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L1[00:00:00] <TheFox> hello payonel
L2[00:00:07] <payonel> hello mr fox
L3[00:00:08] <ocdoc> DB Update Detected, reloading ..
L4[00:00:08] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
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L6[00:00:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L7[00:00:20] <payonel> ~w internet
L8[00:00:20] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:internet
L9[00:00:31] <TheFox> wait wait wait payonel are you saying that people need a wiki to type install and press a number on the keyboard?
L10[00:00:46] <payonel> well they dont even need to press a number
L11[00:00:51] <payonel> in most scenarios
L12[00:01:02] <gamax92> I think he meant more that it's been changed, but not really documented anywhere
L13[00:01:02] <TheFox> if they have more then 1 HDD?
L14[00:01:08] <payonel> then they do
L15[00:01:26] <payonel> TheFox: right, what gamax92 said. i haven't documented the new installer at all
L16[00:01:32] <TheFox> oh
L17[00:01:58] <TheFox> that makes more since
L18[00:06:15] <payonel> is the internet disk not craftable?
L19[00:06:44] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-4-92.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Yepoleb)
L20[00:07:15] <payonel> i thought we were going to have a "internet card + floppy" => "internet floppy + internet card"
L21[00:08:04] <gamax92> well you'd probably do what the bucket does, leave an item in the crafting table
L22[00:08:16] <gamax92> being the card used to craft
L23[00:08:19] <payonel> that's what i think we should do
L24[00:08:29] <payonel> so right now, there is no way to craft the software disks?
L25[00:08:43] <payonel> we need to fix this
L26[00:09:03] <gamax92> Mimiru said something about a wrench?
L27[00:09:10] <payonel> oh right, i'll test that
L28[00:09:32] <payonel> scrench? :)
L29[00:11:09] <payonel> ok nothing happens - perhaps it was an idea to do it that way
L30[00:11:34] <payonel> i think it makes sense to have the "bucket" behavior with the component
L31[00:12:24] <payonel> this took me many days: http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:buffer
L32[00:12:28] <gamax92> payonel: yeah I have no idea
L33[00:12:29] <payonel> i did something \o/
L34[00:12:53] <gamax92> "# Whether to allow loot disk cycling by crafting them with a wrench."
L35[00:13:00] <gamax92> "lootRecrafting: true"
L36[00:13:10] <payonel> oh, ok
L37[00:14:28] <gamax92> which is not a very good way to get to the software ...
L38[00:14:34] <payonel> no
L39[00:14:38] <payonel> but, it's a work around for beta
L40[00:15:54] <payonel> unicode.char(65313) through unicode.char(65338) is a double wide alphabet
L41[00:15:56] <payonel> :)
L42[00:16:17] <gamax92> yes
L43[00:16:17] <payonel> well, that's the uppercase, there's more
L44[00:16:29] <payonel> so fun :)
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L48[00:46:34] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L49[00:51:11] <TheFox> anyone still alive here?
L50[00:52:35] <TheFox> can the OC GPU display RGBA or just RGB
L51[00:53:23] <Temia> RGB only.
L52[00:54:07] <TheFox> ok
L53[00:54:11] <TheFox> thanks Temia
L54[01:00:51] ⇨ Joins: TheFox_ (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
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L56[01:02:30] <TheFox_> TheCryptek: Sorry about that my client broke
L57[01:04:40] <TheFox_> TheCryptek: are you there?
L58[01:04:44] *** TheFox_ is now known as TheFox
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L61[01:08:17] *** TheCryptek is now known as TheCryptek|Away
L62[01:09:11] <TheFox> %tell TheCryptek|Away ok, sorry i wasn't able to help you any with your code these past few days, however i did figure out a way we could read the password and username from the files for the server code
L63[01:09:12] <MichiBot> TheFox: TheCryptek|Away will be notified of this message when next seen.
L64[01:09:37] <TheFox> i wonder if that will work
L65[01:09:42] <TheFox> well see
L66[01:10:25] <TheCryptek|Away> TheFox im not away yet lol
L67[01:11:07] <TheFox> oh
L68[01:11:23] <TheFox> well, lets pretend you where for that part
L69[01:11:34] <TheCryptek|Away> TheFox: yea was grouping the nick before i went to bed lol
L70[01:12:18] <TheFox> ok
L71[01:12:28] <TheCryptek|Away> TTYL
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L74[01:22:48] * TheFox yawns rolls over and falls asleep
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L88[02:27:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L89[02:36:50] <asie> oh, by the way
L90[02:36:55] <asie> since i'm packing
L91[02:36:57] <asie> we've also released a thing
L92[02:37:00] <asie> https://github.com/ChenThread/ice2
L93[02:37:02] <asie> here's the thing
L94[02:37:04] <asie> bai
L95[02:37:08] <Forecaster> packing?
L96[02:37:11] <asie> yeah
L97[02:37:16] * asie hops off the minecraft minecart
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L99[02:37:33] <Forecaster> (again)
L100[02:37:38] <asie> (strike #6)
L101[02:46:24] <Sangar> I CAN HAZ INTERWEBS AGAIN
L102[02:47:59] <Sangar> Vexatos, because you wanted it that way >_> (to get sided info to mountables based on how the rack is rotated e.g.)
L103[02:48:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, yes, in onActivate :P
L104[02:48:20] <Sangar> waitwhat. asie. wat. what about btm D:
L105[02:48:58] <Vexatos> asie, just remember that you're tied to it by a steel rope, you can't go too far :P
L106[02:49:15] <Sangar> too lazy to dig the logs, think that was part of the discussion too :P
L107[02:49:45] <Vexatos> Sangar, well toGlobal exists
L108[02:49:53] <Sangar> it does
L109[02:50:11] <Vexatos> Sangar, http://git.io/vo2Xk
L110[02:50:14] <Vexatos> ;)
L111[02:50:29] <asie> Sangar: it's been given to unascribed
L112[02:50:30] <asie> and BBoldt
L113[02:50:32] <Sangar> ah
L114[02:50:34] <asie> so it's fine
L115[02:50:35] <Vexatos> In particular http://git.io/voaE1
L116[02:50:37] <asie> it's going to happen on schedule
L117[02:50:43] <asie> Sangar: however, we have released ice2 early
L118[02:50:45] <asie> and it's amazing, though no docs
L119[02:50:47] <Sangar> asie, but but... it's not the same if you're not yelling at people :/
L120[02:51:03] <Sangar> ah
L121[02:51:23] <asie> Sangar: it'll be different
L122[02:51:26] <asie> but it will be flamingo
L123[02:51:27] <asie> i made sure of that
L124[02:51:41] <Sangar> i guess that's something at least
L125[02:51:49] <Tazz> anyone wanna see something stupidly hackish?
L126[02:51:57] <asie> Sangar: so, uh
L127[02:52:05] <asie> ice2 is ice1 with three major improvements:
L128[02:52:08] <Vexatos> Tazz, I wrote Selene and translated code from Scala to java and vice-versa. I have seen enough :P
L129[02:52:23] <asie> - it uses SSE magic (not sure which version, correct me here GreaseMonkey)
L130[02:52:28] <asie> - motion detection
L131[02:52:30] <GreaseMonkey> SSE2 probably
L132[02:52:36] <asie> - much faster converging
L133[02:52:38] <GreaseMonkey> maybe SSSE3 but yeah
L134[02:52:41] <Sangar> awesome
L135[02:52:42] <asie> in other words, it's ice1, only watchable
L136[02:52:45] <asie> and with motion detection!
L137[02:52:48] <GreaseMonkey> - notably less shit than ice 1 while being faster
L138[02:52:51] <asie> and with GBA and Raspberry Pi support
L139[02:52:51] <Tazz> Vexatos, how about comparing strings using a wrapped calls to strcmp in assembly
L140[02:52:52] <GreaseMonkey> is all you needed to say
L141[02:53:15] <asie> yeah
L142[02:53:45] <GreaseMonkey> i think the most hackish thing i have ever done is implemented closures in C by dynamically compiling x86 code to produce the right stack
L143[02:54:06] <Tazz> https://gist.github.com/s0cks/0fa924d1ccc4728a07940e32327b8886 trying to devise a way to lookup members of a class at runtime so I can spare some compilation time
L144[02:54:24] <asie> C++
L145[02:54:27] <Sangar> i'll try to mess around with ice2 next weekend :) sounds great
L146[02:54:36] <Tazz> asie, it is C++ yes
L147[02:54:38] <asie> i also recommend someone make a wrapper for it, for Forecaster
L148[02:54:42] <asie> as this one can be used for an intro
L149[02:55:27] <Sangar> some standalone java tool like the one for dfpwm (sp.?) would be great :P
L150[02:55:31] <Tazz> it works too but its stupidly hackish haha, cmpq'ing the result of the wrapped function to 1 to make sure it jmp's properly
L151[02:55:34] <asie> the encoder is in C, though
L152[02:55:41] <Sangar> ah, right
L153[02:55:43] <Sangar> welp
L154[02:55:46] <Sangar> frontend then :X
L155[02:56:38] <Tazz> also hey asie
L156[02:56:50] <Tazz> and Sangar*
L157[02:57:40] <Forecaster> wrapper?
L158[02:58:58] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-87-152.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L159[03:02:51] <Sangar> eyo
L160[03:03:34] <Tazz> I finally got static calls working in Eschelle :D
L161[03:03:46] <Tazz> Im on my way to getting instance calls working too :D
L162[03:05:40] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC67DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L164[03:34:03] <Saphire> what's Eschelle?
L165[03:36:28] <Forecaster> sounds like shampoo
L166[03:36:39] <Forecaster> "Because you deserve it"
L167[03:39:45] ⇨ Joins: Jacky (~Jacky@
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L172[04:00:47] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L173[04:00:54] <Inari> https://i.reddituploads.com/3e866cc43f05457f884207217bc253d9?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=b92e5d66193e4e72bdcc9156f71a0a59 linderps
L174[04:02:04] <Forecaster> are those negative transfer rates? :P
L175[04:02:08] <Inari> ya
L176[04:02:21] ⇨ Joins: Jacky (~Jacky@
L177[04:02:47] <Forecaster> ohmy
L178[04:03:19] <Inari> or at least it looks like negative transfer rates :P no clue whats actaully happening
L179[04:03:58] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/softwaregore/comments/4oo6io/when_your_internet_is_that_slow_downloads_go_in/d4elsr6 someome took a guess it apepars
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L182[04:05:32] <Inari> https://i.reddituploads.com/04f0ff1015d647609c2473ac1a52d0af?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=7c03d465effe8e5adf651fda775baded
L183[04:06:32] <Forecaster> second url too long
L184[04:07:36] <Inari> blame reddit
L185[04:07:36] <Inari> :D
L186[04:07:44] <Jacky> Well, how can I use computers to detect status from Buildcraft tanks and engines?
L187[04:08:04] <Inari> try adapters
L188[04:08:15] <Inari> or maybe adapter or robot with tank upgrade
L189[04:08:26] <Jacky> is there any docs?
L190[04:08:32] <Inari> doubt it
L191[04:08:44] <Forecaster> yes, in OC :P
L192[04:08:48] <Inari> just look if an adapter gives you acomponent
L193[04:08:50] <Inari> and check its functions
L194[04:08:57] <Forecaster> ^
L195[04:08:59] <Jacky> thanks
L196[04:09:21] <Inari> gonna check on that too actaully, curious now :P
L197[04:14:02] <Inari> Jacky: seems the standard interface for bc is just energy stores, max energy storage and checking if its a receiver or provider of energy
L198[04:14:40] <Forecaster> if you want the fluid levels you'll want a tank controller
L199[04:14:44] <Inari> yeah
L200[04:14:53] <Inari> tankc ontroller in adapter can read the fluid and level
L201[04:14:58] <Forecaster> yes
L202[04:14:59] <Antheus> ur mum
L203[04:15:07] <Forecaster> no u
L204[04:15:19] <Antheus> no u
L205[04:15:27] <Forecaster> D:
L206[04:15:33] <Antheus> I"M SORRY
L207[04:16:20] <Forecaster> NO IM SORRY
L208[04:16:56] <Antheus> kk
L209[04:18:02] <Inari> oh nice
L210[04:18:12] <Inari> BC quarries actualyl take appropriate breaking times for blocks nowadays
L211[04:18:50] <Antheus> cool
L212[04:19:03] <Forecaster> it's been doing that for quite a while now :P
L213[04:19:21] <Forecaster> it also calculates power use based on that
L214[04:19:25] <Jacky> Inari: ok. thanks. and, How can I use the "standard interface for BC"? I'm not familiar with oc.
L215[04:19:48] <Antheus> back in my day, you just chugged a quarry down and walked a way
L216[04:19:53] <Inari> adapter next to a BC block :p then query teh components... type "components" in openOs to see alist of components
L217[04:20:11] <Inari> you can relatively easily check function by going into lua and typing =component.name so like.. =component.tankblock
L218[04:20:13] <Inari> for the tank
L219[04:20:53] <Forecaster> Antheus: that's still pretty much true :P
L220[04:21:07] <Jacky> what is the "=" used for?
L221[04:21:16] <Inari> just to make it output
L222[04:21:19] <Antheus> to output what a function returns
L223[04:21:21] <Forecaster> shorthand for print() basically
L224[04:21:31] <Forecaster> (but not really)
L225[04:21:37] <Antheus> shtup
L226[04:22:09] <Forecaster> since it's smarter than print
L227[04:22:38] <Jacky> but what is the type of that "component.tankblock"?
L228[04:23:00] <Forecaster> what do you mean type?
L229[04:23:58] <Jacky> a table or a function or so on
L230[04:24:10] <Forecaster> it's a component
L231[04:24:13] <Forecaster> an object
L232[04:24:16] <Jacky> ok
L233[04:24:20] <Jacky> thanks
L234[04:25:19] <Antheus> So, my dad normally wakes up by now
L235[04:25:30] <Antheus> and he hasnt, so I went to check if he set his alarm on his phone
L236[04:25:47] <Antheus> He hit the snooze button .-.
L237[04:26:04] <Jacky> but how can I know what function this object contains?
L238[04:26:19] <Forecaster> by doing what Inari said
L239[04:29:00] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy
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L241[04:31:34] * Antheus moans and strangles vifino
L242[04:32:22] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L243[04:32:28] <asie> Forecaster: quite a while = BC 6.3+ (or 6.2+?)
L244[04:32:54] <Forecaster> I dunno, time wise it's been quite a while :P
L245[04:34:28] * vifino stabs Antheus over and over
L246[04:34:31] <asie> 1.5 years yes
L247[04:34:35] <asie> time flies D:
L248[04:37:56] <Antheus> I keep forgeting you were involved with buildcraft
L249[04:38:06] <Antheus> I haven't used buildcraft in years .-.
L250[04:41:09] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L251[04:43:37] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L252[04:46:50] <Inari> do combustion engines still blow up?
L253[04:48:55] <Skye> Inari, don't think so
L254[04:49:02] <Inari> boo
L255[04:49:05] <Forecaster> no
L256[04:49:06] <Skye> they seize up and you need to hit them with a wrench
L257[04:49:14] <Forecaster> yep
L258[04:49:18] <Forecaster> same as railcraft engines
L259[04:49:25] <Inari> #MakingEnginesMoreBoringSince2014
L260[04:49:39] <Skye> #BLAMEasie
L261[04:50:16] <Forecaster> real engines don't blow up from not being cooled :P
L262[04:50:23] <Forecaster> they just jam
L263[04:50:33] <Inari> they would likely break, depending on the engine :P
L264[04:50:34] <Antheus> I also jam
L265[04:50:36] <Antheus> to jam
L266[04:50:38] <Jacky> i use bc for 164
L267[04:50:39] <Antheus> like smuckers jam
L268[04:50:43] <Antheus> grape jam
L269[04:50:50] <Antheus> strawberry jam
L270[04:50:53] <Inari> 1.6.4 xD
L271[04:50:57] <Inari> thats like
L272[04:50:59] <Inari> bneyond ancient
L273[04:51:07] <Antheus> that's like, 1.2.5 ancient
L274[04:51:08] <Inari> at least its not 1.4.7 i guess
L275[04:51:54] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L276[04:52:04] <Inari> Forecaster: well it gave a gameplay point t making sure your engines are cooled and potentially placing them not next to your item chests
L277[04:52:07] <Antheus> #NeverForgetRP2
L278[04:52:11] <Inari> i like gameplay points
L279[04:52:32] <Forecaster> there's still a gameplay point, keeping your engines running smoothly :P
L280[04:52:38] <Inari> sure
L281[04:52:47] <Inari> but if tehy break it takes 0 effort to unbreak them
L282[04:52:59] <Inari> proabbly takes more effort to cool them thatn to unbreak them every now and then
L283[04:53:00] <Forecaster> depends how many engines you have :P
L284[04:53:11] <Inari> 20 clicks instead of 1
L285[04:53:12] <Inari> \o/
L286[04:53:31] <Inari> Forecaster: and you can just have them in your base too :D
L287[04:53:34] <Inari> since lcoationd oesnt matter
L288[04:53:41] <Forecaster> uh uh
L289[04:53:51] <Forecaster> you know it was a tiny explosion right?
L290[04:53:59] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L291[04:54:00] <Inari> "tiny"
L292[04:54:00] <Forecaster> it basically just destroyed the engines and the blocks next to it
L293[04:54:10] <Forecaster> as far as I remmber
L294[04:57:10] <Forecaster> engine*
L295[04:59:15] ⇦ Quits: Jacky (~Jacky@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L296[05:16:18] <Inari> well, not huge
L297[05:16:20] <Inari> but big enough :P
L298[05:16:25] ⇨ Joins: Jacky (~holoirc@
L299[05:16:46] <Inari> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/ShareX/2016/06/2016-06-19_12-10-02_ySLfzc.png
L300[05:16:53] <Inari> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/ShareX/2016/06/2016-06-19_12-16-20_88aK1v.jpg
L301[05:18:50] <Antheus> https://longasslinkthatnoonewillclick.com/random/characters/here/fsafjadfadfasdfafdasdfadfasd.fileformat
L302[05:19:16] <Inari> i dont see how longness relates to if osmeone wil lclick it
L303[05:19:17] <Inari> but sure
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L305[05:21:26] <Antheus> Inari, there's a cow in the quarry hole
L306[05:21:49] <Forecaster> lewd
L307[05:21:53] <Antheus> rewd
L308[05:21:58] <Inari> i know
L309[05:22:00] <Inari> i fisted it in
L310[05:22:09] <Antheus> 0_0
L311[05:22:16] ⇨ Joins: Trangar_ (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L312[05:22:43] <Inari> my sister has been sticking up her hand into cows in RL :<
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L315[05:23:15] <Antheus> I've seen it done
L316[05:23:30] <Antheus> I've also seen a herd of cows that got out walking up my street
L317[05:23:41] <Antheus> two people on segways rolling down my street
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L320[05:24:26] <Antheus> and some deer
L321[05:24:29] <Antheus> in my front lawn
L322[05:25:45] <Inari> there she was
L323[05:25:49] <Inari> justa rollin down the street
L324[05:29:21] * Forecaster imagines a cow rolling down a street
L325[05:30:56] <g> singin' doo wah diddy diddy dum, diddy doo..
L326[05:31:12] <g> :v
L327[05:33:55] *** Trangar_ is now known as Trangar
L328[05:44:25] <Inari> g: :f
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L334[06:10:42] <Inari> hm this only just occured to me, but in the world of chobits theres likely people who have a persocom fetish (as in, put on fake persocom ears and act like a persocom during lewd times :P or ones that like that kinda thing then)
L335[06:11:47] <Forecaster> obviously :P
L336[06:11:52] <Izaya> rule 34?
L337[06:12:57] <Inari> Izaya: i guess :P but just never occured to me before. i mean it was clear that there would be people into persocom lewd stuff, just not the extra step of people dressing up as them :P
L338[06:13:02] <Inari> Antheus: also, you lied http://akari.in/pinky_rnPai
L339[06:14:06] <Izaya> Unrelated but BunsenLabs is pretty nice
L340[06:14:43] <Inari> https://highnoonbutton.com/
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L345[06:29:58] <Dustpuppy> when ever i serialize a big tabel, i get "too long without yielding" :-(
L346[06:30:12] <Inari> haha
L347[06:30:21] <Inari> well, write your own serialization routine ^^
L348[06:32:19] <Dustpuppy> o_O
L349[06:33:00] <Inari> ?
L350[06:34:56] <Forecaster> I'm gonna make my own serializer, with blackjack, and hookers!
L351[06:35:19] <Inari> Dustpuppy: or modify the standard lib code
L352[06:35:19] <Inari> :D
L353[06:35:20] <Skye> lewd
L354[06:35:30] <Skye> Dustpuppy, BUG REPORT~
L355[06:36:12] <Inari> its not exactly a bug
L356[06:36:34] <Forecaster> more of a "your object is too big!"
L357[06:36:47] <Inari> thats what she said
L358[06:36:54] <Forecaster> lewd
L359[06:37:12] <Syrren> making the default serialiser yield would do Bad Things to programs expecting atomic operations
L360[06:37:15] <Inari> Inari - making channels lewd since sometime
L361[06:37:38] <Inari> Syrren: hm would it?
L362[06:37:46] <Inari> i mean it yields the whole coroutine, along with the calling function
L363[06:37:55] <Syrren> okay, so tl;dr
L364[06:38:14] <Syrren> normal multithreading = special effort to NOT yield, lots of headaches, but good performance
L365[06:38:22] <Skye> Syrren, wellll
L366[06:38:39] <Skye> why not an option to the serialize funcrtion?
L367[06:38:40] <Inari> but theres no multithreading :D
L368[06:38:44] <Syrren> cooperative multithreading (like CC and OC) = special effort TO YIELD, less headaches so long as library functions don't do Weird Shit like, say, unexpectedly yielding out from under you
L369[06:38:45] <Skye> *function
L370[06:38:55] <Skye> Syrren, actually
L371[06:39:00] <Inari> Syrren: but they yield straight to amchine
L372[06:39:04] <Syrren> *sigh*
L373[06:39:04] <Inari> Syrren: it doesnt matter for the calling function
L374[06:39:14] <Skye> in OC, some library functions normally yield
L375[06:39:17] <Syrren> if you have coroutines A and B, and the machine (M)
L376[06:39:17] <Inari> Syrren: so
L377[06:39:25] <Syrren> A and B are both working with the same data structure x
L378[06:39:29] <Syrren> M dgaf
L379[06:39:34] <Syrren> currently A is operating
L380[06:39:39] <Syrren> A: serialize(x)
L381[06:39:41] <Inari> again, yield to machine
L382[06:39:42] <Syrren> serializer yields to M
L383[06:39:45] <Syrren> M does shit
L384[06:39:47] <Syrren> M yields to B
L385[06:39:48] <Inari> not to routine management
L386[06:39:54] <Syrren> B: x.foo = "bar"
L387[06:39:56] <Inari> uhhhh
L388[06:39:59] <Syrren> B: yields to A
L389[06:40:03] <Inari> machine doesnt do anything
L390[06:40:05] <Inari> and cant yield to B
L391[06:40:05] <Syrren> A: WTF?! foo should have been "baz"!
L392[06:40:27] <Inari> i think you meant resumes :f
L393[06:40:39] <Syrren> okay, resumes, which has the same end result
L394[06:40:39] <Inari> and again
L395[06:40:42] <Inari> B yields to Machine
L396[06:40:45] <Inari> Machien doesnt do anything
L397[06:40:47] <Inari> Machien resumes B
L398[06:41:07] <Syrren> so there's no case in which machine resumes a different coroutine?
L399[06:41:16] <Inari> theres only one courotine for machine
L400[06:41:20] <Syrren> or, say, a machine event results in modifications to data structures A or B care about
L401[06:41:21] <Inari> the one it made to start the PC
L402[06:41:30] <Inari> machine events dont modify things
L403[06:41:37] <Syrren> so OC progs can't create more coroutines?
L404[06:41:41] <Inari> they can
L405[06:41:48] <Inari> but that just a created coroutine
L406[06:41:57] <Skye> thing is
L407[06:42:00] <Syrren> right... so when does that created coroutine get run? when a yield happens
L408[06:42:02] <Skye> other OC functions yeild all the time
L409[06:42:07] <Inari> machine is the uh... top coroutine, that creates another coroutine to run the bios
L410[06:42:08] <Syrren> unless I'm mistaken, you can't "yield to a given thing"
L411[06:42:10] <Syrren> you just yield
L412[06:42:12] <Inari> the bios does whatever
L413[06:42:12] <bauen1> Syrren: you have to manually resume them
L414[06:42:17] <Skye> other OC functions yeild all the time
L415[06:42:19] <Inari> but machien only sees that coroutine it crated
L416[06:42:22] <Inari> *created
L417[06:42:27] <Syrren> Skye: yes, and that's OK if they're expected to yield, unlike the serializer
L418[06:42:33] <Syrren> bauen1: ah, ok, so there's no scheduler
L419[06:42:40] <Inari> you can yield straight to machien as far as im aware
L420[06:42:43] <Syrren> my point is (somewhat) moot, then, in the default config
L421[06:42:48] <bauen1> Syrren: there is one coroutine per machine that is being run
L422[06:42:55] <Inari> using computer.pullSignal
L423[06:43:02] <bauen1> you have to resume all other coroutines manually
L424[06:43:22] <Syrren> *digs into source code*
L425[06:43:35] <Inari> if you were using a parallelization api to run ]A and B, thgen yes, if you yielded with coroutine.yield() B would resume before A goes again
L426[06:43:54] <Inari> at leaast thats from what i know
L427[06:43:55] <Inari> :P
L428[06:43:57] <Inari> migth be wrong
L429[06:44:06] <Syrren> right, and thus you get the sequence of events
L430[06:44:13] <Syrren> 1) parallelization api (A,B)
L431[06:44:18] <Inari> that why calling computer.pullSignal can break stuff
L432[06:44:24] <Inari> cause you eat the event and shell never sees it :f
L433[06:44:27] <Syrren> 2) A: x = {foo: "bar"}
L434[06:44:35] <Syrren> 3) A: serialise(x)
L435[06:44:44] <Syrren> 4) [A]serialise: yields
L436[06:44:48] <Syrren> 5) Machine: ...
L437[06:45:02] <Syrren> 6) B resumed (because parellization)
L438[06:45:08] <Syrren> 7) B: x.foo = "boom"
L439[06:45:09] <Inari> well no
L440[06:45:14] <Syrren> 8) [A]serialise: done
L441[06:45:16] <Syrren> 9) A: WTF?!
L442[06:45:17] <Inari> uusally parallelization, if yielded to it
L443[06:45:19] <Inari> would resume B
L444[06:45:24] <Inari> before it yields to machine
L445[06:45:35] <Syrren> so it's A,B,machine,A,B,machine... ?
L446[06:45:36] <Inari> At least thats what CC's did
L447[06:45:42] <Inari> not sure if OC yields to machien first
L448[06:46:16] <Syrren> doesn't matter -- if a function is not documented to yield, like the serialiser -- it shouldn't yield, because it will Break Things Horribly in a parallel context
L449[06:46:28] <Syrren> no amount of lewd will save you from that and the resultant irate advanced users
L450[06:46:33] <Inari> lol
L451[06:46:52] <Inari> im actually curouos now though
L452[06:46:56] * Inari goe sto test
L453[06:47:09] * Syrren can't actually run Minecraft on this laptop, would be testing too
L454[06:47:12] <Syrren> (FOR SCIENCE!)
L455[06:47:36] * Syrren returns to writing paper about routing protocols for ad-hoc networks
L456[06:47:49] <Dustpuppy> nothing is working today. why didn't i stay in bed?
L457[06:48:10] <Forecaster> Bed is not responding
L458[06:49:05] <Syrren> Bed went too long without yielding
L459[06:49:27] <Izaya> killall -9 bed
L460[06:50:29] <Forecaster> Bed has quit unexpectedly and will need to restore bedsheets
L461[06:50:36] <Forecaster> from a backup
L462[06:50:52] <Dustpuppy> forestry has a nice analyzer. but connecting it to a computer makes no sence, because the bee is too fast out of the slot, where you can read the data.
L463[06:52:18] * Lizzy groans
L464[06:53:12] * Izaya laughs uncontrollably
L465[06:53:53] <Izaya> someone's a dumbas
L466[06:53:54] <Izaya> s
L467[06:54:02] <Syrren> ?
L468[06:54:15] <Izaya> so I got this pizza for free off a friend that works at Dominos
L469[06:54:30] <Izaya> apparently the customer refused to pay for it
L470[06:54:37] <Izaya> figured out why
L471[06:54:41] <Izaya> they ordered a gluten free base
L472[06:54:53] <Izaya> but someone was a dumbass and didn't realize that the topping wasn't gluten free
L473[06:54:53] <Lizzy> Lol
L474[06:55:00] <Izaya> as always the customer is wrong
L475[06:55:16] <Syrren> pfft
L476[06:55:57] <Inari> ~oc gpu
L477[06:55:57] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L478[07:02:23] <Inari> ~oc filesystem
L479[07:02:23] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L480[07:07:46] * vifino snuggles Lizzy now that she is finally awake
L481[07:08:08] * Lizzy coos
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L486[07:15:25] <Inari> Syrren: yep, nomral coroutine.yield will yield to the coroutine that resumed it. using pullsignal will go to machine and resume the co that called pullSignal
L487[07:15:35] <Inari> im not too sure as to why thouhg :P
L488[07:15:51] <Syrren> heh.
L489[07:16:09] <Syrren> okay, so it's safe to pullsignal inside serializer -- so long as the events are not consumed.
L490[07:16:18] <Inari> wel
L491[07:16:21] <Inari> they are consumed :D
L492[07:16:29] <Inari> hmmm
L493[07:16:34] <Syrren> isn't there an unpullsignal or something?
L494[07:16:34] <Syrren> or peeksignal
L495[07:16:38] <Inari> i'd like to understand why this happens though :s
L496[07:16:56] <Syrren> peekbelowthesignal -- lewd?
L497[07:16:58] <Inari> what special about doing coroutine.yield(nil)?
L498[07:17:01] <Inari> haha
L499[07:17:06] <Syrren> maybe nil = "the machine"?
L500[07:17:22] <Inari> sure, but the lua docs dont say anythign on putting a nil as first arg
L501[07:17:49] <Syrren> it'd be an OC special case rather than a Lua special case
L502[07:17:56] <Inari> but its lua
L503[07:18:58] <Inari> pullSignal is in machine.lua, and calls coroutine.yield (the lua one)
L504[07:19:45] <Inari> if i'd say "it makes sense it yields straight to native, because its called in macine.lua" then the sandbox coroutine.yield makes no sense though
L505[07:19:53] <Inari> as that just does coroutine.yield(nil, ...)
L506[07:20:01] <Syrren> huh.
L507[07:20:39] <Inari> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/lua/machine.lua#L800
L508[07:20:48] <Inari> and https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/lua/machine.lua#L1323
L509[07:21:11] <Syrren> I believe you, I'm just surprised
L510[07:21:17] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/cabdbf52486b50ff16d81dfd18cddef8 also my testcode and results
L511[07:21:41] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L512[07:21:57] <Inari> Syrren: was just hoping you might be able to explain if i hand you the codepieces
L513[07:21:58] <Inari> xD
L514[07:22:11] <Syrren> hah. I haven't done Lua stuff in months
L515[07:22:20] <Syrren> too snowed under with uni
L516[07:22:54] <Inari> made it a bios test, as to not have openos stuff do somethign weird
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L518[07:28:03] <Inari> i worded it wrong, but in both cases i'd expect it to either yield to the CO that resumed it, or to the machine.lua co
L519[07:28:14] <Inari> but it seems in one case it yields to the co that resume dit and in the other to machine.lua co
L520[07:28:15] <Inari> *shrugs*
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L537[08:32:05] <Syrren> Inari: I think it might be implicitly casting nil to 0, in the yield call
L538[08:32:22] <Inari> that still doesnt answer what that would do though
L539[08:32:37] <Syrren> wouldn't 0 = the first corouting = bios/machine?
L540[08:32:42] <Syrren> coroutine*
L541[08:32:52] <Inari> coroutine.yield just ays the arguments are passed back to resume
L542[08:32:55] <Inari> doesnt mention any such mechanic
L543[08:33:15] <Inari> plus its in the one that doesnt go back to machine :p
L544[08:33:34] <Syrren> okay, so the place to look is the yield *before* that -- because resume args get returned from yield
L545[08:33:52] <Inari> ?
L546[08:34:03] <Syrren> A: yields
L547[08:34:09] <Syrren> B: resumed
L548[08:34:16] <Syrren> B: resume(A, xyzzy)
L549[08:34:24] <Syrren> A: gets xyzzy from yield()
L550[08:34:28] <Syrren> iirc
L551[08:34:44] <Inari> i suppose? still doesnt answer why it would yield to machien vs the other c
L552[08:34:46] <Inari> *co
L553[08:34:52] <Syrren> I'm thinking of something like
L554[08:35:05] <Syrren> OC/bios: resume(main, nil) -- here, nil = no events
L555[08:35:12] <Syrren> main: do things
L556[08:35:19] <Syrren> main: yield(2)
L557[08:35:32] <Syrren> OC/bios: gets "2" returned from resume
L558[08:35:34] <Syrren> OC/bios: does things
L559[08:35:39] <Syrren> OC/bios: resume(2, nil)
L560[08:35:41] <Syrren> EOF
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L562[08:36:21] <Inari> well i dunno what you're trying to say, but you gave me na idea that seems good :P
L563[08:36:23] <Syrren> this is pure speculation, not based on reading of code
L564[08:36:44] <Inari> machine also overwrites coroutine.resume
L565[08:36:47] <Syrren> tl;dr: I'm thinking that OC's java bits (or the bios) are acting as a scheduler
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L567[08:37:26] <Syrren> when user code yields with a coroutine number, it actually yields to OC/bios, and that then resumes the actual coroutine, etc.
L568[08:37:47] <Inari> nah, then yield would have to do something else than just call coruotine.yield again wiht a nil rpefixed
L569[08:38:21] <Syrren> not necessarily, if the special sauce is around the OC/bios resume rather than the bios/user yield
L570[08:43:40] <Inari> well
L571[08:43:48] <Inari> it seems to do something like that yeah, now it makes sense :P
L572[08:43:56] <Inari> but i wouldnt really call it a scheduler
L573[08:43:58] <Syrren> :P
L574[08:44:34] <Inari> A: call coroutine.resume(b, "blah")
L575[08:44:57] <Inari> bios[sandbox.coroutine.resume]: resumes b with the given args
L576[08:45:06] <Syrren> maybe a better term would be "trampoline"
L577[08:45:12] <Inari> B: does crap and yields
L578[08:45:19] <Syrren> (although that's digging into compiler design terminology somewhat)
L579[08:45:24] <Inari> bios[sandbox.coroutine.yield]: yields, injecting a nil as first arg
L580[08:45:27] ⇦ Quits: Jacky (~Jacky@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L581[08:45:59] <Inari> bios[sandbox.courotine.resume]: is resumed, checks if the frist arg is a yield (sandbox.courotine.yield yielded) and since it did, returns
L582[08:46:11] <Inari> A: gets the args back from (sandbox.)coroutine.resume
L583[08:46:27] <Syrren> s/frist/first/ s/is a yield/is a nil/ ?
L584[08:46:28] <MichiBot> Syrren: Invalid regex extra non-whitespace characters found after substitute command in sed script: s/frist/first/ s/is a yield/is a nil/ ?/
L585[08:46:30] <Inari> computer.pullSignal just yields straight without injecting a nil, in that case sandbox.courotine.resume just yields too
L586[08:47:27] <Inari> so if A reumses B and B calls pullSignal, A's sandbnox.couroutine.resume is resumed, but sees the nil and just yields to bios
L587[08:47:34] <Syrren> s/reumes/resumes/
L588[08:47:35] <Inari> then on being resumed from its yield, resumes B
L589[08:47:48] <Inari> the usercode in A that called sandbox.coroutine.resume never sees that
L590[08:47:51] <Syrren> (...I failed at spelling the misspelled word. lol)
L591[08:48:13] <Inari> my typos must really bug oyu :D
L592[08:48:27] <Inari> anyway, this was interesting to find out
L593[08:48:33] <Syrren> I'm a bit OCD when it comes to spelling/grammar, yeah
L594[08:48:43] <Inari> poor you
L595[08:48:56] <Syrren> worse is when I get OCD about style in my own text
L596[08:48:58] <Inari> im good at making typos :D
L597[08:49:07] <Syrren> write a few paragraphs, re-read, "NOT GOOD ENOUGH *delete*"
L598[08:49:11] <Inari> once i somehow put the s on the previous words, i still dunno how
L599[08:49:23] <Inari> like "ands kill her" instead of "and kills her"
L600[08:49:44] <Syrren> sounds like you hit an alt+t somewhere
L601[08:49:59] <Inari> that just opens the tools menubar thingy
L602[08:50:01] <Syrren> ...nvm, that's only in emacs
L603[08:50:13] <Syrren> alt+t in emacs is (usually) transpose words around cursor
L604[08:50:46] <Syrren> "abc | def" alt+t "def | abc"
L605[08:50:55] <Syrren> actually, no, "def abc |"
L606[08:51:00] <Syrren> where | is cursor
L607[08:53:00] <Vexatos> Cruor: hi
L608[09:04:34] <Forecaster> aaah its a Vexatos
L609[09:05:37] <Inari> few know it as Vexus
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L611[09:30:15] <Wiiplay123> I have vim but I prefer notepad++ now that I've found the "go to line number" option
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L619[09:36:53] <Snapples> can OC machines interface with Buildcraft/Forestry stuff?
L620[09:37:20] <Lizzy> possibly
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L628[09:40:04] <Saphire> http://www.savestatecomic.com/2015/05/scapegoat/ dawwwwwwwww
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L636[10:34:45] <gamax92> ~w buffer
L637[10:34:45] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:buffer
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L646[11:01:02] <gamax92> oooh, I hope I still have my old audio files
L647[11:01:57] <gamax92> phew, still do.
L648[11:02:19] <Forecaster> woo
L649[11:02:45] <gamax92> the fuck do you mean permission denied, I am root. :I
L650[11:03:51] <Forecaster> xD
L651[11:03:54] <TheCryptek> I really hate working on my website ._.
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L653[11:07:24] <Izaya> I really hate the modern web
L654[11:07:59] <TheCryptek> Izaya: Right! I'm just working on a developers community right now
L655[11:08:51] <Forecaster> I also hate <vague idea or concept>!
L656[11:09:03] <Inari> Forecaster: ikr
L657[11:09:16] <TheCryptek> What kinda vague idea or concept?
L658[11:09:27] <Inari> now now
L659[11:09:33] <Inari> if you specified it, it wouldnt be vague anymore, would it?
L660[11:09:42] <TheCryptek> It's not vague
L661[11:10:13] <TheCryptek> Its a community for any and all developers of any or all languages to come together, make new friends. Form brand new development teams, and work on projects together.
L662[11:10:27] <TheCryptek> No matter the language, No matter the Ethnicity.
L663[11:10:33] <TheCryptek> No matter the race or gender.
L664[11:10:54] <Inari> well langauge is somewhat important
L665[11:10:55] <Inari> :D
L666[11:11:04] <Inari> also
L667[11:11:06] <TheCryptek> Not when google translate is around.
L668[11:11:12] <Forecaster> ...I think you missed the point, I wasn't talking about your developers community
L669[11:11:14] <Inari> that wasnt really against you :P because thats not hating
L670[11:11:23] <Inari> yeaaaah, well
L671[11:11:30] <Inari> i'd rather not speak to people using gtranslate, frankly
L672[11:11:41] <TheCryptek> That's why I'm glad I took classes :P
L673[11:11:52] <TheCryptek> OH
L674[11:11:56] <Lizzy> https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/javaw_2016-06-19_17-11-22.png SEUS is drunk
L675[11:11:58] <TheCryptek> I'm sorry guys.
L676[11:12:00] <TheCryptek> xD
L677[11:12:19] <TheCryptek> I misread inari's sentence "if you specified it, it wouldn't be vague anymore, would it?
L678[11:12:20] <TheCryptek> xD
L679[11:12:46] <TheCryptek> I haven't had my mourning hour yet ._.
L680[11:12:48] <Forecaster> Lizzy: what's SEUS?
L681[11:13:02] <Lizzy> Sonic Ether's Unbelivable Shaders
L682[11:13:08] <Forecaster> ah
L683[11:13:11] <TheCryptek> morning*
L684[11:13:21] <Forecaster> I wish I could use shaders xD
L685[11:13:43] <TheCryptek> Minecraft mods are the written in jave or javascript?
L686[11:13:49] <Forecaster> ...
L687[11:13:51] <Forecaster> java
L688[11:13:59] <Lizzy> well
L689[11:14:01] <Wiiplay123> Great news! I finally have theoretically infinite chest and miner management
L690[11:14:28] <Lizzy> I remember CPW saying that any language that could compile to java bytecode would work
L691[11:14:57] <Forecaster> I've never heard of a mod written in javascript thought, possible it may be :P
L692[11:15:23] <TheCryptek> I was just asking so I can figure out where the best place to start learning to write mc mods would be.
L693[11:15:44] <Forecaster> teh interwebz
L694[11:16:00] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L695[11:16:11] <Forecaster> do you know OOP?
L696[11:16:27] <TheCryptek> Never heard of OOP what does OOP stand for?
L697[11:16:37] <Forecaster> Object Oriented Programming
L698[11:16:54] <TheCryptek> Nope but thats something i'll look up
L699[11:17:03] <Forecaster> you'll want to learn that first
L700[11:21:38] <TheCryptek> Can you explain the gist of it to me so I atleast know what I am getting myself into?
L701[11:21:48] <Lizzy> no
L702[11:21:54] <Lizzy> go look it up yourself
L703[11:22:02] <Forecaster> it's exactly what it sounds like
L704[11:22:53] <TheCryptek> Ok
L705[11:23:11] <TheCryptek> If compared to python. Would it be harder to learn then python?
L706[11:23:17] <Wiiplay123> http://puu.sh/pyo8X/2717fe8f4c.png
L707[11:23:24] <Lizzy> python is OOP mostly
L708[11:23:42] <TheCryptek> So I use OOP and don't even realize it ._.
L709[11:23:44] <Wiiplay123> I'm testing the program on the Creatix robot
L710[11:23:59] <Lizzy> TheCryptek, well, if you use classes then you're doing OOP
L711[11:24:08] <Lizzy> since you're working with objects
L712[11:24:17] <TheCryptek> ._. Its time I learn OOP
L713[11:24:49] <TheCryptek> Gah my kitten Miyagi won't stay off my keyboard ._.
L714[11:24:57] <Wiiplay123> Pics or it didn't happen
L715[11:28:24] <TheCryptek> gah
L716[11:28:41] <Wiiplay123> pls
L717[11:29:00] <Lizzy> come on, pay the cat tax
L718[11:29:29] <TheCryptek> 88888888,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
L719[11:29:50] <Wiiplay123> or just send me your cat and I can take the pictures for you
L720[11:31:51] <gamax92> these UCM files are very slightly different ...
L721[11:32:28] <TheCryptek> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2mh99xj&s=9 I named him Kesuke Miyagi but we all call him Miyagi or Mr Miyagi at my sisters
L722[11:33:33] <Saphire> hey Lizzy o.
L723[11:33:36] <Saphire> *o/
L724[11:33:40] <Lizzy> hai o/
L725[11:33:53] <TheCryptek> Wiiplay123:
L727[11:38:02] <Saphire> wut?
L728[11:38:47] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L729[11:40:12] <gamax92> building a haskell program ...
L730[11:40:27] * gamax92 sees how long stack needs to setup
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L732[11:48:42] <Wiiplay123> I'm building an inventory manager that only takes five blocks to work
L733[11:53:14] <gamax92> welp, that didn't work, did stack build but stack exec fails
L734[11:53:44] <gamax92> oh, needs a double dash
L735[11:55:08] * Lizzy writes 6-6-11:04:00 on vifino
L736[11:55:12] <Lizzy> err
L737[11:55:15] <Wiiplay123> what
L738[11:55:16] * Lizzy writes 6-5-11:04:00 on vifino
L739[11:55:26] <Wiiplay123> It's 11:55 AM
L740[11:55:37] <Lizzy> 6 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 4 minutes and 20 seconds
L741[11:55:41] <Lizzy> roughly
L742[11:55:43] <vifino> :3
L743[11:55:55] <Wiiplay123> Is that how long you've gone without vaping?
L744[11:56:01] <Lizzy> i don't vape
L745[11:56:10] <Lizzy> that'd be my cousin
L746[11:56:17] <Wiiplay123> WE GET IT, YOUR COUSIN VAPES /s
L747[12:00:35] <Wiiplay123> Time to assemble the main loop of the program that combines all the previously individual functions together
L748[12:05:12] <flappy> #\//\
L749[12:09:54] <Skye> I just swapped my control and capslock keys
L750[12:10:14] <Skye> Unicomp keyboards are really nice
L751[12:10:20] <Skye> you can literally swap keycaps
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L754[12:27:18] <CompanionCube> Skye, inb4 your start using emacs
L755[12:27:31] <Skye> nah
L756[12:27:37] <Skye> :P
L757[12:27:46] <CompanionCube> C-M-C-X-butterfly
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L764[13:11:15] <kreezxil> Is there a way to make a computer terminal respect adventure mode and not allow the player to create new directories and files. I want them to be able to do everything else however.
L765[13:11:32] <kreezxil> well not delete either
L766[13:12:42] <CompanionCube> http://www.technobuffalo.com/2016/06/18/minecraft-add-ons-e3-2016/ does this look shitty and useless to anyone else
L767[13:12:51] <CompanionCube> kreezxil, you can do almost anything you can program
L768[13:13:23] <gamax92> kreezxil: create your own loot floppies? (that is resource pack supported iirc)
L769[13:15:22] <asie> kreezxil: modify OpenOS
L770[13:15:40] <asie> or sandbox a boot ROM, or something
L771[13:18:06] <Skye> CompanionCube, JSON hell
L772[13:19:01] <CompanionCube> Skye, it doesn't even allow for anything substantive
L773[13:19:15] <Skye> tweaking the game is good
L774[13:19:17] <Skye> but not enough
L775[13:19:30] <CompanionCube> honestly, if they're going the config file route
L776[13:19:40] <Skye> they need to add blocks and crafting and blah
L777[13:19:41] <CompanionCube> why not choose the more readable YAML over JSON
L778[13:21:14] <Skye> JSON is fast to parse
L779[13:21:22] <Skye> and mojang is inefficent
L780[13:21:26] <Skye> reloading it too many times
L781[13:25:00] <asie> hjson
L782[13:27:58] <Forecaster> heyson
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L787[14:27:29] <kreezxil> CompanionCube, gamax92: put it another way, has anyone done it "make oc respect adventure mode and give the user only read execute but not write or delete privileges in the terminal", if that person is here are they willing to share the code.
L788[14:28:38] <gamax92> Because you don't want to put any effort?
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L790[14:29:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L791[14:30:30] <kreezxil> Isn't the OC/linux/open source world all about sharing? Or is the name of this mod actually "Open Microsoft"?
L792[14:30:46] <asie> kreezxil: It's "Open Don't Be An Asshole"
L793[14:30:49] <Izaya> Skyrim Court Wizard = Government IT
L794[14:31:20] <kreezxil> I want little jump start, as old as Open Computers is there should be tons of programs out for it, but no, most of it locked away tight like the comment asie just made. and I'm not being an asshole.
L795[14:31:21] <Izaya> asie: ie Wheaton's Law?
L796[14:31:31] <asie> kreezxil: OpenComputers has very little software
L797[14:31:38] <Izaya> less locked away and more like nonexistent
L798[14:31:39] <asie> oppm lists most of it. It's not even a hundred IIRC
L799[14:31:43] <kreezxil> I've found to app repositories
L800[14:31:48] <asie> No, mpt does not count.
L801[14:31:50] <Izaya> everyone's too preoccupied writing OSs and tools
L802[14:31:53] <asie> It has Plan9k and Plan9k accessories.
L803[14:32:01] <Izaya> nobody writes actual applications
L804[14:32:02] <asie> ^
L805[14:32:15] <asie> kreezxil: Of course it's all about sharing.
L806[14:32:16] <kreezxil> but no program similar to what I want to do, I want to exhaust what exists before I have to commence the coding. (this is called preliminary research, but you know that)
L807[14:32:25] <asie> But we don't tend to share air.
L808[14:32:30] <asie> Everyone gets their own allowance of oxygen.
L809[14:32:39] <Kodos> Oh fuck, that reminds me
L811[14:32:43] <Kodos> I've used mine up
L812[14:32:45] * Kodos suffocates and dies
L813[14:32:50] * Izaya turns blue
L814[14:32:57] * asie just killed half the channel
L815[14:33:00] <asie> Well, now you're out of coders. :)
L816[14:33:09] <asie> And man did that "killed" sound terrifying in hindsight.
L817[14:33:18] * kreezxil dies from the asshole comment alone ... *poof*
L818[14:33:19] <asie> Also, since when is two 50% of 181
L819[14:33:36] <asie> kreezxil: Well, Microsoft has been open sourcing more stuff than I'd expect them to, ever
L820[14:33:39] <Izaya> asie: there are 6 people that have said anything on my current screen
L821[14:33:45] <Izaya> therefore it's more like 1/3
L822[14:33:54] <asie> Izaya: You're stealing my oxygen.
L823[14:33:59] <kreezxil> asie: that's because their waking up actually, finally, wonder how long it will last tho.
L824[14:34:00] <Kodos> kreezxil, what are you trying to do anyway
L825[14:34:09] <asie> kreezxil: Anyhow. One important note.
L826[14:34:15] <asie> It's worth it to reinvent the wheel sometimes.
L827[14:34:21] <asie> You can learn things.
L828[14:34:53] <asie> Plan9k might be able to mount read-only.
L829[14:34:57] <kreezxil> Kodos: I'm going to use a screen to display various types of instructions to my Sky Challenge players. But I don't want them to do any more than start the computer, access a menu, read the files.
L830[14:34:57] <asie> But it's quite different architecturally from OpenOS.
L831[14:35:09] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L832[14:35:12] <asie> Like, it's a proper UNIX-like system.
L833[14:35:18] <asie> Probably way too heavyweight.
L834[14:35:19] <Kodos> If you're using opencomputers for what amounts to a rules screen, you're doing it wrong.
L835[14:35:21] <kreezxil> Kodos: I might be having a senior moment.
L836[14:35:24] <asie> Kodos: Shut up.
L837[14:35:27] <asie> :|
L838[14:35:31] <asie> OpenComputers is good for everything
L839[14:35:33] <asie> I mean, we use it for *images*
L840[14:35:36] <asie> or used it, at BTM
L841[14:35:37] <Kodos> Yes, but overkill is a thing
L842[14:35:42] <asie> What would he use, then?
L843[14:35:44] <asie> SIGNS?
L844[14:35:49] <kreezxil> Kodos: I don't want to use signs, ick.
L845[14:35:55] <Kodos> First of all I wasn't going to say signs
L846[14:35:59] <Kodos> RFTools screens work great
L847[14:36:00] <kreezxil> Kodos: and malisis advertis isn't on 1.9.4 yet.
L848[14:36:13] <Kodos> See above comment.
L849[14:36:16] * kreezxil spocks at Kodos
L850[14:36:20] <Kodos> uwot
L851[14:36:23] <Izaya> you people are nerds, what are some ways to gain 1k gold quickly near whiterun in skyrim?
L852[14:36:23] <kreezxil> hmm, i have that.
L853[14:36:41] * kreezxil raises an eyebrow while looking at Kodos
L854[14:36:50] <kreezxil> this is calling "spock"
L855[14:36:53] <asie> You know what's amazing?
L856[14:37:01] <asie> That in #oc, people discourage people from using OC.
L857[14:37:20] <kreezxil> I still want to do it in OC tho
L858[14:37:22] <Izaya> using OC for everything does not align with the unix philosophy
L859[14:37:27] <kreezxil> I'll try the rftools screens tho
L860[14:37:31] <Kodos> RFTools can be controlled by a computer
L861[14:37:35] <Kodos> There ya go
L862[14:37:43] ⇦ Quits: max (webchat@173-16-160-213.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L863[14:37:52] <Kodos> Make a program that has a menu that reads from different files based on what you want to 'load' into the screen
L864[14:37:54] <asie> Izaya: So computing does not align with the unix philosophy.
L865[14:37:58] <Kodos> Then all the text changing ends up done via the computer
L866[14:38:02] <asie> Unless you actually use a different device for everything, like I wish I have sometimes.
L867[14:38:02] <Kodos> And you don't have to touch the screens
L868[14:38:19] <Izaya> if computers aligned to the unix philosophy we'd have a separate chip for each instruction
L869[14:38:31] <kreezxil> Kodos: how do I trap ctrl+alt+c, will a simple key capture inhibit it?
L870[14:38:46] <Kodos> That's an asie question, tbh
L871[14:38:55] <Kodos> Shouldn't be hard to prevent tho
L872[14:39:00] <kreezxil> If I can trap the user in a menu loop, that would be the same thing for me.
L873[14:39:05] <gamax92> oh, that's all you wanted to do, that has absolutely nothing to do with adventure mode XD
L874[14:39:24] <Inari> ~oc event
L875[14:39:24] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L876[14:39:31] <kreezxil> gamax92 I use adventure mode to protect my spawn
L877[14:39:41] <Kodos> kreezxil, iirc, ctrl alt c fires a 'terminate' event
L878[14:39:44] <Kodos> So just catch that
L879[14:40:01] <kreezxil> ok
L880[14:40:10] <gamax92> well ...
L881[14:40:12] <kreezxil> is there a way to do it in the shell at all?
L882[14:40:21] <kreezxil> I know I can trap you in a bash script
L883[14:40:27] <gamax92> one uses 'terminate' iirc, the other fires error()
L884[14:40:40] <gamax92> but the event api has functions it uses to check the keyboard
L885[14:40:49] <gamax92> you can just replace those with empty functions
L886[14:42:17] <gamax92> function event.shouldInterrupt() return false end function event.shouldSoftInterrupt() return false end
L887[14:42:22] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L888[14:42:41] <Dustpuppy> it works :-)
L889[14:42:43] <Dustpuppy> http://imgur.com/6WetRv7
L890[14:42:57] <Kodos> Color schemes plox
L891[14:43:01] <Dustpuppy> part one of full auto breeding is done
L892[14:43:59] <gamax92> kreezxil: the reason why mentioning adventure mode is irrelevant is because all you're doing is displaying a rules/instructions on a screen, which can be done in any game mode.
L893[14:44:25] <Kodos> gamax92, adventure mode prevents players from breaking stuff without a tool, which presumably is protected by other means
L894[14:44:37] <gamax92> cool but that still has nothing to do with displaying text on a screen
L895[14:44:43] <gamax92> which is what he initially forgot to say
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L897[14:45:51] <gamax92> nvm whatever, you don't get my point.
L898[14:45:53] <Wiiplay123> Is there any way to get wood from stone in ProjectE
L899[14:45:59] <Wiiplay123> or really wood from anything
L900[14:46:14] <Wiiplay123> I have a super miner almost ready but I need to give it a wood source to make chests out of
L901[14:46:32] <Kodos> I'm assuming you don't already have at least one piece of wood?
L902[14:46:49] <Wiiplay123> nah, I can supply it with some wood
L903[14:46:54] <Wiiplay123> but I'm wanting to make it able to get TONS of it
L904[14:46:56] <Kodos> Energy... Condenser?
L905[14:47:03] <Wiiplay123> that's my first plan
L906[14:47:18] <g> so, minecraft at E3 introduced "addons", which allow you to tweak or change the AI of entities
L907[14:47:27] <g> this is the "first step towards a fully modded minecraft experience"
L908[14:47:30] <Kodos> rip modding
L909[14:47:33] <Izaya> fucks given: 0
L910[14:47:38] <g> and it's coming to.. MC for 10, PE, and.. other mobile versions
L911[14:47:38] <Wiiplay123> lol
L912[14:47:40] <g> _not_ the java version
L913[14:47:47] <g> that strikes me as pretty odd
L914[14:47:47] <Kodos> I've been saying from the beginning that it's only a matter of time before Microsoft kills modding
L915[14:47:48] <Wiiplay123> Fine with me
L916[14:47:48] <Izaya> fucks given: -1
L917[14:47:59] <Wiiplay123> Mods don't need Microsoft's support
L918[14:48:14] <Kodos> With the changes they've made since acquisition, cross compat has been nuked
L919[14:48:17] <g> eh, it feels like they might be moving to drop the java version
L920[14:48:34] <Kodos> inb4onepointtenisfinal
L921[14:48:44] <Wiiplay123> Except we can easily just stay on 1.10 forever
L922[14:48:48] <Kodos> Honestly, I'd be okay with that
L923[14:48:52] <Wiiplay123> same
L924[14:48:56] <Wiiplay123> All we need is mods at this point
L925[14:48:59] <Kodos> It'd give Forge a chance to get their shit together, and mods to finalize an update
L926[14:49:04] <Wiiplay123> yup
L927[14:49:11] <Wiiplay123> 1.10 last version of minecraft pls
L928[14:49:11] <g> hm, true
L929[14:49:45] <Wiiplay123> Because since THE BEGINNING OF MINECRAFT, mods have been getting outdated
L930[14:49:48] <Wiiplay123> with every update
L931[14:49:53] <g> yeah, this is true
L932[14:50:03] <Wiiplay123> like I'm running 1.7.10 still
L933[14:50:12] <gamax92> that concept applies to many things besides Minecraft though
L934[14:50:22] <g> I'm on 1.9.4 for mods now
L935[14:50:26] <g> it's starting to be feasible
L936[14:50:34] <Wiiplay123> 1.10 is already out though
L937[14:50:49] <g> yeah, but not forge for 1.10
L938[14:50:57] <g> not yet anyway
L939[14:51:28] <Izaya> the mobile version users can have their 'addon' support
L940[14:51:44] <Izaya> as long as they don't try to make the Java version stop working
L941[14:51:53] <Izaya> (and if they take down the auth servers, we have alternatives)
L942[14:51:55] <g> well, they might - you saw what happened to classic
L943[14:52:28] <Kodos> let's say I didn't. What happened to classic
L944[14:52:54] <g> basically they promised they'd keep it going (particularly the server list) indefinitely
L945[14:53:06] <g> and they slowly started to hide it, remove links to it, and eventually just took it down without saying anything
L946[14:53:21] <gamax92> well Classic wasn't exactly working :P
L947[14:53:31] <g> there's still a sizeable classic community, oddly
L948[14:53:36] <gamax92> offline sure, but in browser the Java updates were breaking it
L949[14:53:37] <Izaya> just saying
L950[14:53:49] <g> yeah, I think most people use classicube or whatever it was
L951[14:53:49] <Izaya> but if they kill the java version
L952[14:53:59] <Izaya> we'll make our own
L953[14:54:06] <Izaya> with blackjack and hookers
L954[14:54:09] <g> eh, that might not be legal
L955[14:54:09] <g> :P
L956[14:54:13] <gamax92> Izaya: people say this about everything
L957[14:54:17] <Izaya> oh I mean like
L958[14:54:26] <Izaya> we have a bunch of issues with how minecraft actually works, right?
L959[14:54:36] <Izaya> recreate the whole thing from the ground up
L960[14:54:38] <Izaya> or y'know
L961[14:54:44] <Izaya> fix the issues Minetest has
L962[14:54:45] <Izaya> either way
L963[14:54:50] <Kodos> I'm still holding out for Total Miner:Forge on PC
L964[14:54:52] <g> hahaha
L965[14:54:57] <gamax92> good one Izaya
L966[14:54:58] <g> you say that like it's a trivial issue
L967[14:55:06] <g> imagine taking minetest up to modern minecraft, feature-wise
L968[14:55:21] <g> we're having enough trouble keeping up with glowstone, and that's _just_ the server side
L969[14:55:21] <Wiiplay123> Better yet
L970[14:55:33] <Wiiplay123> What if we made an EXACT clone of minecraft
L971[14:55:41] <Izaya> lawsuit
L972[14:55:45] <Wiiplay123> With 100% compatability, like what happened with ace of spades
L973[14:55:50] <Wiiplay123> hmmmm
L974[14:56:06] <Wiiplay123> Maybe like an exact java minecraft clone in C++
L975[14:56:14] <Wiiplay123> That has full compatability, but by default looks completely different
L976[14:56:25] <Wiiplay123> and only through switching the texture pack can it look like normal minecraft
L977[14:56:37] <g> well, then it'd be in C++
L978[14:56:39] <g> no forge
L979[14:56:54] <Wiiplay123> That's the point where you start adding true modding support
L980[14:57:21] <Wiiplay123> Step 1: Get C++ clone, Step 2: Add modding support that is as good as forge
L981[14:57:25] <asie> Wiiplay123: Ace of Spades is not backed by Microsoft
L982[14:57:28] <asie> and none of the clones are 100%
L983[14:57:35] <asie> at least I hope they aren't, making outright clones is bad
L984[14:57:37] <asie> very bad
L985[14:57:39] <asie> for creativity
L986[14:57:40] <Wiiplay123> 100% compatible, not 100% clone
L987[14:57:43] <asie> Ah.
L988[14:57:46] <g> yeah, I think the best clone I've seen is iceball
L989[14:57:48] <asie> Look up the story of Manic Digger in 2010
L990[14:57:53] <asie> Notch took that down, back in the day.
L991[14:57:59] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-29-196-207.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L992[14:58:01] <asie> As in, the part which connected to Minecraft Classic servers
L993[14:58:08] <asie> he just went into the IRC channel and asked them if they could take it down
L994[14:58:18] <asie> So, uh, no.
L995[14:58:22] <asie> Help TrueCraft,i f you want to.
L996[14:58:28] <asie> Also, Java is probably better than C++, honestly.
L997[14:58:28] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L998[14:58:31] <Wiiplay123> Then don't make it connect to minecraft servers
L999[14:58:34] <asie> C++ is ugly to code in, even if slightly faster
L1000[14:58:37] <Wiiplay123> Make it connect to Bukkit servers
L1001[14:58:41] <Wiiplay123> Which aren't Minecraft, they're Bukkit
L1002[14:58:43] <asie> Bukkit servers ARE Minecraft servers
L1003[14:58:51] <asie> Bukkit is a patch on top of Minecraft
L1004[14:58:51] <Izaya> write it in rust /s
L1005[14:58:55] <Wiiplay123> But they aren't officially Minecraft :3
L1006[14:58:58] <g> yeah that isn't a solution, bukkit uses the same protocol
L1007[14:58:59] <asie> Yes they are.
L1008[14:59:01] <Wiiplay123> oh
L1009[14:59:02] <g> and they are officially minecraft
L1010[14:59:05] <asie> They're indistingushable.
L1011[14:59:06] <g> they're literally a mod on top of the server
L1012[14:59:11] <Wiiplay123> nvm then
L1013[14:59:14] <g> well, aside from glowstone
L1014[14:59:15] <g> but yeahy
L1015[14:59:16] <Wiiplay123> I thought Bukkit was like Pyspades
L1016[14:59:17] <g> yeah*
L1017[14:59:36] <Wiiplay123> :(
L1018[15:00:07] <g> nah, how do you think bukkit was able to knock out some of their updates so fast?
L1019[15:00:14] <g> definitely not by reimplementing everything
L1020[15:00:14] <Wiiplay123> ooooh
L1021[15:00:22] <g> if you want that, there's glowstone, but that isn't done yet
L1022[15:00:53] <Wiiplay123> Maybe make a server that doesn't use the minecraft protocol
L1023[15:01:02] <Wiiplay123> but is so heavily moddable that you can change the protocol itself
L1024[15:01:38] <Wiiplay123> basically find all the legal loopholes that exist
L1025[15:01:54] <kreezxil> Apparently I'm running on social skills compression 1.0 still as I was unable to cram a novel into a small sentence to cover all the talking points for someone to catch my gist on the first go which elicited some several people steering me away from OC.
L1026[15:01:56] ⇦ Quits: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@ (Quit: Hermes - Material IRC Client - https://numixproject.org/)
L1027[15:02:34] * Izaya shudders
L1028[15:02:41] <Izaya> Material AND Numix
L1029[15:03:31] <Izaya> friendly reminder that holo > material
L1030[15:03:57] <kreezxil> This probably a pipe dream, but I'd like to some kind of weird hybrid between bukkit and forge. Where the player has no mods on their client, but when they encounter an chunk that has a mod they don't have, that mod is then distributed to them. *I know this would be an issue for ppl on dialup*
L1031[15:04:14] <Wiiplay123> Wasn't there something like that already
L1032[15:04:17] <Wiiplay123> Spigot or something
L1033[15:04:17] <CompanionCube> kreezxil, you could just
L1034[15:04:19] <CompanionCube> hm
L1035[15:04:20] <Inari> that would also be horribly hacky :P
L1036[15:04:28] <CompanionCube> do you require people to interact with the computers
L1037[15:04:28] <Wiiplay123> no wait that's not it
L1038[15:04:36] <CompanionCube> because you could just not have a keyboard connected
L1039[15:04:37] <Inari> kreezxil: whats the benefit over just like... modpack launcher
L1040[15:04:54] <kreezxil> Inari: with a giant modpack, there would be a huge benefit.
L1041[15:05:14] <Wiiplay123> Guys
L1042[15:05:17] <Wiiplay123> I remember this existing already
L1043[15:05:19] <kreezxil> with a tiny modpack its a pointless if not moot point
L1044[15:05:22] <Kodos> I can't imagine a server-side only modpack where the performance doesn't take a hit
L1045[15:05:49] <kreezxil> Kodos: if you play World of Warcraft you actually experience it already.
L1046[15:06:05] <kreezxil> its what happens when you cross zones
L1047[15:06:14] <Inari> what happens? xD
L1048[15:06:16] <Kodos> Yes but WoW has been coded to be able to load shit without a relog
L1049[15:07:06] <kreezxil> I think according diesenb007 on forge forums, forge if not minecraft itself is just huge library of java hacks.
L1050[15:07:36] <kreezxil> anyways, the point was, I would like to see it, it doesn't mean it should be a reality.
L1051[15:08:07] <Inari> sure, it might be nice, if you make it work somehow :P i dont think the effort/gain ratio is worth it though
L1052[15:08:18] * CompanionCube is content to let the others have a shitty inferior experience with 'addons'
L1053[15:08:19] <g> Wiiplay123: you're thinking about spout
L1054[15:08:19] <kreezxil> Like in America, we wanted to see what would happen if certain ppl got elected the last 8 years, now, maybe we can remember what that is like and do something truly different this time around.
L1055[15:08:27] <Inari> plus having the mods on client is kinda great for testing stuff in creative :P
L1056[15:09:03] <Wiiplay123> thanks :D I knew it was something about a faucet
L1057[15:09:15] <Inari> kreezxil: theres also the question of how that would work then
L1058[15:09:24] <Inari> like i open JEI
L1059[15:09:27] <CompanionCube> kreezxil, who will be doing the changing
L1060[15:09:27] <Inari> it needs to know al the mod items
L1061[15:09:30] <Inari> to be able to search them
L1062[15:09:40] <kreezxil> Inari: if such a server existed, the work around would be to have a chunk where all the mods existed, the player goes that chunk, and after however long it takes dl everything, they'll have all the content. it was just an idea.
L1063[15:09:47] <g> Wiiplay123: It died, a slow painful death
L1064[15:09:57] <Inari> that sounds kinda terrible haha
L1065[15:10:43] <Wiiplay123> So did it download mods or what
L1066[15:10:46] <Kodos> at that point they may as well grab the pack
L1067[15:11:05] <kreezxil> CompanionCube, Inari: well we'll have to send some people to heart africa to mind an ancient sleeping power whose name you can not mention, wake them and answers its riddles, then it will let you pass in to the tomb behind it, where we find a unicorn that sells squatty potties and that guy who helps him, he can code it.
L1068[15:11:18] <CompanionCube> by the way
L1069[15:11:22] <g> Wiiplay123: No, not exactly
L1070[15:11:28] <Wiiplay123> oh
L1071[15:11:29] <CompanionCube> shifting the point of download to after-connection is rather useless
L1072[15:11:33] <g> you had spout api plugins on the bukkit side that, eg, defined nwe blocks
L1073[15:11:37] <g> and a base block for them
L1074[15:11:37] <Wiiplay123> A thing to download mods from server would be cool
L1075[15:11:39] <g> new*
L1076[15:11:47] <g> and the client downloaded the texture, while the server handled the logic
L1077[15:12:20] <kreezxil> g gets it
L1078[15:13:01] <Inari> g: sounds not very helpful, but i guess
L1079[15:13:47] <g> that was spout
L1080[15:13:50] <g> I mean it could do more than that
L1081[15:13:54] <g> you could modify the ui for example
L1082[15:13:57] <g> but that was the gist of it
L1083[15:14:08] <Wiiplay123> I would love to play Minecrift with OpenComputers and ComputerCraft
L1084[15:14:08] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1085[15:14:17] <CompanionCube> Wiiplay123, what's stopping you?
L1086[15:14:44] <Wiiplay123> My lack of an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.
L1087[15:14:47] <kreezxil> Wiiplay123: the highest tier of forge that supports both computer craft and open computers 1.8.9.
L1088[15:14:51] <Wiiplay123> And my lack of a graphics card powerful enough
L1089[15:14:57] <Wiiplay123> I said Minecrift not Minecraft
L1090[15:15:10] <CompanionCube> I just assumed it was a typo
L1091[15:15:11] <kreezxil> Minecrift?
L1092[15:15:18] <g> it's a mod that adds support for the rift
L1093[15:15:20] <Wiiplay123> yeah
L1094[15:15:22] <Wiiplay123> and the Vive
L1095[15:15:29] <Wiiplay123> which is better than the Rift because it isn't Faceboculus
L1096[15:15:30] <g> I have a rift DK1 here, and I have to say, VR MC is really quite nice
L1097[15:15:39] <kreezxil> You can afford a Rift? Wiiplay123?
L1098[15:15:42] <g> although, yknow, it's a DK1
L1099[15:15:52] <Wiiplay123> not yet, saving up
L1100[15:15:53] <Izaya> Vive seems nice
L1101[15:15:57] <Inari> i want a vive
L1102[15:16:13] <Izaya> though I'd rather like a HMD that just acts as two {VGA,DVI} monitors
L1103[15:16:17] <g> my next money explosion will probably be the NX
L1104[15:16:28] * CompanionCube has seen the Vive
L1105[15:16:30] <CompanionCube> it looks sweet.
L1106[15:16:56] <kreezxil> is Vive the one that uses your smarth phone?
L1107[15:17:06] <Wiiplay123> no, that's Google Cardboard or GearVR
L1108[15:17:09] <g> no, that's the galaxy gear vr
L1109[15:17:13] <Skye> gahhh
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L1111[15:17:17] <g> come to think of it, I have a cardboard too
L1112[15:17:21] <Skye> getting used to swapping control and capslock is strange
L1113[15:17:39] <Inari> vive is the best one :P
L1114[15:18:00] <Inari> Skye: do you dvorak?
L1115[15:18:14] <Skye> no
L1116[15:18:21] <Inari> try learning :D
L1117[15:18:29] <Skye> eeeh
L1118[15:18:37] <Skye> I don't want to buy the keycaps from america
L1119[15:18:44] <g> ain't nobody got time for that
L1120[15:19:03] <Inari> psh
L1121[15:19:08] <Inari> keycaps are for people who look at the keybaord
L1122[15:19:16] <kreezxil> When I want 3D reality that just like real life, I turn off the computer and go outside.
L1123[15:19:29] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:dc88:b845:9bea:5702) (Quit: Leaving)
L1124[15:19:31] <g> that's missing the point of VR, honestly
L1125[15:19:32] <Inari> kreezxil: except, noone wants that
L1126[15:19:34] <Skye> I'd need to look at the keyboard when I'm leaning a new layout
L1127[15:19:35] <kreezxil> No graphics card needed, nothing to save up for.
L1128[15:19:51] <Inari> thats like saying "if i wanted to shoot a ugn, i'd go to the shooting range in reallife"
L1129[15:19:51] <Inari> :p
L1130[15:20:31] <kreezxil> Inari: exactly you get the point.
L1131[15:20:45] <Inari> wat
L1132[15:21:21] <g> if this is your opinion on vr
L1133[15:21:28] <kreezxil> but yeah, that's me being an *asshole*, thought you should see what it was really like. I want an Occulus Rift too btw, but wow, I can't save that much up in a ... I don't know, I'll get more done writing a complete and full featured app store for OC first.
L1134[15:21:30] <g> then vr is not for you, and you probably won't understand the hype
L1135[15:21:40] <Inari> i was like
L1136[15:21:47] <Inari> mockin you rpoint :P how does that make me get your point xD
L1137[15:22:27] <kreezxil> I have gray hair and false teeth you'll have to just listen to the old codger for a bit to get the jist of the strange tangential conversation.
L1138[15:22:47] <Inari> anyway
L1139[15:23:08] <Inari> VR isn't about being reallife, it never will be, because then you could just do reallife :P TIVR is about reallife with benefits though
L1140[15:23:30] <g> AR is something I'm very interested in
L1141[15:23:32] * kreezxil cringers in fear
L1142[15:23:36] <g> google glass turned out to be a flop, though
L1143[15:23:58] <Inari> TIVR will be <3
L1144[15:24:01] <Inari> if it ever happens
L1145[15:24:02] <Inari> :P
L1146[15:24:05] <kreezxil> g: yeah AR, now that's something, I would love an exoskeleton that enhanced my movement and lifting capabilities.
L1147[15:25:19] <Forecaster> that's not what AR is
L1148[15:26:18] <CompanionCube> isn't that very much transumanistic
L1149[15:26:26] <Inari> it is
L1150[15:26:31] <kreezxil> Isn't AR augemnted reality?
L1151[15:26:32] <scj643> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51974940/ShareX/2016/06/Stella-rium.jpg'
L1152[15:26:40] <Inari> it is
L1153[15:26:46] <CompanionCube> but not 'augmented' in that sense
L1154[15:26:48] <Inari> but augmented reality tends to mean augmenting your vision :P
L1155[15:27:02] <kreezxil> wouldn't my reality be augmented by using a functional exoskeleton?
L1156[15:27:16] <cloakable> no, your muscles would :P
L1157[15:27:20] <Forecaster> yes but that's not what the term means
L1158[15:28:08] * kreezxil tells his muscles, look dimwits, I don't care, your reality isn't being augmented, I know you just lifted a car, who cares, if the eyeballs don't see a huge spacecraft instead, it's not augmented. ok.
L1159[15:28:48] <Forecaster> if you use it like that you can use it about anything
L1160[15:28:57] <Forecaster> cars? augmented reality.
L1161[15:29:37] <Forecaster> calculators? agumented reality
L1162[15:29:40] <Forecaster> and so on :P
L1163[15:30:10] <kreezxil> Well, there we go, I"ve been augmented since the 70's.
L1164[15:31:40] <Forecaster> sounds more like the term you're looking for would be "personal augmentation"
L1165[15:31:58] <Forecaster> augmenting yourself rather than your surroundings
L1166[15:33:08] <Inari> can robots somehow use anvils/
L1167[15:33:47] <Forecaster> I don't think so
L1168[15:33:55] <Forecaster> not vanilla ones, since they're not tileentities
L1169[15:34:03] <Inari> :f
L1170[15:34:53] <Inari> hm
L1171[15:35:00] <Inari> i need either way to print something or to rename an item :P
L1172[15:39:30] <kreezxil> Seems everyone is search for something that is not OC to solve your problem Inari
L1173[15:39:44] <Inari> ?
L1174[15:43:56] <CompanionCube> kreezxil, if you want a rules screen
L1175[15:43:59] <ping> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjAvikz0Yjg
L1176[15:44:00] <MichiBot> #V ITS TIME TO STOP | length: 30s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 7 | by PixelToast
L1177[15:44:03] <CompanionCube> why not just use a computer but hdie the keyboard
L1178[15:44:44] <Inari> why note just
L1179[15:44:46] <kreezxil> in 1.9.4 it's lettng me access the shell by hitting the screen, is that because I put a keyboard in the case?
L1180[15:44:47] <Inari> have no keyboard
L1181[15:44:47] <Inari> :f
L1182[15:45:06] <Inari> what are you trying to do even
L1183[15:45:11] <kreezxil> I want them to be able to select different screens of information.
L1184[15:45:31] <Inari> so make a program with buttons D:
L1185[15:45:46] <Inari> we evne have touchscreens
L1186[15:45:48] <Inari> this isnt the 1930s
L1187[15:45:49] <CompanionCube> t2+ monitors are touchscreens
L1188[15:45:58] <kreezxil> like click here or enter data to get to the information about the rules, how to get started with the "sky resources" mod, how to do this other thing, etc.
L1189[15:46:05] <Inari> nowadays we touch screens
L1190[15:46:08] <Inari> and screens touch us
L1191[15:46:10] <Inari> indirectly
L1192[15:46:21] <kreezxil> bad screen! bad.
L1193[15:47:16] <CompanionCube> kreezxil, you can open the screen by hitting it yes
L1194[15:47:26] <CompanionCube> but you need a keyboard to type
L1195[15:47:40] <kreezxil> cool
L1196[15:48:10] <CompanionCube> so you could just place a keyboard
L1197[15:48:53] <CompanionCube> s/place/not place/
L1198[15:48:54] <MichiBot> <CompanionCube> so you could just not place a keyboard
L1199[15:51:00] <kreezxil> now for the next question: if it makes you smack your forehead or want to rage on me, don't just don't. Ok, so If I want to ensure that computer autoboots to the program in question, will putting that in the .shrc that is in /home be sufficient?
L1200[15:51:25] <CompanionCube> should be
L1201[15:51:52] <TheCryptek> %tell TheFox Hey son, what's up.
L1202[15:51:54] <MichiBot> TheCryptek: TheFox will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1203[15:52:08] <Wiiplay123> Does opencomputers have a graphics mode?
L1204[15:52:29] <Wiiplay123> Would be cool to make a thing like Windows
L1205[15:52:35] <kreezxil> %tell Wiiplay123 that's an interesting question!
L1206[15:52:36] <MichiBot> kreezxil: Wiiplay123 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1207[15:52:44] <Wiiplay123> ...
L1208[15:52:46] <Wiiplay123> I'm literally right here
L1209[15:52:52] <CompanionCube> most useless use of %tell ever
L1210[15:52:52] <kreezxil> I know
L1211[15:52:59] <Wiiplay123> And I got it all in my IRC log
L1212[15:53:10] <Wiiplay123> kreezxil official most useless use of %tell ever 2016
L1213[15:53:27] <Izaya> I'm sorry, Sir, you'll give me 18 gold for my Fine Steel Sword? I'm keeping it, then.
L1214[15:53:35] <Izaya> Dual-wield an orcish and fancy sword
L1215[15:53:37] <Forecaster> Wiiplay123: I believe it does if you work for it
L1216[15:58:37] <Wiiplay123> how do you work for it
L1217[16:00:07] * vifino dances with Lizzy
L1218[16:00:18] * Lizzy dances with vifino
L1219[16:01:48] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1220[16:01:52] <Izaya> we were talking about mods and modloading and stuff earlier
L1221[16:01:58] <Izaya> anyway I was modding skyrim a few hours ago
L1222[16:02:09] <Izaya> it reminded me of modding with risugami's modloader
L1223[16:02:17] <Izaya> did you delete meta-inf?
L1224[16:02:21] <Inari> oh god
L1225[16:02:24] <Inari> i hate skyrim modding
L1226[16:02:34] <Inari> and then you nee dhtis load order
L1227[16:02:36] <Inari> and need to pack this
L1228[16:02:37] <Izaya> now so do I
L1229[16:02:38] <Inari> with htis
L1230[16:02:39] <Inari> for this
L1231[16:02:41] <Inari> and blargh
L1232[16:03:15] <Lizzy> do you not do skyrim modding through the Nexus mod manager?
L1233[16:03:32] <Izaya> steam workshop + manual from fucking curse
L1234[16:03:39] <Izaya> curse tried to tell me I can't read today
L1235[16:03:47] <Forecaster> I've always used NMM
L1236[16:03:51] <Lizzy> curse is shit
L1237[16:04:02] <Forecaster> since Oblivion
L1238[16:04:18] <Lizzy> I use it for Fallout 4
L1239[16:04:22] <Inari> i handed Skye Lizzy's Melons
L1240[16:04:27] <Inari> she just threw them on the ground
L1241[16:04:27] <Inari> :<
L1242[16:04:36] <Izaya> rude
L1243[16:04:43] <Inari> ikr
L1244[16:04:45] <Forecaster> lewrude
L1245[16:04:56] <Skye> I'm not lewd
L1246[16:05:03] <Lizzy> I need to get some 'dummy' mods for my fallout 4 load order so when dlc comes out it stops fucking my game over
L1247[16:06:10] <Lizzy> also in other news my NMM is actually broken because i think i set it's paths up for my storage disks when i had them in my pc, they're now in my server
L1248[16:06:28] <Wiiplay123> Has anyone made a video demonstrating the full history of Minecraft modding?
L1249[16:06:29] <vifino> Inari: Lizzy's melons are mine and mine only >:(
L1250[16:06:42] <Izaya> >video
L1251[16:06:43] * Lizzy rubs her melons
L1252[16:06:47] <Inari> lewd
L1253[16:06:49] <Izaya> no but we've had some great copypasta
L1254[16:06:50] <vifino> MINE I SAID
L1255[16:07:03] <Lizzy> vifino, they are on loan to you
L1256[16:07:03] * vifino grabs Lizzy and hugs her tightly
L1257[16:07:07] * Lizzy eeps
L1258[16:07:14] <vifino> pfft, same difference :3
L1259[16:07:14] <Inari> lol
L1260[16:07:18] <Wiiplay123> something with pictures
L1261[16:07:20] <Izaya> oh nice I can tab out of skyrim and continue playing with the gamepad despite having xfce4-terminal focused
L1262[16:07:26] <Lizzy> lol
L1263[16:07:40] <Izaya> also
L1264[16:07:41] <Skye> Izaya, I swapped ctrl and capslock
L1265[16:07:43] <Izaya> >max settings
L1266[16:07:49] <Izaya> >graphical enhancements
L1267[16:07:50] <Skye> I also have different coloured WASD keys
L1268[16:07:51] <Izaya> >solid 60FPS
L1269[16:07:53] <Izaya> feels good
L1270[16:07:58] <Izaya> Skye: not hjkl?
L1271[16:08:07] <Inari> 60 psh
L1272[16:08:11] <Inari> what are you, a console peasant
L1273[16:08:16] <Izaya> I'm sorry my monitors are cheap
L1274[16:08:19] <Izaya> OH FUCK IT DIED
L1275[16:08:25] <Skye> Izaya, maybe when I'm able to order more stuff from the US
L1276[16:08:25] <Izaya> I guess I broke it this time around
L1277[16:08:31] <CompanionCube> what died - skyrim?
L1278[16:08:35] <Izaya> yeah
L1279[16:09:02] <vifino> Izaya: are you playing skyrim in wine? o_O
L1280[16:09:09] <Izaya> no
L1281[16:09:18] <vifino> skyrim has a linux port?
L1282[16:09:21] <vifino> waaaaat
L1283[16:09:24] <Izaya> using some very dark magic I'm running linux and windows on the same machine
L1284[16:09:33] <Izaya> at 100% perf for both
L1285[16:09:40] <Skye> Izaya, how?!
L1286[16:09:47] <vifino> oh, let me guess, vbox unity mode or something?
L1287[16:09:53] <vifino> i dunno.
L1288[16:09:54] <Izaya> no actually
L1289[16:10:04] <Izaya> I just have all my linux stuff X11 forwarded from a VMWare VM
L1290[16:10:05] <vifino> TELL ME IZAYA
L1291[16:10:13] <vifino> .-.
L1292[16:10:16] <Izaya> and I'm running LiteStep
L1293[16:10:22] <vifino> "100% performance"
L1294[16:10:32] <Izaya> 9001Mbps X11 forwarding
L1295[16:10:53] <vifino> but drm rendering, shared memory, etc?
L1296[16:11:28] <Wiiplay123> If OC has any graphics mode, it would be hilarious to do X11 forwarding
L1297[16:11:38] <Izaya> well it's better than xming anyway
L1298[16:11:42] <Inari> well
L1299[16:11:44] <Inari> OC has graphics..
L1300[16:11:52] <gamax92> since when?
L1301[16:11:56] <Inari> since unicode
L1302[16:12:00] <vifino> Izaya: what x11 server do you have on windows?
L1303[16:12:03] <gamax92> so it has text
L1304[16:12:14] <Inari> which is basically graphics since its pixel sized
L1305[16:12:15] <Inari> :P
L1306[16:12:53] <Izaya> vifino: VcXsrv
L1307[16:12:56] <vifino> Izaya: i hope the x11 server on windows supports glx
L1308[16:13:17] <Izaya> I haven't poked it tbh
L1309[16:13:25] <Izaya> I've been running xfce4-terminal, luakit and icedove
L1310[16:13:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA2919C4CCC4E16611CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1311[16:13:38] <Izaya> also xfce4-panel
L1312[16:15:40] <Dustpuppy> can someone explain, where i've made the mistake? http://imgur.com/a/geDet , http://pastebin.com/KZsdzeaJ
L1313[16:15:58] <vifino> Izaya: got a guide how to set it up and stuffs?
L1314[16:16:07] <vifino> cause I'd like that.
L1315[16:16:09] <Dustpuppy> why did i not get all 4 readings? the apiarys have all a quenn
L1316[16:16:25] <Dustpuppy> -n+e
L1317[16:16:37] <Izaya> vifino: I'm gonna write one
L1318[16:16:41] <vifino> :D
L1319[16:16:44] <Izaya> probably while I wait for skyrim to unfuck itself
L1320[16:16:52] <Izaya> THAT'LL TAKE A WHILE
L1321[16:16:57] <vifino> lol
L1322[16:19:48] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/12spZnE.png
L1323[16:20:39] <Lizzy> lol
L1324[16:21:52] <Izaya> so
L1325[16:22:03] <Izaya> do I install the model replacer, then FNIS, or FNIS then the model replacer?
L1326[16:22:14] <Wiiplay123> What was the pre-OpenOS 1.6 method of getting screen size
L1327[16:22:25] <Izaya> resolution
L1328[16:22:37] <Wiiplay123> yeah that
L1329[16:22:51] <Wiiplay123> I mean the function
L1330[16:23:24] <Izaya> component.gpu.getResolution()?
L1331[16:23:34] <Wiiplay123> yep that's it
L1332[16:23:36] <Wiiplay123> just found it :D
L1333[16:30:40] <CompanionCube> does any non-linux X11 server support GLX
L1334[16:30:49] <GreaseMonkey> BSD
L1335[16:30:59] <CompanionCube> any non-nix then
L1336[16:31:12] <GreaseMonkey> XMing IIRC does indirect GLX mode
L1337[16:31:55] * CompanionCube at one point used Bumptop
L1338[16:32:20] <CompanionCube> the 3D-ness was nice.
L1339[16:32:33] <Wiiplay123> same
L1340[16:33:03] <Forecaster> someone needs to recreate that for VR
L1341[16:33:04] <CompanionCube> the hardest part
L1342[16:33:10] <CompanionCube> was actually finding a working download
L1343[16:34:21] <Izaya> interesting
L1344[16:34:27] <Izaya> this file has a modification date of 1899
L1345[16:35:02] * Forecaster has an installer from way back
L1346[16:35:03] <CompanionCube> isn't the Windows epoch 1900 or something
L1347[16:35:34] <Forecaster> BumpTop-2,1-6225
L1348[16:35:38] <Forecaster> 2.1*
L1349[16:35:53] <Forecaster> Date Modified: 02-05-2010
L1350[16:36:38] <CompanionCube> UNIX has 01/0/1970
L1351[16:36:49] <CompanionCube> I think the Windows equivalent is 01/01/1900
L1352[16:37:10] <Izaya> that's stupid
L1353[16:37:25] <Izaya> why not just use UNIX time?
L1354[16:37:31] <gamax92> because Windows
L1355[16:37:48] <Forecaster> it's jan 1st 1601 apparently
L1356[16:38:13] <CompanionCube> that's even more random
L1357[16:38:24] <Forecaster> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_time#Operating_systems
L1358[16:38:35] <Forecaster> DOS was 1980
L1359[16:38:42] <Izaya> wouldn't it make more sense for the Windows epoch to be 1990 or 1992?
L1360[16:38:50] <Izaya> rather than 1601
L1361[16:38:56] <Forecaster> iOS is 2001?
L1362[16:38:58] <Forecaster> wat
L1363[16:39:09] <Skye> iOS is Unix
L1364[16:39:12] <gamax92> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10849717/what-is-the-significance-of-january-1-1601
L1365[16:39:49] <CompanionCube> 'The Gregorian calendar operates on a 400-year cycle, and 1601 is the first year of the cycle that was active at the time Windows NT was being designed. In other words, it was chosen to make the math come out nicely.'
L1366[16:41:25] <scj643> I like the Linux epoch
L1367[16:42:02] <scj643> 1466372524.524739
L1368[16:42:49] <scj643> Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969' is epoch for Linux
L1369[16:43:01] <Skye> Why
L1370[16:43:01] * Forecaster is tempted to install bumptop...
L1371[16:43:10] <scj643> Why not
L1372[16:43:22] <gamax92> You mean 1970-01-01, right?
L1373[16:43:32] <gamax92> erm, 19?
L1374[16:43:33] <CompanionCube> gamax92, Timezones.
L1375[16:43:34] <scj643> That's in my timezone
L1376[16:43:56] <gamax92> So? use the correct timezone and not your own :P
L1377[16:44:06] <CompanionCube> the epoch is in UTC, so it can appear as 1969 in some timezones
L1378[16:44:08] <scj643> EST
L1379[16:44:58] <Skye> GeeZ
L1380[16:45:04] <Skye> Just use GMT
L1381[16:45:16] <Lizzy> ^
L1382[16:45:19] <CompanionCube> isn't GMT equivalent to UTC
L1383[16:45:24] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, yes
L1384[16:45:27] <Forecaster> pretty much
L1385[16:45:34] <Lizzy> people keep saying it's different but it's not
L1386[16:45:35] <scj643> iOS uses an offset of epoch internally
L1387[16:45:44] <scj643> Atleast for app installs
L1388[16:45:47] <Forecaster> I read somewhere that GMT is essentially deprecated
L1389[16:46:02] <scj643> 978307200 is the offset
L1390[16:46:07] <CompanionCube> isn't it the term that might be deprecated
L1391[16:46:22] <Forecaster> term?
L1392[16:46:24] <Skye> UTC is based on atomic clocks
L1393[16:46:28] <Skye> Or something
L1394[16:46:33] <CompanionCube> Forecaster, the term 'GMT'
L1395[16:46:37] <CompanionCube> rather than the time itself
L1396[16:46:43] <g> ahahaha
L1397[16:46:44] <g> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/June/thunderbird_2016-06-19_22-46-32.png
L1398[16:46:48] <g> startcom trying to remain relevant
L1399[16:47:02] <Skye> GMT handles the leap second differently
L1400[16:47:02] <Skye> Or something
L1401[16:47:06] <CompanionCube> yep, the kicker is that they charge monies for revocation
L1402[16:47:09] <Forecaster> yeah, though there were some differences in the system itself if I recall correctly
L1403[16:47:10] <Lizzy> g, lol, i got one of those a while back
L1404[16:47:45] <Forecaster> "electronic mail message"
L1405[16:47:46] <Forecaster> wat
L1406[16:47:54] <Forecaster> who says that
L1407[16:48:01] <Forecaster> (nobody)
L1408[16:48:07] <Forecaster> (nobody says that)
L1409[16:48:10] <payonel> o/
L1410[16:48:29] <scj643> Email
L1411[16:48:29] <CompanionCube> Forecaster, maybe if you're intentionally trying to sound stuffy oor something
L1412[16:48:31] <CompanionCube> maybe
L1413[16:48:49] <Forecaster> or maybe if you use an ancient template
L1414[16:50:53] <Wiiplay123> So what are drones used for
L1415[16:51:00] <Wiiplay123> Do they have special sensors to follow players around
L1416[16:52:29] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1417[16:52:37] <TheFox> o/
L1418[16:52:41] <Forecaster> no
L1419[16:52:50] <CompanionCube> yo
L1420[16:52:55] <gamax92> yo
L1421[16:53:06] <TheFox> whats up?
L1422[16:53:07] <CompanionCube> Wiiplay123, drones are used for whatever you program them to do
L1423[16:53:24] <TheFox> TheCryptek: Hey, you online i can help with that code
L1424[16:53:30] <Forecaster> they're like a cheaper, lighter and faster version of robots
L1425[16:54:15] <TheFox> ^^^ i totally agree, but there is less to work with when your programming them
L1426[16:54:16] <payonel> i want to try tfc (terrfirmacraft)
L1427[16:54:17] <payonel> with oc
L1428[16:54:19] <payonel> anyone tried?
L1429[16:54:25] <TheFox> nope
L1430[16:54:27] <Wiiplay123> But what's the advantage of them
L1431[16:54:32] <Wiiplay123> If they can't do anything to the world
L1432[16:54:39] <Skye> They can fly
L1433[16:54:40] <Forecaster> who said they can't?
L1434[16:54:44] <Izaya> huh
L1435[16:54:47] <Izaya> 1.10 was released
L1436[16:54:50] <TheCryptek> %tell TheFox I'm online now.
L1437[16:54:51] <Forecaster> they can pick up items
L1438[16:54:51] <TheFox> they can leash, and carry items, how about a mail system
L1439[16:54:52] <Izaya> how many months ago was this?
L1440[16:54:53] <MichiBot> TheCryptek: TheFox will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1441[16:54:58] <Wiiplay123> ooooh
L1442[16:55:01] <TheFox> that was kind a a fail TheCryptek
L1443[16:55:02] <Wiiplay123> that would be a good idea
L1444[16:55:06] * Izaya still hasn't played 1.8 or 1.9
L1445[16:55:06] <TheCryptek> Oh
L1446[16:55:08] <TheCryptek> Heh xD
L1447[16:55:11] <Forecaster> Izaya: old news
L1448[16:55:15] <payonel> Izaya: ha, same!
L1449[16:55:21] <payonel> Izaya: well, i played a LITTLE of 1.9
L1450[16:55:28] <payonel> got irritated with the new swing mechanics
L1451[16:55:33] <Izaya> I'm not interested in it until more mods
L1452[16:55:40] <Forecaster> ^
L1453[16:56:05] <Forecaster> I didn't like the auto-jump thing
L1454[16:56:07] <TheCryptek> That is why I stay on 1.8.9
L1455[16:56:08] <Forecaster> it's too floaty
L1456[16:56:14] <payonel> btw, i'm a father. today in the US is my day
L1457[16:56:16] <Forecaster> I'm still on 1.7
L1458[16:56:17] <payonel> just fyi all
L1459[16:56:21] <payonel> :)
L1460[16:56:24] <payonel> yay payo!
L1461[16:56:28] * Forecaster doesn't like children
L1462[16:56:32] <TheFox> Happy Fathers dat payonel
L1463[16:56:42] <TheFox> day
L1464[16:56:47] <payonel> :D thanks
L1465[16:56:50] <TheFox> np
L1466[16:56:54] <TheCryptek> payonel: Depends on the person I call it parent day. For mothers and fathers who are doing a double job cuzz they are single parents.
L1467[16:57:20] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1468[16:57:46] <payonel> if they're doing double duty, why not just celebrate father's day AND mother's day for them? :)
L1469[17:03:37] <gamax92> MASHED POTATOS
L1470[17:03:43] <gamax92> oh sorry, just watching golf
L1471[17:04:13] <TheCryptek> payonel: Don't one up me ._. i hate it lol nice idea though!
L1472[17:04:14] <TheFox> gif's again, gamax92 you have an addiction
L1473[17:04:23] <gamax92> TheFox: what?
L1474[17:04:32] <TheFox> nvmd
L1475[17:04:59] <gamax92> TheFox: make more sense :|
L1476[17:05:01] <payonel> :)
L1477[17:05:06] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1478[17:05:45] <gamax92> "Happy fathers day, you're a grandfather now."
L1479[17:05:52] <TheFox> im not a computer, im a fox, make more sense is a command for a computer
L1480[17:06:46] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1481[17:08:45] * Lizzy curls up on vifino and dozes off to sleep
L1482[17:08:48] * vifino carries Lizzy to bed
L1483[17:10:01] <Izaya> I should... probably sleep some time soon
L1484[17:10:04] <Izaya> 8:15 AM
L1485[17:10:30] <CompanionCube> wow
L1486[17:10:31] <TheFox> are you an owl?
L1487[17:10:45] <CompanionCube> is it like summer vacation for you
L1488[17:11:17] <TheFox> is that question aimed at me or Izaya?
L1489[17:11:21] <CompanionCube> Izaya,
L1490[17:11:24] <TheFox> ok
L1491[17:11:38] <Izaya> no
L1492[17:11:41] <Izaya> it's a monday morning
L1493[17:11:47] <Izaya> on a school day
L1494[17:11:50] <CompanionCube> you are *so* fucked.
L1495[17:11:58] <Izaya> except I'm not going
L1496[17:12:00] <Izaya> so it's fine
L1497[17:12:07] <CompanionCube> lolwhy
L1498[17:12:11] <Izaya> sick
L1499[17:12:15] <TheFox> your lucky there
L1500[17:12:18] <gamax92> 'sick'
L1501[17:12:18] <CompanionCube> suuuure.
L1502[17:12:19] <Izaya> literally no voice
L1503[17:12:22] <TheFox> sick from sleep deprivation
L1504[17:12:26] <TheFox> ?
L1505[17:13:32] * CompanionCube hasn't stayed up past 5:30am in a long while
L1506[17:14:06] <TheFox> ^^^^
L1507[17:14:19] <TheFox> only when I'm dying to finish my code
L1508[17:14:29] <CompanionCube> on non-schooldays I typically get up around 1-2pm
L1509[17:14:39] <Temia> I've encountered scenarios where I suffered from insomnia and my body tried to shut down when I gave up and attempted to go about my day.
L1510[17:15:22] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1511[17:16:03] <TheFox> yeah, that sounds like it might be bad news
L1512[17:16:25] <CompanionCube> Temia, honestly
L1513[17:16:58] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1514[17:16:59] * CompanionCube found it was worse to worry about sleep and when you drift off / how much you get
L1515[17:17:02] <TheFox> interesting topic here today
L1516[17:18:33] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC67DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1517[17:19:12] * CompanionCube felt better when he stopped making such a big deal about trying to get to sleep
L1518[17:19:29] <CompanionCube> putting on something boring and just listening until I drift off has been really nice :3
L1519[17:19:53] <TheFox> or just watch this IRC late at night, its pretty boring then to
L1520[17:20:35] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
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L1523[17:34:13] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1524[17:34:23] <TheFox> see, chat has died
L1525[17:34:35] <gamax92> your fault
L1526[17:35:18] <TheFox> im insulted!
L1527[17:35:21] <TheFox> :P
L1528[17:39:10] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1529[17:40:43] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1530[17:44:51] <TheCryptek> Except for our PMs TheFox they are interesting :ooo
L1531[17:48:24] <TheFox> idont understand, are you saying the PM's are boring or chat isn't borin
L1532[17:51:30] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
L1533[17:51:43] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L1534[17:55:34] <TheCryptek> TheFox I am saying our pms are intersting
L1535[17:55:40] * TheCryptek licks his lips :o
L1536[17:57:19] <TheFox> um
L1537[17:57:26] <TheCryptek> Tis all jokes xD
L1538[17:57:40] <TheFox> ik
L1539[18:00:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1540[18:00:43] * Izaya is writing an article
L1541[18:00:46] <Izaya> it's 9 AM
L1542[18:00:48] <Izaya> know what I need?
L1543[18:01:13] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1544[18:01:28] <TheFox> coffee
L1545[18:01:40] <Izaya> Rum.
L1546[18:01:53] <TheFox> oh
L1547[18:02:14] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1548[18:03:14] <TheCryptek> MMMM RUM
L1549[18:05:27] <payonel> as i make wiki changes
L1550[18:05:34] <payonel> and i have the option during save to mark it minor or not
L1551[18:05:40] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-24-61-100-175.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1552[18:05:51] <payonel> and i think "well, it was almost no new content, just formatting, so minor change"
L1553[18:06:19] <payonel> but then i consider "oh except the freaking formatting took 4x longer to write than this content...MAJOR!"
L1554[18:07:22] <TheFox> yeah, um i guess a response to that would be good luck?
L1555[18:14:12] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1556[18:14:54] <ping> vifino, usuk
L1557[18:14:58] <ping> @everything
L1558[18:15:01] <TheFox> hello ping
L1559[18:15:54] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1560[18:57:15] ⇦ Quits: kreezxil (~kreezxil@64-31-193-187.ip.pdq.net) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
L1561[18:57:49] * Saphire boops Sangar
L1562[18:59:52] <TheFox> hey saphire whats up?
L1563[19:00:13] <Saphire> dunno
L1564[19:00:33] <TheFox> anything new?
L1565[19:04:40] <gamax92> Part 4, Part 6, Part 6, Part 7
L1566[19:06:26] ⇦ Quits: panda_2134 (~panda_213@ss1.flamerat.org) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1567[19:06:29] <TheFox> ill be right back
L1568[19:12:39] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1569[19:21:30] <TheFox> im back
L1570[19:27:37] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-24-61-100-175.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1571[19:34:37] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
L1572[19:34:50] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L1573[19:41:03] <Wiiplay123> how do I have the unlimited arguments in a function
L1574[19:41:22] <Wiiplay123> wait
L1575[19:41:36] <Wiiplay123> oh nvm I failed
L1576[19:41:39] <Wiiplay123> :D fixed
L1577[19:43:34] <Wiiplay123> use ({...}) not ({(...)})
L1578[19:44:36] <TheFox> be back after dinner
L1579[19:50:20] <ping> Wiiplay123, pretty sure (...) does nothing
L1580[19:50:31] <Wiiplay123> it gets the first value in function
L1581[19:50:41] <Wiiplay123> Which is useless
L1582[19:51:08] <ping> <> local function sex(...) serialize({(...)}) end return sex("penis", "vagina")
L1583[19:51:08] <^v> ping, nil
L1584[19:51:10] <ping> ok
L1585[19:51:13] <ping> just not return
L1586[19:51:15] <ping> that works too
L1587[19:51:32] <ping> <> local function sex(...) return serialize({(...)}) end return sex("penis", "vagina")
L1588[19:51:32] <^v> ping, {"penis"}
L1589[19:51:35] <ping> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
L1590[19:51:38] <ping> ok you are right
L1591[19:51:47] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Quit: A-whaddup Jack?)
L1592[19:57:53] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L1593[20:11:14] <TheFox> %P
L1594[20:11:16] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheFox 1.22s
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L1596[20:28:20] <ds84182> ...
L1597[20:29:55] <TheCryptek> %P
L1598[20:29:57] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheCryptek 0.28s
L1599[20:30:24] <TheFox> hey, your over here now
L1600[20:30:38] <TheCryptek> I'm every where.
L1601[20:47:41] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1602[20:56:53] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1604[21:12:30] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L1605[21:32:45] <TheCryptek> Is MichiBot Limnoria?
L1606[21:33:33] <TheCryptek> %ping
L1607[21:33:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheCryptek 0.31s
L1608[21:34:26] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) (Quit: Abort | Retry | Fail)
L1609[21:38:09] <TheFox> ok, maybe I'm drawing a blank, serialization.unserialize() converts a string to a table
L1610[21:39:06] <TheFox> this i am sure of, so why is it returning nil D:<
L1611[21:43:21] <TheCryptek> I think, they are all dead xD
L1612[21:43:31] <TheFox> your probably right
L1613[21:43:46] * TheFox starts with cadaver dog
L1614[21:43:51] <ping> TheFox, make sure the value you are passing to it is actually a serialized table?
L1615[21:44:14] <TheFox> i do believe it is
L1616[21:44:37] <TheFox> how ever let me try commenting that line out, maybe a previous line did more then i thought it did
L1617[21:45:12] <TheCryptek> TheFox: I gotta fly.
L1618[21:45:54] <TheFox> ok see you later TheCryptek
L1619[21:45:58] <TheFox> ping, it is a string
L1620[21:46:15] <TheFox> like i thought it would be, then if i unserialize it it should make it a table correct?
L1621[21:47:29] <TheFox> ping are you there?
L1622[21:48:01] <ping> TheFox, if the string is "" it would return nil
L1623[21:48:23] <TheFox> the string is a address for a modem, its a full table
L1624[21:49:09] <TheFox> i think ik whats happening
L1625[21:52:56] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1626[22:00:19] <payonel> ~w loot
L1627[22:00:19] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L1628[22:18:57] *** alfw is now known as alfw|Off
L1629[22:24:33] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1630[22:25:17] <TheFox> can the Serialization library handle table values with - in time like {{a-b = 3},{c-d = t}}
L1631[22:26:00] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1632[22:30:27] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1633[22:32:02] <gamax92> TheFox: that's not a valid table anyway but okay
L1634[22:32:59] <payonel> TheFox: yes, but you have to quote names and put then in []
L1635[22:33:13] <payonel> #lua t={["a-b"]=3}
L1636[22:33:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1637[22:33:15] <payonel> #lua t
L1638[22:33:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f79cc083c50
L1639[22:33:23] <payonel> #lua t["a-b"]
L1640[22:33:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L1641[22:37:28] <TheFox> if i show you what i have could you tell me if its correct?
L1642[22:37:43] <TheFox> payonel?
L1643[22:37:49] <payonel> sure
L1644[22:37:55] <TheFox> ok, thanks
L1645[22:39:14] <TheFox> www.pastebin.com/6hrzjbdl
L1646[22:41:02] <payonel> TheFox: mean while, skim over my recent addition: http://ocdoc.cil.li/openos
L1647[22:41:27] <TheFox> sounds like a fair trade
L1648[22:41:31] <payonel> yes, your code is fine except you have to [] and quote your non simple text keys
L1649[22:41:56] <TheFox> i like reading your additions, what do you mean, {["the-computer-address"]}
L1650[22:42:29] <payonel> {{["3e3df399-354d04fa2-8d14-14c413891co"]=testing, {fake=none}}
L1651[22:42:29] <Corded> payonel: 8d14 = 47 ( 3, 12, 10, 9, 5, 1, 1, 6 ) ~ 5.9
L1652[22:42:37] * payonel throws Corded out the window
L1653[22:43:01] <payonel> note that in that example, using testing and none, the lua interpreter will resolve the values of the variables
L1654[22:43:04] <payonel> or nil if they are undefined
L1655[22:43:25] <payonel> if testing and/or none are to be text/strings, they must be quoted
L1656[22:43:41] <payonel> the only time a table definition does not need to quote a string is simple text, like fake
L1657[22:44:32] <payonel> what do i mean {["the-computer-address"]}? what is this asking?
L1658[22:45:08] <payonel> the only time a table definition does not need to quote a string is simple text FOR A KEY
L1659[22:45:11] <payonel> is what i meant
L1660[22:47:27] <TheFox> payonel: i got the same error, bad argument #1 in pairs expected table, got nil
L1661[22:47:42] <TheFox> i will work on copying the code to pastebin as i dont want to release the rest of the code
L1662[22:47:50] <payonel> :) ok
L1663[22:48:47] <TheFox> overtime i release all my code, someone steals it and calls it there own, I'm not saying you will I'm saying someone else will
L1664[22:50:16] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA29A8B619192A4D2821.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1665[22:50:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1666[22:53:38] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496160E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1667[22:55:01] <TheFox> http://pastebin.com/8X7u0y8d minus a couple commands i used to print to the screen this is the code that is messing up
L1668[22:57:21] <payonel> sorry was afk, reading now
L1669[22:57:42] <TheFox> ok, not a problem, thanks for your help
L1670[22:58:17] <payonel> and what are the contents of trusted.tbl ?
L1671[22:58:30] <TheFox> www.pastebin.com/6hrzjbdl
L1672[22:58:40] <TheFox> hold on
L1673[22:58:41] <TheFox> thats not it
L1674[22:59:10] <TheFox> i think you found it, hang on
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L1676[22:59:58] <TheFox> mmmmm. yeah, you found it
L1677[23:00:17] <TheFox> I'm sorry about that, i forgot to save it after i change that value
L1678[23:00:49] <payonel> if forgot to close my table above, missing } btw
L1679[23:00:59] <payonel> {{["3e3df399-354d04fa2-8d14-14c413891co"]=testing}, {fake=none}}
L1680[23:01:00] <Corded> payonel: 8d14 = 60 ( 5, 12, 9, 12, 10, 1, 1, 10 ) ~ 7.5
L1681[23:01:04] <payonel> asdfk;fk;sdfa;skldf
L1682[23:01:24] <payonel> Magik6k: you awake?
L1683[23:02:20] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@91-115-112-31.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Yepoleb)
L1684[23:02:47] <gamax92> #lua math.random(1,1024).."d"..math.random(1,1024)
L1685[23:02:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 995d777
L1686[23:02:59] <gamax92> #lua math.random(1,128).."d"..math.random(1,128)
L1687[23:02:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 47d78
L1688[23:03:00] <Corded> |0xDEADBEEF|: 47d78 = 2029 ~ 43.2
L1689[23:06:25] <TheFox> is that a bot that does that?
L1690[23:06:53] <TheFox> #lua print("hello")
L1691[23:06:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > hello | nil
L1692[23:07:03] <TheFox> hey it does work
L1693[23:07:08] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L1694[23:09:25] <TheFox> what can the "lua bot" do, all things lua or just 1 line at a time?
L1695[23:10:21] <Saphire> awell
L1696[23:10:30] <Saphire> you probably can do multilines with it..
L1697[23:10:50] <Saphire> if you cut the script into pieces and cat them together after inputting them all in
L1698[23:13:29] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1699[23:14:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA29A8B619192A4D2821.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1700[23:14:41] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1701[23:21:12] <TheFox> HEY, i didn't notice you where online. thanks for the tip any idea what plugin it is?
L1702[23:21:17] <TheFox> or is it a bot
L1703[23:23:14] <TheFox> my error messages dont reveal anything important. maybe i should rework them a little bit
L1704[23:31:04] <TheFox> tables in lua start at 1 right, its been quite a while, and i keep getting lua and JS mixed up
L1705[23:41:28] <snowden89> :( i dont have any idea what to do with the limited programming knowledge i have
L1706[23:41:37] <snowden89> as I dont do anything :(
L1707[23:42:39] <snowden89> at most i scrape shares info for the ones i keep
L1708[23:43:11] <snowden89> and any attempt at making a finance thing seems to pale in comparison to GNU Cash
L1709[23:59:55] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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