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L1[00:00:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L3[00:00:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
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L5[00:14:37] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
L6[00:15:37] <payonel> gamax92: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/1681
L7[00:15:43] <payonel> updated, another commit, to fix resizing
L8[00:15:53] <payonel> give it a look, let me know if you have thoughts
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L12[00:19:16] <gamax92> what is this witchcraft
L13[00:19:27] <gamax92> Tampermonkey has multiple cursor support, so you can type once and type everywhere
L14[00:20:21] <payonel> for oc?
L15[00:21:41] <gamax92> no :p
L16[00:21:45] <gamax92> #lua 1036-48*2
L17[00:21:45] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 940
L18[00:29:58] <ping> vifino fu
L19[00:30:06] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L20[00:30:49] <Izaya> Xorg has multicursor support
L21[00:31:00] <Izaya> Nothing uses it though
L22[00:31:11] <Kodos> 1.9 is so laggy wtf
L23[00:35:27] <payonel> Kodos: are they making mc more object oriented? :)
L24[00:35:44] <ping> > more object oriented
L25[00:35:53] <ping> its written in java
L26[00:35:59] <ping> i wasnt realized you could get worse
L27[00:36:10] <payonel> i recall reading a rant by that guy who makes the fps optimizer thingie
L28[00:36:28] <payonel> that he noticed the mc devs were changing out primitives with objects
L29[00:36:56] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L30[00:36:56] <payonel> so instead of calling foo(int x, int y, int z) they replaced it with foo(3DPoint p)
L31[00:37:12] <payonel> and that the types were immutable, and there was a crap ton of allocations added due to it
L32[00:37:20] <payonel> this was in the early 1.8 days
L33[00:37:20] <ping> ah
L34[00:37:31] <ping> so thats why 1.9 is slow as fuck
L35[00:37:36] <ping> they are making it more OOP?
L36[00:38:02] <payonel> it was actually an interesting read because one of the devs came to the thread and said it was BS, and this guy didn't know what he was talking about
L37[00:38:09] <payonel> in the first thread, the guy didn't give specifics
L38[00:38:20] <payonel> then he came back with stack traces showing diffs between the 1.7 ipl and the 1.8
L39[00:38:23] <payonel> and how bad it was
L40[00:38:26] <Kodos> Oooh Dragon's Breath
L41[00:38:28] <Kodos> That's nmew
L42[00:38:28] <Kodos> new
L43[00:38:35] <Kodos> (To me)
L44[00:38:56] <ping> payonel, ._. sounds like the mc devs are the ones that dont know what they are doing
L45[00:39:40] <ping> changing x,y,z into its own object make sense in C++ but in java you have huge performance impact
L46[00:39:43] <payonel> ping: in further reading (i'm not making this up, forgive me for not having the reddit link that brought all these facts together into one beautiful read with links and twitter screenshots)
L47[00:40:12] <ping> (in C++ there is zero performance impact)
L48[00:40:19] <payonel> but it went on - the mc guy was explaining how very high load testing was showing their changes had little to no impact
L49[00:40:32] <payonel> but, they were testing vanilla
L50[00:41:07] <payonel> anyways, it was pretty bad pr, were a very strong community of mc players don't care about vanilla or basically sans-forge play
L51[00:41:36] <payonel> and they were wrong, there was an impact on even vanilla play, just it isn't as bad as when you have mod objects in the world
L52[00:41:55] <payonel> (yes, plus bad mods, but that wasn't the point)
L53[00:42:31] <ping> so the billion dollar video game doesnt hire people that do proper performance analysis
L54[00:42:52] <ping> otherwise they would be taking small steps into the right direction
L55[00:42:56] <payonel> basically yes
L56[00:44:47] <ping> payonel, does it happen to be the optifine dev
L57[00:44:54] <payonel> yes that one
L58[00:45:25] <ping> wow, the mc devs were definitely the dumbasses to say he diddnt know what he was talking about
L59[00:45:57] <payonel> while i agree --
L60[00:46:20] <ping> but seriously, he has been following the minecraft internals for more than 5 years
L61[00:46:29] <payonel> even myself, after reading his first post, the anti 1.8 post -- he sounded a bit inflated or speculative
L62[00:46:43] <payonel> but then he had proof, a lot of it
L63[00:46:52] <payonel> and i realized, his first post was very very dumbed down
L64[00:46:54] <payonel> for the masses
L65[00:47:08] <payonel> i was reading it as someone that would very clearly understand the technical points
L66[00:47:17] <payonel> but his audience was broader than that
L67[00:50:52] <ping> so basically, "There are huge amounts of objects which are allocated and discarded milliseconds later."
L68[00:51:04] <payonel> yes
L69[00:51:15] <payonel> i remember him giving numbers about how much waste is generated per second
L70[00:51:17] <ping> because the devs are lazy and want to make their code more convenient
L71[00:51:28] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7357C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L72[00:51:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L73[00:51:32] <ping> 50 MB/sec when standing still and up to 200 MB/sec when moving. That is just crazy.
L74[00:51:48] <payonel> in <1.8 it was something like 50MB, and in 1.8 is was ... hundreds
L75[00:51:52] <ping> yeah 200MB/s of one-time allocations is fucking ridiculous
L76[00:51:52] <payonel> but i dont remember the exact values
L77[00:51:59] <payonel> ah yes ^
L78[00:52:04] <payonel> ha, my memory isn't so bad :)
L79[00:52:47] <ping> a minecraft dev, "I'm better than the Optifine dude, bro, I can actually make refactors rather than gross hacks."
L80[00:53:19] <ping> because java developers are actually proud of having to refactor xD
L81[00:54:17] <ping> "Games can be either fast or extensible, pick one. I'll let you knife-fight it out with the ones demanding a plugin API."
L82[00:55:14] <ping> and then a huge block of text which is a dev complaining about how there isnt a bulk amount of allocations thrown away at the end of the frame
L83[00:55:36] <ping> i mean you should fucking know what objects allocate onto the heap...
L84[00:55:36] <snowden89> refractors are great
L85[00:55:46] <snowden89> it means you realised this shit is held by duct tape
L86[00:55:51] <snowden89> but your willing to fix it
L87[00:56:15] <ping> snowden89, ive never had to refactor lua code
L88[00:56:20] <ping> must be a java thing xD
L89[00:56:52] <snowden89> you never went back and made improvements? on things you made down the track
L90[00:56:53] <gamax92> you know the method of gif optimization that doesn't update things that barely change?
L91[00:58:02] <ping> snowden89, i have made improvements but i dont think that means i refactored it xD
L92[00:58:11] <gamax92> I'm watching a video thats like that, but really intense not updating things, super pixelated, and low colors
L93[00:58:45] <ping> gamax92, oh gif difference mode
L94[00:59:02] <ping> probably low h264 bitrate you are experiencing
L95[00:59:13] <snowden89> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_refactoring
L96[01:01:15] <payonel> ping: refactoring is more broadly used
L97[01:01:18] <payonel> the term, that is
L98[01:01:29] <payonel> refactoring is also just redoing something
L99[01:01:46] <snowden89> ok finished on that call
L100[01:01:58] <snowden89> basically i think of it as taking something you have made that worked
L101[01:02:10] <snowden89> but then making changes so it works better in your opinion
L102[01:02:30] <payonel> yes, where "better" is completely based on the context of the need and situation
L103[01:02:31] <ping> people usually use the term refactor to re-do a large part of code
L104[01:03:15] <snowden89> yes as seen by many "refactoring" that actually looks and performs worse
L105[01:03:40] <snowden89> when seen by people not the original person who performed the "refactoring"
L106[01:03:43] <snowden89> lol
L107[01:04:03] <payonel> ping your anecdote is subject, and i can't disprove your experience. in mine, it isn't as you put it
L108[01:04:44] <payonel> yes, we also use 'refactor' for large rework, however, in my experience, there is almost never time (money) for large refactors
L109[01:04:57] <payonel> almost almost never time
L110[01:05:14] <payonel> and thus, a refactor is used at the function level in everyday use
L111[01:05:17] <payonel> + in my experience
L112[01:05:23] <snowden89> but hey i am quiet dim so i could just be missing sarcasm and humor
L113[01:05:38] <gamax92> sound visual
L114[01:09:47] <Vexatos> <ping> yeah 200MB/s of one-time allocations is fucking ridiculous
L115[01:09:55] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L116[01:10:09] <Vexatos> Mind that Java is designed for having thousands of short-lifespan objects :P
L117[01:11:53] <Vexatos> also, what payonel did to OC pretty much was a refactor from how I'd define it :P
L118[01:12:00] <Vexatos> to OpenOS, that is :P
L119[01:12:09] <Vexatos> And that thing is Lua P:
L120[01:12:23] <Izaya> tfw still no voice
L121[01:12:46] <payonel> i actually had written "also, i'd consider my work in openos a refactor" :)
L122[01:12:55] <ping> Vexatos, these are objects that arent being optimized, they are actually sitting on the stack
L123[01:13:19] <ping> remember, 200MB of mostly tiny allocations
L124[01:13:28] <ping> even hashmaps would struggle
L125[01:13:31] <payonel> but erased it...as...i'm sure people could find issue with what i've done
L126[01:18:34] <vifino> Well, that was an almost 30 times longer half an hour than I expected.
L127[01:20:04] <vifino> My Lizzy level is dangerously low. :v
L128[01:20:20] * vifino pulls Lizzy closer to him
L129[01:20:47] <ping> vifino, r u fucking ready to 1v1 or what
L130[01:21:10] <Vexatos> ping, eww
L131[01:21:31] <ping> Vexatos, ew?
L132[01:21:32] <vifino> ping: I am done taking my 30 half an hour naps.
L133[01:21:36] <Vexatos> my sound card does have a thousand objects per call. But all those live for less than a few milliseconds :P
L134[01:21:39] <ping> xD
L135[01:22:09] <ping> Vexatos, immutable?
L136[01:22:18] <Vexatos> most are immutable
L137[01:22:20] <Vexatos> some are mutable
L138[01:22:26] <ping> lol
L139[01:22:32] <Vexatos> but those are disposed too once the byte array is generated
L140[01:22:45] <Vexatos> But there's only 9 mutable objects I think
L141[01:22:47] <Vexatos> per call
L142[01:22:56] <ping> vifino, tell me if u want me to get my lazy butt out of bed and play cs:no
L143[01:23:05] <Vexatos> 1 AudioState and 8 States, one per channel
L144[01:23:07] <vifino> ping: yes, i do
L145[01:23:11] <ping> my competitive ban is over
L146[01:23:17] <ping> so if u are level 3 lets Q
L147[01:23:28] <vifino> dont think i am
L148[01:23:29] <vifino> lmao
L149[01:23:32] <ping> fuuu
L150[01:23:38] <vifino> lets quickly get to l3
L151[01:23:40] <vifino> :
L152[01:23:42] <vifino> :D
L153[01:24:04] <ping> you were like half way last we played .-.
L154[01:24:17] <ping> er, 2.5/3
L155[01:25:02] <vifino> exactly
L156[01:25:29] <vifino> mfw no sound
L157[01:26:23] <vifino> fine, I'll reboot the windows vm
L158[01:26:33] <vifino> furkin wendos
L159[01:26:50] <snowden89> Izaya: I would respond but without your voice+ i could not really understand your statement
L160[01:26:55] <snowden89> oh man :(
L161[01:27:03] <snowden89> just realised i was pages above
L162[01:27:06] <snowden89> on this scree n
L163[01:27:15] <Izaya> snowden89: ...
L164[01:27:29] <payonel> ha, classic
L165[01:27:39] <Izaya> apparently the reason I don't have voice is because I can't keep my mouth shut about stuff that people don't like
L166[01:27:55] <vifino> Thought because you didn't log in to your nickserv account.
L167[01:28:00] <Izaya> understandable but man, I've been here ages and written a decent amount of things that were vaguely useful
L168[01:28:08] <snowden89> really?
L169[01:28:12] <Vexatos> Just ask Snagar
L170[01:28:16] <snowden89> i dont think voice is important at all
L171[01:28:18] <snowden89> lol
L172[01:28:27] <snowden89> the use was designed for channels with the mute rule
L173[01:28:29] <vifino> Izaya: Are you even logged in in your NS account?
L174[01:28:41] <snowden89> so only registered and identified nicks are voiced
L175[01:28:41] <ping> .account Izaya
L176[01:28:46] <ping> <account Izaya
L177[01:28:46] <^v> ping, ShadowKatStudios
L178[01:28:50] <Izaya> 18:29:08 esper -- | [Izaya] is logged in as ShadowKatStudios
L179[01:29:00] <vifino> Hm, then weechat doesn't show it to me anymore.
L180[01:29:01] <vifino> :v
L181[01:29:06] <payonel> <account payonel
L182[01:29:06] <^v> payonel, sugoi
L183[01:29:10] <payonel> kewl
L184[01:29:19] <ping> payonel, i have more information
L185[01:29:26] <ping> hold up lemme patch ^v
L186[01:30:36] <snowden89> wont hold up
L187[01:30:40] <snowden89> i will hold down
L188[01:30:47] <Izaya> please hold
L189[01:31:14] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~^v@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L190[01:31:35] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L191[01:31:44] <ping> <> cserialize(admin.perms)
L192[01:31:44] <^v> ping, https://v5.pxtst.com/paste/gas8n.html
L193[01:31:49] <ping> super creep mode
L194[01:31:54] <payonel> haha
L195[01:31:58] <payonel> <account payonel
L196[01:31:58] <^v> payonel, sugoi
L197[01:32:33] <ping> <> cserialize(admin.perms.payonel)
L198[01:32:34] <^v> ping, https://v5.pxtst.com/paste/hzOrN.html
L199[01:32:37] <snowden89> hey ping
L200[01:32:50] <ping> yeah
L201[01:32:51] <snowden89> bakabot box is wrong
L202[01:32:56] <payonel> so pretty
L203[01:33:17] <snowden89> for realname
L204[01:33:25] <ping> snowden89, thats because of the unicode
L205[01:33:29] <ping> i cant do anything about that
L206[01:33:29] <vifino> ping: wrap that shit in a <pre>
L207[01:33:48] <payonel> so much hate
L208[01:33:49] <payonel> i liked it
L209[01:33:59] <snowden89> nah i like it
L210[01:34:08] <snowden89> just advising about the one line
L211[01:34:26] <ping> vifino, what does that do .-.
L212[01:34:38] <vifino> ping: preformatted
L213[01:34:38] <snowden89> that being said i cut all unicode
L214[01:34:42] <vifino> newlines and shit count
L215[01:34:51] <ping> thatle fuck up <br/> right?
L216[01:35:08] <vifino> yes
L217[01:35:12] <vifino> also spaces work properly
L218[01:35:19] <ping> ill have to remove that and go in raw :)
L219[01:35:20] <vifino> all monospace
L220[01:35:27] <ping> even unicode?
L221[01:35:30] <vifino> yes
L222[01:35:36] <ping> get on steam
L223[01:35:53] <vifino> ping: it cant connect to the netfuck
L224[01:36:01] <vifino> please hold ur tetties
L225[01:36:07] <ping> vifino, im lazy so ill just find some css thatle monospace it xD
L226[01:36:17] <vifino> ping: dood just <pre> it
L227[01:36:20] <vifino> mofo
L228[01:36:58] <ping> its not that simple fam
L229[01:37:10] <ping> i have to put effort
L230[01:37:11] <vifino> it is
L231[01:37:15] <ping> and im not down for that
L232[01:37:15] <vifino> you have to do *less*
L233[01:37:25] <vifino> ping: fine do you want me to do it?
L234[01:37:29] <ping> yes
L235[01:37:32] <vifino> ofc
L236[01:37:33] <ping> its in paste.lua
L237[01:37:42] <vifino> rm -rf v5
L238[01:38:06] <ping> actually no
L239[01:38:07] <ping> get on steam
L240[01:38:45] <vifino> ping: if steam would fucking load yes
L241[01:39:12] <ping> vifino, ill do it
L242[01:39:23] <ping> because i need to make a modified htmlencode
L243[01:39:44] <ping> which is in both webserver and db.lua
L244[01:40:59] <ping> i put random globals in db.lua because it used to be sqlite managment which needed to run before all the irc bs so i just started putting garbage in db.lua even though i dont even use sqlite anymore
L245[01:41:20] <vifino> localize marihuana
L246[01:41:35] <vifino> for your fav country
L247[01:42:31] <ping> <restart
L248[01:42:41] <ping> <> cserialize(admin.perms)
L249[01:42:42] <^v> ping, https://v5.pxtst.com/paste/lIEGU.html
L250[01:43:11] <ping> vifino, you lied to me
L251[01:43:29] <vifino> ping: looks fine here
L252[01:43:31] <ping> bakabot is still screwed up
L253[01:43:39] <ping> see the unicode
L254[01:44:16] <vifino> ping: much better than before
L255[01:44:22] <vifino> its not fucked up anymore for the most part
L256[01:44:22] <ping> it looks the same
L257[01:44:27] <ping> but the font is smaller
L258[01:44:31] <vifino> ping: http://puu.sh/nufSO.png
L259[01:44:36] <vifino> it looks not fucked up here
L260[01:45:09] <ping> um
L261[01:45:24] <vifino> ping: this is before http://puu.sh/nufVe.png
L262[01:45:27] <ping> it does look fucked up, what are those spaces doing xD
L263[01:45:44] <ping> second one is your browser's fault
L264[01:46:03] <vifino> its your imcompetence
L265[01:46:04] <ping> font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
L266[01:46:15] <ping> thats a web safe font m8
L267[01:46:29] <ping> your browser is fucky thats all
L268[01:46:34] <snowden89> oh that looks nice ping
L269[01:46:37] <snowden89> the new one i mean
L270[01:46:46] <Izaya> mine is rendering the pipes overlapping
L271[01:46:56] <ping> am i the only one that uses chrome here
L272[01:47:00] <ping> ,_,
L273[01:47:14] <ping> snowden89, send screenshots of old one, unless it looked like vifinos
L274[01:47:14] <snowden89> reminds me of a good console gui
L275[01:47:16] <Izaya> you mean botnet browser?
L276[01:47:32] <Izaya> (yes, I know, botnet is not the word, but it sounds good)
L277[01:47:34] <ping> yes, i run ultron
L278[01:47:40] * Izaya uses qutebrowser
L279[01:47:51] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L280[01:47:59] <vifino> ping: fucking steam finally fucking loaded up
L281[01:48:11] <ping> vifino, well thanks
L282[01:48:22] <vifino> ping: your mother.
L283[01:48:33] <ping> i wasnt aware there were any browsers that diddnt have the "css web safe fonts"
L284[01:48:34] <snowden89> ping nah mine only shows the issue with that one name
L285[01:48:42] <ping> fuck w3
L286[01:48:45] <snowden89> all else just loads fine
L287[01:49:03] <snowden89> < firefuck
L288[01:49:06] <snowden89> ...
L289[01:49:08] <snowden89> firefox
L290[01:50:08] <ping> yeah theres nothing i can do really without horrifyingly laggy tables for unicode
L291[01:50:26] <ping> maybe some JS tricks
L292[01:50:31] <Kodos> Anyone know if there's a picture somewhere of all the characters from the font that TIS-3D uses?
L293[01:50:59] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/gJhTt2u.png if you look closely you can see where the pipes overlap
L294[01:52:07] <ping> Izaya, i see that, thats normal
L295[01:52:15] <Izaya> ohok
L296[01:52:16] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6C6D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L297[01:52:19] <ping> it doesnt happen in OC
L298[01:52:22] <ping> which is good <3
L299[01:52:30] <Izaya> qutebrowser is basically a bunch of vim keybinds taped onto webkit
L300[01:52:35] <snowden89> wierd mine looks
L301[01:52:41] <vifino> ping: ILL KEL U
L302[01:53:00] <ping> vifino, what
L303[01:53:09] <vifino> ping: cs:go or riot
L304[01:53:25] <vifino> you leave every single time
L305[01:53:32] <ping> wut
L306[01:53:36] <ping> it says i diddnt
L307[01:53:40] <ping> whatever you pick
L308[01:53:45] <ping> casual gives most xp
L309[01:53:45] <vifino> CS:GO Operation: Ternary left
L310[01:54:19] <ping> cache is best map
L311[01:54:28] <snowden89> weird mine looks all nice a straight lines
L312[01:54:33] <snowden89> no visible overlaps
L313[01:54:35] <snowden89> http://imgur.com/DQSRyYh
L314[01:54:47] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L315[01:58:47] <ping> snowden89, linux?
L316[01:59:04] <snowden89> windows 10
L317[01:59:06] <snowden89> work pc
L318[01:59:08] <snowden89> lol
L319[01:59:14] <Izaya> botnet OS
L320[02:01:53] <snowden89> its not XP?
L321[02:04:19] <ping> ok the issue is probably linux unicode fonts
L322[02:09:53] <ping> im getting the overlap on both my linux computers on botnet and firefuck
L323[02:09:58] <gamax92> The light spins in circles, trapped, with no way to leave. Take my hand, to solve your mystery. Better than being here?
L324[02:09:58] <gamax92> No, it's just more of the same. To be in a world of a few inches or several miles, it all ends at a border.
L325[02:11:28] <Kodos> No
L326[02:11:34] <gamax92> All you do is slow the end result, but eventually, we'll hit the end, of all that's there to see, where all resets will have been discovered.
L327[02:11:43] <lashtear> Apparently my irc client supports color
L328[02:12:48] ⇨ Joins: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L329[02:14:06] <ping> .ranbow color isnt pc enough therefore you are racist scum
L330[02:14:36] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L331[02:14:41] <ping> <ranbow color isnt pc enough therefore you are racist scum
L332[02:14:43] <ping> fak
L333[02:14:47] <ping> i forgot i removed fun from ^v
L334[02:15:00] <vifino> ping: you typoed rainbow
L335[02:15:02] <vifino> gg.
L336[02:15:09] <ping> literally did <cmd rm -f plugins/fun.lua
L337[02:15:12] <ping> so it doesnt matter
L338[02:15:18] <snowden89> lol
L339[02:15:28] <snowden89> you removed all fun
L340[02:15:37] <snowden89> in lua of anything else
L341[02:18:38] <ping> <rainbow unless
L342[02:18:41] <ping> nope
L343[02:18:44] <ping> def removed
L344[02:18:59] <Kodos> .rb Are you sure?
L345[02:19:12] <Kodos> <rainbow maybe this one?
L346[02:19:19] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L347[02:19:57] <ping> ^v4 is down
L348[02:20:00] <ping> lemme reboot it
L349[02:20:14] <vifino> #rainbow RAINBOWS
L350[02:20:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > RAINBOWS
L351[02:20:21] <vifino> gotta love rainbows.
L352[02:21:09] ⇨ Joins: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L353[02:21:23] <ping> .rainbow raaaaaaaaaaaaainbow
L354[02:21:23] <^v4> ping, raaaaaaaaaaaaainbow
L355[02:21:50] <Vexatos> #rainbow PING
L356[02:21:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 44 PING
L357[02:21:54] <Vexatos> <_>
L358[02:22:43] * Izaya hrms
L359[02:22:53] <Izaya> so I like flattr but it doesn't have all the icons or something
L360[02:23:06] <snowden89> .rainbow dont hate the colours
L361[02:23:06] <^v4> snowden89, dont hate the colours
L362[02:23:19] <snowden89> its strangely appropriate today
L363[02:23:21] <snowden89> lol
L364[02:23:26] <snowden89> tomorrow here is mardi gras
L365[02:24:59] <Izaya> welp
L366[02:25:07] <Izaya> looks like the shadowrun editor is borked on linux
L367[02:26:00] <vifino> Anyone seen the movie "dope"?
L368[02:26:05] <vifino> It's amazing.
L369[02:26:26] <vifino> Bitcoin, movie-fied Go, everything.
L370[02:29:24] ⇨ Joins: Zerant- (~Zerant@mx.brose.me)
L371[02:30:07] <vifino> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3850214/ this one.
L372[02:37:47] <Izaya> looks funb
L373[02:37:49] <Izaya> fun*
L374[02:38:30] <vifino> Izaya: It's really good.
L375[02:39:15] <payonel> #lua math.random()
L376[02:39:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.65374436229467
L377[02:39:27] <payonel> #lua math.random()&0xff
L378[02:39:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: number has no integer representation
L379[02:39:41] <Saphire> #lua return net
L380[02:39:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L381[02:39:44] <Saphire> meh
L382[02:39:56] <Saphire> any way to load external scripts trough it?
L383[02:44:20] <payonel> #lua math.ldexp
L384[02:44:21] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > function: 0x7f50f7de9260
L385[02:45:24] <payonel> #lua string.char(0x42, 0x96, 0, 0)
L386[02:45:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > B�
L387[02:45:27] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L388[02:46:51] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L389[02:46:57] <greaser|q> Saphire: line-by-line, probably
L390[02:47:02] <greaser|q> #lua k = 3
L391[02:47:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L392[02:47:05] <greaser|q> #lua k
L393[02:47:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L394[02:48:37] <payonel> #lua string.char(50,51)
L395[02:48:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 23
L396[02:48:43] <payonel> #lua string.char(50)
L397[02:48:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2
L398[02:48:47] <payonel> #lua string.char(51)
L399[02:48:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L400[02:48:51] <payonel> kewl
L401[02:49:22] <Vexatos> #lua type(string.char(50,51))
L402[02:49:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > string
L403[02:49:31] <Vexatos> #lua string.char(50,51) + 1
L404[02:49:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 24.0
L405[02:49:35] <Vexatos> rip
L406[02:49:50] <payonel> #lua "23"+1
L407[02:49:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 24.0
L408[02:49:56] <payonel> oh thats sucky
L409[02:49:58] <Vexatos> #lua "355" / "23"
L410[02:49:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 15.434782608696
L411[02:50:02] <Vexatos> #lua "355" // "23"
L412[02:50:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 15.0
L413[02:50:03] <payonel> that looks like js
L414[02:50:13] <payonel> bleh
L415[02:50:17] <payonel> whatever
L416[02:50:19] <payonel> :)
L417[02:50:31] <Vexatos> #lua [===========[355]===========] // [====[23]====]
L418[02:50:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 15.0
L419[02:50:38] <Vexatos> I approve
L420[02:56:29] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L421[02:57:38] <payonel> o/
L422[02:57:42] * payonel is afk
L423[03:00:11] <Saphire> \o
L424[03:04:58] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L425[03:06:10] <greaser|q> i'm going to bed, in the meantime i need people to flood my inbox so: http://write-c-today.tumblr.com/ask
L426[03:06:43] <greaser|q> gnight
L427[03:17:00] <vifino> greaser|q: Looks like an interesting blog.
L428[03:24:08] <Inari> greaser|q: well the same claim works for assembly
L429[03:24:44] <Inari> i think my main reason to not use C still is that the C++ or other STDs provide features that are well understood, tested, and documented. and implemented in a performant way
L430[03:24:53] <Inari> sure i can do the same in C but with my own, probably crappier implementation
L431[03:38:30] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L432[03:50:45] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L433[03:58:08] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L434[04:26:30] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@2601:644:8301:f22e:e1b9:9c2f:dff3:3770) (Remote host closed the connection)
L435[04:27:02] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@2601:644:8301:f22e:e1b9:9c2f:dff3:3770)
L436[04:27:16] <Forecaster> huh
L437[04:27:25] <Forecaster> I didn't need to reinstall my computer after updating OC
L438[04:32:49] <Lizzy> o/
L439[04:33:00] <Forecaster> \o/
L440[04:34:55] <vifino> LIZZY!!! \o/
L441[04:34:59] * vifino kisses Lizzy all over
L442[04:35:03] * Lizzy continues cleaning the crap out of her eyes
L443[04:35:05] * Lizzy giggles
L444[04:36:01] * Kimiro throws an ice cube at vifino "I have a message for you from Colonel Mutumbe. He says "This is from Kimiro!""
L445[04:37:01] <vifino> Hmm, what to do with an ice cube..
L446[04:37:19] <Izaya> I could suggest something but I would be murdered with a fish so
L447[04:37:39] * vifino switches between licking the ice cube and Lizzy every lick
L448[04:37:48] <Lizzy> aaahhh, cold
L449[04:38:19] <vifino> :3
L450[04:45:12] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L451[04:51:52] <Kimiro> Put it in.
L452[04:51:57] <Kimiro> A glass of coke.
L453[04:54:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7357C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L454[05:07:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L455[05:07:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L456[05:09:08] <Forecaster> hm, bandicam picks up afterburners gpu overlay...
L457[05:10:09] <Forecaster> drones can't carry chunkloaders can they?
L458[05:10:27] ⇦ Quits: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L459[05:11:27] ⇨ Joins: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L460[05:25:20] <DeanIsaKitty> http://imgur.com/gallery/JlxDv ^^
L461[05:26:40] <Forecaster> "there’s four tires at each end" really now :P
L462[05:28:22] <DeanIsaKitty> https://github.com/ricardofiorani/stfu-kanye Replies "please shut the fuck up." to each of Kanye wests tweets ^^
L463[05:30:26] <Forecaster> "did it Worth it" xD
L464[05:34:22] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTAEF-5bjbw
L465[05:34:34] <Forecaster> moon girlfriends. yep. seems legit
L466[05:35:29] <Kodos> Fastcraft is clientsided, right?
L467[05:35:45] <Forecaster> both
L468[05:36:08] <Kodos> Right, but can I run it on my client if the server i'm on doesn't have it
L469[05:36:20] <Forecaster> yeah
L470[05:36:31] <Forecaster> I don't know if that would do anything though
L471[05:36:37] <Forecaster> if you're on a server
L472[05:37:18] <Forecaster> or actually, I think it does some render optimizations?
L473[05:37:19] <Forecaster> not sure
L474[05:37:40] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/EfauGDbj
L475[05:38:35] <Forecaster> wat
L476[05:39:01] <Izaya> for reference, yukichan is my bot
L477[05:39:36] <Forecaster> xD
L478[05:41:35] <vifino> Izaya: Yes/10.
L479[05:42:53] <vifino> Also, I am apparently going to CEBIT.
L480[05:43:23] <Izaya> oooooooo
L481[05:43:25] <Izaya> shiny
L482[05:47:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Mum enters password wrong and blames me for not knowing how KeePass works precisely and being cautious about backups. <.<
L483[05:48:02] <Izaya> it's not working due to my error, therefore you broke it
L484[05:48:25] <Forecaster> multikeepass
L485[05:48:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Yeah, two seperate problems but I showed her KeePass so of course I am to blame for each one :P
L486[05:49:05] * Forecaster blames DeanIsaKitty for his toaster not working
L487[05:49:48] * DeanIsaKitty redirects the blame to Vexatoast not understanding how "tanning" works.
L488[05:51:37] <DeanIsaKitty> Also, Shuudoushi: A 4.7 liter Maserati "Motorcycle" is basically a 470 PS vibrator, isn't it? <.<
L489[05:51:50] * g looks in
L490[05:51:55] <g> What's going on in.. here...
L491[05:52:02] * g backs out slowly
L492[05:54:16] * DeanIsaKitty drags g back in and bolts him to the ground
L493[05:55:14] <g> D:
L494[05:55:16] <g> Oh, hai kitty
L495[05:55:26] <g> Where'd you learn to lift that mallet with your paws?
L496[05:55:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Welding school :P
L497[05:56:07] <g> lol
L498[05:56:13] <g> yeah, that'd do it
L499[05:56:15] <g> How's everyone?
L500[05:56:24] <Vexatos> #oc: Where a cat bolts a letter to the ground
L501[05:56:41] <vifino> s/tt/ss/
L502[05:56:42] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> #oc: Where a cat bolts a lesser to the ground
L503[05:56:49] <Forecaster> that's not something I'd ask if I'd been bolted to the ground
L504[05:57:03] <g> depends who's doing the bolting
L505[05:57:06] <g> :|
L506[05:57:32] <g> by the way, does anyone not own the steam version of superhot here?
L507[05:57:46] * DeanIsaKitty waves
L508[05:57:50] <g> because SUPERHOT IS THE MOST INNOVATIVE SHOOTER I'VE PLAYED IN YEARS and I have a discount code if someone wants it
L509[05:57:57] * DeanIsaKitty waves harder
L510[05:58:02] <g> okay, okay
L511[05:58:04] <g> I'll pm it to you
L512[05:58:05] <g> :P
L513[05:58:07] <DeanIsaKitty> ^^
L514[05:58:17] <vifino> wait, how much with the discount code?
L515[05:58:20] <vifino> Oh well.
L516[05:58:23] <g> I actually dunno
L517[05:58:25] <g> It doesn't say
L518[06:04:12] <DeanIsaKitty> You know what grinds my gears? Paypal has a maximum Password length :<
L519[06:05:08] <Forecaster> how many characters?
L520[06:06:33] <Vexatos> Forecaster, next episode when
L521[06:06:40] <DeanIsaKitty> I don't know 20 or 25 or something
L522[06:06:43] <Vexatos> I WANT MOAR OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111one
L523[06:06:53] <Kodos> Use light boards in the next episode =D
L524[06:06:57] <Forecaster> I have a schedule you know :P
L525[06:07:35] <DeanIsaKitty> Forecaster: It doesn't matter. Any password length restriction is a sign of *really* bad security. Hash functions are constant lenght no matter what input you give them :S
L526[06:07:55] <Vexatos> my university's exam grade management system has a max password length
L527[06:07:58] <Forecaster> yeah
L528[06:08:03] <Vexatos> and it's 8
L529[06:08:14] <Forecaster> I hit sites that have < 30 sometimes and it annoys me
L530[06:08:20] <Vexatos> one uppercase, one lowercase, one number at least, and then 8 chars at most
L531[06:08:21] <Vexatos> wat
L532[06:08:22] <Vexatos> the
L533[06:08:23] <Vexatos> f
L534[06:09:21] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/msayB9XV un-trimmed log if anyone cares
L535[06:09:50] <Forecaster> is there a better free ssh client than putty?
L536[06:10:36] <Izaya> what's your definition of free?
L537[06:10:44] <g> DeanIsaKitty: by the way, what hashing method do you recommend people? I use bcrypt
L538[06:10:48] <Izaya> like, all software is '
L539[06:10:50] <Izaya> free'
L540[06:11:00] <g> Forecaster, I use cygwin
L541[06:11:02] <g> lol
L542[06:11:23] <Vexatos> I use ssh
L543[06:11:23] <Vexatos> :|
L544[06:11:40] <g> yeah, the ssh that comes with cygwin
L545[06:11:53] <Forecaster> free as in something I can get running on my computer
L546[06:11:54] <g> same as linux ssh
L547[06:12:08] <Vexatos> Forecaster, https://linuxmint.com/
L548[06:12:09] <Vexatos> :3
L549[06:12:17] <Vexatos> I bet it'll work on your computer
L550[06:12:19] <Forecaster> generally putty is fine
L551[06:12:33] <Forecaster> but I hate how it fails to select urls
L552[06:12:47] <Forecaster> (with double click)
L553[06:12:56] <g> Forecaster, a lot of people use http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/
L554[06:14:12] <Forecaster> I think I may have tried that at some point
L555[06:20:41] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Hashing for?
L556[06:21:08] <DeanIsaKitty> Do you know those people that make you absolutely not want to help them? Yeah, my mums one of those.
L557[06:23:42] <Forecaster> Vexatos: next episode is tomorrow
L558[06:23:53] <Vexatos> :(
L559[06:23:58] <Forecaster> it's not really about OC tohugh
L560[06:24:00] <Forecaster> though*
L561[06:24:12] <Forecaster> it's more about ProjRed and IC's
L562[06:24:18] * Kimiro throws and ice cube at Forecaster
L563[06:24:36] <Vexatos> you have ICs installed?
L564[06:24:49] <Forecaster> I poke at my computer a bit at the end wondering why it's suddenly erroring with too many components
L565[06:24:57] <Forecaster> ProjRed has IC's
L566[06:25:03] <Vexatos> yea, ripped off from another mod
L567[06:25:07] <Vexatos> which does it much better :P
L568[06:25:08] <Forecaster> yep
L569[06:25:20] <Forecaster> but I already had ProjRed so
L570[06:25:24] <Kodos> But P:R has Project Blue, and jacketed framed cable
L571[06:25:52] <Forecaster> I don't really care
L572[06:26:35] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L573[06:26:41] <Kodos> You should, Project Blue is amazing
L574[06:28:08] <Kodos> http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/minecraft/mods/ProjectBlue/doc/ControlPanel.html
L575[06:29:19] <Izaya> Forecaster: I have a copy of the pro version I can give you if you want it
L576[06:29:25] <Izaya> it's great for accessing X11 over ssh
L577[06:29:45] <vifino> Izaya: was it that one from me? :P
L578[06:29:46] <vifino> haha
L579[06:30:05] <Izaya> well I also have an older copy
L580[06:30:11] <Izaya> but yes I was thinking of that
L581[06:30:15] <Izaya> :D
L582[06:32:48] <vifino> :P
L583[06:36:08] <Forecaster> the PR IC editor could use some features like moving chunks of components and such, but other than that it works fine
L584[06:37:20] <Vexatos> how dare you support cheap ripoffs D:
L585[06:37:51] <Forecaster> all of them are ripping off RP2...
L586[06:38:15] <Kimiro> Which is ripping off RP1. #copyofacopyofacopy
L587[06:41:12] <Forecaster> you can't dye/color oc cables can you?
L588[06:41:38] <Kimiro> Not AFAIK.
L589[06:41:44] <Kimiro> Would be hand though.
L590[06:42:16] <Forecaster> it'd be cool
L591[06:42:26] <Forecaster> you can use covers to separate cables though I suppose
L592[06:46:13] <DeanIsaKitty> .-.
L593[06:47:48] <Forecaster> wow, cygwin has a lotta packages
L594[06:49:18] <g> not really
L595[06:49:21] <g> not compared to actual linux
L596[06:50:36] * vifino pets DeanIsaKitty
L597[06:50:57] <Lizzy> Forecaster: yeah, cygwin is kinda good. are you using the x86 or x64 version?
L598[06:51:04] <Forecaster> 64
L599[06:51:19] <Lizzy> ah, some things don't work on the 64bit version yet
L600[06:51:25] <Forecaster> oh
L601[06:51:52] <Forecaster> I'll probably be fine
L602[06:56:26] <Mimiru> "<Forecaster> you can't dye/color oc cables can you?" You can dye placed cables, but you can't dye them when you make them
L603[06:56:37] ⇦ Quits: Saphire (Saphire@reynir.aww.moe) (Quit: Mew o__o)
L604[06:56:38] <Forecaster> ah
L605[06:58:34] ⇨ Joins: Saphire (~Saphire@reynir.aww.moe)
L606[06:58:38] <Vexatos> <Forecaster> you can't dye/color oc cables can you?
L607[06:58:40] <Vexatos> of course you can
L608[06:58:41] <Vexatos> ;_;
L609[06:58:49] <Mimiru> I just covered that.. :P
L610[06:58:49] <Vexatos> using either dye or BC or IC2 paint brushes
L611[06:59:04] <Vexatos> I even told you before, Forecaster
L612[06:59:05] <Vexatos> :|
L613[06:59:23] <Forecaster> you mean I forgot something? impossibru!
L614[06:59:27] <Vexatos> so yea
L615[06:59:41] <Vexatos> I recommend using a dye directly
L616[06:59:44] <Vexatos> instead of paint brushes
L617[06:59:48] <Vexatos> as the dye won't be consumed :P
L618[07:00:01] <Vexatos> but the paint brushes do use durability
L619[07:00:18] <Forecaster> that's cheaty!
L620[07:00:22] <Lizzy> %tell dangranos Please fully restart lalli's IRCd when you next get the chance
L621[07:00:24] <MichiBot> Lizzy: dangranos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L622[07:00:28] <Lizzy> Izaya: you about?
L623[07:00:40] <Izaya> no
L624[07:00:43] <Lizzy> okay
L625[07:01:32] * Forecaster continues to dye lots and lots of wires
L626[07:01:42] <Lizzy> in a bit i'm going to be restarting various servers on what used to be called TheDarkIRCCo to their new names (because i cba to renew the old domain so now it's becomming a subset of theender.net)
L627[07:01:55] <Mimiru> One day, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1529 this might get implemented...
L628[07:01:58] <Mimiru> and I'll be happy :P
L629[07:02:13] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L630[07:02:23] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b007:2d19:217f:2a82)
L631[07:02:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L632[07:02:30] <Lizzy> I think i'll go restart Janus first, Michiyo: Netsplits will be incomming :P
L633[07:02:36] <Mimiru> q_q
L634[07:02:37] <Mimiru> k
L635[07:03:06] * Izaya braces for impact
L636[07:04:08] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b007:2d19:217f:2a82) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L637[07:04:23] <Forecaster> I need to build a cactus farm...
L638[07:04:29] <Forecaster> :I
L639[07:04:46] <Saphire> Lizzy: boop
L640[07:05:21] <Saphire> Lizzy: ah, that's what you have once said about a little while ago
L641[07:05:36] <Lizzy> Saphire: yep
L642[07:05:41] <Lizzy> right, janus restarting now
L643[07:05:50] <Lizzy> well
L644[07:05:55] <Lizzy> after i rehash the network
L645[07:05:59] <Izaya> sudo reboot now # I'm sorry
L646[07:06:13] <Saphire> gonna "-Syu" lalli and then reboot
L647[07:06:20] <Saphire> that should restart ircd
L648[07:06:23] <Saphire> too
L649[07:06:34] <Lizzy> if it doesn't that'd be really weird
L650[07:07:12] <Saphire> that would be "it didn't start" problem then
L651[07:07:16] ⇦ Quits: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L652[07:07:20] <Saphire> ...damn it gcc >_>
L653[07:07:37] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L654[07:08:29] <Lizzy> wtf kusangi... when did you jump onto janus?
L655[07:08:33] <Lizzy> oh well
L656[07:10:13] * Forecaster needs moar redstone
L657[07:10:28] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L658[07:10:54] <Saphire> Forecaster: and clay and also cactus green
L659[07:11:16] <Forecaster> I need clay?
L660[07:11:28] <Forecaster> o,o
L661[07:12:06] <Saphire> PCB
L662[07:12:27] <Forecaster> oh, well, I generally don't use oc pcb's
L663[07:12:50] <Forecaster> cause they cost spider eyes which I rarely have a lot of
L664[07:12:52] <Xilandro> Why, are there other PCBs that work?
L665[07:13:05] <Forecaster> um
L666[07:13:18] <Forecaster> I added PC pcb's to the oredict :P
L667[07:13:25] <Saphire> o.o
L668[07:13:30] <Saphire> Y-you can do that?
L669[07:13:35] <Forecaster> uh, yeah
L670[07:13:35] <g> of course
L671[07:13:39] <g> that's the whole point of the oredict
L672[07:13:48] <g> cross-mod compatibility
L673[07:13:57] <Forecaster> they cost a whole load of iron to make
L674[07:13:59] <Lizzy> .... dammit athar
L675[07:14:07] <Forecaster> but they're a lot easier to make a lot of
L676[07:14:09] <Saphire> >_>
L677[07:14:12] <Saphire> damnit archlinux
L678[07:15:03] <Lizzy> Saphire: does lalli have a ipv6 internet connection?
L679[07:15:10] <Saphire> not at all
L680[07:15:12] <Lizzy> good
L681[07:15:16] <Saphire> except for hyperboria
L682[07:15:43] <Forecaster> bash: ssh: command not found
L683[07:15:43] <Lizzy> cause Athar's v6 died again and git tries v6 first
L684[07:15:45] <Forecaster> :I
L685[07:15:55] <Saphire> ._.
L686[07:15:55] <g> you did install it right
L687[07:16:02] <g> the openssh package
L688[07:16:05] <g> ?
L689[07:16:15] <Forecaster> I didn't see it, I assumed it was installed by default
L690[07:16:31] <g> just run the installer again, then
L691[07:16:43] <Saphire> damn it irssi >_>
L692[07:16:47] <Saphire> y u no uname
L693[07:17:09] <g> I hear weechat has nice weather this time of year, Saphire
L694[07:17:23] ⇨ Joins: Noire (webchat@
L695[07:17:46] <Saphire> > implying i'm using irssi
L696[07:18:01] <Saphire> i just wanted to ctcp version someone and they were using irssi >_>
L697[07:18:15] * Saphire wanted to know the OS/distro of that person..
L698[07:19:06] <Lizzy> pegasus ffs
L699[07:19:08] <DeanIsaKitty> Saphire: Some people don't want to share that information with everybody :P
L700[07:19:41] <Forecaster> ah, it was under "Net"
L701[07:19:51] <Saphire> Forecaster: huh?
L702[07:19:55] <Noire> hi guys
L703[07:19:57] <Forecaster> openssh
L704[07:20:00] <Noire> thats me again
L705[07:20:03] <Forecaster> hi Noire
L706[07:20:58] <Saphire> Hi?
L707[07:21:50] <Saphire> Ah, so you're back..
L708[07:21:50] <Lizzy> Izaya: feel free to restart lain's IRCd
L709[07:22:37] <Noire> Theoretically, ive found a guy who can implement bukkit events into OC`s robot mechanics
L710[07:22:49] <Forecaster> theoretically?
L711[07:23:47] <Izaya> Lizzy: 'bin/inspircd cron'?
L712[07:23:56] <Izaya> do I need to kill the other one first?
L713[07:23:57] <Noire> yes
L714[07:24:06] <Lizzy> Izaya: bin/inspircd restart
L715[07:24:10] <vifino> Lizzy: oh, yeah, i forgot ages ago, I wanted to contribute a leaf node or two to the net.
L716[07:24:28] <Lizzy> all the cron part does is start it if it's not started but if it is it just ignore it
L717[07:24:39] <Lizzy> vifino: hold on
L718[07:24:43] <vifino> woo
L719[07:24:45] <Lizzy> Saphire: lalli's having issues
L720[07:24:47] <Izaya> 1. Address: [::]:6697 Reason: Address already in use
L721[07:24:55] <Izaya> could not bind ports <ports>
L722[07:24:58] <Saphire> i am not done updating
L723[07:25:02] <Saphire> i'll reboot soon
L724[07:25:02] <Lizzy> Saphire: ah
L725[07:25:04] <Izaya> sure I don't need to kill the other one?
L726[07:25:29] <Lizzy> Izaya: i dunno, kill all instances of it then do bin/inspircd start
L727[07:25:58] <Lizzy> this is fun
L728[07:26:19] <Izaya> LIFE
L729[07:26:22] <Lizzy> \o/ lains back
L730[07:26:23] <Izaya> anyway I should sleep
L731[07:27:50] <Lizzy> yay, my #netalerts on EnderNet is filled with lalli's failed connection attempts
L732[07:27:58] <Lizzy> oh well
L733[07:28:08] <Saphire> >_>
L734[07:28:10] <vifino> Lizzy: I will approximately add 4 nodes, if that's fine by you.
L735[07:28:12] <Saphire> I AM UPDATING
L736[07:28:13] <Lizzy> Saphire: it's fine
L737[07:28:31] <Lizzy> though if you can, could you kill lalli's ircd?
L738[07:28:41] <Saphire> sigh
L739[07:28:42] <Lizzy> cause if you're updating it doesn't need to be on :P
L740[07:28:43] <Saphire> sec
L741[07:29:18] <Saphire> let me update glibc at least >_>
L742[07:30:07] <Lizzy> if you have to stop your updating to kill it then don't bother
L743[07:30:28] <Noire> It is possible to use BlockBreakEvent (or PlayerInteractEvent, but it can be incompatible sometimes), which will need to transfer Fakeplayer and block coordinates. In case of WG or Factions interaction restriction - it is possible to cancel prohibited action. Example of the BlockBreakEvent usage is here: http://pastebin.com/5L3Cts41
L744[07:30:43] <Noire> Okay, this guy asked me to tell you this
L745[07:30:53] <ping> I had a really random nosebleed in the shower
L746[07:31:20] <ping> And it looked like either a murder or something else :x
L747[07:31:20] <Saphire> Noire: tell him that he can use the damn issue tracker to say that to devs >_>
L748[07:31:20] <DeanIsaKitty> ping: Stop watching porn while showering already :P
L749[07:31:36] <Saphire> lalli's ded >_>
L750[07:31:41] <Lizzy> ?
L751[07:31:50] <Lizzy> like, dead ded or rebooting ded?
L752[07:31:55] <Saphire> update is apparently eating all IO operations
L753[07:32:02] <Lizzy> oh, lol
L754[07:32:21] <Noire> Saphire, ill do this lately, but i want to knwo your opinion about this thing
L755[07:33:12] <Saphire> are those bukkit-specific methods?
L756[07:33:25] <Noire> yes
L757[07:33:43] <Noire> there is an example of using
L758[07:33:46] <Saphire> ...
L759[07:33:48] <Noire> http://pastebin.com/5L3Cts41
L760[07:33:59] <Saphire> Bukkit methods. In forge mod. What the fluff
L761[07:34:49] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: He watched mlp, I bet.
L762[07:35:13] <Saphire> vifino: too much plot
L763[07:35:20] <Saphire> Lizzy: killed inspircd
L764[07:35:29] <Lizzy> Saphire: coolio
L765[07:35:33] <vifino> Saphire: Nope.
L766[07:35:45] <Lizzy> now lets go restart Athar and then play musical servers when it comes back up
L767[07:35:51] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: .... I don't even want to know
L768[07:36:55] <Saphire> ...musical server?
L769[07:37:32] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: You really don't.
L770[07:37:35] <Lizzy> Saphire: Athar is the 'hub' for EnderNet, currently janus is being the hub but once Athar comes back up it'll retake that role
L771[07:37:39] <Lizzy> Mimiru: you still here?
L772[07:38:07] <Lizzy> %tell Mimiru does nebula still exist as a PCL IRCd?
L773[07:38:07] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L774[07:38:57] <Lizzy> %tell Mimiru cause if not helios still has it in it's autoconnect tag
L775[07:38:57] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L776[07:42:35] <Lizzy> wtf lain...
L777[07:44:50] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L778[07:45:14] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Why does piOS not have vi controls? I thought its the Operating system of the future?? :P
L779[07:47:46] <Lizzy> there we go
L780[07:47:46] <g> DeanIsaKitty: haha
L781[07:47:47] <g> xD
L782[07:47:48] <Lizzy> lain is back
L783[07:47:58] <g> I don't think it has a text editor..
L784[07:48:02] <Saphire> piOS?
L785[07:48:26] <g> She's talking about superhot
L786[07:48:30] <g> SUPER
L787[07:48:30] <g> HOT
L788[07:48:49] <DeanIsaKitty> g: guruGROUPS though :D
L789[07:49:25] <DeanIsaKitty> The attention to detail is awesome :D
L790[07:49:30] <g> yeah xD
L791[07:50:54] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Isn't there a scene where you need a password?
L792[07:50:59] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L793[07:51:43] <g> DeanIsaKitty, yes
L794[07:51:53] <g> but don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure it out
L795[07:52:06] <DeanIsaKitty> g: :D I think hanging around in chat is beneficial
L796[07:52:26] <g> I didn't really explore the apps tbh
L797[07:52:26] <g> :P
L798[07:52:41] <DeanIsaKitty> I need to test, but I just got spoilered a password :P
L801[07:55:28] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-113-59.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L803[07:59:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L804[07:59:32] <Forecaster> nobody's said anything for several minutes :P
L805[08:00:04] <vifino> Beat GTAV. Successfully wasted a metric fuckton(tm) of time on a game.
L806[08:00:29] <Forecaster> huh, my mc server just randomly shut down
L807[08:00:32] <Lizzy> how the fuck do you use weechat to connect to a server?
L808[08:00:33] <Forecaster> :I
L809[08:00:34] <vifino> Man, that game was awfully good.
L810[08:00:52] <g> Lizzy, /server or /connect
L811[08:00:57] <g> can't remember which
L812[08:01:02] <vifino> Lizzy: /server add someirc irc.someirc.com; /connect someirc
L813[08:01:03] <Forecaster> I used connect
L814[08:01:19] <Forecaster> I just did /connect irc.esper.net
L815[08:02:31] <g> Lizzy, do yourself a favour and install buffers.pl with /script
L816[08:03:20] <Forecaster> what's that do?
L817[08:04:47] <vifino> buffers.
L818[08:04:50] <vifino> buffers everywhere.
L819[08:07:15] <Lizzy> g: i'm not actively using it, just Izaya's lain box doesn't have irssi so i needed another irc client and it had weechat on i
L820[08:09:55] <Mimiru> nebula directs to Eos
L821[08:10:18] <Lizzy> okay
L822[08:11:59] <Forecaster> what the heck
L823[08:12:10] <Forecaster> ticking entity?!
L824[08:14:43] <Forecaster> so, apparently a PC drone collided with a carpenters block and my world has imploded?
L825[08:14:46] <Forecaster> >:
L826[08:15:51] <Forecaster> great
L827[08:16:22] <vifino> "Listen up, Cadets. I don't care what you call me, bu--" "Seargent Dickcheese, sir!" *intense staring*
L828[08:17:58] <g> Forecaster it shows a buffer list to the left that you can click on to switch
L829[08:18:32] <Forecaster> ah
L830[08:25:35] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L831[08:26:59] ⇦ Quits: Noire (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L832[08:27:47] <Forecaster> Vexatos: computronics says my version of forestry is too old to enable compat >:
L833[08:27:58] <Vexatos> then update forestry
L834[08:28:06] <Vexatos> :P
L835[08:28:10] <Vexatos> it tells you which version it needs
L836[08:28:24] <Vexatos> in the log
L837[08:28:26] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L838[08:28:27] <Forecaster> I might
L839[08:28:33] <Forecaster> right now I'm trying to fix this crash
L840[08:29:07] <Vexatos> Wasntme™®©
L841[08:29:18] <Forecaster> no it's a PC drone
L842[08:30:26] <Forecaster> http://hastebin.com/hixosejoya.coffee
L843[08:30:27] <Forecaster> :I
L844[08:31:51] <Vexatos> so Carpenter's blocks doesn't check for fake players
L845[08:31:56] <Vexatos> blame mineshopper
L846[08:33:02] <Forecaster> is that what's happening
L847[08:33:35] <Vexatos> actually, railcraft uses the exact same code
L848[08:33:35] <Forecaster> I wonder why serene is trying to edit a carpenters block...
L849[08:33:45] <Lizzy> %lookup athar.theender.net
L850[08:33:47] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for athar.theender.net 2001:bc8:2193:101::1
L851[08:33:51] <Vexatos> not quite
L852[08:33:52] <Vexatos> but almost
L853[08:34:28] <Vexatos> actually
L854[08:34:29] <rashy> o/
L855[08:34:38] <Vexatos> PC seems to be passing a fake player with a null game profile
L856[08:36:19] <vifino> http://i.imgur.com/djqSGsu.png
L857[08:36:24] <Forecaster> :I
L858[08:45:05] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L859[08:48:11] <Forecaster> ah!
L860[08:48:25] <Forecaster> serene has impacted by fuel reservoir
L861[08:48:32] <Forecaster> the carpenters block is a door
L862[08:57:11] * Vexatos pokes Sangar
L863[08:58:53] ⇨ Joins: NixillUmbreon (~nixillumb@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L864[08:59:18] <NixillUmbreon> I'm feeling really stupid right now, but how do you clear a 3d printer? p3d.reset() isn't doing anything.
L865[08:59:27] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L866[09:04:58] <NixillUmbreon> ... Actually, a getShapeCount() after a reset() returns 0.
L867[09:05:06] <NixillUmbreon> But the cleared model is still displayed.
L868[09:05:43] <Forecaster> maybe it just doesn't clear the display?
L869[09:07:54] <NixillUmbreon> Yeah. Which is weird.
L870[09:08:20] <Forecaster> sounds like a bug
L871[09:08:32] <NixillUmbreon> Indeed.
L872[09:09:20] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L873[09:12:29] <NixillUmbreon> Oh that's interesting. A model will spin with the direction you place it, but its textures won't.
L874[09:15:56] <vifino> WOOHOO
L875[09:16:02] <vifino> MY PROCESSOR IS BACK FROM RMA!
L876[09:18:43] <NixillUmbreon> noice!
L877[09:18:55] <NixillUmbreon> in the time I've been gone I've actually built an entire computer xP
L878[09:26:53] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L879[09:33:52] <Turtle> So reportedly, porting 1.8 -> 1.9 will not be as terribad
L880[09:36:24] <Forecaster> not worse than 1.6 -> 1.7
L881[09:37:33] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L882[09:39:34] <ping> <>
L883[09:39:34] <^v> ping, nil
L884[09:40:09] <alekso56> Turtle: it's freakin horrible, all my nms handlers are broken.
L885[09:40:57] <Turtle> A bunch of my code relies on RF and OC behaving so I don't even know if my makeshift port to 1.8 worked
L886[09:46:57] ⇦ Quits: NixillUmbreon (~nixillumb@c-68-51-179-137.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: NixillUmbreon)
L887[09:55:49] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@2601:644:8301:f22e:e1b9:9c2f:dff3:3770)
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L889[09:57:46] ⇦ Quits: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@ (Quit: bye o/)
L890[10:02:36] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1)
L891[10:08:05] <Forecaster> oh, my uranium drawer is full
L892[10:10:51] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-80-41-223-123.as13285.net)
L893[10:11:39] * Vexatos updates Forecaster's forestry
L894[10:12:00] <Forecaster> :O
L895[10:12:09] <Vexatos> Forecaster, by making you do it
L896[10:12:34] <Forecaster> can you serialize tables to strings in lua?
L897[10:13:45] <Vexatos> require("serialization")
L898[10:13:47] <DeanIsaKitty> I wish I had been able to take my A-Levels in vaulting .-.
L899[10:13:56] <Vexatos> .serialize() and .unserialize()? :P
L900[10:14:25] * Forecaster ponders making a geolyzer robot to scan for mining spots and bring data back
L901[10:15:42] <Forecaster> also I almost want to install LP to be able to request stuff
L902[10:15:52] <Forecaster> cause PC drones aren't very reliable
L903[10:17:39] <Forecaster> I'd disable the crafting stuff though
L904[10:18:40] <Vexatos> ewwwwwww
L905[10:18:50] <Vexatos> you can make request systems with OC or BC :3
L906[10:19:16] <Forecaster> oc would require lots and lots of programming and testing
L907[10:19:34] <Forecaster> BC I don't see being very presice
L908[10:20:08] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L909[10:20:57] <Vexatos> CJ made one in his LP
L910[10:21:02] <Vexatos> using filtered buffers :P
L911[10:21:29] <Forecaster> I vaguely remember that
L912[10:22:20] <Vexatos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxlj9Lg8RNk
L913[10:22:24] <Vexatos> around that
L914[10:22:34] <Lizzy> beep
L915[10:22:52] <Forecaster> boop
L916[10:22:55] <Vexatos> buup
L917[10:24:06] <Lizzy> right, home time
L918[10:24:20] <Forecaster> \o/
L919[10:24:52] <Vexatos> /o\
L920[10:25:04] * Forecaster stabs the reflection
L921[10:26:56] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L922[10:27:02] <Mettaton_Fab> woop?
L923[10:27:24] <Vexatos> * ᖶoʁөⅽɐƨʇөʁ ƨʇɐpƨ ʇµө ʁөʈꞁөⅽʇ!ou
L924[10:28:41] <Mettaton_Fab> wot?
L925[10:31:43] <Mettaton_Fab> i don't get it.
L926[10:32:20] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L927[10:32:35] <Lizzy> Lol
L928[10:32:40] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L929[10:32:47] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L930[10:33:20] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L931[10:33:25] <Mettaton_Fab> wow.
L932[10:48:01] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
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L934[11:02:11] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02DBB1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L935[11:03:40] <Mettaton_Fab> is Temia here?
L936[11:04:06] * gamax92 knocks on Temia door
L937[11:04:34] <gamax92> seems not
L938[11:04:56] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L939[11:06:26] <Forecaster> is anyone truly here?
L940[11:06:34] <gamax92> Yes
L941[11:06:38] <gamax92> next question
L942[11:07:27] * gamax92 gifts DeanIsaKitty a box of metal
L943[11:07:43] <Forecaster> maybe you only think that
L944[11:08:26] * MalkContent throws an empty tin bucket at Forecasters head
L945[11:09:28] <Vexatos> α or β tin
L946[11:10:40] <MalkContent> β
L947[11:10:51] <MalkContent> using the good stuff
L948[11:11:03] <MalkContent> also: learned a thing, ty
L949[11:12:04] <Mettaton_Fab> i hasz german letters!
L950[11:12:10] <Vexatos> α tin is cooler in my opinion :P
L951[11:12:15] <Vexatos> but it's also more useless :P
L952[11:12:55] <Mettaton_Fab> ü, ä, , ö, ß is mostly used in german
L953[11:13:06] <MalkContent> ß != β
L954[11:13:49] ⇨ Joins: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net)
L955[11:13:55] <MalkContent> also α wouldn't make that satisfying sound, i recon
L956[11:14:01] * DeanIsaKitty welds a phallus out of the scrap and hands it back to gamax92
L957[11:14:27] <DeanIsaKitty> payonel: Sorry for being a dick to you yesterday. .-.
L958[11:14:30] * Mettaton_Fab melts that phallus into a hammer.
L959[11:14:40] <gamax92> erm
L960[11:14:48] <gamax92> well MTT just ruined your work
L961[11:14:59] <Mettaton_Fab> hammers are better.
L962[11:15:01] <DeanIsaKitty> Mettaton_Fab is a twat :)
L963[11:15:12] <Mettaton_Fab> i am not
L964[11:15:26] <Mettaton_Fab> i am *Fabulous*!
L965[11:15:43] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh so you're a faggot. Got it
L966[11:16:14] <Mettaton_Fab> it is not called being gay, it is called being *Fabulous*!
L967[11:16:20] <Dashkal> Not sure MTT has 'docking ports' of any kind...
L968[11:16:24] * Kimiro totally gay's it up~
L969[11:16:33] <DeanIsaKitty> I didn't call you *gay* Mettaton_Fab, I called you a *faggot*.
L970[11:16:55] <Mettaton_Fab> i ajm not even a faggot.
L971[11:17:09] <DeanIsaKitty> Dashkal: It was a phallus, not a dildo. And I'm sure even men can enjoy dildos :P
L972[11:17:13] <Mettaton_Fab> i hate this Microsoft keyboard.
L973[11:18:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Kimiro: <.<
L974[11:18:16] <Dashkal> Maybe a cooling port could be adapted?
L975[11:18:26] <Mettaton_Fab> it won't work good with Windows 10.
L976[11:18:36] <Dashkal> Also MTT is metal, not wooden.
L977[11:18:50] <Kimiro> DeanIsaKitty: Yeeeees? :3c
L978[11:18:57] <Mettaton_Fab> MTT Brand Rockets!
L979[11:19:10] <DeanIsaKitty> Kimiro: You're a gay faggot cunt. I like you :P
L980[11:19:24] <Kimiro> Woo~
L981[11:19:34] <Kimiro> I'mma go make out with my boyfriend now~
L982[11:19:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Cool, have fun. Drag him on here sometime :P
L983[11:19:54] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty x Kimiro confirmed?
L984[11:20:03] <Xilandro> -.-
L985[11:20:17] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Totally. I'm gonna flirt a gay dude now. <.<
L986[11:20:18] <Mettaton_Fab> i think it is confirmed..
L987[11:20:23] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Yes.
L988[11:20:26] <Dashkal> Kimiro: Be fabulous about it. I wanna see rainbow fireworks here.
L989[11:20:34] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty x everything confirmed.
L990[11:20:42] <Dashkal> I missed last year's display
L991[11:20:45] <Mettaton_Fab> MTT Brand Ranbow Fireworks!
L992[11:21:11] * Dashkal invests
L993[11:21:12] * Kimiro puts on the Village People biker costume
L994[11:21:24] <Dashkal> Woo!
L995[11:21:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Kimiro: Please don't convert Dashkal. I like him straight more... ;P
L996[11:22:04] <Kimiro> Too late.
L997[11:22:26] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: You have your party dude.
L998[11:22:33] * Mettaton_Fab gets out the Big Guns..
L999[11:22:52] * Kimiro hands out the rest of the costumes to any who'll take one
L1000[11:23:45] * DeanIsaKitty ponders how good a dog costume would look on her...
L1001[11:24:54] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I like you more as a cat.
L1002[11:25:11] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Too bad :P
L1003[11:25:21] <vifino> :(
L1004[11:25:23] * DeanIsaKitty puts on a Dog costume
L1005[11:25:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Uh... wuff?
L1006[11:25:32] <Dashkal> Drat. Turns out I could not get a coffee and make that train
L1007[11:27:09] <gamax92> today is off to a great start
L1008[11:27:11] <Dashkal> ...
L1009[11:27:23] <Dashkal> Why is Dean a dog?
L1010[11:27:31] <vifino> Fuck if I knew.
L1011[11:27:35] <gamax92> why not?
L1012[11:28:02] * Kimiro throws glitter and floral scented candles everywhere
L1013[11:28:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Yep, Kimiro up the gay game :P
L1014[11:28:21] <payonel> DeanIsaKitty: https://goo.gl/vhjt0a
L1015[11:28:22] * Dashkal hangs a disco ball
L1016[11:29:14] <DeanIsaKitty> payonel: Awwwwwwww *~*
L1017[11:29:39] <payonel> you can pick which one you are :)
L1018[11:29:40] <payonel> haha
L1019[11:30:04] <vifino> oh, fuck me
L1020[11:30:17] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: :P
L1021[11:30:18] <DeanIsaKitty> Why?
L1022[11:30:25] * Kimiro does as is requested
L1023[11:31:09] <DeanIsaKitty> Keanu apparently learned a lot in the Matrix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpr8oqyjKIc :D
L1024[11:31:12] <vifino> Why the fuck does wtfits.science work but not apps.wtfits.science? / hits the server, /bla makes cloudflare error in 520...
L1025[11:31:38] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy~ ~o~
L1026[11:32:20] <payonel> gamax92: just realized, my dumb fix for resize, it won't make the terminal window grow, only shrink
L1027[11:32:21] <payonel> bleh
L1028[11:32:32] <payonel> and i have to go to the store for the next few hours
L1029[11:32:39] <gamax92> D:
L1030[11:32:47] <gamax92> quickly yell at sangar to hold off
L1031[11:32:53] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: You ask why? Wow, previously you just said okay... You clearly must be broken. :P
L1032[11:33:11] <vifino> Anyways, back to yelling at cloudflare.
L1033[11:33:18] <Dashkal> DeanIsaKitty: immortals do often fill their time by learning new skills
L1034[11:33:30] <gamax92> or sexual stuff
L1035[11:33:31] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: You said its me x everything. Now you're annoyed that I *don't* fuck things. <.<
L1036[11:33:43] <DeanIsaKitty> Dashkal: Yep.
L1037[11:33:54] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: q_q
L1038[11:34:00] <vifino> You're an idiot.
L1039[11:34:04] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: :3
L1040[11:34:31] * payonel is afk
L1041[11:34:40] <DeanIsaKitty> payonel: There's /away for that :P
L1042[11:34:47] * payonel is /away
L1043[11:34:51] <DeanIsaKitty> .-.
L1044[11:34:54] <payonel> :P
L1045[11:34:55] <gamax92> X3
L1046[11:35:15] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty: (>^_^<)
L1047[11:35:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzzzaaaaaaaayyyy :D <3
L1048[11:35:35] <Lizzy> Deeeeeeaaaaaannnnn
L1049[11:35:39] <Lizzy> <
L1050[11:35:46] <Lizzy> numpad ffs
L1051[11:35:48] <Kimiro> ... Pizza~
L1052[11:35:49] <Lizzy> <3
L1053[11:35:56] * Kimiro loves pizza
L1054[11:35:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Kimiro: .... Beacon~
L1055[11:36:04] * vifino loves Lizzy
L1056[11:36:11] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty: Bacon Pizza
L1057[11:36:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: Lizzy pizza for vifino
L1058[11:36:26] <Kimiro> Beacon Pizza... Is pizza a valid beacon base?
L1059[11:36:28] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: With bacon.
L1060[11:36:40] <DeanIsaKitty> Canadian || American? :P
L1061[11:37:00] <gamax92> I like how vifino is more concerned about it having Bacon than having Lizzy
L1062[11:37:09] <vifino> Lizzy pizza with bacon sounds deliceous.
L1063[11:37:22] * Kimiro perks an eyebrow
L1064[11:37:26] <Kimiro> Canadian what now?
L1065[11:37:32] <alekso56> bacon
L1066[11:37:33] <vifino> gamax92: I'm more concerned about it not having bacon.
L1067[11:37:34] * Lizzy changes her religious field to "Baconist"
L1068[11:37:43] * Lizzy changes her religious field to "Satanic Baconist"
L1069[11:37:50] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: I'm "Jedi"
L1070[11:38:11] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I thought your name was Kathderp?
L1071[11:38:13] <vifino> Huh.
L1072[11:38:14] <Kimiro> Canadian Bacon is a terribly watchable movie.
L1073[11:38:35] <Lizzy> heh
L1074[11:38:43] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: You're the only one calling me Kathderp in this channel. Or Kathleen for that matter :P
L1075[11:38:51] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Nope.
L1076[11:38:58] <Lizzy> Dad just texted me "when will you be home?", My response: "About 5 minutes ago"
L1077[11:39:04] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Yerp. http://www.jedichurch.org/
L1078[11:39:16] <Lizzy> Kathy :3
L1079[11:39:43] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: See? Lizzy does it too. \o/
L1080[11:39:51] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: Right, that doesn't hilight me yet. Thanks for the reminder.
L1081[11:39:52] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1082[11:40:30] <Lizzy> Kathy :D
L1083[11:40:32] <DeanIsaKitty> Yep
L1084[11:40:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Works noe
L1085[11:40:36] <DeanIsaKitty> *now
L1086[11:40:38] <Lizzy> woop
L1087[11:40:48] <alekso56> >_>
L1088[11:40:51] <vifino> Adrian still pings me, mostly because I forgot to remove it again.
L1089[11:41:12] <vifino> Well, forgot how to*
L1090[11:41:20] <gamax92> payday2 pings me
L1091[11:41:36] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Make SUPERHOT ping you :P
L1092[11:41:47] <alekso56> soupa hawt
L1093[11:42:10] <Lizzy> someone say my name a sec
L1094[11:42:14] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy
L1095[11:42:21] <Lizzy> hmm, okay
L1096[11:42:21] <vifino> Aaaand can't be arsed. So I still get a fuckton of notifications from the #tcl channel on freenode because of the bridge bot on freenode.
L1097[11:42:24] <vifino> Elizabeth.
L1098[11:42:32] <vifino> :3
L1099[11:42:51] <Lizzy> hm, that didn't hilight
L1100[11:42:52] <vifino> Aaaanyhow, back to brea-- I mean, fixing stuff.
L1101[11:43:05] <DeanIsaKitty> LiZzY
L1102[11:43:09] <DeanIsaKitty> lIzZy
L1103[11:43:14] <Lizzy> those doo
L1104[11:43:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Liiizzaaaaayyy
L1105[11:44:07] <Lizzy> that doesnt, lemme go see if i can make some regex to catch that
L1106[11:44:08] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1107[11:44:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: [Ll][Ii]+[Zz][Zz]+[Aa]+[Yy]+
L1108[11:44:45] <DeanIsaKitty> L+ maybe too. for LLLLLIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAY
L1109[11:44:48] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L1110[11:45:10] <Dashkal> Joke timing lost to tunnel. Sad
L1111[11:45:36] <DeanIsaKitty> And if you make [Aa] a * instead of a +, LIIIZZZZYYY matches too
L1112[11:45:47] <Dashkal> Still, DerpIsaKitty should ping you
L1113[11:45:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Dashkal: Fuck off :D
L1114[11:46:12] <vifino> And what about KittyIsaDerp? Or DerpIsaDerp?
L1115[11:46:15] <Dashkal> Later. In public
L1116[11:46:38] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: KittyKath?
L1117[11:46:45] <vifino> Oh god.
L1118[11:47:00] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as KittyKath
L1119[11:47:01] <KittyKath> :P
L1120[11:47:03] <Dashkal> I like KittyIsaDerp. Good call.
L1121[11:47:12] <Lizzy> okay, try it KittyKath
L1122[11:47:18] <vifino> That sounds like the name a 12 year old always wanted to be named.
L1123[11:47:24] <Vexatos> grrr
L1124[11:47:25] <KittyKath> Grouped~
L1125[11:47:27] <vifino> For fucks sake, KittyKath. .-.
L1126[11:47:28] <Vexatos> cinnamon-spices is down
L1127[11:47:29] <g> KittyKath is a good name :P
L1129[11:47:51] <Lizzy> \o/
L1130[11:47:59] <KittyKath> LliiiIIIzzzZZzzaaAayY
L1131[11:48:03] <Lizzy> now also try without the As
L1132[11:48:12] <KittyKath> LiiizzzyyyYY?
L1133[11:48:18] <Lizzy> woop
L1134[11:49:36] <Lizzy> KittyKath: try one last time
L1135[11:49:59] <vifino> oh fuck me
L1136[11:49:59] <Lizzy> or anyone for that matter
L1137[11:49:59] <KittyKath> ~ * ~ LlLiiIizZzzyyyYY ~ * ~
L1138[11:50:06] <Lizzy> vifino: okay
L1139[11:50:06] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1140[11:50:14] <Lizzy> also i fucked up the colour paramiter
L1141[11:50:24] <vifino> Downloading stuff at 200kbit per half a minute. .-.
L1142[11:50:24] <scj643> finally got pushbullet working with quassel
L1143[11:50:43] <vifino> Lizzy: Oh you :)
L1144[11:50:44] <KittyKath> vifino: Aw, poor you :P
L1145[11:50:56] <scj643> now i will get a notification if any words of interest happen or querries
L1146[11:51:11] <vifino> KittyKath: Yes, poor me.
L1147[11:51:38] <KittyKath> vifino: Btw, I'm keeping that nick now. Because fuck you :P
L1148[11:51:44] <vifino> :(
L1149[11:51:53] <Lizzy> KittyKath: YAY
L1150[11:51:58] <Kimiro> Whoa, what'd I miss? o:
L1151[11:52:00] <Lizzy> also irssi....
L1152[11:52:04] <KittyKath> Kimiro: Me :3
L1153[11:52:04] <g> scj643, how the heck did you do that?
L1154[11:52:09] <g> last I checked, quassel had no api at all
L1155[11:52:15] * Kimiro missed KittyKath apparently
L1156[11:52:29] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Quit: The answer is 0. What does it mean? I don't really know.)
L1157[11:53:03] <KittyKath> g: Last I checked quassel was nothing more than a API with a shitty front-end
L1158[11:53:33] * Lizzy hugs KittyKath
L1159[11:53:40] * KittyKath hugs Lizzy
L1160[11:53:41] <Lizzy> why do i have an alias for doing that?
L1161[11:53:53] <Lizzy> i feel i added that on a lazy day
L1162[11:54:02] <vifino> There we fucking go. More than 0.1 slows a minute.
L1163[11:54:35] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L1164[11:54:44] <Lizzy> oh
L1165[11:54:56] <Lizzy> okay, so that's why Elizabeth never actually pings me
L1166[11:55:03] <Lizzy> the highlight has a space at the end
L1167[11:55:05] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L1168[11:55:53] <Kimiro> Man, it must be nice having an IRC client that has actual features.
L1169[11:56:01] <vifino> Good job, Lizzy :P
L1170[11:56:15] <Lizzy> someone try saying Elizabeth
L1171[11:56:21] <KittyKath> Elizabeth \o/
L1172[11:56:22] <vifino> Elizabeth!!! \o/
L1173[11:56:22] <Kimiro> Elizabeth.
L1174[11:56:30] <Lizzy> okay, that works :P
L1175[11:56:31] <Kimiro> Lerzehberth.
L1176[11:56:37] <KittyKath> Lizzy: YOu have aquired [three] minions. COngrats
L1177[11:56:43] <Lizzy> \o/
L1178[11:56:54] <vifino> KittyKath: No, two minions and a boyfriend.
L1179[11:57:05] <Lizzy> vifino: face it, you're a minoin now
L1180[11:57:10] <Lizzy> also minion
L1181[11:57:18] <Lizzy> no idea what the fuck a minoin is
L1182[11:57:27] * Kimiro is a fillet mignon
L1183[11:57:27] <KittyKath> Lizzy: One of those *actually* wants to fuck you, the other may and the third doesn't care.
L1184[11:57:29] <Lizzy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1185[11:57:33] <Dashkal> Minimal oin
L1186[11:57:54] <Lizzy> KittyKath: which are you? :P
L1187[11:57:59] <Lizzy> internet please
L1188[11:58:00] <KittyKath> Lizzy: ^^
L1189[11:58:11] ⇦ Quits: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1190[11:58:19] <Lizzy> KittyKath: I'll take 2nd
L1191[11:58:23] <vifino> I'm quite sure I'm the first. :P
L1192[11:58:55] <Kimiro> Who doesn't care about what now?
L1193[11:59:09] ⇨ Joins: Evey (evey@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:bad:ca7:babe)
L1194[11:59:24] <Evey> Is it safe to join back here now?
L1195[11:59:30] <Kimiro> Probably not.
L1196[11:59:34] <KittyKath> Evey: NO, get ou
L1197[11:59:36] <KittyKath> *out
L1198[11:59:45] <Evey> KittyKath: :(
L1199[11:59:48] * Evey cries
L1200[12:00:03] * Lizzy picks up Evey and pets her
L1201[12:00:07] * Kimiro gives Evey a Kleenex?
L1202[12:00:23] <Dashkal> Evey: It's never 'safe'
L1203[12:00:24] * Evey stops crying and purrs, leaning into Lizzy's petting
L1204[12:00:59] <Evey> I meant more on the fact that the server was being iffy this week
L1205[12:01:21] <Lizzy> Yeah, that should be okay now. Vultr have Janus' IP on a monitor
L1206[12:02:12] * Lizzy stops petting Evey now that she's calmed down
L1207[12:02:27] * Evey curls up and sleep on Lizzy's lap
L1208[12:02:43] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1209[12:02:45] <scj643> g it acts like a client that is connected
L1210[12:03:00] <scj643> Then listens for messages
L1211[12:08:12] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1212[12:09:01] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1213[12:09:12] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L1214[12:12:13] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1215[12:12:55] <Kimiro> Blah.
L1216[12:13:13] <Kimiro> Why does making a stargate GDO have to be so annoying.
L1217[12:13:25] * Saphire pokes Lizzy
L1218[12:13:36] * Saphire paws at Lizzy
L1219[12:14:47] * Lizzy pets Saphire
L1220[12:15:07] * Saphire purrrs
L1221[12:15:15] <Saphire> On the other news...
L1222[12:15:20] <Kimiro> Fuck it. Wireless redstone it is.
L1223[12:15:22] <Lizzy> Saphire: go into your IRCd config directory and do a git pull on the global and lalli folders
L1224[12:15:31] <Saphire> aha
L1225[12:16:04] <Vexatos> D:
L1226[12:16:48] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1227[12:16:59] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1228[12:16:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1229[12:18:03] <Lizzy> there you go
L1230[12:18:32] <Lizzy> I think i need to do a better pull script
L1231[12:21:17] <gamax92> :o
L1232[12:21:24] <gamax92> These episodes are an hour long, and 26 of them!
L1233[12:23:28] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1234[12:24:38] <Forecaster> what episodes?
L1235[12:26:04] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L1236[12:26:52] <g> KittyKath: yeah, I guess you could write a client for it.. didn't think of that
L1237[12:27:07] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-305-38.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1238[12:29:30] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1239[12:37:51] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1240[12:45:14] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L1241[12:45:38] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L1242[12:50:00] * Mettaton_Fab pokes Lizzy
L1243[12:50:10] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1244[12:58:27] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com)
L1245[13:01:12] <Lizzy> ?
L1246[13:02:01] * Kimiro glitterpokes Mettaton_Fab
L1247[13:03:11] <Dashkal> Oh no... the glitter... You'll never get it off of you, Mettaton_Fab.
L1248[13:03:19] * Dashkal double checks he has a spare shell to jump to
L1249[13:03:45] <Kimiro> Craft Herpes.
L1250[13:03:48] * Mettaton_Fab is more fab than any of you.
L1251[13:04:05] <Dashkal> Did you get around to upgrading your battery?
L1252[13:04:13] <Dashkal> Or is this strictly a one encounter fab kinda situation?
L1253[13:04:29] * Kimiro glitterpokes Dashkal
L1254[13:04:53] <Mettaton_Fab> i did uprade my battery. And, i am the most fab person here.
L1255[13:05:10] * KittyKath jumps on Kimiro's head and meows at him
L1256[13:05:24] * Dashkal just accepts the glitter, but makes a note to toss this shell in lava later.
L1257[13:05:28] <Dashkal> Or maybe a hungry node.
L1258[13:08:12] * Kimiro regularpokes the strange head-sitting KittyKath
L1259[13:08:55] * KittyKath glitterwiggles into Kimiro's hair
L1260[13:09:36] * Dashkal was standing to close
L1261[13:09:40] <Kimiro> o-o Is this... Normal?
L1262[13:09:41] * Dashkal starts glittercouging
L1263[13:10:11] <KittyKath> Kimiro: >^.^< Meow
L1264[13:10:33] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L1265[13:12:37] <Kimiro> Me... ow?
L1266[13:14:24] * SkySom walks in, sees the mess of glitter, walks out
L1267[13:14:48] * gamax92 scoops the glitter up and puts on a cupcake, eats
L1268[13:14:54] <Alissa> .-.
L1269[13:15:05] <Kimiro> This place became strange.
L1270[13:15:11] <Kimiro> I like it. :3
L1271[13:15:20] <Mimiru> "Became"... lolol
L1272[13:15:49] <KittyKath> Kimiro: This place has been weird since it was created :P
L1273[13:16:15] <Alissa> I would retreat to my personal channel but it is no weirder :D
L1274[13:16:31] * Kimiro hands out large chocolate dong-sicles
L1275[13:16:49] <Forecaster> it's better than the first channel
L1276[13:17:03] <Forecaster> which musn't be named
L1277[13:17:04] * Alissa deepthroats the dong-sicle
L1278[13:18:09] <Kimiro> The secret ingredient is the tears of those who can't deepthroat them.
L1279[13:18:38] <KittyKath> Alissa: I want to see you actually deepthroad a popsicle :P
L1280[13:18:49] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1281[13:19:46] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1282[13:19:51] <Kimiro> http://0.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/43/37/87f6f9d8df66710dabda8cf111eb2db4.jpg
L1283[13:20:20] <Alissa> KittyKath: Maybe if you give me something better to deepthroat I'd show you :D
L1284[13:20:52] <KittyKath> Alissa: I only have a dildo around. But the joke was because its so cold. I know how deepthroathing works. <.<
L1285[13:21:17] <KittyKath> Kimiro: Those are some ugly dicks though.
L1286[13:21:24] <Alissa> I deepthroat a popsicle much, it's not that hard
L1287[13:21:44] <Alissa> Once
L1288[13:21:49] <Alissa> Stupid autocorrect
L1289[13:22:47] <Kimiro> KittyKath: You haven't seen mine.
L1290[13:22:50] <Saphire> ._.
L1291[13:22:52] * Kimiro applies ice
L1292[13:22:54] <Kimiro> Wait...
L1293[13:23:03] <KittyKath> Kimiro: Thanks, don't want to :P
L1294[13:23:11] * Saphire nibbles on a ruby and wonders what is going on ._.
L1295[13:23:15] <Kimiro> I just self-burned.
L1296[13:23:18] <Kimiro> :|
L1297[13:23:19] <Saphire> This is #oc, right?
L1298[13:23:23] <gamax92> no
L1299[13:23:24] <Alissa> KittyKath: I don't think anywhere nearby sells dick shaped popsicles
L1300[13:23:32] <Kimiro> This is #bananapops
L1301[13:23:42] <Alissa> So I probably couldn't get a pic
L1302[13:23:43] <gamax92> KittyKath has taken over
L1303[13:24:06] <KittyKath> What? WHy did NOBODY TELL MMEEEE???
L1304[13:24:54] <Alissa> Well I'm gonna go now :3
L1305[13:24:57] <Saphire> KittyKath: when did you changes your nickname? o.o
L1306[13:25:22] <KittyKath> Saphire: 1 3/4 hours ago
L1307[13:25:23] <Lizzy> a few hours ago
L1308[13:25:37] <KittyKath> Saphire: 18:47 -!- You're now known as KittyKath :P
L1309[13:26:07] * Lizzy is demonstrating her wonderful singing skills to vifino
L1310[13:26:21] <Lizzy> though i can't sing FoB that well
L1311[13:26:55] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1312[13:27:05] * vifino loves listening to Lizzy singing
L1313[13:27:13] * Kimiro does a flawless rendition of "Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes"
L1314[13:27:22] ⇦ Quits: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1315[13:27:22] ⇦ Quits: ping (~v^@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1316[13:28:43] <KittyKath> "Operation not permitted" Bitch I am root. Do as I say.
L1317[13:28:54] <Lizzy> lol
L1318[13:28:54] ⇨ Joins: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1319[13:30:21] * Lizzy predicts a riot
L1320[13:31:05] * Dashkal starts a riot in KittyKath's northbridge
L1321[13:31:22] <KittyKath> Dashkal stop .-.
L1322[13:31:38] <Dashkal> Why?
L1323[13:31:51] <KittyKath> Pff or don't I'm not your mum .-.
L1324[13:32:00] <Dashkal> I sure hope you aren't!
L1325[13:32:43] <Kimiro> IITBPYMTTT.
L1326[13:33:28] <vifino> Kimiro: Rephrase for humans, please.
L1327[13:33:52] <vifino> I don't speak gibberish.
L1328[13:34:08] <Kimiro> Incest is the best, put your mother to the test. :>
L1329[13:34:34] <vifino> Aaaaand there goes my faith in humanity.
L1330[13:35:10] <KittyKath> Kimiro is just all the sexual weird parts of #oc in one person vifino. He's not *that* bad really.
L1331[13:35:36] <Dashkal> Sorry, I don't share that fetish, Kimiro.
L1332[13:35:44] <Kimiro> Neither do I.
L1333[13:35:46] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73OC (~keanu73oc@ns310999.ip-94-23-41.eu)
L1334[13:35:59] <Inari> Lizzy: ill turn you into marinated salmon
L1335[13:36:01] <Kimiro> But I hail from the internet, and it was what my people say.
L1336[13:36:05] <KittyKath> Inari! \o/
L1337[13:36:16] <vifino> Inari: Nope.
L1338[13:36:39] <vifino> I don't like salmon that much. Tuna would be more approved.
L1339[13:36:46] <gamax92> salmon is great
L1340[13:36:51] <Lizzy> Inari: wut?
L1341[13:36:51] <vifino> But tuna.
L1342[13:37:02] <Kimiro> But really, in a place like this, are we such strangers to love?
L1343[13:37:02] * Inari throws kneesocks at Lizzy
L1344[13:37:13] * Lizzy catches and stores for later
L1345[13:37:18] <Kimiro> I know the rules, and so do you.
L1346[13:37:33] <vifino> What's a "rules"?
L1347[13:37:45] <vifino> Does it taste like tuna?
L1348[13:37:45] * Dashkal duct tapes Kimiro's face shut before he can continue
L1349[13:37:55] * Dashkal pokes some breathing holes as an afterthought
L1350[13:38:01] <Kimiro> A full commitment's what I'm thinking mrmbleprrrrph
L1351[13:38:03] <gamax92> Dashkal: nose
L1352[13:38:07] <vifino> Lizzy tastes like tuna.
L1353[13:38:10] * vifino hides
L1354[13:38:13] <Inari> striped knee socks~ black knee socks~ pure white knee socks~ my beloved knee socks, knee socks that lolis wear, knee socks that girls wear~ two-dimensional knee socks, dangerous knee socks~
L1355[13:38:14] <Lizzy> hmm
L1356[13:38:45] <Kimiro> Mrrr vrrdnt gtt tish frm erny erther grrrrr
L1357[13:38:54] <vifino> To rephrase, Lizzy tastes good. :P
L1358[13:39:01] * Dashkal waits patiently for Kimiro to finish while muffled.
L1359[13:39:06] <g> I like how you think, Inari
L1360[13:39:08] * vifino nibbles on Lizzy
L1361[13:39:12] * Lizzy nyahs
L1362[13:39:26] <Inari> g: hm? :D
L1363[13:39:56] * Kimiro just stares at Dashkal until they understand the gravity of what they've wrought <:#
L1364[13:40:01] <g> socks \o/
L1365[13:40:04] <Inari> lol
L1366[13:40:08] <Inari> knee socks are pretty great
L1367[13:40:12] * Dashkal shrugs and cuts off the tape
L1368[13:40:16] <g> indeed
L1369[13:40:26] <Dashkal> Next time I fire hot glue out of a potato cannon.
L1370[13:40:33] * Kimiro grins
L1371[13:40:36] <vifino> Was that the throat or the tape?
L1372[13:40:51] <Lizzy> tape
L1373[13:40:53] <Lizzy> (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1374[13:40:55] <vifino> Aww.
L1375[13:40:57] <Dashkal> Tape. I never mix blood and fun.
L1376[13:41:08] <gamax92> :/
L1377[13:41:12] <gamax92> vifino.
L1378[13:41:15] <Lizzy> vifino: add some rope
L1379[13:41:16] <vifino> gamax92.
L1380[13:41:17] <Lizzy> (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1381[13:41:23] <vifino> Lizzy: Oh you :P
L1382[13:41:30] <Lizzy> ʘ‿ʘ
L1383[13:41:58] <Inari> g: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/07.%20KN33S0XXX.mp3
L1384[13:42:16] <g> oh boy. :P
L1385[13:42:23] * Dashkal ponders how effective a hot glue cannon would be for adhering things...
L1386[13:42:52] <g> didn't expect it to be the same word
L1387[13:42:52] <g> lol
L1388[13:43:37] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1389[13:44:19] <Kimiro> Dashkal: Not very. Hot glue is rather elastic and would most likely cool before it impacted.
L1390[13:45:09] <Inari> a cannon is good at adhearing things
L1391[13:45:13] <Dashkal> mmm
L1392[13:45:14] <Inari> provided its strong enough
L1393[13:46:15] <gamax92> gah mind, why do you do this to me, brb ...
L1394[13:46:25] <vifino> gamax92.
L1395[13:46:32] <gamax92> shut up
L1396[13:46:48] <vifino> :(
L1397[13:52:04] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Explosive welding? :D
L1398[13:52:24] <KittyKath> No wait. Inari: ^
L1399[13:52:48] <Inari> KittyKath: ya
L1400[13:53:12] <Kimiro> If you want a glue cannon, animal glue would be your best bet.
L1401[13:53:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767C52B6982E1B2820.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1402[13:53:43] <Dashkal> mmm, probably. BUt the other problem is not, well, gluingup the cannon.
L1403[13:53:48] <Dashkal> Will need to work on delivery
L1404[13:54:22] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1405[13:54:37] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Lotus effect for the inside? :D
L1406[13:55:54] <Dashkal> Screw it. Conventional explosive with a payload of still liquid cement.
L1407[13:56:03] <KittyKath> OUch. That'd hurt
L1408[13:57:54] <Dashkal> Innovation via irritation often does
L1409[13:58:02] <gamax92> back
L1410[13:58:35] <gamax92> massage
L1411[13:58:58] <KittyKath> gamax92: You got a massage?? :O Jelly as fuck :x
L1412[13:59:13] <gamax92> back massages turn you into jelly
L1413[13:59:25] <gamax92> or atleast it feels like it
L1414[13:59:26] <Dashkal> Agreed
L1415[13:59:31] <Dashkal> I need to get around to using that perk >.>
L1416[13:59:43] <Dashkal> Apparently I can get those once in awhile
L1417[13:59:50] <vifino> What perk, Dashkal?
L1418[14:00:14] <Dashkal> Massage Therapist time.
L1419[14:00:34] <vifino> Sponsored by your work place?
L1420[14:00:35] <vifino> Cool.
L1421[14:00:43] <Dashkal> It would be kinda nice to have my neck NOT feel like it has steel cables instead of tendons.
L1422[14:00:57] <KittyKath> Dashkal: I hate you .-.
L1423[14:01:04] <Dashkal> .^
L1424[14:01:09] <Dashkal> Then I'm doing it right.
L1425[14:01:23] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1426[14:01:23] <vifino> I should probably go to a massage therapist sometime too. My back is hurting for years.
L1427[14:01:24] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Why don't you give me a back massage? :P
L1428[14:01:30] <Dashkal> Distance
L1429[14:01:31] <vifino> Which is... probably not a good thing.
L1430[14:01:39] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Pff, excuses >.>
L1431[14:01:41] <Dashkal> Probably not. If that shit's covered, get on that.
L1432[14:02:21] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1433[14:04:33] <g> Inari: kneesocks and mary-janes are the subject of choice I suppose?
L1434[14:05:22] <Inari> yeah i like mary-janes
L1435[14:09:01] * Dashkal provokes a squeak
L1436[14:09:45] <KittyKath> Dashkal: <.<
L1437[14:10:08] ⇦ Parts: Alissa (sid38100@id-38100.tooting.irccloud.com) ())
L1438[14:10:41] <Dashkal> What?
L1439[14:10:55] <KittyKath> Nothing ^^
L1440[14:12:28] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73OC (~keanu73oc@ns310999.ip-94-23-41.eu) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1441[14:12:43] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: Die)
L1442[14:16:42] ⇦ Parts: MalkContent (MalkConten@p5B02DBB1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L1443[14:20:50] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646a3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1444[14:23:30] <Mettaton_Fab> hoi?
L1445[14:24:10] * Dashkal sells Mettaton_Fab a temmie flake
L1446[14:24:10] <Saphire> hOI!!!
L1447[14:26:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767451AD8BF99A5BD3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1448[14:26:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1449[14:30:31] <Mettaton_Fab> tanks u so much hooman!
L1450[14:34:39] <gamax92> why are video players so shit
L1451[14:35:11] <gamax92> hey I'll happily immediately start playing and even buffer lot- seeking? ... seeking? oh no ... cannot play cannot buffer
L1452[14:40:20] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
L1453[14:45:26] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L1454[14:45:32] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1455[14:47:06] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com)
L1456[14:47:15] <LuMistry> Greetings
L1457[14:49:36] <Forecaster> hi
L1458[14:51:40] <LuMistry> I did it!
L1459[14:51:43] <LuMistry> I solved the problem
L1460[14:52:07] <Forecaster> was the problem how to connect to irc?
L1461[14:52:16] <Forecaster> if so I'm not sure I believe you > . >
L1462[14:54:52] <LuMistry> That was not the issue
L1463[14:54:57] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@2601:644:8301:f22e:e1b9:9c2f:dff3:3770) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1464[14:55:00] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1465[14:55:12] <Vexatos> Sangar D:
L1466[14:56:15] <Forecaster> LuMistry: well then I'm sad to say I have no idea
L1467[14:56:25] <LuMistry> You shall know soon enough
L1468[14:56:29] <Forecaster> ohno
L1469[14:56:36] <LuMistry> As I translate thought into virtual reality, it will occur
L1470[14:56:44] <LuMistry> The first trial is already picked
L1471[14:58:18] <Forecaster> aw, I wanted the polka-dot one
L1472[14:59:59] <MajGenRelativity> The first trial of what?
L1473[15:00:55] <LuMistry> You shall know
L1474[15:09:39] <Dashkal> nom om om om
L1475[15:10:22] * KittyKath steals some chicken from Dashkal's plate
L1476[15:10:37] <Dashkal> Oh I'll happily share. This is awesome stuff, meant to be shared.
L1477[15:12:54] <gamax92> :3~
L1478[15:13:11] <gamax92> Though I have my own chicken dinner thingy to eat
L1479[15:13:44] <Dashkal> There's a nearby 'coffee shop' that sells indian food. Had butter chicken.
L1480[15:13:48] * Dashkal is full of happy
L1481[15:14:18] <alekso56> but if you eat all the happy, how can a normal person get some happy? :v
L1482[15:14:37] <Dashkal> Exchange $$$ for additional happy. Money does buy happiness there.
L1483[15:15:20] <gamax92> That can be said about many things :v
L1484[15:15:38] <alekso56> :V
L1485[15:17:34] <Dashkal> It can. Diminishing returns and whatnot.
L1486[15:17:38] <Dashkal> I only go there once a week at most.
L1487[15:25:45] <Dashkal> >.< http://www.emojicode.org/
L1488[15:26:47] <gamax92> how much would it take to write an unjsfuck?
L1489[15:27:04] <Izaya> infinite time and infinite money
L1490[15:27:11] <Dashkal> We can hope, anyway
L1491[15:27:12] <Izaya> as javascript is infinitely fucked
L1492[15:28:06] <gamax92> Izaya: I meant to undo jsfuck
L1493[15:28:29] <vifino> gamax92: eval?
L1494[15:28:43] <gamax92> ?
L1495[15:28:58] <vifino> gamax92: original = eval(jsfuck_output)
L1496[15:29:49] <gamax92> vifino: that just executes it
L1497[15:29:59] <vifino> gamax92: but that reverses the process.
L1498[15:30:12] <gamax92> no, it did not
L1499[15:30:29] <gamax92> instead of getting anything that remotely looked like "alert(1)", it just popped up an alert dialog with the number 1
L1500[15:30:29] <vifino> gamax92: what did it output an what is it supposed to be
L1501[15:30:56] <vifino> it works for the string only thing anyhow
L1502[15:32:32] <gamax92> vifino: oh, well yeah it works for the not self executing version, which is kinda useless
L1503[15:33:47] <MajGenRelativity> anyone got some enriched uranium?
L1504[15:34:14] <vifino> do we look like we run nuclear plants?
L1505[15:34:27] <vifino> or own nukes?
L1506[15:34:28] <KittyKath> MajGenRelativity: How much do you need? :P
L1507[15:34:30] <MajGenRelativity> idk
L1508[15:34:34] <Dashkal> Nobody's foolish to trust me with such things.
L1509[15:34:39] <MajGenRelativity> some of you people seem smart enough to do so
L1510[15:35:04] <Izaya> I would advise against trusting MGR with any form of weapon
L1511[15:35:12] <vifino> I'm not dumb enough to sit in a nuclear plant all day doing nothing a robot couldn't do.
L1512[15:35:35] <MajGenRelativity> KittyKath, I need 8 cubic meters
L1513[15:35:41] <MajGenRelativity> approximately
L1514[15:35:56] <Dashkal> Is there that much on the planet at any one time?
L1515[15:36:03] <KittyKath> MajGenRelativity: Uhm. U236 of 15 cubic centimeter == big hole.
L1516[15:36:10] <MajGenRelativity> Izaya, I have never employed nuclear weapons against anyone
L1517[15:36:14] <MajGenRelativity> well
L1518[15:36:16] <KittyKath> MajGenRelativity: for what?
L1519[15:36:23] <MajGenRelativity> I did some serious guessing with the math
L1520[15:36:34] <KittyKath> What do you want to do?
L1521[15:36:41] <MajGenRelativity> I'm trying to run a fission reactor
L1522[15:36:49] <Izaya> 8m^3 doesn't sound dangerous at all
L1523[15:37:15] <KittyKath> No wait, u-235 is the bad stuff
L1524[15:37:16] <Izaya> especially considering MGR's tendancy to be more pointlessly paranoid than me
L1525[15:37:27] <MajGenRelativity> Izaya, it was based on likely invalid assumptions
L1526[15:37:35] <KittyKath> MajGenRelativity: Why in the hell do you want to run a fission reactor?
L1527[15:37:47] <MajGenRelativity> The fact that one pile of enriched uranium dust = 1/9 of a block of uranium, which is 1 cubic meter
L1528[15:37:57] <MajGenRelativity> Izaya, I'm never pointlessly paranoid
L1529[15:38:00] <MajGenRelativity> my base got blown up
L1530[15:38:09] <Izaya> kek really?
L1531[15:38:09] <MajGenRelativity> KittyKath, I need power and tritium
L1532[15:38:10] <Izaya> like
L1533[15:38:14] <Izaya> on the map I played on?
L1534[15:38:19] <MajGenRelativity> no
L1535[15:38:28] <MajGenRelativity> but they turned an entire volcano into a very large crater
L1536[15:38:37] <Izaya> oh
L1537[15:38:40] <MajGenRelativity> and then I became volcanic
L1538[15:38:46] * MajGenRelativity chuckles at his hillarious joke
L1539[15:38:49] <Izaya> if it was the map I played on I would have been annoyed
L1540[15:38:55] <Izaya> someone beat me to it :<
L1541[15:39:00] <MajGenRelativity> Izaya
L1542[15:39:02] <MajGenRelativity> come at me :P
L1543[15:39:11] <Izaya> later
L1544[15:39:15] <Izaya> I have stuff to do
L1545[15:39:20] <MajGenRelativity> before Sharidan dropped off the grid, he delivered a crucial piece of TACEATS2
L1546[15:39:29] <Mettaton_Fab> heard about the new 15 tb ssd from samsung?
L1547[15:39:35] <KittyKath> Yeah, where did my intern go anyway?
L1548[15:39:38] <KittyKath> MGR ^
L1549[15:39:46] <KittyKath> Mettaton_Fab: Posted here two days ago?
L1550[15:39:47] <Izaya> Mettaton_Fab: seems wonderfully overkill.
L1551[15:39:48] <MajGenRelativity> KittyKath, you know Sharidan irl?
L1552[15:39:57] <KittyKath> MajGenRelativity: I asked first :P
L1553[15:39:58] * Dashkal wants one
L1554[15:40:07] <MajGenRelativity> KittyKath, I dunno where he went
L1555[15:40:13] <MajGenRelativity> He had a decently important job
L1556[15:40:18] <MajGenRelativity> from me
L1557[15:40:27] <MajGenRelativity> once again, do you know him irl?
L1558[15:40:32] <Mettaton_Fab> ya need some special hardware to connect it to ya pc
L1559[15:40:56] <Izaya> It's not SATA?
L1560[15:41:23] <MajGenRelativity> anyways
L1561[15:41:26] <MajGenRelativity> enriched uranium
L1562[15:41:28] <MajGenRelativity> I needz
L1563[15:41:36] <Mettaton_Fab> nope, serial attached SCSI, or:SAS
L1564[15:41:40] <Izaya> oooo
L1565[15:41:41] <MajGenRelativity> my 1 isotope centrifuge is running at maximum power, and it isn't enough
L1566[15:41:43] <Izaya> server-grade stuff
L1567[15:41:48] <Izaya> fancy
L1568[15:41:51] <Mettaton_Fab> yup
L1569[15:42:00] * Izaya has some Ultra160 SCSI drives somewhere here, 15kRPM
L1570[15:42:09] <Izaya> jet engines, all of them
L1571[15:42:18] <MajGenRelativity> just like your laptop that one time?
L1572[15:42:21] <Mettaton_Fab> but who needs 15TB of disk space, if he's not a hard Wanker.
L1573[15:42:35] * Dashkal can use it
L1574[15:42:37] <Dashkal> Easily >.>
L1575[15:42:37] <vifino> super fast wikipedia
L1576[15:42:53] <vifino> caching proxy, caching the world
L1577[15:42:55] <KittyKath> Izaya: How could a 15TB drive NOT be server-grade again?
L1578[15:43:01] <Dashkal> Never underestimate the size of completely uncompressed media.
L1579[15:43:04] <Mettaton_Fab> could anybody build me a proper Laptop case?
L1580[15:43:14] <Izaya> KittyKath: if I could afford it I'd buy it
L1581[15:43:18] <KittyKath> Mettaton_Fab: Could, totally. Would? Not even if you payed me.
L1582[15:43:18] <Izaya> but I have no money so
L1583[15:43:35] <Mettaton_Fab> cuz, my laptop starts to sound like a jet engine.
L1584[15:43:40] <vifino> I share the same opinion as KittyKath.
L1585[15:43:48] <Izaya> Mettaton_Fab: I have a 10TB RAID array on my LAN
L1586[15:43:54] <Izaya> It's at 60%
L1587[15:43:59] <Mettaton_Fab> i wants it!
L1588[15:44:00] <CompanionCube> .....wat
L1589[15:44:11] <Mettaton_Fab> for... research material.
L1590[15:44:18] <Izaya> there's plenty of that there
L1591[15:44:29] <KittyKath> Izaya: The Samsung shingled HDDs are pretty ... brutal, especially for SATAs :D
L1592[15:44:34] <Mettaton_Fab> if you catch my drift.
L1593[15:44:44] <CompanionCube> what's in that 6TB?
L1594[15:44:48] <Dashkal> I have another shipment of circuit diagrams for you, MTT.
L1595[15:44:52] <vifino> Mettaton_Fab: I have a rack in my room. I sleep next to it. Plenty of loudness there. I am afraid your jet engine is a fart in comparison. If I can deal with the noise levels here, you can deal with your laptop.
L1596[15:45:20] <vifino> tl;dr man up.
L1597[15:45:37] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/books.png among other things
L1598[15:45:52] <vifino> Izaya: I want.
L1599[15:46:04] <CompanionCube> is that the gentoomen's library
L1600[15:46:09] <Izaya> it has that
L1601[15:46:16] <Izaya> as well as a couple of other book collections
L1602[15:46:20] <CompanionCube> ooo
L1603[15:46:25] <CompanionCube> did you deduplicate
L1604[15:46:30] <Izaya> not yet
L1605[15:46:30] <vifino> My internet wouldn't like that.
L1606[15:46:36] <Izaya> still working on organising my videos
L1607[15:46:44] <Izaya> (the TB or so of them)
L1608[15:47:48] <CompanionCube> how big is your software archive
L1609[15:48:06] <Izaya> do you count games?
L1610[15:48:10] <CompanionCube> no
L1611[15:48:14] <CompanionCube> unless they're exotic games
L1612[15:48:18] <MajGenRelativity> welp, my raw uranium supply is running out
L1613[15:48:27] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646a3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1614[15:48:46] <Izaya> lemme wait for it to figure out how big it is
L1615[15:48:55] <Izaya> seems to have stabilised at 17.5GB
L1616[15:49:04] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1617[15:49:10] <CompanionCube> includes what?
L1618[15:49:18] <Mettaton_Fab> you said circuit diagrams?
L1619[15:49:35] <Mettaton_Fab> even some for a LM-386?
L1620[15:50:19] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/programs1.png
L1621[15:51:14] * CompanionCube should map out college's NAS to see what goodies it has
L1622[15:51:22] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/books2.png
L1623[15:51:42] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L1624[15:53:13] <KittyKath> Izaya: I get your book collection, you get my music collection? :D
L1625[15:53:58] <Izaya> Deal, though my upload is as terribad as always
L1626[15:55:05] <KittyKath> Pff, we could have met up. Also I don't have it any easier: 194G ~/Music
L1627[15:55:36] <Izaya> Something tells me that mailing HDDs may not be a good idea
L1628[15:55:45] <KittyKath> Mailing SSDs? :D
L1629[15:55:48] <gamax92> ^
L1630[15:55:57] <Izaya> I could get away with a 32GB USB
L1631[15:56:02] <Izaya> That's like $20
L1632[15:56:04] <KittyKath> I can't x)
L1633[15:56:11] <KittyKath> I have a spare 250GB SSD...
L1634[15:56:26] <Izaya> Mettaton_Fab: we found a use for the 15TB SSD
L1635[15:56:49] <gamax92> but if you ever sent the SDD to Izaya, you'd have to encode a mystery for him to solve
L1636[15:57:06] <Izaya> what
L1637[15:57:08] <Izaya> why
L1638[15:57:11] <KittyKath> I'd just encrypt it with a weak cipher and never tell him the password. Pf
L1639[15:57:21] <Izaya> oh well then
L1640[15:57:24] <gamax92> no no
L1641[15:57:36] <Izaya> like I have a box with an unused graphics card so it can't be that hard to obtain some form of data from it
L1642[15:57:39] <gamax92> completely filled, you still have like ~50GB left
L1643[15:57:52] <gamax92> so, in the 50GB's, mystery
L1644[15:58:07] <Izaya> the other day I found a 512M USB with 300GB free
L1645[15:58:25] <gamax92> Izaya: mmm, fake free drives?
L1646[15:58:51] <Izaya> gamax92: no found it in a computer lab
L1647[15:58:58] <Izaya> looks like someone tried to image a HDD to it
L1648[15:59:02] <gamax92> oh X3
L1649[16:01:18] <CompanionCube> Izaya, would be an excellent trolling gift
L1650[16:02:13] <MajGenRelativity> time to build my fission reactor!
L1651[16:02:14] <gamax92> CompanionCube: why not just get one of those fake drives that like 1GB mirrored 8 times, so it reports itself as 8GB
L1652[16:02:21] * MajGenRelativity walks away from his house
L1653[16:03:07] <Dashkal> Now, this is totally crazy, but you might just maybe consider building it off-world this time
L1654[16:03:21] <Izaya> gamax92: while formatting you'd end up overwriting the MBR and stuff
L1655[16:03:27] * Dashkal wonders how much powergen he can get working in a magic mirror room.
L1656[16:03:56] <CompanionCube> even worse would be handing someone a large capacity hard drive
L1657[16:04:02] <CompanionCube> ...except inside is a shitty USB stick
L1658[16:04:26] <Izaya> CompanionCube: like, a USB HDD?
L1659[16:04:35] <CompanionCube> Izaya, shittier
L1660[16:04:46] <MajGenRelativity> Daskhal, I'm building it 64 blocks away from home, surrounded by 6 blocks of concrete
L1661[16:04:57] <MajGenRelativity> from testing, it SHOULD stop the full force of a meltdown
L1662[16:05:08] <Dashkal> Have fun with that!
L1663[16:06:11] <MajGenRelativity> I will
L1664[16:06:24] <KittyKath> is reinforced stone not a thing anymore?
L1665[16:06:35] <gamax92> CompanionCube: oh, those drives that have like hot glue'd bolts and weights, and then a simple flashdrive?
L1666[16:06:40] <Lizzy> KittyKath: that's from IC2
L1667[16:06:44] <Lizzy> IIRC
L1668[16:06:47] <CompanionCube> gamax92, exactly
L1669[16:06:57] <Dashkal> Are there any other fission reactors that melt down?
L1670[16:07:01] <CompanionCube> bonus points if said flashdrive is faked to have the expected capacity
L1671[16:07:22] <CompanionCube> (e.g it appears as 1TB despite being only 16GB or so)
L1672[16:07:38] <gamax92> I don't think they'd use a 16GB drive :P
L1673[16:07:50] <MajGenRelativity> Dashkal, ReactorCraft fission reactors do
L1674[16:08:00] <MajGenRelativity> and it is even more powerful than IC2
L1675[16:08:12] <MajGenRelativity> You need to do actual containment, not just a measly layer of reinforced stone
L1676[16:08:31] <Dashkal> ahh. I've never touched that family of mods. Same group as chromaticraft, right?
L1677[16:08:37] <gamax92> CompanionCube: it's even more fun though when you do that, and then mask away right errors
L1678[16:08:40] <gamax92> write*
L1679[16:08:46] <Forecaster> what do you mean "actual containment"?
L1680[16:09:16] <MajGenRelativity> Dashkal, sort of
L1681[16:09:20] <MajGenRelativity> both are made by Reika
L1682[16:09:29] <Dashkal> Yeah. I've never touched those.
L1683[16:09:32] <MajGenRelativity> It's part of the Rotary/Electri/Reactor craft family
L1684[16:09:36] <Dashkal> Got turned off fast by the terms of use
L1685[16:09:41] <Forecaster> oh right, those
L1686[16:09:42] <Vexatos> http://vexatos.com/phora/dev/vending_machine_2.mp4 :D
L1687[16:09:47] <Vexatos> improved™®©
L1688[16:10:07] <MajGenRelativity> Forecaster, actual containment means several layers of blast resistant material
L1689[16:10:13] <MajGenRelativity> also something that can resist corium
L1690[16:10:20] <Dashkal> Void world :P
L1691[16:10:29] <MajGenRelativity> Dashkal, that's where I live
L1692[16:10:43] <Dashkal> A void world I'm not in. To be clear.
L1693[16:10:50] <Forecaster> not sure how that is different from encasing it in reinforced material
L1694[16:10:56] <gamax92> CompanionCube: I remember watching a really trolling one someone made, it's just some cheap shit memory and a little device that slaps an image to the beginning of the memory to make it look FAT formatted
L1695[16:11:17] <KittyKath> Dashkal / MajGenRelativity You two play on the same server?
L1696[16:11:18] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~mettaton_@p579646A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1697[16:11:24] <gamax92> so it'd really store that much ... and then lose it all on power off
L1698[16:11:28] <Dashkal> We do not
L1699[16:11:57] <Dashkal> I (used to)_run a private server for friends. I quit that job, so the other admin stepped up. Same whitelist.
L1700[16:12:55] <MajGenRelativity> Daskhal should play on my server :P but he doesn/t
L1701[16:13:03] <MajGenRelativity> It's open to anyone who's interested though
L1702[16:13:18] <Achai> CATMANCER
L1703[16:13:21] <Achai> NEKOMANCER
L1704[16:13:26] <Achai> ~
L1705[16:13:30] <Forecaster> I have my own
L1706[16:13:35] <Dashkal> I like my nice comfortable whitelist. I know where everybody on it lives.
L1707[16:14:15] <Dashkal> Is that related to felinopathy?
L1708[16:18:51] <vifino> \o/ http://apps.venom.lan/monitoring
L1709[16:19:05] <vifino> er
L1710[16:19:17] <vifino> http://apps.wtfits.science/monitoring
L1711[16:19:17] <Forecaster> "can't reach this page"
L1712[16:19:26] <vifino> Forecaster: .lan is my local tld :P
L1713[16:19:51] <Forecaster> :P
L1714[16:20:02] <Forecaster> "website is offline"
L1715[16:20:15] <Forecaster> Error 522
L1716[16:20:22] * Dashkal happily sips his tea
L1717[16:20:26] <Achai> >CloudFare
L1718[16:20:43] <vifino> Forecaster: .-.
L1719[16:20:54] <Forecaster> yep, connection times out
L1720[16:21:06] <vifino> Forecaster: http://venom.wtfits.science/monitoring try that instead
L1721[16:21:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7767451AD8BF99A5BD3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1722[16:21:38] <vifino> If that doesn't work, I dunno.
L1723[16:21:48] <Forecaster> 404
L1724[16:22:01] <Achai> I'm quite surprised that my webserver is still up
L1725[16:22:10] <Achai> I guess that weird kernel panic problem is fixed
L1726[16:22:53] <vifino> Forecaster: found the issue, try http://apps.wtfits.science/monitoring
L1727[16:23:10] <Forecaster> woo things
L1728[16:24:54] <vifino> what this thing does behind the back is call treetops icinga2 api, grab json, parse it, format it usefully.
L1729[16:24:58] <vifino> \o/
L1730[16:25:09] <Forecaster> ah
L1731[16:25:13] <vifino> Less than 30 lines! \o/
L1732[16:25:31] <vifino> to be fair, some of them are like 150 chars long
L1733[16:28:17] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/bookindex.txt
L1734[16:29:55] <Achai> I should go work on my server infrastructure some
L1735[16:30:04] <Achai> I need to get this HP netbook booting from a flash drive
L1736[16:30:11] <Achai> the screen is too broken for me to see what to press
L1737[16:48:43] ⇦ Quits: Temia (~lamialily@dsl081-169-020.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net) (Quit: Shutting down core so I can transfer it to the new host)
L1738[16:50:56] * KittyKath pokes Kilobyte
L1739[16:51:45] * Kilobyte pokes KittyKath back
L1740[16:52:02] * KittyKath cuddles Kilobyte
L1741[16:52:16] * Kilobyte cuddles KittyKath
L1742[16:53:17] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you should wire up each book to a full-text search engine
L1743[16:53:20] <CompanionCube> for maximum utility
L1744[16:55:37] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-80-41-223-123.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1745[16:56:58] <vifino> Forecaster: reload http://apps.wtfits.science/monitoring :)
L1746[16:57:13] <vifino> now it's 50+ lines, but oh well.
L1747[16:57:48] <vifino> I should maybe put this in a table.
L1748[16:57:54] <CompanionCube> yes
L1749[16:58:21] <vifino> CompanionCube: This is yaml, methinks.
L1750[16:59:00] ⇨ Joins: tim4242 (~tim4242@p5483e61a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1751[16:59:27] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1752[17:00:06] <vifino> CompanionCube: Yaml or stupid html tables?
L1753[17:00:33] <Inari> Lizzy: bodyline?
L1754[17:09:19] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1755[17:09:28] <KittyKath> Can we invent the word Cyberization for the fact that shit like this is on the media and taken seriously: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/03/san-bernardino-da-says-seized-iphone-may-hold-dormant-cyber-pathogen/
L1756[17:11:09] <malcom2073> bwahahaha
L1757[17:11:35] <SF-MC> 'dormant cyber pathogen'...
L1758[17:11:39] <SF-MC> wtf even *is* that?
L1759[17:11:41] <malcom2073> "Unlock the phone!" "No" "Please?" "No" "Courts say you have to" "No" "But but.... public safety!!"
L1760[17:11:46] <malcom2073> They' getting desparate
L1761[17:12:00] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1762[17:12:01] <Lizzy> Inari: what?
L1763[17:12:01] <Kimiro> Lordy.
L1764[17:12:22] <Dashkal> I'd laugh, but that's a real, and very intentional thing, used to decieve people.
L1765[17:12:24] <Kimiro> Also. Couldn't into tablet GDO for my stargate, so I made one with WRCBE.
L1766[17:13:08] <KittyKath> Dashkal: I just get popcorn at this point and watch the world burn.
L1767[17:13:21] <KittyKath> I miss my Intern, Sharidan could have made all the popcorn for all of us :v
L1768[17:13:45] * Lizzy stockpiles flamable materials
L1769[17:13:49] <Dashkal> I've started to consider popcorn myself
L1770[17:14:03] <greaser|q> "dormant cyber pathogen" they should just ask apple to help them take the fucking battery out
L1771[17:14:07] <Dashkal> Or maybe I'll just try to go down quickly in the first wave so I don't have to watch
L1772[17:14:13] <greaser|q> or somehow destroy the phone
L1773[17:14:30] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Lets go build a bunker :D
L1774[17:14:30] <greaser|q> i still stick with this argument: it's like they're asking china to make burnt paper readable
L1775[17:14:40] <Lizzy> KittyKath: okay :D
L1776[17:15:01] <vifino> KittyKath: What about me? :<
L1777[17:15:05] <greaser|q> it ultimately boils down to the fact that some secrets end up lost forever
L1778[17:15:10] <vifino> I wanna heeelp
L1779[17:15:34] <KittyKath> vifino: Nah, its a pussy-only space. No dick allowed.
L1780[17:16:02] <Inari> Lizzy: its a loli fashion store :<
L1781[17:16:04] <Inari> among other things
L1782[17:16:04] <greaser|q> furthermore it shows just how bloody narrow-minded the FBI are... don't they realise that there are places that can decap chips?
L1783[17:16:05] <vifino> KittyKath: I call BS on that one.
L1784[17:16:35] <Dashkal> greaser|q: The point is not to get at that phone. The goal is to be able to read any phone any time without having to ask or leave a trail.
L1785[17:16:38] <Lizzy> Inari: ah, just randomly pinging me with one word stuff isn't going to help at all btw
L1786[17:16:38] <greaser|q> sure, the data's encrypted, but you can rip the data off and let it crack on a cluster for the next however many years
L1787[17:17:01] <greaser|q> Dashkal: yeap, and that's why the FBI should go fuck themselves
L1788[17:17:04] <Dashkal> The dude who wrote "cyber pathogen" knew /exactly/ what kind of bullshit that term is.
L1789[17:17:05] <SF-MC> see
L1790[17:17:15] <SF-MC> the thing about this is that if Apple did this anywhere close to correctly
L1791[17:17:21] <SF-MC> They can't unlock the damn thing either
L1792[17:17:24] <vifino> KittyKath: I'll help anyways, cause reasons.
L1793[17:17:45] <KittyKath> vifino: You're a pussy then :D
L1794[17:18:09] * Lizzy wouldn't be apposed to that
L1795[17:18:13] <vifino> ¬_¬
L1796[17:18:15] <SF-MC> opposed
L1797[17:18:16] <SF-MC> :P
L1798[17:18:20] <SF-MC> s/apposed/opposed/
L1799[17:18:21] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> *** wouldn't be opposed to that
L1800[17:19:31] <SF-MC> btw
L1801[17:19:39] <SF-MC> making this known to everyone
L1802[17:20:00] <SF-MC> I will be disappointed if someone doesn't fix dual-wielding in a 1.9 mod
L1803[17:21:15] * Lizzy took so long to ssh into pegasus that she forgot what she was going ot do on it
L1804[17:21:26] <Kimiro> Teehee. Private Sniffer.
L1805[17:21:39] <SF-MC> on that note
L1806[17:21:52] <SF-MC> who else thinks it's stupid you can't dual-wield swords in 1.9?
L1807[17:22:24] * Lizzy remembers
L1808[17:22:26] <g> It's stupid, but also incredibly Mojang
L1809[17:22:37] <SF-MC> the thing that makes me *really* upset
L1810[17:22:45] <SF-MC> you can hold a bow and sword at the same time
L1811[17:22:48] <SF-MC> and pull the bow
L1812[17:22:51] <g> ..haha
L1813[17:22:53] <SF-MC> that takes 3 fucking hands
L1814[17:22:58] <g> Reminds me of tf2
L1815[17:23:00] <SF-MC> but I can't swing two swords at once?
L1816[17:23:07] <SF-MC> *seriously*?
L1817[17:23:17] <g> in some circumstances you can reload your revolver while using a spy watch
L1818[17:23:21] <Lizzy> Mine&Blade Battlgear springs to mind
L1819[17:23:50] <SF-MC> does that also do mod swords?
L1820[17:23:54] <g> Clearly you're using your teeth to draw the bow SF-MC
L1821[17:23:56] <g> :P.
L1822[17:23:57] <SF-MC> or just vanilla and its own?
L1823[17:24:03] <SF-MC> g: oh...
L1824[17:24:08] <SF-MC> *obviously*!
L1825[17:24:11] <Lizzy> SF-MC: not sure if it does by default but you can add them?
L1826[17:24:11] <g> xD
L1827[17:24:12] <SF-MC> what the hell was I thinking?
L1828[17:24:20] <Lizzy> *add them i think
L1829[17:24:28] <SF-MC> guess I'll check
L1830[17:24:40] <Lizzy> I am drunk and tired, so messages may not be understandable
L1831[17:24:46] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1832[17:24:59] <KittyKath> Lizzy: That is a nice state :P
L1833[17:25:16] * Dashkal is a little jelly, but is also still at work
L1834[17:25:19] <Dashkal> So that can wait a bit
L1835[17:25:38] <KittyKath> Oh god. Dashkal & Lizzy drunk and on Mumble. New lifegoal :D
L1836[17:25:51] <Dashkal> >.>
L1837[17:26:01] <SoraFirestorm> "The mod will also scan though items for weapons added by mods. For further mod support there is an API "
L1838[17:26:02] <Lizzy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1839[17:26:06] <SoraFirestorm> so says the forum page
L1840[17:26:10] <SoraFirestorm> guess I'll try it out then
L1841[17:26:22] <Lizzy> SoraFirestorm: oh, cool. i haven't actually used it in ages
L1842[17:26:47] <Dashkal> See, the problem, KittyKath, is I'm on the west coast of NA. Getting me drunk at the right time is going to be a touch difficult.
L1843[17:27:03] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Nah, sometime when you visit. :P
L1844[17:27:10] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1845[17:27:19] <vifino> Lizzy is quite understandable. When using words.
L1846[17:27:39] * Lizzy falls over on vifino
L1847[17:27:43] <SoraFirestorm> We'll see how this goes
L1848[17:27:50] <SoraFirestorm> thanks for suggestion Lizzy
L1849[17:27:52] * vifino catches Lizzy and kisses her
L1850[17:28:08] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L1851[17:28:16] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L1852[17:30:56] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1853[17:38:53] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1854[17:39:14] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L1855[17:40:50] <SoraFirestorm> Lizzy: doesn't work :(
L1856[17:41:05] <SoraFirestorm> left click only drives main hand
L1857[17:41:15] <SoraFirestorm> right click blocks with both
L1858[17:41:23] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b)
L1859[17:44:23] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1860[17:45:12] <Lizzy> SoraFirestorm: i've not tried it since 1.6
L1861[17:45:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6C6D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1862[17:45:51] <SF-MC> yeah... it does more or less what the 1.9 system does
L1863[17:45:55] <SF-MC> not the right thing :(
L1864[17:52:19] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1865[17:52:42] <vifino> Good night, everyone.
L1866[17:52:44] <Dashkal> o/
L1867[17:55:02] <SF-MC> hm
L1868[17:55:03] <SF-MC> so
L1869[17:55:20] <SF-MC> it only works when you don't have a blockable sword as your main hand
L1870[17:55:31] <SF-MC> still need to experiment some
L1871[17:58:32] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1872[17:58:43] <SoraFirestorm> meh
L1873[17:58:44] <SoraFirestorm> give up
L1874[18:03:56] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L1875[18:11:43] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1876[18:16:21] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1877[18:16:43] ⇨ Joins: Xurn (Saphira@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1878[18:16:49] <Xurn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeoie_dRVpw
L1879[18:17:46] <Xurn> Michibot?
L1880[18:17:51] <Xurn> why u no work
L1881[18:18:12] <gamax92> MichiBot was hit by a 50GB brick
L1882[18:18:24] <gamax92> is currently recovering at the data recovery center
L1883[18:18:27] <Xurn> so it broke
L1884[18:18:47] <SoraFirestorm> Who hurt MichiBot ? :(
L1885[18:19:02] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L1886[18:19:31] <gamax92> I was told that MichiBot is going in for surgery tomorrow, has a bunch of broken branches and a busted function
L1887[18:19:38] <SoraFirestorm> D:
L1888[18:20:34] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1889[18:22:51] ⇦ Parts: Xurn (Saphira@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) ())
L1890[18:48:06] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1891[18:53:38] <KittyKath> gamax92: Do we like ... make a charitable party to cover the hospital charges? That sounds awfully expensive in the US...
L1892[18:54:42] <Mimiru> FML still fucked?
L1893[18:54:45] <Mimiru> Damn it
L1894[18:54:45] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: geeettttttt dunked on!!!)
L1895[18:55:33] <Mimiru> OR...
L1896[18:55:34] <Mimiru> what
L1897[18:55:38] <Mimiru> %ytc list
L1898[18:55:38] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled YT channels: [#PCL-Minecraft, #LanteaCraft, #MichiBot]
L1899[18:55:41] <Mimiru> %ytc enable
L1900[18:55:41] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled YTInfo for this channel
L1901[18:55:44] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeoie_dRVpw
L1902[18:55:44] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Aviators - Mirrors (feat. PrinceWhateverer) | length: 4m 31s | Likes: 2854 Dislikes: 31 Views: 173177 | by Aviators
L1903[18:55:46] <Mimiru> …
L1904[18:55:49] <Mimiru> What the fuck?
L1905[18:56:02] <Mimiru> How did it get disabled here?
L1906[18:56:42] <MajGenRelativity> %p
L1907[18:56:45] <MichiBot> Ping reply from MajGenRelativity 2.22s
L1908[18:57:06] <Mimiru> %p
L1909[18:57:07] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.27s
L1910[18:57:24] <SoraFirestorm> foo
L1911[18:57:27] <SoraFirestorm> s/foo/bar/
L1912[18:57:27] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> bar
L1913[18:57:29] <SoraFirestorm> um
L1914[18:57:39] <SoraFirestorm> s/um/hm/
L1915[18:57:41] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> hm
L1916[18:57:53] <SoraFirestorm> maybe I just did it wrong the last time
L1917[18:57:54] <SoraFirestorm> good to know
L1918[19:01:34] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1919[19:07:11] ⇨ Joins: Xurn (Saphira@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1920[19:07:17] <Forecaster> hrm, 9 hours until the episode is due to release and it's still rendering
L1921[19:07:21] <Forecaster> such professional
L1922[19:07:30] <Xurn> Michibot need fix
L1923[19:07:46] <Mimiru> Youtube module was disabled here..
L1924[19:07:53] <Xurn> oh.
L1925[19:07:55] <Xurn> why?
L1926[19:08:08] * Mimiru shrugs
L1927[19:09:20] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1928[19:12:31] ⇦ Quits: Xurn (Saphira@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1929[19:15:35] <Forecaster> ooh
L1930[19:16:03] <Forecaster> with the digital controller/receivers I can route my nuclear reactor through a computer to display what it's going
L1931[19:16:10] <Forecaster> that's something to do
L1932[19:16:17] <Forecaster> I need to look into that
L1933[19:18:44] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:10b2:673b:6552:b494)
L1934[19:21:52] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1935[19:23:28] <gamax92> headache
L1936[19:23:31] ⇨ Joins: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1937[19:24:07] <MajGenRelativity> well, I'm working on the Reactor Pressure Vessel, and the Primary Biological Shield for my ReactorCraft reactor
L1938[19:24:23] <MajGenRelativity> in total, 6 block thick layer of ReactorCraft concrete
L1939[19:24:38] <MajGenRelativity> It 'should' be meltdown proof XD
L1940[19:25:31] <SoraFirestorm> Are ReactorCraft reactors *that* bad?
L1941[19:26:11] <MajGenRelativity> if I'm not stupid, the fission reactor should not melt down
L1942[19:26:25] <MajGenRelativity> if it does, it is a rather intense explosion
L1943[19:26:32] <MajGenRelativity> not even 3 blocks of concrete stopped it
L1944[19:26:53] <MajGenRelativity> also, I need to consider the possibility of an assault on my industrial fortress, which holds my reactor
L1945[19:28:06] <gamax92> hmm ... he's asleep ...
L1946[19:29:15] * gamax92 gifts KittyKath a small plastic ball that lights up when hit
L1947[19:29:23] <MajGenRelativity> goodnight!
L1948[19:29:27] <Dashkal> o/
L1949[19:29:31] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1950[19:29:41] <KittyKath> gamax92: What do I want with that?
L1951[19:29:53] <gamax92> I don't know what you want and don't want
L1952[19:30:01] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1953[19:30:04] <gamax92> You're a kitty however
L1954[19:30:56] <KittyKath> Yes. Kitten react very badly to flashing lights. Give something that rattles or rustles when hit. Cats are extremely blind and react badly to bright lights.
L1955[19:31:43] <KittyKath> Also my grammar skills are indirectly proportional to my sleepyness
L1956[19:32:02] ⇦ Quits: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1957[19:32:06] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-305-38.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1958[19:32:43] * gamax92 switches KittyKath's gift for a small plastic ball that jingles when hit
L1959[19:33:38] <gamax92> I however know not what to do about sleepyness, from experience with my two cats, they sleep on everything
L1960[19:33:57] * KittyKath jumps on gamax92's keyboard
L1961[19:34:04] <gamax92> dkjslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
L1962[19:35:21] <gamax92> lucky for me and unlicky for you, I have a wireless keyboard, I just don't use it cause certain placement of keys are rather awkward to use
L1963[19:37:08] * KittyKath unplugs the wireless dongle on the computer
L1964[19:38:05] * Dashkal makes a point of hooking up an internal usb hub and plugging the dongles in there.
L1965[19:38:07] <gamax92> It appears I've been defeated, oh no~
L1966[19:38:12] ⇨ Joins: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1967[19:38:15] <Dashkal> There are fans. Tamper at your own risk, kitty...
L1968[19:38:31] <SoraFirestorm> like it's hard to pull off the case...
L1969[19:38:33] <Forecaster> that sounds pretty much like ic2 reactors...
L1970[19:38:45] <gamax92> there is only one loose screw holding my case up
L1971[19:39:09] <gamax92> decent cable management so it's easy to access things
L1972[19:39:12] * KittyKath looks at Dashkal, then at the power supply switch, back at Dashkal, back at the switch
L1973[19:39:26] <gamax92> except for one cable that goes over the memory, sadly I had to leave that there
L1974[19:39:44] * Xurn runs up and flips switch
L1975[19:40:07] <gamax92> I'm on my phone
L1976[19:41:04] <Dashkal> KittyKath: You wanna mess with the nest that is my power supply, you go right ahead.
L1977[19:41:15] * Dashkal notes an intake fan right next to the PSU switch
L1978[19:41:17] <SoraFirestorm> hahaha
L1979[19:41:51] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Nah, I'm just gonna play with your hands a bit :P
L1980[19:41:56] <Dashkal> Even if you survive it with your fur intact, you'll have a terrifying amount of dust. I only remember to take the vac back there once every other month.
L1981[19:42:05] * Dashkal bleeds on KittyKath
L1982[19:42:14] <gamax92> why do you act like the fan is the deadliest thing in the world
L1983[19:42:22] <Dashkal> Not deadly. Just painful
L1984[19:42:29] <gamax92> you could just oh I dunno, go around it?
L1985[19:42:33] * Xurn rolls around
L1986[19:42:34] <Dashkal> I mean case fans
L1987[19:43:01] <Dashkal> And the intake fan is near the PSU (I forget if the PSU fan itself is intake or outflow, but the one next to it is intake)
L1988[19:43:22] <Dashkal> That would really suck for a cat to get caught in that.
L1989[19:43:40] * Xurn breaks it with a rock
L1990[19:43:42] <gamax92> you're acting like your fan is a jet engine
L1991[19:43:53] <Dashkal> No, but it's enough to grab fur.
L1992[19:44:02] <Dashkal> It's not going to skin her. Yeesh.
L1993[19:44:07] <gamax92> +
L1994[19:44:19] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1995[19:44:24] <Dashkal> She'll come out with pulled hair, lots of dust, and I'll promptly be shreaded into slices of Dashkal by a very pissed of cat.
L1996[19:44:33] * Xurn smashes all the fans
L1997[19:44:36] <KittyKath> Probably, yes.
L1998[19:44:43] <Xurn> FANS DESTROYED
L1999[19:44:43] <gamax92> lewd
L2000[19:44:57] <Forecaster> poor fans
L2001[19:45:08] <Dashkal> So yeah, just gonna warn against the whole thing. Leave the PSU switch alone.
L2002[19:45:13] <Xurn> one almost killed me
L2003[19:45:20] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Make me :D
L2004[19:45:24] * Xurn walks to the switch
L2005[19:45:28] * Dashkal grabs the spritz bottle.
L2006[19:45:35] * Xurn pulls it out of the wall
L2007[19:45:37] * KittyKath gnarls at Dashkal
L2008[19:45:47] * Dashkal shrugs and sprays KittyKath
L2009[19:45:52] <Xurn> touch.
L2010[19:46:09] <gamax92> r.i.p
L2011[19:46:10] * KittyKath jumps away from the garsty waters and hisses at Dashkal
L2012[19:46:16] <Dashkal> Good call
L2013[19:46:36] * Xurn gets a yarn ball and covers dashkal in it
L2014[19:46:50] <Dashkal> Now, we can continue this little spat, or you can take a moment and "I totally mean to clean myself" for a bit, then take your place in a nice warm lap.
L2015[19:46:58] <Dashkal> Your call
L2016[19:47:00] * KittyKath jumps across the room into Dashkal's face and continues to claw it into little peaces
L2017[19:47:07] * Dashkal bleeds on KittyKath
L2018[19:47:09] <KittyKath> pieces though
L2019[19:47:18] <Dashkal> I'm not brushing that out.
L2020[19:47:28] <Xurn> so fun. yarn human toy
L2021[19:47:32] ⇦ Quits: tim4242 (~tim4242@p5483e61a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D)
L2022[19:47:41] <Xurn> or human yarn toy?
L2023[19:47:56] * gamax92 picks KittyKath up and puts in cat bed
L2024[19:48:19] * Xurn gets a ferret
L2025[19:48:21] * KittyKath stares angrily at Dashkal for a few seconds then starts to clean herself
L2026[19:48:31] * Dashkal slips gamax92 a <beverage of choice>
L2027[19:48:37] * Xurn turns into a ferret twin
L2028[19:48:42] * Dashkal burns some blood to regenerate
L2029[19:48:44] <gamax92> root bear
L2030[19:48:56] <Dashkal> We have some good stuff here. I <3 our office manager.
L2031[19:49:09] <gamax92> I don't want that kind of good stuff
L2032[19:49:24] <Dashkal> I really do mean quality root beer.
L2033[19:49:29] * Xurn makes ferret noises then bites Dashkal's finger off
L2034[19:49:31] <gamax92> :3
L2035[19:49:31] <Dashkal> We also have straight up beer.
L2036[19:49:34] <gamax92> :c
L2037[19:49:35] <SoraFirestorm> root bear?
L2038[19:49:38] <SoraFirestorm> that sounds...
L2039[19:49:40] * Dashkal sips his beer
L2040[19:49:44] <gamax92> ... oops
L2041[19:49:44] * KittyKath claws Xurn into tiny bits for attacking Dashkal
L2042[19:49:49] <SoraFirestorm> interesting
L2043[19:49:50] <Dashkal> It's the end of a friday, so I'm allowed :P
L2044[19:50:07] * Xurn turns into a giant dragon
L2045[19:50:10] * Dashkal slips a treat to KittyKath.
L2046[19:50:20] * KittyKath noms treat
L2047[19:50:29] <Xurn> Im insane :P
L2048[19:50:38] <Dashkal> Entry requirement for this channel
L2049[19:50:41] * Xurn burns everything down
L2050[19:50:51] <Xurn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTrD1A1i-I8
L2051[19:50:53] <MichiBot> Xurn: Aviators and Lectro Dub - One Of Us | length: 5m 51s | Likes: 2481 Dislikes: 33 Views: 116569 | by Aviators
L2052[19:50:59] <Xurn> fits the theme well
L2053[19:51:06] <KittyKath> Everythings fireproof by now. Like c'mon you're the third dragon in here.
L2054[19:51:14] <KittyKath> You're not even scary or anything.
L2055[19:51:30] <Xilandro> I need an esper webchat link that autojoins CC's channel
L2056[19:51:38] <Xilandro> Linking it to my brother for a friend of his who needs help
L2057[19:51:38] * Xurn turns into cerberus
L2058[19:52:22] * Xurn begins eating everything
L2059[19:52:36] * KittyKath jumps on gamax92's lap and rolls into a ball for a nap
L2060[19:52:41] <Mimiru> Xilandro, http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=computercraft that's as close as you're gonna get
L2061[19:52:45] <SoraFirestorm> yeah
L2062[19:52:46] <SoraFirestorm> that
L2063[19:52:52] <Xilandro> Yep, th at's what I needed thanks
L2064[19:52:54] * Dashkal starts a betting pool on how long until Xurn learns what people will and won't go along with
L2065[19:53:02] * Dashkal takes the infinity square
L2066[19:53:18] <Xurn> okay..
L2067[19:53:23] * Xurn turns into a cat
L2068[19:53:28] <Xurn> Fine
L2069[19:53:40] *** Xilandro is now known as KOdos
L2070[19:53:42] *** KOdos is now known as Kodos
L2071[19:54:10] <gamax92> Dashkal: btw have you seen jecairon around?
L2072[19:54:25] <Dashkal> 'Dashkal' is a Malkavian vampire. Completely insane. This is why he hangs out with the awesome, but violently tempermental KittyKath
L2073[19:54:36] <gamax92> Dashkal.
L2074[19:54:44] <Dashkal> gamax92: Not a name I'm familiar with, I'm afraid.
L2075[19:54:54] <gamax92> oh, erm
L2076[19:56:37] <Forecaster> huuh
L2077[19:56:39] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/qIRIR3b
L2078[19:56:42] <Xurn> im familiar
L2079[19:56:43] <KittyKath> Dashkal: .-.
L2080[19:56:45] <KittyKath> Fuck you too.
L2081[19:56:46] <Forecaster> this looks... incorrect...
L2082[19:57:06] <Dashkal> Oh hush, you're proud of it
L2083[19:57:18] <KittyKath> Dashkal: I AM NOT TEMPEREMENTAL!!!
L2084[19:57:28] * Dashkal deadpan stares
L2085[19:58:18] * Xurn meows
L2086[19:58:46] <Achai> NEKOMANCER
L2087[19:59:55] <Xurn> Random music that fits insanity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tha8j0VJgA
L2088[19:59:58] <MichiBot> Xurn: Aviators - Wicked Wicked World | length: 5m 21s | Likes: 912 Dislikes: 9 Views: 19873 | by Aviators
L2089[20:00:18] * Dashkal obfuscates
L2090[20:01:28] <gamax92> If you're making something, and given the choice between using milk or water, what would you choose?
L2091[20:01:55] <KittyKath> Different dishes need different fluids. What are you making gamax92?
L2092[20:02:38] <gamax92> oatmeal or pasta, both packets say that I can use either water or milk to cook it with
L2093[20:02:56] <KittyKath> Ready dishes?
L2094[20:02:57] <KittyKath> Milk
L2095[20:03:01] <Kodos> Milk, definitely
L2096[20:03:05] <Dashkal> Oatmeal, milk. Pasta, water for the pasta, milk for the sauce (assuming white sauce and not tomato)
L2097[20:03:08] <Xurn> MILK
L2098[20:03:23] <SoraFirestorm> mlik
L2099[20:03:29] <SoraFirestorm> s/mlik/milk/
L2100[20:03:30] <MichiBot> <SoraFirestorm> milk
L2101[20:03:32] <SoraFirestorm> will taste better
L2102[20:03:35] <Xurn> Miwlk
L2103[20:03:35] <gamax92> the pasta isn't separated from the sauce
L2104[20:03:39] <gamax92> all in the same bag
L2105[20:03:44] <Kodos> https://youtu.be/_D-LmRNdQiQ
L2106[20:03:44] <Dashkal> Milk
L2107[20:03:49] <Kodos> What sort of pasta dish is it
L2108[20:03:53] <Kodos> Oatmeal needs milk for sure tho
L2109[20:04:04] <Dashkal> Ok, work complete. Back later.
L2110[20:04:13] <KittyKath> gamax92: those 5-minute things, take milk. Learn to make your own though, they are easy to do.
L2111[20:04:13] <Dashkal> Lets see if mobile works today.
L2112[20:04:27] * KittyKath hugs Dashkal
L2113[20:04:30] <KittyKath> See ya o/
L2114[20:05:00] <Xurn> where is my cookie
L2115[20:05:08] <gamax92> well, as far as things I could make on my own, I have rotini and linguine
L2116[20:05:29] <KittyKath> gamax92: No, I mean you can make 5 minute readyfood yourself in bulk :P
L2117[20:05:45] <gamax92> ahh
L2118[20:05:46] <KittyKath> Not quite the same, but also tasted much much better :P
L2119[20:07:04] <gamax92> not like I can really cook anyway
L2120[20:07:16] <KittyKath> Its easy :)
L2121[20:10:14] <gamax92> I was trying to make one of those "7 minute pastas" and ended up spilling a bit of the sauce onto myself cause I over tilted the pan
L2122[20:10:50] <gamax92> It came out good but I wish I could do without the fucking up and spilling stuff each time
L2123[20:14:37] <SoraFirestorm> just takes practice :P
L2124[20:16:58] <KittyKath> gamax92: Cooking is easy, everybody can learn it. And believe me, a man who knows how to cook is sexy as hell ;)
L2125[20:18:03] <SoraFirestorm> Maybe this is me being a guy, but... I'm not sure about that claim :P
L2126[20:19:41] <Dashkal> I'm convinced. Source: Married
L2127[20:19:52] <SoraFirestorm> convinced that it's easy?
L2128[20:20:11] <gamax92> KittyKath: I'm cooking more so that I can eat rather than satisfying someone's sexual desires.
L2129[20:20:17] <Dashkal> And that it scores major points.
L2130[20:20:18] <SoraFirestorm> lolol
L2131[20:21:05] <Dashkal> Not sexual desires, gamax92. Friendship points.
L2132[20:22:01] <KittyKath> gamax92: If you think I have sexual desires in you.... Sorry xP
L2133[20:22:13] <gamax92> I said someone, and no you are not that someone
L2134[20:23:12] <Xurn> ...
L2135[20:23:48] <Xurn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgvUS1UEGV0
L2136[20:23:50] <MichiBot> Xurn: MY LITTLE PONY PLAYS MW3 | length: 3m 51s | Likes: 6642 Dislikes: 328 Views: 481225 | by jayuzumi
L2137[20:23:54] <Xurn> funny
L2138[20:25:23] <Xurn> funny
L2139[20:26:24] <Xurn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUA8ABN5E1U
L2140[20:26:26] <MichiBot> Xurn: AUSTIN POWERS PLAYS BATTLEFIELD 3 | length: 3m 42s | Likes: 6191 Dislikes: 94 Views: 489645 | by jayuzumi
L2141[20:26:57] <KittyKath> Xurn: Could you please not spam the channel with random YT videos.
L2142[20:26:57] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L2143[20:27:09] <Xurn> oh..
L2144[20:27:32] <Xurn> did that trigger from spam
L2145[20:27:37] <Xurn> oh.
L2146[20:27:40] <Xurn> no?
L2147[20:33:48] ⇦ Quits: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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L2150[20:39:27] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L2151[20:43:02] <Izaya> so my mum is now using a dual-monitor debian box
L2152[20:43:17] <SoraFirestorm> only dual? :P
L2153[20:43:18] <Izaya> on a machine with two processors, two graphics cards and more RAM than any desktop of that generation
L2154[20:43:27] <Izaya> SoraFirestorm: they're both better than my monitors
L2155[20:43:30] <Izaya> she has 1080p
L2156[20:43:40] <SoraFirestorm> not that I can claim to have better
L2157[20:43:45] <SoraFirestorm> can't even use 3 with this machine
L2158[20:44:35] <Izaya> I can't use 4 with this one q_q
L2159[20:44:46] <Izaya> stuck with 3 mediocre monitors
L2160[20:44:54] <Izaya> two 1440x900s and a 1680x1050
L2161[20:52:32] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/newmonitor.jpg
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L2163[20:57:28] <Mimiru> Hmm....
L2164[21:03:59] ⇦ Quits: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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L2169[21:08:21] <S3_> woo
L2170[21:08:28] <S3_> my project is -almost- working
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L2172[21:08:47] <S3_> if esper would STOP throttling my connections
L2173[21:10:52] ⇦ Quits: Xurn (Xurn@c-71-192-106-128.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L2174[21:12:12] <S3_> why you no work
L2175[21:19:21] <SoraFirestorm> your setup is still better than mine Izaya
L2176[21:23:32] <Dashkal> I need to get around to updating my monitor situation.
L2177[21:23:37] <Dashkal> Not even running 2x1080p
L2178[21:27:16] <SoraFirestorm> 1 1080p panel here
L2179[21:27:18] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2180[21:27:26] <SoraFirestorm> but this is a laptop so yeah
L2181[21:30:33] <S3_> gamax92:
L2182[21:30:40] <Dashkal> My work machine is in a much better state. Laptop panel is 3k, and a 4k monitor beside it.
L2183[21:30:44] <S3_> I am using 6502 assembly to run an IRC bot.
L2184[21:30:51] <Dashkal> I'm just a cheap bastard and I never upgrade.
L2185[21:31:22] <S3_> Dashkal: just use a 5" CRT
L2186[21:31:27] <S3_> @ 320
L2187[21:31:39] <Dashkal> I rather like new technology :P
L2188[21:31:49] <S3_> your 4k monitor is old tech
L2189[21:32:12] <S3_> if you can clock it, VGA has a resolution of infinity.
L2190[21:32:13] <S3_> :)
L2191[21:32:24] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2192[21:33:27] <S3_> I'm kind of sad that vga is going out of phase really, because you can use your VGA connector as a serial port or whatever your communication needs are
L2193[21:33:33] <S3_> since VGA has I^2C
L2194[21:34:45] <snowden89> lol yet so many devices dont even come with those connectors
L2195[21:35:10] <S3_> my laptop still has one and alsp display port
L2196[21:35:20] <S3_> also*
L2197[21:35:30] <S3_> display port is great
L2198[21:36:23] <S3_> display port apparently currently supports 7680x4320
L2199[21:37:53] <snowden89> yeah display ports are nice
L2200[21:38:28] * CompanionCube got a free 1080p monitor for christmas
L2201[21:38:31] <CompanionCube> <3
L2202[21:38:33] <S3_> apparently it can also tunnel HDMI
L2203[21:38:41] <S3_> which, therefore can also tunnel DVI
L2204[21:38:55] <S3_> CompanionCube: whee
L2205[21:39:21] <CompanionCube> S3_: it replaced my 1280x1024 one
L2206[21:39:26] <S3_> heh
L2207[21:39:32] <S3_> I went down in resolution
L2208[21:39:39] <S3_> I downgraded to 1080p
L2209[21:39:48] <CompanionCube> It was described as a CRT or some shit...so I was expecting a crap one maybe good enough for a pi
L2210[21:40:00] <CompanionCube> I was pleasantly surprised.
L2211[21:40:12] <CompanionCube> I also learned that packard bell make monitors.
L2212[21:40:23] <S3_> I had a CRT
L2213[21:40:30] <S3_> but I needed more desk space for my engineering labs
L2214[21:40:37] <S3_> so I downgraded and got a 1080p LCD
L2215[21:40:56] <S3_> may seem funny to call it a downgrade
L2216[21:41:03] <S3_> but my CRTs are 22" and 2048x1536
L2217[21:41:07] <S3_> lol
L2218[21:41:17] <S3_> and the color is much better than an LCD
L2219[21:41:44] <CompanionCube> how many virtual desktops do you tend to use
L2220[21:42:00] <S3_> 1
L2221[21:42:07] <CompanionCube> 4.
L2222[21:42:09] <S3_> I usually have hundreds of terminals open if I am in X
L2223[21:42:19] <CompanionCube> well, really 3
L2224[21:42:24] <S3_> if not I just have a lot of screen sessions
L2225[21:42:37] <CompanionCube> Desktop 1 is XChat
L2226[21:42:44] <S3_> ...
L2227[21:42:48] <S3_> why you use xchat
L2228[21:42:51] <S3_> lol
L2229[21:42:55] <CompanionCube> why nkt
L2230[21:43:28] <S3_> xchat has a horrible history of releasing an arbitrary root exploit with xchat every year :P
L2231[21:43:33] <S3_> or it did
L2232[21:43:56] <CompanionCube> Go find one for the latest arch release then
L2233[21:44:08] <S3_> meh
L2234[21:44:12] <CompanionCube> It might get me to migrate to Weechat or an Emacs client
L2235[21:44:14] <S3_> I use irssi
L2236[21:44:30] <S3_> I can't stand weechat
L2237[21:44:41] <S3_> weechat is nice but its' default settings are very awful
L2238[21:44:45] <CompanionCube> Desktop 2 usually contains Firefox and/or Terminology but not exclusively.
L2239[21:44:56] <S3_> and its' not very obvious how to use it without a manual for the first time
L2240[21:45:10] <Dashkal> Weechat definitely took some learning
L2241[21:45:11] <S3_> and erc is well, wrc
L2242[21:45:14] <Dashkal> I like it, but there was a curve
L2243[21:45:17] <CompanionCube> Desktop 3 is Emacs
L2244[21:45:17] <S3_> erc*
L2245[21:45:21] <Dashkal> irssi however pissed me off. Reconnect spam
L2246[21:45:27] <CompanionCube> Desktop 4 is usually empty
L2247[21:45:30] <S3_> I use a bouncer heh
L2248[21:45:41] <CompanionCube> S3_: bouncer OP
L2249[21:45:55] <S3_> bouncers are nice
L2250[21:45:56] <CompanionCube> Although mine may get semi-replaced in the future
L2251[21:46:16] <S3_> some people use irccloud -> our bouncer -> irc
L2252[21:46:18] <S3_> wtf
L2253[21:46:40] <S3_> because freenode keeps mass banning all irccloud users for fun
L2254[21:46:42] <S3_> :D
L2255[21:47:36] <CompanionCube> In the long-term future it'd be nice to migrate from Client -> ZNC -> IRC to Client -> Matrix homeserver with IRC bridge -> IRC
L2256[21:48:35] <KittyKath> S3_: Too be fair, irccloud took down freenode.
L2257[21:49:04] <CompanionCube> The killer feature imho would be a single, consistent chat history stored on the homeserver
L2258[21:49:26] <S3_> KittyKath: yeah I know
L2259[21:50:02] <S3_> it really shouldn't have though
L2260[21:50:12] <S3_> freenode has been having really massive problems
L2261[21:52:42] <CompanionCube> S3_: I <3 emacs much more than I ever liked vim
L2262[21:54:07] <SoraFirestorm> ERC is great
L2263[21:54:13] <SoraFirestorm> Emacs ftw
L2264[21:54:53] <CompanionCube> Can you get a 'conventional' user/channel list with ERC
L2265[21:55:09] <SoraFirestorm> a user list? not that I've seen
L2266[21:55:12] <SoraFirestorm> I haven't needed it
L2267[21:55:19] <SoraFirestorm> you can tab for names though
L2268[21:55:43] <CompanionCube> I mostly use a user-list for looking at away status
L2269[22:00:32] <S3_> technically
L2270[22:00:38] <S3_> with irssi you just do /names anyways
L2271[22:01:11] <S3_> tab is your friend
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L2289[23:12:54] <gamax92> bleh
L2290[23:13:27] <Dashkal> mrf?
L2291[23:13:38] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/multiairship.jpg so I added dropships to my airship
L2292[23:14:26] <gamax92> Dashkal: sick
L2293[23:14:36] <Dashkal> :(
L2294[23:14:48] <Dashkal> Not fun. Just saw that start in on my office.
L2295[23:14:51] <Dashkal> Wondering if my turn is coming
L2296[23:16:57] <CompanionCube> Izaya: today I split up my emacs init.el into smaller segments
L2297[23:17:17] <Izaya> so now you have more emacs?
L2298[23:17:20] <Izaya> :P
L2299[23:17:21] <CompanionCube> no
L2300[23:17:24] <CompanionCube> well, yes
L2301[23:17:43] <CompanionCube> Izaya: I also plan to try out/install Bedrock Linux this weekend
L2302[23:18:55] <CompanionCube> Code School videos are currently free to, so they might be worth a download
L2303[23:20:15] <CompanionCube> welp. Someone combined rainbow text with comic sans
L2304[23:25:11] ⇦ Quits: Graypup__ (Graypup@lfcode.ca) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.1 - http://znc.in)
L2305[23:25:42] <rashy> \o/
L2306[23:28:09] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: geeettttttt dunked on!!!)
L2307[23:43:25] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L2310[23:57:06] <CompanionCube> Izaya: http://docs.mitmproxy.org/en/stable/
L2311[23:57:10] <CompanionCube> eevil.
L2312[23:57:35] <Izaya> bunch of military stuff just went past
L2313[23:57:37] <Izaya> :/
L2314[23:57:40] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:c1a1:e529:c46c:d630:da63) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2315[23:57:47] <Izaya> CompanionCube: only evil if it's being used on you
L2316[23:57:58] <CompanionCube> ohnoes, hide the yarr'd shit and anarchist's cookbook
L2317[23:58:00] <CompanionCube> :P
L2318[23:59:27] * CompanionCube should use aggressive-ident-mode so that Emacs reidents shit automatically
L2319[23:59:52] <CompanionCube> would be even nicer if it worked with parens
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