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L13[01:02:42] <payonel> just got OpenOS unit testing to over 1000 tests: 1005 tests (all passing, too)
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L15[01:04:56] <asie> woah
L16[01:04:58] <asie> OpenOS has unit testing now
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L19[01:17:42] <Saphire> huh
L20[01:29:39] <Saphire> xD
L21[01:30:00] <Saphire> https://xkcd.com/1597/ i just did that
L22[01:30:00] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Git Posted on: 10/30/2015
L23[01:31:07] <Tazz> rofl "No idea"
L24[01:31:41] *** v^ is now known as KneeGrow
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L35[03:36:49] <Elizabeth> lol, not even awake for 10 minutes before i have to fix stuff
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L112[03:36:57] <^v4> Oh noes! ranger,aperture,nova,phantasm,chaos,services split 3:
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L194[03:52:56] <Saphire> I'm bored :c
L195[03:54:44] <ChJees> Make tea or coffee?
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L197[03:56:40] <Forecaster> make a robot, teach it to love, then destroy it's hopes and dreams
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L199[04:00:16] <Forecaster> or, you know, go outside for a bit :P
L200[04:00:48] <Elizabeth> http://giphy.com/gifs/sad-depressed-hope-25quInpfBuSRi
L201[04:08:47] <Tazz> anyone here familiar with the OC api?
L202[04:15:46] <Forecaster> pff no, it's all black magic
L203[04:16:10] <Forecaster> nobody dares to ask it any questions
L204[04:19:13] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/gallery/kpCIyBS this is adorable though
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L231[05:30:27] <Forecaster> seriously though Tazz, ask a specific question instead of asking if anyone knows about a generic thing
L232[05:30:37] <Forecaster> also I just tried to tab-complete "seriously"
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L238[05:50:57] <Snapples> things
L239[05:57:19] <Forecaster> stuff
L240[06:09:48] *** Nachtasleep is now known as Nachtara
L241[06:16:47] <flappy> gamax92: lionray barfs out data into the terminal when i try to convert things with the same thing i used last btm
L242[06:17:09] <flappy> why would it have changed when nothing else has
L243[06:20:00] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L244[06:21:33] <Forecaster> flappy: because computers
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L258[08:44:35] <Vexatos> merp.
L259[08:45:30] * Vexatos pokes sangar with a pipette full of cruor
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L264[09:04:04] <Vexatos> asie, http://git.io/vr7Z4
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L266[09:11:20] <asie> Sandra: the necessary APIs are coming to Forge
L267[09:11:23] <asie> just arranged it
L268[09:16:59] <S3> aha!
L269[09:17:06] <S3> the api that lets you actually make mods?
L270[09:17:08] <S3> :P
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L272[09:17:50] <S3> you know, I've had all this time to myself lately and haven't done crap. I should really work on my projects
L273[09:18:18] <reinei> S3, same
L274[09:21:04] <S3> So from what I hear there's something I can do in the event a coroutine doesn't yield for too long?
L275[09:29:53] <S3> I'll always prefer homemade stuff, but this angry orchard isn't so bad
L276[09:30:20] <S3> I had some at the restaurant last night, so I picked up a few at the store afterwards, and now I'm going to cook with it :D
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L280[09:51:25] <Elizabeth> minimal effort sandwhgich get
L281[09:56:47] <gamax92> flappy: you still around?
L282[10:17:00] * vifino groans and throws himself at Elizabeth
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L284[10:18:14] <S3> ok. looking a bit better
L285[10:18:40] <S3> Elizabeth: just say sudo make me a sandwich
L286[10:18:55] <S3> though you probably don't need to be in the sudoers file if you ask Vifino
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L289[10:25:15] <CompanionCube> S3, or maybe Elizabeth is already in vifino's sudoers file
L290[10:25:24] <S3> she is
L291[10:25:35] <reinei> 90% sure on that one
L292[10:25:37] <S3> Lizzy ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
L293[10:26:19] <S3> you kno, I don't think I have -ever- used nopasswd
L294[10:26:20] <S3> ever
L295[10:26:50] <reinei> I wouldn't even know how to edit the sudoers file in a way that the computer would understand
L296[10:26:59] <reinei> because I just need one entry in there
L297[10:27:32] <CompanionCube> simply use 'visudo'
L298[10:27:41] <CompanionCube> it will then syntax-check the file before saving it
L299[10:28:09] <reinei> well I still wouldn't know any of the syntax
L300[10:28:20] <reinei> the one entry is created at OS install for me xD
L301[10:28:45] <S3> though funny yet understanding enough, visudo does not mean you will be using vi to edit it
L302[10:28:53] <S3> it does on my box, but sometimes it uses nano instead or something
L303[10:29:01] <S3> depends on the distro
L304[10:29:09] <CompanionCube> I believe it uses whatever either EDITOR or VISUAL is set to
L305[10:29:51] <S3> one way to find out
L306[10:30:19] <S3> EDITOR
L307[10:30:32] <S3> I just made it open in xemacs
L308[10:30:46] <CompanionCube> why do you even have xemacs installed
L309[10:31:17] <S3> it's part of the emacs package on Slackware
L310[10:31:25] <S3> I use it
L311[10:31:36] <S3> I use it in both cli and gui
L312[10:31:38] <CompanionCube> why not GNU Emacs
L313[10:31:43] <S3> because
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L315[10:33:21] <CompanionCube> http://www.duenenhof-wilhelm.de/church/one-true-editor.html
L316[10:33:24] <CompanionCube> relevant
L317[10:33:57] <Kodos> That reminds me of a comedy routine
L318[10:34:32] <S3> ahahahahaha
L319[10:34:41] <S3> because it is
L320[10:35:11] <S3> CompanionCube: after a few glasses of hard cider, xemacs and gnu emacs are exactly the same..
L321[10:35:25] <Vexatos> CompanionCube, "COMMIE FASCIST"
L322[10:35:25] <S3> they both spit out hilarious code for you to review the next day
L323[10:35:50] <CompanionCube> Vexatos, who's saying that
L324[10:35:57] <Vexatos> quoted from that URL
L325[10:36:02] <S3> one of my professors recommended to get drunk and name all of your variables after barn animals
L326[10:36:04] <CompanionCube> ah
L327[10:36:14] <S3> my $pig = moo($cow);
L328[10:37:24] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L329[10:40:02] <S3> and thanks to perl and it's syntax
L330[10:40:32] <Temia> Moo?
L331[10:40:33] <Temia> o3o
L332[10:40:41] <S3> oink mew unless $goat and bark woof meow;
L333[10:41:19] <S3> valid perl syntax ^
L334[10:41:49] <CompanionCube> I wonder how Ruby would work with that
L335[10:41:57] <S3> returns whatever oink() returns, which gets what mew() returns, but only if bark returns a trye value and $goat is a true value
L336[10:42:15] <S3> probably pretty well, although you may have to do bareword hacks
L337[10:42:36] <S3> you can define a behavior in ruby for things like that iirc
L338[10:43:04] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L339[10:43:15] <S3> meow should be the first thing to run in that statement ideally
L340[10:45:08] <CompanionCube> Ruby is very syntatically flexible
L341[10:46:03] <CompanionCube> just look at rspec
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L343[10:52:02] <Wiiplay123> Was I arguing with S3 or CompanionCube about Ace of Spades
L344[10:52:11] <CompanionCube> S3
L345[10:52:15] <Wiiplay123> thanks :D
L346[10:52:19] <CompanionCube> I don't play Ace of Spades
L347[10:52:35] <S3> ?
L348[10:52:43] <S3> what about ace of spaces?
L349[10:52:45] <S3> spades*
L350[10:52:50] <S3> I dunno what that even is
L351[10:52:54] <Wiiplay123> I have some time to play
L352[10:52:55] <Wiiplay123> OpenSpades
L353[10:53:20] <S3> woah
L354[10:53:25] <S3> is this.. voxel quake?
L355[10:53:34] <reinei> yes
L356[10:53:36] <reinei> kinda
L357[10:53:47] <Wiiplay123> hang on
L358[10:53:52] <Wiiplay123> I'm just gonna load my IRC logs
L359[10:53:56] <reinei> although I don't know how much happened, if its now called opensapdes
L360[10:54:15] <Wiiplay123> OpenSpades is an Ace of Spades 0.75 and 0.76 compatible client
L361[10:54:17] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L362[10:54:28] <Wiiplay123> development kinda derped after Fagex took over
L363[10:55:29] <Saphire> going to sleep
L364[10:55:31] <Saphire> bye
L365[10:55:49] <Wiiplay123> oh it was GreaseMonkey
L366[10:55:59] <Wiiplay123> I can see how I got him and CompanionCube mixed up
L367[10:56:03] <Wiiplay123> two word names
L368[10:56:21] <S3> lol
L369[10:57:18] <Wiiplay123> May 27 21:30:32 <GreaseMonkey> openspades is a custom client for what is a very good contender to the title of "shittiest version of ace of spades"
L370[10:58:17] <Wiiplay123> OpenSpades has a realtime 3D rendered menu I think
L371[10:58:37] <Wiiplay123> yep definitely, I can see the parallax
L372[10:59:41] <Wiiplay123> rip in pepperoni my internet connection
L373[11:13:07] <asie> iceball is bet spades
L374[11:13:09] <asie> best spades*
L375[11:16:01] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec66f8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L376[11:21:41] <gamax92> iceball never gained enough support
L377[11:21:59] <Forecaster> vote iceball for president
L378[11:25:35] <Inari> iceball?
L379[11:27:08] <vifino> Cirno approved.
L380[11:29:06] <Inari> i miss asie cirno
L381[11:32:49] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@50-79-239-182-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L382[11:33:28] * Inari throws jelly boobs at Trangar
L383[11:33:31] <gamax92> wat
L384[11:33:36] <reinei> ^
L385[11:33:46] <Skye> wat
L386[11:33:53] <Forecaster> lewd
L387[11:33:55] <Trangar> Hmmmmmm boobs
L388[11:33:57] <Forecaster> probably
L389[11:35:03] <Trangar> 13mb down in a hotel, that's not too bad
L390[11:35:16] <gamax92> Inari and Trangar in a hotel
L391[11:35:26] <Trangar> Hawt 10/10
L392[11:35:29] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:59a6:5e41:9428:4b9c) (Quit: Leaving)
L393[11:36:38] <Inari> inari and trangar in ahotel, in different rooms
L394[11:36:52] <gamax92> not as Hawt -3/10
L395[11:36:52] <Trangar> Come on over baby
L396[11:36:52] <payonel> Skye: you online?
L397[11:36:55] <Trangar> I'm waiting for you
L398[11:37:00] * Skye p
L399[11:37:01] <Inari> no thanks
L400[11:37:01] <reinei> well, you can't make it THAT obvious ...
L401[11:37:07] * Skye pings payonel
L402[11:37:08] <gamax92> sfsdkfjsdklfjsdklfj pulseaudio staph
L403[11:37:08] <Trangar> :D
L404[11:37:18] <gamax92> need to fix chrt
L405[11:37:21] <payonel> Skye: what's wrong with the install stuff and a /usr/ dir?
L406[11:37:29] <Skye> well
L407[11:38:03] <Skye> s@ng@r said that it should be a script, but then if people hardcode stuff to put into /bin then it could get tricky
L408[11:38:24] <payonel> oh
L409[11:38:26] <gamax92> Aasngr
L410[11:38:30] <payonel> that .lootprop should bea script
L411[11:38:37] <payonel> so
L412[11:38:42] <gamax92> is it a sandbaxed script
L413[11:39:11] <Skye> if you can have a memory efficient limited sanbox? great
L414[11:39:21] <payonel> install will search for mounts with .lootprop files
L415[11:39:23] <Trangar> sanga+
L416[11:41:31] <Skye> payonel, maybe it could be a lua table that contains what files should be installed and where they are
L417[11:41:46] <payonel> so oppm :)
L418[11:42:08] * payonel knows oppm is a lot more than that
L419[11:42:22] <Skye> maybe design a centralised OC install system?
L420[11:42:25] <Skye> like
L421[11:43:00] <Skye> like a database that every tool could use
L422[11:43:12] <payonel> this is my approach at the moment --
L423[11:43:23] <payonel> a user could specify a root install dir, when calling install
L424[11:43:37] <payonel> that would create a sort of 'sandbox' or relative path to use, default /
L425[11:43:53] <payonel> scripts or files that install from the .lootprop would think that relative path is /
L426[11:44:09] <Skye> how would that work?
L427[11:44:39] <reinei> Skye, you'd mirror your / install stuff in a dir and tell the installer that you want to install in /someOS
L428[11:45:06] <reinei> the installer will then copy all the files to install into /someOS
L429[11:45:22] <reinei> that way you can install onto / AND other directories as well
L430[11:45:33] <reinei> correct payonel?
L431[11:45:38] <gamax92> incorrect payonel
L432[11:46:14] <gamax92> a Wild payonel appeared.
L433[11:47:01] <payonel> reinei: yes
L434[11:47:04] <payonel> something like
L435[11:47:09] <payonel> installl --root=/usr/
L436[11:47:13] <payonel> -l
L437[11:47:15] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L438[11:47:15] <payonel> :/
L439[11:47:20] <payonel> install --root-/usr
L440[11:47:22] <Skye> how do you trust the install script?
L441[11:47:32] <reinei> you don't
L442[11:47:39] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@50-79-239-182-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L443[11:47:52] <payonel> Skye: first of all, these are loot disks, the code is in github
L444[11:48:05] <payonel> second of all, i am the os, if i was that concerned, i can intercept or jail anything
L445[11:48:33] <payonel> essentially sandbox all the calls ;/
L446[11:48:49] <Skye> what if people want to make their own install disks?
L447[11:48:49] <payonel> could a loot disk script make that difficult and try to circumvent that
L448[11:48:50] <payonel> yes
L449[11:49:07] <payonel> and if they're trying to get around --root dir
L450[11:49:15] <payonel> then imo, fine, let them break crap
L451[11:49:21] <gamax92> ._. payonel
L452[11:49:37] <Inari> ein stein ist ein stein
L453[11:49:50] <reinei> and zwei are?
L454[11:50:23] ⇨ Joins: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:5c69:56c7:52fc:84a2)
L455[11:50:33] <Tris> I feel like I should be here due to the thing i do art for
L456[11:51:39] <gamax92> Tris: welcome
L457[11:51:47] <gamax92> Stay a while
L458[11:51:47] <Tris> thanks mate
L459[11:51:50] <gamax92> Stay, forever!
L460[11:52:03] * reinei laughs in an evil fashion
L461[11:52:08] <Wiiplay123> For eh vur -The Sandlot
L462[11:52:09] <Tris> k
L463[11:52:39] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L464[11:52:49] <gamax92> I think neither of you got the reference
L465[11:53:02] <Tris> yep
L466[11:53:05] <Tris> went right over my head
L467[11:53:05] <reinei> I only know that quote from Solomons Keep xD
L468[11:53:20] <gamax92> reinei: Impossible Mission
L469[11:53:44] <reinei> yeah, I knew it wasn't from the game originally, but it's on there as well
L470[11:54:24] <Forecaster> Mission Unlikely
L471[11:54:45] <Tris> Mission "no"
L472[11:55:10] <payonel> Skye but in seriousness, asking custom .lootprop to respect $ROOT is not too big a request. please consider 2 things: 1. there are no custom .lootprops yet, so i'm not breaking anything with this choice. 2. if we are honestly conerned about $ROOT being too hard to implement for users smart enough to make custom .lootprop -- i can sandbox the filesystem
L473[11:55:38] <Skye> okay
L474[11:55:39] <Skye> hm
L475[11:55:46] <payonel> could they circumvent it? yes
L476[11:55:51] <Tris> so this channel has walls of texts to hide behind?
L477[11:55:54] <Wiiplay123> What's .lootprop
L478[11:55:59] <payonel> i could install a script to run on boot that would move my files on the net boot
L479[11:56:06] <payonel> next*
L480[11:56:21] <Forecaster> it does occationally
L481[11:56:23] <Forecaster> :P
L482[11:56:43] <Skye> so... what method would be the simplest for someone new to making stuff?
L483[11:56:59] <payonel> computer.beep
L484[11:57:02] <payonel> :)
L485[11:57:08] <Forecaster> pay someone else to do it :D
L486[11:58:09] <Tris> do art for an addon, do really good art, and guilttrip the dev to write it for you
L487[11:58:33] <Skye> payonel, I mean
L488[11:58:42] <Forecaster> that doesn't always work
L489[11:58:57] <Forecaster> I'm making models for Railcraft, but I still have to work out implementing them myself :P
L490[11:59:01] <gamax92> Give em $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
L491[11:59:04] <Inari> i'd like to pay someone to make a logo/avatar for me :f but i have no clue how much that would cost
L492[11:59:05] <Forecaster> thought mostly becayse I'm using obj models
L493[11:59:09] <gamax92> Inari: $0
L494[11:59:23] <Tris> I would do it for you for the low cost of
L495[11:59:29] <Tris> a 100$ amazon gift card
L496[11:59:43] <Inari> i dont even know your references :P
L497[12:00:12] <Skye> payonel, say someone made a program, what would the simplest way for them to distribute it on a server?
L498[12:00:14] <Tris> I'll go get my RR logo that I made and show it then
L499[12:00:23] <Inari> RR?
L500[12:00:28] <Tris> Resonant Rise
L501[12:00:30] <gamax92> Inari: no seriously, I'll just ... take your existing avatar, apply several filters and wacky effects to it, and then give it back to you
L502[12:00:31] <Inari> ah
L503[12:00:36] <Wiiplay123> nothing payonel, kid!
L504[12:00:46] <Forecaster> hah
L505[12:00:50] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@diamondedge.org) (Quit: Mitch was here.)
L506[12:00:58] <gamax92> mitch >_>
L507[12:03:32] <Tris> and now the channel's dead
L508[12:03:56] <Wiiplay123> rip in pepperonicraft
L509[12:04:11] <gamax92> I'm learning how to circle
L510[12:04:30] <Tris> circle?
L511[12:04:31] <Tris> circlejerk?
L512[12:04:37] <gamax92> no
L513[12:04:40] <gamax92> former not latter
L514[12:04:49] <Wiiplay123> xDDD [le] DANK maymays! !1!
L515[12:04:51] <Inari> well where di dtha tlog ogo
L516[12:05:08] <gamax92> wh ydoe sInar ital klik ethis?
L517[12:05:16] <Wiiplay123> TIL of Dat Boi, a 5 year old Rwandan who died of cancer and was brought back to life and sewn into Bernie Sanders' tie to assist in the creation of dank memes
L518[12:05:22] <Inari> gamax92: cause race ocnditions on space
L519[12:05:43] <gamax92> Synchronize your space usage then!
L520[12:05:47] <Inari> nah
L521[12:05:55] <gamax92> do it! D:<
L522[12:05:57] <Inari> Tris: so wherse your RR logo :P
L523[12:06:02] <Vexatos> Wiiplay123, relevant https://redd.it/4lp8ck
L524[12:06:04] <Tris> holdon
L525[12:06:07] <Wiiplay123> here come dat boi
L526[12:06:10] <Tris> i is doing three hundred tasks at once
L527[12:06:10] <Inari> gamax92: and nah, i want a new logo/avatar, not something i just took from somewhere
L528[12:06:13] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L529[12:06:24] <gamax92> oh, a new one
L530[12:06:36] <gamax92> but then people won'
L531[12:06:39] <gamax92> t recognize you
L532[12:06:58] <Vexatos> like what even is this subreddit
L533[12:07:09] <gamax92> Vexatos: not enough
L534[12:07:17] <Wiiplay123> Vexatos, This is a very good post that happens when a brilliant redditor stops lurking. People have posted this type of thing once in a billion times, so it's pretty much the best thing on /r/minecraft. I can respect this type of brilliant post. Upvoted, gilded, and saved, thank you for this post.
L535[12:07:59] <Vexatos> gamax92, got something better https://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/comments/4l8b0x/reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/d3mx0wf
L536[12:08:09] <Tris> Inari, it's exporting
L537[12:08:18] <Inari> just like, make a screenshot D:
L538[12:08:39] <gamax92> Vexatos: it doesn't lag
L539[12:09:05] <Tris> nu
L540[12:09:06] <Tris> i must be
L541[12:09:09] <Tris> proffesional
L542[12:09:21] <Vexatos> pprrooffeesiioonnaall!
L543[12:10:12] <Forecaster> I'm a profeshonul
L544[12:10:14] <Tris> http://imgur.com/znvQka0
L545[12:10:17] <Tris> Inari, there ye go mate
L546[12:10:50] <Inari> well, it doesnt look bad, but kind of a differnet style xD
L547[12:10:50] <gamax92> wow, Inari got a lot more ... cubic
L548[12:10:58] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@50-79-239-182-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
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L550[12:11:26] <Forecaster> I'm pretty proud of my own personal logo :3
L551[12:11:29] <payonel> Skye: i was afk, sorry. simplest way? i'd use pastebin and wget :)
L552[12:11:35] <payonel> Wiiplay123: what?
L553[12:11:40] <Skye> payonel, I mean
L554[12:11:45] <Skye> just for server distribution
L555[12:11:52] <Forecaster> it turned out nice and simple, but recognisable
L556[12:12:13] <Tris> "turned out nice and simple, but recognisable"
L557[12:12:19] <Wiiplay123> payonel: NOTHING PAYONEL, KID!
L558[12:12:19] <Tris> tell that to half of the united state's flags
L559[12:12:35] <Forecaster> what?
L560[12:13:00] <Elizabeth> "CompanionCube: S3, or maybe Elizabeth is already in vifino's sudoers file" Na, we don't have sudo access to each other's stuff, in fact i don't think we have ssh access to each others stuff (mainly because we don't need it)
L561[12:13:07] <g> I doubt you guys are the types to use tumblr, but if you do then haveibeenpwned got hold of the 2013 breach data today
L562[12:13:11] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-27-156.bna.bellsouth.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L563[12:13:12] * Elizabeth late-catches vifino and snuggles him
L564[12:13:15] <g> worth checking your mail if you were a tumblr person then
L565[12:13:16] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/clE5CvY
L566[12:13:26] <CompanionCube> Elizabeth, I believe it was metaphorical
L567[12:13:52] <vifino> Elizabeth: it was a metaphor and we do actually
L568[12:14:01] <Elizabeth> do we?
L569[12:14:06] <vifino> yes
L570[12:14:13] <Elizabeth> huh
L571[12:14:42] <Elizabeth> which boxes?
L572[12:14:47] <gamax92> can I convert C to llvm IR, optimize, and then output C
L573[12:15:00] <vifino> i think i have access to janus
L574[12:15:09] <CompanionCube> you'd likely get crappier C back out
L575[12:15:14] <vifino> and i think you have access to my nas and tty.sh
L576[12:15:18] <gamax92> but optimizationz!
L577[12:15:51] <Forecaster> Tris: what about flags?
L578[12:15:53] <Elizabeth> vifino: ah, can't remember the credentials to either of those :P
L579[12:15:58] <Tris> flags
L580[12:16:07] <vifino> Elizabeth: you derp
L581[12:16:11] <Tris> making a joke about how a dissapointingly large chunk of the united state's flags
L582[12:16:14] <Elizabeth> vifino: :P
L583[12:16:15] <Tris> is a blue background with a seal
L584[12:16:18] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L585[12:16:20] <Elizabeth> I learly haven't needed it
L586[12:16:21] <CompanionCube> ' 6
L587[12:16:21] <CompanionCube> down vote
L588[12:16:21] <CompanionCube> accepted
L589[12:16:21] <CompanionCube>
L590[12:16:21] <CompanionCube> The C backend was dropped in release 3.1 because it was not maintained and started developing code rot, becoming a burden.'
L591[12:16:25] <Forecaster> my logo is black and white :P
L592[12:16:25] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/lK4lu8N.jpg :3
L593[12:16:36] * Elizabeth really needs to have a shower
L594[12:16:52] * vifino should shower too
L595[12:17:02] <Tris> robots
L596[12:17:05] * vifino looks at Elizabeth and giggles
L597[12:17:05] <Inari> i just know conceptually what i want on my logo :s just not if its good, what may need to be added and how exactly i want it to look :D
L598[12:17:13] <Shuudoushi> nutella is fucking nasty
L599[12:17:14] <vifino> Saving water sounds great.
L600[12:17:16] <Inari> it would need ot be high-res and/or vector graphics though
L601[12:17:17] * vifino giggles more
L602[12:17:20] <Inari> Shuudoushi: nutella is good <3
L603[12:17:32] <Elizabeth> vifino: :3
L604[12:17:36] <Shuudoushi> it's nasty
L605[12:17:43] <Tris> I am cursed with the worst thing ever
L606[12:17:46] <Inari> it sgood
L607[12:17:46] <Elizabeth> Shuudoushi: you're nasty
L608[12:17:47] <Tris> sugar intollerance
L609[12:17:55] <Inari> Tris: isnt that like
L610[12:17:56] <Inari> diabetes
L611[12:18:03] <Tris> yes and no
L612[12:18:06] <Tris> i don't have diabetes
L613[12:18:07] <Shuudoushi> I could go there, but I'm not going to
L614[12:18:13] <Inari> yes, but no, but yes..
L615[12:18:20] <Tris> but i drink way too much soda then i should and my body's like "lolno no more sugar"
L616[12:18:23] <gamax92> Inari: but YES
L617[12:18:26] <gamax92> but hell naw
L618[12:18:33] <CompanionCube> isn't diabetes more insulin toleranne
L619[12:18:42] <CompanionCube> than sugar intolerance
L620[12:18:53] <Tris> DIABETES
L621[12:19:04] <Tris> diyabetus
L622[12:19:29] <Forecaster> Tris: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o906q6flmecwnwy/logo-100x100-whitebg.png?dl=0
L623[12:19:44] <Inari> diabetes reminds me of http://imgur.com/b66vgp9
L624[12:19:52] <Tris> FC?
L625[12:19:57] <Tris> chinese bootleg forgecraft?
L626[12:19:57] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94W (webchat@ip5f5b3e68.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L627[12:19:58] <Forecaster> ForeCaster
L628[12:20:03] <Inari> Tris: so basically you feel nauseated frm too much sugar?
L629[12:20:19] <Inari> is nauseated even a word
L630[12:20:19] <Forecaster> I did a google image search on it, first two similar images are supermans logo
L631[12:20:27] <Tris> i feel nauseated from sugar that isn't basically soda
L632[12:20:40] <Inari> sounds like a painful life
L633[12:20:50] <Tris> you learn to adapt
L634[12:20:54] <Forecaster> I have that game
L635[12:20:56] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-26-25.bna.bellsouth.net)
L636[12:20:56] <Tris> atleast i can still eat bacon
L637[12:20:58] <Forecaster> I've never played it
L638[12:21:04] <Inari> capitalism, ho!
L639[12:21:11] * Elizabeth wonders if vifino was like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuK6n2Lkza0 at some point
L640[12:21:12] <Inari> but but
L641[12:21:15] <Inari> bacon is a carcinogen
L642[12:21:35] <Tris> no, bacon is pure goodness
L643[12:21:47] <Tris> just ignore the weird feelings in your heart
L644[12:21:47] <Vexatos> but... soda isn't sugar
L645[12:21:52] <Vexatos> soda is sodium carbonate D:
L646[12:22:00] <Vexatos> It's the whole reason why sodium is called sodium
L647[12:22:01] <Tris> with sugar
L649[12:22:18] <Tris> now it does
L650[12:22:45] <Elizabeth> Vexatos, i was about to say it does but then i remembered that sodium cloride is salt ¬_¬
L651[12:22:53] <Vexatos> Lizzy pls
L652[12:23:13] <Elizabeth> I got an A in my GCSE Science
L653[12:23:24] * Inari wonders if vifino was like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfuBREMXxts at some point
L654[12:23:47] <Elizabeth> then again that was about 3-4 years ago
L655[12:24:14] <vifino> Inari: you mean making music? i do
L656[12:24:26] <Elizabeth> Inari, na, more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mYBSayCsH0 :P
L657[12:24:26] <MichiBot> Smash Mouth - I'm A Believer | length: 3m 3s | Likes: 94159 Dislikes: 1780 Views: 17683465 | by SmashMouthVEVO
L658[12:24:27] <vifino> you mean grinning awkwardly? not often
L659[12:24:30] <Vexatos> Elizabeth, sugar is α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fructofuranoside :X
L660[12:24:50] <Inari> scotish bagpipes and drums, and violins are like the true music insturments
L661[12:25:36] <Cruor> Inari: violins are a torture instrument for ears
L662[12:25:43] <Inari> nah
L663[12:25:45] <Inari> they are love
L664[12:25:49] <Vexatos> Cruor, is mayonnaise an instrument?
L665[12:25:56] <Cruor> they are death and destruction
L666[12:26:06] <Elizabeth> Inari, vifino; or maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUypt2nvorM
L667[12:26:06] <MichiBot> Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love Official | length: 3m 13s | Likes: 31669 Dislikes: 536 Views: 6587622 | by Counting Crows
L668[12:26:08] <Elizabeth> :P
L669[12:26:32] <Vexatos> Elizabeth, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk
L670[12:26:32] <MichiBot> Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life | length: 4m 17s | Likes: 18203 Dislikes: 366 Views: 3059011 | by Monty Python
L671[12:26:42] <Inari> Elizabeth: gema
L672[12:26:43] <Inari> :f
L673[12:26:48] <Elizabeth> :/
L674[12:27:02] * Inari wonders if Elizabeth was ever like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD8LgNhteCU
L675[12:27:33] <Elizabeth> na
L676[12:28:03] <Elizabeth> more like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZtcz4WVBGg
L677[12:28:03] <MichiBot> I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED LOVE - THE DARKNESS LYRICS | length: 4m 5s | Likes: 14463 Dislikes: 428 Views: 3318793 | by rocker2321
L678[12:28:12] * Elizabeth lvoes that song
L679[12:28:17] <Elizabeth> s/vo/ov
L680[12:28:18] <MichiBot> <Elizabeth> *** loves that song
L681[12:29:03] <Tris> you believe in a thign called loving that song?
L682[12:30:24] <Inari> oooh i know tha tsong
L683[12:30:43] <Inari> Elizabeth: lewd touching
L684[12:30:48] <Inari> oh right
L685[12:30:58] <Inari> i know this song from taht controversial wow machinima haha
L686[12:31:22] <Elizabeth> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmtbg5b7_Aw
L687[12:31:22] <MichiBot> The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell (Official Music Video) | length: 4m 25s | Likes: 206910 Dislikes: 6468 Views: 24698714 | by PrettyRecklessVEVO
L688[12:31:36] <gamax92> Hi welcome to VideoShare
L689[12:32:10] <Inari> i hope ppl make overwatch machinimas
L690[12:32:35] <g> I like how breaking pipes in the charset dev build crashes the client
L691[12:32:36] <g> dammit asie
L692[12:32:38] <Tris> they will
L693[12:32:50] <asie> g: what MC version?
L694[12:32:51] <Inari> g: pipe systems are forever
L695[12:32:53] <Wiiplay123> i hope ppl make JanusVR machinimas
L696[12:32:55] <g> 1.9.4
L697[12:32:58] <asie> yeah uh
L698[12:33:01] <asie> which MCMP version?
L699[12:33:18] <g> both the one included on the dev build server (your one), and one I just compiled now from tip
L700[12:33:29] <g> want the log?
L701[12:33:59] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUvGu7HWZxI
L702[12:33:59] <MichiBot> OVERWATCH (The Videogame Show What I Done) | length: 3m 35s | Likes: 5058 Dislikes: 414 Views: 81594 | by Jim Sterling
L703[12:34:07] <asie> g: MCMP is not maintained anymore either way
L704[12:34:09] <asie> but sure
L705[12:34:16] <g> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/gdude2002/07ed81dd68627723fd8e35a650850595/raw/afb0bb87277c85a4acfed9d87a5d1c74edf2c493/java
L706[12:34:16] <asie> (also, it doesn't crash on the BTM server)
L707[12:34:26] <g> I did it with a diamond pick rather than a wrench
L708[12:34:31] <amadornes> well... not maintained anymore is a relative statement... :P
L709[12:34:31] <asie> the wrench doesn't remove pipes
L710[12:34:35] <asie> amadornes: MCMP isn't
L711[12:34:37] <asie> FMP is
L712[12:34:41] <amadornes> I guess
L713[12:34:44] <asie> or, rather, LexMP
L714[12:34:47] <g> yeah, it's being merged into FMP soon..
L715[12:34:57] <g> but still, the repo was updated 8 days ago
L716[12:35:10] <amadornes> well, not merged into FMP, but MCMultiPart is being renamed to Forge Multipart because of the merge into Forge :P
L717[12:35:20] <g> ..wait
L718[12:35:21] <g> it's you
L719[12:35:22] <g> HI \o/
L720[12:35:29] <amadornes> lol
L721[12:35:30] <amadornes> hey :P
L722[12:35:38] <g> Why are all the interesting people in here
L723[12:35:39] <g> lol
L724[12:35:42] ⇨ Joins: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:4d57:bb1:e35d:8165)
L725[12:35:57] <amadornes> dunno, because all the cool kids love OC? :D
L726[12:36:01] <g> I guess that error might be useful to you as well, then, since it doesn't actually appear to be a problem in charset..
L727[12:36:09] <g> haha, true
L728[12:36:14] <amadornes> yeah... I have no clue why that happens
L729[12:36:21] <amadornes> but I know how to fix it
L730[12:36:34] <asie> amadornes: so do fix it!
L731[12:36:34] <g> :o
L732[12:36:36] <amadornes> and in fact I thought asie already made a build with a fix for it
L733[12:36:40] <asie> it's not like FMP will make it in this year
L734[12:36:42] <asie> also, I have
L735[12:36:45] <asie> of FMP
L736[12:36:47] <asie> not of MCMP
L737[12:36:47] <g> lol
L738[12:37:00] <amadornes> since I told the people in #MCMultiPart how to fix it the other day lol
L739[12:37:16] <amadornes> alright, alright
L740[12:37:21] <amadornes> I'll push a fix for it... :P
L741[12:37:27] <g> <3
L742[12:38:08] ⇨ Joins: bauen1__ (~bauen1@ip5f5ac2bf.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L745[12:40:17] * g hammers F5 on the commits tab
L746[12:40:35] * Wiiplay123 hammers F5 on every broken tab because broken internet
L747[12:40:50] <Wiiplay123> seriously when it rains the internet goes out, WHY
L748[12:41:15] <Tris> I had that happen last night
L749[12:41:17] <Tris> it sucks
L750[12:41:58] <Wiiplay123> Yet somehow while I can't load anything on the internet, hexchat stays working
L751[12:42:07] ⇦ Quits: bauen1__ (~bauen1@ip5f5ac2bf.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L752[12:43:05] ⇦ Quits: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:4d57:bb1:e35d:8165) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L753[12:43:45] <Tris> The ammount of bulk I'm putting in this model
L754[12:43:47] <Tris> is amazing
L755[12:43:57] <Tris> this thing feels like it can lift up a frait train full of anvils
L756[12:44:07] <Forecaster> what model?
L757[12:44:15] <Tris> a robot model
L758[12:44:19] <Forecaster> :O
L759[12:44:28] <Tris> and I have to make
L760[12:44:30] <Tris> 15 of them
L761[12:44:41] <Forecaster> for what?
L762[12:44:45] <Tris> addon
L763[12:44:59] <Forecaster> mc mod?
L764[12:45:11] <Tris> yep
L765[12:45:42] <Wiiplay123> What are you making exactly and what's MCMultiPart
L766[12:45:53] <Inari> "theres so much roadhog porn" lol
L767[12:46:04] <Wiiplay123> theres so much hedgehog porn
L768[12:46:19] <Forecaster> there's so much porn
L769[12:48:02] <g> Wiiplay123, MCMultiPart is a replacement for forge multipart for 1.8 and 1.9
L770[12:48:02] <Inari> i want all the dva merch :<
L771[12:48:09] <g> soon to be merged into forge, we hope
L772[12:48:20] <Wiiplay123> What's the difference?
L773[12:48:25] <amadornes> if I don't get some kind of serious depression from having to deal with Lex, that is
L774[12:48:30] <g> I believe it has a nicer API
L775[12:48:35] <g> not sure of the technical details
L776[12:48:35] <amadornes> much nicer API
L777[12:48:40] <amadornes> written in java instead of scala
L778[12:48:42] <g> amadornes, haha, I think everyone feels that way about lex
L779[12:48:50] <Wiiplay123> What's scala
L780[12:48:58] <Wiiplay123> Why would anything minecraft not be written in java
L781[12:49:02] <g> a functional programming language that runs on the JVM
L782[12:49:11] <amadornes> java runs on the JVM (java virtual machine)
L784[12:49:13] <Forecaster> ask Sangar :P
L785[12:49:13] <g> it features java interoptability
L786[12:49:21] <amadornes> scala is a languages that runs on the JVM too
L787[12:49:27] <Wiiplay123> oh
L788[12:49:28] <amadornes> so it can work together with java... kinda
L789[12:49:34] <amadornes> * language
L790[12:49:35] <g> yeah
L791[12:49:40] <Forecaster> oc is scala
L792[12:49:41] <Forecaster> mostly
L793[12:49:46] <g> meanwhile, I'm just gonna remove asie's goddamn pipes with worldedit
L794[12:49:53] <g> probably gon' break my world but whatever
L795[12:49:56] <Inari> haha
L796[12:49:59] <amadornes> working with FMP in java it was very annoying at times
L797[12:50:18] <amadornes> mostly because of all the hacky things you had to do to access things you could do directly in scala
L798[12:50:34] <g> I see
L799[12:50:45] <amadornes> MCMultiPart is written in java, though
L800[12:50:56] <amadornes> and scala is made to fully work with anything written in java
L801[12:51:05] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L802[12:51:06] <amadornes> (although the opposite isn't always true)
L803[12:51:11] <amadornes> so mod compatibility won't be an issue
L804[12:51:14] <g> I.. can't remove it with worldedit either
L805[12:51:16] <g> goddamnit
L806[12:51:28] <Forecaster> g: what are you doing?
L807[12:51:29] <amadornes> and, in fact, MrTJP is going to be updating CB's FMP
L808[12:51:38] <g> trying to remove two pipes I placed from asie's charset mod
L809[12:51:43] <amadornes> but using MCMultiPart's API instead of his own
L810[12:51:43] <Forecaster> why?
L811[12:51:47] <g> they're in the way
L812[12:51:54] <amadornes> so we have one single common API all mods can use :P
L813[12:51:55] <Forecaster> why can't you in-game? oO
L814[12:52:02] <Vexatos> amadornes, the hackiest of hacks, the bane of sanity, the wrecker of brains: implicit def <3
L815[12:52:03] <amadornes> because crashing is fun
L816[12:52:07] <g> if I use a pick to break them, it crashes
L817[12:52:12] <g> and worldedit gives me "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.func_145841_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V"
L818[12:52:13] <Forecaster> ah
L819[12:52:18] <g> AKA "WE HAVEN'T UPDATED, FUCK OFF"
L820[12:52:28] <g> not sure what to do now..
L821[12:52:30] <amadornes> Vexatos, and CB's ASM black magic to inject interfaces into the tile
L822[12:52:37] <Forecaster> setblock?
L823[12:52:38] <amadornes> which is far nicer with JTraits
L824[12:52:51] <amadornes> and isn't really needed anymore now that we have capabilities
L825[12:52:55] <Vexatos> well Sangar does that too for OC :P
L826[12:53:03] <Vexatos> Every coremod with mod compat has to
L827[12:53:05] <Vexatos> for itself
L828[12:53:08] <g> /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air -> The block couldn't be placed.
L829[12:53:16] <Vexatos> as @Optional doesn't work on coremods >_>
L830[12:53:21] <Forecaster> huh
L831[12:53:28] <amadornes> well, it's not that
L832[12:53:33] <g> oh, I got the worldedit error again
L833[12:53:34] <g> wut
L834[12:53:38] <amadornes> but the fact that the system to do it was dirty af
L835[12:53:47] <Vexatos> well it's CB
L836[12:53:54] <Vexatos> tell me one mod of his that's not ugly
L837[12:53:56] <Vexatos> and hacky
L838[12:54:03] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L839[12:54:08] <amadornes> translocators? :P
L840[12:54:11] <Vexatos> you wish
L841[12:54:18] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L842[12:54:23] <amadornes> (I haven't looked at it, just guessing)
L843[12:54:37] <amadornes> but yeah... the new FMP is almost there
L844[12:54:41] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L845[12:54:41] <amadornes> and it's hopefully here to stay
L846[12:54:56] <amadornes> Lex has wanted a multipart API in Forge since 1.4.7
L847[12:55:15] <amadornes> and CB's was supposed to go in in 1.5... and then he decided to write it in scala and use ASM
L848[12:55:25] <amadornes> and it all went in a downwards spiral...
L849[12:55:41] <amadornes> 1.9.4 may be the version for it to happen in, though :)
L850[12:55:41] <g> woo, managed to do it with setblock
L851[12:55:43] <g> thanks Forecaster
L852[12:55:56] <Forecaster> noprob
L853[12:57:18] <amadornes> welp... g... I have no clue how I fixed it :D
L854[12:57:50] <g> does that mean you can't write the fix? lol
L855[12:57:52] <g> dammit
L856[12:57:58] <amadornes> I probably can
L857[12:58:02] <amadornes> but I'd have to do a bunch of testing
L858[12:58:14] <amadornes> and the 1.9.4 version isn't really supported anymore... so for now...
L859[12:58:15] <amadornes> actually
L860[12:58:19] <amadornes> if you don't mind testing
L861[12:58:25] <amadornes> do you have chisels & bits?
L862[12:58:32] <g> yeah, it works fine right now
L863[12:58:47] <amadornes> if you do, place a pipe, then a bit in the same block, then mine the pipe
L864[12:58:49] <amadornes> it shouldn't crash
L865[12:59:01] <amadornes> because that check only happens when the TE has no other parts
L866[12:59:13] <amadornes> and bits should auto-convert back to the C&B block once they are alone in the tile
L867[12:59:21] <g> it still crashed
L868[12:59:30] <amadornes> weird :|
L869[12:59:40] <g> same error, too
L870[12:59:40] <g> xD
L871[13:00:03] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L872[13:00:20] <amadornes> I don't see how the property could not be set :/
L873[13:01:59] <g> heh, I removed the pipe+bit using setblock
L874[13:02:04] <g> it said "the block couldn't be placed"
L875[13:02:06] <g> but removed it anyway
L876[13:04:45] <gamax92> VM froze up
L877[13:06:00] <Inari> gamax92: mei got it?
L878[13:11:34] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L879[13:12:14] <gamax92> Inari: what?
L880[13:12:28] <Inari> overwatch joke
L881[13:12:28] <Inari> :f
L882[13:12:55] <gamax92> Inari: :/
L883[13:15:17] <Sangar> o/
L884[13:15:28] <amadornes> hey Sangar :D
L885[13:16:29] <Sangar> heyo :)
L886[13:17:10] <Tris> Who wants to see five crap robot models?
L887[13:17:11] <Sangar> Vexatos, symlinks: ehh, when we have the .lootprop system i'd say lets throw out the autosymlinking stuffs
L888[13:17:25] <gamax92> I put VBox in seamless mode and then it vanished
L889[13:17:26] <gamax92> yay
L890[13:17:35] <Sangar> nanomachines on client: don't think so? not sure, been too long >_>
L891[13:17:59] <Vexatos> there is some kind of client controller map in Network
L892[13:18:05] <Vexatos> but it's...not being populated?
L893[13:18:09] <Sangar> payonel, if you can make a 100% compatible pure lua replacement, i guess why not :P
L894[13:18:14] <Sangar> (pairs i mean)
L895[13:19:07] <Tris> noone? k
L896[13:19:12] <gamax92> debug.getmetatable
L897[13:19:56] <gamax92> Sangar: should be possible
L898[13:19:56] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94W (webchat@ip5f5b3e68.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L899[13:20:03] <gamax92> pairs itself is simple
L900[13:20:11] <Vexatos> Sangar, in other news, mezz made me add a new movement pattern to the thing :>
L901[13:20:12] <gamax92> next is the thing that can't really be replicated
L902[13:20:30] <gamax92> but you don't have to replicate next
L903[13:20:33] <Vexatos> also, http://git.io/vr7BK dat change log
L904[13:21:17] <Sangar> gamax92, yeah, i'd think so, too from a first impression, just cba to do it :P
L905[13:21:23] <Sangar> Vexatos, cute ;)
L906[13:22:32] <Vexatos> also Sangar, /oc_nm and /oc_dn printing to client log as well as server log when
L907[13:22:55] <Vexatos> don't want to keep bugging asie every time my player data file has to be reset due to corrupting bug >_>
L908[13:24:13] <Vexatos> also also http://git.io/vr7Mr
L909[13:25:48] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L910[13:26:36] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L911[13:27:26] <Sangar> Vexatos, uhhh, idk. is there an issue for that? :P
L912[13:27:46] <Sangar> also huh. i guess upgrade container slots aren't returned? will check
L913[13:29:07] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:a435:c6e6:4bf:3410)
L914[13:29:07] <Vexatos> Sangar, of course http://git.io/vr7MA
L915[13:29:14] <Sangar> ah yeah, was added later
L916[13:29:45] <Vexatos> someone forgot to update the disassembler template, eh ;)
L917[13:29:52] <Sangar> mhm
L918[13:38:05] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:4d57:bb1:e35d:8165) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L920[13:47:24] <Elizabeth> Inari: http://imgur.com/gallery/dRBi0NV
L921[13:51:44] <Wiiplay123> https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/4lp3ih/bleeping_computer_a_tech_forum_that_helps_people/
L922[13:52:10] <Inari> haha
L923[13:52:11] <Inari> nice timing
L924[13:53:27] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L925[13:54:21] <Sangar> https://youtu.be/PLRo3zigA08 so i guess them russians made an oc client for the russian facebook now? o.O
L926[13:54:22] <MichiBot> Клиент ВКонтакте для OpenComputers | length: 7m 44s | Likes: 445 Dislikes: 8 Views: 5125 | by EliteClubSessions
L927[13:55:40] <Sangar> oh yeah, Vexatos did you get to test the capability stuffs yet?
L928[13:55:51] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L929[13:55:57] <Elizabeth> wow
L930[13:56:32] <Vexatos> Sangar, nope
L931[13:56:38] <Forecaster> ?
L932[13:56:39] <Vexatos> due to an issue described on the issue :>
L933[13:57:09] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L934[14:00:18] <Vexatos> Sangar, good that I can see the Russian word transcribed to "Kontakte" :>
L935[14:03:57] <Sangar> not a real issue :P
L936[14:04:21] <Vexatos> isn't it?
L937[14:04:30] <Vexatos> if you have two sound cards, wouldn't one never register?
L938[14:04:38] ⇨ Joins: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:4d57:bb1:e35d:8165)
L939[14:05:41] <Vexatos> if so, how would you play 16-channel music?
L940[14:05:58] <Sangar> it wouldn't, but that's how caps work in general
L941[14:06:27] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:4d57:bb1:e35d:8165) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L942[14:06:30] <Sangar> there's no "give me all caps of that type" thing in the api
L943[14:06:33] <Forecaster> yay double negatives
L944[14:06:39] <Vexatos> asie, help
L945[14:06:45] <Elizabeth> http://imgur.com/a/OtG1i so I've been working on my train yard....
L946[14:07:11] <Sangar> that... looks complicated o.O
L947[14:07:17] <Elizabeth> it is, a bit
L948[14:07:48] <Elizabeth> it probably won't look that complicated if you were able to look around it ingame at your own pace
L949[14:08:28] <Sangar> maybe. then again, i never got into signals so i wouldn't even know what they do anyway :P
L950[14:08:50] <Elizabeth> there are little particals that follow the lines, so you'd be able to work out what goes to what
L951[14:10:13] <Elizabeth> also currently the only bits of computer control that could be put in there is the advanced redstone releases through redstone
L952[14:10:28] <Elizabeth> but i do plan for it to be fully automated when i'm done
L953[14:10:35] <payonel> Sangar: i dont have more time to work on openos today, but i will tomorrow
L954[14:11:20] <payonel> Sangar: as for pairs, why not something like : pairs = function(tbl) return ((getmetatable(tbl) or {}).__pairs or original_pairs)(tbl) end
L955[14:11:22] <Vexatos> Sangar, how can you not trains
L956[14:11:31] <Vexatos> sangar doesn't sufficiently train
L957[14:11:33] <Vexatos> needs more training
L958[14:11:49] <Vexatos> Only Elizabeth and Forecaster have enough
L959[14:11:53] <Vexatos> Or maybe not?
L960[14:11:55] <Vexatos> Probably not.
L961[14:12:16] <payonel> anywho, gotta run
L962[14:12:18] <Elizabeth> Vexatos, i still don't have enough, but i'm building it up :P
L963[14:12:19] * payonel is afk
L964[14:12:39] <Forecaster> If I have any training I've forgotten
L965[14:13:58] <Elizabeth> I think the only signal related stuff i didn't work out through trail and error of my own was interlock boxes (and maybe sequencer boxes, but i've not found a use for them yet) and i worked them out pretty fast after watching one of Forecaster's tutorials
L966[14:14:08] <Forecaster> it
L967[14:14:45] <Elizabeth> s/boxes/and capacitor boxes
L968[14:14:45] <MichiBot> <Elizabeth> I think the only signal related stuff i didn't work out through trail and error of my own was interlock and capacitor boxes (and maybe sequencer boxes, but i've not found a use for them yet) and i worked them out pretty fast after watching one of Forecaster's tutorials
L969[14:15:03] <Elizabeth> oh
L970[14:15:06] <Elizabeth> derp
L971[14:15:15] <Elizabeth> that was meant for the 2nd instance of boxes
L972[14:15:18] <Elizabeth> oh well
L973[14:15:24] * Elizabeth is going to go have a shower
L974[14:17:35] <Elizabeth> after that, i might either code some more for this train network or try to think up a site redesign
L975[14:18:51] <Inari> add more boobs
L976[14:19:18] <Inari> traveling to route 66
L977[14:20:12] <Elizabeth> Inari, ¬_¬
L978[14:20:32] <Forecaster> why would they travel wnywhere?
L979[14:20:52] <Forecaster> anywhere*
L980[14:20:58] <Elizabeth> now that family has finished in the bathrrom, brbr
L981[14:21:23] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L982[14:21:42] <Inari> lewd
L983[14:22:56] <Sangar> payonel, pairs: i'd have to re-read the manual and test, but probably? as for openos/install, no worries. would be nice to have by next weekend :)
L984[14:23:26] <Sangar> Vexatos, yeah, trains are something i forever wanted to dig into but always just scratched the surface before building an me system >_>
L985[14:23:43] <Vexatos> But you live in trainland
L986[14:23:45] <Vexatos> Germany
L987[14:23:46] <Vexatos> dammit
L988[14:23:50] <Vexatos> we have the best signalling
L989[14:23:59] <Vexatos> how can you not into trains
L990[14:24:18] <Sangar> i kinda wanna play/make a pack with just railcraft and buildcraft or so, to force myself to automate more low-level-ish :X
L991[14:24:20] <Sangar> some day
L992[14:24:30] <Sangar> except i don't get to play much anyway...
L993[14:24:33] <Vexatos> and forestry and OC and TIS-3D? :>
L994[14:24:35] * Vexatos runs
L995[14:24:38] <Sangar> ;)
L996[14:24:42] <Vexatos> and Computronics!
L997[14:24:44] <Vexatos> Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
L998[14:24:53] <Sangar> a propos. excuse me, will be playing some more doom. brb.
L999[14:24:59] <Vexatos> ._.
L1000[14:25:01] <Forecaster> maybe you'll be interested in when I finish my TransportTycoon-in-minecraft mod :P
L1001[14:25:13] <Vexatos> Sangar, the "r" is kind of sarcastic, right?
L1002[14:25:54] <Sangar> l and r are so similar! ;)
L1003[14:27:03] <Temia> Meanwhile I just realised that my concept mod idea Tonelicraft inevitably lends towards skyblocks because of the sea of death idea :T
L1004[14:27:43] <Temia> s/idea :T/:T
L1005[14:27:44] <MichiBot> <Temia> Meanwhile I just realised that my concept mod idea Tonelicraft inevitably lends towards skyblocks because of the sea of death :T
L1006[14:28:43] <Vexatos> Sangar, "Be later back"?
L1007[14:29:02] <Inari> be lewdly back
L1008[14:29:27] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1009[14:31:17] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1010[14:41:59] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1011[14:43:44] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L1012[14:43:49] <Inari> Forecaster: cause the overwatch needs me there
L1013[14:46:37] ⇦ Quits: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1014[14:49:02] <Forecaster> Inari: wut?
L1015[14:49:07] <Forecaster> sorry, having connection issues
L1016[14:49:08] <Inari> route 66
L1017[14:49:16] <Forecaster> I don't geddit
L1018[14:49:56] * Forecaster hasn't played overwatch
L1019[14:50:54] <Inari> [21:19:15] <Inari> traveling to route 66
L1020[14:50:54] <Inari> [21:20:09] <@Elizabeth> Inari, ¬_¬
L1021[14:50:54] <Inari> [21:20:29] <Forecaster> why would they travel wnywhere?
L1022[14:50:54] <Inari> [21:20:49] <Forecaster> anywhere*
L1023[14:51:08] <Inari> its a map on overwatch
L1024[14:51:08] <Inari> :f
L1025[14:51:21] <Forecaster> ah
L1026[14:51:52] ⇨ Joins: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1027[14:56:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1028[14:57:01] <Forecaster> oh hey
L1029[14:57:08] <Forecaster> Simutrans is on steam now apparently
L1030[14:57:16] * Elizabeth is back
L1031[14:57:21] <reinei> yeah, dunno why though
L1032[14:57:34] <Forecaster> marketing?
L1033[15:01:15] <Forecaster> there's a subway in one of the screenshots
L1034[15:01:21] <Forecaster> I've never seen a back that has that
L1035[15:01:29] <Forecaster> s/back/pack
L1036[15:01:29] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> I've never seen a pack that has that
L1037[15:04:56] <Shuudoushi> sounds about right... http://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s526x395/13321943_1158267244217404_1545598788822815425_n.jpg?oh=7ca793ef4437ba69638be07c6a0dc9e9&oe=57C5099D
L1038[15:05:15] <Forecaster> I can't use that, it goes off my screen >:
L1039[15:05:24] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1040[15:05:26] <Forecaster> my client's started doing that for some reason
L1041[15:08:42] <Shuudoushi> http://goo.gl/ypoUB1
L1042[15:08:48] <Shuudoushi> there you go Forecaster
L1043[15:09:11] <Forecaster> thanks :P
L1044[15:09:23] <Shuudoushi> np lol
L1045[15:09:40] <Forecaster> dangit irssi, why you do this?
L1046[15:09:40] <Shuudoushi> for some reason my link shortner hot key is broken again...
L1047[15:10:33] <Forecaster> it leaves an empty line under the url, but doesn't actually wrap it properly
L1048[15:10:34] <Forecaster> >:
L1049[15:12:40] <Shuudoushi> WHY YOU BROKEN!!!
L1050[15:13:17] <Shuudoushi> http://i.giphy.com/xT4uQfYe5yGNNIfD8c.gif
L1051[15:13:22] <Shuudoushi> motherfucker
L1052[15:13:32] <Shuudoushi> still a funny gif at lest
L1053[15:13:37] <Shuudoushi> least*
L1054[15:13:42] <Forecaster> xD
L1055[15:22:14] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
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L1059[15:28:46] <S3> lololol
L1060[15:33:29] <S3> Me: "Hey! It's the brown note!" *plays a string on guitar, house vibrates violently form bass, susy in the other room goes, "Stop! You're gonna make me poop!"
L1061[15:33:33] <S3> ..... XD
L1062[15:36:27] <Sangar> Vexatos, what's a bit of letter shuffling among friends :P
L1063[15:40:23] <Vexatos> I lkie lteter sflnuifhg.
L1064[15:49:10] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com)
L1065[15:51:36] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA210D828EB65F043D9C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L1067[15:55:30] <Elizabeth> Sangar, you still about?
L1068[15:59:22] <Elizabeth> nmvm
L1069[15:59:54] <Tazz> Hey sangar you got a minute to give me a run down on how someone creates an entity with a scriptable interface similar to the drone?
L1070[16:00:07] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-191-63-12.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1071[16:00:21] <Tazz> I decided to make my computer mods robits an actual oc mod
L1072[16:00:37] <Tazz> s/mod/addon
L1073[16:00:38] <MichiBot> <Tazz> I decided to make my computer addons robits an actual oc mod
L1074[16:00:56] <Tazz> Well that didn't work hah
L1075[16:01:13] <Forecaster> s/mod.*$/addon
L1076[16:01:19] <Forecaster> no?
L1077[16:01:21] <Forecaster> >:
L1078[16:01:26] <Elizabeth> it would be
L1079[16:01:32] <Elizabeth> s/mod$/addon
L1080[16:01:37] <reinei> no
L1081[16:01:38] <Tazz> I'm terribad with regex
L1082[16:01:50] <Forecaster> either should work I'd think
L1083[16:01:52] <reinei> actually, yes
L1084[16:01:55] <Mimiru> I don't think unix4j's SED supports lots of stuff like that..
L1085[16:02:12] * Elizabeth yawns
L1086[16:02:14] <Tazz> I've been slacking off in writing the regex engine in Eschelle
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L1088[16:02:57] <Forecaster> so you can't target a specific occurance of a word in a sentence, it always replaces the first one?
L1089[16:03:22] <Elizabeth> %tell Magic6k is the networking floppy the same as what could possibly be found in plan9k, if so is the networking stuff in plan9k more updated than the one on the oc floppy or no?
L1090[16:03:23] <MichiBot> Elizabeth: Magic6k will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1091[16:04:18] <reinei> Forecaster, yeah, unless you do some ugly magic or stuff
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L1093[16:04:41] * Elizabeth leans against vifino and falls asleep
L1094[16:05:14] * vifino leans back to let Elizabeth lay on his lap, puts a blanket over her and lets her sleep
L1095[16:05:43] * Elizabeth purrs softly
L1096[16:06:07] <ChJees> Gonna be real hard to type
L1097[16:06:39] <Tazz> Wait isn't it Like a quoted string for specific character groups in regex
L1098[16:06:59] <reinei> Tazz, what?
L1099[16:07:17] <reinei> you have \s and stuff as well as [a-z] and [^a-z]
L1100[16:12:11] <Forecaster> quotes don't do anything in regex
L1101[16:12:17] <Forecaster> " just matches a literal "
L1102[16:12:31] <Forecaster> same with '
L1103[16:12:40] <reinei> unless you are talking a programming implementation, in which case they might stop your regex altogether
L1104[16:13:09] <Forecaster> in which case you need to escape them :P
L1105[16:15:43] <Mimiru> http://www.unix4j.org/javadoc/org/unix4j/unix/Sed.html Is what MichiBot's SED uses
L1106[16:16:48] <Sangar> Tazz, in a minute? allright: have a look at https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/entity/Drone.scala ;)
L1107[16:17:57] <Forecaster> Sangar: now teach me to be a great artist in 30 seconds please
L1108[16:18:07] <Sangar> basically have a MachineHost, api.Machine.create one, create components via drivers and hook everything up, call update every tick :P
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L1110[16:18:27] <reinei> and while you are at it, teach me how to control everyone
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L1112[16:18:39] <Sangar> Forecaster, there's enough of those "draw a circle" - "now draw the rest of the bloody thing" images out there already, no? ;)
L1113[16:18:53] <Forecaster> maybe :P
L1114[16:19:06] <Forecaster> reinei: that's easy, you give people money and they do things :P
L1115[16:19:06] <Sangar> reinei, nanomachines!
L1116[16:19:12] <Sangar> or that
L1117[16:19:18] <reinei> I like Sangar's idea better
L1118[16:19:18] <Sangar> nanomachines are more fun tho
L1119[16:19:23] <reinei> ^
L1120[16:19:24] <Forecaster> yeah probably
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L1122[16:19:56] <ChJees> Thought Nanonmachines would let you draw on the player HUD :P
L1123[16:20:30] <Sangar> ChJees, yeaaah, that was one consideration among many, and one of many that was too much work :P
L1124[16:20:56] <Sangar> (also openglasses, didn't feel like reinventing the wheel)
L1125[16:21:10] <Forecaster> ...
L1126[16:21:18] <Forecaster> how have I not heard of that before
L1127[16:22:22] <ChJees> Could interesting to see a mod that is a add-on to OpenComputers that focuses even further on the nanomachines.
L1128[16:22:46] <ChJees> Letting you become Armstrong from Metal Gear: Revengeance :P
L1129[16:25:49] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1130[16:29:01] <Forecaster> I need this :O
L1131[16:29:16] <Forecaster> totally getting openglasses for the letsplay
L1132[16:29:25] <Sangar> :D
L1133[16:29:45] <Sangar> ChJees, or, depending where it goes, pr it into oc ;)
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L1135[16:31:56] <Forecaster> it's build server is down
L1136[16:32:02] <Forecaster> fortunately it's on curse as well
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L1331[19:27:53] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQBI1AsYKFk
L1332[19:27:56] <MichiBot> LÖVE runs 3D.. | length: 2m 11s | Likes: 1 Dislikes: 0 Views: 15 | by Shell32
L1333[19:29:46] <Saphire> can't see :c
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L1342[20:02:48] <Tris> http://i.imgur.com/IYqOYoq.png
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L1344[20:03:02] <Tris> i'm just giong to shove these in your faces until i get my hours worked earned back with attention
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L1351[20:58:14] <Shuudoushi> fuck insanity wolf, I give you insanity turtle http://imgur.com/cclXA1S
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L1354[20:59:52] <Shuudoushi> https://i.imgur.com/MOyniqU.gifv
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L1358[21:12:47] <Wiiplay123> Is GreaseMonkey here
L1359[21:12:54] <Wiiplay123> 13v13 me hallway scrub
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L1365[21:25:55] <GreaseMonkey> Wiiplay123: i'm not the hallway scrub here
L1366[21:26:15] <Wiiplay123> *opens openspades*
L1367[21:26:32] <Wiiplay123> well that's odd
L1368[21:26:44] <Wiiplay123> only one hallway server currently up and 0 players
L1369[21:26:46] <Wiiplay123> that's definitely NOT normal
L1370[21:26:54] <gamax92> AoS died
L1371[21:27:02] <Wiiplay123> It was perfectly alive a couple of days ago
L1372[21:27:06] <GreaseMonkey> not really
L1373[21:27:12] <GreaseMonkey> i guess the maggots are finally leaving as well
L1374[21:27:14] <Wiiplay123> :\
L1375[21:27:31] <Wiiplay123> Fagex ruined AoS and destroyed the active community
L1376[21:27:42] <Wiiplay123> At least there's still Minecraft with heavy modding that makes it take like 5 minutes to start up on an SSD
L1377[21:27:50] <gamax92> the active community for anything called AoS is the Jagex version
L1378[21:28:03] <GreaseMonkey> even then that community mostly died too
L1379[21:28:12] <gamax92> 0.75x hasn't been alive for a long time
L1380[21:28:19] <GreaseMonkey> well not died, it's more like half went to block 'n' load and the other half went elsewhere
L1381[21:28:36] <Wiiplay123> Yeah, that's the problem
L1382[21:28:50] <Wiiplay123> If Jagex hadn't killed it, we wouldn't have this problem
L1383[21:28:51] <gamax92> nah, that fallout's been done
L1384[21:29:21] <GreaseMonkey> if izzy hadn't discouraged any deviation from 0.75 pyspades we wouldn't STILL have this problem
L1385[21:29:59] <Wiiplay123> hey there's a hallway server up
L1386[21:30:13] <Wiiplay123> join Gaming-UK hallway and we'll see just now "inaccurate" these rifles are
L1387[21:30:16] <Wiiplay123> I just had to refresh lol
L1388[21:30:54] <Wiiplay123> join green team
L1389[21:31:20] <gamax92> nah fuck you
L1390[21:31:30] <Wiiplay123> I was talking to GreaseMonkey :P
L1391[21:31:49] <gamax92> the person who calls that community "maggots" really wants to play AoS with you :P
L1392[21:31:50] <GreaseMonkey> Wiiplay123: i already demonstrated they were inaccurate as fuck years ago
L1393[21:32:17] <GreaseMonkey> oh yeah for comparison iceball genuinely has no rifle spread
L1394[21:32:23] <GreaseMonkey> then again it also uses rather generous hitcircles
L1395[21:32:33] <GreaseMonkey> so not an amazingly nice comparison
L1396[21:33:30] <Wiiplay123> I love the true 3D and better shading of OpenSpades
L1397[21:33:40] <Wiiplay123> Would be cool if someone would take OpenSpades and make it into a better game
L1398[21:34:32] <Wiiplay123> For some reason I just started feeling the urge to crouch to slide
L1399[21:34:48] <Wiiplay123> Not sure what game I'm remembernig
L1400[21:34:57] <GreaseMonkey> if you want a better 3d AoS, hey look, iceball is a thing
L1401[21:35:04] <GreaseMonkey> it even has bunnyhopping
L1402[21:35:43] <Wiiplay123> wait
L1403[21:35:54] <Wiiplay123> Oh cool you made Iceball :D
L1404[21:36:06] <Wiiplay123> I remember being hyped for that back when the whole thing started
L1405[21:37:18] <GreaseMonkey> i'm jumping on the eu testing server now
L1406[21:37:28] <GreaseMonkey> latest build should be at iceball.build
L1407[21:38:58] <Wiiplay123> I'm gonna try that
L1408[21:39:02] <Wiiplay123> that
L1409[21:39:05] <Wiiplay123> is the world's simplest website
L1410[21:39:16] <Wiiplay123> and yet so amazing
L1411[21:39:19] <GreaseMonkey> you're there to download a game, not mastubate to javascript
L1412[21:39:34] <GreaseMonkey> anyway going to reconnect as 800x600 is kinda low-res on this monitor
L1413[21:39:38] <Wiiplay123> like it's literally just a logo and two buttons and a background, but it looks so good
L1414[21:40:08] <Wiiplay123> iceball definitely came a long way since https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLrx_MjL0pI
L1415[21:40:10] <MichiBot> IceBall Project | length: 6m 19s | Likes: 3 Dislikes: 2 Views: 503 | by SlamDrag
L1416[21:40:20] <Shuudoushi> http://i.imgur.com/6ysoCju.jpg
L1417[21:40:29] <Wiiplay123> look at all those billboarded boxes for everything
L1418[21:40:38] <Wiiplay123> it's like the opposite of what openspades is to ace of spades
L1419[21:40:53] <Wiiplay123> the new graphics are gonna be better if the screenshot is any indication though :3
L1420[21:41:06] <GreaseMonkey> that's because it used to be software rendered
L1421[21:43:24] <Wiiplay123> Iceball is a zip :o
L1422[21:43:38] <Wiiplay123> I would have loved iceball so much back when I first started playing AoS and couldn't use installers because of UAC
L1423[21:46:13] <Wiiplay123> joining servere?
L1424[21:46:44] <Wiiplay123> MY EARDRUMS
L1425[21:47:01] <GreaseMonkey> learn to volume control scrub
L1426[21:47:03] <Wiiplay123> don't play music at full volume pls .-.
L1427[21:47:06] <GreaseMonkey> learn to volume control scrub
L1428[21:47:10] <Wiiplay123> just did
L1429[21:47:15] <GreaseMonkey> good
L1430[21:49:34] <Wiiplay123> WHY IS EVERYTHING CEL SHADED D:
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L1433[22:12:19] <payonel> o/
L1434[22:12:55] <payonel> Shuudoushi: hi
L1435[22:13:09] <payonel> how's secureos coming along?
L1436[22:13:21] <Shuudoushi> slow
L1437[22:13:53] <Shuudoushi> haven't been able to do much work on it as I'm about to move 1800+ miles
L1438[22:13:55] <payonel> you still merging from openos?
L1439[22:14:05] <payonel> for what purpose?
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L1441[22:14:32] <Shuudoushi> to get the fuck out of alabama
L1442[22:14:51] <payonel> okay :)
L1443[22:15:19] <Shuudoushi> and I can make more money there lol
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L1446[22:19:01] <payonel> okay :)
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L1450[22:35:27] <Wiiplay123> I'll continue working on the ultimate program for minecraft too c:
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L1460[23:17:02] <Shuudoushi> http://imgur.com/gallery/Vn85a
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L1463[23:44:44] <Shuudoushi> http://imgur.com/gallery/QELey
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