Temia> ...But honestly I still feel like it'd be easier to create an 8-bit voxel Harvestasha with a 3-colour+transparency range.
L1423[17:29:34] <gamax92> "You'll never know if you don't try" ~ Thousands of people at this point.
L1424[17:30:14] <Temia> Well, I'm not what one would call a pixel artist. I GUESS I could give it a shot? But honestly I'd feel more comfortable if someone wanted to try spritework out with those limitations
L1425[17:31:16] <gamax92> ZX spectrum looks and sounds like crap :v
L1426[17:31:39] <Temia> It really does.
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L1441[18:25:22] <Temia> Hmm, question.
L1442[18:25:26] <Temia> ~w graphics
L1443[18:25:27] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:graphics_card
L1444[18:25:36] <Temia> Didn't the operations/tick get increased a while ago?
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L1446[18:28:48] <gamax92> Temia: yeah
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L1454[19:13:05] <FunMaker> I think it would be great if you could put tape drive into tablet just like you can disc drive. Has this thing been already suggested/considered?
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L1457[19:24:26] <GreaseMonkey> Temia: ops/tick on that page is 64 times what's listed afaik, although since OC1.6 the timing allocation is shared between ops so it's a *little* trickier to exploit
L1458[19:24:34] <GreaseMonkey> dammit i mean 16 times
L1459[19:25:44] <gamax92> I was gonna say.
L1460[19:27:22] <Izaya> %tell 10:16 <FunMaker> I think it would be great if you could put tape drive into tablet just like you can disc drive. Has this thing been already suggested/considered?
L1461[19:27:24] <MichiBot> Izaya: 10:16 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1462[19:27:29] <Izaya> fuck
L1463[19:27:34] <Izaya> %tell Vexatos 10:16 <FunMaker> I think it would be great if you could put tape drive into tablet just like you can disc drive. Has this thing been already suggested/considered?
L1464[19:27:34] <MichiBot> Izaya: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1465[19:27:38] <Izaya> Done that twice today
L1466[19:28:26] <FunMaker> for some reason, after updating space astronomy tapes started working for everyone, maybe new compyutronics version or soemthing
L1467[19:28:43] <FunMaker> now I just want to go around and blast music from my tablet
L1468[19:28:57] <Izaya> I think it'd be interesting for data storage
L1469[19:29:02] <FunMaker> that's too
L1470[19:29:06] <gamax92> FunMaker: data storage wise that's possible
L1471[19:29:23] <gamax92> music storage wise afaik asielib is a piece of garbage that makes doing that not really possible
L1472[19:29:52] <gamax92> or atleast that's whats been said every time portable music players have been brought up
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L1474[19:51:23] * Lizzy falls asleep on vifino
L1475[19:51:24] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1476[19:58:22] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/zgoqNEs.png
L1477[19:58:24] <Izaya> so much wood
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L1482[20:58:51] <BlueZero> Untz untz.
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L1484[21:04:21] <TheFox> o/
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L1487[21:22:30] <BlueZero> \o/
L1488[21:23:01] <gamax92> \o/!
L1489[21:23:04] <gamax92> the world has been saved
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L1494[22:00:11] <gamax92> huh ...
L1495[22:00:22] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: you around?
L1496[22:03:08] <TheFox> Guess he is not huh
L1497[22:03:15] <gamax92> No shit sherlock
L1498[22:03:53] <TheFox> Well I am known for my smarts
L1499[22:08:43] <gamax92> %tell GreaseMonkey did some ffi tests, can send you the score log it produced
L1500[22:08:44] <MichiBot> gamax92: GreaseMonkey will be notified of this message when next seen.
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L1502[22:13:36] <gamax92> %tell GreaseMonkey they aren't the most accurate ffi tests but they do overall indicate something
L1503[22:13:36] <MichiBot> gamax92: GreaseMonkey will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1504[22:14:29] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: sup
L1505[22:14:31] <gamax92> oh hey
L1506[22:14:38] <GreaseMonkey> feel free to send them
L1507[22:14:45] <GreaseMonkey> been playing some worms armageddon
L1508[22:14:49] <GreaseMonkey> just did a quick game against the AI
L1509[22:15:04] <GreaseMonkey> i won, guess what the last weapon i used was
L1510[22:15:28] <gamax92> I don't recall what weapons are in that game
L1511[22:15:29] <GreaseMonkey> hint, it is objectively the most shameful way to lose a match
L1512[22:15:44] <GreaseMonkey> i used prod
L1513[22:15:48] <gamax92> ... hah.
L1514[22:16:43] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: http://hastebin.com/nibodecije.txt
L1515[22:17:09] <gamax92> also sorry that it's listed in rd/ri format and not ri/rd
L1516[22:17:50] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: the catch of course is you need to optimise for normalised volume, but yeah
L1517[22:18:38] <BlueZero> Why does python live on land?
L1518[22:18:41] <BlueZero> Because it's above C level.
L1519[22:18:46] * BlueZero jumps off a cliff.
L1520[22:18:49] <gamax92> :I
L1521[22:19:28] <GreaseMonkey> except i believe pythons actually swim through rivers
L1522[22:19:36] <GreaseMonkey> or something like that
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L1524[22:22:04] <BlueZero> Hue.
L1525[22:23:00] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: but yeah I dunno if you want to play with that or keep going with 1/1, it seems to say that low increase and high decrease gives good settings
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L1527[22:25:53] <gamax92> could be because of this song though, so will test with more media, the fft step takes too long and I don't know why ...
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L1529[22:29:06] <GreaseMonkey> it's probably because FFT is actually pretty slow compared with a plain MSE
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L1531[22:29:26] <GreaseMonkey> it's just that it's faster than a plain DFT
L1532[22:30:04] <gamax92> oh uhh ... I was doing an rmse
L1533[22:30:47] <gamax92> over the FFT data
L1534[22:30:55] <GreaseMonkey> ah
L1535[22:31:23] <GreaseMonkey> i'd suggest visualising histograms
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L1537[22:32:28] <gamax92> that is another option too.
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