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L1[00:00:10] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L2[00:00:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L3[00:00:20] <Saphire> What i meant.. Make bootloader, various binaries and so on have own packages
L4[00:00:37] <Saphire> So it's not some monolithic "OOS" but a collection of programs..
L5[00:00:50] <Saphire> Though, i guess that is way too much work
L6[00:00:58] <Saphire> And kinda overcomplicated..
L7[00:01:11] <Shuudoushi> https://github.com/Shuudoushi/SecureOS/tree/dev
L8[00:01:28] <Shuudoushi> i.e. you've broken my brain, please look for yourself...
L9[00:01:35] * Saphire sighs
L10[00:01:42] <payonel> let me go through all /bin/. anything not a core shell env, i'll list
L11[00:01:54] <Shuudoushi> what the fuck has found its way into my music dir this time...
L12[00:01:56] <payonel> edit, sngr wants some type of edit in the basic basic install
L13[00:02:05] <payonel> um..
L14[00:02:21] <payonel> i added head, yeah - that could have been oppm'd
L15[00:02:50] <Saphire> Well...
L16[00:03:01] <Saphire> I mean, in RL linux oses, you have various packages
L17[00:03:04] <payonel> i added mktmp, it too. resolution and redstone were there
L18[00:03:13] <payonel> yes, but what is in openos you would even take out?
L19[00:03:34] <payonel> there 3 /bin's i added that yes, could be considered non-core, imo
L20[00:03:42] <payonel> there are*
L21[00:04:11] <payonel> hostname could be removed, no one* uses that :)
L22[00:04:23] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L23[00:04:28] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L24[00:04:29] * payonel jokes ... thinks people actually DO use that
L25[00:04:33] <Saphire> There is networking tools and they have own hostname, right?
L26[00:04:33] <Shuudoushi> lol
L27[00:04:46] <Shuudoushi> not that I know of
L28[00:05:13] <Saphire> uh
L29[00:05:23] <payonel> my first big openos PR had a looot more. i removed all the extra stuff
L30[00:05:36] <Saphire> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/Network that one?
L31[00:05:55] <Saphire> Ah, no hostname
L32[00:06:16] <payonel> i added grep, head, mktmp, rmdir, source, time, touch, ..
L33[00:06:34] <Saphire> All the linux utils \o/
L34[00:06:39] <Shuudoushi> XD
L35[00:06:41] <payonel> yeah - that was the idea
L36[00:06:49] <payonel> but honestly, what would you like packaged out?
L37[00:06:57] <Shuudoushi> right, big commit to dev here in a sec or two
L38[00:07:15] <Shuudoushi> payonel: can you think of anything else that needs to be moved right now/
L39[00:07:17] <Saphire> wai, rmdir is separate from rm?
L40[00:07:23] <Saphire> oh
L41[00:07:33] <Saphire> ...it actually exists in linux o.O
L42[00:07:35] <payonel> Shuudoushi: login => sbin um
L43[00:07:40] <Shuudoushi> done
L44[00:07:59] <Shuudoushi> sudo is in bin, the blacklist is now hidden and in etc
L45[00:08:14] <payonel> yeah i like that
L46[00:08:17] <payonel> um
L47[00:08:23] <Saphire> is there su?
L48[00:08:23] <payonel> yep, good for now
L49[00:08:34] <Shuudoushi> Saphire: built into sudo tself
L50[00:08:39] <Saphire> :|
L51[00:08:44] <Shuudoushi> I know, I know
L52[00:08:44] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L53[00:08:49] <Saphire> |:
L54[00:09:19] <Shuudoushi> but till I find out just what else su does, it takes up less space being part of sudo
L55[00:09:21] <payonel> Saphire: my two main contributions were /bin/sh and popen
L56[00:09:23] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L57[00:09:36] <payonel> i also redid term -- but i didn't really ADD anything, it was too optimize it
L58[00:09:51] <Saphire> *to
L59[00:09:59] <payonel> >.<
L60[00:10:01] <payonel> to*
L61[00:10:09] <payonel> i have a mechanical keyboard
L62[00:10:15] <payonel> i mistype way too often on this thin
L63[00:10:17] <payonel> g
L64[00:10:21] <payonel> i suck with them
L65[00:10:45] <Saphire> as opposed to..?
L66[00:10:53] <Shuudoushi> http://goo.gl/wg3lwD
L67[00:10:56] <payonel> normal...pad keyboards?
L68[00:11:20] <Shuudoushi> rubber dome*
L69[00:11:23] <payonel> Shuudoushi: you didn't refactor for the move(rename)?
L70[00:11:37] <Shuudoushi> ?...
L71[00:12:39] <payonel> e.g. /sbin/logout.lua executes "/root/login.lua" with an absolute path
L72[00:12:41] <Shuudoushi> the filesystem lib itself is what the blacklist is called by, so as long as move and rename go through the fs lib, there shouldn't be a need to
L73[00:13:03] <payonel> also, did you change the blacklist.dat ref of the login.lua path?
L74[00:13:15] <Shuudoushi> yes
L75[00:13:26] <payonel> and /etc/profile ?
L76[00:13:38] <Shuudoushi> yes
L77[00:13:42] <payonel> ok coo
L78[00:14:30] <Shuudoushi> the only thing that wasn't touched was /tmp/update-tmp.lua, and that's only b/c it's a legacy file that's getting nuked before 0.72 goes to release
L79[00:14:57] <Shuudoushi> (it's a hold over from 0.65 or something)
L80[00:15:31] <payonel> Shuudoushi: is english your first language? (also, you are probably wrong if you guess why i'm asking)
L81[00:15:43] <Shuudoushi> yes >.>
L82[00:15:49] <payonel> ha, ok wow
L83[00:15:53] <payonel> ok, now guess why :D
L84[00:15:59] <Shuudoushi> why...
L85[00:15:59] <payonel> +i ask
L86[00:16:23] <Shuudoushi> did I fucking misspell something again?
L87[00:16:38] <payonel> because you use quite a lot of explitives in your commits .... case in point ^
L88[00:16:44] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L89[00:16:56] <payonel> normally, people that speak english as a first language, don't cuss quite so much
L90[00:17:06] <Shuudoushi> ah, lol, 7+ years in the armed forces will do that to you ^^;
L91[00:17:20] <payonel> welcome back to civilian life :)
L92[00:17:29] <Shuudoushi> lol, thanks
L93[00:17:34] <payonel> and thanks, btw, for your service
L94[00:17:41] <Shuudoushi> don't thank me
L95[00:17:46] <payonel> too late
L96[00:17:48] <payonel> just did
L97[00:17:51] <payonel> :) haha
L98[00:18:15] <Shuudoushi> if you want someone to thank, find a lcoal graveyard where fallen soldiers are laid to rest
L99[00:18:20] <Shuudoushi> local*
L100[00:18:27] <payonel> why not both?
L101[00:18:58] <Shuudoushi> b/c I did something anyone could do, those guys gave everything
L102[00:19:10] <Shuudoushi> brb
L103[00:20:39] <Shuudoushi> back
L104[00:20:50] <Shuudoushi> it's fucking cold as shit here...
L105[00:21:36] <Shuudoushi> https://github.com/Shuudoushi/SecureOS/commit/41d475572ea214308ed9b15833af307bc25c0005
L106[00:22:29] <payonel> already pulled it and booted with it
L107[00:22:33] <Shuudoushi> maybe the best bit of code I ever wrote, or at least the most handy: http://goo.gl/cEQvI4
L108[00:23:03] <payonel> :)
L109[00:23:30] <Shuudoushi> oh yay, the updater doesn't shit itself when it comes across an empty dat :D
L110[00:24:53] <Shuudoushi> I really need to figure out how to get IRL time locally...
L111[00:25:01] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:d45a:b1ff:5822:98c7) (Quit: Leaving)
L112[00:25:29] <Shuudoushi> then figure out how to offset that time
L113[00:28:54] <Shuudoushi> that thing with df outputting stuff mounted to /media is going to drive me fucking nuts...
L114[00:30:37] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L115[00:31:55] <payonel> Shuudoushi: sudo.lua line 33
L116[00:32:26] <Shuudoushi> ah, yeah, that was busted anyway
L117[00:32:44] <Shuudoushi> forgot to comment it out till I figured out how to fix it >.>
L118[00:33:46] <Shuudoushi> if you can get that working though, that would be fucking kick ass
L119[00:35:47] <Shuudoushi> payonel: something i broke, or something you broke? http://goo.gl/vVGBTx
L120[00:36:09] <Shuudoushi> that's typing in jibberish then hitting tab btw
L121[00:36:19] <Shuudoushi> or an invalid path
L122[00:36:35] <payonel> interesting
L123[00:36:37] <payonel> also, i can't reboot
L124[00:37:06] <Shuudoushi> btw, /boot/kernel/SecureOS is mostly just init.lua
L125[00:37:16] <Shuudoushi> 'reboot now'
L126[00:37:19] <payonel> yeah, i'm changing that a bit
L127[00:37:33] <Shuudoushi> it should have spit out the usage info
L128[00:38:00] <Shuudoushi> ah, it erros right to fuck for some reason
L129[00:38:20] <payonel> it's okay, i'm looking things
L130[00:38:23] <payonel> but
L131[00:38:25] <payonel> i should start a list
L132[00:38:31] <payonel> bc i've already lost track
L133[00:38:54] <payonel> i can't get that tab failure
L134[00:39:23] <Shuudoushi> oh yeah... that's why I had to set args[1] = "0"...
L135[00:39:35] <Shuudoushi> restart then try
L136[00:41:10] <payonel> i know the code i could make safer
L137[00:41:14] <payonel> but, yeah, not repro'ing
L138[00:41:17] <payonel> i'll try again
L139[00:41:58] <Shuudoushi> need more drink...
L140[00:42:04] <payonel> no repro
L141[00:43:11] <Shuudoushi> huh
L142[00:43:16] <Shuudoushi> so dumb luck?
L143[00:44:30] <payonel> mhe, i can make it safer
L144[00:45:12] <payonel> #lua i or 0 + 1
L145[00:45:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L146[00:45:16] <payonel> #lua i or 6 + 1
L147[00:45:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 7
L148[00:47:07] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i+1)%#h.c
L149[00:47:07] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (field 'i')
L150[00:47:14] <payonel> could be that
L151[00:47:18] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%#h.c
L152[00:47:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform 'n%0'
L153[00:47:21] <payonel> or that ^
L154[00:47:27] <payonel> so i'll change it to
L155[00:47:32] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%(#h.c or 1)
L156[00:47:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform 'n%0'
L157[00:47:36] <payonel> rude!
L158[00:48:24] <Shuudoushi> holy fuck I just noticed my taste in music is weird...
L159[00:49:02] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%((#h.c) or 1)
L160[00:49:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform 'n%0'
L161[00:49:08] <payonel> but why?
L162[00:49:11] <payonel> #lua return 1%1
L163[00:49:11] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L164[00:49:24] <payonel> #lua return #c or 1
L165[00:49:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L166[00:49:31] <payonel> #lua c
L167[00:49:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f5e0c009e50
L168[00:49:43] <payonel> #lua for k,v in pairs(c) do print(k,v) end
L169[00:49:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1 something else | 2 beep | 3 one more thing | n 3 | nil
L170[00:49:48] <payonel> haha nice
L171[00:49:49] <Shuudoushi> Slipknot, Johhny Cash, JPOP, Eminem, Rammstein, and Mackelmore all right next to each other...
L172[00:50:09] <payonel> #lua c=nil return #c or 1
L173[00:50:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'c')
L174[00:50:19] <payonel> oh right
L175[00:50:21] <payonel> derp
L176[00:51:19] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%math.max(#h.c,1)
L177[00:51:19] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L178[00:51:22] <payonel> better
L179[00:53:34] <Shuudoushi> I'll let you fix shutdown -r (as that's what reboot really calls), as it seemed you already had an idea as to how to fix it
L180[00:54:48] <Shuudoushi> hmmm
L181[00:55:14] <Shuudoushi> tab autocomplete for aliases, is it worth looking into/
L182[00:55:17] <Shuudoushi> ?*
L183[00:55:56] <payonel> your crash is where tab complete looks at what is the next tab value in a case there are no tab values
L184[00:56:10] <payonel> but, it should return without error :)
L185[00:56:33] <Shuudoushi> so it's a bug
L186[00:58:50] <Shuudoushi> if there's one thing I'm good at, it's breaking shit :D
L187[01:00:56] ⇨ Joins: Modest (webchat@
L188[01:01:39] ⇦ Quits: Modest (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L189[01:03:47] <payonel> Shuudoushi: AH HA
L190[01:03:51] <payonel> lua 5.3
L191[01:03:57] <payonel> haha
L192[01:03:59] <payonel> ok ok
L193[01:04:02] <Shuudoushi> ?
L194[01:04:02] <payonel> thanks
L195[01:04:05] <payonel> awesome
L196[01:04:08] <Shuudoushi> lol, np
L197[01:04:09] <payonel> that makes my next PR hi priority
L198[01:04:11] <payonel> woot
L199[01:04:14] <Shuudoushi> XD
L200[01:04:26] <payonel> %tell Sangar my next PR fixes tab complete crash for lua 5.3
L201[01:04:26] <MichiBot> payonel: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L202[01:05:15] <Shuudoushi> it's something stupid isn't it?
L203[01:05:29] <payonel> my mistake, yes
L204[01:05:34] <payonel> the fix was the line i gave
L205[01:05:43] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%math.max(#h.c,1)
L206[01:05:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L207[01:05:43] <Shuudoushi> XD
L208[01:05:51] <payonel> vs
L209[01:05:59] <payonel> #lua h={c={}} return (h.c.i or 0+1)%#h.c
L210[01:05:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform 'n%0'
L211[01:08:02] <lashtear> Gesundheit
L212[01:11:21] <payonel> but in 5.2 is gives 0/0
L213[01:11:33] <payonel> it*
L214[01:13:34] <Shuudoushi> I think I fixed my compact code for the updater o.O http://goo.gl/ir4IA4
L215[01:13:56] <payonel> that's an amazing screen shot
L216[01:14:08] <Shuudoushi> oh stfu > > http://goo.gl/ZTBZYS
L217[01:14:28] <payonel> well done
L218[01:14:56] <Shuudoushi> 10000% out of order, and i still need to dick with the version file to see if it really is fixed or not
L219[01:17:07] <Shuudoushi> NOPE! still broken... http://goo.gl/ouE672
L220[01:18:21] * Lizzy groans
L221[01:18:26] <Shuudoushi> this is the updater code http://hastebin.com/baveleyufa.hs
L222[01:18:34] <payonel> o/ Lizzy
L223[01:18:44] * Shuudoushi pats Lizzy on the head and hands her some strong coffee.
L224[01:19:13] * Lizzy takes coffe and sips it
L225[01:22:09] <Shuudoushi> Lizzy: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rgpdf/what_is_the_laziest_thing_youve_ever_done/cdnafqe --you, probably
L226[01:23:03] <Lizzy> heh
L227[01:23:48] <payonel> Shuudoushi: why do you set username only if / is not read only?
L228[01:24:13] <Shuudoushi> writes to file? I don't remember tbh >.>
L229[01:24:23] <payonel> it's okay, changing it
L230[01:25:12] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L231[01:25:35] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L232[01:25:46] <Shuudoushi> ah, yes, 9/10ths asleep, coding right there for ya!
L233[01:26:36] <Shuudoushi> s/asleep, coding/asleep coding
L234[01:26:36] <MichiBot> <Shuudoushi> ah, yes, 9/10ths asleep coding right there for ya!
L235[01:44:38] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L236[01:49:04] <Shuudoushi> https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rgpdf/what_is_the_laziest_thing_youve_ever_done/cdn9c5o
L237[01:52:58] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@ (Quit: Leaving)
L238[01:53:49] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
L239[01:56:45] <ping> Shuudoushi, i pointed a laser at the light switch for 2 hours waiting for my cat to turn the lights off
L240[01:58:54] <Shuudoushi> lol, the fuck? -> https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rgpdf/what_is_the_laziest_thing_youve_ever_done/cdn9g7k
L241[01:59:13] <Shuudoushi> ping: cats only do what you want when you don't want them to do it
L242[02:05:31] <ping> Shuudoushi, nah they are just stubborn
L243[02:06:01] <Shuudoushi> s/stubborn/jackasses
L244[02:06:01] <MichiBot> <ping> Shuudoushi, nah they are just jackasses
L245[02:06:06] <Shuudoushi> ftfy
L246[02:13:37] <ping> i have 2 cats
L247[02:13:41] <ping> i can confirm
L248[02:14:13] <ping> u take their food away after they break stuff
L249[02:14:20] <ping> they will learn pretty quick
L250[02:14:44] <Forecaster> does unix keep track of when a file was created?
L251[02:15:51] <Shuudoushi> kind of
L252[02:16:01] <Shuudoushi> keeps track of when it was last modified
L253[02:16:49] <Forecaster> so no, damn
L254[02:16:58] <Shuudoushi> why?
L255[02:17:30] <Forecaster> it turns out I've added a few mods but didn't add them to my tracker
L256[02:17:36] <Forecaster> so I need to figure out when I added them
L257[02:17:58] <Shuudoushi> likely when they were last modified
L258[02:18:07] <Forecaster> no, it's too late
L259[02:18:25] <Shuudoushi> how can it be too late?
L260[02:18:48] <Forecaster> I know I added the bugfix mod way earlier in the series than the episode that corresponds with the modified date
L261[02:18:53] <Shuudoushi> if it's a jar file, then it hasn't been modified since being dumped in the dir
L262[02:19:55] <Forecaster> I'll have to wait until I get home, I can check the dates on my windows system
L263[02:20:17] <Shuudoushi> somewhere in var (can't remember where exactly), there should be something that'll help you out
L264[02:20:42] <Forecaster> there's a lot of stuff in var
L265[02:20:50] <Shuudoushi> yep
L266[02:21:16] <Shuudoushi> you'll be looking for a log
L267[02:21:27] <Shuudoushi> what distro do you use/
L268[02:22:01] <Shuudoushi> I think my right shift key is dieing...
L269[02:22:19] <Forecaster> it's an Ubuntu 12.04.5 server
L270[02:23:07] <Shuudoushi> just what does the bugfix mod do/
L271[02:23:11] <Shuudoushi> ?*
L272[02:23:22] <Forecaster> uh, bugfixes?
L273[02:23:32] <Forecaster> I think I installed it because of boat stuff
L274[02:23:43] <Shuudoushi> does it run just once, or what?
L275[02:23:52] <Forecaster> no
L276[02:24:20] <Forecaster> https://williewillus.wordpress.com/bugfixmod/
L277[02:24:43] <Forecaster> it does a lot of things
L278[02:25:00] <Forecaster> but I got it specifically for the BoatDesyncFix
L279[02:25:32] <Shuudoushi> ok, looks like it does run and modifies the files just once
L280[02:26:01] <Shuudoushi> open a terminal in your mods dir and type in `ls -al`
L281[02:26:36] <Shuudoushi> you'll be looking for something like `~<filename>.<ext>`
L282[02:27:20] <Forecaster> it's written a list of the contents of the dir :P
L283[02:27:26] <Forecaster> there's a lot of that pattern
L284[02:27:47] <Shuudoushi> any file you see that starts with a '~' is a backup of a file that Ubuntu makes automatically
L285[02:28:03] <Forecaster> oh, there are none that start with ~
L286[02:28:14] <Shuudoushi> o.O
L287[02:28:19] <Shuudoushi> the fuck?
L288[02:28:58] <Shuudoushi> that's the default prefix for backup files...
L289[02:29:10] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L290[02:29:17] <Forecaster> I only see one of each file
L291[02:30:31] <Shuudoushi> looks like you're more than likely fucked then... sorry...
L292[02:31:00] <Forecaster> until I get home :P
L293[02:31:23] <Forecaster> I'd have liked to fix my records now, but it can wait
L294[02:32:21] <Shuudoushi> and this is why just about all mods say to make a backup before adding it them
L295[02:33:02] <Shuudoushi> payonel: that's something else that seems to not work btw, saving a backup copy when you edit it
L296[02:33:20] <Forecaster> make a backup of what?
L297[02:33:29] <Shuudoushi> I'm going to see about passing out now though
L298[02:33:39] <Shuudoushi> Forecaster: files in openOS
L299[02:34:01] <Shuudoushi> and thus my fork of OOS, SecureOS
L300[02:34:12] <Forecaster> this isn't about openOS :P
L301[02:34:16] <Shuudoushi> o/
L302[02:34:22] <Shuudoushi> i know
L303[02:34:43] <Shuudoushi> but OOS uses a similar system
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L307[02:43:48] <KittyKath> Forecaster: Unix saves atime (access time), mtime (modification time) and ctime (status Change). Furthermore on Ubuntu the backup tilde tends to be at the end and is generally created by editors and not the system itself.
L308[02:48:26] <Forecaster> ah
L309[02:48:44] <Forecaster> so I'm doomed, doooomed
L310[02:48:49] <Forecaster> (until I get home)
L311[02:52:53] <KittyKath> Not really. If your fs is mounted with noatime ls might return the creation date. Also - while not very likely - the status change time might point before the atime. `man 1 ls`, but you access the three with the -lu -l and -lc flags respectively.
L312[02:53:22] <Forecaster> I don't know what noatime is
L313[02:53:41] <KittyKath> And I don't know what the defaults on Ubuntu are.
L314[02:53:57] <Forecaster> me neither :P
L315[02:54:06] <KittyKath> Smash ls with the given flags into your keyboard and look what kind of times you get.
L316[02:54:21] <KittyKath> Well, how your fs is mounted is written down in /etc/fstab
L317[02:54:22] <Forecaster> it's not that important, I can correct my records when I get home
L318[02:55:13] <Forecaster> http://hastebin.com/opaduxaqiy.xml
L319[02:59:07] <KittyKath> Interesting. Virtual server?
L320[03:00:00] <Forecaster> no
L321[03:00:24] <KittyKath> Huh. Did you set that up yourself or somebody else did?
L322[03:00:29] <Forecaster> I did
L323[03:00:32] <Forecaster> years ago
L324[03:00:45] <KittyKath> Encrypted hard drive?
L325[03:00:53] <KittyKath> Or LVM?
L326[03:00:58] <Forecaster> I don't think so
L327[03:01:03] <Forecaster> dunno what LVM is
L328[03:02:12] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L329[03:02:24] <Forecaster> I basically had no idea what I was doing :P
L330[03:02:41] <KittyKath> Well I mean you probably have either, because /dev/mapper is a block device mapping framework and only used for RAIDs, LVM (which can make RAIDs too) or dm-crypt. And you also have a cryptswap in addition to an unencrypted swap.
L331[03:02:42] <Forecaster> I probably followed some instructions somewhere
L332[03:02:45] <KittyKath> Yeah... I can tell
L333[03:03:07] <Forecaster> it's kind of a mess
L334[03:03:32] <Forecaster> and could do with a fresh install, but I'm running my websites off of it, and I have no backup
L335[03:05:18] <KittyKath> Yeah you could. Tarbackup and do a fresh new start and then selectively restore from that tar. Takes an hour or two after the install, depending on how much stuff you have to restore.
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L337[03:05:54] <Forecaster> a lot
L338[03:06:36] <KittyKath> How much?
L339[03:06:55] <Forecaster> it's still calculating the size of my www dir
L340[03:07:17] <KittyKath> Size is not the issue here. Complexity is.
L341[03:08:03] <KittyKath> If you have a SQL database you need to create and restore a sqldump. Another 5 minutes on the restore site. Another 10 for email and so on.
L342[03:08:46] <KittyKath> If you have a few hundred gigabytes to unpack you just get that started at the very beginning and then do all the other stuff while that is happening in the background.
L343[03:08:50] <Forecaster> I have a database yes
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L347[03:10:29] <Forecaster> my harddrive is only about 130Gb
L348[03:10:32] <Forecaster> max
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L351[03:11:03] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L352[03:11:05] <KittyKath> Yeah, then a restore will be really quick
L353[03:11:22] <Forecaster> I could do with a bigger one
L354[03:11:31] <Forecaster> I keep running out of space now and then which is annoying
L355[03:12:13] <KittyKath> If you do that makes stuff even easier. Because you can set up on system in parallel to the other one and migrate services one by one
L356[03:13:10] <Forecaster> I also have a postfix install, but it doesn't work properly
L357[03:13:50] <KittyKath> If you don't know what you are doing postfix will take a long time. If you do it'll transfer quickly. :P
L358[03:14:20] <Forecaster> there isn't really anything important in it though
L359[03:14:27] <Forecaster> but I'd like for it to work right
L360[03:15:19] <KittyKath> Yeah, I'd really suggest not hosting your own self-brewed email setup unless you want that amount of extra work. There are free or cheap external hosters and a lot of pre-made self-hosted ones that are less work
L361[03:15:43] <Forecaster> I initially set it up to allow php to send emails
L362[03:15:54] <Forecaster> which worked fine
L363[03:16:13] <Forecaster> but then I tried using it for other things and was having issues
L364[03:16:24] <Forecaster> like certain mail clients not wanting to connect to it
L365[03:17:33] <KittyKath> As I said, don't set up your own email setup unless you want the work :P
L366[03:17:57] <Forecaster> as far as I knew it was the only option
L367[03:18:24] <KittyKath> Well there are probably easier MTAs than postfix.
L368[03:19:03] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L369[03:20:16] <Forecaster> the main snag is that I don't want to take my sites down during the transfer
L370[03:20:38] <Forecaster> I'd like to have a backup machine I can keep them up on while I transfer things, so I can take my time
L371[03:21:03] <KittyKath> If you set up the two servers in parallel that is exactly what you're able to do.
L372[03:21:51] <KittyKath> Although what I would do is much more set one up for local testing on a spare machine and move it to the presumably more powerful one when all what you need seems to work
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L374[03:29:26] <Forecaster> I need a machine for that though
L375[03:29:46] <Forecaster> would a virtual machine work?
L376[03:29:49] <Forecaster> or is that bad?
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L378[03:38:05] <Forecaster> I see lots of work ahead of me
L379[03:38:08] <Forecaster> :P
L380[03:38:42] <KittyKath> Forecaster: You could mount a real hard drive as the underlaying device for a VM, yes.
L381[03:39:26] <Forecaster> because then I could do the setup and such on my main computer while leaving the server as it is, draw things over as I need to
L382[03:39:46] <Forecaster> and then just shut it down, switch harddrives and put it back up
L383[03:39:47] <KittyKath> Izaya: When teaching little kids about Files and Filesystems on and around Linux, anything important that I should not leave out?
L384[03:40:11] <Forecaster> don't sudo rm *
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L387[03:44:40] <snowden89> lol i once put a wildcard
L388[03:44:42] <snowden89> in a copy
L389[03:44:47] <snowden89> cmd
L390[03:44:55] <snowden89> spent hours trying to find where the fuck it went
L391[03:44:57] <snowden89> lol
L392[03:45:01] <Forecaster> xD
L393[03:45:04] <greaser|q> protip, don't copy the java libjpeg.so, it is completely different from the libjpeg.so you usually have
L394[03:46:55] <snowden89> lol
L395[03:47:04] <snowden89> told someone to pull the charger leadout
L396[03:47:11] <snowden89> then restart laptop
L397[03:47:22] <snowden89> they did not believe it would work without cable
L398[03:47:33] <snowden89> its like they only just realised it has a battery in it
L399[03:52:32] <Forecaster> :P
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L404[04:27:07] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/youtube/modpack
L405[04:27:08] <Forecaster> does this look too messy?
L406[04:33:33] <Izaya> KittyKath: just remember to tell them that btrfs is superior :D
L407[04:33:54] <KittyKath> Izaya: Will do :P
L408[04:33:54] <Izaya> none of this ubuntu ZFS BS
L409[04:34:04] <KittyKath> >Ubuntu >ZFS <.<
L410[04:34:59] <Izaya> Ubuntu is even less free now
L411[04:35:32] <Izaya> Hrm :|
L412[04:35:41] <greaser|q> ZFS on FreeBSD is apparently great
L413[04:35:54] <Forecaster> "less free"?
L414[04:35:56] <KittyKath> Izaya: ZFS is Sun...
L415[04:36:05] <Izaya> Does that mean Mint will end up with the same issues?
L416[04:37:12] <Izaya> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/26/canonical_in_zfsonlinux_gpl_violation_spat/
L417[04:39:59] <snowden89> god damn it
L418[04:40:03] <snowden89> all this time wasted
L419[04:40:34] <KittyKath> Izaya: Don't think so. Well, not necessarily.
L420[04:40:46] <snowden89> just realised i could multisub all the programming subs
L421[04:40:47] <Ashigaru> anyone good with blender?
L422[04:40:49] <snowden89> :(
L423[04:40:55] <snowden89> i am good at smoothies
L424[04:40:59] <snowden89> but 3d shit
L425[04:41:01] <snowden89> then no
L426[04:41:19] <Forecaster> I want a smoothie
L427[04:41:31] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L428[04:41:40] * snowden89 blends a pineapple, strawberry and frog
L429[04:41:48] * snowden89 waits to puree
L430[04:41:58] * snowden89 serves it to Forecaster
L431[04:42:16] <Forecaster> could use more frog
L432[04:43:06] <asie> frogs?
L433[04:43:08] <asie> did someone call Cirno?
L434[04:43:11] <asie> or something
L435[04:43:25] <asie> i have lots of ice here
L436[04:43:50] <greaser|q> Ashigaru: extrude and subdivide are two wonderful tools that you will probably end up using a lot
L437[04:45:28] <Izaya> I used to be able to use blender
L438[04:45:35] <Izaya> not any more :(
L439[04:45:47] <Ashigaru> heh
L440[04:45:52] <Ashigaru> Im having troubles with grid settings
L441[04:46:04] <Izaya> apparently two years is long enough to forget how
L442[04:47:03] <Ashigaru> Buuut I think I might have figured it out
L443[04:47:17] <snowden89> my main issue with blender
L444[04:53:24] <snowden89> is the same thing i get annoyed with VS
L445[04:53:26] <Izaya> actually KittyKath why are you asking me about how to deal with small evil humans? That sounds like a mistake.
L446[04:53:34] <snowden89> so many options that i just dont really get started
L447[04:55:03] <KittyKath> Izaya: I'm very explicetly not asking you about the human part but the technical part. I'm not letting you anywhere near the people, don't worry :P
L448[04:55:37] <Izaya> ohok that makes sense
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L450[04:56:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L452[05:13:37] <Kodos> Geez, that was a sad movie
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L454[05:16:18] <Inari> KittyKath: but izaya likes humans
L455[05:16:32] <Izaya> lies
L456[05:16:41] <Izaya> wait
L457[05:16:49] <Izaya> I don't like interacting directly with them
L458[05:17:17] <KittyKath> Inari: Yes, but only after they become old enough :P
L459[05:17:40] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L460[05:17:44] <Inari> lolis?
L461[05:18:37] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_pb1zY woo version
L462[05:22:20] <Izaya> Terasology is a beautiful game.
L463[05:22:37] <Izaya> It runs really well, too, considering everything going on
L464[05:23:06] <Izaya> (also, I can max the settings with a solid 60FPS, yet I can't max lightly modded (no shaders) minecraft without dipping <50)
L465[05:27:42] <snowden89> terasology hurt my eyes
L466[05:27:45] <snowden89> when i played it
L467[05:27:48] <snowden89> all blurry
L468[05:28:12] <snowden89> as if it was drawn with an airbrush at distance
L469[05:28:19] <snowden89> or has massive ammounts of particles
L470[05:28:33] <snowden89> also the crafting seems different?
L471[05:28:42] ⇨ Joins: Axlegear (webchat@ip68-97-126-110.ok.ok.cox.net)
L472[05:29:39] <Axlegear> Heylo!
L473[05:29:59] <Axlegear> Anyone alive what can answer me a simple one?
L474[05:30:24] <Forecaster> probably
L475[05:30:39] <KittyKath> Axlegear: It's IRC. Don't ask to ask, just ask.
L476[05:31:15] <Axlegear> *Fills out the form to get the form to ask the question*
L477[05:31:28] <Axlegear> Okay, I can't seem to find anywhere what says how to pick up a drone i've placed.
L478[05:31:39] <Axlegear> It's not functional, but I can't figure out how to scoop it back up.
L479[05:31:43] <Forecaster> have you tried a scrench?
L480[05:31:52] <Axlegear> Aha, that is the tool
L481[05:31:55] <Forecaster> yes
L482[05:32:09] <Saphire> ...
L483[05:32:18] <Saphire> We should make it a tooltip of drone
L484[05:32:25] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L485[05:32:28] <Saphire> preferably big, red and flashing
L486[05:32:49] <KittyKath> Saphire: Because the other big red flashing tooltips helped and stuffs :P
L487[05:33:03] <Axlegear> That got it. Thanks!
L488[05:33:20] <Saphire> I mean, it's definitely not first nor second time this is asked
L489[05:34:02] <KittyKath> Saphire: Create an idiotproof system and the world will create a bigger idiot. You can't fix stupid questions other than using a questionbot.
L490[05:34:35] <Axlegear> Sorry I asked.
L491[05:34:40] <Forecaster> A normal tooltip might help
L492[05:34:46] <Saphire> Axlegear: nah
L493[05:34:50] <Saphire> It's okay
L494[05:34:56] <KittyKath> Axlegear: No, there is no problem with you asking. Everybody has questions
L495[05:35:03] <Saphire> ^
L496[05:35:55] <Forecaster> I honestly don't use that tool for anything :P
L497[05:36:16] <Izaya> snowden89: you have to adjust the settings a bit
L498[05:36:24] <Izaya> still have to deal with the insane lens flare or whatever it is
L499[05:36:50] <KittyKath> Izaya: Custom shaders :P
L500[05:37:06] <Izaya> opengl wizardry
L501[05:37:16] <KittyKath> s/opengl/GLSL/g
L502[05:37:16] <MichiBot> <Izaya> GLSL wizardry
L503[05:39:23] <Izaya> wizardry
L504[05:44:51] <snowden89> lol you know whats worse
L505[05:44:57] <snowden89> i placed a robot
L506[05:45:10] <snowden89> spent ages trying to talk to it
L507[05:45:39] <Izaya> >a blog that runs entirely client-side
L508[05:45:40] <Izaya> WHY
L509[05:45:42] <Forecaster> wipsering sweet ntohings?
L510[05:45:53] <Forecaster> nothings*
L511[05:46:01] <Forecaster> wispering* dangit
L512[05:46:06] <snowden89> you know to fuck with there chrome memory
L513[05:46:09] <snowden89> Izaya:
L514[05:46:22] <Izaya> see it'd make it very difficult for me to use
L515[05:46:23] <snowden89> i just love websites loading all the server side on my chrome tabs
L516[05:46:24] <Izaya> noscript and all
L517[05:46:44] <Izaya> and it's a pain to restart my browser to add an exception
L518[05:46:50] <Izaya> and I'm yet to write a way to avoid that
L519[05:47:15] <KittyKath> Izaya: Wanna know the latest in the fucked up world of JS?
L520[05:47:38] <Izaya> I'm already fairly brain-damaged, why not?
L521[05:47:47] <snowden89> lol
L522[05:48:03] <snowden89> i dont know why javascript every become a scripting langauge for server side
L523[05:48:26] <Izaya> so people could write bad code on both the front and back end?
L524[05:48:59] <snowden89> ever*
L525[05:49:06] <snowden89> well not so much bad code
L526[05:49:59] <snowden89> aint there ton's of options for server side
L527[05:50:05] <KittyKath> As you may know, JS is slow as fuck. Even slower than Ruby. So what happens if you write huge amounts of JS? everything lags. So what would a sensible person do? EXACTLY! REnder parts of the page on the webserver (in JS of course) and push that to the client to it *seems* that the page is responsive and fast while in the background you are still downloading 2MB of JS. And what do you call that?
L528[05:50:11] <KittyKath> Ember-Fastboot. Because its fast. Nearly as fast as a pure C, no sql, no script, one (cacheable) CSS blog. Only 5 orders or magnitude difference! (Down from what, 100?)
L529[05:51:10] <snowden89> personally i am kind of happy with the idea of webassembly
L530[05:51:13] <Izaya> and that then loads the server too
L531[05:51:25] <Izaya> still
L532[05:51:32] <Izaya> wouldn't a sensible person like
L533[05:51:38] <Izaya> not use huge amounts of JS?
L534[05:51:42] <Izaya> rather than adding MORE
L535[05:51:49] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L536[05:52:00] <KittyKath> Izaya: Or no JS at all?
L537[05:52:04] <Izaya> even better
L538[05:52:12] <Izaya> but that is a distant dream
L539[05:52:23] <snowden89> well
L540[05:52:26] <snowden89> i dont think so
L541[05:52:43] <snowden89> thepb.in
L542[05:52:47] <KittyKath> Izaya: Not for sensible people.
L543[05:53:02] <snowden89> i beleive replaced most of the js
L544[05:53:06] <snowden89> with css3
L545[05:53:36] <KittyKath> Izaya: I hate HTTP already so JS is just one reason more to never get into Webdev like *ever* again
L546[05:53:49] <snowden89> i hate webdev as well
L547[05:53:50] <Izaya> for reference my site is pure html/css with a light sprinkling of lua for generating the blog
L548[05:53:53] <snowden89> but i feel like i should learn it
L549[05:54:00] <snowden89> mainly cause everything seems to be blending
L550[05:54:07] <snowden89> software,web and apps
L551[05:54:10] <Izaya> KittyKath: what would you prefer to HTTP? Like, Gopher is nice but it has a few issues
L552[05:54:20] <KittyKath> Izaya: ?
L553[05:54:23] <snowden89> could we just reinvent the will
L554[05:54:37] <KittyKath> Izaya: That question seems a bit close-minded
L555[05:54:43] <Axlegear> Anyone can suggest a good OS for a drone to just fly around and pick up random items within an area? I need a flying vaccuum cleaner.
L556[05:54:47] <g> I'm.. not sure why one would replace http
L557[05:54:53] <g> I mean, we have http/2 now
L558[05:55:04] <KittyKath> Which is crazy and stupid in its own ways.
L559[05:55:13] <g> of course, but it's an improvement
L560[05:56:36] <KittyKath> It's an improvement in the way that HTTP has become a crazy overloaded zombie being forced to do stuff it was never intended to and HTTP/2 deals with this insanity a bit better.
L561[05:58:06] <KittyKath> Also, did they forced encryption after all? I lost what was left of a fuck I gave for HTTP/2 when they considered that.
L562[05:58:21] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: To Australia!!!!)
L563[05:58:46] <Inari> i didnt like terasology much last i tried it
L564[05:59:47] <Lizzy> KittyKath, did you get my %tell?
L565[05:59:56] <Lizzy> from MichiBot
L566[06:00:14] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Yes
L567[06:00:18] <Lizzy> coolio
L568[06:00:20] <g> KittyKath, there's a cleartext version but I've not seen it used
L569[06:00:38] <Lizzy> now back to tidying up the switch room with the boss
L570[06:00:53] <Inari> JS is pretty good
L571[06:00:54] <Inari> esp in ES6
L572[06:00:56] <Forecaster> Axlegear: look on the forum
L573[06:01:01] <KittyKath> Wait WHAT? THe *official* website for HTTP/2 is https://http2.github.io/ ?? GITHUB.IO??? How fucking desperate are you people? FFS HTTP/2 is gonna be so awful.
L574[06:01:09] <g> ES6 is a big step up for JS
L575[06:01:37] <g> KittyKath, what's wrong with that? it's not like they host anything but drafts on github
L576[06:01:42] <KittyKath> g: Everything.
L577[06:01:47] <g> the actual specs are on http://httpwg.org
L578[06:03:17] <KittyKath> Izaya: About your protocol question: Whatever does the job best. And in 99% of the cases I deal with that is NOT HTTP.
L579[06:03:37] <g> http is convenient
L580[06:03:42] <g> but it's no plain socket
L581[06:03:42] <KittyKath> And bad.
L582[06:04:29] <g> pretty sure the only reason most people choose it for things is because it's just super easy to work with
L583[06:05:03] <KittyKath> No, the reason most people use HTTP is that they do not expose themselves to anything other than HTTP.
L584[06:06:11] <Inari> KittyKath: so still
L585[06:06:15] <Inari> whats your proposed alternative
L586[06:06:29] <KittyKath> Awesome. We need to tell the server if we want h2 or h2c for encrypted or clear traffic. Wonderful abstractions there google. Perfect.
L587[06:06:29] <Inari> well alternatives
L588[06:06:30] <Inari> :p
L589[06:06:31] <g> that's a use-case thing really
L590[06:06:43] <KittyKath> Inari: ^ that and just not HTTP for anything but text.
L591[06:06:49] <Inari> sure
L592[06:06:58] <Inari> so make a list of usecase<->protocol x.x
L593[06:07:07] <KittyKath> Give me an usecase.
L594[06:07:14] <KittyKath> Where nowadays HTTP is used
L595[06:07:46] <KittyKath> And please don't say something like Single-page applications because they make me puke regardless.
L596[06:07:57] <Inari> haha whys that
L597[06:08:08] <KittyKath> Because JS is the cancer of the internet pretty much.
L598[06:08:12] <Inari> how so?
L599[06:08:19] <Inari> its a flexible language, works pretty well
L600[06:08:21] <Izaya> I would say web-based terminal emulators except we have ssh and telnet and all manner of other sane things
L601[06:08:35] <g> JS leaves much to be desired really
L602[06:08:40] <KittyKath> Inari: "Flexible" and it works horrible compared to any decend language.
L603[06:08:47] <Inari> websocket handshake? blog page, banking page, etc :D
L604[06:08:49] <g> if you're talking web-based then you're mostly looking at http, by the way, since there aren't really many alternatives..
L605[06:08:52] <KittyKath> Even the PHP people can look down on the JS community.
L606[06:08:52] <Inari> works horrible how?
L607[06:09:04] <g> Inari, it's dynamic I guess
L608[06:09:05] <g> :P
L609[06:09:10] <Inari> so use typescript
L610[06:09:17] <g> that isn't a solution
L611[06:09:22] <g> anything that compiles to JS is still JS
L612[06:09:27] <Inari> so?
L613[06:09:33] <g> it still has to deal with the prototyping system, lack of classes, and bad speed
L614[06:09:36] <Inari> dynamic doesnt matter to you if you dont use it
L615[06:09:41] <Inari> ES6 has calsses, no?
L616[06:09:51] <g> and how many people are using ES6 at the moment?
L617[06:09:53] <KittyKath> Inari: Banking page and Blogs work perfectly with HTTP. If they are pure text with no JS. because both don't need JS. Websockets solve a problem that does not exists
L618[06:10:08] <Inari> KittyKath: both are nicer with JS though
L619[06:10:13] <KittyKath> Inari: Not really
L620[06:10:23] <KittyKath> JS just gets in the way of the content.
L621[06:10:34] <KittyKath> Unless webgames but I could not care less about those.
L622[06:10:37] <Inari> i'd rather no stupid page reloads
L623[06:10:39] <Inari> but maybe thats just me
L624[06:10:51] <g> one-page apps are a pain
L625[06:11:00] <g> I honestly don't know why people write them
L626[06:11:04] <KittyKath> Inari: Maybe. I don't care about page reloads. Not like they don't happen with JS, you're just fooled by JS
L627[06:11:06] <g> stuff like angular is worse than learning an entirely new language
L628[06:11:11] <Inari> define "one-page app" xD
L629[06:11:27] <g> any site with http://site.ext/#path/to/page
L630[06:11:30] <Inari> KittyKath: yeah stuff doesnt jump about and is generally a pain if its nicely wrapped by the js
L631[06:11:30] <g> for example
L632[06:11:42] <KittyKath> Inari: Page reload does not mean "jump about"
L633[06:11:47] <KittyKath> Not at all
L634[06:11:47] <Inari> i like those if they lazy load and such
L635[06:11:55] <Inari> KittyKath: it does in most cases
L636[06:12:03] <KittyKath> Only if the programmer is bad :)
L637[06:12:15] <KittyKath> Or the browser is really stupid and tries to be smart
L638[06:12:17] <KittyKath> Like IE
L639[06:12:31] <Inari> google.com => click image, page reloads, you see white for a small second before the google stuff pops back up
L640[06:12:39] <Inari> with JS its a nice transition instaed
L641[06:12:40] <KittyKath> Lazy load
L642[06:12:44] <g> JS is useful for a few things, but really only because I can't use another language :P
L643[06:12:48] <KittyKath> The white is the lazy load really.
L644[06:12:54] <Inari> nope
L645[06:12:55] <KittyKath> Yep
L646[06:13:03] <Inari> lazy load shoudl properly load before dispaly :P
L647[06:13:10] <g> I use it on project pages to show builds from eg bamboo because I don't want to put that on the server
L648[06:13:19] <KittyKath> Well yeah and it does not because lazy loading sucks balls
L649[06:14:13] <Inari> javascript off
L650[06:14:17] <Inari> still happens *shrug*
L651[06:14:18] <Inari> :p
L652[06:14:27] <KittyKath> Its still lazy loading, you know? Just a different kind of
L653[06:14:34] <Inari> exactly
L654[06:14:37] <Inari> hence you use JS to hide that
L655[06:14:37] <KittyKath> The browser renders the DOM before the Image
L656[06:14:38] <Inari> you know
L657[06:14:43] <KittyKath> Or just don't do that?
L658[06:14:54] <Inari> but its the solution to stuff being jumpy
L659[06:15:01] <KittyKath> Doesn't need to be jumpy
L660[06:15:15] <Inari> also the whole textbox appears later, not just the logo
L661[06:15:35] <Inari> well i havent seen a single page that would reload completely with ni jumpiness or flicker
L662[06:15:38] <g> editing the DOM is slow, there's really no good way to solve things like this
L663[06:15:40] <KittyKath> You can create the DOM in a way that it has a nice white box where the image should be and when the image loads it does not move stuff. Or the page renders as soon as the first level of LoD is loaded
L664[06:15:53] <Inari> it still flickers
L665[06:15:56] <Inari> so feels jumpy
L666[06:15:57] <KittyKath> Nope
L667[06:16:09] <KittyKath> Flicker is always a sign of bad code somewhere
L668[06:16:26] <Inari> good, so go fix chrome, meanwhile i'll like JS transitions
L669[06:16:27] <KittyKath> Either you get the nice scrolling loading of PNG or an increasing LOD with other formats
L670[06:16:35] <KittyKath> Nope, if anything Ima fix FF.
L671[06:16:41] <Inari> hah
L672[06:16:42] <Inari> good luck
L673[06:17:03] <KittyKath> Google has enough money to fix their shit but instead they develop HTTP/2. They don't deserve my time.
L674[06:17:17] <g> FLIF would be nice. but dat license.
L675[06:17:37] <KittyKath> LGPL3?
L676[06:17:41] <Inari> and in-browser apps are pretty nice :D
L677[06:17:52] <g> I forget what it is exactly, but it means browser devs can't ship it
L678[06:18:22] <KittyKath> If you only ever know a browser they might be bearable Inari. But for anybody who does desktop dev they are ugly and slow and just a pita in every regard.
L679[06:18:32] <KittyKath> g: FF could
L680[06:18:39] <KittyKath> Chromium couldn't
L681[06:18:39] <Inari> slow if you do it wrong and/or use FF, yes
L682[06:18:41] <g> oh, I guess FF could, yeah
L683[06:19:03] <g> I have no complaints about FF other than the memory lreaks
L684[06:19:05] <g> leaks*
L685[06:19:12] <g> it's no slower than chrome for me
L686[06:19:15] <KittyKath> Inari: No, slow because they either are in JS (so slow as fuck) or any other interpreted language (still slow) or a huge security issue.
L687[06:19:37] <Inari> cause desktop apps are not securit issue XD
L688[06:19:40] <KittyKath> Inari: And then you bitch about cache issues. *sigh*
L689[06:19:50] <KittyKath> Inari: Less so if they are FOSS>
L690[06:19:53] <KittyKath> *.
L691[06:20:09] <g> we're not going to get much better than webassembly in a browser RE interpreted/compiled languages
L692[06:20:15] <Inari> g: its slower for me, especially with webgl games
L693[06:20:19] <g> I mean what are you going to compile it to?
L694[06:20:19] <KittyKath> g: Better? You mean worse.
L695[06:20:39] <Inari> KittyKath: so what do you want? text browsisg? xD
L696[06:20:53] <g> whatever you use has to work within the browser sandbox, and that's what should be dealing with cross-platform-ness anyway
L697[06:20:54] <KittyKath> Inari: The last benchmark I've seen FF was way better with WebGL than any other browser. On a proper OS that is.
L698[06:21:01] <KittyKath> Inari: Yes. I want text-only website.
L699[06:21:04] <Inari> "proper" ;3
L700[06:21:08] <KittyKath> Inari: Linux.
L701[06:22:13] <Inari> g: no clue but whenever i tried firefox was chugging along at like 20 fps and broke all the time :P chrome just worked
L702[06:22:29] <g> chrome and FF have different problems with different things
L703[06:22:38] <g> but I picked FF because chrome is pretty inflexible
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L705[06:23:04] <g> I mean, side tabs when!?
L706[06:23:25] <Inari> eh, i find side tabs completely useless haha
L707[06:23:29] <g> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/firefox_2016-03-30_12-23-24.png
L708[06:23:37] <g> if you only have like 5 tabs open, sure
L709[06:23:38] <g> :P
L710[06:23:44] <Inari> nah, i tend to have more
L711[06:23:49] <g> tree-style side tabs are so handy when you have tons of tabs though
L712[06:23:55] <Forecaster> takes up too much space for me
L713[06:24:03] <Inari> but i tend to know whats open, not keep garbage open and about and i dont like it squishing the screen
L714[06:24:12] <Forecaster> ^
L715[06:24:15] <KittyKath> Auto-shrink it?
L716[06:24:18] <g> most sites are designed for narrow viewports these days
L717[06:24:21] <g> but yeah it has auto-hide
L718[06:24:33] <Inari> g: yeah, tends to be a major gripe in site design for me :P
L719[06:24:45] <Inari> auto-hide, so i cant see the tabs directly, sounds like a pain haha
L720[06:24:46] <g> so it doesn't matter if it takes up a little extra horizontal space
L721[06:24:53] <g> it can shrink to a small sidebar too
L722[06:25:20] <Forecaster> I have a nice plugin for chrome that displays tabs in a separate window in a tree structure
L723[06:25:43] <g> why would you want that in a separate window
L724[06:25:46] <g> that's so inconvenient lol
L725[06:25:59] <Forecaster> it's nice when I'm looking for a lost tab
L726[06:26:08] <Forecaster> across multiple windows
L727[06:26:28] <g> I dunno, I don't usually need more than two
L728[06:26:31] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/tOr1yA6.png my browser setup is boring as shit
L729[06:26:38] <Izaya> need to figure out how to deal with tabs better
L730[06:26:43] <Izaya> tab groups would be nice I guess
L731[06:27:04] <Izaya> wonder how hard it would be to write that though
L732[06:27:14] <Forecaster> I've started splitting my tabs into windows to avoid squishing them too much
L733[06:27:19] <Forecaster> I tend to have a lot of tabs open
L734[06:27:30] <g> Izaya, well, chrome extensions can't modify any part of chrome's ui really
L735[06:27:32] <g> aside from buttons
L736[06:27:45] <Izaya> chrome is inflexible
L737[06:27:47] <KittyKath> g: That's luakit, not chromium
L738[06:27:51] <Izaya> that's one of the reasons I don't use it
L739[06:27:55] <g> I haven't been able to click it yet
L740[06:27:55] <g> lol
L741[06:27:56] <Inari> downloaded an extension for vertical tabs on chrome
L742[06:27:58] <Inari> seemst o work fine
L743[06:28:14] <g> all chrome extensions I've seen like that require their own window
L744[06:28:22] <Inari> this one doesnt
L745[06:28:23] <g> or are injected into the page itself
L746[06:28:27] <g> neither of those things are suitable
L747[06:28:47] <Inari> anyway
L748[06:28:47] <Izaya> isn't mozilla adding chrome extension support or some crap to firefox?
L749[06:28:52] <Izaya> so they can really be chrome?
L750[06:28:54] <Inari> im only using chrome cause its the best browser so far
L751[06:28:54] <g> yeah, something like that
L752[06:29:06] <Forecaster> I don't mind the separate window since I don't always use it
L753[06:29:14] <Forecaster> it's just nice when I need an overview
L754[06:29:18] <KittyKath> Izaya: Also Chrome is adding the ART. For reasons I guess.
L755[06:29:21] <g> a separate window isn't really integrated enough for me
L756[06:29:27] <g> oh yeah, I forgot about that
L757[06:29:31] <g> android apps as chrome apps
L758[06:29:36] <g> you can kinda do that already with ARC
L759[06:30:01] <Forecaster> generally the top tab bar works fine for me
L760[06:30:06] <Forecaster> so I stick with that
L761[06:30:16] <Izaya> does that mean
L762[06:30:24] <Izaya> you could run android apps in the chrome app for android?
L763[06:30:28] <Forecaster> I started using chrome more than FF because FF sucked at playing youtube videos smoothly
L764[06:30:34] <KittyKath> Izaya: No, only desktop chrome
L765[06:30:38] <Izaya> could you run chrome on android on chrome on android on chrome on android?
L766[06:30:39] <Izaya> oh
L767[06:30:41] <Izaya> :(
L768[06:30:47] <KittyKath> Forecaster: lemme guess, Windows?
L769[06:30:56] <Forecaster> yep
L770[06:31:04] <Izaya> that was your first mistake
L771[06:31:11] <g> the number of visible tabs I usually have is often fine for horizontal tabs
L772[06:31:12] <Forecaster> I still use firefox though for things
L773[06:31:14] <g> but uhh
L774[06:31:15] <g> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/2016-03-30_12-31-02.mp4
L775[06:31:35] <KittyKath> FF on WIndows has issues with graphics from all that I can tell. No idea why, not that I could test it either
L776[06:31:46] <g> can't say I've noticed that
L777[06:31:47] <Inari> i still wish websites used the screen better :P column style
L778[06:32:02] <g> "mobile-first" is the goto design method now Inari
L779[06:32:05] <g> so unfortunately not
L780[06:32:06] <Forecaster> chrome is fine though, so I use that for YT :P
L781[06:32:15] <Inari> g: you'd think so
L782[06:32:21] <Inari> yet all those pages actualyl suck to browse on mobile
L783[06:32:21] <Inari> :D
L784[06:32:31] <g> well, that's what I see recommended everywhere, doesn't mean people are good at it :P
L785[06:33:13] <g> I actually had a go at putting up a modern-style site mockup recently
L786[06:33:14] <KittyKath> Inari: Because JS.
L787[06:33:22] <g> think it turned out okay..
L788[06:33:29] <Izaya> somehow the most braindead sites are best on mobile
L789[06:33:52] <Axlegear> Is it possible to flash the Lua EEPROM and OpenOS onto the same EEPROM? If not, I can't figure out how to make an autonomous drone.
L790[06:34:06] <g> that: https://beta.ultros.io/
L791[06:34:13] <Izaya> Axlegear: the EEPROM is only 4KB of code space
L792[06:34:17] <g> Izaya, well, simple sites don't need much work to make responsive
L793[06:34:19] <Izaya> OpenOS is several hundred KB
L794[06:34:23] <KittyKath> Inari: Like seriously, if you have a well designed website optimized for mobile you can still slow it to a crawl with JS. Or stupid CSS for that matter. But a page that does not use JS and a acceptable CSS will be blazingly fast on mobile too
L795[06:34:56] <Axlegear> Can't expand the EEPROM to accomodate, then?
L796[06:35:00] <g> Axlegear: nope
L797[06:35:09] <Axlegear> Hrm. Then I need to figure out how to control this drone.
L798[06:35:16] <Izaya> welp my site was made for desktop and it works fine on my phone
L799[06:35:22] <Izaya> text is a little small but nothing major
L800[06:35:23] <g> you have to write a little OS to the eeprom yourself Axlegear
L801[06:35:48] <Forecaster> I like JS
L802[06:35:49] <Izaya> ~w custom os
L803[06:35:49] <g> some of the APIs will remain, like the component API
L804[06:35:49] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L805[06:36:00] <Izaya> ^ applies for drone
L806[06:36:09] <KittyKath> Forecaster: And you also like Windows.
L807[06:36:12] <g> you might use a network card or something
L808[06:36:17] <g> some kind of remote control
L809[06:36:38] <Forecaster> I like not being restricted in what games I can play :P
L810[06:36:49] <Izaya> But restricted in what you do with your computer.
L811[06:37:10] <KittyKath> I care less about games and more about being able do what the fuck I want with my computer
L812[06:37:23] <g> the restrictions on that aren't really something I've minded much
L813[06:37:28] <g> maybe would like a tiling WM but other than that...
L814[06:37:28] <Axlegear> It has a wireless card so I guess i'll work with that.
L815[06:37:31] <KittyKath> g: Yeah, YOU
L816[06:37:32] <Forecaster> I can do everything I want so
L817[06:37:52] * Izaya has yet to find a way to use a controller as a chorded keyboard on Windows
L818[06:37:52] <g> the point is that linux is only better for some people
L819[06:37:53] <g> :P
L820[06:38:49] <Axlegear> Now to find out how to write to the EEPROM
L821[06:38:53] <Inari> Izaya: easy, you intall an app that takes controller input and does stuff
L822[06:38:54] <Inari> :p
L823[06:38:55] <g> eeprom.write() no?
L824[06:39:00] <g> I think it's a component
L825[06:39:02] <Forecaster> Axlegear: you write to a file
L826[06:39:19] <Forecaster> then use a program "flash" to write the file to the eeprom
L827[06:39:20] <Saphire> alekso56: define write
L828[06:39:29] <Forecaster> the program*
L829[06:39:34] <Saphire> write the data by yourself or write a program onto it?
L830[06:39:37] <Lizzy> Saphire, wrong person
L831[06:39:42] <Saphire> gah
L832[06:39:54] <Lizzy> also i'm pretty sure they mean write pre-existing code to the eeprom
L833[06:39:56] <Saphire> wtf, weechat
L834[06:40:09] <g> l is before x
L835[06:40:48] <Saphire> i might have tried to type "axl" and missed x >_>
L836[06:40:52] <g> :P
L837[06:40:57] <Saphire> Uh, who asked for holographic clocks?
L838[06:41:05] * Saphire should probably do them already >_>
L839[06:41:05] <Lizzy> me, i think
L840[06:41:42] <Lizzy> KittyKath, My site doesn't use much JS, does it? the only stuff that actually uses JS i think is the menu bar, pretty much everything else is static (and if you disable JS navigation /should/ still be doable
L841[06:41:46] <Lizzy> )
L842[06:41:49] <Inari> KittyKath: mail webinterface! i'd hate to not have js for those xD
L843[06:41:50] <Lizzy> s/doable/easy)
L844[06:41:50] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> KittyKath, My site doesn't use much JS, does it? the only stuff that actually uses JS i think is the menu bar, pretty much everything else is static (and if you disable JS navigation /should/ still be easy)
L845[06:42:47] <KittyKath> Lizzy: modernizer.js,jquery.js,fastclick.js,foundation.js Not a lot by todays standards but too much for radicalized me.
L846[06:43:25] * Izaya has 1 page with javashit on it, and that is a test page
L847[06:43:33] <Lizzy> yeah, all of those come with Foundation (the CSS stuff i use), I might replace that..
L848[06:43:55] * Lizzy wants to re-do her site at some point and make it run through python3 behind nginx and only use html5/minimal css
L849[06:43:57] <KittyKath> Izaya: I have one that I somewhat made too but then again I hate my blog already. It is awful, every part of it.
L850[06:44:19] <g> Lizzy: that's actuallynot that hard
L851[06:44:23] <g> actually not*
L852[06:44:25] <g> uwsgi is awesome
L853[06:44:36] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Don't listen to g and use gunicorn
L854[06:44:47] * Lizzy goes to google both
L855[06:44:55] <Izaya> actually my javashit page isn't even on my main site
L856[06:45:06] <g> nginx has explicit support for uwsgi though
L857[06:45:17] <Izaya> it's on my public_html of my secondary webserver
L858[06:45:24] <KittyKath> g: Is that meant to be an argument for uwsgi?
L859[06:45:42] <g> it's meant to be an argument for nginx+uwsgi
L860[06:45:42] <g> lol
L861[06:45:53] <g> I don't see what the difference between uwsgi and gunicorn is though
L862[06:45:58] <g> they seem to do the same job
L863[06:46:05] <KittyKath> g: The code.
L864[06:46:16] <g> descriptive :P
L865[06:46:21] <Lizzy> the only thing uwsgi is currently beining to mind is when me and KittyKath tried to set up the octf site on one of my old servers that was running apache2 and debian 7 at the time
L866[06:46:35] <Lizzy> *brining, not beining
L867[06:46:46] <Lizzy> *bringing
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L869[06:46:47] <KittyKath> Lizzy: gunicorn is way more capable than uwsgi. Also more configurable
L870[06:46:59] <g> why not explain that to me? lol
L871[06:47:14] <KittyKath> g: Because I have neither the patience nor the crayons to do so.
L872[06:47:20] <Lizzy> HAH
L873[06:47:33] <g> yes, yes, we can all throw around over-used quotes :P
L874[06:48:03] <Izaya> "
L875[06:48:06] <Izaya> '
L876[06:48:13] <g> nginx config: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/mintty_2016-03-30_12-47-28.png
L877[06:48:16] <g> uwsgi config: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/mintty_2016-03-30_12-48-13.png
L878[06:48:19] <g> doesn't get much easier than that
L879[06:49:01] <g> also, don't you hate python? lol
L880[06:49:11] <Lizzy> me? no
L881[06:49:14] <g> no, kath
L882[06:49:39] <g> I'm wondering why she cares about either of these things :P
L883[06:49:44] <Lizzy> hmm, to stay and fuck about with code or get food then fuck abcout with code
L884[06:49:56] <Lizzy> I am making a whole new language today i tseems
L885[06:50:08] <g> lol
L886[06:51:45] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L887[06:52:10] <Lizzy> why are sites nowadays narrow?? It makes no fucking sense....
L888[06:52:20] <g> because mobile viewports
L889[06:52:23] <Inari> cause people hate you
L890[06:52:29] <g> like I said earlier, mobile-first. Even if badly done.
L891[06:52:30] <g> :P
L892[06:52:58] <Lizzy> exhibi A: http://i.imgur.com/TCmqJQn.png
L893[06:53:46] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:f87c:2cff:feda:6d71) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L894[06:53:53] <Lizzy> but why can't they make their sites scale dynamically? or would that require a buttload of javashit/css?
L895[06:54:01] <Lizzy> anyway, afk. going to get foo
L896[06:54:03] <Lizzy> d
L897[06:54:12] <Izaya> do they realise that if they use something for desktop not using static measurements and like
L898[06:54:14] <Izaya> % widths
L899[06:54:18] <Izaya> it'll scale to mobile fine?
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L904[07:03:17] <KittyKath> g: So you assume I hate Python and therefore I have never used it an refuse to deploy it?
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L906[07:10:19] * Lizzy pokes the vifino
L907[07:11:07] <Kodos> <3
L908[07:11:46] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L909[07:13:28] <Lizzy> meh
L910[07:20:39] <Lizzy> KittyKath, does Germany have daylight savings time?
L911[07:20:51] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Yes :I
L912[07:20:57] <Lizzy> okay
L913[07:23:58] <Lizzy> hmm, to have my story section of the site show the story all in one page or keep it the current way of seperate chapters on seperate pages...
L914[07:24:03] ⇦ Quits: Guest62047 (~znc@ti0107a400-2313.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L915[07:24:48] * Lizzy is making a list of stuff she wants to do with her new site
L916[07:25:34] <Inari> https://imgur.com/y6clspP wonder how much of that is true
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L918[07:30:47] <Lizzy> :O just had a brilliant idea for when i move my site to python and change the story stuff over, instead of the current way i'm doing it (/story/story-name/browse.php?page=ID) I can just split up the requested URL and show the right story chapter based on that, so it becomes /story/story-name/ID (or a human readable name or a mix of both)
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L921[07:35:16] <Lizzy> wifi stay on dammit
L922[07:37:51] <Lizzy> hmm, to go 'modern' with the re-style of my site (dark text on bright background) or keep it the same light on dark
L923[07:38:08] <Lizzy> or have an option to switch between them at will
L924[07:38:18] <Lizzy> though i'd need to fuck about with cookies for that
L925[07:38:20] <Lizzy> hmm
L926[07:38:25] * Lizzy hmms some more
L927[07:39:14] <Lizzy> my current site is a mess with the navigation bar...
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L933[07:51:58] <Izaya> help
L934[07:52:05] <Izaya> what do I do with 60 Lenovo S10es?
L935[07:52:11] <Izaya> how does one store 60 laptops?
L936[07:52:51] <g> if my old school is anything to go by, thrown all over a room that nobody goes into anymore
L937[07:52:53] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L938[07:52:57] <g> with one door bricked up
L939[07:53:24] <Izaya> rescued them from that
L940[07:53:30] <Izaya> gonna sell them
L941[07:53:40] <Izaya> we don't have a spare room
L942[07:55:19] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you could make a 'VDI' cluster
L943[07:55:21] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L944[07:55:35] <Izaya> except it would be RDI?
L945[07:55:44] <CompanionCube> true
L946[07:55:46] <Izaya> does anyone have a use for a cluster of shit laptops?
L947[07:55:54] <g> google probably does?
L948[07:55:58] <g> but most people, probably not
L949[07:55:59] <g> :P
L950[07:56:02] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you could do the xkcd thing
L951[07:56:05] <CompanionCube> and make a virus farm
L952[07:56:13] <Izaya> virus aquarium?
L953[07:56:13] <Izaya> sounds fun
L954[07:56:23] <g> lol
L955[07:57:03] <g> you could set up a cluster for browsershots or seti@home or something else
L956[07:58:28] <Izaya> does anyone want to do like, fluid sims or anything?
L957[07:58:43] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you could also use it for a compilefarm
L958[07:59:36] <Izaya> I could provide builds for chromium and FF
L959[07:59:42] <Izaya> 160GB HDD space should be just enough
L960[08:02:37] <CompanionCube> doesn't chromium need fuckloads of RAM
L961[08:03:22] <Izaya> I can do that thing where you share a tmpfs over NFS
L962[08:03:28] <Izaya> and then put swap files on the tmpfs
L963[08:03:35] <Izaya> I have 120GB RAM at my disposal that way
L964[08:04:01] <CompanionCube> isn't that going to provide shitty performance
L965[08:04:18] <Izaya> probably
L966[08:04:24] <Izaya> and I only have 10/100
L967[08:12:33] <Izaya> hey
L968[08:12:38] <Izaya> I could use them all as swap
L969[08:12:45] <Izaya> and hook up a virtualization box
L970[08:12:50] <Izaya> with 120GB RAM
L971[08:13:02] <Izaya> + whatever it has naturally
L972[08:16:49] <CompanionCube> don't VMs and swap not mix
L973[08:19:27] <Izaya> actual swap, yes
L974[08:19:35] <Izaya> but RAM over NFS is another matter
L975[08:30:41] * vifino groans
L976[08:31:09] * vifino stumbles towards Lizzy, falling on her
L977[08:31:09] * Lizzy sits on vifino
L978[08:31:50] <vifino> you are heavy, Lizzy :P
L979[08:32:00] <Lizzy> :(
L980[08:32:11] <Izaya> that's a dangerous thing to say, vifino
L981[08:32:40] * Lizzy runs over to KittyKath and cries
L982[08:32:52] <vifino> you aren't fat at all, but you're a human being and having more than a couple kilos on my chest isn't necissarily good in terms of breathing
L983[08:32:58] <vifino> :<
L984[08:33:22] * Lizzy sniff
L985[08:33:24] * vifino walks over to Lizzy, hugs and kisses her
L986[08:33:34] * Lizzy hugs and kisses vifino back
L987[08:33:36] <vifino> sowwy, wasn't meant that way
L988[08:33:50] * Lizzy hugs vifino tighter and stops crying
L989[08:33:52] <Lizzy> That's okay
L990[08:35:43] <vifino> on a scale of 1 to 10, i am too tired to words
L991[08:35:54] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L992[08:36:08] <vifino> and yes, i also have some weight
L993[08:36:32] <vifino> physics and stuff.
L994[08:39:17] <gamax92> vifino: what's that balloon ribbon for then
L995[08:39:34] <vifino> ?
L996[08:41:25] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L999[08:48:14] <Lizzy> \o/ got touchpad working fully on laptop now
L1000[08:48:54] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1001[08:49:03] <Lizzy> just had to copy the synaptics file from /usr/share to the /etc X11 folders
L1002[08:50:20] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L1003[08:50:28] <Lizzy> and there, it now doesn't keep clicking and moving when i type
L1004[08:50:48] <Lizzy> will need to turn that off when playing mc though
L1005[08:52:42] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1006[09:03:00] <scj643> lizzy can you make a dns record for an ipv6 adress
L1007[09:05:29] <scj643> Lizzy: * qemu-ga: transport endpoint not found, not starting
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L1009[09:30:51] <Lizzy> scj643, i can and bugger
L1010[09:31:09] <scj643> ?
L1011[09:32:37] <Lizzy> split that message at the "and" and the first part is the response to your first, etc
L1012[09:34:57] <scj643> .....
L1013[09:35:20] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1014[09:35:34] <Lizzy> these two messages:
L1015[09:35:34] <Lizzy> scj643> lizzy can you make a dns record for an ipv6 adress
L1016[09:35:34] <Lizzy> <scj643> Lizzy: * qemu-ga: transport endpoint not found, not starting
L1017[09:36:51] <scj643> Oh
L1018[09:37:01] <scj643> That was when i did what michibot said
L1019[09:37:27] <Lizzy> hence my response: "bugger"
L1020[09:39:01] <Lizzy> scj643, mind pm'ing me what i %tell'd you? I forgot ¬_¬
L1021[09:49:16] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e864:14c3:ee2d:971c) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1025[10:12:48] <Techokami> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/30/apple_os_x_rootless/ OOPS
L1026[10:13:11] <Techokami> ln -s /S*/*/E*/A*Li*/*/I* /dev/diskX;fsck_cs /dev/diskX 1>&-;touch /Li*/Ex*/;reboot
L1027[10:13:21] <Techokami> and the protections am dead
L1028[10:13:32] <Techokami> also enables debugging drivers
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L1031[10:35:26] <Inari> hmmmm
L1032[10:35:37] <Inari> anyone tried 1wire or so in factorio?
L1033[10:35:58] <Inari> then again given its system i guess that might not make sense
L1034[10:36:06] <Inari> is there a parallel transmission equivalent? :P
L1035[10:36:16] * Inari pokes vifino
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L1040[10:53:05] <g> so we've hit over 270 million users of windows 10
L1041[10:53:23] <g> an adoption rate that outpaces windows 7 by 145%
L1042[10:55:21] <Forecaster> so, apparently my domain has stopped working...
L1043[10:55:26] <Forecaster> producing a timeout
L1044[10:55:29] <Forecaster> what the heck
L1045[10:57:46] <Forecaster> oh
L1046[10:57:57] <Forecaster> my external ip seems to have changed...
L1047[10:58:41] <Forecaster> it hasn't done that in years
L1048[10:58:44] <g> http://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/effects/solitaire/
L1049[10:59:02] <Forecaster> do ISP's change ip's occationally even with static ones?
L1050[11:00:13] <g> not if it's actually static
L1051[11:00:17] <g> but you'd have to request one of those in most cases
L1052[11:01:47] <Forecaster> well, it hasn't changed in several years
L1053[11:02:56] <Forecaster> oh well, easy fix for now, as long as it doesn't change again for a few more years
L1054[11:03:14] <Forecaster> my sites will be down until the dns records update though
L1055[11:03:32] * vifino pokes Inari back
L1056[11:05:05] <Michiyo> This is why 30 second TTLs are fun :P
L1057[11:05:38] <Forecaster> time to live?
L1058[11:05:46] <Michiyo> yeah
L1059[11:06:17] <Michiyo> lots of my subdomains are on 30 second TTLs so I can move them over to other machines
L1060[11:06:30] <Forecaster> I have no idea how long it'll take
L1061[11:06:49] <Michiyo> most DNS systems run a 24 hour cache
L1062[11:07:38] <Michiyo> if you check your SOA you'll prob see 86400 in there, that's the ttl
L1063[11:08:13] <Stary2001> Michiyo: the records usually have a seperate ttl too
L1064[11:09:58] <Forecaster> SOA?
L1065[11:10:01] <Michiyo> yes, but most just use the domain's default
L1066[11:10:12] <Michiyo> pdns does that unless i override it
L1067[11:10:45] <Michiyo> SOA is start of authority
L1068[11:10:54] <Michiyo> A start of authority (SOA) record is information stored in a domain name system (DNS) zone about that zone and about other DNS records. A DNS zone is the part of a domain for which an individual DNS server is responsible. Each zone contains a single SOA record.
L1069[11:11:22] <Michiyo> it has the zone serial number, main ttl, and other stuff
L1070[11:11:26] ⇦ Quits: Keridos (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1071[11:11:35] <Forecaster> I don't know how to locate that
L1072[11:12:16] <Michiyo> what is your domain?
L1073[11:12:23] <Forecaster> towerofawesome.org
L1074[11:12:48] <Michiyo> http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=soa%3atowerofawesome.org&run=toolpage
L1075[11:12:53] <Inari> vifino: whats like 1wire
L1076[11:12:54] <Michiyo> TTL 60 min
L1077[11:12:54] <Inari> but parallel?
L1078[11:12:55] <Inari> :D
L1079[11:13:17] <Forecaster> 60min isn't too bad
L1080[11:14:37] <Forecaster> I guess if the ip keeps changing I'll have to contact my isp and ask them to stop it
L1081[11:15:24] <Michiyo> http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=soa%3atowerofawesome.org&run=toolpage# the a record also has the same 60 second ttl
L1082[11:15:26] <Michiyo> err
L1083[11:15:27] <Michiyo> min
L1084[11:15:29] <Michiyo> 60 min
L1085[11:15:30] <Michiyo> :P
L1086[11:15:37] <Forecaster> nice
L1087[11:16:09] <Michiyo> mxtoolbox is awesome.. lol
L1088[11:17:01] <Forecaster> yeah, I encountered that when testing my mail server
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L1090[11:18:50] <Forecaster> I think it said that the only problem was a lack of reverse DNS
L1091[11:19:12] <Forecaster> but I'm not sure that would be why I can't connect with certain email clients
L1092[11:22:01] <payonel> good morning
L1093[11:22:15] <Forecaster> greeblings
L1094[11:22:20] <rashy> o/
L1095[11:23:15] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
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L1097[11:47:28] <SentientTurtle> grr I think my curse got confused and accidentally all the mods it was supposed to manage because I manually added a fw
L1098[11:47:30] <SentientTurtle> s/fw/few/
L1099[11:48:57] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1100[12:01:23] <g> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/03/ubuntus-bash-and-linux-command-line-coming-to-windows-10/
L1101[12:01:28] <g> So this is definitely nice to see confirmed
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L1105[12:21:10] <Sangar> o/
L1106[12:21:36] <gamax92> hey Sangar
L1107[12:22:04] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1108[12:27:05] <payonel> Sangar: i have a bug in term on lua 5.3 -- can I have the PR ready for you tomorrow? (my tonight)
L1109[12:27:14] <gamax92> payonel: I poked you
L1110[12:27:23] <vifino> Inari: I am not google nor am I aware of anything like that.
L1111[12:27:35] <gamax92> vifino: do a barrel roll
L1112[12:28:10] <Sangar> payonel, sure, that'd be great! i'm hoping to finalize the mcmp stuff by next weekend and then throw out an rc probably :)
L1113[12:28:15] * vifino does an aileron roll
L1114[12:28:25] <payonel> also, i just randomly met the CTO in the break room
L1115[12:28:27] *** Guest26928 is now known as alekso56
L1116[12:28:35] <Sangar> heh
L1117[12:28:41] <gamax92> Sangar: not until payonel fixes the palette issues, and yes that is a regression
L1118[12:28:53] <Sangar> gamax92, i'm confident he will :P
L1119[12:28:58] <gamax92> :P
L1120[12:29:08] <Inari> vifino: google is terrible at giving answers to such questions :P
L1121[12:29:12] <payonel> breakroom, getting a pepsi, i'm the new guy, see another gent and i introduce myself
L1122[12:29:31] <gamax92> mmmm
L1123[12:29:39] <gamax92> but it's not a cherry pepsi, is it?
L1124[12:29:46] <payonel> "Hi, I'm [payonel]. I'm new here, What's your name?", "I'm [CTO], nice to meet you"
L1125[12:29:58] <Vexatos> Yo Snagar
L1126[12:30:01] <payonel> o_O -- crap! think of something really interesting to talk about quick
L1127[12:30:13] <gamax92> this reminds me of tales from tech support :P
L1128[12:30:14] <Sangar> payonel, go build them connections ;)
L1129[12:30:15] <Vexatos> do you by chance have time to do things
L1130[12:30:23] <payonel> gamax92: i drink diet dew, but they dont have diet dew here, just diet pepsi and coke
L1131[12:30:30] <Sangar> Vexatos, depends on the things in need of doing
L1132[12:30:33] <gamax92> eww :/
L1133[12:30:43] <Vexatos> looking over my tape program rewrite
L1134[12:31:01] <Vexatos> .-.
L1135[12:31:12] <Sangar> can probably do that later in the evening sure
L1136[12:31:13] <Vexatos> i..e AM I DOING THIS RIGHT
L1137[12:31:14] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/better-tape-program/src/main/resources/assets/computronics/lua/component/tape_drive/bin/tape.lua#L170-L212
L1138[12:31:45] <payonel> yes yes, i'll fix the palette issue :( it's just ive never done anything with palettes in oc and im not sure the best way to come up to snuff with them to make sure i'm fixing it correctly
L1139[12:32:22] <gamax92> you know what would help with that though? if Sangar made it so that nil is false which makes it super easy to fix
L1140[12:32:49] <Sangar> Vexatos, probably, do you actually need the file size? (i.e. why not read until nil/eof?)
L1141[12:33:03] <gamax92> else you have to do crap like if b then c(a, b) else c(a) end since it'll complain otherwise about b being nil and not a boolean or no value
L1142[12:33:26] <payonel> as for the term bug i found with 5.3 -- can someone explain or point docs to me about the diff in 5.2 1%0==0/0 and 5.3 1%0=>assert n%0
L1143[12:33:27] <Sangar> what complains where?
L1144[12:33:31] <payonel> what is 0/0 in 5.2?
L1145[12:33:40] <gamax92> -nan
L1146[12:33:41] <payonel> like, the printed _value_ 0/0
L1147[12:33:48] <gamax92> it's a negative nan
L1148[12:33:51] <payonel> ok
L1149[12:33:59] <payonel> does 5.3 produce nan in any situation
L1150[12:34:02] <gamax92> yes
L1151[12:34:21] <gamax92> #lua 0/0
L1152[12:34:21] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -nan
L1153[12:34:38] <gamax92> #lua 0.0/0.0
L1154[12:34:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -nan
L1155[12:34:42] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L1156[12:34:42] <Sangar> gamax92, c(a, not not b) masterrace
L1157[12:34:50] <gamax92> welp.
L1158[12:35:06] <gamax92> Sangar is our saviour
L1159[12:35:07] <Vexatos> Sangar, progress indicator~
L1160[12:35:17] <Sangar> Vexatos, ah, that makes sense
L1161[12:35:20] <Vexatos> I do not want your computer to halt for 5 minutes
L1162[12:35:22] <Sangar> but yeah, looks reasonable
L1163[12:35:24] <Vexatos> without printing anything
L1164[12:35:32] <gamax92> payonel: wtf
L1165[12:35:42] <gamax92> you cannot compare a nan to anything, it'll always be false
L1166[12:35:43] <payonel> when is the next btm, btw?
L1167[12:35:44] <Vexatos> Sangar, also is that setmetatable() magic there looking right? .-.
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L1169[12:35:57] <Lizzy> "<Forecaster> I think it said that the only problem was a lack of reverse DNS" clients generally don't use that but other web servers (like gmail) will use it to check that it's actually comming from the domain it says it is rather than a spam/tick mail server (aka open mail relay)
L1170[12:36:04] <payonel> gamax92: are you commenting on my irc wording?
L1171[12:36:13] <payonel> i was just trying to paraphrase the situation
L1172[12:36:18] <gamax92> "in 5.2 1%0==0/0 and 5.3 1%0=>assert n%0"
L1173[12:36:33] <gamax92> I don't entirely know what that means at all, but I do know that comparing nans = false
L1174[12:36:35] <Sangar> Vexatos, idk, it's... weird
L1175[12:36:35] * payonel stands in line for a lashing
L1176[12:36:40] <Vexatos> Sangar, like, due to the references in the metatable the local file won't be _gc'ed
L1177[12:36:40] <Sangar> what's it supposed to do?
L1178[12:36:41] <Vexatos> or would it
L1179[12:36:57] <payonel> it was just a paraphrase to explain the difference between 5.2 and 5.3
L1180[12:36:59] <Vexatos> Sangar, it turns the response userdata into a normal Lua FIle
L1181[12:36:59] <payonel> not a literal ==
L1182[12:37:01] <gamax92> ohh ... I see
L1183[12:37:04] <gamax92> yeah
L1184[12:37:07] <Vexatos> at least the two methods I am using further down
L1185[12:37:19] <payonel> i should have used => in both cases
L1186[12:37:22] <Vexatos> as the bottom part is the same for Internet requests and local files
L1187[12:37:25] <gamax92> oh heh, 1%0 gives positive nan
L1188[12:37:30] <gamax92> #lua 1%0
L1189[12:37:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to perform 'n%0'
L1190[12:37:35] <gamax92> #lua 1.2%0
L1191[12:37:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -nan
L1192[12:37:43] <Vexatos> By which I mean https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/better-tape-program/src/main/resources/assets/computronics/lua/component/tape_drive/bin/tape.lua#L235, Sangar
L1193[12:37:43] <gamax92> yay more integer bullshit from 5.3
L1194[12:37:52] <Sangar> Vexatos, i'm a bit rusty, but i don't think that's how : works
L1195[12:38:10] <Vexatos> a:b = a.b(a)
L1196[12:38:13] <Vexatos> I think
L1197[12:38:14] <Vexatos> .-.
L1198[12:38:16] <payonel> gamax92: ha, interesting
L1199[12:38:18] <gamax92> 5.3 is just like, lets play the game where perfectly fine code fails to function because of 5.3's integer restrictions
L1200[12:38:37] <Sangar> yeah, but then you'd want {read=function(f)return file.read() end, ...} no?
L1201[12:38:39] <Vexatos> err the hell
L1202[12:38:40] <Vexatos> yes
L1203[12:38:42] <payonel> gamax92: that explains why 5.2 1%0 is nan but in 5.3 it is asserted
L1204[12:38:42] <Vexatos> I am derp
L1205[12:38:55] * Vexatos is now known as 4Vexaderp
L1206[12:39:04] <Vexatos> s/4//
L1207[12:39:04] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> *** is now known as Vexaderp
L1208[12:39:14] <Vexatos> :|
L1209[12:39:19] <payonel> Vexatos: no, i think the derped nick was fitting
L1210[12:39:22] <payonel> :)
L1211[12:39:25] <gamax92> :P
L1212[12:39:26] * Vexatos stabs
L1213[12:39:27] <Sangar> also just having a ref to file.read/close is fine since it'd have file as its upvalue (i think, anyway :X)
L1214[12:39:43] <payonel> Sangar: sounds right
L1215[12:39:51] * gamax92 is now known as Sangar
L1216[12:39:54] <Vexatos> Sangar, that file is local to setupConnection
L1217[12:39:59] <payonel> so when is btm?
L1218[12:40:00] <Forecaster> oh, Sangar I reproduced that bug in a new world
L1219[12:40:05] <Vexatos> the upvalue will be the returned thing
L1220[12:40:12] <Forecaster> singleplayer
L1221[12:40:12] <payonel> next year
L1222[12:40:21] <payonel> or is it this year? ...
L1223[12:40:22] <gamax92> payonel: july ish iirc
L1224[12:40:23] <Forecaster> still with my full modpack though
L1225[12:40:26] <gamax92> ASIE
L1226[12:40:27] <payonel> oh nice
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L1228[12:40:45] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L1229[12:40:52] <Sangar> payonel, http://blog.asie.pl/2016/03/29/btm16/
L1230[12:41:02] <gamax92> I do wonder if I could somehow build 5.3 to always use doubls
L1231[12:41:08] <asie> gamax92: what
L1232[12:41:09] <Sangar> Forecaster, which one? :X
L1233[12:41:14] <asie> payonel: july 22-24
L1234[12:41:17] <Sangar> #TooManyBugs
L1235[12:41:17] <Forecaster> the missing component one
L1236[12:41:24] <Forecaster> with the microcontrollers
L1237[12:41:25] <Sangar> oh, in the mcus?
L1238[12:41:27] <Sangar> right
L1239[12:41:27] <payonel> gamax92: to what benefit? (a specific use case)
L1240[12:41:34] <payonel> asie: thanks
L1241[12:41:53] <Sangar> Forecaster, any particular configuration or just by plopping down a creative one?
L1242[12:41:59] <Sangar> (also 1.7 or 1.8?)
L1243[12:42:01] <gamax92> payonel: so code stops breaking :v
L1244[12:42:14] <Forecaster> I have a program that uses a geolyzer
L1245[12:42:28] <Forecaster> which triggers it
L1246[12:42:38] <gamax92> like if you could keep the fancy bit operations and string.pack/unpack and utf8 library
L1247[12:42:39] <Vexaton> Sangar, https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/better-tape-program/src/main/resources/assets/computronics/lua/component/tape_drive/bin/tape.lua#L186
L1248[12:42:42] <Vexaton> better?
L1249[12:42:48] <Forecaster> and it's on 1.7
L1250[12:42:59] <gamax92> but then just get rid of all of the fluid number type and make it always double again
L1251[12:43:20] <Sangar> Vexaton, yeah
L1252[12:43:25] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@188-22-19-103.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1253[12:43:32] * Lizzy prods KittyKath
L1254[12:43:35] <Lizzy> http://imgur.com/gallery/pQaivnx
L1255[12:43:37] * payonel nods
L1256[12:43:45] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1257[12:43:58] <Forecaster> Ive only tried it with a normal mc like the one in my LP
L1258[12:43:58] <Sangar> Forecaster, ok. i'll try to reproduce it when i can!
L1259[12:44:01] <Vexatos> Sangar, I guess having a reference to file.close prevents the file userdata object from being gc'ed, right?
L1260[12:44:10] <Forecaster> I can send you the program if you like
L1261[12:44:13] <Vexatos> since it's now an upvalue call
L1262[12:44:18] <Sangar> Vexatos, should, yeah
L1263[12:44:31] <Sangar> Forecaster, that might help, sure
L1264[12:44:50] <Forecaster> s/send you/pastebin
L1265[12:44:50] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> I can pastebin the program if you like
L1266[12:45:36] <Forecaster> the only special part was the geolyzer
L1267[12:45:55] <Sangar> allrighty, please do! brb, food
L1268[12:46:33] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1269[12:46:43] <Forecaster> Sangar: http://pastebin.com/2kDZFK07
L1270[12:47:31] <Forecaster> oh right, there's a redstone card as well
L1271[12:51:26] <payonel> Sangar: question. since the very first inception of term code, OpenOS has forced cursor blink to true when term.read starts. my rewrite continues this legacy. Shuudoushi(SOS) had a good point that this kind of makes setCursorBlink(false) meaningless. thoughts on removing: https://git.io/vVODP
L1272[12:51:36] <payonel> woah, that was more text than i expected, SORRY :)
L1273[12:59:20] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[AFK]
L1274[13:00:41] <Techokami> wow, something that was announced was so big, it knocked out power in my town for a few hours
L1275[13:00:50] <Techokami> Bash is officially comming to Windows
L1276[13:01:04] <Forecaster> wot
L1277[13:01:20] <Techokami> http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/30/11331014/microsoft-windows-linux-ubuntu-bash
L1278[13:01:27] <Techokami> native, official port
L1279[13:01:36] <Techokami> comes out in the summer
L1280[13:02:07] <gamax92> I wonder how they're going to do that, adding fork support to windows? :P
L1281[13:02:22] <Techokami> they're working with Canonical on it
L1282[13:03:13] <Techokami> so it's going to be very Debian/Ubuntu-ish
L1283[13:03:20] <gamax92> Techokami: still, fork would be nice
L1284[13:03:48] <Techokami> that miiight be comming soon
L1285[13:04:05] <Techokami> Bash is just the beginning, it seems
L1286[13:05:00] <Techokami> reading up, looks like fork is porting over as well
L1287[13:05:38] <Techokami> seems sort of like how FreeBSD runs Linux code
L1288[13:05:59] <Techokami> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/03/30/bash_shell_comes_to_windows_10/
L1289[13:06:25] <Techokami> "It is not only the Bash shell, of course, but also Linux non-GUI utilities and applications that run. Kirkland states that "most of the tens of thousands of binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives" will run, not only utilities like cp, find, grep, and ssh, but also aptitude, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar and so on."
L1290[13:07:03] <Techokami> fork confirmed
L1291[13:09:53] <Sangar> Forecaster, thanks
L1292[13:10:20] <Forecaster> I hope it works, so you can make it work :D
L1293[13:12:21] <Sangar> payonel, idk, is the blinking only active while in a read and inactive otherwise anyway? because if any program that wanted the blink would have to enable it before calling term.read that'd be kinda annoying :P
L1294[13:14:37] <Saphire> :/
L1295[13:14:42] <Saphire> great
L1296[13:15:20] <Saphire> looks like MS is starting up EEE on Linux
L1297[13:17:17] <Techokami> Saphire, this looks more like a replacement/successor to SUA
L1298[13:17:39] <CompanionCube> isn't it basically SUA 2.0
L1299[13:17:47] <Techokami> it is
L1300[13:18:01] <Techokami> except instead of needing to port and rebuild code
L1301[13:18:05] <Techokami> it just runs
L1302[13:18:10] <CompanionCube> so basically
L1303[13:18:17] <CompanionCube> an actual 'official' version of flinux
L1304[13:18:19] <Techokami> which makes it far better than SUA
L1305[13:18:19] <Saphire> sua
L1306[13:18:24] <Saphire> *?
L1307[13:18:29] <Techokami> Services for UNIX Applications
L1308[13:18:34] <Saphire> :/
L1309[13:18:40] <Techokami> it's UNIX-on-Windows from back in the XP era
L1310[13:18:44] <Saphire> Yuuuup, EEE
L1311[13:18:48] <Stary2001> oh, did they drag SUA out of a ditch?
L1312[13:18:51] <CompanionCube> also known as the POSIX Subsystem
L1313[13:18:56] <Techokami> except it used Microsoft's own brand of UNIX
L1314[13:19:06] <Techokami> this time, they're using regular Linux
L1315[13:19:13] <Saphire> *whispers* EEE
L1316[13:19:25] <Techokami> Saphire, this is a new MS
L1317[13:19:32] <Techokami> they don't EEE anymore
L1318[13:19:47] <Saphire> oh?
L1319[13:19:54] <Techokami> they actually open source things and help with standards groups
L1320[13:20:16] <Techokami> iirc one of the lead Windows engineers wants to FOSS the entire Windows OS
L1321[13:20:28] <Saphire> ..they dropped few patents infrinfements onto linux :/ iirc
L1322[13:20:37] <Techokami> but the only thing stopping them is the insane build process
L1323[13:20:46] <Techokami> that's the legal team
L1324[13:25:43] <KittyKath> While I still don't like MS, I'm all for them doing more FOSS. Especially on Windows. Infrastructure is hard enough to keep up, and we can all profit from a more open and more secure Windows.
L1325[13:25:52] <Techokami> indeed
L1326[13:26:05] <Techokami> they keep open sourcing different things
L1327[13:26:23] <Lizzy> KittyKath, did you see the link i posted after i poked you?
L1328[13:26:33] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Metal office? Yeah
L1329[13:26:36] <Lizzy> :D
L1330[13:26:57] <Techokami> recent additions have been some AI learning code, .NET, and a shiny new Javascript engine: https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore
L1331[13:27:13] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Just saying though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czkQiVBqm0I
L1332[13:27:14] <MichiBot> Heavy Metal Office Worker | length: 31s | Likes: 1129 Dislikes: 6 Views: 67477 | by ROXNOXXIOUS
L1333[13:27:20] <Techokami> which is being officially ported to Linux as well
L1334[13:27:31] <Lizzy> KittyKath, :P
L1335[13:28:31] <Lizzy> and there, Darcath now has it's own Serial port module
L1336[13:29:08] <KittyKath> Techokami: .NET is the biggest of the bunch imho. While there is Mono (and MS could have handled their open-sourcing better in regards to it) its just way better for bugfixing and iteration cycles to draw from a truly shared source.
L1337[13:29:43] <Techokami> Xamarin and Microsoft actually started working together on .NET some time ago
L1338[13:30:01] <Techokami> sharing code, setting up a proper foundation
L1339[13:30:11] <KittyKath> MS is in the Mono development group
L1340[13:30:26] <Techokami> yeah, Xamarin are the people behind Mono
L1341[13:30:33] <KittyKath> Still, for me it seemed like they basically implicitly ceased to exist' the Monoproject
L1342[13:31:16] <Techokami> .NET Core is going to be a really different take on .NET
L1343[13:31:44] <KittyKath> Techokami: I still don't care about .NET but tell me about it. Is it a good framework?
L1344[13:32:35] <KittyKath> And by that extend, do C# and F# (and VB.NET?) have a future on Linux or will they only survive because integration into windows and as niche in games?
L1345[13:33:18] <KittyKath> Techokami: And because its me let me be explicit: I'm honestly curious and don't want to ridicule or hate on MS.
L1346[13:33:43] <Techokami> C# still has a future, Mono will still be around as the non-Windows take on .NET, F# was recently open sourced as well, VB.NET is more of a thing for beginners iirc
L1347[13:34:07] <Vexatos> Sangar, am I right in thinking that calling non-direct callbacks is equivalent to yielding as in making the computer not error after 5 seconds?
L1348[13:35:14] <Techokami> https://github.com/fsharp/fsharp
L1349[13:35:31] <KittyKath> Techokami: Okay, but on the Desktop application market I currently (on Linux) mostly see C/C++ and Python. Where does C# fit in and what are its GUI capabilities? Does it have only the (I assume) built-in Windows GUI thingy or also provide cross-platform or even GTK/Qt?
L1350[13:36:39] <Techokami> iirc you use another GUI toolkit? I think the popular one for C# is Qt?
L1351[13:36:57] <KittyKath> Is it? That would be very nice
L1352[13:36:59] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1353[13:37:31] <Techokami> because I've used some desktop apps that were made in C# and used Qt for the GUI so it would work on Linux as well
L1354[13:40:02] <KittyKath> And how transportable is the code? C# seems to be a quite high-level language to me, so can you write code on one platform and 1:1 transport it on another one? Does it provide abstractions for the differences in architecture? i.e. Paths or ACLs on Windows/Linux, missing registry, different Network stacks etc.?
L1355[13:40:32] <Sangar> Vexatos, yes
L1356[13:41:00] <Vexatos> Sangar, so what's worse? repeat until file.finishConnect() or while not file.finishConnect() do os.sleep(0.1) end
L1357[13:41:02] <Vexatos> >_>
L1358[13:41:50] <Vexatos> because apparently .response() doesn't block until this happened
L1359[13:45:00] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1361[13:48:06] <KittyKath> F# seems to be a very capable language but correct me if I'm wrong does F# not have the concept of an empty list?
L1362[13:48:42] <Forecaster> according to my windows fs the bugfixmod jar was created 2015-06-16
L1363[13:48:46] <Forecaster> that seems more accurate
L1364[13:50:34] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-134-3-201-222.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1365[13:51:11] <g> KittyKath, it does
L1366[13:51:17] <Forecaster> and corresponds with the episodes where I was riding boats a bunch
L1367[13:51:18] <g> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233224.aspx
L1368[13:51:29] <g> "An empty list is specified by a pair of square brackets with nothing in between them. "
L1369[13:51:59] <Sangar> Vexatos, os.sleep allows processing events in the meantime (as well as hard killing the program), so i'd say that's preferable
L1370[13:52:26] <KittyKath> g: Huh. Okay then the documentation I have is out of date. Happens
L1371[13:52:38] <Vexatos> Sangar, is there any _decent_ way to do non-busy waiting at all >_>
L1372[13:52:40] <Sangar> and yeah, of course it doesn't block :P no component can block (because you can't yield from java)
L1373[13:52:53] <Sangar> no
L1374[13:52:53] <Vexatos> CONTEXT.PAUSE YOU DURP
L1375[13:52:58] <g> there's also List.Empty<T>
L1376[13:53:04] <Sangar> Vexatos, not the same
L1377[13:53:07] <g> for.. some reason
L1378[13:53:08] <Vexatos> :<
L1379[13:53:37] <KittyKath> g: F# is not pure functional but has some very strong imperative and oo traits. So in that way it makes sense
L1380[13:54:19] <Vexatos> Sangar, would os.sleep(0) be worse than os.sleep(0.1)?
L1381[13:56:41] <Sangar> not really
L1382[13:57:30] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1384[14:00:24] <Michiyo> Oh... hey Sangar assuming I have a method in java that takes a while to complete, is there any way to not have OC crash wit ha too long without yielding?
L1385[14:00:28] <g> KittyKath: Yeah, I suppose you're right; I haven't looked into it that hard though
L1386[14:00:30] <g> http://www.pcgamer.com/microsoft-promises-to-support-modding-overlays-g-sync-and-freesync-in-universal-windows-apps/
L1387[14:01:04] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L1388[14:02:09] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", 8.9651491916762e+031):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte) end)
L1389[14:02:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: function arguments expected near ')'
L1390[14:02:34] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", 8.9651491916762e+031):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte()) end)
L1391[14:02:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4691ae3e60000000 | 8
L1392[14:02:38] <Sangar> Michiyo, spawn a new thread and do it in that and return some thing Future-like
L1393[14:02:58] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", 0/0):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte()) end)
L1394[14:02:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > fff8000000000000 | 8
L1395[14:03:01] <gamax92> okay
L1396[14:03:32] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", -2.2586704419449e+019):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte()) end)
L1397[14:03:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > c3f397418000000d | 8
L1398[14:03:42] <Michiyo> Ahh, so not in this case then... fun
L1399[14:04:10] <Michiyo> Thanks
L1400[14:05:17] <Michiyo> I'll just set the connection timeout to... a lot shorter
L1401[14:11:00] <Vexatos> Michiyo, look at the advanced cipher block
L1402[14:11:06] <Vexatos> considering key gen takes about 5 seconds :P
L1403[14:11:40] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-93-196.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1404[14:12:00] <gamax92> interesting, this function works even for garbage strings, always gives a number out
L1405[14:12:17] <gamax92> if only I knew what that number represents, but the function is written in C
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L1419[14:39:36] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", -22586704419448947000):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte()) end)
L1420[14:39:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > c3ccba0c00000001 | 8
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L1424[14:41:05] <Michiyo__> o-o
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L1427[14:48:08] <payonel> Sangar: yes something would need to set blink back on before exit. seems like reasonable cleanup. if not, shell could turn it back on after commands. tbh i dont see any point in setCursorBlink as it stands now. maybe a new option for term.read would be best: term.read({blink=false})
L1428[14:48:23] <payonel> note, term.read() does now take a table for options
L1429[14:49:35] <payonel> i could make nil blink (obviously the default) fall back to existing blink value ([gs]etCursorBlink)
L1430[14:49:43] <payonel> and restore it (if set) on term.read exist
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L1432[14:49:45] <payonel> exit*
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L1442[15:03:28] <Sangar> payonel, if it defaults to on and only blinks while reading i'd say it'd be fine to not set it to true automatically when calling term.read, yeah
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L1501[15:09:47] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
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L1504[15:10:06] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L1505[15:10:30] <Michiyo> -_-
L1506[15:12:04] <InariWB> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIziNssFnHg <3 shaft still the best
L1507[15:12:06] <MichiBot> Bakemonogatari Trailer | 化物語 | length: 1m 39s | Likes: 122 Dislikes: 0 Views: 7820 | by Flammen
L1508[15:12:09] *** InariWB is now known as Inari
L1509[15:14:02] <g> I'm still surprised that nobody has responded to the whole "native linux binaries on windows" yet
L1510[15:14:09] <Inari> what?
L1511[15:14:14] <g> unless I missed it
L1512[15:14:39] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1513[15:15:46] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d", math.pi):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02x", a:byte()) end)
L1514[15:15:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 400921fb54442d18 | 8
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L1516[15:16:10] <gamax92> weird ...
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L1521[15:17:43] <gamax92> #lua string.unpack(">d", ("c3ccba0c00000001"):gsub("..", function(a) return string.char(tonumber(a,16)) end))
L1522[15:17:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #2 to 'unpack' (data string too short)
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L1524[15:17:49] <gamax92> bah.
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L1549[15:18:14] <gamax92> #lua string.unpack(">d", (("c3ccba0c00000001"):gsub("..", function(a) return string.char(tonumber(a,16)) end)))
L1550[15:18:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -4.1399603457394e+18 | 9
L1551[15:18:15] <Inari> whats with esper
L1552[15:18:19] <gamax92> how even.
L1553[15:18:25] <gamax92> I gave it a number that started with -2
L1554[15:18:40] <gamax92> unconverted, it spits out a number that starts with -4
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L1587[15:25:24] <Guest58886> ffs
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L1591[15:29:52] <Axlegear> *Falls over*
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L1593[15:40:45] <Turtle> .-.
L1594[15:40:58] <Turtle> soooo TIL robots dropping items into factorization packagers will bug out the packager
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L1604[16:29:51] <Michiyo> lmfao... So this guy contacted my boss about a month ago about this "Streaming Media Wizard" they talked he sent a demo unit and it got given to me to test. This is a $350 box, that runs android and Kodi with a bunch of piracy plugins.
L1605[16:30:12] <vifino> lol
L1606[16:30:19] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6DA1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1607[16:30:29] <Michiyo> They had the shittiest CAM of Star Wars Ep. 7 I think I had the displeasure of viewing, and the copy of the new Hunger Games wasn't much better...
L1608[16:30:49] <greaser|q> i'd seriously consider reporting the guy to the police for being such a shit
L1609[16:30:59] <Michiyo> The Kodi setup is so clunky it hurts, menu navigation in all of these turbo shit plugins is amazingly horrid
L1610[16:31:29] <Michiyo> the guy calls to talk to me cause my boss told him I wasn't impressed (LOL) And he tells me that they have bought Distro rights to these obviously ripped movies from the fil companies
L1611[16:31:32] <Michiyo> film*
L1612[16:31:51] <Michiyo> I almost fell over laughing
L1613[16:33:00] <Michiyo> http://streamingwizardbox.com/
L1614[16:34:20] <Michiyo> greaser|q, it's very tempting...
L1615[16:36:18] <Michiyo> Navi-X, SportsDevil, Football Today, Dragon Streams, Zeus, Icefilms, GoMovies, GoTV, OroroTV, Phoenix, Genesis... I know a few of those are 100% pirated content
L1616[16:37:00] <vifino> Their store sells a rebranded Rii keyboard.
L1617[16:37:09] <vifino> Speaking Of Quality(tm)
L1618[16:37:21] <g> these pirate boxes are nothing new
L1619[16:37:25] <g> my dad got two of them for some reason
L1620[16:37:33] <g> he's convinced they're legal, too
L1621[16:37:33] <g> lol
L1622[16:38:01] <vifino> oh god
L1623[16:38:04] <vifino> the demo video
L1624[16:38:10] <vifino> MY SIDES
L1625[16:38:48] <vifino> *Pictures* *Reddit.com*
L1626[16:39:57] <Michiyo> lol yeah..
L1627[16:40:08] <Michiyo> g I know, but this dude wants us to sell them... and I'm like.... eeeeeeh
L1628[16:40:13] <Michiyo> How about nooooo
L1629[16:40:17] <g> ...lol
L1630[16:40:17] <vifino> ^
L1631[16:40:18] <vifino> ^^
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L1635[16:55:16] ⇦ Parts: _habnabit (~habnabit@i.love.my.jatc.at) ())
L1636[16:55:50] <Michiyo> Oh man.. I just saw that keyboard vifino lolol
L1637[16:56:02] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1638[17:04:34] <vifino> Michiyo: Yep.
L1639[17:07:30] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:98ae:210d:174d:5b1a)
L1640[17:07:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L1642[17:37:20] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1643[17:37:22] * Lizzy falls asleep in vifino
L1644[17:37:25] <Lizzy> *on
L1645[17:39:10] <Kodos> LMAO
L1646[17:39:51] <omglolbah> Going full tauntaun?
L1647[17:40:02] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-446-173.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1669[19:12:35] <greaser|q> reading through some mailing list stuff on the linux timer, i have a hunch as to why the rootdelay is broken
L1670[19:12:52] <greaser|q> maybe i need a 100Hz kernel after all
L1671[19:13:06] <greaser|q> 20Hz might be causing issues with delays
L1672[19:19:57] <greaser|q> http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/HZ.html <-- protip, don't argue with linus unless you are sufficiently not-completely-lazy-and/or-stupid to listen to him
L1673[19:20:27] <greaser|q> someone's going "hurr durr we should make the default HZ 1000 instead of 250 because MIDI" and linus is saying "if you want 1000 compile it with 1000"
L1674[19:20:46] <greaser|q> either way, it does give you a fairly decent insight into how the jiffies system works
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L1676[20:01:50] <Izaya> hey geniuses
L1677[20:01:54] <rashdanml> yello
L1678[20:02:08] <Izaya> what sort of remote mounting (ie nfs, smb) should I use for laptops that get suspended regularly?
L1679[20:02:30] <vifino> small lan, work lan or wan?
L1680[20:02:38] <Izaya> work LAN
L1681[20:02:41] <vifino> smb
L1682[20:02:42] <Temia> Silly Vifino, you can't wan
L1683[20:02:44] <Temia> You're a cat
L1684[20:02:51] <Izaya> that said both ends are linux
L1685[20:02:52] <vifino> '.'
L1686[20:03:03] <rashdanml> a wild moo appears
L1687[20:03:05] <Izaya> does that make any difference?
L1688[20:03:08] *** rashdanml is now known as rashy
L1689[20:03:13] <vifino> Izaya: nope.
L1690[20:03:16] * Izaya does not like the way SMB handles unix perms
L1691[20:03:24] <Izaya> eh that works then
L1692[20:03:47] * vifino curls up on Temia
L1693[20:04:02] <vifino> I can do eeeeverything~
L1694[20:18:01] * scj643 is NP Beyoncé - Baby Boy (feat. Sean Paul) (The Singles 1997-2010)
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L1696[20:23:06] <Izaya> scj643: why
L1697[20:23:11] <Izaya> why not listen to something good
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L1705[20:31:51] * scj643 is NP Beyoncé - Beautiful Liar [Remix] (feat. Shakira) (The Singles 1997-2010)
L1706[21:03:36] <ds84182> Izaya: Don't diss on my Beyoncebae
L1707[21:05:18] * ds84182 is Nier Gestalt & Replicant - Ashes of Dreams - Aratanaru
L1708[21:14:13] * greaser|q is NP Pendulum - Out Here (Hold Your Colour)
L1709[21:14:25] <greaser|q> don't need no stinkin' scripts
L1710[21:14:46] <greaser|q> also, fun read: http://yarchive.net/comp/powerof2.html
L1711[21:14:57] <greaser|q> it's a usenet post from 1993
L1712[21:17:24] <Shuudoushi|Away> better read https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rgpdf/what_is_the_laziest_thing_youve_ever_done/cdnafqe
L1713[21:20:11] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L1714[21:22:24] * scj643 is NP Beyoncé - Me, Myself and I (The Singles 1997-2010)
L1715[21:22:48] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1716[21:26:26] <ds84182> The only '90s Beyonce songs I remember are "You don't know my name" and "Crazy in love"
L1717[21:26:32] <ds84182> I blame the movie theaters
L1718[21:26:47] <ds84182> Oh fuck
L1719[21:26:54] <ds84182> you don't know my name was by alicia keys
L1720[21:26:57] <ds84182> XD
L1721[21:31:48] *** Antheus|Sleep is now known as Antheus
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L1725[21:50:51] <Axlegear> What would be an easy way to boot from an OpenOS floppy and wipe out an HDD's contents to start over?
L1726[21:51:58] <Kodos> You can craft a HDD with itself to clear it
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L1729[21:54:24] <Axlegear> Ah ok, that helps
L1730[21:55:14] <Axlegear> Thanks
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L1734[21:59:10] <Axlegear> What's the command to write a new file in openOS?
L1735[21:59:15] <Axlegear> I have a case of the dumbs today
L1736[21:59:32] <Shuudoushi> edit?
L1737[21:59:55] <Axlegear> Ah, that was it. Was thinking that edited not made, lol. XD
L1738[22:01:00] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1739[22:01:50] <Axlegear> Apparently i'm dumber still.. so I got clock.lua but can't run it. XD
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L1746[22:08:34] <Kodos> Did you try typing 'clock'
L1747[22:08:41] <ds84182> >_<
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L1750[22:21:15] <Antheus> >_<
L1751[22:22:22] <Axlegear> Hey xarses
L1752[22:22:42] <xarses> hi
L1753[22:24:19] <Axlegear> I'm just here being a total n00b.
L1754[22:24:38] <Axlegear> About all I can do is get a MTC/UTC clock running and load MineOS and play flappy bird in russian.
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L1764[23:47:42] * Shuudoushi just tried to sit down on his bed, but completely missed it...
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