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L1[00:00:00] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L3[00:00:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:00:41] <greaser|q> it's kinda screwed up, photos tend to render faster than chinese cartoons
L5[00:01:06] <greaser|q> and uhh, back to this pic: https://i.imgur.com/QxfkjQp.png <-- that takes longer than it should
L6[00:01:50] <Temia> ...pffft.
L7[00:02:04] * Temia honk honk `w`
L8[00:04:17] <greaser|q> anyway, file format for images that you could draw quickly: https://github.com/ChenThread/dog/blob/master/ocgpu-format.txt
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L11[00:06:07] <Daraketh> hey all, does anyone use openperipheral glasses with OC at all? I'm trying to work out what the go with colours are on the glasses
L12[00:06:48] <greaser|q> what do you mean "what the go with colours"
L13[00:07:07] <Daraketh> how many colours does it support mainly
L14[00:07:25] <greaser|q> try things
L15[00:07:26] <Daraketh> and what format are the colour codes in, i can't even seem to get white
L16[00:07:37] <Daraketh> i have been :p, but thanks, ill keep trying
L17[00:07:38] <greaser|q> it's likely they use the MC text palette
L18[00:07:45] <Daraketh> i thought so too
L19[00:07:59] <greaser|q> link me to the docs and i'll have a look
L20[00:09:14] <Daraketh> afaik, unless something has changed, all the documentation is in game
L21[00:09:17] <greaser|q> ...too late, i've got stuff to sort out
L22[00:09:35] <greaser|q> find it, link it and i can look at it later
L23[00:09:38] <Daraketh> ok, thanks anyways
L24[00:09:59] *** Skwid is now known as Skwid|Sleep
L25[00:10:25] <Daraketh> ahh, i think you were right about the MC palette actually, im just a nub
L26[00:17:06] <greaser|q> well, now you know
L27[00:17:21] <greaser|q> (the mc palette thing, not the nub thing)
L28[00:17:38] <greaser|q> noobs are ok if they're willing to learn, permanoobs can go shove it though
L29[00:22:11] *** Kimiro is now known as Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep
L30[00:22:38] <Daraketh> it turns out it supports way more colours than than just the MC palette, still trying to find out exactly how many though, but i'm getting there lol
L31[00:23:02] <Daraketh> it uses opengl to set the colours before rendering it on the screen
L32[00:23:05] <Saphire> Fuuuuun >_>
L33[00:23:06] <Daraketh> so im guessing its a lot
L34[00:23:10] <Saphire> Water outage
L35[00:23:25] <Daraketh> GL11.glColor4ub(r, g, b, scaledOpacity);
L36[00:23:33] <Daraketh> that's the gl function they call
L37[00:23:43] <greaser|q> and how's r,g,b formed?
L38[00:23:49] <Daraketh> hex
L39[00:23:56] <Daraketh> 0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF
L40[00:24:05] <Daraketh> 0xRRGGBB i think
L41[00:24:11] <greaser|q> link me to the code, i'll give you the info
L42[00:24:24] <Daraketh> i've decompiled the jar, don't have a link atm
L43[00:24:33] <greaser|q> dammit, what's the class name
L44[00:24:37] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L45[00:24:40] <Daraketh> RenderState.class
L46[00:24:55] <greaser|q> in what directory
L47[00:25:25] <Daraketh> openperipheral > addons > api > glasses > utils > RenderState.class
L48[00:25:37] <Daraketh> sorry, that's wrong
L49[00:25:54] <Daraketh> addons > glasses > utils > RenderState.class
L50[00:26:25] <greaser|q> found it
L51[00:26:56] <greaser|q> public void setColor(int rgb, float opacity) {
L52[00:26:59] <Daraketh> yeah
L53[00:27:04] <greaser|q> rgb is given in 0xRRGGBB hex
L54[00:27:10] <greaser|q> opacity is 0.0 <= opacity <= 1.0
L55[00:27:19] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@
L56[00:27:21] <Daraketh> so that means it supports 16mil different colours?
L57[00:27:25] <greaser|q> yeah
L58[00:27:27] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L59[00:27:28] <Daraketh> christ ok
L60[00:27:30] <Daraketh> i wasn't sure rofl
L61[00:27:33] <greaser|q> in theory
L62[00:27:40] ⇨ Joins: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@vs1.kubuxu.ovh)
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L64[00:28:22] <Daraketh> thanks for the help, guess ill just make a table of most used colours and stick with that for now :p
L65[00:28:40] <greaser|q> ah righty
L66[00:28:57] <Daraketh> i was gonna make something that cycles through all the colours, but at 16mil that will take well too long lol
L67[00:32:59] <Daraketh> do you know of a simple way i could get it to cycle through a subset of those colours? say 255 colours from 0 - FFFFFF
L68[00:34:31] <Daraketh> turns out doing it in increments of 65793 just gives me grayscale from 0-FFFFFF rofl
L69[00:42:29] <asie> hi
L70[00:43:01] <Saphire> hi o/
L71[00:47:10] <ping> asie, <3
L72[00:51:15] <greaser|q> protip you can use 0x010101 and multiply that by whatever
L73[00:52:25] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L74[00:52:33] <asie> 65793 is 0x010101 greaser|q
L75[00:52:52] <greaser|q> it's just cleaner to do it in hex
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L77[01:16:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L115[04:24:17] <Mettaton_Fab> sup?
L116[04:37:44] <Mettaton_Fab> woo?
L117[04:46:22] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host86-191-89-39.range86-191.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L118[04:49:20] * g sits on Mettaton_Fab
L119[04:49:26] <g> sshhhh, the murricans are asleep
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L122[05:00:22] * Mettaton_Fab hugs g
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L124[05:01:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L125[05:05:19] <Mettaton_Fab> sup.
L126[05:06:28] <Izaya> a computer
L127[05:06:39] <Izaya> gotta love multi-layer computer desks
L128[05:10:41] <g> so github added reactions
L129[05:10:52] <g> a simple +1 button would have been enough, but..
L130[05:11:23] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p4FC72CEB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L131[05:17:25] <Izaya> http://xkcd.com/1636/ this is all too familiar
L132[05:17:26] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: XKCD Stack Posted on: 1/29/2016
L133[05:20:07] <Inari> haha
L134[05:20:24] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L135[05:29:55] <KittyKath> Shuudoushi: Kerosene burns at way lower temperatures. The flash point of kerosene is something like 180 degree iirc :D
L136[05:30:40] <Kodos> x.x
L137[05:34:02] <Inari> Kodos can
L138[05:34:11] <Inari> *Kodos can't melt steal beams
L139[05:34:18] <Kodos> steel*
L140[05:34:36] <Inari> damn
L141[05:34:53] <Inari> im le bored :<
L142[05:35:25] <KittyKath> Inari: Be creative \o/
L143[05:35:40] <Inari> meh
L144[05:36:04] <KittyKath> Be meh then, whatever >.>
L145[05:36:28] <Kodos> I need to redesign my ship on IR, I made it way too big :x
L146[05:38:04] <Inari> KittyKath: i neither feel like being creative nor do i have much creative stuff to do :P
L147[05:38:14] <Inari> Kodos: IR?
L148[05:38:17] <KittyKath> Inari: you are booooooooooooring :P
L149[05:38:21] <Kodos> Interstellar Rift
L150[05:38:27] <Inari> KittyKath: lol
L151[05:40:23] * Saphire puts neko ear band onto KittyKath :P
L152[05:43:22] <Izaya> q_q trying to work out what does what in this uncommented javashit
L153[05:44:31] <Izaya> okay never mind I didn't need to
L154[05:44:42] <Izaya> the code I was looking for was in the lua part
L155[05:44:45] <Izaya> (yay)
L156[05:44:55] * Izaya now has luakit with qutebrowser-style follow hints
L157[05:50:30] <KittyKath> I need to configure my mutt with better vim-like keybinds :T
L158[05:51:07] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L159[05:57:23] <KittyKath> Hmm. If you have an hour of free time I would suggest reading this essay about advertising & interwebs. Its quite an interesting read to be sure. https://aeon.co/essays/how-the-internet-flips-elections-and-alters-our-thoughts (And despite the title, NO its not a tinfoil-article. It's very well researched.)
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L162[05:58:03] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L167[06:24:55] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/12CUrIO.png
L168[06:26:57] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-131-202.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
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L170[06:33:22] <Sangar> o/
L171[06:34:50] ⇦ Parts: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Die))
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L173[06:35:42] <Izaya> \o
L174[06:40:11] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/gE8B0uA.png
L175[06:41:32] <Sangar> :P
L176[06:41:41] <asie> Sangar: :D
L177[06:41:50] <Sangar> asie!
L178[06:41:56] <asie> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/864-chenthread-image-format-high-quality-images-on-opencomputers/
L179[06:42:00] <asie> HERE'S A THING
L180[06:42:06] <Sangar> :O
L181[06:42:15] <Sangar> nice
L182[06:42:16] <asie> yes, it's all released
L183[06:42:16] <Sangar> very nice
L184[06:42:19] <asie> and in fact
L185[06:42:21] <asie> in a belated Christmas spirit
L186[06:42:24] <asie> I made a ComputerCraft version too
L187[06:42:27] <asie> http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/26186-chenthread-image-format-quality-images-on-18-computercraft/
L188[06:42:31] <Sangar> haha
L189[06:42:41] <asie> "Am I allowed to use the image format in my own API (saving and/or loading)?"
L190[06:42:48] <asie> every time someone asks if they're allowed to use something as ridiculous as a file format
L191[06:42:54] <asie> a kitty sheds a tear
L192[06:42:59] <Sangar> :3
L193[06:43:06] <asie> though, we've seen Oracle...
L194[06:43:07] <Sangar> at least the kitty isn't shot
L195[06:43:21] <asie> that's when someone refuses to give permission to use something as ridiculous as a file format, Sangar
L196[06:43:38] <asie> but yeah, I have finally released OCIF from BTM16
L197[06:43:40] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L198[06:43:40] <asie> but not without improving it a lot
L199[06:43:59] <Sangar> :D
L200[06:44:52] <Sangar> does this need the new font?
L201[06:44:54] <asie> yes
L202[06:45:04] <asie> I do plan to release a 320x100 version which does not, however
L203[06:45:04] <Sangar> i see
L204[06:45:13] <asie> it will still be an improvement over BTM16
L205[06:45:38] <Sangar> cool
L206[06:45:40] <asie> also
L207[06:45:42] <asie> OC tier 2 is also supported
L208[06:45:45] <asie> but it's a bit lower quality
L209[06:45:46] <Sangar> \o/
L210[06:45:52] <Sangar> no surprise there
L211[06:46:26] <asie> 160x100 @ 16 colors
L212[06:46:33] <asie> but it is nice enough to exist
L213[06:46:36] <asie> for those who can't invest in diamonds
L214[06:48:23] ⇨ Joins: VikeStepFTB (~VikeStep@
L215[06:48:42] <Vexatos> but it's just like 8 diamonds
L216[06:48:46] <asie> yes
L217[06:48:46] <Vexatos> no wait, 12
L218[06:48:54] <Vexatos> if you include a T3 screen and GPU
L219[06:48:58] <asie> also, Sangar
L220[06:49:04] <asie> BTM16 2.0 (name TBA) confirmed for July 2016 likely
L221[06:49:06] <asie> not sure which weekend exactly
L222[06:49:21] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L223[06:49:29] <Sangar> uh oh, i'm already unavailable on two weekends there :X
L224[06:49:30] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by VikeStepFTB)))
L225[06:49:32] <asie> which ones?
L226[06:49:55] <Sangar> 10th and 17th
L227[06:49:57] <asie> ouch
L228[06:49:58] ⇦ Quits: VikeStepFTB (~VikeStep@ (Client Quit)
L229[06:50:01] <asie> both were the most likely!
L230[06:50:05] <Sangar> oh noes
L231[06:50:08] <asie> and I'm not free on the 3rd
L232[06:50:18] <asie> I guess that leaves the 24th
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L234[06:50:27] <Sangar> the one around 17th might work out on one day at least
L235[06:50:36] <Sangar> 10th i'm not near a computer at all
L236[06:50:50] <asie> I might move it to August then
L237[06:50:53] <asie> but then Vexatos
L238[06:50:54] <asie> gah
L239[06:51:08] <Vexatos> No idea when the exams will be, asie
L240[06:51:17] <Sangar> 24th would work for me
L241[06:51:18] <Vexatos> they should be anywhere in october
L242[06:51:20] <Vexatos> but only weekdays
L243[06:51:27] <Vexatos> and probably not on a monday
L244[06:51:32] <Vexatos> so an august weekend SHOULD work
L245[06:51:50] <asie> Sangar: see, i'm also trying to optimize with international holidays
L246[06:51:50] <Vexatos> anywhere in August*
L247[06:52:04] <Sangar> august i'm still very free weekend wise
L248[06:52:09] <asie> late July is probably best
L249[06:52:26] <asie> July 24-26 it would be, then
L250[07:00:16] * vifino groans and flops on Lizzy
L251[07:00:23] * Lizzy pets vifino
L252[07:00:31] * vifino purrs
L253[07:02:05] <Sangar> sounds good to me
L254[07:03:30] <Vexatos> Yo Sangar, I heard there were errors running your class transformer.
L255[07:03:34] * Vexatos hides
L256[07:03:39] * Sangar stabs Vexatos
L257[07:03:41] <Sangar> yeah
L258[07:03:49] <Sangar> always fun when other libs screw up class loading >_>
L259[07:03:50] <Vexatos> about twenty times the same
L260[07:03:51] <Vexatos> :P
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L263[07:19:12] <Sangar> so, uh, 1686... what's the problem exactly? i don't get it
L264[07:19:31] <Vexatos> ask payonel :P
L265[07:21:50] * Sangar asks payonel
L266[07:25:34] * Saphire flops
L267[07:31:54] <Saphire> #p
L268[07:31:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.638335723 Seconds passed.
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L276[07:50:44] <Fridtjof> uhhh
L277[07:50:46] <Fridtjof> im having issues
L278[07:50:50] <Fridtjof> got a server rack
L279[07:50:55] <Fridtjof> one server is assigned to the right side
L280[07:50:58] <Fridtjof> internal mode
L281[07:51:12] <Fridtjof> plugged in a cable and a tape drive from computronics into the right side
L282[07:51:19] <Fridtjof> the server wont see that tape drive
L283[07:51:31] <Sangar> are you sure you have the right right?
L284[07:51:52] <Inari> "the right right" xD
L285[07:51:53] <Fridtjof> if right is right with the server faces as front
L286[07:51:57] <Fridtjof> like
L287[07:52:16] <Fridtjof> im looking at the rack with the leds in the front
L288[07:52:22] <Fridtjof> cable is plugged into the right side
L289[07:52:23] <Sangar> it's from the perspective of the rack (same as with computer cases)
L290[07:52:37] <Fridtjof> so uh
L291[07:52:37] <Sangar> if you're looking at its front, right is your left
L292[07:52:42] <Fridtjof> oh ffs
L293[07:52:45] <Fridtjof> thanks
L294[07:53:02] <Fridtjof> i see
L295[07:53:04] <Fridtjof> works now thanks :D
L296[07:53:09] <Sangar> np
L297[08:00:12] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com)
L298[08:12:09] <g> lol, someone made a power plug that monitors your wifi network and power cycles itself when the wifi goes down
L299[08:12:10] <g> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BU2ALGO/
L300[08:14:58] <vifino> Reminds me to get myself some home automation stuff.
L301[08:15:06] <vifino> Like wireless relays.
L302[08:29:30] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L303[08:31:36] <Kodos> Oh boy, today should be fun
L304[08:31:51] <Kodos> Escorting my parents to the ER, in case they keep my stepdad overnight so my mom has someone riding home with her
L305[08:41:04] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@178-190-231-13.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L306[08:41:43] <gamax92> Sangar: are you filled with endless regret for having not followed correct directions for computers?
L307[08:41:54] <Vexatos> but the directions are correct
L308[08:41:58] <gamax92> nope
L309[08:42:00] <Vexatos> Or did I miss something
L310[08:42:01] <Cazzar> Regret, what's that?
L311[08:42:11] <Vexatos> They've always been right for me
L312[08:42:15] <Vexatos> if not it's probably a bug
L313[08:42:25] <gamax92> turns out CC was actually correct with the way it did it's direction, that's a common irl way to see the sides of a computer
L314[08:42:40] <Kodos> You have your left hand and your right hand. The servers/computers have their left and right sides. I don't see a difference
L315[08:42:57] <Vexatos> gamax92, that's assuming computers can't see themselves
L316[08:43:06] <gamax92> ooooOOOOooo....
L317[08:43:11] <Vexatos> and, well, CC has it different for turtles and computers
L318[08:43:16] <Vexatos> OC has it the same for robots and computers
L319[08:43:21] <Vexatos> robots and cases*
L320[08:43:37] <Vexatos> because robots, turtles and cases all have the same side perception
L321[08:43:42] <Vexatos> only CC computers have it different
L322[08:43:48] <gamax92> and irl computers
L323[08:43:58] <gamax92> turtles and robots are technically vehicles and so that thinking works
L324[08:44:15] <Vexatos> Your screen has a face so it looks towards you D:
L325[08:50:24] <Vexatos> Sangar, wat
L326[08:50:32] <Vexatos> you can't just "release" OC 1.6
L327[08:50:34] <Vexatos> how dare you
L328[08:50:39] <Vexatos> Why is it not vapourware?
L329[08:51:54] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-150-229-46.as13285.net)
L330[08:52:08] <gamax92> :< oc 1.6 is now in beta phase
L331[08:52:17] <gamax92> Snagerp why
L332[08:55:26] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p5DE8B96C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L333[08:56:03] <Saphire> what's new in 1.6?
L334[08:56:34] <Sangar> gamax92, never, i am always filled with determination
L335[08:56:50] <reinei> o/
L336[08:56:57] <Sangar> beta because i need more people to test 1.6 :P
L337[08:57:01] <CompanionCube> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1687
L338[08:57:06] <gamax92> wow so lazy
L339[08:57:33] <Sangar> Saphire, things
L340[08:57:58] <Vexatos> CompanionCube, yea, it's stupid
L341[08:58:35] <gamax92> CompanionCube: .-.
L342[09:02:26] <CompanionCube> this one seems not-stupid: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1686
L343[09:02:38] <gamax92> it's also not-soni
L344[09:02:39] <gamax92> :P
L345[09:02:46] <CompanionCube> true#
L346[09:03:08] <Sangar> it does? explain it to me then, because i don't get what the problem is :X
L347[09:07:02] <Vexatos> Sangar, the problem is that you don't get it
L348[09:07:09] <Vexatos> how can you not see that?
L349[09:07:16] <Sangar> i don't get it
L350[09:07:24] <reinei> thats EXACTLY the problem
L351[09:07:36] <Sangar> well that's a problem
L352[09:10:14] <gamax92> Sangar: ds says there might be an issue with being able to set metamethods after a setmetatable, since (yes, __gc is not one that you can do that with) some metamethods support that
L353[09:11:05] <Sangar> ah, as in it's actually not at all about __gc like the title suggests?
L354[09:11:24] <gamax92> yep.
L355[09:11:33] <Sangar> well then :P
L356[09:12:02] <gamax92> I have no idea why ds made that code snipplet the issue cause A) manual says no, B) doesn't work in vanilla lua
L357[09:16:26] <Sangar> so, in essence this is about the case that setting gc is changed to be enabled in the config and then setting a metatable and changing afterwards, yes?
L358[09:17:30] * gamax92 shrugs
L359[09:17:37] <Sangar> because looking at the code that's the only scenario in which a replacement table is used
L360[09:18:02] <Sangar> otherwise it's unchanged or the __gc field unset and then reset after the actual setmetatable call. so... kinda low prio :P
L361[09:18:50] <gamax92> Sangar: SSLSocketChannel
L362[09:19:02] <Sangar> ?
L363[09:19:17] <gamax92> Sangar: find/make and then use!
L364[09:19:28] <Sangar> >_>
L365[09:19:29] <gamax92> actually no, here's something better to start off with.
L366[09:19:48] <gamax92> if you were in theory to add an tls api, what would be the internet card's api for it.
L367[09:20:16] <Sangar> idk
L368[09:22:08] <gamax92> Sangar: maybe a third option on (what ever the function is for opening sockets), not-true for plain tcp and true for tls?
L369[09:22:43] <Sangar> maybe
L370[09:22:51] <gamax92> I'mma try that
L371[09:22:58] <Sangar> okeh
L372[09:28:04] ⇦ Quits: xandaros (~xandaros@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L374[09:35:04] <Vexatos> https://github.com/inkle/ink what
L375[09:35:50] <gamax92> heh
L376[09:35:54] <gamax92> neat.
L377[09:43:48] <gamax92> >_> Sangar
L378[09:43:54] <gamax92> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1677
L379[09:43:54] <gamax92> bad
L380[09:43:55] <gamax92> no
L381[09:47:44] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L382[09:48:57] <gamax92> #lua string.format("%.50f",0.5)
L383[09:48:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
L384[09:49:39] <gamax92> #lua string.pack("%d",0.5):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02X", a:byte()) end)
L385[09:49:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: invalid format option '%'
L386[09:50:25] <gamax92> #lua string.pack("d",0.5):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02X", a:byte()) end)
L387[09:50:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 000000000000E03F | 8
L388[09:50:34] <gamax92> #lua string.pack("<d",0.5):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02X", a:byte()) end)
L389[09:50:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 000000000000E03F | 8
L390[09:50:41] <gamax92> #lua string.pack(">d",0.5):gsub(".", function(a) return string.format("%02X", a:byte()) end)
L391[09:50:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3FE0000000000000 | 8
L392[09:50:43] <gamax92> fak, there.
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L403[10:34:34] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L404[10:34:51] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/img/navi.png
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L406[10:37:09] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L407[10:39:47] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you should get a Haiku/BeOS WM theme
L408[10:39:53] <CompanionCube> *GTKQ
L409[10:40:10] <Izaya> maybe
L410[10:40:19] <Izaya> I was going to try to make it look like NeXTSTEP
L411[10:40:31] <Izaya> after all OS suX is just dumbed-down NeXTSTEP for normies
L412[10:40:33] <CompanionCube> that works too
L413[10:40:37] <JTJSniperBee> meow
L414[10:41:09] <JTJSniperBee> %give JTJSniperBee cookies
L415[10:41:10] * MichiBot gives JTJSniperBee some cookies
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L422[11:03:23] <Antheus> %give Pepe dank memes
L423[11:03:26] * MichiBot gives Pepe some dank
L424[11:04:18] <gamax92> %give Antheus amazing skills
L425[11:04:19] * MichiBot gives Antheus some amazing skills
L426[11:04:50] <Saphire> %give MichiBot all the memes
L427[11:04:51] * MichiBot gives MichiBot some all
L428[11:04:57] <Saphire> ._.
L429[11:05:16] <gamax92> %give Saphire a delicious cake
L430[11:05:19] * MichiBot gives Saphire some a delicious cake
L431[11:05:24] <gamax92> lol
L432[11:05:26] <Antheus> some a
L433[11:05:29] <Antheus> triggerd
L434[11:05:34] <reinei> %give gamax92 guns
L435[11:05:34] * MichiBot gives gamax92 some guns
L436[11:05:48] <gamax92> %give reinei chest bullets
L437[11:05:49] * MichiBot gives reinei some chest bullets
L438[11:06:10] <Antheus> %give Saphire some some some memes
L439[11:06:11] * MichiBot gives Saphire some some
L440[11:06:27] <Antheus> hmm
L441[11:06:39] <Antheus> %give Saphire some\nome\nsome\nmemes
L442[11:06:42] * Lizzy instructs EnderBot2 to take gamax92's guns
L443[11:06:42] * EnderBot2 complies!
L444[11:06:42] * EnderBot2 takes gamax92's guns
L445[11:06:42] * MichiBot gives Saphire some some\nome\nsome\nmemes
L446[11:06:51] <Antheus> .-.
L447[11:07:04] <gamax92> Antheus: having trouble there?
L448[11:07:17] <Antheus> always
L449[11:07:23] * gamax92 instructs Lizzy to be cute and fluffy
L450[11:07:33] <Antheus> I'm getting my learners permit Tuesday or Wednesday
L451[11:07:38] * Lizzy becomes cuter and fluffier
L452[11:07:56] * Saphire gasps and snugs Lizzy, fluffing too :O
L453[11:07:56] * gamax92 curls up on
L454[11:08:35] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L455[11:08:40] <Antheus> I'm re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re downloading skyrim
L456[11:09:12] <Kimiro> Woo~
L457[11:09:17] <Gavle> I had a question, but I can't remember
L458[11:09:28] <Kimiro> I had an answer, but I ate it.
L459[11:09:55] <gamax92> Kimiro: what'd it taste like
L460[11:10:05] <Kimiro> Acid and sarcasm.
L461[11:10:11] <Gavle> Well, I have a different question now
L462[11:10:24] <gamax92> Kimiro: mmm
L463[11:10:26] <Kimiro> I might have a different anser.
L464[11:10:29] <Gavle> Is there any way for a program to stop a computer from being shut down?
L465[11:10:30] <Kimiro> answer*
L466[11:10:40] <Kimiro> I have no answer for that one.
L467[11:10:50] <Kimiro> I thought you were going to ask about free guac.
L468[11:10:56] <Lizzy> Gavle, being shut down in what way?
L469[11:10:56] <gamax92> Is there a way for a program to stop me from pulling the plug on the computer or holding down the power button?
L470[11:10:57] <gamax92> no
L471[11:11:08] <Lizzy> gamax92, *not yet
L472[11:11:10] <reinei> gamax92, actually its maybe
L473[11:11:14] <reinei> ^^
L474[11:11:14] * Lizzy starts to create SkyNet
L475[11:11:18] <Gavle> Lizzy, pressing the power button in the case
L476[11:11:24] <Lizzy> Gavle, no
L477[11:11:32] <Gavle> Dang it
L478[11:11:41] <Gavle> What about through computer.shutdown?
L479[11:11:45] <reinei> if you can use turrets to keep players away from it and use some kind of infinite power source: yes
L480[11:12:17] <Gavle> Reinei, this situation calls for subtlety
L481[11:12:38] <reinei> subtlety is my (second) middle name
L482[11:12:48] <reinei> I use nukes to dispose of unwanted HDDs
L483[11:12:59] <Gavle> So, is there a way to block computer.shutdown()?
L484[11:13:09] * Lizzy is writing a response
L485[11:13:10] <reinei> maybe you could override it?
L486[11:13:10] <gamax92> overwrite it?
L487[11:13:20] <Lizzy> Gavle, err, not sure but i doubt it unless you modify the computer library and put the modified one in the global table
L488[11:13:49] <Gavle> Lizzy, I can modify the computer lib, MGR has some fancy code for messing with stuff
L489[11:13:59] <gamax92> Lizzy: nupe, since it's already a table, iirc you can just replace it no problem
L490[11:14:00] <Gavle> What is this about the global table though?
L491[11:14:16] <gamax92> Gavle: >_> why does he need something fancy to do something as simple as setting a table
L492[11:14:43] <Gavle> Gamax92, he has a fancy file minipilimation program
L493[11:14:59] <Gavle> So I could modify the computer lib through that
L494[11:15:06] <gamax92> ... y
L495[11:15:08] <Gavle> I was wondering what the global table was though
L496[11:15:21] <gamax92> the environment your program is running in
L497[11:15:31] <Gavle> Ok......
L498[11:15:40] <reinei> its the table containing all the fancy stuff like pcall and the standard libs
L499[11:15:49] <reinei> like bit32 and stuff
L500[11:15:56] <Gavle> I'm going to hold this question until I have a computer sitting in front of me
L501[11:15:59] <reinei> in older lua versions at least it was bit32
L502[11:16:06] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I am a wofl, AMA (when i return~))
L503[11:16:08] <Gavle> Second question
L504[11:16:33] <Gavle> Is there a way for a program to tell if another program is listening for a particular event?
L505[11:16:44] <Gavle> Using event.pull or event.listen
L506[11:16:47] <Lizzy> not really
L507[11:17:02] <Gavle> For the moment, that is good news
L508[11:17:08] <reinei> can you access the table holding the event listeners?
L509[11:17:19] <Vexatos> Lizzy, remember BubbleWrapOS? >_>
L510[11:17:21] <Gavle> Reinei, what?
L511[11:17:37] <Lizzy> Vexatos, ?
L512[11:17:37] <reinei> not meant for you Gavle, although its meant to solve your problem
L513[11:17:47] <Vexatos> :P
L514[11:18:58] <Gavle> There is a table of event listeners?
L515[11:19:09] <reinei> some OSs have one yes
L516[11:19:18] <reinei> but I dunno about openOS
L517[11:19:23] <Gavle> Ah
L518[11:19:51] <Gavle> Lizzy, do you know?
L519[11:19:59] <Lizzy> nope
L520[11:20:20] <Gavle> :(
L521[11:20:26] <gamax92> payonel: you there?
L522[11:22:07] <gamax92> Gavle: computer.shutdown is written in machine.lua so your fancy file manipulation program (why would you even need that to replace computer.shutdown I don't know) won't work
L523[11:22:21] <gamax92> seriously though, you can just do require("computer").shutdown=function()end
L524[11:23:00] <Gavle> So, I can overwrite the function?
L525[11:23:04] <gamax92> what did I just do?
L526[11:23:07] <Gavle> For the entire computer?
L527[11:23:12] <gamax92> yes
L528[11:23:16] <Gavle> Noice
L529[11:24:03] <Gavle> Also, it is a file manipilimation, not manipulation, program
L530[11:24:20] <gamax92> ?_?
L531[11:24:20] <Gavle> MGR insists on that name, as he developed the code
L532[11:24:25] <gamax92> the fuck does that mean
L533[11:24:40] <Gavle> I don't know
L534[11:25:05] <gamax92> Then I'm going to call it an file manipulation program cause that's what it is
L535[11:25:19] <Gavle> He just let me use the code for a portion of my chat application's core program
L536[11:25:35] <reinei> why does a chat program need to modify core files?
L537[11:25:39] <gamax92> ... ^
L538[11:25:39] <Gavle> The whooT framework
L539[11:25:50] <Gavle> Reinei, it doesnt
L540[11:26:02] <Gavle> I'm asking about these things for other projects
L541[11:26:03] <reinei> so why do you have a file manipulation lib then?
L542[11:26:15] <gamax92> more specifically ... in a chat program?
L543[11:26:31] <Gavle> I'm working on a sort of log thing
L544[11:26:37] <Gavle> I dunno
L545[11:26:47] <Gavle> Just messing around at this point
L546[11:26:56] <gamax92> You know you can just open the file in append mode and then append more logs to the end of the existing one?
L547[11:27:05] <Gavle> Also, it is file manipilimation
L548[11:27:08] <gamax92> no.
L549[11:27:14] <Gavle> Gamax92
L550[11:27:20] <gamax92> Windows is called Windows but it's also an Operating System
L551[11:27:22] <Gavle> I am aware of append mode
L552[11:27:45] <Gavle> I was just messing around with log manipilimation
L553[11:27:48] <gamax92> I can freely refer to Windows as an Operating System as I can freely refer to MGR's garbage as a file manipulation api
L554[11:28:01] <Gavle> It's not garbage
L555[11:28:13] <Gavle> It isn't exactly elegant, but not garbage
L556[11:28:18] <gamax92> :P
L557[11:28:30] <Gavle> He claims that he will make it pretti someday
L558[11:28:36] <reinei> no elegacy -> someone may freely call it garbage
L559[11:28:37] <Gavle> Yes, pretti
L560[11:28:47] <reinei> that someone is us
L561[11:29:00] <Gavle> It is sort of elegant
L562[11:29:15] <Gavle> Easily customizable, and gets the job done
L563[11:29:20] * Evey sniffs
L564[11:29:24] * Evey smells bullshit
L565[11:29:34] <reinei> that does not define elegant
L566[11:29:37] <Gavle> What?
L567[11:29:41] <gamax92> Lizzy were you in the flowers again
L568[11:29:45] <Gavle> I said, sort of elegant
L569[11:29:48] <Lizzy> ?
L570[11:30:05] <Gavle> It is not garbage though
L571[11:30:26] <Gavle> Anyways, it is time for me to go
L572[11:30:30] <Lizzy> good
L573[11:30:31] <Gavle> I shall be back later
L574[11:30:36] <Gavle> :(
L575[11:30:39] <reinei> and I need to get a project to work on
L576[11:30:48] <Gavle> Why are you happy that I am leaving Lizzy?
L577[11:31:18] <Lizzy> because I am
L578[11:31:51] <Gavle> Ok :(
L579[11:32:15] <Gavle> I'll be back once I finish messing around with computer.shutdown
L580[11:32:22] <Gavle> For my other project
L581[11:33:14] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L582[11:36:23] <Fridtjof> ive read up on server racks
L583[11:36:34] <Fridtjof> how do i properly implement some kind of routing?
L584[11:36:45] <reinei> routing what?
L585[11:36:50] <Fridtjof> messages
L586[11:37:02] <Fridtjof> basically i'd love to have separate subnets of some kind
L587[11:37:04] <reinei> also side note: I have almost no experience with network communication xD
L588[11:37:05] <Fridtjof> physically separated
L589[11:37:14] <Fridtjof> and a server rack inbetween
L590[11:37:20] <Fridtjof> (dont want a switch, too limited)
L591[11:37:29] <Fridtjof> and be able to route stuff inbetween
L592[11:37:46] <Fridtjof> i cant really resend as i'd lose information about the sender in the process
L593[11:38:17] <reinei> you COULD with a little api to box/unbox the stuff with that kind of meta information
L594[11:38:26] <Fridtjof> oh shit
L595[11:38:28] <Fridtjof> i just realized
L596[11:38:40] <Fridtjof> i *COULD* mirror actual networking
L597[11:38:50] <Fridtjof> aka treat GUIDs like MAC addresses
L598[11:38:58] <Fridtjof> make something like tcp
L599[11:39:05] <Fridtjof> slimmed down ofc
L600[11:39:11] <reinei> and have an actual network stack? iff so, thats what I meant
L601[11:39:15] <Fridtjof> develop some arp like protocol
L602[11:39:16] <Fridtjof> yea
L603[11:39:33] <Fridtjof> okay so i'll do routing within messages
L604[11:39:36] <reinei> making protocols up yourself is always fun
L605[11:39:45] <Lizzy> Fridtjof, I know that Magik6k had some kind of networking / IP stack
L606[11:39:47] <Fridtjof> yes
L607[11:40:24] <Fridtjof> huh he does
L608[11:40:30] <Fridtjof> lets have a look at it
L609[11:47:03] <Vexatos> Btw Sangar, have you fixed the rack forward compat?
L610[11:47:12] <Vexatos> i.e. racks vanishing on OC update >_>
L611[11:51:51] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar have you fixed the rack forward compat? A few weeks ago the racks were still vanishing on update and I don't think the class changed since then...
L612[11:51:52] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L613[11:52:38] ⇦ Quits: xandaros (~xandaros@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L614[11:57:04] <Mimiru> %xkcd 1654
L615[11:57:06] <MichiBot> Mimiru: XKCD Comic Name: Universal Install Script URL: https://xkcd.com/1654
L616[11:58:07] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L617[12:00:42] <gamax92> Mimiru: docker :>
L618[12:01:44] <vifino> Woohooo.
L619[12:02:09] <gamax92> vifino!
L620[12:02:14] <vifino> I replaced the thermal paste on my cpu, now it doesn't go up to 100°C when benching.
L621[12:02:15] <vifino> gamax92!
L622[12:02:18] * vifino hugs gamax92
L623[12:02:21] <gamax92> yay, that's good
L624[12:02:24] * gamax92 hugs back
L625[12:05:38] ⇨ Joins: xandaros (~xandaros@
L626[12:07:25] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L627[12:13:59] <Mimiru> Holy balls... 100°C o_O
L628[12:14:20] ⇨ Joins: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L629[12:14:40] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L630[12:14:42] <Antheus> That's like
L631[12:14:45] <Antheus> boiling
L632[12:14:52] <Mimiru> Yes, exactly
L633[12:15:06] <Antheus> replace that C with an F and it's just a normal summer day where I live
L634[12:15:14] <gamax92> You'd be dead.
L635[12:15:14] <Antheus> s/normal/slightly cold
L636[12:15:15] <gamax92> so no
L637[12:15:18] <MichiBot> <Antheus> replace that C with an F and it's just a slightly cold summer day where I live
L638[12:15:53] <vifino> Mimiru: I applied the hardest stress test I could find, add that to bad thermal paste...
L639[12:17:05] <Mimiru> god damn it.. if I don't call $.enable on this directional pad anything that shows dialog crashes the scene
L640[12:17:31] <Mimiru> but I don't WANT to $.enable cause that causes the dpad and buttons to activate then slide out on non mobile platforms
L641[12:18:11] <Mimiru> Oh, right and when dialog closes the damn dpad comes up and won't go away ¬_¬
L642[12:26:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie)))
L643[12:27:01] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L644[12:28:56] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie_)))
L645[12:29:02] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L646[12:42:13] <Lizzy> %calc 1920*2
L647[12:42:24] <Lizzy> #lua 1920*2
L648[12:42:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3840
L649[12:42:35] <Mimiru> wtf MichiBot
L650[12:42:42] <Mimiru> %test
L651[12:42:42] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Success
L652[12:42:48] <Mimiru> %calc 2+2
L653[12:42:52] <Mimiru> Oh good
L654[12:43:08] <Turtle> What happen?
L655[12:43:08] <Mimiru> I'm seriously about to just nuke the whole thing
L656[12:43:52] <Mimiru> No clue, and I'm honestly getting fed up enough to no longer care...
L657[12:44:46] <Turtle> Do you not have an option to make it spam logs everywhere?
L658[12:45:25] <Mimiru> I have to attach to its session and watch the console, but that's largely unhelpful
L659[12:45:47] <Turtle> oh ya, I ripped my last irc bot to shreds porting it to hipchat
L660[12:46:10] <Mimiru> I know... I'l rewrite MichiBot in PHP...!
L661[12:46:26] * vifino burns Mimiru at the stake
L662[12:46:55] * Lizzy unburns Mimiru
L663[12:54:30] ⇦ Quits: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) ()
L664[13:00:00] <g> Mimiru: bot issues?
L665[13:00:13] <g> is the source available somewhere to poke?
L666[13:03:03] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L667[13:04:24] <Lizzy> g, https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot
L668[13:11:09] <g> ah, I see you're allergic to the `this` keyword..
L669[13:11:10] <g> :P
L670[13:11:54] <Mimiru> ?
L671[13:12:15] <g> you don't have to, but it's good practise to refer to class-level variables using `this.xyz1
L672[13:12:20] <g> `this.xyz` *
L673[13:12:27] <g> makes the code much easier to read
L674[13:12:39] <LordRyan> found the problem - java :>
L675[13:12:57] <g> some.. interesting indentation as well
L676[13:13:03] <gamax92> found the problem - LordRyan's stupidity
L677[13:13:17] <Mimiru> g, eclipse's auto format
L678[13:13:28] <LordRyan> gamax92: took you /that/ long?
L679[13:13:31] <g> eclipse just completely fails at indents?
L680[13:13:43] * Mimiru shrugs
L681[13:13:50] <g> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/irc/IRCBot.java#L105
L682[13:13:53] <g> check that out
L683[13:13:53] <g> lol
L684[13:14:16] <LordRyan> i used to have a reindent script
L685[13:14:24] <g> why are you storing `this` there
L686[13:14:25] <Mimiru> g, it doesn't look like that locally
L687[13:14:25] <LordRyan> which worked for any language that I had a vim indent file for
L688[13:14:38] <gamax92> g: eclipse doesn't force you to use the indenter, it's possible that Mimiru self indented that
L689[13:14:41] <g> Mimiru, it's because you're mixing tabs and spaces
L690[13:14:57] <Mimiru> I've used ctrl-i on the entire thing..
L691[13:15:11] <g> line 105 and 106 are tabs
L692[13:15:11] <LordRyan> sed s/ /\t/
L693[13:15:12] <LordRyan> ?
L694[13:15:17] <g> 107 there is a space
L695[13:15:23] <LordRyan> sed s/ /\t/g
L696[13:15:23] <g> then 108 is tabs again
L697[13:15:29] <Mimiru> They're all tabs for me..
L698[13:15:38] <gamax92> >_> Mimiru there are spaces.
L699[13:15:46] <g> they probably behave the same in eclipse
L700[13:15:52] <gamax92> nope
L701[13:15:56] <Mimiru> Config.setConfig();
L702[13:16:04] <g> that one has tabs, yeah
L703[13:16:06] <gamax92> those are tabs yes
L704[13:16:09] <g> the line above that is spaces
L705[13:16:18] <Mimiru> instance = this;
L706[13:16:23] <g> yes, that's spaces
L707[13:16:32] <g> just ctrl+A, tab, shift+tab
L708[13:16:32] <Mimiru> I disagree
L709[13:16:41] <g> that's definitely spaces
L710[13:16:42] <Mimiru> when you highlight them, it's 2 characters.
L711[13:16:48] <g> er, no
L712[13:16:51] <gamax92> Mimiru: wanna screenshot?
L713[13:16:55] <Mimiru> Do you?
L714[13:16:56] <g> that's 8 characters
L715[13:17:01] <Mimiru> No... it's 2
L716[13:17:24] <g> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/2016-03-12_19-17-20.mp4
L717[13:17:31] <Mimiru> installing ffmpeg...
L718[13:17:51] <Antheus> So, on a test I had to take to get into college classes while in High School, one of the questions was "What operating system do you use at home?"
L719[13:17:54] <g> forget eclipse, most IDEs treat a certain number of spaces just like a tab
L720[13:18:00] <Vexatos> Mimiru, ffmpeg is awsum
L721[13:18:02] <Antheus> 3 options: Windows, OSX, Linux/Unix
L722[13:18:06] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2016-03-12_13-17-57.gif
L723[13:18:23] <Antheus> out of 4 possable points, Windows = 4, OSX = 3, Linux/Unix = 2
L724[13:18:28] <Sangar> Vexatos, you mean the forge issue you linked me the fix for which hasn't been merged yet?
L725[13:18:32] <g> Mimiru, check my link
L726[13:18:33] <g> lol
L727[13:18:38] <gamax92> Mimiru: is that actually on github
L728[13:18:42] <g> and check it in the github editor yourself
L729[13:18:44] <g> no, that's eclipse
L730[13:19:00] <Vexatos> Sangar, :3
L731[13:19:01] <Vexatos> : 3
L732[13:19:07] <Vexatos> It'd be a shame though
L733[13:19:17] <vifino> Antheus: wat.
L734[13:19:34] <Antheus> "You may have to download additional programs to complete the course work"
L735[13:19:44] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Quit: Doing nothing in space)
L736[13:19:54] * Mimiru sighs
L737[13:19:59] <Mimiru> I don't fucking care anymore.
L738[13:20:03] * Antheus hugs Mimiru
L739[13:20:31] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L740[13:20:49] <LordRyan> Antheus: was it a checkbox list?
L741[13:20:56] <Antheus> Yes
L742[13:20:56] <g> I'll clean it up and shove in a pr if you like
L743[13:21:04] <LordRyan> because i have a Linux computer, a dualboot Win/Arch, and a Mac somewhere
L744[13:21:04] <Antheus> But, only one could be selected
L745[13:21:08] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p5DE8B96C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L746[13:21:19] <Antheus> I also dual boot Win/Arch, and have a mac somewhere
L747[13:21:29] <Antheus> oh wait
L748[13:21:34] <Antheus> I threw arch on that mac
L749[13:21:38] <Mimiru> I don't really care.
L750[13:21:47] <Mimiru> anyway afk, going to a play or some shit
L751[13:21:54] <Antheus> have fun
L752[13:22:00] <g> alright, see you later
L753[13:22:30] <Antheus> I have on fear once I start driving, torrental rain
L754[13:22:39] <Antheus> I hate riding in a car when it raining badly
L755[13:25:47] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L756[13:26:14] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L757[13:27:20] <Gavle> GavleGavle
L758[13:29:24] <g> isn't a car like, one of the safest places you can be in a storm?
L759[13:29:34] <Gavle> No
L760[13:29:36] <Gavle> I am
L761[13:32:09] <Antheus> g, depends
L762[13:32:23] <Antheus> in a tornado, it is one of the WORST places to be
L763[13:32:38] <Antheus> safer to get out of the car and lie in a ditch
L764[13:33:04] <g> I dunno if I'd call that a storm honestly
L765[13:33:13] <g> that'd be like calling the titanic a boat
L766[13:33:32] <Antheus> ~w boat
L767[13:33:33] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L768[13:33:33] <vifino> g: It is one of the safest place in lightning scenarios, because the car is a faraday cage.
L769[13:33:35] <Antheus> ....
L770[13:33:53] <Antheus> Gavle is also a faraday cage
L771[13:34:56] <Mimiru> Oh, I was told the wrong time for the play it's 7pm..
L772[13:34:58] <Mimiru> 2pm is tomorrow
L773[13:35:03] <Gavle> I am indeed
L774[13:35:13] <g> Mimiru: I'm sure the bot isn't all that bad
L775[13:35:22] <Mimiru> and calc is broken because I moved it to AbstractListener... which doesn't work the same as the old listener
L776[13:35:25] <g> if you do decide to scrap it though, and you need a replacement, I'll put something together
L777[13:36:16] <Mimiru> handleCommand is called, not the onMessage from the old listener
L778[13:37:19] <Mimiru> and the format of shit is different so
L779[13:37:23] <Mimiru> gotta rework it all
L780[13:42:04] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L781[13:42:58] <Mimiru> [13:42:45] <@Mimiru> *calc 1920*2
L782[13:42:58] <Mimiru> [13:42:46] <@LanteaBot> Mimiru: 3,840
L783[13:43:00] <Mimiru> there
L784[13:45:25] <Mimiru> now to figure out [13:44:53] <@Mimiru> *calc 2^128
L785[13:45:25] <Mimiru> [13:44:54] <@LanteaBot> Mimiru: 340,282,366,920,938,460,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
L786[13:46:38] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L787[13:54:40] <Fridtjof> im having a problem
L788[13:54:43] <Fridtjof> theres ways around it ofc
L789[13:54:48] <Fridtjof> but i don't like them
L790[13:55:04] <Fridtjof> basically servers are on a network
L791[13:55:15] <Fridtjof> and always grab screens on computers on that network
L792[13:55:21] <Fridtjof> as they technically belong to the same net
L793[13:55:39] <Fridtjof> i dont really want to put up a switch behind every computer/screen combo
L794[13:55:44] <Fridtjof> is there another way?
L795[13:55:52] <vifino> just switches.
L796[13:56:02] <Fridtjof> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
L797[13:57:00] <gamax92> a preinit.lua that patches your component api and hides various things it shouldn't see
L798[13:57:01] <Fridtjof> also why the hell
L799[13:57:16] <Fridtjof> why the hell do servers need a gpu for remote terminals
L800[13:57:27] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L801[13:57:37] <Fridtjof> i could just yank out their gpus if remote terminals wouldnt stop working afterwards
L802[13:57:47] <gamax92> The Wii U Gamepad is just a video player, the Wii U does all the rendering and then streams it to the gamepad
L803[13:59:36] <Fridtjof> okay point taken
L804[13:59:55] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L805[14:00:01] <Fridtjof> still, why would you want to display rendered gfx on a server terminal
L806[14:00:09] <Fridtjof> theyre headless dammit
L807[14:00:41] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L808[14:00:52] <Fridtjof> i mean it is exactly like a kvm
L809[14:01:22] <Fridtjof> except that the video part uses the same cables that networking does
L810[14:04:22] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L811[14:05:15] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L812[14:05:27] <Gavle> alright
L813[14:05:30] <Gavle> time to experiment
L814[14:05:34] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L815[14:11:21] <Gavle> gamax92, thank you for your code
L816[14:11:40] <Gavle> (404: Agency Not Found) appreciates your help
L817[14:11:59] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L818[14:12:00] <gamax92> Gavle: You mean MGR? :P
L819[14:12:08] <gamax92> don't play stupid I know you're just asking this for him
L820[14:12:14] <Gavle> MGR is not a part of (404: Agency Not Found)
L821[14:12:25] <Gavle> gamax92, I'm not
L822[14:12:32] <Gavle> MGR has other things he's working on
L823[14:12:38] <Gavle> like a 3rd Big Reactor Turbine
L824[14:13:13] <Gavle> He put me in charge of (404: Agency Not Found) while he tries to hunt down the previous director
L825[14:13:54] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I am a wofl, AMA (when i return~))
L826[14:14:09] <MajGenRelativity> isn't there some command like /nslookup that lets you look up the NickServ info of a person?
L827[14:15:38] <Mimiru> /ns info nick
L828[14:15:55] <MajGenRelativity> Mimiru, thank you
L829[14:16:02] <Stary2001> is there a way to label items as an anvil does automatically?
L830[14:16:11] <MajGenRelativity> Unfortunately, it turns out that the person I'm looking for is not registered
L831[14:16:16] <MajGenRelativity> anyone seen Sharidan lately?
L832[14:16:20] <MajGenRelativity> %seen Sharidan
L833[14:16:35] <Mimiru> MichiBot is down atm
L834[14:16:46] <Mimiru> iirc it was like 29 days last time someone used that on them though
L835[14:17:07] <Mimiru> <@LanteaBot> Mimiru: Sharidan was last seen 31d 2h 3m 11s ago.
L836[14:17:10] <Mimiru> MajGenRelativity, ^
L837[14:17:14] <MajGenRelativity> thank you
L838[14:17:19] <MajGenRelativity> this sucks
L839[14:17:23] <vifino> Our intern is dead.
L840[14:17:26] <vifino> :(
L841[14:17:27] ⇨ Joins: omglolbah (~ksh@
L842[14:17:34] <MajGenRelativity> Gavle, I'm confirming your appointment
L843[14:17:38] <MajGenRelativity> Don't make me sorry
L844[14:17:41] <gamax92> mgr
L845[14:17:44] <MajGenRelativity> yo
L846[14:17:52] <Antheus> MajGenRelativity, when did you get unanned?
L847[14:17:54] <Antheus> banned*
L848[14:18:10] <MajGenRelativity> about 3 weeks ago?
L849[14:18:55] <MajGenRelativity> gamax92, you paged me?
L850[14:18:56] <Antheus> Sorry, haven't had the time to be on IRC
L851[14:19:03] <gamax92> ring ring ring
L852[14:19:03] <Antheus> had a bunch of school stuff
L853[14:19:25] <MajGenRelativity> Antheus, it's fine :)
L854[14:19:33] <gamax92> beeep *uncomprehendable noises because pager is too far away*
L855[14:19:38] <MajGenRelativity> gamax92, did you actually need me for something?
L856[14:19:42] <gamax92> yeah
L857[14:19:59] <MajGenRelativity> what?
L858[14:20:04] <gamax92> what's with this file manipulation library thing you wrote
L859[14:20:12] <MajGenRelativity> minipilimation?
L860[14:20:30] <gamax92> ... do I really have to explain that to you as well
L861[14:20:35] <MajGenRelativity> XD
L862[14:20:35] <MajGenRelativity> no
L863[14:20:53] <gamax92> MGR: but still, what's with it
L864[14:21:06] <MajGenRelativity> so, It's a really short program that you change a couple of things in order to allow you to insert a line in the middle of a file
L865[14:21:25] <MajGenRelativity> it's pretty basic, and I haven't taken much time into making it really good
L866[14:22:05] <MajGenRelativity> if you desire, I can pastebin it an PM it to you
L867[14:22:13] <gamax92> sure
L868[14:29:50] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L869[14:30:54] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com)
L870[14:30:55] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L871[14:32:12] *** Kimiro is now known as Kimiro|RacingTheSun
L872[14:32:19] <gamax92> Race the sun!
L873[14:42:51] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L874[14:43:25] <gamax92> #lua 32/3*2
L875[14:43:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 21.333333333333
L876[14:43:29] <gamax92> close enough.
L877[14:44:21] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com)
L878[14:44:34] <LuMistry> Greetings
L879[14:44:45] <gamax92> Good day
L880[14:54:41] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-150-229-46.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
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L888[15:09:07] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
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L892[15:25:22] ⇨ Joins: Cranium (~HurrDurr@thatcraniumguy.net)
L893[15:26:44] <gamax92> Hey Cranium
L894[15:27:12] <Gavle> gamax92, are you there?
L895[15:27:27] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L896[15:27:45] <gamax92> I am here
L897[15:28:00] <gamax92> but not for long
L898[15:28:02] <Gavle> well, you never responded XD
L899[15:28:12] <Gavle> so I was wondering :P
L900[15:28:30] <gamax92> Gavle: have you ever gone fishing?
L901[15:28:40] <Gavle> No
L902[15:30:18] <Gavle> I'm assuming that was supposed to lead to a reference on patience?
L903[15:31:31] <gamax92> what?
L904[15:31:41] <gamax92> no it was a question of if you've ever gone fishing.
L905[15:31:45] <Gavle> oh
L906[15:31:48] <Gavle> no, I have not
L907[15:32:42] <LuMistry> Fish
L908[15:32:51] * LuMistry fishes up a Gavle
L909[15:33:09] <Gavle> I have been fished
L910[15:34:33] <gamax92> gotta run.
L911[15:34:59] <rashy> \o/
L912[15:35:36] <Gavle> bye gamax92
L913[15:40:53] ⇨ Joins: Optiprism (Optiprism4@x4db592c5.dyn.telefonica.de)
L914[15:42:32] <Optiprism> Hey guys, what's the green square that I see when holding a tablet? Is that a block that the tablet can somehow access?
L915[15:44:51] <Gavle> I think it's so you can save the name of that block's texture
L916[15:44:58] <Gavle> for use in a 3D printer
L917[15:45:58] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L918[15:46:17] <Optiprism> Oh that's too bad, I hoped I could get the coordinates of that block to order drones around wirelessly
L919[15:47:08] <Optiprism> Guess I'll have to use waypoints
L920[15:49:06] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L921[15:49:19] <Gavle> not that I am aware of
L922[15:51:24] ⇦ Quits: Optiprism (Optiprism4@x4db592c5.dyn.telefonica.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L925[16:04:26] <greaser|q> woohoo i think i've sussed out a good ADPCM codec
L926[16:04:35] <greaser|q> i mean it's kinda shit, but kinda good too
L927[16:05:21] <gamax92> greaser|q: yay
L928[16:09:55] <gamax92> cool, phone is frozen.
L929[16:10:08] <asie> greaser|q: but is it patented
L930[16:10:19] <greaser|q> no fucking clue, don't care
L931[16:10:31] <greaser|q> software patents don't apply in new zealand
L932[16:10:46] <greaser|q> and they're probably more concerned with DCT shit than ADPCM shit anyway
L933[16:14:39] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:88d3:aebc:863d:c65d)
L934[16:16:16] <gamax92> this song causes the player to lock up :/
L935[16:17:10] <greaser|q> i'd need to experiment with the lower multipliers in the step table but the highest one works best at 0x200
L936[16:18:51] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L937[16:20:45] <greaser|q> ...yeah i think an exponential curve works nicely
L938[16:22:26] <greaser|q> i'll probably need to filter out the carrier whine i'm getting with this one track
L939[16:22:37] <greaser|q> it triggers when it's *really* quiet
L940[16:22:56] <gamax92> greaser|q: is the track made of cheese
L941[16:23:15] <greaser|q> it's made of old synths
L942[16:23:27] <gamax92> ahh, aged cheese
L943[16:25:26] <greaser|q> easiest solution: play it at 96000Hz
L944[16:25:36] <gamax92> lazy solution
L945[16:29:11] <greaser|q> it's similar to IMA ADPCM but simpler, although i could actually just take IMA ADPCM and add an LPF mod to it
L946[16:29:40] <gamax92> greaser|q: can't you just filter out specifically the carrier whine?
L947[16:29:57] <greaser|q> i'd need to suss out what's causing it
L948[16:30:10] <greaser|q> http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=IMA_ADPCM <-- here's the main inspiration
L949[16:30:29] <greaser|q> however i'd need to ultimately make it resync easily
L950[16:31:01] <greaser|q> what i do is i have a simpler 8-step table and it takes the previous amplitude for the multiplier
L951[16:31:17] <greaser|q> the previous amplitude is fed directly into that table
L952[16:33:24] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L953[16:33:25] <greaser|q> i basically know how IMA and PSX-SPU ADPCM works
L954[16:33:55] <gamax92> greaser|q: too many qualifications
L955[16:34:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC602B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L956[16:35:29] <greaser|q> i only have a BSc COMP
L957[16:35:42] <greaser|q> furthermore you don't even need a BSc at all to learn how to code
L958[16:35:48] <gamax92> greaser|q: "too many"
L959[16:35:51] <gamax92> stop rubbing it in :p
L960[16:35:53] <greaser|q> you just need to somehow get one because a lot of places will use it as a prerequisite
L961[16:36:16] <greaser|q> erm, it's a prereq for employment in a lot of places
L962[16:41:07] <greaser|q> ...quality here is much better than DFPWM but, well, we've got 4 bits per sample here so that's kinda expected
L963[16:42:22] <greaser|q> it is a *little* hissy when it's quiet but once you've got a bit of volume it's all good
L964[16:44:10] <gamax92> greaser|q: is it possible to make something that's 1 bit and better than DFPWM, with your experience after writing it?
L965[16:44:26] <CompanionCube> greaser|q, did you give up on ocmips
L966[16:44:30] <greaser|q> gamax92: so far i have yet to achieve taht
L967[16:44:30] <greaser|q> *that
L968[16:44:43] <greaser|q> CompanionCube: nah, just took a break from it
L969[16:45:03] <greaser|q> i should probably get some more people to help software-wised
L970[16:45:04] <greaser|q> *wise
L971[16:45:18] <greaser|q> me the good at the englishes
L972[16:46:34] <Mimiru> Oh man... buffextras is loud now...
L973[16:46:40] <CompanionCube> ?
L974[16:46:56] <Mimiru> I'm getting notifications for *every* message sent while I was offline
L975[16:47:36] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/chrome_2016-03-12_16-47-24.png and still going
L976[16:48:06] * vifino yawns and curls up on Lizzy, slowly fading to sleep
L977[16:51:13] <greaser|q> ...wow
L978[16:51:46] <Lizzy> Mimiru, yeah, buffextras does that
L979[16:51:48] * Lizzy pets vifino
L980[16:52:12] <Mimiru> I'm blaming HexChat's new update... everything is causing alert popups
L981[16:52:35] <Lizzy> i think you can ignore it
L982[16:52:57] <Mimiru> Well, I have the alerts disabled...
L983[16:53:07] <Mimiru> So, I have no idea why I'm getting them
L984[16:54:07] <Lizzy> huh, i have still yet to update to the new hexchat
L985[16:54:18] <Mimiru> Oooh
L986[16:54:29] <Mimiru> it's a perl script I had loaded
L987[16:54:33] <Mimiru> that didn't work...
L988[16:54:35] <Lizzy> oh, lol
L989[16:54:35] <Mimiru> until now
L990[16:54:46] <Mimiru> I was confused cause I've had it loaded for months
L991[16:54:52] <Mimiru> and it never did anything so I forgot about it
L992[16:54:59] <Mimiru> and suddenly it works
L993[16:55:09] <Lizzy> lol
L994[16:55:53] <Mimiru> Ugh, and no python plugins are working
L995[16:55:54] <Mimiru> fmfl
L996[16:56:16] <Lizzy> starting to think i should put fallout 4 on the ssd so it loads faster
L997[16:56:18] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:88d3:aebc:863d:c65d) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L998[16:56:38] <Lizzy> cause my hdd light is solid on when in loading screens
L999[17:00:35] <greaser|q> ...ffs there's an algo here listed as "ADPCM" but it's really just an exponential DPCM
L1000[17:01:26] <gamax92> For a game over screen, this music is rather upbeat
L1001[17:01:26] <payonel> o/
L1002[17:01:29] <gamax92> hey payonel
L1003[17:01:47] <payonel> gamax92: remeber the other day, our short discussion about onTouch and wide chars and stuff
L1004[17:01:55] <payonel> and you said "wtrunc, payo, wtrunc"
L1005[17:02:02] <payonel> and i was like "pft, you dont even know!"
L1006[17:02:05] <payonel> well, you were right
L1007[17:02:12] <payonel> i thought of a way to use wtrunc to make it work and be fast
L1008[17:02:16] <greaser|q> if all you're doing is adding to the previous value without relying on previous state in ANY OTHER WAY, it's DPCM, not ADPCM
L1009[17:05:11] <gamax92> payonel: :3
L1010[17:05:50] <greaser|q> ...the hissing i'm getting is rather annoying, thing is, i would have to include some form of header for IMA and i don't want to do that
L1011[17:07:00] <greaser|q> the snag is that while you can LPF it to resync the levels, you cannot resync the step in this way
L1012[17:08:03] <omglolbah> Lizzy, it helps a lot with load times... I stopped playing fa4 because I got annoyed with all the loading >.<
L1013[17:09:13] <greaser|q> the whole point of this codec of course is so i can use it for a sound card for OC... actually, gamax92 do you have any example code for adding a component to OC?
L1014[17:09:22] <gamax92> yeah
L1015[17:09:31] <greaser|q> chuck it my way, i'll have a go at it
L1016[17:09:56] <greaser|q> i may have to just suck it up and use IMA tbh
L1017[17:10:07] <Vexatos> meanwhile, I'm still working on my sound card >_>
L1018[17:10:09] <greaser|q> i DO know how the impulse tracker sample compression works though
L1019[17:10:30] <gamax92> greaser|q: I think it's this one: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Example-Item
L1020[17:10:31] <greaser|q> but that really doesn't work well with 16-bit samples, it's much more effective on 8-bit samples, it IS lossless though
L1021[17:10:43] <Vexatos> greaser|q, what kind of sound card are you working on >_>
L1022[17:10:55] <greaser|q> Vexatos: something along the lines of the one in the amiga ;)
L1023[17:11:07] <gamax92> that is outdated though
L1024[17:11:11] <greaser|q> except you upload your samples to a block of RAM
L1025[17:11:18] <Vexatos> Guess my twenty hours of work are redundant, then
L1026[17:11:21] * Vexatos deletes branch
L1027[17:11:24] * Vexatos sets computer on fire
L1028[17:11:26] * Vexatos leaves
L1029[17:11:40] <greaser|q> yeah that repo does look bloody old
L1030[17:12:10] <gamax92> greaser|q: ahh there's an 1.7.10 branch
L1031[17:12:15] <greaser|q> sweet
L1032[17:13:12] <greaser|q> still old but yeah
L1033[17:13:54] <Vexatos> :(
L1034[17:14:02] <gamax92> greaser|q: well you can look at this for reference as well: https://github.com/gamax92/MassSound
L1035[17:14:04] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1036[17:14:46] <greaser|q> i might just pilfer the gradle shit
L1037[17:14:52] <gamax92> ?
L1038[17:15:09] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
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L1040[17:18:10] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E71149174CF5506C7E29C09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1041[17:19:50] <greaser|q> ok i've got a good solution for the whine now that also makes the audio clearer in general
L1042[17:20:05] <greaser|q> * What went wrong:
L1043[17:20:05] <greaser|q> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'OC-Example-Item'.
L1044[17:20:05] <greaser|q> > java/util/HashMap$Entry
L1045[17:20:20] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1046[17:20:22] <greaser|q> using sangar's oc-example-item example. sangar, update your oc-example-item thing so i can actually do shit with it please
L1047[17:20:46] <greaser|q> anyhow the fix is to track the last two step values and use the average of the two
L1048[17:21:34] <asie> hi
L1049[17:21:51] <asie> greaser|q: more complete log?
L1050[17:22:11] <greaser|q> yeah let's enable all the flags it suggests
L1051[17:25:39] <asie> no no
L1052[17:25:41] <asie> don't
L1053[17:25:43] <asie> too much mess
L1054[17:25:45] <greaser|q> ...the log gives fuck all
L1055[17:25:45] <asie> just tell me what happened before the star
L1056[17:25:52] <asie> what part of the project it was on
L1057[17:26:41] <greaser|q> 23:23:15.615 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Build file '/home/ben/Downloads/MDK189/AmigoSound/build.gradle' line: 21
L1058[17:26:51] <asie> no
L1059[17:26:54] <asie> just give me everything
L1060[17:26:57] <asie> :_:
L1061[17:27:05] <greaser|q> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Example-Item/tree/MC1.7
L1062[17:27:12] <asie> gah
L1063[17:27:18] <asie> it's not an issue with the project most likely
L1064[17:27:22] <asie> it's probably a gradle/forgegradle bug
L1065[17:27:33] <asie> gradle clean --refresh-dependencies
L1066[17:27:39] <asie> gradle setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
L1067[17:27:40] <asie> gradle idea
L1068[17:34:03] <gamax92> greaser|q: did you remember to update build.properties? http://hastebin.com/ejizufilic.hs
L1069[17:34:38] <greaser|q> i use 1.6 ffs
L1070[17:34:45] <greaser|q> and yes i updated it
L1071[17:37:23] <gamax92> oh ... hashmap.
L1072[17:37:29] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com)
L1073[17:37:29] <gamax92> greaser|q: did you upgrade gradle itself? :P
L1074[17:37:52] <gamax92> yeah that looks like the jdk8 issue with old gradle
L1075[17:37:53] <greaser|q> hmmm
L1076[17:38:50] <greaser|q> i copied the ver from OCMIPS, still breaks
L1077[17:39:07] <greaser|q> ...i don't think i'll bother with --refresh-dependencies right now
L1078[17:39:11] <greaser|q> mobile connection
L1079[17:39:41] <gamax92> you can just kill the .gradle folder inside the repo (not in your home folder, because you did that last time >_> ...)
L1080[17:40:24] <greaser|q> except there isn't one
L1081[17:41:14] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1082[17:41:29] <greaser|q> even stealing the one from OCMIPS still produces the failure
L1083[17:42:02] <gamax92> greaser|q: erm, no build folder, .classpath, .gradle, .project, .settings?
L1084[17:42:11] <gamax92> none of those?
L1085[17:42:17] <greaser|q> correct
L1086[17:43:41] <gamax92> I dunno, reclone the repo? I did just check it and the code itself should still compile fine, so whenever you fix the gradle issue it should be good to go
L1087[17:48:10] <Antheus> om
L1088[17:48:11] <Antheus> g
L1089[17:48:12] <Antheus> omg
L1090[17:48:27] <Antheus> so tis stupid telrad thing that keeps popping up
L1091[17:48:32] <Antheus> when I go to my public IP
L1092[17:48:40] <Antheus> was using the default user/pass
L1093[17:48:42] <Antheus> operator/wimax
L1094[17:48:43] <Antheus> lol
L1095[17:53:49] <Mimiru> gg
L1096[17:53:57] <Mimiru> Test
L1097[17:54:05] <Lizzy> test complete
L1098[17:54:29] <greaser|q> result: FAILURE
L1099[17:54:29] <Mimiru> Test2
L1100[17:54:32] <Mimiru> K, there
L1101[17:54:40] <Mimiru> I had Discord scrupt loaded twice on Hexchat
L1102[17:54:41] <Mimiru> lol
L1103[17:54:43] <Mimiru> script*
L1104[17:55:41] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-150-229-46.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1105[17:56:52] <gamax92> @Mimiru: potato and cream soup
L1106[17:57:06] <Mimiru> ..?
L1107[17:57:14] <gamax92> @Mimiru delicious?
L1108[17:57:20] <Mimiru> Okay..
L1109[17:57:30] <gamax92> @Mimiru You sound like a lost puppy :P
L1110[17:57:42] <Mimiru> ...
L1111[17:58:05] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1112[17:58:15] <Mimiru> I have no idea what you are talking about... but mkay
L1113[17:58:21] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCE2EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1114[17:59:00] <Mimiru> Test
L1115[17:59:05] <Mimiru> Hmm..
L1116[17:59:58] <Mimiru> Python why do you hate me so?
L1117[18:00:00] <Antheus> if I'm right
L1118[18:00:14] <Antheus> I can set DMZ to my router, then DMZ to my server
L1119[18:01:06] <Mimiru> _stabs python_
L1120[18:02:03] <payonel> is http://optifine.net/downloads legit?
L1121[18:02:06] <Mimiru> why does hexchat.strip('^' + nick)[1:-1] output <<Mimiru> ?
L1122[18:02:12] <Mimiru> yes
L1123[18:02:21] <payonel> the liks are not working for me
L1124[18:02:37] <payonel> after waiting on the adfly, the redirect never gives me a download
L1125[18:02:47] <payonel> fyi, trying to get this http://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_D1.jar
L1126[18:02:54] <payonel> AH
L1127[18:02:56] <payonel> there it is
L1128[18:02:58] <payonel> sheesh
L1129[18:03:05] <Mimiru> Try the Mirror links?
L1130[18:03:08] <payonel> how much does this type of ad junk pay?
L1131[18:03:09] <payonel> yeah
L1132[18:03:13] <payonel> the adfly simply was not working
L1133[18:03:24] <payonel> but the mirror one also was crap, until i just now saw the link text
L1134[18:03:31] <payonel> inbetween ads
L1135[18:03:40] <Mimiru> Test
L1136[18:03:43] <Mimiru> There..
L1137[18:03:44] <Mimiru> that works
L1138[18:03:56] <Mimiru> Now Discord users have a prefix of ^
L1139[18:04:01] <Mimiru> on my client :p
L1140[18:04:10] <payonel> Mimiru: if you have @Mimiru here, and why do you also want/have +Corded<Mimiru> ?
L1141[18:04:31] <Mimiru> Corded is just the discord bridge bot...
L1142[18:04:33] <payonel> i still dont see the benefit besides making chat look very ugly
L1143[18:04:51] <Mimiru> I like Discord on my phone/tablet
L1144[18:06:03] <asie> Sangar: by the way
L1145[18:06:09] <asie> i hope to finally make schematic-json a thing on 1.8
L1146[18:06:22] <asie> now much cleaner because blockstates
L1147[18:07:38] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
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L1150[18:33:16] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L1151[18:39:11] * Antheus screams
L1152[18:52:23] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1153[18:58:08] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1154[19:06:41] <Antheus> om
L1155[19:06:43] <Antheus> g
L1156[19:06:58] <Antheus> anyone around who can go to antheus.tk?
L1157[19:07:05] <Antheus> and see if it says Test
L1158[19:13:08] <Mimiru> It does not.
L1159[19:13:10] <Mimiru> it says "<h1>Test</h1>"
L1160[19:13:30] <Antheus> GOOD ENOUGH
L1161[19:13:31] <Antheus> "D
L1162[19:13:33] <Antheus> :D
L1163[19:17:48] ⇦ Quits: omglolbah (~ksh@ (Quit: Hurr durr!)
L1164[19:18:52] <Kodos> If any of you are contemplating using NuclearCraft over BigReactors, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV9lPUqcis8&feature=youtu.be&t=36m6s
L1165[19:18:55] <MichiBot> Modsauce 2 #35 - Nuclear Craft Mod Spotlight Part 1/2 | length: 39m 37s | Likes: 110 Dislikes: 1 Views: 4745 | by Thorgal Daily Gaming
L1166[19:19:10] <Kodos> (Yes, linking near the end was intentional)
L1167[19:20:38] <Lizzy> ha
L1168[19:21:45] ⇨ Joins: omglolbah (~ksh@
L1169[19:22:08] <Antheus> I CAN HOST SERVERS AGAIN
L1170[19:22:11] <Antheus> \o/
L1171[19:22:15] <Lizzy> ?
L1172[19:22:18] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-290-164.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1173[19:22:36] <Antheus> So, the thing that my ISP uses is kinda like a router thiungy
L1174[19:22:51] <Antheus> and then it connects to my actual router/modem/whatever
L1175[19:23:00] <Mimiru> Ok... so NuclearCraft good.. :P
L1176[19:23:21] <Antheus> and the one they were using wasn't forwarding anything to my router
L1177[19:23:25] <Antheus> found the default user/pass
L1178[19:23:30] <Antheus> set it to dmz to my router
L1179[19:23:42] <Antheus> and walah
L1180[19:23:44] <Antheus> 10/10
L1181[19:23:48] <Lizzy> cool
L1182[19:24:16] <Mimiru> s/walah/voila/
L1183[19:24:16] <MichiBot> <Antheus> and voila
L1184[19:24:52] <Kodos> s/voila/voilà
L1185[19:24:52] <MichiBot> <Antheus> and voilà
L1186[19:24:59] <Mimiru> Thanks couldn't get the accent
L1187[19:25:08] <Kodos> Indeed. Also
L1188[19:25:09] <Kodos> I just realized
L1189[19:25:14] <Kodos> I can finally play FortressCraft Evolved =D
L1190[19:25:47] <Lizzy> Kodos: we should do multiplayer some time when i can actually be bothed to work out how to play te famn thing
L1191[19:25:52] <Lizzy> *the danm thing
L1192[19:26:04] <Lizzy> can't type well when laying down with laptop on stomach
L1193[19:26:32] <Lizzy> Antheus: only problem i see with that setup is double NAT but that shouldn't affect much
L1194[19:26:55] <Achai> s/la/lin
L1195[19:26:55] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> can't type well when linying down with laptop on stomach
L1196[19:27:00] <Achai> Well god dammit
L1197[19:29:00] <Lizzy> hmm, sleep or code?
L1198[19:29:10] * Lizzy is leaning more towards the latter
L1199[19:29:14] <Lizzy> also
L1200[19:29:15] <Lizzy> .time
L1201[19:29:15] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Sun Mar 13 02:29:17 2016
L1202[19:29:20] <Lizzy> k, that still works
L1203[19:29:34] <Kodos> Whatcha Coding
L1204[19:29:59] <Lizzy> though it's actually an hour ahead because EnderBot2 is on a France based server now and not England based
L1205[19:30:03] <Lizzy> Kodos: IRC Bot
L1206[19:31:09] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1207[19:31:39] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1208[19:31:47] <Lizzy> that timing though...
L1209[19:38:14] <Lizzy> totally out of context log line: <Lizzy> Yes, my planet was the one you blew up. fuck tard
L1210[19:39:49] <Antheus> Lizzy, have I ever told you I suck at networking?
L1211[19:40:08] <Antheus> I tried to set up the router as a router
L1212[19:40:15] <Antheus> and I lost all conection to the interwebz
L1213[19:40:29] <Lizzy> no but from the evidence provided it certainly seems as though you do
L1214[19:40:41] <Antheus> :P
L1215[19:41:20] <Antheus> It's something I plan on getting better at though
L1216[19:45:07] <omglolbah> I used to configure networks (vlan, routing, firewalls) on oil rig control systems... I was the one best suited to it, and I spent a fair amount of time on google to figure out what to do :p
L1217[19:45:11] <omglolbah> scary aint it ;)
L1218[19:45:43] ⇦ Quits: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1219[19:46:57] <Antheus> 2spooky4me
L1220[19:49:48] ⇨ Joins: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca)
L1221[19:57:14] <gamax92> oh right, time change soon, gotta set all the clocks around here.
L1222[19:57:28] <Antheus> Time change?
L1223[19:57:59] <Mimiru> %g daylight savings
L1224[19:58:02] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time - Daylight saving time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Daylight saving time (DST) or summer time is the practice of advancing clocks
L1225[20:00:59] <Antheus> oh, the time change takes effect tomorrow?
L1226[20:01:05] <Antheus> didn't know
L1227[20:02:21] * Antheus procedes to set clocks
L1228[20:13:23] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@178-190-231-13.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving)
L1229[20:14:06] <Kodos> Okay, sleep time. Tomorrow's mission will be to either trade for Stardew Valley, or work for my mom enough to get The Division on my Xbox
L1230[20:14:46] <greaser|q> i've realised there's a lot to tweak for shADPCM
L1231[20:15:23] <greaser|q> i've also realised that i've been using a HPF not a LPF (this is intentional, i just accidentally called it a LPF)
L1232[20:15:58] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1233[20:16:03] <greaser|q> best results so far seem to be from an average of the last two calculated step values, and a step slope exponential from 32 to 512, 7 steps, x/7 for exponent
L1234[20:17:25] <greaser|q> oh shit this track sounds amazing now
L1235[20:17:41] <greaser|q> i think i've mostly sorted out the hiss, it really only happens during noisy bits now
L1236[20:18:55] <greaser|q> this is not the first codec i've intended for something else while using music to test it... in this case it's actually intended for *instrument samples*
L1237[20:20:53] <greaser|q> ...it may have overtaken DFPWM for per-bit quality
L1238[20:21:17] <Saphire> Huh?
L1239[20:22:12] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1240[20:25:20] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1241[20:27:43] <greaser|q> https://github.com/ChenThread/shADPCM <-- here's what's done so far
L1242[20:28:57] <greaser|q> here's my setup anyway: export F=24000 N=~/Videos/KC\ \&\ The\ Sunshine\ Band\ -\ Give\ It\ Up\ \[HQ\]-IeqtAB1WgEw.webm; cc -O3 -o enc shadpcm.c -DENCODER && cc -O3 -o dec shadpcm.c -DDECODER && ffmpeg -i "$N" -f wav - | sox -twav - -ts16 -c1 -r$F - | ./enc | ./dec | play -ts16 -c1 -r$F -
L1243[20:30:19] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1244[20:30:22] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L1245[20:30:41] <gamax92> greaser|q: you and your exotic setups
L1246[20:31:08] <greaser|q> gamax92: means i can focus on making the software good rather than making it easy to use while it's still under development
L1247[20:34:25] <greaser|q> 24000Hz seems to be the sweet spot for the codec anyway, sure, higher is generally better, but also uses more space
L1248[20:34:37] <greaser|q> thus, 12,000 bytes per second
L1249[20:34:53] <greaser|q> which is only 12KB/s if you're a pleb who can't bytes
L1250[20:35:46] <gamax92> Saw smoke and ran to close the door where the fire alarm was located
L1251[20:35:49] <gamax92> phew, crisis averted.
L1252[20:35:57] <greaser|q> good save
L1253[20:36:38] <greaser|q> and of course 48000Hz is amazing... unlike DFPWM it *really* benefits from the higher sampling rates
L1254[20:36:58] <gamax92> #lua 32768/4
L1255[20:36:59] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 8192.0
L1256[20:37:17] <greaser|q> AKA 15-2 = 13
L1257[20:37:29] <gamax92> greaser|q: 12000/4096
L1258[20:37:29] <Saphire> Huh
L1259[20:37:32] <gamax92> ...
L1260[20:37:35] <gamax92> #lua 12000/4096
L1261[20:37:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.9296875
L1262[20:37:40] <Saphire> ...Now i want to play some Go
L1263[20:38:08] * Saphire saw another news about AlphaGo
L1264[20:38:39] <greaser|q> you could of course opt for 12288
L1265[20:39:02] <gamax92> how good does that sound
L1266[20:39:45] <greaser|q> not terrible for 12288
L1267[20:40:01] <greaser|q> it *is* a 4-bit codec though
L1268[20:40:36] <gamax92> greaser|q: also ... of ALL thing the things you could have picked as a "can focus on making the software good rather than making it easy to use"
L1269[20:40:40] <gamax92> why targa D:
L1270[20:41:09] <greaser|q> gamax92: fseek(fp, 18, SEEK_SET); fread(img_data, VW*VH*3, fp);
L1271[20:41:21] <gamax92> okay?
L1272[20:41:23] <greaser|q> targa's the best raw image format hands down
L1273[20:41:41] <greaser|q> esp if you can't be arsed with reading the header
L1274[20:41:56] <greaser|q> you have a choice between bottom-left origin and top-left origin
L1275[20:42:27] <gamax92> oh, ... then that's actually easy for me to do (provided you are cheating like that.)
L1276[20:42:59] <gamax92> err.
L1277[20:43:01] <gamax92> greaser|q: not BGR?
L1278[20:43:23] <greaser|q> targa's BGR-only so you may want to swap the blue and red
L1279[20:43:44] <gamax92> no I'm just noting this step "1. Image -> Mode -> RGB"
L1280[20:43:57] <greaser|q> ah yes, that's as opposed to greyscale or paletted
L1281[20:44:00] <gamax92> is the actual data in your file stored as BGR or RGB
L1282[20:44:07] ⇨ Joins: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L1283[20:44:08] <greaser|q> it gets stored as BGR in targa
L1284[20:44:12] <gamax92> damn.
L1285[20:44:20] <gamax92> still simple enough to deal with though
L1286[20:44:40] <VanillaBean> I have a lua question, mind if i ask here?
L1287[20:44:42] <greaser|q> i know png uses RGB, it just tends to involve zlib and dealing to the filter
L1288[20:44:53] <greaser|q> VanillaBean: just ask
L1289[20:45:08] <gamax92> greaser|q: ppm (P6) :>
L1290[20:45:38] <greaser|q> gamax92: still needs scanf
L1291[20:45:43] <greaser|q> but yeah ppm could be considered
L1292[20:46:18] <gamax92> it's atleast better than bmp (yay padding) or png (yay comperssion)
L1293[20:47:11] <greaser|q> png is the best *compressed* format though
L1294[20:47:21] <gamax92> oh, and bmp's being bottom-to-top ness >_>
L1295[20:47:56] <greaser|q> png's top-to-bottom
L1296[20:48:21] <greaser|q> sadly libpng is a clunky piece of shit but it's not hard to roll your own decoder
L1297[20:48:47] <VanillaBean> I know lua functions can return more than one value.....can a lua module return multiple values/items?
L1298[20:49:04] <gamax92> greaser|q: theres lodepng iirc, never played with it though
L1299[20:49:08] <greaser|q> i wouldn't call it a piece of cake but if you can get your head around zlib and can read the PNG spec it should be fine
L1300[20:49:33] <greaser|q> VanillaBean: if you can feed it into a "return" statement and it passes through, yes
L1301[20:49:34] <gamax92> I dunno, for my image processing experiments ppm was easiest for me to deal with
L1302[20:49:46] <VanillaBean> ok thanks
L1303[20:50:03] <greaser|q> after all, lua code files are essentially functions in their own way
L1304[20:50:35] <VanillaBean> I figured, but decided to ask instead of test :P
L1305[20:50:54] <greaser|q> you can always just test it anyway, it won't blow up your comp
L1306[20:51:28] <gamax92> greaser|q: actually what forces you to use scanf for a ppm?
L1307[20:51:30] <VanillaBean> me?
L1308[20:51:38] <greaser|q> gamax92: the header
L1309[20:51:50] <greaser|q> yes
L1310[20:51:51] <gamax92> sure the header is variable but it's also very likely just P6\n320 200\n255\n
L1311[20:52:30] <greaser|q> it's easier to fscanf a constant than to scan for the third \n
L1312[20:52:32] <VanillaBean> I know that, it was sheer laziness :P
L1313[21:00:40] <Antheus> Michiyo, what is LantenaBot writen in?
L1314[21:00:48] <Mimiru> Evil
L1315[21:00:54] <Mimiru> %source
L1316[21:00:55] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/
L1317[21:01:07] <Antheus> ah, java
L1318[21:01:26] <Antheus> I just read pom.xml as porn.xml
L1319[21:01:30] <Antheus> was very confused for a second
L1320[21:07:11] <greaser|q> idea for sample upload packets: i'm thinking of tiering my sound card at 8KB, 32KB, 128KB, so i'd have to stagger the uploads over a few seconds when someone comes onto the scene
L1321[21:08:40] <Saphire> huh
L1322[21:08:46] <Saphire> https://telemetry-experiment.cdn.mozilla.net/
L1323[21:08:59] <greaser|q> i'll probably upload an interleaved view of the card memory... assuming 10KB/s, i'll be uploading 512 bytes a tick, so for a 128KB card i'd have to upload every 256th byte each tick
L1324[21:09:11] <greaser|q> i'll probably do something along the lines of how positional dithering does it
L1325[21:09:58] <payonel> Saphire: o/
L1326[21:10:03] <Saphire> \p
L1327[21:10:04] <Saphire> >_>
L1328[21:10:06] <Saphire> \o
L1329[21:10:07] <payonel> ha
L1330[21:10:24] <Saphire> Damn you phone keyboards, now i make same typos on full sized ones
L1331[21:11:09] <greaser|q> it would take about 13 seconds to sync a 128KB card's memory to a client who's just walked onto the scene though
L1332[21:11:41] <Saphire> greaser|q: "ender magic"
L1333[21:12:18] <Saphire> Best way to justify anything in MC
L1334[21:14:38] <Antheus> asdflasdfkj
L1335[21:15:54] <Saphire> hjkl
L1336[21:16:02] <gamax92> ksjfkl
L1337[21:16:05] <gamax92> asjdfapijgok?
L1338[21:16:07] <Saphire> gg=G
L1339[21:16:15] <Saphire> ggdG
L1340[21:16:23] <gamax92> plfa? iafjkls cjysg psooyhn sjfip ksdif!!
L1341[21:16:40] <payonel> 01001001110101011010101010
L1342[21:16:53] <gamax92> ...
L1343[21:17:08] <gamax92> someone please escort payonel out
L1344[21:17:14] <Saphire> Not sure if that's even ASCII
L1345[21:17:17] <payonel> LUA
L1346[21:17:17] <EnderBot2> It's Lua, not LUA. Name, not an acronym
L1347[21:17:18] <gamax92> it's not
L1348[21:17:32] <Saphire> Guessed so
L1349[21:17:43] * Saphire was throwing tiny VIM commands
L1350[21:17:56] <Saphire> gg"+yG is nice too
L1351[21:17:59] * gamax92 was listening to muzik
L1352[21:17:59] <Saphire> or was it +?
L1353[21:18:02] <Saphire> *
L1354[21:18:11] <Saphire> gamax92: mpd?
L1355[21:18:14] <gamax92> nah
L1356[21:19:35] <greaser|q> i'm simulating what it would sound like and it doesn't sound too shitty
L1357[21:19:48] <gamax92> greaser|q: where is dog
L1358[21:19:59] <greaser|q> https://github.com/ChenThread/dog
L1359[21:20:54] <gamax92> mmm
L1360[21:21:01] <gamax92> ... wait a minte.
L1361[21:21:19] <gamax92> greaser|q: :P I'm dumb.
L1362[21:21:33] <greaser|q> suggestion for enderbot: if someone does LUA, namedrop them in all-caps
L1363[21:21:33] <EnderBot2> It's Lua, not LUA. Name, not an acronym
L1364[21:21:43] <gamax92> directly including the utf-8 character in my script takes up less bytes than calling unicode.char
L1365[21:21:49] <gamax92> even if I do something like local u = unicode.char
L1366[21:32:11] <gamax92> umm what
L1367[21:32:26] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1368[21:32:29] <gamax92> oh, I guess aspect ratio issues
L1369[21:32:59] <gamax92> #lua 1440/5*8
L1370[21:33:00] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2304.0
L1371[21:33:16] <greaser|q> hmm, if i allow uploading 640 bytes per tick for higher-end cards, the rate is 12.5KB/s and allows for 25600Hz, this is just enough leeway for 24000Hz to be fairly consistent
L1372[21:33:34] <greaser|q> this is post-sync, btw
L1373[21:35:03] <greaser|q> i think i'll make the max upload rate editable
L1374[21:38:02] ⇦ Quits: rashy (~rashdanml@s0106c8fb2652fb6e.vc.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1375[21:38:06] <greaser|q> thing is though, if you do need more than 640 bytes per tick for mono then you probably need to stop being such an audiophile, or git gud with a tracker
L1376[21:38:47] <Saphire> Wow
L1377[21:38:53] <Saphire> reading my email backlog..
L1378[21:39:26] <Saphire> Damn, i should scroll it more often xD
L1379[21:40:57] <Saphire> Oh look, another soni issue
L1380[21:41:28] <gamax92> Saphire: I ended up making a filter for my email that puts all the github stuff into it's own separate folder
L1381[21:43:51] <greaser|q> link it and pass the popcorn
L1382[21:44:04] <gamax92> :P
L1383[21:47:16] <Saphire> greaser|q: they found The Serious Issue in lack of TLS wrapper
L1384[21:47:22] <Saphire> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1687
L1385[21:47:25] *** justastranger is now known as justaded
L1386[21:48:11] <greaser|q> great, soni has the guts to claim that ds's __gc issue is invalid or something like that
L1387[21:48:20] <gamax92> greaser|q: it is
L1388[21:48:39] <gamax92> __gc should not and does not activate if added after setmetatable
L1389[21:49:27] <greaser|q> have you tested it
L1390[21:49:29] <gamax92> yes
L1391[21:50:15] <greaser|q> TLS wrapper = good idea, but there's no real reason to *need* to deprecate built-in HTTP
L1392[21:50:36] <gamax92> yeah, I don't get the point of depreciating HTTP
L1393[21:51:06] <gamax92> I don't really feeling like writing a good parser and one that's remotely robust to garbage that you could get from a server
L1394[21:51:13] <gamax92> I'll just let Java do that
L1395[21:51:55] <gamax92> it's not like you can't already do custom parsing with the tcp sockets
L1396[21:52:01] * gamax92 glares at Vexatoast
L1397[22:00:04] <gamax92> #lua 320*200*3+18
L1398[22:00:04] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 192018
L1399[22:00:59] <gamax92> greaser|q: am I failing to understand something, why does dog output a 256018 sized file?
L1400[22:01:07] <greaser|q> dog uses BGRA oddly enough, so you'd * by 4
L1401[22:01:18] <gamax92> oh
L1402[22:01:21] <greaser|q> not by 3
L1403[22:01:53] <greaser|q> on top of that the extra shit you get in the input file is due to the fact that the later version of targa adds a footer, i just ignore the damn thing as it's optional
L1404[22:01:59] <Saphire> dog?
L1405[22:02:04] <greaser|q> yar
L1406[22:02:12] <Saphire> What dog ._.
L1407[22:02:14] <greaser|q> https://github.com/ChenThread/dog this thing
L1408[22:02:24] <Saphire> oh!
L1409[22:03:16] <gamax92> heh okay
L1410[22:03:31] <greaser|q> oh yeah, next time you see soni blabbering shit, ask him how his RSA cracking is going
L1411[22:03:38] <Saphire> xD "Define DECODER or ENCODER before building" and "Don't define both, dammit!"
L1412[22:03:52] <greaser|q> ;)
L1413[22:03:55] <gamax92> greaser|q: I sorta ended up just doing: echo -n "ABCD____TG____EFGH" > waterfall.bgr; convert waterfall-329149_1920.jpg -resize 320x200! -depth 8 bgra:- >> waterfall.bgr
L1414[22:04:15] <greaser|q> does it work
L1415[22:04:17] <gamax92> yes
L1416[22:04:32] <greaser|q> oh you also need to force top-origin, otherwise the end result will be upside-down
L1417[22:04:47] <gamax92> there is no origin stuff to deal with there.
L1418[22:04:55] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1419[22:05:09] <gamax92> I'm probably just going to go edit dog.c to ignore the targa header though.
L1420[22:05:18] <gamax92> just use raw bgra instead
L1421[22:05:52] <gamax92> that was easy
L1422[22:10:46] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCE2EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1423[22:10:47] <gamax92> greaser|q: are no dither methods being defined a valid thing to compile?
L1424[22:10:54] <greaser|q> gamax92: yep
L1425[22:11:36] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1426[22:12:13] <SF-MC> heyo
L1427[22:12:21] <gamax92> hai
L1428[22:12:32] <Mimiru> Why the fuck do I bother trying to help idiots
L1429[22:12:41] <gamax92> you have children
L1430[22:12:45] <SF-MC> so that they become less idiot?
L1431[22:12:53] <Mimiru> SF-MC, they never do though
L1432[22:13:53] <greaser|q> it takes longer than you expect
L1433[22:15:59] <Antheus> :P
L1434[22:16:25] <SF-MC> anyone have ideas for decent fairly early game portable storage?
L1435[22:19:19] <Saphire> MC chests
L1436[22:19:22] <Saphire> oh
L1437[22:19:24] * Saphire shrugs
L1438[22:19:33] <SF-MC> :P
L1439[22:19:46] <SF-MC> context: I want to pack up everything I have and move out
L1440[22:20:02] <SF-MC> because I'm still trying to find a permanent place
L1441[22:20:32] <Antheus> Now to pull a whole 9 months of web design out of my ass
L1442[22:21:08] <Antheus> hmm
L1443[22:21:26] <Saphire> Ugh, what is it witm me and buttons m and n?
L1444[22:21:42] ⇨ Joins: VanillaBean_ (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L1445[22:21:49] <Antheus> I could make a gitlab repo, do stuff to that, push changes, have a script download and run the updated stuff and restart nginx
L1446[22:21:51] <Antheus> \o/
L1447[22:21:58] <Antheus> now, to make the gitlab repo
L1448[22:22:56] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1449[22:25:47] <gamax92> greaser|q: is there any documentation of ctif? .-.
L1450[22:26:06] <greaser|q> i don't think the documentation was properly released
L1451[22:26:17] <greaser|q> lemme nosey through my notes
L1452[22:27:19] <greaser|q> "CTIF" bHeaderVersion bPlatformVariant wPlatformID (1=OC 2=CC) wWidthChars wHeightChars bCharWidth bCharHeight bBPP bPalEntSize wPalEntCount {palette} {bg fg mask}
L1453[22:27:22] <SF-MC> Saphire: if I didn't need portable, I'd start investing in iron chests or upgrades
L1454[22:27:31] <SF-MC> that's the easy part :P
L1455[22:27:35] <greaser|q> mask is from bottom-right to top-left, X changes first then Y changes
L1456[22:28:03] <greaser|q> in 4bpp and lower images, bg:fg are merged into a single byte where bg is the more-significant value in the byte
L1457[22:28:41] <greaser|q> i suspect there's some weirder edge cases for lower bpps / lower sizes but those aren't actually used yet
L1458[22:29:17] <greaser|q> oh yeah, for 8bpp images, the upper 240 values are r + 5*(g + 8*b)
L1459[22:29:25] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:dda4:16b3:19e7:cd1a) (Quit: Leaving)
L1460[22:29:44] <gamax92> what.
L1461[22:29:47] <greaser|q> SF-MC: chest on minecart
L1462[22:30:03] <SF-MC> I have no idea where I'm going
L1463[22:30:14] <SF-MC> aka 'needs to be arbitrarily portable'
L1464[22:30:19] <gamax92> this music is really not suited for ignoring people.
L1465[22:30:26] <greaser|q> some mods have backpacks
L1466[22:30:54] <gamax92> this is though, constant noise.
L1467[22:31:01] <SF-MC> I don't have 'backpacks'
L1468[22:31:10] <SF-MC> the thing I'm closest to is a ProjectE alchemical bag
L1469[22:31:22] <SF-MC> but that requires finding the diamonds I've yet to find
L1470[22:32:23] <SF-MC> on the bright side
L1471[22:32:24] <Izaya> guys
L1472[22:32:27] <SF-MC> managed to score a portal gun
L1473[22:32:29] <Antheus> yes
L1474[22:32:30] <Antheus> Izaya,
L1475[22:32:36] <Izaya> what's a good light web browser with a debian package?
L1476[22:32:45] <Antheus> hmm
L1477[22:32:48] <SF-MC> uzbl?
L1478[22:32:52] <greaser|q> w3m
L1479[22:32:55] <SF-MC> midori?
L1480[22:33:02] <Antheus> internet explorer 6
L1481[22:33:03] <greaser|q> dillo's also reasonable
L1482[22:33:08] <greaser|q> midori's webkit i think
L1483[22:33:20] <gamax92> links2
L1484[22:33:22] <greaser|q> which is very much NOT light
L1485[22:33:28] <SF-MC> dillo can't do slashdot properly :/
L1486[22:33:34] <SF-MC> doubt it handles anything else
L1487[22:33:34] <greaser|q> i forget which text browser has javascript
L1488[22:33:35] <SF-MC> shame
L1489[22:33:39] <gamax92> elinks?
L1490[22:33:41] <SF-MC> because I like the Emacs bindings
L1491[22:34:05] <Izaya> is uzbl a webkit wrapper with vim keybinds?
L1492[22:34:15] <SF-MC> pretty much Izaya
L1493[22:34:20] <Izaya> okay excellent\
L1494[22:34:23] <Izaya> my favourite
L1495[22:34:32] <SF-MC> afaik anyways
L1496[22:34:35] <Izaya> well not favorite
L1497[22:34:37] <SF-MC> I may not be entirely accurate
L1498[22:34:38] <Izaya> my favorite is luakit
L1499[22:34:45] <Izaya> which is a webkit wrapper with lua bindings
L1500[22:39:07] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1501[22:39:30] <gamax92> greaser|q: is mask like ... a number from 0 to 255 which describes what braille character to use?
L1502[22:40:04] <greaser|q> somewhat, except the braille space is arranged in a really weird way
L1503[22:40:34] <gamax92> greaser|q: so it's not just 0x2800 + mask?
L1504[22:40:36] <greaser|q> the braille space works like this: from LSB to MSB: top-left 3 downwards, top-right 3 downwards, bottom 2 rightwards
L1505[22:40:48] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1506[22:40:49] <greaser|q> gamax92: it's something like that but you have to rearrange the bits
L1507[22:40:56] <gamax92> >_> why not just make it that.
L1508[22:41:01] <greaser|q> i didn't invent braille
L1509[22:41:08] <gamax92> no, I mean in ctif
L1510[22:41:17] <greaser|q> CTIF has a CC version too
L1511[22:41:20] <gamax92> and?
L1512[22:41:26] <greaser|q> i think it was done that way to make shit more generic
L1513[22:42:15] <greaser|q> either way the value's going into a LUT
L1514[22:42:22] <gamax92> yeah ...
L1515[22:43:14] <gamax92> I'll just borrow 11-22 in the image viewer then
L1516[22:44:54] <greaser|q> s/then/then, ze/
L1517[22:44:56] <MichiBot> <gamax92> I'll just borrow 11-22 in the image viewer then, ze
L1518[22:45:02] <gamax92> :P
L1519[22:45:14] <greaser|q> that's what you mean by "borrow" right
L1520[22:45:27] <SF-MC> *dammit*
L1521[22:45:31] <SF-MC> hit another cave
L1522[22:45:33] <SF-MC> whyyyyyy
L1523[22:48:52] <greaser|q> s/h/r/g
L1524[22:48:53] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> wryyyyyy
L1525[22:48:56] <greaser|q> sorry, couldn't resist
L1526[22:49:04] <SF-MC> I don't get the joke :/
L1527[22:49:39] <greaser|q> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/za-warudo-wryyyyy
L1528[22:52:05] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549613F4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1529[22:52:20] <SF-MC> finally found some diamonds <3
L1530[22:53:31] <SF-MC> oooh
L1531[22:53:37] <SF-MC> portal gun went a little glitchy there
L1532[22:53:42] <SF-MC> still alive though
L1533[22:53:57] <gamax92> :|
L1534[22:56:30] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961BF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1535[23:03:15] *** Skwid is now known as Skwid|Sleep
L1536[23:11:26] <gamax92> okay, no errors so far ...
L1537[23:13:36] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/img/emac-debian.jpg
L1538[23:15:32] <greaser|q> i thought that was going to be a pic showing emacs running
L1539[23:15:44] <greaser|q> actually, that would be just the right thing to run on an emac
L1540[23:15:46] <SF-MC> greaser|q: eirairc can't open it
L1541[23:15:52] <SF-MC> could you explain pls?
L1542[23:16:05] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L1543[23:16:30] <greaser|q> distroinfo script showing debian + stats w/ windowmaker wm running on an eMac
L1544[23:16:41] <SF-MC> ah
L1545[23:16:44] <SF-MC> ty
L1546[23:16:46] <greaser|q> ppc of course, none of this intel mac shit
L1547[23:16:51] <SF-MC> :P
L1548[23:16:56] <Izaya> I have to use fbdev
L1549[23:17:03] <Izaya> because braindead ATI card
L1550[23:17:23] <greaser|q> but yeah, you have got to get emacs running on your emac just so you can claim that
L1551[23:19:04] <Izaya> but vim > emacs
L1552[23:19:09] * Izaya disturbs the peace
L1553[23:19:13] <greaser|q> i know
L1554[23:19:22] <greaser|q> you could try editing an .ema file on there for whatever this OPNET shit is
L1555[23:19:29] <greaser|q> so you can edit an ema file on emacs on an emac
L1556[23:20:12] <Izaya> now taking bets for whether this could do OpenArena on software rendering
L1557[23:20:21] <SF-MC> no
L1558[23:20:37] <greaser|q> the condition is it must have a greater fps than spf to be considered more than "walking"
L1559[23:20:45] <Izaya> 30FPS with glxgears
L1560[23:20:54] <greaser|q> are you running llvmpipe
L1561[23:20:55] <SF-MC> nope
L1562[23:20:59] <SF-MC> nopenopenope
L1563[23:20:59] <greaser|q> if not, get that shit working first
L1564[23:21:54] <greaser|q> glxinfo | grep renderer
L1565[23:22:28] <Antheus> hmm
L1566[23:22:30] <Izaya> software rasterizer
L1567[23:22:46] <greaser|q> get llvmpipe working
L1568[23:22:47] <Antheus> for some reason, I can't reach antheus.tk anymore
L1569[23:23:15] <greaser|q> glxinfo | grep version
L1570[23:23:16] <greaser|q> and find the mesa version
L1571[23:23:39] <greaser|q> just need to make sure it's not too old... and on top of that might as well find out what GL version wants to work
L1572[23:23:56] <Izaya> mesa 10.3.2
L1573[23:24:04] <gamax92> #local x,_=function()_="a"end x() print(_)
L1574[23:24:07] <gamax92> #lua local x,_=function()_="a"end x() print(_)
L1575[23:24:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil | nil
L1576[23:24:09] <greaser|q> ok, that's recent enough
L1577[23:24:31] <gamax92> well ...
L1578[23:24:34] <gamax92> #lua local x,_=function()_="a"end x() print(_ENV._)
L1579[23:24:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a | nil
L1580[23:24:40] <gamax92> so that trick does not work
L1581[23:24:53] <Izaya> how does one enable this llvmpipe?
L1582[23:25:15] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1583[23:25:47] <Izaya> "requirements: An x86 or amd64 processor; 64-bit mode recommended."
L1584[23:28:22] <greaser|q> 1. install LLVM dev packages, 2. get delicious mesa sauce + extract it, 3. ./configure --enable-gallium-llvm --with-dri-drivers=radeon --with-gallium-drivers=swrast
L1585[23:29:42] <Izaya> no radeon
L1586[23:29:46] <greaser|q> i don't know if it will work on ppc, it's disabled by default for non-x86 but you could still try it
L1587[23:30:03] <Izaya> using fbdev and nomodeset
L1588[23:30:16] <Izaya> if I use radeon or allow modesetting I get a black screen
L1589[23:30:46] <greaser|q> weird, you can omit that if you want
L1590[23:30:53] <greaser|q> just do --with-dri-drivers=
L1591[23:30:56] <greaser|q> for that switch
L1592[23:45:10] <gamax92> #lua 2^24
L1593[23:45:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16777216.0
L1594[23:45:30] <gamax92> #lua 2^24*0.3
L1595[23:45:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 5033164.8
L1596[23:47:00] <gamax92> greaser|q: dog is interesting, will have to mess around with it tomorrow though
L1597[23:55:05] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1598[23:55:18] <gamax92> I want to try using asie's palette in dog and vice versa
L1599[23:59:59] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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