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L1[00:00:14] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L2[00:00:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L3[00:13:20] <SoraFirestorm> speaking of programming
L4[00:13:27] <SoraFirestorm> I did what I said I wasn't going to do :(
L5[00:13:32] <SoraFirestorm> I installed Eclipse :(
L6[00:14:23] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c8a2:e81d:ba8b:f2ac)
L7[00:14:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L8[00:15:18] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA625EF370FFFE092A97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L9[00:15:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L10[00:16:40] <SoraFirestorm> did you get your highlighting sorted out Kodos?
L11[00:16:53] <Kodos> No, but I did get the 153 packages updated that I needed to
L12[00:17:05] <Kodos> And now i'm on W7 again, so I'll just np++
L13[00:17:09] <SoraFirestorm> I don't think that nano does sh :/
L14[00:18:00] <Kodos> It was listed in my options, but no matter what I did, it wouldn't take
L15[00:18:06] <Kodos> brb a sec
L16[00:19:22] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L17[00:19:24] <SoraFirestorm> I stand corrected
L18[00:19:28] <SoraFirestorm> it does over here
L19[00:19:36] <Kodos> How'd you activate it
L20[00:19:56] <SoraFirestorm> I opened the file :P
L21[00:20:04] <Kodos> Huh
L22[00:20:08] <Kodos> Doesn't work for me
L23[00:20:12] <Kodos> Ah well
L24[00:20:14] <Kodos> vim works fine
L25[00:20:25] <SoraFirestorm> kinda file were you trying? I opened a C source file.
L26[00:20:29] <Kodos> Lua
L27[00:20:34] <SoraFirestorm> ah
L28[00:20:43] <SoraFirestorm> I wouldn't be suprised if nano didn't know how to do that
L29[00:20:47] <SoraFirestorm> Emacs by default doesn't
L30[00:20:53] <SoraFirestorm> (for some strange reason)
L31[00:21:06] <payonel> Lua isn't very common
L32[00:21:19] <SoraFirestorm> I've seen things I've never heard of
L33[00:21:26] <SoraFirestorm> ymmv
L34[00:21:52] <SoraFirestorm> weeellll
L35[00:21:56] <SoraFirestorm> I stand corrected again
L36[00:21:59] <SoraFirestorm> opened a Lua file
L37[00:22:02] <Kodos> I remember when I first started coming around here, and a few of the regulars would talk about Brainfuck. I always thought it was something they made up
L38[00:22:02] <SoraFirestorm> It's highlighting
L39[00:22:18] <SoraFirestorm> GNU nano 2.4.2
L40[00:22:25] <Vexatos> Kodos, but it is
L41[00:22:26] <Kodos> I think I have 2.2.5
L42[00:22:27] <Kodos> err
L43[00:22:28] <Kodos> .6
L44[00:22:31] <SoraFirestorm> colors are nasty-ass ugly though
L45[00:22:33] <Vexatos> it's just not us who made it up
L46[00:22:34] <Vexatos> ;)
L47[00:22:35] <Kodos> Will have to try updating
L48[00:23:39] <SoraFirestorm> which, btw, makes me wonder
L49[00:24:01] <SoraFirestorm> why the hell can nano highlight Lua by default but Emacs doesn't ship with a Lua mode?
L50[00:24:16] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L51[00:24:20] <Kodos> Maybe emacs sucks?
L52[00:24:35] <SoraFirestorm> meh
L53[00:24:56] <SoraFirestorm> nothing that can't be fixed by installing lua-mode :P
L54[00:25:15] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:780e:470c:215f:ef61) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L55[00:32:58] <SoraFirestorm> I'd think though that Lua would be popular enough to ship a mode in the standard distribution of Emacs...
L56[00:33:55] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L57[00:34:06] <payonel> emacs is old, lua is young -- a lot of people that use emacs seriously have never even heard of lua
L58[00:34:32] <SoraFirestorm> Lua isn't *that* young
L59[00:34:39] <SoraFirestorm> sure, GNU Emacs has a few years on it
L60[00:35:14] <SoraFirestorm> there's only a difference of ~9 years...
L61[00:35:32] <SoraFirestorm> 8, actually
L62[00:35:35] <greaser|q> emacs is also not known for being small
L63[00:35:50] <greaser|q> but eclipse is a thing so i think they gave up on trying to be the heaviest
L64[00:36:01] <SoraFirestorm> which is why it should include lua-mode in the std dist! :)
L65[00:36:45] <SoraFirestorm> but eclipse can't do tons of neat things
L66[00:36:58] <SoraFirestorm> Eclipse can't claim to be heavy when I can't do IRC or email with it :(
L67[00:37:11] <SoraFirestorm> (Or webbrowse or play games or use git or...)
L68[00:37:13] <greaser|q> for instance eclipse can't correct subtle goofups in your grammar
L69[00:37:29] <greaser|q> eclipse is size-heavy, not functionality-heavy
L70[00:37:37] <SoraFirestorm> :P
L71[00:37:41] <greaser|q> (i've heard there's a plugin for emacs which actually does correct your grammar as you type)
L72[00:37:59] <SoraFirestorm> wouldn't be surprised...
L73[00:38:32] <SoraFirestorm> you know
L74[00:38:51] <SoraFirestorm> I'm wondering when (if) PIL 2nd Ed will become free-to-read
L75[00:39:12] <SoraFirestorm> 2nd Ed is almost 10 years old now...
L76[00:40:06] <SoraFirestorm> I understand people need to get paid and all
L77[00:40:09] <SoraFirestorm> but still
L78[00:41:37] <Kodos> I just want Kindle editions
L79[00:41:46] <Kodos> So I can read on the go, and learn how to do more advanced stuff
L80[00:42:14] <SoraFirestorm> My Lua has kinda rusted on me
L81[00:42:23] <SoraFirestorm> at least some of the advanced stuff
L82[00:43:54] <greaser|q> setmetatable(_ENV,{__index=function(k,v) return "ass" end})
L83[00:44:18] <Kodos> One idea I had was for localization setups
L84[00:44:40] <Kodos> So I could have the strings in my programs be translated, and just use options to select a non-english language
L85[00:44:50] <SoraFirestorm> I really really like Lua
L86[00:44:51] <SoraFirestorm> but if you need to do anything that's not in the stdlib
L87[00:44:51] <SoraFirestorm> it's a major PITA
L88[00:45:14] <Kodos> Even still, it's a pretty damn robust language
L89[00:45:20] <Kodos> Sure, not as great as some others, but still
L90[00:45:25] <payonel> i'd like to write shell scripts in lua. i poked around a tiny about and heard a lot of ppl say it was really bad
L91[00:45:31] <payonel> it this accurate?
L92[00:45:57] <SoraFirestorm> define 'shell scripts'?
L93[00:46:23] <payonel> well good point in that i'm unclear there
L94[00:46:41] <payonel> i wish i could shell out lines like perl can, `asdf`, but the rest be just Lua
L95[00:47:18] <SoraFirestorm> os.execute()?
L96[00:47:26] <SoraFirestorm> that's kinda sorta shelling out
L97[00:47:51] <payonel> but getting stdout? i guess i could popen a shell command
L98[00:48:00] ⇦ Quits: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L99[00:48:02] <SoraFirestorm> ah, yeah
L100[00:48:03] <payonel> i realize that this is something i looked into a long time ago
L101[00:48:12] <payonel> i've learned quite a bit about lua since then
L102[00:48:13] <SoraFirestorm> I've never done it, but that's the 'right' way
L103[00:48:21] <payonel> but i wonder why what i DID find was a lot of negativity about it
L104[00:48:54] <SoraFirestorm> likely because Lua has weak OS facilities owing to being completeing ISO/ANSI C
L105[00:49:58] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L106[00:50:46] <payonel> Lua has great os facilities! heck..i bet one could write an os in lua
L107[00:50:50] <payonel> :troll:
L108[00:51:18] <SoraFirestorm> funny thing
L109[00:51:46] <SoraFirestorm> I was going to try do to that
L110[00:51:57] <SoraFirestorm> have an OS where Lua is the system language
L111[00:52:06] <SoraFirestorm> almost like the port of plan9k
L112[00:52:37] ⇨ Joins: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L113[00:52:48] <payonel> Lua enabled great pet projects for me
L114[00:52:51] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L115[00:52:59] <payonel> but i also love memory-things
L116[00:53:03] <payonel> and Lua hides that from me
L117[00:53:04] <SoraFirestorm> it ended up stalling
L118[00:53:21] <SoraFirestorm> next time I try that, I'm going to use a Lisp, probably custom-written
L119[00:53:28] <payonel> building a heavy-weight software like an OS would drive me a bit nuts after a while
L120[00:55:09] <gamax92> welp, time to hit the bed.
L121[00:55:19] * gamax92 punches bed to sleep
L122[00:56:03] <SoraFirestorm> do a piledrive!!
L123[00:56:07] <SoraFirestorm> :D
L124[01:04:34] <SoraFirestorm> lua still needs a __type metamethod..
L125[01:06:18] <Vexatos> yes please ;_;
L126[01:06:20] <Vexatos> Selene adds one
L127[01:06:21] <Vexatos> :P
L128[01:07:07] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L129[01:08:16] * Skye pets Vexatos
L130[01:08:51] ⇨ Joins: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L131[01:09:15] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L132[01:09:40] <Kodos> Stuff like metamethods are the reason I want PIL
L133[01:09:44] <Kodos> So i can learn all that
L134[01:10:03] <Vexatos> The book?
L135[01:10:25] <Vexatos> or http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html
L136[01:10:41] <Kodos> Book
L137[01:10:45] <Vexatos> I read it
L138[01:10:51] <Vexatos> Pretty good
L139[01:11:04] <Vexatos> you should be able to get it at any decently big university library
L140[01:11:49] <Kodos> I have it wishlisted on Amazon
L141[01:11:52] <Kodos> 3rd edition
L142[01:12:06] <Vexatos> if you're going to buy it, even better :P
L143[01:12:21] <Vexatos> just saying, a library usually is well enough for programming manuals :P
L144[01:12:37] <Kodos> Yeah, I'm planning on purchasing
L145[01:12:58] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
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L147[01:13:43] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L148[01:14:29] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L149[01:17:34] <SoraFirestorm> I think the thing that would make Lua damn near perfect is a builtin FFI
L150[01:18:18] <payonel> what's something you'd use __type for? i dont need it for inheritance. i dont need it for reflection
L151[01:18:29] <SoraFirestorm> consistency
L152[01:18:46] <SoraFirestorm> doing OOP programming where I want to know what a type is
L153[01:18:58] <SoraFirestorm> be able to use type() like everywhere else
L154[01:19:10] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L155[01:19:12] <payonel> sure, but -- you could just define your own get_type()
L156[01:19:30] <SoraFirestorm> that breaks consistency
L157[01:19:39] <SoraFirestorm> it's possible to add the metamethod yourself
L158[01:19:45] <SoraFirestorm> but it breaks on odd edge cases
L159[01:19:51] <payonel> i'm just saying, i dont see a big advantage, besides consistency with other metamethods
L160[01:20:08] <SoraFirestorm> namely, you have to give up being able to protect the metatable
L161[01:20:15] <payonel> in fact, i dont see any advantage besides consistency
L162[01:20:26] <SoraFirestorm> is consistency not good enough on its own?
L163[01:21:03] <payonel> it might be. when would get_type break?
L164[01:21:29] <SoraFirestorm> well, depending on how you implemented it
L165[01:21:31] <SoraFirestorm> it wouldn't
L166[01:21:44] <SoraFirestorm> lemme type up an example of what I mean
L167[01:23:28] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA625EF370FFFE092A97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L168[01:24:32] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
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L171[01:25:54] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L172[01:26:13] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L173[01:31:11] <SoraFirestorm> payonel: http://pastebin.com/5ZDgwYxC
L174[01:31:18] <SoraFirestorm> pastebin screwed up my formatting, sorry
L175[01:33:23] <payonel> np. i never have used the __metatable meta field.
L176[01:33:43] <SoraFirestorm> right
L177[01:33:48] <SoraFirestorm> beyond that, it should work fine
L178[01:33:53] <payonel> ah, used to hide the metable?
L179[01:33:58] <payonel> weird
L180[01:34:00] <payonel> :)
L181[01:34:05] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L182[01:34:08] <SoraFirestorm> that's one of the things it can be used for
L183[01:34:16] <SoraFirestorm> but yeah
L184[01:34:43] <SoraFirestorm> the price for being providing the metamethod is giving up __metatable
L185[01:34:55] <Kodos> My problem is i don't even know what metatables/metamethods are as a whole
L186[01:35:02] <SoraFirestorm> otherwise you end up locking yourself out of the metatable
L187[01:35:46] <payonel> Kodos: they're just a bunch of methods (or member fields) that are called (or returned) in place of normal default behavior in lua
L188[01:36:05] <payonel> like, if you don't want your string len to be 10, instead you want to lie about it and say it is 5
L189[01:36:27] <payonel> or, if you have a string, but really it is a stream of bytes over the network
L190[01:36:44] <SoraFirestorm> uhm
L191[01:36:46] <payonel> so when the user calls #my_string, you can return the real size
L192[01:36:49] <SoraFirestorm> strings are a really bad example
L193[01:36:54] <SoraFirestorm> because you can't modify the string mt
L194[01:37:13] <payonel> true, i fake it with tables
L195[01:37:21] <payonel> but yes, that makes literal strings a bad example
L196[01:37:32] <payonel> Kodos: so say you have a table :)
L197[01:37:43] <payonel> but you want it to behave like a string because it is doing more in the background
L198[01:38:01] <payonel> but you want it to behave like a string, you can intercept calls like # on it
L199[01:38:22] <payonel> or, say you have a table -- that has some methods on it
L200[01:38:34] <payonel> but you want the user to see more methods that actually come from other tables
L201[01:38:47] <payonel> you can intercept pairs() to call your own thing
L202[01:40:09] <Kodos> I have no idea what you're talking about
L203[01:40:17] <payonel> they're very bad examples
L204[01:40:18] <Kodos> This shit is why I need to read PIL
L205[01:40:19] <payonel> :)
L206[01:40:24] <SoraFirestorm> :)
L207[01:40:24] <Kodos> Yeah, but it's not just that
L208[01:40:31] <Kodos> I don't even know enough to KNOW they're bad examples
L209[01:40:49] <payonel> ok ok, one more example
L210[01:40:51] <payonel> i'm sure it's just as bad
L211[01:40:58] <payonel> but it's something i actually use them for, in OpenOS
L212[01:41:18] <payonel> i wanted to remove a bunch of unused code from boot
L213[01:41:27] <payonel> because it was loading a ton of crap, and costing memory
L214[01:41:45] <payonel> but i can't just remote some_lib.xyz() because, kodos_1337_script uses it
L215[01:41:54] <payonel> with me still?
L216[01:42:08] <SoraFirestorm> s/remote/remove/
L217[01:42:08] <MichiBot> <payonel> but i can't just remove some_lib.xyz() because, kodos_1337_script uses it
L218[01:42:12] <SoraFirestorm> ftfy
L219[01:42:16] <payonel> thanks
L220[01:47:29] <SoraFirestorm> think you scared him away, payonel :)
L221[01:47:31] <CompanionCube> 'A nuclear power plant in Germany has been found to be infected with computer viruses, but they appear not to have posed a threat to the facility's operations because it is isolated from the Internet, the station's operator said on Tuesday.'
L222[01:48:04] <payonel> yeah i think so
L223[01:48:14] <payonel> Kodos: if you come back -- i'll finish my example
L224[01:48:22] <Kodos> still here just eating
L225[01:48:31] <CompanionCube> of course
L226[01:48:43] <CompanionCube> said nuclear plant runs Windows, likely a very old version too
L227[01:49:16] <payonel> so i made some_lib load in a special way. so it doesn't actually have the costly and unused method xyz on the table. it's nil, it's not there
L228[01:49:42] <payonel> but i also fake the output of pairs(), so if a user is in the lua prompt, and they use something like for k,v in pairs(some_lib) do print(k) end
L229[01:49:52] <payonel> they'll SEE the methods, even though they are NOT on the table
L230[01:50:11] <payonel> and when they try to use the method some_lib.xyz(), i THEN actually load it from the disk
L231[01:50:18] <payonel> this is possible thanks to metamethods
L232[01:50:31] <Kodos> So in theory
L233[01:50:35] <Kodos> I could make my lib super large
L234[01:50:38] <SoraFirestorm> payonel: where is this magic, btw?
L235[01:50:44] <Kodos> But only have it load parts that are needed
L236[01:50:46] <payonel> SoraFirestorm: /lib/package.lua
L237[01:50:55] <SoraFirestorm> thanks
L238[01:51:15] <payonel> Kodos: to be honest, this is a strange hack for a very special purpose, to makes openos load with low mem cost, without changing existing api
L239[01:51:33] <payonel> if api didn't matter, i'd probably makes things a bit cleaner than that
L240[01:51:54] <payonel> but metamethods DO let you make decisions later, when the table is actually being used
L241[01:52:01] <payonel> #lua os.clock()
L242[01:52:01] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 87.546668
L243[01:52:03] <payonel> #lua os.clock()
L244[01:52:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 87.548124
L245[01:52:15] <SoraFirestorm> is __pair a custom mm?
L246[01:52:32] <SoraFirestorm> s/pair/pairs/
L247[01:52:33] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> is __pairs a custom mm?
L248[01:53:11] <payonel> #lua payo_time=setmetatable({},{__index=function(key,tbl) if key>os.clock() then return "FUTURE" else return "PAST" end end})
L249[01:53:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L250[01:53:20] <payonel> #lua os.clock()
L251[01:53:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 87.553877
L252[01:53:42] <payonel> #lua return payo_time[87.6], payo_time[87.5]
L253[01:53:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to compare number with table
L254[01:53:48] <SoraFirestorm> it's tbl, key...
L255[01:53:52] <payonel> doh
L256[01:54:00] <payonel> #lua payo_time=setmetatable({},{__index=function(tbl,key) if key>os.clock() then return "FUTURE" else return "PAST" end end})
L257[01:54:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L258[01:54:02] <payonel> #lua return payo_time[87.6], payo_time[87.5]
L259[01:54:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > FUTURE | PAST
L260[01:54:07] <payonel> thanks
L261[01:54:10] <SoraFirestorm> yup
L262[01:54:42] <payonel> and yes, __pairs is mm
L263[01:54:54] <payonel> i think __ipairs is deprecated in 5.3
L264[01:55:01] <payonel> they say i think to just use __pairs
L265[01:55:02] <SoraFirestorm> huh
L266[01:55:05] <payonel> or something like that
L267[01:55:11] <SoraFirestorm> not documented in 5.3 manual
L268[01:55:24] <SoraFirestorm> oops
L269[01:55:26] <SoraFirestorm> it is
L270[01:55:30] <SoraFirestorm> just not with the other mms
L271[01:55:34] <SoraFirestorm> that's pretty dumb
L272[01:56:13] <payonel> Kodos: metamethods are more about -- i want my table to do this weird hidden thing so the user thinks it's a simple normal table, but i can hide complex things under the "table"
L273[01:57:14] <payonel> #lua tbl=setmetatable({a="value of A","
L274[01:57:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unfinished string near <eof>
L275[01:57:50] <payonel> #lua tbl=setmetatable({a="value of A",b="value of B"},{__index=function(_,k)print("ouch, i dont have " .. k .. "yet!"end})
L276[01:57:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: ')' expected near 'end'
L277[01:57:56] <payonel> #lua tbl=setmetatable({a="value of A",b="value of B"},{__index=function(_,k)print("ouch, i dont have " .. k .. "yet!")end})
L278[01:57:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L279[01:58:06] <payonel> #lua return tbl.a, tbl.b
L280[01:58:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > value of A | value of B
L281[01:58:11] <payonel> #lua return tbl.c
L282[01:58:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [sex] ouch, i dont have cyet! | nil
L283[01:58:16] <payonel> haha, stupid print
L284[01:58:21] <SoraFirestorm> lol
L285[01:58:35] <payonel> #lua tbl=setmetatable({a="value of A",b="value of B"},{__index=function(_,k)print("ouch, i dont have " .. k .. " yet!")end}) return tbl.c
L286[01:58:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [sex] ouch, i dont have c yet! | nil
L287[01:58:55] <SoraFirestorm> I'm surprised ipairs isn't deprecated...
L288[01:59:01] <payonel> i thought it was
L289[01:59:08] <SoraFirestorm> it might be
L290[01:59:14] <SoraFirestorm> lemme check the backlog of manuals
L291[02:01:26] <SoraFirestorm> ooooh
L292[02:01:35] <SoraFirestorm> it was something else I thought was gone
L293[02:01:43] <SoraFirestorm> table.foreach and table.foreachi
L294[02:01:47] <SoraFirestorm> still
L295[02:01:58] <SoraFirestorm> not like you can't implement ipairs in lua...
L296[02:05:35] <SoraFirestorm> function sora_ipairs(t) local i = 0 local len = #t return function() i = i + 1 if i <= n then return i, t[i] end end end
L297[02:05:36] <Kodos> Ugh, did he mess with the sandbox again
L298[02:08:44] <SoraFirestorm> need to bed
L299[02:08:46] <SoraFirestorm> it's late
L300[02:08:47] <SoraFirestorm> o/
L301[02:09:07] <payonel> goodnight sora
L302[02:09:11] ⇦ Parts: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (ERC (IRC client for Emacs 24.5.1)))
L303[02:22:48] <Izaya> planned feature for my OS: have a way to replace the spawn process function with a dontdie function so when a function errors it gets restarted
L304[02:22:59] <Izaya> ie for stuff that it would be bad if it died
L305[02:43:57] <Temia> Isn't the lazy way just to wrap the program execution in a pcall?
L306[02:45:33] <Izaya> that would be what the function does
L307[02:45:38] <Izaya> :D
L308[02:47:34] <Izaya> ~w signals
L309[02:47:34] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L310[02:58:28] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L311[03:00:47] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
L312[03:00:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
L313[03:14:02] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/WTmkEu8.png so my OS can get input and do output now.
L314[03:14:38] <payonel> Izaya: nice!
L315[03:15:03] <Izaya> It's not particularly pleasant to use under heavy load though
L316[03:15:07] <Izaya> It seems keys get dropped
L317[03:17:10] <Izaya> There's a bunch of stuff I swear was different a year ago
L318[03:17:43] <Izaya> like s:sub(1,-1) used to return all but the last character
L319[03:17:46] <Izaya> now it's -2
L320[03:18:25] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L321[03:18:48] <payonel> i'm relatively new to this community and Lua, for me, it's always been (1,-1) for full string
L322[03:18:52] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no)
L323[03:19:00] <Izaya> weird
L324[03:19:05] <Izaya> maybe my memory is flaky as usual
L325[03:19:24] <Izaya> hm
L326[03:19:58] <Izaya> so this is currently restricted to ASCII
L327[03:20:03] <Izaya> the display server is
L328[03:20:15] <Izaya> due to me breaking it up and printing single bytes at a time
L329[03:22:40] <Izaya> I could both increase speed and fix that if I figured out what was a control character and what wasn't
L330[03:22:48] <Izaya> and then only breaking at control characters
L331[03:22:50] * Izaya hrms
L332[03:23:16] <Izaya> So in other news once I impliment the filesystem I have a fully functional OS, current code size is all of 2k
L333[03:23:25] <Izaya> 1738 bytes, to be precise
L334[03:24:05] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L335[03:24:28] <Izaya> if you drop the keyboard and video drivers, the code size is ~500 bytes
L336[03:24:42] <Izaya> dunno what it'll be like after I impliment the network drivers though
L337[03:24:46] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L338[03:26:42] <Stary2001> so. they re-deployed the PCs in here, and the only thing is Office
L339[03:26:44] <Stary2001> not even chrome
L340[03:26:56] <Izaya> ._.
L341[03:27:05] <Izaya> just use Excel to download chrome
L342[03:27:18] <g> You can use the windows help system to access t'internet
L343[03:28:32] <Stary2001> lol
L344[03:28:38] <Stary2001> all hail rdp?
L345[03:28:50] <Izaya> (The ._. was for whoever deployed the machines)
L346[03:28:52] <Stary2001> and my usb stick witha bunch portable apps on it
L347[03:28:55] <Stary2001> Izaya, yes.
L348[03:28:57] <g> :P
L349[03:31:50] <Kodos> JSON really reminds me of Lua Tables
L350[03:35:26] <g> I have a feeling that JSON is older than that
L351[03:38:05] <payonel> i dont think so, json was meant for browsers and web apps
L352[03:38:14] <payonel> lua predates json
L353[03:38:40] <asie> https://twitter.com/asiekierka/status/725604830627110912
L354[03:38:40] <MichiBot> Thu Apr 28 03:37:27 CDT 2016 @asiekierka: https://t.co/Wt4S7fzLPh
L355[03:38:43] <asie> fanciness
L356[03:39:40] <payonel> asie: cute! i like them
L357[03:39:42] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-368-37.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L358[03:39:53] <asie> essentially, a second generation of BetterStorage locks
L359[03:39:59] <asie> they now work on everything implementing ILockableContainer
L360[03:40:07] <asie> which is every single thing in vanilla and apparently Iron Chests
L361[03:40:54] <payonel> every single thing in vanilla? like, furnaces too?
L362[03:41:00] <asie> payonel: yes
L363[03:41:10] <asie> every single thing with a right-clickable inventory in vanilla implements it
L364[03:41:15] <payonel> crafting tables?
L365[03:41:17] <payonel> oh, ok
L366[03:41:21] <asie> crafting tables lack an inventory
L367[03:41:27] <asie> HOWEVER, they do not block pipes/inventory access
L368[03:41:33] <asie> for that you will still need a safe
L369[03:45:14] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L370[03:47:49] <Izaya> Okay, so currently my OS has a scheduler, and terminal I/O
L371[03:47:52] <Izaya> what next?
L372[03:49:10] <Izaya> I'm thinking a filesystem might be nice
L373[03:50:15] <OmegaCenti_> Woah there Torvis, slow down!
L374[03:50:16] * OmegaCenti_ kids
L375[03:50:37] <Izaya> :P
L376[03:50:52] <Izaya> actually, first, I'm gonna make a way to actually execute code without modifying the kernel and rebooting
L377[03:50:59] * OmegaCenti_ totally botched the name torvalds
L378[03:55:02] <Kodos> asie, so locked enchanting tables?
L379[03:55:18] <payonel> brewing station?
L380[03:55:26] <Kodos> Beacon, too
L381[03:55:42] <Izaya> Locked screens and relays?
L382[03:55:52] <Izaya> wait I dunno if screens but
L383[03:55:56] <Izaya> realys are an inventory
L384[03:57:16] <asie> Kodos: i think so, yes
L385[03:57:19] <Kodos> Also https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1785
L386[03:57:22] <Kodos> That makes me excited
L387[03:58:35] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/1MCnykL.png
L388[03:58:38] <payonel> :)
L389[04:00:04] <Izaya> Welp, that's that functionality done.
L390[04:00:11] <Izaya> Time to split it off into another module I guess
L391[04:07:57] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/a7iu6kwP
L392[04:09:36] <Lizzy> Morning
L393[04:09:40] <Izaya> Evening
L394[04:12:07] <g> Afternoon
L395[04:12:52] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/su8tsmeR slightly improved version
L396[04:17:50] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L397[04:18:54] <Izaya> ~w computer
L398[04:18:54] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L399[04:20:26] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/zuXKPCl.png
L400[04:20:36] <Izaya> 18k used
L401[04:35:03] ⇦ Quits: lashtear (~lashtear@cpe-50-113-67-84.san.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L402[04:54:21] <Izaya> https://www.humblebundle.com/books/no-starch-hacking-books?imm_mid=0e2ff2&cmp=em-na-na-na-pr_humble_hacking_bundle
L403[05:02:22] * Saphire pokes Izaya
L404[05:02:29] <Saphire> raw filesystem? ^^
L405[05:02:42] <Izaya> as in
L406[05:02:45] <Izaya> for unmanaged disks?
L407[05:08:37] <Saphire> yup
L408[05:09:40] <Izaya> I don't think I can fit that in 1 or 2 k
L409[05:09:56] <Izaya> like maybe a save-tmpfs-to-tape system but
L410[05:09:57] <Saphire> yeah :c
L411[05:16:21] <Izaya> happily loads the lua shell from EEPROM
L412[05:16:23] <Izaya> which is nice
L413[05:17:27] ⇨ Joins: lashtear (~lashtear@cpe-50-113-67-84.san.res.rr.com)
L414[05:18:36] <Izaya> ~w filesystem
L415[05:18:37] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L416[05:23:45] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/OI3M0iV.png filesystems are overrated
L417[05:28:20] <Izaya> yeah uh a FAT32 lib is almost 40k of code
L418[05:51:38] * Lizzy just switched to Sophos AV from Avast
L419[05:53:26] <Saphire> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ashleyf/2013/09/21/chuck-moores-creations/
L420[05:53:28] <Saphire> huh
L421[05:53:31] <KittyKath> 691bd5d2164516bc924125ebd8aa1756849ec713f475f2f87a5c2b9e10702256 Downloads/silenceonthewire.pdf
L422[05:53:40] <KittyKath> Whoops
L423[05:54:37] <Saphire> lol
L424[05:54:40] <Saphire> gimme ^^
L425[05:55:32] <Izaya> oooh stack machines
L426[05:55:49] <Saphire> it's literally TIS-100 o.O
L427[05:55:54] <Saphire> well, quite close
L428[05:56:31] <Izaya> it's BETTER than the TIS-100
L429[05:56:43] <Izaya> I'd say it's 12 times better, if not 144 times better
L430[05:57:57] <Saphire> It's Forth
L431[05:58:06] <Saphire> and 6-bit bytes
L432[05:58:10] <Izaya> yup
L433[05:58:17] <Izaya> weird but cool
L434[06:02:15] <Saphire> Huh
L435[06:02:17] <Saphire> pdf docs \o/
L436[06:14:20] <Izaya> Can you bind multiple GPUs to a screen?
L437[06:14:40] <Saphire> huh
L438[06:14:59] <Saphire> and this machine/cpu design apparently is 'looping' trough the instructions
L439[06:15:03] <Saphire> i think?
L440[06:15:09] <Izaya> 'cause I just realised that if you can you could divide up the screen and use 'slave' nodes to do rendering
L441[06:29:34] <Izaya> ... you can
L442[06:29:45] <Izaya> multiple machines can access the same hardware at once
L443[06:30:57] <Izaya> ... cool
L444[06:30:59] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L445[06:31:01] <Izaya> I guess it figures but still
L446[06:34:29] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6b80.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L447[06:39:34] <S3> I have to resolder my laptop charger
L448[06:39:43] <S3> it is starting to throw sparks everywhere again
L449[06:39:50] <Stary2001> o_O
L450[06:40:01] <Izaya> that does not sound safe
L451[06:40:12] <S3> It depends what you consider safe
L452[06:40:15] <S3> it's the DC side
L453[06:40:21] <S3> so it's not a huge deal but
L454[06:40:34] <S3> if it was theAC side I'd worry more
L455[06:42:56] <S3> so Izaya do you know what a photoelectric isoletor, or in other words- an optocoupler is?
L456[06:43:27] <Izaya> IIRC basically a transistor that uses light as the switch pin?
L457[06:43:35] <S3> yeah
L458[06:43:42] <S3> ball mice have them
L459[06:43:57] <S3> there's little wheels that have holes and the movement of the holes in the spinning wheels is used to move the pointer
L460[06:44:06] <S3> old news
L461[06:44:21] <S3> well I needed a relay yesterday for my push to talk button for my sound card modem on the pi thing
L462[06:44:26] <S3> so I just wired one of those up XD
L463[06:44:42] <S3> the radio is in a pitch black enclosed little box so
L464[06:45:03] <S3> it just transfers infared to the transistor when it wants to enable the radio and it works! :D
L465[06:45:28] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L466[06:45:28] <S3> I just think it's an amazing hack because relays are so hrd to come by out of the basement with the right ratings
L467[06:46:08] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional|2 (~kvirc@
L468[06:48:08] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L469[06:48:43] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/pGTpw
L470[06:52:58] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/SpH8t9d.jpg
L471[06:56:35] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional|2 (~kvirc@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L472[06:56:58] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/8Wwfkvl.jpg TIL
L473[06:58:28] <Lizzy> note to self, don't click Inari's links whilst at work
L474[06:58:32] <Lizzy> or college
L475[06:58:34] <Lizzy> whatever
L476[06:58:48] <Inari> lol
L477[06:59:02] <Inari> i thought you knew that much by now
L478[07:10:38] <g> But what about dugtrio?
L479[07:10:38] <g> :v
L480[07:16:01] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/CjBoTY7.jpg daisy best girl
L481[07:22:46] <g> http://i.imgur.com/MrRulLr.webm
L482[07:28:27] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L483[07:39:11] <Inari> oppai wa oppai
L484[07:42:31] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-6-154.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L485[07:48:27] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:2:3cfd)
L486[07:48:32] <LuMistry> Greetings
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L489[07:57:59] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L490[07:58:55] <Kodos> https://imgur.com/gallery/3m489HJ
L491[08:03:07] <Mimiru> lol
L492[08:03:53] <Kodos> And of course, Lua's in the corner just going http://i.imgur.com/10LGtik.gifv
L493[08:06:23] <Lizzy> oh wow
L494[08:06:35] <Lizzy> managed to get 87% on this ccna chapter exam about nat
L495[08:06:41] <Lizzy> i didn't think i'd get much
L496[08:07:50] * Lizzy is genuinely suprised
L497[08:13:54] <Lizzy> No Lizzy, we don't need yet another fucking Pi that you'll most likely not do anything with
L498[08:14:23] * Lizzy argues with herself
L499[08:18:20] <Temia> I still want a Pi Zero .3.
L500[08:18:29] <Temia> Because I could make use of that!
L501[08:19:02] <Lizzy> I have a Pi1 B and two Pi2's which hardly get used
L502[08:20:07] <Temia> Similar case, a 1B, a rev.2 and a 2B
L503[08:20:39] <Lizzy> the Pi3 is the same form as the Pi2 isn't it? just with a beefier processor and wireless stuffs
L504[08:20:57] <Temia> I think. I'd have to check whether the antenna is broken out or not.
L505[08:21:30] <Temia> Hm, doesn't look like it.
L506[08:21:42] <Lizzy> k
L507[08:21:50] <Lizzy> Hmm
L508[08:21:54] <Temia> I kind of admit I'm curious about the Pi3 as well, but the Zero fits my design needs more
L509[08:22:35] <Lizzy> Normal girls spend money on clothes, make up and other stuff. I spend it on technology
L510[08:22:55] <Temia> Mature software, lightweight hardware, 100% compatible with my existing 1Bs. Perfect for an embedded device.
L511[08:22:57] <Mimiru> Lizzy, I'm right there with you :p
L512[08:23:15] <Temia> geek girls represent. o/
L513[08:23:20] <gamax92> D:<
L514[08:23:20] <Lizzy> \o/
L515[08:23:31] <gamax92> it's been 7 hours, this encode has not finished
L516[08:23:39] <Izaya> video?
L517[08:24:15] <Lizzy> halp, am aimlessly browsing modmypi.com
L518[08:26:11] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L519[08:27:11] <Izaya> I have a book on Delphi. Fucking Delphi.
L520[08:28:13] <Lizzy> ?
L521[08:30:43] <Izaya> It's like a book about latin written in latin
L522[08:30:48] <Izaya> Dead language.
L523[08:32:46] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L524[08:41:25] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@bymarcin.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L525[08:45:13] * vifino groans and zombie-walks towards Lizzy
L526[08:47:44] <vifino> fuck me its so fucking cold in my room again
L527[08:47:58] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L528[08:51:23] * Lizzy pets vifino
L529[08:51:38] * vifino purrs
L530[08:52:03] * LuMistry waves hand in the air
L531[08:52:10] * Lizzy is heading home
L532[08:52:35] <Lizzy> Oww, fucking splinter in my shoe
L533[08:52:51] <vifino> :<
L534[08:53:26] ⇨ Joins: MrVasya (~mrvasya@195-154-216-36.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
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L537[09:06:25] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@bymarcin.com)
L538[09:10:34] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
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L540[09:21:09] * Kimiro fetches the tourniquet and the bonesaw
L541[09:21:39] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@rrcs-24-173-18-66.sw.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L542[09:23:40] * vifino is hungry
L543[09:23:50] * vifino is gonna go make pizza
L544[09:23:56] <Lizzy> :O
L545[09:24:11] * Lizzy jumps on vifinos back
L546[09:24:34] <vifino> I take that as a "Yes, I wanna help AND share with you" :P
L547[09:27:05] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L548[09:27:07] <Lizzy> Na
L549[09:27:30] <Lizzy> That's just a "I wanna share"
L550[09:27:35] <Izaya> Salty.
L551[09:27:44] * Izaya knows where the door is
L552[09:28:13] * Lizzy moves the door
L553[09:29:05] * Lizzy feels like playing CoD 5 zombies
L554[09:34:00] <gamax92> Attempt to compare number with nil
L555[09:34:04] <gamax92> well fuck you too :D
L556[09:34:27] <Izaya> in some cases nil = 0
L557[09:34:32] <Izaya> not in lua but
L558[09:34:39] <gamax92> so in no cases?
L559[09:50:01] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@2001:470:108:1300:921a:b67c:a5a8:be09)
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L561[10:02:32] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L562[10:03:08] <vifino> Lizzy: You will help or you won't get pizza!
L563[10:03:18] <vifino> On other news, pizza is in the oven.
L564[10:03:29] * Lizzy plans to steal some pizza then
L565[10:03:29] <Izaya> Going to bed or something
L566[10:03:32] <Izaya> o/
L567[10:03:35] <vifino> See ya, Izaya. o/
L568[10:05:09] <gamax92> greedy match
L569[10:05:22] <gamax92> oh nvm ... this is penality match
L570[10:05:25] <Lizzy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soxxPyaAT1k
L571[10:05:25] <MichiBot> Homemade Hoverbike | length: 3m 51s | Likes: 693 Dislikes: 2 Views: 4816 | by colinfurze
L572[10:05:34] <gamax92> greedy match will be at the end of today
L573[10:06:23] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@2001:470:108:1300:921a:b67c:a5a8:be09) (Remote host closed the connection)
L574[10:07:52] <gamax92> will penality match finish in the next 23 minutes? find out in 23 minute!
L575[10:11:56] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
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L577[10:16:52] <gamax92> probably.
L578[10:16:56] <gamax92> 25.1 of 25.2
L579[10:20:17] <gamax92> okay it finished
L580[10:21:47] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-128-236.as13285.net)
L581[10:22:11] <vifino> YAY, TIME TO GET PIZZA OUT OF THE OVEN :D
L582[10:22:45] <gamax92> dammit. I must have done something that makes the results much worse.
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L586[10:27:05] <gamax92> the only thing I can think of is the color matcher ...
L587[10:27:41] <gamax92> ... ._.
L588[10:27:56] <gamax92> maybe because I'm using the entire image instead of only the modified section.
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L590[10:38:29] <Lizzy> dammit CoD WaW doesn't want to install from my disk :(
L591[10:39:27] <Lizzy> welp, just gonna have to obtain it through other means
L592[10:39:31] * MajGenRelativity hands Lizzy a new disk
L593[10:39:40] <Lizzy> if only
L594[10:58:45] <g> Has anyone here worked with opus?
L595[11:06:58] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L596[11:13:21] <S3> The codec? or the positioning system
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L598[11:20:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L602[11:28:25] <Vexatos> Hello
L603[11:33:14] <S3> Vexatos: WE HAS TCP/IP on our balloon now
L604[11:33:17] <S3> oh caps
L605[11:33:31] <Vexatos> what?
L606[11:33:32] <S3> It's kind of annoying
L607[11:33:44] <S3> Yeah. you got the radios hooked up
L608[11:34:07] <S3> and then you're like, hey is anyone using this frequency? no? okay *turns on computer modem* BLARRRGHJHSGSGHSGSJHSGHSGSGHSGSGHGS
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L611[11:51:25] <Inari> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/infinin.mp4 stage 1 of new solution attempt works \o/
L612[11:51:39] <CompanionCube> Another day, another 'Desktop' app that is actually a web shell
L613[11:51:50] <CompanionCube> I wish these had anything resembling a native UI style.
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L615[12:05:17] <Sangar> o/
L616[12:05:47] <Skye> hi
L617[12:08:41] <Inari> CompanionCube: which?
L618[12:08:53] <payonel> Sangar: the methods in /lib/devfs.lua are called via __index (to delay loading in the lib), except for one method https://git.io/vw6YD
L619[12:08:55] <CompanionCube> Inari, Ghost Desktop
L620[12:09:12] <payonel> Sangar: so i agree we should return false, but we put it in the wrong place
L621[12:09:24] <CompanionCube> as for a native UI style, anything with decent theming power could work as long as you have consistency
L622[12:09:27] <payonel> ls / hits isReadOnly, so it was worth being loaded at boot
L623[12:09:43] <payonel> i'm at work, so i can PR something "tonight"
L624[12:09:47] <Sangar> payonel, oh, ok
L625[12:09:50] <Sangar> no hurry
L626[12:09:53] <payonel> it'll be, return false there, and remove it from /lib/devfs
L627[12:10:06] <Sangar> ok
L628[12:11:02] <payonel> as for the RFC (and i'll put something in the actual rfc ticket) i'm not a hardware guy like many here
L629[12:11:26] <payonel> but i think we should be inspired by things like lspci, dmidecode, and maybe SOME /proc points like /proc/cpuinfo
L630[12:11:57] <Gavle> I have a question
L631[12:12:13] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L632[12:12:20] <g> We may have an answer
L633[12:12:35] <Gavle> if I make a "library" and put it in the /lib folder, can I do local library = require("library") and use it like any other library?
L634[12:12:44] <g> Yep
L635[12:12:45] <g> think so
L636[12:12:47] <payonel> Gavle: aye
L637[12:12:54] <Gavle> cool
L638[12:12:55] <payonel> Gavle: there is a thing called the package path
L639[12:13:05] <Gavle> wot
L640[12:13:08] <payonel> when you call require() it looks for [lib_name].lua in that path
L641[12:13:23] <payonel> and /lib is in that path
L642[12:13:36] <payonel> so anything you put there is found via require(lib_name)
L643[12:13:54] <Gavle> ah
L644[12:15:00] <payonel> Gavle: here is more info (if you want a deep dive): https://www.lua.org/pil/8.1.html
L645[12:15:21] <payonel> and the default path for OpenOS is "/lib/?.lua;/usr/lib/?.lua;/home/lib/?.lua;./?.lua;/lib/?/init.lua;/usr/lib/?/init.lua;/home/lib/?/init.lua;./?/init.lua"
L646[12:16:35] <Gavle> ah
L647[12:23:28] <S3> whee
L648[12:23:35] <S3> I bought a 6502 that is rated for 14Mhz
L649[12:25:46] <Inari> https://40.media.tumblr.com/3215484c39bff7eff3d1eb110169255d/tumblr_nd1g8gYRYZ1tp11ygo1_540.jpg school in a nutshell
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L656[12:50:07] <Sangar> payonel, i'm not one myself, so i have no idea, hence me pinging the two people i know working on lowlevel archs :P
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L659[13:10:04] <Inari> hm
L660[13:10:10] <Inari> wonder how hard it is to make opencv count coins
L661[13:25:35] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
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L665[13:47:26] <payonel> i also think default manufacturer should be mod name :)
L666[13:47:32] <payonel> makes sense to me
L667[13:47:35] <payonel> :/
L668[13:47:43] <payonel> also, it's a nice credit to the support
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L671[14:13:57] <g> https://i.imgur.com/mA3Dukv.gifv
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L675[14:24:28] <gamax92> ahh, this looks much better :3
L676[14:24:35] <gamax92> Doing a greedy match run.
L677[14:24:58] <gamax92> ooh I could put an ETA in the title bar.
L678[14:26:35] <gamax92> ... ish.
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L684[14:49:03] <gamax92> payonel: works 100% of the time 32% of the time
L685[14:50:53] <yoy> Oh yeah, specifications for that on low level arches
L686[14:50:57] <yoy> I'll think of something
L687[14:55:41] <Michiyo> Oh man... just found a box of older stuff in the corner...
L688[14:55:54] <Michiyo> AMD 64 Athlon 3000+
L689[14:56:35] <Michiyo> CPU is here, but the heatsink is missing
L690[14:56:58] <Michiyo> Also found a single core Sempron AM3 and supporting board
L691[15:07:01] <payonel> gamax92: what's that?
L692[15:07:12] <gamax92> payonel: I dunno
L693[15:07:23] <gamax92> all I know is that I'm running some more encoder tests
L694[15:07:24] <payonel> haha, i maen. what works 100% of the time 32% of the time?
L695[15:07:28] <payonel> oh, that
L696[15:07:30] <gamax92> payonel: I dunno
L697[15:07:43] <gamax92> trying to see what tweaks work and what doesn't
L698[15:08:38] <gamax92> some of them I don't see a problem with adding them, but just doing tests to track progress
L699[15:09:38] <payonel> i like my new job more than the last. but i just realized the medical plan is crap
L700[15:09:46] <payonel> i pay more in premiums, and i pay more for visits
L701[15:09:50] <payonel> just, amazing
L702[15:10:02] <gamax92> payonel: before it'd only expand a rectangle if the score improves, which is bad because the score not changing shouldn't hinder it from expanding, only if it goes down
L703[15:10:58] <gamax92> and so now I made it a bit more greedy, now it will expand out if the score doesn't go down, and then also trim itself
L704[15:12:53] <gamax92> I'm running two encodes which are hammering both cores though, and they'll still take like 2 hours to finish
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L706[15:15:50] <Inari> gamax92: lewdly hammering the cores
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L709[15:17:57] <gamax92> that was odd o.o;
L710[15:18:08] ⇦ Parts: Snapples (webchat@pD9588088.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
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L712[15:18:27] <gamax92> the log kept saying it was drawing a rectangle, but where the rectangle was on the preview screen nothing was changing
L713[15:18:40] <Snapples> Huh, still no 1.9 build
L714[15:20:59] <Michiyo> Is there a recommended forge for 1.9..?
L715[15:21:27] <Snapples> Let me take a look
L716[15:21:53] <Kodos|Zzz> Hint:There's not
L717[15:22:02] <Snapples> Jup, I can confirm that.
L718[15:22:07] <Kodos|Zzz> Forge has been breaking shit too often anyway
L719[15:22:07] <Inari> i wonder when we'll switch from pws to certificates
L720[15:22:29] <Snapples> But wouldn't it still make sense to have builds?
L721[15:22:39] <Michiyo> No
L722[15:22:40] <Michiyo> :D
L723[15:23:17] <Snapples> I see.
L724[15:23:18] <Lizzy> til forge becomes less volatile for 1.9, OC builds would be useless
L725[15:23:36] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L726[15:25:38] <asie> Kodos|Zzz: Yes.
L727[15:25:43] <asie> cpw told people not to move to 1.9 before a 1.9.x is out.
L728[15:25:46] <asie> People moved.
L729[15:25:49] <asie> cpw shrugged.
L730[15:27:43] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA011CB365E015B8116B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L731[15:28:35] <Inari> asie: so people will move again
L732[15:28:51] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L733[15:29:04] <asie> Inari: Yeah.
L734[15:29:28] <Kodos|Zzz> Hopefully 1.9.2 fixes the AI Memory Leak and the huuuge issues with chunk rendering going ape shit
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L736[15:31:55] <Snapples> Dunno, my logic tells me that once you have a 1.9 build, updating to 1.9.whatever is easier that not having a build and directly moving to 1.9.w/e
L737[15:32:25] <gamax92> no
L738[15:32:27] <Snapples> But I'm no dev ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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L740[15:33:01] <gamax92> so you're writing for 1.9, and you come across a bug, is it your fault or forge's fault?
L741[15:33:20] <Lizzy> but where would you get the extra time and effort you'd need to support a system/version that isn't even officially official yet?
L742[15:33:33] <gamax92> so you're writing for 1.9, and you got a very nicely developed state, next forge versions rolls out and kills your code and you have to go fix it up again, and again
L743[15:33:47] <gamax92> or ... just wait until it sorts itself out and then write once
L744[15:33:59] <Michiyo> So very much that ^^
L745[15:44:10] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L746[15:54:46] <Michiyo> Should I come to work tomorrow...
L747[15:54:52] <Michiyo> it's a very hard question to answer..
L748[15:55:03] <Michiyo> I missed yesterday, so making up the hours WOULD be nice...
L749[15:55:07] <Michiyo> but... fuck this place
L750[15:55:37] <Kodos|Zzz> No, you should work on that one new feature that I forgot the name of
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L752[15:57:20] <Michiyo> lol
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L758[16:23:03] <payonel> http://i.imgur.com/C0bLohU.gif
L759[16:23:12] <payonel> ^ good crap
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L761[16:25:18] <gamax92> XD
L762[16:32:21] <payonel> it's weird not having a big openos project to do
L763[16:32:29] <payonel> i just have documentation and comments to work on now
L764[16:32:50] <payonel> i could work on the rc script system
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L766[16:33:05] <payonel> but now that 1.6 is out, i'm not supposed to break things anymore :(
L767[16:33:18] <gamax92> 1.6 is out?
L768[16:33:23] <payonel> well...no
L769[16:33:27] <payonel> but the beta builds are
L770[16:33:30] <payonel> and ppl are consuming them
L771[16:33:37] <payonel> MAYBE Sangar would let me redo rc
L772[16:33:51] <gamax92> well you can still work on OpenOS
L773[16:33:55] <gamax92> just don't break things anymore.
L774[16:34:42] <payonel> maybe i'll go back to my oppm stuff
L775[16:35:01] <payonel> i was building a remote shell, and ran into all kinds of issues with process data and io
L776[16:35:09] <payonel> that's what got me into openos in the first place
L777[16:35:19] <payonel> now i could see if my work was even enough
L778[16:36:43] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L779[16:39:59] <Izaya> Huh, iPhone sales didn't grow this quarter
L780[16:40:30] <Izaya> so I guess they haven't released anything the customers didn't obviously have
L781[16:42:47] <gamax92> payonel: you should write a video encoder :3
L782[16:43:00] <CompanionCube> Izaya, ohai
L783[16:43:17] <Izaya> payonel: want a bigger project once you're done?
L784[16:43:30] <Izaya> My OS is going to need a sane userspace :p
L785[16:43:37] <payonel> gamax92: did you know i work in video encoding/packaging now?
L786[16:43:43] <gamax92> yeah
L787[16:43:46] <Izaya> Hai CompanionCube
L788[16:44:02] <CompanionCube> what OS are you writing this time
L789[16:44:51] <Izaya> Same one that I've been screenshotting and posting tars and compiled kernels of
L790[16:44:55] <payonel> Izaya: you were really excited last night about how tiny your footprint is
L791[16:45:13] <CompanionCube> ah. The one with the really simple coroutine scheduler?
L792[16:45:15] <payonel> that ideology conflicts with "sane userspace" :)
L793[16:45:33] <payonel> well, to some degree it does
L794[16:45:39] <Izaya> It's designed to be small enough to be used on a drone but practical as a bigger machine too
L795[16:45:48] <payonel> Izaya: for example, are you willing to NOT support widechars?
L796[16:46:29] <Izaya> Well I mean I might as well make the terminal emu as fancy as possible
L797[16:46:44] <Izaya> uCs can't drive screens
L798[16:47:08] <Izaya> anything else supports nonvolatile storage
L799[16:47:08] <payonel> that's where the vast majority of my effort in OpenOS has been tho, the terminal experience
L800[16:47:34] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-128-236.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L801[16:47:47] <gamax92> payonel: >_>
L802[16:47:53] <payonel> <_<
L803[16:48:05] <gamax92> y u do dis.
L804[16:48:11] <payonel> wud i do?
L805[16:48:15] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L806[16:48:57] * KittyKath blames payonel
L807[16:49:04] <Izaya> Well anyway, once I have a more presentable product, want me to poke you then instead?
L808[16:49:29] <payonel> Izaya: sure yeah, but make specific requests.
L809[16:49:45] <payonel> openos is somewhat an adopted child of mine now
L810[16:49:59] <Izaya> :p okey
L811[16:50:01] <payonel> so i give that a sense of priority, and basically the "anything it needs" todo list
L812[16:50:25] <payonel> i wouldn't be as active on two projects at that level
L813[16:50:44] <Izaya> I guess I should implement a filesystem next
L814[16:51:25] <payonel> what does OpenOS do that you DON'T want btw?
L815[16:51:35] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L816[16:51:38] <payonel> what makes openos NOT a candidate for what you're trying to solve
L817[16:51:40] <CompanionCube> dafuq.
L818[16:51:47] <Izaya> Takes up lots of disk space basically
L819[16:51:53] <CompanionCube> GTK just re-rendered itself. Visibly.
L820[16:52:06] <payonel> ah, yeah
L821[16:52:07] <CompanionCube> to ~/xsession.log
L822[16:52:15] <payonel> well, you could remove man and the man pages, and minify the rest :)
L823[16:52:37] <Izaya> Can't use OpenOS on a drone or a uC with no real storage
L824[16:52:58] <payonel> on drones and uC, eeprom is all you have?
L825[16:53:13] <Izaya> well you have the tmpfs too
L826[16:53:23] * CompanionCube would like at some point to create either an OC OS that was object-oriented as much as is possible, or one in an alternative language that just happens to compile / be interpreted by Lua
L827[16:53:33] <Izaya> but that gets wiped on real shutdown
L828[16:53:42] <vifino> CompanionCube: l2l
L829[16:53:46] <vifino> lisp2lua
L830[16:53:48] <vifino> do it
L831[16:54:07] <CompanionCube> vifino, inb4 OCGenera
L832[16:54:18] <payonel> i want a lua cpu that gives me real memory control :)
L833[16:54:19] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-368-37.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L834[16:54:37] <vifino> malloc(sizeof(payonel));
L835[16:54:43] <payonel> ha
L836[16:55:02] <CompanionCube> free(vifino);
L837[16:55:15] <Izaya> Also, payonel, I can't rebuild the OpenOS kernel with build flags to optomise
L838[16:55:30] <vifino> CompanionCube: Get out.
L839[16:56:06] * Izaya wrote a whole build system
L840[16:56:10] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (cxsss1@cpe-124-189-12-66.iacz1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L841[16:56:22] <CompanionCube> person* vifino = minds->vifino;
L842[16:56:23] <payonel> Izaya: can't rebuild the kernel? it's not a compiled kernel. can you explain?
L843[16:56:27] <CompanionCube> did I fix it
L844[16:56:32] <vifino> nope.
L845[16:56:52] <Izaya> payonel: in my OS, I have t he kernel divided into modules
L846[16:57:40] <Izaya> base stuff, like the scheduler, drivers, like for the GPU and keyboard, applications for embedded use like the test lua shell
L847[16:57:46] <vifino> Reminds me to write a VFS thingie in Lua where I can plug in the native reading funcs and whatnot in.
L848[16:58:10] <Izaya> then I run a script and it assembles the modules based on a config file
L849[16:58:19] <Izaya> and somewhat minifies
L850[16:58:40] <CompanionCube> Izaya, so basically you created a pluggable kernel
L851[16:58:52] <Izaya> and I intend to have it be able to create the EEPROM configs
L852[16:59:24] <Izaya> CompanionCube: It's compile-time plugging if that is the case
L853[16:59:27] <payonel> Izaya: per build, not per boot - i see
L854[16:59:34] <Izaya> nothing fancy like DKMS
L855[16:59:36] <payonel> so you prepare a kernel, deploy it to a drone/uC
L856[16:59:43] <Izaya> yup
L857[17:00:00] <payonel> it is this "prepare" step that you like having control over
L858[17:00:14] <Izaya> I guess?
L859[17:00:52] <Izaya> tbh I'm a bit of a control freak that likes to have a full understanding of the system, and this system fits my needs so
L860[17:02:21] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@2001:470:108:1300:921a:b67c:a5a8:be09) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L861[17:03:34] * payonel afk for a while
L862[17:03:37] <CompanionCube> you know what'd be an interesting project: Abusing serialization to create a 'truly' persistent operating system
L863[17:04:25] <Izaya> Can't persist functions...
L864[17:04:38] <CompanionCube> Izaya, one can stash the source code somewhere
L865[17:04:39] <Izaya> but you can persist strings :p
L866[17:04:47] <CompanionCube> persist *that* and reconstitute on boot
L867[17:05:45] <CompanionCube> the only problem would be the potential / likelihood of unbounded increase in terms of required storage
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L870[17:24:40] <yoy> CompanionCube: Possible, just emulate the Lua VM in Lua
L871[17:24:58] <yoy> Speed will diminish, but hey... hibernation!
L872[17:25:03] <CompanionCube> honestly, if I went the VM route
L873[17:25:07] <CompanionCube> I'd go Smalltalk or something
L874[17:25:37] <CompanionCube> persistence is baked into the system architecture of multiple Smalltalk impls
L875[17:27:57] <CompanionCube> with that language, the VM requires* a hibernated system stage image or it won't do shit.
L876[17:28:35] <CompanionCube> (some implementations choose a different model though)
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L881[17:43:25] <gamax92> payonel: oops. was accidentally overwriting the primary block color with the one from the secondary block
L882[17:45:42] <yoy> #lua local function mapInner(func,_,...) return func((...)), mapInner(func,...) end function map(func, ...) return mapInner(func, nil, ...) end
L883[17:45:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L884[17:45:52] <yoy> #lua map(print, "Hello", "world!")
L885[17:45:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/V7NmeSXp
L886[17:46:05] <yoy> canyouno
L887[17:46:09] <yoy> #resetlua
L888[17:46:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Sandbox Reset!
L889[17:46:11] <yoy> #lua local function mapInner(func,_,...) return func((...)), mapInner(func,...) end function map(func, ...) return mapInner(func, nil, ...) end
L890[17:46:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L891[17:46:13] <yoy> #lua map(print, "Hello", "world!")
L892[17:46:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/TnM47nNr
L893[17:46:27] ⇦ Quits: infina (~infina@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L894[17:46:30] <yoy> kek, that is recursive AF
L895[17:46:58] <yoy> #lua local function mapInner(func,_,...) if not _ and not (...) then return end return func((...)), mapInner(func,...) end function map(func, ...) return mapInner(func, nil, ...) end
L896[17:46:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L897[17:47:00] <yoy> #lua map(print, "Hello", "world!")
L898[17:47:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hello | world! | nil | nil | nil | nil
L899[17:53:14] <yoy> #lua filter(function(x) return x%2 == 0 end, map(function(x) return x+2 end, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
L900[17:53:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4 | 6 | 8 | 10
L901[17:54:08] <yoy> gamax92: I made functional programming in Lua using varargs and only varargs ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
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L904[18:04:37] <lunar_mom> Heyas
L905[18:06:17] <lunar_mom> Is it possible to connect a computer to a remote server's internet card, and use it to connect for Oppm installs and such?
L906[18:11:34] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L907[18:22:24] <CompanionCube> OC internet cards are outbound only
L908[18:22:28] <CompanionCube> no servers
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L917[18:34:07] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L918[18:41:18] <S3> Skye:
L919[18:41:19] <S3> http://hastebin.com/xamapojeti.txt
L920[18:41:23] <S3> it's not a full write up
L921[18:41:32] <S3> but has some useful information to prove just how simple it is
L922[18:44:07] <S3> OCRM-1 will be insane, because it will be interlaced but also the packets will be fragmented based on time :0
L923[18:44:34] <S3> so basically, itl send a packet every 8 KB of full buffer or the next clock cycle, whichever comes first, giving a continuous stream of datagrams
L924[18:45:33] <S3> It's basically intended for shoving bandwidth down the other switches' throat lol
L925[18:45:46] <S3> (but it only sends data when it has data)
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L927[18:48:20] <CompanionCube> S3, we need a good OC RFC-type site
L928[18:48:37] <S3> i just made RFOCC up lol
L929[18:49:00] <S3> What do you think of the one I just wrote? make sense enough?
L930[18:49:09] <CompanionCube> one moment
L931[18:50:21] <S3> The lowest layer should have as little overhead as possible while still being able to serve enough traffic for the network. 8 bytes for VCI may not be enough for a trunking switch
L932[18:50:32] <CompanionCube> looks nice
L933[18:50:44] <S3> so I decided 16 bits. this means my Xen powered switch can serve up to 16 million connections at the ame time
L934[18:50:58] <S3> or up to 65 thousand ~ per port
L935[18:50:58] <S3> :)
L936[18:51:14] <S3> but for a simple user switch you don't need much
L937[18:52:16] <CompanionCube> S3, perhaps a decent OC RFC site could use https://github.com/gollum/gollum?
L938[18:53:20] <S3> Sounds nice
L939[18:53:35] <CompanionCube> stick the data in a public git org somewhere
L940[18:54:17] <S3> right
L941[18:56:30] <CompanionCube> alternatively we could have a more general 'OC Networking' wiki
L942[18:56:39] <S3> Meh
L943[18:56:50] <S3> This should cover more than networking
L944[18:57:19] <CompanionCube> hm, 'OC Software Documentation'?
L945[19:02:29] <S3> The one problem I have is that it is written in rubu
L946[19:02:32] <S3> Ruby
L947[19:02:41] <S3> but meh, does it just run on github or something?
L948[19:03:01] <CompanionCube> pretty much any wiki should do it, git support is just sweet
L949[19:03:03] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L950[19:04:16] <CompanionCube> is python more likable?
L951[19:05:42] <CompanionCube> if you don't mind haskell: https://github.com/jgm/gitit
L952[19:06:04] <S3> hate Python. I don't have --too much against Ruby. It doesn't matter though. I'd kind of want to do this: Have some sort of system where you can git checkout a repository of RFCs. the number in the RFC will have protocol (for example anything starting with a 1 could be networking)
L953[19:06:06] ⇦ Quits: lunar_mom (~lunar_mom@ (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L954[19:06:19] <S3> and then somehow have it set up so you just edit / throw ascii files in there
L955[19:06:25] <S3> and somehow can just push it back up
L956[19:06:30] <S3> with public access
L957[19:07:03] <S3> organize it so that it is easily manageable to present on git for fast lookups
L958[19:07:39] <CompanionCube> S3, so basically, a static-site generator
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L961[19:13:55] <CompanionCube> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/898-subforum-for-architecture-development/
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L963[19:19:58] <Saphire> hi
L964[19:22:16] <greaser|q> thanks for that, i may have a reply later on today
L965[19:24:07] <greaser|q> i am all for it though
L966[19:26:18] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie_)))
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L968[19:26:28] <S3> heheh
L969[19:26:36] <S3> he says he wants to make a 65c816
L970[19:26:49] <S3> but the problem is c just means its' CMOS
L971[19:27:01] <S3> so he's gonna emulate pull up / pull down networks?
L972[19:27:03] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie_)))
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L975[19:27:48] <S3> CompanionCube: so we have two options
L976[19:28:06] <S3> static site generated hosted by git RFC server, OR the same thing on a subforum
L977[19:28:29] <S3> I was thinking also btw man page like setups
L978[19:28:34] <S3> each entry will be a "chapter"
L979[19:28:37] <S3> and there would be sections
L980[19:28:56] <S3> so that you could organize it with a program some day sure I dunno
L981[19:29:19] <S3> but in reality for example section 1 could be networking, or it could be OpenOS related, etc
L982[19:29:42] <S3> and the nall the chapters are just manual entries on ideas protocols rfcs specs, etc
L983[19:29:53] <S3> it would work on a subforum too
L984[19:30:15] <S3> CompanionCube: as a subforum, it would allow people to comment on the RFC
L985[19:30:16] <S3> lol
L986[19:30:22] <S3> greaser|q: ^
L987[19:32:28] <S3> The subforum could be called "Architectures and specifications"
L988[19:32:45] <S3> maybe without the s
L989[19:32:49] <S3> sounds better imo
L990[19:32:54] <S3> "Architecture and Specifications"
L991[19:33:14] <greaser|q> ah righty
L992[19:33:30] <S3> It was just mu suggestion heh.
L993[19:33:40] <S3> my*
L994[19:33:52] <S3> CompanionCube: good? ideas? hatemail?
L995[19:34:13] <S3> It would give me a reason to actually use the forum because the theme makes me want to blargh
L996[19:34:32] <greaser|q> "the ARM ecosystem is fragmented enough with subtly-incompatible everything already" this is tempting me to make an ARM arch too
L997[19:34:36] <greaser|q> but probably not wise
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L1000[19:34:48] <greaser|q> mostly just killing time while chromium builds
L1001[19:34:54] <S3> No, ARM is way too complicated
L1002[19:34:59] <S3> and thumb is awful
L1003[19:35:07] <greaser|q> not as complicated as x86
L1004[19:35:09] <greaser|q> or even Z80
L1005[19:35:17] <greaser|q> and i have done ARM in C before
L1006[19:35:18] <S3> Z80 doesn't have SIMD
L1007[19:35:22] <S3> afaik
L1008[19:35:46] <S3> and weird instructions like, Add with Cary and branch with link if non zero (WTF?)
L1009[19:35:58] <greaser|q> ARMv4T isn't too hard
L1010[19:36:07] <S3> I see
L1011[19:36:18] <greaser|q> basically, ARM7TDMI is all you really need
L1012[19:36:26] <S3> because some of this Cortex stuff I use is pretty frigging complex
L1013[19:36:36] <S3> I wouldn't want to design the arch XD
L1014[19:36:56] <greaser|q> we'll probably need a convention for bootloaders, namely don't be like me and call your init file "init.elf"
L1015[19:37:07] <greaser|q> and also "use statically linked ELF"
L1016[19:37:22] <S3> greaser|q: ..Have you ever seen my partition table for OC, SOPT?
L1017[19:37:27] <greaser|q> wait... better idea, could do something like el-torito
L1018[19:37:30] <S3> it's so easy to implement
L1019[19:37:36] <greaser|q> S3: i haven't, give me a link somehow
L1020[19:37:39] <S3> and supports a lua block for booting lua code
L1021[19:37:51] <S3> If I find it, it's.. somewhere heh.. and not on this laptop
L1022[19:38:43] <payonel> "Plus, their module has a way cooler name than mine" what were the two names?
L1023[19:38:55] <greaser|q> OC-ARM (theirs) and OCSymon (ds's) i think
L1024[19:39:16] <greaser|q> mine is just OCMIPS
L1025[19:39:21] <greaser|q> and is not ARM
L1026[19:39:32] <greaser|q> could rename to MIA: MIPS Isn't ARM
L1027[19:39:39] <payonel> ha
L1028[19:39:51] <greaser|q> i think we will need a standard OS at some point though
L1029[19:40:00] <Temia> No no, recursive acronyms are in vogue
L1030[19:40:00] <greaser|q> i do not recommend linux as that requires a lot of RAM
L1031[19:40:02] <Temia> MIA isn't ARM
L1032[19:40:27] <S3> greaser|q: it basically works ike this: every partition table entry is 32 bytes exactly. 16 entries per sector, starting from end of disk. slice sizes are 24 bit, for large RAID collections in MC when using accross multiple disks.
L1033[19:40:41] <S3> and the last 8 bytes is the magic word signifying it is SOPT, which is EGGHUNT\0
L1034[19:40:59] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1035[19:41:06] <greaser|q> what's SOPT short for?
L1036[19:41:15] <S3> Simple Open computers Partition Table
L1037[19:41:16] <S3> iirc
L1038[19:41:19] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1039[19:41:34] <greaser|q> i wonder if there's a simpler FS than FAT16
L1040[19:41:39] <S3> I think there's a flag field that lets you enable a bit to make the 16 bit partition type GPT compatible.
L1041[19:41:52] <S3> so you can use the normal FAT part types like you would IRL
L1042[19:42:04] <S3> and I build an EEPROM partitioner
L1043[19:42:06] <greaser|q> FAT16 would be a good FS to use in my view
L1044[19:42:28] <S3> Believe it or not, I made a FAT12 disk
L1045[19:42:29] <greaser|q> i take it every system will need a basic BIOS to identify that it does indeed have the right EEPROM?
L1046[19:42:34] <greaser|q> i can believe it
L1047[19:42:37] <S3> lol
L1048[19:42:42] <S3> because FAT12 is so dead simple
L1049[19:42:50] <gamax92> FAT is simple?
L1050[19:42:50] <greaser|q> FAT16 is slightly simpler
L1051[19:42:57] <S3> fat is simple in general but
L1052[19:43:01] <gamax92> I'd argue that FAT16 is simpler than FAT12 yeah
L1053[19:43:07] <S3> I figured, why do you need FAT16 for floppies
L1054[19:43:09] <greaser|q> it's simpler than ext afaik
L1055[19:43:10] <S3> lol
L1056[19:43:18] <greaser|q> beacuase it's easier
L1057[19:43:35] <S3> Here was my idea and maybe greaser|q would agree maybe not
L1058[19:43:41] <S3> I was looking into making a UEFI like thing
L1059[19:43:49] <S3> where the eeprom just looks for a partition of bootable stuff
L1060[19:43:56] <S3> could use FAT16 for that
L1061[19:44:04] <greaser|q> if we can convince s-to-the-angar to make floppies 360KB by default, FAT12 would actually make a lot of sense
L1062[19:44:23] <greaser|q> as 360KB is a real floppy disk size
L1063[19:44:28] <S3> If FAT16 is easier than might as well use FAT16
L1064[19:44:42] <S3> they are 500K about aren't they?
L1065[19:44:44] <payonel> so what OS?
L1066[19:44:56] <greaser|q> in my opinion they should either be 360KB, 720KB, or 1440KB
L1067[19:44:59] <S3> payonel: my OS is OCBSD but I haven't touched it
L1068[19:45:07] <S3> I always liked 720
L1069[19:45:15] <S3> because most but not all of y disks were 720
L1070[19:45:15] <greaser|q> 720KB means double-sided
L1071[19:45:22] <greaser|q> all of mine were 1440KB
L1072[19:45:33] <S3> I didn't get any 1.4 until I got 3.5s
L1073[19:45:37] <payonel> S3: i was referring to the recommendation that there be a common OS
L1074[19:45:50] <payonel> is that the OS you recommend?
L1075[19:45:52] <S3> payonel: what do you mean?
L1076[19:45:58] <greaser|q> i never used any 5.25s
L1077[19:46:02] <S3> OpenOs is the common OS lol
L1078[19:46:15] <payonel> :)
L1079[19:46:15] <S3> greaser|q: really?
L1080[19:46:18] <greaser|q> would be amusing allowing raw IBM-format disks
L1081[19:46:22] <S3> almost all of my disks were 5 1/4
L1082[19:46:26] <greaser|q> 90s child here, not 80s child ;)
L1083[19:46:33] <S3> sigh
L1084[19:46:39] <S3> don't make me feel old
L1085[19:46:51] <S3> When I had my first computer I couldn't afford a floppy drive
L1086[19:46:52] <greaser|q> don't worry, there's plenty of people here who would make me feel old
L1087[19:46:56] <S3> you know how I saved all my stuff?
L1088[19:46:58] <greaser|q> tapes
L1089[19:47:01] <greaser|q> or writing them down?
L1090[19:47:52] <S3> yep
L1091[19:47:54] <S3> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519AEVWPHVL.jpg
L1092[19:48:06] <payonel> paste: 00:39:56 greaser|+| i think we will need a standard OS at some point though
L1093[19:48:07] <S3> there's a motor control switch in those
L1094[19:48:13] <S3> you use record to save and play to load
L1095[19:48:17] <payonel> S3: ^ that's what i'm referring to
L1096[19:48:37] <S3> payonel: I would like to get OCBSD working at some point
L1097[19:48:47] <S3> but in reality there will always be a mess of unfinished oses
L1098[19:48:47] <S3> lol
L1099[19:49:23] <greaser|q> what arch is OCBSD for?
L1100[19:51:26] <S3> It was lua,using the raw hard drives, but I have decided I might do it on OCMIPS
L1101[19:51:37] <greaser|q> could possibly do actual BSD for it
L1102[19:52:07] <S3> I was thinking about that
L1103[19:52:23] <S3> one thing I really liked about OCBSD design was that I decided to ditch numerical file descriptors
L1104[19:52:34] <S3> there's still a numerical one but the return value of open was an object instead
L1105[19:52:47] <greaser|q> uh-oh, chrome is now linking
L1106[19:52:48] <S3> which used meta roles to define its' characteristics
L1107[19:52:52] <S3> lol
L1108[19:53:02] <greaser|q> and i'm losing a lot of RAM
L1109[19:53:07] <S3> tell chrome it shouldn't be saving Zelda yet
L1110[19:53:12] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:5591:9203:fcab:fd8a)
L1111[19:53:24] <greaser|q> it linked
L1112[19:53:42] <greaser|q> *phew*, i *did* ignore the footprint
L1113[19:53:46] <S3> the only thing about FreeBSD that could pose a challenge..
L1114[19:54:09] <S3> FreeBSD is incapable (without a huge impact on performance) of handling non memory mapped IO
L1115[19:54:16] <S3> at least it used to be the case
L1116[19:54:22] <S3> now with Xen being built in maybe not
L1117[19:54:25] <greaser|q> $ chromium
L1118[19:54:26] <greaser|q> [0429/005601:ERROR:icu_util.cc(157)] Invalid file descriptor to ICU data received.
L1119[19:54:26] <greaser|q> [0429/005601:FATAL:content_main_runner.cc(677)] Check failed: base::i18n::InitializeICU().
L1120[19:55:34] <S3> Maybe NetBSD woul dbe easier to incorporate on OCMIPS?
L1121[19:55:40] <S3> would*
L1122[19:55:57] <S3> Though FreeBSD is starting to target more arches now
L1123[19:56:09] <S3> https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/mips
L1124[19:56:18] <S3> apparently MIPS32
L1125[19:57:46] <greaser|q> netbsd is a plausible, you can apparently cross-compile it on linux
L1126[19:57:58] <greaser|q> ah shit does it do MIPS-I or will i need to implement MIPS-III?
L1127[19:58:34] <S3> Not sure.. can do MIPS64. I can ask though. NetBSD has more info: http://hastebin.com/xamapojeti.txt
L1128[19:58:37] <S3> oops
L1129[19:58:40] <S3> wrong paste wtf ?
L1130[19:58:53] <S3> https://www.netbsd.org/ports/
L1131[20:01:25] <CompanionCube> what I miss?
L1132[20:02:00] <gamax92> CompanionCube: your mother
L1133[20:02:06] <gamax92> do you miss your mother?
L1134[20:02:14] <payonel> woah
L1135[20:02:18] <payonel> that escalated quickly
L1136[20:02:32] <CompanionCube> why would I she's literally next door
L1137[20:02:42] <CompanionCube> :>
L1138[20:04:54] <CompanionCube> gamax92: did you make an ARM arch?
L1139[20:04:59] <gamax92> no
L1140[20:05:14] <CompanionCube> because the dev of one is returning
L1141[20:05:24] <gamax92> Solarbizna?
L1142[20:05:45] <CompanionCube> yes
L1143[20:13:46] ⇨ Joins: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L1144[20:16:00] <S3> CompanionCube: you live next door to your parents? wtf?
L1145[20:16:07] <S3> is your name Raymond and does everybody love you?
L1146[20:16:21] <payonel> live goes full circle
L1147[20:16:29] <payonel> my parents are retiring and we're asking them to move in
L1148[20:19:02] <S3> wat
L1149[20:19:04] <S3> BAD IDEa
L1150[20:19:20] <S3> dude
L1151[20:19:25] <gamax92> bruh
L1152[20:19:26] <S3> your parents are going to drive you nuts
L1153[20:25:43] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L1154[20:28:36] <S3> greaser|q: 21:27 < jmcneill> netbsd supports r3k
L1155[20:28:43] <S3> from the freebsd mips channel on efnet
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L1160[21:08:13] <greaser|q> sweeeeet
L1161[21:08:18] <greaser|q> anyhow, shopping trip now
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L1168[22:13:45] <Kodos> I did a thing last night that I saw was missing https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/commit/08b6327d878d4859a21877b63bad0b9fe5588df1
L1169[22:52:33] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961106.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L1173[23:26:07] <gamax92> more typo's!
L1174[23:26:15] <gamax92> accidentally put a y where there should have been an x
L1175[23:26:29] <gamax92> result? cache gets corrupted every frame >_>
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L1177[23:40:21] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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